DATASHEET ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A DATASHEET HGARAP001A ~ Revision 01 ~ Precautions when handling our products 1) For the export of products which are controlled items subject to foreign and domestic export laws and regulations, you must obtain approval and/or follow the formalities of such laws and regulations. 2) Products must not be used for military and/or antisocial purposes such as terrorism, and shall not be supplied to any party intending to use the products for such purposes. 3) Unless provided for otherwise, the products have been designed and manufactured for application in equipment and devices which are sold to end users in the market, including audiovisual (AV) equipment, electrical home appliances, office machines, information and communication equipment, and amusement equipment. The products are not intended for use in, and must not be used for, any application for nuclear equipment, driving equipment for aerospace or any other unauthorized use. With the exception of the abovementioned prohibited applications, please contact an Alps sales representative and/or evaluate the total system regarding applicability for applications involving high levels of safety and liability such as medical equipment, burglar alarm equipment, disaster prevention equipment and undersea equipment. Please also incorporate fail-safe design, protection and redundant circuitry, malfunction protection, and/or fire protection into the complete system to ensure safety and reliability of the total system. 4) Before using products which were not specifically designed for use in automotive applications, please contact an Alps sales representative. Cautions regarding this document 1) The specifications herein are an overview of the specifications. Obtain official specifications before use. 2) The external appearance, functions and other specifications herein may be discontinued without prior notice. ALPS ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. DSGD. 2015-08-21 Y.SUDA CHKD. 2015-08-21 APPD. 2015-08-21 DOCUMENT No. K.SEJIMO SBD GA-080 T.NAKAMURA SYMB. DATE APPD. CHKD. DSGD. ( 1/19 ) DATASHEET SBD GA-080 ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A ( 2/19 ) List of Contents 1 Product Description 1.1 Overview 1.2 Target Appliations 3 3 3 2 Functional Description 2.1 Pin Configuration 2.2 Pin Description 4 4 4 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings Operating Conditions Basic Characteristics Electric Characteristics 5 5 5 6 6 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Package Information Appearance Package Outline Footprint Package Marking Structure 10 10 10 11 11 12 5 Packing Specifications 5.1 Packing Information 5.2 Packing Specifications 13 13 14 6 Reliability Test Conditions 6.1 Preconditioning for Reliability Test 6.2 Reliability Test Items 16 16 16 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 17 17 17 17 17 Precautions When Handling Magnetic Sensor Storage Environment Long-term Storage ESD ESD External Magnetic Field Appendix A1 List of Figures A2 List of Tables A3 Revision History 18 18 19 DATASHEET ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A 1 Product Description 1.1 Overview ALPS Product No. Characteristic Package type Supply Voltage Operating Magnetic Field Operating Temperature Interface HGARAP001A Angle Sensor MSOP-8pin max. 5.5V 20 ~ 60 mT -40 ~ 105 deg.C Analog Output Figure 1-1 Image of HGARAP001A in the MSOP-8pin Package 1.2 Target Appliations Automotive Industrial Building Automation Office Automation Home Appliance SBD GA-080 ( 3/19 ) DATASHEET ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A 2 Functional Description 2.1 Pin Configuration 8 5 1 4 Figure 2-1 Pin Configuration 2.2 Pin Description Table 2-1 Pin Description Function Pin No. 1 -cos out 2 VDD 3 +sin out 4 GND Pin No. 8 7 6 5 Function GND -sin out VDD +cos out [note] Pin 2 and pin 6(VDD) must be connected on external circuit. Disconnected internally. Pin 4 and pin 8(GND) must be connected on external circuit. Disconnected internally. pin-2pin-6, pin-4pin-8PKG SBD GA-080 ( 4/19 ) DATASHEET SBD GA-080 ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A 3 Specifications 3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ( 5/19 ) Table 3-1 Absolute Maximum Rating Parameters Parameter Symbol Supply Voltage Storage Temperature VDD Tstg Magnetic Field Strength Hext Min. -40 - Values Typ. - Max. 5.5 105 200 160 Unit V deg.C mT kA/m Note at Room Temp. [note] The maximum rating is the value that must not be exceeded it even if it is momentary. There is a possibility of the breakdown and/or destruction when this