MIL SPECS TCgqooo1es ooo3905 1 g MIL-S-19500/ 3048 AMENDMENT 3 11 evaust 1987 AMENDMENT 2 8 July 1985 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE, SILICON, POWER RECTIFIER, FAST-RECOVERY TYPES 1N3885, 1N3886, 1N3888, 1N3890, 1N3891, 1N3893, IN3890R, 1N3891R, AND 1N3893R JAN, JANTX, JANTXY, AND JANS This amendment forms a part of MIL-S-19500/304B, dated 14 September 1982, and is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. PAGE 1 1.4, Thermal resistance characteristic: Delete "2.0" and substitute "2,9", PAGE 2 3.1, add the following after last sentence: "Lot accumulation period shall be six months in lieu of six weeks. PAGE 3 * FIGURE 1, dimension from center of anode to cathode tip: Delete "1" and substitute "1". PAGE 4 * FIGURE 2, dimension table, Ltr column: Delete "@t" and substitute "AT". * FIGURE 2, dimension table, add the following under K: Ltr Minimum Maximum Notes | 0.065 L 0.020 FIGURE 2, NOTE 9: Delete K" and substitute "R". PAGE 5 * 4.3.1: Delete "{see 4.5.1)". PAGE 6 * 4.5.4, delete in its entirety and substitute: "4.5.4 Intermittent operation life. The rectifier shal] be stud mounted in a heat sink and connected to a half-wave rectifier circuit with a resistive load, or connected to an equivalent circuit. The equivalent circuit shall impose a half-sine waveform of the specified peak voltage across the diode in the reverse direction, followed by a half-sine waveform of the specified average forward current. The forward conduction angle of the rectified current shall be not greater than 180 nor less than 150. The power shall be equal to or greater than that of a half-sine wave." AMSC N/A 1 of 2 FSC 5961 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.MIL SPECS IC Ooo0125 ooossob 3 J MIL-S-19500/304B AMENDMENT 3 PAGE 12 TABLE 1, Subgroup 3, delete and substitute the following: | | MIL-STD-750 T ~LTPD ] [ Limits I | Inspection T 7 T T JAN [T Symbol 7 T TUnits | | [Method | Details { JANS [JANTX | | Min [| Max | { \ I | {JANTXY | | | | i i | | | | { | { | { I | Tr I i I | I ] 1 Sf Saree ro ot | Pott {High temperature | | | | \ | | | i { operation: | | | | | | | | i | { { 3 { | I | | { I [Reverse current 1 4016 {Tp = 150C | { \Ipe { --- | 14 [| mA del | lot method | | | i ot || [1N3885, 1N3890, 1N3890R | [Vp = 100 V de | | | | { { | |1N3836, 1N3891, 1N3891R | \Vp = 200 Vdc | { | | | | | { LN3Be8, 1N3893, 1N3893R ! INR = 400 V dc ! ! [Reverse current average | 4046 [Tc = 100C { | iIpg { --- | 3 | mA dcl | lIg = 12 Adc; | | | | | | | { | \f = 60 Hz { | | | | | | 11N3885, 1N3890, 1N3890R | [Vp = 100 v(pk) | | { | | | I {1N3886, 1N3891, 1N3891R | IVa = 200 v(pk) | | | | { | | 11N3888, 1N3893, 1N3893R | IVR = 400 v(pk) | | | I | | [" PAGE 15 TABLE ae Subgroup 6, Thermal resistance test, Details column: Delete "2C/W" and substitute '2.9 C/W". PAGE 16 TABLE IIb, Subgroup 5, Thermal resistance test, Details column: Delete "2C/W" and substitute "2.9 C/W". The margins of this amendment are marked with an asterisk to indicate where changes (additions, modifications, corrections, deletions) from the previous amendment were made. This was done as a convenience only and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in these notations. Bidders and contractors are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based on the entire content irrespective of the marginal notations and relationship to the last previous amendment. Custodians: Preparing activity: Army - ER Army - ER Navy - EC Air Force - 17 Agent: NASA - NA DLA - ES Review activities: (Project 5961-1056) Army - AR, MI Navy - SH Air Force - 11, 19, 85, 99 DLA - ES User activities: Army - SM Navy - AS, CG, MC, 0SMIL SPECS rc ff oooo1es goosqo? 5 T My. -$-19800/3048 14 September 1982 SUPERSEDING MIL-~S-19500/304A 30 August 1967 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE, SILICON, POWER RECTIFIER, FAST-RECOVERY TYPES 1N3885, 1N3886, 1N3888, 1N3890, IN3891, 1N3893, 1N3890R, 1N3891R, AND 1N3893R JAN, JANTX, JANTXV, AND JANS This specification is approved for use by all Depart- ments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the detail requirements for 12 ampere, silicon, fast recovery, power rectifier diodes. Four levels of product assurance are provided for each device type as specified in MIL-S-19500. 1.2 Physical dimensions. See figures 1 and 2. 1.3 Maximum ratings. 