© 2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com
FSA880 / FSA881 • Rev. 1.0.7 23
FSA880 / FSA881 — USB Port 2:1 Switch with Accessory and Charger Detection
10. Layout Guidel i nes
10.1. PCB Layout Guidelines for H igh-Speed
USB Signal Integrity
1. Place FSA88x as close to the USB controller as
possible. Shorter traces mean less loss, less chance of
picking up s tray noise, and less radiated EMI.
a) Keep the distance between the USB controller and
the device less than 25 mm (< one inch).
b) For best results, this distance should be <18mm.
This keeps it less than one quarter (¼) of the
transmissi on ele ctrical length.
2. Use an impedance calculator to ens ure 90 Ω differential
impedance for DP_CON and DM_CON lines.
3. Select the best transmission line for the application.
a) For example, for a densely populated board, select
an edge-coup led differential stripline.
4. Minimize the use of vias and keep HS USB lines on
same plane in the sta ck.
a) Vias are an interruption in the impedance of the
transmission line and should be avoided.
b) Try to avoid routing schemes that generally force
the use of at least two vias: one on each end to get
the signal to and from the surface.
5. Cross lines, only if necessary, orthogonally to avoid
noise coupling (traces running in parallel couple).
6. If possible, separate HS USB lines with GND to improve
a) Routing GND, power, or components close to the
transmission lines can create impedance
7. Match transmission line pairs as much as possible to
improve skew perform anc e.
8. Avoid sharp bends in PCB traces; a chamfer or
rounding is gener ally preferr e d .
9. Place decoupling for power pins as close to the device
as possible.
a) Use low-ESR capacitor s for decoupling if possible.
b) A tuned PI filter should be used to negate the
effects of switching power supplies and other noise
sources if needed.
10.2. Layout for GSM / TDMA Buzz Reduction
There are two possible mechanisms for TDMA / GSM noise
to negatively impact FSA88x performance. The first is the
result of large current draw by the phone transmitter during
active signaling when the transmitter is at full or almost-full
power. With the phone transmitter dumping large amounts of
current in the phone GND plane; it is possible for there to be
temporary voltage excursions in the GND plane if not
properly designed. This noise can be coupled back through
the GND plane into the FSA88x device and, although the
FSA88x has very good isolation; if the GND noise amp litude
is large enough, it can result in noise coupling to the
FSA88x. The second path for GSM noise is through
electromagnetic coupling onto the signal lines themselves.
In most cases, the noise introduced as a result is on the VBAT
and / or GND supply rails. Following are recommendations
for PCB board design that help address these two sources of
TDMA / GSM noise.
1. Provide a wide, low-impedance GND return path to both
the FSA88x and to the power amplifier that sources the
phone trans mit block.
2. Provide separate GND connections to PCB GND plane
for each device. Do not share GND return paths among
3. Add as large a decoupling capacitor as possible (≥1µF)
between the VBAT pin and GND to shunt any power
supply noise away from the FSA88x. Also add
decoupling capacitance at the PA (see the reference
application schematic in Figure 22 for recommended
decoupling cap ac itor val ues).
4. Add 33 pF shunt capacitors on any PCB nodes with the
potential to collect radiated energy from the phone
5. Add a series RBAT resistor prior to the decoupling
capacitor on the VBAT pin to attenuate noise prior to
reaching the FSA88x.