value is exceeded. Even if it is use within the maximum rating, continuous use on a high stress (high temperature and high superimposed voltage/large current drive, etc.) might spoil the product reliability. etc. 3.2 Operating Conditions Table 3-2 Operating Conditions Values Min. Typ. Max. Operating Temperature Top -40 105 20 60 Magnetic Field Strength Hext* 16 48 * the applied horizontal magnetic field rotated above the sensor Parameter Symbol Unit deg.C mT kA/m Note DATASHEET SBD GA-080 ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A 3.3 Basic Characteristics ( 6/19 ) Table 3-3 Basic Characteristics Parameter 3.4 Symbol Min. Values Typ. Max. Unit Note Each Element Resistance Bridge Resistance Temperature Coefficient of Bridge Resistance Rel 3.15 3.5 3.85 kOhm at Room Temp. Rtotal 1.575 1.75 1.925 kOhm at Room Temp. TcR - - 1600 ppm/deg.C -40 ~105deg.C Temperature Coefficient of Change Rate of Magnetoresistance TcR -3900 - - ppm/deg.C -40 ~105deg.C Electric Characteristics Values Typ. 0 2.5 550 90 Max. 12.5 2.55 610 92.5 Unit Note mV V mVp-p deg. (1) (2) (3) (4) Table 3-4 Electric Characteristics @25deg.C Parameter Symbol Offset Voltage Center Voltage Peak to Peak Voltage Phase Difference Voffset Vcenter Vpeak Pdiff Min. -12.5 2.45 490 87.5 Waveform Distortion Wd - - 7 mV (5) Angular Accuracy - - 1.0 deg. (6) [note] Unless otherwise specified, measurement condition is as follows. VDD=5V, Hext=30mT, Top=25deg.C on the circuit described in Figure3-1 (Figure3-1), VDD=5V, Hext=30mT, Top=25deg.C . DATASHEET ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A Definition of Parameter (+ sin out max .) + (+ sin out min .) (- sin out max .) + (- sin out min .) - 2 2 (1) Voffset = * The same calculation is applied to "+cos out" and "-cos out". (2) Vcenter = (+ sin out max .) + (+ sin out min .) 2 * The same calculation is applied to "-sin out","+cos out" and "-cos out". (3) Vpeak = (+sin out.max.) - (+sin out.min.) + (-sin out.max.) - (-sin out.min.) * The same calculation is applied to "cos out". * Vpeak ratio is defined as ratio of Vpeak_sin and Vpeak_cos. (4) Pdiff = SinPhase - CosPhase * SinPhase: Phase of Vsin * CosPhase: Phase of Vcos * Vsin and Vcos are ideal curve. (5) Wd Max. | Vmeas - Videal | * Vmeas: measured value * Videal: ideal curve (6) := Max.| meas - ideal | * meas caluculated angle from measured value * ideal: ideal angle caluculated from Vsin and Vcos * Vsin and Vcos are ideal curve. SBD GA-080 ( 7/19 ) DATASHEET SBD GA-080 ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A ( 8/19 ) + Direction GND VDD 0deg. - Direction Figure 3-1 Evaluation Circuit and Definition of Magnetic Field Direction VDD Figure 3-2 Equivalent Circuit DATASHEET SBD GA-080 +sin -sin ( 9/19 ) Vsin 0.6 0.4 0.2 -1E-15 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 360 315 270 225 180 135 90 45 Vsin [V] 2.65 2.6 2.55 2.5 2.45 2.4 2.35 0 Output Voltage [V] ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A Rotation Angle [deg.] +cos -cos Vcos 0.6 0.4 0.2 -1E-15 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 315 360 315 360 270 225 180 135 90 45 Vcos [V] 2.65 2.6 2.55 2.5 2.45 2.4 2.35 0 Output Voltage [V] a) Definition of Vsin Rotation Angle [deg.] Vsin 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 Vcos Rotation Angle [deg.] c) Definition of Pdiff Figure 3-3 Definition of Vsin, Vcos, and Pdiff 270 225 180 135 90 45 Pdiff 0 Vsin, Vcos [V] b) Definition of Vcos DATASHEET SBD GA-080 ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A 4 Package Information 4.1 Appearance ( 10/19 ) The sensor shall be in good appearance, and have no functional failure or excessive damage such as rust, cracks, and split in any part. Package Outline (0.46) 1.4 0.2 4.2 Center of Sensitivity 1.4750.2 Figure 4-1 Package Outline (All dimensions in mm) Center of Sensitivity DATASHEET ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A 4.3 Footprint Figure 4-2 Recommended Footprint (Reference) 4.4 Package Marking : Wafer No. Combination of numbers, 1 to 9, and alphabets, A to Z. : Product ID "Y" for HGARAP001A Figure 4-3 Marking of HGARAP001A SBD GA-080 ( 11/19 ) DATASHEET SBD GA-080 ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A 4.4 Structure ( 12/19 ) Sensor Chip Mold Resin Adhesive Lead Frame Outer Terminal Plating Wire Figure 4-4 Internal Structure Table 4-1 Components Process Parts Name Materials Sensor Chip Si Adhesive for Die Bonding Silver Paste Lead Frame Cu, Ag-Plating Wire Bonding Wire Au Molding Mold Resin Epoxy Resin Terminal Plating Outer Terminal Plating Sn-Bi Die Mount DATASHEET ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A 5 Packing Specifications 