Enpirion(R) Power Datasheet EN5364QI 6A PowerSoC Voltage Mode Synchronous Buck PWM DC-DC Converter With Integrated Inductor Description Typical Application Circuit The EN5364QI is a Power Supply on a Chip (PwrSoC) DC to DC converter with integrated inductor, PWM controller, MOSFETS, and compensation providing the smallest possible solution size in a 68 pin QFN module. The switching frequency can be synchronized to an external clock or other EN5364QIs with the added capability of phasing multiple EN5364QIs as desired. Other features include precision ENABLE threshold, pre-bias monotonic start-up, margining, and parallel operation. EN5364QI is specifically designed to meet the precise voltage and fast transient requirements of present and future high-performance applications such as set-top boxes/HD DVRs, LAN/SAN adapter cards, audio/video equipment, optical networking, multi-function printers, test and measurement, embedded computing, storage, and servers. Advanced circuit techniques, ultra high switching frequency, and very advanced, high-density, integrated circuit and proprietary inductor technology deliver highquality, ultra compact, non-isolated DC-DC conversion. Operating this converter requires very few external components. The Altera Enpirion integrated inductor solution significantly helps to reduce noise. The complete power converter solution enhances productivity by offering greatly simplified board design, layout and manufacturing requirements. All Altera Enpirion products are RoHS compliant and lead-free manufacturing environment compatible. VIN 47F VOUT VOUT AVIN 47F ENABLE PGND VFB SS 15nF PGND AGND Figure 1: Typical Application Schematic Features * Integrated Inductor, MOSFETS, Controller in a 8 x 11 x 1.85mm package Wide input voltage range of 2.375V to 6.6V. > 20W continuous output power. High efficiency, up to 93%. Output voltage margining Monotonic output voltage ramp during startup with pre-biased loads. Precision Enable pin for accurate sequencing of power converters and Power OK signal. Programmable soft-start time. Soft Shutdown. 4 MHz operating frequency with ability to synchronize to an external system clock or other EN5364's. Programmable phase delays between synchronized units to allow reduction of input ripple. Master/slave configuration for paralleling multiple EN5364's for greater power output. Under Voltage Lockout, Over-current, Short Circuit, and Thermal Protection RoHS compliant, MSL level 3, 260C reflow. * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 03544 PVIN October 11, 2013 www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E EN5364QI Applications * * * * * Point of load regulation for low-power processors, network processors, DSPs, FPGAs, and ASICs Low voltage, distributed power architectures with 2.5V, 3.3V or 5V, 6V rails Computing, broadband, networking, LAN/WAN, optical, test & measurement A/V, high density cards, storage, DSL, STB, DVR, DTV, Industrial PC Beat frequency sensitive applications * Applications requiring monotonic start-up with pre-bias Ripple voltage sensitive applications Noise sensitive applications Pin compatible with EN5394QI (9A) * * * Ordering Information Part Number EN5364QI EVB-EN5364QI Temp Rating (C) Package -40 to +85 68-pin QFN T&R QFN Evaluation Board PGND SS OCP_ADJ EAOUT VFB AGND POK AVIN ENABLE EN_PB M/S 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 MAR2 S_DELAY VSENSE 62 60 PGND 63 MAR1 PGND 64 1 61 PGND 65 PGND 67 66 PGND 68 Pin Configuration Thermal Pads 70 49 S_IN 48 S_OUT 47 NC PGND 2 PGND 3 PGND 4 46 NC VOUT 5 45 NC VOUT 6 44 NC VOUT 7 43 PVIN VOUT 8 42 PVIN PGND 69 PGND EN5364QI 29 30 31 32 PGND PGND PGND PGND 34 28 PGND PVIN 27 PGND 33 26 NC(SW) PGND 25 NC(SW) PVIN 24 35 NC 15 23 PVIN NC NC 36 22 14 NC PVIN NC 21 37 NC PVIN 13 20 38 VOUT NC 12 19 PVIN VOUT NC 39 18 11 NC PVIN VOUT NC PVIN 40 17 41 10 16 9 VOUT NC VOUT Figure 2: Pinout Diagram (Top View). All perimeter pins must be soldered to PCB. 2 03544 October 11, 2013 www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E EN5364QI Pin Descriptions PIN 1-4, 27-33, 64-68 5-13 14-24, 44-47 25-26 34-43 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61-62 63 69, 70 NAME PGND FUNCTION Input/Output power ground. Connect these pins to the ground electrode of the input and output filter capacitors. See VOUT and PVIN descriptions for more details. Regulated converter output. Connect to the load, and place output filter capacitor(s) between these pins and PGND pins 1-4 and 64-68. NO CONNECT: These pins must be soldered to PCB but not be electrically connected to each other or to any external signal, voltage, or ground. These pins may be NC connected internally. Failure to follow this guideline may result in device damage. NO CONNECT: These pins are internally connected to the common switching node of the internal MOSFETs. They must be soldered to PCB but not be electrically NC(SW) connected to any external signal, ground, or voltage. Failure to follow this guideline may result in device damage. Input power supply. Connect to input power supply, place input filter capacitor(s) PVIN between