First Edition LCD Module Technical Specification Dec 18, 2008 Final Revision Apr 13. 2012 Type No. DMC16230NY-LY-EDE-EFN Customer : STANDARD Customer's Product NO: =#=------- KYOCERA Display Corporation Teruo Kuragane Approved: QUALITY ASSURANCE DIVISION Checked: Masayuki Kato Design Div, Yasutaka Oiwa Prepared: Design Div. APPROVED By Signature : Date : Please return this specification within two month with your signature. If not returned within two month, specification will be considered as having been accepted. DMC16230NY-LY-EDE-EFN Rev.1 KYOCERA Display Corporation Page 1/17Table of Contents CS RPNAMSBYWN SE General Specifications........0... ccc cece ccc eeeeteeee cee cee eeeneeeeeeaaaeeneeeeeeenanees 3 Electrical Specifications 20.0.0... ccc ccc ccc eee cee tee cee cee eeee nia eeettseeeeninees 4 Optical Specifications......0...... 000. c cece cece cece cece ee eeeceeececeseeeeeeceeeeatteeeees 7 VO Terminal .....000.. cece cece ec ccneeee cece eee eneeeeeeeaaaeeeeeeeteeuaaeeeeeeseeaaaaeeeees 9 Test Appearance Standards... ccc cccceee cee nnentnenntenteeneeeeeeeseess Code System of Production Lot Type Number oo... ccc ccc cecccceeee cee cee eeeeeeeee saan eeeeeeeuaaneeeeeeeeaaaaeeees Applying Precautions Precautions Relating Product Handling Warranty Revision History Rev. Date Page Comment Apr. 13. 2012 - Changing companys name DMC16230NY-LY-EDE-EFN Rev.1 KYOCERA Display Corporation Page 2/17General Specifications Operating Temp. Storage Temp. Display Format Display Fonts Viewing Arca Outline Dimensions Weight LCD Type Viewing Angle Backlight Drawings RoHS regulation min. 0C ~ max. 50C min. -20C ~ max. 70C 16 characters X 2 lines 5 X 7dots + cursor (1 character ) 99.0 (W) X 24.0 (H) mm 122.0 (W) X 44.0(H) X 14.6 max. (D) mm 75g max. NTD-7136 (STN / Yellow-mode / Transmissive ) 6:00 LED Backlight / Yellow-green Dimensional Outline DMC16230 ED series (Rev. A) To our best knowledge, this product satisfies material requirement of RoHS regulation. Our company is doing the best efforts to obtain the equivalent certificate from our suppliers. DMC16230NY-LY-EDE-EFN Rev.1 KYOCERA Display Corporation Page 3/172.Electrical Specifications 2.1.Absolute Maximum Ratings Vss=0V Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Max. Units Supply Voltage Vpp-Vss _ -0.3 7.0 V (Logic) Supply Voltage Vop-VEE _ 0 13.0 Vv (LCD Drive) Input Voltage VI _ -0.3 Vppt0.3 Vv 2.2.DC Characteristics Ta=25C, Vss=0V Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max Units Supply Voltage Vpp-Vss _ 4.5 _ 5.5 Vv (Logic) Supply Voltage Vpp- VEE Shown in 3.1 Vv (LCD Drive) High Level Vin Vpn=5.0V+ 10% 2.2 _ Von Vv Input Voltage Low Level VIL Vop=5.0V+ 10% -0.3 _ 0.8 Vv Input Voltage High Level Vou Ton=-0.205mA 2.4 _ _ Vv Output Voltage Low Level VoL Jor=1.2mA _ 0.4 Vv Output Voltage Supply Current Ipp Vpp-Vss=5.0V _ 1.8 3.0 mA DMC16230NY-LY-EDE-EFN Rev.1 KYOCERA Display Corporation Page 4/172.3.AC Characteristics Vpp=5.0V=+ 10% Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Max. Units Enable Cycle Time teyc Fig.1, 2 500 _ ns Enable Pulse Width PWEH Fig.1, 2 300 _ ns Enable Rise/Fall Time ter, tef Fig.1, 2 _ 25 ns Address Setup Time tas Fig.1, 2 60 _ ns Address Hold Time tan Fig.1, 2 10 _ ns Write Data Setup Time tosw Fig.1 100 _ ns Write Data Hold Time thaw Fig.1 10 ns Read Data Delay Time topr Fig.2 _ 190 ns Read Data Hold Time tour Fig.2 20 _ ns VIH VIH RS VIL VIL tas tAH RW VIL VIL PWEH ter tef Vin ViH / E VIL y N VIL VIL J tosw toHw ~ VIH . VIH DBO~DB7 VIL Valid Data VIL tcyc Fig.1 Write Operation Timing VIH VIH RS VIL VIL tas TAH RW VIH VIH PWEH ter tef Fin ViH / E VIL Y \ VIL VIL J topR tDHR DBO~DB7 VOH Valid Data YOM VOL VOL le tcyc > Fig.2 Read Operation Timing DMC16230NY-LY-EDE-EFN Rev.1 KYOCERA Display Corporation Page 5/172.4.Lighting Specifications 2.4.1.Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25C Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Foward Current Ir Note 1 _ _ 480 mA Reverse Voltage VR _ _ 8 Vv LED Power Dissipation Po _ _ _ 2.1 WwW Note 1 : Refer to the foward current derating curve. IF (mA) 480 280 0 25 50 Ta(C) 2.4.2.Operating Characteristics Ta=25C Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Foward Voltage VF Tr=240mA 3.8 4.0 4.2 Vv Luminance of L Tp=240mA 70 cd/m Backlight Surface DMC16230NY-LY-EDE-EFN Rev.1 KYOCERA Display Corporation Page 6/173.Optical Specifications 3.1.LCD Driving Voltage Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Recommended Ta= 0C _ _ 5.0 Vv LCD Driving Voltage Vpp- VEE Ta=25C 4.2 4.5 4.8 Vv Note 1 Ta=50C 4.0 _ _ Vv Note 1: Voltage (Applied actual waveform to LCD Module) for the best contrast. The range of minimum and maximum shows tolerance of the operating vollage. The specified contrast ratio and response time are not guaranteed over the entire range. 3.2.Optical Characteristics Ta=25C, 1/16 Duty, 1/5 Bias, Vo=4.5V (Note 4), 6=0, @= Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Contrast Ratio Note 1 CR G=0, = 8 _ Viewing Angle Shown in 3.3 Response Rise Note 2 Ton _ _ 140 210 ms Time | Decay Note 3 Torr _ _ 180 270 ms Note 1 : Contrast ratio is definded as follows. CR = Lore / Lon Lon : Luminance of the ON segments Lorr : Luminance of the OFF segments Note 2 : The time that the luminance level reaches 90% of the saturation level from 0% when ON signal is applied. Note 3 : The time that the luminance level reaches 10% of the saturation level from 100% when OFF signal is applicd. Note 4 : Definition of Driving Voltage Vp Assuming that the typical driving waveforms shown below are applied to the LCD Panel at 1/A Duty - 1/B Bias ( A : Duty Number, B : Bias Number ). Driving vollage Vp is definded as follows. Vb = (Vth1+Vth2) / 2 Vth1 : The voltage Vo-p that should provide 50% of the saturation level in the luminance at the segment which the ON signal is applied to. Vth2 : The voltage Vor that should provide 50% of the saturation level in the luminance at the segment which the OFF signal is applicd to. (B-2 )* Vo-P/B - 1/ (fF XA) : 1/fF {ON SIGNAL) {OFF SIGNAL? DMC16230NY-LY-EDE-EFN Rev.1 KYOCERA Display Corporation Page 7/173.3.Definition of Viewing Angle and Optimum Viewing Area -Point @ shows the point where contrast ratio is measured.: 0=0, : Driving condition : 1/16 Duty, 1/5 Bias, Vo=4.5V, f=84.4Hz 180 180 * 0 270 270 -Area[_] shows typ. CR=2 3.4.System Block Diagram Temperature Chamber Rotation Table (0 ,@) Photometer #1980A WB 3 LCD ij BT A Optical Fiber 4%) Computer Control Unit & co Waveform Generator O Halogen bulb DMC16230NY-LY-EDE-EFN Rev.1 KYOCERA Display Corporation Page 8/174.1/0 Terminal 4.1.Pin Assignment No. Symbol Level Function 1 Vss _ Power Supply (OV, GND) 2 Vpp _ Power Supply for Logic 3 VEE _ Power Supply for LCD Drive 4 RS H/L Register Select