ATC 506WLS SerieS ubL SMT induCTorS
SMT Inductor
• Inductance: 3.80 µH
• Operating Frequency:
1.1 MHz (-3 dB roll-off) through 40+ GHz, typ.
• Insertion Loss (shunt mounted): <0.4 dB, typ.
• Return Loss (shunt mounted): >25 dB, typ.
• Operating Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C
• Lead-Free, RoHS Compliant Terminations
ATC, the industry leader, is introducing the new 506WLS
Series High Frequency Ultra-Broadband Inductor (UBL).
This unique component provides low insertion loss and
an excellent match over multiple octaves of frequency
The 506WLS is ideal for ultra-broadband DC decoupling
networks and bias tee applications in optical
communications systems and equipment using high-
speed digital logic.
• Ultra-Broadband Performance
• Ultra-Low Insertion Loss
• Flat Frequency Response
• Excellent Return Loss Through 40 GHz
• Unit-to-Unit Performance Repeatability
• Rugged Powdered Iron Core
New Design
ATC # 001-1112
Rev. B; 5/13
Electrical Specifications:
• Inductance: 3.80 µH ±10%
• Rated DC Current (IDC max.): 182 mA*
• DC Resistance (RDC typ.):
3.70 𝛀, typ. at +20°C, 10 mA current.
*Current for 100 °C Temperature rise
Inductance: measured at 1 MHz, 0.1 Vrms, 0 mA dc
with HP4291A impedance analyzer
Current Rating: based on a 100 °C temperature rise
from a 25°C ambient.
Wire: Copper, plated with gold 20 µ in. ±5 µ in.
Magnatude (dB)
Frequency (GHz)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
ATC506WLS3R80 Insertion Loss (S21)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Magnatude (dB)
Frequency (GHz)
ATC 506WLSM3R80 Return Loss (S11)