KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual Supports: MKV30F128VLH10, MKV30F128VLF10, MKV30F128VFM10, MKV30F64VLH10, MKV30F64VLF10, MKV30F64VFM10, MKV30F128VLF10P Document Number: KV30P64M100SFARM Rev. 2, 02/2016 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents Section number Title Page Chapter 1 About This Document 1.1 1.2 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................39 1.1.1 Purpose...........................................................................................................................................................39 1.1.2 Audience........................................................................................................................................................ 39 Conventions.................................................................................................................................................................. 39 1.2.1 Numbering systems........................................................................................................................................39 1.2.2 Typographic notation..................................................................................................................................... 40 1.2.3 Special terms.................................................................................................................................................. 40 Chapter 2 Introduction 2.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................41 2.2 Module Functional Categories......................................................................................................................................41 2.3 2.2.1 ARM(R) Cortex(R)-M4 Core Modules.............................................................................................................. 42 2.2.2 System Modules............................................................................................................................................. 43 2.2.3 Memories and Memory Interfaces................................................................................................................. 44 2.2.4 Clocks.............................................................................................................................................................44 2.2.5 Security and Integrity modules...................................................................................................................... 44 2.2.6 Analog modules............................................................................................................................................. 45 2.2.7 Timer modules............................................................................................................................................... 45 2.2.8 Communication interfaces............................................................................................................................. 46 2.2.9 Human-machine interfaces............................................................................................................................ 46 2.2.10 Kinetis Motor Suite........................................................................................................................................ 47 Orderable part numbers.................................................................................................................................................47 Chapter 3 Chip Configuration 3.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................49 3.2 Core modules................................................................................................................................................................ 49 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3 Section number 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Page 3.2.1 ARM Cortex-M4 Core Configuration............................................................................................................49 3.2.2 Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) Configuration........................................................................51 3.2.3 Asynchronous Wake-up Interrupt Controller (AWIC) Configuration...........................................................57 3.2.4 FPU Configuration......................................................................................................................................... 58 3.2.5 JTAG Controller Configuration..................................................................................................................... 58 System modules............................................................................................................................................................ 59 3.3.1 SIM Configuration......................................................................................................................................... 59 3.3.2 System Mode Controller (SMC) Configuration.............................................................................................60 3.3.3 PMC Configuration........................................................................................................................................60 3.3.4 Low-Leakage Wake-up Unit (LLWU) Configuration................................................................................... 61 3.3.5 MCM Configuration...................................................................................................................................... 62 3.3.6 Crossbar-Light Switch Configuration............................................................................................................ 63 3.3.7 Peripheral Bridge Configuration.................................................................................................................... 65 3.3.8 DMA request multiplexer configuration........................................................................................................66 3.3.9 DMA Controller Configuration..................................................................................................................... 68 3.3.10 External Watchdog Monitor (EWM) Configuration......................................................................................69 3.3.11 Watchdog Configuration................................................................................................................................71 Clock modules.............................................................................................................................................................. 72 3.4.1 MCG Configuration....................................................................................................................................... 72 3.4.2 OSC Configuration........................................................................................................................................ 74 Memories and memory interfaces.................................................................................................................................74 3.5.1 Flash Memory Configuration.........................................................................................................................74 3.5.2 Flash Memory Controller Configuration....................................................................................................... 77 3.5.3 SRAM Configuration..................................................................................................................................... 78 Security......................................................................................................................................................................... 80 3.6.1 3.7 Title CRC Configuration........................................................................................................................................ 80 Analog...........................................................................................................................................................................81 3.7.1 16-bit SAR ADC Configuration.................................................................................................................... 81 3.7.2 CMP Configuration........................................................................................................................................88 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 4 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 3.8 3.9 3.10 Page 3.7.3 12-bit DAC Configuration............................................................................................................................. 90 3.7.4 VREF Configuration...................................................................................................................................... 91 Timers........................................................................................................................................................................... 92 3.8.1 PDB Configuration........................................................................................................................................ 92 3.8.2 FlexTimer Configuration............................................................................................................................... 95 3.8.3 PIT Configuration.......................................................................................................................................... 101 3.8.4 Low-power timer configuration..................................................................................................................... 102 Communication interfaces............................................................................................................................................ 104 3.9.1 SPI configuration........................................................................................................................................... 104 3.9.2 I2C Configuration.......................................................................................................................................... 107 3.9.3 UART Configuration..................................................................................................................................... 108 Human-machine interfaces........................................................................................................................................... 110 3.10.1 3.11 Title GPIO configuration........................................................................................................................................110 Kinetis Motor Suite Configuration............................................................................................................................... 111 3.11.1 KMS configuration........................................................................................................................................ 111 3.11.2 KMS Library.................................................................................................................................................. 112 3.11.3 Library Protection.......................................................................................................................................... 112 3.11.4 Flash protection..............................................................................................................................................113 Chapter 4 Memory Map 4.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................115 4.2 System memory map.....................................................................................................................................................115 4.3 4.2.1 Aliased bit-band regions................................................................................................................................ 116 4.2.2 Flash Access Control Introduction.................................................................................................................118 Flash Memory Map.......................................................................................................................................................118 4.3.1 Alternate Non-Volatile IRC User Trim Description......................................................................................119 4.4 SRAM memory map..................................................................................................................................................... 119 4.5 Peripheral bridge (AIPS-Lite) memory map.................................................................................................................120 4.5.1 Read-after-write sequence and required serialization of memory operations................................................120 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5 Section number 4.5.2 4.6 Title Page Peripheral Bridge 0 (AIPS-Lite 0) Memory Map.......................................................................................... 120 Private Peripheral Bus (PPB) memory map..................................................................................................................124 Chapter 5 Clock Distribution 5.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................127 5.2 Programming model......................................................................................................................................................127 5.3 High-Level device clocking diagram............................................................................................................................127 5.4 Clock definitions...........................................................................................................................................................128 5.4.1 5.5 Device clock summary...................................................................................................................................129 Internal clocking requirements..................................................................................................................................... 131 5.5.1 Clock divider values after reset......................................................................................................................132 5.5.2 VLPR mode clocking.....................................................................................................................................132 5.6 Clock Gating................................................................................................................................................................. 133 5.7 Module clocks...............................................................................................................................................................133 5.7.1 PMC 1-kHz LPO clock.................................................................................................................................. 134 5.7.2 IRC 48MHz clock.......................................................................................................................................... 134 5.7.3 WDOG clocking............................................................................................................................................ 135 5.7.4 Debug trace clock...........................................................................................................................................135 5.7.5 PORT digital filter clocking...........................................................................................................................136 5.7.6 LPTMR clocking............................................................................................................................................136 5.7.7 CLKOUT32K clocking..................................................................................................................................137 5.7.8 UART clocking.............................................................................................................................................. 137 Chapter 6 Reset and Boot 6.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................139 6.2 Reset..............................................................................................................................................................................139 6.2.1 Power-on reset (POR).................................................................................................................................... 140 6.2.2 System reset sources...................................................................................................................................... 140 6.2.3 MCU Resets................................................................................................................................................... 143 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 6 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 6.3 Title Page 6.2.4 Reset Pin ....................................................................................................................................................... 145 6.2.5 Debug resets................................................................................................................................................... 145 Boot...............................................................................................................................................................................146 6.3.1 Boot sources................................................................................................................................................... 146 6.3.2 Boot options................................................................................................................................................... 146 6.3.3 FOPT boot options......................................................................................................................................... 147 6.3.4 Boot sequence................................................................................................................................................ 148 Chapter 7 Power Management 7.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................151 7.2 Clocking modes............................................................................................................................................................ 151 7.2.1 Partial Stop..................................................................................................................................................... 151 7.2.2 DMA Wakeup................................................................................................................................................ 152 7.2.3 Compute Operation........................................................................................................................................ 153 7.2.4 Peripheral Doze..............................................................................................................................................154 7.2.5 Clock Gating.................................................................................................................................................. 155 7.3 Power Modes Description.............................................................................................................................................155 7.4 Entering and exiting power modes............................................................................................................................... 157 7.5 Power mode transitions.................................................................................................................................................158 7.6 Power modes shutdown sequencing............................................................................................................................. 159 7.7 Flash Program Restrictions........................................................................................................................................... 160 7.8 Module Operation in Low Power Modes......................................................................................................................160 Chapter 8 Security 8.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................165 8.2 Flash Security............................................................................................................................................................... 165 8.3 Security Interactions with other Modules..................................................................................................................... 166 8.3.1 Security Interactions with Debug...................................................................................................................166 Chapter 9 Debug KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 7 Section number 9.1 Page Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................167 9.1.1 9.2 Title References...................................................................................................................................................... 169 The Debug Port............................................................................................................................................................. 170 9.2.1 JTAG-to-SWD change sequence................................................................................................................... 170 9.2.2 JTAG-to-cJTAG change sequence.................................................................................................................171 9.3 Debug Port Pin Descriptions.........................................................................................................................................171 9.4 System TAP connection................................................................................................................................................171 9.4.1 9.5 IR Codes.........................................................................................................................................................172 JTAG status and control registers................................................................................................................................. 172 9.5.1 MDM-AP Control Register............................................................................................................................173 9.5.2 MDM-AP Status Register.............................................................................................................................. 175 9.6 Debug Resets................................................................................................................................................................ 176 9.7 AHB-AP........................................................................................................................................................................177 9.8 ITM............................................................................................................................................................................... 177 9.9 Core Trace Connectivity............................................................................................................................................... 178 9.10 TPIU..............................................................................................................................................................................178 9.11 DWT............................................................................................................................................................................. 178 9.12 Debug in Low Power Modes........................................................................................................................................ 179 9.12.1 9.13 Debug Module State in Low Power Modes................................................................................................... 179 Debug & Security......................................................................................................................................................... 180 Chapter 10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions 10.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................181 10.2 Signal Multiplexing Integration....................................................................................................................................181 10.3 10.2.1 Port control and interrupt module features.................................................................................................... 182 10.2.2 Clock gating................................................................................................................................................... 183 10.2.3 Signal multiplexing constraints......................................................................................................................183 Pinout............................................................................................................................................................................ 183 10.3.1 KV30F Signal Multiplexing and Pin Assignments........................................................................................183 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 8 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 10.3.2 10.4 Title Page KV30F Pinouts...............................................................................................................................................186 Module Signal Description Tables................................................................................................................................189 10.4.1 Core Modules................................................................................................................................................. 189 10.4.2 System Modules............................................................................................................................................. 190 10.4.3 Clock Modules............................................................................................................................................... 190 10.4.4 Analog............................................................................................................................................................ 191 10.4.5 Timer Modules............................................................................................................................................... 192 10.4.6 Communication Interfaces............................................................................................................................. 193 10.4.7 Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI)................................................................................................................ 194 Chapter 11 Port Control and Interrupts (PORT) 11.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................195 11.2 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................195 11.2.1 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 195 11.2.2 Modes of operation........................................................................................................................................ 196 11.3 External signal description............................................................................................................................................197 11.4 Detailed signal description............................................................................................................................................197 11.5 Memory map and register definition.............................................................................................................................197 11.6 11.5.1 Pin Control Register n (PORTx_PCRn).........................................................................................................204 11.5.2 Global Pin Control Low Register (PORTx_GPCLR).................................................................................... 207 11.5.3 Global Pin Control High Register (PORTx_GPCHR)................................................................................... 207 11.5.4 Interrupt Status Flag Register (PORTx_ISFR).............................................................................................. 208 11.5.5 Digital Filter Enable Register (PORTx_DFER).............................................................................................208 11.5.6 Digital Filter Clock Register (PORTx_DFCR).............................................................................................. 209 11.5.7 Digital Filter Width Register (PORTx_DFWR)............................................................................................ 209 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................210 11.6.1 Pin control...................................................................................................................................................... 210 11.6.2 Global pin control.......................................................................................................................................... 211 11.6.3 External interrupts..........................................................................................................................................211 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 9 Section number 11.6.4 Title Page Digital filter....................................................................................................................................................212 Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM) 12.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................215 12.1.1 12.2 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 215 Memory map and register definition.............................................................................................................................216 12.2.1 System Options Register 1 (SIM_SOPT1).................................................................................................... 217 12.2.2 SOPT1 Configuration Register (SIM_SOPT1CFG)......................................................................................218 12.2.3 System Options Register 2 (SIM_SOPT2).................................................................................................... 219 12.2.4 System Options Register 4 (SIM_SOPT4).................................................................................................... 221 12.2.5 System Options Register 5 (SIM_SOPT5).................................................................................................... 223 12.2.6 System Options Register 7 (SIM_SOPT7).................................................................................................... 225 12.2.7 System Options Register 8 (SIM_SOPT8).................................................................................................... 227 12.2.8 System Device Identification Register (SIM_SDID).....................................................................................228 12.2.9 System Clock Gating Control Register 4 (SIM_SCGC4)..............................................................................230 12.2.10 System Clock Gating Control Register 5 (SIM_SCGC5)..............................................................................232 12.2.11 System Clock Gating Control Register 6 (SIM_SCGC6)..............................................................................233 12.2.12 System Clock Gating Control Register 7 (SIM_SCGC7)..............................................................................236 12.2.13 System Clock Divider Register 1 (SIM_CLKDIV1)..................................................................................... 237 12.2.14 Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG1)............................................................................................. 239 12.2.15 Flash Configuration Register 2 (SIM_FCFG2)............................................................................................. 240 12.2.16 Unique Identification Register High (SIM_UIDH)....................................................................................... 241 12.2.17 Unique Identification Register Mid-High (SIM_UIDMH)............................................................................241 12.2.18 Unique Identification Register Mid Low (SIM_UIDML)............................................................................. 242 12.2.19 Unique Identification Register Low (SIM_UIDL)........................................................................................ 242 12.3 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................242 Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader 13.1 Chip-Specific Information............................................................................................................................................ 243 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 10 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page 13.2 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................243 13.3 Functional Description..................................................................................................................................................245 13.4 13.5 13.3.1 Memory Maps................................................................................................................................................ 245 13.3.2 Start-up Process..............................................................................................................................................246 13.3.3 Clock Configuration.......................................................................................................................................247 13.3.4 Flashloader Protocol...................................................................................................................................... 248 13.3.5 Flashloader Packet Types...............................................................................................................................253 13.3.6 Flashloader Command API............................................................................................................................ 260 Peripherals Supported................................................................................................................................................... 279 13.4.1 I2C Peripheral................................................................................................................................................ 279 13.4.2 SPI Peripheral................................................................................................................................................ 281 13.4.3 UART Peripheral........................................................................................................................................... 283 Get/SetProperty Command Properties..........................................................................................................................286 13.5.1 13.6 Property Definitions....................................................................................................................................... 287 Kinetis Flashloader Status Error Codes........................................................................................................................ 288 Chapter 14 Reset Control Module (RCM) 14.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................291 14.2 Reset memory map and register descriptions............................................................................................................... 291 14.2.1 System Reset Status Register 0 (RCM_SRS0).............................................................................................. 292 14.2.2 System Reset Status Register 1 (RCM_SRS1).............................................................................................. 293 14.2.3 Reset Pin Filter Control register (RCM_RPFC)............................................................................................ 295 14.2.4 Reset Pin Filter Width register (RCM_RPFW)............................................................................................. 296 14.2.5 Sticky System Reset Status Register 0 (RCM_SSRS0).................................................................................297 14.2.6 Sticky System Reset Status Register 1 (RCM_SSRS1).................................................................................298 Chapter 15 System Mode Controller (SMC) 15.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................301 15.2 Modes of operation....................................................................................................................................................... 301 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 11 Section number 15.3 15.4 Title Page Memory map and register descriptions.........................................................................................................................303 15.3.1 Power Mode Protection register (SMC_PMPROT).......................................................................................304 15.3.2 Power Mode Control register (SMC_PMCTRL)...........................................................................................305 15.3.3 Stop Control Register (SMC_STOPCTRL)...................................................................................................307 15.3.4 Power Mode Status register (SMC_PMSTAT)............................................................................................. 308 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................309 15.4.1 Power mode transitions.................................................................................................................................. 309 15.4.2 Power mode entry/exit sequencing................................................................................................................ 312 15.4.3 Run modes......................................................................................................................................................314 15.4.4 Wait modes.................................................................................................................................................... 316 15.4.5 Stop modes..................................................................................................................................................... 317 15.4.6 Debug in low power modes........................................................................................................................... 320 Chapter 16 Power Management Controller (PMC) 16.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................323 16.2 Features......................................................................................................................................................................... 323 16.3 Low-voltage detect (LVD) system................................................................................................................................323 16.3.1 LVD reset operation.......................................................................................................................................324 16.3.2 LVD interrupt operation.................................................................................................................................324 16.3.3 Low-voltage warning (LVW) interrupt operation......................................................................................... 324 16.4 I/O retention.................................................................................................................................................................. 325 16.5 Memory map and register descriptions.........................................................................................................................325 16.5.1 Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 1 register (PMC_LVDSC1).......................................................... 326 16.5.2 Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 2 register (PMC_LVDSC2).......................................................... 327 16.5.3 Regulator Status And Control register (PMC_REGSC)................................................................................ 328 Chapter 17 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU) 17.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................331 17.1.1 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 331 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 12 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page 17.1.2 Modes of operation........................................................................................................................................ 332 17.1.3 Block diagram................................................................................................................................................ 333 17.2 LLWU signal descriptions............................................................................................................................................ 334 17.3 Memory map/register definition................................................................................................................................... 334 17.3.1 LLWU Pin Enable 1 register (LLWU_PE1)..................................................................................................335 17.3.2 LLWU Pin Enable 2 register (LLWU_PE2)..................................................................................................336 17.3.3 LLWU Pin Enable 3 register (LLWU_PE3)..................................................................................................337 17.3.4 LLWU Pin Enable 4 register (LLWU_PE4)..................................................................................................338 17.3.5 LLWU Module Enable register (LLWU_ME).............................................................................................. 339 17.3.6 LLWU Flag 1 register (LLWU_F1)...............................................................................................................341 17.3.7 LLWU Flag 2 register (LLWU_F2)...............................................................................................................343 17.3.8 LLWU Flag 3 register (LLWU_F3)...............................................................................................................344 17.3.9 LLWU Pin Filter 1 register (LLWU_FILT1)................................................................................................ 346 17.3.10 LLWU Pin Filter 2 register (LLWU_FILT2)................................................................................................ 347 17.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................348 17.4.1 LLS mode.......................................................................................................................................................349 17.4.2 VLLS modes.................................................................................................................................................. 349 17.4.3 Initialization................................................................................................................................................... 349 Chapter 18 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) 18.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................351 18.1.1 18.2 18.3 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 351 Memory map/register descriptions............................................................................................................................... 351 18.2.1 Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Slave Configuration (MCM_PLASC)..................................................................352 18.2.2 Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Master Configuration (MCM_PLAMC).............................................................. 352 18.2.3 Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Control Register (MCM_PLACR)....................................................................... 353 18.2.4 Interrupt Status and Control Register (MCM_ISCR).................................................................................... 353 18.2.5 Compute Operation Control Register (MCM_CPO)..................................................................................... 356 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................357 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 13 Section number 18.3.1 Title Page Interrupts........................................................................................................................................................ 357 Chapter 19 Crossbar Switch Lite (AXBS-Lite) 19.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................359 19.1.1 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 359 19.2 Memory Map / Register Definition...............................................................................................................................360 19.3 Functional Description..................................................................................................................................................360 19.4 19.3.1 General operation........................................................................................................................................... 360 19.3.2 Arbitration...................................................................................................................................................... 361 Initialization/application information........................................................................................................................... 362 Chapter 20 Peripheral Bridge (AIPS-Lite) 20.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................363 20.1.1 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 363 20.1.2 General operation........................................................................................................................................... 363 20.2 Memory map/register definition................................................................................................................................... 364 20.3 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................364 20.3.1 Access support............................................................................................................................................... 364 Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Multiplexer (DMAMUX) 21.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................365 21.1.1 Overview........................................................................................................................................................ 365 21.1.2 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 366 21.1.3 Modes of operation........................................................................................................................................ 366 21.2 External signal description............................................................................................................................................367 21.3 Memory map/register definition................................................................................................................................... 367 21.3.1 21.4 Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFGn).............................................................................. 367 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................368 21.4.1 DMA channels with periodic triggering capability........................................................................................369 21.4.2 DMA channels with no triggering capability.................................................................................................371 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 14 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 21.4.3 21.5 Title Page Always-enabled DMA sources...................................................................................................................... 371 Initialization/application information........................................................................................................................... 373 21.5.1 Reset...............................................................................................................................................................373 21.5.2 Enabling and configuring sources..................................................................................................................373 Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 22.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................377 22.1.1 eDMA system block diagram........................................................................................................................ 377 22.1.2 Block parts..................................................................................................................................................... 378 22.1.3 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 379 22.2 Modes of operation....................................................................................................................................................... 380 22.3 Memory map/register definition................................................................................................................................... 381 22.3.1 TCD memory................................................................................................................................................. 381 22.3.2 TCD initialization.......................................................................................................................................... 381 22.3.3 TCD structure.................................................................................................................................................381 22.3.4 Reserved memory and bit fields.....................................................................................................................382 22.3.1 Control Register (DMA_CR).........................................................................................................................386 22.3.2 Error Status Register (DMA_ES).................................................................................................................. 389 22.3.3 Enable Request Register (DMA_ERQ)......................................................................................................... 391 22.3.4 Enable Error Interrupt Register (DMA_EEI).................................................................................................392 22.3.5 Clear Enable Error Interrupt Register (DMA_CEEI).................................................................................... 393 22.3.6 Set Enable Error Interrupt Register (DMA_SEEI)........................................................................................ 394 22.3.7 Clear Enable Request Register (DMA_CERQ)............................................................................................. 395 22.3.8 Set Enable Request Register (DMA_SERQ)................................................................................................. 396 22.3.9 Clear DONE Status Bit Register (DMA_CDNE).......................................................................................... 397 22.3.10 Set START Bit Register (DMA_SSRT)........................................................................................................ 398 22.3.11 Clear Error Register (DMA_CERR)..............................................................................................................399 22.3.12 Clear Interrupt Request Register (DMA_CINT)........................................................................................... 400 22.3.13 Interrupt Request Register (DMA_INT)........................................................................................................401 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 15 Section number Title Page 22.3.14 Error Register (DMA_ERR).......................................................................................................................... 402 22.3.15 Hardware Request Status Register (DMA_HRS).......................................................................................... 403 22.3.16 Enable Asynchronous Request in Stop Register (DMA_EARS)...................................................................405 22.3.17 Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRIn)............................................................................................ 406 22.3.18 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCDn_SADDR)............................................................................................. 407 22.3.19 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCDn_SOFF)..........................................................................407 22.3.20 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCDn_ATTR)...........................................................................................408 22.3.21 TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Mapping Disabled) (DMA_TCDn_NBYTES_MLNO)................... 409 22.3.22 TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping Enabled and Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCDn_NBYTES_MLOFFNO)......................................................................................................... 409 22.3.23 TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping and Offset Enabled) (DMA_TCDn_NBYTES_MLOFFYES)....................................................................................................... 411 22.3.24 TCD Last Source Address Adjustment (DMA_TCDn_SLAST)...................................................................412 22.3.25 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCDn_DADDR)..................................................................................... 412 22.3.26 TCD Signed Destination Address Offset (DMA_TCDn_DOFF)..................................................................413 22.3.27 TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCDn_CITER_ELINKYES).............................................................................................................413 22.3.28 TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCDn_CITER_ELINKNO).............................................................................................................. 415 22.3.29 TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather Address (DMA_TCDn_DLASTSGA)............ 416 22.3.30 TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCDn_CSR).............................................................................................. 416 22.3.31 TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCDn_BITER_ELINKYES).............................................................................................................419 22.3.32 TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCDn_BITER_ELINKNO).............................................................................................................. 420 22.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................421 22.4.1 eDMA basic data flow................................................................................................................................... 421 22.4.2 Fault reporting and handling.......................................................................................................................... 424 22.4.3 Channel preemption....................................................................................................................................... 426 22.4.4 Performance................................................................................................................................................... 426 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 16 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 22.5 Title Page Initialization/application information........................................................................................................................... 431 22.5.1 eDMA initialization....................................................................................................................................... 431 22.5.2 Programming errors....................................................................................................................................... 433 22.5.3 Arbitration mode considerations.................................................................................................................... 433 22.5.4 Performing DMA transfers............................................................................................................................ 434 22.5.5 Monitoring transfer descriptor status............................................................................................................. 438 22.5.6 Channel Linking.............................................................................................................................................440 22.5.7 Dynamic programming.................................................................................................................................. 441 Chapter 23 External Watchdog Monitor (EWM) 23.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................445 23.1.1 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 445 23.1.2 Modes of Operation....................................................................................................................................... 446 23.1.3 Block Diagram............................................................................................................................................... 447 23.2 EWM Signal Descriptions............................................................................................................................................ 448 23.3 Memory Map/Register Definition.................................................................................................................................448 23.4 23.3.1 Control Register (EWM_CTRL)................................................................................................................... 448 23.3.2 Service Register (EWM_SERV)....................................................................................................................449 23.3.3 Compare Low Register (EWM_CMPL)........................................................................................................ 449 23.3.4 Compare High Register (EWM_CMPH)....................................................................................................... 450 23.3.5 Clock Prescaler Register (EWM_CLKPRESCALER).................................................................................. 451 Functional Description..................................................................................................................................................451 23.4.1 The EWM_out Signal.................................................................................................................................... 451 23.4.2 The EWM_in Signal...................................................................................................................................... 452 23.4.3 EWM Counter................................................................................................................................................ 453 23.4.4 EWM Compare Registers.............................................................................................................................. 453 23.4.5 EWM Refresh Mechanism.............................................................................................................................453 23.4.6 EWM Interrupt............................................................................................................................................... 454 23.4.7 Counter clock prescaler..................................................................................................................................454 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 17 Section number Title Page Chapter 24 Watchdog Timer (WDOG) 24.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................455 24.2 Features......................................................................................................................................................................... 455 24.3 Functional overview......................................................................................................................................................456 24.4 24.3.1 Unlocking and updating the watchdog...........................................................................................................458 24.3.2 Watchdog configuration time (WCT)............................................................................................................ 459 24.3.3 Refreshing the watchdog................................................................................................................................460 24.3.4 Windowed mode of operation........................................................................................................................460 24.3.5 Watchdog disabled mode of operation...........................................................................................................460 24.3.6 Debug modes of operation............................................................................................................................. 460 Testing the watchdog.................................................................................................................................................... 461 24.4.1 Quick test....................................................................................................................................................... 462 24.4.2 Byte test..........................................................................................................................................................462 24.5 Backup reset generator..................................................................................................................................................463 24.6 Generated resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................464 24.7 Memory map and register definition.............................................................................................................................464 24.7.1 Watchdog Status and Control Register High (WDOG_STCTRLH)............................................................. 465 24.7.2 Watchdog Status and Control Register Low (WDOG_STCTRLL).............................................................. 467 24.7.3 Watchdog Time-out Value Register High (WDOG_TOVALH)................................................................... 467 24.7.4 Watchdog Time-out Value Register Low (WDOG_TOVALL).................................................................... 468 24.7.5 Watchdog Window Register High (WDOG_WINH).................................................................................... 468 24.7.6 Watchdog Window Register Low (WDOG_WINL)..................................................................................... 469 24.7.7 Watchdog Refresh register (WDOG_REFRESH)......................................................................................... 469 24.7.8 Watchdog Unlock register (WDOG_UNLOCK)...........................................................................................469 24.7.9 Watchdog Timer Output Register High (WDOG_TMROUTH)................................................................... 470 24.7.10 Watchdog Timer Output Register Low (WDOG_TMROUTL).................................................................... 470 24.7.11 Watchdog Reset Count register (WDOG_RSTCNT).................................................................................... 471 24.7.12 Watchdog Prescaler register (WDOG_PRESC)............................................................................................ 471 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 18 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 24.8 24.9 Title Page Watchdog operation with 8-bit access.......................................................................................................................... 471 24.8.1 General guideline........................................................................................................................................... 471 24.8.2 Refresh and unlock operations with 8-bit access........................................................................................... 472 Restrictions on watchdog operation..............................................................................................................................473 Chapter 25 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) 25.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................475 25.1.1 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 475 25.1.2 Modes of Operation....................................................................................................................................... 477 25.2 External Signal Description.......................................................................................................................................... 478 25.3 Memory Map/Register Definition.................................................................................................................................478 25.3.1 MCG Control 1 Register (MCG_C1).............................................................................................................479 25.3.2 MCG Control 2 Register (MCG_C2).............................................................................................................480 25.3.3 MCG Control 3 Register (MCG_C3).............................................................................................................481 25.3.4 MCG Control 4 Register (MCG_C4).............................................................................................................482 25.3.5 MCG Control 5 Register (MCG_C5).............................................................................................................483 25.3.5 MCG Control 6 Register (MCG_C6).............................................................................................................483 25.3.6 MCG Status Register (MCG_S).................................................................................................................... 484 25.3.7 MCG Status and Control Register (MCG_SC)..............................................................................................485 25.3.8 MCG Auto Trim Compare Value High Register (MCG_ATCVH).............................................................. 486 25.3.9 MCG Auto Trim Compare Value Low Register (MCG_ATCVL)................................................................487 25.3.10 MCG Control 7 Register (MCG_C7).............................................................................................................487 25.3.11 MCG Control 8 Register (MCG_C8).............................................................................................................488 25.3.12 MCG Control 12 Register (MCG_C12).........................................................................................................489 25.3.12 MCG Status 2 Register (MCG_S2)............................................................................................................... 489 25.3.12 MCG Test 3 Register (MCG_T3).................................................................................................................. 489 25.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................490 25.4.1 MCG mode state diagram.............................................................................................................................. 490 25.4.2 Low-power bit usage......................................................................................................................................493 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 19 Section number 25.5 Title Page 25.4.3 MCG Internal Reference Clocks....................................................................................................................493 25.4.4 External Reference Clock.............................................................................................................................. 493 25.4.5 MCG Fixed Frequency Clock ....................................................................................................................... 494 25.4.6 MCG Auto TRIM (ATM).............................................................................................................................. 494 Initialization / Application information........................................................................................................................ 496 25.5.1 MCG module initialization sequence.............................................................................................................496 25.5.2 Using a 32.768 kHz reference........................................................................................................................498 25.5.3 MCG mode switching.................................................................................................................................... 499 Chapter 26 Oscillator (OSC) 26.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................507 26.2 Features and Modes...................................................................................................................................................... 507 26.3 Block Diagram.............................................................................................................................................................. 508 26.4 OSC Signal Descriptions.............................................................................................................................................. 508 26.5 External Crystal / Resonator Connections.................................................................................................................... 509 26.6 External Clock Connections......................................................................................................................................... 510 26.7 Memory Map/Register Definitions............................................................................................................................... 511 26.7.1 26.8 26.9 OSC Memory Map/Register Definition......................................................................................................... 511 Functional Description..................................................................................................................................................513 26.8.1 OSC module states......................................................................................................................................... 513 26.8.2 OSC module modes....................................................................................................................................... 515 26.8.3 Counter...........................................................................................................................................................517 26.8.4 Reference clock pin requirements..................................................................................................................517 Reset..............................................................................................................................................................................517 26.10 Low power modes operation.........................................................................................................................................518 26.11 Interrupts....................................................................................................................................................................... 518 Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC) 27.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................519 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 20 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page 27.1.1 Overview........................................................................................................................................................ 519 27.1.2 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 519 27.2 Modes of operation....................................................................................................................................................... 520 27.3 External signal description............................................................................................................................................520 27.4 Memory map and register descriptions.........................................................................................................................520 27.4.1 Flash Access Protection Register (FMC_PFAPR).........................................................................................524 27.4.2 Flash Bank 0 Control Register (FMC_PFB0CR).......................................................................................... 526 27.4.3 Reserved (FMC_Reserved)............................................................................................................................528 27.4.4 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW0Sn)................................................................................................... 529 27.4.5 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW1Sn)................................................................................................... 530 27.4.6 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW2Sn)................................................................................................... 531 27.4.7 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW3Sn)................................................................................................... 532 27.4.8 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW0SnU)............................................................................532 27.4.9 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW0SnL)............................................................................ 533 27.4.10 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW1SnU)............................................................................533 27.4.11 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW1SnL)............................................................................ 534 27.4.12 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW2SnU)............................................................................534 27.4.13 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW2SnL)............................................................................ 535 27.4.14 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW3SnU)............................................................................535 27.4.15 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW3SnL)............................................................................ 536 27.5 27.6 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................536 27.5.1 Default configuration..................................................................................................................................... 536 27.5.2 Configuration options.................................................................................................................................... 537 27.5.3 Speculative reads............................................................................................................................................537 27.5.4 Flash Access Control (FAC) Function...........................................................................................................538 Initialization and application information.....................................................................................................................547 Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) 28.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................549 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 21 Section number Title Page 28.1.1 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 550 28.1.2 Block Diagram............................................................................................................................................... 550 28.1.3 Glossary......................................................................................................................................................... 551 28.2 External Signal Description.......................................................................................................................................... 552 28.3 Memory Map and Registers..........................................................................................................................................552 28.4 28.3.1 Flash Configuration Field Description...........................................................................................................553 28.3.2 Program Flash IFR Map.................................................................................................................................553 28.3.3 Register Descriptions..................................................................................................................................... 554 Functional Description..................................................................................................................................................568 28.4.1 Flash Protection..............................................................................................................................................568 28.4.2 Flash Access Protection................................................................................................................................. 568 28.4.3 Interrupts........................................................................................................................................................ 570 28.4.4 Flash Operation in Low-Power Modes.......................................................................................................... 571 28.4.5 Functional Modes of Operation..................................................................................................................... 571 28.4.6 Flash Reads and Ignored Writes.................................................................................................................... 571 28.4.7 Read While Write (RWW).............................................................................................................................572 28.4.8 Flash Program and Erase................................................................................................................................572 28.4.9 Flash Command Operations...........................................................................................................................572 28.4.10 Margin Read Commands............................................................................................................................... 577 28.4.11 Flash Command Description..........................................................................................................................578 28.4.12 Security.......................................................................................................................................................... 594 28.4.13 Reset Sequence.............................................................................................................................................. 596 Chapter 29 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 29.1 29.2 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................599 29.1.1 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 599 29.1.2 Block diagram................................................................................................................................................ 599 29.1.3 Modes of operation........................................................................................................................................ 600 Memory map and register descriptions.........................................................................................................................600 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 22 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 29.3 Title Page 29.2.1 CRC Data register (CRC_DATA)................................................................................................................. 601 29.2.2 CRC Polynomial register (CRC_GPOLY).................................................................................................... 602 29.2.3 CRC Control register (CRC_CTRL)..............................................................................................................602 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................603 29.3.1 CRC initialization/reinitialization.................................................................................................................. 603 29.3.2 CRC calculations............................................................................................................................................604 29.3.3 Transpose feature........................................................................................................................................... 605 29.3.4 CRC result complement................................................................................................................................. 607 Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) 30.1 30.2 30.3 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................609 30.1.1 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 609 30.1.2 Block diagram................................................................................................................................................ 610 ADC signal descriptions............................................................................................................................................... 611 30.2.1 Analog Power (VDDA)................................................................................................................................. 612 30.2.2 Analog Ground (VSSA).................................................................................................................................612 30.2.3 Voltage Reference Select............................................................................................................................... 612 30.2.4 Analog Channel Inputs (ADx)....................................................................................................................... 613 30.2.5 Differential Analog Channel Inputs (DADx).................................................................................................613 Memory map and register definitions........................................................................................................................... 