User's Manual IE-789835-NS-EM1 Emulation Board Target Devices PD789835 Subseries Document No. U16290EJ1V0UM00 (1st edition) Date Published October 2002 N CP(K) (c) Printed in Japan 2002 1991 [MEMO] 2 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM Windows is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. PC/AT is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. * The information in this document is current as of July, 2002. The information is subject to change without notice. For actual design-in, refer to the latest publications of NEC's data sheets or data books, etc., for the most up-to-date specifications of NEC semiconductor products. Not all products and/or types are available in every country. Please check with an NEC sales representative for availability and additional information. * No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written consent of NEC. NEC assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. * NEC does not assume any liability for infringement of patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of third parties by or arising from the use of NEC semiconductor products listed in this document or any other liability arising from the use of such products. No license, express, implied or otherwise, is granted under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of NEC or others. * Descriptions of circuits, software and other related information in this document are provided for illustrative purposes in semiconductor product operation and application examples. The incorporation of these circuits, software and information in the design of customer's equipment shall be done under the full responsibility of customer. NEC assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of these circuits, software and information. * While NEC endeavours to enhance the quality, reliability and safety of NEC semiconductor products, customers agree and acknowledge that the possibility of defects thereof cannot be eliminated entirely. To minimize risks of damage to property or injury (including death) to persons arising from defects in NEC semiconductor products, customers must incorporate sufficient safety measures in their design, such as redundancy, fire-containment, and anti-failure features. * NEC semiconductor products are classified into the following three quality grades: "Standard", "Special" and "Specific". The "Specific" quality grade applies only to semiconductor products developed based on a customer-designated "quality assurance program" for a specific application. The recommended applications of a semiconductor product depend on its quality grade, as indicated below. Customers must check the quality grade of each semiconductor product before using it in a particular application. "Standard": Computers, office equipment, communications equipment, test and measurement equipment, audio and visual equipment, home electronic appliances, machine tools, personal electronic equipment and industrial robots "Special": Transportation equipment (automobiles, trains, ships, etc.), traffic control systems, anti-disaster systems, anti-crime systems, safety equipment and medical equipment (not specifically designed for life support) "Specific": Aircraft, aerospace equipment, submersible repeaters, nuclear reactor control systems, life support systems and medical equipment for life support, etc. The quality grade of NEC semiconductor products is "Standard" unless otherwise expressly specified in NEC's data sheets or data books, etc. If customers wish to use NEC semiconductor products in applications not intended by NEC, they must contact an NEC sales representative in advance to determine NEC's willingness to support a given application. (Note) (1) "NEC" as used in this statement means NEC Corporation and also includes its majority-owned subsidiaries. (2) "NEC semiconductor products" means any semiconductor product developed or manufactured by or for NEC (as defined above). M8E 00. 4 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 3 Regional Information Some information contained in this document may vary from country to country. Before using any NEC product in your application, pIease contact the NEC office in your country to obtain a list of authorized representatives and distributors. They will verify: * Device availability * Ordering information * Product release schedule * Availability of related technical literature * Development environment specifications (for example, specifications for third-party tools and components, host computers, power plugs, AC supply voltages, and so forth) * Network requirements In addition, trademarks, registered trademarks, export restrictions, and other legal issues may also vary from country to country. NEC Electronics Inc. (U.S.) Santa Clara, California Tel: 408-588-6000 800-366-9782 Fax: 408-588-6130 800-729-9288 NEC do Brasil S.A. Electron Devices Division Guarulhos-SP, Brasil Tel: 11-6462-6810 Fax: 11-6462-6829 * Filiale Italiana Milano, Italy Tel: 02-66 75 41 Fax: 02-66 75 42 99 NEC Electronics Hong Kong Ltd. * Branch The Netherlands Eindhoven, The Netherlands Tel: 040-244 58 45 Fax: 040-244 45 80 NEC Electronics Hong Kong Ltd. * Branch Sweden Taeby, Sweden Tel: 08-63 80 820 NEC Electronics (Europe) GmbH Fax: 08-63 80 388 Duesseldorf, Germany * United Kingdom Branch Tel: 0211-65 03 01 Milton Keynes, UK Fax: 0211-65 03 327 Tel: 01908-691-133 Fax: 01908-670-290 * Sucursal en Espana Madrid, Spain Tel: 091-504 27 87 Fax: 091-504 28 60 Hong Kong Tel: 2886-9318 Fax: 2886-9022/9044 Seoul Branch Seoul, Korea Tel: 02-528-0303 Fax: 02-528-4411 NEC Electronics Shanghai, Ltd. Shanghai, P.R. China Tel: 021-6841-1138 Fax: 021-6841-1137 NEC Electronics Taiwan Ltd. Taipei, Taiwan Tel: 02-2719-2377 Fax: 02-2719-5951 NEC Electronics Singapore Pte. Ltd. Novena Square, Singapore Tel: 253-8311 Fax: 250-3583 * Succursale Francaise Velizy-Villacoublay, France Tel: 01-30-67 58 00 Fax: 01-30-67 58 99 J02.4 4 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM INTRODUCTION Product Overview The IE-789835-NS-EM1 is designed to be used with the IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A to debug the following target devices that belong to the 78K/0S Series of 8-bit single-chip microcontrollers. * PD789835 Subseries: Target Readers PD789832, 789833, 789834, 789835, 78F9835 This manual is intended for engineers who will use the IE-789835-NS-EM1 with the IE78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A to perform system debugging. Engineers who use this manual are expected to be thoroughly familiar with the target device's functions and usage methods and to be knowledgeable about debugging. Organization When using the IE-789835-NS-EM1, refer to not only this manual (supplied with the IE789835-NS-EM1) but also the manual that is supplied with the IE-78K0S-NS or IE78K0S-NS-A. IE-78K0S-NS User's Manual * Basic specifications IE-789835-NS-EM1 User's Manual * General * System configuration * Part names * External interface functions * Installation * Differences between target devices and target interface circuits IE-78K0S-NS-A