A E G-AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT B7E D MM@ 0029415 0009305 9 MBAEGG) Thyristoren fur selbstgefiihrte Stromrichter Thyristors for self-commutated converters Thyristors pour applications frquence Typ Vora trawsm| tem fitat hravwite | hw sin. Vero) [tr | ifdtler| (v/dt)er | ta | Ver Type VRRM t=10ms t=10ms to=60C VAay=50V t= tym 180el. DM =0,87 VoRM ya ye nach DIN | nach DIN y= tymax{ 45C | tyimax| 45C | sin. fo = 2kHz | tymax| tjmax| 41787 | 41787 25C 50 Hz 400Hz | 10 kHz Vv A A iA A2s | A2s | APC A A A. |V {moO | Abs |V/us us V T3s 400 600 8 90} - 4i| - | 5,1/468 116 16 16 11,6 153 |300 |G = 400/P <2,9 |2 500 700* 3 /85 T7F 100 400 700 | 16 joo} 120] so| - | 10/59 j23 23 23 1158/47 |100 |B= SsO;C s12 |2 200 500 800* 7/85 C = 400}/8 <10* 300 600 L = 400 M*= 1000 T10F 100 400 700 | 25 120] 140} 70| 100] 16/46 14,4 |30 |f00 |B= s0/C s12 12 200 500 800* 10/85 C= 400/B <10* 300 600 L = 400 M*= 1000 Ti2F 500 800 1100*| 30 200| 220] 200} 240! 19/50 [53 49 45 (125/26 | 60 |B= s0;/D si5 |}2 600 900 1200* 12/85 C= 400/C <124 700 1000 L = 400 M*= 1000 T13F 100 400 700 | 30 135| 160| 90! 130] 19/57 145 42 42 |12 |22 1100 |B= 5s0/C <12 /2 200 500 800 19/85 C = 400 300 600 L = 400 M*= 1000 TI7E 200 800 1100 | 35 350| 390| 612) 7601 22/68 |70 70 70 4142 114 |100 |B= SO|F s25 | 25 400 900 1200* 17/85 C = 400/|E <20 600 1000 L = 4001S s18 M*=1000;D <15 C s124 a R s 89 T24F 200 800 1100 | 40 460| 520| 1060) 1350 | 25/82 |80 80 so (1218 |t00 |B= SO|F <25 | 25 400 900 1200* 24/85 C= 400)E <20 600 1000 L = 400/S <18 . M*=1000|D <15 C si2a R = 83 T35F 200 800 1100 | 80 | 1100] 1250} 6050] 7800 | 51/60 1,4 | 52/200 |B = s01G s30 |2 400 900 1200 35/85 C = 400|F <25 600 1000 1300* L = 400/& <20 M*=1000/D =15 4) C si24 T36F 200 800 1100 | 65 850| 980 | 3600) 4800 | 41/78 . 13 | 55/120 i8= SO|F s25 | 25 400 s00 1200* 36/85 C= 400/E <20 600 1000 L = 400;S8 s18 M*=1000|D s15 C* 129 T46F 200 800 1100 | 80 | 1000] 1150 | 5000| 6600 | 51/80 1251 34/120 [B= SO|/F s25 | 25 400 900 1200* 46/85 C = 400/E <20 600 1000 L = 400/S <18 M*= 1000 | D* <15 C* s124 T50F 200 800 1100 |120 | 1200] 1350 | 7200/9100 | 76/55 14 | 45/200 {B= 50|/G s30 |2 400 $00 1200 50/85 C= 400)F <26 600 1000 1300* L = 400/E <20 M*=1000|}D <15 4 C s124) T60F 200 800 1100 [150 | 1300| 1450 | 8,45 | 10,5 | 96/50 43) 4 |200 |B= 50;G s30 /2 400 $900 1200 x107 | x10 | 60/85 C= 400/F <25 600 1000 1300* L = 400/E <20 M*=1000/D = 154) C #124 T72F 200 600 200 |2050]2400! 