these pins and PGND pins 27-33. Clock Output. Depending on the mode, either a clock signal or the PWM signal is S_OUT output on this pin. These signals are delayed by a time that is related to the resistor connected between S_DELAY and AGND. Leave this pin floating if not needed. Clock Input. Depending on the mode, this pin accepts either an input clock to S_IN synchronize the internal switching frequency or the S_OUT signal from another EN5364QI. Leave this pin floating if it is not used. This is a Ternary Input. Floating the pin disables parallel operation. A low level M/S configures the device as Master and a High level configures the device as a slave. This is the Enable Pre-Bias Input. When this pin is pulled high, the Device will support EN_PB monotonic start-up under a pre-biased load. There is a 150k pull-down on this pin. This is the Device Enable pin. A high level enables the device while a low level ENABLE disables the device. AVIN Input power supply for the controller. Needs to be connected to VIN at a quiet point. Power OK is an open drain transistor for power system state indication. POK is a logic high when VOUT is with -10% to +20% of VOUT nominal. Being an open drain POK output allows several devices to be wired to logically AND the function. Size pull-up resistor to limit current to 4mA when POK is low. AGND Ground return for the controller. Needs to be connected to a quiet ground. External Feedback input. The feedback loop is closed through this pin. A voltage VFB divider at VOUT is used to set the output voltage. The mid-point of the divider is connected to VFB. The control loop regulates to make the VFB node voltage 0.6V. EAOUT Optional Error Amplifier output. Allows for customization of the control loop. When this pin is pulled to AGND, the overcurrent protection trip point is increased by OCP_ADJ approximately 30%. Leave floating for default OCP threshold (see Electrical Characteristics table). Tie this pin to AGND for pin compatibility with the EN5394. A soft-start capacitor is connected between this pin to AGND. The value of the SS capacitor controls the soft-start interval and startup time. A resistor is connected between this pin and AGND. The value of the resistor controls S_DELAY the delay in S_OUT. This pin can be left floating if the S_OUT function is not used. These are 2 ternary input pins. Each pin can be a logical Lo, Logical Hi or Float condition. 7 of the 9 states are used to modulate the output voltage by 0%, 2.5%, MAR1, 5% or 10%. The 8th state is used to by-pass the delay in S_OUT. See Functional MAR2 Description section. VSENSE This pin senses VOUT when the device is placed in the Back-feed (or Pre-bias) mode. Device thermal pads to be connected to the system gnd plane. See Layout PGND Recommendations section. VOUT 3 03544 October 11, 2013 www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E EN5364QI Absolute Maximum Ratings CAUTION: Absolute Maximum ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation beyond recommended operating conditions is not implied. Stress beyond absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. PARAMETER Voltages on PVIN, AVIN, VOUT Voltages on VSENSE, ENABLE, EN_PB, POK, Voltages on VFB, EAOUT, SS, S_IN, S_OUT, OCP_ADJ Voltages on MAR1, MAR2, M/S Storage Temperature Range Maximum Operating Junction Temperature Reflow Temp, 10 Sec, MSL3 JEDEC J-STD-020A ESD Rating (based on Human Body Model) SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS VIN -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -65 7.0 VIN + 0.3 2.7 3.6 150 150 260 2000 V V V V C C C V TSTG TJ-ABS MAX Recommended Operating Conditions PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS Input Voltage Range VIN 2.375 6.6 V Output Voltage Range VOUT 0.60 VIN - VDO V Output Current ILOAD 0 6 A Operating Ambient Temperature TA -40 +85 C Operating Junction Temperature TJ -40 +125 C VDO (drop-out voltage) is defined as (ILOAD x Dropout Resistance). Please see Electrical Characteristics table. Thermal Characteristics PARAMETER SYMBOL TYP Thermal Resistance: Junction to Ambient (0 LFM) JA 16 Thermal Resistance: Junction to Case JC 1 Thermal Shutdown Trip Point TSD +150 Thermal Shutdown Trip Point Hysteresis TSDH 20 Based on a four-layer board and proper thermal design in line with JEDEC EIJ/JESD 51 Standards. 4 03544 October 11, 2013 UNITS C/W C/W C C www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E EN5364QI Electrical Characteristics NOTE: VIN=5.5V over operating temperature range unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = 25C. PARAMETER Input Voltage Under Voltage Lock out threshold Shut-Down Supply Current SYMBOL VIN VUVLOR VUVLOF IS Feedback Pin Voltage VFB Feedback Pin Input Leakage Current 1 IFB Line Regulation Load Regulation Temperature Regulation VOUT_LINE VOUT_LOAD VOUT_TEMP VOUT Rise Time T RISE Rise Time Accuracy1 Output Dropout Voltage1 Resistance1 Maximum Continuous Output Current2 Current Limit Threshold ENABLE pin: Disable Threshold Enable Threshold T RISE IOUT_MAX_CONT ENABLE Lock-out time tENLO ENABLE Pin Input Current Switching Frequency External