User's Manual * Basic specifications * System configuration * External interface functions Purpose This manual is intended to give users an understanding of the various debugging functions that can be performed when using the IE-789835-NS-EM1. User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 5 Terminology The meanings of certain terms used in this manual are listed below. Term Meaning Emulation device This is a general term that refers to the device in the emulator that is used to emulate the target device. It includes the emulation CPU. Emulation CPU This is the CPU block in the emulator that is used to execute user-generated programs. Target device This is the device that is the target for emulation. Target system This includes the target program and the hardware provided by the user. When defined narrowly, it includes only the hardware. IE system This refers to the combination of the IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A and the IE-789835-NS-EM1. Conventions Related Documents Data significance: Higher digits on the left and lower digits on the right Note: Footnote for item marked with Note in the text Caution: Information requiring particular attention Remark: Supplementary information The related documents (user's manuals) indicated in this publication may include preliminary versions. However, preliminary versions are not marked as such. Document Name IE-78K0S-NS In-Circuit Emulator U13549E IE-78K0S-NS-A In-Circuit Emulator U15207E IE-789835-NS-EM1 Emulation Board This manual ID78K Series Integrated Debugger Ver. 2.30 or Later Operation (WindowsTM Based) U15185E PD789835 Subseries U15559E Caution The documents listed above are subject to change without notice. Be sure to use the latest documents when designing. 6 Document Number User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 GENERAL............................................................................................................................10 1.1 System Configuration................................................................................................................................ 11 1.2 Hardware Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 13 1.3 Basic Specifications .................................................................................................................................. 14 CHAPTER 2 PART NAMES ....................................................................................................................15 2.1 Parts of Main Unit ...................................................................................................................................... 16 2.2 Initial Switch and Jumper Settings .......................................................................................................... 17 2.3 Check Point Block ..................................................................................................................................... 17 CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION...................................................................................................................18 3.1 Connection ................................................................................................................................................. 19 3.2 Switch and Jumper Settings of Main Unit ............................................................................................... 21 3.3 Power Supply Voltage Setting of Target Interface.................................................................................. 22 3.4 Clock Settings ............................................................................................................................................ 23 3.4.1 Overview of clock settings ............................................................................................................. 23 3.4.2 Main system clock settings ............................................................................................................ 26 3.4.3 Subsystem clock settings .............................................................................................................. 30 3.5 External Trigger ......................................................................................................................................... 33 3.6 LCD Emulation ........................................................................................................................................... 34 CHAPTER 4 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TARGET DEVICES AND TARGET INTERFACE CIRCUITS ............................................................................................................................36 CHAPTER 5 RESTRICTIONS ..................................................................................................................40 APPENDIX A EMULATION PROBE PIN ASSIGNMENT TABLE .......................................................41 APPENDIX B CAUTIONS ON DESIGNING TARGET SYSTEM .........................................................43 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 7 LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. Title Page 1-1 System Configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 11 1-2 Basic Hardware Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 13 2-1 IE-789835-NS-EM1 Part Names....................................................................................................................... 16 2-2 Check Point Block............................................................................................................................................. 17 3-1 Connection of Emulation Probe (1)................................................................................................................... 19 3-2 Connection of Emulation Probe (2)................................................................................................................... 20 3-3 Connection of Emulation Probe (3)................................................................................................................... 20 3-4 Connecting TM1 and Power Supply Voltage of Target System........................................................................ 22 3-5 External Circuits Used as System Clock Oscillator .......................................................................................... 23 3-6 When Using Clock That Is Already Mounted on Emulation Board (Main System Clock) ................................. 24 3-7 When Using Clock That Is Already Mounted on Emulation Board (Subsystem Clock) .................................... 24 3-8 When Using User-Mounted Clock (Main System Clock) .................................................................................. 25 3-9 When Using User-Mounted Clock (Subsystem Clock) ..................................................................................... 25 3-10 When Supplying Pulse from Target System ..................................................................................................... 