MOSFET MetalOxideSemiconductorFieldEffectTransistor CoolMOSTMC7 600VCoolMOSTMC7PowerTransistor IPP60R099C7 DataSheet Rev.2.0 Final PowerManagement&Multimarket 600VCoolMOSTMC7PowerTransistor IPP60R099C7 1Description TO-220 tab CoolMOSTMC7isarevolutionarytechnologyforhighvoltagepower MOSFETs,designedaccordingtothesuperjunction(SJ)principleand pioneeredbyInfineonTechnologies. 600VCoolMOSTMC7seriescombinestheexperienceoftheleadingSJ MOSFETsupplierwithhighclassinnovation. The600VC7isthefirsttechnologyeverwithRDS(on)*Abelow1Ohm*mm. Features *Suitableforhardandsoftswitching(PFCandhighperformanceLLC) *IncreasedMOSFETdv/dtruggednessto120V/ns *IncreasedefficiencyduetobestinclassFOMRDS(on)*EossandRDS(on)*Qg *BestinclassRDS(on)/package *QualifiedforindustrialgradeapplicationsaccordingtoJEDEC(J-STD20 andJESD22) Drain Pin 2, Tab Gate Pin 1 Source Pin 3 Benefits *IncreasedeconomiesofscalebyuseinPFCandPWMtopologiesinthe application *Higherdv/dtlimitenablesfasterswitchingleadingtohigherefficiency *Enablinghighersystemefficiencybylowerswitchinglosses *Increasedpowerdensitysolutionsduetosmallerpackages *Suitableforapplicationssuchasserver,telecomandsolar *Higherswitchingfrequenciespossiblewithoutlossinefficiencydueto lowEossandQg Applications PFCstagesandPWMstages(TTF,LLC)forhighpower/performance SMPSe.g.Computing,Server,Telecom,UPSandSolar. Pleasenote:ForMOSFETparallelingtheuseofferritebeadsonthegate orseparatetotempolesisgenerallyrecommended. Table1KeyPerformanceParameters Parameter Value Unit VDS @ Tj,max 650 V RDS(on),max 99 m Qg.typ 42 nC ID,pulse 83 A ID,continuous @ Tj<150C 36 A Eoss@400V 4.95 J Body diode di/dt 360 A/s Type/OrderingCode Package Marking IPP60R099C7 PG-TO 220 60C7099 Final Data Sheet 2 RelatedLinks see Appendix A Rev.2.0,2015-05-08 600VCoolMOSTMC7PowerTransistor IPP60R099C7 TableofContents Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Maximum ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Thermal characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Electrical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Electrical characteristics diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Test Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Package Outlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Appendix A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Final Data Sheet 3 Rev.2.0,2015-05-08 600VCoolMOSTMC7PowerTransistor IPP60R099C7 2Maximumratings atTj=25C,unlessotherwisespecified Table2Maximumratings Parameter Symbol Continuous drain current1) Values Unit Note/TestCondition 22 14 A TC=25C TC=100C - 83 A TC=25C - - 97 mJ ID=5.0A; VDD=50V; see table 10 EAR - - 0.49 mJ ID=5.0A; VDD=50V; see table 10 Avalanche current, single pulse IAS - - 5.0 A - MOSFET dv/dt ruggedness dv/dt - - 120 V/ns VDS=0...400V Gate source voltage (static) VGS -20 - 20 V static; Gate source voltage (dynamic) VGS -30 - 30 V AC (f>1 Hz) Power dissipation Ptot - - 110 W TC=25C Storage temperature Tstg -55 - 150 C - Operating junction