5-1-1 Unicolor lamps 3 Round Standard LEDs SEL2010 Series Part Number * * * * SEL2110R SEL2110S SEL2110W SEL2610C SEL2210R SEL2210S SEL2210W SEL2810A SEL2810D SEL2910A SEL2910D SEL2710K SEL2710Y SEL2410E SEL2410G SEL2510C SEL2510G SEL2E10C SELK2E10C-D SELK2WA10C-D SELU2610C-S SELU2210C-S SELU2810C-S SELU2B10A-S SELU2910C-S SELU2910D-S SELU2710C SELU2410C-S SELT2D10C-S SELS2L10C-S SELS2E10C SELT2E10C-S SELT2WA10C SELT2WC10C SELT2WD10C SELT2WE10C SELT2WF10C SELT2WH10C SELT2WJ10C SELT2WK10C Emitting Color Lens Color Deep red Deep red Deep red High luminosity red Red Red Red Amber Amber Orange Orange Yellow Yellow Green Green Pure green Pure green Blue Blue High luminosity White Deep red Red Amber Light Amber Orange Orange Yellow Green Pure green Ultrahigh luminosity Aqua blue Blue Blue White Bulb Light Fancy blue green Light pink Light blue green Fancy green Fancy pink Fancy red purple Diffused red Transparent red Diffused white Water clear Diffused red Transparent red Diffused white Transparent orange Diffused orange Transparent orange Diffused orange Transparent yellow Diffused yellow Transparent green Diffused green Water clear Diffused green Water clear Water clear Water clear Water clear Water clear Water clear Transparent orange Water clear Diffused orange Water clear Water clear Water clear Water clear Water clear Water clear Water clear Water clear Water clear Water clear Water clear Water clear Water clear Water clear Forward Voltage Luminous Intensity Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength Spectrum Half Bandwidth Iv P d Conditions Conditions Conditions Conditions Conditions VF (nm) (nm) (nm) (mcd) IF (mA) IF (mA) IF (mA) IF (mA) IF (mA) (V) TYP MAX TYP TYP TYP TYP 2.0 2.5 10 1.8 10 700 10 625 10 100 10 2.0 2.5 10 4.0 10 700 10 625 10 100 10 2.0 2.5 10 1.8 10 700 10 625 10 100 10 1.75 2.2 10 60 20 660 10 642 10 30 10 1.9 2.5 10 15 20 630 10 620 10 35 10 1.9 2.5 10 40 20 630 10 620 10 35 10 1.9 2.5 10 15 20 630 10 620 10 35 10 1.9 2.5 10 22 10 610 10 605 10 35 10 1.9 2.5 10 9.0 10 610 10 605 10 35 10 1.9 2.5 10 16 10 587 10 590 10 33 10 1.9 2.5 10 8.0 10 587 10 590 10 33 10 2.0 2.5 10 40 10 570 10 571 10 30 10 2.0 2.5 10 14 10 570 10 571 10 30 10 2.0 2.5 10 77 20 560 10 567 10 20 10 2.0 2.5 10 20 20 560 10 567 10 20 10 2.0 2.5 10 43 20 555 10 559 10 20 10 2.0 2.5 10 8.2 20 555 10 559 10 20 10 4.0 4.8 20 60 20 430 10 466 20 65 10 3.6 4.0 20 120 20 468 20 470 20 30 20 3.6 4.0 20 300 20 Chromaticity: x=0.300, y=0.295 2.0 2.5 20 300 20 650 20 639 20 20 20 2.0 2.5 20 350 20 632 20 624 20 20 20 2.0 2.5 20 400 20 611 20 605 20 17 20 2.0 2.5 20 300 20 598 20 595 20 16 20 2.0 2.5 20 350 20 591 20 590 20 15 20 2.0 2.5 20 300 20 591 20 590 20 15 20 2.1 2.5 20 270 20 572 20 571 20 15 20 2.1 2.5 20 