DS302 (v3.7) September 9, 2009 www.xilinx.com
Product Specification 1
© 2004–2009 Xilinx, Inc. XILINX, the Xilinx logo, Virtex, Spartan, ISE, and other designated brands included herein are trademarks of Xilinx in the United States and other
countries. The PowerPC name and logo are registered trademarks of IBM Corp. and used under license. PCI, PCI Express, PCIe, and PCI-X are trademarks of PCI-SIG. All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Virtex-4 FPGA Electrical Characteristics
Virtex®-4 FPGAs are available in -12, -11, and -10 speed
grades, with -12 having the highest performance.
Virtex-4 FPGA DC and AC characteristics are specified for
both commercial and industrial grades. Except the operat-
ing temperature range or unless otherwise noted, all the DC
and AC electrical parameters are the same for a particular
speed grade (that is, the timing characteristics of a -10
speed grade industrial device are the same as for a -10
speed grade commercial device). However, only selected
speed grades and/or devices might be available in the
industrial range.
All supply voltage and junction temperature specifications
are representative of worst-case conditions. The parame-
ters included are common to popular designs and typical
This Virtex-4 FPGA Data Sheet is part of an overall set of
documentation on the Virtex-4 family of FPGAs that is avail-
able on the Xilinx website:
Virtex-4 Family Overview, DS112
Virtex-4 FPGA User Guide, UG070
Virtex-4 FPGA Configuration Guide, UG071
XtremeDSP for Virtex-4 FPGAs User Guide, UG073
Virtex-4 FPGA Packaging and Pinout Specification,
Virtex-4 FPGA PCB Designer’s Guide, UG072
Virtex-4 RocketIO™ Multi-Gigabit Transceiver User
Guide, UG076
Virtex-4 FPGA Embedded Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC
User Guide, UG074
PowerPC® 405 Processor Block Reference Guide,
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Virtex-4 FPGA DC Characteristics
Virtex-4 FPGA Data Sheet:
DC and Switching Characteristics
DS302 (v3.7) September 9, 2009 00Product Specification
Table 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings
Symbol Description Units
VCCINT Internal supply voltage relative to GND –0.5 to 1.32 V
VCCAUX Auxiliary supply voltage relative to GND –0.5 to 3.0 V
VCCO Output drivers supply voltage relative to GND –0.5 to 3.75 V
VBATT Key memory battery backup supply –0.5 to 4.05 V
VREF Input reference voltage –0.3 to 3.75 V
I/O input voltage relative to GND
(all user and dedicated I/Os) –0.75 to 4.05 V
I/O input voltage relative to GND
(restricted to maximum of 100 user I/Os)(3,4)
–0.95 to 4.4
(Commercial Temperature)
–0.85 to 4.3
(Industrial Temperature)
2.5V or below I/O input voltage relative to GND
(user and dedicated I/Os) –0.75 to VCCO +0.5 V
Current applied to an I/O pin, powered or unpowered ±100 mA
Total current applied to all I/O pins, powered or unpowered ±200 mA
Virtex-4 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics
DS302 (v3.7) September 9, 2009 www.xilinx.com
Product Specification 2
Voltage applied to 3-state 3.3V output
(all user and dedicated I/Os) –0.75 to 4.05 V
Voltage applied to 3-state 3.3V output
(restricted to maximum of 100 user I/Os)(3,4)
–0.95 to 4.4
(Commercial Temperature)
–0.85 to 4.3
(Industrial Temperature)
2.5V or below I/O input voltage relative to GND
(user and dedicated I/Os) –0.75 to VCCO +0.5 V
AVCCAUXRX Receive auxiliary supply voltage relative to analog ground, GNDA
(RocketIO pins) –0.5 to 1.32 V
AVCCAUXTX Transmit auxiliary supply voltage relative to analog ground, GNDA
(RocketIO pins) –0.5 to 1.32 V
AVCCAUXMGT Management auxiliary supply voltage relative to analog ground, GNDA
(RocketIO pins) –0.5 to 3.0 V
VTRX Terminal receive supply voltage relative to GND –0.5 to 3.0 V
VTTX Terminal transmit supply voltage relative to GND –0.5 to 1.65 V
TSTG Storage temperature (ambient) –65 to 150 °C
TSOL Maximum soldering temperature(2) +220 °C
TJMaximum junction temperature(2) +125 °C
1. Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings might cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and
functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those listed under Operating Conditions is not implied. Exposure to
Absolute Maximum Ratings conditions for extended periods of time might affect device reliability.