26 3-11 Connections on Parts Board (Main System Clock)........................................................................................... 27 3-12 Crystal Oscillator (Main System Clock) ............................................................................................................ 29 3-13 Pin Alignment of Crystal Oscillator and Socket (Main System Clock) .............................................................. 29 3-14 Connections on Parts Board (Subsystem Clock).............................................................................................. 31 3-15 Crystal Oscillator (Subsystem Clock) ............................................................................................................... 32 3-16 Pin Alignment of Crystal Oscillator and Socket ................................................................................................ 32 3-17 External Trigger Input Position ......................................................................................................................... 33 3-18 LCD Emulation Circuit ...................................................................................................................................... 34 3-19 Variable Resistance of External Boost Circuit .................................................................................................. 35 4-1 Equivalent Circuit of Emulation Circuit 1........................................................................................................... 37 4-2 Equipment Circuit of Emulation Circuit 2 .......................................................................................................... 38 4-3 Equivalent Circuit of Emulation Circuit 3........................................................................................................... 39 B-1 Distance Between In-Circuit Emulator and Conversion Connector .................................................................. 43 B-2 Connection to Target System ........................................................................................................................... 43 8 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM LIST OF TABLES Table No Title Page 1-1 Correspence Between Emulation Probe and Conversion Connector................................................................12 1-2 Basic Specifications ..........................................................................................................................................14 2-1 Initial Switch and Jumper Settings.....................................................................................................................17 3-1 Switch and Jumper Settings on IE-78K0S-NS...................................................................................................21 3-2 Switch and Jumper Settings on IE-78K0S-NS-A ...............................................................................................21 3-3 Power Supply Settings of Target Interface ........................................................................................................22 3-4 Main System Clock Settings..............................................................................................................................26 3-5 Subsystem Clock Settings.................................................................................................................................30 3-6 LCD Switch Settings..........................................................................................................................................34 3-7 Switch Settings of External Boost Circuit ..........................................................................................................35 A-1 SWEX-144SD-1 Pin Assignments .....................................................................................................................41 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 9 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL The IE-789835-NS-EM1 is a development tool for efficient debugging of hardware or software when using one of the following target devices that belong to the 78K/0S Series of 8-bit single-chip microcontrollers. This chapter describes the IE-789835-NS-EM1's system configuration and basic specifications. * Target device * PD789835 Subseries 10 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM CHAPTER 1 GENERAL 1.1 System Configuration Figure 1-1 illustrates the system configuration of the IE-789835-NS-EM1. Figure 1-1. System Configuration Debugger ID78K0S-NS (sold separately) Device fileNote 1 (available separately) Control software Host machine PC-9800 series or IBM PC/AT TM or compatibles Interface board IE-70000-98-IF-C (sold separately) Interface board IE-70000-PC-IF-C (sold separately) Interface board IE-70000-PCI-IF-A (sold separately) Interface card or Interface cable Interface cable (NS IF Cable) IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A (sold separately) NS CARD Cable In-circuit emulator MC CARD Cable IE-70000-CD-IF-A (sold separately) FG Cable IE-789835-NS-EM1 (This product) AC adapter IE-70000-MC-PS-B (sold separately) Emulation probe Note 2 (sold separately) Conversion connectorNote 3 (sold separately) User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 11 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL Notes 1. The device file is as follows, in accordance with the subseries. SxxxxDF789835: PD789835 Subseries The device file can be downloaded from the NEC Electron Devices Web site (URL: 2. The emulation probe SWEX-144SD-1 is a product of TOKYO ELETECH CORPORATION. For further information, contact Daimaru Kogyo Co., Ltd. Tokyo Electronics Department (TEL: +81-3-3820-7112) Osaka Electronics Department (TEL: +81-6-6244-6672) 3. The conversion connectors NQPACK144SD and YQPACK144SD are products of TOKYO ELETECH CORPORATION. For further information, contact Daimaru Kogyo Co., Ltd. Tokyo Electronics Department (TEL: +81-3-3820-7112) Osaka Electronics Department (TEL: +81-6-6244-6672) Table 1-1. Correspondence Between Emulation Probe and Conversion Connector Package 144-pin plastic LQFP (GJ type) 12 Emulation Probe SWEX-144SD-1 (probe length: 315 mm) User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM Conversion Connector NQPACK144SD YQPACK144SD CHAPTER 1 GENERAL 1.2 Hardware Configuration Figure 1-2 shows the IE-789835-EM1's position in the basic hardware configuration. Figure 1-2. Basic Hardware Configuration Dedicated bus interface IE system IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A Host machine Interface board (Sold separately) 78K0S main board (Sold separately) Interface card (Sold separately) User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM IE-789835-NS-EM1 Emulation board (This product) Emulation probe (Sold separately) 13 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL 1.3 Basic Specifications The IE-789835-EM1's basic specifications are listed in Table 1-2. Table 1-2. Basic Specifications Parameter Description Target device PD789835 Subseries System clock Main system clock: 1.0 to 5.0 MHz, subsystem clock: 32.768 kHz Main system clock supply External: Clock input from the target system via an emulation probe Internal: Clock mounted on the emulation board (5.0 MHz) or clock mounted on the parts board by the user Subsystem clock supply External: Clock input from the target system via an emulation probe Internal: Clock mounted on the emulation board (32.768 kHz) or clock mounted on the parts board by the user Target interface voltage VDD = 1.8 to 3.6 V (same as the target device) The IE-789835-NS-EM1 operates on the internal power supply (3 V) when not connected to the target system. 