Miniature I2C digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa
Rev. 10 — 10 October 2017 Data sheet: technical data
1 General description
The MPL115A2 is an absolute pressure sensor with a digital I2C output targeting low
cost applications. A miniature 5 x 3 x 1.2 mm LGA package is ideally suited for the space
constrained requirements of portable electronic devices. Low current consumptions of
5 μA during Active mode and 1 μA during Shutdown (Sleep) mode are essential when
focusing on low-power applications. The wide operating temperature range spans from –
40 °C to +105 °C to fit demanding environmental conditions.
The MPL115A2 employs a MEMS pressure sensor with a conditioning IC to provide
accurate pressure measurements from 50 to 115 kPa. An integrated ADC converts
pressure and temperature sensor readings to digitized outputs via a I2C port. Factory
calibration data is stored internally in an on-board ROM. Utilizing the raw sensor output
and calibration data, the host microcontroller executes a compensation algorithm to
render Compensated Absolute Pressure with ±1 kPa accuracy.
The MPL115A2 pressure sensor’s small form factor, low power capability, precision, and
digital output optimize it for barometric measurement applications.
2 Features
Digitized pressure and temperature information together with programmed calibration
coefficients for host micro use.
Factory calibrated
50 kPa to 115 kPa absolute pressure
±1 kPa accuracy
2.375 V to 5.5 V supply
Integrated ADC
I2C Interface (operates up to 400 kHz)
7-bit I2C address = 60h
Monotonic pressure and temperature data outputs
Surface mount RoHS compliant package
3 Applications
Barometry (portable and desktop)
Weather stations
Hard-disk drives (HDD)
Industrial equipment
Health monitoring
Air control systems
NXP Semiconductors MPL115A2
Miniature I2C digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa
MPL115A2 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2017. All rights reserved.
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4 Ordering information
Table 1. Ordering information
PackageType number
Name Description Version
MPL115A2 TSON8 LGA 8 I/O, 3 X 5 X 1.25 PITCH, SENSOR 1.2MAX MM PKG SOT1769-1
4.1 Ordering options
Table 2. Ordering options
# of Ports Pressure TypeDevice Name Package Options
None Single Dual Gauge Differential Absolute
MPL115A2 Tray I2C
MPL115A2T1 Tape & Reel (1000) I2C
5 Block diagram
Figure 1. Block diagram of MPL115A2
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Miniature I2C digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa
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6 Pinning information
6.1 Pinning
transparent top view
Figure 2. Pin configuration
6.2 Pin description
Table 3. Pin description
Pin Name Function
1 VDD Power Supply Connection: VDD range is 2.375 V to 5.5 V.
2 CAP 1 μF connected to ground.
3 GND Ground
Shutdown: Connect to GND to disable the device. When in
shutdown, the part draws no more than 1 μA supply current and
all communications pins (RST, SCL, SDA) are high impedance.
Connect to VDD for normal operation.
5 RST Reset: Connect to ground to disable I2C communications.
6 NC No connection
7 SDA[1] Serial data I/O line
8 SCL[1] Serial clock input.
[1] Use 4.7 kΩ pullup resistors for I2C communication.
7 Handling and Board Mount Recommendations
The sensor die is sensitive to light exposure. Direct light exposure through the port hole
can lead to varied accuracy of pressure measurement. Avoid such exposure to the port
during normal operation.
7.1 Methods of Handling
Components can be picked from the carrier tape using either the vacuum assist or the
mechanical type pickup heads. A vacuum assist nozzle type is most common due to its
lower cost of maintenance and ease of operation. The recommended vacuum nozzle
configuration should be designed to make contact with the device directly on the metal
cover and avoid vacuum port location directly over the vent hole in the metal cover of the
NXP Semiconductors MPL115A2
Miniature I2C digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa
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device. Multiple vacuum ports within the nozzle may be required to effectively handle the
device and prevent shifting during movement to placement position.
Vacuum pressure required to adequately support the component should be
approximately 25 inches Hg (85 kPa). This level is typical of in-house vacuum supply.
