Quality Assurance of IC Memories
1. Views on Quality and Reliability
Hitachi products should always meet individual users’ purposes and required quality levels, maintaining satisfactory
performance for general applications. Hitachi works continuously to assure high reliability standards for our IC
memories in actual usage. To meet user needs and to cover expanding applications, Hitachi has defined these goals:
1. Establish reliability by design during new product development.
2. Establish quality at all steps in the manufacturing process.
3. Strengthen the inspection process at all points.
4. Improve product quality based on user data.
Furthermore, to reach the highest quality and performance levels, development and production teams cooperate very
closely with Hitachi research laboratories. All these methods together make it possible for Hitachi to meet and
exceed user requirements.
2. Reliability Design of Semiconductor Devices
2.1 Reliability Targets
The establishment of reliability targets is important in manufacturing and marketing, as well as in determining
function and price. Practically, the reliability targets cannot be determined from failure rates produced by any single
common test condition; they are based on many factors such as equipment characteristics, target system purposes,
derating applied during design, operating conditions, and maintenance requirements.
2.2 Reliability Design Factors
Timely analysis and execution are essential to achieve performance based on reliability targets. The primary design
items of interest are design standardization, device process and structural design, design review, and reliability
1. Design standardization
Design standardization requires the establishment of design rules and the specification of parts, materials, and
processes. When design rules are being established for the circuit, cell, and layout designs, critical quality and
reliability features should also be examined. By doing this effectively, the use of stand-ardized processes or
materials, even in newly developed products, should generate much higher reliability (with the possible exception
of special requirements or functions).
2. Device process and structural design
It is important during device design to consider the total balance of process design, structural design, and circuit
and layout design. Especially in the case of applying new processes or new materials, at Hitachi we study the
technology in depth prior to any detailed device development.
Quality Assurance of IC Memorie
3. Reliability testing by test site
The test site is also called the test pattern. It is a useful method for evaluating the reliability of complex ICs and
complicated functions.
a. The purposes for the test site are:
To make clear definitions about mental failure modes
To analyze relationships between failure modes and manufacturing processes and/or conditions
To analyze failure mechanisms
To establish QC points in manufacturing
b. The effects of the test site are:
Evaluation of common fundamental failure modes and failure mechanisms
Determination of predominant failure modes, and comparisons with field experiences
Analysis of relationships between failure causes and manufacturing factors
Simplification of testing
2.3 Design Review
Design review is a method to systematically confirm whether or not a design satisfies the performance required by
users, whether it meets all specifications, and whether the technical items accumulated in test data and application
data are effectively utilized.
In addition, from the standpoint of comparisons to competitive products, a major focus of the design review is to
insure the quality and reliability of the product. At Hitachi, the design review is perform-ed as a part of new product
development, and when changing existing products.
The following items are considered in design review.
1. Describing the product based on specified design documents.
2. Planning and executing each product function and program (such as calculations) by considering the product and
its documentation from the standpoint of each participant. Experiments and further investigations are indicated if
any results are not exactly as expected.
3. Determining the contents and methods of reliability testing based on design documents and drawings.
4. Checking manufacturing process ability to achieve design goals.
5. Arranging preparations for production.
6. Planning and executing each product function and program of all design changes proposed by individual
specialists. Generating tests, experiments, and calculations as needed to confirm the results of each design
7. Refering to past performance and failure experiences with similar devices. Confirming the prevention of any
repetition of such experience, and planning and executing a test program to prove this level of performance.
At Hitachi, design reviews including these steps of analysis and decision are made using individual check lists
according to each objective.
Quality Assurance of IC Memorie
3. Quality Assurance System of Semiconductor Devices
3.1 Activity of Quality Assurance
At Hitachi, these are the general purposes of quality assurance:
1. Problems are resolved within each step, so that by the final stage of production even very small potential failure
factors will be removed.
2. Information developed at every step is used in other steps, as indicated, to improve quality in the entire
production sequence, and therefore achieve satisfactory levels of reliability and performance.
3.2 Qualification
For maximum product quality and reliability, qualification tests are done at each stage of trial production and mass
production, based on design reliability as described in Section 2 “Reliability Design of Semiconductor Devices.”
These are the purposes of qualification at Hitachi.
