High Performance, Digital Output Gyroscope ADXRS450 Data Sheet FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION Complete rate gyroscope on a single chip 300/sec angular rate sensing High vibration rejection over a wide frequency range Excellent 25/hour null offset stability Internally temperature compensated 2000 g powered shock survivability SPI digital output with 16-bit data-word Low noise and low power 3.3 V and 5 V operation -40C to +105C operation Ultrasmall, light, and RoHS compliant Two package options Low cost SOIC_CAV package for yaw rate (Z-axis) response Innovative ceramic vertical mount package, which can be oriented for pitch, roll, or yaw response The ADXRS450 is an angular rate sensor (gyroscope) intended for industrial, medical, instrumentation, stabilization, and other high performance applications. An advanced, differential, quad sensor design rejects the influence of linear acceleration, enabling the ADXRS450 to operate in exceedingly harsh environments where shock and vibration are present. APPLICATIONS The ADXRS450 is available in a cavity plastic 16-lead SOIC (SOIC_CAV) and an SMT-compatible vertical mount package (LCC_V), and is capable of operating across both a wide voltage range (3.3 V to 5 V) and temperature range (-40C to +105C). The ADXRS450 uses an internal, continuous self-test architecture. The integrity of the electromechanical system is checked by applying a high frequency electrostatic force to the sense structure to generate a rate signal that can be differentiated from the baseband rate data and internally analyzed. The ADXRS450 is capable of sensing angular rate of up to 300/sec. Angular rate data is presented as a 16-bit word, as part of a 32-bit SPI message. Rotation sensing medical applications Rotation sensing industrial and instrumentation High performance platform stabilization FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM HIGH VOLTAGE GENERATION PDD ADXRS450 LDO REGULATOR HV DRIVE Z-AXIS ANGULAR RATE SENSOR Q DAQ P DAQ ADC 12 DECIMATION FILTER DEMOD TEMPERATURE CALIBRATION FAULT DETECTION Q FILTER REGISTERS/MEMORY ALU CLOCK PHASEDIVIDER LOCKED LOOP AMPLITUDE DETECT BAND-PASS FILTER DVDD AVDD SPI INTERFACE MOSI MISO SCLK CS DVSS ST CONTROL PSS EEPROM AVSS 08952-001 CP5 VX Figure 1. Rev. B Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 www.analog.com Fax: 781.461.3113 (c)2011 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. ADXRS450 Data Sheet TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1 Mechanical Considerations for Mounting.............................. 10 Applications....................................................................................... 1 Applications Circuits ................................................................. 10 General Description ......................................................................... 1 ADXRS450 Signal Chain Timing............................................. 10 Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 1 SPI Communication Protocol....................................................... 12 Revision History ............................................................................... 2 Command/Response ................................................................. 12 Specifications..................................................................................... 3 SPI Communications Characteristics...................................... 13 Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................ 4 SPI Applications ......................................................................... 14 Thermal Resistance ...................................................................... 4 SPI Rate Data Format..................................................................... 19 Rate Sensitive Axis ....................................................................... 4 Memory Map and Registers .......................................................... 20 ESD Caution.................................................................................. 4 Memory Map .............................................................................. 20 Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions............................. 5 Memory Register Definitions ................................................... 21 Typical Performance Characteristics ............................................. 7 Package Orientation and Layout Information............................ 23 Theory of Operation ........................................................................ 9 Package Marking Codes ............................................................ 25 Continuous Self-Test.................................................................... 9 Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 26 Applications Information .............................................................. 10 Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 27 Calibrated Performance............................................................. 10 REVISION HISTORY 12/11--Rev. A to Rev. B Changes to the Rate Sensitive Axis Section .................................. 4 Changes to Figure 5.......................................................................... 6 Changes to Figure 28...................................................................... 23 Deleted Figure 31, Renumbered Sequentially ............................ 24 Changes to Back Side Terminals Notation, Figure 34 ............... 26 6/11--Rev. 0 to Rev. A Changes to Ordering Guide .......................................................... 28 1/11--Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. B | Page 2 of 28 Data Sheet ADXRS450 SPECIFICATIONS Specification conditions @ TA = TMIN to TMAX, PDD = 5 V, angular rate = 0/sec, bandwidth = 80 Hz 1 g, continuous self-test on. Table 1. Parameter MEASUREMENT RANGE SENSITIVITY Nominal Sensitivity Sensitivity Tolerance Nonlinearity 1 Cross Axis Sensitivity 2 NULL Null Accuracy NOISE PERFORMANCE Rate Noise Density LOW-PASS FILTER Cut-Off (-3 dB) Frequency Group Delay 3 SHOCK AND VIBRATION IMMUNITY Sensitivity to Linear Acceleration Vibration Rectification SELF TEST Magnitude Fault Register Threshold Sensor Data Status Threshold Frequency ST Low-Pass Filter -3 dB Frequency Group Delay3 SPI COMMUNICATIONS Clock Frequency Voltage Input High Voltage Input Low Output Voltage Low Output Voltage High Pull-Up Current MEMORY REGISTERS Temperature Sensor Value at 45C Scale Factor Quad, ST, Rate, DNC Registers Scale Factor POWER SUPPLY Supply Voltage Quiescent Supply Current Turn-On Time TEMPERATURE RANGE 1 2 3 Test Conditions/Comments Full-scale range See Figure 2 Symbol FSR Min 300 Typ 80 3 0.05 3 Best fit straight line TA = 25C f0/200, see Figure 6 f = 0 Hz fLP tLP 3.25 DC to 5 kHz Max 400 0.25 Unit /sec LSB//sec % % FSR rms % 3 /sec 0.015 /sec/Hz 80 4 4.75 0.03 0.003 Hz ms /sec/g /sec/g2 See Continuous Self-Test section 2559 Compared to LOCST data