Pickup nozzles are available in various sizes and configurations to suit a variety of
component geometries. To select the nozzle best suited for the specific application, it
is recommended that the customer consult their pick and place equipment supplier to
determine the correct nozzle. In some cases it may be necessary to fabricate a special
nozzle depending on the equipment and speed of operation.
Tweezers or other mechanical forms of handling that have a sharp point are not
recommended since they can inadvertently be inserted into the vent hole of the device.
This can lead to a puncture of the MEMS element that will render the device inoperable.
7.2 Board Mount Recommendations
Components can be mounted using solder paste stencil, screen printed or dispensed
onto the PCB pads prior to placement of the component. The volume of solder paste
applied to the PCB is normally sufficient to secure the component during transport to the
subsequent reflow soldering process. Use of adhesives to secure the component is not
recommended, but where necessary can be applied to the underside of the device.
Solder pastes are available in variety of metal compositions, particle size and flux types.
The solder paste consists of metals and flux required for a reliable connection between
the component lead and the PCB pad. Flux aids the removal of oxides that may be
present on PCB pads and prevents further oxidation from occurring during the solder
The use of a No-Clean (NC) flux is recommended for exposed cavity components.
Using pressure spray, wire brush, or other methods of cleaning is not recommended
since it can puncture the MEMS device and render it unusable. If cleaning of the pcb
is performed, Water Soluble (WS) flux can be used. However, it is recommended the
component cavity is protected by adhesive Kapton tape, vinyl cap or other means
prior to the cleaning process. This covering will prevent damage to the MEMS device,
contamination, and foreign materials from being introduced into device cavity as result of
cleaning processes.
Ultrasonic cleaning is not recommended as the frequencies can damage wire bond
interconnections and the MEMS device.
NXP Semiconductors MPL115A2
Miniature I2C digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa
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8 Functional description
Readin g
coefficient data
Data conversion
pressure readin g
Figure 3. Sequence flow chart
The MPL115A interfaces to a host (or system) microcontroller in the user’s application.
All communications are via I2C. A typical usage sequence is as follows:
Initial power-up
All circuit elements are active. I2C port pins are high impedance and associated registers
are cleared. The device then enters standby mode.
Reading coefficient data
The user then typically accesses the part and reads the coefficient data. The main
circuits within the slave device are disabled during read activity. The coefficients are
usually stored in the host microcontoller local memory but can be re-read at any time.
It is not necessary to read the values stored in the host microcontroller multiple times
because the coefficients within a device are constant and do not change. However,
note that the coefficients will be different from device to device, and cannot be used for
another part.
Data conversion
This is the first step that is performed each time a new pressure reading is required which
is initiated by the host sending the CONVERT command. The main system circuits are
activated (wake) in response to the command and after the conversion completes, the
result is placed into the Pressure and Temperature ADC output registers.
The conversion completes within the maximum conversion time, tc (see row 7, in
Table 10). The device then enters standby mode.
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Miniature I2C digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa
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Compensated pressure reading
After the conversion has been given sufficient time to complete, the host microcontroller
reads the result from the ADC output registers and calculates the Compensated
Pressure, a barometric/atmospheric pressure value which is compensated for changes
in temperature and pressure sensor linearity. This is done using the coefficient data
from the MPL115A and the raw sampled pressure and temperature ADC output values,
in a compensation equation (detailed later). Note that this is an absolute pressure
measurement with a vacuum as a reference.
From this step the host controller may either wait and then return to the Data Conversion
step to obtain the next pressure reading or it may go to the Shutdown step.
For longer periods of inactivity the user may assert the SHDN input by driving this pin
low to reduce system power consumption. This removes power from all internal circuits,
including any registers. In the shutdown state, the Pressure and Temperature registers
will be reset, losing any previous ADC output values.
This step is exited by taking the SHDN pin high. Wait for the maximum wakeup time,
tw (see row 8, in Table 10), after which another pressure reading can be taken by
transitioning to the data Conversion step.