temperature Tj -55 - 150 C - Mounting torque - - - 60 Ncm M3 and M3.5 screws Continuous diode forward current IS - - 22 A TC=25C Diode pulse current2) IS,pulse - - 83 A TC=25C Reverse diode dv/dt3) dv/dt - - 20 V/ns VDS=0...400V,ISD<=7.7A,Tj=25C see table 8 Maximum diode commutation speed dif/dt - - 360 A/s VDS=0...400V,ISD<=7.7A,Tj=25C see table 8 Insulation withstand voltage VISO - - n.a. V Vrms,TC=25C,t=1min Min. Typ. Max. ID - - Pulsed drain current2) ID,pulse - Avalanche energy, single pulse EAS Avalanche energy, repetitive 1) Limited by Tj max. Pulse width tp limited by Tj,max 3) Identical low side and high side switch 2) Final Data Sheet 4 Rev.2.0,2015-05-08 600VCoolMOSTMC7PowerTransistor IPP60R099C7 3Thermalcharacteristics Table3Thermalcharacteristics Parameter Symbol Thermal resistance, junction - case Values Unit Note/TestCondition Min. Typ. Max. RthJC - - 1.135 C/W - Thermal resistance, junction - ambient RthJA - - 62 C/W leaded Thermal resistance, junction - ambient RthJA for SMD version - - - C/W n.a. Soldering temperature, wavesoldering only allowed at leads - - 260 C Final Data Sheet Tsold 5 1.6mm (0.063 in.) from case for 10s Rev.2.0,2015-05-08 600VCoolMOSTMC7PowerTransistor IPP60R099C7 4Electricalcharacteristics atTj=25C,unlessotherwisespecified Table4Staticcharacteristics Parameter Symbol Drain-source breakdown voltage Values Unit Note/TestCondition - V VGS=0V,ID=1mA 3.5 4 V VDS=VGS,ID=0.49mA - 10 1 - A VDS=600,VGS=0V,Tj=25C VDS=600,VGS=0V,Tj=150C IGSS - - 100 nA VGS=20V,VDS=0V Drain-source on-state resistance RDS(on) - 0.085 0.190 0.099 - VGS=10V,ID=9.7A,Tj=25C VGS=10V,ID=9.7A,Tj=150C Gate resistance RG - 0.82 - f=1MHz,opendrain Unit Note/TestCondition Min. Typ. Max. V(BR)DSS 600 - Gate threshold voltage V(GS)th 3 Zero gate voltage drain current IDSS Gate-source leakage current Table5Dynamiccharacteristics Parameter Symbol Input capacitance Values Min. Typ. Max. Ciss - 1819 - pF VGS=0V,VDS=400V,f=250kHz Output capacitance Coss - 33 - pF VGS=0V,VDS=400V,f=250kHz Effective output capacitance, energy related1) Co(er) - 62 - pF VGS=0V,VDS=0...400V Effective output capacitance, time related2) Co(tr) - 641 - pF ID=constant,VGS=0V,VDS=0...400V Turn-on delay time td(on) - 11.8 - ns VDD=400V,VGS=13V,ID=9.7A, RG=5.3;seetable9 Rise time tr - 8 - ns VDD=400V,VGS=13V,ID=9.7A, RG=5.3;seetable9 Turn-off delay time td(off) - 54 - ns VDD=400V,VGS=13V,ID=9.7A, RG=5.3;seetable9 Fall time tf - 4.5 - ns VDD=400V,VGS=13V,ID=9.7A, RG=5.3;seetable9 Unit Note/TestCondition Table6Gatechargecharacteristics Parameter Symbol Gate to source charge Values Min. Typ. Max. Qgs - 9 - nC VDD=400V,ID=9.7A,VGS=0to10V Gate to drain charge Qgd - 14 - nC VDD=400V,ID=9.7A,VGS=0to10V Gate charge total Qg - 42 - nC VDD=400V,ID=9.7A,VGS=0to10V Gate plateau voltage Vplateau - 5.0 - V VDD=400V,ID=9.7A,VGS=0to10V 1) Co(er)isafixedcapacitancethatgivesthesamestoredenergyasCosswhileVDSisrisingfrom0to400V Co(tr)isafixedcapacitancethatgivesthesamechargingtimeasCosswhileVDSisrisingfrom0to400V 