2. For soldering guidelines and thermal considerations, see the Virtex-4 Packaging and Pinout Specification on the Xilinx website.
3. When using more than 100 3.3V I/Os, refer to the Virtex-4 FPGA User Guide, Chapter 6, “3.3V I/O Design Guidelines.
4. For more flexibility in specific designs, a maximum of 100 user I/Os can be stressed beyond the normal spec for no more than 20% of a data period.
There are no bank restrictions.
Tabl e 2 : Recommended Operating Conditions
Symbol Description Min Max Units
Internal supply voltage relative to GND, TJ=0°C to +85°C Commercial 1.14 1.26 V
Internal supply voltage relative to GND, TJ= –40°C to +100°C Industrial 1.14 1.26 V
Auxiliary supply voltage relative to GND, TJ=0°C to +85°C Commercial 2.375 2.625 V
Auxiliary supply voltage relative to GND, TJ= –40°C to +100°C Industrial 2.375 2.625 V
VCCO(1,3,4,5) Supply voltage relative to GND, TJ=0°C to +85°C Commercial 1.14 3.45 V
Supply voltage relative to GND, TJ= –40°C to +100°C Industrial 1.14 3.45 V
3.3V supply voltage relative to GND, TJ=0°C to +85°C Commercial GND 0.20 3.45 V
3.3V supply voltage relative to GND, TJ= –40°C to +100°C Industrial GND 0.20 3.45 V
2.5V and below supply voltage relative to GND,
TJ=0°C to +85°CCommercial GND 0.20 VCCO +0.2 V
2.5V and below supply voltage relative to GND,
TJ=–40°C to +100°CIndustrial GND 0.20 VCCO +0.2 V
Maximum current through any pin in a powered or unpowered
bank when forward biasing the clamp diode.
Commercial 10 mA
Industrial 10 mA
VBATT(2) Battery voltage relative to GND, TJ=0°C to +85°CCommercial1.03.6V
Battery voltage relative to GND, TJ= –40°C to +100°C Industrial 1.0 3.6 V
Tabl e 1 : Absolute Maximum Ratings (Continued)
Symbol Description Units
Virtex-4 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics
DS302 (v3.7) September 9, 2009 www.xilinx.com
Product Specification 3
AVCCAUXRX(6) Auxiliary receive supply voltage relative to GNDA Commercial 1.14 1.26 V
Industrial 1.14 1.26 V
AVCCAUXTX(6) Auxiliary transmit supply voltage relative to GNDA Commercial 1.14 1.26 V
Industrial 1.14 1.26 V
AVCCAUXMGT Auxiliary management supply voltage relative to GNDA Commercial 2.375 2.625 V
Industrial 2.375 2.625 V
VTRX(7) Terminal receive supply voltage relative to GND Commercial 0.25 2.5 V
Industrial 0.25 2.5 V
VTTX Terminal transmit supply voltage relative to GND Commercial 1.14 1.575 V
Industrial 1.14 1.575 V
1. Configuration data is retained even if VCCO drops to 0V.
2. VBATT is required only when using bitstream encryption. If battery is not used, connect VBATT to either ground or VCCAUX.
3. For 3.3V I/O operation, refer to the Virtex-4 FPGA User Guide.
4. Includes VCCO of 1.2V, 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, and 3.3V
5. The configuration output supply voltage VCC_CONFIG is also known as VCCO_0
6. IMPORTANT! All unused RocketIO transceivers must be connected to power and GND. When using RocketIO transceivers, refer to the power filtering
section of the Virtex-4 RocketIO Multi-Gigabit Transceiver User Guide. Unused transceivers must be powered by an appropriate voltage level source.
Passive filtering must meet the requirements discussed in the Virtex-4 RocketIO Multi-Gigabit Transceiver User Guide.