Table 4.  Device memory map
Address Name Description
00h Padc_MSB 10-bit Pressure ADC output value MSB
01h Padc_LSB 10-bit Pressure ADC output value LSB
02h Tadc_MSB 10-bit Temperature ADC output value MSB
03h Tacd_LSB 10-bit Temperature ADC output value LSB
04h a0_MSB a0 coefficient MSB
05h a0_LSB a0 coefficient LSB
06h b1_MSB b1 coefficient MSB
07h b1_LSB b1 coefficient LSB
08h b2_MSB b2 coefficient MSB
09h b2_LSB b2 coefficient LSB
0Ah c12_MSB c12 coefficient MSB
0Bh c12_LSB c12 coefficient LSB
0Ch reserved[1]
0Dh reserved[1]
0Eh reserved[1]
0Fh reserved[1]
NXP Semiconductors MPL115A2
Miniature I2C digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa
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Address Name Description
10h reserved
11h reserved
12h CONVERT Start Pressure and Temperature Conversion
[1] This register is set to 00h. It is reserved, and was previously utilized as Coefficient values, c11 and c22, which were
always 00h.
For values with less than 16 bits, the lower LSBs are zero. For example, c12 is 14 bits
and is stored into 2 bytes as follows:
c12 MS byte = c12[13:6] = [c12b13 , c12b12 , c12b11 , c12b10 , c12b9 , c12b8 , c12b7 , c12b6]
c12 LS byte = c12[5:0] & "00" = [c12b5 , c12b4 , c12b3 , c12b2 , c12b1 , c12b0 , 0 , 0]
8.1 Pressure, temperature and coefficient bit-width specifications
The table below specifies the initial coefficient bit-width specifications for the
compensation algorithm and the specifications for Pressure and Temperature ADC
Table 5. Pressure, temperature and compensation coefficient specifications
a0 b1 b2 c12 Padc Tadc
Total Bits 16 16 16 14 10 10
Sign Bits 111100
Integer Bits 12 2 1 0 10 10
Fractional Bits 3 13 14 13 0 0
dec pt zero pad 000900
Example Binary Format Definitions:
a0 Signed, Integer Bits = 12, Fractional Bits = 3 : Coeff a0 = S I11 I10 I9 I8 I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 I0 . F2 F1 F0
b1 Signed, Integer Bits = 2, Fractional Bits = 13 : Coeff b1 = S I1 I0 . F12 F11 F10 F9 F8 F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 F0
b2 Signed, Integer Bits = 1, Fractional Bits = 14 : Coeff b2 = S I0 . F13 F12 F11 F10 F9 F8 F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 F0
c12 Signed, Integer Bits = 0, Fractional Bits = 13, dec pt zero pad = 9 : Coeff c12 = S 0 . 000 000 000 F12 F11 F10 F9 F8 F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 F0
Padc Unsigned, Integer Bits = 10 : Padc U = I9 I8 I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 I0
Tadc Unsigned, Integer Bits =10 : Tadc U = I9 I8 I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 I0
Note: Negative coefficients are coded in 2’s complement notation.
8.2 Compensation
The 10-bit compensated pressure output, Pcomp, is calculated as follows:
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Miniature I2C digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa
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Padc is the 10-bit pressure ADC output of the MPL115A
Tadc is the 10-bit temperature ADC output of the MPL115A
a0 is the pressure offset coefficient
b1 is the pressure sensitivity coefficient
b2 is the temperature coefficient of offset (TCO)
c12 is the temperature coefficient of sensitivity (TCS)
Pcomp will produce a value of 0 with an input pressure of 50 kPa and will produce a full-
scale value of 1023 with an input pressure of 115 kPa.
8.3 Evaluation sequence, arithmetic circuits
The following is an example of the calculation for Pcomp, the compensated pressure
output. Input values are in bold.
c12x2 = c12 * Tadc
a1 = b1 + c12x2
a1x1 = a1 * Padc
y1 = a0 + a1x1
a2x2 = b2 * Tadc
Pcomp = y1 + a2x2
This can be calculated as a succession of Multiply Accumulates (MACs) operations of the
form y = a + b * x:
The polynomial can be evaluated (Equation 1) as a sequence of 3 MACs:
NXP Semiconductors MPL115A2
Miniature I2C digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa
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Please refer to NXP application note AN3785 for more detailed notes on implementation.
