Series AM2B-NZ
2 Watt | DC-DC Converter
www.aimtec.com Tel: +1 514 620 2722 Toll free: + 1 888 9 AIMTEC
(924 6832)
F 051e R12.H 5 of 5 North A merica only
Recommended Filter Circuit
If it is required to decrease the input/output ripple an “LC” filter network can be installed on the input and output of the c onverter (see
It should be noted that the inductance and the resonant frequency of the “LC” filtering network should differ from the DC/ DC converter
switching frequency to avoid mutual interference.
The capacitance of the output filter capacitor must not exceed the values in the Table bel ow to avoid startup problems and ensure safe
and reliable operation.
It’s not recommended to connect any external capacitor in the application field when output l oading is less than 0.5 watt.
External Capacitor Tables
Input Capacitor (Cin) Output Capacitor (Cout)
NOTE: 1. Dat as heets are upd ated as needed and as such, specifications are subject to change without notice. Once printed or downloaded, dat ash eets are no longer cont roll ed
by A imtec; refer to www.aimtec.com for th e m ost cur rent product specificati ons. 2. Product labels shown, including safety agency certifications on labels, may vary based on the
date manufactured. 3. Mechanical drawings and specificati ons are for r eference only. 4. All specifi cations are measured at an ambient temperature of 25°C, humidity <75%,
nominal in put volta ge and at rated output load unless otherwise speci fi ed. 5. Ai mtec may not have conducted destru ctiv e testi ng or chem ical analysi s on all intern al compon ents
and chemical s at the time of pu bli shing this docu m ent. CAS numbers and ot h er li mited infor ma ti on are considered propr ietary and may not be avail able for release. 6. This
pr oduct is n ot designed for use i n crit ical life su pport syst em s, equi pm ent used in hazardous envi ronm ents, nuclear control systems or other such applications whic h necessitate
specifi c safety and regul atory standards other th e ones list ed in thi s datasheet. 7. Warranty is in accordance with Aimtec’ s standard Terms of Sale ava ilable at www.a imtec.com.
DC DC +Cout
- Vin
Single Output
+ Vin
- Vin