Compared to LOCST data f0/32 2239 1279 fST 2879 3839 500 f0/800, see Figure 7 52 2 64 0.85 x PDD -0.3 MOSI, CS, SCLK MOSI, CS, SCLK MISO, current = 3 mA MISO, current = -2 mA 76 50 70 Hz ms 8.08 PDD + 0.3 PDD x 0.15 0.5 MHz V V V V 200 300 A A PDD - 0.5 CS, PDD = 3.3 V, CS = 0.75 x PDD CS, PDD = 5 V, CS = 0.75 x PDD LSB LSB LSB Hz See the Memory Register Definitions section Power on to 0.5/sec of final Independent of package type PDD IDD 3.15 TMIN, TMAX -40 LSB LSB/C 80 LSB//sec 6.0 100 Maximum limit is guaranteed through Analog Devices, Inc., characterization. Cross axis sensitivity specification does not include effects due to device mounting on a printed circuit board (PCB). Minimum and maximum limits are guaranteed by design. Rev. B | Page 3 of 28 0 5 5.25 10.0 +105 V mA ms C ADXRS450 Data Sheet ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS RATE SENSITIVE AXIS Table 2. Parameter Acceleration (Any Axis, 0.5 ms) Unpowered Powered Supply Voltage (PDD) Output Short-Circuit Duration (Any Pin to Ground) Temperature Range Operating LCC_V Package SOIC_CAV Package Storage LCC_V Package SOIC_CAV Package Rating 2000 g 2000 g -0.3 V to +6.0 V Indefinite The ADXRS450 is available in two package options. The SOIC_CAV package configuration is for applications that require a z-axis (yaw) rate sensing device. The vertical mount package (LCC_V) option is for applications that require rate sensing in the axes parallel to the plane of the PCB (pitch and roll). See Figure 2 for details. RATE AXIS -40C to +125C -40C to +125C + -65C to +150C -40C to +150C THERMAL RESISTANCE JA is specified for the worst-case conditions, that is, for a device soldered in a printed circuit board (PCB) for surface-mount packages. 9 SOIC PACKAGE JC 25 23 + LCC_V PACKAGE Figure 2. Rate Signal Increases with Clockwise Rotation The LCC_V package has terminals on two faces; however, the terminals on the back side are for internal evaluation only and should not be used in the end application. The terminals on the bottom of the package incorporate metallization bumps that ensure a minimum solder thickness for improved solder joint reliability. These bumps are not present on the back side terminals and, therefore, poor solder joint reliability can be encountered if used in the end application. See Figure 34 in the Outline Dimensions section for a schematic of the LCC_V package. ESD CAUTION Table 3. Thermal Resistance JA 191.5 185.5 RATE AXIS 08952-002 16 Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Package Type 16-Lead SOIC_CAV 14-Lead Ceramic LCC_V Z-AXIS Unit C/W C/W Rev. B | Page 4 of 28 Data Sheet ADXRS450 DVDD 1 16 SCLK RSVD 2 15 MOSI RSVD 3 14 AVDD CS 4 13 DVSS MISO 5 12 RSVD PDD 6 11 AVSS PSS 7 10 RSVD VX 8 9 ADXRS450 TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) CP5 08952-003 PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Figure 3. SOIC_CAV Pin Configuration Table 4. 14-Lead SOIC_CAV Pin Function Descriptions Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Mnemonic DVDD RSVD RSVD CS MISO PDD PSS VX CP5 RSVD AVSS RSVD DVSS AVDD MOSI SCLK Description Digital Regulated Voltage. See Figure 21 for the applications circuit diagram. Reserved. This pin must be connected to DVSS. Reserved. This pin must be connected to DVSS. Chip Select. Master In/Slave Out. Supply Voltage. Switching Regulator Ground. High Voltage Switching Node. See Figure 21 for the applications circuit diagram. High Voltage Supply. See Figure 21 for the applications circuit diagram. Reserved. This pin must be connected to DVSS. Analog Ground. Reserved. This pin must be connected to DVSS. Digital Signal Ground. Analog Regulated Voltage. See Figure 21 for the applications circuit diagram. Master Out/Slave In. SPI Clock. Rev. B | Page 5 of 28 3 4 5 6 7 TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) 08952-005 RSVD 8 RSVD VX 9 CS 11 10 CP5 AVDD DVSS 2 12 SCLK 1 MOSI 13 DVDD PSS 14 MISO PDD Data Sheet AVSS ADXRS450 9 10 11 12 13 14 CS DVSS MOSI PDD 1 (Not to Scale) NOTES 1. THE LCC_V PACKAGE HAS TWO TERMINALS ON TWO FACES; HOWEVER, THE TERMINALS ON THE BACK SIDE ARE FOR INTERNAL EVALUATION ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED IN THE END APPLICATION. THE TERMINALS ON THE BOTTOM OF THE PACKAGE INCORPORATE METALLIZATION BUMPS THAT ENSURE A MINIMUM SOLDER THICKNESS FOR IMPROVED SOLDER JOINT RELIABILITY. THESE BUMPS ARE NOT PRESENT ON THE BACK SIDE TERMINALS AND, THEREFORE, POOR SOLDER JOINT RELIABILITY CAN BE ENCOUNTERED IF USED IN THE END APPLICATION. SEE THE OUTLINE DIMENSIONS SECTION FOR A SCHEMATIC OF THE LCC_V PACKAGE. Figure 5. LCC_V Pin Configuration, Horizontal Layout Table 5. 14-Lead LCC_V Pin Function Descriptions Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Mnemonic AVSS AVDD MISO DVDD SCLK CP5 RSVD RSVD VX CS DVSS MOSI PSS PDD Description Analog Ground. Analog Regulated Voltage. See Figure 22 for the applications circuit diagram. Master In/Slave Out. Digital Regulated Voltage. See Figure 22 for the applications circuit diagram. SPI Clock. High Voltage Supply. See Figure 22 for the applications circuit diagram. Reserved. This pin must be connected to DVSS. Reserved. This pin must be connected to DVSS. High Voltage Switching Node. See Figure 22 for the applications circuit diagram. Chip Select. Digital Signal Ground. Master Out/Slave In. Switching Regulator Ground. Supply Voltage. Rev. B | Page 6 of 28 08952-037 2 PSS 5 4 3 AVSS 8 SCLK DVDD MISO AVDD CP5 6 VX 7 RSVD RSVD Figure 4. LCC_V Pin Configuration Data Sheet ADXRS450 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 0.40 0.20 0.18 0.35 0.16 % OF POPULATION % OF POPULATION 0.30 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.04 2.0 NULL ERROR (/sec) 0 -2.0 08952-006 1.6 1.2 -1.6 -1.2 0.25 0.25 Figure 8. SOIC_CAV Sensitivity Error @ 25C 2.5 3.0 08952-010 08952-029 2.0 1.5 1.0 -0.5 0 2.0 1.5 1.0 0 0.5 -0.5 -1.0 3.0 08952-008 2.5 2.0 0 1.5 0 1.0 0.05 0 0.05 -1.5 0.10 -2.5 0.10 0.15 -3.0 0.15 0.5 2.5 0.20 -0.5 3.0 0.20 % OF POPULATION 0.25 -1.0 2.0 Figure 10. LCC_V Null Drift over Temperature 0.25 -1.5 1.6 NULL DRIFT ERROR (/sec) Figure 7. SOIC_CAV Null Drift over Temperature CHANGE IN SENSITIVITY (%) -0.5 -3.0 3.0 NULL DRIFT ERROR (/sec) 08952-007 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 -0.5 0 -1.0 0 -1.5 0.05 -2.0 0.05 -2.5 1.2 0.10 -1.0 0.10 -2.0 0.8 0.15 -1.5 0.15 -2.5 0.4 0.20 -2.0 0.20 -2.5 % OF POPULATION 0.30 -3.0 0 Figure 9. LCC_V Null Error @ 25C 0.30 -3.0 % OF POPULATION Figure 6. SOIC_CAV Null Error @ 25C % OF POPULATION -0.8 -0.4 NULL ERROR (/sec) -2.0 0.8 0.4 0 -0.4 -0.8 -1.2 -1.6 -2.0 0 08952-009 0.05 0.02 CHANGE IN SENSITIVITY (%) Figure 11. LCC_V Sensitivity Error @ 25C Rev. B | Page 7 of 28 ADXRS450 Data Sheet 0.45 0.30 0.40 0.25 % OF POPULATION % OF POPULATION 0.35 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 3 Figure 15. LCC_V Sensitivity Drift over Temperature 40 60 DUT1 DUT2 DUT AVERAGE (/s) REF GYRO OUTPUT (/s) 20 (g2/Hz) 0.1 0 1k 2k 3k 4k 5k 6k VIBRATION FREQUENCY (Hz) 30 0 20 -10 