1N3888, 1N3893, 400 | 400 1N3893R 1/ Derate linearly, 240 mAdc/C for Tc > 100C. Storage temperature: -65C to +150C - 1N3885, 1N3886, 1N3888 -65C to +175C - 1N3890, 1N3891, 1N3893 - IN3890R, 1N3891R, 1N3893R Barometric pressure reduced: 15 mmHg I I | { i | | Type | v v i 1 1 | I t { T | | ee i RuM I Te ro*c | 17340 s | rr | | | I | T vtpky vipk) | Adc T atpk} ns I | {1N3885, 1N3890, | TOO Too | TZ | 200 86[| -65 | jweso | | et 11N3886, 1N3891, | 200 200 | 12 { 150 {| 200 {| to | [1N3891R | i | [ | | | { | | | { | | | { 12 | 150 | 200 | +150 | { | { | | | | | { | I { i | 1.4 Thermal resistance characteristic. Rogc = 2-0 C/W maximum. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government specifications and standards. Unless otherwise specified, the following specifications and standards of the issue listed in that issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards specified in the solicitation, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. 7 [Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data | Iwhich may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: US Army l [Electronics Research and Development Command, DRDEL-ED, Adelphi, MD 20783 by using | |the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (D0 Form 1426) | lappearing at the end of this document or by letter. { FSC 5961MIL SPECS tcf cooo12s coossoa 7 MIL -S-19500/304B SPECIFICATION MILITARY MIL-S-19500 - Semiconductor Devices, General Specification For. STANDARDS FEDERAL FED-~-STD-H28 - Screw Thread Standards for Federal Services. MILITARY MIL-STD-202) - Test Methods for Electronic and Electrical Component Parts. MIL-STD-750 - Test Methods for Semiconductor Devices. (Copies of specifications, handbooks, standards, drawings, and publications required by manufacturers in connection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 2.2 Order of precedence. In the event of conflict between the text of this specification and the references cited herein, the text of this specification shall take precedence. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Detail specification. The individual item requirements shall be in accordance with MII-S- 00, and as specified herein. 3.2 Abbreviations, symbols and definitions. The abbreviations, symbols, and definitions used hereta shall be as specified in MIL-S-19500, and as follows: Riso - - > - - + ~ Insulation resistance case-to-stud. ip(rec)- - - - ~ - Peak reverse recovery current. 3.3 Design, construction and physical dimensions. The design, construction, and physical dimenstons shal? be as specifted ta MIL-S-19500 and as follows. 3.3.1 Diode types 1N3885, 1N3886, and 1N3888 (see figure 1). Diode types 1N3885, 1N3886, and INJ8SE have the stud and seating plane electrically insulated from the anode, cathode, and case. 3.3.2 Diode types 1N3890, 1N3891, and 1N3893 (see figure 2). Diode types 1N3890, 1N3891, and INS893 (forward polarity) have the cathode electrically connected to the stud and case. 3.3.3 Diode types 1N3890R, 1N3891R, and 1N3893R (see figure 2). Diode types IN3S890R, INS89IR, and IN3893R (reverse poldrity) have the anode electrically connected to the stud and case. 3.3.4 Dissimilar construction. Types utilizing construction as shown on figure 1 shall aot be considered structurally identical to types utilizing construction as shown on figure 2. 3.4 Marking. Marking shal] be in accordance with MIL-S-19500. At the option of the manufacturer, the following may be omitted from the bady of the diode: a. Country of origin. b. Manufacturer's identification. 3.4.1 Polarity. The polarity shal? be indicated by a graphic symbol with the arrow pointing toward the negative end for forward bias.J cooo125 ooo3s09 45 & ECS Ic MIL SP MIL-~S-19500/304B co 7 CATHODE lk er @M \ R (SEE \ NOTE 2) \ [ st ___ } ye 4 om PN Cy PF <-N peq A p Te MEASUREMENT . REF POINT J h SEATING PLANE Dimensions in inches with metric Dimensions in inches with metric Ltr | equivalents (mm) in parentheses Notes Ltr | equivalents (mm) in parentheses Notes (see note 9) (see note 9) . Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum A 550 (13.97) J -950 (24.13) gD -487 (12.37) K 2110 (2.79) -140 (3.56) ] -487 (12.37) 500 (12.70) 2 -055 (1.40) -075 (1.91) F, -040 (1.02) TY -110 (2.79) 140 (3.56) F 2085 (2.16) -160 (4.06) N 422 (10.72) -453 (11.51) by -250 (6.35) 1 Cy -050 (1.27) Cc 020 (.51) 038 (.97) R 3.45536 I 750 (19.05) 875 (22.23) Ot -060 (1.52) gM -163 (4.14) -189 (4.80) NOTES: terminals is optional. Diameter variations withi 3. The ANSI thread reference Maximum pitch diameter of (4.29 mm) assembled on thread. Complete threads shall exten For marking, see 3.4, - Stud and seating p cathode, and anode. T inch Metric equivalents are = 25.4 mm Angular orientation of terminals:is undefined. n these limits are permitted. is .190-32 UNF-2A, plated thre and in accordance with FED- Unit shall not be dama Square or radius on end of d to within 0,078 (1.98) of the seating plane; Tane shall be electrically insulated from the case, given for general information only and are based upon FIGURE 1. Physical dimensions for semiconductor device, diode, types_1N3885, 1N3886 and 1N3888. ads shall be basic pitch diameter 169 inch STD-H28. ged by torque of 15 in-1b applied to .190-32 UNF-26 nutMIL SPECS tcf cooo1es oooas10 5 & MIL-S-19500/ 3048 SEE NOTE 2 oT + F t pM (SEE NOTE 3) =a x nN a _ \ ee ae NT gO m Pt)-4 = me l4<A Tc MEASUREMENT ~ REF POINT e J nN SEATING PLANE mensions in inches with metric uivalents (mm) in parentheses ee note 1) Ltr Notes Maximum Minimum 060 (1.52) 11.51 .189 (4. .163 (4.1 NOTES: . 1. Metric equivalents are given for general information only and are based upon 1 inch = 25.4 mm. 2, Angular orientation of terminals is undefined. 3, Diameter variations within these limits are permitted. 4. The ANSI thread reference is .190-32 UNF-2A. . 5. Maximum pitch diameter of plated threads shall be basic pitch diameter .169 inch (4.29 mm) and in accordance with FED-STD-H28. 6. Unit shall not be damaged by torque of 15 in-1b applied to .190-32 UNF-28 nut assembled on thread. . 7. Complete threads shall extend to within .078 (1.98) of the seating plane. 8. Terminal-end shape is unrestricted. 9, Reversed (anode to stud) units shall be marked with an "K" following the last digit in the type number. 10. Forward polarity (cathode to stud) marking is shown. FIGURE 2. Physical dimensions for semiconductor device, diode, types TN3893R (DO-4). TN3890, IN3891, 1N3893, TN3890R, IN3891R andMIL SPECS IC fp oooo1es 0003511 7 MIL-S-19500/304B 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Sampling and inspection. Sampling and inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-$-19500, and as specified herein. 4.2 Qualification inspection. Qualification inspection shall be tin accordance with MIL-S-19500. Tests in eTther polarity shall be sufficient to obtain qualification approval of both polarities. 4.3 Screening (JANS, JANTX, and JANTXVY levels only). Screening shall be in accordance with MIL-5-19500 (table II) and as specified herein. The following measurements shall be made in accordance with table I herein. Devices that exceed the limits of table I herein shall not be acceptable. For JANTX and JANTXY devices, screen 10 of MIL-S-19500 table II shall not be required. T | Measurements | | Screen (see table II | { { of MIL-S-19500) JANS Tevel IUANTA and JANTXY levels I . { l 9 Ve and Ipy --- 11 . v d I V d I f and Ipi; f and Ipy aYe =40.1 v(pk)3 | Alpy = 6 wAdc or 100% | { from the initial value | | | whichever is greater. | T- I | 12 See 4.3.1 See 4.3.1 7 1 I | 13 Subgroups 2 and 3 of (Subgroup 2 of table I | table I herein; [herein; | | AV = 40.1 v( pk); [aVe = #0.1v(pk); | | alpi = 6 pAdc or 100% Jalpy = 6 pAdc | | from the initial value for 100% from the initial | whichever is greater. . [value whichever is greater. | i NOTE: Ip, measurement shall not be indicative of an open condition. ' ios Power burn-in conditions. Power burn-in conditions (all levels) are as ollows: Te = 150C; Ig = 0; f = 60 Hz (see 4.5.1) 1N3885, 1N3890, IN3890R : vp = 100 v(pk) 1N3886, 1N3891, 1N3891R Vg = 200 v(pk) 1N3888, 1N3893, 1N3893R Vg = 400 v(pk) 4.4 Quality conformance inspection. Quality conformance inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500, and as specified herein. 4.4,1 Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall be in accordance with MIL--19500 and table I herein. End-point electrical measurements shall be in accordance with the applicable steps of table IV herein. 