2) Final Data Sheet 6 Rev.2.0,2015-05-08 600VCoolMOSTMC7PowerTransistor IPP60R099C7 Table7Reversediodecharacteristics Parameter Symbol Diode forward voltage Values Unit Note/TestCondition - V VGS=0V,IF=9.7A,Tj=25C 350 - ns VR=400V,IF=9.7A,diF/dt=100A/s; see table 8 - 4.4 - C VR=400V,IF=9.7A,diF/dt=100A/s; see table 8 - 27 - A VR=400V,IF=9.7A,diF/dt=100A/s; see table 8 Min. Typ. Max. VSD - 0.9 Reverse recovery time trr - Reverse recovery charge Qrr Peak reverse recovery current Irrm Final Data Sheet 7 Rev.2.0,2015-05-08 600VCoolMOSTMC7PowerTransistor IPP60R099C7 5Electricalcharacteristicsdiagrams Diagram1:Powerdissipation Diagram2:Safeoperatingarea 102 120 100 101 DC 1 s 10 s 100 s 1 ms 10 ms 80 ID[A] Ptot[W] 100 60 10-1 40 10-2 20 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 10-3 150 100 101 TC[C] 102 103 VDS[V] Ptot=f(TC) ID=f(VDS);TC=25C;D=0;parameter:tp Diagram3:Safeoperatingarea Diagram4:Max.transientthermalimpedance 2 10 100 s 1 ms 10 ms 101 101 10 s 1 s DC 100 0.5 ID[A] ZthJC[K/W] 100 10-1 0.2 0.1 10-1 10-2 0.05 0.02 0.01 single pulse 10-3 100 101 102 103 10-2 10-5 10-4 VDS[V] 10-2 10-1 tp[s] ID=f(VDS);TC=80C;D=0;parameter:tp Final Data Sheet 10-3 ZthJC=f(tP);parameter:D=tp/T 8 Rev.2.0,2015-05-08 600VCoolMOSTMC7PowerTransistor IPP60R099C7 Diagram5:Typ.outputcharacteristics Diagram6:Typ.outputcharacteristics 140 80 10 V 8V 100 20 V 70 20 V 120 7V 60 10 V 8V 7V 6V 50 ID[A] ID[A] 80 40 5.5 V 60 30 6V 40 5V 20 5.5 V 20 4.5 V 10 5V 4.5 V 0 0 5 10 15 0 20 0 5 10 VDS[V] 15 ID=f(VDS);Tj=25C;parameter:VGS ID=f(VDS);Tj=125C;parameter:VGS Diagram7:Typ.drain-sourceon-stateresistance Diagram8:Drain-sourceon-stateresistance 0.30 20 VDS[V] 0.23 5.5 V 6V 7V 0.22 6.5 V 0.28 0.21 0.20 10 V 0.19 20 V 0.18 0.26 0.17 RDS(on)[] RDS(on)[] 0.16 0.24 0.22 0.15 0.14 98% 0.13 typ 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.20 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.18 0 20 40 60 80 0.05 -50 -25 0 25 ID[A] RDS(on)=f(ID);Tj=125C;parameter:VGS Final Data Sheet 50 75 100 125 150 Tj[C] RDS(on)=f(Tj);ID=9.7A;VGS=10V 9 Rev.2.0,2015-05-08 600VCoolMOSTMC7PowerTransistor IPP60R099C7 Diagram9:Typ.transfercharacteristics Diagram10:Typ.gatecharge 140 12 120 V 120 400 V 10 25 C 100 8 ID[A] VGS[V] 80 60 6 150 C 4 40 2 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 12 0 10 VGS[V] 20 30 40 50 125 150 Qgate[nC] ID=f(VGS);VDS=20V;parameter:Tj VGS=f(Qgate);ID=9.7Apulsed;parameter:VDD Diagram11:Forwardcharacteristicsofreversediode Diagram12:Avalancheenergy 2 10 100 80 101 125 C 25 C IF[A] EAS[mJ] 60 40 100 20 10-1 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 0 25 50 VSD[V] 100 Tj[C] IF=f(VSD);parameter:Tj Final Data Sheet 75 EAS=f(Tj);ID=5.0A;VDD=50V 10 Rev.2.0,2015-05-08 600VCoolMOSTMC7PowerTransistor IPP60R099C7 Diagram13:Drain-sourcebreakdownvoltage Diagram14:Typ.capacitances 105 700 680 104 660 Ciss 103 620 C[pF] VBR(DSS)[V] 640 600 102 Coss 101 580 560 Crss 100 540 520 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 10-1 0 