S_IN Clock Frequency Lock Range S_IN Threshold - Low S_IN Threshold - High S_OUT Threshold - Low S_OUT Threshold - High S_IN Duty Cycle for External Synchronization1 S_IN Duty Cycle for Parallel Operation1 Phase Delay vs. S_Delay Resistor value VDO RDO IOCP VDISABLE VENABLE COMMENTS TYP 2.375 MAX UNITS 6.6 V VIN Increasing VIN Decreasing 2.2 2.1 V ENABLE=0V 250 A 2.375V VIN 6.6V, ILOAD = 1A; T A = 25C 0.588 0.600 -5 2.375V VIN 6.6V 0A ILOAD 6A -40C TEMP 85C Measured from when VIN VUVLOR & ENABLE pin crosses logic high threshold. (4.7nF CSS 100nF) 4.7nF CSS 100nF 0.612 V 5 nA 0.035 -0.04 0.001 %/V %/A %/C CSS x 65k -25 VINMIN - VOUT at Full Load Input to Output Resistance 240 40 +25 % 480 80 mV m 6 OCP_ADJ floating 2.375V VIN 6.6V ENABLE pin logic low ENABLE pin logic high Time for device to re-enable after a falling edge on ENABLE pin A 10.5 A 1.0 1.30 1.00 V 2 ms IENABLE VIN = 5.5V 50 A F SWITCH Free Running frequency Frequency Range of S_IN Input Clock S_IN Clock low level S_IN Clock high level S_OUT Clock low level S_OUT Clock high level 4 MHz F PLL_LOCK VS_IN_LO VS_IN_HI VS_OUT_LO VS_OUT_HI 3.6 4.4 MHz 1.8 0.8 2.5 0.5 V V V V 1.8 SYDC_SY NC M/S Pin Float or Low 20 80 % SYDC_PWM M/S Pin High 10 90 % DEL Delay in ns / k Delay in phase angle / k @ 4MHz switching frequency 5 03544 MIN October 11, 2013 2 3 ns www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E EN5364QI Phase Delay between S_IN and S_OUT 1 DEL Phase Delay between S_IN and S_OUT 1 Phase Delay Accuracy1 DEL Pre-Bias Level VPB Non-Monotonicity POK Lower Threshold as a percent of VOUT3 POK Upper Threshold as a percent of VOUT3 POK Falling Edge Deglitch Delay4 POK Output Low Voltage POK Output High Voltage Ternary Pin Logic Low5 Ternary Pin Logic High5 Ternary Pin Input Current (see Figure 5)5 Binary Input Logic Low Threshold6 Binary Input Logic High Threshold6 VPB_NM POKLT POKUT Phase delay programmable via resistor connected from S_Delay to AGND. Delay By-Pass Mode (MAR1 floating, MAR2 high) Allowable Pre-Bias as a fraction of programmed output voltage (subject to a minimum of 300mV) Allowable non monotonicity VOUT rising VOUT falling VOUT rising VOUT falling VPOKL VPOKH VT-Low With 4mA current sink into POK 2.375V VIN 6.6V Tie pin to GND VT-High Pull up to VIN through an external resistor REXT - see Figure 5. ITERN VIN = 2.375V, REXT = 3.32k VIN = 3.3V, REXT = 15k VIN = 5.0V, REXT = 24.9k VIN = 6.6V, REXT = 49.9k 20 150 ns 10 ns -20 20 % 20 85 % 50 92 90 120 115 mV 60 s % % 0.4 VIN 0 see Input Current below 50 70 100 85 VB-Low V V V A 0.8 VB-High 1.8 NOTES: 1. Parameter guaranteed by design. 2. Maximum output current may need to be de-rated, based on operating condition, to meet TJ requirements. 3. POK threshold when VOUT is rising is nominally 92%. This threshold is 90% when VOUT is falling. After crossing the 90% level, there is a 256 clock cycle (~50us) delay before POK is de-asserted. The 90%, 92%, 115%, and 120% levels are nominal values. Expect these thresholds to vary by 3%. 4. On the falling edge of VOUT below 90% of programmed value, POK response is delayed for the duration of the deglitch delay time. Any VOUT glitch shorter than the deglitch time is ignored. 5. M/S, MAR1, and MAR2 are ternary. Ternary pins have three logic levels: high, float, and low. These pins are only meant to be strapped to VIN through an external resistor, strapped to GND, or left floating. Their state cannot be changed while the device is on. 6. Binary input pins are EN_PB and OCP_ADJ. 6 03544 October 11, 2013 www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E EN5364QI 90 90 80 80 Efficiency (%) Efficiency (%) Typical Performance Characteristics 70 60 V IN = 3.3V 50 40 60 V IN = 5V 50 40 30 30 20 0 1 2 3 4 Load (Am ps) 5 6 Efficiency VIN = 3.3V VOUT (From top to bottom) = 2.5, 1.8, 1.2, 1.0V 0 1 2 3 4 Load (Am ps) 5 6 Efficiency VIN = 5.0V VOUT (From top to bottom) = 3.3, 2.5, 1.8, 1.2, 1.0V 20 MHz BW limit 500 MHz BW Output Ripple: VIN = 3.3V, VOUT = 1.2V, Iout = 6A CIN = 2 x 22F/1206, COUT = 47F/1206 + 10uF/0805 Output Ripple: VIN = 3.3V, VOUT = 1.2V, Iout = 6A CIN = 2 x 22F/1206, COUT = 47F/1206 + 10uF/0805 20 MHz BW limit 500 MHz BW Output Ripple: VIN = 5.0V, VOUT = 1.2V, Iout = 6A CIN = 2 x 22F/1206, COUT = 47F/1206 + 10uF/0805 Output Ripple: VIN = 5.0V, VOUT = 1.2V, Iout = 6A CIN = 2 x 22F/1206, COUT = 47F/1206 + 10uF/0805 7 03544 70 October 11, 2013 www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E EN5364QI Load Transient: VIN = 5.0V, VOUT = 1.2V Ch.1: VOUT, Ch.4: ILOAD 0 6A (slew rate 10A/S) CIN 50F, COUT 50F RA = 150k , CA = 27pF (see Figure 4) Load Transient: VIN = 3.3V, VOUT = 1.2V Ch.1: VOUT, Ch.4: ILOAD 0 6A (slew rate 10A/S) CIN 50F, COUT 50F RA = 100k , CA = 47pF (see Figure 4) Power Up/Down at No Load: VIN/VOUT = 5.0V/1.2V, 15nF soft-start capacitor, Ch.1: ENABLE, Ch.2: VOUT, Ch.3; POK Power Up/Down into 0.2 load: VIN/VOUT = 5.0V/1.2V, 15nF soft-start capacitor, Ch.1: ENABLE, Ch.2: VOUT, Ch.3; POK Delay (ns) Delay vs. S_Delay Resistance 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 S_Delar R (kohm) ENABLE Lockout Operation Ch.1: ENABLE, Ch2: VOUT