4.4.2 Group B inspection. Group B inspection shall be in accordance with, the conditions specified for subgroup testing in table IVa (JANS) and table IVb (JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV) of MIL-S-19500, and tables Ila and IIb herein. Electrical measurements (end points) and delta requirements shall be in accordance with the applicable steps of table IV herein.MIL SPECS Ic oooo1es cooai12 9 MIL-S-19500/ 3048 4.4.3 Group C inspection. Group C inspection shall be in accordance with the conditions specitie or subgroup testing in table V of MIL-S-19500, and table III herein. Electrical measurements (end points) and delta requirements shalt be in accordance with the applicable steps of tabie IV herein. 4.5 Methods of inspection. Methods of inspection shail be as specified in appropriate tables and as follows: 4.5.1 Burn-in and steady-state operation life tests. These tests shatl te conducted with a half-sine waveform of the specified peak voltage impressed across the diode in the reverse direction followed by a haif-sine waveform of the specified average rectifier current. The forward conduction angle of the rectified current shall not be greater than 180 vor less than 150. 4.5.2 Insulation resistance (case-to-stud). The case-to-stud insulation resistance shall be determined in terms of current flow between the case and stud. The specified test method shall be utilized except that the applied voltage shall be within #2.0 percent of the specified value and the current shall be measured by a series microammeter with a voltage drop at 1.0 wAdc of less than 1.0 Vdc, and an accuracy of #2.0 percent at the 1.0 pAdc point. 4.5.3 Reverse recovery time. The reverse recovery time shall be measured in the circuit of figure 5 or equivalent. Care should be exercised to minimize stray inductances in the test circuit and to insure that the total resistance of the reverse current loop can be adjusted sufficiently low so that more than 2 amperes will flow if not blocked by the diode being tested. Switch SW shall be activated and the regulated voltage source adjusted to achieve the specified forward current when SW is open. Inductance L and resistor R shall be adjusted to achieve the following characteristics of the waveform. a. The di/dt shall be the specified value between the forward 0.5 ampere point and the reverse 0.2 ampere point. b. The ip(rec) shall be the maximum value obtainable, except that if it exceeds 2 amperes, it shall be reduced to equal 2 amperes. The reverse recovery time shall then be determined from the current waveform as shown on figure 6. 4.5.4 Intermittent operation life. The rectifier shal] be stud mounted in a heat sink and connected to a half-wave rectifier circuit with a resistive load, or connected to an equivalent circuit. The equivalent circuit shall impose a half-sine waveform of the specified peak voltage across the diode in the reverse direction, followed by a half-sine waveform of the specified average forward current. The forward conduction angle of the rectified current shall not be greater than 180 nor less than 150. The power shall be equal to or greater than that of a half-sine wave. A 60 Hz sinusoidal voltage wave shall be applied with the conditions varied as follows: a. The test shall start with the case temperature at 25C +15C, -5C. b. The power shall then be turned on and Ig shal] equal 12 amperes minimum. Tweaty minutes shall be allowed for the case temperature to become stabilized at 150C minimum, c. With Ig = 12 amperes minimum, the case temperature shall be maintained at 150C minimum for 80 minutes. . s d. The device will be turned off for a period of 20 minutes during which time the device shal? be allowed to cool. (The reverse voltage may be left on during cooling.) Conditions 6, c, and d require a total of 120 minutes which comprise one thermal cycle. This thermal cycle shall be repeated continuously until the specified time has elapsed.4.5.5 with the a. bd. MIL SPECS Ic GO00ie5 g003913 0 i MIL-S-19500/304B Thermal resistance. Thermal resistance shall be conducted in accordance following procedures and figures 3 and 4. Apparatus. Th Thermocouple material. Copper-constantan (type T) shall be used for the temperature range -183C to +373C. The wire size shall be no larger than AWG size 30. The junction of the thermocouple shall be welded together to form a bead, rather than soldered or twisted. The accuracy of the thermocouple (under load conditions) skall be #1.0C where devices are exposed to