7. Internal AC coupling is enabled.
Tabl e 2 : Recommended Operating Conditions (Continued)
Symbol Description Min Max Units
Tabl e 3 : DC Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Symbol Description
Data Rate
(Gb/s) Min Typ Max Units
Data retention VCCINT voltage
(below which configuration data might be lost) 0.9 V
Data retention VCCAUX voltage
(below which configuration data might be lost) 2.0 V
IREF VREF current per pin 10 µA
ILInput or output leakage current per pin (sample-tested) 10 µA
CIN Input capacitance (sample-tested) 10 pF
Pad pull-up (when selected) @ VIN =0V, V
CCO =3.3V 5 200 µA
Pad pull-up (when selected) @ VIN =0V, V
CCO =3.0V 5 125 µA
Pad pull-up (when selected) @ VIN =0V, V
CCO =2.5V 5 120 µA
Pad pull-up (when selected) @ VIN =0V, V
CCO = 1.8V 5 60 µA
Pad pull-up (when selected) @ VIN =0V, V
CCO = 1.5V 5 40 µA
IRPD(1) Pad pull-down (when selected) @ VIN =V
CCO 5 100 µA
IBATT(1) Battery supply current 75 100 nA
ICCAUXRX(2) Operating AVCCAUXRX supply current
6.5 292 427 mA
5.0 302 485 mA
4.25 291 446 mA
3.125 279 382 mA
1.25/2.5 263 351 mA
1.25 Digital RX 314 432 mA
Virtex-4 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics
DS302 (v3.7) September 9, 2009 www.xilinx.com
Product Specification 4
ICCAUXTX(2) Operating AVCCAUXTX supply current
6.5 170 339 mA
5.0 180 355 mA
4.25 173 330 mA
3.125 165 307 mA
2.5 157 298 mA
1.25 151 295 mA
ICCAUXMGT(2) Operating AVCCAUXMGT supply current 3 5 mA
ITTX(2) Operating ITTX supply current when transmitter is AC coupled
or VTTX =V
100 210 mA
ITRX(2,3) Operating ITRX supply current when receiver is AC coupled or
12 24 mA
nTemperature diode ideality factor 1.02 n
PCPU Power dissipation of PowerPC 405 processor block 0.45 mW/MHz
rSeries resistance 2Ω
1. Values are specified at nominal voltage, 25°C.
2. Typical ICC numbers given per tile with both MGTs operating with default settings. Maximum ICC numbers given per tile with both MGTs operating with
maximum amplitude and emphasis settings.
3. Varies with AC / DC coupling.
Tabl e 3 : DC Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Conditions (Continued)
Symbol Description
Data Rate
(Gb/s) Min Typ Max Units
Tabl e 4 : Quiescent Supply Current
Symbol Description Device Typ(1) Max Units
ICCINTQ Quiescent VCCINT supply current XC4VLX15 46 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX25 77 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX40 121 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX60 167 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX80 220 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX100 292 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX160 384 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX200 489 Note (6) mA
XC4VSX25 94 Note (6) mA
XC4VSX35 140 Note (6) mA
XC4VSX55 271 Note (6) mA
XC4VFX12 47 Note (6) mA
XC4VFX20 71 Note (6) mA
XC4VFX40 139 Note (6) mA
XC4VFX60 203 Note (6) mA
XC4VFX100 311 Note (6) mA
XC4VFX140 442 Note (6) mA
Virtex-4 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics
DS302 (v3.7) September 9, 2009 www.xilinx.com
Product Specification 5
ICCOQ Quiescent VCCO supply current XC4VLX15 1.25 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX25 1.25 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX40 1.25 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX60 1.5 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX80 1.5 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX100 1.75 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX160 2.5 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX200 2.5 Note (6) mA
XC4VSX25 1.25 Note (6) mA
XC4VSX35 1.25 Note (6) mA
XC4VSX55 1.5 Note (6) mA
XC4VFX12 1.25 Note (6) mA
XC4VFX20 1.25 Note (6) mA
XC4VFX40 1.25 Note (6) mA
XC4VFX60 1.5 Note (6) mA
XC4VFX100 1.75 Note (6) mA
XC4VFX140 2.5 Note (6) mA
ICCAUXQ Quiescent VCCAUX supply current XC4VLX15 31 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX25 36 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX40 43 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX60 74 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX80 83 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX100 95 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX160 133 Note (6) mA
XC4VLX200 150 Note (6) mA
XC4VSX25 62 Note (6) mA
XC4VSX35 70 Note (6) mA
XC4VSX55 91 Note (6) mA
XC4VFX12 31 Note (6) mA
XC4VFX20 35 Note (6) mA
XC4VFX40 69 Note (6) mA
XC4VFX60 80 Note (6) mA
XC4VFX100 98 Note (6) mA
XC4VFX140 143 Note (6) mA
ICCAUXRX(4) Quiescent AVCCAUXRX supply current XC4VFX20 25 154 mA
XC4VFX60 35 154 mA
XC4VFX100 50 154 mA
Tabl e 4 : Quiescent Supply Current (Continued)