14 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM CHAPTER 2 PART NAMES This chapter introduces the parts of the IE-789835-NS-EM1 main unit. The packing box contains the emulation board (IE-789835-NS-EM1), packing list, user's manual, and guarantee card. If there are any missing or damaged items, please contact an NEC sales representative. Fill out and return the guarantee card that comes with the main unit. User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 15 CHAPTER 2 PART NAMES 2.1 Parts of Main Unit Figure 2-1. IE-789835-NS-EM1 Part Names 3 GND TM1 X2 X1 XT1 JP2 1 P1 LowVolt TM1 CP79 EXTOUT CN3 SW5 SW6 CN1 CN1 connector for connecting emulation probe IE-789835-NS-EM1 Check point block CN2 CP78 EXTIN CN2, CN3 auxiliary connectors for emulation probe LED1 SW2 IC2 SW3 SW4 SW1 VLC3 VR1 IC1 CP57 P2 P3 Note CN2 and CN3 are not connectors for connecting the emulation probe. These connectors allow confirmation of the signal of each pin of CN1 as support for the emulation probe. For details, refer to APPENDIX A EMULATION PROBE PIN ASSIGNMENT TABLE. 16 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM CHAPTER 2 PART NAMES 2.2 Initial Switch and Jumper Settings The initial switch and jumper settings of the IE-789835-NS-EM1 are shown in Table 2-1. For the setting of JP2, refer to 3.4 Clock Settings. For the settings of SW1 to SW6, refer to 3.6 LCD Emulation. Table 2-1. Initial Switch and Jumper Settings JP2 Initial setting 2 and 3 shorted Initial setting 2.3 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 OFF ICE side ICE side ICE side ICE side ICE side Check Point Block The through holes of the check point block (refer to Figure 2-1 IE-789835-NS-EM1 Part Names) are provided at intervals of 2.54 mm (1 inch) both vertically and horizontally, allowing confirmation of the signal of each port pin inside the IE-789835-NS-EM1. Figure 2-2. Check Point Block Signals inside IE system P30, P31, P32, P33, P34, P35, P36, P37 P00, P01, P02, P03, P04, P05, P06, P07 P80, P81, P82, P83, P84, P85, P86, P87 P10, P11, P60, P61, P62, N.C, N.C, N.C Signals inside IE system P20, P21, P22, P23, P24, P25, P26, P27 Signals inside IE system Signals inside IE system Caution Remark Do not connect or capture the signal inside the IE system, or the IE system may be damaged. The through holes indicated by (N.C.) are not connected to any signal. User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 17 CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION This chapter describes methods for connecting the IE-789835-NS-EM1 to the IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A, emulation probe, etc. Mode setting methods are also described. Caution Connecting or removing components to or from the target system, or making switch or other setting changes must be carried out after the power supply to both the IE system and the target system has been switched OFF. 18 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION 3.1 Connection (1) Connection with IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A main unit See the IE-78K0S-NS User's Manual (U13549E) Note for a description of how to connect the IE-789835-NS-EM1 to the IE-78K0S-NS. Note When using the IE-78K0S-NS-A, refer to the IE-78K0S-NS-A User's Manual (U15207E). (2) Connection with emulation probe Connect an emulation probe and supplied FG cable to the IE-789835-NS-EM1 as follows. On this board, connect the emulation probe to CN1. Caution Incorrect connection may damage the IE system. Be sure to read the emulation probe's user's manual for a detailed description of the connection method. <1> Remove two plates on the side of the IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A frame. Loosen one FG screw on the lower side of the connector on the IE system side of the emulation probe, align one end of the FG cable and fix it by securing the FG screw. Figure 3-1. Connection of Emulation Probe (1) Emulation probe SWEX-144SD-1 (sold separately) CN1 FG cable (supplied) Plate on side of frame Emulation board IE-789835-NS-EM1 Main board of IE-78K0S-NS (sold separately) or IE-78K0S-NS-A (sold separately) User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 19 CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION <2> Open the upper side of the IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A main unit and connect the emulation probe to the probe connector (CN1) on the IE-789835-NS-EM1. Figure 3-2. Connection of Emulation Probe (2) Emulation probe SWEX-144SD-1 (sold separately) FG cable (supplied) Emulation board IE-789835-NS-EM1 Main board (sold separately) IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A <3> Connect the other end of the FG cable by securing the screw on the plate of the IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0SNS-A frame. Figure 3-3. Connection of Emulation Probe (3) FG cable (supplied) IE-789835-NS-EM1 IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A Emulation probe SWEX-144SD-1 (sold separately) 20 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION 3.2 Switch and Jumper Settings of Main Unit (1) Settings on the IE-78K0S-NS When using the IE-789835-NS-EM1, set the switches and jumpers on the IE-78K0S-NS as shown in Table 3-1. For details of these switch and jumper settings, refer to the IE-78K0S-NS User's Manual (U13549E). Table 3-1. Switch and Jumper Settings on IE-78K0S-NS Setting Caution SW1 SW3 SW4 JP1 JP4 OFF All switches ON (fixed) All switches ON (fixed) 2 and 3 shorted 1 and 2 shorted If the jumpers and switches are set incorrectly, the board may be damaged. (2) Setting on IE-78K0S-NS-A When using the IE-789835-NS-EM1, set the switches and jumpers on the IE-78K0S-NS-A as shown in Table 3-2. For the position of the switches and jumpers, refer to the IE-78K0S-NS-A User's Manual (U15207E). Table 3-2. Switch and Jumper Settings on IE-78K0S-NS-A Setting Caution SW1 JP1 JP3 OFF 1-2 Shorted (fixed) If the jumpers and switches are set incorrectly, the board may be damaged. User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 21 CHAPTER 3 3.3 INSTALLATION Power Supply Voltage Setting of Target Interface The IE system allows emulation at the same voltage level as that of the target system. When the target system is not connected, the system automatically operates on the internal power supply (3 V) of the emulator. When debugging at the same voltage level as that of the target system, supply the TM1 terminal pin of the IE-789835-NS-EM1 with the same voltage as that