8.4 I2C device read/write operations
All device read/write operations are memory mapped. Device actions, for example, Start
Conversions, are controlled by writing to the appropriate memory address location.
For I2C the 7-bit device address (from Table 2) has a read/write toggle bit, where the
least significant bit is ‘1’ for read operations or ‘0’ for write operations. The Device
Address is C0h for a Write and the Device Address is C1h for a Read.
The most significant bit in the Command tables below is not used and is don't care (X).
In examples given it’s set to ‘0’.
Refer to Sensor I2C Setup and FAQ Application Note AN4481 for more information on
I2C communication between the sensor and host controller.
Table 6. I2C write commands
Legend: X - don't care
Command Binary HEX[1]
Devices Address + Write bit 1100 0000 C0h
Start Conversions X001 0010 12h
[1] The command byte needs to be paired with a 00h as part of the I2C exchange to complete the passing of Start
The actions taken by the part in response to each command are as follows:
Table 7. I2C write command description
Command Action Taken
Start Conversions Wake main circuits. Start clock. Allow supply stabilization time. Select
pressure sensor input. Apply positive sensor excitation and perform A
to D conversion. Select temperature input. Perform A to D conversion.
Load the Pressure and Temperature registers with the result. Shut down
main circuits and clock.
NXP Semiconductors MPL115A2
Miniature I2C digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa
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Table 8. I2C read command description
Legend: X - don't care
Command Binary HEX
Device Address + Read bit 1100 0001 C1h
Read Pressure MSB X000 0000 00h
Read Pressure LSB X000 0001 01h
Read Temperature MSB X000 0010 02h
Read Temperature LSB X000 0011 03h
Read Coefficient data byte 1 X000 0100 04h
These are MPL115A2 I2C commands to read coefficients, execute pressure and
temperature conversions, and to read pressure and temperature data. The sequence of
the commands for the interaction is given as an example to operate the MPL115A2.
Utilizing this gathered data, an example of the calculating the compensated pressure
reading is given in floating point notation.
I2C commands (simplified for communication)
Device Address + write bit "To Write" = C0h
Device Address + read bit "To Read" = C1h
Command to Write "Convert Pressure and Temperature" = 12h
Command to Read "Pressure ADC High byte" = 00h
Command to Read "Pressure ADC Low byte" = 01h
Command to Read "Temperature ADC High byte" = 02h
Command to Read "Temperature ADC Low byte" = 03h
Command to Read "Coefficient data byte 1 High byte" = 04h
Read coefficients
[C0h], [04h], [C1h], [3Eh], [CEh], [B3h], [F9h], [C5h], [17h], [33h], [C8h]
Figure 4. I2C read coefficient datagram
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Miniature I2C digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa
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a0 coefficient MSB = 3Eh
a0 coefficient LSB = CEh a0 coefficient = 3ECEh = 2009.75
b1 coefficient MSB = B3h
b1 coefficient LSB = F9h b1 coefficient = B3F9h = -2.37585
b2 coefficient MSB = C5h
b2 coefficient LSB = 17h b2 coefficient = C517h = -0.92047
c12 coefficient MSB = 33h
c12 coefficient LSB = C8h c12 coefficient = 33C8h = 0.000790
Command to I2C start conversion, 12h
Figure 5. I2C Start conversion datagram
Figure 6. I2C read results datagram
Pressure MSB = 66h
Pressure LSB = 80h Pressure = 6680h = 0110 0110 1100
= 410 ADC counts
Temperature MSB = 7Eh
Temperature LSB = C0h Temperature = 7EC0h = 0111 1110 1100
= 507 ADC counts
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Miniature I2C digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa
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8.5 Example of pressure compensated calculation in floating-point
a0 coefficient = 2009.75
b1 coefficient = -2.37585
b2 coefficient = -0.92047
c12 coefficient = 0.000790
Pressure = 410 ADC counts
Temperature = 507 ADC counts
Pressure compensation
Using the evaluation sequence
The evaluation sequence is located in Section 8.3.