Symbol Description Device Typ(1) Max Units
Virtex-4 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics
DS302 (v3.7) September 9, 2009 www.xilinx.com
Product Specification 6
ICCAUXTX (4) Quiescent AVCCAUXTX supply current XC4VFX20 10 44 mA
XC4VFX60 15 44 mA
XC4VFX100 20 44 mA
ITTX(4,5) Quiescent VTTX supply current XC4VFX20 1 2 mA
XC4VFX60 1 2 mA
XC4VFX100 1 2 mA
ITRX(4,5) Quiescent VTRX supply current XC4VFX20 1 2 mA
XC4VFX60 1 2 mA
XC4VFX100 1 2 mA
IAUXMGT (4) Quiescent VAUXMGT supply current XC4VFX20 1 2 mA
XC4VFX60 1 2 mA
XC4VFX100 1 2 mA
1. Typical values are specified at nominal voltage, 25°C.
2. Typical values are for blank configured devices with no output current loads, no active input pull-up resistors, all I/O pins are 3-state and floating.
3. If DCI or differential signaling is used, more accurate quiescent current estimates can be obtained by using the Power Estimator or XPower tool.
4. Given for entire die. Powered and unconfigured.
5. Unconnected (if channel is driven to voltage).
6. Use the XPower Estimator (XPE) tool to calculate maximum static power for specific process, voltage, and temperature conditions.
Tabl e 4 : Quiescent Supply Current (Continued)
Symbol Description Device Typ(1) Max Units
Virtex-4 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics
DS302 (v3.7) September 9, 2009 www.xilinx.com
Product Specification 7
Power-On Power Supply Requirements
Xilinx® FPGAs require a certain amount of supply current
during power-on to insure proper device initialization. The
actual current consumed depends on the power-on ramp
rate of the power supply.
The power supplies can be turned on in any sequence,
though the specifications shown in Tabl e 5 are for the rec-
ommended power-on sequence of VCCINT
Xilinx does not specify the current for other power-on
Table 5 shows the minimum current required by Virtex-4
devices for proper power-on and configuration.
If the current minimums shown in Ta bl e 5 are met, the
device powers on properly after all three supplies have
passed through their power-on reset threshold voltages.
Once initialized and configured, use the XPower tool to esti-
mate current drain on these supplies.
Tabl e 5 : Power-On Current for Virtex-4 Devices
UnitsTyp (1) Max (2) Typ (1) Max(2) Typ (1) Max(2)
XC4VLX15 110 750 60 100 50 75 mA
XC4VLX25 160 1350 85 125 75 100 mA
XC4VLX40 250 1500 110 150 75 105 mA
XC4VLX60 300 1925 225 300 150 250 mA
XC4VLX80 400 2550 280 350 150 275 mA
XC4VLX100 500 3200 335 425 200 300 mA
XC4VLX160 700 3700 500 600 250 400 mA
XC4VLX200 850 3850 500 600 250 400 mA
XC4VSX25 175 725 110 150 75 105 mA
XC4VSX35 250 1350 165 200 100 150 mA
XC4VSX55 400 2225 225 300 150 225 mA
XC4VFX12 111 750 56 100 50 75 mA
XC4VFX20 151 1100 56 100 75 125 mA
XC4VFX40 244 1650 167 250 125 225 mA
XC4VFX60 339 2250 222 350 150 275 mA
XC4VFX100 511 3300 278 500 200 300 mA
XC4VFX140 702 4250 500 825 250 375 mA
1. Typical values are specified at nominal voltage, 25°C.
2. Maximum values are specified under worst-case process, voltage, and temperature conditions.
Tabl e 6 : Power Supply Ramp Time
Symbol Description Ramp Time Units
VCCINT Internal supply voltage relative to GND 0.20 to 50.0 ms
VCCO Output drivers supply voltage relative to GND 0.20 to 50.0 ms
VCCAUX Auxiliary supply voltage relative to GND 0.20 to 50.0 ms
Virtex-4 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics
DS302 (v3.7) September 9, 2009 www.xilinx.com
Product Specification 8
SelectIO™ DC Input and Output Levels
Values for VIL and VIH are recommended input voltages.
Values for IOL and IOH are guaranteed over the recom-
mended operating conditions at the VOL and VOH test
points. Only selected standards are tested. These are cho-
sen to ensure that all standards meet their specifications.
The selected standards are tested at a minimum VCCO with
the respective VOL and VOH voltage levels shown. Other
standards are sample tested.