stili-air cooling and #2.,0C for forced-air cooling. (2) Controlled temperature chamber. The heat sink shall be capable of Maintaining the specified reference point temperature to withia #0.5C of the preset (measured) value. (3) Instrumentation. Suitable electrical equipment shall provide controlled Tevels of conditioning power and be capable of making specified measurements. The instrument used to electrically measure the temperature sensitive parameter shall be capable of resolving a voltage change of 0.5 mV. Procedure. Ti) Calibration test. For this test, the reference point temperature shall De maintained constant at a value such that the temperature sensitive parameter varies linearly with temperature. Increments of 25C shall be used during calibration. The value of the TSP temperature coefficient (AYuc/ATuc) for the specified measuring current (100 mAdc maximum) sha q be Getermined from the calibration curve. (2) Power application test. The reference point temperature shall be held Coustant at the value determined from the calibration test. The device under test shall be operated with power applied at a duty factor greater than 99 percent. The junction to reference point temperature difference shall be greater than or equal to 30C. The value of the temperature sensitive parameter shall be measured during the interval between heating pulses with specified measuring current applied (6 Adc minimum). This measurement shall be accomplished within 50 us after the heating power has been discontinued. If nonthermal (magnetic) transients still exist at the end of the 50 us time interval, the measurement may be delayed until the magnetic transients have subsided, but not to exceed a maximum dejJay time of 150 us. (3) Calculation of thermal resistance. The junction-to-reference point thermal veststance shall be calculated using the following equation: Tj -T Van -Yuc AYuc | -1 PH = PH x (eri : ReJR = Thermal resistance, junction-to-reference point, in degrees celsius/watt. RedR Ty = Junction temperature in degrees celsius. Vm = Constant current supply for metering current Iy- Ver = Heating current supply. TR = Reference point temperature in degrees celsius. Py = Magnitude of heating power applied to device causing temperature difference (Ty - Tp) in watts. Im = Measuring or calibration current. VMH = Value of temperature-sensitive parameter corresponding to the temperature of the junction heated by Py and measured at Im, in millivolts.MIL SPECS Icg g0001e5 00035914 2 a MIL~S-19500/3048 TMc = Calibration temperature measured at reference point, in degrees celsius. Vuc = Value of temperature-sensitive parameter during calibration at Tw and specific value of Tyc, in millivolts. Measurements of Tp and Twc are made by means of a thermocouple attached to the reference point. The power dissipation in the device under test is calculated from the equation Py = IpVp. If the power dissipation during measuring or calibration is not negligible, then Pc should be subtracted from Py when calculating the thermal resistance. c. Test circuit. SI DI OUT Q! -o . fe Poe il VeF Sat DVM = At oF a. 0 = = it ut CLOCK PULSE . FIGURE 3. Thermal resistance test circuit.14 I2 MIL SPECS TCM qooo12s 0003415 4 g 2 SdWV NI MIL-S-19560/3048 o wo + nN LNSYYND AYVMYOS WNWIXVA 100 125 150 175 200 75 50 25 MAXIMUM CASE TEMPERATURE IN C FIGURE 4.MIL SPECS rc ff oooo1es oonaqu tb MIL~S~19500/304B RON INDUCTIVE (iD) _RESISTOR L R Sw SEE NOTE 2 LF} VI OUTPUT FOR MONITORING : TEL OUT - REGULATED 30-VOLT VOLTAGE = , L REGULATED SOURCE 5 \ uf L020 Lut 7 POWER SUPPLY Vi SHUNT + NOTES: 1. 2. Monitoring oscilloscope requirements: t. < 14 ns, Rind OM, Ce, < 12 pF, Lin (series) 0.5 pH. SW characteristics: Mercury-wetted make-before-oreak relay switched at a 60 Hz rate. The relay should conduct for approximately 640 us and be open for approximately 7.7 ms. ,(C.P. Clare HGP 1004 or equivalent). Voltage source characteristics: Output impedance < 0.52 from 0 to 2 kHz. FIGURE 5. Reverse recovery test circuit. Y i, (rec)}- - ' Patan *Adjust L and R in accordance with paragraph 4.5.3 to achieve T = .028 wus (L 1.2 uH). di _ -0.7 _ | Then, at = 28 25A/us. FIGURE 6. Reverse recovery current waveform through device under test. 10MIL SPECS 5. PACKAGING .1 Packaging requirements. accordance with MIL-S-19500. 6. NOTES 6.1 Notes. specification. 