100 Tj[C] 200 300 400 VDS[V] VBR(DSS)=f(Tj);ID=1mA C=f(VDS);VGS=0V;f=250kHz Diagram15:Typ.Cossstoredenergy 6 5 Eoss[J] 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 400 VDS[V] Eoss=f(VDS) Final Data Sheet 11 Rev.2.0,2015-05-08 600VCoolMOSTMC7PowerTransistor IPP60R099C7 6TestCircuits Table8Diodecharacteristics Test circuit for diode characteristics Diode recovery waveform V ,I Rg1 VDS( peak) VDS VDS VDS trr IF Rg 2 tF tS dIF / dt QF IF t dIrr / dt trr =tF +tS Qrr = QF + QS Irrm Rg1 = Rg 2 IF 10 %Irrm QS Table9Switchingtimes Switching times test circuit for inductive load Switching times waveform VDS 90% VDS VGS VGS 10% td(on) ton tr td(off) tf toff Table10Unclampedinductiveload Unclamped inductive load test circuit Unclamped inductive waveform V(BR)DS ID VDS VDS Final Data Sheet 12 ID VDS Rev.2.0,2015-05-08 600VCoolMOSTMC7PowerTransistor IPP60R099C7 7PackageOutlines Figure1OutlinePG-TO220,dimensionsinmm/inches Final Data Sheet 13 Rev.2.0,2015-05-08 600VCoolMOSTMC7PowerTransistor IPP60R099C7 8AppendixA Table11RelatedLinks * * * * Final Data Sheet 14 Rev.2.0,2015-05-08 600VCoolMOSTMC7PowerTransistor IPP60R099C7 RevisionHistory IPP60R099C7 Revision:2015-05-08,Rev.2.0 Previous Revision Revision Date Subjects (major changes since last revision) 2.0 2015-05-08 Release of final version WeListentoYourComments Anyinformationwithinthisdocumentthatyoufeeliswrong,unclearormissingatall?Yourfeedbackwillhelpustocontinuously improvethequalityofthisdocument.Pleasesendyourproposal(includingareferencetothisdocument)to: Publishedby InfineonTechnologiesAG 81726Munchen,Germany (c)2015InfineonTechnologiesAG AllRightsReserved. LegalDisclaimer Theinformationgiveninthisdocumentshallinnoeventberegardedasaguaranteeofconditionsorcharacteristics.With respecttoanyexamplesorhintsgivenherein,anytypicalvaluesstatedhereinand/oranyinformationregardingtheapplication ofthedevice,InfineonTechnologiesherebydisclaimsanyandallwarrantiesandliabilitiesofanykind,includingwithout limitation,warrantiesofnon-infringementofintellectualpropertyrightsofanythirdparty. Information Forfurtherinformationontechnology,deliverytermsandconditionsandpricespleasecontactyournearestInfineon TechnologiesOffice( Warnings Duetotechnicalrequirements,componentsmaycontaindangeroussubstances.Forinformationonthetypesinquestion, pleasecontactthenearestInfineonTechnologiesOffice. TheInfineonTechnologiescomponentdescribedinthisDataSheetmaybeusedinlife-supportdevicesorsystemsand/or automotive,aviationandaerospaceapplicationsorsystemsonlywiththeexpresswrittenapprovalofInfineonTechnologies,ifa failureofsuchcomponentscanreasonablybeexpectedtocausethefailureofthatlife-support,automotive,aviationand aerospacedeviceorsystemortoaffectthesafetyoreffectivenessofthatdeviceorsystem.Lifesupportdevicesorsystemsare intendedtobeimplantedinthehumanbodyortosupportand/ormaintainandsustainand/orprotecthumanlife.Iftheyfail,itis reasonabletoassumethatthehealthoftheuserorotherpersonsmaybeendangered. Final Data Sheet 15 Rev.2.0,2015-05-08