21 | 28,8 | 127/44 [350 | 350 350 |1,25| 18]}200 |B= 5sO0|D si5 j2 400 800 x10 | xi0 | 72/85 245 C = 400/B <104 L = 400 M*= 1000 T8OF g00 1100 1300 [200 |2450|2800| 30 {39,2 | 127/52 |360 | 360 360 /1,3 | 24/160 |B = SOIF s25 | 2 1000 1200 71400* x10? | x109 | 80/85 C= 400/E <20 L = 400/S <18,4 M*= 1000 T 102 F 200 600 220 | 2750|3200] 37,8 |51 | 140/64 |440 | 440 440 11,2 | 14/200 |B= 50/D si8 {2 400 800 x109 | x10 | 102/85 330 C= 400/B s104 L = 400 M*= 1000 1) VpRM Ss 1000V 4) Nur mit du/dt-Klassen 8 und L. / Only with du/dt-classes B and L / Seulment en du/dt classes B et L 2)VpRM Ss 800V 3) VpRM s 600V 14A E GmAKTIENGESELLSCHAFT L7E D MM O0e9415 0009306 0 MBAEGG lar | Pinuc | tymax G_ | MaBbild Outline 6,3 x08 ty = | 180el. Figure 042 - 25C | sinus mA |CWW {C | Nm | 9 K | |_-G 50 |2,9 100 | - 8 | 24 | 18 | 25,26 nt o8 50 |2,4 125 2 5 5, ES g | 50 | 1,9 125 | 2 15 | 25,26 at 6143-2 [ ; | t 7 50 | 1,6 126) 2 12 | 28,29 7 ' | } a \ t 4 , sw t4 608 Ad yp 50 | 1,6 125 | 2 15 | 25,26 rose bg 32,6 _ Tite om M6 24 27 case B 150 | 1,3 126 | 2 2 27,2829 6 k an 320 AB Koes tr : r 7/_ o4, o17 o4 ear 150 |1 125 | 2 |G:12 | 27,28,20 re max 14,4 B:20 an a 4 o i t { 4 > oO ig o I ) w a = | t $ = a = J i 150 }0,62 |125) 8 60 |32 \ ' wl M6 he A 180 }0,62 |125| 4 22 | 30,31 a 150 |0,53 | 125 | 4 22 | 30,31 25 case C 28 case C x. 23, wt8 - K 150 | 0,41 125 | 20 150 | 33,34 a 647 on - = ou * Y 8 1 180 [0,95 [125 [20 [150 | 33,34 |? | {| Crrry = Lt ~~ 150 |0,35 | 125 | 20 150 | 33,34 _ wr Wg +28 UNF - 23 150 [0,28 | 125 | 20 150 | 33,34 TT $ 5 { 150 }0,26 | 125 | 20 150 | 33,34 t = 5 26 ree aa case U 29 rey aLy case U Lletertermin fir grofe Stlickzahien erfragen / Delivery for large quantities on request / Delals pour quantits sur demande 15A E G-AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT L7E D0 MM 0029415 G0095307 2 MMAEGG Thyristoren fir selbstgefiihrte Stromrichter Thyristors for self-commutated converters Thyristors pour applications frquence ' Typ VoRM "| hrwsaa] sas fitat hravwte | hm, sin. Varo) fr | l/dt)er| (Av/dt)er | ty Ver Type VaRM t=10ms t=10ms to = 60C, Vag =50 V y= ty 180el, VOM = 0,87 VoRM yn [ym nach DIN | nach DIN ty = tyimax| 45C | tyjmax| 45C | sin. fg = 2kHz | tumax| ty{max| 41787 | 41787 25C 60 Hz 400Hz | 10 KHz V A kA |KA | As [As | APC A A A Vo |[ma |} As | Vins ps V T120F 900 1100 1300 | 240 |29 |3,3 | 42 154,5 | 152/70 | 480 | 480 | 480]1,2 |1,6 |160 |B = SO}F <25 2 1000 1200 1400* x109 | x109 | 120/85 C = 400/E <20 L = 400;/S <184 M*= 1000 T 128 F 600 1100 1400*| sco 1245/28 | 30 |39,2 | 191/54 | 575 | 575 | 575 |1,28/2,15|)160 |B = 50)F <25 2 800 1200 x10 | x10 | 128/85 C = 400/E <20 1000 1300 L = 400/S <18y M*= 1000 T 1658S 200 800 1200 | 400 | 2,35 |2,65 | 27,5 | 95,1 | 254/47 | 700 | 700 | 700} 1,25} 22/400 |B = S0/F <25 2,2 400 1000 1300* x10 | x10 | 158/85 520 C = 400/E <20 600 1100 L = 400/C <154) M*= 1000 T178F 200 500 300 11,9 | 22/18 |24,2 | 190/79 | 600 | 600 | 600/1,02|1,65|/300 |B = 5SO/E <20 2 400 600 x109 1 x108 | 178/85 480 C = 400/D <15 L = 400|C s124 M*= 1000 T 188 F 600 1100 1400*| 400 129 [3,3 | 42 [54,5 | 254/64 | soo | 800 | 800/12 |1,35)160 |B = 5SO\/F <25 2 800 1200 x10 | x10 | 188/85 C = 400/E <20 1000 1300 L = 400|/S $184 M*= 1000 T 195 F 200 800 1200 | 450 |e 167 | 180 |224 | 2e7/59 | 890 | 90 | 800/13 j0,85;200 |B = 50)F s25 2,2 400 1000 1300* x109 | x10% | 195/85 C = 400/E <20 600 1100 L = 400/S 318% M*= 1000 T 290 F 200 800 1200 | 580 164 |7,2 | 205 |260 | 350/73 | 1100] 1100] 1100}1,2 |0,75;200 |B = S0)F <25 2,2 400 1000 1300* x10? | x10? | 290/85 C = 400/E <20 600 1100 L = 400/S $184 M*= 1000 T 308 F 200 500 600 |4 |46 | 80 |106 | 382/71 1200 | 1200) 1200] 1 07 }300 |B = S0|E <20 2 400 600 x10? | x10 | 308/85 630 C = 400/D <15 L = 40010 s124 M*= 1000 T318F 600 1000 1200 | 700 /6 [67 | 180 |224 | 44662 | 1400] 1400] 1900}1,3 )0,7 |200 |B = S0)F s25 2,2 800 1100 1300* 10 | x10% | 318/85 C = 400/E s20 L = 400/S s184 M*= 1000 T3888 | 600 1000 1200 | 900 15,6 [64 | 157 |205 | 575/51 | 1650| 1650] 1650/1,3 11,1 |}600 |B = 50;/E <20 2,2 800 1100 x109 | x10? | 388/85 4000 C = 400/S <18 tL = 400/D s15 M*=1000|C <12 B 5104 T 408 F 600 1000 1200 | 750 16,4 |7,2 | 205 |260 | 477/76 | 1500) 1500| 1500|1,2 |0,63)200 |B = 5SO/F <25 2,2 800 1100 1300* x10 | x10? | 408/85 C = 400/E s20 L = 400/S 3184 M*= 1000 T4688 | 1600 1800 2000*11300 18,3 [9,3 | 345 |433 | 930/33 | 2000] 2000/ 200011,3 |0,72/300 |B = 50|N <60 2,2 T470S x10 | x10? | 470/85 C = 400|M <50 L = 400/K <404 M*= 1000 T5095 600 1000 1200 [1800 18,4 19,5 [353 |451 | 960/22 | 2200] 2200| 2200/1,3 |0,65|500 |B = 50)E <20 2,2 TS10S 800 1100 x10 | x10 | 510/85 1300 C = 400/S s18 L = 400]D <15 M*=1000/C s12 B <104 T600F 600 1000 1200 |1500 |10 | 11,3 | 500 |e38 | 960/47 | 2600] 2600! 1680)1,15 |042/200 |B = 50)G =<30 2,2 800 1100 1300* x103 | x10 | 600/85 C = 400/F <25 L = 400/E $204 M*= 1000 T670F |1600 1800 2000*lis00 1115113 | 661 |e45 | 960/57 | 2950] 2900] 1690/1,15 |0,65|200 {B= 50)/N <60 2,2 x0? | x10 | 670/85 C = 400|M <50 L = 400/K s404 M*= 1000 T 698 F 200 400 600 11100 |11 |12,4 | 60s |7e9 | 6ea/es | 2200) 2200) 2200) 1,02 )0,32!300 |B = 50/E <20 2 600 x103 | x10? 