10 -20 0 -30 -10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 -20 0.40 0.35 TIME (sec) Figure 13. Typical Response to Random Vibration, 15 g rms, 50 Hz to 5 kHz Figure 16. Typical Shock Response 3 N = 16 2 1 0 -1 -30 -10 10 30 50 70 90 110 DUT TEMPERATURE (C) 08952-032 -2 N = 16 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -50 -30 -10 10 30 50 70 90 110 DUT TEMPERATURE (C) Figure 17. Sensitivity over Temperature, Device Soldered to PCB Figure 14. Null Output over Temperature, Device Soldered on PCB Rev. B | Page 8 of 28 08952-035 SENSITIVITY OVER TEMPERATURE ERROR 3 -3 -50 40 10 -40 0.1 08952-031 0.01 50 INPUT ACCELERATION (g) 30 08952-034 1 NULL OUTPUT ERROR 2 CHANGE IN SENSITIVITY (%) Figure 12. SOIC_CAV Sensitivity Drift over Temperature 0.001 1 0 -1 -3 08952-030 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 DRIFT (%) -2 0 0 08952-033 0.05 Data Sheet ADXRS450 THEORY OF OPERATION The ADXRS450 operates on the principle of a resonator gyroscope. A simplified version of one of four polysilicon sensing structures is shown in Figure 18. Each sensing structure contains a dither frame that is electrostatically driven to resonance. This produces the necessary velocity element to produce a Coriolis force when experiencing angular rate. In the SOIC_CAV package, the ADXRS450 is designed to sense a z-axis (yaw) angular rate; whereas the vertical mount package (LCC_V) orients the device such that it can sense pitch or roll angular rate on the same PCB. CONTINUOUS SELF-TEST When the sensing structure is exposed to angular rate, the resulting Coriolis force couples into an outer sense frame, which contains movable fingers that are placed between fixed pickoff fingers. This forms a capacitive pickoff structure that senses Coriolis motion. The resulting signal is fed to a series of gain and demodulation stages that produce the electrical rate signal output. The quad sensor design rejects linear and angular acceleration, including external g-forces and vibration. This is achieved by mechanically coupling the four sensing structures such that external g-forces appear as common-mode signals that can be removed by the fully differential architecture implemented in the ADXRS450. The electromechanical self-test is performed continuously during operation at a rate higher than the output bandwidth of the device. The self-test routine generates equivalent positive and negative rate deflections. This information can then be filtered with no overall effect on the demodulated rate output. The ADXRS450 gyroscope uses a complete electromechanical self-test. An electrostatic force is applied to the gyroscope frame, resulting in a deflection of the capacitive sense fingers. This deflection is exactly equivalent to deflection that occurs as a result of external rate input. The output from the beam structure is processed by the same signal chain as a true rate output signal, providing complete coverage of the electrical and mechanical components. SELF TEST AMPLITUDE. INTERNALLY COMPARED TO THE SPECIFICATION TABLE LIMITS. LOW FREQUENCY RATE INFORMATION. 08952-012 RATE SIGNAL WITH CONTINUOUS SELF TEST SIGNAL. Figure 19. Continuous Self-Test Demodulation X Y 08952-011 Z Figure 18. Simplified Gyroscope Sensing Structure The resonator requires 22.5 V (typical) for operation. Because only 5 V is typically available in most applications, a switching regulator is included on chip. The difference amplitude between the positive and negative self-test deflections is filtered to 2 Hz, and it is continuously monitored and compared to hardcoded self-test limits. If the measured amplitude exceeds these limits (listed in Table 1), one of two error conditions asserts depending on the magnitude of self-test error. For less severe self-test error magnitudes, the CST bit of the fault register is asserted; however, the status bits (ST[1:0]) in the sensor data response remain set to 0b01 for valid sensor data. For more severe self-test errors, the CST bit of the fault register is asserted, and the status bits (ST[1:0]) in the sensor data response are set to 0b00 for invalid sensor data. Table 1 lists the thresholds for both of these failure conditions. If desired, the user can access the self-test information by issuing a read command to the self-test memory register (Address 0x04). For more information about error reporting, see the SPI Communication Protocol section. Rev. B | Page 9 of 28 ADXRS450 Data Sheet APPLICATIONS INFORMATION CALIBRATED PERFORMANCE 1 DVDD 1F Each ADXRS450 gyroscope uses internal EEPROM memory to store its temperature calibration information. The calibration information is encoded into the device during factory test. The calibration data is used to perform offset, gain, and self-test corrections over temperature. By storing this information internally, it removes the burden from the customer of performing system level temperature calibration. SCLK 16 RSVD MOSI RSVD AVDD CS DVSS MISO RSVD 1F GND 3.3V TO 5V PDD AVSS MECHANICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR MOUNTING PSS RSVD Mount the ADXRS450 in a location close to a hard mounting point of the PCB to the case. Mounting the ADXRS450 at an unsupported PCB location (that is, at the end of a lever, or in the middle of a trampoline), as shown in Figure 20, can result in apparent measurement errors because the gyroscope is subject to the resonant vibration of the PCB. Locating the gyroscope near a hard mounting point helps to ensure that any PCB resonances at the gyroscope are above the frequency at which harmful aliasing with the internal electronics can occur. To ensure that aliased signals do not couple into the baseband measurement range, design the module wherein the first system level resonance occurs at a frequency higher than 800 Hz. VX CP5 1F 100nF GND DIODE >24V BREAKDOWN 08952-014 470H GND Figure 21. Recommended Applications Circuit, SOIC_CAV Package 3.3V TO 5V TOP VIEW 1 14 AVSS PDD AVDD PSS MISO MOSI DVDD DVSS SCLK CS CP5 VX 1F 1F 1F GYROSCOPE PCB GND MOUNTING POINTS 08952-013 100nF GND RSVD 470H RSVD Figure 20. Incorrectly Placed Gyroscope Figure 21 and Figure 22 show the recommended application circuits for the ADXRS450 gyroscope. These application circuits provide a connection reference for the available package types. Note that DVDD, AVDD, and PDD are individually connected to ground through 1 F capacitors; do not connect these supplies together. Additionally, an external diode and inductor must be connected for proper operation of the internal shunt regulator. These components (listed in Table 6) allow for the internal resonator drive voltage to reach its required level, as listed in the Specifications section. Table 6. Internal Shunt Regulator Components Component Inductor Diode Capacitor Capacitor Qty. 1 1 3 1 Description 470 H >24 V breakdown voltage 1 F 100 nF DIODE >24V BREAKDOWN 08952-015 GND APPLICATIONS CIRCUITS Figure 22. Recommended Applications Circuit, Ceramic LCC_V Package ADXRS450 SIGNAL CHAIN