The DS1250 4096k Nonvolatile SRAMs are 4,194,304-bit, fully stat ic, nonvolat ile SRAMs organized a s
524,288 words by 8 bits. Each complete NV SRAM has a self-contained lithium energy source and
c on tr ol c irc uitry whi c h c ons ta n tl y mon itor s VCC fo r an out-of-toler a nc e c o nd itio n. Whe n s uch a cond ition
occurs, the lithium energy source is automatically switched on and write protection is unconditionally
enabled t o p revent d ata co rrupt ion. DI P-package DS1250 device s can be used in place of exist ing 512k x
8 st at ic RAMs d ir ect ly confor ming to t he po pular byt e-w ide 32-pin DIP standard. DS1250 de vices in the
PowerCap Module package are directly surface mountable and are normally paired with a DS9034PC
PowerCap to form a complete Nonvolatile SRAM module. There is no limit on the number of write
cycles that can be execut ed and no additio nal supp ort cir cuitry is required for microp r ocesso r interfac ing.
The DS1250 execut es a r ead cycle w he never
(Wr ite Enable) is inactive ( h ig h) a nd
(Chip Enable)
(Output Enable) are active (low). The unique address specified by the 19 address inputs (A0 -
A18) de fines which o f the 524,288 byt es of data is to be accessed. Va lid data will be a vailable to the eight
data output drivers wit hin tACC (Access Time) after the last address input signal is stable, providing that
(Out put Enable) a ccess times ar e also satisf ied. If
access times are not sat isfied,
t hen data access must be measured from the later -oc curring signal (
) and t he l i mit ing par amet er
is either tCO for
or tOE for
rather than address access.
The DS1250 executes a write cycle whenever the
signals are active (low) after address
input s are stab le. T he lat er -o ccurring fal ling edge of
or WE w ill det ermine t he start o f the wr ite c yc le.
The write cycle is terminated by the earlier rising edge of
. All address inputs must be kept
valid throughout the write cycle.
must return to the high state for a minimum recovery time (tWR)
before another cycle can be initiated. The
control signal should be kept inactive (high) during writ e
c ycle s t o a void bus co ntent io n. H oweve r, if t he o ut put driver s ar e e nabled (
ac tive) t he n
will dis ab le the outp uts i n tODW fro m its falling edge.
The DS1250AB provides full functional capability for VCC greater than 4.75 volts and write protects by
4.5 volts. The DS1250Y provides full functional capability for VCC greater than 4.5 volts and write
prot e ct s by 4 . 2 5 volt s . Da t a is mainta in ed in t he a bs enc e o f V CC w ithout any addit io nal suppo rt c ircu itry.
The nonvolatile static RAMs constantly monitor VCC. Should the supply voltage decay, the NV SRAMs
automatically write protect themselves, all inputs become “don’t care,” and all outputs become high-
impedance. As VCC falls below approximately 3.0 volts, a power switching circuit connects the lithium
energy source to RAM to retain data. During power-up, when VCC rises above approximately 3.0 volts,
the power switching circuit connects external VCC to RAM and disconnects the lithium energy source.
No rmal RAM op erat ion can re sume a fter VCC exceeds 4.75 vo lt s for the DS1250AB and 4.5 vo lt s fo r the
Each DS1250 device is shipped from Maxim with its lithium energy source disconnected, guaranteeing
full ener gy capa cit y. When VCC is first applied at a leve l greater t han 4.25 volts, the lithiu m energy so ur ce
is enabled for bat tery back-up o peration.