100 20 560 20 562 20 12 20 3.3 4.0 20 1800 20 512 20 520 20 35 20 3.6 4.0 20 1000 20 486 20 488 20 30 20 3.7 4.3 20 300 20 468 20 470 20 26 20 3.3 4.0 20 550 20 458 20 465 20 25 20 3.1 4.0 20 6000 20 Chromaticity: x=0.300, y=0.295 3.1 4.0 20 5000 20 Chromaticity: x=0.452, y=0.412 3.1 4.0 20 5000 20 Chromaticity: x=0.170, y=0.365 3.1 4.0 20 5000 20 Chromaticity: x=0.356, y=0.289 3.1 4.0 20 6000 20 Chromaticity: x=0.200, y=0.300 3.1 4.0 20 6500 20 Chromaticity: x=0.260, y=0.460 3.1 4.0 20 4000 20 Chromaticity: x=0.382, y=0.268 3.1 4.0 20 3000 20 Chromaticity: x=0.421, y=0.221 Chip Material GaP GaP GaP GaAlAs GaAsP GaAsP GaAsP GaAsP GaAsP GaAsP GaAsP GaP GaP GaP GaP GaP GaP GaN GaN on Si GaN on Si AlGaInP AlGaInP AlGaInP AlGaInP AlGaInP AlGaInP AlGaInP AlGaInP InGaN InGaN InGaN InGaN InGaN InGaN InGaN InGaN InGaN InGaN InGaN InGaN * Mass production in preparation Directional Characteristics (representative example) (Unit: mm) External Dimensions Dimensional Tolerance: 0.3 60 Diffused lens 50 90 100% 90 100% 50 0 50 Transparent lens 90 100% 0.450.1 (2.54) 3.50.1 0.450.1 (2.54) 0.4 0 1.7 50 Cathode 1.0min 1.7 90 100% 0.65max 0.65max 0.4 60 (1.3) 60 25.8min 60 o3.10.1 25.8min 3.50.1 30 Cathode (1.3) o3.10.1 30 1.0min 0 30 (GaAlAs) Resin heap 1.5max 0 30 Resin heap 1.5max (Except GaAlAs chip) o3.8 o3.8 Product Mass: Approx. 0.12 g 230 LEDs 5-1 Visible Light LEDs Absolute Maximum Ratings Visible Light Unicolor Lamp Parameter Unit PD IF IF IFP VR Top Tstg mW mA mA/C mA V C C Ratings GaP GaAsP GaAlAs AlGaInP InGaN 75 Conditions GaN 120 30 -0.45 25C or higher f=1kHz, tw100 s 70 100 3 5 -30 to +80 -30 to +85 -30 to +100 Visible Light Bicolor Lamp Parameter Unit PD IF IF IFP VR Top Tstg mW mA mA/C mA V C C GaP Ratings GaAlAs GaAsP 75 AlGaInP Conditions InGaN 120 Same conditions for simultaneous lighting 30 -0.45 100 25C or higher f=1kHz, tw100 s 4 5 -30 to +85 -30 to +100 Visible Light Unicolor Surface Mount LEDs Parameter Unit IF IF IFP VR Top Tstg mA mA/C mA V C C Ratings GaP GaAsP GaAlAs AlGaInP InGaN Conditions GaN 20 -0.27 70*2 30 -0.45 100*1 25C or higher f=1kHz, tw100 s 5 3 -30 to +85 -30 to +100 -30 to +80 *1: 70mA for SEC1005/1007 Series *2: 50mA for SEC1005/1007 Series Visible Light Bicolor Surface Mount LEDs Ratings Parameter Unit PD mW IF IF IFP VR Top Tstg mA mA/C mA V C C Conditions SEC2002/2004 75 (Same conditions for simultaneous lighting) 30 -0.45 70 4 -30 to +85 -30 to +100 25C or higher f=1kHz, tw100 s Visible Light Three Element Surface Mount LEDs Parameter 218 PD mW IF IF IFP VR Top Tstg mA mA/C mA V C C LEDs Ratings SECT3M02C-S Unit Conditions Red Green/Blue 75 120 30 -0.45 50 70 5 -30 to +80 -30 to +100 When one chip lights up (same as green/blue for simultaneous lighting) 25C or higher f=1kHz, tw100 s