TIMING The ADXRS450 primary signal chain is shown in Figure 23; it is the series of necessary functional circuit blocks through which the rate data is generated and processed. This sequence of electromechanical elements determines how quickly the device is capable of translating an external rate input stimulus into an SPI word to be sent to the master device. The group delay, which is a function of the filter characteristic, is the time required for the output of the low-pass filter to be within 10% of the external rate input, and is seen to be ~4 ms. Additional delay can be observed due to the timing of SPI transactions and the population of the rate data into the internal device registers. Figure 23 anatomizes this delay, wherein the delay through each element of the signal chain is presented. Rev. B | Page 10 of 28 Data Sheet ADXRS450 The transfer function for the rate data LPF is given as 1 - Z -64 -1 1- Z The transfer function for the continuous self-test LPF is given as 1 64 - 63Z -1 2 where: 16 T= = 1ms (typ) f0 where: 1 1 = f 0 16 kHz (typ) PRIMARY SIGNAL CHAIN 4ms GROUP DELAY <5s DELAY BAND-PASS FILTER ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT <5s DELAY ADC 12 DEMOD RATE DATA LPF CONTINUOUS SELF-TEST LPF Z-AXIS ANGULAR RATE SENSOR <64ms GROUP DELAY Figure 23. Primary Signal Chain and Associated Delays Rev. B | Page 11 of 28 <2.2ms DELAY SPI TRANSACTION 08952-016 <5s DELAY REGISTERS/MEMORY T= ADXRS450 Data Sheet SPI COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL COMMAND/RESPONSE Input/output is handled through a 32-bit, command/response SPI interface. The command set and the format for the interface is defined as follows: Clock phase = clock polarity = 0 Additionally, the device response to the initial command is 0x00000001. This prevents the transmission of random data to the master device upon the initial command/response exchange. Table 7. SPI Signals Signal Symbol Description Serial Clock Chip Select Master Out Slave In Master In Slave Out Exactly 32 clock cycles during CS active Active low Data sent to the gyroscope device from the main controller Data sent to the main controller from the gyroscope SCLK CS MOSI MISO CS 32 CLOCK CYCLES 32 CLOCK CYCLES COMMAND N COMMAND N + 1 SCLK MOSI RESPONSE N - 1 08952-017 MISO RESPONSE N Figure 24. SPI Protocol Table 8. SPI Commands Command 31 30 29 28 27 Sensor SQ1 SQ0 1 SQ2 Data 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CHK P Read 1 0 0 SM2 SM1 SM0 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 P Write 0 1 0 SM2 SM1 SM0 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 P Table 9. SPI Responses Bit Command 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Sensor SQ2 SQ1 SQ0 P0 ST1 ST0 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Data 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PLL Q NVM POR PWR CST CHK P1 Read 0 1 0 P0 1 1 1 0 SM2 SM1 SM0 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 P1 Write 0 0 1 P0 1 1 1 0 SM2 SM1 SM0 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 P1 R/W Error 0 0 0 P0 1 1 1 0 SM2 SM1 SM0 0 0 SPI RE DU Rev. B | Page 12 of 28 PLL Q NVM POR PWR CST CHK P1 Data Sheet ADXRS450 SPI COMMUNICATIONS CHARACTERISTICS Table 10. SPI Command/Response Timing Characteristics Note the following conditions for Table 10: Symbol fOP * * * * * * * All minimum and maximum timing values are guaranteed through characterization. All timing is shown with respect to 10% VDD and 90% of the actual delivered voltage waveform. All minimum and maximum timing values are valid for 3.0 V VDD 5.5 V. Capacitive load for all signals is assumed to be 80 pF. Ambient temperature is -40C TA +105C. MISO pull-up of 47 k or 110 A. Sequential transfer increases to 17 ms following any write operation limited by the EEPROM. tSCLKH tSCLKL tSCLK tF tR tSU tHIGH tA tV tLAG tDIS tLEAD tLAG tD f0 Rev. B | Page 13 of 28 Description SPI operating frequency Clock (SCLK) high time Clock (SCLK) low time SCLK period Clock (SCLK) fall time Clock (SCLK) rise time Data input (MOSI) setup time Data input (MOSI) hold time Data output (MISO) access time Data output (MISO) valid after SCLK Data output (MISO) lag time Data output (MISO) disable time Enable (CS) lead time Enable (CS) lag time Sequential transfer delay Gyroscope resonant frequency Min Max 8.08 Unit MHz 1/2tSCLK - 13 ns 1/2tSCLK - 13 ns 123.7 5.5 13 ns ns 5.5 13 ns 37 ns 49 ns 20 ns 20 ns 0 ns 40 ns 1/2tSCLK ns 1/2tSCLK ns 0.1 ms 13 19 kHz ADXRS450 Data Sheet appropriate data is shifted into the SPI port registers in preparation for the next sequential command/response exchange. This allows for an exceedingly fast sequential transfer delay of 0.1 ms (see Table 10). As a design precaution, note that the transmitted data is only as recent as the sequential transmission delay implemented by the system. Conditions that result in a sequential transfer delay of several seconds cause the next sequential device response to contain data that is several seconds old. SPI APPLICATIONS Device Data Latching To allow for rapid acquisition of data from the ADXRS450, device data latching has been implemented in the design, as shown in Figure 26. Upon the assertion of chip select (CS), the data present in the device is latched into memory. When the full MOSI command has been received, and CS deasserted, the CS tSCLK tSCLKH tLEAD tSCLKL tR tF tD tLAG SCK tA tLAG tV tDIS MSB MISO LSB tHIGH tSU MOSI LSB 08952-018 MSB Figure 25. SPI Timings DEVICE DATA IS LATCHED AFTER THE ASSERTION OF CS. LATCHED DATA IS TRANSMITTED DURING THE NEXT SEQUENTIAL COMMAND/RESPONSE EXCHANGE. CS 32 CLOCK CYCLES 32 CLOCK CYCLES MOSI COMMAND N 0x... COMMAND N + 1 0x... MISO RESPONSE N - 1 0x00000001 RESPONSE N 0x... Figure 26. Device Data Latching Rev. B | Page 14 of 28 32 CLOCK CYCLES COMMAND N + 2 0x... RESPONSE N + 1 0x... 08952-019 SCLK Data Sheet ADXRS450 Command/Response--Bit Definitions ST1 to ST0 Table 11. Quick Guide--Bit Definitions for SPI Interface The status bits (ST1 and ST0) are used to signal to the master device the type of data contained in the response message. The status bits are decoded as listed in Table 12. Bit SQ2 to SQ0 SM2 to SM0 A8 to A0 D15 to D0 SPI ST1 to ST0 P P0 P1 RE DU Description Sequence bits (from master) Sensor module bits (from master) Register address Data SPI command/response Status bits Command odd parity Response, odd parity, Bits[31:16] Response, odd parity, Bits[31:0] Request error Data unavailable Table 12. Status Bit Code Definitions ST1:ST0 00 01 10 11 SQ2 to SQ0 This field provides the system with a means of synchronizing the data samples that are received from multiple sensors. To facilitate correct synchronization, the ADXRS450 gyroscope includes the SQ[2:0] field in the response sequence as it was received in the request. SM2 to SM0 Sensor module bits from master device. These bits have not been implemented in the ADXRS450, and are hardcoded to be 000 for all occurrences. Content in Bits[D15:D0] Error data for sensor data response