SIMATIC RF200 command set
2 J31069-D0232-U001-A4-7618, 03/2013
Compared to the SIMATIC RF300, the SIMATIC RF200 has a reduced command set. Chaining of commands is also
possible here. This chaining allows the writing and reading of 1 KB of data in a sequence, and two additional commands
such as SET-ANT "On" and SET-ANT "Off" (antenna on/off). With the RF290R, any amount of data can be transferred in a
The following commands are supported:
● READ (read UID)
● SLG-STATUS [Mode 1]
● MDS-STATUS [Mode 3]
● RESET (init_run)
As with the RF300, the following messages are generated:
● Startup
● Presence
In contrast to the RF300, the following commands are not supported and return Moby error "05" (unknown command):
● Init (possible with RF290R)
● Repeat (possible with RF290R)
● OTP handling (write once to data carrier)
Transponder with protected memory area
Transponders with protected memory area (lock bit) cannot be processed and cause various error messages (0x01, 0x0C)
depending on the transponder type.
Input parameters
The RESET command via "init_run" causes the input parameters to be transferred and errors and alarms to be
acknowledged. The RESET command effectively corresponds to the RESET command from the SIMATIC RF300 for the
ISO interface settings. The following parameters can be changed or must be entered with the RF200:
Parameter name Parameter value Description
scanning_time 0x00 Not used
Bit 0..3 = 5 Single tag mode
Bit 4 = 0 Not used
Bit 5..7 = 0 Operating mode without presence
Bit 5..7 = 2 Operating mode with presence
Bit 0 = 0 Not used
Bit 1 = 0 RESET command does not reset red LED
Bit 1 = 1 RESET command resets red LED
Bit 2..7 = 0 Not used
distance_limiting 0x00 Not used
0x04 1 W
0x08 2 W
0x0C 3 W
0x10 4 W
(with RF290R)
0x14 5 W
multitag 0x01 Only the single tag mode is supported