Delay vs. S_Delay Resistance 8 03544 October 11, 2013 www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E EN5364QI Block Diagram S_OUT M_S PVIN S_IN To PLL Digital I/O UVLO MAR1/2 Thermal Limit Current Limit P-Drive Over Voltage NC(SW) VOUT (-) PWM Comp (+) N-Drive EAOUT PLL / Sawtooth Generator PGND Compensation Network (-) VFB Error Amp (+) ENABLE SS Reference Voltage selector Soft Start EN_PB EAOUT MAR1 power Good Logic POK Bandgap Reference MAR2 Figure 3. System Block Diagram Functional Description Synchronous Buck Converter The EN5364QI is a synchronous, programmable power supply with integrated power MOSFET switches and integrated inductor. The nominal input voltage range is 2.375-6.6V. The output voltage is programmed using an external resistor divider network. The feedback control loop is a type III, voltage-mode, and the device uses a low-noise PWM topology. Up to 6A of continuous output current can be drawn from this converter. The 4MHz operating frequency enables the use of small-size input and output capacitors. The power supply has the following protection features: * Over-current protection with hiccup mode. * Short Circuit protection. * Thermal shutdown with hysteresis. 9 03544 October 11, 2013 www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E EN5364QI * Under-voltage lockout circuit to disable the converter output when the input voltage is less than approximately 2.2V Enable Operation The ENABLE pin provides a means to start normal operation or to shut down the device. A logic high will enable the converter into normal operation. When the ENABLE pin is asserted (high) the device will undergo a normal soft start. A logic low will disable the converter. A logic low will power down the device in a controlled manner and the device is subsequently shut down. The device will remain shut-down for the duration of the ENABLE lockout time (see Electrical Characteristics Table). If the ENABLE signal is re-asserted during this time, the device will power up with a normal soft-start at the end of the ENABLE lockout time. The Enable threshold is a precision Analog voltage rather than a digital logic threshold. Precision threshold along with choice of soft-start capacitor helps to accurately sequence multiple power supplies in a system. Frequency Synchronization The switching frequency of the DC/DC converter can be phase-locked to an external clock source to move unwanted beat frequencies out of band. To avail this feature, the ternary input M/S pin should be floating or pulled low. The internal switching clock of the DC/DC converter can then be phase locked to a clock signal applied to S_IN pin. An activity detector recognizes the presence of an external clock signal and automatically phase-locks the internal oscillator to this external clock. Phase-lock will occur as long as the input clock frequency is within 10% of the free running frequency (see Electrical Characteristics table). When no clock signal is present, the device reverts to the free running frequency of the internal oscillator. The external clock input may be swept between 3.6 MHz and 4.4 MHz at repetition rates of up to 10 kHz in order to reduce EMI frequency components. load currents greater than device maximum rating. The device is set in Master mode by pulling the ternary M/S pin low or in Slave mode by pulling M/S pin high to VIN through an external resistor. When this pin is in Float state, parallel operation is not possible. In master mode, the internal PWM signal is output on the S_OUT pin. This PWM signal from the Master can be fed to one or more Slave devices at its S_IN input. The Slave device acts like an extension of the power FETs in the Master. As a practical matter, paralleling more than 4 devices may be very difficult from the view point of maintaining very low impedance in VIN and VOUT lines. The table below summarizes the different configurations for the S_IN and S_OUT pins depending on the condition of the M/S pin: When M/S pin is: High (Slave) Low (Master) S_IN input should be: S_OUT from Master External Sync input if needed (NC for internal clock) S_OUT is Same duty equal to cycle as (subject to S_IN S_DELAY): Same duty cycle as internal PWM Float S_IN or internal clock Please contact Altera Power Applications support for more information on Master / Slave operation. Phase Delay In all cases, S_OUT can be delayed with respect to internal switching clock or the clock applied to S_IN. Multiple EN5364QI devices on a system board may be daisy chained to reduce or eliminate input ripple as well as avoiding beat frequency components. The EN5364QIs can all be phase locked by feeding S_OUT of one device into S_IN of the next device in a daisy chain. All the switchers now run at a common frequency. The delay is controlled by the value of a resistor connected between S_DELAY and AGND pins. The magnitude of this delay as a function of S_DELAY resistor is shown in the Electrical Characteristics table. See Figures 6 and 7 for an example of using phase delay. Master / Slave Parallel Operation Multiple EN5364QI devices may be connected in parallel in a