Layout Recommendation
Fi gure 14: Top Layer Layout with Cri t i cal Com ponents
(Top Vi ew). See Figure 13 for corresponding schematic.
This l ayout only shows the critical com ponents and
top layer traces for m ini mum footprint in single-
supply m ode. A lternate ci rcuit configur atio ns &
other low-power pins need to be connected and
routed according to custom er application. Please
see the Gerber files at www.altera.com for details
on all layers.
Recommendation 1: Input and output filter
capacitors should be placed on the same side of
the PCB, and as close to the EN2340QI package
as possible. They should be connected to the
device with very short and wide traces. Do not use
thermal reliefs or spokes when connecting the
capacitor pads to the respective nodes . The +V a n d
GND traces between the capacitors and the
EN2340QI should be as close to each other as
possible so that the gap between the two nodes is
minimized, even under the capacitors.
Recommendation 2: The PGND connections for
the input and output capacitors on layer 1 need to
have a slit between them in order to pr ovide some
separation between input and output current loops.
Recommendation 3: The system ground plane
should be the first layer immediately below the
surface layer. This ground plane should be
conti nuous and un-interrupted below the converter
and the input/output capacitors.
Recommendation 4: The therm al pad underneath
the component must be connected to the system
ground plane through as many vias as possible.
The drill diameter of the vias should be 0.33mm,
and the vi as m ust have at least 1 oz. copper plating
on the inside wall, making the finished hole size
around 0.20-0.26mm. Do not use thermal reliefs or
spokes to connect the vias to the ground plane.
This connection provides the path for heat
dissipation from the converter.
Recommendation 5: Multiple small vias (the same
size as the thermal vias discussed in
recommendation 4) should be used to connect
ground terminal of the input capacitor and output
capacitors to the system ground plane. It is
preferred to put these vias along the edge of the
GND copper closest to the +V copper. These vias
connect the input/output filter capacitors to the
GND plane, and help reduce parasitic inductances
in the input and output curre nt loops. If vias cannot
be placed under the capacitor s, then place them on
both sides of the slit in the top layer PGND copper.
Recommendation 6: AVIN is the power supply for
the small-signal control circuits. It should be
connected to the input voltage at a quiet point. In
Figure 14 this connection is made at the input
Recommendation 7: The layer 1 metal under the
device must not be more than shown in Figure 14.
Refer to the section regarding Exposed Metal on
Bottom of Package. As with any switch-mode
DC/DC conver ter, try not to run sensitive signal or
control li nes underneath the converter package on
other layers.
Recommendation 8: The VOUT sense point should
be just after the last output filter capacitor . Keep t h e
sense trace short in order to avoid noise coupling
into the node. Contact Altera MySupport for any
remote sensing applications.
Recommendation 9: Keep RA, CA, RB, and RCA
close to the VFB pin (Refer to Figure 14). The VFB
pin is a high-impedance, sensitive node. Keep the
trace to this pin as short as possible. Whenever
possible, connect RB directly to the AGND pins 52
and 53 instead of going through the GND plane.
Recommendation 10: Follow all the layout
recommendations as close as possible to optimize
performance. Altera provide s schem atic and layou t
reviews for all customer designs. Contact Altera
www.altera.com/enpirion, Page 19
06878 October 9, 2013 Rev E