Anti-Sulfurated Thick Film Chip Resistors Anti-Sulfurated Thick Film Chip Resistors ERJ S : 0402, 0603, 0805, 1206, 1210, 1812, 2010, 2512 ERJ S6 : 0805 ERJ U : 0201, 0402, 0603, 0805, 1206, 1210, 1812, 2010, 2512 Type: ERJ S02, S03, S06, S08, S14 S12, S1D, S1T (Au-based inner electrode type) Type: ERJ S6S, S6Q (Ag-Pd-based inner electrode type) Type: ERJ U01, U02, U03, U06, U08, U14, U12, U1D, U1T (Ag-Pd-based inner electrode type) Features High resistance to sulfurization achieved by adopting an Au-based inner electrode (ERJS0/S1 type) and Ag-Pd-based inner electrode (ERJS6, ERJU type) High reliability Metal glaze thick film resistive element and three layers of electrodes Suitable for both reflow and flow soldering Low Resistance type...ERJS6S, S6Q : 0.1 to 1.0 Reference Standard...IEC 60115-8, JIS C 5201-8, EIAJ RC-2134B RoHS compliant Packaging Methods, Land Pattern, Soldering Conditions and Safety Precautions Please see Data Files Explanation of Part Numbers ERJS0, S1, U0, U1 Series 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 & 3 + 4 ' 7 Resistance Tolerance Product Code Thick Film Chip Resistors Type: inch U01 : 0201 S02 U02 : 0402 S03 U03 : 0603 S06 U06 : 0805 S08 U08 : 1206 Size, Power Rating Power R. Type: inch 0.05 W 0.1 W 0.1 W 0.125 W Code F J 0 Power R. S14 U14 : 1210 S12 U12 : 1812 S1D U1D : 2010 S1T U1T : 2512 0.5 W Code Tolerance 1% 5% Jumper C X 0.75 W Resistance Value V 0.75 W The first two or three digits are significant figures of resistance and the third or 4th one denotes number of zeros following. Jumper is expressed by R00. Three digit type (5%), four digit type (1%) Example: 2222.2 k?, 100210 k? U 1W 0.25 W Packaging Methods Packaging Type Pressed Carrier Taping ERJU01 2 mm pitch, 15,000 pcs. Punched Carrier Taping 2 mm pitch, 10,000 pcs. ERJS02, ERJU02 Punched Carrier Taping ERJS03, ERJU03 4 mm pitch, 5,000 pcs. ERJS06, ERJU06 ERJS08, ERJU08 Embossed Carrier Taping ERJS14, ERJU14 4 mm pitch, 5,000 pcs. ERJS12, ERJU12 ERJS1D, ERJU1D Embossed Carrier Taping 4 mm pitch, 4,000 pcs. ERJS1T, ERJU1T ERJS6S, S6Q Series 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 & 3 + 4 4 + 3 7 Size, Power Rating Type: inch Power R. 0.25 W S6: 0805 Product Code Thick Film Chip Resistors Resistance Value Code Res. Value S 0.1 ?to 0.2 ? Q 0.22 ?to 1 ? Resistance Tolerance Code Tolerance 1 % F 2 % G 5 % J Resistance Value Shown by 3 digits or letters. (Example) R20 : 0.20 ?=200 m? 1R0 : 1.00 ?=1000 m? Code V Packaging Methods Packaging Type Punched Carrier Taping ERJS6 4 mm pitch, 5,000 pcs. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 04 Aug. 2012 - 24 - Anti-Sulfurated Thick Film Chip Resistors Construction Dimensions in mm (not to scale) L a W Protective coating t b Electrode (Inner) Au-based : ERJS type Alumina substrate Ag-Pd-based: ERJU type ERJS6 type Electrode (Between) Thick film resistive element Dimensions (mm) Type (inch size) W a b Mass (Weight) [g/1000 pcs.] t ERJU01 (0201) 0.600.03 0.300.03 0.100.05 0.150.05 0.230.03 0.15 ERJS02 (0402) ERJU02 ERJS03 (0603) ERJU03 