Master/Slave configuration to handle Margining Using MAR1 and MAR2 pins, the nominal output 10 03544 October 11, 2013 www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E EN5364QI voltage can be increased / decreased by 2.5, 5 or 10% for system compliance, reliability or other tests. The POK threshold voltages scale with the margined output voltages. The following table provides the possible combinations: MAR1 Float Low High Low High Low High Float Float MAR2 Float Low Low High High Float Float High Low Output Modulation 0% -2.5% +2.5% -5% +5% -10% +10% 0%, Delay Bypass Reserved Note: Low means tie to GND. High means tie to VIN as shown in Figure 5. As shown above, when MAR1 is floating, and MAR2 is high, the device enters the delay bypass mode. In this mode, the delay from the internal clock or S_IN to S_OUT is almost eliminated (see Electrical Characteristics table). Soft-Start Operation The SS pin in conjunction with a small external capacitor between this pin and AGND provides the soft start function to limit the in-rush current during start-up. During start-up of the converter the reference voltage to the error amplifier is gradually increased to its final level as an internal current source of typically 10uA charges the soft start capacitor. The typical soft-start time for the output to reach regulation voltage, from when AVIN > VUVLO and ENABLE crosses its logic high threshold, is given by: TSS = (CSS * 65K) 25% Where the soft-start time TSS is in seconds and the soft-start capacitance CSS is in Farads. Typically, around 15nF is recommended. The soft-start capacitor should be between 4.7nF and 100nF. A proper choice of SS capacitance can be used advantageously for power supply sequencing using the precision Enable threshold. During a soft-start cycle, when the soft-start capacitor voltage reaches 0.60V, the output has reached its programmed regulation range. Note that the soft-start current source will continue to charge the SS capacitor beyond 0.6V. During normal operation, the soft-start capacitor will charge to a final value of ~1.5V. Soft-Shutdown Operation When the Enable signal is de-asserted, the softstart capacitor is discharged in a controlled manner. Thus the output voltage ramps down gradually. The internal circuits are kept active for the duration of soft-shutdown, thereafter they are deactivated. Pre-Bias Operation When EN_PB is asserted, the device will support a monotonic output voltage ramp if the output capacitor is charged to a pre-bias level. Proprietary circuit ensures the output voltage ramps monotonically from pre-bias voltage to the programmed output voltage. Monotonic start-up is guaranteed by design for pre-bias voltages between 20% and 85% of the programmed output voltage. This feature is not supported when ENABLE is tied to VIN. POK Operation The POK signal indicates if the output voltage is within a specified range. The POK signal is asserted when the rising output voltage crosses 92% (nominal) of the programmed output voltage. POK is de-asserted ~50us (256 clock cycles) after the falling output voltage crosses 90% (nominal) of the programmed voltage. POK is also de-asserted if the output voltage exceeds 120% of the programmed output. If the feedback loop is broken, POK will remain de-asserted (output < 92% of programmed value), and the output voltage will equal the input voltage. If however, there is a short across the PFET, and the feedback is in place, POK will be de-asserted as an over voltage condition. The power NFET is also turned on, resulting in a large input supply current. This in turn is expected to trip the OCP of the EN5364QI input power supply. POK is an open drain output. It requires an external pull up. Multiple EN5364QI's POK pins may be connected to a single pull up. The open drain NFET is designed to sink up to 4mA. The 11 03544 October 11, 2013 www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E EN5364QI pull-up resistor value should be accordingly for when POK is logic low. chosen Input Under-Voltage Lock-Out (UVLO) When the input voltage is below a required voltage level (VUVLO) for normal operation, the converter switching is inhibited. The lock-out threshold has hysteresis to prevent chatter. UVLO is implemented to ensure that operation does not begin before there is adequate voltage to properly bias all internal circuitry. Over-Current Protection (OCP) The current limit and short-circuit protection is achieved by sensing the current flowing through a sense P-FET. When the sensed current exceeds the current limit, both NFET and PFET switches are turned off. If the over-current condition is removed, the over-current protection circuit will re-enable the PWM operation. If the over-current condition persists, the circuit will continue to protect the device. The OCP trip point is nominally set to 175% of maximum rated load. In the event the OCP circuit trips, the device enters a hiccup mode. The device is disabled for ~10msec and restarted with a normal soft-start. This cycle can continue indefinitely as long as the over current condition persists. During soft-start at power up