Tabl e 7 : SelectIO DC Input and Output Levels
V, Min V, Max V, Min V, Max V, Max V, Min mA mA
LVTTL –0.2 0.8 2.0 3.45 0.4 2.4 Note(3) Note(3)
LVDCI33 –0.2 0.8 2.0 3.45 0.4 VCCO –0.4 Note(3) Note(3)
LVDCI25 –0.3 0.7 1.7 VCCO +0.3 0.4 V
CCO –0.4 Note(3) Note(3)
LVDCI18 –0.3 35% VCCO 65% VCCO VCCO +0.3 0.4 V
CCO –0.45 Note(4) Note(4)
LVDCI15 –0.3 35% VCCO 65% VCCO VCCO +0.3 0.4 V
CCO –0.45 Note(4) Note(4)
PCI33_3(5) –0.2 30% VCCO 50% VCCO VCCO 10% VCCO 90% VCCO 1.5 –0.5
PCI66_3(5) –0.2 30% VCCO 50% VCCO VCCO 10% VCCO 90% VCCO 1.5 –0.5
PCI-X(5) –0.2 35% VCCO 50% VCCO VCCO 10% VCCO 90% VCCO 1.5 –0.5
GTLP –0.3 VREF –0.1 V
REF + 0.1 0.6 N/A 36 N/A
GTL –0.3 VREF –0.05 V
REF + 0.05 0.4 N/A 32 N/A
HSTL I(2) –0.3 VREF –0.1 V
REF +0.1 V
CCO +0.3 0.4 V
CCO –0.4 8 8
HSTL II(2) –0.3 VREF –0.1 V
REF +0.1 V
CCO +0.3 0.4 V
CCO 0.4 16 –16
HSTL III(2) –0.3 VREF –0.1 V
REF +0.1 V
CCO +0.3 0.4 V
CCO 0.4 24 –8
HSTL IV(2) –0.3 VREF –0.1 V
REF +0.1 V
CCO +0.3 0.4 V
CCO 0.4 48 –8
DIFF HSTL II(2) –0.3 50%
VCCO –0.1
VCCO +0.1 VCCO +0.3 0.4 V
CCO –0.4
SSTL2 I –0.3 VREF –0.15 V
REF +0.15 V
CCO +0.3 V
TT –0.61 V
TT + 0.61 8.1 –8.1
SSTL2 II –0.3 VREF –0.15 V
REF +0.15 V
CCO +0.3 V
TT –0.81 V
TT + 0.81 16.2 –16.2
DIFF SSTL2 II –0.3 50%
VCCO –0.15
VCCO +0.15 VCCO +0.3 0.5 V
CCO –0.5
SSTL18 I –0.3 VREF 0.125 VREF + 0.125 VCCO +0.3 V
TT –0.47 V
TT + 0.47 6.7 –6.7
SSTL18 II –0.3 VREF 0.125 VREF +0.125 V
CCO +0.3 V
TT –0.60 V
TT + 0.60 13.4 –13.4
DIFF SSTL18 II –0.3 50%
VCCO –0.125
VCCO +0.125 VCCO +0.3 0.4 V
CCO –0.4
1. Tested according to relevant specifications.
2. Applies to both 1.5V and 1.8V HSTL.
3. LVCMOS using drive strengths of 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, or 24 mA.
4. LVCMOS using drive strengths of 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, or 16 mA.
5. For more information on PCI33_3, PCI66_3, and PCI-X, refer to the Virtex-4 FPGA User Guide, SelectIO Resources, Chapter 6.
Virtex-4 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics
DS302 (v3.7) September 9, 2009 www.xilinx.com
Product Specification 9
LDT DC Specifications (LDT_25)
LVDS DC Specifications (LVDS_25)
Tabl e 8 : LDT DC Specifications
Symbol DC Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
VCCO Supply Voltage 2.38 2.5 2.63 V
VOD Differential Output Voltage(1,2) RT = 100Ω across Q and Q signals 495 600 715 mV