c12x2 = c12 * Tadc = 0.000790 * 507 = 0.40053
a1 = b1 + c12x2 = -2.37585 + 0.40053 = -1.97532
a1x1 = a1 * Padc = -1.97532 * 410 = -809.8812
y1 = a0 + a1x1 = 2009.75 + (-809.8812) = 1199.8688
a2x2 = b2 * Tadc = -0.92047 * 507 = -466.67829
PComp = y1 + a2x2 = 1199.8688 + (-466.67829) = 733.19051
NXP Semiconductors MPL115A2
Miniature I2C digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa
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9 Maximum ratings
Table 9. Maximum ratings
Voltage (with respect to GND unless otherwise noted)
Symbol Value Units
VDD –0.3 to +5.5 V
SHDN, RST, SDA, SCL –0.3 to VDD + 0.3 V
Operating Temperature Range –40 to +105 °C
Storage Temperature Range –40 to +125 °C
Overpressure 1000 kPa
10 Mechanical and electrical characteristics
Table 10. Mechanical and electrical characteristics
VDD = 2.375 V to 5.5 V, TA = –40 °C to +105 °C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VDD = 3.3 V, TA = +25 °C.
Ref Parameters Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Units
1 Operating Supply Voltage VDD 2.375 3.3 5.5 V
Shutdown (SHDN = GND) 1 μA
Standby 3.5 10 μA
2 Supply Current IDD
Average – at one measurement per
5 6 μA
Pressure Sensor
3 Range 50 115 kPa
4 Resolution 0.15 kPa
5 Accuracy –20 ºC to 85 ºC ±1 kPa
Typical operating circuit at DC 0.1 kPa/V6 Power Supply Rejection
100 mV p-p 217 Hz square wave plus
100 mV pseudo random noise with 10
MHz bandwidth
0.1 kPa
7 Conversion Time
(Start Pressure and
Temperature Conversion)
tc Time between start convert command
and data available in the Pressure and
Temperature registers
1.6 3 ms
8 Wakeup Time tw Time between leaving Shutdown
mode (SHDN goes high) and
communicating with the device to
issue a command or read data.
3 5 ms
I2C I/O Stages: SCL, SDA
9 SCL Clock Frequency fSCL 400 kHz
10 Low Level Input Voltage VIL 0.3VDD V
11 High Level Input Voltage VIH 0.7VDD V
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Miniature I2C digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa
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Ref Parameters Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Units
I2C Outputs: SDA
12 Data Setup Time tSU Setup time from command receipt to
ready to transmit
0 0.4 s
I2C Addressing
MPL115A2 uses 7-bit addressing, does not acknowledge the general call address 0000000. Slave address has been set to
60h or 1100000.
NXP Semiconductors MPL115A2
Miniature I2C digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa
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11 Package outline
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Figure 7. Package outline SOT1769-1 (TSON8)
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12 Packing information
Figure 8. LGA (3 x 5) embossed carrier tape dimensions
Figure 9. Device orientation in chip carrier
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13 Soldering
1. Use SAC solder alloy, i.e., Sn-Ag-Cu, with a melting point of about 217 °C. It is
recommended to use SAC305, i.e., Sn-3.0 wt.% Ag-0.5 wt.% Cu.
2. Reflow
Ramp up rate: 2 to 3 °C/s.
Preheat flat (soak): 110 to 130 s.
Reflow peak temperature: 250 °C to 260 °C (depends on exact SAC alloy
Time above 217°C: 40 to 90s (depends on board type, thermal mass of the board/
quantities in the reflow).
Ramp down: 5 to 6 °C/s.
Using an inert reflow environment (with O2 level about 5 to 15 ppm).
Note: The stress level and signal offset of the device also depends on the board type,
board core material, board thickness and metal finishing of the board.
Please refer to NXP application note AN3150, Soldering Recommendations for Pressure
Sensor Devices for any additional information.
14 Soldering/landing pad information
The LGA package is compliant with the RoHS standard. It is recommended to use a no-
clean solder paste to reduce cleaning exposure to high pressure and chemical agents
that can damage or reduce life span of the Pressure sensing element.
