Analog Devices Welcomes Hittite Microwave Corporation NO CONTENT ON THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT HAS CHANGED THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK HMC128G8 v02.1105 GaAs MMIC SMT DOUBLEBALANCED MIXER, 1.8 - 5 GHz Typical Applications Features The HMC128G8 is ideal for: Conversion Loss: 10 dB * Base Station LO to RF and IF Isolation: >30 dB * MMDS High Third-Order Intercept: +18 dB * WirelessLAN MIXERS - DBL-BAL - SMT 9 * Wireless Local Loop Functional Diagram General Description The HMC128G8 is a miniature double-balanced mixer in a hermetic surface mount package that can be used as an upconverter or downconverter. The device is a passive diode/balun type mixer with high dynamic range. Noise figure is essentially equal to the conversion loss. The mixer can handle larger signal levels than most active mixers due to the high third order intercept. MMIC implementation provides exceptional balance in the circuit resulting in high LO/RF and LO/ IF isolations. Electrical Specifi cations, TA = +25 C, LO Drive = +15 dBm Parameter Min. Frequency Range, RF & LO Max. 1.8 - 5.0 Frequency Range, IF Noise Figure (SSB) Units GHz DC - 2 Conversion Loss 9-2 Typ. GHz 10 12 dB 10 12 dB LO to RF Isolation 28 40 LO to IF Isolation 20 30 dB IP3 (Input) 13 18 dBm IP2 (Input) 35 40 dBm 1 dB Gain Compression (Input) 5 10 dBm For price, delivery, and to place orders, please contact Hittite Microwave Corporation: 20 Alpha Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at dB HMC128G8 v02.1105 GaAs MMIC SMT DOUBLEBALANCED MIXER, 1.8 - 5 GHz Isolation Conversion Gain 0 -10 -10 LO= +10dBm -15 0 1 2 3 4 RF FREQUENCY (GHz) -20 -30 LO/RF -50 -60 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 6 Distortion and 1dB Compression vs. LO Drive Level 0 Distortion -5 RF(f1) = 3.01 GHz RF(f2) = 3.00 GHz LO = 3.5 GHz RF Level = 0 dBm LO Drive IF -10 LO RF -15 2 3 4 FREQUENCY (GHz) 5 1 dB Compression (dBm) IP3 (dBm) IP2 (dBm) P1dB (dBm) +10 16 38 8 +13 18 40 10 +15 18 40 10 -20 1 5 FREQUENCY (GHz) Return Loss 0 9 LO/IF -40 MIXERS - DBL-BAL - SMT LO= +15dBm -20 RETURN LOSS (dB) RF/IF -5 ISOLATION (dB) CONVERSION GAIN (dB) 0 6 For price, delivery, and to place orders, please contact Hittite Microwave Corporation: 20 Alpha Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at 9-3 HMC128G8 v02.1105 GaAs MMIC SMT DOUBLEBALANCED MIXER, 1.8 - 5 GHz Absolute Maximum Ratings MIXERS - DBL-BAL - SMT 9 LO Drive +27 dBm Storage Temperature -65 to +150 C Operating Temperature -55 to +125 C ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICE OBSERVE HANDLING PRECAUTIONS Outline Drawing NOTES: 1. PACKAGE MATERIAL: ALUMINA LOADED BOROSILICATE GLASS. 2. LEAD, BASE, COVER MATERIAL: KOVARTM (#7052 CORNING). 3. PLATING: ELECTROLYTIC GOLD 50 MICROINCHES MIN., OVER ELECTROLYTIC NICKEL 50 MICROINCHES MIN. 4. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. 5. TOLERANCES: .005 [0.13] UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 6. ALL GROUND LEADS AND GROUND PADDLE MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB RF GROUND. 9-4 For price, delivery, and to place orders, please contact Hittite Microwave Corporation: 20 Alpha Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at HMC128G8 v02.1105 GaAs MMIC SMT DOUBLEBALANCED MIXER, 1.8 - 5 GHz Evaluation PCB MIXERS - DBL-BAL - SMT 9 List of Materials for Evaluation PCB 104882 [1] Item Description J1 - J3 PCB Mount SMA RF Connector U1 HMC128G8 Mixer PCB [2] 104880 Evaluation Board [1] Reference this number when ordering complete evaluation PCB [2] Circuit Board Material: Rogers 4350 The circuit board used in the final application should use RF circuit design techniques. Signal lines should have 50 ohm impedance while the package ground leads and exposed paddle should be connected directly to the ground plane similar to that shown. A sufficient number of via holes should be used to connect the top and bottom ground planes. The evaluation circuit board shown is available from Hittite upon request. For price, delivery, and to place orders, please contact Hittite Microwave Corporation: 20 Alpha Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at 9-5 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Analog Devices Inc.: HMC128G8