REV. A –11–
The subroutine begins by setting appropriate bits in the Serial
Control register to configure the serial port for Mode 0 opera-
tion. Next the DAC’s Chip Select input is set low to enable the
AD8801/AD8803. The DAC address is obtained from memory
location DAC_ADDR, adjusted to compensate for the 8051’s
serial data format, and moved to the serial buffer register. At
this point, serial data transmission begins automatically. When
all 8 bits have been sent, the Transmit Interrupt bit is set, and
the subroutine then proceeds to send the DAC value stored at
location DAC_VALUE. Finally the Chip Select input is re-
turned high, causing the appropriate AD8801/AD8803 output
voltage to change, and the subroutine ends.
The 8051 sends data out of its shift register LSB first, while the
AD8801/AD8803 require data MSB first. The subroutine there-
fore includes a BYTESWAP subroutine to reformat the data.
This routine transfers the MSB-first byte at location SHIFT1 to
an LSB-first byte at location SHIFT2. The routine rotates the
MSB of the first byte into the carry with a Rotate Left Carry in-
struction, then rotates the carry into the MSB of the second byte
with a Rotate Right Carry instruction. After 8 loops, SHIFT2
contains the data in the proper format.
The BYTESWAP routine in Listing 1 is convenient because the
DAC data can be calculated in normal LSB form. For example,
producing a ramp voltage on a DAC is simply a matter of re-
peatedly incrementing the DAC_VALUE location and calling
the LD_8801 subroutine.
If the µC’s hardware serial port is being used for other purposes,
the AD8801/AD8803 can be loaded by using the parallel port.
A typical parallel interface is shown in Figure 26. The serial data
is transmitted to the DAC via the 8051’s Port1.7 output, while
Port1.6 acts as the serial clock.
Software for the interface of Figure 26 is contained in Listing 2. The
subroutine will send the value stored at location DAC_VALUE to
the AD8801/AD8803 DAC addressed by location DAC_ADDR.
The program begins by setting the AD8801/AD8803’s Serial
Clock and Chip Select inputs high, then setting Chip Select low
to start the serial interface process. The DAC address is loaded
into the accumulator and three Rotate Right shifts are per-
formed. This places the DAC address in the 3 MSBs of the ac-
cumulator. The address is then sent to the AD8801/AD8803 via
the SEND_SERIAL subroutine. Next, the DAC value is loaded
into the accumulator and sent to the AD8801/AD8803. Finally,
the Chip Select input is set high to complete the data transfer.
; This 8051 µC subroutine loads an AD8801 or AD8803 DAC with an 8-bit value,
; using the 8051’s parallel port #1.
; The DAC value is stored at location DAC_VALUE
; The DAC address is stored at location DAC_ADDR
; Variable declarations
PORT1 DATA 90H ;SFR register for port 1
DAC_ADDR DATA 41H ;DAC Address (0 through 7)
ORG 100H ;arbitrary start
LD_8803: ORL PORT1,#11110000B ;set CLK, /CS and /SHDN high,
CLR PORT1.5 ;Set Chip Select low
MOV LOOPCOUNT,#3 ;Address is 3 bits
MOV A,DAC_ADDR ; Get DAC address
RR A ; Rotate the DAC
RR A ;address to the Most
RR A ;Significant Bits (MSBs)
ACALL SEND_SERIAL ;Send the address
MOV LOOPCOUNT,#8 ;Do 8 bits of data
ACALL SEND_SERIAL ;Send the data
SETB PORT1.5 ;Set /CS high
SEND_SERIAL: RLC A ;Move next bit to carry
MOV PORT1.7,C ;Move data to SDI
CLR PORT1.6 ;Pulse the
SETB PORT1.6 ; CLK input
Listing 2. Software for the 8051 to AD8801/AD8803 Parallel Port Interface