5. Safety
The EXA40 has been submitted to independent safety agencies and
has EN60950 and UL1950 Safety approvals. Basic insulation is
provided and the unit is approved for use between the classes of
circuits listed in Table 4.
Table 4 Insulation categories for Basic
The TNV or Telecommunication Voltage definitions are given in Table
V.1 of IEC950 from which EN60950 and UL1950 are derived.
The EXA40 has an approved insulation system that satisfies the
requirements of the safety standards.
In order for the user to maintain the insulation requirements of these
safety standards it is necessary for the required creepage and
clearance distances to be maintained between the input and output.
Creepage is the distance along a surface such as a PCB and for the
EXA40 the creepage requirement between primary and secondary is
1.4mm or 55 thou. Clearance is the distance through air and the
requirement is 0.7mm or 27 thou.
Input Fusing
In order to comply with safety requirements the user must provide a
fuse in the unearthed input line if an earthed input is used. The
reason for putting the fuse in the unearthed line is to avoid earth
being disconnected in the event of a failure. If an earthed input is
not being used then the fuse may be in either input line.
For the 48V input models a 2A Anti-Surge Fuse should be used and
for the 24V models a 3.15A Anti-Surge fuse is required. High
Rupture Capacity (HRC) fuses are recommended.
6. EMC
The EXA40 has been designed to comply with the EMC
requirements of ETSI 300-386-1. It meets the most stringent
requirements of Table 5; Public telecommunications equipment,
locations other than telecommunication centres, High Priority of
Service. Following is the list of standards which apply and which it
has complied with.
Over Temperature Protection
This feature is included as standard in order to protect the converter
and the circuitry it powers from overheating in the event of a
runaway thermal condition such as a fan failure at high
temperatures. or continuous operation above Tmax at full power.
The actual ambient temperature it trips at is dependent on quite a
number of factors The airflow over the unit is the most dominant
parameter. The trip point is also affected by the input voltage,
output trim voltage, user PCB layout, output load and model.
For all models under full load conditions the trip point will be at a
minimum of 75°C in still air using the recommended layout in the
Applications section. Still Air or natural convection is defined as
0.1m/s airflow.
As the load is decreased and the unit is operated at higher
temperatures, the trip point also rises. This trip point will at all times
protect the unit and will be a minimum of 5°C away from the safe
operating temperature of the device.
Current Limit and Short Circuit
All models of the EXA40 have a built in current limit function and full
continuous short circuit protection.
The current limit inception point is dependent on the input voltage,
ambient temperature and has a parametric spread also. For all
models the inception point is typically 140% or 11.2A. It may go as
high as 180% or as low as 100% over all operating conditions and
the lifetime of the product.
None of the specifications are guaranteed when the unit is operated
in an overcurrent condition. The unit will not be damaged in an
overcurrent condition as it will protect itself through the use of the
OTP function before any damage occurs. However the lifetime of
the unit will be reduced.
In short circuit the unit enters a ‘hiccup’ foldback current mode and
may be operated continuously in this condition. The duty cycle of
this hiccup is dependent on input voltage, temperature etc. The
RMS value of the short circuit current is guaranteed to be a
maximum of 12A RMS over all operating conditions and the lifetime
of the product. While the unit is specified to operate into a
continuous short circuit, extended or frequent short circuits will
reduce the lifetime of the converter.
A short circuit is defined as a resistance of 20mΩor less.
Remote On/Off
The remote On/Off function allows the unit to be controlled by an
external signal which puts the module into a low power dissipating
sleep mode. Methods of applying are given in the applications
Output Voltage Adjustment
The output voltage on all models except for the 1.8V output is
trimmable by ±10%. The 1.8V output is asymmetrically trimmable
by +13% and -18%. Details on how to do trim all models are
provided in the applications section.
Application Note
Between And
TNV-1 Circuit Earthed SELV Circuit
Unearthed SELV Circuit
TNV-2 Circuit Earthed SELV Circuit
TNV-3 Circuit Unearthed SELV Circuit or or
TNV-1 Circuit
Earthed or Unearthed Earthed SELV Circuit
Hazardous Voltage ELV Circuit
Secondary Circuit Unearthed Hazardous
Voltage Secondary Circuit
TNV-1 Circuit