613 30.3.1 ADC Status and Control Registers 1 (ADCx_SC1n).....................................................................................615 30.3.2 ADC Configuration Register 1 (ADCx_CFG1).............................................................................................619 30.3.3 ADC Configuration Register 2 (ADCx_CFG2).............................................................................................620 30.3.4 ADC Data Result Register (ADCx_Rn).........................................................................................................621 30.3.5 Compare Value Registers (ADCx_CVn)....................................................................................................... 623 30.3.6 Status and Control Register 2 (ADCx_SC2)..................................................................................................624 30.3.7 Status and Control Register 3 (ADCx_SC3)..................................................................................................626 30.3.8 ADC Offset Correction Register (ADCx_OFS).............................................................................................627 30.3.9 ADC Plus-Side Gain Register (ADCx_PG)...................................................................................................628 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 23 Section number Title Page 30.3.10 ADC Minus-Side Gain Register (ADCx_MG).............................................................................................. 628 30.3.11 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLPD)........................................................... 629 30.3.12 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLPS)............................................................ 630 30.3.13 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLP4)............................................................ 630 30.3.14 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLP3)............................................................ 631 30.3.15 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLP2)............................................................ 631 30.3.16 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLP1)............................................................ 632 30.3.17 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLP0)............................................................ 632 30.3.18 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLMD).......................................................633 30.3.19 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLMS)....................................................... 633 30.3.20 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLM4)....................................................... 634 30.3.21 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLM3)....................................................... 634 30.3.22 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLM2)....................................................... 635 30.3.23 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLM1)....................................................... 635 30.3.24 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLM0)....................................................... 636 30.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................636 30.4.1 Clock select and divide control...................................................................................................................... 637 30.4.2 Hardware trigger and channel selects............................................................................................................ 638 30.4.3 Conversion control......................................................................................................................................... 639 30.4.4 Automatic compare function..........................................................................................................................646 30.4.5 Calibration function....................................................................................................................................... 648 30.4.6 User-defined offset function.......................................................................................................................... 649 30.4.7 Temperature sensor........................................................................................................................................ 650 30.4.8 MCU wait mode operation.............................................................................................................................651 30.4.9 MCU Normal Stop mode operation............................................................................................................... 652 30.4.10 MCU Low-Power Stop mode operation........................................................................................................ 653 30.5 Initialization information.............................................................................................................................................. 653 30.5.1 30.6 ADC module initialization example.............................................................................................................. 653 Application information................................................................................................................................................655 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 24 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page 30.6.1 External pins and routing............................................................................................................................... 655 30.6.2 Sources of error.............................................................................................................................................. 657 Chapter 31 Comparator (CMP) 31.1 31.2 31.3 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................663 31.1.1 CMP features..................................................................................................................................................663 31.1.2 6-bit DAC key features.................................................................................................................................. 664 31.1.3 ANMUX key features.................................................................................................................................... 664 31.1.4 CMP, DAC and ANMUX diagram................................................................................................................665 31.1.5 CMP block diagram....................................................................................................................................... 666 Memory map/register definitions..................................................................................................................................668 31.2.1 CMP Control Register 0 (CMPx_CR0)......................................................................................................... 668 31.2.2 CMP Control Register 1 (CMPx_CR1)......................................................................................................... 669 31.2.3 CMP Filter Period Register (CMPx_FPR).....................................................................................................671 31.2.4 CMP Status and Control Register (CMPx_SCR)...........................................................................................671 31.2.5 DAC Control Register (CMPx_DACCR)...................................................................................................... 672 31.2.6 MUX Control Register (CMPx_MUXCR).................................................................................................... 673 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................674 31.3.1 CMP functional modes...................................................................................................................................674 31.3.2 Power modes.................................................................................................................................................. 683 31.3.3 Startup and operation..................................................................................................................................... 684 31.3.4 Low-pass filter............................................................................................................................................... 685 31.4 CMP interrupts..............................................................................................................................................................687 31.5 DMA support................................................................................................................................................................ 687 31.6 CMP Asynchronous DMA support...............................................................................................................................688 31.7 Digital-to-analog converter...........................................................................................................................................689 31.8 DAC functional description.......................................................................................................................................... 689 31.8.1 31.9 Voltage reference source select......................................................................................................................689 DAC resets.................................................................................................................................................................... 690 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 25 Section number Title Page 31.10 DAC clocks...................................................................................................................................................................690 31.11 DAC interrupts..............................................................................................................................................................690 Chapter 32 12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) 32.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................691 32.2 Features......................................................................................................................................................................... 691 32.3 Block diagram...............................................................................................................................................................691 32.4 Memory map/register definition................................................................................................................................... 692 32.5 32.4.1 DAC Data Low Register (DACx_DATnL)................................................................................................... 694 32.4.2 DAC Data High Register (DACx_DATnH).................................................................................................. 694 32.4.3 DAC Status Register (DACx_SR)................................................................................................................. 695 32.4.4 DAC Control Register (DACx_C0)............................................................................................................... 696 32.4.5 DAC Control Register 1 (DACx_C1)............................................................................................................ 697 32.4.6 DAC Control Register 2 (DACx_C2)............................................................................................................ 698 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................698 32.5.1 DAC data buffer operation.............................................................................................................................698 32.5.2 DMA operation.............................................................................................................................................. 700 32.5.3 Resets............................................................................................................................................................. 700 32.5.4 Low-Power mode operation...........................................................................................................................700 Chapter 33 Voltage Reference (VREFV1) 33.1 33.2 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................703 33.1.1 Overview........................................................................................................................................................ 704 33.1.2 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 704 33.1.3 Modes of Operation....................................................................................................................................... 705 33.1.4 VREF Signal Descriptions............................................................................................................................. 705 Memory Map and Register Definition..........................................................................................................................706 33.2.1 VREF Trim Register (VREF_TRM)..............................................................................................................706 33.2.2 VREF Status and Control Register (VREF_SC)............................................................................................707 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 26 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 33.3 33.4 Title Page Functional Description..................................................................................................................................................708 33.3.1 Voltage Reference Disabled, SC[VREFEN] = 0........................................................................................... 709 33.3.2 Voltage Reference Enabled, SC[VREFEN] = 1............................................................................................ 709 33.3.3 Internal voltage regulator............................................................................................................................... 710 Initialization/Application Information.......................................................................................................................... 711 Chapter 34 Programmable Delay Block (PDB) 34.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................713 34.1.1 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 713 34.1.2 Implementation.............................................................................................................................................. 714 34.1.3 Back-to-back acknowledgment connections..................................................................................................715 34.1.4 DAC External Trigger Input Connections..................................................................................................... 715 34.1.5 Block diagram................................................................................................................................................ 715 34.1.6 Modes of operation........................................................................................................................................ 717 34.2 PDB signal descriptions................................................................................................................................................717 34.3 Memory map and register definition.............................................................................................................................717 34.3.1 Status and Control register (PDBx_SC).........................................................................................................719 34.3.2 Modulus register (PDBx_MOD).................................................................................................................... 722 34.3.3 Counter register (PDBx_CNT).......................................................................................................................722 34.3.4 Interrupt Delay register (PDBx_IDLY)......................................................................................................... 723 34.3.5 Channel n Control register 1 (PDBx_CHnC1)...............................................................................................723 34.3.6 Channel n Status register (PDBx_CHnS).......................................................................................................724 34.3.7 Channel n Delay 0 register (PDBx_CHnDLY0)............................................................................................725 34.3.8 Channel n Delay 1 register (PDBx_CHnDLY1)............................................................................................726 34.3.9 DAC Interval Trigger n Control register (PDBx_DACINTCn).....................................................................726 34.3.10 DAC Interval n register (PDBx_DACINTn)................................................................................................. 727 34.3.11 Pulse-Out n Enable register (PDBx_POEN).................................................................................................. 728 34.3.12 Pulse-Out n Delay register (PDBx_POnDLY)...............................................................................................728 34.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................729 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 27 Section number 34.5 Title Page 34.4.1 PDB pre-trigger and trigger outputs...............................................................................................................729 34.4.2 PDB trigger input source selection................................................................................................................ 731 34.4.3 Pulse-Out's..................................................................................................................................................... 731 34.4.4 Updating the delay registers...........................................................................................................................732 34.4.5 Interrupts........................................................................................................................................................ 734 34.4.6 DMA.............................................................................................................................................................. 734 Application information................................................................................................................................................734 34.5.1 Impact of using the prescaler and multiplication factor on timing resolution............................................... 734 Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 35.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................737 35.1.1 FlexTimer philosophy.................................................................................................................................... 737 35.1.2 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 738 35.1.3 Modes of operation........................................................................................................................................ 739 35.1.4 Block diagram................................................................................................................................................ 740 35.2 FTM signal descriptions............................................................................................................................................... 742 35.3 Memory map and register definition.............................................................................................................................742 35.3.1 Memory map.................................................................................................................................................. 742 35.3.2 Register descriptions...................................................................................................................................... 743 35.3.3 Status And Control (FTMx_SC).................................................................................................................... 748 35.3.4 Counter (FTMx_CNT)................................................................................................................................... 749 35.3.5 Modulo (FTMx_MOD).................................................................................................................................. 750 35.3.6 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTMx_CnSC)............................................................................................751 35.3.7 Channel (n) Value (FTMx_CnV)................................................................................................................... 754 35.3.8 Counter Initial Value (FTMx_CNTIN)..........................................................................................................754 35.3.9 Capture And Compare Status (FTMx_STATUS).......................................................................................... 755 35.3.10 Features Mode Selection (FTMx_MODE).................................................................................................... 757 35.3.11 Synchronization (FTMx_SYNC)................................................................................................................... 759 35.3.12 Initial State For Channels Output (FTMx_OUTINIT)...................................................................................761 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 28 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page 35.3.13 Output Mask (FTMx_OUTMASK)............................................................................................................... 762 35.3.14 Function For Linked Channels (FTMx_COMBINE).....................................................................................764 35.3.15 Deadtime Insertion Control (FTMx_DEADTIME)....................................................................................... 769 35.3.16 FTM External Trigger (FTMx_EXTTRIG)................................................................................................... 770 35.3.17 Channels Polarity (FTMx_POL).................................................................................................................... 772 35.3.18 Fault Mode Status (FTMx_FMS)...................................................................................................................774 35.3.19 Input Capture Filter Control (FTMx_FILTER)............................................................................................. 776 35.3.20 Fault Control (FTMx_FLTCTRL)................................................................................................................. 777 35.3.21 Quadrature Decoder Control And Status (FTMx_QDCTRL)........................................................................780 35.3.22 Configuration (FTMx_CONF)....................................................................................................................... 782 35.3.23 FTM Fault Input Polarity (FTMx_FLTPOL).................................................................................................783 35.3.24 Synchronization Configuration (FTMx_SYNCONF)....................................................................................784 35.3.25 FTM Inverting Control (FTMx_INVCTRL)..................................................................................................786 35.3.26 FTM Software Output Control (FTMx_SWOCTRL).................................................................................... 787 35.3.27 FTM PWM Load (FTMx_PWMLOAD)....................................................................................................... 790 35.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................791 35.4.1 Clock source...................................................................................................................................................792 35.4.2 Prescaler......................................................................................................................................................... 793 35.4.3 Counter...........................................................................................................................................................793 35.4.4 Input Capture mode........................................................................................................................................799 35.4.5 Output Compare mode................................................................................................................................... 803 35.4.6 Edge-Aligned PWM (EPWM) mode............................................................................................................. 804 35.4.7 Center-Aligned PWM (CPWM) mode.......................................................................................................... 806 35.4.8 Combine mode............................................................................................................................................... 808 35.4.9 Complementary mode.................................................................................................................................... 815 35.4.10 Registers updated from write buffers.............................................................................................................816 35.4.11 PWM synchronization....................................................................................................................................818 35.4.12 Inverting......................................................................................................................................................... 834 35.4.13 Software output control..................................................................................................................................835 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 29 Section number Title Page 35.4.14 Deadtime insertion......................................................................................................................................... 837 35.4.15 Output mask................................................................................................................................................... 840 35.4.16 Fault control................................................................................................................................................... 840 35.4.17 Polarity control...............................................................................................................................................844 35.4.18 Initialization................................................................................................................................................... 845 35.4.19 Features priority............................................................................................................................................. 845 35.4.20 Channel trigger output................................................................................................................................... 846 35.4.21 Initialization trigger........................................................................................................................................847 35.4.22 Capture Test mode......................................................................................................................................... 850 35.4.23 DMA.............................................................................................................................................................. 850 35.4.24 Dual Edge Capture mode............................................................................................................................... 851 35.4.25 Quadrature Decoder mode............................................................................................................................. 859 35.4.26 BDM mode.....................................................................................................................................................864 35.4.27 Intermediate load............................................................................................................................................865 35.4.28 Global time base (GTB)................................................................................................................................. 867 35.5 Reset overview..............................................................................................................................................................869 35.6 FTM Interrupts..............................................................................................................................................................870 35.7 35.6.1 Timer Overflow Interrupt...............................................................................................................................871 35.6.2 Channel (n) Interrupt......................................................................................................................................871 35.6.3 Fault Interrupt................................................................................................................................................ 871 Initialization Procedure.................................................................................................................................................871 Chapter 36 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) 36.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................873 36.1.1 Block diagram................................................................................................................................................ 873 36.1.2 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 874 36.2 Signal description..........................................................................................................................................................874 36.3 Memory map/register description................................................................................................................................. 875 36.3.1 PIT Module Control Register (PIT_MCR).................................................................................................... 875 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 30 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 36.4 Title Page 36.3.2 Timer Load Value Register (PIT_LDVALn).................................................................................................877 36.3.3 Current Timer Value Register (PIT_CVALn)............................................................................................... 877 36.3.4 Timer Control Register (PIT_TCTRLn)........................................................................................................ 878 36.3.5 Timer Flag Register (PIT_TFLGn)................................................................................................................878 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................879 36.4.1 General operation........................................................................................................................................... 879 36.4.2 Interrupts........................................................................................................................................................ 881 36.4.3 Chained timers............................................................................................................................................... 881 36.5 Initialization and application information.....................................................................................................................881 36.6 Example configuration for chained timers....................................................................................................................882 Chapter 37 Low-Power Timer (LPTMR) 37.1 37.2 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................885 37.1.1 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 885 37.1.2 Modes of operation........................................................................................................................................ 885 LPTMR signal descriptions.......................................................................................................................................... 886 37.2.1 37.3 37.4 Detailed signal descriptions........................................................................................................................... 886 Memory map and register definition.............................................................................................................................886 37.3.1 Low Power Timer Control Status Register (LPTMRx_CSR)........................................................................887 37.3.2 Low Power Timer Prescale Register (LPTMRx_PSR)..................................................................................888 37.3.3 Low Power Timer Compare Register (LPTMRx_CMR)...............................................................................890 37.3.4 Low Power Timer Counter Register (LPTMRx_CNR)................................................................................. 890 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................891 37.4.1 LPTMR power and reset................................................................................................................................ 891 37.4.2 LPTMR clocking............................................................................................................................................891 37.4.3 LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter........................................................................................................................ 891 37.4.4 LPTMR compare............................................................................................................................................893 37.4.5 LPTMR counter............................................................................................................................................. 893 37.4.6 LPTMR hardware trigger...............................................................................................................................894 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 31 Section number 37.4.7 Title Page LPTMR interrupt............................................................................................................................................894 Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 38.1 38.2 38.3 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................895 38.1.1 Block Diagram............................................................................................................................................... 895 38.1.2 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 896 38.1.3 Interface configurations................................................................................................................................. 898 38.1.4 Modes of Operation....................................................................................................................................... 898 Module signal descriptions........................................................................................................................................... 900 38.2.1 PCS0/SS--Peripheral Chip Select/Slave Select............................................................................................ 900 38.2.2 PCS1-PCS3--Peripheral Chip Selects 1-3................................................................................................... 901 38.2.3 PCS4--Peripheral Chip Select 4....................................................................................................................901 38.2.4 PCS5/PCSS--Peripheral Chip Select 5/Peripheral Chip Select Strobe.........................................................901 38.2.5 SCK--Serial Clock........................................................................................................................................ 901 38.2.6 SIN--Serial Input.......................................................................................................................................... 901 38.2.7 SOUT--Serial Output....................................................................................................................................902 Memory Map/Register Definition.................................................................................................................................902 38.3.1 Module Configuration Register (SPIx_MCR)............................................................................................... 903 38.3.2 Transfer Count Register (SPIx_TCR)............................................................................................................ 906 38.3.3 Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Master Mode) (SPIx_CTARn).................................................. 907 38.3.4 Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Slave Mode) (SPIx_CTARn_SLAVE)..................................... 912 38.3.5 Status Register (SPIx_SR)............................................................................................................................. 913 38.3.6 DMA/Interrupt Request Select and Enable Register (SPIx_RSER).............................................................. 916 38.3.7 PUSH TX FIFO Register In Master Mode (SPIx_PUSHR).......................................................................... 918 38.3.8 PUSH TX FIFO Register In Slave Mode (SPIx_PUSHR_SLAVE)..............................................................920 38.3.9 POP RX FIFO Register (SPIx_POPR)...........................................................................................................920 38.3.10 Transmit FIFO Registers (SPIx_TXFRn)...................................................................................................... 921 38.3.11 Receive FIFO Registers (SPIx_RXFRn)........................................................................................................921 38.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................922 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 32 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 38.5 Title Page 38.4.1 Start and Stop of module transfers................................................................................................................. 923 38.4.2 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) configuration..............................................................................................923 38.4.3 Module baud rate and clock delay generation............................................................................................... 927 38.4.4 Transfer formats............................................................................................................................................. 931 38.4.5 Continuous Serial Communications Clock.................................................................................................... 940 38.4.6 Slave Mode Operation Constraints................................................................................................................ 942 38.4.7 Interrupts/DMA requests................................................................................................................................942 38.4.8 Power saving features.................................................................................................................................... 944 Initialization/application information........................................................................................................................... 945 38.5.1 How to manage queues.................................................................................................................................. 946 38.5.2 Switching Master and Slave mode.................................................................................................................946 38.5.3 Initializing Module in Master/Slave Modes...................................................................................................947 38.5.4 Baud rate settings........................................................................................................................................... 947 38.5.5 Delay settings................................................................................................................................................. 948 38.5.6 Calculation of FIFO pointer addresses...........................................................................................................949 Chapter 39 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) 39.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................951 39.1.1 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 951 39.1.2 Modes of operation........................................................................................................................................ 952 39.1.3 Block diagram................................................................................................................................................ 952 39.2 I2C signal descriptions..................................................................................................................................................953 39.3 Memory map/register definition................................................................................................................................... 954 39.3.1 I2C Address Register 1 (I2Cx_A1)................................................................................................................ 954 39.3.2 I2C Frequency Divider register (I2Cx_F)...................................................................................................... 955 39.3.3 I2C Control Register 1 (I2Cx_C1)................................................................................................................. 956 39.3.4 I2C Status register (I2Cx_S).......................................................................................................................... 957 39.3.5 I2C Data I/O register (I2Cx_D)..................................................................................................................... 959 39.3.6 I2C Control Register 2 (I2Cx_C2)................................................................................................................. 960 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 33 Section number Title Page 39.3.7 I2C Programmable Input Glitch Filter Register (I2Cx_FLT)........................................................................ 961 39.3.8 I2C Range Address register (I2Cx_RA)........................................................................................................ 962 39.3.9 I2C SMBus Control and Status register (I2Cx_SMB)................................................................................... 963 39.3.10 I2C Address Register 2 (I2Cx_A2)................................................................................................................ 965 39.3.11 I2C SCL Low Timeout Register High (I2Cx_SLTH)....................................................................................965 39.3.12 I2C SCL Low Timeout Register Low (I2Cx_SLTL).....................................................................................965 39.4 39.5 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................966 39.4.1 I2C protocol................................................................................................................................................... 966 39.4.2 10-bit address................................................................................................................................................. 971 39.4.3 Address matching...........................................................................................................................................973 39.4.4 System management bus specification.......................................................................................................... 974 39.4.5 Resets............................................................................................................................................................. 976 39.4.6 Interrupts........................................................................................................................................................ 976 39.4.7 Programmable input glitch filter.................................................................................................................... 979 39.4.8 Address matching wake-up............................................................................................................................ 979 39.4.9 DMA support................................................................................................................................................. 980 Initialization/application information........................................................................................................................... 981 Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) 40.1 40.2 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................985 40.1.1 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 985 40.1.2 Modes of operation........................................................................................................................................ 987 UART signal descriptions.............................................................................................................................................988 40.2.1 40.3 Detailed signal descriptions........................................................................................................................... 988 Memory map and registers............................................................................................................................................989 40.3.1 UART Baud Rate Registers: High (UARTx_BDH)...................................................................................... 993 40.3.2 UART Baud Rate Registers: Low (UARTx_BDL)....................................................................................... 994 40.3.3 UART Control Register 1 (UARTx_C1)....................................................................................................... 994 40.3.4 UART Control Register 2 (UARTx_C2)....................................................................................................... 996 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 34 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page 40.3.5 UART Status Register 1 (UARTx_S1).......................................................................................................... 998 40.3.6 UART Status Register 2 (UARTx_S2).......................................................................................................... 1001 40.3.7 UART Control Register 3 (UARTx_C3)....................................................................................................... 1003 40.3.8 UART Data Register (UARTx_D).................................................................................................................1004 40.3.9 UART Match Address Registers 1 (UARTx_MA1)......................................................................................1005 40.3.10 UART Match Address Registers 2 (UARTx_MA2)......................................................................................1006 40.3.11 UART Control Register 4 (UARTx_C4)....................................................................................................... 1006 40.3.12 UART Control Register 5 (UARTx_C5)....................................................................................................... 1007 40.3.13 UART Extended Data Register (UARTx_ED).............................................................................................. 1008 40.3.14 UART Modem Register (UARTx_MODEM)............................................................................................... 1009 40.3.15 UART Infrared Register (UARTx_IR).......................................................................................................... 1010 40.3.16 UART FIFO Parameters (UARTx_PFIFO)................................................................................................... 1011 40.3.17 UART FIFO Control Register (UARTx_CFIFO).......................................................................................... 1012 40.3.18 UART FIFO Status Register (UARTx_SFIFO).............................................................................................1013 40.3.19 UART FIFO Transmit Watermark (UARTx_TWFIFO)............................................................................... 1014 40.3.20 UART FIFO Transmit Count (UARTx_TCFIFO).........................................................................................1015 40.3.21 UART FIFO Receive Watermark (UARTx_RWFIFO).................................................................................1015 40.3.22 UART FIFO Receive Count (UARTx_RCFIFO).......................................................................................... 1016 40.3.23 UART 7816 Control Register (UARTx_C7816)........................................................................................... 1016 40.3.24 UART 7816 Interrupt Enable Register (UARTx_IE7816)............................................................................ 1018 40.3.25 UART 7816 Interrupt Status Register (UARTx_IS7816)..............................................................................1019 40.3.26 UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register (UARTx_WP7816)........................................................................... 1021 40.3.27 UART 7816 Wait N Register (UARTx_WN7816)........................................................................................1021 40.3.28 UART 7816 Wait FD Register (UARTx_WF7816)...................................................................................... 1022 40.3.29 UART 7816 Error Threshold Register (UARTx_ET7816)............................................................................1022 40.3.30 UART 7816 Transmit Length Register (UARTx_TL7816).......................................................................... 1023 40.3.31 UART 7816 ATR Duration Timer Register A (UARTx_AP7816A_T0)......................................................1023 40.3.32 UART 7816 ATR Duration Timer Register B (UARTx_AP7816B_T0)...................................................... 1024 40.3.33 UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register A (UARTx_WP7816A_T0).............................................................. 1025 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 35 Section number Title Page 40.3.34 UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register A (UARTx_WP7816A_T1).............................................................. 1025 40.3.35 UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register B (UARTx_WP7816B_T0).............................................................. 1026 40.3.36 UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register B (UARTx_WP7816B_T1).............................................................. 1026 40.3.37 UART 7816 Wait and Guard Parameter Register (UARTx_WGP7816_T1)................................................ 1027 40.3.38 UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register C (UARTx_WP7816C_T1).............................................................. 1027 40.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................1028 40.4.1 Transmitter..................................................................................................................................................... 1028 40.4.2 Receiver......................................................................................................................................................... 1034 40.4.3 Baud rate generation...................................................................................................................................... 1048 40.4.4 Data format (non ISO-7816).......................................................................................................................... 1050 40.4.5 Single-wire operation..................................................................................................................................... 1053 40.4.6 Loop operation............................................................................................................................................... 1054 40.4.7 ISO-7816/smartcard support.......................................................................................................................... 1054 40.4.8 Infrared interface............................................................................................................................................1059 40.5 Reset..............................................................................................................................................................................1061 40.6 System level interrupt sources...................................................................................................................................... 1061 40.6.1 RXEDGIF description....................................................................................................................................1061 40.7 DMA operation............................................................................................................................................................. 1062 40.8 Application information................................................................................................................................................1063 40.8.1 Transmit/receive data buffer operation.......................................................................................................... 1063 40.8.2 ISO-7816 initialization sequence................................................................................................................... 1063 40.8.3 Initialization sequence (non ISO-7816)......................................................................................................... 1065 40.8.4 Overrun (OR) flag implications..................................................................................................................... 1066 40.8.5 Overrun NACK considerations...................................................................................................................... 1067 40.8.6 Match address registers.................................................................................................................................. 1068 40.8.7 Modem feature............................................................................................................................................... 1068 40.8.8 IrDA minimum pulse width........................................................................................................................... 1069 40.8.9 Clearing 7816 wait timer (WT, BWT, CWT) interrupts................................................................................1069 40.8.10 Legacy and reverse compatibility considerations.......................................................................................... 1070 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 36 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page Chapter 41 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 41.1 41.2 41.3 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................1071 41.1.1 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 1071 41.1.2 Modes of operation........................................................................................................................................ 1071 41.1.3 GPIO signal descriptions............................................................................................................................... 1072 Memory map and register definition.............................................................................................................................1073 41.2.1 Port Data Output Register (GPIOx_PDOR)...................................................................................................1074 41.2.2 Port Set Output Register (GPIOx_PSOR)......................................................................................................1075 41.2.3 Port Clear Output Register (GPIOx_PCOR)..................................................................................................1076 41.2.4 Port Toggle Output Register (GPIOx_PTOR)............................................................................................... 1076 41.2.5 Port Data Input Register (GPIOx_PDIR).......................................................................................................1077 41.2.6 Port Data Direction Register (GPIOx_PDDR)...............................................................................................1077 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................1078 41.3.1 General-purpose input....................................................................................................................................1078 41.3.2 General-purpose output..................................................................................................................................1078 Chapter 42 JTAG Controller (JTAGC) 42.1 42.2 42.3 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................1079 42.1.1 Block diagram................................................................................................................................................ 1079 42.1.2 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 1080 42.1.3 Modes of operation........................................................................................................................................ 1080 External signal description............................................................................................................................................1082 42.2.1 TCK--Test clock input.................................................................................................................................. 1082 42.2.2 TDI--Test data input..................................................................................................................................... 1082 42.2.3 TDO--Test data output..................................................................................................................................1082 42.2.4 TMS--Test mode select.................................................................................................................................1082 Register description...................................................................................................................................................... 1083 42.3.1 Instruction register......................................................................................................................................... 1083 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 37 Section number 42.4 42.5 Title Page 42.3.2 Bypass register............................................................................................................................................... 1083 42.3.3 Device identification register......................................................................................................................... 1083 42.3.4 Boundary scan register...................................................................................................................................1084 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................1085 42.4.1 JTAGC reset configuration............................................................................................................................ 1085 42.4.2 IEEE 1149.1-2001 (JTAG) Test Access Port................................................................................................ 1085 42.4.3 TAP controller state machine.........................................................................................................................1085 42.4.4 JTAGC block instructions..............................................................................................................................1087 42.4.5 Boundary scan................................................................................................................................................1090 Initialization/Application information.......................................................................................................................... 1090 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 38 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 1 About This Document 1.1 Overview 1.1.1 Purpose This document describes the features, architecture, and programming model of the microcontroller. 1.1.2 Audience This document is intended for system architects and software application developers who are using (or considering using) the microcontroller in a system. 1.2 Conventions 1.2.1 Numbering systems The following suffixes identify different numbering systems: This suffix Identifies a b Binary number. For example, the binary equivalent of the number 5 is written 101b. In some cases, binary numbers are shown with the prefix 0b. d Decimal number. Decimal numbers are followed by this suffix only when the possibility of confusion exists. In general, decimal numbers are shown without a suffix. h Hexadecimal number. For example, the hexadecimal equivalent of the number 60 is written 3Ch. In some cases, hexadecimal numbers are shown with the prefix 0x. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 39 Conventions 1.2.2 Typographic notation The following typographic notation is used throughout this document: Example Description placeholder, x Items in italics are placeholders for information that you provide. Italicized text is also used for the titles of publications and for emphasis. Plain lowercase letters are also used as placeholders for single letters and numbers. code Fixed-width type indicates text that must be typed exactly as shown. It is used for instruction mnemonics, directives, symbols, subcommands, parameters, and operators. Fixed-width type is also used for example code. Instruction mnemonics and directives in text and tables are shown in all caps; for example, BSR. SR[SCM] A mnemonic in brackets represents a named field in a register. This example refers to the Scaling Mode (SCM) field in the Status Register (SR). REVNO[6:4], XAD[7:0] Numbers in brackets and separated by a colon represent either: * A subset of a register's named field For example, REVNO[6:4] refers to bits 6-4 that are part of the COREREV field that occupies bits 6-0 of the REVNO register. * A continuous range of individual signals of a bus For example, XAD[7:0] refers to signals 7-0 of the XAD bus. 1.2.3 Special terms The following terms have special meanings: Term Meaning asserted Refers to the state of a signal as follows: * An active-high signal is asserted when high (1). * An active-low signal is asserted when low (0). deasserted Refers to the state of a signal as follows: * An active-high signal is deasserted when low (0). * An active-low signal is deasserted when high (1). In some cases, deasserted signals are described as negated. reserved Refers to a memory space, register, or field that is either reserved for future use or for which, when written to, the module or chip behavior is unpredictable. w1c Write 1 to clear: Refers to a register bitfield that must be written as 1 to be "cleared." KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 40 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Introduction 2.1 Overview This chapter provides high-level descriptions of the modules available on the devices covered by this document. 2.2 Module Functional Categories The modules on this device are grouped into functional categories. The following sections describe the modules assigned to each category in more detail. Table 2-1. Module functional categories Module category Description ARM(R) Cortex(R)-M4 core * 32-bit MCU core from ARM's Cortex-M class adding DSP instructions and single-precision floating point unit based on ARMv7 architecture System * System integration module * Power management and mode controllers * Multiple power modes available based on high speed run, run, wait, stop, and power-down modes * Low-leakage wakeup unit * Miscellaneous control module * Crossbar switch * Peripheral bridge * Direct memory access (DMA) controller with multiplexer to increase available DMA requests. * External watchdog monitor * Watchdog Memories * Internal memories include: * Program flash memory * SRAM Clocks * Multiple clock generation options available from internally- and externallygenerated clocks * System oscillator to provide clock source for the MCU Security * Cyclic Redundancy Check module for error detection Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 41 Module Functional Categories Table 2-1. Module functional categories (continued) Module category Description Analog * * * * * High speed analog-to-digital converter Comparator Digital-to-analog converter Internal voltage reference Bandgap voltage reference Timers * * * * Programmable delay block FlexTimers Periodic interrupt timer Low power timer Communications * Serial peripheral interface * Inter-integrated circuit (I2C) * UART Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI) * General purpose input/output controller Kinetis Motor Suite (KMS) * Kinetis Motor Suite (KMS) is a bundled hardware and software solution that enables rapid configuration of motor drive systems and accelerating application development. For more information refer to Kinetis Motor Suite API Reference Manual (KMS100RM)1 and Kinetis Motor Suite User's Guide (KMS100UG), 1 1. To find the associated resource, go to http://www.freescale.com and perform a search using Document ID. 2.2.1 ARM(R) Cortex(R)-M4 Core Modules The following core modules are available on this device. Table 2-2. Core modules Module Description ARM Cortex-M4 The ARM(R) Cortex(R)-M4 is the newest member of the Cortex M Series of processors targeting microcontroller cores focused on very cost sensitive, deterministic, interrupt driven environments. The Cortex M4 processor is based on the ARMv7 Architecture and Thumb(R)-2 ISA and is upward compatible with the Cortex M3, Cortex M1, and Cortex M0 architectures. Cortex M4 improvements include an ARMv7 Thumb-2 DSP (ported from the ARMv7-A/R profile architectures) providing 32-bit instructions with SIMD (single instruction multiple data) DSP style multiply-accumulates and saturating arithmetic. Floating point unit (FPU) A single-precision floating point unit (FPU) that is compliant to the IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE 754). NVIC The ARMv7-M exception model and nested-vectored interrupt controller (NVIC) implement a relocatable vector table supporting many external interrupts, a single non-maskable interrupt (NMI), and priority levels. The NVIC replaces shadow registers with equivalent system and simplified programmability. The NVIC contains the address of the function to execute for a particular handler. The address is fetched via the instruction port allowing parallel register stacking and look-up. The first sixteen entries are allocated to ARM internal sources with the others mapping to MCU-defined interrupts. AWIC The primary function of the Asynchronous Wake-up Interrupt Controller (AWIC) is to detect asynchronous wake-up events in stop modes and signal to clock control Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 42 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Introduction Table 2-2. Core modules (continued) Module Description logic to resume system clocking. After clock restart, the NVIC observes the pending interrupt and performs the normal interrupt or event processing. Most of this device's debug is based on the ARM CoreSightTM architecture. Four debug interfaces are supported: Debug interfaces * * * * IEEE 1149.1 JTAG IEEE 1149.7 JTAG (cJTAG) Serial Wire Debug (SWD) ARM Real-Time Trace Interface 2.2.2 System Modules The following system modules are available on this device. Table 2-3. System modules Module Description System integration module (SIM) The SIM includes integration logic and several module configuration settings. System mode controller The SMC provides control and protection on entry and exit to each power mode, control for the Power management controller (PMC), and reset entry and exit for the complete MCU. Power management controller (PMC) The PMC provides the user with multiple power options that allow the user to optimize power consumption for the level of functionality needed. Includes poweron-reset (POR) and integrated low voltage detect (LVD) with reset (brownout) capability and selectable LVD trip points. Low-leakage wakeup unit (LLWU) The LLWU module allows the device to wake from low leakage power modes (LLS and VLLS) through various internal peripheral and external pin sources. Miscellaneous control module (MCM) The MCM includes integration logic Crossbar switch (XBS) The XBS connects bus masters and bus slaves, allowing all bus masters to access different bus slaves simultaneously and providing arbitration among the bus masters when they access the same slave. Peripheral bridges The peripheral bridge converts the crossbar switch interface to an interface to access a majority of peripherals on the device. DMA multiplexer (DMAMUX) The DMA multiplexer selects from many DMA requests down to a smaller number for the DMA controller. Direct memory access (DMA) controller The DMA controller provides programmable channels with transfer control descriptors for data movement via dual-address transfers for 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, 16-byte and 32-byte data values. External watchdog monitor (EWM) The EWM is a redundant mechanism to the software watchdog module that monitors both internal and external system operation for fail conditions. Software watchdog (WDOG) The WDOG monitors internal system operation and forces a reset in case of failure. It can run from an independent 1 KHz low power oscillator with a programmable refresh window to detect deviations in program flow or system frequency. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 43 Module Functional Categories 2.2.3 Memories and Memory Interfaces The following memories and memory interfaces are available on this device. Table 2-4. Memories and memory interfaces Module Description Flash memory * Program flash memory -- non-volatile flash memory that can execute program code Flash memory controller Manages the interface between the device and the on-chip flash memory. SRAM Internal system RAM. Partial SRAM kept powered in LLS2 and VLLS2 low leakage mode. 2.2.4 Clocks The following clock modules are available on this device. Table 2-5. Clock modules Module Description Multi-clock generator (MCG) The MCG provides several clock sources for the MCU that include: * Frequency-locked loop (FLL) -- Digitally-controlled oscillator (DCO) * Internal reference clocks -- Can be used as a clock source for other on-chip peripherals 48 MHz Internal Reference Clock (IRC48M) The IRC48M provides an internally generated clock source. System oscillator The system oscillator, in conjunction with an external crystal or resonator, generates a reference clock for the MCU. 2.2.5 Security and Integrity modules The following security and integrity modules are available on this device: Table 2-6. Security and integrity modules Module Description Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Hardware CRC generator circuit using 16/32-bit shift register. Error detection for all single, double, odd, and most multi-bit errors, programmable initial seed value, and optional feature to transpose input data and CRC result via transpose register. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 44 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Introduction 2.2.6 Analog modules The following analog modules are available on this device: Table 2-7. Analog modules Module Description 16-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADC) 16-bit successive-approximation ADC Analog comparators Compares two analog input voltages across the full range of the supply voltage. 6-bit digital-to-analog converters (DAC) 64-tap resistor ladder network which provides a selectable voltage reference for applications where voltage reference is needed. 12-bit digital-to-analog converters (DAC) Low-power general-purpose DAC, whose output can be placed on an external pin or set as one of the inputs to the analog comparator or ADC. Voltage reference (VREF) Supplies an accurate voltage output that is trimmable in 0.5 mV steps. The VREF can be used in medical applications, such as glucose meters, to provide a reference voltage to biosensors or as a reference to analog peripherals, such as the ADC, DAC, or CMP. 2.2.7 Timer modules The following timer modules are available on this device: Table 2-8. Timer modules Module Description Programmable delay block (PDB) * * * * * * * * Flexible timer modules (FTM) 16-bit resolution 3-bit prescaler Positive transition of trigger event signal initiates the counter Supports two triggered delay output signals, each with an independentlycontrolled delay from the trigger event Outputs can be OR'd together to schedule two conversions from one input trigger event and can schedule precise edge placement for a pulsed output. This feature is used to generate the control signal for the CMP windowing feature and output to a package pin if needed for applications, such as critical conductive mode power factor correction. Continuous-pulse output or single-shot mode supported, each output is independently enabled, with possible trigger events Supports bypass mode Supports DMA * Selectable FTM source clock, programmable prescaler * 16-bit counter supporting free-running or initial/final value, and counting is up or up-down * Input capture, output compare, and edge-aligned and center-aligned PWM modes * Operation of FTM channels as pairs with equal outputs, pairs with complimentary outputs, or independent channels with independent outputs * Deadtime insertion is available for each complementary pair * Generation of hardware triggers Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 45 Module Functional Categories Table 2-8. Timer modules (continued) Module Description * * * * Software control of PWM outputs Up to 4 fault inputs for global fault control Configurable channel polarity Programmable interrupt on input capture, reference compare, overflowed counter, or detected fault condition * Quadrature decoder with input filters, relative position counting, and interrupt on position count or capture of position count on external event * DMA support for FTM events Periodic interrupt timers (PIT) * * * * Four general purpose interrupt timers Interrupt timers for triggering ADC conversions 32-bit counter resolution DMA support Low-power timer (LPTimer) * Selectable clock for prescaler/glitch filter of 1 kHz (internal LPO), 32.768 kHz (external crystal), or internal reference clock * Configurable Glitch Filter or Prescaler with 16-bit counter * 16-bit time or pulse counter with compare * Interrupt generated on Timer Compare * Hardware trigger generated on Timer Compare 2.2.8 Communication interfaces The following communication interfaces are available on this device: Table 2-9. Communication modules Module Description Serial peripheral interface (SPI) Synchronous serial bus for communication to an external device Inter-integrated circuit (I2C) Allows communication between a number of devices. Also supports the System Management Bus (SMBus) Specification, version 2. Universal asynchronous receiver/ transmitters (UART) Asynchronous serial bus communication interface with programmable 8- or 9-bit data format 2.2.9 Human-machine interfaces The following human-machine interfaces (HMI) are available on this device: Table 2-10. HMI modules Module Description General purpose input/output (GPIO) All general purpose input or output (GPIO) pins are capable of interrupt and DMA request generation. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 46 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Introduction 2.2.10 Kinetis Motor Suite A selection of KV3x devices are enabled with Kinetis Motor Suite (KMS). The supported devices are listed in Orderable Kinetis Motor Suite part numbers summary. KMS uses the top 8K of flash to store a KMS library file, and is protected using Flash Access Controls. This code space is execute only. For more information refer to Kinetis Motor Suite API Reference Manual (KMS100RM), 1 and Kinetis Motor Suite User's Guide (KMS100UG), 1. Table 2-11. KMS module Module Description Kinetis Motor Suite (KMS) KMS includes firmware preprogrammed on the Kinetis V3x series of microcontrollers and an intuitive PC-based graphical user interface. It supports field oriented control of three phase permanent magnet and brushless DC motors for sensorless velocity control and sensored position control. KMS part numbers for different motor types: * P suffix for sensorless or sensored FOC for velocity control of PMSM and BLDC motors 2.3 Orderable part numbers The following table summarizes the part numbers of the devices covered by this document. Table 2-12. Orderable part numbers summary Freescale part number CPU Pin count Package frequency Program flash SRAM GPIO MKV30F128VLH10 100 MHz 64 LQFP 128 KB 16 KB 46 MKV30F128VLF10 100 MHz 48 LQFP 128 KB 16 KB 35 MKV30F128VFM10 100 MHz 32 QFN 128 KB 16 KB 26 MKV30F64VLH10 100 MHz 64 LQFP 64 KB 16 KB 46 MKV30F64VLF10 100 MHz 48 LQFP 64 KB 16 KB 35 MKV30F64VFM10 100 MHz 32 QFN 64 KB 16 KB 26 1. To find the associated resource, go to http://www.freescale.com and perform a search using Document ID KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 47 Orderable part numbers Table 2-13. KMS Orderable part numbers summary Freescale part number Motor Type Pin count Package Program flash SRAM GPIO MKV30F128VLF10P PMSM / BLDC 48 LQFP 120 KB 1 16 KB 35 MKV30F64VLH10P2 PMSM / BLDC 64 LQFP 56 KB1 16 KB 46 MKV30F64VLF10P2 PMSM / BLDC 48 LQFP 56 KB1 16 KB 35 1. Kinetis Motor Suite enabled devices have 8K bytes reserved flash space as execute only. See Kinetis Motor Suite Configuration section in Chapter 3 2. This part number is subject to removal. NOTE Do not do a mass erase of the flash since it will delete the entire flash contents including this KMS library KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 48 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration 3.1 Introduction This chapter provides details on the individual modules of the microcontroller. It includes: * module block diagrams showing immediate connections within the device, * specific module-to-module interactions not necessarily discussed in the individual module chapters, and * links for more information. 3.2 Core modules 3.2.1 ARM Cortex-M4 Core Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. Full documentation for this module is provided by ARM and can be found at arm.com. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 49 Core modules Debug Interrupts ARM Cortex-M4 Core Crossbar switch PPB PPB Modules Figure 3-1. Core configuration Table 3-1. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description ARM Cortex-M4 core ARM Cortex-M4 Technical Reference Manual System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock distribution Power management Power management System/instruction/data bus module Crossbar switch Crossbar switch Debug IEEE 1149.1 JTAG Debug IEEE 1149.7 JTAG (cJTAG) Serial Wire Debug (SWD) ARM Real-Time Trace Interface Interrupts Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) NVIC Private Peripheral Bus (PPB) module Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) MCM Private Peripheral Bus Single-precision floating (PPB) module point unit (FPU) FPU Buses, interconnects, and interfaces The ARM Cortex-M4 core has four buses as described in the following table. Bus name Description Instruction code (ICODE) bus The ICODE and DCODE buses are muxed. This muxed bus is called the CODE bus and is connected to the crossbar switch via a single master port. Data code (DCODE) bus System bus The system bus is connected to a separate master port on the crossbar. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 50 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Bus name Private peripheral (PPB) bus Description The PPB provides access to these modules: * ARM modules such as the NVIC, ITM, DWT, FBP, and ROM table * Freescale Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) System Tick Timer The System Tick Timer's clock source is always the core clock, FCLK. This results in the following: * The CLKSOURCE bit in SysTick Control and Status register is always set to select the core clock. * Because the timing reference (FCLK) is a variable frequency, the TENMS bit in the SysTick Calibration Value Register is always zero. * The NOREF bit in SysTick Calibration Value Register is always set, implying that FCLK is the only available source of reference timing. Debug facilities This device has extensive debug capabilities including run control and tracing capabilities. The standard ARM debug port that supports JTAG and SWD interfaces. Also the cJTAG interface is supported on this device. Core privilege levels The ARM documentation uses different terms than this document to distinguish between privilege levels. If you see this term... it also means this term... Privileged Supervisor Unprivileged or user User 3.2.2 Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. Full documentation for this module is provided by ARM and can be found at arm.com. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 51 Core modules Interrupts ARM Cortex-M4 core Module Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) PPB Module Module Figure 3-2. NVIC configuration Table 3-2. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) ARM Cortex-M4 Technical Reference Manual System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock distribution Power management Power management Private Peripheral Bus (PPB) ARM Cortex-M4 core ARM Cortex-M4 core Interrupt priority levels This device supports 16 priority levels for interrupts. Therefore, in the NVIC each source in the IPR registers contains 4 bits. For example, IPR0 is shown below: 31 R W 30 29 IRQ3 28 27 26 25 24 0 0 0 0 23 22 21 IRQ2 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 IRQ1 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 IRQ0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Non-maskable interrupt The non-maskable interrupt request to the NVIC is controlled by the external NMI signal. The pin the NMI signal is multiplexed on, must be configured for the NMI function to generate the non-maskable interrupt request. Interrupt channel assignments The interrupt source assignments are defined in the following table. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 52 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration * Vector number -- the value stored on the stack when an interrupt is serviced. * IRQ number -- non-core interrupt source count, which is the vector number minus 16. The IRQ number is used within ARM's NVIC documentation. Table 3-4. Interrupt vector assignments Address IRQ1 Vector NVIC NVIC non-IPR IPR register register number number 2 Source module Source description 3 ARM Core System Handler Vectors 0x0000_0000 0 - - - ARM core Initial Stack Pointer 0x0000_0004 1 - - - ARM core Initial Program Counter 0x0000_0008 2 - - - ARM core Non-maskable Interrupt (NMI) 0x0000_000C 3 - - - ARM core Hard Fault 0x0000_0010 4 - - - ARM core MemManage Fault 0x0000_0014 5 - - - ARM core Bus Fault 0x0000_0018 6 - - - ARM core Usage Fault 0x0000_001C 7 - - - -- -- 0x0000_0020 8 - - - -- -- 0x0000_0024 9 - - - -- -- 0x0000_0028 10 - - - -- -- 0x0000_002C 11 - - - ARM core Supervisor call (SVCall) 0x0000_0030 12 - - - ARM core Debug Monitor 0x0000_0034 13 - - - -- -- 0x0000_0038 14 - - - ARM core Pendable request for system service (PendableSrvReq) 0x0000_003C 15 - - - ARM core System tick timer (SysTick) 0x0000_0040 16 0 0 0 DMA DMA channel 0 transfer complete 0x0000_0044 17 1 0 0 DMA DMA channel 1 transfer complete 0x0000_0048 18 2 0 0 DMA DMA channel 2 transfer complete 0x0000_004C 19 3 0 0 DMA DMA channel 3 transfer complete 0x0000_0050 20 4 0 1 - - 0x0000_0054 21 5 0 1 - - 0x0000_0058 22 6 0 1 - - 0x0000_005C 23 7 0 1 - - 0x0000_0060 24 8 0 2 - - 0x0000_0064 25 9 0 2 - - 0x0000_0068 26 10 0 2 - - 0x0000_006C 27 11 0 2 - - Non-Core Vectors Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 53 Core modules Table 3-4. Interrupt vector assignments (continued) Address Vector IRQ1 NVIC NVIC non-IPR IPR register register number number 2 Source module Source description 3 0x0000_0070 28 12 0 3 - - 0x0000_0074 29 13 0 3 - - 0x0000_0078 30 14 0 3 - - 0x0000_007C 31 15 0 3 - - 0x0000_0080 32 16 0 4 DMA DMA error interrupt channels 0-3 0x0000_0084 33 17 0 4 MCM FPU sources 0x0000_0088 34 18 0 4 Flash memory Command complete 0x0000_008C 35 19 0 4 Flash memory Read collision 0x0000_0090 36 20 0 5 Mode Controller Low-voltage detect, low-voltage warning 0x0000_0094 37 21 0 5 LLWU Low Leakage Wakeup NOTE: The LLWU interrupt must not be masked by the interrupt controller to avoid a scenario where the system does not fully exit stop mode on an LLS recovery. 0x0000_0098 38 22 0 5 WDOG or EWM Both watchdog modules share this interrupt. 0x0000_009C 39 23 0 5 -- -- -- 0x0000_00A0 40 24 0 6 I2C0 0x0000_00A4 41 25 0 6 -- -- 0x0000_00A8 42 26 0 6 SPI0 Single interrupt vector for all sources 0x0000_00AC 43 27 0 6 -- -- 0x0000_00B0 44 28 0 7 -- -- 0x0000_00B4 45 29 0 7 -- -- 0x0000_00B8 46 30 0 7 -- -- 0x0000_00BC 47 31 0 7 UART0 Single interrupt vector for UART status sources 0x0000_00C0 48 32 1 8 UART0 Single interrupt vector for UART error sources 0x0000_00C4 49 33 1 8 UART1 Single interrupt vector for UART status sources 0x0000_00C8 50 34 1 8 UART1 Single interrupt vector for UART error sources 0x0000_00CC 51 35 1 8 -- -- 0x0000_00D0 52 36 1 9 -- -- 0x0000_00D4 53 37 1 9 -- -- 0x0000_00D8 54 38 1 9 -- -- 0x0000_00DC 55 39 1 9 ADC0 -- Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 54 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Table 3-4. Interrupt vector assignments (continued) Address Vector IRQ1 NVIC NVIC non-IPR IPR register register number number 2 Source module Source description 3 0x0000_00E0 56 40 1 10 CMP0 -- 0x0000_00E4 57 41 1 10 CMP1 -- 0x0000_00E8 58 42 1 10 FTM0 Single interrupt vector for all sources 0x0000_00EC 59 43 1 10 FTM1 Single interrupt vector for all sources 0x0000_00F0 60 44 1 11 FTM2 Single interrupt vector for all sources 0x0000_00F4 61 45 1 11 -- -- 0x0000_00F8 62 46 1 11 Reserved -- 0x0000_00FC 63 47 1 11 Reserved -- 0x0000_0100 64 48 1 12 PIT Channel 0 0x0000_0104 65 49 1 12 PIT Channel 1 0x0000_0108 66 50 1 12 PIT Channel 2 0x0000_010C 67 51 1 12 PIT Channel 3 0x0000_0110 68 52 1 13 PDB -- 0x0000_0114 69 53 1 13 -- -- 0x0000_0118 70 54 1 13 -- -- 0x0000_011C 71 55 1 13 -- -- 0x0000_0120 72 56 1 14 DAC0 -- 0x0000_0124 73 57 1 14 MCG -- 0x0000_0128 74 58 1 14 Low Power Timer -- 0x0000_012C 75 59 1 14 Port control module Pin detect (Port A) 0x0000_0130 76 60 1 15 Port control module Pin detect (Port B) 0x0000_0134 77 61 1 15 Port control module Pin detect (Port C) 0x0000_0138 78 62 1 15 Port control module Pin detect (Port D) 0x0000_013C 79 63 1 15 Port control module Pin detect (Port E) 0x0000_0140 80 64 2 16 Software Software interrupt4 0x0000_0144 81 65 2 16 -- -- 0x0000_0148 82 66 2 16 -- -- 0x0000_014C 83 67 2 16 -- -- 0x0000_0150 84 68 2 17 -- -- 0x0000_0154 85 69 2 17 -- -- 0x0000_0158 86 70 2 17 -- -- 0x0000_015C 87 71 2 17 -- -- 0x0000_0160 88 72 2 18 -- -- 0x0000_0164 89 73 2 18 ADC1 -- 1. Indicates the NVIC's interrupt source number. 2. Indicates the NVIC's ISER, ICER, ISPR, ICPR, and IABR register number used for this IRQ. The equation to calculate this value is: IRQ div 32 3. Indicates the NVIC's IPR register number used for this IRQ. The equation to calculate this value is: IRQ div 4 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 55 Core modules 4. This interrupt can only be pended or cleared via the NVIC registers. Determining the bitfield and register location for configuring a particular interrupt Suppose you need to configure the low-power timer (LPTMR) interrupt. The following table is an excerpt of the LPTMR row from Interrupt channel assignments. Table 3-5. LPTMR interrupt vector assignment Address IRQ1 Vector NVIC NVIC non-IPR IPR register register number number 2 0x0000_0128 74 58 1 Source module Source description 3 14 Low Power Timer -- 1. Indicates the NVIC's interrupt source number. 2. Indicates the NVIC's ISER, ICER, ISPR, ICPR, and IABR register number used for this IRQ. The equation to calculate this value is: IRQ div 32 3. Indicates the NVIC's IPR register number used for this IRQ. The equation to calculate this value is: IRQ div 4 * The NVIC registers you would use to configure the interrupt are: * NVICISER1 * NVICICER1 * NVICISPR1 * NVICICPR1 * NVICIABR1 * NVICIPR14 * To determine the particular IRQ's bitfield location within these particular registers: * NVICISER1, NVICICER1, NVICISPR1, NVICICPR1, NVICIABR1 bit location = IRQ mod 32 = 26 * NVICIPR14 bitfield starting location = 8 * (IRQ mod 4) + 4 = 20 Since the NVICIPR bitfields are 4-bit wide (16 priority levels), the NVICIPR14 bitfield range is 20-23 Therefore, the following bitfield locations are used to configure the LPTMR interrupts: * * * * * * NVICISER1[26] NVICICER1[26] NVICISPR1[26] NVICICPR1[26] NVICIABR1[26] NVICIPR14[23:20] KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 56 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration 3.2.3 Asynchronous Wake-up Interrupt Controller (AWIC) Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. Full documentation for this module is provided by ARM and can be found at arm.com. Clock logic Wake-up requests Asynchronous Wake-up Interrupt Controller (AWIC) Nested vectored interrupt controller (NVIC) Module Module Figure 3-3. Asynchronous Wake-up Interrupt Controller configuration Table 3-6. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock distribution Power management Power management Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) Wake-up requests NVIC AWIC wake-up sources Wake-up sources The device uses the following internal and external inputs to the AWIC module. Table 3-7. AWIC Partial Stop, Stop and VLPS Wake-up Sources Wake-up source Description Available system resets RESET pin and WDOG when LPO is its clock source, and JTAG Low-voltage detect Power Mode Controller Low-voltage warning Power Mode Controller Pin interrupts Port Control Module - Any enabled pin interrupt is capable of waking the system ADCx The ADC is functional when using internal clock source Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 57 Core modules Table 3-7. AWIC Partial Stop, Stop and VLPS Wake-up Sources (continued) Wake-up source Description CMPx Since no system clocks are available, functionality is limited, trigger mode provides wakeup functionality with periodic sampling I2C Address match wakeup UART Active edge on RXD LPTMR Functional when using clock source which is active in Stop and VLPS modes NMI Non-maskable interrupt 3.2.4 FPU Configuration ARM Cortex M4 Core This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. PPB Transfers FPU Figure 3-4. FPU configuration Table 3-8. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description FPU ARM Cortex-M4 Technical Reference Manual System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock Distribution Power Management Power Management Transfers ARM Cortex M4 core ARM Cortex-M4 core Private Peripheral Bus (PPB) 3.2.5 JTAG Controller Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 58 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration JTAG controller cJTAG Signal multiplexing Figure 3-5. JTAGC Controller configuration Table 3-9. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description JTAGC JTAGC Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing 3.3 System modules 3.3.1 SIM Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Peripheral bridge Register access System integration module (SIM) Figure 3-6. SIM configuration Table 3-10. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Full description SIM Reference System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock distribution Power management Power management KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 59 System modules 3.3.2 System Mode Controller (SMC) Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Peripheral bridge Register access Power Management Controller (PMC) System Mode Controller (SMC) Resets Figure 3-7. System Mode Controller configuration Table 3-11. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description System Mode Controller (SMC) SMC System memory map System memory map Power management Power management Power management controller (PMC) PMC Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU) LLWU Reset Control Module (RCM) Reset 3.3.3 PMC Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Table 3-12. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Full description PMC Reference System memory map System memory map Power management Power management Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 60 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Table 3-12. Reference links to related information (continued) Topic Related module Reference Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU) LLWU Full description 3.3.4 Low-Leakage Wake-up Unit (LLWU) Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Peripheral bridge 0 Register access Wake-up requests Power Management Controller (PMC) Low-Leakage Wake-up Unit (LLWU) Module Module Figure 3-8. Low-Leakage Wake-up Unit configuration Table 3-13. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Full description LLWU System memory map Reference System memory map Clocking Clock distribution Power management Power management chapter Power Management Controller (PMC) Power Management Controller (PMC) Mode Controller Wake-up requests LLWU wake-up sources NOTE The device doesn't support LLS2 and LLS3 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 61 System modules Wake-up Sources The device uses the following internal peripheral and external pin inputs as wakeup sources to the LLWU module. LLWU_Px are external pin inputs, and LLWU_M0IFM7IF are connections to the internal peripheral interrupt flags. NOTE In addition to the LLWU wakeup sources, the device also wakes from low power modes when NMI or RESET pins are enabled and the respective pin is asserted. Table 3-14. Wakeup sources for LLWU inputs Input Wakeup source LLWU_P0 PTE1/LLWU_P0 pin LLWU_P1 Reserved LLWU_P2 Reserved LLWU_P3 PTA4/LLWU_P3 pin1 LLWU_P4 PTA13/LLWU_P4 pin LLWU_P5 PTB0/LLWU_P5 pin LLWU_P6 PTC1/LLWU_P6 pin LLWU_P7 PTC3/LLWU_P7 pin LLWU_P8 PTC4/LLWU_P8 pin LLWU_P9 PTC5/LLWU_P9 pin LLWU_P10 PTC6/LLWU_P10 pin LLWU_P11 PTC11/LLWU_P11 pin LLWU_P12 PTD0/LLWU_P12 pin LLWU_P13 PTD2/LLWU_P13 pin LLWU_P14 PTD4/LLWU_P14 pin LLWU_P15 PTD6/LLWU_P15 pin LLWU_M0IF LPTMR2 LLWU_M1IF CMP02 LLWU_M2IF CMP12 LLWU_M3IF Reserved LLWU_M4IF Reserved LLWU_M5IF Reserved LLWU_M6IF Reserved LLWU_M7IF Reserved 1. If NMI was enabled on entry to LLS/VLLS, asserting the NMI pin generates an NMI interrupt on exit from the low power mode. NMI can also be disabled via the FOPT[NMI_DIS] bit. 2. Requires the peripheral and the peripheral interrupt to be enabled. The LLWU's WUME bit enables the internal module flag as a wakeup input. After wakeup, the flags are cleared based on the peripheral clearing mechanism. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 62 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration 3.3.5 MCM Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. ARM Cortex-M4 core PPB Transfers Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) Figure 3-9. MCM configuration Table 3-15. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description Miscellaneous control module (MCM) MCM System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock distribution Power management Power management Transfers ARM Cortex-M4 core ARM Cortex-M4 core Private Peripheral Bus (PPB) 3.3.6 Crossbar-Light Switch Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 63 System modules Master Modules Slave Modules S0 S1 SRAM controller_L S2 DMA Flash controller M1 ARM core system bus M2 ARM core code bus M0 Crossbar Switch SRAM controller_U Mux S3 Peripheral bridge 0 GPIO controller Figure 3-10. Crossbar-Light switch integration Table 3-16. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description Crossbar switch Crossbar Switch System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock Distribution Crossbar switch master ARM Cortex-M4 core ARM Cortex-M4 core Crossbar switch master DMA controller DMA controller Crossbar switch slave Flash Flash Crossbar switch slave Peripheral bridges Peripheral bridge Crossbar switch slave GPIO controller GPIO controller Crossbar-Light Switch Master Assignments The masters connected to the crossbar switch are assigned as follows: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 64 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Master module Master port number ARM core code bus 0 ARM core system bus 1 DMA 2 Crossbar-Light Switch Slave Assignments The slaves connected to the crossbar switch are assigned as follows: Slave module Slave port number Flash memory controller 0 SRAM controllers 1,2 Peripheral bridge 0/GPIO1 3 1. See System memory map for access restrictions. 3.3.7 Peripheral Bridge Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Crossbar switch Transfers AIPS-Lite peripheral bridge Transfers Peripherals Figure 3-11. Peripheral bridge configuration Table 3-17. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description Peripheral bridge (AIPS-Lite) Peripheral bridge (AIPS-Lite) System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock Distribution Crossbar switch Crossbar switch Crossbar switch Number of peripheral bridges This device contains one peripheral bridge. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 65 System modules Memory maps The peripheral bridges are used to access the registers of most of the modules on this device. See AIPS0 Memory Map for the memory slot assignment for each module. 3.3.8 DMA request multiplexer configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Peripheral bridge 0 Register access Requests DMA controller Channel request DMA Request Multiplexer Module Module Module Figure 3-12. DMA request multiplexer configuration Table 3-18. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description DMA request multiplexer DMA Mux System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock distribution Power management Power management Channel request DMA controller Requests DMA Controller DMA request sources DMA MUX request sources This device includes a DMA request mux that allows up to 63 DMA request signals to be mapped to any of the 4 DMA channels. Because of the mux there is not a hard correlation between any of the DMA request sources and a specific DMA channel. Some of the modules support Asynchronous DMA operation as indicated by the last column in the following DMA source assignment table. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 66 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Table 3-19. DMA request sources - MUX 0 Source number Source module Source description 0 -- Channel disabled1 1 Reserved Not used 2 UART0 Receive 3 UART0 Transmit 4 UART1 Receive 5 UART1 Transmit 6 Reserved -- 7 Reserved -- 8 Reserved -- 9 Reserved -- 10 Reserved -- 11 Reserved -- 12 -- -- 13 -- -- 14 SPI0 Receive 15 SPI0 Transmit 16 Reserved -- 17 Reserved -- 18 I2C0 -- 19 Reserved -- 20 FTM0 Channel 0 21 FTM0 Channel 1 22 FTM0 Channel 2 23 FTM0 Channel 3 24 FTM0 Channel 4 25 FTM0 Channel 5 26 Reserved -- 27 Reserved -- 28 FTM1 Channel 0 29 FTM1 Channel 1 30 FTM2 Channel 0 31 FTM2 Channel 1 32 Reserved -- 33 Reserved -- 34 Reserved -- 35 Reserved -- 36 Reserved -- 37 Reserved -- 38 Reserved -- Async DMA capable Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 67 System modules Table 3-19. DMA request sources - MUX 0 (continued) Source number Source module Source description Async DMA capable 39 Reserved -- 40 ADC0 -- Yes 41 ADC1 -- Yes 42 CMP0 -- Yes 43 CMP1 -- Yes 44 Reserved -- 45 DAC0 -- 46 Reserved -- 47 Reserved -- 48 PDB -- 49 Port control module Port A Yes 50 Port control module Port B Yes 51 Port control module Port C Yes 52 Port control module Port D Yes 53 Port control module Port E Yes 54 Reserved -- 55 Reserved -- 56 Reserved -- 57 Reserved -- 58 Reserved -- 59 Reserved -- 60 DMA MUX Always enabled 61 DMA MUX Always enabled 62 DMA MUX Always enabled 63 DMA MUX Always enabled 1. Configuring a DMA channel to select source 0 or any of the reserved sources disables that DMA channel. DMA transfers via PIT trigger The PIT module can trigger a DMA transfer on the first four DMA channels. The assignments are detailed at PIT/DMA Periodic Trigger Assignments . 3.3.9 DMA Controller Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 68 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Peripheral bridge 0 Register access Crossbar switch Transfers DMA Controller Requests DMA Multiplexer Figure 3-13. DMA Controller configuration Table 3-20. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description DMA Controller DMA Controller System memory map Register access System memory map Peripheral bridge (AIPS-Lite 0) AIPS-Lite 0 Clocking Clock distribution Power management Power management Transfers Crossbar switch Crossbar switch 3.3.10 External Watchdog Monitor (EWM) Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 69 System modules Peripheral bridge 0 Register access External Watchdog Monitor (EWM) Module signals Signal multiplexing Figure 3-14. External Watchdog Monitor configuration Table 3-21. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description External Watchdog Monitor (EWM) EWM System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock distribution Power management Power management Signal multiplexing Port Control Module Signal multiplexing EWM clocks This table shows the EWM clocks and the corresponding chip clocks. Table 3-22. EWM clock connections Module clock Low Power Clock Chip clock 1 kHz LPO Clock EWM low-power modes This table shows the EWM low-power modes and the corresponding chip low-power modes. Table 3-23. EWM low-power modes Module mode Chip mode Wait Wait, VLPW Stop Stop, VLPS, LLS KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 70 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration EWM_OUT pin state in low power modes When the CPU enters a Run mode from Wait or Stop recovery, the pin resumes its previous state before entering Wait or Stop mode. When the CPU enters Run mode from Power Down, the pin returns to its reset state. 3.3.11 Watchdog Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Peripheral bridge 0 Register access Mode Controller WDOG Figure 3-15. Watchdog configuration Table 3-24. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description Watchdog Watchdog System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock distribution Power management Power management Mode Controller (MC) WDOG clocks This table shows the WDOG module clocks and the corresponding chip clocks. Table 3-25. WDOG clock connections Module clock LPO Oscillator Chip clock 1 kHz LPO Clock Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 71 Clock modules Table 3-25. WDOG clock connections (continued) Module clock Chip clock Alt Clock Bus Clock Fast Test Clock Bus Clock System Bus Clock Bus Clock WDOG low-power modes This table shows the WDOG low-power modes and the corresponding chip low-power modes. Table 3-26. WDOG low-power modes Module mode Chip mode Wait Wait, VLPW Stop Stop, VLPS Power Down LLS, VLLSx 3.4 Clock modules 3.4.1 MCG Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 72 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Peripheral bridge Register access System integration module (SIM) Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) System oscillator Figure 3-16. MCG configuration Table 3-27. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description MCG MCG System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock distribution Power management Power management Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing MCG oscillator clock input options The MCG has multiple oscillator input clock sources. Within the context of the MCG these are all referred to as the external reference clock and selection is determined by MCG_C7[OSCSEL] bitfield. The following table shows the chip-specific clock assignments for this bitfield. Table 3-28. MCG Oscillator Reference Options MCG_C7[OSCSEL] MCG defined selection Chip clock 00 OSCCLK0 - System Oscillator OSCCLK - Undivided system oscillator output. Derived from external crystal circuit or directly from EXTAL. 01 OSC2/RTC Oscillator Reserved 10 OSCCLK1 - Oscillator IRC48MCLK. Derived from internal 48 MHz oscillator. 11 Reserved -- See Clock Distribution for more details on these clocks. NOTE The MCG chapter has many references to the RTC oscillator source. On this device that clock source is not available and KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 73 Memories and memory interfaces register MCG_C8 and other bit fields associated with this clock source should be treated as reserved. 3.4.2 OSC Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Peripheral bridge Register access System oscillator MCG Module signals Signal multiplexing Figure 3-17. OSC configuration Table 3-29. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description OSC OSC System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock distribution Power management Power management Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing Full description MCG MCG OSC modes of operation with MCG The MCG's C2 register bits configure the oscillator frequency range. See the OSC and MCG chapters for more details. 3.5 Memories and memory interfaces KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 74 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration 3.5.1 Flash Memory Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Peripheral bridge 0 Register access Flash memory controller Transfers Flash memory Figure 3-18. Flash memory configuration Table 3-30. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Full description Flash memory Reference System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock Distribution Transfers Flash memory controller Flash memory controller Register access Peripheral bridge Peripheral bridge Flash memory types This device contains the following types of flash memory: * Program flash memory -- non-volatile flash memory that can execute program code Flash Memory Sizes The devices covered in this document contain: * 1 block of program flash consisting of 2 KB sectors The amounts of flash memory for the devices covered in this document are: Device MKV30F128VLH10 Program flash (KB) 128 Block 0 address range 0x0000_0000-0x0001_FFFF Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 75 Memories and memory interfaces Device Program flash (KB) Block 0 address range MKV30F128VLF10 128 0x0000_0000-0x0001_FFFF MKV30F128VFM10 128 0x0000_0000-0x0001_FFFF MKV30F64VLH10 64 0x0000_0000-0x0000_FFFF MKV30F64VLF10 64 0x0000_0000-0x0000_FFFF MKV30F64VFM10 64 0x0000_0000-0x0000_FFFF Flash Memory Map The flash memory and the flash registers are located at different base addresses as shown in the following figure. The base address for each is specified in System memory map. Flash memory base address Registers Program flash base address Flash configuration field Program flash Figure 3-19. Flash memory map The on-chip Flash is implemented in a portion of the allocated Flash range to form a contiguous block in the memory map beginning at address 0x0000_0000. See Flash Memory Sizes for details of supported ranges. Accesses to the flash memory ranges outside the amount of Flash on the device causes the bus cycle to be terminated with an error followed by the appropriate response in the requesting bus master. Read collision events in which flash memory is accessed while a flash memory resource is being manipulated by a flash command also generates a bus error response. Flash Security How flash security is implemented on this device is described in Chip Security. Flash Program Restrictions The flash memory on this device should not be programmed or erased while operating in High Speed Run or VLPR power modes. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 76 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Flash Modes The flash memory is always configured in NVM normal. There are no operating conditions in which the flash is configured for NVM special mode. Erase All Flash Contents The flash of the MCU is protected from erasing all of the flash contents by the FTFA_FSEC[MEEN] bits. If the bits are set to 'b10 mass erase is disabled. An Erase All Flash Blocks operation can be launched by software through a series of peripheral bus writes to flash registers. In addition the entire flash memory may be erased external to the flash memory from the SWJ-DP debug port by setting DAP_CONTROL[0]. DAP_STATUS[0] is set to indicate the mass erase command has been accepted. DAP_STATUS[0] is cleared when the mass erase completes. FTF_FOPT Register The flash memory's FTF_FOPT register allows the user to customize the operation of the MCU at boot time. See FOPT boot options for details of its definition. 3.5.2 Flash Memory Controller Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 77 Memories and memory interfaces Peripheral bridge 0 Register access Crossbar switch Transfers Flash memory controller Transfers Flash memory Figure 3-20. Flash memory controller configuration Table 3-31. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description Flash memory controller Flash memory controller System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock Distribution Transfers Flash memory Flash memory Transfers Crossbar switch Crossbar Switch Register access Peripheral bridge Peripheral bridge Number of masters The Flash Memory Controller supports up to eight crossbar switch masters. However, this device has a different number of crossbar switch masters. See Crossbar-Light Switch Configuration for details on the master port assignments. 3.5.3 SRAM Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 78 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Cortex-M4 core crossbar SRAM controller SRAM upper Transfers switch SRAM controller SRAM lower Figure 3-21. SRAM configuration Table 3-32. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description SRAM SRAM System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock Distribution Transfers SRAM controller SRAM controller ARM Cortex-M4 core ARM Cortex-M4 core SRAM sizes This device contains SRAM accessed by bus masters through the cross-bar switch. The on-chip SRAM is split into SRAM_L and SRAM_U regions where the SRAM_L and SRAM_U ranges form a contiguous block in the memory map anchored at address 0x2000_0000. As such: * SRAM_L is anchored to 0x1FFF_FFFF and occupies the space before this ending address. * SRAM_U is anchored to 0x2000_0000 and occupies the space after this beginning address. NOTE Misaligned accesses across the 0x2000_0000 boundary are not supported in the ARM Cortex-M4 architecture. The amount of SRAM for the devices covered in this document is shown in the following table. Device SRAM_L size (KB) SRAM_U size (KB) Total SRAM (KB) Address Range MKV30F128VLH10 8 8 16 0x1FFF_E000-0x2000_1FFF MKV30F128VLF10 8 8 16 0x1FFF_E000-0x2000_1FFF MKV30F128VFM10 8 8 16 0x1FFF_E000-0x2000_1FFF Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 79 Security Device SRAM_L size (KB) SRAM_U size (KB) Total SRAM (KB) Address Range MKV30F64VLH10 8 8 16 0x1FFF_E000-0x2000_1FFF MKV30F64VLF10 8 8 16 0x1FFF_E000-0x2000_1FFF MKV30F64VFM10 8 8 16 0x1FFF_E000-0x2000_1FFF SRAM retention in low power modes The SRAM is retained down to LLS3 and VLLS3 mode. In LLS2 and VLLS2 the entire region of SRAM_U from 0x2000_0000 is powered. In VLLS1 and VLLS0 no SRAM is retained. 3.6 Security 3.6.1 CRC Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Peripheral bridge Register access CRC Figure 3-22. CRC configuration Table 3-33. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description CRC CRC System memory map System memory map Power management Power management KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 80 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration 3.7 Analog 3.7.1 16-bit SAR ADC Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Peripheral bus controller 0 Register access Other peripherals Transfers 16-bit SAR ADC Module signals Signal multiplexing Figure 3-23. 16-bit SAR ADC configuration Table 3-34. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description 16-bit SAR ADC 16-bit SAR ADC System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock distribution Power management Signal multiplexing Power management Port control Signal multiplexing ADC instantiation information This device contains two ADCs. Number of ADC channels The number of ADC channels present on the device is determined by the pinout of the specific device package. For details regarding the number of ADC channel available on a particular package, refer to the signal multiplexing chapter of this MCU. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 81 Analog DMA Support on ADC Applications may require continuous sampling of the ADC (4K samples/sec) that may have considerable load on the CPU. Though using PDB to trigger ADC may reduce some CPU load, the ADC supports DMA request functionality for higher performance when the ADC is sampled at a very high rate or cases where PDB is bypassed. The ADC can trigger the DMA (via DMA req) on conversion completion. ADCx Connections/Channel Assignment NOTE As indicated by the following sections, each ADCx_DPx input and certain ADCx_DMx inputs may operate as single-ended ADC channels in single-ended mode. ADC0 channel assignment ADC Channel Table 3-35. ADC0 Assignments Channel Input signal (SC1n[DIFF]= 1) Input signal (SC1n[DIFF]= 0) 00000 DAD0 ADC0_DP0 and ADC0_DM0 ADC0_DP0 00001 DAD1 ADC0_DP1 and ADC0_DM1 ADC0_DP1 00010 DAD2 ADC0_DP2 and ADC0_DM2 ADC0_DP2 00011 DAD3 ADC0_DP3 and ADC0_DM3 ADC0_DP3 001001 AD4a Reserved ADC0_SE4a 001011 AD5a Reserved ADC0_SE5a 001101 AD6a Reserved ADC0_SE6a 001111 AD7a Reserved ADC0_SE7a 001001 AD4b Reserved ADC0_SE4b 001011 AD5b Reserved ADC0_SE5b 001101 AD6b Reserved ADC0_SE6b 001111 AD7b Reserved ADC0_SE7b 01000 AD8 Reserved ADC0_SE8 01001 AD9 Reserved ADC0_SE9 01010 AD10 Reserved Reserved 01011 AD11 Reserved Reserved 01100 AD12 Reserved ADC0_SE12 01101 AD13 Reserved ADC0_SE13 01110 AD14 Reserved ADC0_SE14 01111 AD15 Reserved ADC0_SE15 10000 AD16 Reserved Reserved (SC1n[ADCH]) Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 82 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Table 3-35. ADC0 Assignments (continued) ADC Channel Channel Input signal (SC1n[DIFF]= 1) Input signal (SC1n[DIFF]= 0) 10001 AD17 Reserved ADC0_SE17 10010 AD18 Reserved ADC0_SE18 10011 AD19 Reserved ADC0_DM0 10100 AD20 Reserved ADC0_DM1 10101 AD21 Reserved Reserved 10110 AD22 Reserved Reserved 10111 AD23 Reserved 12-bit DAC0 Output/ADC0_SE23 11000 AD24 Reserved Reserved 11001 AD25 Reserved Reserved 11010 AD26 Temperature Sensor (Diff) Temperature Sensor (S.E) 11011 AD27 Bandgap (Diff)2 Bandgap (S.E)2 11100 AD28 Reserved Reserved 11101 AD29 -VREFH (Diff) VREFH (S.E) 11110 AD30 Reserved VREFL 11111 AD31 Module Disabled Module Disabled (SC1n[ADCH]) 1. ADCx_CFG2[MUXSEL] bit selects between ADCx_SEn channels a and b. Refer to MUXSEL description in ADC chapter for details. 2. This is the PMC bandgap 1V reference voltage and not the VREF module 1.2 V reference voltage. Prior to reading from this ADC channel, ensure that you enable the bandgap buffer by setting the PMC_REGSC[BGBE] bit. Refer to the device data sheet for the bandgap voltage (VBG) specification. ADC1 channel assignment ADC Channel Table 3-36. ADC1 Assignments Channel Input signal (SC1n[DIFF]= 1) Input signal (SC1n[DIFF]= 0) 00000 DAD0 ADC1_DP0 and ADC1_DM0 ADC1_DP0 00001 DAD1 ADC1_DP1 and ADC1_DM1 ADC1_DP1 00010 DAD2 ADC1_DP2 and ADC1_DM2 ADC1_DP2 00011 DAD3 ADC1_DP3 and ADC1_DM3 ADC1_DP3 001001 AD4a Reserved ADC1_SE4a 001011 AD5a Reserved ADC1_SE5a 001101 AD6a Reserved Reserved 001111 AD7a Reserved Reserved 001001 AD4b Reserved ADC1_SE4b 001011 AD5b Reserved ADC1_SE5b 001101 AD6b Reserved ADC1_SE6b 001111 AD7b Reserved ADC1_SE7b 01000 AD8 Reserved ADC1_SE8 (SC1n[ADCH]) Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 83 Analog Table 3-36. ADC1 Assignments (continued) ADC Channel Channel Input signal (SC1n[DIFF]= 1) Input signal (SC1n[DIFF]= 0) 01001 AD9 Reserved ADC1_SE9 01010 AD10 Reserved Reserved 01011 AD11 Reserved Reserved 01100 AD12 Reserved Reserved 01101 AD13 Reserved Reserved 01110 AD14 Reserved Reserved 01111 AD15 Reserved Reserved 10000 AD16 Reserved Reserved 10001 AD17 Reserved Reserved 10010 AD18 Reserved VREF Output/ADC1_SE18 10011 AD19 Reserved ADC1_DM0 10100 AD20 Reserved ADC1_DM1 10101 AD21 Reserved Reserved 10110 AD22 Reserved Reserved 10111 AD23 Reserved ADC1_SE23 11000 AD24 Reserved Reserved 11001 AD25 Reserved Reserved 11010 AD26 Temperature Sensor (Diff) Temperature Sensor (S.E) 11011 AD27 Bandgap (Diff)2 Bandgap (S.E)2 11100 AD28 Reserved Reserved 11101 AD29 -VREFH (Diff) VREFH (S.E) 11110 AD30 Reserved VREFL 11111 AD31 Module Disabled Module Disabled (SC1n[ADCH]) 1. ADCx_CFG2[MUXSEL] bit selects between ADCx_SEn channels a and b. Refer to MUXSEL description in ADC chapter for details. 2. This is the PMC bandgap 1V reference voltage and not the VREF module 1.2 V reference voltage. Prior to reading from this ADC channel, ensure that you enable the bandgap buffer by setting the PMC_REGSC[BGBE] bit. Refer to the device data sheet for the bandgap voltage (VBG) specification. ADC Channels MUX Selection The following figure shows the assignment of ADCx_SEn channels a and b through a MUX selection to ADC. To select between alternate set of channels, refer to ADCx_CFG2[MUXSEL] bit settings for more details. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 84 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration ADCx_SE4a ADCx_SE5a ADCx_SE6a ADCx_SE7a ADCx_SE4b ADCx_SE5b ADCx_SE6b ADCx_SE7b AD4 [00100] AD5 [00101] ADC AD6 [00110] AD7 [00111] Figure 3-24. ADCx_SEn channels a and b selection ADC Hardware Interleaved Channels The AD8 and AD9 channels on ADCx are interleaved in hardware using the following configuration. AD8 ADC0_SE8 /ADC1_SE8 ADC0 ADC0_SE9 /ADC1_SE9 AD9 AD8 ADC1 AD9 Figure 3-25. ADC hardware interleaved channels integration There are other pins on this device that have a similar interleave configuration, including the plus side of differential pair pins available (for example ADC0_DP1 and ADC1_DP2). Refer to the Signal Multiplexing and Pin Assignments table for this device. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 85 Analog ADC Reference Options The ADC supports the following references: * VREFH/VREFL - connected as the primary reference option * 1.2 V VREF_OUT - connected as the VALT reference option ADCx_SC2[REFSEL] bit selects the voltage reference sources for ADC. Refer to REFSEL description in ADC chapter for more details. NOTE For this MCU, VREFH shares the VDDA pin in the 32-pin packages. For this MCU, VREFL shares the VSSA pin in the 32-pin packages. ADC triggers The ADC supports both software and hardware triggers. The primary hardware mechanism for triggering the ADC is the PDB. The PDB itself can be triggered by other peripherals. For example: LPTMR Output signal is connected to the PDB. The PDB input trigger can receive the LPTMR Output trigger forcing ADC conversions in run mode (where PDB is enabled). On the other hand, the ADC can conduct conversions in low power modes, not triggered by PDB. This allows the ADC to do conversions in low power mode and store the output in the result register. The ADC generates interrupt when the data is ready in the result register that wakes the system from low power mode. The PDB can also be bypassed by using the ADCxTRGSEL bits in the SIM_SOPT7 register. Table 3-37. ADC Alternate trigger options SIM_SOPT7[ADCxTRGSEL] Selected source 0000 PDB external trigger pin input (PDB0_EXTRG) 0001 CMP0 output 0010 CMP1 output 0011 Reserved 0100 PIT trigger 0 0101 PIT trigger 1 0110 PIT trigger 2 0111 PIT trigger 3 1000 FTM0 trigger 1001 FTM1 trigger 1010 FTM2 trigger 1011 Reserved Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 86 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Table 3-37. ADC Alternate trigger options (continued) SIM_SOPT7[ADCxTRGSEL] Selected source 1100 Reserved 1101 Reserved 1110 LPTMR trigger 1111 Reserved For operation of triggers in different modes, refer to Power Management chapter. ADC conversion clock options The ADC has multiple input clock sources. Selection is determined by ADCx_CFG1[ADICLK] bitfield. The following table shows the chip-specific clock assignments for this bitfield. NOTE The ALTCLK option is only usable when OSCERCLK is in the MHz range. A system with OSCERCLK in the kHz range has the optional clock source below minimum ADC clock operating frequency. Table 3-38. ADC Conversion Clock Options ADCx_CFG1[ADICLK] ADC defined selection Chip clock Note 00 Bus Clock Bus Clock 01 ALTCLK2 IRC48MCLK Note 1 10 ALTCLK OSCERCLK Note 1 11 Asynchronous clock (ADACK) N/A - sourced from within ADC block Note1 1. For ADC operation in Compute only, PSTOP1, Stop and VLPS, ADACK and the alternate clock sources are allowed clock sources. Note however that ALTCLK2 is force disabled and therefore not available in VLPS. ADC low-power modes This table shows the ADC low-power modes and the corresponding chip low-power modes. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 87 Analog Table 3-39. ADC low-power modes Module mode Chip mode Wait Wait, VLPW Normal Stop Stop, VLPS Low Power Stop LLS, VLLS3, VLLS2, VLLS1, VLLS0 3.7.2 CMP Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Peripheral bridge 0 Register access CMP Other peripherals Module signals Signal multiplexing Figure 3-26. CMP configuration Table 3-40. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description Comparator (CMP) Comparator System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock distribution Power management Power management Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing CMP input connections The following table shows the fixed internal connections to the CMP. Table 3-41. CMP input connections CMP Inputs CMP0 CMP1 IN0 CMP0_IN0 CMP1_IN0 IN1 CMP0_IN1 CMP1_IN1 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 88 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Table 3-41. CMP input connections (continued) CMP Inputs CMP0 CMP1 IN2 CMP0_IN2 -- IN3 CMP0_IN3 12-bit DAC0_OUT/CMP1_IN3 IN4 CMP0_IN4 -- IN5 VREF Output/CMP0_IN5 VREF Output/CMP1_IN5 IN6 Bandgap Bandgap IN7 6b DAC0 Reference 6b DAC1 Reference CMP external references The 6-bit DAC sub-block supports selection of two references. For this device, the references are connected as follows: * VREF_OUT - Vin1 input * VDD - Vin2 input External window/sample input PDB pulse-out controls the CMP Sample/Window timing. CMP trigger mode The CMP and 6-bit DAC sub-block supports trigger mode operation when the CMPx_CR1[TRIGM] is set. When trigger mode is enabled, the trigger event will initiate a compare sequence that must first enable the CMP and DAC prior to performing a CMP operation and capturing the output. In this device, control for this two staged sequencing is provided from the LPTMR. The LPTMR provides a single trigger output to all implemented comparators. Through configuration of the CMPx_CR1[TRIGM] bits the trigger can be used to trigger a single comparator or multiple comparators concurrently. The LPTMR triggering output is always enabled when the LPTMR is enabled. The first signal is supplied to enable the CMP and DAC and is asserted at the same time as the TCF flag is set. The delay to the second signal that triggers the CMP to capture the result of the compare operation is dependent on the LPTMR configuration. In Time Counter mode with prescaler enabled, the delay is 1/2 Prescaler output period. In Time Counter mode with prescaler bypassed, the delay is 1/2 Prescaler clock period. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 89 Analog The delay between the first signal from LPTMR and the second signal from LPTMR must be greater than the Analog comparator initialization delay as defined in the device datasheet. 3.7.3 12-bit DAC Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Peripheral bus controller 0 Register access Other peripherals Transfers 12-bit DAC Module signals Signal multiplexing Figure 3-27. 12-bit DAC configuration Table 3-42. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description 12-bit DAC 12-bit DAC System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock distribution Power management Power management Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing 12-bit DAC Overview This device contains one 12-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with programmable reference generator output. The DAC includes a FIFO for DMA support. 12-bit DAC Output The output of the DAC can be placed on an external pin or set as one of the inputs to the analog comparator or ADC. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 90 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration 12-bit DAC Reference For this device VREF_OUT and VDDA are selectable as the DAC reference. VREF_OUT is connected to the DACREF_1 input and VDDA is connected to the DACREF_2 input. Use DACx_C0[DACRFS] control bit to select between these two options. Be aware that if the DAC and ADC use the VREF_OUT reference simultaneously, some degradation of ADC accuracy is to be expected due to DAC switching. 3.7.4 VREF Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Peripheral bus controller 0 Register access Transfers Other peripherals VREF Module signals Signal multiplexing Figure 3-28. VREF configuration Table 3-43. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description VREF VREF System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock distribution Power management Power management Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing VREF Overview This device includes a voltage reference (VREF) to supply an accurate 1.2 V voltage output. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 91 Timers The voltage reference can provide a reference voltage to external peripherals or a reference to analog peripherals, such as the ADC, DAC, or CMP. NOTE PMC_REGSC[BGEN] bit must be set if the VREF regulator is required to remain operating in VLPx modes. NOTE For either an internal or external reference if the VREF_OUT functionality is being used, VREF_OUT signal must be connected to an output load capacitor. Refer the device data sheet for more details. 3.8 Timers 3.8.1 PDB Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Peripheral bus controller 0 Register access Transfers Other peripherals PDB Module signals Signal multiplexing Figure 3-29. PDB configuration Table 3-44. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description PDB PDB System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock distribution Power management Power management Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 92 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration PDB Instantiation PDB Output Triggers Table 3-45. PDB output triggers Number of PDB channels for ADC trigger 2 Number of pre-triggers per PDB channel 2 Number of DAC triggers 1 Number of PulseOut 1 PDB Input Trigger Connections Table 3-46. PDB Input Trigger Options PDB Trigger PDB Input 0000 External Trigger 0001 CMP 0 0010 CMP 1 0011 Reserved 0100 PIT Ch 0 Output 0101 PIT Ch 1 Output 0110 PIT Ch 2 Output 0111 PIT Ch 3 Output 1000 FTM0 initialization trigger and channel triggers, as programmed in the FTM external trigger register (EXTTRIG) 1001 FTM1 initialization trigger and channel triggers, as programmed in the FTM external trigger register (EXTTRIG) 1010 FTM2 initialization trigger and channel triggers, as programmed in the FTM external trigger register (EXTTRIG) 1011 Reserved 1100 Reserved 1101 Reserved 1110 LPTMR Output 1111 Software Trigger KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 93 Timers PDB Module Interconnections PDB trigger outputs Connection Channel 0 triggers ADC0 trigger Channel 1 triggers ADC1 trigger and synchronous input 1 of FTM0 DAC triggers DAC0 trigger Pulse-out Pulse-out connected to each CMP module's sample/window input to control sample operation Back-to-back acknowledgement connections Back-to-back operation enables the ADC conversions complete to trigger the next PDB channel pre-trigger and trigger output. In this MCU, PDB back-to-back operation acknowledgment connections are implemented as follows: * * * * PDB channel 0 trigger/pre-trigger 0 acknowledgement input: ADC1SC1B_COCO PDB channel 0 trigger/pre-trigger 1 acknowledgement input: ADC0SC1A_COCO PDB channel 1 trigger/pre-trigger 0 acknowledgement input: ADC0SC1B_COCO PDB channel 1 trigger/pre-trigger 1 acknowledgement input: ADC1SC1A_COCO So, the back-to-back chain is connected as a ring: Channel 0 pre-trigger 0 Channel 1 pre-trigger 1 Channel 0 pre-trigger 1 Channel 1 pre-trigger 0 Figure 3-30. PDB back-to-back chain The application code can set the PDBx_CHnC1[BB] bits to configure the PDB pretriggers as a single chain or several chains. PDB Interval Trigger Connections to DAC In this MCU, PDB interval trigger connections to DAC are implemented as follows. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 94 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration * PDB interval trigger 0 connects to DAC0 hardware trigger input. DAC External Trigger Input Connections In this MCU, the following DAC external trigger inputs are implemented. * DAC external trigger input 0: ADC0SC1A_COCO NOTE Application code can set the PDBx_DACINTCn[EXT] bit to allow DAC external trigger input when the corresponding ADC Conversion complete flag, ADCx_SC1n[COCO], is set. Pulse-Out Connection Individual PDB Pulse-Out signals are connected to each CMP block and used for sample window. Pulse-Out Enable Register Implementation The following table shows the comparison of pulse-out enable register at the module and chip level. Table 3-47. PDB pulse-out enable register Register Module implementation Chip implementation POnEN 7:0 - POEN 0 - POEN[0] for CMP0 31:8 - Reserved 1 - POEN[1] for CMP1 31:2 - Reserved 3.8.2 FlexTimer Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 95 Timers Peripheral bus controller 0 Register access Transfers Other peripherals FlexTimer Module signals Signal multiplexing Figure 3-31. FlexTimer configuration Table 3-48. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description FlexTimer FlexTimer System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock distribution Power management Power management Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing Instantiation Information This device contains three FlexTimer modules. The following table shows how these modules are configured. Table 3-49. FTM Instantiations FTM instance Number of channels Features/usage FTM0 6 3-phase motor + 2 general purpose or stepper motor FTM1 2 Quadrature decoder or general purpose FTM2 21 Quadrature decoder or general purpose 1. Only channels 0 and 1 are available. External Clock Options By default each FTM is clocked by the internal bus clock (the FTM refers to it as system clock). Each module contains a register setting that allows the module to be clocked from an external clock instead. There are two external FTM_CLKINx pins that can be selected by any FTM module via the SIM_SOPT4 register. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 96 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Fixed frequency clock The fixed frequency clock for each FTM is MCGFFCLK. FTM Interrupts The FlexTimer has multiple sources of interrupt. However, these sources are OR'd together to generate a single interrupt request to the interrupt controller. When an FTM interrupt occurs, read the FTM status registers (FMS, SC, and STATUS) to determine the exact interrupt source. FTM Fault Detection Inputs The following fault detection input options for the FTM modules are selected via the SIM_SOPT4 register. The external pin option is selected by default. * * * * FTM0 FAULT0 = FTM0_FLT0 pin or CMP0 output FTM0 FAULT1 = FTM0_FLT1 pin or CMP1 output FTM0 FAULT2 = FTM0_FLT2 pin FTM0 FAULT3 = FTM0_FLT3 pin * FTM1 FAULT0 = FTM1_FLT0 pin or CMP0 output * FTM1 FAULT1 = CMP1 output * FTM2 FAULT0 = FTM2_FLT0 pin or CMP0 output * FTM2 FAULT1 = CMP1 output FTM Hardware Triggers The FTM synchronization hardware triggers are connected in the chip as follows: * FTM0 hardware trigger 0 = SIM_SOPT8[FTM0SYNCBIT] or CMP0 Output or FTM1 Match (when enabled in the FTM1 External Trigger (EXTTRIG) register) * FTM0 hardware trigger 1 = PDB channel 1 Trigger Output * FTM0 hardware trigger 2 = FTM0_FLT0 pin * FTM1 hardware trigger 0 = SIM_SOPT8[FTM1SYNCBIT] or CMP0 Output * FTM1 hardware trigger 1 = CMP1 Output * FTM1 hardware trigger 2 = FTM1_FLT0 pin KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 97 Timers * FTM2 hardware trigger 0 = SIM_SOPT8[FTM2SYNCBIT] or CMP0 Output * FTM2 hardware trigger 2 = FTM2_FLT0 pin Having FTMxSYNCBIT fields in the same SOPTx register allows the user to synchronise all FTM timers via their respective TRIG0 input. For the triggers with more than one additional option, the SIM_SOPT4 register implements control fields for selecting the option. Input capture options for FTM module instances The following channel 0 input capture source options are selected via SIM_SOPT4. The external pin option is selected by default. * FTM1 channel 0 input capture = FTM1_CH0 pin or CMP0 output or CMP1 output * FTM2 channel 0 input capture = FTM2_CH0 pin or CMP0 output or CMP1 output * FTM2 channel 1 input capture = FTM2_CH1 pin or exclusive OR of FTM2_CH0, FTM2_CH1, and FTM1_CH1. See FTM Hall sensor support. FTM Hall sensor support For 3 phase motor control sensor-ed applications the use of Hall sensors, generally 3 sensors placed 120 degrees apart around the rotor, are deployed to detect position and speed. Each of the 3 sensors provides a pulse that applied to an input capture pin, can then be analyzed and both speed and position can be deduced. This device has two 2channel FTMs. (FTM1 and FTM2) and thus provides 4 input capture pins. To simplify the calculations required by the CPU on each hall sensor's input, if all 3 inputs are "exclusively OR'd " into one timer channel and the free running counter is refreshed on every edge then this can simplify the speed calculation. Via the SIM module and SIM_SOPT4 register the FTM2CH1SRC bit provides the choice of normal FTM2_CH1 input or the XOR of FTM2_CH0, FTM2_CH1 and FTM1_CH1 pins that will be applied to FTM2_CH1. Note: If the user utilizes FTM1_CH1 to be an input to FTM2_CH1, FTM1_CH0 can still be utilized for other functions. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 98 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration FTM2 FTM2_CH1 Ch0 Ch1 FTM2_CH0 X OR FTM1 FTM1_CH1 SIM_SOPT4[FTM2CH1SRC] Ch0 Ch1 Figure 3-32. FTM Hall Sensor Configuration FTM modulation implementation FTM0 support a modulation function where the output channels when configured as PWM or Output Compare mode modulate another timer output when the channel signal is asserted. Any of the 6 channels of FTM0 can be configured to support this modulation function. The SIM_SOPT8 register has eight control bits (FTM0CHySRC) that allow the user to select normal PWM/Output Compare mode on the corresponding FTM timer channel or modulate with FTM1_CH1. The diagram below shows the implementation for FTM0. See SIM Block Guide for further information. When FTM1_CH1 is used to modulate an FTM0 channel, then the user must configure FTM1_CH1 to provide a signal that has a higher frequency than the modulated FTM0 channel output. Also it limits the use of the FTM1_CH0 function, as the FTM1_CH1 will be programmed to provide a 50% duty PWM signal and limit the start and modulus values for the free running counter. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 99 Timers SIM_SOPT8[FTM0CH5SRC] FTM0 & FTM0_CH5 CH5 SIM_SOPT8[FTM0CH0SRC] & FTM0_CH0 CH0 FTM1_CH1 Figure 3-33. FTM Output Modulation FTM output triggers for other modules FTM output triggers can be selected as input triggers for the PDB and ADC modules. See PDB Instantiation and ADC triggers. FTM Global Time Base This chip provides the optional FTM global time base feature (see Global time base (GTB)). FTM0 provides the only source for the FTM global time base. The other FTM modules can share the time base as shown in the following figure: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 100 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration FTM1 CONF Register GTBEOUT = 0 GTBEEN = 1 FTM0 CONF Register GTBEOUT = 1 GTBEEN = 1 FTM Counter gtb_in gtb_in FTM Counter FTM2 gtb_out CONF Register GTBEOUT = 0 GTBEEN = 1 FTM Counter gtb_in Figure 3-34. FTM Global Time Base Configuration FTM BDM and debug halt mode In the FTM chapter, references to the chip being in "BDM" are the same as the chip being in "debug halt mode". 3.8.3 PIT Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Peripheral bridge Register access Periodic interrupt timer Figure 3-35. PIT configuration Table 3-50. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description PIT PIT System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock Distribution Power management Power management KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 101 Timers PIT/DMA Periodic Trigger Assignments The PIT generates periodic trigger events to the DMA Mux as shown in the table below. Table 3-51. PIT channel assignments for periodic DMA triggering DMA Channel Number PIT Channel DMA Channel 0 PIT Channel 0 DMA Channel 1 PIT Channel 1 DMA Channel 2 PIT Channel 2 DMA Channel 3 PIT Channel 3 PIT/ADC Triggers PIT triggers are selected as ADCx trigger sources using the SIM_SOPT7[ADCxTRGSEL] fields. For more details, refer to SIM chapter. 3.8.4 Low-power timer configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Peripheral bridge Register access Low-power timer Module signals Signal multiplexing Figure 3-36. LPTMR configuration Table 3-52. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Full description Low-power timer Reference Low-power timer System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock Distribution Power management Power management Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 102 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Table 3-52. Reference links to related information (continued) Topic Related module Reference Signal Multiplexing Port control Signal Multiplexing LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter clocking options The prescaler and glitch filter of the LPTMR module can be clocked from one of four sources determined by the LPTMR0_PSR[PCS] bitfield. The following table shows the chip-specific clock assignments for this bitfield. NOTE The chosen clock must remain enabled if the LPTMR is to continue operating in all required low-power modes. LPTMR0_PSR[PCS] Prescaler/glitch filter clock number Chip clock 00 0 MCGIRCLK -- internal reference clock (not available in VLPS/LLS/VLLS modes) 01 1 LPO -- 1 kHz clock (not available in VLLS0 mode) 10 2 ERCLK32K -- secondary external reference clock 11 3 OSCERCLK_UNDIV -- Undivided external reference clock (not available in VLLS0 mode) See Clock Distribution for more details on these clocks. LPTMR pulse counter input options The LPTMR_CSR[TPS] bitfield configures the input source used in pulse counter mode. The following table shows the chip-specific input assignments for this bitfield. LPTMR_CSR[TPS] Pulse counter input number Chip input 00 0 CMP0 output 01 1 LPTMR_ALT1 pin 10 2 LPTMR_ALT2 pin 11 3 LPTMR_ALT3 pin KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 103 Communication interfaces 3.9 Communication interfaces 3.9.1 SPI configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Peripheral bridge Register access SPI Module signals Signal multiplexing Figure 3-37. SPI configuration Table 3-53. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Full description SPI Reference SPI System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock Distribution Signal Multiplexing Port control Signal Multiplexing SPI Modules Configuration This device contains one SPI module . SPI clocking The SPI module is clocked by the internal bus clock (the DSPI refers to it as system clock). The module has an internal divider, with a minimum divide is two. So, the SPI can run at a maximum frequency of bus clock/2. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 104 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Number of CTARs SPI CTAR registers define different transfer attribute configurations. The SPI module supports up to eight CTAR registers. This device supports two CTARs on all instances of the SPI. In master mode, the CTAR registers define combinations of transfer attributes, such as frame size, clock phase, clock polarity, data bit ordering, baud rate, and various delays. In slave mode only CTAR0 is used, and a subset of its bitfields sets the slave transfer attributes. TX FIFO size Table 3-54. SPI transmit FIFO size SPI Module Transmit FIFO size SPI0 4 RX FIFO Size SPI supports up to 16-bit frame size during reception. Table 3-55. SPI receive FIFO size SPI Module Receive FIFO size SPI0 4 Number of PCS signals The following table shows the number of peripheral chip select signals available per SPI module. Table 3-56. SPI PCS signals SPI Module PCS Signals SPI0 For packages with 64 pins: SPI0_PCS[4:0] For packages with 48 pins: SPI0_PCS[4:0] For packages with 32 pins: SPI0_PCS[3:0] KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 105 Communication interfaces SPI Operation in Low Power Modes In VLPR and VLPW modes the SPI is functional; however, the reduced system frequency also reduces the max frequency of operation for the SPI. In VLPR and VLPW modes the max SPI_CLK frequency is 2MHz. In stop and VLPS modes, the clocks to the SPI module are disabled. The module is not functional, but it is powered so that it retains state. There is one way to wake from stop mode via the SPI, which is explained in the following section. Using GPIO Interrupt to Wake from stop mode Here are the steps to use a GPIO to create a wakeup upon reception of SPI data in slave mode: 1. Point the GPIO interrupt vector to the desired interrupt handler. 2. Enable the GPIO input to generate an interrupt on either the rising or falling edge (depending on the polarity of the chip select signal). 3. Enter Stop or VLPS mode and Wait for the GPIO interrupt. NOTE It is likely that in using this approach the first word of data from the SPI host might not be received correctly. This is dependent on the transfer rate used for the SPI, the delay between chip select assertion and presentation of data, and the system interrupt latency. SPI Doze Mode The Doze mode for the SPI module is the same as the Wait and VLPW modes for the chip. SPI Interrupts The SPI has multiple sources of interrupt requests. However, these sources are OR'd together to generate a single interrupt request to the interrupt controller. When an SPI interrupt occurs, read the SPI_SR to determine the exact interrupt source. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 106 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration SPI clocks This table shows the SPI module clocks and the corresponding chip clocks. Table 3-57. SPI clock connections Module clock System Clock Chip clock Bus Clock Writing SPI Transmit FIFO The SPI supports 8-bit or 16-bit writes to the PUSH TX FIFO, allowing a single write to the command word followed by multiple writes to the transmit word. The TX FIFO will save the last command word written, and convert a 8-bit/16-bit write to the transmit word into a 32-bit write that pushes both the command word and transmit word into the TX FIFO (PUSH TX FIFO Register In Master Mode) A 32-bit write to the SPI_PUSH register will push all 32-bits to the TX FIFO. An 8-bit or 16-bit write to the 16-bit transmit data field will push the data together with the last written command word. An 8-bit or 16-bit write to the command word does not push data onto the FIFO, but that command word is pushed to the TX FIFO on all subsequent 8-bit or 16-bit writes to the transmit data field. This allows a single 16-bit write to the command word to be used for all subsequent 8-bit or 16-bit writes to the transmit data word. Writing a different 16-bit command word will cause all subsequent 8-bit or 16-bit writes to the transmit data word to be pushed to the TX FIFO with the new command word. 3.9.2 I2C Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 107 Communication interfaces Peripheral bridge Register access I2 C Module signals Signal multiplexing Figure 3-38. I2C configuration Table 3-58. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description I2C I2C System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock Distribution Power management Power management Signal Multiplexing Port control Signal Multiplexing I2C Instantiation Information This device has one I2C modules. The I2C module includes SMBus support and DMA support. It also has optional address match wakeup in Stop/VLPS mode. The digital glitch filter implemented in the IIC module, controlled by the I2Cx_FLT[FLT] registers, is clocked from the bus clock and thus has filter granularity in bus clock cycle counts. 3.9.3 UART Configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 108 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Peripheral bridge Register access Module signals UART Signal multiplexing Figure 3-39. UART configuration Table 3-59. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description UART UART System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock Distribution Power management Power management Signal Multiplexing Port control Signal Multiplexing UART configuration information This section describes how each module is configured on this device. 1. Standard features of all UARTs: * RS-485 support * Hardware flow control (RTS/CTS) * 9-bit UART to support address mark with parity * MSB/LSB configuration on data 2. UART0 and UART1 are clocked from the core clock. The maximum baud rate is 1/16 of related source clock frequency. 3. IrDA is available on all UARTs 4. UART0 implements 8-entry transmit and 8-entry receive FIFOs 5. UART1 implements 1-entry transmit and 1-entry receive FIFOs UART wakeup The UART can be configured to generate an interrupt/wakeup on the first active edge that it receives. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 109 Human-machine interfaces UART interrupts The UART has multiple sources of interrupt requests. However, some of these sources are OR'd together to generate a single interrupt request. See below for the mapping of the individual interrupt sources to the interrupt request: The status interrupt combines the following interrupt sources: Source UART 0 UART 1 Transmit data empty x x Transmit complete x x Idle line x x Receive data full x x LIN break detect x x RxD pin active edge x x The error interrupt combines the following interrupt sources: Source UART 0 UART 1 Receiver overrun x x Noise flag x x Framing error x x Parity error x x Transmitter buffer overflow x x Receiver buffer overflow x x Receiver buffer underflow x x 3.10 Human-machine interfaces 3.10.1 GPIO configuration This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 110 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Peripheral bridge Register access Crossbar switch Transfers GPIO controller Module signals Signal multiplexing Figure 3-40. GPIO configuration Table 3-60. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description GPIO GPIO System memory map System memory map Clocking Clock Distribution Power management Power management Transfers Crossbar switch Clock Distribution Signal Multiplexing Port control Signal Multiplexing Number of GPIO signals The number of GPIO signals available on the devices covered by this document are detailed in Orderable part numbers . Eight GPIO pins support a high drive capability - PTB0, PTB1, PTD4, PTD5, PTD6, PTD7, PTC3, and PTC4. All other GPIO support normal drive option only. PTA4 includes a passive input filter that is enabled or disabled by PORTA_PCR4[PFE] control. This reset default is to have this function disabled. 3.11 Kinetis Motor Suite Configuration 3.11.1 KMS configuration KMS is an integrated solution of hardware, factory programmed embedded firmware, and PC software that enables rapid development of applications driven by three phase permanent magnet or brushless DC motors. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 111 Kinetis Motor Suite Configuration Figure 3-41. Kinetis Motor Suite MCU's enabled with KMS have only 120/56K of flash available since 8K of flash is used to store the KMS library routines. 3.11.2 KMS Library NOTE Do not mass erase the MCU Flash. Doing a mass erase will remove the factory programmed secured library from the MCU and render the KMS enabled part obsolete for KMS use. If the part is accidentally mass erased and KMS is desired, then a new KMS enabled MCU is needed to replace the erased MCU. To prevent mass erase set the MEEN bits in the FSEC config to (FSEC[MEEN] = 10). Regardless of the SEC bits values, setting (FSEC[MEEN] = 10) will keep the MCU from being mass erased from the MCU 'erase all' command, the debugger write to MDM-AP register or from an EzPort programmer. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 112 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Chip Configuration 3.11.3 Library Protection The KMS library is protected from reading through the flash access controller of the Flash module. The reserved address region is from 0x0001E000 to 0x0001FFFF on 128K Flash part and 0x0000E000 to 0x0000FFFF on 64K Flash part. The Flash access controls are fully utilized by KMS for this protection and are not available to the user to protect any other code. If code protection is desired then use the other flash protection options available. 3.11.4 Flash protection The KMS library can be protected from sector erase with the FPROT config bits. Setting the highest order bits of (FPROT[31:30] by flash commands Erase all blocks and Erase All Execute-only Segments. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 113 Kinetis Motor Suite Configuration KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 114 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory Map 4.1 Introduction This device contains various memories and memory-mapped peripherals which are located in one 32-bit contiguous memory space. This chapter describes the memory and peripheral locations within that memory space. 4.2 System memory map The following table shows the high-level device memory map. This map provides the complete architectural address space definition for the various sections. Based on the physical sizes of the memories and peripherals, the actual address regions used may be smaller. The system memory map includes address spaces that are intended for specific purposes. * There is an aliased region that maps a system address space to the Program flash section. Flash region aliasing is specifically intended for references to read-only data coefficients in the flash while still preserving a full Harvard memory organization in the processor core supporting concurrent instruction fetches (for example, from RAM) and data accesses (from flash via the aliased space). * The bitbanding functionality supported by the processor core uses aliased regions that map to the basic RAM and peripheral address spaces. This functionality maps each 32-bit word of the aliased address space to a unique bit in the underlying RAM or peripheral address space to support single-bit insert and extract operations from the processor. Table 4-1. System memory map System 32-bit Address Range 0x0000_0000-0x07FF_FFFF 1 Destination Slave Program flash and read-only data Access All masters Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 115 System memory map Table 4-1. System memory map (continued) System 32-bit Address Range Destination Slave Access (Includes exception vectors in first 1024 bytes) 0x0800_0000-0x0FFF_FFFF 0x1000_0000-0x1BFF_FFFF 0x1C00_0000-0x1FFF_FFFF 2 Reserved -- Reserved -- SRAM_L: Lower SRAM (ICODE/DCODE) All masters 0x2000_0000-0x200F_FFFF 2 SRAM_U: Upper SRAM bitband region All masters 0x2010_0000-0x21FF_FFFF Reserved - 0x2200_0000-0x23FF_FFFF Aliased to SRAM_U bitband Cortex-M4 core only Reserved - Program Flash and read-only data Cortex-M4 core only 0x3400_0000-0x3FFF_FFFF Reserved - 0x4000_0000-0x4007_FFFF Bitband region for peripheral bridge 0 (AIPS-Lite0) Cortex-M4 core & DMA 0x4008_0000-0x400F_EFFF Reserved - 0x400F_F000-0x400F_FFFF Bitband region for general purpose input/output (GPIO) Cortex-M4 core & DMA 0x4010_0000-0x41FF_FFFF Reserved - 0x4200_0000-0x42FF_FFFF Aliased to peripheral bridge (AIPS-Lite) bitband Cortex-M4 core only 0x4300_0000-0x43FD_FFFF Reserved - 0x43FE_0000-0x43FF_FFFF Aliased to general purpose input/output (GPIO) bitband Cortex-M4 core only 0x4400_0000-0xDFFF_FFFF Reserved - 0xE000_0000-0xE00F_FFFF Private peripherals Cortex-M4 core only 0xE010_0000-0xFFFF_FFFF Reserved - 0x2400_0000-0x2FFF_FFFF 0x3000_0000-0x33FF_FFFF 1 1. This map provides the complete architectural address space definition for the flash. Based on the physical sizes of the memories implemented for a particular device, the actual address regions used may be smaller. See Flash Memory Sizes for details. 2. This range varies depending on amount of SRAM implemented for a particular device. See SRAM sizes for details. NOTE 1. Access rights to AIPS-Lite peripheral bridge and general purpose input/output (GPIO) module address space is limited to the core, DMA . 2. ARM Cortex-M4 core access privileges also includes accesses via the debug interface. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 116 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory Map 4.2.1 Aliased bit-band regions The SRAM_U, AIPS-Lite, and general purpose input/output (GPIO) module resources reside in the Cortex-M4 processor bit-band regions. The processor also includes two 32 MB aliased bit-band regions associated with the two 1 MB bit-band spaces. Each 32-bit location in the 32 MB space maps to an individual bit in the bit-band region. A 32-bit write in the alias region has the same effect as a readmodify-write operation on the targeted bit in the bit-band region. Bit 0 of the value written to the alias region determines what value is written to the target bit: * Writing a value with bit 0 set writes a 1 to the target bit. * Writing a value with bit 0 clear writes a 0 to the target bit. A 32-bit read in the alias region returns either: * a value of 0x0000_0000 to indicate the target bit is clear * a value of 0x0000_0001 to indicate the target bit is set Bit-band region Alias bit-band region 31 0 0 32 MByte 1 MByte 31 Figure 4-1. Alias bit-band mapping NOTE Each bit in bit-band region has an equivalent bit that can be manipulated through bit 0 in a corresponding long word in the alias bit-band region. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 117 Flash Memory Map 4.2.2 Flash Access Control Introduction The Flash Access Control (FAC) is a Freescale or third-party configurable memory protection scheme optimized to allow end users to utilize software libraries while offering programmable restrictions to these libraries. The flash memory is divided into equal size segments that provide protection to proprietary software libraries. The protection of these segments is controlled as the FAC provides a cycle-by-cycle evaluation of the access rights for each transaction routed to the on-chip flash memory. Configurability allows an increasing number of protected segments while supporting two levels of vendors adding their proprietary software to a device. Flash access control aligns to the three privilege levels supported by ARM Cortex-M family products where the most secure state - supervisor/privileged secure - aligns to the execute-only and supervisor-only access control. The unsecure state of user non-secure aligns to no access control states set, and the mid-level state where user secure aligns to using the access control of execute-only. Control for this protection scheme is implemented in Program Once NVM locations and is configurable through a Program Once flash command operations. The NVM locations controlling FAC are unaffected by Erase All Blocks flash command and debug interface initiated mass erase operations. NOTE The FAC protection scheme has eight XACC and eight SACC registers to control up to 64 segments. For program flash sizes 128KB or less, the memory is divided into 32 segments, controlled by the four lower-order XACC and SACC registers. To protect the NVM locations being used for execute only code from being mass erased FTFA_FSEC[MEEN] bits must be set to 'b10. 4.3 Flash Memory Map The flash memory and the flash registers are located at different base addresses as shown in the following figure. The base address for each is specified in System memory map. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 118 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory Map Flash memory base address Registers Program flash base address Flash configuration field Program flash Figure 4-2. Flash memory map The on-chip Flash is implemented in a portion of the allocated Flash range to form a contiguous block in the memory map beginning at address 0x0000_0000. See Flash Memory Sizes for details of supported ranges. Accesses to the flash memory ranges outside the amount of Flash on the device causes the bus cycle to be terminated with an error followed by the appropriate response in the requesting bus master. Read collision events in which flash memory is accessed while a flash memory resource is being manipulated by a flash command also generates a bus error response. 4.3.1 Alternate Non-Volatile IRC User Trim Description The following non-volatile locations (4 bytes) are reserved for custom IRC user trim supported by some development tools. An alternate IRC trim to the factory loaded trim can be stored at this location. To override the factory trim, user software must load new values into the MCG trim registers. Non-Volatile Byte Address Alternate IRC Trim Value 0x0000_03FC Reserved 0x0000_03FD Reserved 0x0000_03FE (bit 0) SCFTRIM 0x0000_03FE (bit 4:1) FCTRIM 0x0000_03FE (bit 6) FCFTRIM 0x0000_03FF SCTRIM 4.4 SRAM memory map The on-chip RAM is split in two regions: SRAM_L and SRAM_U. The RAM is implemented such that the SRAM_L and SRAM_U ranges form a contiguous block in the memory map. See SRAM Configuration for details. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 119 Peripheral bridge (AIPS-Lite) memory map Accesses to the SRAM_L and SRAM_U memory ranges outside the amount of RAM on the device causes the bus cycle to be terminated with an error followed by the appropriate response in the requesting bus master. 4.5 Peripheral bridge (AIPS-Lite) memory map Modules that are disabled via their clock gate control bits in the SIM registers disable the associated AIPS slots. Access to any address within an unimplemented or disabled peripheral bridge slot results in a transfer error termination. For programming model accesses via the peripheral bridges, there is generally only a small range within the 4 KB slots that is implemented. Accessing an address that is not implemented in the peripheral results in a transfer error termination. 4.5.1 Read-after-write sequence and required serialization of memory operations In some situations, a write to a peripheral must be completed fully before a subsequent action can occur. Examples of such situations include: * Exiting an interrupt service routine (ISR) * Changing a mode * Configuring a function In these situations, the application software must perform a read-after-write sequence to guarantee the required serialization of the memory operations: 1. Write the peripheral register. 2. Read the written peripheral register to verify the write. 3. Continue with subsequent operations. NOTE One factor contributing to these situations is processor write buffering. The processor architecture has a programmable configuration bit to disable write buffering: ACTLR[DISDEFWBUF]. However, disabling buffered writes is likely to degrade system performance much more than simply performing the required memory serialization for the situations that truly require it. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 120 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory Map 4.5.2 Peripheral Bridge 0 (AIPS-Lite 0) Memory Map Table 4-2. Peripheral bridge 0 slot assignments System 32-bit base address Slot number Module 0x4000_0000 0 -- 0x4000_1000 1 -- 0x4000_2000 2 -- 0x4000_3000 3 -- 0x4000_4000 4 -- 0x4000_5000 5 -- 0x4000_6000 6 -- 0x4000_7000 7 -- 0x4000_8000 8 DMA controller 0x4000_9000 9 DMA controller transfer control descriptors 0x4000_A000 10 -- 0x4000_B000 11 -- 0x4000_C000 12 -- 0x4000_D000 13 -- 0x4000_E000 14 -- 0x4000_F000 15 -- 0x4001_0000 16 -- 0x4001_1000 17 -- 0x4001_2000 18 -- 0x4001_3000 19 -- 0x4001_4000 20 -- 0x4001_5000 21 -- 0x4001_6000 22 -- 0x4001_7000 23 -- 0x4001_8000 24 -- 0x4001_9000 25 -- 0x4001_A000 26 -- 0x4001_B000 27 -- 0x4001_C000 28 -- 0x4001_D000 29 -- 0x4001_E000 30 -- 0x4001_F000 31 Flash memory controller 0x4002_0000 32 Flash memory 0x4002_1000 33 DMA channel mutiplexer 0x4002_2000 34 -- 0x4002_3000 35 -- 0x4002_4000 36 -- Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 121 Peripheral bridge (AIPS-Lite) memory map Table 4-2. Peripheral bridge 0 slot assignments (continued) System 32-bit base address Slot number Module 0x4002_5000 37 -- 0x4002_6000 38 -- 0x4002_7000 39 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) 1 0x4002_8000 40 -- 0x4002_9000 41 -- 0x4002_A000 42 -- 0x4002_B000 43 -- 0x4002_C000 44 SPI 0 0x4002_D000 45 -- 0x4002_E000 46 -- 0x4002_F000 47 -- 0x4003_0000 48 -- 0x4003_1000 49 -- 0x4003_2000 50 CRC 0x4003_3000 51 -- 0x4003_4000 52 -- 0x4003_5000 53 -- 0x4003_6000 54 Programmable delay block (PDB) 0x4003_7000 55 Periodic interrupt timers (PIT) 0x4003_8000 56 FlexTimer (FTM) 0 0x4003_9000 57 FlexTimer (FTM) 1 0x4003_A000 58 FlexTimer (FTM) 2 0x4003_B000 59 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) 0 0x4003_C000 60 -- 0x4003_D000 61 -- 0x4003_E000 62 -- 0x4003_F000 63 DAC0 0x4004_0000 64 Low-power timer (LPTMR) 0x4004_1000 65 -- 0x4004_2000 66 -- 0x4004_3000 67 -- 0x4004_4000 68 -- 0x4004_5000 69 -- 0x4004_6000 70 -- 0x4004_7000 71 SIM low-power logic 0x4004_8000 72 System integration module (SIM) 0x4004_9000 73 Port A multiplexing control 0x4004_A000 74 Port B multiplexing control 0x4004_B000 75 Port C multiplexing control Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 122 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory Map Table 4-2. Peripheral bridge 0 slot assignments (continued) System 32-bit base address Slot number Module 0x4004_C000 76 Port D multiplexing control 0x4004_D000 77 Port E multiplexing control 0x4004_E000 78 -- 0x4004_F000 79 -- 0x4005_0000 80 -- 0x4005_1000 81 -- 0x4005_2000 82 Software watchdog 0x4005_3000 83 -- 0x4005_4000 84 -- 0x4005_5000 85 -- 0x4005_6000 86 -- 0x4005_7000 87 -- 0x4005_8000 88 -- 0x4005_9000 89 -- 0x4005_A000 90 -- 0x4005_B000 91 -- 0x4005_C000 92 -- 0x4005_D000 93 -- 0x4005_E000 94 -- 0x4005_F000 95 -- 0x4006_0000 96 -- 0x4006_1000 97 External watchdog 0x4006_2000 98 -- 0x4006_3000 99 -- 0x4006_4000 100 Multi-purpose Clock Generator (MCG) 0x4006_5000 101 System oscillator (OSC) 0x4006_6000 102 I2C 0 0x4006_7000 103 -- 0x4006_8000 104 -- 0x4006_9000 105 -- 0x4006_A000 106 UART 0 0x4006_B000 107 UART 1 0x4006_C000 108 -- 0x4006_D000 109 -- 0x4006_E000 110 -- 0x4006_F000 111 -- 0x4007_0000 112 -- 0x4007_1000 113 -- 0x4007_2000 114 -- Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 123 Private Peripheral Bus (PPB) memory map Table 4-2. Peripheral bridge 0 slot assignments (continued) System 32-bit base address Slot number 0x4007_3000 115 Analog comparator (CMP) / 6-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) 0x4007_4000 116 Voltage reference (VREF) 0x4007_5000 117 -- 0x4007_6000 118 -- 0x4007_7000 119 -- 0x4007_8000 120 -- 0x4007_9000 121 -- 0x4007_A000 122 -- 0x4007_B000 123 -- 0x4007_C000 124 Low-leakage wakeup unit (LLWU) 0x4007_D000 125 Power management controller (PMC) 0x4007_E000 126 System Mode controller (SMC) 0x4007_F000 127 Reset Control Module (RCM) 0x400F_F000 Module GPIO controller 4.6 Private Peripheral Bus (PPB) memory map The PPB is part of the defined ARM bus architecture and provides access to select processor-local modules. These resources are only accessible from the core; other system masters do not have access to them. Table 4-3. PPB memory map System 32-bit Address Range Resource 0xE000_0000-0xE000_0FFF Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) 0xE000_1000-0xE000_1FFF Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT) 0xE000_2000-0xE000_2FFF Flash Patch and Breakpoint (FPB) 0xE000_3000-0xE000_DFFF Reserved 0xE000_E000-0xE000_EFFF System Control Space (SCS) (for NVIC and FPU) 0xE000_F000-0xE003_FFFF Reserved 0xE004_0000-0xE004_0FFF Trace Port Interface Unit (TPIU) 0xE004_1000-0xE004_1FFF Reserved 0xE004_2000-0xE004_2FFF Reserved 0xE004_3000-0xE004_3FFF Reserved 0xE004_4000-0xE007_FFFF Reserved 0xE008_0000-0xE008_0FFF Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) 0xE008_1000-0xE008_1FFF Reserved Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 124 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Memory Map Table 4-3. PPB memory map (continued) System 32-bit Address Range Resource 0xE008_2000-0xE00F_EFFF Reserved 0xE00F_F000-0xE00F_FFFF ROM Table - allows auto-detection of debug components KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 125 Private Peripheral Bus (PPB) memory map KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 126 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Clock Distribution 5.1 Introduction The MCG module controls which clock source is used to derive the system clocks. The clock generation logic divides the selected clock source into a variety of clock domains, including the clocks for the system bus masters, system bus slaves, and flash memory . The clock generation logic also implements module-specific clock gating to allow granular shutoff of modules. The primary clocks for the system are generated from the MCGOUTCLK clock. The clock generation circuitry provides several clock dividers that allow different portions of the device to be clocked at different frequencies. This allows for trade-offs between performance and power dissipation. Various modules have module-specific clocks that can be generated from the IRC48MCLK or MCGFLLCLK clock. In addition, there are various other modulespecific clocks that have other alternate sources. Clock selection for most modules is controlled by the SOPT registers in the SIM module. 