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Military Temperature Oscillator
Parameter and Condi! ons Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condi! on
Output Frequency Range f 1 – 110 MHz
Frequency Stability F_stab -20 – +20 ppm Inclusive of Ini! al tolerance at 25°C, and varia! ons over opera! ng
temperature, rated power supply voltage and load.
-50 – +50 ppm
Aging Ag –1.5 – 1.5 ppm 1st year at 25°C
Opera! ng Temperature Range T_use -55 – +125 °C
-40 – +125 °C
-40 – +105 °C
-40 – +85 °C
Supply Voltage Vdd 1.62 1.8 1.98 V Other supply voltages between 2.5V and 3.3V can be supported.
Contact Vectron for addi! onal informa! on.
2.25 2.5 2.75 V
2.52 2.8 3.08 V
2.7 3.0 3.3 V
2.97 3.3 3.63 V
Current Consump! on Idd – 3.9 5 mA No load condi! on, f = 20 MHz, Vdd = 2.5V, 2.8V, 3.0V or 3.3V
– 3.6 4.5 mA No load condi! on, f = 20 MHz, Vdd = 1.8V
Standby Current I_std – 2.5 10 µA ST = GND, Vdd = 3.0V or 3.3V, Output is Weakly Pulled Down
– 2.5 10 µA ST = GND, Vdd = 2.5V or 2.8V, Output is Weakly Pulled Down
– 1 5 µA ST = GND, Vdd = 1.8V, Output is Weakly Pulled Down
Duty Cycle DC 45 – 55 % All supply voltage op! ons
Rise/Fall Time Tr, Tf – 1.2 2.5 ns 20% - 80% Vdd = 2.5V, 2.8V, 3.0V or 3.3V
– 1.5 3.5 ns 20% - 80% Vdd = 1.8V
- 1.5 3 ns 20% - 80% Vdd = 2.25V - 3.63V
Output High Voltage VOH 90% – – Vdd IOH = -4 mA (Vdd = 3.0V or 3.3V) IOH = -3 mA (Vdd = 2.8V and Vdd =
2.5V) IOH = -2 mA (Vdd = 1.8V)
Output Low Voltage VOL – – 10% Vdd IOL = 4 mA (Vdd = 3.0V or 3.3V) IOL = 3 mA (Vdd = 2.8V and Vdd =
2.5V) IOL = 2 mA (Vdd = 1.8V)
Input High Voltage VIH 70% – – Vdd Pin 1, OE or ST
Input Low Voltage VIL – – 30% Vdd Pin 1, OE or ST
Input Pull-up Impedence Z_in – 100 250 kΩPin 1, OE logic high or logic low, or ST logic high
2 – – MΩPin 1, ST logic low
Startup Time T_start – – 5 ms Measured from the ! me Vdd reaches its rated minimum value
Enable/Disable Time T_oe 150 ns
Resume Time T_resume – – 5 ms Measured from the ! me ST pin crosses 50% threshold
RMS Period Ji" er T_ji" – 2 4 ps f = 20 MHz, Vdd = 2.5V, 2.8V, 3.0V or 3.3V
– 2 4.5 ps f = 20 MHz, Vdd = 1.8V
RMS Phase Ji" er (random) T_phj – 1.5 3 ps Integra! on bandwidth = 12 kHz to 20 MHz, -40 to +125°C
2.5 3 ps Integra! on bandwidth = 12 kHz to 20 MHz, -55 to +125°C
Performance Specifi ca" ons
• Any frequency between 1 MHz and 110 MHz accurate to 6 decimal places
• Low power consump! on of 4.5 mA typical
• CMOS compa! ble output
• Industry-standard packages: 2.0 x 1.6, 2.5 x 2.0, 3.2 x 2.5, 5.0 x 3.2, 7.0 x 5.0 mm
• Opera! ng temperature to 125°C
• Capable of surviving 50,000 g shock, with 70 g vibra! on resistance and 0.1ppb/g g-sensi! vity
• Military Applica! ons
• Environmentally Demanding Applica! ons
• Ruggedized Equipment
Features Applications