L6574 CFL/TL BALLAST DRIVER PREHEAT AND DIMMING HIGH VOLTAGE RAIL UP TO 600V dV/dt IMMUNITY 50 V/ns IN FULL TEMPERATURE RANGE DRIVER CURRENT CAPABILITY: 250mA SOURCE 450mA SINK SWITCHING TIMES 80/40ns RISE/FALL WITH 1nF LOAD CMOS SHUT DOWN INPUT UNDER VOLTAGE LOCK OUT PREHEAT AND FREQUENCY SHIFTING TIMING SENSE OP AMP FOR CLOSED LOOP CONTROL OR PROTECTION FEATURES HIGH ACCURACY CURRENT CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR INTEGRATED BOOTSTRAP DIODE CLAMPING ON VS. SO16, DIP 16 PACKAGES SO16N DIP16 ORDERING NUMBERS: L6574D L6574 The device is intended to drive two power MOSFETS, in the classical half bridge topology, ensuring all the features needed to drive and properly control a fluorescent bulb. A dedicated timing section in the L6574 allows the user set the necessary parameters for proper preheat and ignition of the lamp. Also, an OP AMP is available to implement closed loop control of the lamp current during normal lamp burning. DESCRIPTION In order to ensure voltage ratings in excess of 600V, the L6574 is manufactured with BCD OFF LINE technology, which makes it well suited for lamp ballast applications. An integrated bootstrap section, eliminating the normally required bootstrap diode and the zener clamping on Vs, makes the L6574 well suited for low cost applications where few additional components are needed to build a high performance ballast. BLOCK DIAGRAM H.V. VS OP AMP OPOUT VBOOT + - BOOTSTRAP DRIVER UV DETECTION OPIN- HVG HVG DRIVER OPIN+ OUT Imin VREF DEAD TIME DRIVING LOGIC LEVEL SHIFTER CBOOT LOAD VS LVG RING Ifs Imax LVG DRIVER Ipre VREF GND + - RPRE CONTROL LOGIC Vthpre + VTHE EN1 - + - + VTHE EN2 - VCO Cf CPRE September 2003 D97IN493A 1/10 L6574 PIN CONNECTION (top view) CPRE 1 16 VBOOT RPRE 2 15 HVG CF 3 14 OUT RING 4 13 N.C. OPOUT 5 12 VS OPIN- 6 11 LVG OPIN+ 7 10 GND EN1 8 9 EN2 D97IN492 THERMAL DATA Symbol Rth j-amb Parameter Thermal Resistance Junction to ambient Max. DIP16 SO16N Unit 80 120 C/W PIN DESCRIPTION N Pin Function 1 CPRE Preheat Timing Capacitor. The capacitor CPRE sets the preheating and the frequency shift time, according to the relations: tPRE = KPRE * CPRE and tSH = KFS * CPRE (typ. KPRE = 1.5s/F, KFS = 0.15s/F). This feature is obtained by charging CPRE with two different currents. During tPRE this current is independent of the external components, so CPRE is charged up to 3.5V (preheat timing comparator threshold). During tSH the current depends on RPRE value (i.e. on the difference between fPRE and fIGN). In this way tSH is always set at 0.1tPRE. In steady state the voltage at pin 1 is 5V. 2 RPRE Maximum Oscillation Frequency Setting. The resistance connected between this pin and ground sets the fPRE value, fixing the difference between fPRE and fIGN (fPRE > fIGN). At the end of the Start-up procedure, the effect current drown from RPRE is over. The voltage at this pin is fixed at VREF =2V. 3 CF Oscillator Frequency Setting. The capacitor CF, along with to RPRE and RIGN, sets fPRE and fING. In normal operation this pin shows a triangular wave. 4 RIGN Minimum Oscillation Frequency Setting. The resistance connected between this pin and ground sets the fIGN value. The voltage at this pin is fixed at VREF =2V. 5 OPout Out of the operational amplifier. To implement a feedback control loop this pin can be connected to the RIGN pin by means an appropriate circuitry. 6 OPin- Inverting Input of the operational amplifier. 7 OPin+ Non Inverting Input of the operational amplifier. 8 EN1 2/10 Enable 1. This pin (active high), forces the device in a latched shutdown state (like in the under voltage conditions). There are two ways to resume normal operation: - the first is to reduce the supply voltage below the undervoltage threshold and then increase it again until the valid supply is recognised. - the second is activating EN2 input. The enable 1 is especially designed for strong fault (e.g. in case of lamp disconnection). L6574 PIN DESCRIPTION (continued) N Pin Function 9 EN2 Enable 2. EN2 input (active high) restarts the start-up procedure (preheating and ignition sequence). This features is useful if the lamp does not turn-on after the first ignition sequence . 10 GND Ground. 11 LVG Low Side Driver Output. This pin must be connected to the low side power MOSFET gate of the half bridge. A resistor connected between this pin and the power MOS gate can be used to reduce the peak current. 