850 C = 400/D <15 L = 400/C s124 M*= 1000 4) Nur mit du/dt-Klassen 8 und L / Only with du/dt-classes B and L / Seulment en du/at classes 8 et L 16A E G-AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT L7E D MM 00209415 0009308 4 MBAEGG lay ty > 25C mA Rinc 180el. sinus C/W tyimax C (Nm) F (KN) | 9 MaBbild Outline Figure 150 0,2 125 150 33,34 150 0,163 125 - 70 250 0,117 125 - 70 0,18 140 - 70 150 0,117 125 - 70 _ aq 35 -| a > 2 NOOR * o > 14,7 = 6,5- tas tne tie tthe THN AS 30 case C 33 case B 250 0,12 125 - 620 250 0,08 125 - 620 200 0,108 140 - 70 250 0,068 125 - 100 37 250 0,045 125 - 110 8-12 37 260 0,053 125 ,5-8 37 2 | . 46mm? Cu 43x 08 cond [ane TOON... ad TMM 31 case U 34 case V 250 0,04 126 270 12-15 38 250 0,038 125 - 270 12-15 250 0,038 125 12-15 250 0,029 125 14-20 4i 0,05 140 5,5-8 37 992 6 63x08 4mmiCu 16808 oT peep a jne 28 ~| 45 6 of - 16548 > he % a N les 32 35 * Uefertermin fiir grofe StUcizahten erfragan / Delivery for targe quantities on request / Delals pour quantits sur demande 17A E G-AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Thyristoren fur selbstgefiihrte Stromrichter Thyristors for self-commutated converters Thyristors pour applications frquence A7E D MM 00ec9415 0009309 & MMAEGG Typ VoRM trramsa| ism fiat travte | h, sin. 180el. Veroy | tr | (di/dt)cr} (dv/dt)er | ty Vat Type VrRM t=10ms t=10ms to= 60C, VAM=50V tya ty= 180el. VDM=0.67 VoRM t= [yn nach DIN | nach DIN - fyjmax| 45C | tymax{ 45C | sin. fo = 2 kHz | tmax| tymax| 41787 | 41787 2c 50 Hz 400Hz | 10 kHz V A KA |kKA | As |As | APC kA IkA {kA |V |mQO] Alps [Vins V T7608 | 2000 2200 2400 [2000 | 16,5 | 18,5 | 1360] 1710 | 1274/35 |3,5 [35 19,05 |1,35)0,45) 260 |B= 50)/U 120 [22 2600* . x103 | xi03 | 760/85 C = 400/V = 80 L = 400 M*= 1000 T9308 | 1600 1800 2000*/2000 | 18 | 20,5 | 1620) 2100! 1274/61 14 4 34 11,3 [0,33] 250 |B = SO|Ns 60 |22 x10 | x10 | 930/85 C = 400/Ms 50 L = 400)K s 40 M*=1000/G <= 304) T 10528 | 600 1000 1200 |2200 |20 | 22,5 | 2000) 2530| 1400/66 | 4.4 14.4 (14 13 |0,32| 400 |B= SO|F s 25 |22 800 1100 x10 | x10? | 1050/85 2 C = 400/E <= 20 L = 4001D = 15 M*=1000|C <= 124 T1078F | 200 400 s00*j2000 |14,5|16 | 1050) 1280} 1275/71 102102 [| 200 [B= SO/E = 20 |2 x109 | x10? | 1078/85 C = 400/S8 = 18 L = 400|D = 15 M*= 1000|C = 124) Asymmetrisch sperrende Thyristoren fir selbstgefiihrte Stromrichter Asymmetricaily blocking thyristors for self-commutated converters Thyristors asymtriques pour applications frequence Typ VorM Vara |tamsm! 