1. Qualify the product objectively from a customer standpoint (as by a third party).
2. Consider the failure experiences and data provided by customers.
3. Qualify every change in design and process.
4. Qualify, with special emphasis, all final choices of parts, materials, and processes.
5. Establish control points within the production procedure by considering the process ability and factors of
manufacturing variance.
Figure 1 shows the general outline of design qualification at Hitachi.
Quality Assurance of IC Memorie
Step Contents Purpose
Materials, Parts
Characteristics Approval
Quality Approval (1)
Quality Approval (2)
Design Review
Characteristics of Material and Parts
Heat Resistance
Appearance. Dimension
Reliability Test
Life Test
Thermal Stress
Moisture Resistance
Mechanical Stress
Reliability Test
Process Check same as
Quality Approval (1)
Confirmation of
Characteristics and
Reliability of Materials
and Parts
Confirmation of Target
Sepc. Mainly about
Confirmation of Quality
and Reliability in Design
Confirmation of Quality
and Reliability in Mass
Figure 1 Flowchart of Device Design Qualification
Quality Assurance of IC Memorie
3.3 Quality and Reliability Control in Mass Production
In mass production, quality is the functional responsibility of each department, primarily as defined by the
manufacturing department and the quality assurance department. The total function flow is shown in Figure 2.
Process Quality Control Method
Material, Parts
Inspection of
Material and Parts
100% Inspection
Inspection on Material and
Parts for Semiconductor
Manufacturing Equipment,
Environment, Sub-material,
Worker Control
Inner Process
Quality Control
100% Inspection on
Visual and Electrical
Reliability Test
Sampling Inspection on
Visual and Electrical
Quality Information
Field Experience
General Quality
Feedback of
Lot Sampling,
Confirmation of
Quality Level
Confirmation of
Quality Level
Lot Sampling,
Confirmation of
Quality Level
Lot Sampling
Confirmation of
Quality Level, Lot
Figure 2 Flowchart of Quality Control in the Manufacturing Process
Quality Assurance of IC Memorie
3.3.1 Quality Control on Parts and Materials
With the tendency toward higher performance and higher reliability of devices, the quality control of parts and
materials becomes more important. Items such as crystals, lead frames, fine wire for wire bonding, and packages
and materials required in manufacturing processes like mask patterns and chemicals are all subject to inspection and
Besides the qualification of parts and materials as stated in Section 3.2, the quality control of parts and materials
begins at incoming inspection, which is performed based on purchase specifications, drawings and (mainly)
sampling tests based on MIL-STD-105D. Other activities related to quality assurance are as follows.
1. Technology meetings with vendors.
2. Approval and guidance of vendors.
3. Analysis and test of physical chemistry.
Quality Assurance of IC Memorie
The typical check points of parts and materials are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Quality Control Check Points of Parts and Materials (example)
Material parts Important control items Check points
Water Appearance
Sheet resistance
Defect density
Crystal axis
Damage and contamination on surface
Defect numbers
Mask Appearance
Defect numbers, scratches
Dimension level
Uniformity of gradation
Fine wire for wire bonding Appearance
Elongation ratio
Contamination, scratches, bend, twist
Purity level
Mechanical strength
Frame Appearance
Processing accuracy
Mounting characteristics
Contamination, scratches
Dimension level
Bondability, solderability
Heat resistance
Ceramic package Appearance
Leakage resistance
Mounting characteristics
Electrical characteristics
Mechanical strength
Contamination, scratches
Dimension level
Bondability, solderability
Heat resistance
Mechnical strength
Plastic Composition
Electrical charactristics
Thermal characteristics
Molding performance
Mounting characteristics
Characteristics of plastic material
Molding performance
Mounting characteristics
Quality Assurance of IC Memorie
3.3.2 Process Quality Control
Control of process quality is extremely significant in the overall process of device quality assurance. Quality control
functions at every stage of production are described below. Figure 3 lists specific process quality control factors.
1. Quality control of products in every stage of production
Potential device failure factors should be removed as soon as possible in the manufacturing process. To do this,
check points are set up within each process to prevent products exhibiting failure factors to move onto any
following process. Especially for devices designed for high reliability, manufacturing lines are rigidly monitored
to control process quality. Additionally, we perform very stringent checks on some processes and/or lots, and
even 100% inspections in certain critical processes to remove potentially failing items related to unavoidable
manufacturing variances. Screening based on high temperature aging or temperature cycling are also part of
quality assurance procedures. Controlling quality during processing includes these items:
a. Control of conditions of equipment and workers
b. Sampling test of uncompleted products
c. Proposal and implementation of improvements in working conditions
d. Continuous worker education
e. Maintenance and improvement of yields
f. Identification of quality problems, and implementation of countermeasures to them
g. Communication of quality-related information
2. Quality control of manufacturing facilities and measuring equipment
Manufacturing facilities have been developed to answer the need for higher device performance and automated
production. It is also important to define and accurately measure quality and reliability.