12 VS Supply Voltage. This pin, connected to the supply filter capacitor, is internally clamped (15.6V typical). 13 N.C. Non Connected. This pin set a distance between the pins related to the HV and those related to the LV side. 14 OUT High Side Driver Floating Reference. This pin must be connected close to the source of the high side power MOS or IGBT. 15 HVG High Side Driver Output. This pin must be connected to the high side power MOSFET gate of the half bridge. A resistor connected between this pin and the power MOS gate can be used to reduce the peak current. 16 VBOOT Bootstrapped Supply Voltage. Between this pin and VS must be connected the bootstrap capacitor. A patented integrated circuitry replaces the external bootstrap diode, by means of a high voltage DMOS, synchronously driven with the low side power MOSFET. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol IS Parameter Supply Current (*) VLVG Low Side Output VOUT High Side Reference VHVG High Side Output VBOOT Floating Supply Voltage dVBOOT/dt VBOOT pin Slew rate (repetitive) Value Unit 25 mA -0.3 to Vs +0.3 V -1 to VBOOT -18 V -1 to VBOOT V -1 to 618 V 50 V/ns 50 V/ns Vir Forced Input Voltage (pins Ring, Rpre) -0.3 to 5 V Vic Forced Input Voltage (pins Cpre, Cf) -0.3 to 5 V VEN1, VEN2 Enable Input Voltage -0.3 to 5 V IEN1, IEN2 Enable Input Current 3 mA dVOUT/dt OUT pin Slew Rate (repetitive) Vopc Sense Op Amp Common Mode Range -0.3 to 5 V Vopd Sense Op Amp Differential Mode Range 5 V Vopo Sense Op Amp Output Voltage (forced) 4.6 V Tstg, Tj Storage Temperature -40 to +150 C Tamb Ambient Temperature -40 to +125 C (*) The device has an internal Clamping Zener between GND and the VCC pin, it must not be supplied by a Low Impedance Voltage Source. Note: ESD immunity for pins 14, 15 and 16 is guaranteed up to 900V (Human Body Model) 3/10 L6574 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol VS Parameter Value Unit 10 to VCL V -1 to VBOOT-VCL V 500 V Supply Voltage VOUT (*) High Side Reference VBOOT (*) Floating Supply Voltage (*) If the condition Vboot - Vout < 18 is guaranteed, Vout can range from -3 to 580V. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTCS (VS = 12V; VBOOT-VOUT = 12V; Tamb = 25C) Symbol Pin Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Vs Turn On Threshold 9.5 10.2 10.9 V Vsuvn Vs Turn Off Threshold 7.3 8 8.7 V Vsuvh Supply Voltage Under Voltage Hysteresys Supply Voltage Vsuvp 12 2.2 Vcl Supply Voltage Clamping 14.6 Isu Start Up Current VS < Vsuvn Iq Quiescent Current, fout = 60kHz, no load. VS > Vsupv 15.6 V 16.6 V 250 A 2 mA High voltage Section Ibootleak 16 BOOT pin leakage current VBOOT = 580V 5 A Ioutleak 14 OUT pin Leakage Current VOUT = 562V 5 A High/Low Side Drivers Ihvgso 15 High Side Driver Source Current VHVG-VOUT = 0 170 250 mA Ihvgsi 15 High Side Driver Sink Current VHVG-VBOOT = 0 300 450 mA Ihvgso 11 Low Side Drive Source Current VLVG-GND = 0 170 250 mA Ilvgsi 11 Low Side Drive Source Current VLVG-VS = 0 300 450 mA trise 15, 11 Low/High Side Output Rise Time Cload = 1nF 80 120 ns Low/High Side Output Fall Time Cload = 1nF 50 80 ns 48 50 52 % tfall Oscillator DC 14 Output Duty Cycle fing 14 Minimum Output Oscillation Frequency CF = 470pF; Ring = 50k 58.2 60 61.8 kHz fpre 14 Maximum Output Oscillation Frequency CF = 470pF; Ring = 50k; Rpre = 47k 114 120 126 kHz Vref 2,4 Voltage to current converters threshold 1.9 2 2.1 V IVref 2,4 Reference Current 120 A td 14 Dead Time between Low and High Side Conduction 1.7 s 4/10 0 0.8 1.25 L6574 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTCS (continued) (VS = 12V; VBOOT-VOUT = 12V; Tamb = 25C) Symbol Pin Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Timing Section kpre 1 kfs Vthpre Pre Heat Timing constant Cpre = 330nF 1.15 1.5 1.85 s/F Frequency Shift Timing Constant Cpre = 330nF 0.115 0.15 0.185 s/F 3.3 3.5 3.7 V 0.1 A Pre Heat Timing Comparator Threshold Sense OP AMP lib 6,7 Vio Rout 5 Input Bias current Input Offset Voltage -10 10 mV Ouput Resistance 200 300 Iout + Sink Output Current Vout = 0.2V 0.5 mA Iout - Source Output Current Vout = 4.5V 0.5 mA Vic 6,7 Common Mode Input Range -0.2 3 V GBW Sense Op Amp Gain Band Width Product 1 MHz Gdc DC Open Loop Gain 80 dB Comparators Enabling Comparators Threshold 0.56 Vhye Enabling Comparators Hysteresis 20 tpulse Minimum