Specification 108-5342-3
03May06 Rev A
.040II/.070II Hybrid I/O Connector MK-II for Wire-To-Board
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Harrisburg, PA
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This specification covers the requirements for product performance, test methods and quality assurance
provisions of .040II/.070II Hy brid I /O Connect or MK- II for Wire-To-Board Ter minat ion. Applicable pr oduct
description and part numbers ar e shown in the Appendix.
The following documents f orm a part of this specif ication to the ext ent specif ied herei n. In the event of
conflict between the r equirements of this specification and the pr oduct drawing, the product drawing
shal l take precedence. In the event of conflict bet ween the requirements of this specification and the
ref erenced documents, this specification shall t ake precedence.
2.1. Tyco Elect ronics Documents
108-5342: Product Specifi cation ( .040II/.070II Hybrid I/O Connector M K-II for Wire-to-Board
109-5000: Test Specifi cation ( G eneral Requirements for T est Specif ication)
114-5159: Application Specif icati on (Cr imping .040II Ser ies Tab and Receptacle Contact)
114-5160: Application Specif icati on (Cr imping .070II Ser ies Tab and Receptacle Contact)
114-5198: Application Specif icati on (Cr imping .070 III Unsealed Contact, Receptacle)
501-5303: Qualif ication Test Report (.040II/.070II Hy brid I/O Connect or M K-II for Wire-To-Board
501-5303- 1: Qualification T est Report ( .040II/.070II Hybr id I/O Connector M K-II for Wire-To-Board
2.2. Commercial Standards and Specifications
JASO D605: Multi-Pole Connector for Automobiles
JASO D7101: Test Met hods for Plastic Molded Parts
JIS C3406: Low Voltage Wires and Cables for Automobiles
JIS D0203: Method of Moisture, Rain and Spray T est for Automobile Parts
JIS D0204: Method of High and Low Temperature Test for Automobi le Parts
JIS D1601: Vibration Testing Method f or Aut omobile Par ts
JIS R5210: Portland Cement
MIL-STD-202, Met hod 208: Method of Solder ing
USCAR PF-1: Performance Standard
3.1. Desi gn and Constr uction
Product shall be of the design, construction and physical dimensions specif ied on the applicable pr oduct
3.2. Materials
Materials used in the construct ion of this pr oduct shall be as specified on the applicable product dr awing.
Rev A 2 of 12
3.3. Ratings
Temperature: -30 to 105
3.4. Perf ormance and Test Descript ion
Product is designed to meet the elect rical, mechanical and environmental per formance requirements
speci fied in Figure 2. Unless ot herwise specif ied, al l tests shall be per for med at room temperature.
3.5. Test Requirements and Procedur es Summary
Para Test Item Requirement Procedur e
3.5. 1 Confirmation of Product Product shall be conf ormi ng to
the r equirements of applicable
product drawing and Application
Speci ficat ions 114-5159 and
Vi sually, dimensionally and
funct ionally inspected per
appl icable quality inspect ion
3.5. 2 Termination Resistance,
Speci fied Current .040II: 10 milliohms maximum
initial; 20 milliohms maximum
.070II, III: 3 milliohms maximum
initial; 10 milliohms maximum
Measure initial millivolt drop of
contact test circuit in mated
connector s. Figur e 3.
AMP Spec 109-5311- 2.
3.5. 3 Termination Resistance, Low
Level .040II: 10 milliohms maximum
initial; 20 milliohms maximum
.070II, III: 3 milliohms maximum
initial; 10 milliohms maximum
Subject mated contacts
assembled in housing to closed
circuit current of 10 milliamperes
maximum at open circuit voltage
of 20 millivolts maximum. Figure
AMP Spec 109-5311- 1.
3.5. 4 Dielectric Strength No creeping discharge nor
flashover shall occur. 1 ki lovolt AC for 1 mi nute. Test
between adjacent circuits of
mated/unmated connectors.
AMP Spec 109-5301.
3.5. 5 Insulation Resist ance 100 megohms minimum. Impressed voltage 500 volts DC.
Test between adjacent circui ts of
mated connector s.
AMP Spec 109-5302.
3.5. 6 Current Leakage 1 milliampere maximum. 12 volts DC impressed 1 minute.