or fault recovery, the hiccup mode is disabled and the device has cycle-by-cycle current limiting. Thermal Overload Protection Thermal shutdown will disable operation when the Junction temperature exceeds approximately 150C. Once the junction temperature drops by approximately 20C, the converter will re-start with a normal soft-start. Compensation The EN5364 uses of a type III compensation network. Most of this network is integrated. However a phase lead capacitor is required in parallel with upper resistor of the external divider network (see Figure 4). This network results in a wide loop bandwidth and excellent load transient performance. It is optimized for around 50F of output filter capacitance at the voltage sensing point. Additional decoupling capacitance may be placed beyond the voltage sensing point outside the control loop. Voltage-mode operation provides high noise immunity at light load. Further, voltage-mode control provides superior impedance matching to ICs processed in sub 90nm technologies. In exceptional cases modifications to the compensation may be required. The EN5364QI provides the capability to modify the control loop response to allow for customization for specific applications. For more information, contact Altera Power Applications support. Application Information Output Voltage Programming VOUT The EN5364 output voltage is determined by the voltage presented at the VFB pin. This voltage is set by way of a resistor divider between VOUT and AGND with the midpoint going to VFB. A phase lead capacitor CA is also required for stabilizing the loop. Figure 4 shows the required components and the equations to calculate their values. Please note the equations below are written to optimize the control loop as a function of input voltage. R A = 30,000 x Vin (value in ) RA CA = 4.72 x 10 -6 RA (C A /R A in F/) Round C A down to closest RB VFB standard value lower than calculated value. RB = V FB x R A (VOUT - V FB ) V FB is 0.6V nominal Figure 4: Output voltage resistor divider and phaselead capacitor calculation. The equations need to be followed in the order written above. 12 03544 CA October 11, 2013 www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E EN5364QI Input Capacitor Selection The EN5364QI requires between 20-40uF of input capacitance. Low ESR ceramic capacitors are required with X5R or X7R dielectric formulation. Y5V or equivalent dielectric formulations must not be used as these lose capacitance with frequency, temperature and bias voltage. In some applications, lower value ceramic capacitors may be needed in parallel with the larger capacitors in order to provide high frequency decoupling. Description MFG P/N Murata GRM31CR71A106KA01L Taiyo Yuden LMK316B7106KL-T Murata GRM31CR61A226ME19L Taiyo Yuden LMK316BJ226ML-T Murata GRM31CR60J476ME19L Taiyo Yuden JMK212BJ476ML-T Output Capacitor Selection The EN5364 has been optimized for use with about 50F of output filter capacitance. Up to 100F can be placed at the voltage sensing point. Additional capacitance may be placed beyond the voltage sensing point outside the control loop. For the output filter, low ESR X5R or X7R ceramic capacitors are required. Y5V or equivalent dielectric formulations must not be used as these lose capacitance with frequency, temperature and bias voltage. Recommended Output Capacitors Description 47uF, 6.3V, 20% X5R, 1206 (1 capacitor needed) 10uF, 6.3V, 10% X5R, 0805 (Optional 1 capacitor in parallel with 47uF above) MFG Placing multiple capacitors in parallel reduces the impedance and hence will result in lower ripple voltage. 1 Z Total P/N Murata GRM31CR60J476ME19L Taiyo Yuden JMK212BJ476ML-T Murata GRM21BR60J106KE19L Taiyo Yuden JMK212BJ106KG-T Output ripple voltage is primarily determined by the aggregate output capacitor impedance. At the 4MHz switching frequency, the capacitor impedance, denoted as Z, is comprised mainly of effective series resistance, ESR, and effective series inductance, ESL: 1 1 1 + + ... + Z1 Z 2 Zn Typical ripple versus capacitor arrangement is given below: Typical Output Ripple (mVp-p) (as measured on EN5364QI Evaluation Board) 1x47uF 30mV 1x47uF + 1x10uF 15mV 20 MHz bandwidth limit Ternary Pin Inputs The three ternary pins MAR1, MAR2, and M/S have three possible states. In the Low state, the pins are to be tied to GND. In the floating state, nothing is to be connected to the pins. In the High state, they are to be tied to VIN through an external resistor REXT in order to limit the input current to the pin (see Figure 5). The Electrical Characteristics table lists, as a function of VIN, some recommended values for REXT , and the resulting input currents. Frequency Sync & Phase Delay The EN5364 can be synchronized to an external clock source or to another EN5364 in order to eliminate unwanted beat frequencies. Furthermore, two or more synchronized EN5364's can have a programmable phase delay with respect to each other to minimize input voltage ripple and noise. An example of synchronizing three EN5364's with approximately equal phase delay between them is shown in Figures 6 and 7. The lowest allowable value for the S_DELAY resistor is 10k. Power Up/Down Sequencing During power-up, ENABLE should not be asserted before PVIN, and PVIN should not be asserted before AVIN. The PVIN should never be powered when AVIN is off. During power 13 03544 = Output Capacitor Configuration Recommended Input Capacitors 10uF, 10V, 10% X7R, 1206 (2-4 capacitors needed) 22uF, 10V, 20% X5R, 1206 (1-2 capacitors needed) 47uF, 6.3V, 20% X5R, 1206 (1 capacitor needed) Z = ESR + ESL. October 11, 2013 www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E EN5364QI down, the AVIN should not be powered down before the PVIN. Tying PVIN and AVIN or all three pins (AVIN, PVIN, ENABLE) together during power up or power down meets these requirements. 