Valid sensor data Sensor self-test data Read/write response There are two independent conditions that can result in the ST bits being set to 0b00 during a sensor data response: self-test or PLL. The self-test response is sufficiently different from its nominal value. Refer to the Specifications section for the appropriate limits. When the sensor data response is a PLL, the PLL fault is active. P A parity bit (P) is required for all master-to-slave data transmissions. Communications protocol requires one parity bit to achieve odd parity for the entire 32-bit command. Bits that are in don't care positions remain factored into the parity calculation. P0 P0 is the parity bit that establishes odd parity for Bits[31:16] of the device response. A8 to A0 P1 The A8 to A0 bits represent the memory address from which device data is being read, or to which information is to be written. These bits should only be supplied by the master when the memory registers are being accessed, and are ignored for all sensor data requests. Refer to the Memory Register Definitions section for a complete description of the available memory registers. P1 is the parity bit that establishes odd parity for the entire 32-bit device response. RE RE is the communications error bit transmitted from the ADXRS450 device to the control module. Request errors (RE) can occur when 16-bit device data that can contain any of the following: * * * * D15 to D0 * * * Master--data to be written to a memory register as specified in the A8 to A0 section. Slave--sensor rate output data. Slave--device data read from the memory register specified in the A8 to A0 section, as well as the data from the next sequential register. Slave--for a write command, the 16-bit data that is written to the specified memory register reflects back to the master device for correlation. SPI The SPI bit sets when any of the following occurs: either too many/not enough bits are transmitted, or the message from the control module contains a parity error. Additionally, any error during a sensor data request results in the device issuing a read/write error. An invalid command is sent from the control module. The read/write command specifies an invalid memory register. The write command attempted to a nonwriteable memory register. DU As expressed in Table 10, the sequential transfer delay for writing data to a memory register (for example, DNC0) results in a sequential transfer delay of 0.1 ms. If a successive write command is issued to the device prior to the completion of the sequential transfer delay, the command is ignored and the device issues a data unavailable (DU) error response. However, a read command or sensor data request can be issued after a sequential transfer delay of only 10 s is observed. Regardless of the commands that are subsequently issued to the device, when a write procedure has been initiated, the operation proceeds through to completion (requiring 17 ms). Rev. B | Page 15 of 28 ADXRS450 Data Sheet Fault Register Bit Definitions POR This section describes the bits available for signaling faults to the user. The individual bits of the fault register are updated asynchronously depending on their respective detection criteria; however, it is recommended that the fault register be read at a rate of at least 250 Hz. When asserted, the individual status bit does not deassert until it is read by the master device. If the error persists after a fault register read, the status bit immediately reasserts, and remains asserted until the next sequential command/ response exchange. The full fault register is appended to every sensor data request. It can also be accessed by issuing a read command to Register 0x0A. An internal check is performed at the time of device startup to ensure that the volatile memory of the device is functional. This is accomplished by programming a known value from the device ROM into a volatile memory register. This value is then continuously compared to the known value in ROM every 1 s for the duration of device operation. If the value stored in the volatile memory changes, or does not match the value stored in ROM, the POR error flag is asserted. The value stored in ROM is rewritten to the volatile memory upon a device power cycle. Table 13. Quick Guide--Fault Register Bit Definitions Bit Name PLL Q NVM POR UV Amp PWR CST CHK OV Fail Description PLL failure Quadrature error Nonvolatile memory fault (NVM) Power-on reset failed to initialize Regulator undervoltage Amplitude detection failure Power regulation failed: overvoltage/undervoltage Continuous self-test failure Check: generate faults Regulator overvoltage Failure that sets the ST[1:0] bits to 0b00 PLL PLL is the bit indicating that the device has had a failure in the phase-locked loop functional circuit block. This occurs when the PLL has failed to achieve sync with the resonator structure. If the PLL status flag is active, the ST bits of the sensor data response are set to 0b00, indicating that the response contains potentially invalid rate data. PWR The device performs a continuous check of the internal 3 V regulated voltage level. If either an overvoltage (OV) or undervoltage (UV) fault is asserted, then the power (PWR) bit is also asserted. This condition occurs if the regulated voltage is observed to be either above 3.3 V or below 2.77 V. An internal low-pass filter removes high frequency glitching effects to prevent the PWR bit from asserting unnecessarily. To determine if the fault is a result of an overvoltage or undervoltage condition, the OV and UV fault bits must be analyzed. CST The ADXRS450 is designed with continuous self-test (CST) functionality. Measured self-test amplitudes are compared against the limits presented in Table 1. Deviations from this value are what result in reported self-test errors. There are two thresholds for a self-test failure. * * Q A Q fault can be asserted based on two independent quadrature calculations. Located in the quad memory (Register 0x08) is a value corresponding to the total instantaneous quadrature present in the device. If this value exceeds 4096 LSB, a Q fault is issued. Because quadrature build-up can contribute to an offset error, the ADXRS450 has integrated methods for dynamically cancelling the effects of quadrature. An internal quadrature accumulator records the amount of quadrature correction performed by the ADXRS450. Excessive quadrature is associated with offset errors. A Q fault is issued when the quadrature error (Q) present in the device has contributed to an equivalent of 4/sec (typical) of rate offset. NVM An NVM error transmits to the control module when the internal NVM data fails a checksum calculation. This check is performed once every 50 s, and does not include the DNC0 or PID memory registers. Self-test value > 512 LSB from nominal results in an assertion of the self-test flag in the fault register. Self-test value > 1856 LSB from nominal results in both an assertion of the self-test flag in the