'tsm Sat hravuite | lm, sin. 180el. Vero) | tr | (i/ett)ce| (v/dt)er tq Vat Type VaAM(G tp=10ms tp=10ms to~60C tp = ty= ty= VOM 0,87 VORM w= ty nach DIN | nach DIN - ips fyimax 45C | tymax 45C fo = tyimax| tyjmax| 41787 | 41787 26C 1 kHz 1OKHZ | 25 kHz Vv A kA {KA | As |A?s | APC A A A Voo{mQ | Afps | V/ps ps V A158 S 600 1100} 15 | 400 |2,45/28 30|39,2 | 254/49 | 750 | 620 [260 [1,3 {2 |400 |C=400 |D si5 | 27 800 1200 | 50 x109 | x10? | 158/85 F=1000 |C 12 1000 1300* B 10 Rs 8 A198 S 600 1100| 18 | 400 |27 (3,1 | 365] 48| 254/68 | soo | 750 |330 11,1 /1,3 |400 |C=400 |F s25 | 2,7 800 1200| 50 x10|x10 | 198/85 F=1000 |/ <20 1000 1300* D 15 A368 S 600 1100} 15 | 800 |5 {56 125! 187] s10/s9 [1600 [1100 [440 |1,3 |0,9 {500 |C=400 |D 315 | 2,7 800 1200! 50 x10 | x10 | 358/85 F=1000 |C s12 1000 1300* B <10 Rs 8 A438 S 600 1100 | 15 | 900 15,5 {62 1511 192] 573/66 }1800 |1350 js550 11,1 |0,6 |500 |C=400 |F =25 | 2,7 800 1200 | 50 x109 | x10? | 438/85 F=1000 |E <20 1000 1300* D <15 Asiss 600 1100} 15 {1500 {9 |10 405| 500| 955/30 |2300 | 1400 |540 [1,8 |0,51/400 |C=400 |D <15 | 27 800 1200} 50 x10 | x10 | 518/85 F=1000 |C <12 1000 1300* B s10 Rs8 A618S 600 1100} 15 |1800 | 10,5 | 12 551| 7201 955/53 |2800 |1700 |660 [1,1 |0,33/400 |C=400 |F <25 | 2,7 800 1200] 50 x107 | x109 | 618/85 F=1000 |E <20 1000 1300* D <15 Ag30S | 1600 20 |2000 |i8 | 20,5 | 1620] 2100 | 1275/64 1,35 10,3 |300 |C=400 |K <40 | 2,7 1800 50 x10 | x108 | 930/85 F=1000 |G <30 2000* F 25 A10508 | 600 1000| 15 |2500 | 22,5125 | 2531/3125 | 1600/54 143 ]0,21/300 |C=400 |D <15 | 2,7 800 1200] 50 x10? | x108 | 1050/85 F=1000 |C s12 1000 1300* B <10 R<8 A1i250S | 600 1100| 15 j2500 }25 |28 | 3125|3920{ 1600/70 1,1 |0,14/300 |C= 400 |F s25 | 2,7 800 1200 | 0 x10? | x10 | 1250/85 F=1000 |E <20 1000 1300* D s15 4) Nur mit du/dt-Klassen B und L. / Only with du/dt-classes 8 and L / Seulment en du/dt classes B et L ) VpAM 3 1600 V 18A E G-AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 176 D M@ 0029415 0009310 2 MMAEGG lar | Pino |tymay F G_ | MaBbild Outline ty = | 180%. Figure 35x35 C | sinus mA 1CiW {C | KN g 300 10,021 | 120 | 20-30/600 | 41 ta, 7 ee ? rat Lh g 260 10,021 | 125 | 20-30/600 | 41 300 |0,018 | 125 | 20-30)600 | 41 200 10,033 | 140 | 8-12 }200 | 37 TUSK 36 ~ | 39 lar | Pinuc |tymax F G_ | MaBbild Outline ty = | 1e0rel. Figure 25C | sinus mA C/W [PC __{kN g 300 |0,117 [125 |3-4,5} 70 | 36 6 2,8x0,8 300 10,117 }125 |3-4,.5| 70 | 36 T3t6n 37 300 10,053 }125 |5,5-8 | 100 | 37 K 800 | 0,053 {125 |5,5-8 | 100 | 37 : ch . 4 : 7 she 300 |0,04 |125 | 12-15] 160 | 38 63 he 300 |0,04 [125 |12-15| 160 | 38 300 |0,021 [125 | 20-30 | 600 | 41 300 10,021 |125 | 20-30} 600 | 41 G 2,8x0,8 THK 300 | 0,021 1125 | 20-30 | 600 | 41 38 41 * Ulefertermin flr grofe Stlickzahlen erfragen / Delivery for large quantities on request / Delals pour quantits sur demande