At Hitachi, automated manufacturing is used to reduce manufacturing variances. The operation of high
perfrmance equipment requires automated control to function properly.
Maintenance inspections are carried out daily to ensure proper quality control, and in some instances at other
more frequent intervals according to specifications, at every check point.
The adjustment and maintenance of measuring equipment is done according to specifications and past
experience, and is vigorously monitored to maintain and improve the quality of our products.
3. Quality control of the manufacturing environment and submaterial
Final quality and reliability of devices are especially affected by manufacturing processes. We therefore
thoroughly control factors of the manufacturing environment, such as gases or pure water.
Dust control is critical to achieve higher integration and higher device reliability. To maintain and improve the
cleanliness of the manufacturing site, we take great care to keep buildings, facilities, air-conditioning systems,
materials, clothes, and all possible elements associated with production as clean and dust-free as we can. We
extend this effort to periodically check the ambient air in the manufacturing facility for floating dust, and we
check for any minute amounts which might have accumulated on the floor, other surfaces, or on any equipment.
Quality Assurance of IC Memorie
Process Control Point Purpose of Control
Purchase of Material
Surface Oxidation
Inspection on Surface
Photo Resist
Inspection on Photo Resist
PQC Level Check
Inspection on Diffusion
PQC Level Check
Inspection on Evaporation
PQC Level Check
Wafer Inspection
Inspection on Chip
Electrical Characteristics
Chip Scribe
Inspection on Chip
PQC Lot Judgement
PQC Level Check
Inspection after
PQC Lot Judgement
PQC Level Check
Final Electrical Inspection
Failure Analysis
Appearance Inspection
Sampling Inspection on
Characteristics, Appearance
Appearance, Thickness of
Oxide Film
Dimension, Appearance
Diffusion Depth, Sheet
Gate Width
Characteristics of Oxide Film
Breakdown Voltage
Thickness of Vapor Film,
Scratch, Contamination
Thickness, V Characteristics
Electrical Characteristics
Appearance of Chip
Appearance after Chip
Appearance after Wire
Pull Strength, Compresion
Width, Shear Strength
Appearance after Assembling
Appearance after Sealing
Outline, Dimension
Marking Strength
Analysis of Failures, Failure
Mode, Mechanism
Scratch, Removal of Crystal
Defect Wafer
Assurance of Resistance
Pinhole, Scratch
Dimension Level
Check of Photo Resist
Diffusion Status
Control of Basic Parameters
(V , etc) Cleaness of surface
Prior Check of V
Breakdown Voltage Check
Assurance of Standard
Prevention of Crack,
Quality Assurance of Scribe
Quality Check of Chip
Quality Check of Wire
Prevention of Open and
Guarantee of Appearance
and Dimension
Feedback of Analysis Infor-
Figure 3 Example of Process Quality Control Factors
Quality Assurance of IC Memorie
3.3.3 Final Tests and Reliability Assurance Tests
1. Final tests
Lot inspection is done by the quality assurance department for products already passed in 100% testing during the
manufacturing process. Although 100% performance is expected, sample lot inspection is also carried out to
prevent any possible accidental mixture of failed products with regular, satisfactory devices.
The extra lot inspection not only confirms that all products meet all user requirements, but considers any other
potential factors. Our lot inspection is based on MIL-STD-105D.
2. Reliability assurance tests
To assure reliability, appropriate tests are performed periodically on each manufacturing lot if the user requires
such a high level of examination.
Quality Assurance of IC Memorie
Sales Dept.
Sales Engineering Dept.
Quality Assurance Dept.
Manufacturing Dept. Design Dept.
Quality Assurance Dept.
Sales Dept.
Sales Engineering Dept.
(Failures, Information)
Failure Analysis
Execution of
Follow-up and Confirmation of
Countermeasure Execution
Figure 4 Process Flowchart for Customer-Reported Failure