Pulse lenght Vthe 8,9 0.6 200 0.64 V 100 mV ns High/Low Side Driving Section: High and low side driving sections provide the proper drive to the external power MOSFET. A high sink/ source driving current (450/250 mA typical) ensures fast switching times when a size 4 external power MOSFET needs to be driven. Bootstrap Section: A patented integrated bootstrap section replaces an external bootstrap diode. This section together with a bootstrap capacitor provides the bootstrap voltage to drive the high side power MOSFET. This function is achieved using a high voltage DMOS driver which is driven synchronously with the low side external power MOSFET. For a safe operation, current flow into the Vboot pin is inhibited, even though ZVS operation may not be ensured. Timing Section: To set the proper preheat time (tpre=kpre*Cpre) for the bulb, a capacitor is connected to the Cpre pin which is charged with a fixed current. During tpre, the output is switching at fpre (see Oscillator Section). When the tpre expires, the Cpre capacitor is discharged and then recharged with a different current. This sets a second time interval tsh (0.1 times the selected preheat time tpre) during which frequency shifting from fpre to fing is performed to ensure lamp ignition. 5/10 L6574 Oscillator Section: A voltage controlled oscillator, with the selected frequencies fpre and fing, drives the output half bridge. Independently selected, fpre is effective during tpre and fing is effective during normal lamp burning. When working open loop, fpre and fing are the highest and lowest allowed oscillation frequencies. Closed loop control of the lamp current under normal operation can be achieved with the L6574. This is accomplished by automatic adjustment of the oscillator frequency. The OP AMP output is fed through a resistor diode network to the Ring pin. See AN 993. OP AMP Section: The integrated OP AMP offers low output impedance, wide bandwidth, high input impedance and wide common mode range. It can be readily used to implement closed loop control (see Oscillator Section) of the lamp current. EN1, EN2 Comparators: Two CMOS comparators, with thresholds set at 0.6 V (typical) are available to implement protection methods (such as overvoltage, lamp removal, etc.). Short pulses (>200nsec) at the comparator inputs are recognized. The EN1 input (active high) forces the L6574 in the shut down state (e.g. LVG low, HVG low, oscillator stopped) in the event of an undervoltage condition. Normal operating condition is resumed after a poweroff power-on sequence or when EN2 input is high. The EN2 input (active high) also restarts a preheat sequence (see timing diagrams). TIMING DIAGRAMS VSUVP VCC LVG HVG EN1 D97IN490 VCC fOUT VSUVP fPRE fING EN2 D97IN491B 6/10 tPRE tSH tPRE tSH L6574 Figure 4. f vs. RPRE, with R ING = 100k Figure 1. fING vs. RING. fING (KHz) D98IN867 f (KHz) D98IN870 RING=100K 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 20 40 60 80 Figure 2. f vs. RPRE, with R ING = 33k f (KHz) 20 100 RING(K) D98IN868 40 60 80 100 RPRE(KH) Figure 5. fING vs. temperature. fING (KHz) D98IN871 RING=33K 80 70 60 60 40 50 20 20 40 60 80 100 RPRE(K) Figure 3. f vs. RPRE, with R ING = 50k f (KHz) D98IN869 40 -50 0 50 100 T(C) Figure 6. fPRE vs. temperature. fPRE (KHz) D98IN872 RING=50K 100 130 80 120 60 110 40 100 20 20 40 60 80 100 RPRE(K) -50 0 50 100 T(C) 7/10 L6574 mm DIM. MIN. TYP. A a1 inch MAX. MIN. TYP. 1.75 0.1 0.25 a2 MAX. 0.069 0.004 0.009 1.6 0.063 b 0.35 0.46 0.014 0.018 b1 0.19 0.25 0.007 0.010 C 0.5 c1 45 (typ.) 9.8 10 0.386 0.394 E 5.8 6.2 0.228 0.244 e 1.27 0.050 e3 8.89 0.350 F (1) 3.8 4 0.150 0.157 G 4.6 5.3 0.181 0.209 L 0.4 1.27 0.016 0.050 S Weight: 0.20gr 0.020 D (1) M OUTLINE AND MECHANICAL DATA 0.62 0.024 SO16 Narrow 8(max.) (1) D and F do not include mold flash or protrusions. Mold flash or potrusions shall not exceed 0.15mm (.006inch). 0016020 8/10 L6574 mm DIM. MIN. a1 0.51 B 0.77 TYP. inch MAX. MIN. TYP. MAX. 0.020 1.65 0.030 0.065 b 0.5 0.020 b1 0.25 0.010 D 20 0.787 E 8.5 0.335 e 2.54 0.100 e3 17.78 0.700 F 7.1 0.280 I 5.1 0.201 L OUTLINE AND MECHANICAL DATA 3.3 0.130 DIP16 Z 1.27 0.050 9/10 L6574 Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners (c) 2003 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved STMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States www.st.com 10/10