5.2 Programming model The selection and multiplexing of system clock sources is controlled and programmed via the MCG module. The setting of clock dividers and module clock gating for the system are programmed via the SIM module. Reference those sections for detailed register and bit descriptions. 5.3 High-Level device clocking diagram The following system oscillator, MCG, and SIM module registers control the multiplexers, dividers, and clock gates shown in the below figure: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 127 Clock definitions OSC MCG SIM Multiplexers MCG_Cx MCG_Cx SIM_SOPT1, SIM_SOPT2 Dividers -- MCG_Cx SIM_CLKDIVx Clock gates OSC_CR MCG_C1 SIM_SCGCx SIM MCG 4 MHz IRC FCRDIV MCGIRCLK CG 32 kHz IRC MCGFFCLK FLL Clock options for some peripherals (see note) OUTDIV1 CG Core / system clocks OUTDIV2 CG Bus clock OUTDIV4 CG Flash clock MCGOUTCLK FRDIV MCGFLLCLK System oscillator IRC48MCLK EXTAL0 OSCCLK OSCERCLK_UNDIV XTAL_CLK XTAL0 OSC logic OSCERCLK DIV OSC32KCLK ERCLK32K IRC48M internal oscillator IRC48M logic PMC IRC48MCLK PMC logic Clock options for some peripherals (see note) MCGFLLCLK/ IRC48MCLK LPO CG -- Clock gate Note: See subsequent sections for details on where these clocks are used. Figure 5-1. Clocking diagram 5.4 Clock definitions The following table describes the clocks in the previous block diagram. Clock name Core clock Description MCGOUTCLK divided by OUTDIV1 clocks the ARM CortexM4 core Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 128 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Clock Distribution Clock name Description Platform clock MCGOUTCLK divided by OUTDIV1, clocks the crossbar switch and NVIC. System clock MCGOUTCLK divided by OUTDIV1, clocks the bus masters directly. In addition, this clock is used for UART0 and UART1. Bus clock MCGOUTCLK divided by OUTDIV2 clocks the bus slaves and peripheral (excluding memories) Flash clock MCGOUTCLK divided by OUTDIV4 clocks the flash memory MCGIRCLK MCG output of the slow or fast internal reference clock MCGFFCLK MCG output of the slow internal reference clock or a divided MCG external reference clock. MCGOUTCLK MCG output of either IRC, MCGFLLCLK or MCG's external reference clock that sources the core, system, bus, and flash clock. It is also an option for the debug trace clock. MCGFLLCLK MCG output of the FLL. MCGFLLCLK may clock some modules. IRC48MCLK Internal 48 MHz oscillator that can be used as a reference to the MCG and also may clock some on-chip modules. OSCCLK System oscillator output of the internal oscillator or sourced directly from EXTAL OSCERCLK System oscillator output sourced from OSCCLK that may clock some on-chip modules. Dividable by 1, 2, 4, or 8. OSC32KCLK System oscillator 32kHz output ERCLK32K Clock source for some modules that is chosen as OSC32KCLK. LPO PMC 1kHz output 5.4.1 Device clock summary The following table provides more information regarding the on-chip clocks. Table 5-1. Clock Summary Clock name High Speed Run mode Run mode VLPR mode clock frequency clock frequency Clock source Clock is disabled when... clock frequency MCGOUTCLK Up to 100 MHz Up to 100 MHz Up to 4 MHz MCG In all stop modes except for partial stop modes. MCGFLLCLK Up to 100 MHz Up to 100 MHz N/A MCG MCG clock controls do not enable. Overriding forced disable in all low powers modes (including STOP and VLPx modes). Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 129 Clock definitions Table 5-1. Clock Summary (continued) Clock name High Speed Run mode Run mode VLPR mode clock frequency clock frequency Clock source Clock is disabled when... clock frequency Core clock Up to 100 MHz Up to 72 MHz Up to 4 MHz MCGOUTCLK clock divider In all wait and stop modes System clock Up to 100 MHz Up to 72 MHz Up to 4 MHz MCGOUTCLK clock divider In all stop modes and Compute Operation Bus clock Up to 50 MHz Up to 50 MHz Up to 4 MHz MCGOUTCLK clock divider In all stop modes except for partial STOP2 mode, and Compute Operation Flash clock Up to 25 MHz Up to 25 MHz Up to 1 MHz in BLPE, Up to 800 kHz in BLPI MCGOUTCLK clock divider In all stop modes except for partial STOP2 mode 30-40 kHz or 4 MHz 4 MHz only MCG MCG_C1[IRCLKEN ] cleared, Internal reference 30-40 kHz or 4 MHz (MCGIRCLK) Stop or VLPS mode and MCG_C1[IREFSTE N] cleared, or LLS/VLLS mode External reference Up to 50 MHz (bypass), (OSCERCLK) 30-40 kHz, or 3-32 MHz (crystal) Up to 50 MHz (bypass), Up to 16 MHz (bypass), 30-40 kHz, or 30-40 kHz (lowrange crystal) or 3-32 MHz (crystal) System OSC Stop mode and OSC_CR[EREFST EN] cleared Up to 16 MHz (high-range crystal) External reference 30-40 kHz 32kHz 30-40 kHz 30-40 kHz System OSC or LPO System OSC's OSC_CR[ERCLKE N] cleared 48 MHz N/A IRC48M MCG or SIM control does not enable. (ERCLK32K) Internal 48 MHz clock 48 MHz System OSC's OSC_CR[ERCLKE N] cleared, or (IRC48MCLK) Overriding forced disable in VLPS, LLSx, VLLSx. CLKOUT32K 32 kHz 32 kHz 32 kHz ERCLK32K - which is system OSC or LPO depending on SIM_SOPT1[OSC3 2KSEL] SIM_SOPT1[OSC3 2KOUT] not configured to drive ERCLK32K out. LPO 1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz PMC in VLLS0 Up to 100 MHz Up to 100 MHz Up to 4 MHz System clock or Trace is disabled TRACE clock MCGOUTCLK KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 130 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Clock Distribution 5.5 Internal clocking requirements The clock dividers are programmed via the SIM module's CLKDIV registers. Each divider is programmable from a divide-by-1 through divide-by-16 setting. The following requirements must be met when configuring the clocks for this device: 1. The core and system clock frequencies must be 100 MHz or slower in HSRUN, 72 MHz or slower in RUN. 2. The bus clock frequency must be programmed to 50 MHz or less in both HSRUN and RUN, and an integer divide of the core clock. The core clock to bus clock ratio is limited to a max value of 8. 3. The flash clock frequency must be programmed to 25 MHz or less, less than or equal to the bus clock, and an integer divide of the core clock. The core clock to flash clock ratio is limited to a max value of 8. The following are a few of the more common clock configurations for this device: Option 1: Clock Frequency Core clock 50 MHz System clock 50 MHz Bus clock 50 MHz Flash clock 25 MHz Option 2: Run Clock Frequency Core clock 72 MHz System clock 72 MHz Bus clock 36 MHz Flash clock 24 MHz Option 3: High Speed Run Clock Frequency Core clock 100 MHz System clock 100 MHz Bus clock 50 MHz Flash clock 25 MHz KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 131 Internal clocking requirements 5.5.1 Clock divider values after reset Each clock divider is programmed via the SIM module's CLKDIVn registers. The flash memory's FTF_FOPT[LPBOOT] bit controls the reset value of the core clock, system clock, bus clock, and flash clock dividers as shown below: FTF_FOPT [LPBOOT] Core/system clock Bus clock Flash clock Description 0 0x7 (divide by 8) 0x7 (divide by 8) 0xF (divide by 16) Low power boot 1 0x0 (divide by 1) 0x0 (divide by 1) 0x1 (divide by 2) Fast clock boot This gives the user flexibility for a lower frequency, low-power boot option. The flash erased state defaults to fast clocking mode, since where the low power boot (FTF_FOPT[LPBOOT]) bit resides in flash is logic 1 in the flash erased state. To enable the low power boot option program FTF_FOPT[LPBOOT] to zero. During the reset sequence, if LPBOOT is cleared, the system is in a slow clock configuration. Upon any system reset, the clock dividers return to this configurable reset state. 5.5.2 VLPR mode clocking The clock dividers cannot be changed while in VLPR mode. They must be programmed prior to entering VLPR mode to guarantee: * the core/system and bus clocks are less than or equal to 4 MHz, and * the flash memory clock is less than or equal to 1 MHz NOTE When the MCG is in BLPI and clocking is derived from the Fast IRC, the clock divider controls, MCG_SC[FCRDIV] and SIM_CLKDIV1[OUTDIV4], must be programmed such that the resulting flash clock nominal frequency is 800 kHz or less. In this case, one example of correct configuration is MCG_SC[FCRDIV]=000b and SIM_CLKDIV1[OUTDIV4]=0100b, resulting in a divide by 5 setting. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 132 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Clock Distribution 5.6 Clock Gating The clock to each module can be individually gated on and off using the SIM module's SCGCx registers. These bits are cleared after any reset, which disables the clock to the corresponding module to conserve power. Prior to initializing a module, set the corresponding bit in SCGCx register to enable the clock. Before turning off the clock, make sure to disable the module. Any bus access to a peripheral that has its clock disabled generates an error termination. 5.7 Module clocks The following table summarizes the clocks associated with each module. Table 5-2. Module clocks Module Bus interface clock Internal clocks I/O interface clocks Core modules ARM Cortex-M4 core System clock Core clock -- NVIC System clock -- -- DAP System clock -- -- ITM System clock -- -- cJTAG, JTAGC -- -- JTAG_CLK DMA System clock -- -- DMA Mux Bus clock -- -- Port control Bus clock LPO -- Crossbar Switch System clock -- -- Peripheral bridges System clock Bus clock, Flash clock -- LLWU, PMC, SIM, RCM Flash clock LPO -- Mode controller Flash clock -- -- System modules MCM System clock -- -- EWM Bus clock LPO -- Watchdog timer Bus clock LPO -- Clocks MCG Flash clock MCGOUTCLK, MCGFLLCLK, MCGIRCLK, OSCCLK, IRC48MCLK -- OSC Bus clock OSCERCLK, OSCCLK, OSCERCLK_UNDIV, OSC32KCLK -- Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 133 Module clocks Table 5-2. Module clocks (continued) Module Bus interface clock Internal clocks I/O interface clocks IRC48M -- IRC48MCLK -- Memory and memory interfaces Flash Controller System clock Flash clock -- Flash memory Flash clock -- -- -- -- Security CRC Bus clock Analog ADC Bus clock OSCERCLK , IRC48MCLK -- CMP Bus clock -- -- DAC Bus clock -- -- VREF Flash clock -- -- Timers PDB Bus clock -- -- FlexTimers Bus clock MCGFFCLK FTM_CLKINx PIT Bus clock -- -- LPTMR Flash clock LPO, OSCERCLK_UNDIV, MCGIRCLK, ERCLK32K -- Communication interfaces DSPI Bus clock -- DSPI_SCK I2C Bus clock -- I2C_SCL UART0, UART1 System clock -- -- -- -- Human-machine interfaces GPIO Platform clock 5.7.1 PMC 1-kHz LPO clock The Power Management Controller (PMC) generates a 1-kHz clock that is enabled in all modes of operation, including all low power modes except VLLS0. This 1-kHz source is commonly referred to as LPO clock or 1-kHz LPO clock. 5.7.2 IRC 48MHz clock The integrated 48 MHz internal reference clock source (IRC48MCLK) is available in High Speed Run, Run, WAIT and Stop modes of operation. IRC48MCLK is also available in Compute Only, PSTOP2 and PSTOP1 modes of operation when entered from Run mode. IRC48MCLK is forced disabled when the MCU transitions into VLPS, LLSx, and VLLSx low power modes. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 134 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Clock Distribution NOTE IRC48MCLK is not forced disabled in Stop modes and should be disabled by software prior to Stop entry unless it is required. IRC48MCLK is not forced disabled in VLPR and should be disabled by software prior to VLPR entry. IRC48MCLK is enabled via any of the following control settings while operating in these modes: * MCG Control register selects IRC48 MHz clock (enabled when MCG_C7[OSCSEL]=10) and MCG is configured in an external clocking mode (FBE or FEE). * SIM Control register selects IRC48 MHz clock -- enabled when SIM_SOPT2[PLLFLLSEL]=11 The IRC48MCLK is available for use as: * an oscillator reference to the MCG - from which core, system, bus, and flash clock sources can be derived * an ADC alternate clock source 5.7.3 WDOG clocking The WDOG may be clocked from two clock sources as shown in the following figure. LPO WDOG clock Bus clock WDOG_STCTRLH[CLKSRC] Figure 5-2. WDOG clock generation 5.7.4 Debug trace clock The debug trace clock source can be clocked as shown in the following figure. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 135 Module clocks MCGOUTCLK TRACECLKIN Debug Core / system clock SIM_SOPT2[TRACECLKSEL] Figure 5-3. Trace clock generation 5.7.5 PORT digital filter clocking The digital filters in the PORTD module can be clocked as shown in the following figure. NOTE In stop mode, the digital input filters are bypassed unless they are configured to run from the 1 kHz LPO clock source. Bus clock PORTx digital input filter clock LPO PORTx_DFCR[CS] Figure 5-4. PORTx digital input filter clock generation 5.7.6 LPTMR clocking The prescaler and glitch filters in each of the LPTMRx modules can be clocked as shown in the following figure. NOTE The chosen clock must remain enabled if the LPTMRx is to continue operating in all required low-power modes. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 136 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Clock Distribution MCGIRCLK LPO LPTMRx prescaler/glitch filter clock ERCLK32K OSCERCLK_UNDIV LPTMRx_PSR[PCS] Figure 5-5. LPTMRx prescaler/glitch filter clock generation 5.7.7 CLKOUT32K clocking CLKOUT32K can be driven out on PTE0 as controlled by SIM_SOPT1[OSC32KOUT], overriding the existing pin mux configuration for that pin. Except for VLLS0 mode, this function is available in all other modes of operation (including LLS3, LLS2, VLLS3, VLLS2, VLLS1 and System Reset). This function is only available in 64-pin LQFP devices. SIM_SOPT1[OSC32KSEL] SIM_SOPT1[OSC32KOUT] OSC32KCLK LPO Reserved 00 ERCLK32K 11 Others 01 Pad interface PTE0/CLKOUT32K Other modules Figure 5-6. CLKOUT32K generation 5.7.8 UART clocking UART0 and UART1 modules operate from the core/system clock, which provides higher performance level for these modules. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 137 Module clocks KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 138 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 Reset and Boot 6.1 Introduction The following reset sources are supported in this MCU: Table 6-1. Reset sources Reset sources POR reset System resets Debug reset Description * Power-on reset (POR) * * * * * * * * * External pin reset (PIN) Low-voltage detect (LVD) Computer operating properly (COP) watchdog reset Low leakage wakeup (LLWU) reset Multipurpose clock generator loss of clock (LOC) reset Stop mode acknowledge error (SACKERR) Software reset (SW) Lockup reset (LOCKUP) MDM DAP system reset * JTAG reset * nTRST reset Each of the system reset sources has an associated bit in the system reset status (SRS) registers. See the Reset Control Module for register details. The MCU exits reset in functional mode where the CPU is executing code. See Boot options for more details. 6.2 Reset This section discusses basic reset mechanisms and sources. Some modules that cause resets can be configured to cause interrupts instead. Consult the individual peripheral chapters for more information. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 139 Reset 6.2.1 Power-on reset (POR) When power is initially applied to the MCU or when the supply voltage drops below the power-on reset re-arm voltage level (VPOR), the POR circuit causes a POR reset condition. As the supply voltage rises, the LVD circuit holds the MCU in reset until the supply has risen above the LVD low threshold (VLVDL). The POR and LVD bits in SRS0 register are set following a POR. 6.2.2 System reset sources Resetting the MCU provides a way to start processing from a known set of initial conditions. System reset begins with the on-chip regulator in full regulation and system clocking generation from an internal reference. When the processor exits reset, it performs the following: * Reads the start SP (SP_main) from vector-table offset 0 * Reads the start PC from vector-table offset 4 * LR is set to 0xFFFF_FFFF The on-chip peripheral modules are disabled and the non-analog I/O pins are initially configured as disabled. The pins with analog functions assigned to them default to their analog function after reset. During and following a reset, the JTAG pins have their associated input pins configured as: * TDI in pull-up (PU) * TCK in pull-down (PD) * TMS in PU and associated output pin configured as: * TDO with no pull-down or pull-up Note that the nTRST signal is initially configured as disabled, however once configured to its JTAG functionality its associated input pin is configured as: * nTRST in PU KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 140 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 Reset and Boot External pin reset (PIN) On this device, RESET is a dedicated pin. This pin is open drain and has an internal pullup device. Asserting RESET wakes the device from any mode. During a pin reset, the RCM's SRS0[PIN] bit is set. RESET pin filter The RESET pin filter supports filtering from both the 1 kHz LPO clock and the bus clock. RCM_RPFC[RSTFLTSS], RCM_RPFC[RSTFLTSRW], and RCM_RPFW[RSTFLTSEL] control this functionality; see the RCM chapter. The filters are asynchronously reset by Chip POR. The reset value for each filter assumes the RESET pin is negated. For all stop modes where LPO clock is still active (Stop, VLPS, LLS, VLLS3, VLLS2, and VLLS1), the only filtering option is the LPO-based digital filter. The filtering logic either switches to bypass operation or has continued filtering operation depending on the filtering mode selected. When entering VLLS0, the RESET pin filter is disabled and bypassed. The LPO filter has a fixed filter value of 3. Due to a synchronizer on the input data, there is also some associated latency (2 cycles). As a result, 5 cycles are required to complete a transition from low to high or high to low. Low-voltage detect (LVD) The chip includes a system for managing low voltage conditions to protect memory contents and control MCU system states during supply voltage variations. The system consists of a power-on reset (POR) circuit and an LVD circuit with a user-selectable trip voltage. The LVD system is always enabled in hsrun, normal run, wait, or stop mode. The LVD system is disabled when entering VLPx, LLS, or VLLSx modes. The LVD can be configured to generate a reset upon detection of a low voltage condition by setting the PMC's LVDSC1[LVDRE] bit to 1. The low voltage detection threshold is determined by the PMC's LVDSC1[LVDV] field. After an LVD reset has occurred, the LVD system holds the MCU in reset until the supply voltage has risen above the low voltage detection threshold. The RCM's SRS0[LVD] bit is set following either an LVD reset or POR. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 141 Reset Computer operating properly (COP) watchdog timer The computer operating properly (COP) watchdog timer (WDOG) monitors the operation of the system by expecting periodic communication from the software. This communication is generally known as servicing (or refreshing) the COP watchdog. If this periodic refreshing does not occur, the watchdog issues a system reset. The COP reset causes the RCM's SRS0[WDOG] bit to set. Low leakage wakeup (LLWU) The LLWU module provides the means for a number of external pins, the RESET pin, and a number of internal peripherals to wake the MCU from low leakage power modes. The LLWU module is functional only in low leakage power modes. * In LLS mode, only the RESET pin via the LLWU can generate a system reset. * In VLLSx modes, all enabled inputs to the LLWU can generate a system reset. After a system reset, the LLWU retains the flags indicating the input source of the last wakeup until the user clears them. NOTE Some flags are cleared in the LLWU and some flags are required to be cleared in the peripheral module. Refer to the individual peripheral chapters for more information. Multipurpose clock generator loss-of-clock (LOC) The MCG module supports an external reference clock. If the C6[CME] bit in the MCG module is set, the clock monitor is enabled. If the external reference falls below floc_low or floc_high, as controlled by the C2[RANGE] field in the MCG module, the MCU resets. The RCM's SRS0[LOC] bit is set to indicate this reset source. NOTE To prevent unexpected loss of clock reset events, all clock monitors should be disabled before entering any low power modes, including VLPR and VLPW. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 142 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 Reset and Boot Stop mode acknowledge error (SACKERR) This reset is generated if the core attempts to enter stop mode, but not all modules acknowledge stop mode within 1025 cycles of the 1 kHz LPO clock. A module might not acknowledge the entry to stop mode if an error condition occurs. The error can be caused by a failure of an external clock input to a module. Software reset (SW) The SYSRESETREQ bit in the NVIC application interrupt and reset control register can be set to force a software reset on the device. (See ARM's NVIC documentation for the full description of the register fields, especially the VECTKEY field requirements.) Setting SYSRESETREQ generates a software reset request. This reset forces a system reset of all major components except for the debug module. A software reset causes the RCM's SRS1[SW] bit to set. Lockup reset (LOCKUP) The LOCKUP gives immediate indication of seriously errant kernel software. This is the result of the core being locked because of an unrecoverable exception following the activation of the processor's built in system state protection hardware. The LOCKUP condition causes a system reset and also causes the RCM's SRS1[LOCKUP] bit to set. MDM-AP system reset request Set the system reset request bit in the MDM-AP control register to initiate a system reset. This is the primary method for resets via the JTAG/SWD interface. The system reset is held until this bit is cleared. Set the core hold reset bit in the MDM-AP control register to hold the core in reset as the rest of the chip comes out of system reset. 6.2.3 MCU Resets A variety of resets are generated by the MCU to reset different modules. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 143 Reset POR Only The POR Only reset asserts on the POR reset source only. It resets the PMC. The POR Only reset also causes all other reset types to occur. Chip POR not VLLS The Chip POR not VLLS reset asserts on POR and LVD reset sources. It resets parts of the SMC and SIM. It also resets the LPTMR. The Chip POR not VLLS reset also causes these resets to occur: Chip POR, Chip Reset not VLLS, and Chip Reset (including Early Chip Reset). Chip POR The Chip POR asserts on POR, LVD, and VLLS Wakeup reset sources. It resets the Reset Pin Filter registers and parts of the SIM and MCG. The Chip POR also causes the Chip Reset (including Early Chip Reset) to occur. Chip Reset not VLLS The Chip Reset not VLLS reset asserts on all reset sources except a VLLS Wakeup that does not occur via the RESET_b pin. It resets parts of the SMC, LLWU, and other modules that remain powered during VLLS mode. The Chip Reset not VLLS reset also causes the Chip Reset (including Early Chip Reset) to occur. Early Chip Reset The Early Chip Reset asserts on all reset sources. It resets only the flash memory module. It negates before flash memory initialization begins ("earlier" than when the Chip Reset negates). KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 144 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 Reset and Boot Chip Reset Chip Reset asserts on all reset sources and only negates after flash initialization has completed and the RESET_b pin has also negated. It resets the remaining modules (the modules not reset by other reset types). 6.2.4 Reset Pin For all reset sources except a VLLS Wakeup that does not occur via the RESET pin, the RESET pin is driven low by the MCU for at least 128 bus clock cycles and until flash initialization has completed. After flash initialization has completed, the RESET pin is released, and the internal Chip Reset negates after the RESET pin is pulled high. Keeping the RESET pin asserted externally delays the negation of the internal Chip Reset. 6.2.5 Debug resets The following sections detail the debug resets available on the device. JTAG reset The JTAG module generate a system reset when certain IR codes are selected. This functional reset is asserted when EXTEST, HIGHZ and CLAMP instructions are active. The reset source from the JTAG module is released when any other IR code is selected. A JTAG reset causes the RCM's SRS1[JTAG] bit to set. nTRST reset The nTRST pin causes a reset of the JTAG logic when asserted. Asserting the nTRST pin allows the debugger to gain control of the TAP controller state machine (after exiting LLS or VLLSx) without resetting the state of the debug modules. The nTRST pin does not cause a system reset. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 145 Boot Resetting the Debug subsystem Use the CDBGRSTREQ bit within the SWJ-DP CTRL/STAT register to reset the debug modules. However, as explained below, using the CDBGRSTREQ bit does not reset all debug-related registers. CDBGRSTREQ resets the debug-related registers within the following modules: * * * * SWJ-DP AHB-AP TPIU MDM-AP (MDM control and status registers) CDBGRSTREQ does not reset the debug-related registers within the following modules: * * * * * * * * CM4 core (core debug registers: DHCSR, DCRSR, DCRDR, DEMCR) FPB DWT ITM NVIC Crossbar bus switch1 AHB-AP1 Private peripheral bus1 6.3 Boot This section describes the boot sequence, including sources and options. 6.3.1 Boot sources This device only supports booting from internal flash. Any secondary boot must go through an initialization sequence in flash. 6.3.2 Boot options The device always exits reset in single chip functional mode with the CPU executing code. 1. CDBGRSTREQ does not affect AHB resources so that debug resources on the private peripheral bus are available during System Reset. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 146 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 Reset and Boot 6.3.3 FOPT boot options The flash option register (FOPT) in the flash memory module allows the user to customize the operation of the MCU at boot time. The register contains read-only bits that are loaded from the NVM's option byte in the flash configuration field. The user can reprogram the option byte in flash to change the FOPT values that are used for subsequent resets. For more details on programming the option byte, refer to the flash memory chapter. The MCU uses the FOPT register bits to configure the device at reset as shown in the following table. NOTE Reserved bits in the option byte should be left in their default erased state of logic 1. FOPT[7:0] = 0x00 is not a valid configuration. FOPT register is written to 0xFF if the contents of NVM's option byte in the flash configuration field is 0x00. Table 6-2. Flash Option Register Bit Definitions Bit Num Field Value Definition 7-6 Reserved Reserved for future expansion. 5 FAST_INIT Select initialization speed on POR, VLLSx, and any system reset. 0 Slower initialization. The Flash initialization will be slower with the benefit of reduced average current during this time. The duration of the recovery will be controlled by the clock divider selection determined by the LPBOOT setting. 1 Fast Initialization.The Flash has faster recoveries at the expense of higher current during these times. 4-3 Reserved Reserved for future expansion. 2 NMI_DIS Enable/disable control for the NMI function. 0 NMI interrupts are always blocked. The associated pin continues to default to NMI pin controls with internal pullup enabled. 1 NMI pin/interrupts reset default to enabled. 1 Reserved Reserved for future expansion. 0 LPBOOT Control the reset value of OUTDIVx values in SIM_CLKDIV1 register. Larger divide value selections produce lower average power consumption during POR, VLLSx recoveries and reset sequencing and after reset exit. The recovery times are also extended if the FAST_INIT option is not selected. 0 Low-power boot: OUTDIVx values in SIM_CLKDIV1 register are auto-configured at reset exit for higher divide values that produce lower power consumption at reset exit. * Core and system clock divider (OUTDIV1) and bus clock divider (OUTDIV2) are 0x7 (divide by 8) * Flash clock divider (OUTDIV4)is 0xF (divide by 16) Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 147 Boot Table 6-2. Flash Option Register Bit Definitions (continued) Bit Num Field Value 1 Definition Normal boot: OUTDIVx values in SIM_CLKDIV1 register are auto-configured at reset exit for higher frequency values that produce faster operating frequencies at reset exit. * Core and system clock divider (OUTDIV1) and bus clock divider (OUTDIV2) are 0x0 (divide by 1) * Flash clock divider (OUTDIV4)is 0x1 (divide by 2) 6.3.4 Boot sequence At power up, the on-chip regulator holds the system in a POR state until the input supply is above the POR threshold. The system continues to be held in this static state until the internally regulated supplies have reached a safe operating voltage as determined by the LVD. The Mode Controller reset logic then controls a sequence to exit reset. 1. A system reset is held on internal logic, the RESET pin is driven out low, and the MCG is enabled in its default clocking mode. 2. Required clocks are enabled (Core Clock, System Clock, Flash Clock, and any Bus Clocks that do not have clock gate control reset to disabled). 3. The system reset on internal logic continues to be held, but the Flash Controller is released from reset and begins initialization operation while the Reset Control logic continues to drive the RESET pin out low. 4. Early in reset sequencing the NVM option byte is read and stored to the Flash Memory module's FOPT register. If the LPBOOT is programmed for an alternate clock divider reset value, the system/core clock is switched to a slower clock speed. If the FAST_INIT bit is programmed clear, the Flash initialization switches to slower clock resulting longer recovery times. 5. When Flash Initialization completes, the RESET pin is released. If RESET continues to be asserted (an indication of a slow rise time on the RESET pin or external drive in low), the system continues to be held in reset. Once the RESET pin is detected high, the Core clock is enabled and the system is released from reset. 6. When the system exits reset, the processor sets up the stack, program counter (PC), and link register (LR). The processor reads the start SP (SP_main) from vector-table offset 0. The core reads the start PC from vector-table offset 4. LR is set to 0xFFFF_FFFF. What happens next depends on the NMI input and the FOPT[NMI_DIS] field in the Flash Memory module: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 148 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 Reset and Boot * If the NMI input is high or the NMI function is disabled in the NMI_DIS field, the CPU begins execution at the PC location. * If the NMI input is low and the NMI function is enabled in the NMI_DIS field, this results in an NMI interrupt. The processor executes an Exception Entry and reads the NMI interrupt handler address from vector-table offset 8. The CPU begins execution at the NMI interrupt handler. Subsequent system resets follow this same reset flow. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 149 Boot KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 150 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Power Management 7.1 Introduction This chapter describes the various chip power modes and functionality of the individual modules in these modes. 7.2 Clocking modes Information found here describes the various clocking modes supported on this device. 7.2.1 Partial Stop Partial Stop is a clocking option that can be taken instead of entering Stop mode and is configured in the SMC Stop Control Register (SMC_STOPCTRL). The Stop mode is only partially entered, which leaves some additional functionality alive at the expense of higher power consumption. Partial Stop can be entered from either Run mode or VLP Run mode. When configured for PSTOP2, only the core and system clocks are gated and the bus clock remains active. The bus masters and bus slaves clocked by the system clock enter Stop mode, but the bus slaves clocked by bus clock remain in Run (or VLP Run) mode. The clock generators in the MCG and the on-chip regulator in the PMC also remain in Run (or VLP Run) mode. Exit from PSTOP2 can be initiated by a reset, an asynchronous interrupt from a bus master or bus slave clocked by the system clock, or a synchronous interrupt from a bus slave clocked by the bus clock. If configured, a DMA request (using the asynchronous DMA wakeup) can also be used to exit Partial Stop for the duration of a DMA transfer before the device is transitioned back into PSTOP2. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 151 Clocking modes When configured for PSTOP1, both the system clock and bus clock are gated. All bus masters and bus slaves enter Stop mode, but the clock generators in the MCG and the onchip regulator in the PMC remain in Run (or VLP Run) mode. Exit from PSTOP1 can be initiated by a reset or an asynchronous interrupt from a bus master or bus slave. If configured, an asynchronous DMA request can also be used to exit Partial Stop for the duration of a DMA transfer before the device is transitioned back into PSTOP1. PSTOP1 is functionally similar to Stop mode, but offers faster wake-up at the expense of higher power consumption. Another benefit is that it keeps all of the MCG clocks enabled, which can be useful for some of the asynchronous peripherals that can remain functional in Stop modes. 7.2.2 DMA Wakeup The DMA can be configured to wake the device on a DMA request whenever it is placed in Stop mode. The wake-up is configured per DMA channel and is supported in Compute Operation, PSTOP, STOP, and VLPS low power modes. When a DMA wake-up is detected in PSTOP, STOP or VLPS then the device will initiate a normal exit from the low power mode. This can include restoring the on-chip regulator and internal power switches, enabling the clock generators in the MCG, enabling the system and bus clocks (but not the core clock) and negating the stop mode signal to the bus masters and bus slaves. The only difference is that the CPU will remain in the low power mode with the CPU clock disabled. During Compute Operation, a DMA wake-up will initiate a normal exit from Compute Operation. This includes enabling the clocks and negating the stop mode signal to the bus masters and bus slaves. The core clock always remains enabled during Compute Operation. Since the DMA wakeup will enable the clocks and negate the stop mode signals to all bus masters and slaves, software needs to ensure that bus masters and slaves that are not involved with the DMA wake-up and transfer remain in a known state. That can be accomplished by disabling the modules before entry into the low power mode or by setting the Doze enable bit in selected modules. Once the DMA request that initiated the wake-up negates and the DMA completes the current transfer, the device will transition back to the original low-power mode. This includes requesting all non-CPU bus masters to enter Stop mode and then requesting bus slaves to enter Stop mode. In STOP and VLPS modes, MCG and PMC would then also enter their appropriate modes. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 152 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Power Management NOTE If the requested DMA transfer cannot cause the DMA request to negate, then the device will remain in a higher power state until the low power mode is fully exited. An enabled DMA wake-up can cause an aborted entry into the low power mode, if the DMA request asserts during the stop mode entry sequence (or reentry if the request asserts during a DMA wakeup) and can cause the SMC to assert its Stop Abort flag. Once the DMA wake-up completes, entry into the low power mode will restart. An interrupt that occurs during a DMA wake-up will cause an immediate exit from the low power mode (this is optional for Compute Operation) without impacting the DMA transfer. A DMA wake-up can be generated by either a synchronous DMA request or an asynchronous DMA request. Not all peripherals can generate an asynchronous DMA request in stop modes, although in general if a peripheral can generate synchronous DMA requests and also supports asynchronous interrupts in stop modes, then it can generate an asynchronous DMA request. 7.2.3 Compute Operation Compute Operation is an execution or compute-only mode of operation that keeps the CPU enabled with full access to the SRAM and Flash read port, but places all other bus masters and bus slaves into their stop mode. Compute Operation can be enabled in Run mode, HSRUN mode, or VLP Run mode. NOTE Do not enter any stop mode without first exiting Compute Operation. Because Compute Operation reuses the stop mode logic (including the staged entry with bus masters disabled before bus slaves), any bus master or bus slave that can remain functional in stop mode also remains functional in Compute Operation, including generation of asynchronous interrupts and DMA requests. When enabling Compute Operation in Run mode, module functionality for bus masters and slaves is the equivalent of STOP mode. When enabling Compute Operation in VLP Run mode, module functionality for bus masters and slaves is the equivalent of VLPS mode. The MCG, PMC, SRAM and Flash read port are not affected by Compute Operation, although the Flash register interface is disabled. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 153 Clocking modes During Compute Operation, the AIPS peripheral space is disabled and attempted accesses generate bus errors. The private peripheral bus (PPB) remains accessible during Compute Operation, including the MCM, System Control Space (SCS) (for NVIC and FPU), and SysTick. Although access to the GPIO registers is supported, the GPIO port data input registers do not return valid data since clocks are disabled to the Port Control and Interrupt modules. By writing to the GPIO port data output registers, it is possible to control those GPIO ports that are configured as output pins. Compute Operation is controlled by the CPO register in the MCM, which is only accessible to the CPU. Setting or clearing the CPOREQ bit in the MCM initiates entry or exit into Compute Operation. Compute Operation can also be configured to exit automatically on detection of an interrupt, which is required in order to service most interrupts. Only the core system interrupts (exceptions, including NMI and SysTick) and any edge sensitive interrupts can be serviced without exiting Compute Operation. When entering Compute Operation, the CPOACK status bit indicates when entry has completed. When exiting Compute Operation in Run mode, the CPOACK status bit negates immediately. When exiting Compute Operation in VLP Run mode, the exit is delayed to allow the PMC to handle the change in power consumption. This delay means the CPOACK bit is polled to determine when the AIPS peripheral space can be accessed without generating a bus error. The DMA wakeup is also supported during Compute Operation and causes the CPOACK status bit to clear and the AIPS peripheral space to be accessible for the duration of the DMA wakeup. At the completion of the DMA wakeup, the device transitions back into Compute Operation. 7.2.4 Peripheral Doze Several peripherals support a Peripheral Doze mode, where a register bit can be used to disable the peripheral for the duration of a low-power mode. The flash memory can also be placed in a low-power state during Peripheral Doze via a register bit in the SIM. Peripheral Doze is defined to include all of the modes of operation listed below. * The CPU is in Wait mode. * The CPU is in Stop mode, including the entry sequence and for the duration of a DMA wakeup. * The CPU is in Compute Operation, including the entry sequence and for the duration of a DMA wakeup. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 154 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Power Management Peripheral Doze can therefore be used to disable selected bus masters or slaves for the duration of WAIT or VLPW mode. It can also be used to disable selected bus slaves immediately on entry into any stop mode (or Compute Operation), instead of waiting for the bus masters to acknowledge the entry as part of the stop entry sequence. Finally, it can be used to disable selected bus masters or slaves that should remain inactive during a DMA wakeup. If the flash memory is not being accessed during WAIT and PSTOP modes, then the Flash Doze mode can be used to reduce power consumption, at the expense of a slightly longer wake-up when executing code and vectors from flash. It can also be used to reduce power consumption during Compute Operation when executing code and vectors from SRAM. 7.2.5 Clock Gating To conserve power, the clocks to most modules can be turned off using the SCGCx registers in the SIM module. These bits are cleared after any reset, which disables the clock to the corresponding module. Prior to initializing a module, set the corresponding bit in the SCGCx register to enable the clock. Before turning off the clock, make sure to disable the module. For more details, refer to the clock distribution and SIM chapters. 7.3 Power Modes Description The power management controller (PMC) provides multiple power options to allow the user to optimize power consumption for the level of functionality needed. Depending on the stop requirements of the user application, a variety of stop modes are available that provide state retention, partial power down or full power down of certain logic and/or memory. I/O states are held in all modes of operation. The following table compares the various power modes available. For Run and VLPR mode there is a corresponding wait and stop mode. Wait modes are similar to ARM sleep modes. Stop modes (VLPS, STOP) are similar to ARM sleep deep mode. The very low power run (VLPR) operating mode can drastically reduce runtime power when the maximum bus frequency is not required to handle the application needs. Stop mode entry is not supported directly from HSRUN and requires transition to Run prior to an attempt to enter a stop mode. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 155 Power Modes Description The three primary modes of operation are run, wait and stop. The WFI instruction invokes both wait and stop modes for the chip. The primary modes are augmented in a number of ways to provide lower power based on application needs. Table 7-1. Chip power modes Chip mode Description Normal run Default mode out of reset; on-chip voltage regulator is on. Core mode Normal recovery method Run - Run - High Speed run Allows maximum performance of chip. In this state, the MCU is able to operate at a faster frequency compared to normal run mode. Normal Wait via WFI Allows peripherals to function while the core is in sleep mode, reducing power. NVIC remains sensitive to interrupts; peripherals continue to be clocked. Sleep Interrupt Normal Stop via WFI Places chip in static state. Lowest power mode that retains all registers while maintaining LVD protection. NVIC is disabled; AWIC is used to wake up from interrupt; peripheral clocks are stopped. Sleep Deep Interrupt Run - Sleep Interrupt VLPS (Very Low Places chip in static state with LVD operation off. Lowest power mode Power Stop)-via with ADC and pin interrupts functional. Peripheral clocks are stopped, WFI but LPTimer, CMP, DAC can be used. NVIC is disabled (FCLK = OFF); AWIC is used to wake up from interrupt. On-chip voltage regulator is in a low power mode that supplies only enough power to run the chip at a reduced frequency. All SRAM is operating (content retained and I/O states held). Sleep Deep Interrupt LLS3 (Low State retention power mode. Most peripherals are in state retention Leakage Stop3) mode (with clocks stopped), but LLWU, LPTimer, CMP, DAC can be used. NVIC is disabled; LLWU is used to wake up. Sleep Deep Wakeup Interrupt1 Sleep Deep Wakeup Interrupt1 Sleep Deep Wakeup Reset2 VLPR (Very Low On-chip voltage regulator is in a low power mode that supplies only Power Run) enough power to run the chip at a reduced frequency. Reduced frequency Flash access mode (1 MHz); LVD off; internal oscillator provides a low power 4 MHz source for the core, the bus and the peripheral clocks. VLPW (Very Low Power Wait) -via WFI Same as VLPR but with the core in sleep mode to further reduce power; NVIC remains sensitive to interrupts (FCLK = ON). On-chip voltage regulator is in a low power mode that supplies only enough power to run the chip at a reduced frequency. NOTE: The LLWU interrupt must not be masked by the interrupt controller to avoid a scenario where the system does not fully exit stop mode on an LLS recovery. All SRAM is operating (content retained and I/O states held). LLS2 (Low State retention power mode. Most peripherals are in state retention Leakage Stop2) mode (with clocks stopped), but LLWU, LPTimer, CMP, DAC can be used. NVIC is disabled; LLWU is used to wake up. NOTE: The LLWU interrupt must not be masked by the interrupt controller to avoid a scenario where the system does not fully exit stop mode on an LLS recovery. A portion of SRAM_U remains powered on (content retained and I/O states held). VLLS3 (Very Low Leakage Stop3) Most peripherals are disabled (with clocks stopped), but LLWU, LPTimer, CMP, DAC can be used. NVIC is disabled; LLWU is used to wake up. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 156 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Power Management Table 7-1. Chip power modes (continued) Chip mode Description Core mode Normal recovery method Sleep Deep Wakeup Reset2 Sleep Deep Wakeup Reset2 Sleep Deep Wakeup Reset2 SRAM_U and SRAM_L remain powered on (content retained and I/O states held). VLLS2 (Very Low Leakage Stop2) Most peripherals are disabled (with clocks stopped), but LLWU, LPTimer, CMP, DAC can be used. NVIC is disabled; LLWU is used to wake up. SRAM_L is powered off. A portion of SRAM_U remains powered on (content retained and I/O states held). VLLS1 (Very Low Leakage Stop1) Most peripherals are disabled (with clocks stopped), but LLWU, LPTimer, CMP, DAC can be used. NVIC is disabled; LLWU is used to wake up. All of SRAM_U and SRAM_L are powered off. VLLS0 (Very Low Leakage Stop 0) Most peripherals are disabled (with clocks stopped), but LLWU can be used. NVIC is disabled; LLWU is used to wake up. All of SRAM_U and SRAM_L are powered off. The POR detect circuit can be optionally powered off. 1. Resumes normal run mode operation by executing the LLWU interrupt service routine. 2. Follows the reset flow with the LLWU interrupt flag set for the NVIC. 7.4 Entering and exiting power modes The WFI instruction invokes wait and stop modes for the chip. The processor exits the low-power mode via an interrupt. The Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) describes interrupt operation and what peripherals can cause interrupts. NOTE The WFE instruction can have the side effect of entering a lowpower mode, but that is not its intended usage. See ARM documentation for more on the WFE instruction. Recovery from VLLSx is through the wake-up Reset event. The chip wake-ups from VLLSx by means of reset, an enabled pin or enabled module. See the table "LLWU inputs" in the LLWU configuration section for a list of the sources. The wake-up flow from VLLSx is through reset. The wakeup bit in the SRS registers in the RCM is set indicating that the chip is recovering from a low power mode. Code execution begins; however, the I/O pins are held in their pre low power mode entry states, and the system oscillator and MCG registers are reset (even if EREFSTEN had been set before entering VLLSx). Software must clear this hold by writing a 1 to the ACKISO bit in the Regulator Status and Control Register in the PMC module. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 157 Power mode transitions NOTE To avoid unwanted transitions on the pins, software must reinitialize the I/O pins to their pre-low-power mode entry states before releasing the hold. If the oscillator was configured to continue running during VLLSx modes, it must be reconfigured before the ACKISO bit is cleared. The oscillator configuration within the MCG is cleared after VLLSx recovery and the oscillator will stop when ACKISO is cleared unless the register is re-configured. 7.5 Power mode transitions The following figure shows the power mode transitions. Any reset always brings the chip back to the normal run state. In run, wait, and stop modes active power regulation is enabled. The VLPx modes offer a lower power operating mode than normal modes. VLPR and VLPW are limited in frequency. The LLS and VLLSx mode(s) are the lowest power stop modes based on amount of logic or memory that is required to be retained by the application. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 158 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Power Management Any RESET VLPW HSRUN 4 5 12 VLPR WAIT 1 3 RUN 7 2 STOP 6 VLPS 10 8 9 LLS VLLS 11 Figure 7-1. Power mode state transition diagram 7.6 Power modes shutdown sequencing When entering stop or other low-power modes, the clocks are shut off in an orderly sequence to safely place the chip in the targeted low-power state. All low-power entry sequences are initiated by the core executing an WFI instruction. The ARM core's outputs, SLEEPDEEP and SLEEPING, trigger entry to the various low-power modes: * System level wait and VLPW modes equate to: SLEEPING & SLEEPDEEP * All other low power modes equate to: SLEEPING & SLEEPDEEP When entering the non-wait modes, the chip performs the following sequence: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 159 Flash Program Restrictions * Shuts off Core Clock and System Clock to the ARM Cortex-M4 core immediately. * Polls stop acknowledge indications from the non-core crossbar masters (DMA), supporting peripherals (SPI, PIT) and the Flash Controller for indications that System Clocks, Bus Clock and/or Flash Clock need to be left enabled to complete a previously initiated operation, effectively stalling entry to the targeted low power mode. When all acknowledges are detected, System Clock, Bus Clock and Flash Clock are turned off at the same time. * MCG and Mode Controller shut off clock sources and/or the internal supplies driven from the on-chip regulator as defined for the targeted low power mode. In wait modes, most of the system clocks are not affected by the low power mode entry. The Core Clock to the ARM Cortex-M4 core is shut off. Some modules support stop-inwait functionality and have their clocks disabled under these configurations. The debugger modules support a transition from stop, wait, VLPS, and VLPW back to a halted state when the debugger is enabled. This transition is initiated by setting the Debug Request bit in MDM-AP control register. As part of this transition, system clocking is reestablished and is equivalent to normal run/VLPR mode clocking configuration. 7.7 Flash Program Restrictions The flash memory on this device should not be programmed or erased while operating in High Speed Run or VLPR power modes. 7.8 Module Operation in Low Power Modes The following table illustrates the functionality of each module while the chip is in each of the low power modes. The standard behavior is shown with some exceptions for Compute Operation (CPO) and Partial Stop2 (PSTOP2). (Debug modules are discussed separately; see Debug in Low Power Modes.) Number ratings (such as 2 MHz and 1 Mbit/s) represent the maximum frequencies or maximum data rates per mode. Also, these terms are used: * FF = Full functionality. In VLPR and VLPW the system frequency is limited, but if a module does not have a limitation in its functionality, it is still listed as FF. * Async operation = Fully functional with alternate clock source, provided the selected clock source remains enabled * static = Module register states and associated memories are retained. * powered = Memory is powered to retain contents. * low power = Memory is powered to retain contents in a lower power state KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 160 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Power Management * OFF = Modules are powered off; module is in reset state upon wakeup. For clocks, OFF means disabled. * wakeup = Modules can serve as a wakeup source for the chip. Table 7-2. Module operation in low power modes Modules VLPR VLPW Stop VLPS LLSx VLLSx static static OFF Core modules NVIC FF FF static Mode Controller FF FF FF FF FF FF static static static static FF FF2 low power low power ON low power low power low power in VLLS2/3, OFF in VLLS0/1 System modules LLWU1 Regulator LVD disabled disabled ON disabled disabled disabled Brown-out Detection ON ON ON ON ON ON in VLLS1/2/3, optionally disabled in VLLS03 DMA FF FF static OFF Async operation Async operation Async operation in CPO Watchdog FF FF FF FF static OFF EWM FF static static static static OFF ON ON ON in VLLS1/2/3, OFF in VLLS0 static in CPO FF in PSTOP2 Clocks 1kHz LPO ON ON ON OSCERCLK max of 16 MHz crystal OSCERCLK max of 16 MHz crystal OSCERCLK optional OSCERCLK limited to low limited to low max of 16 MHz range/low power range/low power crystal in VLLS1/2/3, OFF in VLLS0 MCG 4 MHz IRC 4 MHz IRC static MCGIRCLK optional static MCGIRCLK optional (4 MHz IRC only). static - no clock output OFF Core clock 4 MHz max OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Platform clock 4 MHz max 4 MHz max OFF OFF OFF OFF System clock 4 MHz max 4 MHz max OFF OFF OFF OFF 4 MHz max OFF OFF OFF OFF System oscillator (OSC) OFF in CPO Bus clock 4 MHz max OFF in CPO 50 MHz max in PSTOP2 from RUN Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 161 Module Operation in Low Power Modes Table 7-2. Module operation in low power modes (continued) Modules VLPR VLPW Stop VLPS LLSx VLLSx OFF OFF 4 MHz max in PSTOP2 from VLPR Memory and memory interfaces Flash 1 MHz max access - no program/erase low power low power low power low power low power low power No register access in CPO System RAM (SRAM_U and SRAM_L) 4 low power low power in low power in LLS3, partial in VLLS3, partial in LLS2 VLLS2; otherwise OFF Communication interfaces UART0, UART1 250 kbit/s 250 kbit/s static, wakeup on edge static, wakeup on edge static OFF 1 Mbit/s (slave) 1 Mbit/s (slave) static static static OFF 2 Mbit/s (master) 2 Mbit/s (master) FF in PSTOP2 200 kbit/s static, address match wakeup static, address match wakeup static OFF static static OFF static static OFF static static OFF static static OFF static, wakeup on edge in CPO SPI static in CPO I2C 200 kbit/s static, address match wakeup in CPO FF in PSTOP2 Security CRC FF FF static static in CPO Timers FTM FF FF static in CPO PIT FF FF in PSTOP2 FF static in CPO PDB FF FF FF static FF in PSTOP2 static in CPO LPTMR static static FF in PSTOP2 FF Async operation Async operation Async operation FF in PSTOP2 Async operation5 Analog 16-bit ADC FF FF ADACK and ALTCLK clocks only in CPO ADACK, ADACK and ALTCLK, and ALTCLK clocks ALTCLK2 clocks only only static OFF FF in PSTOP2 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 162 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Power Management Table 7-2. Module operation in low power modes (continued) Modules CMP6 VLPR VLPW Stop VLPS LLSx VLLSx FF FF HS or LS compare HS or LS compare LS compare LS compare in VLLS1/2/3, OFF in VLLS0 static static static, OFF in VLLS0 HS or LS compare in CPO 6-bit DAC FF FF in PSTOP2 FF static in CPO static FF in PSTOP2 VREF FF FF FF FF static OFF 12-bit DAC FF FF static static static static static output, wakeup input static, pins latched OFF, pins latched static in CPO FF in PSTOP2 Human-machine interfaces GPIO FF FF GPIO write only in CPO static output, wakeup input FF in PSTOP2 1. Using the LLWU module, the external pins available for this chip do not require the associated peripheral function to be enabled. It only requires the function controlling the pin (GPIO or peripheral) to be configured as an input to allow a transition to occur to the LLWU. 2. Since LPO clock source is disabled, filters will be bypassed during VLLS0 3. The SMC_STOPCTRL[PORPO] bit in the SMC module controls this option. 4. A 8 KB portion of SRAM_U block is in low power when MCU is in low power modes LLS2 and VLLS2. The remaining System RAM is OFF in LLS2 and VLLS2. 5. System OSC and LPO clock sources are not available in VLLS0. Pulse counting is available in all modes. 6. CMP in stop or VLPS supports high speed or low speed external pin to pin or external pin to DAC compares. CMP in LLSx or VLLSx only supports low speed external pin to pin or external pin to DAC compares. Windowed, sampled & filtered modes of operation are not available while in stop, VLPS, LLSx, or VLLSx modes. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 163 Module Operation in Low Power Modes KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 164 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 8 Security 8.1 Introduction This device implements security based on the mode selected from the flash module. The following sections provide an overview of flash security and details the effects of security on non-flash modules. 8.2 Flash Security The flash module provides security information to the MCU based on the state held by the FSEC[SEC] bits. The MCU, in turn, confirms the security request and limits access to flash resources. During reset, the flash module initializes the FSEC register using data read from the security byte of the flash configuration field. NOTE The security features apply only to external accesses via debug. CPU accesses to the flash are not affected by the status of FSEC. In the unsecured state all flash commands are available to the programming interfaces (JTAG), as well as user code execution of Flash Controller commands. When the flash is secured (FSEC[SEC] = 00, 01, or 11), programmer interfaces are only allowed to launch mass erase operations and have no access to memory locations. Further information regarding the flash security options and enabling/disabling flash security is available in the Flash Memory Module. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 165 Security Interactions with other Modules 8.3 Security Interactions with other Modules The flash security settings are used by the SoC to determine what resources are available. The following sections describe the interactions between modules and the flash security settings or the impact that the flash security has on non-flash modules. 8.3.1 Security Interactions with Debug When flash security is active the JTAG port cannot access the memory resources of the MCU. Boundary scan chain operations work, but debugging capabilities are disabled so that the debug port cannot read flash contents. Although most debug functions are disabled, the debugger can write to the Flash Mass Erase in Progress bit in the MDM-AP Control register to trigger a mass erase (Erase All Blocks) command. A mass erase via the debugger is allowed even when some memory locations are protected. When mass erase is disabled, mass erase via the debugger is blocked. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 166 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Debug 9.1 Introduction This device's debug is based on the ARM coresight architecture and is configured in each device to provide the maximum flexibility as allowed by the restrictions of the pinout and other available resources. Four debug interfaces are supported: * * * * IEEE 1149.1 JTAG IEEE 1149.7 JTAG (cJTAG) Serial Wire Debug (SWD) ARM Real-Time Trace Interface(1-pin asynchronous mode only) The basic Cortex-M4 debug architecture is very flexible. The following diagram shows the topology of the core debug architecture and its components. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 167 Introduction INTNMI INTISR[239:0] SLEEPING Cortex-M4 Interrupts Sleep NVIC Core Debug SLEEPDEEP Instr. Data TPIU AWIC Trace port (serial wire or multi-pin) MCM FPB DWT ITM Private Peripheral Bus (internal) ROM Table APB i/f I-code bus Bus Matrix SW/ JTAG SWJ-DP D-code bus Code bus System bus AHB-AP MDM-AP Figure 9-1. Cortex-M4 Debug Topology The following table presents a brief description of each one of the debug components. Table 9-1. Debug Components Description Module Description SWJ-DP+ cJTAG Modified Debug Port with support for SWD, JTAG, cJTAG AHB-AP AHB Master Interface from JTAG to debug module and SOC system memory maps MDM-AP Provides centralized control and status registers for an external debugger to control the device. ROM Table Identifies which debug IP is available. Core Debug Singlestep, Register Access, Run, Core Status ITM S/W Instrumentation Messaging + Simple Data Trace Messaging + Watchpoint Messaging DWT (Data and Address Watchpoints) 4 data and address watchpoints FPB (Flash Patch and Breakpoints) The FPB implements hardware breakpoints and patches code and data from code space to system space. The FPB unit contains two literal comparators for matching against literal loads from Code space, and remapping to a corresponding area in System space. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 168 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Debug Table 9-1. Debug Components Description (continued) Module Description The FPB also contains six instruction comparators for matching against instruction fetches from Code space, and remapping to a corresponding area in System space. Alternatively, the six instruction comparators can individually configure the comparators to return a Breakpoint Instruction (BKPT) to the processor core on a match, so providing hardware breakpoint capability. TPIU (Trace Port Inteface Unit) Asynchronous Mode (1-pin) = TRACE_SWO (available on JTAG_TDO) 9.1.1 References For more information on ARM debug components, see these documents: * ARMv7-M Architecture Reference Manual * ARM Debug Interface v5.1 * ARM CoreSight Architecture Specification KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 169 The Debug Port 9.2 The Debug Port IR==BYPASSor IDCODE 4'b1111 or 4'b0000 jtag_updateinstr[3:0] A TDI nTRST TCK TMS TDO TRACESWO TDO TDI TDO TDI (1'b1 = 4-pin JTAG) (1'b0 = 2-pin cJTAG) To Test Resources CJTAG TDI TDO PEN TDO TDI nSYS_TDO nSYS_TDI nTRST 1'b1 SWCLKTCK TCK JTAGC nSYS_TRST TCK TMS_OUT TMS_OUT_OE SWDITMS nSYS_TCK nSYS_TMS AHB-AP JTAGir[3:0] TMS_IN IR==BYPASSor IDCODE JTAGNSW A DAP Bus 4'b1111 or 4'b1110 MDM-AP TMS SWDO SWDOEN SWDSEL JTAGSEL SWDITMS SWCLKTCK SWD/ JTAG SELECT Figure 9-2. Modified Debug Port The debug port comes out of reset in standard JTAG mode and is switched into either cJTAG or SWD mode by the following sequences. Once the mode has been changed, unused debug pins can be reassigned to any of their alternative muxed functions. 9.2.1 JTAG-to-SWD change sequence 1. Send more than 50 TCK cycles with TMS (SWDIO) =1 2. Send the 16-bit sequence on TMS (SWDIO) = 0111_1001_1110_0111 (MSB transmitted first) 3. Send more than 50 TCK cycles with TMS (SWDIO) =1 NOTE See the ARM documentation for the CoreSight DAP Lite for restrictions. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 170 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Debug 9.2.2 JTAG-to-cJTAG change sequence 1. Reset the debug port 2. Set the control level to 2 via zero-bit scans 3. Execute the Store Format (STFMT) command (00011) to set the scan format register to 1149.7 scan format 9.3 Debug Port Pin Descriptions The debug port pins default after POR to their JTAG functionality with the exception of JTAG_TRST_b and can be later reassigned to their alternate functionalities. In cJTAG and SWD modes JTAG_TDI and JTAG_TRST_b can be configured to alternate GPIO functions. Table 9-2. Debug port pins Pin Name JTAG Debug Port Type cJTAG Debug Port Description Type SWD Debug Port Description Type Internal Pullup\Down Description JTAG_TMS/ SWD_DIO I/O JTAG Test Mode Selection I/O cJTAG Data I/O Serial Wire Data Pull-up JTAG_TCLK/ SWD_CLK I JTAG Test Clock I cJTAG Clock I Serial Wire Clock Pull-down JTAG_TDI I JTAG Test Data Input - JTAG_TDO/ O TRACE_SWO JTAG Test Data Output O JTAG_TRST_ I b JTAG Reset I - - Trace output over a single pin cJTAG Reset O - - Pull-up Trace output over a single pin N/C - Pull-up 9.4 System TAP connection The system JTAG controller is connected in parallel to the ARM TAP controller. The system JTAG controller IR codes overlay the ARM JTAG controller IR codes without conflict. Refer to the IR codes table for a list of the available IR codes. The output of the TAPs (TDO) are muxed based on the IR code which is selected. This design is fully JTAG compliant and appears to the JTAG chain as a single TAP. At power on reset, ARM's IDCODE (IR=4'b1110) is selected. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 171 JTAG status and control registers 9.4.1 IR Codes Table 9-3. JTAG Instructions Instruction Code[3:0] Instruction Summary IDCODE 0000 Selects device identification register for shift SAMPLE/PRELOAD 0010 Selects boundary scan register for shifting, sampling, and preloading without disturbing functional operation SAMPLE 0011 Selects boundary scan register for shifting and sampling without disturbing functional operation EXTEST 0100 Selects boundary scan register while applying preloaded values to output pins and asserting functional reset HIGHZ 1001 Selects bypass register while three-stating all output pins and asserting functional reset CLAMP 1100 Selects bypass register while applying preloaded values to output pins and asserting functional reset ARM_IDCODE 1110 ARM JTAG-DP Instruction BYPASS 1111 Selects bypass register for data operations Factory debug reserved 0101, 0110, 0111, 1101 Intended for factory debug only ARM JTAG-DP Reserved 1000, 1010, 1011, 1110 These instructions will go the ARM JTAG-DP controller. Please look at ARM JTAG-DP documentation for more information on these instructions. Reserved 3 All other opcodes Decoded to select bypass register 3. The manufacturer reserves the right to change the decoding of reserved instruction codes in the future 9.5 JTAG status and control registers Through the ARM Debug Access Port (DAP), the debugger has access to the status and control elements, implemented as registers on the DAP bus as shown in the following figure. These registers provide additional control and status for low power mode recovery and typical run-control scenarios. The status register bits also provide a means for the debugger to get updated status of the core without having to initiate a bus transaction across the crossbar switch, thus remaining less intrusive during a debug session. It is important to note that these DAP control and status registers are not memory mapped within the system memory map and are only accessible via the Debug Access Port (DAP) using JTAG, cJTAG, or SWD. The MDM-AP is accessible as Debug Access Port 1 with the available registers shown in the table below. Table 9-4. MDM-AP Register Summary Address Register Description Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 172 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Debug Table 9-4. MDM-AP Register Summary (continued) 0x0100_0000 Status See MDM-AP Status Register 0x0100_0004 Control See MDM-AP Control Register 0x0100_00FC ID Read-only identification register that always reads as 0x001C_0000 DPACC APACC A[3:2] RnW 0x0C 0x08 Data[31:0] Debug Port Read Buffer (REBUFF) 0x04 APSEL Decode AP Select (SELECT) Debug Port ID Register (DPIDR) A[3:2] RnW Control/Status (CTRL/STAT) DP Registers 0x00 Data[31:0] SWJ-DP See the ARM Debug Interface v5p1 Supplement. Generic Debug Port (DP) Data[31:0] A[7:4] A[3:2] RnW SELECT[31:24] (APSEL) selects the AP Internal SELECT[7:4] (APBANKSEL) selects the bank Bus MDM-AP 0x01 0x3F IDR (AHB-AP) Control AHB Access Port Status 0x00 A[3:2] from the APACC selects the register within the bank AHB-AP SELECT[31:24] = 0x00 selects the AHB-AP See ARM documentation for further details AccessMDM-AP Port SELECT[31:24] = 0x01 selects the MDM-AP SELECT[7:4] = 0x0 selects the bank with Status and Ctrl A[3:2] = 2'b00 selects the Status Register A[3:2] = 2'b01 selects the Control Register Bus Matrix See Control and Status Register Descriptions SELECT[7:4] = 0xF selects the bank with IDR A[3:2] = 2'b11 selects the IDR Register (IDR register reads 0x001C_0000) Figure 9-3. MDM AP Addressing KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 173 JTAG status and control registers 9.5.1 MDM-AP Control Register Table 9-5. MDM-AP Control register assignments Bit 0 Secure1 Name Flash Mass Erase in Progress Y Description Set to cause mass erase. Cleared by hardware after mass erase operation completes. When mass erase is disabled (via MEEN settings), the erase request does not occur and the Flash Mass Erase in Progress bit continues to assert until the next system reset. 1 Debug Disable N Set to disable debug. Clear to allow debug operation. When set it overrides the C_DEBUGEN bit within the DHCSR and force disables Debug logic. 2 Debug Request N Set to force the Core to halt. If the Core is in a stop or wait mode, this bit can be used to wakeup the core and transition to a halted state. 3 System Reset Request N Set to force a system reset. The system remains held in reset until this bit is cleared. 4 Core Hold Reset N Configuration bit to control Core operation at the end of system reset sequencing. 0 Normal operation - release the Core from reset along with the rest of the system at the end of system reset sequencing. 1 Suspend operation - hold the Core in reset at the end of reset sequencing. Once the system enters this suspended state, clearing this control bit immediately releases the Core from reset and CPU operation begins. 5 VLLSx Debug Request (VLLDBGREQ) N Set to configure the system to be held in reset after the next recovery from a VLLSx mode. This bit holds the in reset when VLLSx modes are exited to allow the debugger time to re-initialize debug IP before the debug session continues. The Mode Controller captures this bit logic on entry to VLLSx modes. Upon exit from VLLSx modes, the Mode Controller will hold the in reset until VLLDBGACK is asserted. The VLLDBGREQ bit clears automatically due to the POR reset generated as part of the VLLSx recovery. 6 VLLSx Debug Acknowledge (VLLDBGACK) N Set to release a being held in reset following a VLLSx recovery This bit is used by the debugger to release the system reset when it is being held on VLLSx mode exit. The debugger re-initializes all debug IP and then assert this control bit to allow the Mode Controller to release the from reset and allow CPU operation to begin. The VLLDBGACK bit is cleared by the debugger or can be left set because it clears automatically due to the POR reset generated as part of the next VLLSx recovery. 7 LLS, VLLSx Status Acknowledge N Set this bit to acknowledge the DAP LLS and VLLS Status bits have been read. This acknowledge automatically clears the status bits. This bit is used by the debugger to clear the sticky LLS and VLLSx mode entry status bits. This bit is asserted and cleared by the debugger. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 174 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Debug Table 9-5. MDM-AP Control register assignments (continued) Bit 8 Secure1 Name Timestamp Disable N Description Set this bit to disable the 48-bit global trace timestamp counter during debug halt mode when the core is halted. 0 The timestamp counter continues to count assuming trace is enabled. (default) 1 The timestamp counter freezes when the core has halted (debug halt mode). 9- 31 Reserved for future use N 1. Command available in secure mode 9.5.2 MDM-AP Status Register Table 9-6. MDM-AP Status register assignments Bit 0 Name Flash Mass Erase Acknowledge Description The Flash Mass Erase Acknowledge bit is cleared after any system reset. The bit is also cleared at launch of a mass erase command due to write of Flash Mass Erase in Progress bit in MDM AP Control Register. The Flash Mass Erase Acknowledge is set after Flash control logic has started the mass erase operation. When mass erase is disabled (via MEEN settings), an erase request due to seting of Flash Mass Erase in Progress bit is not acknowledged. 1 Flash Ready Indicate Flash has been initialized and debugger can be configured even if system is continuing to be held in reset via the debugger. 2 System Security Indicates the security state. When secure, the debugger does not have access to the system bus or any memory mapped peripherals. This bit indicates when the part is locked and no system bus access is possible. 3 System Reset Indicates the system reset state. 0 System is in reset 1 System is not in reset 4 Reserved 5 Mass Erase Enable Indicates if the MCU can be mass erased or not 0 Mass erase is disabled 1 Mass erase is enabled 6 Backdoor Access Key Enable Indicates if the MCU has the backdoor access key enabled. 0 Disabled 1 Enabled 7 LP Enabled Decode of LPLLSM control bits to indicate that VLPS, LLS, or VLLSx are the selected power mode the next time the ARM Core enters Deep Sleep. 0 Low Power Stop Mode is not enabled 1 Low Power Stop Mode is enabled Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 175 Debug Resets Table 9-6. MDM-AP Status register assignments (continued) Bit Name Description Usage intended for debug operation in which Run to VLPS is attempted. Per debug definition, the system actually enters the Stop state. A debugger should interpret deep sleep indication (with SLEEPDEEP and SLEEPING asserted), in conjuntion with this bit asserted as the debuggerVLPS status indication. 8 Very Low Power Mode Indicates current power mode is VLPx. This bit is not `sticky' and should always represent whether VLPx is enabled or not. This bit is used to throttle JTAG TCK frequency up/down. 9 LLS Mode Exit This bit indicates an exit from LLS mode has occurred. The debugger will lose communication while the system is in LLS (including access to this register). Once communication is reestablished, this bit indicates that the system had been in LLS. Since the debug modules held their state during LLS, they do not need to be reconfigured. This bit is set during the LLS recovery sequence. The LLS Mode Exit bit is held until the debugger has had a chance to recognize that LLS was exited and is cleared by a write of 1 to the LLS, VLLSx Status Acknowledge bit in MDM AP Control register. 10 VLLSx Modes Exit This bit indicates an exit from VLLSx mode has occurred. The debugger will lose communication while the system is in VLLSx (including access to this register). Once communication is reestablished, this bit indicates that the system had been in VLLSx. Since the debug modules lose their state during VLLSx modes, they need to be reconfigured. This bit is set during the VLLSx recovery sequence. The VLLSx Mode Exit bit is held until the debugger has had a chance to recognize that a VLLS mode was exited and is cleared by a write of 1 to the LLS, VLLSx Status Acknowledge bit in MDM AP Control register. 11 - 15 Reserved for future use Always read 0. 16 Core Halted Indicates the Core has entered debug halt mode 17 Core SLEEPDEEP Indicates the Core has entered a low power mode 18 Core SLEEPING SLEEPING==1 and SLEEPDEEP==0 indicates wait or VLPW mode. SLEEPING==1 and SLEEPDEEP==1 indicates stop or VLPS mode. 19 - 31 Reserved for future use Always read 0. 9.6 Debug Resets The debug system receives the following sources of reset: * JTAG_TRST_b from an external signal. This signal is optional and may not be available in all packages. * Debug reset (CDBGRSTREQ bit within the SWJ-DP CTRL/STAT register) in the TCLK domain that allows the debugger to reset the debug logic. * TRST asserted via the cJTAG escape command. * System POR reset KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 176 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Debug Conversely the debug system is capable of generating system reset using the following mechanism: * A system reset in the DAP control register which allows the debugger to hold the system in reset. * SYSRESETREQ bit in the NVIC application interrupt and reset control register * A system reset in the DAP control register which allows the debugger to hold the Core in reset. 9.7 AHB-AP AHB-AP provides the debugger access to all memory and registers in the system, including processor registers through the NVIC. System access is independent of the processor status. AHB-AP does not do back-to-back transactions on the bus, so all transactions are non-sequential. AHB-AP can perform unaligned and bit-band transactions. AHB-AP transactions bypass the FPB, so the FPB cannot remap AHB-AP transactions. SWJ/SW-DP-initiated transaction aborts drive an AHB-AP-supported sideband signal called HABORT. This signal is driven into the Bus Matrix, which resets the Bus Matrix state, so that AHB-AP can access the Private Peripheral Bus for last ditch debugging such as read/stop/reset the core. AHB-AP transactions are little endian. For a short period at the start of a system reset event the system security status is being determined and debugger access to all AHB-AP transactions is blocked. The MDM-AP Status register is accessible and can be monitored to determine when this initial period is completed. After this initial period, if system reset is held via assertion of the RESET pin, the debugger has access via the bus matrix to the private peripheral bus to configure the debug IP even while system reset is asserted. While in system reset, access to other memory and register resources, accessed over the Crossbar Switch, is blocked. 9.8 ITM The ITM is an application-driven trace source that supports printf style debugging to trace Operating System (OS) and application events, and emits diagnostic system information. The ITM emits trace information as packets. There are four sources that can generate packets. If multiple sources generate packets at the same time, the ITM arbitrates the order in which packets are output. The four sources in decreasing order of priority are: 1. Software trace -- Software can write directly to ITM stimulus registers. This emits packets. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 177 Core Trace Connectivity 2. Hardware trace -- The DWT generates these packets, and the ITM emits them. 3. Time stamping -- Timestamps are emitted relative to packets. The ITM contains a 21-bit counter to generate the timestamp. The Cortex-M4 clock or the bitclock rate of the Serial Wire Viewer (SWV) output clocks the counter. 4. Global system timestamping. Timestamps can optionally be generated using a system-wide 48-bit count value. 9.9 Core Trace Connectivity The ITM can route its data to the TPIU. (See the MCM (Miscellaneous Control Module) for controlling the routing to the TPIU.) This configuration enables the use of trace with low cost tools while maintaining the compatibility with trace probes. 9.10 TPIU The TPIU acts as a bridge between the on-chip trace data from the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) to a data stream, encapsulating IDs where required, that is then captured by a Trace Port Analyzer (TPA). The TPIU is specially designed for low-cost debug. 9.11 DWT The DWT is a unit that performs the following debug functionality: * It contains four comparators that you can configure as a hardware watchpoint, a PC sampler event trigger, or a data address sampler event trigger. The first comparator, DWT_COMP0, can also compare against the clock cycle counter, CYCCNT. The second comparator, DWT_COMP1, can also be used as a data comparator. * The DWT contains counters for: * Clock cycles (CYCCNT) * Folded instructions * Load store unit (LSU) operations * Sleep cycles * CPI (all instruction cycles except for the first cycle) * Interrupt overhead KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 178 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Debug NOTE An event is emitted each time a counter overflows. * The DWT can be configured to emit PC samples at defined intervals, and to emit interrupt event information. 9.12 Debug in Low Power Modes In low power modes in which the debug modules are kept static or powered off, the debugger cannot gather any debug data for the duration of the low power mode. In the case that the debugger is held static, the debug port returns to full functionality as soon as the low power mode exits and the system returns to a state with active debug. In the case that the debugger logic is powered off, the debugger is reset on recovery and must be reconfigured once the low power mode is exited. Power mode entry logic monitors Debug Power Up and System Power Up signals from the debug port as indications that a debugger is active. These signals can be changed in RUN, VLPR, WAIT and VLPW. If the debug signal is active and the system attempts to enter stop or VLPS, FCLK continues to run to support core register access. In these modes in which FCLK is left active the debug modules have access to core registers but not to system memory resources accessed via the crossbar. With debug enabled, transitions from Run directly to VLPS are not allowed and result in the system entering Stop mode instead. Status bits within the MDM-AP Status register can be evaluated to determine this pseudo-VLPS state. Note with the debug enabled, transitions from Run--> VLPR --> VLPS are still possible but also result in the system entering Stop mode instead. In VLLS mode all debug modules are powered off and reset at wakeup. In LLS mode, the debug modules retain their state but no debug activity is possible. NOTE When using cJTAG and entering LLS mode, the cJTAG controller must be reset on exit from LLS mode. Going into a VLLSx mode causes all the debug controls and settings to be reset. To give time to the debugger to sync up with the HW, the MDM-AP Control register can be configured hold the system in reset on recovery so that the debugger can regain control and reconfigure debug logic prior to the system exiting reset and resuming operation. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 179 Debug & Security 9.12.1 Debug Module State in Low Power Modes The following table shows the state of the debug modules in low power modes. These terms are used: * FF = Full functionality. In VLPR and VLPW the system frequency is limited, but if a module does not have a limitation in its functionality, it is still listed as FF. * static = Module register states and associated memories are retained. * OFF = Modules are powered off; module is in reset state upon wakeup. Table 9-7. Debug Module State in Low Power Modes Module STOP VLPR VLPW VLPS LLS VLLSx Debug Port FF FF FF OFF static OFF AHB-AP FF FF FF OFF static OFF ITM FF FF FF OFF static OFF TPIU FF FF FF OFF static OFF DWT FF FF FF OFF static OFF 9.13 Debug & Security When security is enabled (FSEC[SEC] != 10), the debug port capabilities are limited in order to prevent exploitation of secure data. In the secure state the debugger still has access to the MDM-AP Status Register and can determine the current security state of the device. In the case of a secure device, the debugger also has the capability of performing a mass erase operation via writes to the MDM-AP Control Register if mass erase is enabled. In the case of a secure device that has mass erase disabled (FSEC[MEEN] = 10), attempts to mass erase via the debug interface are blocked. When mass erase is disabled (FSEC[MEEN]= 10), the debugger does not have the capability of performing a mass erase operation via writes to MDM-AP Control Register KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 180 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions 10.1 Introduction To optimize functionality in small packages, pins have several functions available via signal multiplexing. This chapter illustrates which of this device's signals are multiplexed on which external pin. The Port Control block controls which signal is present on the external pin. Reference that chapter to find which register controls the operation of a specific pin. 10.2 Signal Multiplexing Integration This section summarizes how the module is integrated into the device. For a comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module's dedicated chapter. Peripheral bridge 0 Register access Module External Pins Transfers Signal Multiplexing/ Port Control Module Transfers Module Figure 10-1. Signal multiplexing integration Table 10-1. Reference links to related information Topic Related module Reference Full description Port control Port control System memory map System memory map Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 181 Signal Multiplexing Integration Table 10-1. Reference links to related information (continued) Topic Related module Reference Clocking Clock Distribution Register access Peripheral bus controller Peripheral bridge 10.2.1 Port control and interrupt module features * 32-pin ports NOTE Not all pins are available on the device. See the following section for details. * Each 32-pin port is assigned one interrupt. Table 10-2. Ports summary Feature Port A Port B Port C Port D Port E Yes Yes Yes Yes Pull select at reset PTA1/PTA2/PTA3/ Pull down PTA4/PTA5=Pull up, Others=Pull down Pull down Pull down Pull down Pull enable control Yes Yes Yes Yes Disabled Disabled Disabled Yes Yes Yes Yes Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Pull select control Yes Yes Pull enable at reset PTA0/PTA1/PTA2/ Disabled PTA3/ PTA4=Enabled; Others=Disabled Slew rate enable control Yes Slew rate enable at Disabled reset Passive filter enable control PTA4=Yes; Others=No No No No No Passive filter enable at reset Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Open drain enable Yes control Yes Yes Yes Yes Open drain enable Disabled at reset Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Drive strength enable control No PTB0/PTB1 only PTC3/PTC4 only PTD4/PTD5/PTD6/ No PTD7 only Drive strength enable at reset Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 182 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions Table 10-2. Ports summary (continued) Feature Port A Port B Port C Port D Port E Pin mux control Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pin mux at reset PTA0/PTA1/PTA2/ ALT0 PTA3/PTA4=ALT7; Others=ALT0 ALT0 ALT0 ALT0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Interrupt and DMA Yes request Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Lock bit Digital glitch filter No 10.2.2 Clock gating The clock to the port control module can be gated on and off using the SCGC5[PORTx] bits in the SIM module. These bits are cleared after any reset, which disables the clock to the corresponding module to conserve power. Prior to initializing the corresponding module, set SCGC5[PORTx] in the SIM module to enable the clock. Before turning off the clock, make sure to disable the module. For more details, refer to the clock distribution chapter. 10.2.3 Signal multiplexing constraints 1. A given peripheral function must be assigned to a maximum of one package pin. Do not program the same function to more than one pin. 2. To ensure the best signal timing for a given peripheral's interface, choose the pins in closest proximity to each other. 10.3 Pinout 10.3.1 KV30F Signal Multiplexing and Pin Assignments The following table shows the signals available on each pin and the locations of these pins on the devices supported by this document. The Port Control Module is responsible for selecting which ALT functionality is available on each pin. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 183 Pinout 64 48 32 LQFP LQFP QFN Pin Name Default ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 ALT4 ALT5 ALT6 ALT7 1 -- -- PTE0/ CLKOUT32K ADC1_SE4a ADC1_SE4a PTE0/ CLKOUT32K UART1_TX 2 -- -- PTE1/ LLWU_P0 ADC1_SE5a ADC1_SE5a PTE1/ LLWU_P0 UART1_RX 3 1 1 VDD VDD VDD 4 2 2 VSS VSS VSS 5 3 3 PTE16 ADC0_SE4a/ ADC0_DP1/ ADC1_DP2 ADC0_SE4a/ ADC0_DP1/ ADC1_DP2 PTE16 SPI0_PCS0 UART1_TX FTM_CLKIN0 FTM0_FLT3 6 4 4 PTE17 ADC0_SE5a/ ADC0_DM1/ ADC1_DM2 ADC0_SE5a/ ADC0_DM1/ ADC1_DM2 PTE17 SPI0_SCK UART1_RX FTM_CLKIN1 LPTMR0_ ALT3 7 5 5 PTE18 ADC0_SE6a/ ADC1_DP1/ ADC0_DP2 ADC0_SE6a/ ADC1_DP1/ ADC0_DP2 PTE18 SPI0_SOUT UART1_CTS_ I2C0_SDA b 8 6 6 PTE19 ADC0_SE7a/ ADC1_DM1/ ADC0_DM2 ADC0_SE7a/ ADC1_DM1/ ADC0_DM2 PTE19 SPI0_SIN UART1_RTS_ I2C0_SCL b 9 7 -- ADC0_DP0/ ADC1_DP3 ADC0_DP0/ ADC1_DP3 ADC0_DP0/ ADC1_DP3 10 8 -- ADC0_DM0/ ADC1_DM3 ADC0_DM0/ ADC1_DM3 ADC0_DM0/ ADC1_DM3 11 -- -- ADC1_DP0/ ADC0_DP3 ADC1_DP0/ ADC0_DP3 ADC1_DP0/ ADC0_DP3 12 -- -- ADC1_DM0/ ADC0_DM3 ADC1_DM0/ ADC0_DM3 ADC1_DM0/ ADC0_DM3 13 9 7 VDDA VDDA VDDA 14 10 7 VREFH VREFH VREFH 15 11 8 VREFL VREFL VREFL 16 12 8 VSSA VSSA VSSA 17 13 -- VREF_OUT/ CMP1_IN5/ CMP0_IN5/ ADC1_SE18 VREF_OUT/ CMP1_IN5/ CMP0_IN5/ ADC1_SE18 VREF_OUT/ CMP1_IN5/ CMP0_IN5/ ADC1_SE18 18 14 9 DAC0_OUT/ CMP1_IN3/ ADC0_SE23 DAC0_OUT/ CMP1_IN3/ ADC0_SE23 DAC0_OUT/ CMP1_IN3/ ADC0_SE23 19 -- -- CMP0_IN4/ ADC1_SE23 CMP0_IN4/ ADC1_SE23 CMP0_IN4/ ADC1_SE23 20 15 10 PTE24 ADC0_SE17 ADC0_SE17 PTE24 FTM0_CH0 I2C0_SCL EWM_OUT_b 21 16 11 PTE25 ADC0_SE18 ADC0_SE18 PTE25 FTM0_CH1 I2C0_SDA EWM_IN 22 17 12 PTA0 JTAG_TCLK/ SWD_CLK PTA0 UART0_CTS_ FTM0_CH5 b 23 18 13 PTA1 JTAG_TDI PTA1 UART0_RX FTM2_CH0 CMP0_OUT FTM2_QD_ PHA FTM1_CH1 JTAG_TDI 24 19 14 PTA2 JTAG_TDO/ TRACE_SWO PTA2 UART0_TX FTM2_CH1 CMP1_OUT FTM2_QD_ PHB FTM1_CH0 JTAG_TDO/ TRACE_SWO EWM_IN JTAG_TCLK/ SWD_CLK KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 184 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions 64 48 32 LQFP LQFP QFN Pin Name Default ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 UART0_RTS_ FTM0_CH0 b ALT4 ALT6 ALT7 25 20 15 PTA3 JTAG_TMS/ SWD_DIO PTA3 26 21 16 PTA4/ LLWU_P3 NMI_b PTA4/ LLWU_P3 FTM0_CH1 27 -- -- PTA5 DISABLED PTA5 FTM0_CH2 JTAG_TRST_ b 28 -- -- PTA12 DISABLED PTA12 FTM1_CH0 FTM1_QD_ PHA 29 -- -- PTA13/ LLWU_P4 DISABLED PTA13/ LLWU_P4 FTM1_CH1 FTM1_QD_ PHB 30 22 -- VDD VDD VDD 31 23 -- VSS VSS VSS 32 24 17 PTA18 EXTAL0 EXTAL0 PTA18 FTM0_FLT2 FTM_CLKIN0 33 25 18 PTA19 XTAL0 XTAL0 PTA19 FTM0_FLT0 FTM1_FLT0 FTM_CLKIN1 34 26 19 RESET_b RESET_b RESET_b 35 27 20 PTB0/ LLWU_P5 ADC0_SE8/ ADC1_SE8 ADC0_SE8/ ADC1_SE8 PTB0/ LLWU_P5 I2C0_SCL FTM1_CH0 36 28 21 PTB1 ADC0_SE9/ ADC1_SE9 ADC0_SE9/ ADC1_SE9 PTB1 I2C0_SDA FTM1_CH1 37 29 -- PTB2 ADC0_SE12 ADC0_SE12 PTB2 I2C0_SCL UART0_RTS_ FTM0_FLT1 b FTM0_FLT3 38 30 -- PTB3 ADC0_SE13 ADC0_SE13 PTB3 I2C0_SDA UART0_CTS_ b FTM0_FLT0 39 31 -- PTB16 DISABLED PTB16 UART0_RX FTM_CLKIN0 EWM_IN 40 32 -- PTB17 DISABLED PTB17 UART0_TX FTM_CLKIN1 EWM_OUT_b 41 -- -- PTB18 DISABLED PTB18 FTM2_CH0 FTM2_QD_ PHA 42 -- -- PTB19 DISABLED PTB19 FTM2_CH1 FTM2_QD_ PHB 43 33 -- PTC0 ADC0_SE14 ADC0_SE14 PTC0 SPI0_PCS4 PDB0_EXTRG CMP0_OUT 44 34 22 PTC1/ LLWU_P6 ADC0_SE15 ADC0_SE15 PTC1/ LLWU_P6 SPI0_PCS3 UART1_RTS_ FTM0_CH0 b FTM2_CH0 45 35 23 PTC2 ADC0_SE4b/ CMP1_IN0 ADC0_SE4b/ CMP1_IN0 PTC2 SPI0_PCS2 UART1_CTS_ FTM0_CH1 b FTM2_CH1 46 36 24 PTC3/ LLWU_P7 CMP1_IN1 CMP1_IN1 PTC3/ LLWU_P7 SPI0_PCS1 UART1_RX FTM0_CH2 CLKOUT 47 -- -- VSS VSS VSS VDD FTM0_CH3 48 -- -- VDD VDD 49 37 25 PTC4/ LLWU_P8 DISABLED PTC4/ LLWU_P8 SPI0_PCS0 UART1_TX 50 38 26 PTC5/ LLWU_P9 DISABLED PTC5/ LLWU_P9 SPI0_SCK LPTMR0_ ALT2 51 39 27 PTC6/ LLWU_P10 CMP0_IN0 CMP0_IN0 PTC6/ LLWU_P10 SPI0_SOUT PDB0_EXTRG 52 40 28 PTC7 CMP0_IN1 CMP0_IN1 PTC7 SPI0_SIN FTM2_FLT0 ALT5 FTM0_FLT2 EWM_OUT_b JTAG_TMS/ SWD_DIO FTM0_FLT3 NMI_b LPTMR0_ ALT1 EWM_IN FTM1_QD_ PHA UART0_RX FTM1_QD_ PHB UART0_TX FTM0_FLT1 SPI0_PCS0 CMP1_OUT CMP0_OUT FTM0_CH2 UART0_RX I2C0_SCL UART0_TX I2C0_SDA KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 185 Pinout 64 48 32 LQFP LQFP QFN Pin Name Default ALT0 ALT1 53 -- -- PTC8 ADC1_SE4b/ CMP0_IN2 ADC1_SE4b/ CMP0_IN2 PTC8 54 -- -- PTC9 ADC1_SE5b/ CMP0_IN3 ADC1_SE5b/ CMP0_IN3 PTC9 55 -- -- PTC10 ADC1_SE6b ADC1_SE6b PTC10 56 -- -- PTC11/ LLWU_P11 ADC1_SE7b ADC1_SE7b PTC11/ LLWU_P11 57 41 -- PTD0/ LLWU_P12 DISABLED 58 42 -- PTD1 ADC0_SE5b 59 43 -- PTD2/ LLWU_P13 60 44 -- 61 45 62 ALT2 ALT3 ALT4 ALT5 ALT6 ALT7 FTM2_FLT0 PTD0/ LLWU_P12 SPI0_PCS0 UART0_RTS_ FTM0_CH0 b UART1_RX PTD1 SPI0_SCK UART0_CTS_ FTM0_CH1 b UART1_TX DISABLED PTD2/ LLWU_P13 SPI0_SOUT UART0_RX FTM0_CH2 I2C0_SCL PTD3 DISABLED PTD3 SPI0_SIN UART0_TX FTM0_CH3 I2C0_SDA 29 PTD4/ LLWU_P14 DISABLED PTD4/ LLWU_P14 SPI0_PCS1 UART0_RTS_ FTM0_CH4 b FTM2_CH0 EWM_IN 46 30 PTD5 ADC0_SE6b ADC0_SE6b PTD5 SPI0_PCS2 UART0_CTS_ FTM0_CH5 b FTM2_CH1 EWM_OUT_b 63 47 31 PTD6/ LLWU_P15 ADC0_SE7b ADC0_SE7b PTD6/ LLWU_P15 SPI0_PCS3 UART0_RX FTM0_CH0 FTM1_CH0 FTM0_FLT0 64 48 32 PTD7 DISABLED UART0_TX FTM0_CH1 FTM1_CH1 FTM0_FLT1 ADC0_SE5b PTD7 10.3.2 KV30F Pinouts The below figure shows the pinout diagram for the devices supported by this document. Many signals may be multiplexed onto a single pin. To determine what signals can be used on which pin, see the previous section. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 186 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. PTD7 PTD6/LLWU_P15 PTD5 PTD4/LLWU_P14 PTD3 PTD2/LLWU_P13 PTD1 PTD0/LLWU_P12 PTC11/LLWU_P11 PTC10 PTC9 PTC8 PTC7 PTC6/LLWU_P10 PTC5/LLWU_P9 PTC4/LLWU_P8 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 Chapter 10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions ADC0_DP0/ADC1_DP3 9 40 PTB17 ADC0_DM0/ADC1_DM3 10 39 PTB16 ADC1_DP0/ADC0_DP3 11 38 PTB3 ADC1_DM0/ADC0_DM3 12 37 PTB2 VDDA 13 36 PTB1 VREFH 14 35 PTB0/LLWU_P5 VREFL 15 34 RESET_b VSSA 16 33 PTA19 32 PTB18 PTA18 41 31 8 VSS PTE19 30 PTB19 VDD 42 29 7 PTA13/LLWU_P4 PTE18 28 PTC0 PTA12 43 27 6 PTA5 PTE17 26 PTC1/LLWU_P6 PTA4/LLWU_P3 44 25 5 PTA3 PTE16 24 PTC2 PTA2 45 23 4 PTA1 VSS 22 PTC3/LLWU_P7 PTA0 46 21 3 PTE25 VDD 20 VSS PTE24 47 19 2 CMP0_IN4/ADC1_SE23 PTE1/LLWU_P0 18 VDD DAC0_OUT/CMP1_IN3/ADC0_SE23 48 17 1 VREF_OUT/CMP1_IN5/CMP0_IN5/ADC1_SE18 PTE0/CLKOUT32K Figure 10-2. KV30F 64 LQFP pinout diagram (top view) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 187 PTD7 PTD6/LLWU_P15 PTD5 PTD4/LLWU_P14 PTD3 PTD2/LLWU_P13 PTD1 PTD0/LLWU_P12 PTC7 PTC6/LLWU_P10 PTC5/LLWU_P9 PTC4/LLWU_P8 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 Pinout ADC0_DP0/ADC1_DP3 7 30 PTB3 ADC0_DM0/ADC1_DM3 8 29 PTB2 VDDA 9 28 PTB1 VREFH 10 27 PTB0/LLWU_P5 VREFL 11 26 RESET_b VSSA 12 25 PTA19 24 PTB16 PTA18 31 23 6 VSS PTE19 22 PTB17 VDD 32 21 5 PTA4/LLWU_P3 PTE18 20 PTC0 PTA3 33 19 4 PTA2 PTE17 18 PTC1/LLWU_P6 PTA1 34 17 3 PTA0 PTE16 16 PTC2 PTE25 35 15 2 PTE24 VSS 14 PTC3/LLWU_P7 DAC0_OUT/CMP1_IN3/ADC0_SE23 36 13 1 VREF_OUT/CMP1_IN5/CMP0_IN5/ADC1_SE18 VDD Figure 10-3. KV30F 48 LQFP pinout diagram KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 188 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. PTD7 PTD6/LLWU_P15 PTD5 PTD4/LLWU_P14 PTC7 PTC6/LLWU_P10 PTC5/LLWU_P9 PTC4/LLWU_P8 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 Chapter 10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions 21 PTB1 PTE18 5 20 PTB0/LLWU_P5 PTE19 6 19 RESET_b VDDA VREFH 7 18 PTA19 VREFL VSSA 8 17 PTA18 PTE24 DAC0_OUT/CMP1_IN3/ADC0_SE23 16 4 PTA4/LLWU_P3 PTE17 15 PTC1/LLWU_P6 PTA3 22 14 3 PTA2 PTE16 13 PTC2 PTA1 23 12 2 PTA0 VSS 11 PTC3/LLWU_P7 PTE25 24 10 1 9 VDD Figure 10-4. KV30F 32 QFN pinout diagram (Transparent top view) 10.4 Module Signal Description Tables The following sections correlate the chip-level signal name with the signal name used in the module's chapter. They also briefly describe the signal function and direction. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 189 Module Signal Description Tables 10.4.1 Core Modules Table 10-3. JTAG Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name Description I/O JTAG_TMS JTAG_TMS/ SWD_DIO JTAG Test Mode Selection I/O JTAG_TCLK JTAG_TCLK/ SWD_CLK JTAG Test Clock I JTAG_TDI JTAG_TDI JTAG Test Data Input I JTAG_TDO JTAG_TDO/ TRACE_SWO JTAG Test Data Output O JTAG_TRST JTAG_TRST_b JTAG Reset I Table 10-4. SWD Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name Description I/O SWD_DIO JTAG_TMS/ SWD_DIO Serial Wire Data I/O SWD_CLK JTAG_TCLK/ SWD_CLK Serial Wire Clock I Table 10-5. TPIU Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name Description I/O TRACE_SWO JTAG_TDO/ TRACE_SWO Trace output data from the ARM CoreSight debug block over a single pin O 10.4.2 System Modules Table 10-6. EWM Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name EWM_IN EWM_in EWM_OUT EWM_out Description I/O EWM input for safety status of external safety circuits. The polarity of EWM_in is programmable using the EWM_CTRL[ASSIN] bit. The default polarity is active-low. I EWM reset out signal O KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 190 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions 10.4.3 Clock Modules Table 10-7. OSC Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name EXTAL0 EXTAL XTAL0 XTAL Description I/O External clock/Oscillator input I Oscillator output O 10.4.4 Analog Table 10-8. ADC 0 Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name Description I/O ADC0_DP[3:0] DADP3-DADP0 Differential Analog Channel Inputs I ADC0_DM[3:0] DADM3-DADM0 Differential Analog Channel Inputs I ADC0_SEn ADn Single-Ended Analog Channel Inputs I VREFH VREFSH Voltage Reference Select High I VREFL VREFSL Voltage Reference Select Low I VDDA VDDA Analog Power Supply I VSSA VSSA Analog Ground I Table 10-9. ADC 1 Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name Description I/O ADC1_DP3, ADC1_DP[1:0] DADP3-DADP0 Differential Analog Channel Inputs I ADC1_DM3, ADC1_DM[1:0] DADM3-DADM0 Differential Analog Channel Inputs I ADC1_SEn ADn Single-Ended Analog Channel Inputs I VREFH VREFSH Voltage Reference Select High I VREFL VREFSL Voltage Reference Select Low I VDDA VDDA Analog Power Supply I VSSA VSSA Analog Ground I Table 10-10. CMP 0 Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name Description I/O CMP0_IN[5:0] IN[5:0] Analog voltage inputs I CMP0_OUT CMPO Comparator output O KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 191 Module Signal Description Tables Table 10-11. CMP 1 Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name Description I/O CMP1_IN[5:0] IN[5:0] Analog voltage inputs I CMP1_OUT CMPO Comparator output O Table 10-12. DAC 0 Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name DAC0_OUT -- Description I/O DAC output O Table 10-13. VREF Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name VREF_OUT VREF_OUT Description I/O Internally-generated Voltage Reference output O 10.4.5 Timer Modules Table 10-14. FTM 0 Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name FTM_CLKIN[1:0] EXTCLK FTM0_CH[5:0] CHn FTM0_FLT[3:0] FAULTj Description I/O External clock. FTM external clock can be selected to drive the FTM counter. FTM channel (n), where n can be 5-0 I I/O Fault input (j), where j can be 3-0 I Table 10-15. FTM 1 Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name FTM_CLKIN[1:0] EXTCLK FTM1_CH[1:0] CHn FTM1_FLT0 FAULTj FTM1_QD_PHA FTM1_QD_PHB Description I/O External clock. FTM external clock can be selected to drive the FTM counter. FTM channel (n), where n can be 7-0 I I/O Fault input (j), where j can be 3-0 I PHA Quadrature decoder phase A input. Input pin associated with quadrature decoder phase A. I PHB Quadrature decoder phase B input. Input pin associated with quadrature decoder phase B. I KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 192 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions Table 10-16. FTM 2 Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name FTM_CLKIN[1:0] EXTCLK FTM2_CH[1:0] CHn FTM2_FLT0 FAULTj FTM2_QD_PHA FTM2_QD_PHB Description External clock. FTM external clock can be selected to drive the FTM counter. FTM channel (n), where n can be 7-0 I/O I I/O Fault input (j), where j can be 3-0 I PHA Quadrature decoder phase A input. Input pin associated with quadrature decoder phase A. I PHB Quadrature decoder phase B input. Input pin associated with quadrature decoder phase B. I Table 10-17. PDB 0 Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name PDB0_EXTRG EXTRG Description External Trigger Input Source I/O I If the PDB is enabled and external trigger input source is selected, a positive edge on the EXTRG signal resets and starts the counter. Table 10-18. LPTMR 0 Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name Description LPTMR0_ALT[:1] LPTMR0_ALTn Pulse Counter Input pin I/O I 10.4.6 Communication Interfaces Table 10-19. SPI 0 Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name Description I/O SPI0_PCS0 PCS0/SS Peripheral Chip Select 0 (O) I/O SPI0_PCS[3:1] PCS[1:3] Peripheral Chip Selects 1-3 O SPI0_PCS4 PCS4 Peripheral Chip Select 4 O SPI0_PCS5 PCS5/ PCSS Peripheral Chip Select 5 /Peripheral Chip Select Strobe O SPI0_SIN SIN Serial Data In I SPI0_SOUT SOUT Serial Data Out O SPI0_SCK SCK Serial Clock (O) I/O KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 193 Module Signal Description Tables Table 10-20. I2C 0 Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name I2C0_SCL SCL I2C0_SDA SDA Description I/O Bidirectional serial clock line of the I2C system. Bidirectional serial data line of the I2C system. I/O I/O Table 10-21. UART 0 Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name Description I/O UART0_CTS CTS Clear to send I UART0_RTS RTS Request to send O UART0_TX TXD Transmit data O UART0_RX RXD Receive data I Table 10-22. UART 1 Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name Description I/O UART1_CTS CTS Clear to send I UART1_RTS RTS Request to send O UART1_TX TXD Transmit data O UART1_RX RXD Receive data I 10.4.7 Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI) Table 10-23. GPIO Signal Descriptions Chip signal name Module signal name Description I/O PTA[31:0]1 PORTA31-PORTA0 General-purpose input/output I/O PTB[31:0]1 PORTB31-PORTB0 General-purpose input/output I/O PTC[31:0]1 PORTC31-PORTC0 General-purpose input/output I/O PTD[31:0]1 PORTD31-PORTD0 General-purpose input/output I/O PTE[31:0]1 PORTE31-PORTE0 General-purpose input/output I/O 1. The available GPIO pins depends on the specific package. See the signal multiplexing section for which exact GPIO signals are available. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 194 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 11 Port Control and Interrupts (PORT) 11.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. 11.2 Overview The Port Control and Interrupt (PORT) module provides support for port control, digital filtering, and external interrupt functions. Most functions can be configured independently for each pin in the 32-bit port and affect the pin regardless of its pin muxing state. There is one instance of the PORT module for each port. Not all pins within each port are implemented on a specific device. 11.2.1 Features The PORT module has the following features: * Pin interrupt * Interrupt flag and enable registers for each pin * Support for edge sensitive (rising, falling, both) or level sensitive (low, high) configured per pin * Support for interrupt or DMA request configured per pin * Asynchronous wake-up in low-power modes * Pin interrupt is functional in all digital pin muxing modes * Digital input filter on selected pins KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 195 Overview * Digital input filter for each pin, usable by any digital peripheral muxed onto the pin * Individual enable or bypass control field per pin * Selectable clock source for digital input filter with a five bit resolution on filter size * Functional in all digital pin multiplexing modes * Port control * Individual pull control fields with pullup, pulldown, and pull-disable support * Individual drive strength field supporting high and low drive strength * Individual slew rate field supporting fast and slow slew rates * Individual input passive filter field supporting enable and disable of the individual input passive filter * Individual open drain field supporting enable and disable of the individual open drain output * Individual mux control field supporting analog or pin disabled, GPIO, and up to six chip-specific digital functions * Pad configuration fields are functional in all digital pin muxing modes. 11.2.2 Modes of operation Run mode In Run mode, the PORT operates normally. Wait mode In Wait mode, PORT continues to operate normally and may be configured to exit the Low-Power mode if an enabled interrupt is detected. DMA requests are still generated during the Wait mode, but do not cause an exit from the Low-Power mode. Stop mode In Stop mode, the PORT can be configured to exit the Low-Power mode via an asynchronous wake-up signal if an enabled interrupt is detected. In Stop mode, the digital input filters are bypassed unless they are configured to run from the LPO clock source. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 196 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 11 Port Control and Interrupts (PORT) Debug mode In Debug mode, PORT operates normally. 11.3 External signal description The table found here describes the PORT external signal. Table 11-1. Signal properties Name Function I/O Reset Pull PORTx[31:0] External interrupt I/O 0 - NOTE Not all pins within each port are implemented on each device. 11.4 Detailed signal description The table found here contains the detailed signal description for the PORT interface. Table 11-2. PORT interface--detailed signal description Signal PORTx[31:0] I/O I/O Description External interrupt. State meaning Asserted--pin is logic 1. Negated--pin is logic 0. Timing Assertion--may occur at any time and can assert asynchronously to the system clock. Negation--may occur at any time and can assert asynchronously to the system clock. 11.5 Memory map and register definition Any read or write access to the PORT memory space that is outside the valid memory map results in a bus error. All register accesses complete with zero wait states. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 197 Memory map and register definition PORT memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4004_9000 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR0) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9004 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR1) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9008 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR2) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_900C Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR3) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9010 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR4) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9014 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR5) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9018 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR6) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_901C Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR7) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9020 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR8) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9024 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR9) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9028 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR10) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_902C Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR11) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9030 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR12) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9034 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR13) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9038 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR14) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_903C Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR15) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9040 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR16) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9044 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR17) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9048 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR18) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_904C Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR19) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9050 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR20) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9054 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR21) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9058 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR22) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_905C Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR23) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9060 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR24) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9064 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR25) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9068 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR26) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_906C Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR27) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9070 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR28) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9074 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR29) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9078 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR30) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_907C Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR31) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_9080 Global Pin Control Low Register (PORTA_GPCLR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 11.5.2/207 4004_9084 Global Pin Control High Register (PORTA_GPCHR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 11.5.3/207 4004_90A0 Interrupt Status Flag Register (PORTA_ISFR) 32 w1c 0000_0000h 11.5.4/208 Table continues on the next page... 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Chapter 11 Port Control and Interrupts (PORT) PORT memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4004_90C0 Digital Filter Enable Register (PORTA_DFER) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 11.5.5/208 4004_90C4 Digital Filter Clock Register (PORTA_DFCR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 11.5.6/209 4004_90C8 Digital Filter Width Register (PORTA_DFWR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 11.5.7/209 4004_A000 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR0) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A004 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR1) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A008 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR2) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A00C Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR3) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A010 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR4) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A014 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR5) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A018 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR6) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A01C Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR7) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A020 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR8) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A024 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR9) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A028 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR10) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A02C Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR11) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A030 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR12) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A034 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR13) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A038 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR14) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A03C Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR15) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A040 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR16) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A044 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR17) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A048 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR18) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A04C Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR19) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A050 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR20) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A054 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR21) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A058 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR22) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A05C Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR23) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A060 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR24) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A064 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR25) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A068 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR26) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A06C Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR27) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A070 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR28) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A074 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR29) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A078 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR30) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A07C Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR31) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_A080 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 11.5.2/207 Global Pin Control Low Register (PORTB_GPCLR) Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 199 Memory map and register definition PORT memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) 4004_A084 Register name Global Pin Control High Register (PORTB_GPCHR) Width Access (in bits) 32 Reset value W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) Section/ page 11.5.3/207 4004_A0A0 Interrupt Status Flag Register (PORTB_ISFR) 32 w1c 0000_0000h 11.5.4/208 4004_A0C0 Digital Filter Enable Register (PORTB_DFER) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 11.5.5/208 4004_A0C4 Digital Filter Clock Register (PORTB_DFCR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 11.5.6/209 4004_A0C8 Digital Filter Width Register (PORTB_DFWR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 11.5.7/209 4004_B000 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR0) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B004 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR1) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B008 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR2) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B00C Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR3) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B010 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR4) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B014 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR5) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B018 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR6) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B01C Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR7) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B020 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR8) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B024 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR9) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B028 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR10) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B02C Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR11) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B030 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR12) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B034 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR13) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B038 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR14) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B03C Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR15) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B040 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR16) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B044 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR17) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B048 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR18) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B04C Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR19) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B050 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR20) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B054 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR21) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B058 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR22) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B05C Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR23) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B060 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR24) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B064 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR25) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B068 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR26) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B06C Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR27) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B070 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR28) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B074 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR29) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B078 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR30) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 Table continues on the next page... 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Chapter 11 Port Control and Interrupts (PORT) PORT memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) R/W Reset value Section/ page See section 11.5.1/204 4004_B07C Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR31) 32 4004_B080 Global Pin Control Low Register (PORTC_GPCLR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 11.5.2/207 4004_B084 Global Pin Control High Register (PORTC_GPCHR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 11.5.3/207 4004_B0A0 Interrupt Status Flag Register (PORTC_ISFR) 32 w1c 0000_0000h 11.5.4/208 4004_B0C0 Digital Filter Enable Register (PORTC_DFER) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 11.5.5/208 4004_B0C4 Digital Filter Clock Register (PORTC_DFCR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 11.5.6/209 4004_B0C8 Digital Filter Width Register (PORTC_DFWR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 11.5.7/209 4004_C000 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR0) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C004 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR1) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C008 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR2) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C00C Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR3) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C010 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR4) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C014 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR5) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C018 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR6) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C01C Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR7) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C020 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR8) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C024 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR9) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C028 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR10) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C02C Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR11) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C030 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR12) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C034 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR13) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C038 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR14) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C03C Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR15) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C040 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR16) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C044 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR17) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C048 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR18) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C04C Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR19) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C050 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR20) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C054 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR21) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C058 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR22) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C05C Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR23) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C060 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR24) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C064 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR25) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C068 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR26) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C06C Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR27) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 201 Memory map and register definition PORT memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4004_C070 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR28) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C074 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR29) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C078 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR30) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_C07C Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR31) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 11.5.2/207 11.5.3/207 4004_C080 Global Pin Control Low Register (PORTD_GPCLR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 4004_C084 Global Pin Control High Register (PORTD_GPCHR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 4004_C0A0 Interrupt Status Flag Register (PORTD_ISFR) 32 w1c 0000_0000h 11.5.4/208 4004_C0C0 Digital Filter Enable Register (PORTD_DFER) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 11.5.5/208 4004_C0C4 Digital Filter Clock Register (PORTD_DFCR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 11.5.6/209 4004_C0C8 Digital Filter Width Register (PORTD_DFWR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 11.5.7/209 4004_D000 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR0) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D004 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR1) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D008 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR2) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D00C Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR3) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D010 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR4) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D014 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR5) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D018 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR6) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D01C Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR7) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D020 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR8) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D024 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR9) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D028 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR10) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D02C Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR11) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D030 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR12) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D034 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR13) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D038 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR14) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D03C Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR15) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D040 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR16) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D044 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR17) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D048 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR18) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D04C Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR19) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D050 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR20) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D054 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR21) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D058 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR22) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D05C Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR23) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D060 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR24) Table continues on the next page... 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Chapter 11 Port Control and Interrupts (PORT) PORT memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4004_D064 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR25) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D068 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR26) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D06C Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR27) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D070 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR28) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D074 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR29) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D078 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR30) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D07C Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR31) 32 R/W See section 11.5.1/204 4004_D080 Global Pin Control Low Register (PORTE_GPCLR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 11.5.2/207 4004_D084 Global Pin Control High Register (PORTE_GPCHR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 11.5.3/207 4004_D0A0 Interrupt Status Flag Register (PORTE_ISFR) 32 w1c 0000_0000h 11.5.4/208 4004_D0C0 Digital Filter Enable Register (PORTE_DFER) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 11.5.5/208 4004_D0C4 Digital Filter Clock Register (PORTE_DFCR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 11.5.6/209 4004_D0C8 Digital Filter Width Register (PORTE_DFWR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 11.5.7/209 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 203 Memory map and register definition 11.5.1 Pin Control Register n (PORTx_PCRn) NOTE See the Signal Multiplexing and Pin Assignment chapter for the reset value of this device. See the GPIO Configuration section for details on the available functions for each pin. Do not modify pin configuration registers associated with pins not available in your selected package. All unbonded pins not available in your package will default to DISABLE state for lowest power consumption. Address: Base address + 0h offset + (4d x i), where i=0d to 31d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 0 R 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reset 21 20 19 18 0 0 LK 0 0 0 MUX 0 * * 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 0 * * 0 17 16 IRQC w1c Reset W 22 ISF W R 23 DSE ODE PFE * 0 * 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 SRE PE PS * * * 0 0 * Notes: * MUX field: Varies by port. See Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions chapter for reset values per port. * DSE field: Varies by port. See the Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions chapter for reset values per port. * PFE field: Varies by port. See Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions chapter for reset values per port. * SRE field: Varies by port. See Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions chapter for reset values per port. * PE field: Varies by port. See Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions chapter for reset values per port. * PS field: Varies by port. See Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions chapter for reset values per port. PORTx_PCRn field descriptions Field 31-25 Reserved 24 ISF Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Interrupt Status Flag The pin interrupt configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 204 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 11 Port Control and Interrupts (PORT) PORTx_PCRn field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 23-20 Reserved 19-16 IRQC Configured interrupt is not detected. Configured interrupt is detected. If the pin is configured to generate a DMA request, then the corresponding flag will be cleared automatically at the completion of the requested DMA transfer. Otherwise, the flag remains set until a logic 1 is written to the flag. If the pin is configured for a level sensitive interrupt and the pin remains asserted, then the flag is set again immediately after it is cleared. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Interrupt Configuration The pin interrupt configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes. The corresponding pin is configured to generate interrupt/DMA request as follows: 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 15 LK 14-12 Reserved 11-8 MUX Interrupt Status Flag (ISF) is disabled. ISF flag and DMA request on rising edge. ISF flag and DMA request on falling edge. ISF flag and DMA request on either edge. Reserved. Reserved. Reserved. Reserved. ISF flag and Interrupt when logic 0. ISF flag and Interrupt on rising-edge. ISF flag and Interrupt on falling-edge. ISF flag and Interrupt on either edge. ISF flag and Interrupt when logic 1. Reserved. Reserved. Reserved. Lock Register 0 1 Pin Control Register fields [15:0] are not locked. Pin Control Register fields [15:0] are locked and cannot be updated until the next system reset. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Pin Mux Control Not all pins support all pin muxing slots. Unimplemented pin muxing slots are reserved and may result in configuring the pin for a different pin muxing slot. The corresponding pin is configured in the following pin muxing slot as follows: 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 Pin disabled. Alternative 1 (GPIO). Alternative 2 (chip-specific). Alternative 3 (chip-specific). Alternative 4 (chip-specific). Alternative 5 (chip-specific). Alternative 6 (chip-specific). Alternative 7 (chip-specific). Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 205 Memory map and register definition PORTx_PCRn field descriptions (continued) Field Description 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 7 Reserved 6 DSE This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Drive Strength Enable Drive strength configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes. 0 1 5 ODE Open drain configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes. 2 SRE Passive filter configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes. Slew Rate Enable Slew rate configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes. Fast slew rate is configured on the corresponding pin, if the pin is configured as a digital output. Slow slew rate is configured on the corresponding pin, if the pin is configured as a digital output. Pull Enable Pull configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes. 0 1 0 PS Passive input filter is disabled on the corresponding pin. Passive input filter is enabled on the corresponding pin, if the pin is configured as a digital input. Refer to the device data sheet for filter characteristics. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 1 1 PE Open drain output is disabled on the corresponding pin. Open drain output is enabled on the corresponding pin, if the pin is configured as a digital output. Passive Filter Enable 0 1 3 Reserved Low drive strength is configured on the corresponding pin, if pin is configured as a digital output. High drive strength is configured on the corresponding pin, if pin is configured as a digital output. Open Drain Enable 0 1 4 PFE Alternative 8 (chip-specific). Alternative 9 (chip-specific). Alternative 10 (chip-specific). Alternative 11 (chip-specific). Alternative 12 (chip-specific). Alternative 13 (chip-specific). Alternative 14 (chip-specific). Alternative 15 (chip-specific). Internal pullup or pulldown resistor is not enabled on the corresponding pin. Internal pullup or pulldown resistor is enabled on the corresponding pin, if the pin is configured as a digital input. Pull Select Pull configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes. 0 1 Internal pulldown resistor is enabled on the corresponding pin, if the corresponding PE field is set. Internal pullup resistor is enabled on the corresponding pin, if the corresponding PE field is set. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 206 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 11 Port Control and Interrupts (PORT) 11.5.2 Global Pin Control Low Register (PORTx_GPCLR) Only 32-bit writes are supported to this register. Address: Base address + 80h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 R 0 0 W GPWE GPWD Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PORTx_GPCLR field descriptions Field Description 31-16 GPWE Global Pin Write Enable Selects which Pin Control Registers (15 through 0) bits [15:0] update with the value in GPWD. If a selected Pin Control Register is locked then the write to that register is ignored. 0 1 GPWD Corresponding Pin Control Register is not updated with the value in GPWD. Corresponding Pin Control Register is updated with the value in GPWD. Global Pin Write Data Write value that is written to all Pin Control Registers bits [15:0] that are selected by GPWE. 11.5.3 Global Pin Control High Register (PORTx_GPCHR) Only 32-bit writes are supported to this register. Address: Base address + 84h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 R 0 0 W GPWE GPWD Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PORTx_GPCHR field descriptions Field 31-16 GPWE Description Global Pin Write Enable Selects which Pin Control Registers (31 through 16) bits [15:0] update with the value in GPWD. If a selected Pin Control Register is locked then the write to that register is ignored. 0 1 GPWD Corresponding Pin Control Register is not updated with the value in GPWD. Corresponding Pin Control Register is updated with the value in GPWD. Global Pin Write Data Write value that is written to all Pin Control Registers bits [15:0] that are selected by GPWE. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 207 Memory map and register definition 11.5.4 Interrupt Status Flag Register (PORTx_ISFR) The pin interrupt configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes. The Interrupt Status Flag for each pin is also visible in the corresponding Pin Control Register, and each flag can be cleared in either location. Address: Base address + A0h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 R ISF W w1c Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PORTx_ISFR field descriptions Field Description ISF Interrupt Status Flag Each bit in the field indicates the detection of the configured interrupt of the same number as the field. 0 1 Configured interrupt is not detected. Configured interrupt is detected. If the pin is configured to generate a DMA request, then the corresponding flag will be cleared automatically at the completion of the requested DMA transfer. Otherwise, the flag remains set until a logic 1 is written to the flag. If the pin is configured for a level sensitive interrupt and the pin remains asserted, then the flag is set again immediately after it is cleared. 11.5.5 Digital Filter Enable Register (PORTx_DFER) The corresponding bit is read only for pins that do not support a digital filter. Refer to the Chapter of Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions for the pins that support digital filter. The digital filter configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes. Address: Base address + C0h offset Bit R W 31 Reset 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DFE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PORTx_DFER field descriptions Field DFE Description Digital Filter Enable KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 208 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 11 Port Control and Interrupts (PORT) PORTx_DFER field descriptions (continued) Field Description The digital filter configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes. The output of each digital filter is reset to zero at system reset and whenever the digital filter is disabled. Each bit in the field enables the digital filter of the same number as the field. 0 1 Digital filter is disabled on the corresponding pin and output of the digital filter is reset to zero. Digital filter is enabled on the corresponding pin, if the pin is configured as a digital input. 11.5.6 Digital Filter Clock Register (PORTx_DFCR) This register is read only for ports that do not support a digital filter. The digital filter configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes. Address: Base address + C4h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 R CS W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PORTx_DFCR field descriptions Field 31-1 Reserved 0 CS Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Clock Source The digital filter configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes. Configures the clock source for the digital input filters. Changing the filter clock source must be done only when all digital filters are disabled. 0 1 Digital filters are clocked by the bus clock. Digital filters are clocked by the LPO clock. 11.5.7 Digital Filter Width Register (PORTx_DFWR) This register is read only for ports that do not support a digital filter. The digital filter configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 209 Functional description Address: Base address + C8h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 FILT W Reset 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PORTx_DFWR field descriptions Field 31-5 Reserved FILT Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Filter Length The digital filter configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes. Configures the maximum size of the glitches, in clock cycles, that the digital filter absorbs for the enabled digital filters. Glitches that are longer than this register setting will pass through the digital filter, and glitches that are equal to or less than this register setting are filtered. Changing the filter length must be done only after all filters are disabled. 11.6 Functional description 11.6.1 Pin control Each port pin has a corresponding Pin Control register, PORT_PCRn, associated with it. The upper half of the Pin Control register configures the pin's capability to either interrupt the CPU or request a DMA transfer, on a rising/falling edge or both edges as well as a logic level occurring on the port pin. It also includes a flag to indicate that an interrupt has occurred. The lower half of the Pin Control register configures the following functions for each pin within the 32-bit port. * * * * * Pullup or pulldown enable Drive strength and slew rate configuration Open drain enable Passive input filter enable Pin Muxing mode The functions apply across all digital pin muxing modes and individual peripherals do not override the configuration in the Pin Control register. For example, if an I2C function is enabled on a pin, that does not override the pullup or open drain configuration for that pin. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 210 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 11 Port Control and Interrupts (PORT) When the Pin Muxing mode is configured for analog or is disabled, all the digital functions on that pin are disabled. This includes the pullup and pulldown enables, output buffer enable, input buffer enable, and passive filter enable. The LK bit (bit 15 of Pin Control Register PCRn) allows the configuration for each pin to be locked until the next system reset. When locked, writes to the lower half of that pin control register are ignored, although a bus error is not generated on an attempted write to a locked register. The configuration of each Pin Control register is retained when the PORT module is disabled. Whenever a pin is configured in any digital pin muxing mode, the input buffer for that pin is enabled allowing the pin state to be read via the corresponding GPIO Port Data Input Register (GPIO_PDIR) or allowing a pin interrupt or DMA request to be generated. If a pin is ever floating when its input buffer is enabled, then this can cause an increase in power consumption and must be avoided. A pin can be floating due to an input pin that is not connected or an output pin that has tri-stated (output buffer is disabled). Enabling the internal pull resistor (or implementing an external pull resistor) will ensure a pin does not float when its input buffer is enabled; note that the internal pull resistor is automatically disabled whenever the output buffer is enabled allowing the Pull Enable bit to remain set. Configuring the Pin Muxing mode to disabled or analog will disable the pin's input buffer and results in the lowest power consumption. 11.6.2 Global pin control The two global pin control registers allow a single register write to update the lower half of the pin control register on up to 16 pins, all with the same value. Registers that are locked cannot be written using the global pin control registers. The global pin control registers are designed to enable software to quickly configure multiple pins within the one port for the same peripheral function. However, the interrupt functions cannot be configured using the global pin control registers. The global pin control registers are write-only registers, that always read as 0. 11.6.3 External interrupts The external interrupt capability of the PORT module is available in all digital pin muxing modes provided the PORT module is enabled. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 211 Functional description Each pin can be individually configured for any of the following external interrupt modes: * * * * * * * * * Interrupt disabled, default out of reset Active high level sensitive interrupt Active low level sensitive interrupt Rising edge sensitive interrupt Falling edge sensitive interrupt Rising and falling edge sensitive interrupt Rising edge sensitive DMA request Falling edge sensitive DMA request Rising and falling edge sensitive DMA request The interrupt status flag is set when the configured edge or level is detected on the pin or at the output of the digital input filter, if the digital input digital filter is enabled. When not in Stop mode, the input is first synchronized to the bus clock to detect the configured level or edge transition. The PORT module generates a single interrupt that asserts when the interrupt status flag is set for any enabled interrupt for that port. The interrupt negates after the interrupt status flags for all enabled interrupts have been cleared by writing a logic 1 to the ISF flag in either the PORT_ISFR or PORT_PCRn registers. The PORT module generates a single DMA request that asserts when the interrupt status flag is set for any enabled DMA request in that port. The DMA request negates after the DMA transfer is completed, because that clears the interrupt status flags for all enabled DMA requests. During Stop mode, the interrupt status flag for any enabled interrupt is asynchronously set if the required level or edge is detected. This also generates an asynchronous wake-up signal to exit the Low-Power mode. 11.6.4 Digital filter The digital filter capabilities of the PORT module are available in all digital Pin Muxing modes if the PORT module is enabled. The clock used for all digital filters within one port can be configured between the bus clock or the LPO clock. This selection must be changed only when all digital filters for that port are disabled. If the digital filters for a port are configured to use the bus clock, then the digital filters are bypassed for the duration of Stop mode. While the digital filters KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 212 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 11 Port Control and Interrupts (PORT) are bypassed, the output of each digital filter always equals the input pin, but the internal state of the digital filters remains static and does not update due to any change on the input pin. The filter width in clock size is the same for all enabled digital filters within one port and must be changed only when all digital filters for that port are disabled. The output of each digital filter is logic zero after system reset and whenever a digital filter is disabled. After a digital filter is enabled, the input is synchronized to the filter clock, either the bus clock or the LPO clock. If the synchronized input and the output of the digital filter remain different for a number of filter clock cycles equal to the filter width register configuration, then the output of the digital filter updates to equal the synchronized filter input. The maximum latency through a digital filter equals three filter clock cycles plus the filter width configuration register. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 213 Functional description KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 214 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM) 12.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The System Integration Module (SIM) provides system control and chip configuration registers. 12.1.1 Features Features of the SIM include: * System clocking configuration * System clock divide values * Architectural clock gating control * Flash and system RAM size configuration * FlexTimer external clock, hardware trigger, and fault source selection * UART0 and UART1 receive/transmit source selection/configuration KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 215 Memory map and register definition 12.2 Memory map and register definition The SIM module contains many fields for selecting the clock source and dividers for various module clocks. See the Clock Distribution chapter for more information, including block diagrams and clock definitions. NOTE The SIM_SOPT1 and SIM_SOPT1CFG registers are located at a different base address than the other SIM registers. SIM memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4004_7000 System Options Register 1 (SIM_SOPT1) 32 R/W See section 12.2.1/217 4004_7004 SOPT1 Configuration Register (SIM_SOPT1CFG) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 12.2.2/218 4004_8004 System Options Register 2 (SIM_SOPT2) 32 R/W 0000_1000h 12.2.3/219 4004_800C System Options Register 4 (SIM_SOPT4) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 12.2.4/221 4004_8010 System Options Register 5 (SIM_SOPT5) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 12.2.5/223 4004_8018 System Options Register 7 (SIM_SOPT7) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 12.2.6/225 4004_801C System Options Register 8 (SIM_SOPT8) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 12.2.7/227 4004_8024 System Device Identification Register (SIM_SDID) 32 R See section 12.2.8/228 4004_8034 System Clock Gating Control Register 4 (SIM_SCGC4) 32 R/W F010_0030h 12.2.9/230 4004_8038 System Clock Gating Control Register 5 (SIM_SCGC5) 32 R/W 0004_0180h 12.2.10/232 4004_803C System Clock Gating Control Register 6 (SIM_SCGC6) 32 R/W 0000_0001h 12.2.11/233 4004_8040 System Clock Gating Control Register 7 (SIM_SCGC7) 32 R/W 0000_0002h 12.2.12/236 4004_8044 System Clock Divider Register 1 (SIM_CLKDIV1) 32 R/W See section 12.2.13/237 4004_804C Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG1) 32 R See section 12.2.14/239 4004_8050 Flash Configuration Register 2 (SIM_FCFG2) 32 R See section 12.2.15/240 4004_8054 Unique Identification Register High (SIM_UIDH) 32 R See section 12.2.16/241 4004_8058 Unique Identification Register Mid-High (SIM_UIDMH) 32 R See section 12.2.17/241 4004_805C Unique Identification Register Mid Low (SIM_UIDML) 32 R See section 12.2.18/242 4004_8060 Unique Identification Register Low (SIM_UIDL) 32 R See section 12.2.19/242 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 216 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM) 12.2.1 System Options Register 1 (SIM_SOPT1) NOTE The SOPT1 register is only reset on POR or LVD. Address: 4004_7000h base + 0h offset = 4004_7000h Bit 31 R 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 22 21 20 0 Reserved W 23 19 18 17 16 OSC32KSEL OSC32KOUT Reset x* x* x* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 x* x* RAMSIZE R 0 Reserved W Reset x* x* x* x* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. SIM_SOPT1 field descriptions Field Description 31-29 Reserved This field is reserved. 28-20 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 19-18 OSC32KSEL 32K oscillator clock select Selects the 32 kHz clock source (ERCLK32K) for LPTMR. This field is reset only on POR/LVD. 00 01 10 11 17-16 OSC32KOUT 32K Oscillator Clock Output Outputs the ERCLK32K on the selected pin in all modes of operation (including LLS/VLLS and System Reset), overriding the existing pin mux configuration for that pin. This field is reset only on POR/LVD. 00 01 10 11 15-12 RAMSIZE System oscillator (OSC32KCLK) Reserved Reserved LPO 1 kHz ERCLK32K is not output. ERCLK32K is output on PTE0. ERCLK32K is output on PTE26. Reserved. RAM size This field specifies the amount of system RAM available on the device. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 217 Memory map and register definition SIM_SOPT1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0001 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1011 8 KB 16 KB 24 KB 32 KB 48 KB 64 KB 96 KB 128 KB 256 KB 11-6 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Reserved This field is reserved. 12.2.2 SOPT1 Configuration Register (SIM_SOPT1CFG) NOTE The SOPT1CFG register is reset on System Reset not VLLS. Address: 4004_7000h base + 4h offset = 4004_7004h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 0 R 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 8 7 6 5 4 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SIM_SOPT1CFG field descriptions Field Description 31-27 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 26-24 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 23-10 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 9-8 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 218 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM) 12.2.3 System Options Register 2 (SIM_SOPT2) SOPT2 contains the controls for selecting many of the module clock source options on this device. See the Clock Distribution chapter for more information including clocking diagrams and definitions of device clocks. Address: 4004_7000h base + 1004h offset = 4004_8004h Bit 31 30 29 0 R 28 27 0 26 25 0 24 23 0 22 21 0 20 19 0 18 17 16 0 PLLFLLSEL W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 TRACECLKSE L Reset 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 CLKOUTSEL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SIM_SOPT2 field descriptions Field Description 31-30 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 29-28 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 27-26 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 25-24 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 23-22 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 21-19 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 18 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 17-16 PLLFLLSEL PLL/FLL clock select Selects the high frequency clock for various peripheral clocking options. NOTE: Not all chips have the option to select a PLL clock. 00 MCGFLLCLK clock Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 219 Memory map and register definition SIM_SOPT2 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 01 10 11 15-13 Reserved Reserved Reserved IRC48 MHz clock This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 12 Debug trace clock select TRACECLKSEL Selects the core/system clock, or MCG output clock (MCGOUTCLK) as the trace clock source. 0 1 MCGOUTCLK Core/system clock 11 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 10 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 9-8 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 7-5 CLKOUTSEL CLKOUT select Selects the clock to output on the CLKOUT pin. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Reserved Reserved Flash clock LPO clock (1 kHz) MCGIRCLK Reserved OSCERCLK0 IRC 48 MHz clock 4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 220 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM) 12.2.4 System Options Register 4 (SIM_SOPT4) Address: 4004_7000h base + 100Ch offset = 4004_800Ch 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 FTM0FLT0 16 FTM0FLT1 FTM1CH0SRC 24 FTM2CH0SRC 25 FTM1FLT0 26 FTM2CH1SRC 27 FTM0CLKSEL 28 FTM1CLKSEL 29 FTM2CLKSEL 30 FTM0TRG0SR C 31 FTM0TRG1SR C Bit 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W 0 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 FTM2FLT0 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SIM_SOPT4 field descriptions Field 31-30 Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 29 FlexTimer 0 Hardware Trigger 1 Source Select FTM0TRG1SRC Selects the source of FTM0 hardware trigger 1. 0 1 PDB output trigger 1 drives FTM0 hardware trigger 1 FTM2 channel match drives FTM0 hardware trigger 1 28 FlexTimer 0 Hardware Trigger 0 Source Select FTM0TRG0SRC Selects the source of FTM0 hardware trigger 0. 0 1 27 Reserved 26 FTM2CLKSEL HSCMP0 output drives FTM0 hardware trigger 0 FTM1 channel match drives FTM0 hardware trigger 0 This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. FlexTimer 2 External Clock Pin Select Selects the external pin used to drive the clock to the FTM2 module. NOTE: The selected pin must also be configured for the FTM2 module external clock function through the appropriate pin control register in the port control module. 0 1 25 FTM1CLKSEL FTM2 external clock driven by FTM_CLK0 pin. FTM2 external clock driven by FTM_CLK1 pin. FTM1 External Clock Pin Select Selects the external pin used to drive the clock to the FTM1 module. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 221 Memory map and register definition SIM_SOPT4 field descriptions (continued) Field Description NOTE: The selected pin must also be configured for the FTM external clock function through the appropriate pin control register in the port control module. 0 1 24 FTM0CLKSEL FTM_CLK0 pin FTM_CLK1 pin FlexTimer 0 External Clock Pin Select Selects the external pin used to drive the clock to the FTM0 module. NOTE: The selected pin must also be configured for the FTM external clock function through the appropriate pin control register in the port control module. 0 1 23 Reserved FTM_CLK0 pin FTM_CLK1 pin This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 22 FTM2CH1SRC FTM2 channel 1 input capture source select 21-20 FTM2CH0SRC FTM2 channel 0 input capture source select 0 1 FTM2_CH1 signal Exclusive OR of FTM2_CH1, FTM2_CH0 and FTM1_CH1. Selects the source for FTM2 channel 0 input capture. NOTE: When the FTM is not in input capture mode, clear this field. 00 01 10 11 19-18 FTM1CH0SRC FTM2_CH0 signal CMP0 output CMP1 output Reserved FTM1 channel 0 input capture source select Selects the source for FTM1 channel 0 input capture. NOTE: When the FTM is not in input capture mode, clear this field. 00 01 10 11 17-9 Reserved 8 FTM2FLT0 FTM1_CH0 signal CMP0 output CMP1 output Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. FTM2 Fault 0 Select Selects the source of FTM2 fault 0. NOTE: The pin source for fault 0 must be configured for the FTM module fault function through the appropriate PORTx pin control register. 0 1 FTM2_FLT0 pin CMP0 out Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 222 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM) SIM_SOPT4 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 7-5 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 4 FTM1FLT0 FTM1 Fault 0 Select Selects the source of FTM1 fault 0. NOTE: The pin source for fault 0 must be configured for the FTM module fault function through the appropriate pin control register in the port control module. 0 1 FTM1_FLT0 pin CMP0 out 3 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 2 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 1 FTM0FLT1 FTM0 Fault 1 Select Selects the source of FTM0 fault 1. NOTE: The pin source for fault 1 must be configured for the FTM module fault function through the appropriate pin control register in the port control module. 0 1 0 FTM0FLT0 FTM0_FLT1 pin CMP1 out FTM0 Fault 0 Select Selects the source of FTM0 fault 0. NOTE: The pin source for fault 0 must be configured for the FTM module fault function through the appropriate pin control register in the port control module. 0 1 FTM0_FLT0 pin CMP0 out 12.2.5 System Options Register 5 (SIM_SOPT5) Address: 4004_7000h base + 1010h offset = 4004_8010h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 R 16 0 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 R UART1RXSR UART1TXSR UART0RXSR UART0TXSR C C C C W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 223 Memory map and register definition SIM_SOPT5 field descriptions Field Description 31-18 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 17-16 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 15-8 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 7-6 UART1RXSRC UART 1 receive data source select Selects the source for the UART 1 receive data. 00 01 10 11 5-4 UART1TXSRC UART 1 transmit data source select Selects the source for the UART 1 transmit data. 00 01 10 11 3-2 UART0RXSRC UART1_TX pin UART1_TX pin modulated with FTM1 channel 0 output UART1_TX pin modulated with FTM2 channel 0 output Reserved UART 0 receive data source select Selects the source for the UART 0 receive data. 00 01 10 11 UART0TXSRC UART1_RX pin CMP0 CMP1 Reserved UART0_RX pin CMP0 CMP1 Reserved UART 0 transmit data source select Selects the source for the UART 0 transmit data. 00 01 10 11 UART0_TX pin UART0_TX pin modulated with FTM1 channel 0 output UART0_TX pin modulated with FTM2 channel 0 output Reserved KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 224 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM) 12.2.6 System Options Register 7 (SIM_SOPT7) Address: 4004_7000h base + 1018h offset = 4004_8018h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 ADC1TRGSEL 0 0 0 0 0 ADC0PRETRGS EL 0 ADC0ALTTRGE N 0 ADC1PRETRGS EL 0 ADC1ALTTRGE N Reset 0 0 0 0 ADC0TRGSEL 0 0 0 0 SIM_SOPT7 field descriptions Field 31-16 Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 15 ADC1 alternate trigger enable ADC1ALTTRGEN Enable alternative conversion triggers for ADC1. 0 1 14-13 Reserved PDB trigger selected for ADC1 Alternate trigger selected for ADC1 as defined by ADC1TRGSEL. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 12 ADC1 pre-trigger select ADC1PRETRGSEL Selects the ADC1 pre-trigger source when alternative triggers are enabled through ADC1ALTTRGEN. 0 1 11-8 ADC1TRGSEL Pre-trigger A selected for ADC1. Pre-trigger B selected for ADC1. ADC1 trigger select Selects the ADC1 trigger source when alternative triggers are functional in stop and VLPS modes. 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 PDB external trigger pin input (PDB0_EXTRG) High speed comparator 0 output High speed comparator 1 output Reserved PIT trigger 0 PIT trigger 1 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 225 Memory map and register definition SIM_SOPT7 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 PIT trigger 2 PIT trigger 3 FTM0 trigger FTM1 trigger FTM2 trigger Reserved Reserved Reserved Low-power timer (LPTMR) trigger Reserved 7 ADC0 alternate trigger enable ADC0ALTTRGEN Enable alternative conversion triggers for ADC0. 0 1 6-5 Reserved PDB trigger selected for ADC0. Alternate trigger selected for ADC0. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 4 ADC0 pretrigger select ADC0PRETRGSEL Selects the ADC0 pre-trigger source when alternative triggers are enabled through ADC0ALTTRGEN. 0 1 ADC0TRGSEL Pre-trigger A Pre-trigger B ADC0 trigger select Selects the ADC0 trigger source when alternative triggers are functional in stop and VLPS modes. . 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 PDB external trigger pin input (PDB0_EXTRG) High speed comparator 0 output High speed comparator 1 output Reserved PIT trigger 0 PIT trigger 1 PIT trigger 2 PIT trigger 3 FTM0 trigger FTM1 trigger FTM2 trigger Reserved Reserved Reserved Low-power timer (LPTMR) trigger Reserved KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 226 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM) 12.2.7 System Options Register 8 (SIM_SOPT8) Address: 4004_7000h base + 101Ch offset = 4004_801Ch 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 FTM0OCH0SR C 24 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FTM0SYNCBIT 25 FTM0OCH1SR C 26 FTM1SYNCBIT 27 FTM0OCH2SR C 28 FTM2SYNCBIT 29 FTM0OCH3SR C 30 FTM0OCH4SR C 31 FTM0OCH5SR C Bit 0 0 0 0 R 0 W 0 R 0 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SIM_SOPT8 field descriptions Field Description 31-24 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 23-22 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 21 FTM0 channel 5 output source FTM0OCH5SRC 0 FTM0_CH5 pin is output of FTM0 channel 5 output 1 FTM0_CH5 pin is output of FTM0 channel 5 output, modulated by FTM1 channel 1 output 20 FTM0 channel 4 output source FTM0OCH4SRC 0 FTM0_CH4 pin is output of FTM0 channel 4 output 1 FTM0_CH4 pin is output of FTM0 channel 4 output, modulated by FTM1 channel 1 output 19 FTM0 channel 3 output source FTM0OCH3SRC 0 FTM0_CH3 pin is output of FTM0 channel 3 output 1 FTM0_CH3 pin is output of FTM0 channel 3 output, modulated by FTM1 channel 1 output 18 FTM0 channel 2 output source FTM0OCH2SRC 0 FTM0_CH2 pin is output of FTM0 channel 2 output 1 FTM0_CH2 pin is output of FTM0 channel 2 output, modulated by FTM1 channel 1 output 17 FTM0 channel 1 output source FTM0OCH1SRC 0 FTM0_CH1 pin is output of FTM0 channel 1 output 1 FTM0_CH1 pin is output of FTM0 channel 1 output, modulated by FTM1 channel 1 output 16 FTM0 channel 0 output source FTM0OCH0SRC Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 227 Memory map and register definition SIM_SOPT8 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 FTM0_CH0 pin is output of FTM0 channel 0 output FTM0_CH0 pin is output of FTM0 channel 0 output, modulated by FTM1 channel 1 output 15-4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 2 FTM2SYNCBIT FTM2 Hardware Trigger 0 Software Synchronization 1 FTM1SYNCBIT FTM1 Hardware Trigger 0 Software Synchronization 0 FTM0SYNCBIT FTM0 Hardware Trigger 0 Software Synchronization 0 1 0 1 0 1 No effect. Write 1 to assert the TRIG0 input to FTM2, software must clear this bit to allow other trigger sources to assert. No effect. Write 1 to assert the TRIG0 input to FTM1, software must clear this bit to allow other trigger sources to assert. No effect Write 1 to assert the TRIG0 input to FTM0, software must clear this bit to allow other trigger sources to assert. 12.2.8 System Device Identification Register (SIM_SDID) Address: 4004_7000h base + 1024h offset = 4004_8024h Bit R 31 30 29 28 FAMILYID 27 26 25 24 23 SUBFAMID 22 21 20 19 18 SERIESID 17 0 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 REVID 9 8 7 DIEID 6 5 4 Reserved 3 2 1 0 PINID W Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* 0 0 0 0 x* x* x* x* 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. SIM_SDID field descriptions Field 31-28 FAMILYID Description Kinetis Family ID Specifies the Kinetis family of the device. 0001 0010 0011 0100 0110 0111 KV1x Family KV2x Family KV3x Family KV4x Family KV6x Family KV7x Family Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 228 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM) SIM_SDID field descriptions (continued) Field 27-24 SUBFAMID Description Kinetis Sub-Family ID Specifies the Kinetis sub-family of the device. 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 23-20 SERIESID Kinetis Series ID Specifies the Kinetis series of the device. 0000 0001 0101 0110 19-16 Reserved KVx0 Subfamily KVx1 Subfamily KVx2 Subfamily KVx3 Subfamily KVx4 Subfamily KVx5 Subfamily KVx6 Subfamily Kinetis K series Kinetis L series Kinetis W series Kinetis V series This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 15-12 REVID Device revision number 11-7 DIEID Device die number Specifies the silicon implementation number for the device. Specifies the silicon implementation number for the device. 6-4 Reserved This field is reserved. PINID Pincount identification Specifies the pincount of the device. 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Reserved Reserved 32-pin Reserved 48-pin 64-pin 80-pin 81-pin or 121-pin 100-pin 121-pin 144-pin Custom pinout (WLCSP) 169-pin Reserved 256-pin Reserved KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 229 Memory map and register definition 12.2.9 System Clock Gating Control Register 4 (SIM_SCGC4) Address: 4004_7000h base + 1034h offset = 4004_8034h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 1 R 23 22 21 20 19 0 18 17 0 16 0 VREF CMP W 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 UART0 1 UART1 Reset 0 0 0 0 1 I2C0 0 0 0 0 0 EWM 1 1 0 0 0 0 SIM_SCGC4 field descriptions Field Description 31-28 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 1. 27-21 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 20 VREF VREF Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the VREF module. 0 1 19 CMP Clock disabled Clock enabled Comparator Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the comparator module. 0 1 Clock disabled Clock enabled 18 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 17-14 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 13 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 12 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 11 UART1 UART1 Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the UART1 module. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 230 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM) SIM_SCGC4 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 10 UART0 Clock disabled Clock enabled UART0 Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the UART0 module. 0 1 Clock disabled Clock enabled 9-8 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 7 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 6 I2C0 I2C0 Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the I 2 C0 module. 0 1 Clock disabled Clock enabled 5-4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 1. 3 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 2 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 1 EWM EWM Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the EWM module. 