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Dimensions shown in inches (mm)
Specifications and dimensions subject to change
DPK (83733-Style)
Additional Product Overview (continued)
Test Data - Table II (continued)
All subject test specimens, connector components, materials, accessories and contacts covered by this report satisfied and/or exceeded the specified requirement.
Test or Environment Test Level or Special Requirements Parameters Limits Measured Values or Comments
THERMAL SHOCK Mated condition. Five continuous cycles of temperature change. 30
mins. exposure at each temp. extreme constitutes one cycle. Transfer
time between chambers 2 mins. max. temp. extremes: - 54 ± 3°C
and 200 ± 3°C (-65 +_ 5.4°F and 392 ± 5.4°F).
Withstand temperature cycling. No
No apparent damage.
CRIMP POTENTIAL DROP 20% of the contacts in each connector measured. Test circuit per
Fig. 2 measured across points X-X and X’-X’.
Contact/Wire-size Test Current (Adc)
22D/28 1.5
22D/22 5.0
Max. crimp potential drop:
Wire Size M.V.
28 2.8
22 7.0
Crimp mV drop range.
DPKA (sockets)
Adc Range Avg.
1.5 1.7-2.1 1.8
(Pins) 1.5 1.1-1.6 1.3
DPKB (Sockets)
Adc Range Avg.
5.0 1.8-2.4 2.1
(Pins) 5.0 1.4-1.8 1.5
Mated condition. 50% of contact complement measured. Performed
at simulated altitude of 70,000 ft. (33.7 mm Hg pressure) Test
voltage 825 Vac/rms-60 Hz, applied between adjacent contact pairs
and each contact and connector shell.
Same as at sea level conditions. No evidence of breakdown or flashover. Leakage ≤.5mA.
(Ganged Parallel test circuits)
TEMP.[200°C (392°F)]
Unmated condition. 50% of contact complement measured.
Test points identical to those measured at 25°C (77°F). Oven
ambient controlled at 200°C (392°F). Stabilization period
30 minutes minimum.
204 Megohms minimum at 500 Vdc.
Electrification time 120 secs. maximum,
Insul. Res. range (ohms) [200°C (392°F)]
Adj. Cont. Cont./Shell
1.4G-10G 2.4G-4.0G
0.75G-10G 2.26G-5.0G
(Ganged parallel test circuits)
VIBRATION (RANDOM) Method 214, Test condition II, Letter ‘G’. Test level envelope per
figure and table 214-2. Contact circuit series wired for current
discontinuity monitoring. Eight hours duration in each of three
mutually perpendicular axes. Connector mating depth .450 (11.43)
panel spacing.
No current discontinuity ≥1.0 microsec.
No cracking, breaking or loosening of
connector parts.
Connectors met random vibration requirements. No electrical
discontinuity detected.
PHYSICAL SHOCK Mated condition, .450 111.43) panel spacing. Shock pulse duration
11 ± 1mS, waveshape terminal peak sawtooth, peak amplitude
20g. Contact circuit series wired for current discontinuity
monitoring. One shock pulse in each of three mutually perp. axes.
No current discontinuity ≥1.0 microsec.
No cracking, breaking or loosening of
connector parts.
Connectors met physical shock requirements. No electrical
discontinuity or damage detected.
MOISTURE RESISTANCE Method 106, (Step 7b omitted) Mated condition. 10 days humidity
and temperature cycling. At end Step 6 final cycle at 25°C (77°F) and
90-98% RH insulation resistance measured 100% between each and
all other contacts and the shell in parallel circuit.
Insulation resistance at final humidity cycle
102 Megohms minimum at 50 Vdc.
Insul. Res. range (ohms ) final humidity cycle.
1.66-500G 1.6-500G
Avg: 224G Avg: 190G
ALTITUDE IMMERSION Mated condition. Immersed in 5% salt solution by weight. Unsealed
wire ends exposed to chamber atmosphere. Simulated test altitude
75,000 ft, (1.0 inch Hg). 30 mins. at altitude followed by 15 mins.
at room ambient, Repeat for total of 3 cycles. Insul. res. and OWV
measured 100% of contact complement at room ambient and
Insulation resistance 1.2 Gigohm minimum
at 5 Vdc. DWV 1350 Vac/rms - 60 Hz,
electrification time 60 secs. minimum. No
breakdown, flashover or leakage ≤2 mA,
Final insul. Res ranges (ohms).
1.5T-4.5T 0.7-3.5T
Avg. 1.9T Avg: 1.3T
DWV - No evidence of breakdown or flashover Leakage ≤2 mA.
INSERT RETENTION Unmated. 46 1bf/in2. pressure lead applied to each inert face at 5
46 1bf/in2. maintained for 5 secs. min. at specified load.
No insert dislocation from normal position
in the connector shell.
No evidence of insert movement and/or dislocation from normal
OZONE EXPOSURE Unmated. Ozone concentration 0.010 to 0.015 percent by volume.
Exposure period 2 hours minimum at room temperature.
No deterioration. No evidence of ozone effects.
FLUID IMMERSION Fluid immersion rest fluids and procedures per Table 4:
No. Test Fluid
4-1P/R MIL-L-7808
4-2P/R MIL-L-23699
4-4P/R MIL-H-5606
4-5P/R MIL-A-8243
4-6P/R MIL-C-25769
4-7P/R MIL-T-5624 (JP-5)
4-8P/R Coolanol-25
4-9P/R Regular (Leaded commercial auto-gasoline
4-10P/R Solvent (a) MIL-STD-202)
4-11P/R Solvent (b) MIL-STD-202)
4-12P/R Solvent (c) MIL-STD-202)
No detrimental damage of effects to
connector performance.
Mate and unmate forces after fluid
immersion 175 1bf max.
Other than evidence of normal light swelling of the connector
resillent seals, the samples did not exhibit any detrimental
affects. Mateability was not impaired.
After Fluid Immersion
Mating/Unmating forces
DPKA Mate Unmated DPKB Mate Unmated
4-1P/R 125 27 4-7P/R 138 71
4-2P/R 125 31 4-8P/R 141 57
4-3P/R 127 35 4-9P/R 137 63.5
4-4P/R 132 35 4-10P/R 145 76
4-5P/R 132 63 4-11P/R 150 81
4-6P/R 123 55 4-12P/R 148 86
GOLD PLATING POROSITY Unwired, unassembled contact bodies. One part (by volume)
concentrated Nitric Acid (S.G.-l.42) to one part distilled water.
30 secs. minimum immersion period.
No visible reaction (bubbles forming)
to reagent.
No evidence of reaction to reagent.
Wired mated condition, with contacts under specific load: #22D (5
lbs.); #20 (7.5 lbs.);16 (12.5 lbs.). A current of 100 MA was applied
during life of test. Test duration, 1000 hours at temperature of
+ 200°C (392°F).
Withstand temp life. No damage. No
discontinuity higher than 1.0 microsecond.
No contact dislodging under load.
No evidence of contact dislodging and/or electrical discontinuity of 1.0
microsecond or greater during the specified temperature life exposure
under contact loading conditions. All post test requirements were met.