The SY10/100EL16VA-VF are differential receivers.
The devices are equivalent to SY10/100EL16 or SY10/
100EL16V with enhanced capabilities. The QHG, /QHG
outputs have a DC gain several times larger than the DC
gain of the Q output.
The SY10/100EL16VA have an identical pinout to the
SY10/100EL16 or SY10/100EL16V. It provides a VBB
output for either single-ended application or as a DC
bias for AC coupling to the device.
The SY10/100EL16VB are very similar to the SY10/
100EL16VA. The /Q output is provided for feedback
The SY10/100EL16VC provides an /EN input which is
synchronized with the data input (D) signal in a way that
provides glitchless gating of the QHG and /QHG outputs. When
the /EN signal is LOW, the input is passed to the outputs and
the data output equals the data input. When the data input is
HIGH and the /EN goes HIGH, it will force the QHG LOW and
the /QHG HIGH on the next negative transition of the data
input. If the data input is LOW when the /EN goes HIGH, the
next data transition to a HIGH is ignored and QHG remains
LOW and /QHG remains HIGH. The next positive transition of
the data input is not passed on to the data outputs under these
conditions. The QHG and /QHG outputs remain in their dis-
abled state as long as the /EN input is held HIGH. The /EN
input has no influence on the /Q output and the data input is
passed on (inverted) to this output whether /EN is HIGH or
LOW. This configuration is ideal for crystal oscillator applica-
tions, where the oscillator can be free running and gated on
and off synchronously without adding extra counts to the
The SY10/100EL16VD provides the flexibility of all the
combinations in DIE form, in 16-pin 150mil SOIC package or
in 10-pin MSOP package. The 16-pin SOIC and 10-pin MSOP
packages are ideal for prototyping DIE applications.
The SY10/100EL16VE are similar to the SY10/100EL16VB
where the Q, /Q output is made available differently. In this
package option, VBB is no longer provided.
The SY10/100EL16VF are similar to the SY10/100EL16VC,
offering the D, /D inputs rather than the VBB output.
■3.3V and 5V power supply options
■250ps propagation delay
■Very high voltage gain vs. standard EL16 or EL16V
■Ideal for Pulse Amplifier and Limiting Amplifier
■Data synchronous Enable/Disable (/EN) on QHG and
/QHG provides for complete glitchless gating of the
■Ideal for gating timing signals
■Complete solution for high quality, high frequency
crystal oscillator applications
■Internal 75K Ohm input pull-down resistors
■Available in both 8 and 16-pin SOIC package; 8 and
10-pin (3mm) MSOP and in DIE form
Pin Function
D Data Inputs
Q Data Outputs
QHG Data Outputs w/High Gain
VBB Reference Voltage Output
/EN Enable Input
/EN QHG Output
0 Data
1 Logic Low
1Rev.: M Amendment: /0
Issue Date:
February 2003