AMP Spec 109-5312.
3.5. 7 Temperature Rising 60
C maximum under specified
current. Measur e temperature rise by
energized current .
AMP Spec 109-5310.
3.5.8 Current Cycling .040II: 20 milliohms maximum
.070II, III: 10 milliohms maximum
No i gniti on allowed during test.
Appl ied current per Figur es 6
and 7. 45 mi nutes ON, 15
minut es OFF, 200 cy cles.
AMP Spec 109-5308.
Fi gure 1 ( continued)
Para Test Item Requirement Procedur e
Rev A 3 of 12
3.5. 9 Vibration, High Frequency No electrical discontinuity
great er than 1 micr osecond shall
.040II: 20 milliohms maximum
.070II, III: 10 milliohms maximum
Vi brat ion frequency : 20-200-20
Hz/3 min.
Accel erat ed velocity: 44.1 m/82
(4.5 G).
Duration 4 hours 2 hours 2 hours
AMP Spec 109-5202.
3.5. 10 Vibration plus Current Cycle No electrical discontinuity
great er than 1 micr osecond shall
.040II: 20 milliohms maximum
.070II, III: 10 milliohms maximum
Vi brat ion frequency : 20-200-20
Hz/3 min.
Accel erat ed velocity: 44.1 m/82
(4.5 G).
Duration 4 hours 2 hours 2 hours
Test current:
.040II: 4.4 amperes DC.
.070II, III: 10 amperes DC.
3.5.11 Contact Mating Force .040II: 5.8 N maximum.
.070II, III: 10 milliohms maximum
Operat ion speed: 100 mm per
minut e. Measure force requir ed
to mate contacts.
AMP Spec 109-5206.
3.5.12 Contact Unmating Force .040II: 0.98 N minimum for silver
pl ating; 0.69 N mi nimum for gold
.070II, III: 0.98 N minimum for
si lver plating; 0.69 N mi nimum
for gold plat ing.
Operat ion speed: 100 mm per
minut e. Measure force requir ed
to mate contacts.
AMP Spec 109-5206.
3.5.13 Connector Mating For ce 10 posi tion: 69 N maximum. USCAR PF-1
12 posi tion: 69 N max imum.
16 posi tion: 69 N max imum.
22 posi tion: 88.3 N maximum.
26 posi tion: 98.1 N maximum.
Operat ion speed: 100 mm per
minut e. Measure force requir ed
to mate connectors.
AMP Spec 109-5206.
3.5.14 Connector Unmating Force 10 posi tion: 69 N maximum. USCAR PF-1
12 posi tion: 69 N max imum.
16 posi tion: 69 N max imum.
22 posi tion: 88.3 N maximum.
26 posi tion: 98.1 N maximum.
Operat ion speed: 100 mm per
minut e. Measure force requir ed
to unmate connectors.
AMP Spec 109-5206.
3.5. 15 Housing Locking St rength 98 N minimum. Operat ion speed: 100 mm per
minut e. Measure housing locking
AMP Spec 109-5210.
Fi gure 1 ( continued)
Para Test Item Requirement Procedur e
Rev A 4 of 12
3.5. 16 Contact Inser tion For ce 9.8 N maximum per contact. Measure force r equired to inser t
contact s into housing.
AMP Spec 109-5211.
3.5. 17 Contact Retention Force, Pr e-
Lock 49 N minimum. Operat ion speed: 100 mm per
minut e. Apply an axial pull-off
l oad to cr imped wire.
AMP Spec 109-5212.
3.5. 18 Contact Retention Force,
Secondary Lock 78 N minimum. Operat ion speed: 100 mm per
minut e. Measure contact
ret ention f orce with secondary
l o ck in effect .
3.5. 19 Crimp Tensile Strength Wire Size Crimp Tensile Operat ion speed: 100 mm per
minut e. Apply an axial pull-off
l oad to cr imped wire of contact
secured on t he tester.
AMP Spec 109-5205.
mm2AWG N minimum
0.3 22 58
0.5 20 88
0.85 18 127
1.25 16 177
3.5.20 Durability, Repeated
Mating/Unmating .040II: 20 milliohms maximum
.070II, III: 10 milliohms maximum
Operat ion speed: 100 mm per
minut e. 30 cy cles.