0 1 0 Reserved Clock disabled Clock enabled This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 231 Memory map and register definition 12.2.10 System Clock Gating Control Register 5 (SIM_SCGC5) Address: 4004_7000h base + 1038h offset = 4004_8038h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 0 R 17 1 16 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 LPTMR 0 PORTA 0 PORTB 0 PORTC 0 PORTD 0 PORTE Reset 0 SIM_SCGC5 field descriptions Field Description 31-19 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 18 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 1. 17-14 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 13 PORTE Port E Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the Port E module. 0 1 12 PORTD Port D Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the Port D module. 0 1 11 PORTC Clock disabled Clock enabled Port C Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the Port C module. 0 1 10 PORTB Clock disabled Clock enabled Clock disabled Clock enabled Port B Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the Port B module. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 232 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM) SIM_SCGC5 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 9 PORTA Clock disabled Clock enabled Port A Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the Port A module. 0 1 Clock disabled Clock enabled 8-7 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 1. 6 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 5 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3-2 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 1 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 LPTMR Low Power Timer Access Control This bit controls software access to the Low Power Timer module. 0 1 Access disabled Access enabled 12.2.11 System Clock Gating Control Register 6 (SIM_SCGC6) Address: 4004_7000h base + 103Ch offset = 4004_803Ch Bit 31 24 23 22 21 20 0 19 18 17 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTF 0 1 SPI0 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADC1 Reset DMAMUX 0 25 FTM0 0 26 FTM1 0 27 FTM2 28 ADC0 29 PIT W DAC0 R 30 0 PDB 0 CRC 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 233 Memory map and register definition SIM_SCGC6 field descriptions Field 31 DAC0 Description DAC0 Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the DAC0 module. 0 1 Clock disabled Clock enabled 30 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 29 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 28 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 27 ADC0 ADC0 Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the ADC0 module. 0 1 26 FTM2 FTM2 Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the FTM2 module. 0 1 25 FTM1 This bit controls the clock gate to the FTM1 module. This bit controls the clock gate to the FTM0 module. This bit controls the clock gate to the PIT module. Clock disabled Clock enabled PDB Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the PDB module. 0 1 21 Reserved Clock disabled Clock enabled PIT Clock Gate Control 0 1 22 PDB Clock disabled Clock enabled FTM0 Clock Gate Control 0 1 23 PIT Clock disabled Clock enabled FTM1 Clock Gate Control 0 1 24 FTM0 Clock disabled Clock enabled Clock disabled Clock enabled This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 234 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM) SIM_SCGC6 field descriptions (continued) Field 20-19 Reserved 18 CRC Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. CRC Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the CRC module. 0 1 Clock disabled Clock enabled 17-16 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 15 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 14 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 13 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 12 SPI0 SPI0 Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the SPI0 module. 0 1 Clock disabled Clock enabled 11 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 10 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 9 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 8 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 7 ADC1 ADC1 Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the ADC1 module. 0 1 Clock disabled Clock enabled 6 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 5 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3-2 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 1 DMAMUX DMA Mux Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the DMA Mux module. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 235 Memory map and register definition SIM_SCGC6 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 0 FTF Clock disabled Clock enabled Flash Memory Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the flash memory. Flash reads are still supported while the flash memory is clock gated, but entry into low power modes and HSRUN mode is blocked. 0 1 Clock disabled Clock enabled 12.2.12 System Clock Gating Control Register 7 (SIM_SCGC7) Address: 4004_7000h base + 1040h offset = 4004_8040h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 1 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 R 3 2 0 0 DMA 0 0 0 1 0 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SIM_SCGC7 field descriptions Field Description 31-4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 2 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 1 DMA DMA Clock Gate Control This bit controls the clock gate to the DMA module. 0 1 0 Reserved Clock disabled Clock enabled This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 236 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM) 12.2.13 System Clock Divider Register 1 (SIM_CLKDIV1) When updating CLKDIV1, update all fields using the one write command. Attempting to write an invalid clock ratio to the CLKDIV1 register will cause the write to be ignored. The maximum divide ratio that can be programmed between core/system clock and the other divided clocks is divide by 8. When OUTDIV1 equals 0000 (divide by 1), the other dividers cannot be set higher than 0111 (divide by 8). NOTE The CLKDIV1 register cannot be written to when the device is in VLPR mode. Address: 4004_7000h base + 1044h offset = 4004_8044h Bit R W Reset 31 30 29 28 OUTDIV1 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 0 OUTDIV2 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 OUTDIV4 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 1* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* SIM_CLKDIV1 field descriptions Field 31-28 OUTDIV1 Description Clock 1 output divider value This field sets the divide value for the core/system clock from MCGOUTCLK. At the end of reset, it is loaded with either 0000 or 0111 depending on FTF_FOPT[LPBOOT]. 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 27-24 OUTDIV2 Divide-by-1. Divide-by-2. Divide-by-3. Divide-by-4. Divide-by-5. Divide-by-6. Divide-by-7. Divide-by-8. Divide-by-9. Divide-by-10. Divide-by-11. Divide-by-12. Divide-by-13. Divide-by-14. Divide-by-15. Divide-by-16. Clock 2 output divider value This field sets the divide value for the bus clock from MCGOUTCLK. At the end of reset, it is loaded with either 0000 or 0111 depending on FTF_FOPT[LPBOOT]. The bus clock frequency must be an integer divide of the core/system clock frequency. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 237 Memory map and register definition SIM_CLKDIV1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Divide-by-1. Divide-by-2. Divide-by-3. Divide-by-4. Divide-by-5. Divide-by-6. Divide-by-7. Divide-by-8. Divide-by-9. Divide-by-10. Divide-by-11. Divide-by-12. Divide-by-13. Divide-by-14. Divide-by-15. Divide-by-16. 23-20 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 19-16 OUTDIV4 Clock 4 output divider value This field sets the divide value for the flash clock from MCGOUTCLK. At the end of reset, it is loaded with either 0001 or 1111 depending on FTF_FOPT[LPBOOT]. The flash clock frequency must be an integer divide of the system clock frequency. 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Reserved Divide-by-1. Divide-by-2. Divide-by-3. Divide-by-4. Divide-by-5. Divide-by-6. Divide-by-7. Divide-by-8. Divide-by-9. Divide-by-10. Divide-by-11. Divide-by-12. Divide-by-13. Divide-by-14. Divide-by-15. Divide-by-16. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 238 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM) 12.2.14 Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG1) Address: 4004_7000h base + 104Ch offset = 4004_804Ch Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 0 R 25 24 23 22 PFSIZE 21 20 19 18 0 17 16 1 Reset 0* 0* 0* 0* 1* 1* 1* 1* 0* 0* 0* 0* 1* 1* 1* 1* Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FLASHDOZE FLASHDIS W 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0 R 1 0 W Reset 0* 0* 0* 0* 1* 1* 1* 1* 0* 0* 0* SIM_FCFG1 field descriptions Field 31-28 Reserved 27-24 PFSIZE Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Program flash size This field specifies the amount of program flash memory available on the device . Undefined values are reserved. 0011 0101 0111 1001 1011 1101 1111 32 KB of program flash memory 64 KB of program flash memory 128 KB of program flash memory 256 KB of program flash memory 512 KB of program flash memory 1024 KB of program flash memory 128 KB of program flash memory Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 239 Memory map and register definition SIM_FCFG1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 23-20 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 19-16 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 1. 15-12 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 11-8 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 1. 7-2 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 1 FLASHDOZE Flash Doze When set, Flash memory is disabled for the duration of Wait mode. An attempt by the DMA or other bus master to access the Flash when the Flash is disabled will result in a bus error. This bit should be clear during VLP modes. The Flash will be automatically enabled again at the end of Wait mode so interrupt vectors do not need to be relocated out of Flash memory. The wakeup time from Wait mode is extended when this bit is set. 0 1 0 FLASHDIS Flash remains enabled during Wait mode Flash is disabled for the duration of Wait mode Flash Disable Flash accesses are disabled (and generate a bus error) and the Flash memory is placed in a low power state. This bit should not be changed during VLP modes. Relocate the interrupt vectors out of Flash memory before disabling the Flash. 0 1 Flash is enabled Flash is disabled 12.2.15 Flash Configuration Register 2 (SIM_FCFG2) Address: 4004_7000h base + 1050h offset = 4004_8050h Bit 31 R 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 MAXADDR0 22 21 20 1 19 18 17 16 Reserved W Reset 0* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0 R W Reset 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 240 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM) SIM_FCFG2 field descriptions Field Description 31 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 30-24 MAXADDR0 Max address block 0 This field concatenated with 13 trailing zeros indicates the first invalid address of each program flash block. For example, if MAXADDR0 = 0x20 the first invalid address of flash block 0 is 0x0004_0000. This would be the MAXADDR0 value for a device with 256 KB program flash in flash block 0. 23 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 1. 22-16 Reserved This field is reserved. Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 12.2.16 Unique Identification Register High (SIM_UIDH) Address: 4004_7000h base + 1054h offset = 4004_8054h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 UID R W Reset 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* SIM_UIDH field descriptions Field Description UID Unique Identification Unique identification for the device. 12.2.17 Unique Identification Register Mid-High (SIM_UIDMH) Address: 4004_7000h base + 1058h offset = 4004_8058h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 UID R W Reset 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* SIM_UIDMH field descriptions Field UID Description Unique Identification KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 241 Functional description SIM_UIDMH field descriptions (continued) Field Description Unique identification for the device. 12.2.18 Unique Identification Register Mid Low (SIM_UIDML) Address: 4004_7000h base + 105Ch offset = 4004_805Ch Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 UID R W Reset 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* SIM_UIDML field descriptions Field Description UID Unique Identification Unique identification for the device. 12.2.19 Unique Identification Register Low (SIM_UIDL) Address: 4004_7000h base + 1060h offset = 4004_8060h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 UID R W Reset 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* SIM_UIDL field descriptions Field UID Description Unique Identification Unique identification for the device. 12.3 Functional description For more information about the functions of SIM, see the Introduction section. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 242 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader 13.1 Chip-Specific Information This device has various peripherals (UART, I2C, SPI) supported by the Kinetis Flashloader. The next table shows the pads used by the Kinetis Flashloader. Table 13-1. Kinetis Flashloader Peripheral Pinmux Port Signal PTC3 UART1_RX PTC4 UART1_TX PTB0 I2C0_SCL PTB1 I2C0_SDA PTE16 SPI0_PCS0 PTE17 SPI0_SCK PTE18 SPI0_SOUT PTE19 SPI0_SIN 13.2 Introduction The Kinetis devices that do not have an on-chip ROM are shipped with the preprogrammed Kinetis Flashloader in the on-chip flash memory, for one-time, in-system factory programming. The Kinetis Flashloader's main task is to load a customer firmware image into the flash memory. The image on the flash has 2 programs: flashloader_loader and flashloader. After a device reset, the flashloader_loader program starts its execution first. The flashloader_loader program copies the contents of flashloader image from the flash to the on-chip RAM; the device then switches execution to the flashloader program to execute from RAM. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 243 Introduction For this device, the Kinetis Flashloader can interface with UART, I2C, and SPI peripherals in slave mode and respond to the commands sent by a master (or host) communicating on one of those ports. The host/master can be a firmware-download application running on a PC or an embedded host communicating with the Kinetis Flashloader. Regardless of the host/master (PC or embedded host), the Kinetis Flashloader always uses a command protocol to communicate with that host/master. Commands are provided to write to memory (flash or RAM), erase flash, and get/set flashloader options and property values. The host application can query the set of available commands. This chapter describes Kinetis Flashloader features, functionality, command structure and which peripherals are supported. Features supported by the Kinetis Flashloader : * * * * * * * Supports UART, I2C, and SPI peripheral interfaces Automatic detection of the active peripheral UART peripheral with autobaud Common packet-based protocol for all peripherals Packet error detection and retransmission Protection of RAM used by the flashloader while it is running Provides command to read properties of the device, such as flash and RAM size Table 13-2. Commands supported by the Kinetis Flashloader Command Description When flash security is enabled, then this command is Call Runs user application code and returns control to bootloader Not supported Execute Run user application code that never returns control to Not supported the flashloader FillMemory Fill a range of bytes in flash with a word pattern Not supported FlashEraseAll Erase the entire flash array Not supported FlashEraseRegion Erase a range of sectors in flash Not supported FlashProgramOnce Writes data provided in a command packet to a specified range of bytes in the program once field Not supported FlashReadOnce Returns the contents of the program once field by given index and byte count Not supported FlashReadResource Returns the contents of the IFR field or Flash firmware Not supported ID, by given offset, byte count and option WriteMemory Write data to memory Not supported ReadMemory Read data from memory Not supported GetProperty Get the current value of a property Supported Reset Reset the chip Supported SetProperty Attempt to modify a writable property Supported KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 244 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader 13.3 Functional Description The following sub-sections describe the Kinetis Flashloader functionality. 13.3.1 Memory Maps While executing, the Kinetis Flashloader uses RAM memory. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 245 Functional Description Available 0x2000_3F00 Flashloader use 0x1FFF_E000 RAM 128R Available 0x2000_1F00 Flashloader use 0x1FFF_E000 RAM 128L Figure 13-1. Kinetis Flashloader RAM Memory Map NOTE The Kinetis Flashloader requires a minimum memory space of 16 KB of RAM. For Kinetis devices with less than this amount of on-chip RAM, the Kinetis Flashloader is not available. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 246 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader 13.3.2 Start-up Process As the Kinetis Flashloader begins executing, flashloader operations begin: 1. The flashloader's temporary working area in RAM is initialized. 2. All supported peripherals are initialized. 3. The flashloader waits for communication to begin on a peripheral. * There is no timeout for the active peripheral detection process. * If communication is detected, then all inactive peripherals are shut down, and the command phase is entered. Enter flashloader Was a Ping packet received on UARTn? Init hardware Init Flash, Property and Memory interfaces Yes No Was Start byte (0x5A) received on I2Cn? Init UARTn, SPIn, and I2Cn Yes Shutdown unused Peripherals Enter flashloader state machine No Was Start byte (0x5A) received on SPIn? Yes No Figure 13-2. Kinetis Flashloader Start-up Flowchart KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 247 Functional Description 13.3.3 Clock Configuration The core runs on the default reset clock (20.9 MHz). The Kinetis Flashloader does not modify any clocks, and after a reset, the core uses the clock configuration of the chip. 13.3.4 Flashloader Protocol This section explains the general protocol for the packet transfers between the host and the Kinetis Flashloader. The description includes the transfer of packets for different transactions, such as commands with no data phase and commands with incoming or outgoing data phase. The next section describes various packet types used in a transaction. Each command sent from the host is replied to with a response command. Commands may include an optional data phase: * If the data phase is incoming (from host to flashloader ), then the data phase is part of the original command. * If the data phase is outgoing (from flashloader to host), then the data phase is part of the response command. NOTE In all protocols (described in the next subsections), the Ack sent in response to a Command or Data packet can arrive at any time before, during, or after the Command/Data packet has processed. Command with no data phase The protocol for a command with no data phase contains: * Command packet (from host) * Generic response command packet (to host) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 248 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader Target Host Command ACK Process command Response ACK Figure 13-3. Command with No Data Phase Command with incoming data phase The protocol for a command with an incoming data phase contains: * Command packet (from host) * Generic response command packet (to host) * Incoming data packets (from host) * Generic response command packet (to host) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 249 Functional Description Target Host Command ACK Process command Initial Response ACK Data packet Process data ACK Final data packet ACK Process data Final Response ACK Figure 13-4. Command with incoming data phase NOTE * The host may not send any further packets while it (the host) is waiting for the response to a command. * If the Generic Response packet prior to the start of the data phase does not have a status of kStatus_Success, then the data phase is aborted. * Data phases may be aborted by the receiving side by sending the final Generic Response early with a status of KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 250 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader kStatus_AbortDataPhase. The host may abort the data phase early by sending a zero-length data packet. * The final Generic Response packet sent after the data phase includes the status for the entire operation. Command with outgoing data phase The protocol for a command with an outgoing data phase contains: * Command packet (from host) * ReadMemory Response command packet (to host) (kCommandFlag_HasDataPhase set) * Outgoing data packets (to host) * Generic response command packet (to host) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 251 Functional Description Target Host Command ACK Process command Initial Response ACK Data packet Process data ACK Final data packet Process data ACK Final Response ACK Figure 13-5. Command with outgoing data phase NOTE * For the outgoing data phase sequence above, the data phase is really considered part of the response command. * The host may not send any further packets while it (the host) is waiting for the response to a command. * If the ReadMemory Response command packet prior to the start of the data phase does not contain the kCommandFlag_HasDataPhase flag, then the data phase is aborted. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 252 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader * Data phases may be aborted by the host sending the final Generic Response early with a status of kStatus_AbortDataPhase. The sending side may abort the data phase early by sending a zero-length data packet. * The final Generic Response packet sent after the data phase includes the status for the entire operation. 13.3.5 Flashloader Packet Types The Kinetis Flashloader device works in slave mode. All data communication is initiated by a host, which is either a PC or an embedded host . The Kinetis Flashloader device is the target, which receives a command or data packet. All data communication between host and target is packetized. NOTE The term "target" refers to the "Kinetis Flashloader device." There are 6 types of packets used in the device: * Ping packet * Ping Response packet * Framing packet * Command packet * Data packet * Response packet All fields in the packets are in little-endian byte order. Ping packet The Ping packet is the first packet sent from a host to the target (Kinetis Flashloader), to establish a connection on a selected peripheral. For a UART peripheral, the Ping packet is used to determine the baudrate. A Ping packet must be sent before any other communications. In response to a Ping packet, the target sends a Ping Response packet. Table 13-3. Ping Packet Format Byte # Value Name 0 0x5A start byte 1 0xA6 ping KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 253 Functional Description Target Host Ping Packet 0x5a 0xa6 Target executes UART autobaud if necessary PingResponse Packet: 0x5a 0xa7 0x00 0x02 0x01 0x50 0x00 0x00 0xaa 0xea Figure 13-6. Ping Packet Protocol Sequence Ping Response Packet The target (Kinetis Flashloader) sends a Ping Response packet back to the host after receiving a Ping packet. If communication is over a UART peripheral, the target uses the incoming Ping packet to determine the baud rate before replying with the Ping Response packet. Once the Ping Response packet is received by the host, the connection is established, and the host starts sending commands to the target (Kinetis Flashloader). Table 13-4. Ping Response Packet Format Byte # Value Parameter 0 0x5A start byte 1 0xA7 Ping response code 2 Protocol bugfix 3 Protocol minor 4 Protocol major 5 Protocol name = 'P' (0x50) 6 Options low 7 Options high 8 CRC16 low 9 CRC16 high KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 254 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader Framing Packet The framing packet is used for flow control and error detection, and it (the framing packet) wraps command and data packets as well. Table 13-5. Framing Packet Format Byte # Value 0 0x5A Parameter start byte 1 packetType 2 length_low 3 length_high 4 crc16_low 5 crc16_high 6 . . .n Length is a 16-bit field that specifies the entire command or data packet size in bytes. This is a 16-bit field. The CRC16 value covers entire framing packet, including the start byte and command or data packets, but does not include the CRC bytes. See the CRC16 algorithm after this table. Command or Data packet payload A special framing packet that contains only a start byte and a packet type is used for synchronization between the host and target. Table 13-6. Special Framing Packet Format Byte # Value Parameter 0 0x5A start byte 1 0xAn packetType The Packet Type field specifies the type of the packet from one of the defined types (below): Table 13-7. packetType Field packetType Name Description 0xA1 kFramingPacketType_Ack The previous packet was received successfully; the sending of more packets is allowed. 0xA2 kFramingPacketType_Nak The previous packet was corrupted and must be re-sent. 0xA3 kFramingPacketType_AckAbort Data phase is being aborted. 0xA4 kFramingPacketType_Command The framing packet contains a command packet payload. 0xA5 kFramingPacketType_Data The framing packet contains a data packet payload. 0xA6 kFramingPacketType_Ping Sent to verify the other side is alive. Also used for UART autobaud. 0xA7 kFramingPacketType_PingResponse A response to Ping; contains the framing protocol version number and options. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 255 Functional Description Command packet The command packet carries a 32-bit command header and a list of 32-bit parameters. Table 13-8. Command Packet Format Command Packet Format (32 bytes) Command Header (4 bytes) 28 bytes for Parameters (Max 7 parameters) Tag Flags Rsvd Param Param1 Count (32-bit) byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 Param2 (32-bit) Param3 (32-bit) Param4 (32-bit) Param5 (32-bit) Param6 (32-bit) Param7 (32-bit) Table 13-9. Command Header Format Byte # Command Header Field 0 Command or Response tag 1 Flags 2 Reserved. Should be 0x00. 3 ParameterCount The command header is 4 bytes long, with these fields. The header is followed by 32-bit parameters up to the value of the ParameterCount field specified in the header. Because a command packet is 32 bytes long, only 7 parameters can fit into the command packet. Command packets are also used by the target to send responses back to the host. As mentioned earlier, command packets and data packets are embedded into framing packets for all of the transfers. Table 13-10. Commands that are supported Command Name 0x01 FlashEraseAll 0x02 FlashEraseRegion 0x03 ReadMemory 0x04 WriteMemory 0x05 FillMemory 0x06 Reserved 0x07 GetProperty 0x08 Reserved 0x09 Execute 0x0A Call 0x0B Reset Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 256 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader Table 13-10. Commands that are supported (continued) Command Name 0x0C SetProperty 0x0D Reserved 0x0E FlashProgramOnce 0x0F FlashReadOnce 0x10 FlashReadResource 0x11 Reserved Table 13-11. Responses that are supported Response Name 0xA0 GenericResponse 0xA3 ReadMemoryResponse (used for sending responses to ReadMemory command only) 0xA7 GetPropertyResponse (used for sending responses to GetProperty command only) 0xAF FlashReadOnceResponse (used for sending responses to FlashReadOnce command only) 0xB0 FlashReadResourceResponse (used for sending responses to FlashReadResource command only) Flags: Each command packet contains a Flag byte. Only bit 0 of the flag byte is used. If bit 0 of the flag byte is set to 1, then data packets will follow in the command sequence. The number of bytes that will be transferred in the data phase is determined by a command-specific parameter in the parameters array. ParameterCount: The number of parameters included in the command packet. Parameters: The parameters are word-length (32 bits). With the default maximum packet size of 32 bytes, a command packet can contain up to 7 parameters. Data packet The data packet carries just the data, either host sending data to target, or target sending data to host. The data transfer direction is determined by the last command sent from the host. The data packet is also wrapped within a framing packet, to ensure the correct packet data is received. The contents of a data packet are simply the data itself. There are no other fields, so that the most data per packet can be transferred. Framing packets are responsible for ensuring that the correct packet data is received. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 257 Functional Description Response packet The responses are carried using the same command packet format wrapped with framing packet data. Types of responses include: * GenericResponse * GetPropertyResponse * ReadMemoryResponse * FlashReadOnceResponse * FlashReadResourceResponse GenericResponse: After the Kinetis Flashloader has processed a command, the flashloader will send a generic response with status and command tag information to the host. The generic response is the last packet in the command protocol sequence. The generic response packet contains the framing packet data and the command packet data (with generic response tag = 0xA0) and a list of parameters (defined in the next section). The parameter count field in the header is always set to 2, for status code and command tag parameters. Table 13-12. GenericResponse Parameters Byte # Parameter Descripton 0-3 Status code The Status codes are errors encountered during the execution of a command by the target (Kinetis Flashloader). If a command succeeds, then a kStatus_Success code is returned. Table 13-47, Kinetis Flashloader Status Error Codes, lists the status codes returned to the host by the Kinetis Flashloader. 4-7 Command tag The Command tag parameter identifies the response to the command sent by the host. GetPropertyResponse: The GetPropertyResponse packet is sent by the target in response to the host query that uses the GetProperty command. The GetPropertyResponse packet contains the framing packet data and the command packet data, with the command/response tag set to a GetPropertyResponse tag value (0xA7). The parameter count field in the header is set to greater than 1, to always include the status code and one or many property values. Table 13-13. GetPropertyResponse Parameters Byte # Value Parameter 0-3 Status code 4-7 Property value Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 258 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader Table 13-13. GetPropertyResponse Parameters (continued) Byte # Value ... Parameter ... Can be up to maximum 6 property values, limited to the size of the 32-bit command packet and property type. ReadMemoryResponse: The ReadMemoryResponse packet is sent by the target in response to the host sending a ReadMemory command. The ReadMemoryResponse packet contains the framing packet data and the command packet data, with the command/response tag set to a ReadMemoryResponse tag value (0xA3), the flags field set to kCommandFlag_HasDataPhase (1). The parameter count set to 2 for the status code and the data byte count parameters shown below. Table 13-14. ReadMemoryResponse Parameters Byte # Parameter Descripton 0-3 Status code The status of the associated Read Memory command. 4-7 Data byte count The number of bytes sent in the data phase. FlashReadOnceResponse:The FlashReadOnceResponse packet is sent by the target in response to the host sending a FlashReadOnce command. The FlashReadOnceResponse packet contains the framing packet data and the command packet data, with the command/response tag set to a FlashReadOnceResponse tag value (0xAF), and the flags field set to 0. The parameter count is set to 2 plus the number of words requested to be read in the FlashReadOnceCommand. Table 13-15. FlashReadOnceResponse Parameters Byte # Value Parameter 0-3 Status Code 4-7 Byte count to read ... ... Can be up to 20 bytes of requested read data. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 259 Functional Description The FlashReadResourceResponse packet is sent by the target in response to the host sending a FlashReadResource command. The FlashReadResourceResponse packet contains the framing packet data and command packet data, with the command/response tag set to a FlashReadResourceResponse tag value (0xB0), and the flags field set to kCommandFlag_HasDataPhase (1). Table 13-16. FlashReadResourceResponse Parameters Byte # Value Parameter 0-3 Status Code 4-7 Data byte count 13.3.6 Flashloader Command API All Kinetis Flashloader command APIs follow the command packet format that is wrapped by the framing packet, as explained in previous sections. * For a list of commands supported by the Flashloader, see Table 13-2, Commands supported. * For a list of status codes returned by the Kinetis Flashloader, see Table 13-47, Kinetis Flashloader Status Error Codes. Call command The Call command will execute a function that is written in memory at the address sent in the command. The address needs to be a valid memory location residing in accessible flash (internal or external) or in RAM. The command supports the passing of one 32-bit argument. Although the command supports a stack address, at this time the call will still take place using the current stack pointer. After execution of the function, a 32-bit return value will be returned in the generic response message. Table 13-17. Parameters for Call Command Byte # Command 0-3 Call address 4-7 Argument word 8 - 11 Stack pointer KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 260 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader Target Host Call: Address=0x00000cd9, arg=0 0x5a a4 0c 00 16 5c 0a 00 00 02 d9 0c 00 00 00 000 000 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Generic Response: 0x5a a4 0c 00 79 d0 a0 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Figure 13-7. Protocol Sequence for Call Command Response: The target (Kinetis Flashloader) will return a GenericResponse packet with a status code either set to the return value of the function called or set to kStatus_InvalidArgument (105). GetProperty command The GetProperty command is used to query the flashloader about various properties and settings. Each supported property has a unique 32-bit tag associated with it. The tag occupies the first parameter of the command packet. The target returns a GetPropertyResponse packet with the property values for the property identified with the tag in the GetProperty command. Properties are the defined units of data that can be accessed with the GetProperty or SetProperty commands. Properties may be read-only or read-write. All read-write properties are 32-bit integers, so they can easily be carried in a command parameter. For a list of properties and their associated 32-bit property tags supported by the Kinetis Flashloader, see Table 13-43. The 32-bit property tag is the only parameter required for GetProperty command. Table 13-18. Parameters for GetProperty Command Byte # 0-3 Command Property tag KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 261 Functional Description Target Host GetProperty: Property tag = 0x01 0x5a a4 08 00 73 d4 07 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Process command Generic Response: 0x5a a4 0c 00 07 7a a7 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 4b ACK: 0x5a a1 Figure 13-8. Protocol Sequence for GetProperty Command Table 13-19. GetProperty Command Packet Format (Example) GetProperty Framing packet Command packet Parameter Value start byte 0x5A packetType 0xA4, kFramingPacketType_Command length 0x08 0x00 crc16 0x73 0xD4 commandTag 0x07 - GetProperty flags 0x00 reserved 0x00 parameterCount 0x01 propertyTag 0x00000001 - CurrentVersion The GetProperty command has no data phase. Response: In response to a GetProperty command, the target will send a GetPropertyResponse packet with the response tag set to 0xA7. The parameter count indicates the number of parameters sent for the property values, with the first parameter showing status code 0, followed by the property value(s). The next table shows an example of a GetPropertyResponse packet. Table 13-20. GetProperty Response Packet Format (Example) GetPropertyResponse Framing packet Parameter Value start byte 0x5A packetType 0xA4, kFramingPacketType_Command length 0x0c 0x00 (12 bytes) Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 262 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader Table 13-20. GetProperty Response Packet Format (Example) (continued) GetPropertyResponse Command packet Parameter Value crc16 0x07 0x7a responseTag 0xA7 flags 0x00 reserved 0x00 parameterCount 0x02 status 0x00000000 propertyValue 0x0000014b - CurrentVersion SetProperty command The SetProperty command is used to change or alter the values of the properties or options in the Kinetis Flashloader. However, the SetProperty command can only change the value of properties that are writable--see Table 13-43, Properties used by Get/ SetProperty Commands. If you try to set a value for a read-only property, then the Kinetis Flashloader will return an error. The property tag and the new value to set are the 2 parameters required for the SetProperty command. Table 13-21. Parameters for SetProperty Command Byte # Command 0-3 Property tag 4-7 Property value KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 263 Functional Description Target Host SetProperty: Property tag = 10, Property Value = 1 0x5a a4 0c 00 67 8d 0c 00 00 02 0a 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 ACK : 0x5a a1 Process command GenericResponse: 0x5a a4 00 9e 10 a0 00 0c 02 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Figure 13-9. Protocol Sequence for SetProperty Command Table 13-22. SetProperty Command Packet Format (Example) SetProperty Framing packet Command packet Parameter Value start byte 0x5A packetType 0xA4, kFramingPacketType_Command length 0x0C 0x00 crc16 0x67 0x8D commandTag 0x0C - SetProperty with property tag 10 flags 0x00 reserved 0x00 parameterCount 0x02 propertyTag 0x0000000A - VerifyWrites propertyValue 0x00000001 The SetProperty command has no data phase. Response: The target (Kinetis Flashloader) will return a GenericResponse packet with one of following status codes: Table 13-23. SetProperty Response Status Codes Status Code kStatus_Success kStatus_ReadOnly kStatus_UnknownProperty kStatus_InvalidArgument KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 264 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader FlashEraseAll command The FlashEraseAll command performs an erase of the entire flash memory. If any flash regions are protected, then the FlashEraseAll command will fail and return an error status code. Executing the FlashEraseAll command will release flash security if it (flash security) was enabled, by setting the FTFA_FSEC register. However, the FSEC field of the flash configuration field is erased, so unless it is reprogrammed, the flash security will be re-enabled after the next system reset. The Command tag for FlashEraseAll command is 0x01 set in the commandTag field of the command packet. The FlashEraseAll command requires no parameters. Target Host FlashEraseAll 0x5a a4 04 00 c4 2e 01 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Process command Generic Response: 0x5a a4 0c 00 53 63 a0 00 04 02 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Figure 13-10. Protocol Sequence for FlashEraseAll Command Table 13-24. FlashEraseAll Command Packet Format (Example) FlashEraseAll Parameter Value Framing packet start byte 0x5A packetType 0xA4, kFramingPacketType_Command length 0x04 0x00 crc16 0xC4 0x2E commandTag 0x01 - FlashEraseAll flags 0x00 reserved 0x00 parameterCount 0x00 Command packet The FlashEraseAll command has no data phase. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 265 Functional Description Response: The target (Kinetis Flashloader ) will return a GenericResponse packet with status code either set to kStatus_Success for successful execution of the command, or set to an appropriate error status code. FlashEraseRegion command The FlashEraseRegion command performs an erase of one or more sectors of the flash memory or a specified range of flash within the connected SPI flash devices. The start address and number of bytes are the 2 parameters required for the FlashEraseRegion command. The start and byte count parameters must be , or the FlashEraseRegion command will fail and return kStatus_FlashAlignmentError (0x101). If the region specified does not fit in the flash memory space, the FlashEraseRegion command will fail and return kStatus_FlashAddressError (0x102). If any part of the region specified is protected, the FlashEraseRegion command will fail and return kStatus_MemoryRangeInvalid (0x10200). Table 13-25. Parameters for FlashEraseRegion Command Byte # Parameter 0-3 Start address 4-7 Byte count Target Host FlashEraseRegion: startAddress=0, byteCount=1024 0x5a a4 0c 00 f9 a6 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Process command Generic Response: 0x5a a4 0c 00 ba 55 a0 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Figure 13-11. Protocol Sequence for FlashEraseRegion Command KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 266 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader Table 13-26. FlashEraseRegion Command Packet Format (Example) FlashEraseRegion Framing packet Command packet Parameter Value start byte 0x5A packetType 0xA4, kFramingPacketType_Command length 0x0C 0x00 crc16 0xF9 0x A6 commandTag 0x02, kCommandTag_FlashEraseRegion flags 0x00 reserved 0x00 parameterCount 0x02 startAddress 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 (0x0000_0000) byte count 0x00 0x04 0x00 0x00 (0x400) The FlashEraseRegion command has no data phase. Response: The target (Kinetis Flashloader ) will return a GenericResponse packet with one of following error status codes. Table 13-27. FlashEraseRegion Response Status Codes Status Code kStatus_Success (0x0) kStatus_MemoryRangeInvalid (0x10200) kStatus_FlashAlignmentError (0x101) kStatus_FlashAddressError (0x102) kStatus_FlashAccessError (0x103) kStatus_FlashProtectionViolation (0x104) kStatus_FlashCommandFailure (0x105) FillMemory command The FillMemory command fills a range of bytes in memory with a data pattern. It follows the same rules as the WriteMemory command. The difference between FillMemory and WriteMemory is that a data pattern is included in FillMemory command parameter, and there is no data phase for the FillMemory command, while WriteMemory does have a data phase. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 267 Functional Description Table 13-28. Parameters for FillMemory Command Byte # Command 0-3 Start address of memory to fill 4-7 Number of bytes to write with the pattern * The start address should be 32-bit aligned. * The number of bytes must be evenly divisible by 4. 8 - 11 32-bit pattern * To fill with a byte pattern (8-bit), the byte must be replicated 4 times in the 32-bit pattern. * To fill with a short pattern (16-bit), the short value must be replicated 2 times in the 32-bit pattern. For example, to fill a byte value with 0xFE, the word pattern would be 0xFEFEFEFE; to fill a short value 0x5AFE, the word pattern would be 0x5AFE5AFE. Special care must be taken when writing to flash. * First, any flash sector written to must have been previously erased with a FlashEraseAll or FlashEraseRegion command. * Writing to flash requires the start address to be . * If the VerifyWrites property is set to true, then writes to flash will also perform a flash verify program operation. When writing to RAM, the start address need not be aligned, and the data will not be padded. Target Host FillMemory, with word pattern 0x12345678 0x5a a4 10 00 e4 57 05 00 00 03 00 70 00 00 00 08 00 00 78 56 34 12 ACK: 0x5a a1 Process command Generic Response: 0x5a a4 0c 00 97 04 a0 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Figure 13-12. Protocol Sequence for FillMemory Command KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 268 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader Table 13-29. FillMemory Command Packet Format (Example) FillMemory Framing packet Command packet Parameter Value start byte 0x5A packetType 0xA4, kFramingPacketType_Command length 0x10 0x00 crc16 0xE4 0x57 commandTag 0x05 - FillMemory flags 0x00 Reserved 0x00 parameterCount 0x03 startAddress 0x00007000 byteCount 0x00000800 patternWord 0x12345678 The FillMemory command has no data phase. Response: upon successful execution of the command, the target (Kinetis Flashloader) will return a GenericResponse packet with a status code set to kStatus_Success, or to an appropriate error status code. FlashProgramOnce command The FlashProgramOnce command writes data (that is provided in a command packet) to a specified range of bytes in the program once field. Special care must be taken when writing to the program once field. * The program once field only supports programming once, so any attempted to reprogram a program once field will get an error response. * Writing to the program once field requires the byte count to be 4-byte aligned or 8byte aligned. The FlashProgramOnce command uses 3 parameters: index, byteCount, data. Table 13-30. Parameters for FlashProgramOnce Command Byte # Command 0-3 Index of program once field 4-7 Byte count (must be evenly divisible by 4) 8 - 11 Data 12 - 16 Data KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 269 Functional Description Target Host FlashProgramOnce: index=0, byteCount=4, data=0x12345678 0x5a a4 10 00 7e 89 0e 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 78 56 34 12 ACK: 0x5a a1 Process command Generic Response: 0x5a a4 0c 00 88 1a a0 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 0e 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Figure 13-13. Protocol Sequence for FlashProgramOnce Command Table 13-31. FlashProgramOnce Command Packet Format (Example) FlashProgramOnce Framing packet Command packet Parameter Value start byte 0x5A packetType 0xA4, kFramingPacketType_Command length 0x10 0x00 crc16 0x7E4 0x89 commandTag 0x0E - FlashProgramOnce flags 0 reserved 0 parameterCount 3 index 0x0000_0000 byteCount 0x0000_0004 data 0x1234_5678 Response: upon successful execution of the command, the target (Kinetis Flashloader) will return a GenericResponse packet with a status code set to kStatus_Success, or to an appropriate error status code. FlashReadOnce command The FlashReadOnce command returns the contents of the program once field by given index and byte count. The FlashReadOnce command uses 2 parameters: index and byteCount. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 270 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader Table 13-32. Parameters for FlashReadOnce Command Byte # Parameter Description 0-3 index Index of the program once field (to read from) 4-7 byteCount Number of bytes to read and return to the caller Target Host FlashReadOnce: index=0, byteCount=4 0x5a a4 0c 00 c1 a5 0f 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Process command Generic Response: 0x5a a4 10 00 3f 6f af 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 78 56 34 12 ACK: 0x5a a1 Figure 13-14. Protocol Sequence for FlashReadOnce Command Table 13-33. FlashReadOnce Command Packet Format (Example) FlashReadOnce Parameter Value Framing packet start byte 0x5A packetType 0xA4 length 0x0C 0x00 crc 0xC1 0xA5 commandTag 0x0F - FlashReadOnce flags 0x00 reserved 0x00 parameterCount 0x02 index 0x0000_0000 byteCount 0x0000_0004 Command packet Table 13-34. FlashReadOnce Response Format (Example) FlashReadOnce Response Parameter Value Framing packet start byte 0x5A packetType 0xA4 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 271 Functional Description Table 13-34. FlashReadOnce Response Format (Example) (continued) FlashReadOnce Response Command packet Parameter Value length 0x10 0x00 crc 0x3F 0x6F commandTag 0xAF flags 0x00 reserved 0x00 parameterCount 0x03 status 0x0000_0000 byteCount 0x0000_0004 data 0x1234_5678 Response: upon successful execution of the command, the target (Kinetis Flashloader) will return a FlashReadOnceResponse packet with a status code set to kStatus_Success, a byte count and corresponding data read from Program Once Field upon successful execution of the command, or will return with a status code set to an appropriate error status code and a byte count set to 0. FlashReadResource command The FlashReadResource command returns the contents of the IFR field or Flash firmware ID, by given offset, byte count, and option. The FlashReadResource command uses 3 parameters: start address, byteCount, option. Table 13-35. Parameters for FlashReadResource Command Byte # Parameter Command 0-3 start address Start address of specific non-volatile memory to be read 4-7 byteCount Byte count to be read 8 - 11 option 0: IFR 1: Flash firmware ID KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 272 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader Target Host FlashReadResource: start address=0, byteCount=8, option=1 5a a4 10 00 b3 cc 10 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Process command FlashReadResource Response 5a a4 0c 00 08 d2 b0 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Data packet 5a a5 08 00 9c d3 00 08 00 00 00 01 00 06 Process Data ACK: 0x5a a1 Generic Response 5a a4 0c 00 75 a3 a0 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Figure 13-15. Protocol Sequence for FlashReadResource Command Table 13-36. FlashReadResource Command Packet Format (Example) FlashReadResource Framing packet Command packet Parameter Value start byte 0x5A packetType 0xA4 length 0x10 0x00 crc 0xB3 0xCC commandTag 0x10 - FlashReadResource flags 0x00 reserved 0x00 parameterCount 0x03 startAddress 0x0000_0000 byteCount 0x0000_0008 option 0x0000_0001 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 273 Functional Description Table 13-37. FlashReadResource Response Format (Example) FlashReadResource Response Framing packet Command packet Parameter Value start byte 0x5A packetType 0xA4 length 0x0C 0x00 crc 0xD2 0xB0 commandTag 0xB0 flags 0x01 reserved 0x00 parameterCount 0x02 status 0x0000_0000 byteCount 0x0000_0008 Data phase: The FlashReadResource command has a data phase. Because the target (Kinetis Flashloader ) works in slave mode, the host must pull data packets until the number of bytes of data specified in the byteCount parameter of FlashReadResource command are received by the host. WriteMemory command The WriteMemory command writes data provided in the data phase to a specified range of bytes in memory (flash or RAM). However, if flash protection is enabled, then writes to protected sectors will fail. Special care must be taken when writing to flash. * First, any flash sector written to must have been previously erased with a FlashEraseAll or FlashEraseRegion command. * Writing to flash requires the start address to be . * If the VerifyWrites property is set to true, then writes to flash will also perform a flash verify program operation. When writing to RAM, the start address need not be aligned, and the data will not be padded. The start address and number of bytes are the 2 parameters required for WriteMemory command. Table 13-38. Parameters for WriteMemory Command Byte # Command 0-3 Start address 4-7 Byte count KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 274 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader Target Host WriteMemory : startAddress = 0x20000400, byteCount = 0x64 0x5a a4 0c 00 06 5a 04 00 00 02 00 04 00 20 64 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Process command Generic Response: 0x5a a4 0c 00 a0 0e 04 01 00 02 00 04 00 20 40 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Data packet : 0x5a a5 20 00 CRC16 32 bytes data Process Data ACK: 0x5a a1 Final Data packet 0x5a a5 length16 CRC16 32 bytes data Process Data ACK Generic Response 0x5a a4 0c 00 23 72 a0 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Figure 13-16. Protocol Sequence for WriteMemory Command Table 13-39. WriteMemory Command Packet Format (Example) WriteMemory Framing packet Command packet Parameter Value start byte 0x5A packetType 0xA4, kFramingPacketType_Command length 0x0C 0x00 crc16 0x06 0x5A commandTag 0x04 - writeMemory flags 0x00 reserved 0x00 parameterCount 0x02 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 275 Functional Description Table 13-39. WriteMemory Command Packet Format (Example) (continued) WriteMemory Parameter Value startAddress 0x20000400 byteCount 0x00000064 Data Phase: The WriteMemory command has a data phase; the host will send data packets until the number of bytes of data specified in the byteCount parameter of the WriteMemory command are received by the target. Response: The target (Kinetis Flashloader ) will return a GenericResponse packet with a status code set to kStatus_Success upon successful execution of the command, or to an appropriate error status code. Read memory command The ReadMemory command returns the contents of memory at the given address, for a specified number of bytes. This command can read any region of memory accessible by the CPU and not protected by security. The start address and number of bytes are the 2 parameters required for ReadMemory command. Table 13-40. Parameters for read memory command Byte Parameter 0-3 Start address 4-7 Byte count Description Start address of memory to read from Number of bytes to read and return to caller KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 276 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader Target Host readMemory : startAddress = 0x20000400, byteCount = 100 0x5a a4 0c 00 1d 23 03 00 00 02 00 04 00 20 64 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Process command Generic response for command: 0x5a a4 0c 00 27 f6 a3 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Data packet : 0x5a a5 20 00 CRC 16 32 bytes data Process Data ACK: 0x5a a1 Final Data packet 0x5a a5 length 16 CRC 16 32 bytes data ACK: 0x5a a1 Process Data Final Generic Response 0x5a a4 0c 00 23 72 a 0 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 0x5a a4 0c 00 0e 23 a0 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Figure 13-17. Command sequence for read memory ReadMemory Parameter Framing packet Start byte packetType Command packet Value 0x5A0xA4, kFramingPacketType_Command length 0x0C 0x00 crc16 0x1D 0x23 commandTag 0x03 - readMemory flags 0x00 reserved 0x00 parameterCount 0x02 startAddress 0x20000400 byteCount 0x00000064 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 277 Functional Description Data Phase: The ReadMemory command has a data phase. Since the target (Kinetis Flashloader) works in slave mode, the host need pull data packets until the number of bytes of data specified in the byteCount parameter of ReadMemory command are received by host. Response: The target (Kinetis Flashloader) will return a GenericResponse packet with a status code either set to kStatus_Success upon successful execution of the command, or set to an appropriate error status code. Execute command The execute command results in the flashloader setting the program counter to the code at the provided jump address, R0 to the provided argument, and a Stack pointer to the provided stack pointer address. Prior to the jump, the system is returned to the reset state. The Jump address, function argument pointer, and stack pointer are the parameters required for the Execute command. Table 13-41. Parameters for Execute Command Byte # Command 0-3 Jump address 4-7 Argument word 8 - 11 Stack pointer address The Execute command has no data phase. Response: Before executing the Execute command, the target (Kinetis Flashloader) will validate the parameters and return a GenericResponse packet with a status code either set to kStatus_Success or an appropriate error status code. Reset command The Reset command will result in flashloader resetting the chip. The Reset command requires no parameters. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 278 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader Target Host Reset 0x5a a4 04 00 6f 46 0b 00 00 00 ACK : 0x5a a1 Process command GenericResponse: 0x5a a4 0c 00 f8 0b a 0 00 04 02 00 00 00 00 0b 00 00 00 ACK: 0x5a a1 Figure 13-18. Protocol Sequence for Reset Command Table 13-42. Reset Command Packet Format (Example) Reset Framing packet Command packet Parameter Value start byte 0x5A packetType 0xA4, kFramingPacketType_Command length 0x04 0x00 crc16 0x6F 0x46 commandTag 0x0B - reset flags 0x00 reserved 0x00 parameterCount 0x00 The Reset command has no data phase. Response: The target (Kinetis Flashloader) will return a GenericResponse packet with status code set to kStatus_Success, before resetting the chip. 13.4 Peripherals Supported This section describes the peripherals supported by the Kinetis Flashloader. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 279 Peripherals Supported 13.4.1 I2C Peripheral The Kinetis Flashloader supports loading data into flash via the I2C peripheral, where the I2C peripheral serves as the I2C slave. A 7-bit slave address is used during the transfer. The Kinetis Flashloader uses 0x10 as the I2C slave address, and supports 400 kbps as the I2C baud rate. Because the I2C peripheral serves as an I2C slave device, each transfer should be started by the host, and each outgoing packet should be fetched by the host. * An incoming packet is sent by the host with a selected I2C slave address and the direction bit is set as write. * An outgoing packet is read by the host with a selected I2C slave address and the direction bit is set as read. * 0x00 will be sent as the response to host if the target is busy with processing or preparing data. The following flow charts demonstrate the communication flow of how the host reads ping packet, ACK and response from the target. Fetch Ping response End Read 1 byte from target Read leftover bytes of ping response packet No Yes 0x5A received? Yes Read 1 byte from target 0x7A received? No Report Error Figure 13-19. Host reads ping response from target via I2C KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 280 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader Fetch ACK Report an error No Read 1 byte from target No Process NAK 0xA2 received? Yes No Reached maximum retries? 0x5A received? No Yes Read 1 byte from target 0xA1 received? Yes Yes Report a timeout error End Figure 13-20. Host reads ACK packet from target via I2C Fetch Response Read 1 byte from target No Reached maximum retries? End No Read payload data from target 0x5A received? Yes Yes Payload length less than supported length? Read 1 byte from target Yes Report a timeout error (End) 0xA4 received? Yes Read payload length part from target (2 bytes) No Set payload length to maximum supported length Read CRC checksum from target (2 bytes) No Figure 13-21. Host reads response from target via I2C 13.4.2 SPI Peripheral The Kinetis Flashloader supports loading data into flash via the SPI peripheral, where the SPI peripheral serves as a SPI slave. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 281 Peripherals Supported The Kinetis Flashloader supports 400 kbps as the SPI baud rate. The SPI peripheral uses the following bus attributes: * Clock Phase = 1 (Second Edge) * Clock Polarity = 1 (Active Low) Because the SPI peripheral serves as a SPI slave device, each transfer should be started by the host, and each outgoing packet should be fetched by the host. The transfer on SPI is slightly different from I2C: * Host will receive 1 byte after it sends out any byte. * Received bytes should be ignored when host is sending out bytes to target * Host starts reading bytes by sending 0x00s to target * The byte 0x00 will be sent as response to host if target is under the following conditions: * Processing incoming packet * Preparing outgoing data * Received invalid data The SPI bus configuration is: * Phase = 1; data is sampled on rising edges * Polarity = 1; idle is high * MSB is transmitted first For any transfer where the target does not have actual data to send, the target (slave) is responsible for ensuring that 0x00 bytes will be returned to the host (master). The host uses framing packets to identify real data and not "dummy" 0x00 bytes (which do not have framing packets). The following flowcharts demonstrate how the host reads a ping response, an ACK and a command response from target via SPI. Fetch Ping response End Send 0x00 to shift out 1 byte from target Send 0x00s to shift out leftover bytes of ping response No Yes 0x5A received? Yes Send 0x00 to shift out 1 byte from target 0xA7 received? No Report Error Figure 13-22. Host reads ping packet from target via SPI KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 282 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader Report an error Fetch ACK No Send 0x00 to shift out 1 byte from target No Process NAK 0xA2 received? Yes No Reached maximum retries? No 0x5A received? Yes Yes Report a timeout error Send 0x00 to shift out 1 byte from target 0xA1 received? Yes Next action Figure 13-23. Host reads ACK from target via SPI Fetch Response Send 0x00 to shift out 1 byte from target No Reached maximum retries? End No Write 0x00s to shift out payload data from target 0x5A received? Yes Yes Payload length less than supported length? Send 0x00 to shift out 1 byte from target Yes Report a timeout error (End) 0xA4 received? Yes Write 0x00s to shift out payload length part from target (2 bytes) No Set payload length to maximum supported length Write 0x00s to shift out CRC checksum from target (2 bytes) No Figure 13-24. Host reads response from target via SPI 13.4.3 UART Peripheral The Kinetis Flashloader integrates an autobaud detection algorithm for the UART peripheral, thereby providing flexible baud rate choices. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 283 Peripherals Supported Autobaud feature: If UARTn is used to connect to the flashloader, then the UARTn_RX pin must be kept high and not left floating during the detection phase in order to comply with the autobaud detection algorithm. After the flashloader detects the ping packet (0x5A 0xA6) on UARTn_RX, the flashloader firmware executes the autobaud sequence. If the baudrate is successfully detected, then the flashloader will send a ping packet response [(0x5A 0xA7), protocol version (4 bytes), protocol version options (2 bytes) and crc16 (2 bytes)] at the detected baudrate. The Kinetis Flashloader then enters a loop, waiting for flashloader commands via the UART peripheral. NOTE The data bytes of the ping packet must be sent continuously (with no more than 80 ms between bytes) in a fixed UART transmission mode (8-bit data, no parity bit and 1 stop bit). If the bytes of the ping packet are sent one-by-one with more than 80 ms delay between them, then the autobaud detection algorithm may calculate an incorrect baud rate. In this case, the autobaud detection state machine should be reset. Supported baud rates: The baud rate is closely related to the MCU core and system clock frequencies. Typical baud rates supported are 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200. Packet transfer: After autobaud detection succeeds, flashloader communications can take place over the UART peripheral. The following flow charts show: * How the host detects an ACK from the target * How the host detects a ping response from the target * How the host detects a command response from the target KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 284 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader Wait for ACK Report an error No Wait for 1 byte from target No Yes Process NAK 0xA2 received? No Reached maximum retries? 0x5A received? No Yes Wait for 1 byte from target 0xA1 received? Yes Yes End Report a timeout error Figure 13-25. Host reads an ACK from target via UART Wait for ping response End Wait for remaining bytes of ping response packet Wait for 1 byte from target No Yes 0x5A received? Yes Wait for 1 byte from target 0xA7 received? No Report Error Figure 13-26. Host reads a ping response from target via UART KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 285 Get/SetProperty Command Properties Wait for response Wait for 1 byte from target No Reached maximum retries? End No Wait for payload data from target 0x5A received? Yes Yes Yes Wait for 1 byte from target Report a timeout error (End) 0xA4 received? Payload length less than supported length? Yes Wait for payload length part from target (2 bytes) No Set payload length to maximum supported length Wait for CRC checksum from target (2 bytes) No Figure 13-27. Host reads a command response from target via UART 13.5 Get/SetProperty Command Properties This section lists the properties of the GetProperty and SetProperty commands. Table 13-43. Properties used by Get/SetProperty Commands, sorted by Value Property Writable Tag Value Size Descripion CurrentVersion No 01h 4 Current flashloader version. AvailablePeripherals No 02h 4 The set of peripherals supported on this chip. FlashStartAddress No 03h 4 Start address of program flash. FlashSizeInBytes No 04h 4 Size in bytes of program flash. FlashSectorSize No 05h 4 The size in bytes of one sector of program flash. This is the minimum erase size. FlashBlockCount No 06h 4 Number of blocks in the flash array. AvailableCommands No 07h 4 The set of commands supported by the flashloader. VerifyWrites Yes 0Ah 4 Controls whether the flashloader will verify writes to flash. VerifyWrites feature is enabled by default. 0 - No verification is done. 1 - Enable verification. MaxPacketSize No 0Bh 4 Maximum supported packet size for the currently active peripheral interface. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 286 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader Table 13-43. Properties used by Get/SetProperty Commands, sorted by Value (continued) Property ReservedRegions Writable Tag Value Size No 0Ch 16 Descripion List of memory regions reserved by the flashloader. Returned as value pairs (, ). * If HasDataPhase flag is not set, then the Response packet parameter count indicates the number of pairs. * If HasDataPhase flag is set, then the second parameter is the number of bytes in the data phase. RAMStartAddress No 0Eh 4 Start address of RAM RAMSizeInBytes No 0Fh 4 Size in bytes of RAM SystemDeviceId No 10h 4 Value of the Kinetis System Device Identification register. FlashSecurityState No 11h 4 Indicates whether Flash security is enabled 0 - Flash security is disabled 1 - Flash security is enabled UniqueDeviceId No 12h 16 Unique device identification, value of Kinetis Unique Identification registers (16 for K series devices, 12 for KL series devices) 13.5.1 Property Definitions Get/Set property definitions are provided in this section. CurrentVersion Property The value of this property is a 4-byte structure containing the current version of the flashloader. Table 13-44. Fields of CurrentVersion property: Bits [31:24] [23:16] [15:8] [7:0] Field Name = 'K' (0x4B) Major version Minor version Bugfix version AvailablePeripherals Property The value of this property is a bitfield that lists the peripherals supported by the flashloader and the hardware on which it is running. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 287 Kinetis Flashloader Status Error Codes Table 13-45. Peripheral bits: Bit [31:7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0] Peripheral Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SPI Slave I2C Slave UART If the peripheral is available, then the corresponding bit will be set in the property value. All reserved bits must be set to 0. AvailableCommands Property This property value is a bitfield with set bits indicating the commands enabled in the flashloader. Only commands that can be sent from the host to the target are listed in the bitfield. Response commands such as GenericResponse are excluded. The bit number that identifies whether a command is present is the command's tag value minus 1. 1 is subtracted from the command tag because the lowest command tag value is 0x01. To get the bit mask for a given command, use this expression: mask = 1 << (tag - 1) Table 13-46. Command bits: [0] FlashEraseAll [1] FlashEraseRegion [2] ReadMemory [3] WriteMemory [4] FillMemory [5] Reserved [6] GetProperty [7] Reserved [8] Execute [9] Call Reset SetProperty Reserved FlashProgramOnce FlashReadOnce Reserved Command [15] [14] [13] [12] [11] [10] FlashReadResource [31: [16] 17] Reserved Bit 13.6 Kinetis Flashloader Status Error Codes This section describes the status error codes that the Kinetis Flashloader returns to the host. Table 13-47. Kinetis Flashloader Status Error Codes, sorted by Value Error Code kStatus_Success Value 0 Description Operation succeeded without error. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 288 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Kinetis Flashloader Table 13-47. Kinetis Flashloader Status Error Codes, sorted by Value (continued) Error Code Value Description kStatus_Fail 1 Operation failed with a generic error. kStatus_ReadOnly 2 Requested value cannot be changed because it is read-only. kStatus_OutOfRange 3 Requested value is out of range. kStatus_InvalidArgument 4 The requested command's argument is undefined. kStatus_Timeout 5 A timeout occurred. kStatus_FlashSizeError 100 Not used. kStatus_FlashAlignmentError 101 Address or length does not meet required alignment. kStatus_FlashAddressError 102 Address or length is outside addressable memory. kStatus_FlashAccessError 103 The FTFA_FSTAT[ACCERR] bit is set. kStatus_FlashProtectionViolation 104 The FTFA_FSTAT[FPVIOL] bit is set. kStatus_FlashCommandFailure 105 The FTFA_FSTAT[MGSTAT0] bit is set. kStatus_FlashUnknownProperty 106 Unknown Flash property. kStatus_FlashEraseKeyError 107 The key provided does not match the programmed flash key. kStatus_FlashRegionExecuteOnly 108 The area of flash is protected as execute only. kStatus_I2C_SlaveTxUnderrun 200 I2C Slave TX Underrun error. kStatus_I2C_SlaveRxOverrun 201 I2C Slave RX Overrun error. kStatus_I2C_AribtrationLost 202 I2C Arbitration Lost error. kStatus_SPI_SlaveTxUnderrun 300 SPI Slave TX Underrun error. kStatus_SPI_SlaveRxOverrun 301 SPI Slave RX Overrun error. kStatus_SPI_Timeout 302 SPI tranfser timed out. kStatus_SPI_Busy 303 SPI instance is already busy performing a transfer. kStatus_SPI_NoTransferInProgress 304 Attempt to abort a transfer when no transfer was in progress. kStatus_UnknownCommand 10000 The requested command value is undefined. kStatus_SecurityViolation 10001 Command is disallowed because flash security is enabled. kStatus_AbortDataPhase 10002 Abort the data phase early. kStatusMemoryRangeInvalid 10200 Memory range conflicts with a protected region. kStatus_UnknownProperty 10300 The requested property value is undefined. kStatus_ReadOnlyProperty 10301 The requested property value cannot be written. kStatus_InvalidPropertyValue 10302 The specified property value is invalid. kStatus_AppCrcCheckPassed 10400 CRC check is valid and passed. kStatus_AppCrcCheckFailed 10401 CRC check is valid but failed. kStatus_AppCrcCheckInactive 10402 CRC check is inactive. kStatus_AppCrcCheckInvalid 10403 CRC check is invalid, because the BCA is invalid or the CRC parameters are unset (all 0xFF bytes). kStatus_AppCrcCheckOutOfRange 10404 CRC check is valid but addresses are out of range. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 289 Kinetis Flashloader Status Error Codes KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 290 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 14 Reset Control Module (RCM) 14.1 Introduction Information found here describes the registers of the Reset Control Module (RCM). The RCM implements many of the reset functions for the chip. See the chip's reset chapter for more information. See AN4503: Power Management for Kinetis MCUs for further details on using the RCM. 14.2 Reset memory map and register descriptions The RCM Memory Map/Register Definition can be found here. The Reset Control Module (RCM) registers provide reset status information and reset filter control. NOTE The RCM registers can be written only in supervisor mode. Write accesses in user mode are blocked and will result in a bus error. RCM memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4007_F000 System Reset Status Register 0 (RCM_SRS0) 8 R 82h 14.2.1/292 4007_F001 System Reset Status Register 1 (RCM_SRS1) 8 R 00h 14.2.2/293 4007_F004 Reset Pin Filter Control register (RCM_RPFC) 8 R/W 00h 14.2.3/295 4007_F005 Reset Pin Filter Width register (RCM_RPFW) 8 R/W 00h 14.2.4/296 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 291 Reset memory map and register descriptions RCM memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 4007_F008 Sticky System Reset Status Register 0 (RCM_SSRS0) 8 R/W 82h 14.2.5/297 4007_F009 Sticky System Reset Status Register 1 (RCM_SSRS1) 8 R/W 00h 14.2.6/298 14.2.1 System Reset Status Register 0 (RCM_SRS0) This register includes read-only status flags to indicate the source of the most recent reset. The reset state of these bits depends on what caused the MCU to reset. NOTE The reset value of this register depends on the reset source: * POR (including LVD) -- 0x82 * LVD (without POR) -- 0x02 * VLLS mode wakeup due to RESET pin assertion -- 0x41 * VLLS mode wakeup due to other wakeup sources -- 0x01 * Other reset -- a bit is set if its corresponding reset source caused the reset Address: 4007_F000h base + 0h offset = 4007_F000h Bit Read 7 6 5 POR PIN WDOG 1 0 0 4 3 0 2 1 0 LOC LVD WAKEUP 0 1 0 Write Reset 0 0 RCM_SRS0 field descriptions Field 7 POR Description Power-On Reset Indicates a reset has been caused by the power-on detection logic. Because the internal supply voltage was ramping up at the time, the low-voltage reset (LVD) status bit is also set to indicate that the reset occurred while the internal supply was below the LVD threshold. 0 1 6 PIN External Reset Pin Indicates a reset has been caused by an active-low level on the external RESET pin. 0 1 5 WDOG Reset not caused by POR Reset caused by POR Reset not caused by external reset pin Reset caused by external reset pin Watchdog Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 292 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 14 Reset Control Module (RCM) RCM_SRS0 field descriptions (continued) Field Description Indicates a reset has been caused by the watchdog timer timing out. This reset source can be blocked by disabling the watchdog. 0 1 4-3 Reserved 2 LOC This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Loss-of-Clock Reset Indicates a reset has been caused by a loss of external clock. The MCG clock monitor must be enabled for a loss of clock to be detected. Refer to the detailed MCG description for information on enabling the clock monitor. 0 1 1 LVD Reset not caused by a loss of external clock. Reset caused by a loss of external clock. Low-Voltage Detect Reset If PMC_LVDSC1[LVDRE] is set and the supply drops below the LVD trip voltage, an LVD reset occurs. This field is also set by POR. 0 1 0 WAKEUP Reset not caused by watchdog timeout Reset caused by watchdog timeout Reset not caused by LVD trip or POR Reset caused by LVD trip or POR Low Leakage Wakeup Reset Indicates a reset has been caused by an enabled LLWU module wakeup source while the chip was in a low leakage mode. In LLS mode, the RESET pin is the only wakeup source that can cause this reset. Any enabled wakeup source in a VLLSx mode causes a reset. This bit is cleared by any reset except WAKEUP. 0 1 Reset not caused by LLWU module wakeup source Reset caused by LLWU module wakeup source 14.2.2 System Reset Status Register 1 (RCM_SRS1) This register includes read-only status flags to indicate the source of the most recent reset. The reset state of these bits depends on what caused the MCU to reset. NOTE The reset value of this register depends on the reset source: * POR (including LVD) -- 0x00 * LVD (without POR) -- 0x00 * VLLS mode wakeup -- 0x00 * Other reset -- a bit is set if its corresponding reset source caused the reset KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 293 Reset memory map and register descriptions Address: 4007_F000h base + 1h offset = 4007_F001h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Read 0 0 SACKERR 0 MDM_AP SW LOCKUP JTAG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Write Reset RCM_SRS1 field descriptions Field Description 7 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 6 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 5 SACKERR Stop Mode Acknowledge Error Reset Indicates that after an attempt to enter Stop mode, a reset has been caused by a failure of one or more peripherals to acknowledge within approximately one second to enter stop mode. 0 1 Reset not caused by peripheral failure to acknowledge attempt to enter stop mode Reset caused by peripheral failure to acknowledge attempt to enter stop mode 4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3 MDM_AP MDM-AP System Reset Request Indicates a reset has been caused by the host debugger system setting of the System Reset Request bit in the MDM-AP Control Register. 0 1 2 SW Software Indicates a reset has been caused by software setting of SYSRESETREQ bit in Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register in the ARM core. 0 1 1 LOCKUP Reset not caused by software setting of SYSRESETREQ bit Reset caused by software setting of SYSRESETREQ bit Core Lockup Indicates a reset has been caused by the ARM core indication of a LOCKUP event. 0 1 0 JTAG Reset not caused by host debugger system setting of the System Reset Request bit Reset caused by host debugger system setting of the System Reset Request bit Reset not caused by core LOCKUP event Reset caused by core LOCKUP event JTAG Generated Reset Indicates a reset has been caused by JTAG selection of certain IR codes: EXTEST, HIGHZ, and CLAMP. 0 1 Reset not caused by JTAG Reset caused by JTAG KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 294 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 14 Reset Control Module (RCM) 14.2.3 Reset Pin Filter Control register (RCM_RPFC) NOTE The reset values of bits 2-0 are for Chip POR only. They are unaffected by other reset types. NOTE The bus clock filter is reset when disabled or when entering stop mode. The LPO filter is reset when disabled . Address: 4007_F000h base + 4h offset = 4007_F004h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 0 0 0 0 2 RSTFLTSS 0 0 0 1 0 RSTFLTSRW 0 0 RCM_RPFC field descriptions Field 7-3 Reserved 2 RSTFLTSS Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Reset Pin Filter Select in Stop Mode Selects how the reset pin filter is enabled in Stop and VLPS modes , and also during LLS and VLLS modes. On exit from VLLS mode, this bit should be reconfigured before clearing PMC_REGSC[ACKISO]. 0 1 RSTFLTSRW All filtering disabled LPO clock filter enabled Reset Pin Filter Select in Run and Wait Modes Selects how the reset pin filter is enabled in run and wait modes. 00 01 10 11 All filtering disabled Bus clock filter enabled for normal operation LPO clock filter enabled for normal operation Reserved KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 295 Reset memory map and register descriptions 14.2.4 Reset Pin Filter Width register (RCM_RPFW) NOTE The reset values of the bits in the RSTFLTSEL field are for Chip POR only. They are unaffected by other reset types. Address: 4007_F000h base + 5h offset = 4007_F005h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 RSTFLTSEL 0 0 0 0 RCM_RPFW field descriptions Field 7-5 Reserved RSTFLTSEL Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Reset Pin Filter Bus Clock Select Selects the reset pin bus clock filter width. 00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111 01000 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111 10000 10001 10010 10011 10100 10101 10110 10111 11000 Bus clock filter count is 1 Bus clock filter count is 2 Bus clock filter count is 3 Bus clock filter count is 4 Bus clock filter count is 5 Bus clock filter count is 6 Bus clock filter count is 7 Bus clock filter count is 8 Bus clock filter count is 9 Bus clock filter count is 10 Bus clock filter count is 11 Bus clock filter count is 12 Bus clock filter count is 13 Bus clock filter count is 14 Bus clock filter count is 15 Bus clock filter count is 16 Bus clock filter count is 17 Bus clock filter count is 18 Bus clock filter count is 19 Bus clock filter count is 20 Bus clock filter count is 21 Bus clock filter count is 22 Bus clock filter count is 23 Bus clock filter count is 24 Bus clock filter count is 25 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 296 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 14 Reset Control Module (RCM) RCM_RPFW field descriptions (continued) Field Description 11001 11010 11011 11100 11101 11110 11111 Bus clock filter count is 26 Bus clock filter count is 27 Bus clock filter count is 28 Bus clock filter count is 29 Bus clock filter count is 30 Bus clock filter count is 31 Bus clock filter count is 32 14.2.5 Sticky System Reset Status Register 0 (RCM_SSRS0) This register includes status flags to indicate all reset sources since the last POR, LVD or VLLS Wakeup that have not been cleared by software. Software can clear the status flags by writing a logic one to a flag. Address: 4007_F000h base + 8h offset = 4007_F008h Bit 7 6 5 Read SPOR SPIN SWDOG Write w1c w1c w1c Reset 1 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 2 1 0 SLOC SLVD SWAKEUP w1c w1c w1c 0 1 0 RCM_SSRS0 field descriptions Field 7 SPOR Description Sticky Power-On Reset Indicates a reset has been caused by the power-on detection logic. Because the internal supply voltage was ramping up at the time, the low-voltage reset (LVD) status bit is also set to indicate that the reset occurred while the internal supply was below the LVD threshold. 0 1 6 SPIN Sticky External Reset Pin Indicates a reset has been caused by an active-low level on the external RESET pin. 0 1 5 SWDOG Reset not caused by POR Reset caused by POR Reset not caused by external reset pin Reset caused by external reset pin Sticky Watchdog Indicates a reset has been caused by the watchdog timer timing out.This reset source can be blocked by disabling the watchdog. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 297 Reset memory map and register descriptions RCM_SSRS0 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 4-3 Reserved 2 SLOC This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Sticky Loss-of-Clock Reset Indicates a reset has been caused by a loss of external clock. The MCG clock monitor must be enabled for a loss of clock to be detected. Refer to the detailed MCG description for information on enabling the clock monitor. 0 1 1 SLVD Reset not caused by a loss of external clock. Reset caused by a loss of external clock. Sticky Low-Voltage Detect Reset If PMC_LVDSC1[LVDRE] is set and the supply drops below the LVD trip voltage, an LVD reset occurs. This field is also set by POR. 0 1 0 SWAKEUP Reset not caused by watchdog timeout Reset caused by watchdog timeout Reset not caused by LVD trip or POR Reset caused by LVD trip or POR Sticky Low Leakage Wakeup Reset Indicates a reset has been caused by an enabled LLWU modulewakeup source while the chip was in a low leakage mode. In LLS mode, the RESET pin is the only wakeup source that can cause this reset. Any enabled wakeup source in a VLLSx mode causes a reset. 