ERJS06 (0805) ERJU06 1.000.05 0.500.05 0.200.10 0.250.10 0.350.05 0.8 0.20 1.600.15 0.80+0.15 0.300.15 0.450.10 -0.05 0.30 2 2.000.20 1.250.10 0.400.20 0.400.20 0.600.10 4 ERJS6 (0805) 2.000.20 1.250.10 0.450.20 0.450.20 0.550.10 6 ERJS08 (1206) ERJU08 ERJS14 (1210) ERJU14 ERJS12 (1812) ERJU12 ERJS1D (2010) ERJU1D ERJS1T (2512) ERJU1T Electrode (Outer) L +0.05 -0.20 0.10 10 0.10 16 0.10 27 5.000.20 2.500.20 0.600.20 0.600.20 0.600.10 27 6.400.20 3.200.20 0.650.20 0.600.20 0.600.10 45 3.20 0.20 3.20 0.20 4.50 +0.05 -0.15 1.60 0.20 2.50 0.20 3.20 0.20 0.50 0.20 0.50 0.20 0.50 0.20 0.50 0.20 0.50 0.20 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.60 Ratings Type (inch size) PowerRating at 70 C (W) Limiting Element Voltage(1) (V) Maximum Overload Voltage(2) (V) ERJU01 (0201) 0.05 25 50 ERJS02 ERJU02 (0402) 0.1 50 100 ERJS03 ERJU03 (0603) 0.1 75 150 ERJS06 ERJU06 (0805) 0.125 150 200 ERJS08 ERJU08 (1206) 0.25 200 400 0.5 200 400 0.75 200 500 ERJS14 ERJU14 (1210) ERJS12 ERJU12 (1812) ERJS1D ERJU1D (2010) ERJS1T ERJU1T (2512) 0.75 200 500 1.0 200 500 Resistance Tolerance (%) Resistance Range () 1 5 1 10 to 1 M (E24, E96) 1 to 1 M (E24) 10 to 1 M (E24, E96) 5 1 to 3.3 M (E24) 1 10 to 1 M (E24, E96) 5 1 to 10 M (E24) 1 10 to 1 M (E24, E96) 5 1 to 10 M (E24) 1 10 to 1 M (E24, E96) 5 1 to 10 M (E24) 1 10 to 1 M (E24, E96) 5 1 to 10 M (E24) 1 10 to 1 M (E24, E96) 5 1 to 10 M (E24) 1 10 to 1 M (E24, E96) 5 1 to 10 M (E24) 1 10 to 1 M (E24, E96) 5 1 to 10 M (E24) T.C.R. (x10 -6/C ) Category Temperature Range (C) -55 to +125 -55 to +155 <10 : -100 to +600 10 to 1 M: 200(5%) 100(1%) ERJU01, ERJS02, ERJU02 : 200 -55 to +155 -55 to +155 -55 to +155 -55 to +155 -55 to +155 1 M<: -400 to +150 -55 to +155 -55 to +155 (1) Rated Continuous Working Voltage (RCWV) shall be determined from RCWV=Power Rating x Resistance Values, or Limiting Element Voltage listed above, whichever less. (2) Overload (Short-time Overload) Test Voltage (SOTV) shall be determined from SOTV=2.5 x Power Rating or max. Overload Voltage listed above whichever less. <Low Resistance type> Type (inch size) ERJS6S (0805) ERJS6Q (0805) PowerRating Resistance at 70 C Tolerance (W) (%) 0.25 Resistance Range () 0.1 to 0.2 (E24) 0.22 to 1 (E24) 1, 2, 5 T.C.R. (x10 -6/C ) 150 Category Temperature Range (C) -55 to +155 Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 04 Aug. 2012 - 25 - Anti-Sulfurated Thick Film Chip Resistors Power Derating Curve For resistors operated in ambient temperatures above 70 C, power rating shall be derated in accordance with the figure below. <For Jumper> Type (inch size) ERJU01 (0201) Rated Current (A) Maximum Overload Current (A) 0.5 1 1 2 ERJS02 ERJU02 (0402) ERJS03 ERJU03 (0603) Rated Load (%) (0805) ERJS08 ERJU08 (1206) ERJS14 ERJU14 (1210) 70 C -55 C 100 ERJS06 ERJU06 ERJS6S/Q 2 80 60 40 ERJU01 20 0 -60 -40 -20 4 ERJS12 ERJU12 125 C 0 20 40 60 155 C 80 100 120 140 160 180 Ambient Temperature (C) (1812) ERJS1D ERJU1D (2012) ERJS1T ERJU1T (2512) Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 04 Aug. 2012 - 26 -