AMP Spec 109-5213.
3.5.21 Resistance to “Kojiri .040II: 20 milliohms maximum
.070II, III: 10 milliohms maximum
Repeated mating/ unmating by
hand. 30 cy cles.
AMP Spec 109-5215.
3.5.22 Solderability Wet solder coverage: 95%
minimum, plated area only. Sol der t emperature: 230 ± 5
Immersi on duration: 3 ± 0.5
Fl ux: Alpha 100
AMP Spec 109-5203.
3.5. 23 Handling Er gonomics No abnormalit ies allowed i n
manual mating/unmating
Manually operated.
3.5. 24 Double Lock Plat e Locking
Strength 59 N Max imum. Operat ion speed: 100 mm per
minut e. Measure force requir ed
to lock the double lock plate.
3.5.25 Thermal Shock .040II: 20 milliohms maximum
.070II, III: 10 milliohms maximum
C for 120 minut es; 80
C for
120 minut es (1 cy cle). Repeat
for 5 cycles.
AMP Spec 109-5103.
Fi gure 1 ( continued)
Para Test Item Requirement Procedur e
Rev A 5 of 12
3.5. 26 Humidity, Steady State Insulation resistance: 100
megohms minimum final.
Termination r esistance:
.040II: 20 milliohms maximum
.070II, III: 10 milliohms maximum
Mated/unmated connector, 90 to
95% RH, 60
C, 96 hour s.
AMP Spec 109-5105.
3.5. 27 Indust rial Gas, SO2 .040II: 20 milliohms maximum
.070II, III: 10 milliohms maximum
SO2 gas: 10 ppm, 95% RH,
C, 96 hour s.
AMP Spec 109-5107.
3.5.28 Temperature Life, Heat Aging .040II: 20 milliohms maximum
.070II, III: 10 milliohms maximum
C, 120 hour s.
AMP Spec 109-5104.
3.5.29 Resistance to Cold .040II: 20 milliohms maximum
.070II, III: 10 milliohms maximum
-50 ± 5
C, 120 hour s.
AMP Spec 109-5108.
3.5.30 Dust Bombardment .040II: 20 milliohms maximum
.070II, III: 10 milliohms maximum
Subject JIS R5210 cement blow
of 1. 5 kg per 10 seconds in 15
minut e intervals for 90 minut es.
AMP Spec 109-5110.
Fi gure 1 ( end)
Rev A 6 of 12
Test Item
Test Group
1234567 8 9 1011
Test Sequence (a)
Confirmation of product 11111,191,111,111,131,161,111
Termination Resistance, Specified Current 4
Termination Resistance, Low Level 3 3,5,7 3,6,8 3,6,8 3,6,8,10 2,7,9,14 3,6,8
Dielectric Strength 3 4,12
Insulation Resistance 2 3,11
Current Leakage 4 5,10
Temperature Rising 5
Curre nt Cyclin g 9
Vibration, High Frequency 7
Vibration plus Current Cycle 7
Contact Mating Force 2
Contact Unmating Force 3
Connector Mating Force 2 2,10 2,10 2,12 2,10
Connector Unmating Force 6 4,9 4,9 4,11 4,9
Housing Locking Strength 2
Contact Insertion Force 2
Contact Retention Force, Pre-Lock 3
Contact Retention Force, Secondary Lock 7
Crimp Tens ile Strength 4
Dura bilit y, Repeated Mat i ng/Un mat ing 6
Resistance to “Kojiri” 5 5 5
Solderability 2
Handling Ergonomics 8 15
Double Lock Plate Locking Strength 4
Thermal Shock 4
Humidity, Steady State 6 8
Industrial Gas, SO213
Temperature Life, Heat Aging 5
Resistance to Cold 7
Dust Bombardment 7
(a) Numbers indicat e sequence in which tests are performed.
Fi gure 2
Rev A 7 of 12
From the measured r eadings, deduct the resist ance of the 150 mm long wire used for terminat ion.
