Capacitance (Ta = 25°C, f = 1 MHz)
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test conditions
Input capacitance Cin — 4 8 pF Vin = 0 V
Output capacitance Cout — 8 12 pF Vout = 0 V
Read Operation
DC Characteristics (Ta = 0 to +70°C, VCC = 5 V ± 10%, VPP = VCC)
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test conditions
Input leakage current ILI — — 2 µA Vin = 0 V to VCC
Output leakage current ILO — — 2 µA Vout = 0 V to VCC
VPP current IPP1 — 1 100 µA VPP = 5.5 V
Standby VCC current ISB ——15 mACE = VIH
Operating VCC current ICC1 ——30 mACE = VIL, Iout = 0 mA
ICC2 — — 50 mA f = 15 MHz, Iout = 0 mA
ICC3 — 5 15 mA f = 1 MHz, Iout = 0 mA
Input low voltage*3 VIL –0.3*1 — 0.8 V
Input high voltage*3 VIH 2.2 — VCC + 1.0*2 V
Output low voltage VOL — — 0.45 V IOL = 2.1 mA
Output high voltage VOH1 2.4 — — V IOH = –1.0 mA
VOH2 VCC – 0.7 — — V IOH = –100 µA
Notes: 1. VIL min = –1.0 V for pulse width ≤50 ns.
2. VIH max = VCC + 1.5 V for pulse width ≤20 ns.
If VIH is over the specified maximum value, read operation cannot be guaranteed.
3. Only defined for DC function test. VIL max = 0.45 V, VIH min = 2.4 V for AC function test.
HN27C256HG Series HN27C256HG Series