wietap V M TNC 255 (FM)
wietap V M TNS 255 (FM)
wietap IEC
wietap V M TNC 255 84.995.1300.0
wietap V M TNC 255 FM 84.995.1305.0
wietap V M TNS 255 84.995.1400.0
wietap V M TNS 255 FM 84.995.1405.0
• Combined arrester, type 1
• For TN-C-systems
• With pluggable protection modules
• Max. system availability due to follow current limitation
• Switch-off selective for 20 A gL/gG fuses up to
50 kAefff short-circuit current
• Discharge capacity up to 75 kA (10/350)
• Function/failure indication according to VDE 0100-534
• Optional with remote signaling contact (FM)
• Vibration and shock tested acc. to EN 60068-2
• Combined arrester Type 1
• For TN-S-systems
• With pluggable protection modules
• Max. system availability due to follow current limitation
• Switch-off selective for 20 A gL/gG fuses up to
50 kAefff short-circuit current
• Discharge capacity up to 100 kA (10/350)
• Function/failure indication according to VDE 0100-534
(valid since March 2009)
• Optional with remote signaling contact (FM)
• Vibration and shock tested acc. to EN 60068-2
Type Part No.
Type Part No.
Power network TN-C
SPD accord. to EN 61643-11 / IEC 61643-1 Type 1 / Class I
Energy-coordinated protective function to the end device
Type 1 + Typ 2
Energy-coordinated protective function to the end device ≤ 5m
Type 1 + Type 2 + Type 3
Nominal voltage AC [UN] 230 / 400 V
Nominal frequency [fN] 50 / 60 Hz
Maximum continuous voltage AC [UC] 255 V
Lightn. impulse current
(10/350) [L1+L2+L3-PEN] [Itotal]
75 kA
Lightn. impulse current (10/350) [L-PEN] [Iimp] 25 kA
Nominal discharge current (8/20) [In] 25 / 75 kA
Protection level [UP] ≤ 1.5 kV
Follow current extinguishing capability AC [Ifi ] 50 kAeff
Operating time [tA] ≤ 100 ns
Max. pre-fusing (L) up to IK = 50 kAeff 315 A gL/gG
Max. pre-fusing (L) up to IK > 50 kAeff 200 A gL/gG
Max. pre-fusing (L-L') 125 A gL/gG
TOV-voltage [UT] 440 V / 5 sec.
Temperature range (Parallel wiring) [TUP]-40 ... +80 °C
Temperature range (Through wiring) [TUS]-40 ... +60 °C
Function/failure indication green / red
Wire range (L1, L1', L2, L2', L3, L3',
PEN, e) [min.]
10 mm2 (AWG 8) solid/fi ne-stranded
Wire range (L1, L2, L3, PEN) [max.] 50 mm2 (AWG 1) stranded/35 mm2 (AWG 2) fi ne-stranded
Wire range (L1', L2', L3', e) [max.] 35 mm2 (AWG 2) stranded/25 mm2 (AWG 4) fi ne-stranded
Mounted on DIN rail acc. to EN 60715 35 mm
Housing material Thermoplast, UL 94 V-0
Degree of protection IP 20
Dimensions 6 TE, DIN 43880 (108 mm)
Remote signaling contacts = Contact Type Change-over contact
Switching capacity AC (FM) 250 V/0.5 A
Switching capacity DC (FM) 250 V/0.1 A; 125 V/0.2 A; 75 V/0.5 A
Wire range for remote signaling terminals max. 1.5 mm2 (AWG 16) solid/fi ne-stranded
Power network TN-S
SPD accord. to EN 61643-11 / IEC 61643-1 Type 1 / Class I
Energy-coordinated protective function to the end device
Type 1 + Typ 2
Energy-coordinated protective function to the end device ≤ 5m
Type 1 + Type 2 + Type 3
Nominal voltage AC [UN] 230 / 400 V
Nominal frequency [fN] 50 / 60 Hz
Maximum continuous voltage AC [UC] 255 V
Lightn. impulse current
(10/350) [L1+L2+L3-PEN] [Itotal]
100 kA
Lightn. impulse current (10/350) [L, N-PE] [Iimp] 25 kA
Nominal discharge current (8/20) [In] 25 / 100 kA
Protection level [L, N-PE] [UP] ≤ 1.5 kV
Follow current extinguishing capability AC [Ifi ] 50 kAeff
Operating time [tA] ≤ 100 ns
Max. pre-fusing (L) up to IK = 50 kAeff 315 A gL/gG
Max. pre-fusing (L) up to IK > 50 kAeff 200 A gL/gG
Max. pre-fusing (L-L') 125 A gL/gG
TOV-voltage [L-N] [UT] 440 V / 5 sec.
Temperature range (Parallel wiring) [TUP] -40 ... +80 °C
Temperature range (Through wiring) [TUS] -40 ... +60 °C
Function/failure indication green / red
Wire range (L1, L1’, L2, L2’, L3, L3’, N, N’,
PE, e) [min.]
10 mm2 (AWG 8) solid/fi ne-stranded
Wire range (L1, L2, L3, PE, N) [max.] 50 mm2 (AWG 1) stranded/35 mm2 (AWG 2) fi ne-stranded
Wire range (L1', L2', L3',N’, e) [max.] 35 mm2 (AWG 2) stranded/25 mm2 (AWG 4) fi ne-stranded
Mounted on DIN rail acc. to EN 60715 35 mm
Housing material Thermoplast, UL 94 V-0
Degree of protection IP 20
Dimensions 8 TE, DIN 43880 (144 mm)
Remote signaling contacts = Contact Type Change-over contact
Switching capacity AC (FM) 250 V/0.5 A
Switching capacity DC (FM) 250 V/0.1 A; 125 V/0.2 A; 75 V/0.5 A
Wire range for remote signaling terminals max. 1.5 mm2 (AWG 16) solid/fi ne-stranded
Three-phase combined arrester, type 1 (2, 3)
For protection of the building main supply
Replacement module L1, L2, L3 against e
Replacement module L1, L2, L3, N against e