fault register as well as setting the ST[1:0] bits to 0b00, indicating that the rate data contained in the sensor data response is potentially invalid. CHK The control module transmits the check (CHK) bit to the ADXRS450 as a method of generating faults. By asserting the CHK bit, the device creates conditions that result in the generation of all faults represented through the fault register. For example, the self-test amplitude is deliberately altered to exceed the fault detection threshold, resulting in a self-test error. In this way, the device is capable of checking both its ability to detect a fault condition, as well as its ability to report that fault to the control module. The fault conditions are initiated nearly simultaneously; however, the timing for receiving fault codes when the CHK bit is asserted is dependent upon the time required to generate each unique fault. It takes no more than 50 ms for all of the internal faults to be generated and for the fault register to be updated to reflect the condition of the device. Until the CHK bit is cleared, the status bits (ST[1:0]) are set to 0b10, indicating that the data should be interpreted by the control module as self-test data. After the CHK bit is Rev. B | Page 16 of 28 Data Sheet ADXRS450 deasserted, the fault conditions require an additional 50 ms to decay, and the device to return to normal operation. OV The overvoltage (OV) fault bit asserts if the internally regulated voltage (nominally 3 V) is observed to exceed 3.3 V. This measurement is low-pass filtered to prevent artifacts such as noise spikes from asserting a fault condition. When an OV fault has occurred, the PWR fault bit is asserted simultaneously. Because the OV fault bit is not transmitted as part of a sensor data request, it is recommended that the user read back the FAULT1 and FAULT0 memory registers upon the assertion of a PWR error. This allows the user to determine the specific error condition. UV The undervoltage (UV) fault bit asserts if the internally regulated voltage (nominally 3 V) is observed to be less than 2.77 V. This measurement is low-pass filtered to prevent artifacts such as noise spikes from asserting a fault condition. When a UV fault has occurred, the PWR fault bit is asserted simultaneously. As the UV fault bit is not transmitted as part of a sensor data request, it is recommended that the user read back the FAULT1 and FAULT0 memory registers upon the assertion of a PWR error. This allows the user to determine the specific error condition. Fail The fail flag is asserted when a condition arises such that the ST[0:1] bits are set to 0b00. This indicates that the device has experienced a gross failure, and that the sensor data could potentially be invalid. Amp The amp fault bit is asserted when the measured amplitude of the silicon resonator has been significantly reduced. This condition can occur if the voltage supplied to CP5 has fallen below the requirements of the internal voltage regulator. This fault bit is OR'ed with the CST fault such that during a sensor data request, the CST bit position represents either an amp failure or a CST failure. The full status register can then be read from memory to validate the specific failure. K-Bit Assertion: Recommended Start-Up Routine Figure 27 illustrates a recommended start-up routine that can be implemented by the user. Alternate start-up sequences can be employed; however, ensure that the response from the ADXRS450 is handled correctly. If implemented immediately after power is applied to the device, the total time to implement the following fault detection routine is approximately 200 ms. As described in the Device Data Latching section, the data present in the device upon the assertion of the CS signal is used in the next sequential command/response exchange. This results in an apparent one transaction delay before the data resulting from the assertion of the CHK command is reported by the device. For all other read/write interactions with the device, no such delay exists, and the MOSI command is serviced during the next sequential command/response exchange. Note that when the CHK bit is deasserted, if the user tries to obtain data from the device before the CST fault flag has cleared, the device reports the data as error data. Rev. B | Page 17 of 28 ADXRS450 Data Sheet MOSI: SENSOR DATA REQUEST THIS CLEARS THE CHK BIT MISO: STANDARD INITIAL RESPONSE MISO: SENSOR DATA RESPONSE DATA LATCH POINT CS X SCLK 32 CLOCK CYCLES MOSI 0x2000003 MISO 0x0000001 t = 100ms POWER IS APPLIED TO THE DEVICE. WAIT 100ms TO ALLOW FOR THE INTERNAL CIRCUITRY TO BE INITIALIZED. ONCE THE 100ms START-UP TIME HAS OCCURRED, THE MASTER DEVICE IS FREE TO ASSERT THE CHK COMMAND AND START THE PROCESS OF INTERNAL ERROR CHECKING. DURING THE FIRST COMMAND/ RESPONSE EXCHANGE AFTER POWER ON, THE ADXRS450 HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ISSUE A PREDEFINED RESPONSE. MOSI: SENSOR DATA REQUEST MISO: CHK RESPONSE ST[1:0] = 0b10 MISO: CHK RESPONSE ST[1:0] = 0b10 X 32 CLOCK CYCLES t = 150ms MOSI: SENSOR DATA REQUEST X 32 CLOCK CYCLES 32 CLOCK CYCLES 0x2000000 0x2000000 0x2000000 0x... 0x...FF OR 0x...FE (PARITY DEPENDENT) 0x...FF OR 0x...FE (PARITY DEPENDENT) t = 200ms A 50ms DELAY IS REQUIRED SO THAT THE GENERATION OF FAULTS WITHIN THE DEVICE IS ALLOWED TO COMPLETE. HOWEVER, AS THE DEVICE DATA IS LATCHED BEFORE THE CHK COMMAND IS ASSERTED, THE DEVICE RESPONSE DURING THIS COMMAND/RESPONSE EXCHANGE DOES NOT CONTAIN FAULT INFORMATION. THIS RESPONSE CAN BE DISCARDED. t = 200ms + tTD ANOTHER 50ms DELAY NEEDS TO BE OBSERVED TO ALLOW THE FAULT CONDITIONS TO CLEAR. IF THE DEVICE IS FUNCTIONING PROPERLY, THE MISO RESPONSE CONTAINS ALL ACTIVE FAULTS, AS WELL AS HAVING SET THE MESSAGE FORMAT TO SELF-TEST DATA. THIS IS INDICATED THROUGH THE ST BITS BEING SET TO 0b10. Figure 27. Recommended Start-Up Sequence Rev. B | Page 18 of 28 t = 200ms + 2tTD THE FAULT BITS OF THE ADXRS450 REMAIN ACTIVE UNTIL CLEARED. DUE TO THE REQUIRED DECAY PERIOD FOR EACH FAULT CONDITION, FAULT CONDITIONS REMAIN PRESENT UPON THE IMMEDIATE DEASSERTION OF THE CHK COMMAND. THIS RESULTS IN A SECOND SEQUENTIAL RESPONSE IN WHICH THE FAULT BITS ARE ASSERTED. AGAIN, THE RESPONSE IS FORMATTED AS SELF-TEST DATA INDICATING THAT THE FAULT BITS HAVE BEEN SET INTENTIONALLY. ALL FAULT CONDITIONS ARE CLEARED, AND ALL SUBSEQUENT DATA EXCHANGES NEED ONLY OBSERVE THE SEQUENTIAL TRANSFER DELAY TIMING PARAMETER. 08952-020 MOSI: SENSOR DATA REQUEST CHK COMMAND ASSERTED Data Sheet ADXRS450 SPI RATE DATA FORMAT The ADXRS450 gyroscope transmits rate data in a 16-bit format, as part of a 32-bit SPI data frame. See Table 9 for the full 32-bit format of the sensor data request response. The rate data is transmitted MSB first, from D15 to D0. The data is formatted as a twos complement number, with a scale factor of 80 LSB//sec. Therefore, the highest obtainable value for positive (clockwise) rotation is 0x7FFF (decimal +32,767), and for counterclockwise rotation is 0x8000 (decimal -32,768). Performance of the device is not guaranteed above 24,000 LSB (300/sec). Table 14. Rate Data 14-Bit Rate Data Decimal (LSBs) Hex (D15:D0) +32,767 0x7FFF ... ... +24,000 0x5DC0 ... ... +160 0x00A0 +80 0x0050 ... ... +40 0x0028 +20 0x0014 ... ... 