Test Description Requirement Procedure
Rev A 3 of 7
Physical shock. No discontinuities of 1 microsecond
or longer duration.
See Note.
AMP Spec 109-26-1.
Subject mated specimens to 50 G's
half-sine shock pulses of 11
milliseconds duration. Three shocks
in each direction applied along 3
mutually perpendicular planes, 18
total shocks.
See Figure 5.
Durability. See Note. AMP Spec 109-27.
Manually mate and unmate
specimens friction lock headers for
15 cycles at maximum rate of 10
cycles per minute.
Mating force. Two pounds maximum per contact. AMP Spec 109-42, Condition A.
Measure force necessary to mate
specimens with friction lock headers
a distance of .200 inch from point of
initial contact at a maximum rate of
.5 inch per minute.
Unmating force. .80 pound minimum per contact. AMP Spec 109-42, Condition A.
Measure force necessary to unmate
specimens from friction lock
headers at a maximum rate of .5
inch per minute.
Crimp tensile. Wire Size Crimp Tensile
(AWG) (Lbs minimum)
22 11
24 10
26 7
Measure crimp tensile at a
maximum rate of 1 inch per minute.
Thermal shock. See Note. AMP Spec 109-22.
Subject mated specimens to 10
cycles between -55 and 105°C.
Humidity/temperature cycling. See Note. AMP Spec 109-23-3, Condition B.
Subject mated specimens to 10
cycles between 25 and 65°C at 95%
Temperature life. See Note. AMP Spec 109-43.
Subject mated specimens to
temperature life at 105°C for 792
Mixed flowing gas. See Note. AMP Spec 109-85-2.
Subject mated specimens to
environmental class II for 14 days.
Shall meet visual requirements, show no physical damage and shall meet requirements of
NOTE additional tests as specified in Test Sequence in Figure 2.
Figure 1 (end)