6.2 Ordering data. 6.3 Changes from previous issue. MIL -S-19500/304B Inspection data (see MIL-S-19500). Ic J qooo1es 0003917 a & The requirements for packaging shall be in The notes specified in MIL-S-19500 are applicable to this Asterisks are not used in this revision to identify changes with respect to the previous issue, due to the extensiveness of the changes. 6.4 Supersession data. revision of this specification and the cancellation of MIL-S-19500/266. substitutes are as follows: The following types were superseded through a previous Superseded types 1N3874, 1N3875, 1N3884 1N3876 1N3877, 1N3878, 1N3887 1N3879, 1N3880, 1N3889 IN3879R, 1N3880R, IN3889R IN3881 1N3881R 1N3882, 1N3883, 1N3892 IN3882R, 1N3883R, 1N3892R NOTE: Custodians: Army - ER Navy - EC Air Force - 17 NASA - NA Review activities: Army - AR, MI Navy - SH Air Force - 11, 19, 85, DLA - ES User activities: Army - SM Navy - MC, CG, AS, OS Agent: DLA - ES 99 li Applicable Substitute types 1N3885 1N3886 1N3888 1N3890 IN3890R 1N3891 1N3891R 1N3893 1N3893R Superseded types shall not be used for new design. Preparing activity: Army ~- ER (Project 5961-0826)MIL SPECS MIL -S-19500/304B IC Cooo1es ooo3918 T & TABLE 1. Group A inspection. {- t a STD -750 LTPD { {Limits | T { Inspection T [ JAN | Symbol [Units | { | Method Details | {| JANTX | (Min | Max | { t | I 1 JANS [JANTXV | | ( | { | pi | | lis | 5 | fo ot { Subgroup 1 1 I { { i(c=0) | { | | { { { { { { { { { { | { {Visual and {| 2071 | | { | { { l | Imechanical { | { I { { { { { linspection [ { { { { { { { { \ { { { { { { { | | [sures | pepe fp tt {Forward { 4011 lig = 38 a(pk) } l | Ve {--- {1.5 I[v(pk) | Ivoltage { {t, <8.3 ms; | | { | { { { | ality cycle <2% | | | i [Reverse { 4016 {DC method { { { Ip {--- | 15 |{pAde | lcurrent { { | | { { { | { | { | { { | | l l { [1N3885,1N3890, | [Vp = 100 Vdc | \ | | | | | 1N3890R { { | { | { { | | [1N3886,1N3891, | [Vp = 200 Vdc | | | fl [ | [1N3891R | { | ( | { { l { {1N3888,1N3893, | [Vp = 400 Vdc { | { | { { | [1N3893R { | { i | | { | | { | | | | { | | | [Insulation { 1016 {Test cond. | | [Rrs9 {109 | lohms | lresistance { (see 4.5.2) | { | | | { | [{case to stud) | | { { | { { { | lapplicable onlyl | { | { { | { { {to 1N3885, { { | | | { | . | { 11N3886, and | l { { | | | { { [iN3888 { { | { | | { { { | { | { | { | { { { | Subsroup 3 | | i | ee {High tempera- | {Te = 150C { | | { | | { {ture operation: | | { | { { { | | { | { { | | { | { I {Reverse current! 4016 pe method | Ip2 {--- i4 |mAde {1N3885,1N3890, | Vp = 100 Vdc | { { { { { { {1N3890R { { { { { { { { { {1N3886,1N3891, | [Vp = 200 Vdc | { { { | { { 11N3891R { { | { | I \ { { 11N3888,1N3893, | IVp = 400 Vde | | | | | | | [1N3893R { | i i l { | { I { { { | { | | { | { {Reverse current| 4046 {1 Io. = 12 Ade; { I | Ino [-~- | 3 [mAdc | laverage | lf = 60 Hz { { | | { { | { { { I | { { { { [1N3885,1N3890, | Ivp = 100 v(pk) | | { | { { { {1N3890R | | { | i I { { | [1N3886,1N3891, | [vp = 200 v(pk) | { | , | { { { {1N3891R { | | { {, | { { { 11N3888,1N3893, | vp = 400 v(pk) | ( | { | | { {1N3893R { | { | | | \ { { I { | { | { { { | { See notes at end of table. 12MIL SPECS TC qooo1es 0003919 1 & MIL-S-19500/304B TABLE I. Group A inspection - Continued. T~ Il MIL-STD-750 { LTPD { T Limits | | Inspection, { | | | JAN | Symbol | T [Units | | Method | Details | | JANTX { [Min | Max | { { { | JANS [JANTXV | l | { T T T l ] T T T | | Subgroups 4 | | | | | { | | | and 5 { { | | { { | 1 | Hicabte | | | if || Not applicable . Mawes || Pie da | tL Subgroup 6 | | | 1 2/ | | | { | | | | | | { | | { {Surge current | 4066 ITe = 100 C, | | i | | | | | lIg = 12 Adc; | | | | | { { |f = 60 Hz, { | | | { | | [Ipsy=150 a(pk)sl | I { | | { [tp = 1/120 s;_ | | | | | | | | | i { | | { | {10 surges at | | | | { | | |1/minute. | { | | | | | | | | { { | [1N3885,1N3890, | Ivy = 100 v(pk) | | { I | |1N3890R | | | { | | | {1N3886,1N3891, | Ivp = 200 v(pk) | { | | | | {iN3891R | \ { { { | | { |1N3888,1N3893, | Ive = 400 v(pk) | I I | { | {1N3893R { | { | | | | | | {After this test] | | | | | { | {the following | | | | | | | | | {parameters \s { i | | | | | | lfrom tabie I | | | | | | | {shall be | | | . | | | | |measured: | | | | | { { [Ve and Ip | { | { { | i | { | | | | Subgroup 7 ! 