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Figure 10. Recommended PCB landing pattern
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15 Revision history
Table 11. Revision history
Document ID Release date Data sheet status Change notice Supersedes
MPL115A2 v.10 20171010 Technical data MPL115A2 v.9
Modifications: The format of this data sheet has been redesigned to comply with the new identity guidelines
of NXP Semiconductors.
Legal texts have been adapted to the new company name where appropriate.
Removed the first paragraph of Section 7.
Added Section 7.1 and Section 7.2 in Section 7 "Handling and Board Mount
Updated Figure 7. No technical changes.
MPL115A2 v.9 10/2012 Technical data MPL115A2 v.8
MPL115A2 v.8 06/2012 Technical data
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16 Legal information
16.1 Data sheet status
Document status[1][2] Product status[3] Definition
[short] Data sheet: product preview Development This document contains certain information on a product under development.
NXP reserves the right to change or discontinue this product without notice.
[short] Data sheet: advance information Qualification This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and
information herein are subject to change without notice.
[short] Data sheet: technical data Production This document contains the product specification. NXP Semiconductors
reserves the right to change the detail specifications as may be required to
permit improvements in the design of its products.
[1] Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design.
[2] The term 'short data sheet' is explained in section "Definitions".
[3] The product status of device(s) described in this document may have changed since this document was published and may differ in case of multiple
devices. The latest product status information is available on the Internet at URL
16.2 Definitions
Draft — The document is a draft version only. The content is still under
internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in
modifications or additions. NXP Semiconductors does not give any
representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of
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Short data sheet — A short data sheet is an extract from a full data sheet
with the same product type number(s) and title. A short data sheet is
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relevant full data sheet, which is available on request via the local NXP
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Product specification — The information and data provided in a
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In no event however, shall an agreement be valid in which the NXP
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16.3 Disclaimers
Limited warranty and liability — Information in this document is believed
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legal theory. Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for
any reason whatsoever, NXP Semiconductors’ aggregate and cumulative
liability towards customer for the products described herein shall be limited
in accordance with the Terms and conditions of commercial sale of NXP
Right to make changes — NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to
make changes to information published in this document, including without
limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without
notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior
to the publication hereof.
Suitability for use — NXP Semiconductors products are not designed,
authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in life support, life-critical or
safety-critical systems or equipment, nor in applications where failure or
malfunction of an NXP Semiconductors product can reasonably be expected
to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental
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inclusion and/or use of NXP Semiconductors products in such equipment or
applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer’s own
Applications — Applications that are described herein for any of these
products are for illustrative purposes only. NXP Semiconductors makes
no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable
for the specified use without further testing or modification. Customers
are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and
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accepts no liability for any assistance with applications or customer product
design. It is customer’s sole responsibility to determine whether the NXP
Semiconductors product is suitable and fit for the customer’s applications
and products planned, as well as for the planned application and use of
customer’s third party customer(s). Customers should provide appropriate
design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with
their applications and products. NXP Semiconductors does not accept any
liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which is based
on any weakness or default in the customer’s applications or products, or
the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). Customer is
responsible for doing all necessary testing for the customer’s applications
and products using NXP Semiconductors products in order to avoid a
default of the applications and the products or of the application or use by
customer’s third party customer(s). NXP does not accept any liability in this
Limiting values — Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in
the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC 60134) will cause permanent
damage to the device. Limiting values are stress ratings only and (proper)
operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those
given in the Recommended operating conditions section (if present) or the
Characteristics sections of this document is not warranted. Constant or
repeated exposure to limiting values will permanently and irreversibly affect
the quality and reliability of the device.
Terms and conditions of commercial sale — NXP Semiconductors
products are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial
sale, as published at, unless otherwise
agreed in a valid written individual agreement. In case an individual
agreement is concluded only the terms and conditions of the respective
agreement shall apply. NXP Semiconductors hereby expressly objects to
NXP Semiconductors MPL115A2
Miniature I2C digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa
MPL115A2 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2017. All rights reserved.
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applying the customer’s general terms and conditions with regard to the
purchase of NXP Semiconductors products by customer.