0 1 Reset not caused by LLWU module wakeup source Reset caused by LLWU module wakeup source 14.2.6 Sticky System Reset Status Register 1 (RCM_SSRS1) This register includes status flags to indicate all reset sources since the last POR, LVD or VLLS Wakeup that have not been cleared by software. Software can clear the status flags by writing a logic one to a flag. Address: 4007_F000h base + 9h offset = 4007_F009h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Read 0 0 SSACKERR 0 SMDM_AP SSW SLOCKUP SJTAG w1c w1c w1c w1c 0 0 0 0 Write Reset w1c 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 298 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 14 Reset Control Module (RCM) RCM_SSRS1 field descriptions Field Description 7 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 6 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 5 SSACKERR Sticky Stop Mode Acknowledge Error Reset Indicates that after an attempt to enter Stop mode, a reset has been caused by a failure of one or more peripherals to acknowledge within approximately one second to enter stop mode. 0 1 4 Reserved 3 SMDM_AP This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Sticky MDM-AP System Reset Request Indicates a reset has been caused by the host debugger system setting of the System Reset Request bit in the MDM-AP Control Register. 0 1 2 SSW Indicates a reset has been caused by software setting of SYSRESETREQ bit in Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register in the ARM core. Reset not caused by software setting of SYSRESETREQ bit Reset caused by software setting of SYSRESETREQ bit Sticky Core Lockup Indicates a reset has been caused by the ARM core indication of a LOCKUP event. 0 1 0 SJTAG Reset not caused by host debugger system setting of the System Reset Request bit Reset caused by host debugger system setting of the System Reset Request bit Sticky Software 0 1 1 SLOCKUP Reset not caused by peripheral failure to acknowledge attempt to enter stop mode Reset caused by peripheral failure to acknowledge attempt to enter stop mode Reset not caused by core LOCKUP event Reset caused by core LOCKUP event Sticky JTAG Generated Reset Indicates a reset has been caused by JTAG selection of certain IR codes: EXTEST, HIGHZ, and CLAMP. 0 1 Reset not caused by JTAG Reset caused by JTAG KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 299 Reset memory map and register descriptions KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 300 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 System Mode Controller (SMC) 15.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The System Mode Controller (SMC) is responsible for sequencing the system into and out of all low-power Stop and Run modes. Specifically, it monitors events to trigger transitions between power modes while controlling the power, clocks, and memories of the system to achieve the power consumption and functionality of that mode. This chapter describes all the available low-power modes, the sequence followed to enter/ exit each mode, and the functionality available while in each of the modes. The SMC is able to function during even the deepest low power modes. See AN4503: Power Management for Kinetis MCUs for further details on using the SMC. 15.2 Modes of operation The ARM CPU has three primary modes of operation: * Run * Sleep * Deep Sleep The WFI or WFE instruction is used to invoke Sleep and Deep Sleep modes. Run, Wait, and Stop are the common terms used for the primary operating modes of Freescale microcontrollers. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 301 Modes of operation The following table shows the translation between the ARM CPU modes and the Freescale MCU power modes. ARM CPU mode MCU mode Sleep Wait Deep Sleep Stop Accordingly, the ARM CPU documentation refers to sleep and deep sleep, while the Freescale MCU documentation normally uses wait and stop. In addition, Freescale MCUs also augment Stop, Wait, and Run modes in a number of ways. The power management controller (PMC) contains a run and a stop mode regulator. Run regulation is used in normal run, wait and stop modes. Stop mode regulation is used during all very low power and low leakage modes. During stop mode regulation, the bus frequencies are limited in the very low power modes. The SMC provides the user with multiple power options. The Very Low Power Run (VLPR) mode can drastically reduce run time power when maximum bus frequency is not required to handle the application needs. From Normal Run mode, the Run Mode (RUNM) field can be modified to change the MCU into VLPR mode when limited frequency is sufficient for the application. From VLPR mode, a corresponding wait (VLPW) and stop (VLPS) mode can be entered. Depending on the needs of the user application, a variety of stop modes are available that allow the state retention, partial power down or full power down of certain logic and/or memory. I/O states are held in all modes of operation. Several registers are used to configure the various modes of operation for the device. The following table describes the power modes available for the device. Table 15-1. Power modes Mode Description RUN The MCU can be run at full speed and the internal supply is fully regulated, that is, in run regulation. This mode is also referred to as Normal Run mode. HSRUN The MCU can be run at a faster frequency compared with RUN mode and the internal supply is fully regulated. See the Power Management chapter for details about the maximum allowable frequencies. WAIT The core clock is gated off. The system clock continues to operate. Bus clocks, if enabled, continue to operate. Run regulation is maintained. STOP The core clock is gated off. System clocks to other masters and bus clocks are gated off after all stop acknowledge signals from supporting peripherals are valid. VLPR The core, system, bus, and flash clock maximum frequencies are restricted in this mode. See the Power Management chapter for details about the maximum allowable frequencies. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 302 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 System Mode Controller (SMC) Table 15-1. Power modes (continued) Mode Description VLPW The core clock is gated off. The system, bus, and flash clocks continue to operate, although their maximum frequency is restricted. See the Power Management chapter for details on the maximum allowable frequencies. VLPS The core clock is gated off. System clocks to other masters and bus clocks are gated off after all stop acknowledge signals from supporting peripherals are valid. LLS3 The core clock is gated off. System clocks to other masters and bus clocks are gated off after all stop acknowledge signals from supporting peripherals are valid. The MCU is placed in a low leakage mode by reducing the voltage to internal logic. All system RAM contents, internal logic and I/O states are retained. LLS2 The core clock is gated off. System clocks to other masters and bus clocks are gated off after all stop acknowledge signals from supporting peripherals are valid. The MCU is placed in a low leakage mode by reducing voltage to internal logicand powering down the system RAM2 partition. The system RAM1 partition, internal logic and I/O states are retained.1 VLLS3 The core clock is gated off. System clocks to other masters and bus clocks are gated off after all stop acknowledge signals from supporting peripherals are valid. The MCU is placed in a low leakage mode by powering down the internal logic. All system RAM contents are retained and I/O states are held. Internal logic states are not retained. VLLS2 The core clock is gated off. System clocks to other masters and bus clocks are gated off after all stop acknowledge signals from supporting peripherals are valid. The MCU is placed in a low leakage mode by powering down the internal logic and the system RAM2 partition. The system RAM1 partition contents are retained in this mode. Internal logic states are not retained. 1 VLLS1 The core clock is gated off. System clocks to other masters and bus clocks are gated off after all stop acknowledge signals from supporting peripherals are valid. The MCU is placed in a low leakage mode by powering down the internal logic and all system RAM. I/O states are held. Internal logic states are not retained. VLLS0 The core clock is gated off. System clocks to other masters and bus clocks are gated off after all stop acknowledge signals from supporting peripherals are valid. The MCU is placed in a low leakage mode by powering down the internal logic and all system RAM. I/O states are held. Internal logic states are not retained. The 1kHz LPO clock is disabled and the power on reset (POR) circuit can be optionally enabled using STOPCTRL[PORPO]. 1. See the devices' chip configuration details for the size and location of the system RAM partitions. 15.3 Memory map and register descriptions Information about the registers related to the system mode controller can be found here. Different SMC registers reset on different reset types. Each register's description provides details. For more information about the types of reset on this chip, refer to the Reset section details. NOTE The SMC registers can be written only in supervisor mode. Write accesses in user mode are blocked and will result in a bus error. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 303 Memory map and register descriptions NOTE Before executing the WFI instruction, the last register written to must be read back. This ensures that all register writes associated with setting up the low power mode being entered have completed before the MCU enters the low power mode. Failure to do this may result in the low power mode not being entered correctly. SMC memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 4007_E000 Power Mode Protection register (SMC_PMPROT) 8 R/W 00h 15.3.1/304 4007_E001 Power Mode Control register (SMC_PMCTRL) 8 R/W 00h 15.3.2/305 4007_E002 Stop Control Register (SMC_STOPCTRL) 8 R/W 03h 15.3.3/307 4007_E003 Power Mode Status register (SMC_PMSTAT) 8 R 01h 15.3.4/308 15.3.1 Power Mode Protection register (SMC_PMPROT) This register provides protection for entry into any low-power run or stop mode. The enabling of the low-power run or stop mode occurs by configuring the Power Mode Control register (PMCTRL). The PMPROT register can be written only once after any system reset. If the MCU is configured for a disallowed or reserved power mode, the MCU remains in its current power mode. For example, if the MCU is in normal RUN mode and AVLP is 0, an attempt to enter VLPR mode using PMCTRL[RUNM] is blocked and PMCTRL[RUNM] remains 00b, indicating the MCU is still in Normal Run mode. NOTE This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the Reset section details for more information. Address: 4007_E000h base + 0h offset = 4007_E000h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 AHSRUN 0 AVLP 0 ALLS 0 AVLLS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 304 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 System Mode Controller (SMC) SMC_PMPROT field descriptions Field 7 AHSRUN Description Allow High Speed Run mode Provided the appropriate control bits are set up in PMCTRL, this write-once field allows the MCU to enter High Speed Run mode (HSRUN). 0 1 6 Reserved 5 AVLP This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Allow Very-Low-Power Modes Provided the appropriate control bits are set up in PMCTRL, this write-once field allows the MCU to enter any very-low-power mode (VLPR, VLPW, and VLPS). 0 1 4 Reserved 3 ALLS 1 AVLLS Allow Low-Leakage Stop Mode Provided the appropriate control bits are set up in PMCTRL, this write-once field allows the MCU to enter any low-leakage stop mode (LLS). Any LLSx mode is not allowed Any LLSx mode is allowed This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Allow Very-Low-Leakage Stop Mode Provided the appropriate control bits are set up in PMCTRL, this write once bit allows the MCU to enter any very-low-leakage stop mode (VLLSx). 0 1 0 Reserved VLPR, VLPW, and VLPS are not allowed. VLPR, VLPW, and VLPS are allowed. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 1 2 Reserved HSRUN is not allowed HSRUN is allowed Any VLLSx mode is not allowed Any VLLSx mode is allowed This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 15.3.2 Power Mode Control register (SMC_PMCTRL) The PMCTRL register controls entry into low-power Run and Stop modes, provided that the selected power mode is allowed via an appropriate setting of the protection (PMPROT) register. NOTE This register is reset on Chip POR not VLLS and by reset types that trigger Chip POR not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset types KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 305 Memory map and register descriptions that do not trigger Chip POR not VLLS. See the Reset section details for more information. Address: 4007_E000h base + 1h offset = 4007_E001h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 Reserved 5 RUNM 0 0 0 4 3 0 STOPA 0 0 2 1 0 STOPM 0 0 0 SMC_PMCTRL field descriptions Field 7 Reserved 6-5 RUNM Description This field is reserved. This bit is reserved for future expansion and should always be written zero. Run Mode Control When written, causes entry into the selected run mode. Writes to this field are blocked if the protection level has not been enabled using the PMPROT register. NOTE: RUNM may be set to VLPR only when PMSTAT=RUN. After being written to VLPR, RUNM should not be written back to RUN until PMSTAT=VLPR. NOTE: RUNM may be set to HSRUN only when PMSTAT=RUN. After being programmed to HSRUN, RUNM should not be programmed back to RUN until PMSTAT=HSRUN. Also, stop mode entry should not be attempted while RUNM=HSRUN or PMSTAT=HSRUN. 00 01 10 11 4 Reserved 3 STOPA This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Stop Aborted When set, this read-only status bit indicates an interrupt occured during the previous stop mode entry sequence, preventing the system from entering that mode. This field is cleared by reset or by hardware at the beginning of any stop mode entry sequence and is set if the sequence was aborted. 0 1 STOPM Normal Run mode (RUN) Reserved Very-Low-Power Run mode (VLPR) High Speed Run mode (HSRUN) The previous stop mode entry was successful. The previous stop mode entry was aborted. Stop Mode Control When written, controls entry into the selected stop mode when Sleep-Now or Sleep-On-Exit mode is entered with SLEEPDEEP=1 . Writes to this field are blocked if the protection level has not been enabled using the PMPROT register. After any system reset, this field is cleared by hardware on any successful write to the PMPROT register. NOTE: When set to VLLSxor LLSx, the LLSM in the STOPCTRL register is used to further select the particular VLLSor LLS submode which will be entered. NOTE: When set to STOP, the PSTOPO bits in the STOPCTRL register can be used to select a Partial Stop mode if desired. 000 Normal Stop (STOP) Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 306 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 System Mode Controller (SMC) SMC_PMCTRL field descriptions (continued) Field Description 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Reserved Very-Low-Power Stop (VLPS) Low-Leakage Stop (LLSx) Very-Low-Leakage Stop (VLLSx) Reserved Reseved Reserved 15.3.3 Stop Control Register (SMC_STOPCTRL) The STOPCTRL register provides various control bits allowing the user to fine tune power consumption during the stop mode selected by the STOPM field. NOTE This register is reset on Chip POR not VLLS and by reset types that trigger Chip POR not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset types that do not trigger Chip POR not VLLS. See the Reset section details for more information. Address: 4007_E000h base + 2h offset = 4007_E002h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 PSTOPO 0 0 4 3 PORPO 0 Reserved 0 0 0 2 1 0 LLSM 0 1 1 SMC_STOPCTRL field descriptions Field 7-6 PSTOPO Description Partial Stop Option These bits control whether a Partial Stop mode is entered when STOPM=STOP. When entering a Partial Stop mode from RUN (or VLPR) mode, the PMC, MCG and flash remain fully powered, allowing the device to wakeup almost instantaneously at the expense of higher power consumption. In PSTOP2, only system clocks are gated allowing peripherals running on bus clock to remain fully functional. In PSTOP1, both system and bus clocks are gated. 00 01 10 11 5 PORPO STOP - Normal Stop mode PSTOP1 - Partial Stop with both system and bus clocks disabled PSTOP2 - Partial Stop with system clock disabled and bus clock enabled Reserved POR Power Option This bit controls whether the POR detect circuit is enabled in VLLS0 mode. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 307 Memory map and register descriptions SMC_STOPCTRL field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 POR detect circuit is enabled in VLLS0 POR detect circuit is disabled in VLLS0 4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3 Reserved This field is reserved. This bit is reserved for future expansion and should always be written zero. LLSM LLS or VLLS Mode Control This field controls which LLS orVLLS sub-mode to enter if STOPM = LLSx orVLLSx. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 VLLS0 if PMCTRL[STOPM]=VLLSx, reserved if PMCTRL[STOPM]=LLSx VLLS1 if PMCTRL[STOPM]=VLLSx, reserved if PMCTRL[STOPM]=LLSx VLLS2 if PMCTRL[STOPM]=VLLSx, LLS2 if PMCTRL[STOPM]=LLSx VLLS3 if PMCTRL[STOPM]=VLLSx, LLS3 if PMCTRL[STOPM]=LLSx Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 15.3.4 Power Mode Status register (SMC_PMSTAT) PMSTAT is a read-only, one-hot register which indicates the current power mode of the system. NOTE This register is reset on Chip POR not VLLS and by reset types that trigger Chip POR not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset types that do not trigger Chip POR not VLLS. See the Reset section details for more information. Address: 4007_E000h base + 3h offset = 4007_E003h Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 PMSTAT Write Reset 0 0 0 0 SMC_PMSTAT field descriptions Field PMSTAT Description Power Mode Status NOTE: When debug is enabled, the PMSTAT will not update to STOP or VLPS KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 308 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 System Mode Controller (SMC) SMC_PMSTAT field descriptions (continued) Field Description NOTE: When a PSTOP mode is enabled, the PMSTAT will not update to STOP or VLPS 0000_0001 0000_0010 0000_0100 0000_1000 0001_0000 0010_0000 0100_0000 1000_0000 Current power mode is RUN. Current power mode is STOP. Current power mode is VLPR. Current power mode is VLPW. Current power mode is VLPS. Current power mode is LLS. Current power mode is VLLS. Current power mode is HSRUN 15.4 Functional description 15.4.1 Power mode transitions The following figure shows the power mode state transitions available on the chip. Any reset always brings the MCU back to the normal RUN state. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 309 Functional description Any RESET VLPW HSRUN 4 5 12 VLPR WAIT 1 3 RUN 7 2 STOP 6 VLPS 10 8 9 LLS VLLS 11 Figure 15-1. Power mode state diagram The following table defines triggers for the various state transitions shown in the previous figure. Table 15-2. Power mode transition triggers Transition # From To 1 RUN WAIT Trigger conditions Sleep-now or sleep-on-exit modes entered with SLEEPDEEP clear, controlled in System Control Register in ARM core. See note.1 2 WAIT RUN Interrupt or Reset RUN STOP PMCTRL[RUNM]=00, PMCTRL[STOPM]=0002 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 310 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 System Mode Controller (SMC) Table 15-2. Power mode transition triggers (continued) Transition # From To Trigger conditions Sleep-now or sleep-on-exit modes entered with SLEEPDEEP set, which is controlled in System Control Register in ARM core. See note.1 3 STOP RUN Interrupt or Reset RUN VLPR The core, system, bus and flash clock frequencies and MCG clocking mode are restricted in this mode. See the Power Management chapter for the maximum allowable frequencies and MCG modes supported. VLPR RUN VLPR VLPW Set PMPROT[AVLP]=1, PMCTRL[RUNM]=10. Set PMCTRL[RUNM]=00 or Reset. 4 Sleep-now or sleep-on-exit modes entered with SLEEPDEEP clear, which is controlled in System Control Register in ARM core. See note.1 VLPW VLPR Interrupt 5 VLPW RUN Reset 6 VLPR VLPS PMCTRL[STOPM]=0003 or 010, Sleep-now or sleep-on-exit modes entered with SLEEPDEEP set, which is controlled in System Control Register in ARM core. See note.1 VLPS VLPR Interrupt NOTE: If VLPS was entered directly from RUN (transition #7), hardware forces exit back to RUN and does not allow a transition to VLPR. 7 RUN VLPS PMPROT[AVLP]=1, PMCTRL[STOPM]=010, Sleep-now or sleep-on-exit modes entered with SLEEPDEEP set, which is controlled in System Control Register in ARM core. See note.1 VLPS RUN Interrupt and VLPS mode was entered directly from RUN or Reset 8 9 RUN VLLSx VLLSx RUN VLPR VLLSx PMPROT[AVLLS]=1, PMCTRL[STOPM]=100, STOPCTRL[LLSM]=x (VLLSx), Sleep-now or sleep-on-exit modes entered with SLEEPDEEP set, which is controlled in System Control Register in ARM core. Wakeup from enabled LLWU input source or RESET pin PMPROT[AVLLS]=1, PMCTRL[STOPM]=100, STOPCTRL[LLSM]=x (VLLSx), Sleep-now or sleep-on-exit modes entered with SLEEPDEEP set, which is controlled in System Control Register in ARM core. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 311 Functional description Table 15-2. Power mode transition triggers (continued) Transition # From To Trigger conditions 10 RUN LLSx PMPROT[ALLS]=1, PMCTRL[STOPM]=011, STOPCTRL[LLSM]=x (LLSx), Sleep-now or sleep-on-exit modes entered with SLEEPDEEP set, which is controlled in System Control Register in ARM core. LLSx RUN Wakeup from enabled LLWU input source and LLSx mode was entered directly from RUN or RESET pin. 11 VLPR LLSx PMPROT[ALLS]=1, PMCTRL[STOPM]=011, Sleep-now or sleep-on-exit modes entered with SLEEPDEEP set, which is controlled in System Control Register in ARM core. LLSx VLPR Wakeup from enabled LLWU input source and LLSx mode was entered directly from VLPR NOTE: If LLSx was entered directly from RUN, hardware will not allow this transition and will force exit back to RUN 12 RUN HSRUN HSRUN RUN Set PMPROT[AHSRUN]=1, PMCTRL[RUNM]=11. Set PMCTRL[RUNM]=00 or Reset 1. If debug is enabled, the core clock remains to support debug. 2. If PMCTRL[STOPM]=000 and STOPCTRL[PSTOPO]=01 or 10, then only a Partial Stop mode is entered instead of STOP 3. If PMCTRL[STOPM]=000 and STOPCTRL[PSTOPO]=00, then VLPS mode is entered instead of STOP. If PMCTRL[STOPM]=000 and STOPCTRL[PSTOPO]=01 or 10, then only a Partial Stop mode is entered instead of VLPS 15.4.2 Power mode entry/exit sequencing When entering or exiting low-power modes, the system must conform to an orderly sequence to manage transitions safely. The SMC manages the system's entry into and exit from all power modes. This diagram illustrates the connections of the SMC with other system components in the chip that are necessary to sequence the system through all power modes. Figure 15-2. Low-power system components and connections Stop mode entry sequence Entry into a low-power stop mode (Stop, VLPS, LLS, VLLSx) is initiated by a CPU executing the WFI instruction. After the instruction is executed, the following sequence occurs: 1. The CPU clock is gated off immediately. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 312 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 System Mode Controller (SMC) 2. Requests are made to all non-CPU bus masters to enter Stop mode. 3. After all masters have acknowledged they are ready to enter Stop mode, requests are made to all bus slaves to enter Stop mode. 4. After all slaves have acknowledged they are ready to enter Stop mode, all system and bus clocks are gated off. 5. Clock generators are disabled in the MCG. 6. The on-chip regulator in the PMC and internal power switches are configured to meet the power consumption goals for the targeted low-power mode. Stop mode exit sequence Exit from a low-power stop mode is initiated either by a reset or an interrupt event. The following sequence then executes to restore the system to a run mode (RUN or VLPR): 1. The on-chip regulator in the PMC and internal power switches are restored. 2. Clock generators are enabled in the MCG. 3. System and bus clocks are enabled to all masters and slaves. 4. The CPU clock is enabled and the CPU begins servicing the reset or interrupt that initiated the exit from the low-power stop mode. Aborted stop mode entry If an interrupt occurs during a stop entry sequence, the SMC can abort the transition early and return to RUN mode without completely entering the stop mode. An aborted entry is possible only if the interrupt occurs before the PMC begins the transition to stop mode regulation. After this point, the interrupt is ignored until the PMC has completed its transition to stop mode regulation. When an aborted stop mode entry sequence occurs, SMC_PMCTRL[STOPA] is set to 1. Transition to wait modes For wait modes (WAIT and VLPW), the CPU clock is gated off while all other clocking continues, as in RUN and VLPR mode operation. Some modules that support stop-inwait functionality have their clocks disabled in these configurations. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 313 Functional description Transition from stop modes to Debug mode The debugger module supports a transition from STOP, WAIT, VLPS, and VLPW back to a Halted state when the debugger has been enabled. As part of this transition, system clocking is re-established and is equivalent to the normal RUN and VLPR mode clocking configuration. 15.4.3 Run modes The run modes supported by this device can be found here. * Run (RUN) * Very Low-Power Run (VLPR) * High Speed Run (HSRUN) RUN mode This is the normal operating mode for the device. This mode is selected after any reset. When the ARM processor exits reset, it sets up the stack, program counter (PC), and link register (LR): * The processor reads the start SP (SP_main) from vector-table offset 0x000 * The processor reads the start PC from vector-table offset 0x004 * LR is set to 0xFFFF_FFFF. To reduce power in this mode, disable the clocks to unused modules using their corresponding clock gating control bits in the SIM's (or PCC's) registers. Very-Low Power Run (VLPR) mode In VLPR mode, the on-chip voltage regulator is put into a stop mode regulation state. In this state, the regulator is designed to supply enough current to the MCU over a reduced frequency. To further reduce power in this mode, disable the clocks to unused modules using their corresponding clock gating control bits in the SIM's registers. Before entering this mode, the following conditions must be met: * The MCG must be configured in a mode which is supported during VLPR. See the Power Management details for information about these MCG modes. * All clock monitors in the MCG must be disabled. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 314 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 System Mode Controller (SMC) * The maximum frequencies of the system, bus, flash, and core are restricted. See the Power Management details about which frequencies are supported. * Mode protection must be set to allow VLP modes, that is, PMPROT[AVLP] is 1. * PMCTRL[RUNM] must be set to 10b to enter VLPR. * Flash programming/erasing is not allowed. NOTE Do not increase the clock frequency while in VLPR mode, because the regulator is slow in responding and cannot manage fast load transitions. In addition, do not modify the clock source in the MCG module or any clock divider registers. Module clock enables in the SIM can be set, but not cleared. To reenter Normal Run mode, clear PMCTRL[RUNM]. PMSTAT is a read-only status register that can be used to determine when the system has completed an exit to RUN mode. When PMSTAT=RUN, the system is in run regulation and the MCU can run at full speed in any clock mode. If a higher execution frequency is desired, poll PMSTAT until it is set to RUN when returning from VLPR mode. Any reset always causes an exit from VLPR and returns the device to RUN mode after the MCU exits its reset flow. High Speed Run (HSRUN) mode In HSRUN mode, the on-chip voltage regulator remains in a run regulation state, but with a slightly elevated voltage output. In this state, the MCU is able to operate at a faster frequency compared to normal RUN mode. For the maximum allowable frequencies, see the Power Management chapter. While in this mode, the following restrictions must be adhered to: * The maximum allowable change in frequency of the system, bus, flash or core clocks is restricted to 2x (double the frequency). * Before exiting HSRUN mode, clock frequencies should be reduced back down to those acceptable in RUN mode. * Stop mode entry is not supported from HSRUN. * Modifications to clock gating control bits are prohibited. * Flash programming/erasing is not allowed. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 315 Functional description To enter HSRUN mode, set PMPORT[AHSRUN]=HSRUN and set PMCTRL[RUNM]=HSRUN. Before increasing clock frequencies, the PMSTAT register should be polled to determine when the system has completed entry into HSRUN mode. To reenter normal RUN mode, clear RUNM. Any reset will also clear RUNM and cause the system to exit to normal RUN mode after the MCU exits its reset flow. 15.4.4 Wait modes This device contains two different wait modes which are listed here. * Wait * Very-Low Power Wait (VLPW) WAIT mode WAIT mode is entered when the ARM core enters the Sleep-Now or Sleep-On-Exit modes while SLEEPDEEP is cleared. The ARM CPU enters a low-power state in which it is not clocked, but peripherals continue to be clocked provided they are enabled. Clock gating to the peripheral is enabled via the SIM module. When an interrupt request occurs, the CPU exits WAIT mode and resumes processing in RUN mode, beginning with the stacking operations leading to the interrupt service routine. A system reset will cause an exit from WAIT mode, returning the device to normal RUN mode. Very-Low-Power Wait (VLPW) mode VLPW is entered by the entering the Sleep-Now or Sleep-On-Exit mode while SLEEPDEEP is cleared and the MCU is in VLPR mode. In VLPW, the on-chip voltage regulator remains in its stop regulation state. In this state, the regulator is designed to supply enough current to the MCU over a reduced frequency. To further reduce power in this mode, disable the clocks to unused modules by clearing the peripherals' corresponding clock gating control bits in the SIM (or PCC). VLPR mode restrictions also apply to VLPW. When an interrupt from VLPW occurs, the device returns to VLPR mode to execute the interrupt service routine. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 316 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 System Mode Controller (SMC) A system reset will cause an exit from VLPW mode, returning the device to normal RUN mode. 15.4.5 Stop modes This device contains a variety of stop modes to meet your application needs. The stop modes range from: * a stopped CPU, with all I/O, logic, and memory states retained, and certain asynchronous mode peripherals operating to: * a powered down CPU, with only I/O and a small register file retained, very few asynchronous mode peripherals operating, while the remainder of the MCU is powered down. The choice of stop mode depends upon the user's application, and how power usage and state retention versus functional needs and recovery time may be traded off. NOTE All clock monitors must be disabled before entering these lowpower modes: Stop, VLPS, VLPR, VLPW, LLSand VLLSx. The various stop modes are selected by setting the appropriate fields in PMPROT and PMCTRL. The selected stop mode is entered during the sleep-now or sleep-on-exit entry with the SLEEPDEEP bit set in the System Control Register in the ARM core. The available stop modes are: * * * * Normal Stop (STOP) Very-Low Power Stop (VLPS) Low-Leakage Stop (LLS) Very-Low-Leakage Stop (VLLSx) STOP mode STOP mode is entered via the sleep-now or sleep-on-exit with the SLEEPDEEP bit set in the System Control Register in the ARM core. The MCG module can be configured to leave the reference clocks running. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 317 Functional description A module capable of providing an asynchronous interrupt to the device takes the device out of STOP mode and returns the device to normal RUN mode. Refer to the device's Power Management chapter for peripheral, I/O, and memory operation in STOP mode. When an interrupt request occurs, the CPU exits STOP mode and resumes processing, beginning with the stacking operations leading to the interrupt service routine. A system reset will cause an exit from STOP mode, returning the device to normal RUN mode via an MCU reset. Very-Low-Power Stop (VLPS) mode The two ways in which VLPS mode can be entered are listed here. * Entry into stop via the sleep-now or sleep-on-exit with the SLEEPDEEP bit set in the System Control Register in the ARM core while the MCU is in VLPR mode and PMCTRL[STOPM] = 010 or 000. * Entry into stop via the sleep-now or sleep-on-exit with the SLEEPDEEP bit set in the System Control Register in the ARM core while the MCU is in normal RUN mode and PMCTRL[STOPM] = 010. When VLPS is entered directly from RUN mode, exit to VLPR is disabled by hardware and the system will always exit back to RUN. In VLPS, the on-chip voltage regulator remains in its stop regulation state as in VLPR. A module capable of providing an asynchronous interrupt to the device takes the device out of VLPS and returns the device to VLPR mode. A system reset will also cause a VLPS exit, returning the device to normal RUN mode. Low-Leakage Stop (LLSx) modes This device contains two Low-Leakage Stop modes: LLS3 and LLS2. LLS or LLSx is often used in this document to refer to both modes. All LLS modes can be entered from normal RUN or VLPR modes. The MCU enters LLS mode if: * In Sleep-Now or Sleep-On-Exit mode, SLEEPDEEP is set in the System Control Register in the ARM core, and * The device is configured as shown in Table 15-2. In LLS, the on-chip voltage regulator is in stop regulation. Most of the peripherals are put in a state-retention mode that does not allow them to operate while in LLS. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 318 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 System Mode Controller (SMC) Before entering LLS mode, the user should configure the Low-Leakage Wake-up (LLWU) module to enable the desired wake-up sources. The available wake-up sources in LLS are detailed in the chip configuration details for this device. After wakeup from LLS, the device returns to the run mode from which LLS was entered (either normal RUN or VLPR) with a pending LLWU module interrupt. In the LLWU interrupt service routine (ISR), the user can poll the LLWU module wake-up flags to determine the source of the wakeup. NOTE The LLWU interrupt must not be masked by the interrupt controller to avoid a scenario where the system does not fully exit Stop mode on an LLS recovery. An asserted RESET pin will cause an exit from LLS mode, returning the device to normal RUN mode. When LLS is exiting via the RESET pin, RCM_SRS[PIN] and RCM_SRS[WAKEUP] are set. Very-Low-Leakage Stop (VLLSx) modes This device contains these very low leakage modes: * * * * VLLS3 VLLS2 VLLS1 VLLS0 VLLSx is often used in this document to refer to all of these modes. All VLLSx modes can be entered from normal RUN or VLPR modes. The MCU enters the configured VLLS mode if: * In Sleep-Now or Sleep-On-Exit mode, the SLEEPDEEP bit is set in the System Control Register in the ARM core, and * The device is configured as shown in Table 15-2. In VLLS, the on-chip voltage regulator is in its stop-regulation state while most digital logic is powered off. Before entering VLLS mode, the user should configure the Low-Leakage Wake-up (LLWU) module to enable the desired wakeup sources. The available wake-up sources in VLLS are detailed in the chip configuration details for this device. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 319 Functional description After wakeup from VLLS, the device returns to normal RUN mode with a pending LLWU interrupt. In the LLWU interrupt service routine (ISR), the user can poll the LLWU module wake-up flags to determine the source of the wake-up. When entering VLLS, each I/O pin is latched as configured before executing VLLS. Because all digital logic in the MCU is powered off, all port and peripheral data is lost during VLLS. This information must be restored before PMC_REGSC[ACKISO] is set. An asserted RESET pin will cause an exit from any VLLS mode, returning the device to normal RUN mode. When exiting VLLS via the RESET pin, RCM_SRS[PIN] and RCM_SRS[WAKEUP] are set. 15.4.6 Debug in low power modes When the MCU is secure, the device disables/limits debugger operation. When the MCU is unsecure, the ARM debugger can assert two power-up request signals: * System power up, via SYSPWR in the Debug Port Control/Stat register * Debug power up, via CDBGPWRUPREQ in the Debug Port Control/Stat register When asserted while in RUN, WAIT, VLPR, or VLPW, the mode controller drives a corresponding acknowledge for each signal, that is, both CDBGPWRUPACK and CSYSPWRUPACK. When both requests are asserted, the mode controller handles attempts to enter STOP and VLPS by entering an emulated stop state. In this emulated stop state: * * * * * the regulator is in run regulation, the MCG-generated clock source is enabled, all system clocks, except the core clock, are disabled, the debug module has access to core registers, and access to the on-chip peripherals is blocked. No debug is available while the MCU is in LLS or VLLS modes. LLS is a state-retention mode and all debug operation can continue after waking from LLS, even in cases where system wakeup is due to a system reset event. Entering into a VLLS mode causes all of the debug controls and settings to be powered off. To give time to the debugger to sync with the MCU, the MDM AP Control Register includes a Very-Low-Leakage Debug Request (VLLDBGREQ) bit that is set to configure the Reset Controller logic to hold the system in reset after the next recovery from a VLLS mode. This bit allows the debugger time to reinitialize the debug module before the debug session continues. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 320 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 System Mode Controller (SMC) The MDM AP Control Register also includes a Very Low Leakage Debug Acknowledge (VLLDBGACK) bit that is set to release the ARM core being held in reset following a VLLS recovery. The debugger reinitializes all debug IP, and then asserts the VLLDBGACK control bit to allow the RCM to release the ARM core from reset and allow CPU operation to begin. The VLLDBGACK bit is cleared by the debugger (or can be left set as is) or clears automatically due to the reset generated as part of the next VLLS recovery. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 321 Functional description KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 322 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 Power Management Controller (PMC) 16.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The power management controller (PMC) contains the internal voltage regulator, power on reset (POR), and low voltage detect system (LVD). See AN4503: Power Management for Kinetis MCUs for further details on using the PMC. 16.2 Features A list of included PMC features can be found here. * Internal voltage regulator * Active POR providing brown-out detect * Low-voltage detect supporting two low-voltage trip points with four warning levels per trip point 16.3 Low-voltage detect (LVD) system This device includes a system to guard against low-voltage conditions. This protects memory contents and controls MCU system states during supply voltage variations. The system is comprised of a power-on reset (POR) circuit and a LVD circuit with a user-selectable trip voltage: high (VLVDH) or low (VLVDL). The trip voltage is selected by LVDSC1[LVDV]. The LVD is disabled upon entering VLPx, LLS, and VLLSx modes. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 323 Low-voltage detect (LVD) system Two flags are available to indicate the status of the low-voltage detect system: * The Low Voltage Detect Flag in the Low Voltage Status and Control 1 Register (LVDSC1[LVDF]) operates in a level sensitive manner. LVDSC1[LVDF] is set when the supply voltage falls below the selected trip point (VLVD). LVDSC1[LVDF] is cleared by writing 1 to LVDSC1[LVDACK], but only if the internal supply has returned above the trip point; otherwise, LVDSC1[LVDF] remains set. * The Low Voltage Warning Flag (LVWF) in the Low Voltage Status and Control 2 Register (LVDSC2[LVWF]) operates in a level sensitive manner. LVDSC2[LVWF] is set when the supply voltage falls below the selected monitor trip point (VLVW). LVDSC2[LVWF] is cleared by writing one to LVDSC2[LVWACK], but only if the internal supply has returned above the trip point; otherwise, LVDSC2[LVWF] remains set. 16.3.1 LVD reset operation By setting LVDSC1[LVDRE], the LVD generates a reset upon detection of a low-voltage condition. The low-voltage detection threshold is determined by LVDSC1[LVDV]. After an LVD reset occurs, the LVD system holds the MCU in reset until the supply voltage rises above this threshold. The LVD field in the SRS register of the RCM module (RCM_SRS[LVD]) is set following an LVD or power-on reset. 16.3.2 LVD interrupt operation By configuring the LVD circuit for interrupt operation (LVDSC1[LVDIE] set and LVDSC1[LVDRE] clear), LVDSC1[LVDF] is set and an LVD interrupt request occurs upon detection of a low voltage condition. LVDSC1[LVDF] is cleared by writing 1 to LVDSC1[LVDACK]. 16.3.3 Low-voltage warning (LVW) interrupt operation The LVD system contains a Low-Voltage Warning Flag (LVWF) in the Low Voltage Detect Status and Control 2 Register to indicate that the supply voltage is approaching, but is above, the LVD voltage. The LVW also has an interrupt, which is enabled by setting LVDSC2[LVWIE]. If enabled, an LVW interrupt request occurs when LVDSC2[LVWF] is set. LVDSC2[LVWF] is cleared by writing 1 to LVDSC2[LVWACK]. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 324 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 Power Management Controller (PMC) LVDSC2[LVWV] selects one of the four trip voltages: * Highest: VLVW4 * Two mid-levels: VLVW3 and VLVW2 * Lowest: VLVW1 16.4 I/O retention When in LLS mode, the I/O pins are held in their input or output state. Upon wakeup, the PMC is re-enabled, goes through a power up sequence to full regulation, and releases the logic from state retention mode. The I/O are released immediately after a wake-up or reset event. In the case of LLS exit via a RESET pin, the I/O default to their reset state. When in VLLS modes, the I/O states are held on a wake-up event (with the exception of wake-up by reset event) until the wake-up has been acknowledged via a write to REGSC[ACKISO]. In the case of VLLS exit via a RESET pin, the I/O are released and default to their reset state. In this case, no write to REGSC[ACKISO] is needed. 16.5 Memory map and register descriptions Details about the PMC registers can be found here. NOTE Different portions of PMC registers are reset only by particular reset types. Each register's description provides details. For more information about the types of reset on this chip, refer to the Reset section details. The PMC registers can be written only in supervisor mode. Write accesses in user mode are blocked and will result in a bus error. PMC memory map Absolute address (hex) 4007_D000 Register name Width Access (in bits) Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 1 register (PMC_LVDSC1) 8 R/W Reset value Section/ page 10h 16.5.1/326 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 325 Memory map and register descriptions PMC memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 4007_D001 Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 2 register (PMC_LVDSC2) 8 R/W 00h 16.5.2/327 4007_D002 Regulator Status And Control register (PMC_REGSC) 8 R/W 04h 16.5.3/328 16.5.1 Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 1 register (PMC_LVDSC1) This register contains status and control bits to support the low voltage detect function. This register should be written during the reset initialization program to set the desired controls even if the desired settings are the same as the reset settings. While the device is in the very low power or low leakage modes, the LVD system is disabled regardless of LVDSC1 settings. To protect systems that must have LVD always on, configure the Power Mode Protection (PMPROT) register of the SMC module (SMC_PMPROT) to disallow any very low power or low leakage modes from being enabled. See the device's data sheet for the exact LVD trip voltages. NOTE The LVDV bits are reset solely on a POR Only event. The register's other bits are reset on Chip Reset Not VLLS. For more information about these reset types, refer to the Reset section details. Address: 4007_D000h base + 0h offset = 4007_D000h Bit Read 7 6 LVDF 0 Write Reset 5 LVDACK 0 0 4 3 LVDIE LVDRE 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 LVDV 0 0 0 PMC_LVDSC1 field descriptions Field 7 LVDF Description Low-Voltage Detect Flag This read-only status field indicates a low-voltage detect event. 0 1 Low-voltage event not detected Low-voltage event detected Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 326 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 Power Management Controller (PMC) PMC_LVDSC1 field descriptions (continued) Field 6 LVDACK 5 LVDIE Description Low-Voltage Detect Acknowledge This write-only field is used to acknowledge low voltage detection errors. Write 1 to clear LVDF. Reads always return 0. Low-Voltage Detect Interrupt Enable Enables hardware interrupt requests for LVDF. 0 1 4 LVDRE Low-Voltage Detect Reset Enable This write-once bit enables LVDF events to generate a hardware reset. Additional writes are ignored. 0 1 3-2 Reserved LVDV Hardware interrupt disabled (use polling) Request a hardware interrupt when LVDF = 1 LVDF does not generate hardware resets Force an MCU reset when LVDF = 1 This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Low-Voltage Detect Voltage Select Selects the LVD trip point voltage (V LVD ). 00 01 10 11 Low trip point selected (V LVD = V LVDL ) High trip point selected (V LVD = V LVDH ) Reserved Reserved 16.5.2 Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 2 register (PMC_LVDSC2) This register contains status and control bits to support the low voltage warning function. While the device is in the very low power or low leakage modes, the LVD system is disabled regardless of LVDSC2 settings. See the device's data sheet for the exact LVD trip voltages. NOTE The LVW trip voltages depend on LVWV and LVDV. NOTE LVWV is reset solely on a POR Only event. The other fields of the register are reset on Chip Reset Not VLLS. For more information about these reset types, refer to the Reset section details. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 327 Memory map and register descriptions Address: 4007_D000h base + 1h offset = 4007_D001h Bit Read 7 6 LVWF 0 Write Reset LVWACK 0 5 4 3 LVWIE 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 LVWV 0 0 0 PMC_LVDSC2 field descriptions Field 7 LVWF Description Low-Voltage Warning Flag This read-only status field indicates a low-voltage warning event. LVWF is set when VSupply transitions below the trip point, or after reset and VSupply is already below VLVW. LVWF may be 1 after power-on reset, therefore, to use LVW interrupt function, before enabling LVWIE, LVWF must be cleared by writing LVWACK first. 0 1 6 LVWACK 5 LVWIE Low-Voltage Warning Acknowledge This write-only field is used to acknowledge low voltage warning errors. Write 1 to clear LVWF. Reads always return 0. Low-Voltage Warning Interrupt Enable Enables hardware interrupt requests for LVWF. 0 1 4-2 Reserved LVWV Low-voltage warning event not detected Low-voltage warning event detected Hardware interrupt disabled (use polling) Request a hardware interrupt when LVWF = 1 This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Low-Voltage Warning Voltage Select Selects the LVW trip point voltage (VLVW). The actual voltage for the warning depends on LVDSC1[LVDV]. 00 01 10 11 Low trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW1) Mid 1 trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW2) Mid 2 trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW3) High trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW4) 16.5.3 Regulator Status And Control register (PMC_REGSC) The PMC contains an internal voltage regulator. The voltage regulator design uses a bandgap reference that is also available through a buffer as input to certain internal peripherals, such as the CMP and ADC. The internal regulator provides a status bit (REGONS) indicating the regulator is in run regulation. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 328 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 Power Management Controller (PMC) NOTE This register is reset on Chip Reset Not VLLS and by reset types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the Reset section details for more information. Address: 4007_D000h base + 2h offset = 4007_D002h Bit 7 6 Read 0 0 5 Write Reset 0 0 4 Reserved BGEN 0 0 3 2 ACKISO REGONS w1c 0 1 1 0 Reserved BGBE 0 0 PMC_REGSC field descriptions Field Description 7 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 6 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 5 Reserved This field is reserved. 4 BGEN Bandgap Enable In VLPx Operation BGEN controls whether the bandgap is enabled in lower power modes of operation (VLPx, LLS, and VLLSx). When on-chip peripherals require the bandgap voltage reference in low power modes of operation, set BGEN to continue to enable the bandgap operation. NOTE: When the bandgap voltage reference is not needed in low power modes, clear BGEN to avoid excess power consumption. 0 1 3 ACKISO Bandgap voltage reference is disabled in VLPx , LLS , and VLLSx modes. Bandgap voltage reference is enabled in VLPx , LLS , and VLLSx modes. Acknowledge Isolation Reading this field indicates whether certain peripherals and the I/O pads are in a latched state as a result of having been in a VLLS mode. Writing 1 to this field when it is set releases the I/O pads and certain peripherals to their normal run mode state. NOTE: After recovering from a VLLS mode, user should restore chip configuration before clearing ACKISO. In particular, pin configuration for enabled LLWU wakeup pins should be restored to avoid any LLWU flag from being falsely set when ACKISO is cleared. 0 1 2 REGONS Regulator In Run Regulation Status This read-only field provides the current status of the internal voltage regulator. 0 1 1 Reserved Peripherals and I/O pads are in normal run state. Certain peripherals and I/O pads are in an isolated and latched state. Regulator is in stop regulation or in transition to/from it Regulator is in run regulation This field is reserved. NOTE: This reserved bit must remain cleared (set to 0). Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 329 Memory map and register descriptions PMC_REGSC field descriptions (continued) Field 0 BGBE Description Bandgap Buffer Enable Enables the bandgap buffer. 0 1 Bandgap buffer not enabled Bandgap buffer enabled KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 330 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU) 17.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The LLWU module allows the user to select up to 16 external pins and up to 8 internal modules as interrupt wake-up sources from low-leakage power modes. The input sources are described in the device's chip configuration details. Each of the available wake-up sources can be individually enabled. The RESET pin is an additional source for triggering an exit from low-leakage power modes, and causes the MCU to exit both LLS and VLLS through a reset flow. The LLWU module also includes two optional digital pin filters for the external wakeup pins. See AN4503: Power Management for Kinetis MCUs for further details on using the LLWU. 17.1.1 Features The LLWU module features include: * Support for up to 16 external input pins and up to 8 internal modules with individual enable bits for MCU interrupt from low leakage modes * Input sources may be external pins or from internal peripherals capable of running in LLS or VLLS. See the chip configuration information for wakeup input sources for this device. * External pin wake-up inputs, each of which is programmable as falling-edge, risingedge, or any change KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 331 Introduction * Wake-up inputs that are activated after MCU enters a low-leakage power mode * Optional digital filters provided to qualify an external pin detect. Note that when the LPO clock is disabled, the filters are disabled and bypassed. 17.1.2 Modes of operation The LLWU module becomes functional on entry into a low-leakage power mode. After recovery from LLS, the LLWU is immediately disabled. After recovery from VLLS, the LLWU continues to detect wake-up events until the user has acknowledged the wake-up via a write to PMC_REGSC[ACKISO]. LLS mode Wake-up events due to external pin inputs (LLWU_Px) and internal module interrupt inputs (LLWU_MxIF) result in an interrupt flow when exiting LLS. NOTE The LLWU interrupt must not be masked by the interrupt controller to avoid a scenario where the system does not fully exit Stop mode on an LLS recovery. VLLS modes All wakeup and reset events result in VLLS exit via a reset flow. Non-low leakage modes The LLWU is not active in all non-low leakage modes where detection and control logic are in a static state. The LLWU registers are accessible in non-low leakage modes and are available for configuring and reading status when bus transactions are possible. When the wake-up pin filters are enabled, filter operation begins immediately. If a low leakage mode is entered within five LPO clock cycles of an active edge, the edge event will be detected by the LLWU. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 332 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU) Debug mode When the chip is in Debug mode and then enters LLS or a VLLSx mode, no debug logic works in the fully-functional low-leakage mode. Upon an exit from the LLS or VLLSx mode, the LLWU becomes inactive. 17.1.3 Block diagram The following figure is the block diagram for the LLWU module. enter low leakge mode WUME7 Module7 interrupt flag (LLWU_M7IF) Module0 interrupt flag (LLWU_M0IF) Interrupt module flag detect LLWU_MWUF7 occurred Interrupt module flag detect LLWU_MWUF0 occurred FILT1[FILTSEL] Internal module sources WUME0 LPO LLWU_P15 Synchronizer LLWU_P0 Pin filter 1 LPO Synchronizer Pin filter 2 FILT1[FILTE] Edge detect Pin filter 1 wakeup occurred LLWU controller FILT2[FILTE] Edge detect exit low leakge mode Pin filter 2 wakeup occurred interrupt flow reset flow WUPE15 2 FILT2[FILTSEL] Edge detect Edge detect LLWU_P15 wakeup occurred LLWU_P0 wakeup occurred External pin sources 2 WUPE0 Figure 17-1. LLWU block diagram KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 333 LLWU signal descriptions 17.2 LLWU signal descriptions The signal properties of LLWU are shown in the table found here. The external wakeup input pins can be enabled to detect either rising-edge, falling-edge, or on any change. Table 17-1. LLWU signal descriptions Signal LLWU_Pn Description I/O Wakeup inputs (n = 0-15 ) I 17.3 Memory map/register definition The LLWU includes the following registers: * Wake-up source enable registers * Enable external pin input sources * Enable internal peripheral interrupt sources * Wake-up flag registers * Indication of wakeup source that caused exit from a low-leakage power mode includes external pin or internal module interrupt * Wake-up pin filter enable registers NOTE The LLWU registers can be written only in supervisor mode. Write accesses in user mode are blocked and will result in a bus error. All LLWU registers are reset by Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. Each register's displayed reset value represents this subset of reset types. LLWU registers are unaffected by reset types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. For more information about the types of reset on this chip, refer to the Introduction details. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 334 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU) LLWU memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 4007_C000 LLWU Pin Enable 1 register (LLWU_PE1) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.1/335 4007_C001 LLWU Pin Enable 2 register (LLWU_PE2) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.2/336 4007_C002 LLWU Pin Enable 3 register (LLWU_PE3) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.3/337 4007_C003 LLWU Pin Enable 4 register (LLWU_PE4) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.4/338 4007_C004 LLWU Module Enable register (LLWU_ME) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.5/339 4007_C005 LLWU Flag 1 register (LLWU_F1) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.6/341 4007_C006 LLWU Flag 2 register (LLWU_F2) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.7/343 4007_C007 LLWU Flag 3 register (LLWU_F3) 8 R 00h 17.3.8/344 4007_C008 LLWU Pin Filter 1 register (LLWU_FILT1) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.9/346 4007_C009 LLWU Pin Filter 2 register (LLWU_FILT2) 8 R/W 00h 17.3.10/347 17.3.1 LLWU Pin Enable 1 register (LLWU_PE1) LLWU_PE1 contains the field to enable and select the edge detect type for the external wakeup input pins LLWU_P3-LLWU_P0. NOTE This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the Introduction details for more information. Address: 4007_C000h base + 0h offset = 4007_C000h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 WUPE3 0 4 3 WUPE2 0 0 2 1 WUPE1 0 0 0 WUPE0 0 0 0 LLWU_PE1 field descriptions Field 7-6 WUPE3 Description Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P3 Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin. 00 01 10 11 5-4 WUPE2 External input pin disabled as wakeup input External input pin enabled with rising edge detection External input pin enabled with falling edge detection External input pin enabled with any change detection Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P2 Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 335 Memory map/register definition LLWU_PE1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 00 01 10 11 3-2 WUPE1 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P1 Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin. 00 01 10 11 WUPE0 External input pin disabled as wakeup input External input pin enabled with rising edge detection External input pin enabled with falling edge detection External input pin enabled with any change detection External input pin disabled as wakeup input External input pin enabled with rising edge detection External input pin enabled with falling edge detection External input pin enabled with any change detection Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P0 Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin. 00 01 10 11 External input pin disabled as wakeup input External input pin enabled with rising edge detection External input pin enabled with falling edge detection External input pin enabled with any change detection 17.3.2 LLWU Pin Enable 2 register (LLWU_PE2) LLWU_PE2 contains the field to enable and select the edge detect type for the external wakeup input pins LLWU_P7-LLWU_P4. NOTE This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the Introduction details for more information. Address: 4007_C000h base + 1h offset = 4007_C001h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 WUPE7 0 4 3 WUPE6 0 0 2 1 WUPE5 0 0 0 WUPE4 0 0 0 LLWU_PE2 field descriptions Field 7-6 WUPE7 Description Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P7 Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin. 00 01 External input pin disabled as wakeup input External input pin enabled with rising edge detection Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 336 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU) LLWU_PE2 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 10 11 5-4 WUPE6 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P6 Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin. 00 01 10 11 3-2 WUPE5 External input pin disabled as wakeup input External input pin enabled with rising edge detection External input pin enabled with falling edge detection External input pin enabled with any change detection Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P5 Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin. 00 01 10 11 WUPE4 External input pin enabled with falling edge detection External input pin enabled with any change detection External input pin disabled as wakeup input External input pin enabled with rising edge detection External input pin enabled with falling edge detection External input pin enabled with any change detection Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P4 Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin. 00 01 10 11 External input pin disabled as wakeup input External input pin enabled with rising edge detection External input pin enabled with falling edge detection External input pin enabled with any change detection 17.3.3 LLWU Pin Enable 3 register (LLWU_PE3) LLWU_PE3 contains the field to enable and select the edge detect type for the external wakeup input pins LLWU_P11-LLWU_P8. NOTE This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the Introduction details for more information. Address: 4007_C000h base + 2h offset = 4007_C002h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 WUPE11 0 4 3 WUPE10 0 0 2 1 WUPE9 0 0 0 WUPE8 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 337 Memory map/register definition LLWU_PE3 field descriptions Field 7-6 WUPE11 Description Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P11 Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin. 00 01 10 11 5-4 WUPE10 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P10 Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin. 00 01 10 11 3-2 WUPE9 External input pin disabled as wakeup input External input pin enabled with rising edge detection External input pin enabled with falling edge detection External input pin enabled with any change detection Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P9 Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin. 00 01 10 11 WUPE8 External input pin disabled as wakeup input External input pin enabled with rising edge detection External input pin enabled with falling edge detection External input pin enabled with any change detection External input pin disabled as wakeup input External input pin enabled with rising edge detection External input pin enabled with falling edge detection External input pin enabled with any change detection Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P8 Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin. 00 01 10 11 External input pin disabled as wakeup input External input pin enabled with rising edge detection External input pin enabled with falling edge detection External input pin enabled with any change detection 17.3.4 LLWU Pin Enable 4 register (LLWU_PE4) LLWU_PE4 contains the field to enable and select the edge detect type for the external wakeup input pins LLWU_P15-LLWU_P12. NOTE This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the Introduction details for more information. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 338 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU) Address: 4007_C000h base + 3h offset = 4007_C003h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 WUPE15 0 4 3 WUPE14 0 0 2 1 WUPE13 0 0 0 WUPE12 0 0 0 LLWU_PE4 field descriptions Field 7-6 WUPE15 Description Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P15 Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin. 00 01 10 11 5-4 WUPE14 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P14 Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin. 00 01 10 11 3-2 WUPE13 External input pin disabled as wakeup input External input pin enabled with rising edge detection External input pin enabled with falling edge detection External input pin enabled with any change detection Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P13 Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin. 00 01 10 11 WUPE12 External input pin disabled as wakeup input External input pin enabled with rising edge detection External input pin enabled with falling edge detection External input pin enabled with any change detection External input pin disabled as wakeup input External input pin enabled with rising edge detection External input pin enabled with falling edge detection External input pin enabled with any change detection Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P12 Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin. 00 01 10 11 External input pin disabled as wakeup input External input pin enabled with rising edge detection External input pin enabled with falling edge detection External input pin enabled with any change detection 17.3.5 LLWU Module Enable register (LLWU_ME) LLWU_ME contains the bits to enable the internal module flag as a wakeup input source for inputs MWUF7-MWUF0. NOTE This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 339 Memory map/register definition types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the Introduction details for more information. Address: 4007_C000h base + 4h offset = 4007_C004h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 WUME7 WUME6 WUME5 WUME4 WUME3 WUME2 WUME1 WUME0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LLWU_ME field descriptions Field 7 WUME7 Description Wakeup Module Enable For Module 7 Enables an internal module as a wakeup source input. 0 1 6 WUME6 Wakeup Module Enable For Module 6 Enables an internal module as a wakeup source input. 0 1 5 WUME5 Enables an internal module as a wakeup source input. Enables an internal module as a wakeup source input. Enables an internal module as a wakeup source input. Internal module flag not used as wakeup source Internal module flag used as wakeup source Wakeup Module Enable For Module 2 Enables an internal module as a wakeup source input. 0 1 1 WUME1 Internal module flag not used as wakeup source Internal module flag used as wakeup source Wakeup Module Enable For Module 3 0 1 2 WUME2 Internal module flag not used as wakeup source Internal module flag used as wakeup source Wakeup Module Enable For Module 4 0 1 3 WUME3 Internal module flag not used as wakeup source Internal module flag used as wakeup source Wakeup Module Enable For Module 5 0 1 4 WUME4 Internal module flag not used as wakeup source Internal module flag used as wakeup source Internal module flag not used as wakeup source Internal module flag used as wakeup source Wakeup Module Enable for Module 1 Enables an internal module as a wakeup source input. 0 1 Internal module flag not used as wakeup source Internal module flag used as wakeup source Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 340 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU) LLWU_ME field descriptions (continued) Field 0 WUME0 Description Wakeup Module Enable For Module 0 Enables an internal module as a wakeup source input. 0 1 Internal module flag not used as wakeup source Internal module flag used as wakeup source 17.3.6 LLWU Flag 1 register (LLWU_F1) LLWU_F1 contains the wakeup flags indicating which wakeup source caused the MCU to exit LLS or VLLS mode. For LLS, this is the source causing the CPU interrupt flow. For VLLS, this is the source causing the MCU reset flow. The external wakeup flags are read-only and clearing a flag is accomplished by a write of a 1 to the corresponding WUFx bit. The wakeup flag (WUFx), if set, will remain set if the associated WUPEx bit is cleared. NOTE This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the Introduction details for more information. Address: 4007_C000h base + 5h offset = 4007_C005h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Read WUF7 WUF6 WUF5 WUF4 WUF3 WUF2 WUF1 WUF0 Write w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LLWU_F1 field descriptions Field 7 WUF7 Description Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P7 Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, write a 1 to WUF7. 0 1 6 WUF6 LLWU_P7 input was not a wakeup source LLWU_P7 input was a wakeup source Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P6 Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, write a 1 to WUF6. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 341 Memory map/register definition LLWU_F1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 5 WUF5 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P5 Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, write a 1 to WUF5. 0 1 4 WUF4 Indicates that an enabled external wake-up pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, write a 1 to WUF4. Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, write a 1 to WUF3. Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, write a 1 to WUF2. LLWU_P2 input was not a wakeup source LLWU_P2 input was a wakeup source Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P1 Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, write a 1 to WUF1. 0 1 0 WUF0 LLWU_P3 input was not a wake-up source LLWU_P3 input was a wake-up source Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P2 0 1 1 WUF1 LLWU_P4 input was not a wakeup source LLWU_P4 input was a wakeup source Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P3 0 1 2 WUF2 LLWU_P5 input was not a wakeup source LLWU_P5 input was a wakeup source Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P4 0 1 3 WUF3 LLWU_P6 input was not a wakeup source LLWU_P6 input was a wakeup source LLWU_P1 input was not a wakeup source LLWU_P1 input was a wakeup source Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P0 Indicates that an enabled external wake-up pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, write a 1 to WUF0. 0 1 LLWU_P0 input was not a wakeup source LLWU_P0 input was a wakeup source KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 342 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU) 17.3.7 LLWU Flag 2 register (LLWU_F2) LLWU_F2 contains the wakeup flags indicating which wakeup source caused the MCU to exit LLS or VLLS mode. For LLS, this is the source causing the CPU interrupt flow. For VLLS, this is the source causing the MCU reset flow. The external wakeup flags are read-only and clearing a flag is accomplished by a write of a 1 to the corresponding WUFx bit. The wakeup flag (WUFx), if set, will remain set if the associated WUPEx bit is cleared. NOTE This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the Introduction details for more information. Address: 4007_C000h base + 6h offset = 4007_C006h Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Read WUF15 WUF14 WUF13 WUF12 WUF11 WUF10 WUF9 WUF8 Write w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LLWU_F2 field descriptions Field 7 WUF15 Description Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P15 Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, write a 1 to WUF15. 0 1 6 WUF14 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P14 Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, write a 1 to WUF14. 0 1 5 WUF13 LLWU_P15 input was not a wakeup source LLWU_P15 input was a wakeup source LLWU_P14 input was not a wakeup source LLWU_P14 input was a wakeup source Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P13 Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, write a 1 to WUF13. 0 1 LLWU_P13 input was not a wakeup source LLWU_P13 input was a wakeup source Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 343 Memory map/register definition LLWU_F2 field descriptions (continued) Field 4 WUF12 Description Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P12 Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, write a 1 to WUF12. 0 1 3 WUF11 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P11 Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, write a 1 to WUF11. 0 1 2 WUF10 Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, write a 1 to WUF10. LLWU_P10 input was not a wakeup source LLWU_P10 input was a wakeup source Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P9 Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, write a 1 to WUF9. 0 1 0 WUF8 LLWU_P11 input was not a wakeup source LLWU_P11 input was a wakeup source Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P10 0 1 1 WUF9 LLWU_P12 input was not a wakeup source LLWU_P12 input was a wakeup source LLWU_P9 input was not a wakeup source LLWU_P9 input was a wakeup source Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P8 Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, write a 1 to WUF8. 0 1 LLWU_P8 input was not a wakeup source LLWU_P8 input was a wakeup source 17.3.8 LLWU Flag 3 register (LLWU_F3) LLWU_F3 contains the wakeup flags indicating which internal wakeup source caused the MCU to exit LLS or VLLS mode. For LLS, this is the source causing the CPU interrupt flow. For VLLS, this is the source causing the MCU reset flow. For internal peripherals that are capable of running in a low-leakage power mode, such as a real time clock module or CMP module, the flag from the associated peripheral is accessible as the MWUFx bit. The flag will need to be cleared in the peripheral instead of writing a 1 to the MWUFx bit. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 344 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU) NOTE This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the Introduction details for more information. Address: 4007_C000h base + 7h offset = 4007_C007h Bit Read 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MWUF7 MWUF6 MWUF5 MWUF4 MWUF3 MWUF2 MWUF1 MWUF0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Write Reset LLWU_F3 field descriptions Field 7 MWUF7 Description Wakeup flag For module 7 Indicates that an enabled internal peripheral was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, follow the internal peripheral flag clearing mechanism. 0 1 6 MWUF6 Wakeup flag For module 6 Indicates that an enabled internal peripheral was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, follow the internal peripheral flag clearing mechanism. 0 1 5 MWUF5 Indicates that an enabled internal peripheral was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, follow the internal peripheral flag clearing mechanism. Indicates that an enabled internal peripheral was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, follow the internal peripheral flag clearing mechanism. Module 4 input was not a wakeup source Module 4 input was a wakeup source Wakeup flag For module 3 Indicates that an enabled internal peripheral was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, follow the internal peripheral flag clearing mechanism. 0 1 2 MWUF2 Module 5 input was not a wakeup source Module 5 input was a wakeup source Wakeup flag For module 4 0 1 3 MWUF3 Module 6 input was not a wakeup source Module 6 input was a wakeup source Wakeup flag For module 5 0 1 4 MWUF4 Module 7 input was not a wakeup source Module 7 input was a wakeup source Module 3 input was not a wakeup source Module 3 input was a wakeup source Wakeup flag For module 2 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 345 Memory map/register definition LLWU_F3 field descriptions (continued) Field Description Indicates that an enabled internal peripheral was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, follow the internal peripheral flag clearing mechanism. 0 1 1 MWUF1 Wakeup flag For module 1 Indicates that an enabled internal peripheral was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, follow the internal peripheral flag clearing mechanism. 0 1 0 MWUF0 Module 2 input was not a wakeup source Module 2 input was a wakeup source Module 1 input was not a wakeup source Module 1 input was a wakeup source Wakeup flag For module 0 Indicates that an enabled internal peripheral was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag, follow the internal peripheral flag clearing mechanism. 0 1 Module 0 input was not a wakeup source Module 0 input was a wakeup source 17.3.9 LLWU Pin Filter 1 register (LLWU_FILT1) LLWU_FILT1 is a control and status register that is used to enable/disable the digital filter 1 features for an external pin. NOTE This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the Introduction details for more information. Address: 4007_C000h base + 8h offset = 4007_C008h Bit 7 Read FILTF Write w1c Reset 0 6 5 3 2 0 FILTE 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 FILTSEL 0 0 LLWU_FILT1 field descriptions Field 7 FILTF Description Filter Detect Flag Indicates that the filtered external wakeup pin, selected by FILTSEL, was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag write a one to FILTF. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 346 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU) LLWU_FILT1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 6-5 FILTE Pin Filter 1 was not a wakeup source Pin Filter 1 was a wakeup source Digital Filter On External Pin Controls the digital filter options for the external pin detect. 00 01 10 11 Filter disabled Filter posedge detect enabled Filter negedge detect enabled Filter any edge detect enabled 4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. FILTSEL Filter Pin Select Selects 1 out of the 16 wakeup pins to be muxed into the filter. 0000 ... 1111 Select LLWU_P0 for filter ... Select LLWU_P15 for filter 17.3.10 LLWU Pin Filter 2 register (LLWU_FILT2) LLWU_FILT2 is a control and status register that is used to enable/disable the digital filter 2 features for an external pin. NOTE This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the Introduction details for more information. Address: 4007_C000h base + 9h offset = 4007_C009h Bit 7 Read FILTF Write w1c Reset 0 6 5 FILTE 0 4 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 FILTSEL 0 0 LLWU_FILT2 field descriptions Field 7 FILTF Description Filter Detect Flag Indicates that the filtered external wakeup pin, selected by FILTSEL, was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear the flag write a one to FILTF. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 347 Functional description LLWU_FILT2 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 6-5 FILTE Pin Filter 2 was not a wakeup source Pin Filter 2 was a wakeup source Digital Filter On External Pin Controls the digital filter options for the external pin detect. 00 01 10 11 Filter disabled Filter posedge detect enabled Filter negedge detect enabled Filter any edge detect enabled 4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. FILTSEL Filter Pin Select Selects 1 out of the 16 wakeup pins to be muxed into the filter. 0000 ... 1111 Select LLWU_P0 for filter ... Select LLWU_P15 for filter 17.4 Functional description Thie low-leakage wakeup unit (LLWU) module allows internal peripherals and external input pins as a source of wakeup from low-leakage modes. It is operational only in LLS and VLLSx modes. The LLWU module contains pin enables for each external pin and internal module. For each external pin, the user can disable or select the edge type for the wakeup with the following options: * Falling-edge * Rising-edge * Either-edge When an external pin is enabled as a wakeup source, the pin must be configured as an input pin. The LLWU implements optional 3-cycle glitch filters, based on the LPO clock. A detected external pin is required to remain asserted until the enabled glitch filter times out. Additional latency of up to 2 cycles is due to synchronization, which results in a total of up to 5 cycles of delay before the detect circuit alerts the system to the wakeup or reset event when the filter function is enabled. Two wakeup detect filters are available for selected external pins. Glitch filtering is not provided on the internal modules. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 348 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU) For internal module interrupts, the WUMEx bit enables the associated module interrupt as a wakeup source. 17.4.1 LLS mode Wakeup events triggered from either an external pin input or an internal module interrupt, result in a CPU interrupt flow to begin user code execution. 17.4.2 VLLS modes For any wakeup from VLLS, recovery is always via a reset flow and RCM_SRS[WAKEUP] is set indicating the low-leakage mode was active. State retention data is lost and I/O will be restored after PMC_REGSC[ACKISO] has been written. A VLLS exit event due to RESET pin assertion causes an exit via a system reset. State retention data is lost and the I/O states immediately return to their reset state. The RCM_SRS[WAKEUP] and RCM_SRS[PIN] bits are set and the system executes a reset flow before CPU operation begins with a reset vector fetch. 17.4.3 Initialization For an enabled peripheral wakeup input, the peripheral flag must be cleared by software before entering LLS or VLLSx mode to avoid an immediate exit from the mode. Flags associated with external input pins, filtered and unfiltered, must also be cleared by software prior to entry to LLS or VLLSx mode. After enabling an external pin filter or changing the source pin, wait at least five LPO clock cycles before entering LLS or VLLSx mode to allow the filter to initialize. NOTE After recovering from a VLLS mode, user must restore chip configuration before clearing PMC_REGSC[ACKISO]. In particular, pin configuration for enabled LLWU wake-up pins must be restored to avoid any LLWU flag from being falsely set when PMC_REGSC[ACKISO] is cleared. The signal selected as a wake-up source pin must be a digital pin, as selected in the pin mux control. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 349 Functional description KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 350 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) 18.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) provides a myriad of miscellaneous control functions. 18.1.1 Features The MCM includes the following features: * Program-visible information on the platform configuration and revision 18.2 Memory map/register descriptions The memory map and register descriptions below describe the registers using byte addresses. MCM memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page E008_0008 Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Slave Configuration (MCM_PLASC) 16 R 000Fh 18.2.1/352 E008_000A Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Master Configuration (MCM_PLAMC) 16 R 0017h 18.2.2/352 32 R/W 0000_0000h 18.2.3/353 E008_000C Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Control Register (MCM_PLACR) Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 351 Memory map/register descriptions MCM memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page E008_0010 Interrupt Status and Control Register (MCM_ISCR) 32 R 0002_0000h 18.2.4/353 E008_0040 Compute Operation Control Register (MCM_CPO) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 18.2.5/356 18.2.1 Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Slave Configuration (MCM_PLASC) PLASC is a 16-bit read-only register identifying the presence/absence of bus slave connections to the device's crossbar switch. Address: E008_0000h base + 8h offset = E008_0008h Bit 15 14 13 12 Read 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 ASC Write Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MCM_PLASC field descriptions Field Description 15-8 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. ASC Each bit in the ASC field indicates whether there is a corresponding connection to the crossbar switch's slave input port. 0 1 A bus slave connection to AXBS input port n is absent A bus slave connection to AXBS input port n is present 18.2.2 Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Master Configuration (MCM_PLAMC) PLAMC is a 16-bit read-only register identifying the presence/absence of bus master connections to the device's crossbar switch. Address: E008_0000h base + Ah offset = E008_000Ah Bit 15 14 13 12 Read 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 3 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 AMC Write Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 352 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) MCM_PLAMC field descriptions Field Description 15-8 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. AMC Each bit in the AMC field indicates whether there is a corresponding connection to the AXBS master input port. 0 1 A bus master connection to AXBS input port n is absent A bus master connection to AXBS input port n is present 18.2.3 Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Control Register (MCM_PLACR) The PLACR register selects the arbitration policy for the crossbar masters. Address: E008_0000h base + Ch offset = E008_000Ch Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 R ARB W Reset 0 0 0 Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MCM_PLACR field descriptions Field 31-10 Reserved 9 ARB Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Arbitration select 0 1 Fixed-priority arbitration for the crossbar masters Round-robin arbitration for the crossbar masters This field is reserved. 