10 ! ! | [Reverse re- [To = 55C { | | typ j--- {200 | ns | lcovery time | {Ig = 1 Adc, { | i | | | | PMR PE T= -25 s | PR eae FF EEE ip(rec)s<2 ap | | (566 | i ot | | | | 14.5.3). | { | | | { I { | | | { { { { | | 1. For JANS level all devices required by the specified LTPD shall be subjected to subgroups 2 and 3 combined. 2. For JANS level, all devices required by the specified LTPD shail be randomly selected from the devices subjected to subgroups 2 and 3, and shall be subjected to subgroups 6 and 7 combined. 13MIL SPECS cf cooo1es oooasz0 8 & MIL-S~-19500/3048 {Electrical measure- {ments TABLE Ila. Group B inspection for JANS devices. [ T MIL-STD-750 (Qualifica- [Smalji Tot] | | T [tion and {| quality { | ( | llarye lot [conform- | | Inspection | Method | Details [quality | ance | | { | |conformancelinspec- | | { | linspection | tion | | | | { LTPD [ n/c | | { { { { { | I l T | I ! Subgroup 1 | | 10 8/0 | {Physical dimensions 2066 {(See figure 1) | | Subgroup 2 { | |! 15 ! 6/0 | { [Solderability | 2026 |The immersion depth (sol- | | | i i {derability) shall be 0.200 | { | i | jinch from end of terminals. | | | | { {Both terminals of 1N3885, | | | I | 11N3886, and 1N3888 shall be | | | | | |tested. | { | { | | | | | [Resistance to Solvents! 1022 |! ! ! | Subgroup 3 ! | 10 ! 6/0 {Thermal shock | 1051 { | | { | (temperature cycling) | | | [Hermetic seal 1 1071 [Condition D or F for gross | | | | a. Fine | lleak. | | | | b. Gross | | | | | | { { | | | {Electrical measure- | [See table IV steps 1, 2, and 4| | | {ments | { | | | | | | | | | |Decap-internal visual | 2075 | | | | (design veri fication) | |! | ! [Bond strength 1 2037 | | | i (wire or clip bonded) | | i | | \devices only) | | ! Die shear ! 2017 ! | | ! Subgroup 4 | 10 ! N/A {Intermittent opera- | 1036 {| 1N3885, 1N3890, 1N3890R | | | |Ition life | { 1N3886, 1N3891, 1N3891R | | I { | 1N3888, 1N3893, 1N3893R | \ | | | : | { | | | Vp = 100 v(pk) [ | [ | { { Va = 200 v(pk) | | | | | vp = 400 v(pk) | | | | [(see 4.5.4) Ig = 12 Adc { | { | [ lton = tore = 5 minutes | | { {minimum for 2,000 cycles | | | | is | | | | I | | | { | | | | 14 ee table IV steps 1, 2, and 4MIL SPECS Ic O00012e5 O00034e21 T i MIL-S-19500/3043 TABLE Ila. Group B inspection for JANS devices - Continued. MIL -STD-/750 TQualifica- [{SmalT Tot [tion and | quality [large lot {conform- Inspection Method Details lquality { ance [conformance |inspec- [inspection | tion Rogc = 2 C/WH maximum | | I { 1 | { { i { | i | | | I | { | | | LTPD | n/c { | { | { | ] | [ I | | Subgroup 5 |! ! [Accelerated steady { 1027 {(See 4.5.1) Ig = 4.0 Adc, | 10 | 12/2 { [state operation life | if = 60 Hz; Ta = 125 C or | | | I | {adjusted as required by the { | | | { [chosen Ta to give an | | | laverage Tot Ty = 275C | | | { 1 1N3885, 1N3890, 1N3890R i | | | { { 1N3886, 1N3891, 1N3891R | | | ! 1N3888, 1N3893, IN3893R | |! | | | { vp = 100 v(pk) | | | | | | vp = 200 v(pk) { i | ! tp = 400 v(pk) ! ! | [Electrical measure- | |See table IV steps i, 3, and 5|[ | | [ments | | i | | | | | | | { IBond strength | 2037 | {20 (cso) | 5/0 | I(Al-Au die intercon- | { | { | Inect only) { | | | | | | | | { | | Subgroup 6 { | | | | { I | | { | [Thermal resistance --- |See 4.5.5 and figure 3. ! 10 8/0 | | I | | | | 15MIL SPECS TABLE IIb. Group B inspection for JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV devices. IC fj gogo12s oopaq2e 1 i MIL-S-19500/3048 High temperature life (nonoperating) Electrical measurements See table IV steps 1 and 3, { MIL-STD-750 | T | Inspection Method Details LTPD | | It | | { Subgroup 1 ! ! 15 [ 1 Solderability { 2026 [The immersion depth (solderability) | { | { [shall be 0.200 inch from the end of | | [ | [terminals. Both terminals of types | | |- | [1N3885, 1N3886, and 1N3888 shall be | | { | [tested. | | | | { { { Resistance to solvents | 1022 | Subgroup 2 | | 10 {1 Thermal shock { 1051 [Time at temperature extremes = 15 | | (temperature cycling) | {minutes minimum. | Insulated types | | -65C to +150C | | Uninsulated types ! | -65 C to +175 C | | Hermetic seal {1071 | | | | a. Fine leak { Test condition D or F for gross { i ! b. Gross leak Teak. > ! Electrical measurements | See table IV steps 1 and 2. | | | ! Subgroup 3 | 5 | Steady-state-operation | 1027 [| (See 4.5.1) Ig = 12 Adc, | | | life | | f = 60 Hz, Te = 100C | | | | | 1N3885, 1N3890, 1N3890R | { | | | 1N3886, 1N3891, 1N3891R ( | 1N3888, 1N3893, 1N3893R ! { | | { I Vp = 100 v(pk) | I [ | | Vp = 200 v(pk) | | ! Vp = 