End cover-D-SSK 0525 KER-0201061
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End cover, length:38 mm, width:4.2 mm, color:gray, insulation material: ceramic
Product description
End cover, length:38 mm, width:4.2 mm, color:gray, insulation material: ceramic
Key commercial data
Packing unit 1
Minimum order quantity 50
Catalog page Page 503 (CL1-2011)
Weight per piece (including packing) 0.0 GRM
Weight per Piece (excluding packing) 16.92 GRM
Country of origin GERMANY
Technical data
Product type End cover
Approval GOST
eClass 4.0 27141199
eClass 4.1 27141199
eClass 5.0 27141145
eClass 5.1 27141145
eClass 6.0 27141133
ETIM 2.0 EC000886
ETIM 3.0 EC000886
ETIM 4.0 EC000886