of the target system (the same applies when the voltage is 3 V). For how to select the operating power supply, refer to the ID78K Series Ver. 2.30 or Later Operation (Windows Based) User's Manual (U15185E). * Maximum current consumption of TM1 3 V: Approximately 100 mA Table 3-3. Power Supply Settings of Target Interface Power Supply of Target Interface Integrated Debugger (ID78K0S-NS) Selected Operating Power Supply When connecting target system 1.8 to 3.6 V Target When not connecting target system 3V Internal Figure 3-4. Connecting TM1 and Power Supply Voltage of Target System CN1 IE-789835-NS-EM1 LED1 LowVolt GND TM1 USER VDD Emulation probe Target system VDD GND Power supply voltage of target system Caution Before connecting TM1 on the board and the power supply voltage of the target system, turn off the power to the IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A. Remark The VDD pin of the target system is exclusively used for the control of LED1 that monitors whether the power supply of the target system is connected in the IE-789835-NS-EM1. 22 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION 3.4 Clock Settings 3.4.1 Overview of clock settings The main system and subsystem clocks to be used during debugging can be selected from (1) to (3) below. (1) Clock that is already mounted on emulation board (2) Clock that is mounted by user (3) Pulse input from target system If the target system includes a clock oscillator, select either (1) Clock that is already mounted on emulation board or (2) Clock that is mounted by user. For a clock oscillator, a resonator is connected to the target device and the target device's internal oscillator is used. An example of the external circuit is shown in part (a) of Figure 3-5. During emulation, the oscillator that is mounted on the target system is not used. Instead, the clock that is mounted on the emulation board installed for the IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A is used. If the target system includes an external clock, select (1) Clock that is already mounted on emulation board, (2) Clock that is mounted by user, or (3) Pulse input from target system. For an external clock, a clock signal is supplied from outside the target device and the target device's internal oscillator is not used. An example of the external circuit is shown in part (b) of Figure 3-5. Caution The IE system will be hung-up if the main system clock is not supplied normally. Emulating using the RC oscillator is not possible. Moreover, be sure to input a rectangular wave as the clock from the target. However, there is no need to supply clocks to the X2 and XT2 pins. The IE system does not operate if a crystal resonator or ceramic resonator is directly connected to the X1 or XT1 pin. Figure 3-5. External Circuits Used as System Clock Oscillator (a) Clock oscillator (b) External clock Target device Target device External clock VSS X1 or XT1 X1 or XT1 X2 or XT2 X2 or XT2 Crystal resonator or ceramic oscillator User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 23 CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION (1) Clock that is already mounted on emulation board The oscillator mounted on the IE-789835-NS-EM1 can be used. (a) For main system clock A crystal oscillator (X1) is already mounted on the emulation board. Its frequency is 5.0 MHz. Figure 3-6. When Using Clock That Is Already Mounted on Emulation Board (Main System Clock) IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A Target system IE-789835-NS-EM1 Mounted oscillator (used) X1 Emulation probe Clock oscillator or external clock (not used) Remark The clock that is supplied by the IE-789835-NS-EM1's oscillator (encircled in the figure) is used. (b) For subsystem clock A crystal resonator (XTC1) is already mounted on the emulation board. Its frequency is 32.768 kHz. Figure 3-7. When Using Clock That Is Already Mounted on Emulation Board (Subsystem Clock) IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A Target system IE-789835-NS-EM1 XT1 Emulation probe Mounted resonator (used) XTC1 Clock oscillator or external clock (not used) Remark The clock that is supplied by the IE-789835-NS-EM1's resonator (encircled in the figure) is used. 24 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION (2) Clock that is mounted by user The user is able to mount any clock supported by the set specifications on the IE-789835-NS-EM1. This is useful when using a different frequency from that of the pre-mounted clock. (a) For main system clock Remove the crystal oscillator (X1) that is already mounted on the emulation board, and mount either the parts board on which the resonator to be used is mounted or an oscillator. Figure 3-8. When Using User-Mounted Clock (Main System Clock) IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A IE-789835-NS-EM1 Target system Parts board + oscillator or oscillator (used) Emulation probe Clock oscillator or external clock (not used) Remark The clock that is supplied by the oscillator on the IE-789835-NS-EM1 (encircled in the figure) is used. (b) For subsystem clock Mount the resonator to be used on the parts board (X1) that is already mounted on the emulation board. Alternatively, remove the parts board and mount an oscillator. Figure 3-9. When Using User-Mounted Clock (Subsystem Clock) IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A Target system IE-789835-NS-EM1 X2 Parts board + oscillator or oscillator (used) Emulation probe XTC1 Clock oscillator or external clock (not used) Remark The clock that is supplied by the oscillator on the IE-789835-NS-EM1 (encircled in the figure) is used. User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 25 CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION (3) Pulse input from target system The pulse supplied by an external clock can be used as the main system clock and subsystem clock on the target system via an emulation probe. Figure 3-10. When Supplying Pulse from Target System IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A Target system IE-789835-NS-EM1 X1 Emulation probe Mounted oscillator, resonator (not used) XTC1 External clock (used) Remark The clock supplied by the target system's external clock (encircled in the figure) is used. 3.4.2 Main system clock settings The main system clock settings of the IE-789835-NS-EM1 are as shown in Table 3-4. The following shows the respective IE-789835-NS-EM1 settings for the main system clocks used in (1) to (3) in Table 3-4. Table 3-4. Main System Clock Settings Frequency of Main System Clock IE-789835-NS-EM1 X1 Socket (1) When using clock that is already mounted on emulation board 5.0 MHz Oscillator used (2) When using clock mounted by user Other than 5.0 MHz Oscillator assembled by user (3) When pulse is input from target system Oscillator (not used) CPU Clock Source Selection (ID78K0S-NS) Internal External Caution When a pulse is input from the target system, open the configuration dialog box when starting the integrated debugger (ID78K0S-NS) and select "External" in the area (Clock) for selecting the CPU's clock source (this selects the user clock). Emulating using the RC oscillator is not possible. Remark When the IE-789835-NS-EM1 is shipped, the settings for "when using clock that is already mounted on emulation board" are preset. (1) When using clock that is already mounted on emulation board When the IE-789835-NS-EM1 is shipped, a 5.0 MHz crystal oscillator is already mounted in the IE-789835-NSEM1's X1 socket. When using the factory-set mode settings, there is no need to make any other hardware settings. When starting the integrated debugger (ID78K0S-NS), open the configuration dialog box and select "Internal" in the area (Clock) for selecting the CPU's clock source (this selects the emulator's internal clock). 