400 v(pk) ! ! Electrical measurements ! See table IV steps 1 and 3. | | | | ! Subgroup 4 | | | { Decap internal visual | 2075 | [1 device/ | (design verification) | | {Oo failure | | | [for each | | { | [lot. | { | { | | | Subgroup 5 ! ! | [ | | { Thermal resistance [ a+- [ See 4.5.5 and figure 3. | 15 | Rogc = 2 C/W maximum ! | { | Subgroup 6 | ! | 7 { . , | i | | 1032 | Ta = 200C | { | | { { | { | | { | | { | | | | 16MIL SPECS cg oo0001e5 o0034e3 3 i MIL-S-19500/3048 TABLE III. Group C inspection (all quality levels). | 1 MIL-STD-750 { | | Inspection [Method Details ! LTPO | { { { I T | Subgroup 1 ! ! ! | Physical dimensions | 2066 | (See figure 1) 15 | Subgroup 2 | ! 10 Thermal shock (glass { 1056 [ Condition B | | | strain) | | | Terminal strength 2036 | Tension: Test cond. A, t = 15 #3 5 | | ! 1N3885, 1N3886, 1N3888 |! | [ | | Weight = 5 lbs (both terminals) | | { | { 1N3890, 1N3891, 1N3893 | | | ] IN3890R, 1IN3891R, 1N3893R | ! Weight = 20 lbs. | | | { | Torque (terminal) (axial lead | | | | | only): | | { | | | { { | [Test cond. Dy weight = 10 oz-in; | | | { it + 15 #3 s | { I { | . { | | | | Torque (stud): | | | | [Test cond. Do weight = 15 1b-in; a | { { | It = 15 43 s | { { | | | | | ! Bending stress: | | | | [Test cond. F, method B; weight = 5 Ibs;l | ! | = 15 #3 s | | | | 1N3885, 1N3886, 1N3888 | | | | | {Weight = 1 1b (axial terminal only) | | | | | 1N3890, 1N3891, 1N3893 | | | | | 1N3890R, 1N3891R, 1N3893R | | | I | Weight = 5 Ibs. { | { Hermetic seal {1071 | .; | | | a. Fine leak | | i { | b. Gross teak | | Moisture resistance | 1021 | { | | | { External visual { 2071 | | | { | I | | { | | | | | i | | | | | I { | | | | | | Electrical measurements See table IV steps:l and 2 (JAN, JANTX, and JANTXY), 1, 2, and 4 (JANS) 17MIL SPECS TABLE Ill. Group C inspection (all quality levels) - Continued. TCfPoodoles duosie4 5 MIL-S-19500/3048 Electrical measurements See table IV steps 1, (JANS), steps 1 and 3 and JANTXV) 2, and 5 (JAN, JANTX, | | MIL-STD-750 | | I Inspection Me thod Details LTPD ! | i TO i | I qT Subgroup 3 | 10 |! Shock 2016 {| Vibration, variable { 2056 | | | { frequency ! | { Constant acceleration 2006 | | | Electrical measurements ! | See table IV steps 1 and 2. | | Subgroup 4 | 15 { Salt atmosphere } 1041 | | | | (corrosion) | | Subgroup 5 | | 15 | Barometric pressure | 1001 15 mm Hg = Pressure; t = 60 5 | { | (reduced) | While the test is being performed | | | { Ip shall be monitored and shall { I not exceed 25 pAdc. | { | | { Subgroup 6 | ! = 10 | | Steady-state operation | 1026 [Ig = 12 Adc, f = 60 Hz, | | | life (see 4.5.1) IT. = 100C ! | { { | 1N3885, 1N3890, 1N3890R | { | | IN3886, 1N3891, 1N3891R | | 1N3888, 1N3893, 1N3893R | | | | | vp = 100 v(pk) | I | { Vp = 200 v(pk) | | | | Vp = 400 v(pk) | | | { | | { | { | | | { | { | | | { | { | 18MIL SPECS IcJpoo001es oo0a4es 7 & MIL-S-~19500/304B TABLE IVY. Group 8 and C electrical measurements. | | i MIL-STU-750 l T Limits | 7 Step | Inspection [Nethod Condition ! Symbol [Hin Max {Units | \ { l T ] T ] | i I | | 1. [Forward voltage { 4011 |I = 38 a(pk); | vey [--- {1.5 [v(pk) | { { | [tp <8.3 ms | | | l | { | | | | { { { | | { { {duty cycle <2% { | | | | { | | { | | | | | | 2. [Reverse current | 4016 {be method | Tei \-~- | 15 wAdc { {1N3885,1N3890,1N3890R | [Vp = 100 Vde | | { | | | 11N3886,1N3891,1N3891R | Ip = 200 Vdc I | i | | ! (1N3888,1N3893,1N3893R VR = 400 Vdc ! | | | | { | | | 3. {Reverse current | 4016 [oc method Ip3 |--- 25 ! uAdc | | [1N3885,1N3890,1N3890R | IVp = 100 Vde { | | | | | [1N3886,1N3891,1N3891R | [Vp = 200 Vde { { | { | { [1N3888,1N3893,1N3893R YR = 400 Vdc ! | | | { | { | | 4. [Forward voltage [ 4011 {Ip = 50 mAdc | aVe [#50 mVdc max. | | | | | { |change from | | i | | | [previous to post| { | | | | [intermittent | | { | | | llife and thermal | { | | | | Ishock measure- | | | | | | iment tests. | | | | | [ {(JANS only) | { { | | | | {> | {| 5. [Reverse current { 4016 [DC method [ 1/ [410 pAde or 1003] { I [ i { alpgy lof initial valuel | | { { | Iwhichever is | PO a Pfr | |1N3885,1N3890,1N3890R | [Vp = 100 Vde | | | | { | {1N3886,1N3891,1N3891R | [Vp = 200 Vdc | | i | | |1N3888, 1N3893, 1N3893R ! VR = 400 Vdc ! ! ! | | | | | | { | | 1/ Devices which exceed the group A limits for this test shall be rejected. #U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1982-605-034/5172 19