0 0x 0000 ... ... -20 0xFFEC -40 0xFFD8 ... ... -80 0xFFB0 -160 0xFF60 ... ... -24,000 0xA240 ... ... -32,768 0x8000 Data Type Rate data (not guaranteed) ... Rate data ... Rate data Rate data ... Rate data Rate data ... Rate data ... Rate data Rate data ... Rate data Rate data ... Rate data ... Rate data (not guaranteed) Description Maximum possible positive data value ... +300 degrees per second rotation (positive FSR) ... +2 degrees per second rotation +1 degree per second rotation ... +1/2 degree per second rotation +1/4 degree per second rotation ... Zero rotation value ... -1/4 degree per second rotation -1/2 degree per second rotation ... -1 degree per second rotation -2 degree per second rotation ... -300 degree per second rotation (negative FSR) ... Maximum possible negative data value Rev. B | Page 19 of 28 ADXRS450 Data Sheet MEMORY MAP AND REGISTERS from the next, sequential register to the memory address that was specified. Data is transmitted MSB first. For proper acquisition of data from the memory register, make the read request to the even numbered register address only. Following the memory map (see Table 15) is the explanation of the significance of each memory register. MEMORY MAP The following is a list of the memory registers that are available to be read from or written to by the customer. See the previous section SPI Communication Protocol for the proper input sequence to read/write a specific memory register. Each memory register is comprised of eight bits of data, however, when a read request is performed, the data always returns as a 16-bit message. This is accomplished by appending the data Table 15. Memory Register Map Address Register Name MSB D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 LSB 0x00 RATE1 RTE15 RTE14 RTE13 RTE12 RTE11 RTE10 RTE9 RTE8 0x01 RATE0 RTE7 RTE6 RTE5 RTE4 RTE3 RTE2 RTE1 RTE0 0x02 TEM1 TEM9 TEM8 TEM7 TEM6 TEM5 TEM4 TEM3 TEM2 0x03 TEM0 TEM1 TEM0 (Unused) (Unused) (Unused) (Unused) (Unused) (Unused) 0x04 LOCST1 LCST15 LCST14 LCST13 LCST12 LCST11 LCST10 LCST9 LCST8 0x05 LOCST0 LCST7 LCST6 LCST5 LCST4 LCST3 LCST2 LCST1 LCST0 0x06 HICST1 HCST15 HCST14 HCST13 HCST12 HCST11 HCST10 HCST9 HCST8 0x07 HICST0 HCST7 HCST6 HCST5 HCST4 HCST3 HCST2 HCST1 HCST0 0x08 QUAD1 QAD15 QAD14 QAD13 QAD12 QAD11 QAD10 QAD9 QAD8 0x09 QUAD0 QAD7 QAD6 QAD5 QAD4 QAD3 QAD2 QAD1 QAD0 0x0A FAULT1 (Unused) (Unused) (Unused) (Unused) FAIL AMP OV UV 0x0B FAULT0 PLL Q NVM POR PWR CST CHK 0 0x0C PID1 PIDB15 PIDB14 PIDB13 PIDB12 PIDB11 PIDB10 PIDB9 PIDB8 0x0D PID0 PIDB7 PIDB6 PIDB5 PIDB4 PIDB3 PIDB2 PIDB1 PIDB0 0x0E SN3 SNB31 SNB30 SNB29 SNB28 SNB27 SNB26 SNB25 SNB24 0x0F SN2 SNB23 SNB22 SNB21 SNB20 SNB19 SNB18 SNB17 SNB16 0x10 SN1 SNB15 SNB14 SNB13 SNB12 SNB11 SNB10 SNB9 SNB8 0x11 SN0 SNB7 SNB6 SNB5 SNB4 SNB3 SNB2 SNB1 SNB0 0x12 DNC1 (Unused) (Unused) (Unused) (Unused) (Unused) (Unused) DNCB9 DNCB8 0x13 DNC0 DNCB7 DNCB6 DNCB5 DNCB4 DNCB3 DNCB2 DNCB1 DNCB0 Rev. B | Page 20 of 28 Data Sheet ADXRS450 MEMORY REGISTER DEFINITIONS The SPI accessible memory registers are described in this section. As explained in the previous section, when requesting data from a memory register, only the first sequential memory address need be addressed. The data returned by the device contain 16 bits of memory register information. Bits[15:8] contain the MSB of the requested information, and Bits[7:0] contain the LSB. Rate Registers Addresses: MSB D15 D7 0x00 (RATE1) 0x01 (RATE0) Register update rate: 500 Hz Scale factor: 80 LSB//sec D14 D6 D13 D5 D12 D4 D11 D3 D10 D2 D9 D1 LSB D8 D0 Temperature (TEMx) Registers Addresses: 0x02 (TEM1), 0x03 (TEM0) Register update rate: 500 Hz Scale factor: 5 LSB/C The TEM register contains a value corresponding to the temperature of the device. The data is presented as a 10-bit, twos complement number. 0 LSB corresponds to a temperature of approximately 45C. MSB D9 D1 D8 D0 D7 D6 D5 D4 (Unused) Table 16. Temperature 45C 85C 0C Value of TEM1:TEM0 0000 0000 00XX XXXX 0011 0010 00XX XXXX 1100 0111 11XX XXXX Low CST (LOCST) Memory Registers Addresses: 0x04 (LOCST1) 0x05 (LOCST0) Register update rate: Scale factor: D14 D6 D13 D5 D12 D4 D11 D3 D10 D2 D9 D1 LSB D8 D0 High CST (HICST) Memory Registers The rate registers contain the temperature compensated rate output of the device filtered to 80 Hz. This data can also be accessed by issuing a sensor data read request to the device. The data is presented as a 16-bit, twos complement number. MSB D15 D7 The LOCST memory registers contain the value of the temperature compensated and low-pass filtered continuous self-test delta. This value is a measure of the difference between the positive and negative self-test deflections and corresponds to the values presented in Table 1. The device issues a CST error if the value of self-test exceeds the established self-test limits. The self-test data is filtered to 2 Hz to prevent false triggering of the CST fault bit. The data is presented as a 16-bit, twos complement number, with a scale factor of 80 LSB//sec. 1000 Hz 80 LSB//sec D3 LSB D2 Addresses: 0x06 (HICST1), 0x07 (HICST0) Register update rate: 1000 Hz Scale factor: 80 LSB//sec The HICST register contains the unfiltered self-test information. The HICST data can be used to supplement fault diagnosis in safety critical applications as sudden shifts in the self-test response can be detected. However, the CST bit of the fault register is not set when the HICST data is observed to exceed the self-test limits. Only the LOCST memory registers, which are designed to filter noise and the effects of sudden temporary self-test spiking due to external disturbances, control the assertion of the CST fault bit. The data is presented as a 16-bit, twos complement number. MSB D15 D7 D14 D6 D13 D5 D12 D4 D11 D3 D10 D2 D9 D1 LSB D8 D0 Quad Memory Registers Addresses: 0x08 (QUAD1) 0x09 (QUAD0) Register update rate: 250 Hz Scale factor: 80 LSB//sec equivalent The quad memory registers contain a value corresponding to the amount of quadrature error present in the device at a given time. Quadrature can be likened to a measurement of the error of the motion of the resonator structure, and can be caused by stresses and aging effects. The quadrature data is filtered to 80 Hz and can be read frequently to detect sudden shifts in the level of quadrature. The data is presented as a 16-bit, twos complement number. MSB D15 D7 Rev. B | Page 21 of 28 D14 D6 D13 D5 D12 D4 D11 D3 D10 D2 D9 D1 LSB D8 D0 ADXRS450 Data Sheet Fault Registers Addresses: Serial Number (SN) Registers 0x0A (FAULT1) Addresses: 0x0E (SN3) 0x0B (FAULT0) 0x0F (SN2) Register update rate: Not applicable 0x10 (SN1) Scale factor: Not applicable 0x11 (SN0) The fault register contains the state of the error flags in the device. The