5.1 Packing Information Figure 5-1 Emboss Tape Dimensions Table Side Enlarged Picture of Center Part Figure 5-2 Reel Dimensions Cross Section SBD GA-080 ( 13/19 ) DATASHEET SBD GA-080 ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A 5.2 Packing Specifications ( 14/19 ) Emboss Tape Feeding Direction Product Figure 5-3 Orientation of Product Storing Bar Code Label Feeding Direction Figure 5-4 Feeding Direction 160200mm 3,000PCS Figure 5-5 Taping Specification 160200mm 600800mm DATASHEET SBD GA-080 ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A The emboss tape is fixed. Peel strength of cover tape shall be 0.1N(10g)0.7N(70g) for 300mm/min. 300mm/min 0.1N(10g)0.7N(70g) Figure 5-6 Peel Strength Emboss tape Emboss tape Top cover tape A = MAX 1/2 Figure 5-7 Top cover Tape Offset B = MAX 0.5mm ( 15/19 ) DATASHEET SBD GA-080 ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A 6 Reliability Test Conditions 6.1 Preconditioning for Reliability Test ( 16/19 ) Baking 125x24Hr Moisture Absorption855855%x168Hr + Reflow 2times Temperature 260 max 220 200 60150s Heating 150 60180s Pre-Heat time (s) Figure 6-1 Reflow Profile for Pre-Conditioning 6.2 Reliability Test Items Table 6-1 Package Reliability Test Items Testing Methods / Conditions Testing Time PreConditioning -405deg.C 500Hr N/A +855deg.C, 855%RH, VDD=50.5V Bias 500Hr Applied High Temp. Bias +1255degC, VDD=50.5V Bias 500Hr Applied Thermal Cycle 1cycle: -403degC(30min)+1253degC(30min) 300cycle Applied ESD 350V, 150pF, 330, interval 10sec. 3 times per each terminal N/A Test Items Low Temp. Storage High Temp. High Humidity Bias DATASHEET SBD GA-080 ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A 7 Precautions When Handling Magnetic Sensor 7.1 Storage Environment ( 17/19 ) Products should be stored at an appropriate temperature and humidity (Recommended storage condition). Keep products away from chlorine and corrosive gas. There is a thing that influences product features when keeping it in an improper environment. 7.2 Long-term Storage Long-term storage may result in poor lead solder ability and degraded electrical performance even under proper conditions. For those part that stored more than 1 year, solder ability should be checked before use. For storage longer than 1 year, it is recommended to store in nitrogen atmosphere. Oxygen in atmosphere oxidant leads of products and lead solder ability get worse. 1 7.3 ESD ESD This products does NOT have built in ESD protect circuit, so it may break if over ESD applied to this circuit. Please take measure for ESD when handle the products. Conducted container is recommended for product conveyance and packing instead of plastic container. Please connect ground line and use non high voltage leakage, when using soldering iron or external measurement circuit. 7.4 External Magnetic Field This sensor has detects the direction of the magnetic field that the installed magnet on the measurement device makes. Therefore, please note that an external magnetic field in the system environment influences the angle detection of the sensor. (see Figure 7-1) (Figure 7-1) External magnetic field:u Angle error Direction of magnetic field that sensor detects:w Magnetic field with magnet installed on measurement device:v Figure 7-1 Influence on Detection Angle by External Magnetic Field DATASHEET ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A SBD GA-080 ( 18/19 ) Appendix A1 A2 List of Figures Figure 1-1 Figure 2-1 Figure 3-1 Figure 3-2 Figure 3-3 Figure 4-1 Figure 4-2 Figure 4-3 Figure 4-4 Figure 5-1 Figure 5-2 Figure 5-3 Figure 5-4 Figure 5-5 Figure 5-6 Figure 5-7 Figure 6-1 Figure 7-1 Image of HGARAP001A in the MSOP-8pin Package Pin Configuration Evaluation Circuit and Definition of Magnetic Field Direction Equivalent Circuit Definition of Vsin, Vcos, and Pdiff Package Outline (All dimensions in mm) Recommended Footprint (Reference) Marking of HGARAP001A Internal Structure Emboss Tape Dimensions Reel Dimensions Orientation of Product Storing Feeding Direction Taping Specification Peel Strength Top cover Tape Offset Reflow Profile for Pre-Conditioning Influence on Detection Angle by External Magnetic Field List of Tables Table 2-1 Table 3-1 Table 3-2 Table 3-3 Table 3-4 Table 4-1 Table 6-1 3 4 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 17 Pin Description Absolute Maximum Rating Parameters Operating Conditions Basic Characteristics Electric Characteristics @25deg.C Components Package Reliability Test Items 4 5 5 6 6 12 16 DATASHEET ALPS P/N: HGARAP001A Appendix A3 Document Revision History Revision 01 Description First release Date Aug.21, 2015 SBD GA-080 ( 19/19 )