26 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION (2) When using clock mounted by user Perform the settings described under either (a) or (b) depending on the type of clock to be used. When starting the integrated debugger (ID78K0S-NS), open the configuration dialog box and select "Internal" in the area (Clock) for selecting the CPU's clock source (this selects the emulator's internal clock). (a) When using a ceramic resonator or crystal resonator * Items to be prepared * Parts board * Capacitor CA * Ceramic resonator or crystal resonator * Capacitor CB * Resistor Rx * Solder kit <1> Solder the target ceramic resonator or crystal resonator, resistor Rx, capacitor CA, and capacitor CB (all with suitable oscillation frequency) onto the parts board (as shown below). Figure 3-11. Connections on Parts Board (Main System Clock) Parts board (X1) 1 14 Pin No. Connection 2 13 2-13 Capacitor CA 3 12 3-12 Capacitor CB 4 11 4-11 Ceramic resonator or crystal resonator 5 10 6 9 5-10 Resistor Rx 7 8 8-9 Shorted Circuit diagram 1 M HCU04 HCU04 5 Rx 10 4 3 CB 12 Remark 98 CLOCK OUT 11 13 CA 2 The sections enclosed in broken lines indicate parts that are attached to the parts board. User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 27 CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION <2> Prepare the IE-789835-NS-EM1. <3> Remove the crystal oscillator that is mounted in the IE-789835-NS-EM1's socket (the socket marked as X1). <4> Connect the parts board (from <1> above) to the socket (X1) from which the crystal oscillator was removed. Check the pin 1 mark to make sure the board is mounted in the correct direction. <5> Make sure that the parts board is wired as shown in Figure 3-11. <6> Install the IE-789835-NS-EM1 in the IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A. The above steps configure the following circuit and enable supply of the clock from the mounted resonator to the emulation device. 28 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION (b) When using a crystal oscillator * Items to be prepared * Crystal oscillator (see pinouts shown in Figure 3-12) Figure 3-12. Crystal Oscillator (Main System Clock) VCC NC GND CLOCK OUT <1> Prepare the IE-789835-NS-EM1. <2> Remove the crystal oscillator that is mounted in the X2 socket of the IE-789835-NS-EM1. <3> Mount a crystal oscillator in the X2 socket from which the crystal oscillator was removed in <2> above. Insert the crystal oscillator pin into the socket aligning the pins as shown in the figure below. Figure 3-13. Pin Alignment of Crystal Oscillator and Socket (Main System Clock) Crystal oscillator NC GND Socket VCC CLOCK OUT 1 14 2 13 3 12 4 11 5 10 6 9 7 8 Crystal Oscillator Pin Name Socket Pin No. NC 1 GND 7 CLOCK OUT 8 VCC 14 <4> Install the IE-789835-NS-EM1 in the IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A. User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 29 CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION (3) When pulse is input from target system No hardware settings are required for this situation. When starting the integrated debugger (ID78K0S-NS), open the configuration dialog box and select "External" in the area (Clock) for selecting the CPU's clock source (this selects the user's clock). 3.4.3 Subsystem clock settings The subsystem clock settings of the IE-789835-NS-EM1 are as shown in Table 3-5. The following shows the respective IE-789835-NS-EM1 settings for the subsystem clocks used in (1) to (3) in Table 3-5. Table 3-5. Subsystem Clock Settings Frequency of Subsystem Clock to Be Used IE-789835-NS-EM1 X2 Socket (1) When using clock (XTC1) that is already mounted on emulation board 32.768 kHz 6 and 8 shorted (2) When using clock mounted by user Other than 32.768 kHz Oscillator assembled by user (3) When pulse is input from target system Caution Not used JP2 Short 2 to 3 side Short 1 to 2 side Jumper JP2, which is used to select the board's clock or an external clock, should be set only after turning off the power of the IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A. Remark When the IE-789835-NS-EM1 is shipped, the settings for "when using clock that is already mounted on emulation board" are preset. (1) When using clock that is already mounted on emulation board When the IE-789835-NS-EM1 is shipped, a 32.768 kHz crystal resonator (XTC1) and the parts board (X2) on which pins 6 and 8 are shorted are already mounted on the IE-789835-NS-EM1. Short the 2 to 3 side on the IE789835-NS-EM1's jumper (JP2). There is no need to make any other settings via the integrated debugger (ID78K0S-NS). (2) When using the clock mounted by user The settings described under either (a) or (b) are required, depending on the type of clock to be used. Short the 2 to 3 side on the IE-789835-NS-EM1's jumper (JP2). There is no need to make any other settings via the integrated debugger (ID78K0S-NS). (a) When using a ceramic resonator or crystal resonator * Items to be prepared * Ceramic resonator or crystal resonator * Capacitor CB * Resistor Rx * Solder kit * Capacitor CA 30 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION <1> Prepare the IE-789835-NS-EM1. <2> Solder the ceramic resonator or crystal resonator, resistor Rx, capacitor CA, and capacitor CB (all with suitable oscillation frequency) onto the supplied parts board (X2) (as shown below). Figure 3-14. Connections on Parts Board (Subsystem Clock) Parts board (X2) 1 14 2 13 3 12 4 11 5 10 6 9 7 8 Pin No. Connection 2-13 Capacitor CA 3-12 Capacitor CB 4-11 Ceramic resonator or crystal resonator 5-10 Resistor Rx 8-9 Short Circuit diagram 10 M HCU04 HCU04 9 CLOCK OUT 8 5 Rx 10 4 10 M 6 HCU04 11 HCU04 3 12 Remark 13 CB 32.768 kHz CA 2 22 pF 470 k 22 pF The sections enclosed in broken lines indicate parts that are attached to the parts board. User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 31 CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION <3> Make sure that the parts board (X2) is wired as shown in Figure 3-14. <4> Install the IE-789835-NS-EM1 in the IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A. The above steps configure the following circuit and enable supply of the clock from the mounted resonator to the emulation device. (b) When using a crystal oscillator * Items to be prepared * Crystal oscillator (see pinouts shown in Figure 3-15) Figure 3-15. Crystal Oscillator (Subsystem Clock) VCC NC GND CLOCK OUT <1> Prepare the IE-789835-NS-EM1. <2> Remove the parts board that is mounted in the X2 socket of the IE-789835-NS-EM1. <3> Mount the crystal oscillator prepared by the user in the X2 socket from which the parts board was removed in <2> above. Insert the crystal oscillator pin into the socket aligning the pins as shown in the figure below. Figure 3-16. Pin Alignment of Crystal Oscillator and Socket Crystal oscillator NC GND Socket VCC CLOCK OUT 1 14 2 13 3 12 4 11 5 10 6 9 7 8 Crystal Oscillator Pin Name Socket Pin No. NC 1 GND 7 CLOCK OUT 8 VCC 14 <4> Install the IE-789835-NS-EM1 in the IE-78K0S-NS or IE-78K0S-NS-A. (3) When inputting pulse from target system Short the 1 and 2 side of the jumper (JP2) on the IE-789835-NS-EM1. There is no need to make any settings via the integrated debugger (ID78K0S-NS). 