Δ VOD Change in VOD Magnitude –15 15 mV
VOCM Output Common Mode Voltage RT = 100Ω across Q and Q signals 495 600 715 mV
Δ VOCM Change in VOCM Magnitude –15 15 mV
VID Input Differential Voltage 200 600 1000 mV
Δ VID Change in VID Magnitude –15 15 mV
VICM Input Common Mode Voltage 440 600 780 mV
Δ VICM Change in VICM Magnitude –15 15 mV
1. Recommended input maximum voltage not to exceed VCC0 +0.2V.
2. Recommended input minimum voltage not to go below –0.5V.
Tabl e 9 : LVDS DC Specifications
Symbol DC Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
VCCO Supply Voltage 2.38 2.5 2.63 V
VOH Output High Voltage for Q and Q RT = 100Ω across Q and Q signals 1.602 V
VOL Output Low Voltage for Q and Q RT = 100Ω across Q and Q signals 0.898 V
Differential Output Voltage(1,2)
(Q Q), Q = High (Q –Q), Q = High RT = 100Ω across Q and Q signals 247 350 454 mV
VOCM Output Common-Mode Voltage RT = 100Ω across Q and Q signals 1.125 1.250 1.375 V
Differential Input Voltage (Q Q),
Q = High (Q –Q), Q = High 100 350 600 mV
VICM Input Common-Mode Voltage 0.3 1.2 2.2 V
1. Recommended input maximum voltage not to exceed VCC0 +0.2V.
2. Recommended input minimum voltage not to go below –0.5V.
Virtex-4 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics
DS302 (v3.7) September 9, 2009 www.xilinx.com
Product Specification 10
Extended LVDS DC Specifications (LVDSEXT_25)
LVPECL DC Specifications (LVPECL_25)
These values are valid when driving a 100Ω differential load
only, i.e., a 100Ω resistor between the two receiver pins.
The VOH levels are 200 mV below standard LVPECL levels
and are compatible with devices tolerant of lower com-
mon-mode ranges. Ta bl e 1 1 summarizes the DC output
specifications of LVPECL. For more information on using
LVPECL, see the Virtex-4 FPGA User Guide: Chapter 6,
SelectIO Resources.
Tabl e 10: Extended LVDS DC Specifications
Symbol DC Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
VCCO Supply Voltage 2.38 2.5 2.63 V
VOH Output High Voltage for Q and Q RT = 100Ω across Q and Q signals 1.785 V
VOL Output Low Voltage for Q and Q RT = 100Ω across Q and Q signals 0.715 V
Differential Output Voltage (Q Q),
Q = High (Q –Q), Q = High RT = 100Ω across Q and Q signals 440 820 mV
VOCM Output Common-Mode Voltage RT = 100Ω across Q and Q signals 1.125 1.250 1.375 V
Differential Input Voltage(1,2)
(Q Q), Q = High (Q –Q), Q = High Common-mode input voltage = 1.25V 100 1000 mV
VICM Input Common-Mode Voltage Differential input voltage = ±350 mV 0.3 1.2 2.2 V
1. Recommended input maximum voltage not to exceed VCC0 +0.2V.
2. Recommended input minimum voltage not to go below –0.5V.
Tabl e 11: LVPECL DC Specifications
Symbol DC Parameter Min Typ Max Units
VOH Output High Voltage VCC 1.025 1.545 VCC –0.88 V
VOL Output Low Voltage VCC 1.81 0.795 VCC –1.62 V
VICM Input Common-Mode Voltage 0.6 2.2 V
VIDIFF Differential Input Voltage(1,2) 0.100 1.5 V
1. Recommended input maximum voltage not to exceed VCC0 +0.2V.
2. Recommended input minimum voltage not to go below –0.5V.
Virtex-4 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics
DS302 (v3.7) September 9, 2009 www.xilinx.com
Product Specification 11
RocketIO DC Input and Output Levels
Ta bl e 1 2 summarizes the DC input and output specifica-
tions of the Virtex-4 FPGA RocketIO Multi-Gigabit Serial
Transceivers. Figure 1 shows the single-ended output volt-
age swing. Figure 2 shows the peak-to-peak differential out-
put voltage. Consult the Virtex-4 RocketIO Multi-Gigabit
Transceiver User Guide for further details.
Tabl e 12: RocketIO DC Specifications
DC Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Peak-to-Peak Differential Input Voltage DVIN Internal AC Coupled 110 2400 mV
Single-Ended Input Range SEVIN Internal AC Coupled 0 VTRX mV
Common Mode Input Voltage Range VICM
Internal AC Coupled 100 VTRX –100 mV
Bypassed Internal AC
Coupled (1) 800 mV
Single-Ended Output Voltage Swing(2, 3) VOUT 450 725 mV
Common Mode Output Voltage Range(3) VTCM 1000 mV
Peak-to-Peak Differential Output Voltage(2, 3) DVPPOUT 900 1050 1400 mV
Signal detect threshold RXOOBVDPP RX TBD
Electrical idle amplitude TXOOBVDPP TX 65 mV
RocketIO MGT Clock DC Input Levels
Peak-to-Peak Differential Input Voltage VIDIFF 2 x | VMGTCLKP – VMGTCKLN | 100 600 2000 mV
Differential Input Resistance RIN 71 105 124 Ω
1. The maximum VTRX is 1.26V when bypassing the internal AC coupled VICM. VTRX must be less than or equal to AVCCAUXRX.
2. The output swing and pre-emphasis levels are selected using the attributes discussed in Chapter 4: PMA Analog Considerations in the Virtex-4
RocketIO Multi-Gigabit Transceiver User Guide for details.
