The Atmel 3-Volt EPROM Family
• Why 3-volt operation?
• Does the whole system have to be
operated at 3 volts?
• How do you program a 3-volt
• What happens if you run a 3-volt
device at 3.6 volts?
The Atmel AT27LVxxxA series of
EPROMs was designed to operate over
a wide rang e of supp ly vo lta ges fr om 3. 0
to 3.6 volts. This offers the designer the
opportunity to take advantage of the
great ly reduc ed power c onsum ption a t 3
volts .
The 3-volt series of EPROMs is specified
to draw a maximum of 8.0 mA at 5.0
MHz when operated at 3.6VDC. This is
less than half of the spec ified maximum
current of a standard EPROM operating
at 5.0VDC. Because of the low supply
voltage, the power savings calculations
are even more dramatic: 29 mW for the
LV series compared to 165 mW (5.5V @
30 mA; i.e. 27C040) for standard five-
volt devices. That means much longer
battery life.
The LV series has CMOS inputs and
outputs specified for TTL levels and 3-
volt CMOS levels (R ail-to-Rail). In other
words, an LV device with VCC = 3.0VDC
can drive standard 5-volt TTL logic
devices on its data output lines making
interface with 5-volt logic easy. The LV
series of EPROMs can even be safely
driven by 5-volt signals, even though
their VCC is at 3.0VDC (please refer to
application note
Interfacing Atmel LV
EPROMs on a Mixed Three-Volt/Five-
Volt Data Bus
, this chapter). The next
quest ion tha t come s to mi nd is “Wh y run
just one EPROM at 3 v ol ts whi le the rest
of the system uses 5 volts?” One reason
is if your sy stem is on a ve ry tight power
budget, such as battery operated equip-
ment, daughter boards or phone line
powered pro ducts, the six times power
savings might make a significant differ-
ence. Of course your design might us e
more than one E PROM, for map mem-
ory, operating system, font storage or
maybe smart cards. In this case the total
power savings can be very large.
Remember at 165 mW each, 8 EPROMs
at 5 volts us e 1.3 Watts instead of 235
mW for the 3-volt devices!
When the 3-volt devices are in a pro-
grammer they work just like their stan-
dard Atmel 5-volt counterparts.
Absolutely no difference! Programming
support is already in place and widely
availabl e on most progr ammers on the
market toda y.
The AT27LVxxxA series of EPROM s are
specified to operate from 3.0 to 3.6 volts.
So what happens when the device is
operated above 3 volts? It speeds up
and draws more power , but never m ore
than a standard EPROM. This feature
offers the most flexibility for system man-
Low Voltage
Rev. 0546A–10/98