32 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION 3.5 External Trigger To set up an external trigger, connect it to the check pins EXTOUT and EXTIN of the IE-789835-NS-EM1 as shown below. See the IE-78K0S-NS User's Manual (U13549E) or IE-78K0S-NS-A User's Manual (U15207E) for pin characteristics, and the ID78K Series Integrated Debugger Ver. 2.30 or Later Operation (Windows Based) User's Manual (U15185E) for the usage methods. (1) EXTOUT Outputs a low level from the EXTOUT pin on the IE-789835-NS-EM1 for 1.3 s upon the occurrence of a break event. Caution Connect a pull-up resistor on the target system since this is an open-drain output. (2) EXTIN An event signal can be input from the EXTIN pin on the IE-789835-NS-EM1. Input a high-level pulse signal for 2 CPU operation clocks or more. Figure 3-17. External Trigger Input Position IC1 XT1 CP57 VLC3 VR1 CN1 X1 JP2 1 SW1 3 X2 SW6 SW3 SW5 SW2 IC2 P1 P2 P3 SW4 IE-789835-NS-EM1 CN2 CN3 LED1 TM1 CP11 EXTOUT External trigger CP12 EXTIN User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 33 CHAPTER 3 3.6 INSTALLATION LCD Emulation (1) LCD emulation Using the LCD emulation circuit, the VLC and CAP signals can be switched to the IE system side or target system side through switch activation, and an external boost circuit can also be used. The circuit configuration shown in Figure 3-18 is used on the IE system side. Figure 3-18. LCD Emulation Circuit Target system I/O EVA chip SW3 VLC0 to VLC4 CAP0 to CAP3 VLC0 VLC1 External boost circuit 5V 10 k SW4 CP57 (check pin) VLC3 SW1 VLC2 VLC3 VR1 (10 k) SW2 VLC4 4.7 k ZD SW5 CAP0 IE system CAP1 VLC0 to VLC4 Connect to GND via a capacitor (0.1 F). CAP0 to CAP3 Connect CAP0 to CAP1, CAP1 to CAP2, and CAP2 to CAP3 with a capacitor (0.1 F). SW6 CAP2 CAP3 Table 3-6. LCD Switch Settings Switch (Signal Name) SW3 (VLC0, VLC1) SW4 (VLC2, VLC3) SW2 (VLC4) SW5 (CAP0, CAP1) SW6 (CAP2, CAP3) 34 Setting Description ICE side (initial setting) Connects IE system's internal circuit. USR side Connects to target system via emulation probe. ICE side (initial setting) Connects IE system's internal circuit. USR side Connects to target system via emulation probe. ICE side (initial setting) Connects IE system's internal circuit. USR side Connects to target system via emulation probe. ICE side (initial setting) Connects IE system's internal circuit. USR side Connects to target system via emulation probe. ICE side (initial setting) Connects IE system's internal circuit. USR side Connects to target system via emulation probe. User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION (2) External boost circuit SW1 of the external boost circuit is set to OFF at shipment, and connection of an external boost circuit is possible by setting this switch to ON. The external boost circuit is a circuit that re-boosts the reference value set to VLCD00 (FFB3H). VR1 is used to adjust the VLC3 voltage (1.6 V to 2.2 V) and boost the voltage level of the LCD reference voltage (VLC0 to VLC4). The VLC0 voltage can be adjusted up to the standard value - 0.35 V 15%. At shipment, VR1 is set to VLC3 = 2.0 V. The VLC3 voltage can be measured with the check pin (CP57). Figure 3-19. Variable Resistance of External Boost Circuit LOW SW1 OFF HIGH VLC3 VR1 VLC CP57 HIGH ON LOW CP57 VLC3 VR1 1.6 V to 2.2 V Table 3-7. Switch Settings of External Boost Circuit SW1 ON: Connect circuit OFF: Disconnect circuit (initial setting) User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 35 CHAPTER 4 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TARGET DEVICES AND TARGET INTERFACE CIRCUITS This chapter describes differences between the target device's signal lines and the signal lines of the IE system target interface circuit. The target interface circuit of the IE system realizes emulation through an emulation circuit configuration comprising the emulation CPU, TTL, CMOS-IC, etc. The protective circuit makes the electrical specifications of the IE system different from those of the target device. (1) Signals input to or output from the EVA chip and the peripheral EVA chip (2) Signals input from the target system via a gate (3) Other signals The following shows the circuit of the IE-789835-NS-EM1 for the signals in (1) to (3) above. The same applies to alternate pins for which no circuit is provided in the IE system. (1) Signals input to or output from the emulation CPU The following signals perform the same operations as in the PD789835 Subseries. However, a 1 M pull-down resistor and 100 resistor are inserted in series. Refer to Figure 4-1 Equivalent Circuit of Emulation Circuit 1. 1 M pull-down resistors are connected to the signals related to port 0 and port 1 inside the IE-78K0S or IE78K0S-NS-A. * Signals related to port 0 When used as pins for detecting key returns, port 0 is pulled up using HC4066 in the IE-789835-NS-EM1. * Signals related to port 1 * Signals related to port 2 * Signals related to port 3 * Signals related to port 6 * Signals related to port 8 * Signals related to LCD VLC0 to VLC4 and CAP0 to CAP3 are connected to the emulation circuit by switching slide SW. A Zener diode of 7 V is connected between VLC0 and GND to protect the pins. 36 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM CHAPTER 4 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TARGET DEVICES AND TARGET INTERFACE CIRCUITS Figure 4-1. Equivalent Circuit of Emulation Circuit 1 Probe side (Target system) IE system side LVCC HC4066 Check point block (Through hole) Port 0 (KR00 to KR07) 100 k 100 Port 0 (KR00 to KR07) 100 Port 1 Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 100 Port 2 Port 3 1 M Port 6 Port 8 LCD0 to LCD87 Port 6 Port 8 LCD0 to LCD87 USR side VLC0 to VLC4 CAP0 to CAP3 SW2 to SW6 VLC0 to VLC4 CAP0 to CAP3 Emulation circuit ICE side RD7.5SB2 (VLC0 only) (2) Signals input from the target system via a gate Since the following signals are input via a gate, their signals show a delay compared to the PD789835 Subseries. Refer to Figure 4-2 Equivalent Circuit of Emulation Circuit 2. * RESET signal * Signals related to clock input The X2 (CL2) and XT2 pins are not used in the IE-789835-NS-EM1. * SEL pin The SEL pin is not used in the IE-789835-NS-EM1. The IE system is fixed to ceramic/crystal oscillation. * VROUT pin The VROUT pin is not used in the IE-789835-NS-EM1. This pin is connected to GND via a capacitor of 47 F in the IE system. User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 37 CHAPTER 4 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TARGET DEVICES AND TARGET INTERFACE CIRCUITS Figure 4-2. Equipment Circuit of Emulation Circuit 2 Probe side (Target system) IE system side LVCC 4.7 k HC4066 100 RESET RESET LVCC HSK120 X1 (CL1), XT1 100 X1, XT1 1 M X2 (CL2), XT2 Open VROUT Open HSK120 VROUT 47 F SEL Open (3) Other signals Refer to Figure 4-3 Equivalent Circuit of Emulation Circuit 3. * VDD pin The emulation CPU operates on the internal power supply (3 V) when not connected to the target system, and operates on the voltage (LVCC) supplied from the low voltage supply pin (TM1) when connected to the target system. The VDD pin of the target system is used only to control the LED1 that indicates whether the target system's power is on or off in the IE-789835-NS-EM1. * VSS pin The VSS pin is are connected to GND in the IE-789835-NS-EM1. * IC/VPP pin The IC/VPP pin is not used in the IE-789835-NS-EM1. 