When testing for rated cur rent measurement, apply 12 volts DC, 1 ampere to the cir cuit. For obtaining
uni for mity of the cur rent density on t he probing points Y Y’ , apply solderi ng on the pr obing points prior to
Fi gure 3
Measurement of Termination Resistance
Fi gure 4
Fi gure 5
Rev A 8 of 12
Ma xi mum A llo wable Curre nt (I maximum)
Wire Size (mm2) Al lowable Current (DC A)
0.3 8
0.5 11
0.85 15
1.25 19
2.0 25
Fi gure 6
Reduction Coefficient (Kd)
Number of
Energized Contacts Reduction
2-3 0.75
4-5 0.6
6-8 0.55
9-12 0.5
13- 0.4
Fi gure 7
(1) I1 = Kd • Imax Cur rent applied t o all positions
(2) I2 = Imax Current applied t o every other posit ion in mul tiple connector
Wire Size
Test M ethod I Test M ethod II
Test Current
(amperes) Duration
(minutes) Test Curr ent
(amperes) Duration
0.3 25
0.5 30 80
0.85 40 110
1.25 45 170
2.0 70 250
Fi gure 8
Rev A 9 of 12
Fi gure 9
Fi gure 10
Fi gure 11
Rev A 10 of 12
Rev A 11 of 12
Part Number Product
178845 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or MK-II 12 positi on plug housing assembl y ( signal)
178881 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or MK-II 12 positi on plug housing assembl y ( power)
178795 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or MK-II 16 positi on plug housing assembl y
178883 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or MK-II 16 positi on plug housing assembl y
177545 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or MK-II 16 positi on plug housing assembl y
178798 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or MK-II 22 positi on plug housing assembl y
178801 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or MK-II 26 positi on plug housing assembl y
178885 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or MK-II 26 positi on plug housing assembl y
178888 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or MK-II 26 positi on 3 row plug housing assembly
178897 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or MK-II 26 positi on 3 row low profile plug housing assembly
175571 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 26 posit ion cap housing assembl y
178811 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 26 posit ion cap housing assembl y
175569 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 26 posit ion cap housing assembl y
178762 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 26 posit ion cap housing assembl y
176206 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 26 posit ion 3 row cap housing assembly
178900 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 26 posit ion 3 row low prof ile cap housing assembly
178209 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 26 posit ion low profile cap housing assembly
638207 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 10 posit ion plug housing assembly
1438794 .040/ .070 Hy brid I /O connect or 10 posit ion plug housing assembly
987989 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 22 posit ion plug housing assembly
638211 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 32 posit ion cap housing assembl y, vertical
776629 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 32 posit ion cap housing assembl y, vertical
776631 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 32 posit ion cap housing assembl y, vertical
776633 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 32 posit ion cap housing assembl y, vertical
776635 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 32 posit ion cap housing assembl y, vertical
175444 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 34 posit ion cap housing assembl y
176255 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 34 posit ion cap housing assembl y ( 30 positi on)
175521 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 38 posit ion cap housing assembl y
178093 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 38 posit ion cap housing assembl y
353245 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 38 posit ion cap housing assembl y, V-t ype
175446 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 42 posit ion cap housing assembl y
176242 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 42 posit ion cap housing assembl y
177542 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 42 posit ion cap housing assembl y
174917 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 48 posit ion cap housing assembl y
175448 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 54 posit ion cap housing assembl y
1318471 .040/ .070 Hy brid I /O connect or 54 posit ion cap housing assembl y w/o 16 positi on
174518 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 64 posit ion cap housing assembl y
178764 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 64 posit ion cap housing assembl y
Part Number Product
Rev A 12 of 12
177609 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 64 posit ion cap housing assembl y
176122 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 64 posit ion cap housing assembl y
174915 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 76 posit ion cap housing assembl y
176142 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 76 posit ion cap housing assembl y
178780 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 76 posit ion cap housing assembl y
353468 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 76 posit ion cap housing assembl y
353469 .040/.070 Hybr id I/O connect or 76 posit ion cap housing assembl y
175265 .040II S receptacle contact ( pre-tin)
175266 .040II S receptacle contact ( selective gold)
175268 .070II S receptacle contact ( pre-tin)
175275 .070II S receptacle contact ( selective gold)
175269 .070II M receptacle contact (pre-tin)
175276 .070II M receptacle contact (selecti ve gold)
1318629 .070III M L receptacle contact (pre-tin)