3. VTTX is 1.5 ±5%; different amplitudes possible with adjusted DAC values.
Figure 1: Single-Ended Output Voltage Swing
Figure 2: Peak-to-Peak Differential Output Voltage
Virtex-4 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics
DS302 (v3.7) September 9, 2009 www.xilinx.com
Product Specification 12
Interface Performance Characteristics
Switching Characteristics
Switching characteristics are specified on a per-speed-
grade basis and can be designated as Advance, Prelimi-
nary, or Production. Each designation is defined as follows:
These specifications are based on simulations only and are
typically available soon after device design specifications
are frozen. Although speed grades with this designation are
considered relatively stable and conservative, some
under-reporting might still occur.
These specifications are based on complete ES (engineer-
ing sample) silicon characterization. Devices and speed
grades with this designation are intended to give a better
indication of the expected performance of production sili-
con. The probability of under-reporting delays is greatly
reduced as compared to Advance data.
These specifications are released once enough production
silicon of a particular device family member has been char-
acterized to provide full correlation between specifications
and devices over numerous production lots. There is no
under-reporting of delays, and customers receive formal
notification of any subsequent changes. Typically, the slow-
est speed grades transition to Production before faster
speed grades.
Ta bl e 1 4 correlates the current status of each Virtex-4
device with a corresponding speed specification version
1.68 designation.
Tabl e 13: Interface Performance
Speed Grade
-12 -11 -10
Networking Applications
SFI-4.1 (SDR LVDS Interface)(1) 710 MHz 710 MHz 645 MHz
SPI-4.2 (DDR LVDS Interface) 1 Gb/s 1 Gb/s 800 Mb/s
Memory Interfaces
DDR2 SDRAM (High-Performance SERDES Design)(2) 600 Mb/s 533 Mb/s 500 Mb/s
DDR2 SDRAM (Low-Latency Direct Clocking Design)(3) 420 Mb/s 410 Mb/s 400 Mb/s
QDRII SRAM (Low-Latency Direct Clocking Design)(4) 550 Mb/s 500 Mb/s 400 Mb/s
DDR SDRAM (Low-Latency Direct Clocking Design)(5) 344 Mb/s 336 Mb/s 330 Mb/s
RLDRAM II (Low-Latency Direct Clocking Design)(6) 470 Mb/s 470 Mb/s 400 Mb/s
1. Input clocks above 622 MHz require AC coupling.
2. Performance defined using design implementation described in application note XAPP721, High-Performance DDR2 SDRAM Interface Data
Capture Using ISERDES and OSERDES.
3. Performance defined using design implementation described in application note XAPP702, DDR2 Controller Using Virtex-4 Devices.
4. Performance defined using design implementation described in application note XAPP703, QDR II SRAM Interface for Virtex-4 Devices.
5. Performance defined using design implementation described in application note XAPP709, DDR SDRAM Controller Using Virtex-4 FPGA Devices.
6. Performance defined using design implementation described in application note XAPP710, Synthesizable CIO DDR RLDRAM II Controller for
Virtex-4 FPGAs.
Table 14: Virtex-4 Device Speed Grade Designations
Speed Grade Designations
Advance Preliminary Production
XC4VLX15 -12, -11, -10
XC4VLX25 -12, -11, -10
XC4VLX40 -12, -11, -10
XC4VLX60 -12, -11, -10
XC4VLX80 -12, -11, -10
XC4VLX100 -12, -11, -10
XC4VLX160 -12, -11, -10
XC4VLX200 -11, -10
XC4VSX25 -12, -11, -10
XC4VSX35 -12, -11, -10
XC4VSX55 -12, -11, -10
XC4VFX12 -12, -11, -10
XC4VFX20 -12, -11, -10
XC4VFX40 -12, -11, -10
XC4VFX60 -12, -11, -10
XC4VFX100 -12, -11, -10
XC4VFX140 -11, -10
Virtex-4 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics
DS302 (v3.7) September 9, 2009 www.xilinx.com
Product Specification 13
Since individual family members are produced at different
times, the migration from one category to another depends
completely on the status of the fabrication process for each
All specifications are always representative of worst-case
supply voltage and junction temperature conditions.