2.5V R1 100k Rext To Gates 250 VIN D1 Figure 5: Equivalent circuit of a ternary pin (MAR1, MAR2, or M/S) input buffer. To get a logic High on a ternary input, pull the pin to VIN through an external resistor REXT. See Electrical Characteristics table for some recommended REXT values as a function of VIN and the resulting input currents. R2 100k Vf ~ 2V R3 3k AGND IC Package VIN C1 VFB EN5364 R6 R5 VOUT C2 VFB OUT3 R8 C3 EN5364 EN5364 R1 P/AVIN OUT2 S_OUT P/AGND S_DELAY VOUT P/AGND R4 S_IN S_OUT S_DELAY OUT1 VOUT VFB P/AVIN S_IN S_OUT P/AGND S_IN S_DELAY EXT_CLK X1_2 X1_1 P/AVIN X1 R2 R7 R3 R9 GND Figure 6: Example of synchronizing multiple EN5364QIs in a daisy chain with phase delay. VDRAIN- 1 Delay ~ 140 VDRAIN- 2 VDRAIN- 3 Delay ~ 120 Figure 7: Example of a possible way to synchronize and use delays advantageously to minimize input ripple. R1 ~ 39k , R2 ~ 33k. (Refer to Figure 6 for R1 and R2.) R3 does not matter in this case. 14 03544 October 11, 2013 www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E EN5364QI Layout Recommendations - RA and RB are voltage programming resistors. - CA is used for loop compensation. - CSS is the soft-start capacitor. - AGND via is also a test point. - Test point added for EAOUT. Figure 8: Critical Components and Layer 1 Copper for Minimum Footprint Figure 8 above shows critical components and layer 1 traces of the recommended EN5364 layout for minimum footprint with ENABLE tied to VIN. Alternate ENABLE configurations, and other small signal pins need to be connected and routed according to specific customer application. Please see the Gerber files at www.altera.com/enpirion for exact dimensions and other layers. Recommendation 1: Input and output filter capacitors should be placed on the same side of the PCB, and as close to the EN5364QI package as possible. They should be connected to the device with very short and wide traces. Do not use thermal reliefs or spokes when connecting the capacitor pads to the respective nodes. The +V and GND traces between the capacitors and the EN5364QI should be as close to each other as possible so that the gap between the two nodes is minimized, even under the capacitors. thermal pads underneath the component must be connected to the system ground plane through as many vias as possible. The drill diameter of the vias should be 0.33mm, and the vias must have at least 1 oz. copper plating on the inside wall, making the finished hole size around 0.20-0.26mm. Do not use thermal reliefs or spokes to connect the vias to the ground plane. This connection provides the path for heat dissipation from the converter. Please see figures: 8, 9, and 10. Recommendation 4: Multiple small vias (the same size as the thermal vias discussed in recommendation 3) should be used to connect ground terminal of the input capacitor and output capacitors to the system ground plane. It is preferred to put these vias along the edge of the GND copper closest to the +V copper. These vias connect the input/output filter capacitors to the GND plane, and help reduce parasitic inductances in the input and output current loops. Recommendation 2: The system ground plane referred to in recommendations 2 and 3 should be the first layer immediately below the surface layer. This ground plane should be continuous and un-interrupted below the converter and the input/output capacitors. Recommendation 5: AVIN is the power supply for the small-signal control circuits. It should be connected to the input voltage at a quiet point. In Figure 8 this connection is made at the input capacitor. Recommendation 3: The large and small Recommendation 6: The layer 1 metal under 15 03544 October 11, 2013 www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E EN5364QI the device must not be more than shown in Figure 8. See the section regarding exposed metal on bottom of package. As with any switch-mode DC/DC converter, try not to run sensitive signal or control lines underneath the converter package on other layers. Recommendation 7: The VOUT sense point should be just after the last output filter capacitor. Keep the sense trace short in order to avoid noise coupling into the node. Recommendation 8: Keep RA, CA, and RB close to the VFB pin (see Figures 4 and 8). The VFB pin is a high-impedance, sensitive node. Keep the trace to this pin as short as possible. Whenever possible, connect RB directly to the AGND