BYE D MM ?294bel 0005830 843 MPRX R5CR1610ES Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (412) 925-7272 i Powerex, Europe, S.A. 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107, 72003 Le Mans, France (43) 41.14.14 for GTO Tinie lode POWEREX INC 100 Amperes/1600 Volts Description: Powerex R5CS1610ES and o R5CR1610ES are specially LY designed for use with GTOs as Snubber Diode or Free Wheeling 147 r tg 27 ope Diode. R5CS has standard polari- fo ty, RSCR reverse polarity. These i rectifiers have a rated repetitive peak reverse voltage of 1600V and a rated average current of 100A nme (To = 75C). @22 + ee Features: (1 Low On-state Voltage 5 qq | >| CL] Excellent Reverse Recovery 4 Charge Characteristics of less Marking 2 than 50p.C _ 265 Yok (TT iy] | (1 Low Dynamic Voltage Drop t (Vfp) for Snubber use Y U L] Hermetic Packaging Applications: R5CS1610ES (] With GTOs: Free Wheeling R5CR1610ES Diode and Snubber Diode Outline Drawing _] Free Wheeling Diode in Choppers and High Power Inverters x \ + L] High Voltage Applications: Power Supplies, Motor Control 3/8" 24UNF3A 159 R50S R50R oe Ordering Information: 1/2" 20UNF3A 20.6 RSCS =~ RSCR Example: Select the complete ten digit part number you desire from the table below, i.e. RSCR1610ES is a 100 Amps, 1600 Volts Reverse Polarity Diode. M12 x 1.75 18 R5YS R5YR Voltage Current Recovery Type Vrrm Gode fyay) Code ty Code RSCS 1200V 12 100A 10 2uS ES R5CR 1400V 14 1600V 16D-2 Ya BYE D M@@ 7294b21 0005831 74T MPRX Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (412) 925-7272 Powerex, Europe, S.A. 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107, 72003 Le Mans, France (43) 41.14.14 POWEREX INC RSCS/R5CRI61I0ES Fast Recovery Diode for GTO Thyristors 100 Amperes/1600 Volts Maximum Ratings Item Test Condition Symbol Limits Unit Voltage Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage To = 126C Veem 1600 Volts Non-repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage To = 125C Vrsm 1700 Volts Repetitive Peak Reverse Current To = 125C berm 30 mA Current Average Forward Current To = 75C, Half Sine Wave lay 100 Amperes RMS Forward Current To = 75C, Half Sine Wave Irrns 157 Amperes One-half Surge Current At 1 Pulse 10mS, 100% Virry, lsm 3200 Amperes 12, for Fusing Idem 2 51200 A2S Forward Voltage Drop To = 25C, ltm = 470A Vim 1.75 Volts Threshold Voltage 7 To = 125C Vto 1.20 Volts Dynamic Resistance To = 126C IT 1.10 moO Switching Reverse Recovery Time To = 25C ter 2.0 nS Recovery Charge lim = 600A, di/dt = -30A/nS Qra 50 nC Recovery Current V, = 100V lr 45 Amperes S Recovery Factor (min.) To = 25C, lip = 600A, di/dt = -30A/uS 0.5 _ Dynamic Forward Voltage Drop To = 25C, -di/dt = 1000A/nS Vip 60 Volts Thermal and Mechanical Min./Max. Operation Junction Temperature Tj -40 to +125 C Min./Max. Storage Temperature Tstg -40 to +150 C Max. Mounting Force F 15 Nm Thermal Resistance Junction to Case Rthij-c) 0.28 C/W Thermal Resistance Case to Sink Rth(c-s) 0.12 C/W Weight _ 100 GramsBYE D MM 7294621] 0005832 b1b MEPRX YW POWEREX INC Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (412) 925-7272 Powerex, Europe, S.A. 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107, 72003 Le Mans, France (43) 41.14.14 R5CS/AS5CRIGIOES Fast Recovery Diode for GTO Thyristors 100 Amperes/1600 Volts Qra PERFORMANCE CURVES lrr PERFORMANCE CURVES (TYPICAL) (TYPICAL) 1000 1000 Tj = 25C Tj = 26C ~-=T,= 125C aan Tj = 126C REVERSE RECOVERY CHARGE, Qra, (uC) REVERSE RECOVERY CURRENT Ir, (AMPERES) 100 100 wu hal wot mee eid Ta = Tr 4 2) Trem Vy 6 Bthad Ora = thee * Ter HE le Chg = thew Tr HE I $-2TAT Re = 220-0 eur Sa2TeT, Re = 2010 ear 10 10 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 RATE OF CURRENT FALL, di/dt, (A/uS) RATE OF CURRENT FALL, di/dt, (A/uS) Trr PERFORMANCE CURVES (TYPICAL) Tj = 25C ~~ = T, = 125C REVERSE RECOVERY, Tr, (uS) on ll Tra Tr + a ra = ir & Ter V2 hr S-272T) Ace 200 Aaue 40 100 1000 RATE OF CURRENT FALL, di/dt, (A/S) D-3BYE D MM 7294621 0005833 S52 MPRX TAOMEREX POWEREX INC Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (412) 925-7272 Powerex, Europe, S.A. 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107, 72003 Le Mans, France (43) 41.14.14 R5SCS/RSCRI610ES Fast Recovery Diode for GTO Thyristors 100 Amperes/1600 Volts FORWARD CURRENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE PERFORMANCE CURVES PERFORMANCE CURVES (MAXIMUM) (MAXIMUM) 10000 0.30 T I rT Tj = 125C Lat = 3 0.25 w 2 1000 0.20 y : : / i @ 0.15 / x Ww 3 $ = <= 100 z 0.10 Y $ = y 5 uw A ~ F 0.05 LT | Lert | 10 0 . Ho 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 0.00010.001 0.01 01 1 10 100 FORWARD VOLTAGE DROP, (VOLTS) TIME (s) SURGE FORWARD CURRENT PERFORMANCE CURVES (MAXIMUM) 3500 ~ T, = 125C 2 3000 : = 2500 KE a 2000 Oo 2 1500 << z S 1000 Lu g 5 500 0 1 10 100 Nb CYCLES 50Hz