Testing of Switching Characteristics
All devices are 100% functionally tested. Internal timing
parameters are derived from measuring internal test pat-
terns. Listed below are representative values. For more
specific, more precise, and worst-case guaranteed data,
use the values reported by the static timing analyzer (TRCE
in the Xilinx Development System) and back-annotate to the
simulation net list. Unless otherwise noted, values apply to
all Virtex-4 devices.
PowerPC Switching Characteristics
Consult the PowerPC 405 Processor Block Reference Guide for further information.
Tabl e 15: PowerPC 405 Processor Clocks Absolute AC Characteristics
Speed Grade
-12 -11 -10
Characteristics when APU Not Used
CPMC405CLOCK frequency(1,4) 045004000350MHz
CPMDCRCLK(3) 045004000350MHz
JTAGC405TCK frequency(2) 022502000175MHz
PLBCLK(3) 045004000350MHz
BRAMDSOCMCLK(3) 045004000350MHz
BRAMISOCMCLK(3) 045004000350MHz
Characteristics when APU Used
CPMC405CLOCK frequency(1,4) 033302750233MHz
CPMDCRCLK(3) 033302750233MHz
CPMFCMCLK(3) 033302750233MHz
JTAGC405TCK frequency(2) 0166.50137.50116.5MHz
PLBCLK(3) 033302750233MHz
BRAMDSOCMCLK(3) 033302750233MHz
BRAMISOCMCLK(3) 033302750233MHz
1. Worst-case DCM output clock jitter is included in these specifications.
2. The theoretical maximum frequency of this clock is one-half the CPMC405CLOCK. However, the achievable maximum is system dependent, and will
be much less.
3. The theoretical maximum frequency of these clocks is equal to the CPMC405CLOCK. Integer clock ratios are required for the CPMC405CLOCK and
CPMC405CLOCK and PLBCLK. The integer ratios can be different for each interface. However, the achievable maximum is system dependent.
4. Maximum operating frequency of CPMC405CLOCK is specified with the input pin TIEC405DISOPERANDFWD connected to a logic 1.
Virtex-4 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics
DS302 (v3.7) September 9, 2009 www.xilinx.com
Product Specification 14
Tabl e 16: Processor Block Switching Characteristics
Description Symbol
Speed Grade
Units-12 -11 -10
Setup and Hold Relative to Clock (CPMC405CLOCK)
Clock and Power Management control inputs TPPCDCK_CORECKI/
0.23 ns, Min
Reset control inputs TPPCDCK_RSTCHIP/
0.23 ns, Min
Debug control inputs TPPCDCK_EXBUSHAK/
0.23 ns, Min
Trace control inputs TPPCDCK_TRCDIS/
0.23 ns, Min
External Interrupt Controller control inputs TPPCDCK_CINPIRQ/
0.23 ns, Min
Clock to Out
Clock and Power Management control outputs TPPCCKO_CORESLP 1.35 1.51 1.74 ns, Max
Reset control outputs TPPCCKO_RSTCHIP 1.441.591.83ns, Max
Debug control outputs TPPCCKO_DBGLDAPU 1.34 1.48 1.70 ns, Max
Trace control outputs TPPCCKO_TRCCYCLE 1.52 1.68 1.83 ns, Max
CPMC405CLOCK minimum pulse width, High TCPWH 1.11 1.25 1.43 ns, Min
CPMC405CLOCK minimum pulse width, Low TCPWL 1.11 1.25 1.43 ns, Min
Tabl e 17: Processor Block PLB Switching Characteristics
Description Symbol
Speed Grade
Units-12 -11 -10
Setup and Hold Relative to Clock (PLBCLK)
Processor Local Bus (ICU/DCU) control inputs TPPCDCK_ICUBUSY/
0.23 ns, Min
Processor Local Bus (ICU/DCU) data inputs TPPCDCK_ICURDDB/
0.23 ns, Min
Clock to Out
Processor Local Bus (ICU/DCU) control outputs TPPCCKO_DCUABORT 1.61 1.78 2.05 ns, Max
Processor Local Bus (ICU/DCU) address bus outputs TPPCCKO_ICUABUS 1.66 1.85 2.13 ns, Max
Processor Local Bus (ICU/DCU) data bus outputs TPPCCKO_DCUWRDBUS 2.08 2.24 2.57 ns, Max
Tabl e 18: Processor Block JTAG Switching Characteristics
Description Symbol
Speed Grade
Units-12 -11 -10
Setup and Hold Relative to Clock (JTAGC405TCK)
JTAG control inputs TPPCDCK_JTGTDI
0.23 ns, Min
0.23 ns, Min
Clock to Out
JTAG control outputs TPPCCKO_JTGTDO 1.68 1.79 2.14 ns, Max