No offer to sell or license — Nothing in this document may be interpreted
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Export control — This document as well as the item(s) described herein
may be subject to export control regulations. Export might require a prior
authorization from competent authorities.
Non-automotive qualified products — Unless this data sheet expressly
states that this specific NXP Semiconductors product is automotive qualified,
the product is not suitable for automotive use. It is neither qualified nor
tested in accordance with automotive testing or application requirements.
NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of non-
automotive qualified products in automotive equipment or applications. In
the event that customer uses the product for design-in and use in automotive
applications to automotive specifications and standards, customer (a) shall
use the product without NXP Semiconductors’ warranty of the product for
such automotive applications, use and specifications, and (b) whenever
customer uses the product for automotive applications beyond NXP
Semiconductors’ specifications such use shall be solely at customer’s own
risk, and (c) customer fully indemnifies NXP Semiconductors for any liability,
damages or failed product claims resulting from customer design and use
of the product for automotive applications beyond NXP Semiconductors’
standard warranty and NXP Semiconductors’ product specifications.
Translations — A non-English (translated) version of a document is for
reference only. The English version shall prevail in case of any discrepancy
between the translated and English versions.
16.4 Trademarks
Notice: All referenced brands, product names, service names and
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
NXP — is a trademark of NXP B.V.
NXP Semiconductors MPL115A2
Miniature I2C digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa
MPL115A2 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2017. All rights reserved.
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Tab. 1. Ordering information ..........................................2
Tab. 2. Ordering options ................................................2
Tab. 3. Pin description ...................................................3
Tab. 4. Device memory map ......................................... 6
Tab. 5. Pressure, temperature and compensation
coefficient specifications ....................................7
Tab. 6. I2C write commands ......................................... 9
Tab. 7. I2C write command description .........................9
Tab. 8. I2C read command description ....................... 10
Tab. 9. Maximum ratings .............................................13
Tab. 10. Mechanical and electrical characteristics ........ 13
Tab. 11. Revision history ...............................................20
Fig. 1. Block diagram of MPL115A2 .............................2
Fig. 2. Pin configuration ............................................... 3
Fig. 3. Sequence flow chart ......................................... 5
Fig. 4. I2C read coefficient datagram ......................... 10
Fig. 5. I2C Start conversion datagram ....................... 11
Fig. 6. I2C read results datagram .............................. 11
Fig. 7. Package outline SOT1769-1 (TSON8) ............ 15
Fig. 8. LGA (3 x 5) embossed carrier tape
dimensions ...................................................... 17
Fig. 9. Device orientation in chip carrier .....................17
Fig. 10. Recommended PCB landing pattern ............... 19
NXP Semiconductors MPL115A2
Miniature I2C digital barometer, 50 to 115 kPa
Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s)
described herein, have been included in section 'Legal information'.
© NXP B.V. 2017. All rights reserved.
For more information, please visit:
For sales office addresses, please send an email to:
Date of release: 10 October 2017
Document identifier: MPL115A2
1 General description ............................................ 1
2 Features ............................................................... 1
3 Applications .........................................................1
4 Ordering information .......................................... 2
4.1 Ordering options ................................................ 2
5 Block diagram ..................................................... 2
6 Pinning information ............................................ 3
6.1 Pinning ...............................................................3
6.2 Pin description ................................................... 3
7 Handling and Board Mount
Recommendations .............................................. 3
7.1 Methods of Handling ......................................... 3
7.2 Board Mount Recommendations ....................... 4
8 Functional description ........................................5
8.1 Pressure, temperature and coefficient bit-
width specifications ............................................7
8.2 Compensation ....................................................7
8.3 Evaluation sequence, arithmetic circuits ............8
8.4 I2C device read/write operations ....................... 9
8.5 Example of pressure compensated
calculation in floating-point notation .................12
9 Maximum ratings ...............................................13
10 Mechanical and electrical characteristics .......13
11 Package outline .................................................15
12 Packing information ..........................................17
13 Soldering ............................................................18
14 Soldering/landing pad information ..................18
15 Revision history ................................................ 20
16 Legal information ..............................................21