pin instead of going through the GND plane. Thermal Considerations The Altera Enpirion EN5364QI DC-DC converter is packaged in an 11 x 8 x 1.85mm 68-pin QFN package. The QFN package is constructed with copper lead frames that have exposed thermal pads. The recommended maximum junction temperature for continuous operation is 125C. Continuous operation above 125C will reduce long-term reliability. The device has a thermal overload protection circuit designed to shut it off at an approximate junction temperature value of 150C. The silicon is mounted on a copper thermal pad that is exposed at the bottom of the package. There is an additional thermal pad in the corner of the package which provides another path for heat flow out from the package. The thermal resistance from the silicon to the exposed thermal pads is very low. In order to take advantage of this low resistance, the exposed thermal pads on the package should be soldered directly on to a copper ground pad on layer 1 of the PCB. The PCB then acts as a heat sink. In order for the PCB to be an effective heat sink, the device thermal pads should be coupled to copper ground planes using multiple vias (refer to Layout Recommendations section). The junction temperature, TJ, is calculated from the ambient temperature, TA, the device power dissipation, PD, and the device junction-toambient thermal resistance, JA in C/W: temperature, TC, and the device junction-tocase thermal resistance, JC in C/W, as follows: TJ = TC + (PD)(JC) The device case temperature, TC, is the temperature at the center of the larger exposed thermal pad at the bottom of the package. The device junction-to-ambient and junction-tocase thermal resistances, JA and JC, are shown in the Thermal Characteristics table. The JC is a function of the device and the 68pin QFN package design. The JA is a function of JC and the user's system design parameters that include the thermal effectiveness of the customer PCB and airflow. The JA value shown in the Thermal Characteristics table is for free convection with the device heat sunk (through the thermal pads) to a copper plated four-layer PC board with a full ground and a full power plane following JEDEC EIJ/JESD 51 Standards. The JA can be reduced with the use of forced air convection. Because of the strong dependence on the thermal effectiveness of the PCB and the system design, the actual JA value will be a function of the specific application. When operating on a board with the JA of the thermal characteristics table, no thermal deratings are needed to operate all the way up to maximum output current. TJ = TA + (PD)(JA) The junction temperature, TJ, can also be expressed in terms of the device case 16 03544 October 11, 2013 www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E EN5364QI Design Considerations for Lead-Frame Based Modules Exposed Metal on Bottom of Package Lead-frames offer many advantages in thermal performance, in reduced electrical lead resistance, and in overall foot print. However, they do require some special considerations. In the assembly process lead frame construction requires that, for mechanical support, some of the lead-frame cantilevers be exposed at the point where wire-bond or internal passives are attached. This results in several small pads being exposed on the bottom of the package, as shown in Figure 9. Only the two thermal pads and the perimeter pads are to be mechanically or electrically connected to the PC board. The PCB top layer under the EN5364QI should be clear of any metal (copper pours, traces, or vias) except for the two thermal pads. The "grayed-out" area in Figure 9 represents the area that should be clear of any metal on the top layer of the PCB. Any layer 1 metal under the grayed-out area runs the risk of undesirable shorted connections even if it is covered by soldermask. One exposed pad in the grayed-out area can have VIN metal under it as noted in Figure 9. Figure 10 demonstrates the recommended PCB footprint for the EN5364QI. Figure 11 shows the package dimensions. VIN copper covered by soldermask acceptable under this exposed pad. Figure 9: Lead-Frame exposed metal. Grey area highlights exposed metal that is not to be mechanically or electrically connected to the PCB. 17 03544 October 11, 2013 www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E EN5364QI PCB Footprint and Package Dimensions Figure 10: EN5364QI PCB Footprint (Top View) The solder stencil aperture for the thermal pad is shown in blue and is based on Enpirion power product manufacturing specifications. 18 03544 October 11, 2013 www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E EN5364QI Figure 11. Package Dimensions Contact Information Altera Corporation 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Phone: 408-544-7000 www.altera.com (c) 2013 Altera Corporation--Confidential. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, ENPIRION, HARDCOPY, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at www.altera.com/common/legal.html. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. 19 03544 October 11, 2013 www.altera.com/enpirion Rev E