Design, Specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use.
Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please inform us immediately for technical consultation without fail.
EMI Filters
Part Number Standard Quantity Style Weight (mg/pcs.)
EXCEMT1111C200 pcs./Bag Bulk 216
EXCEMT1111T2000 pcs./Box Flat box 291
Packaging Specifications
Safety Precautions
The filter may fail in a short-circuit mode (or open-circuit mode) when subjected to severe conditions
of electrical and/or environmental stresses beyond their specified rating. Burnout or glowing may result in
the worst case.
Soldering Flux: Use rosin type or nonhalogen type flux.
Avoid contact with static electricity.
Filter characteristics may deteriorate if subjected to surge or other abnormal voltage.
Excessive mechanical stress may damage the components. Handle with care.
Before ordering, test sample components in your application to ensure proper function and compatibility.
rapid changes of temperature and humidity.
Cleaning Solvent: Use alcohol based solution. Consult with us before using any other type of cleaning agent.
Store under temperatures ranging from Ð5 ¡C to +40 ¡C and relative humidity from 40 % to 60 %. Avoid
Use the components within one year of delivery.