FAULT0 register is appended to the end of every device data transmission (see Table 13); however, this register can also be accessed independently through its memory location. The individual fault bits are updated asynchronously, requiring <5 s to activate, as soon as the fault condition exists on-chip. When toggled, each fault bit remains active until the fault register is read or a sensor data command is received. If the fault is still active after the bit is read, the fault bit immediately reasserts itself. MSB PLL (Unused) Q NVM POR FAIL PWR AMP ST OV CHK LSB UV 0 Part ID (PID) Registers Addresses: Register update rate: Not applicable Scale factor: Not applicable The serial number registers contain a 32-bit identification number that uniquely identifies the device. To read the entire serial number, two memory read requests must be initiated. The first read request to Register 0x0E returns the upper 16 bits of the serial number, and the following read request to Register 0x10 returns the lower 16 bits of the serial number. MSB D31 D23 D15 D7 D30 D22 D14 D6 D29 D21 D13 D5 Register update rate: Not applicable Scale factor: Not applicable Addresses: D13 D5 D26 D18 D10 D2 D25 D17 D9 D1 0x12 (DNC1) 0x13 (DNC0) The part identification registers contain a 16-bit number identifying the version of the ADXRS450. Combined with the serial number, this information allows for a higher degree of device individualization and tracking. The initial product ID is R01 (0x5201), with subsequent versions of silicon incrementing this value to R02, R03, and so forth. D14 D6 D27 D19 D11 D3 Dynamic Null Correction (DNC) Registers 0x0C (PID1) 0x0D (PID0) MSB D15 D7 D28 D20 D12 D4 LSB D24 D16 D8 D0 D12 D4 D11 D3 D10 D2 D9 D1 LSB D8 D0 Register update rate: Not applicable Scale factor: 80 LSB//sec The dynamic null correction register is the only register with write access available to the user. The user can make small adjustments to the rateout of the device by asserting these bits. This 10-bit register allows the user to adjust the static rateout of the device by up to 6.4/sec. MSB D7 Rev. B | Page 22 of 28 D6 (Unused) D5 D4 D3 D2 D9 D1 LSB D8 D0 Data Sheet ADXRS450 PACKAGE ORIENTATION AND LAYOUT INFORMATION AD X RS45 (PAC 0 KAG E FR ONT) 14 8 1 08952-004 7 NOTES 1. THE LCC_V PACKAGE HAS TWO TERMINALS ON TWO FACES; HOWEVER, THE TERMINALS ON THE BACK SIDE ARE FOR INTERNAL EVALUATION ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED IN THE END APPLICATION. THE TERMINALS ON THE BOTTOM OF THE PACKAGE INCORPORATE METALLIZATION BUMPS THAT ENSURE A MINIMUM SOLDER THICKNESS FOR IMPROVED SOLDER JOINT RELIABILITY. THESE BUMPS ARE NOT PRESENT ON THE BACK SIDE TERMINALS AND, THEREFORE, POOR SOLDER JOINT RELIABILITY CAN BE ENCOUNTERED IF USED IN THE END APPLICATION. SEE THE OUTLINE DIMENSIONS SECTION FOR A SCHEMATIC OF THE LCC_V PACKAGE. Figure 28. 14-Terminal Ceramic LCC_V Vertical Mount 11.232 0.55 0.55 0.55 1.55 1.27 0.95 0.95 1.55 2.55 9.462 0.572 08952-022 2.55 1.5 Figure 29. Sample SOIC_CAV Solder Pad Layout (Land Pattern), Dimensions Shown In Millimeters, Not To Scale 1 0.8 0.8 1 1.5 Figure 30. LCC_V Solder Pad Layout, Dimensions Shown In Millimeters, Not To Scale Rev. B | Page 23 of 28 08952-024 1.691 5.55 ADXRS450 Data Sheet SUPPLIER TP TC USER TP TC TC TC -5C SUPPLIER tP USER tP TP tP MAXIMUM RAMP-UP RATE = 3C/sec MAXIMUM RAMP-DOWN RATE = 6C/sec TC -5C TL TEMPERATURE TSMAX PREHEAT AREA tL TSMIN tS 08952-026 25 TIME 25C TO PEAK TIME Figure 31. Recommended Soldering Profile Table 17. Solder Profile Conditions Profile Feature Average Ramp Rate (TL to TP) Preheat Minimum Temperature (TSMIN) Maximum Temperature (TSMAX) Time (TSMIN to TSMAX) (tS) TSMAX to TL Ramp-Up Rate Time Maintained above Liquidous Liquidous Temperature (TL) Time (tL) Peak Temperature (TP) Time Within 5C of Actual Peak Temperature (tP) Ramp-Down Rate Time 25C to Peak Temperature Sn63/Pb37 100C 150C 60 sec to 120 sec Conditions Pb Free 3C/sec maximum 150C 200C 60 sec to 120 sec 3C/sec maximum 183C 60 sec to 150 sec 240C + 0C/-5C 10 sec to 30 sec 6 minutes maximum Rev. B | Page 24 of 28 217C 60 sec to 150 sec 260C + 0C/-5C 20 sec to 40 sec 6C/sec maximum 8 minutes maximum Data Sheet ADXRS450 PACKAGE MARKING CODES XRS450 BRGZ n #YYWW LLLLLLLLL 08952-027 XRS450 BEYZ n #YYWW LLLLLLLLL Figure 32. LCC_V and SOIC_CAV Package Marking Codes Table 18. Package Code Designations Marking XRS 450 B RG EY Z n # YYWW LLLLLLLLL Significance Angular rate sensor Series number Temperature Grade (-40C to +105C) Package designator (SOIC_CAV package) Package designator (LCC_V package) RoHS compliant Revision number Pb-Free designation Assembly date code Assembly lot code (up to 9 characters) Rev. B | Page 25 of 28 ADXRS450 Data Sheet OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 10.30 BSC 16 9 7.80 BSC 1 DETAIL A 10.42 BSC 8 PIN 1 INDICATOR 0.25 GAGE PLANE 8 4 0 1.27 BSC 9.59 BSC 3.73 3.58 3.43 0.87 0.77 0.67 1.50 1.35 1.20 0.50 0.45 0.40 0.58 0.48 0.38 0.75 0.70 0.65 DETAIL A 072409-B 0.28 0.18 0.08 COPLANARITY 0.10 Figure 33. 16-Lead Small Outline, Plastic Cavity Package [SOIC_CAV] (RG-16-1) Dimensions shown in millimeters FRONT VIEW 9.20 9.00 SQ 8.80 8.08 8.00 7.92 0.275 REF 0.350 0.305 0.260 7.70 7.55 7.40 BACK VIEW 7.18 7.10 7.02 1 1.175 REF C 0.30 REF 4.40 4.00 3.60 2 3 4 5 6 0.50 TYP 7 SIDE VIEW 1.00 0.675 NOM 0.500 MIN 1.60 (PINS 2, 6) (PINS 1, 7) R 0.20 REF 11 12 1.50 (PINS 9-10, 12-13) 0.30 REF 0.35 REF 0.30 REF 1.70 REF 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 12 11 10 9 8 1.40 14 TERMINALS ON BACK SIDE OF PACKAGE ARE FOR EVALUATION TESTING ONLY. 0.80 (PINS 10, 11, 12) 0.35 REF 0.80 REF (ALL PINS) 0.80 (PINS 1, 7, 8, 14) 13 (PINS 2, 6, 9, 13) (METALLIZATION BUMP BUMP HEIGHT 0.03 NOM) 04-08-2010-A 1 14 0.40 10 1.00 0.60 1.70 REF 9 (PINS 2, 6) (PINS 3-5) (ALL PINS) 8 (PINS 3-5, 10-12) BOTTOM VIEW (PADS SIDE) Figure 34. 14-Terminal Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier [LCC_V] (EY-14-1) Dimensions shown in millimeters Rev. B | Page 26 of 28 Data Sheet ADXRS450 ORDERING GUIDE Model 1 ADXRS450BEYZ ADXRS450BEYZ-RL ADXRS450BRGZ ADXRS450BRGZ-RL EVAL-ADXRS450Z EVAL-ADXRS450Z-V EVAL-ADXRS450Z-M EVAL-ADXRS450Z-S 1 Temperature Range -40C to +105C -40C to +105C -40C to +105C -40C to +105C Package Description 14-Terminal Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier, Vertical Form [LCC_V] 14-Terminal Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier, Vertical Form [LCC_V] 16-Lead Small Outline, Plastic Cavity Package [SOIC_CAV] 16-Lead Small Outline, Plastic Cavity Package [SOIC_CAV] Evaluation Board SOIC_CAV Evaluation Board LCC_V Analog Devices Inertial Sensor Evaluation System (Includes ADXRS450 Satellite) ADXRS450 Satellite, Standalone, to be used with Inertial Sensor Evaluation System Z = RoHS Compliant Part. Rev. B | Page 27 of 28 Package Option EY-14-1 EY-14-1 RG-16-1 RG-16-1 ADXRS450 Data Sheet NOTES (c)2011 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D08952-0-12/11(B) Rev. B | Page 28 of 28