38 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM CHAPTER 4 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TARGET DEVICES AND TARGET INTERFACE CIRCUITS Figure 4-3. Equivalent Circuit of Emulation Circuit 3 Probe side (Target system) IE system side + 100 - VDD 0.1 F Filter + Power supply detection 1 M G6H-2F (Relay) TM1 (Low Volt) PC393 + - 100 22 F PC393 Power supply generation 1 M VSS TM1 (GND) IC/VPP Open User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 39 CHAPTER 5 RESTRICTIONS This chapter describes the differences between the target device and IE system specifications. The emulation circuit of the IE system is configured of an EVA chip, TTL, CMOS-IC, etc., to realize emulation. Therefore, there are differences between the target device and IE system specifications. * Emulating an RC oscillator not possible by SEL pin input in the IE-789835-NS-EM1 The SEL pin, which is left open, does not accept input. The IE system is fixed to ceramic/crystal oscillation. Emulating the oscillator is limited to the functions described in 3.4 Clock Settings. * The power supply voltage of the subsystem clock cannot be changed in the IE-789835-NS-EM1 The VROUT0 pin is fixed to VDD (LVCC: 1.8 V to 3.6 V). Even if PSC00 (FFAFH) is changed to "1", switching to the VROUT0 voltage will not be enabled. The VROUT0 pin is connected to GND via a capacitor of 0.47 F in the IE789835-NS-EM1. * The voltage level of the LCD reference voltage (VLC0 to VLC4) does not satisfy the specified value in the IE-789835-NS-EM1 The VLC0 voltage is the specified value (when the voltage level of the boost circuit is set by VLCD00 (FFB3H)) - 0.53 V 10%. The VLC0 voltage can be controlled within the range of the specified value - 0.35 V 15% by using the external boost circuit of the IE-789835-NS-EM1. For the external boost circuit, refer to 3.6 LCD Emulation. 40 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM APPENDIX A EMULATION PROBE PIN ASSIGNMENT TABLE Table A-1. SWEX-144SD-1 Pin Assignments (1/2) Tip on Target System Side Pin No. Tip on Target System Side Pin No. CN1 CN2 CN3 CN2 CN3 1 1 54 - 31 31 94 - 2 2 56 - 32 32 96 3 3 57 - 33 33 4 4 58 - 34 5 5 60 - 6 6 61 7 7 8 Pin No. CN1 CN2 CN3 61 61 - 101 - 62 62 - 104 97 - 63 63 - 106 34 98 - 64 64 - 105 35 35 100 - 65 65 - 108 - 36 36 101 - 66 66 - 110 62 - 37 37 102 - 67 67 - 109 8 64 - 38 38 104 - 68 68 - 112 9 9 65 - 39 39 105 - 69 69 - 114 10 10 66 - 40 40 106 - 70 70 - 113 11 11 68 - 41 41 108 - 71 71 - 116 12 12 69 - 42 42 109 - 72 72 - 118 13 13 70 - 43 43 110 - 73 73 63 - 14 14 72 - 44 44 112 - 74 74 67 - 15 15 73 - 45 45 113 - 75 75 71 - 16 16 74 - 46 46 114 - 76 76 * - 17 17 76 - 47 47 116 - 77 77 79 - 18 18 77 - 48 48 117 - 78 78 83 - 19 19 78 - 49 49 118 - 79 79 87 - 20 20 80 - 50 50 120 - 80 80 * - 21 21 81 - 51 51 - 90 81 81 95 - 22 22 82 - 52 52 - 89 82 82 - - 23 23 84 - 53 53 - 92 83 83 103 - 24 24 85 - 54 54 - 94 84 84 107 - 25 25 86 - 55 55 - 93 85 85 111 - 26 26 88 - 56 56 - 96 86 86 115 - 27 27 89 - 57 57 - 98 87 87 - 62 28 28 90 - 58 58 - 97 88 88 - 66 29 29 92 - 59 59 - 100 89 89 - 70 30 30 93 - 60 60 - 102 90 90 - 74 Remark CN1 Tip on Target System Side SWEX-144SD-1 is a product of TOKYO ELETECH CORPORATION. User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 41 APPENDIX A EMULATION PROBE PIN ASSIGNMENT TABLE Table A-1. SWEX-144SD-1 Pin Assignments (2/2) Pin No. Tip on Target System Side CN1 CN2 91 91 92 CN3 CN1 CN2 - 46 111 111 92 - 50 112 93 93 - 54 94 94 - 95 95 96 Pin No. CN3 Tip on Target System Side CN1 CN2 CN3 6 - 131 131 32 - 112 5 - 132 132 34 - 113 113 8 - 133 133 33 - 58 114 114 10 - 134 134 36 - 7 - 115 115 9 - 135 135 38 - 96 11 - 116 116 12 - 136 136 37 - 97 97 15 - 117 117 14 - 137 137 40 - 98 98 19 - 118 118 13 - 138 138 42 - 99 99 23 - 119 119 16 - 139 139 41 - 100 100 27 - 120 120 18 - 140 140 44 - 101 101 31 - 121 121 17 - 141 141 46 - 102 102 35 - 122 122 20 - 142 142 45 - 103 103 39 - 123 123 22 - 143 143 48 - 104 104 43 - 124 124 21 - 144 144 50 - 105 105 47 - 125 125 24 - 106 106 51 - 126 126 26 - 107 107 59 - 127 127 25 - 108 108 55 - 128 128 28 - 109 109 1 - 129 129 30 - 110 110 4 - 130 130 29 - Remark 42 Pin No. Tip on Target System Side SWEX-144SD-1 is a product of TOKYO ELETECH CORPORATION. User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM APPENDIX B CAUTIONS ON DESIGNING TARGET SYSTEM Figures B-1 and B-2 show the conditions when connecting the emulation probe to the conversion connector. Follow the configuration below and consider the shape of parts to be mounted on the target system when designing a system. SWEX-144SD-1, NQPACK144SD, and YQPACK144SD described in this appendix are products of TOKYO ELETECH CORPORATION. Figure B-1. Distance Between In-Circuit Emulator and Conversion Connector In-circuit emulator IE-78K0-NS or IE-78K0-NS-A Target system Emulation board IE-789835-NS-EM1 335 8 mm CN2 CN3 CN1 Emulation probe SWEX-144SD-1 Conversion connector NQPACK144SD + YQPACK144SD FG Cable (Supplied) Figure B-2. Connection to Target System Emulation board IE-789835-NS-EM1 Emulation probe SWEX-144SD-1 Conversion connector NQPACK144SD+ YQPACK144SD 18.5 mm 29 mm 55.5 mm 29 mm 47.5 mm Target system User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 43 [MEMO] 44 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM [MEMO] User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM 45 [MEMO] 46 User's Manual U16290EJ1V0UM Facsimile Message From: Name Company Tel. Although NEC has taken all possible steps to ensure that the documentation supplied to our customers is complete, bug free and up-to-date, we readily accept that errors may occur. Despite all the care and precautions we've taken, you may encounter problems in the documentation. Please complete this form whenever you'd like to report errors or suggest improvements to us. FAX Address Thank you for your kind support. North America Hong Kong, Philippines, Oceania NEC Electronics Inc. NEC Electronics Hong Kong Ltd. Corporate Communications Dept. 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