Signal 5 R/W H/L Read/Write Select Signal H: Read L: Write 6 E H/L Enable Signal (No pull-up Resister) 7 DBO H/L Data Bus Linc / Non-conncction at 4-bit opcration 8 DBI H/L Data Bus Line / Non-connection at 4-bit operation 9 DB2 H/L Data Bus Line / Non-connection at 4-bit operation 10 DB3 H/L Data Bus Line / Non-connection at 4-bil operation 11 DB4 H/L Data Bus Line 12 DB5 H/L Data Bus Line 13 DB6 H/L Data Bus Line 14 DB7 H/L Data Bus Line 15 LED CATHODE _ LED Cathode Terminal 16 LED ANODE _ LED Anode Terminal 4.2.Example of Power Supply It is recommended to apply a potentiometer for the contrast adjust due to the tolerance of the driving voltage and its temperature dependence. VDD VDD (+Voltage) VR > MODULE vss VSS (OV) VEE VR=10~20KQ DMC16230NY-LY-EDE-EFN Rev.1 KYOCERA Display Corporation Page 9/174.3.Block Diagram COM 16 LCDP DB7 8 ZZ 2 < L >| 7 16 characters x 2 lines DBO 4 4 E Control LSI SEG 40 Zz / NT3881 7 JA SEG 40 RV _ or equivalent RS 4 Segment Driver 7 _* x4 VDD VSS Bias Circuit +> ToLsl 4 VEE LED ANODE LED CATHODE LED Backlight DMC16230NY-LY-EDE-EFN Rev.1 KYOCERA Display Corporation Page 10/175.Test No change on display and in operation under the following test condition. No. Parameter Conditions Notes 1 High Temperature Operating 50C 42, 96hrs (operation state) 2 Low Temperature Operating OC+H2C, I6hrs (operation state) 3 3 High Temperature Storage TOC+2C, I6hrs 4 4 Low Temperature Storage -20C 2C, 96hrs 3,4 5 Damp Proof Test 40C+2C, 90~95%RH, 96hrs 3,4 6 Vibration Test Total fixed amplitude : 1.5mm 5 Vibration Frequency : 10~55Hz One cycle 60 seconds to 3 directions of X, Y, Z for each 15 minutes 7 Shock Test To be measured after dropping from 60cm high on the concrete surface in packing state. Dropping method corner dropping Accorner : once Edge dropping B,C,D edge : once Face dropping | 60cm E,F,G face : once Concrete Surface Note 1 : Unless otherwise specified, tests will be conducted under the following condition. Temperature : 20+5C Humidity :6545% Note 2 : Unless otherwise specified, tests will be not conducted under functioning state. Note 3 : No dew condensation to be observed. Note 4 : The function test shall be conducted after 4 hours storage at the normal temperature and humidity after removed from the test chamber. Note 5 : Vibration test will be conducted to the product itself without putting it in a container. DMC16230NY-LY-EDE-EFN Rev.1 KYOCERA Display Corporation Page 11/176.Appearance Standards 6.1.Inspection conditions The LCD shall be inspected under 40W white fluorescent light. The distance between the eyes and the sample shall be more than 30cin. All directions for inspecting the sample should be within 45 against perpendicular line. 6.2.Definition of applicable Zones A Zone : Active display area B Zone : Area from outside of "A Zone" to validity viewing area C Zonc : Rest parts A Zone + B Zone = Validity viewing area De AZone ! Bezel Flame B Zone C Zone DMC16230NY-LY-EDE-EFN Rev.1 KYOCERA Display Corporation Page 12/176.3.Standards No. Parameter Criteria 1 Black and (1) Round Shape White Spots, Zone Acceptable Number Foreign Substances Dimension (mm) A B Cc DS0O1 * * * 01 < Ds 02 5 5 * 02< DS 03 0 1 * 0.3 < D 0 0 * D = (Long + Short ) / 2 * - Disregard (2) Line Shape Zone Acceptable Number (min) Y(mm) A B C _ 0.022W * * * 2.02L 0.03 2W 3 3 * 102L 0.04=W 1 2 * 102L 0.052W 0 2 * _ 0.05