18.2.4 Interrupt Status and Control Register (MCM_ISCR) The MCM_ISCR register includes the enable and status bits associated with the core's floating-point exceptions. The individual event indicators are first qualified with their exception enables and then logically summed to form an interrupt request sent to the core's NVIC. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 353 Memory map/register descriptions Bits 15-8 are read-only indicator flags based on the processor's FPSCR register. Attempted writes to these bits are ignored. Once set, the flags remain asserted until software clears the corresponding FPSCR bit. Address: E008_0000h base + 10h offset = E008_0010h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 0 19 18 17 16 FIXCE FUFCE FOFCE FDZCE FIOCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R FUFC FOFC FDZC FIOC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FIDCE Reset FIXC Reserved FIDC R 20 W 0 0 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MCM_ISCR field descriptions Field 31 FIDCE 30-29 Reserved Description FPU input denormal interrupt enable 0 1 Disable interrupt Enable interrupt This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 28 FIXCE FPU inexact interrupt enable 27 FUFCE FPU underflow interrupt enable 0 1 0 1 Disable interrupt Enable interrupt Disable interrupt Enable interrupt Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 354 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) MCM_ISCR field descriptions (continued) Field Description 26 FOFCE FPU overflow interrupt enable 25 FDZCE FPU divide-by-zero interrupt enable 24 FIOCE FPU invalid operation interrupt enable 23-16 Reserved 15 FIDC 0 1 0 1 0 1 12 FIXC This read-only bit is a copy of the core's FPSCR[IDC] bit and signals input denormalized number has been detected in the processor's FPU. Once set, this bit remains set until software clears the FPSCR[IDC] bit. FPU inexact interrupt status This read-only bit is a copy of the core's FPSCR[IXC] bit and signals an inexact number has been detected in the processor's FPU. Once set, this bit remains set until software clears the FPSCR[IXC] bit. No interrupt Interrupt occurred FPU underflow interrupt status This read-only bit is a copy of the core's FPSCR[UFC] bit and signals an underflow has been detected in the processor's FPU. Once set, this bit remains set until software clears the FPSCR[UFC] bit. No interrupt Interrupt occurred FPU overflow interrupt status This read-only bit is a copy of the core's FPSCR[OFC] bit and signals an overflow has been detected in the processor's FPU. Once set, this bit remains set until software clears the FPSCR[OFC] bit. 0 1 9 FDZC No interrupt Interrupt occurred This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 1 10 FOFC Disable interrupt Enable interrupt FPU input denormal interrupt status 0 1 11 FUFC Disable interrupt Enable interrupt This field is reserved. 0 1 14-13 Reserved Disable interrupt Enable interrupt No interrupt Interrupt occurred FPU divide-by-zero interrupt status This read-only bit is a copy of the core's FPSCR[DZC] bit and signals a divide by zero has been detected in the processor's FPU. Once set, this bit remains set until software clears the FPSCR[DZC] bit. 0 1 No interrupt Interrupt occurred Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 355 Memory map/register descriptions MCM_ISCR field descriptions (continued) Field Description 8 FIOC FPU invalid operation interrupt status This read-only bit is a copy of the core's FPSCR[IOC] bit and signals an illegal operation has been detected in the processor's FPU. Once set, this bit remains set until software clears the FPSCR[IOC] bit. 0 1 Reserved No interrupt Interrupt occurred This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 18.2.5 Compute Operation Control Register (MCM_CPO) This register controls the Compute Operation. Address: E008_0000h base + 40h offset = E008_0040h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CPOWOI R CPOREQ 0 CPOACK Reset W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 356 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) MCM_CPO field descriptions Field Description 31-3 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 2 CPOWOI Compute Operation wakeup on interrupt 1 CPOACK Compute Operation acknowledge 0 CPOREQ Compute Operation request 0 1 0 1 No effect. When set, the CPOREQ is cleared on any interrupt or exception vector fetch. Compute operation entry has not completed or compute operation exit has completed. Compute operation entry has completed or compute operation exit has not completed. This bit is auto-cleared by vector fetching if CPOWOI = 1. 0 1 Request is cleared. Request Compute Operation. 18.3 Functional description This section describes the functional description of MCM module. 18.3.1 Interrupts The MCM's interrupt is generated if any of the following is true: * FPU input denormal interrupt is enabled (FIDCE) and an input is denormalized (FIDC) * FPU inexact interrupt is enabled (FIXCE) and a number is inexact (FIXC) * FPU underflow interrupt is enabled (FUFCE) and an underflow occurs (FUFC) * FPU overflow interrupt is enabled (FOFCE) and an overflow occurs (FOFC) * FPU divide-by-zero interrupt is enabled (FDZCE) and a divide-by-zero occurs (FDZC) * FPU invalid operation interrupt is enabled (FDZCE) and an invalid occurs (FDZC) Determining source of the interrupt To determine the exact source of the interrupt qualify the interrupt status flags with the corresponding interrupt enable bits. 1. From MCM_ISCR[31:16] && MCM_ISCR[15:0] KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 357 Functional description 2. Search the result for asserted flags, which indicate the exact interrupt sources KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 358 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 19 Crossbar Switch Lite (AXBS-Lite) 19.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The information found here provides information on the layout, configuration, and programming of the crossbar switch. The crossbar switch connects bus masters and bus slaves using a crossbar switch structure. This structure allows up to four bus masters to access different bus slaves simultaneously, while providing arbitration among the bus masters when they access the same slave. 19.1.1 Features The crossbar switch includes these features: * Symmetric crossbar bus switch implementation * Allows concurrent accesses from different masters to different slaves * Up to single-clock 32-bit transfer * Programmable configuration for fixed-priority or round-robin slave port arbitration (see the chip-specific information). KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 359 Memory Map / Register Definition 19.2 Memory Map / Register Definition This crossbar switch is designed for minimal gate count. It, therefore, has no memorymapped configuration registers. Please see the chip-specific information for information on whether the arbitration method in the crossbar switch is programmable, and by which module. 19.3 Functional Description 19.3.1 General operation When a master accesses the crossbar switch, the access is immediately taken. If the targeted slave port of the access is available, then the access is immediately presented on the slave port. Single-clock or zero-wait-state accesses are possible through the crossbar. If the targeted slave port of the access is busy or parked on a different master port, the requesting master simply sees wait states inserted until the targeted slave port can service the master's request. The latency in servicing the request depends on each master's priority level and the responding slave's access time. Because the crossbar switch appears to be just another slave to the master device, the master device has no knowledge of whether it actually owns the slave port it is targeting. While the master does not have control of the slave port it is targeting, it simply waits. After the master has control of the slave port it is targeting, the master remains in control of the slave port until it relinquishes the slave port by running an IDLE cycle or by targeting a different slave port for its next access. The master can also lose control of the slave port if another higher-priority master makes a request to the slave port. The crossbar terminates all master IDLE transfers, as opposed to allowing the termination to come from one of the slave buses. Additionally, when no master is requesting access to a slave port, the crossbar drives IDLE transfers onto the slave bus, even though a default master may be granted access to the slave port. When a slave bus is being idled by the crossbar, it remains parked with the last master to use the slave port. This is done to save the initial clock of arbitration delay that otherwise would be seen if the same master had to arbitrate to gain control of the slave port. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 360 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 19 Crossbar Switch Lite (AXBS-Lite) 19.3.2 Arbitration The crossbar switch supports two arbitration algorithms: * Fixed priority * Round-robin The selection of the global slave port arbitration is controlled in the MCM module. For fixed priority, set MCM_PLACR[ARB] to 0. For round robin, set MCM_PLACR[ARB] to 1. This arbitration setting applies to all slave ports. Fixed-priority operation When operating in fixed-priority mode, each master is assigned a unique priority level with the highest numbered master having the highest priority (for example, in a system with 5 masters, master 1 has lower priority than master 3). If two masters request access to the same slave port, the master with the highest priority gains control over the slave port. NOTE In this arbitration mode, a higher-priority master can monopolize a slave port, preventing accesses from any lowerpriority master to the port. When a master makes a request to a slave port, the slave port checks whether the new requesting master's priority level is higher than that of the master that currently has control over the slave port, unless the slave port is in a parked state. The slave port performs an arbitration check at every clock edge to ensure that the proper master, if any, has control of the slave port. The following table describes possible scenarios based on the requesting master port: Table 19-1. How the Crossbar Switch grants control of a slave port to a master When Then the Crossbar Switch grants control to the requesting master Both of the following are true: At the next clock edge * The current master is not running a transfer. * The new requesting master's priority level is higher than that of the current master. Both of the following are true: At the next arbitration point for the undefined length burst transfer Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 361 Initialization/application information Table 19-1. How the Crossbar Switch grants control of a slave port to a master (continued) When Then the Crossbar Switch grants control to the requesting master * The current master is running an undefined length burst transfer. * The requesting master's priority level is higher than that of the current master. The requesting master's priority level is lower than the current At the conclusion of one of the following cycles: master. * An IDLE cycle * A non-IDLE cycle to a location other than the current slave port Round-robin priority operation When operating in round-robin mode, each master is assigned a relative priority based on the master port number. This relative priority is compared to the master port number (ID) of the last master to perform a transfer on the slave bus. The highest priority requesting master becomes owner of the slave bus at the next transfer boundary. Priority is based on how far ahead the ID of the requesting master is to the ID of the last master. After granted access to a slave port, a master may perform as many transfers as desired to that port until another master makes a request to the same slave port. The next master in line is granted access to the slave port at the next transfer boundary, or possibly on the next clock cycle if the current master has no pending access request. As an example of arbitration in round-robin mode, assume the crossbar is implemented with master ports 0, 1, 4, and 5. If the last master of the slave port was master 1, and master 0, 4, and 5 make simultaneous requests, they are serviced in the order: 4 then 5 then 0. The round-robin arbitration mode generally provides a more fair allocation of the available slave-port bandwidth (compared to fixed priority) as the fixed master priority does not affect the master selection. 19.4 Initialization/application information No initialization is required for the crossbar switch. See the AXBS section of the configuration chapter for the reset state of the arbitration scheme. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 362 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 20 Peripheral Bridge (AIPS-Lite) 20.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The peripheral bridge converts the crossbar switch interface to an interface that can access most of the slave peripherals on this chip. The peripheral bridge occupies 64 MB of the address space, which is divided into peripheral slots of 4 KB. (It might be possible that all the peripheral slots are not used. See the memory map chapter for details on slot assignments.) The bridge includes separate clock enable inputs for each of the slots to accommodate slower peripherals. 20.1.1 Features Key features of the peripheral bridge are: * Supports peripheral slots with 8-, 16-, and 32-bit datapath width 20.1.2 General operation The slave devices connected to the peripheral bridge are modules which contain a programming model of control and status registers. The system masters read and write these registers through the peripheral bridge. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 363 Memory map/register definition The register maps of the peripherals are located on 4-KB boundaries. Each peripheral is allocated one or more 4-KB block(s) of the memory map. Two global external module enables are available for the remaining address space to allow for customization and expansion of addressed peripheral devices. 20.2 Memory map/register definition The AIPS module(s) on this device do(es) not contain any user-programmable registers. 20.3 Functional description The peripheral bridge functions as a bus protocol translator between the crossbar switch and the slave peripheral bus. The peripheral bridge manages all transactions destined for the attached slave devices and generates select signals for modules on the peripheral bus by decoding accesses within the attached address space. 20.3.1 Access support Aligned and misaligned 32-bit, 16-bit, and byte accesses are supported for 32-bit peripherals. Misaligned accesses are supported to allow memory to be placed on the slave peripheral bus. Peripheral registers must not be misaligned, although no explicit checking is performed by the peripheral bridge. All accesses are performed with a single transfer. All accesses to the peripheral slots must be sized less than or equal to the designated peripheral slot size. If an access is attempted that is larger than the targeted port, an error response is generated. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 364 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Multiplexer (DMAMUX) 21.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. 21.1.1 Overview The Direct Memory Access Multiplexer (DMAMUX) routes DMA sources, called slots, to any of the four DMA channels. This process is illustrated in the following figure. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 365 Introduction DMAMUX Source #1 DMA channel #0 DMA channel #1 Source #2 Source #3 Source #x Always #1 Always #y Trigger #1 DMA channel #n Trigger #z Figure 21-1. DMAMUX block diagram 21.1.2 Features The DMAMUX module provides these features: * Up to 59 peripheral slots and up to four always-on slots can be routed to four channels. * four independently selectable DMA channel routers. * The first four channels additionally provide a trigger functionality. * Each channel router can be assigned to one of the possible peripheral DMA slots or to one of the always-on slots. 21.1.3 Modes of operation The following operating modes are available: * Disabled mode KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 366 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Multiplexer (DMAMUX) In this mode, the DMA channel is disabled. Because disabling and enabling of DMA channels is done primarily via the DMA configuration registers, this mode is used mainly as the reset state for a DMA channel in the DMA channel MUX. It may also be used to temporarily suspend a DMA channel while reconfiguration of the system takes place, for example, changing the period of a DMA trigger. * Normal mode In this mode, a DMA source is routed directly to the specified DMA channel. The operation of the DMAMUX in this mode is completely transparent to the system. * Periodic Trigger mode In this mode, a DMA source may only request a DMA transfer, such as when a transmit buffer becomes empty or a receive buffer becomes full, periodically. Configuration of the period is done in the registers of the periodic interrupt timer (PIT). This mode is available only for channels 0-3. 21.2 External signal description The DMAMUX has no external pins. 21.3 Memory map/register definition This section provides a detailed description of all memory-mapped registers in the DMAMUX. DMAMUX memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4002_1000 Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG0) 8 R/W 00h 21.3.1/367 4002_1001 Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG1) 8 R/W 00h 21.3.1/367 4002_1002 Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG2) 8 R/W 00h 21.3.1/367 4002_1003 Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG3) 8 R/W 00h 21.3.1/367 21.3.1 Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFGn) Each of the DMA channels can be independently enabled/disabled and associated with one of the DMA slots (peripheral slots or always-on slots) in the system. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 367 Functional description NOTE Setting multiple CHCFG registers with the same source value will result in unpredictable behavior. This is true, even if a channel is disabled (ENBL==0). Before changing the trigger or source settings, a DMA channel must be disabled via CHCFGn[ENBL]. Address: 4002_1000h base + 0h offset + (1d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 ENBL TRIG 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 SOURCE 0 0 0 DMAMUX_CHCFGn field descriptions Field 7 ENBL Description DMA Channel Enable Enables the DMA channel. 0 1 6 TRIG DMA Channel Trigger Enable Enables the periodic trigger capability for the triggered DMA channel. 0 1 SOURCE DMA channel is disabled. This mode is primarily used during configuration of the DMAMux. The DMA has separate channel enables/disables, which should be used to disable or reconfigure a DMA channel. DMA channel is enabled Triggering is disabled. If triggering is disabled and ENBL is set, the DMA Channel will simply route the specified source to the DMA channel. (Normal mode) Triggering is enabled. If triggering is enabled and ENBL is set, the DMAMUX is in Periodic Trigger mode. DMA Channel Source (Slot) Specifies which DMA source, if any, is routed to a particular DMA channel. See the chip-specific DMAMUX information for details about the peripherals and their slot numbers. 21.4 Functional description The primary purpose of the DMAMUX is to provide flexibility in the system's use of the available DMA channels. As such, configuration of the DMAMUX is intended to be a static procedure done during execution of the system boot code. However, if the procedure outlined in Enabling and configuring sources is followed, the configuration of the DMAMUX may be changed during the normal operation of the system. Functionally, the DMAMUX channels may be divided into two classes: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 368 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Multiplexer (DMAMUX) * Channels that implement the normal routing functionality plus periodic triggering capability * Channels that implement only the normal routing functionality 21.4.1 DMA channels with periodic triggering capability Besides the normal routing functionality, the first 4 channels of the DMAMUX provide a special periodic triggering capability that can be used to provide an automatic mechanism to transmit bytes, frames, or packets at fixed intervals without the need for processor intervention. The trigger is generated by the periodic interrupt timer (PIT); as such, the configuration of the periodic triggering interval is done via configuration registers in the PIT. See the section on periodic interrupt timer for more information on this topic. Note Because of the dynamic nature of the system (due to DMA channel priorities, bus arbitration, interrupt service routine lengths, etc.), the number of clock cycles between a trigger and the actual DMA transfer cannot be guaranteed. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 369 Functional description Source #1 Source #2 Source #3 Trigger #1 Source #x Always #1 Trigger #m DMA channel #0 DMA channel #m-1 Always #y Figure 21-2. DMAMUX triggered channels The DMA channel triggering capability allows the system to schedule regular DMA transfers, usually on the transmit side of certain peripherals, without the intervention of the processor. This trigger works by gating the request from the peripheral to the DMA until a trigger event has been seen. This is illustrated in the following figure. Peripheral request Trigger DMA request Figure 21-3. DMAMUX channel triggering: normal operation After the DMA request has been serviced, the peripheral will negate its request, effectively resetting the gating mechanism until the peripheral reasserts its request and the next trigger event is seen. This means that if a trigger is seen, but the peripheral is not requesting a transfer, then that trigger will be ignored. This situation is illustrated in the following figure. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 370 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Multiplexer (DMAMUX) Peripheral request Trigger DMA request Figure 21-4. DMAMUX channel triggering: ignored trigger This triggering capability may be used with any peripheral that supports DMA transfers, and is most useful for two types of situations: * Periodically polling external devices on a particular bus As an example, the transmit side of an SPI is assigned to a DMA channel with a trigger, as described above. After it has been set up, the SPI will request DMA transfers, presumably from memory, as long as its transmit buffer is empty. By using a trigger on this channel, the SPI transfers can be automatically performed every 5 s (as an example). On the receive side of the SPI, the SPI and DMA can be configured to transfer receive data into memory, effectively implementing a method to periodically read data from external devices and transfer the results into memory without processor intervention. * Using the GPIO ports to drive or sample waveforms By configuring the DMA to transfer data to one or more GPIO ports, it is possible to create complex waveforms using tabular data stored in on-chip memory. Conversely, using the DMA to periodically transfer data from one or more GPIO ports, it is possible to sample complex waveforms and store the results in tabular form in onchip memory. A more detailed description of the capability of each trigger, including resolution, range of values, and so on, may be found in the periodic interrupt timer section. 21.4.2 DMA channels with no triggering capability The other channels of the DMAMUX provide the normal routing functionality as described in Modes of operation. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 371 Functional description 21.4.3 Always-enabled DMA sources In addition to the peripherals that can be used as DMA sources, there are four additional DMA sources that are always enabled. Unlike the peripheral DMA sources, where the peripheral controls the flow of data during DMA transfers, the sources that are always enabled provide no such "throttling" of the data transfers. These sources are most useful in the following cases: * Performing DMA transfers to/from GPIO--Moving data from/to one or more GPIO pins, either unthrottled (that is, as fast as possible), or periodically (using the DMA triggering capability). * Performing DMA transfers from memory to memory--Moving data from memory to memory, typically as fast as possible, sometimes with software activation. * Performing DMA transfers from memory to the external bus, or vice-versa--Similar to memory to memory transfers, this is typically done as quickly as possible. * Any DMA transfer that requires software activation--Any DMA transfer that should be explicitly started by software. In cases where software should initiate the start of a DMA transfer, an always-enabled DMA source can be used to provide maximum flexibility. When activating a DMA channel via software, subsequent executions of the minor loop require that a new start event be sent. This can either be a new software activation, or a transfer request from the DMA channel MUX. The options for doing this are: * Transfer all data in a single minor loop. By configuring the DMA to transfer all of the data in a single minor loop (that is, major loop counter = 1), no reactivation of the channel is necessary. The disadvantage to this option is the reduced granularity in determining the load that the DMA transfer will impose on the system. For this option, the DMA channel must be disabled in the DMA channel MUX. * Use explicit software reactivation. In this option, the DMA is configured to transfer the data using both minor and major loops, but the processor is required to reactivate the channel by writing to the DMA registers after every minor loop. For this option, the DMA channel must be disabled in the DMA channel MUX. * Use an always-enabled DMA source. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 372 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Multiplexer (DMAMUX) In this option, the DMA is configured to transfer the data using both minor and major loops, and the DMA channel MUX does the channel reactivation. For this option, the DMA channel should be enabled and pointing to an "always enabled" source. Note that the reactivation of the channel can be continuous (DMA triggering is disabled) or can use the DMA triggering capability. In this manner, it is possible to execute periodic transfers of packets of data from one source to another, without processor intervention. 21.5 Initialization/application information This section provides instructions for initializing the DMA channel MUX. 21.5.1 Reset The reset state of each individual bit is shown in Memory map/register definition. In summary, after reset, all channels are disabled and must be explicitly enabled before use. 21.5.2 Enabling and configuring sources To enable a source with periodic triggering: 1. Determine with which DMA channel the source will be associated. Note that only the first 4 DMA channels have periodic triggering capability. 2. Clear the CHCFG[ENBL] and CHCFG[TRIG] fields of the DMA channel. 3. Ensure that the DMA channel is properly configured in the DMA. The DMA channel may be enabled at this point. 4. Configure the corresponding timer. 5. Select the source to be routed to the DMA channel. Write to the corresponding CHCFG register, ensuring that the CHCFG[ENBL] and CHCFG[TRIG] fields are set. NOTE The following is an example. See the chip configuration details for the number of this device's DMA channels that have triggering capability. To configure source #5 transmit for use with DMA channel 1, with periodic triggering capability: 1. Write 0x00 to CHCFG1. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 373 Initialization/application information 2. Configure channel 1 in the DMA, including enabling the channel. 3. Configure a timer for the desired trigger interval. 4. Write 0xC5 to CHCFG1. The following code example illustrates steps 1 and 4 above: void DMAMUX_Init(uint8_t DMA_CH, uint8_t DMAMUX_SOURCE) { DMAMUX_0.CHCFG[DMA_CH].B.SOURCE = DMAMUX_SOURCE; DMAMUX_0.CHCFG[DMA_CH].B.ENBL = 1; DMAMUX_0.CHCFG[DMA_CH].B.TRIG = 1; } To enable a source, without periodic triggering: 1. Determine with which DMA channel the source will be associated. Note that only the first 4 DMA channels have periodic triggering capability. 2. Clear the CHCFG[ENBL] and CHCFG[TRIG] fields of the DMA channel. 3. Ensure that the DMA channel is properly configured in the DMA. The DMA channel may be enabled at this point. 4. Select the source to be routed to the DMA channel. Write to the corresponding CHCFG register, ensuring that CHCFG[ENBL] is set while CHCFG[TRIG] is cleared. NOTE The following is an example. See the chip configuration details for the number of this device's DMA channels that have triggering capability. To configure source #5 transmit for use with DMA channel 1, with no periodic triggering capability: 1. Write 0x00 to CHCFG1. 2. Configure channel 1 in the DMA, including enabling the channel. 3. Write 0x85 to CHCFG1. The following code example illustrates steps 1 and 3 above: In File registers.h: #define DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR 0x40021000/* Example only ! /* Following example assumes char is 8-bits */ volatile unsigned char *CHCFG0 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG1 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG2 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG3 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG4 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG5 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG6 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG7 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG8 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG9 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG10= (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG11= (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG12= (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG13= (volatile unsigned char */ *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0003); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0002); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0001); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0000); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0007); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0006); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0005); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0004); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000B); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000A); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0009); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0008); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000F); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000E); KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 374 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Multiplexer (DMAMUX) volatile unsigned char *CHCFG14= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000D); volatile unsigned char *CHCFG15= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000C); In File main.c: #include "registers.h" : : *CHCFG1 = 0x00; *CHCFG1 = 0x85; To disable a source: A particular DMA source may be disabled by not writing the corresponding source value into any of the CHCFG registers. Additionally, some module-specific configuration may be necessary. See the appropriate section for more details. To switch the source of a DMA channel: 1. Disable the DMA channel in the DMA and reconfigure the channel for the new source. 2. Clear the CHCFG[ENBL] and CHCFG[TRIG] bits of the DMA channel. 3. Select the source to be routed to the DMA channel. Write to the corresponding CHCFG register, ensuring that the CHCFG[ENBL] and CHCFG[TRIG] fields are set. To switch DMA channel 8 from source #5 transmit to source #7 transmit: 1. In the DMA configuration registers, disable DMA channel 8 and reconfigure it to handle the transfers to peripheral slot 7. This example assumes channel 8 doesn't have triggering capability. 2. Write 0x00 to CHCFG8. 3. Write 0x87 to CHCFG8. (In this example, setting CHCFG[TRIG] would have no effect due to the assumption that channel 8 does not support the periodic triggering functionality.) The following code example illustrates steps 2 and 3 above: In File registers.h: #define DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR 0x40021000/* Example only ! /* Following example assumes char is 8-bits */ volatile unsigned char *CHCFG0 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG1 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG2 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG3 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG4 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG5 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG6 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG7 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG8 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG9 = (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG10= (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG11= (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG12= (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG13= (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG14= (volatile unsigned char volatile unsigned char *CHCFG15= (volatile unsigned char */ *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0003); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0002); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0001); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0000); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0007); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0006); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0005); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0004); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000B); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000A); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0009); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0008); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000F); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000E); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000D); (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000C); KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 375 Initialization/application information In File main.c: #include "registers.h" : : *CHCFG8 = 0x00; *CHCFG8 = 0x87; KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 376 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 22.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The enhanced direct memory access (eDMA) controller is a second-generation module capable of performing complex data transfers with minimal intervention from a host processor. The hardware microarchitecture includes: * A DMA engine that performs: * Source address and destination address calculations * Data-movement operations * Local memory containing transfer control descriptors for each of the 4 channels 22.1.1 eDMA system block diagram Figure 22-1 illustrates the components of the eDMA system, including the eDMA module ("engine"). KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 377 Introduction eDMA system Write Address Write Data 0 Transfer Control Descriptor (TCD) n-1 64 eDMA e ngine Program Model/ Channel Arbitration Read Data Read Data Internal Peripheral Bus To/From Crossbar Switch 1 2 Address Path Control Data Path Write Data Address eDMA Peripheral Request eDMA Done Figure 22-1. eDMA system block diagram 22.1.2 Block parts The eDMA module is partitioned into two major modules: the eDMA engine and the transfer-control descriptor local memory. The eDMA engine is further partitioned into four submodules: Table 22-1. eDMA engine submodules Submodule Address path Function This block implements registered versions of two channel transfer control descriptors, channel x and channel y, and manages all master bus-address calculations. All the channels provide the same functionality. This structure allows data transfers associated with one channel to be preempted after the completion of a read/write sequence if a higher priority channel activation is asserted while the first channel is active. After a channel is activated, it runs until the minor loop is completed, unless preempted by a higher priority channel. This provides a mechanism (enabled by DCHPRIn[ECP]) where a large data move operation can be preempted to minimize the time another channel is blocked from execution. When any channel is selected to execute, the contents of its TCD are read from local memory and loaded into the address path channel x registers for a normal start and into channel y registers for a preemption start. After the minor loop completes execution, the address path hardware writes Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 378 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Table 22-1. eDMA engine submodules (continued) Submodule Function the new values for the TCDn_{SADDR, DADDR, CITER} back to local memory. If the major iteration count is exhausted, additional processing is performed, including the final address pointer updates, reloading the TCDn_CITER field, and a possible fetch of the next TCDn from memory as part of a scatter/gather operation. Data path This block implements the bus master read/write datapath. It includes a data buffer and the necessary multiplex logic to support any required data alignment. The internal read data bus is the primary input, and the internal write data bus is the primary output. The address and data path modules directly support the 2-stage pipelined internal bus. The address path module represents the 1st stage of the bus pipeline (address phase), while the data path module implements the 2nd stage of the pipeline (data phase). Program model/channel arbitration This block implements the first section of the eDMA programming model as well as the channel arbitration logic. The programming model registers are connected to the internal peripheral bus. The eDMA peripheral request inputs and interrupt request outputs are also connected to this block (via control logic). Control This block provides all the control functions for the eDMA engine. For data transfers where the source and destination sizes are equal, the eDMA engine performs a series of source read/ destination write operations until the number of bytes specified in the minor loop byte count has moved. For descriptors where the sizes are not equal, multiple accesses of the smaller size data are required for each reference of the larger size. As an example, if the source size references 16bit data and the destination is 32-bit data, two reads are performed, then one 32-bit write. The transfer-control descriptor local memory is further partitioned into: Table 22-2. Transfer control descriptor memory Submodule Description Memory controller This logic implements the required dual-ported controller, managing accesses from the eDMA engine as well as references from the internal peripheral bus. As noted earlier, in the event of simultaneous accesses, the eDMA engine is given priority and the peripheral transaction is stalled. Memory array TCD storage for each channel's transfer profile. 22.1.3 Features The eDMA is a highly programmable data-transfer engine optimized to minimize any required intervention from the host processor. It is intended for use in applications where the data size to be transferred is statically known and not defined within the transferred data itself. The eDMA module features: * All data movement via dual-address transfers: read from source, write to destination * Programmable source and destination addresses and transfer size * Support for enhanced addressing modes KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 379 Modes of operation * 4-channel implementation that performs complex data transfers with minimal intervention from a host processor * Connections to the crossbar switch for bus mastering the data movement * Transfer control descriptor (TCD) organized to support two-deep, nested transfer operations * 32-byte TCD stored in local memory for each channel * An inner data transfer loop defined by a minor byte transfer count * An outer data transfer loop defined by a major iteration count * Channel activation via one of three methods: * Explicit software initiation * Initiation via a channel-to-channel linking mechanism for continuous transfers * Peripheral-paced hardware requests, one per channel * Fixed-priority and round-robin channel arbitration * Channel completion reported via programmable interrupt requests * One interrupt per channel, which can be asserted at completion of major iteration count * Programmable error terminations per channel and logically summed together to form one error interrupt to the interrupt controller * Programmable support for scatter/gather DMA processing * Support for complex data structures In the discussion of this module, n is used to reference the channel number. 22.2 Modes of operation The eDMA operates in the following modes: Table 22-3. Modes of operation Mode Normal Description In Normal mode, the eDMA transfers data between a source and a destination. The source and destination can be a memory block or an I/O block capable of operation with the eDMA. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 380 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Table 22-3. Modes of operation (continued) Mode Description A service request initiates a transfer of a specific number of bytes (NBYTES) as specified in the transfer control descriptor (TCD). The minor loop is the sequence of read-write operations that transfers these NBYTES per service request. Each service request executes one iteration of the major loop, which transfers NBYTES of data. Debug DMA operation is configurable in Debug mode via the control register: * If CR[EDBG] is cleared, the DMA continues to operate. * If CR[EDBG] is set, the eDMA stops transferring data. If Debug mode is entered while a channel is active, the eDMA continues operation until the channel retires. Wait Before entering Wait mode, the DMA attempts to complete its current transfer. After the transfer completes, the device enters Wait mode. 22.3 Memory map/register definition The eDMA's programming model is partitioned into two regions: * The first region defines a number of registers providing control functions * The second region corresponds to the local transfer control descriptor (TCD) memory 22.3.1 TCD memory Each channel requires a 32-byte transfer control descriptor for defining the desired data movement operation. The channel descriptors are stored in the local memory in sequential order: channel 0, channel 1, ... channel 3. Each TCDn definition is presented as 11 registers of 16 or 32 bits. 22.3.2 TCD initialization Prior to activating a channel, you must initialize its TCD with the appropriate transfer profile. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 381 Memory map/register definition 22.3.3 TCD structure 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 0000h SMOD SSIZE DSIZE DMOD 3 4 1 2 0 { SMLOE MLOFF or NBYTES DADDR CITER.E_LINK 0010h CITER or CITER.LINKCH { NBYTES SLAST CITER DMA_CR[EMLM] disabled DMA_CR[EMLM] enabled DOFF INT_MAJ START 5 INT_HALF 6 E_SG 7 D_REQ 8 MAJOR.E_LINK 9 DONE 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 ACTIVE BWC BITER MAJOR.LINKCH BITER.E_LINK BITER or BITER.LINKCH Reserved DLAST_SGA 0018h 001Ch 5 SOFF 000Ch 0014h 6 NBYTES DMLOE { 7 SADDR 0004h 0008h 8 9 4 3 2 1 0 22.3.4 Reserved memory and bit fields * Reading reserved bits in a register returns the value of zero. * Writes to reserved bits in a register are ignored. * Reading or writing a reserved memory location generates a bus error. DMA memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4000_8000 Control Register (DMA_CR) 32 R/W See section 22.3.1/386 4000_8004 Error Status Register (DMA_ES) 32 R 0000_0000h 22.3.2/389 4000_800C Enable Request Register (DMA_ERQ) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 22.3.3/391 4000_8014 Enable Error Interrupt Register (DMA_EEI) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 22.3.4/392 4000_8018 Clear Enable Error Interrupt Register (DMA_CEEI) 8 W (always reads 0) 00h 22.3.5/393 4000_8019 Set Enable Error Interrupt Register (DMA_SEEI) 8 W (always reads 0) 00h 22.3.6/394 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 382 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) DMA memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4000_801A Clear Enable Request Register (DMA_CERQ) 8 W (always reads 0) 00h 22.3.7/395 4000_801B Set Enable Request Register (DMA_SERQ) 8 W (always reads 0) 00h 22.3.8/396 4000_801C Clear DONE Status Bit Register (DMA_CDNE) 8 W (always reads 0) 00h 22.3.9/397 4000_801D Set START Bit Register (DMA_SSRT) 8 W (always reads 0) 00h 22.3.10/398 4000_801E Clear Error Register (DMA_CERR) 8 W (always reads 0) 00h 22.3.11/399 4000_801F Clear Interrupt Request Register (DMA_CINT) 8 W (always reads 0) 00h 22.3.12/400 4000_8024 Interrupt Request Register (DMA_INT) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 22.3.13/401 4000_802C Error Register (DMA_ERR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 22.3.14/402 4000_8034 Hardware Request Status Register (DMA_HRS) 32 R 0000_0000h 22.3.15/403 4000_8044 Enable Asynchronous Request in Stop Register (DMA_EARS) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 22.3.16/405 4000_8100 Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI3) 8 R/W See section 22.3.17/406 4000_8101 Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI2) 8 R/W See section 22.3.17/406 4000_8102 Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI1) 8 R/W See section 22.3.17/406 4000_8103 Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI0) 8 R/W See section 22.3.17/406 4000_9000 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD0_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.18/407 4000_9004 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD0_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.19/407 4000_9006 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD0_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.20/408 4000_9008 TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Mapping Disabled) (DMA_TCD0_NBYTES_MLNO) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.21/409 4000_9008 TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping Enabled and Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD0_NBYTES_MLOFFNO) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.22/409 4000_9008 TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping and Offset Enabled) (DMA_TCD0_NBYTES_MLOFFYES) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.23/411 4000_900C TCD Last Source Address Adjustment (DMA_TCD0_SLAST) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.24/412 4000_9010 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD0_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.25/412 4000_9014 TCD Signed Destination Address Offset (DMA_TCD0_DOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.26/413 4000_9016 TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD0_CITER_ELINKYES) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.27/413 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 383 Memory map/register definition DMA memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4000_9016 DMA_TCD0_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.28/415 4000_9018 TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather Address (DMA_TCD0_DLASTSGA) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.29/416 4000_901C TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD0_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.30/416 4000_901E TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD0_BITER_ELINKYES) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.31/419 4000_901E TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCD0_BITER_ELINKNO) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.32/420 4000_9020 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD1_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.18/407 4000_9024 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD1_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.19/407 4000_9026 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD1_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.20/408 4000_9028 TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Mapping Disabled) (DMA_TCD1_NBYTES_MLNO) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.21/409 4000_9028 TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping Enabled and Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD1_NBYTES_MLOFFNO) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.22/409 4000_9028 TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping and Offset Enabled) (DMA_TCD1_NBYTES_MLOFFYES) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.23/411 4000_902C TCD Last Source Address Adjustment (DMA_TCD1_SLAST) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.24/412 4000_9030 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD1_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.25/412 4000_9034 TCD Signed Destination Address Offset (DMA_TCD1_DOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.26/413 4000_9036 TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD1_CITER_ELINKYES) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.27/413 4000_9036 DMA_TCD1_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.28/415 4000_9038 TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather Address (DMA_TCD1_DLASTSGA) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.29/416 4000_903C TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD1_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.30/416 4000_903E TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD1_BITER_ELINKYES) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.31/419 4000_903E TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCD1_BITER_ELINKNO) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.32/420 4000_9040 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD2_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.18/407 4000_9044 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD2_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.19/407 4000_9046 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD2_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.20/408 4000_9048 TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Mapping Disabled) (DMA_TCD2_NBYTES_MLNO) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.21/409 4000_9048 TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping Enabled and Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD2_NBYTES_MLOFFNO) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.22/409 Table continues on the next page... 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Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) DMA memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4000_9048 TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping and Offset Enabled) (DMA_TCD2_NBYTES_MLOFFYES) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.23/411 4000_904C TCD Last Source Address Adjustment (DMA_TCD2_SLAST) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.24/412 4000_9050 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD2_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.25/412 4000_9054 TCD Signed Destination Address Offset (DMA_TCD2_DOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.26/413 4000_9056 TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD2_CITER_ELINKYES) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.27/413 4000_9056 DMA_TCD2_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.28/415 4000_9058 TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather Address (DMA_TCD2_DLASTSGA) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.29/416 4000_905C TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD2_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.30/416 4000_905E TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD2_BITER_ELINKYES) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.31/419 4000_905E TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCD2_BITER_ELINKNO) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.32/420 4000_9060 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD3_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.18/407 4000_9064 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD3_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.19/407 4000_9066 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD3_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.20/408 4000_9068 TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Mapping Disabled) (DMA_TCD3_NBYTES_MLNO) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.21/409 4000_9068 TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping Enabled and Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD3_NBYTES_MLOFFNO) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.22/409 4000_9068 TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping and Offset Enabled) (DMA_TCD3_NBYTES_MLOFFYES) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.23/411 4000_906C TCD Last Source Address Adjustment (DMA_TCD3_SLAST) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.24/412 4000_9070 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD3_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.25/412 4000_9074 TCD Signed Destination Address Offset (DMA_TCD3_DOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.26/413 4000_9076 TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD3_CITER_ELINKYES) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.27/413 4000_9076 DMA_TCD3_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.28/415 4000_9078 TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather Address (DMA_TCD3_DLASTSGA) 32 R/W Undefined 22.3.29/416 4000_907C TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD3_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.30/416 4000_907E TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD3_BITER_ELINKYES) 16 R/W Undefined 22.3.31/419 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 385 Memory map/register definition DMA memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name 4000_907E TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCD3_BITER_ELINKNO) Width Access (in bits) 16 R/W Reset value Section/ page Undefined 22.3.32/420 22.3.1 Control Register (DMA_CR) The CR defines the basic operating configuration of the DMA. Arbitration can be configured to use either a fixed-priority or a round-robin scheme. For fixed-priority arbitration, the highest priority channel requesting service is selected to execute. The channel priority registers assign the priorities; see the DCHPRIn registers. For round-robin arbitration, the channel priorities are ignored and channels are cycled through (from high to low channel number) without regard to priority. NOTE For correct operation, writes to the CR register must be performed only when the DMA channels are inactive; that is, when TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] bits are cleared. Minor loop offsets are address offset values added to the final source address (TCDn_SADDR) or destination address (TCDn_DADDR) upon minor loop completion. When minor loop offsets are enabled, the minor loop offset (MLOFF) is added to the final source address (TCDn_SADDR), to the final destination address (TCDn_DADDR), or to both prior to the addresses being written back into the TCD. If the major loop is complete, the minor loop offset is ignored and the major loop address offsets (TCDn_SLAST and TCDn_DLAST_SGA) are used to compute the next TCDn_SADDR and TCDn_DADDR values. When minor loop mapping is enabled (EMLM is 1), TCDn word2 is redefined. A portion of TCDn word2 is used to specify multiple fields: a source enable bit (SMLOE) to specify the minor loop offset should be applied to the source address (TCDn_SADDR) upon minor loop completion, a destination enable bit (DMLOE) to specify the minor loop offset should be applied to the destination address (TCDn_DADDR) upon minor loop completion, and the sign extended minor loop offset value (MLOFF). The same offset value (MLOFF) is used for both source and destination minor loop offsets. When either minor loop offset is enabled (SMLOE set or DMLOE set), the NBYTES field is reduced to 10 bits. When both minor loop offsets are disabled (SMLOE cleared and DMLOE cleared), the NBYTES field is a 30-bit vector. When minor loop mapping is disabled (EMLM is 0), all 32 bits of TCDn word2 are assigned to the NBYTES field. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 386 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Bit 31 R ACTIVE Address: 4000_8000h base + 0h offset = 4000_8000h 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Reserved 20 19 18 17 16 CX ECX 0 Reset 0 x* x* x* x* x* x* x* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EMLM CLM HALT HOE Reserved ERCA EDBG Reserved W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. DMA_CR field descriptions Field 31 ACTIVE Description DMA Active Status 0 1 eDMA is idle. eDMA is executing a channel. 30-24 Reserved This field is reserved. Reserved 23-18 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 17 CX Cancel Transfer 0 1 Normal operation Cancel the remaining data transfer. Stop the executing channel and force the minor loop to finish. The cancel takes effect after the last write of the current read/write sequence. The CX bit clears itself after the cancel has been honored. This cancel retires the channel normally as if the minor loop was completed. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 387 Memory map/register definition DMA_CR field descriptions (continued) Field 16 ECX 15-8 Reserved 7 EMLM 6 CLM Description Error Cancel Transfer 0 1 Normal operation Cancel the remaining data transfer in the same fashion as the CX bit. Stop the executing channel and force the minor loop to finish. The cancel takes effect after the last write of the current read/write sequence. The ECX bit clears itself after the cancel is honored. In addition to cancelling the transfer, ECX treats the cancel as an error condition, thus updating the Error Status register (DMAx_ES) and generating an optional error interrupt. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Enable Minor Loop Mapping 0 1 Disabled. TCDn.word2 is defined as a 32-bit NBYTES field. Enabled. TCDn.word2 is redefined to include individual enable fields, an offset field, and the NBYTES field. The individual enable fields allow the minor loop offset to be applied to the source address, the destination address, or both. The NBYTES field is reduced when either offset is enabled. Continuous Link Mode NOTE: Do not use continuous link mode with a channel linking to itself if there is only one minor loop iteration per service request, e.g., if the channel's NBYTES value is the same as either the source or destination size. The same data transfer profile can be achieved by simply increasing the NBYTES value, which provides more efficient, faster processing. 0 1 A minor loop channel link made to itself goes through channel arbitration before being activated again. A minor loop channel link made to itself does not go through channel arbitration before being activated again. Upon minor loop completion, the channel activates again if that channel has a minor loop channel link enabled and the link channel is itself. This effectively applies the minor loop offsets and restarts the next minor loop. 5 HALT Halt DMA Operations 4 HOE Halt On Error 3 Reserved 0 1 0 1 Normal operation Stall the start of any new channels. Executing channels are allowed to complete. Channel execution resumes when this bit is cleared. Normal operation Any error causes the HALT bit to set. Subsequently, all service requests are ignored until the HALT bit is cleared. This field is reserved. Reserved 2 ERCA Enable Round Robin Channel Arbitration 1 EDBG Enable Debug 0 1 0 1 Fixed priority arbitration is used for channel selection . Round robin arbitration is used for channel selection . When in debug mode, the DMA continues to operate. When in debug mode, the DMA stalls the start of a new channel. Executing channels are allowed to complete. Channel execution resumes when the system exits debug mode or the EDBG bit is cleared. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 388 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) DMA_CR field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 Reserved This field is reserved. Reserved 22.3.2 Error Status Register (DMA_ES) The ES provides information concerning the last recorded channel error. Channel errors can be caused by: * A configuration error, that is: * An illegal setting in the transfer-control descriptor, or * An illegal priority register setting in fixed-arbitration * An error termination to a bus master read or write cycle * A cancel transfer with error bit that will be set when a transfer is canceled via the corresponding cancel transfer control bit See the Error Reporting and Handling section for more details. Address: 4000_8000h base + 4h offset = 4000_8004h Bit 31 R VLD 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 16 ECX W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R 0 CPE SAE SOE DAE DOE NCE SGE SBE DBE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ERRCHN W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 DMA_ES field descriptions Field 31 VLD 30-17 Reserved 16 ECX Description Logical OR of all ERR status bits 0 1 No ERR bits are set. At least one ERR bit is set indicating a valid error exists that has not been cleared. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Transfer Canceled 0 1 No canceled transfers The last recorded entry was a canceled transfer by the error cancel transfer input Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 389 Memory map/register definition DMA_ES field descriptions (continued) Field 15 Reserved 14 CPE Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Channel Priority Error 0 1 No channel priority error The last recorded error was a configuration error in the channel priorities . Channel priorities are not unique. 13-10 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 9-8 ERRCHN Error Channel Number or Canceled Channel Number The channel number of the last recorded error, excluding CPE errors, or last recorded error canceled transfer. 7 SAE Source Address Error 6 SOE Source Offset Error 5 DAE Destination Address Error 4 DOE Destination Offset Error 3 NCE NBYTES/CITER Configuration Error 2 SGE Scatter/Gather Configuration Error 1 SBE Source Bus Error 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 No source address configuration error. The last recorded error was a configuration error detected in the TCDn_SADDR field. TCDn_SADDR is inconsistent with TCDn_ATTR[SSIZE]. No source offset configuration error The last recorded error was a configuration error detected in the TCDn_SOFF field. TCDn_SOFF is inconsistent with TCDn_ATTR[SSIZE]. No destination address configuration error The last recorded error was a configuration error detected in the TCDn_DADDR field. TCDn_DADDR is inconsistent with TCDn_ATTR[DSIZE]. No destination offset configuration error The last recorded error was a configuration error detected in the TCDn_DOFF field. TCDn_DOFF is inconsistent with TCDn_ATTR[DSIZE]. No NBYTES/CITER configuration error The last recorded error was a configuration error detected in the TCDn_NBYTES or TCDn_CITER fields. * TCDn_NBYTES is not a multiple of TCDn_ATTR[SSIZE] and TCDn_ATTR[DSIZE], or * TCDn_CITER[CITER] is equal to zero, or * TCDn_CITER[ELINK] is not equal to TCDn_BITER[ELINK] No scatter/gather configuration error The last recorded error was a configuration error detected in the TCDn_DLASTSGA field. This field is checked at the beginning of a scatter/gather operation after major loop completion if TCDn_CSR[ESG] is enabled. TCDn_DLASTSGA is not on a 32 byte boundary. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 390 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) DMA_ES field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 0 DBE No source bus error The last recorded error was a bus error on a source read Destination Bus Error 0 1 No destination bus error The last recorded error was a bus error on a destination write 22.3.3 Enable Request Register (DMA_ERQ) The ERQ register provides a bit map for the 4 channels to enable the request signal for each channel. The state of any given channel enable is directly affected by writes to this register; it is also affected by writes to the SERQ and CERQ registers. These registers are provided so the request enable for a single channel can easily be modified without needing to perform a read-modify-write sequence to the ERQ. DMA request input signals and this enable request flag must be asserted before a channel's hardware service request is accepted. The state of the DMA enable request flag does not affect a channel service request made explicitly through software or a linked channel request. Address: 4000_8000h base + Ch offset = 4000_800Ch Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 R ERQ3 ERQ2 ERQ1 ERQ0 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DMA_ERQ field descriptions Field 31-4 Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3 ERQ3 Enable DMA Request 3 2 ERQ2 Enable DMA Request 2 0 1 0 1 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 391 Memory map/register definition DMA_ERQ field descriptions (continued) Field Description 1 ERQ1 Enable DMA Request 1 0 ERQ0 Enable DMA Request 0 0 1 0 1 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled 22.3.4 Enable Error Interrupt Register (DMA_EEI) The EEI register provides a bit map for the 4 channels to enable the error interrupt signal for each channel. The state of any given channel's error interrupt enable is directly affected by writes to this register; it is also affected by writes to the SEEI and CEEI. These registers are provided so that the error interrupt enable for a single channel can easily be modified without the need to perform a read-modify-write sequence to the EEI register. The DMA error indicator and the error interrupt enable flag must be asserted before an error interrupt request for a given channel is asserted to the interrupt controller. Address: 4000_8000h base + 14h offset = 4000_8014h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EEI3 EEI2 EEI1 EEI0 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DMA_EEI field descriptions Field 31-4 Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3 EEI3 Enable Error Interrupt 3 2 EEI2 Enable Error Interrupt 2 0 1 0 1 The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 392 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) DMA_EEI field descriptions (continued) Field Description 1 EEI1 Enable Error Interrupt 1 0 EEI0 Enable Error Interrupt 0 0 1 0 1 The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request 22.3.5 Clear Enable Error Interrupt Register (DMA_CEEI) The CEEI provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to clear a given bit in the EEI to disable the error interrupt for a given channel. The data value on a register write causes the corresponding bit in the EEI to be cleared. Setting the CAEE bit provides a global clear function, forcing the EEI contents to be cleared, disabling all DMA request inputs. If the NOP bit is set, the command is ignored. This allows you to write multiple-byte registers as a 32-bit word. Reads of this register return all zeroes. Address: 4000_8000h base + 18h offset = 4000_8018h Bit 7 6 Read 0 0 Write NOP CAEE Reset 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CEEI 0 0 0 0 DMA_CEEI field descriptions Field Description 7 NOP No Op enable 6 CAEE Clear All Enable Error Interrupts 5-2 Reserved CEEI 0 1 0 1 Normal operation No operation, ignore the other bits in this register Clear only the EEI bit specified in the CEEI field Clear all bits in EEI This field is reserved. Clear Enable Error Interrupt Clears the corresponding bit in EEI KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 393 Memory map/register definition 22.3.6 Set Enable Error Interrupt Register (DMA_SEEI) The SEEI provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to set a given bit in the EEI to enable the error interrupt for a given channel. The data value on a register write causes the corresponding bit in the EEI to be set. Setting the SAEE bit provides a global set function, forcing the entire EEI contents to be set. If the NOP bit is set, the command is ignored. This allows you to write multiple-byte registers as a 32-bit word. Reads of this register return all zeroes. Address: 4000_8000h base + 19h offset = 4000_8019h Bit 7 6 Read 0 0 Write NOP SAEE Reset 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 SEEI 0 0 0 0 DMA_SEEI field descriptions Field Description 7 NOP No Op enable 6 SAEE Sets All Enable Error Interrupts 5-2 Reserved SEEI 0 1 0 1 Normal operation No operation, ignore the other bits in this register Set only the EEI bit specified in the SEEI field. Sets all bits in EEI This field is reserved. Set Enable Error Interrupt Sets the corresponding bit in EEI KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 394 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 22.3.7 Clear Enable Request Register (DMA_CERQ) The CERQ provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to clear a given bit in the ERQ to disable the DMA request for a given channel. The data value on a register write causes the corresponding bit in the ERQ to be cleared. Setting the CAER bit provides a global clear function, forcing the entire contents of the ERQ to be cleared, disabling all DMA request inputs. If NOP is set, the command is ignored. This allows you to write multiple-byte registers as a 32-bit word. Reads of this register return all zeroes. Address: 4000_8000h base + 1Ah offset = 4000_801Ah Bit 7 6 Read 0 0 Write NOP CAER Reset 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CERQ 0 0 0 0 DMA_CERQ field descriptions Field 7 NOP 6 CAER Description No Op enable 0 1 Normal operation No operation, ignore the other bits in this register Clear All Enable Requests 0 1 Clear only the ERQ bit specified in the CERQ field Clear all bits in ERQ 5-2 Reserved This field is reserved. CERQ Clear Enable Request Clears the corresponding bit in ERQ. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 395 Memory map/register definition 22.3.8 Set Enable Request Register (DMA_SERQ) The SERQ provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to set a given bit in the ERQ to enable the DMA request for a given channel. The data value on a register write causes the corresponding bit in the ERQ to be set. Setting the SAER bit provides a global set function, forcing the entire contents of ERQ to be set. If the NOP bit is set, the command is ignored. This allows you to write multiple-byte registers as a 32-bit word. Reads of this register return all zeroes. Address: 4000_8000h base + 1Bh offset = 4000_801Bh Bit 7 6 Read 0 0 Write NOP SAER Reset 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 SERQ 0 0 0 0 DMA_SERQ field descriptions Field Description 7 NOP No Op enable 6 SAER Set All Enable Requests 0 1 0 1 Normal operation No operation, ignore the other bits in this register Set only the ERQ bit specified in the SERQ field Set all bits in ERQ 5-2 Reserved This field is reserved. SERQ Set Enable Request Sets the corresponding bit in ERQ. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 396 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 22.3.9 Clear DONE Status Bit Register (DMA_CDNE) The CDNE provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to clear the DONE bit in the TCD of the given channel. The data value on a register write causes the DONE bit in the corresponding transfer control descriptor to be cleared. Setting the CADN bit provides a global clear function, forcing all DONE bits to be cleared. If the NOP bit is set, the command is ignored. This allows you to write multiple-byte registers as a 32-bit word. Reads of this register return all zeroes. Address: 4000_8000h base + 1Ch offset = 4000_801Ch Bit 7 6 Read 0 0 Write NOP CADN Reset 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CDNE 0 0 0 0 DMA_CDNE field descriptions Field 7 NOP Description No Op enable 0 1 Normal operation No operation, ignore the other bits in this register 6 CADN Clears All DONE Bits 5-2 Reserved This field is reserved. CDNE 0 1 Clears only the TCDn_CSR[DONE] bit specified in the CDNE field Clears all bits in TCDn_CSR[DONE] Clear DONE Bit Clears the corresponding bit in TCDn_CSR[DONE] KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 397 Memory map/register definition 22.3.10 Set START Bit Register (DMA_SSRT) The SSRT provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to set the START bit in the TCD of the given channel. The data value on a register write causes the START bit in the corresponding transfer control descriptor to be set. Setting the SAST bit provides a global set function, forcing all START bits to be set. If the NOP bit is set, the command is ignored. This allows you to write multiple-byte registers as a 32-bit word. Reads of this register return all zeroes. Address: 4000_8000h base + 1Dh offset = 4000_801Dh Bit 7 6 Read 0 0 Write NOP SAST Reset 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 SSRT 0 0 0 0 DMA_SSRT field descriptions Field Description 7 NOP No Op enable 6 SAST Set All START Bits (activates all channels) 5-2 Reserved SSRT 0 1 0 1 Normal operation No operation, ignore the other bits in this register Set only the TCDn_CSR[START] bit specified in the SSRT field Set all bits in TCDn_CSR[START] This field is reserved. Set START Bit Sets the corresponding bit in TCDn_CSR[START] KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 398 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 22.3.11 Clear Error Register (DMA_CERR) The CERR provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to clear a given bit in the ERR to disable the error condition flag for a given channel. The given value on a register write causes the corresponding bit in the ERR to be cleared. Setting the CAEI bit provides a global clear function, forcing the ERR contents to be cleared, clearing all channel error indicators. If the NOP bit is set, the command is ignored. This allows you to write multiple-byte registers as a 32-bit word. Reads of this register return all zeroes. Address: 4000_8000h base + 1Eh offset = 4000_801Eh Bit 7 6 Read 0 0 Write NOP CAEI Reset 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CERR 0 0 0 0 DMA_CERR field descriptions Field Description 7 NOP No Op enable 6 CAEI Clear All Error Indicators 0 1 0 1 Normal operation No operation, ignore the other bits in this register Clear only the ERR bit specified in the CERR field Clear all bits in ERR 5-2 Reserved This field is reserved. CERR Clear Error Indicator Clears the corresponding bit in ERR KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 399 Memory map/register definition 22.3.12 Clear Interrupt Request Register (DMA_CINT) The CINT provides a simple, memory-mapped mechanism to clear a given bit in the INT to disable the interrupt request for a given channel. The given value on a register write causes the corresponding bit in the INT to be cleared. Setting the CAIR bit provides a global clear function, forcing the entire contents of the INT to be cleared, disabling all DMA interrupt requests. If the NOP bit is set, the command is ignored. This allows you to write multiple-byte registers as a 32-bit word. Reads of this register return all zeroes. Address: 4000_8000h base + 1Fh offset = 4000_801Fh Bit 7 6 Read 0 0 Write NOP CAIR Reset 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CINT 0 0 0 0 DMA_CINT field descriptions Field Description 7 NOP No Op enable 6 CAIR Clear All Interrupt Requests 5-2 Reserved CINT 0 1 0 1 Normal operation No operation, ignore the other bits in this register Clear only the INT bit specified in the CINT field Clear all bits in INT This field is reserved. Clear Interrupt Request Clears the corresponding bit in INT KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 400 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 22.3.13 Interrupt Request Register (DMA_INT) The INT register provides a bit map for the 4 channels signaling the presence of an interrupt request for each channel. Depending on the appropriate bit setting in the transfer-control descriptors, the eDMA engine generates an interrupt on data transfer completion. The outputs of this register are directly routed to the interrupt controller. During the interrupt-service routine associated with any given channel, it is the software's responsibility to clear the appropriate bit, negating the interrupt request. Typically, a write to the CINT register in the interrupt service routine is used for this purpose. The state of any given channel's interrupt request is directly affected by writes to this register; it is also affected by writes to the CINT register. On writes to INT, a 1 in any bit position clears the corresponding channel's interrupt request. A zero in any bit position has no affect on the corresponding channel's current interrupt status. The CINT register is provided so the interrupt request for a single channel can easily be cleared without the need to perform a read-modify-write sequence to the INT register. Address: 4000_8000h base + 24h offset = 4000_8024h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INT3 INT2 INT1 INT0 w1c w1c w1c w1c 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DMA_INT field descriptions Field 31-4 Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3 INT3 Interrupt Request 3 2 INT2 Interrupt Request 2 1 INT1 Interrupt Request 1 0 1 0 1 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 401 Memory map/register definition DMA_INT field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 0 INT0 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active Interrupt Request 0 0 1 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active 22.3.14 Error Register (DMA_ERR) The ERR provides a bit map for the 4 channels, signaling the presence of an error for each channel. The eDMA engine signals the occurrence of an error condition by setting the appropriate bit in this register. The outputs of this register are enabled by the contents of the EEI, and then routed to the interrupt controller. During the execution of the interrupt-service routine associated with any DMA errors, it is software's responsibility to clear the appropriate bit, negating the error-interrupt request. Typically, a write to the CERR in the interrupt-service routine is used for this purpose. The normal DMA channel completion indicators (setting the transfer control descriptor DONE flag and the possible assertion of an interrupt request) are not affected when an error is detected. The contents of this register can also be polled because a non-zero value indicates the presence of a channel error regardless of the state of the EEI. The state of any given channel's error indicators is affected by writes to this register; it is also affected by writes to the CERR. On writes to the ERR, a one in any bit position clears the corresponding channel's error status. A zero in any bit position has no affect on the corresponding channel's current error status. The CERR is provided so the error indicator for a single channel can easily be cleared. Address: 4000_8000h base + 2Ch offset = 4000_802Ch Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 R ERR3 ERR2 ERR1 ERR0 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w1c w1c w1c w1c 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 402 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) DMA_ERR field descriptions Field Description 31-4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3 ERR3 Error In Channel 3 2 ERR2 Error In Channel 2 1 ERR1 Error In Channel 1 0 ERR0 Error In Channel 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 An error in this channel has not occurred An error in this channel has occurred An error in this channel has not occurred An error in this channel has occurred An error in this channel has not occurred An error in this channel has occurred An error in this channel has not occurred An error in this channel has occurred 22.3.15 Hardware Request Status Register (DMA_HRS) The HRS register provides a bit map for the DMA channels, signaling the presence of a hardware request for each channel. The hardware request status bits reflect the current state of the register and qualified (via the ERQ fields) DMA request signals as seen by the DMA's arbitration logic. This view into the hardware request signals may be used for debug purposes. NOTE These bits reflect the state of the request as seen by the arbitration logic. Therefore, this status is affected by the ERQ bits. Address: 4000_8000h base + 34h offset = 4000_8034h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 R HRS3 HRS2 HRS1 HRS0 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 403 Memory map/register definition DMA_HRS field descriptions Field 31-4 Reserved 3 HRS3 Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Hardware Request Status Channel 3 The HRS bit for its respective channel remains asserted for the period when a Hardware Request is Present on the Channel. After the Request is completed and Channel is free, the HRS bit is automatically cleared by hardware. 0 1 2 HRS2 Hardware Request Status Channel 2 The HRS bit for its respective channel remains asserted for the period when a Hardware Request is Present on the Channel. After the Request is completed and Channel is free, the HRS bit is automatically cleared by hardware. 0 1 1 HRS1 A hardware service request for channel 2 is not present A hardware service request for channel 2 is present Hardware Request Status Channel 1 The HRS bit for its respective channel remains asserted for the period when a Hardware Request is Present on the Channel. After the Request is completed and Channel is free, the HRS bit is automatically cleared by hardware. 0 1 0 HRS0 A hardware service request for channel 3 is not present A hardware service request for channel 3 is present A hardware service request for channel 1 is not present A hardware service request for channel 1 is present Hardware Request Status Channel 0 The HRS bit for its respective channel remains asserted for the period when a Hardware Request is Present on the Channel. After the Request is completed and Channel is free, the HRS bit is automatically cleared by hardware. 0 1 A hardware service request for channel 0 is not present A hardware service request for channel 0 is present KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 404 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 22.3.16 Enable Asynchronous Request in Stop Register (DMA_EARS) Address: 4000_8000h base + 44h offset = 4000_8044h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EDREQ_3 EDREQ_2 EDREQ_1 EDREQ_0 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 DMA_EARS field descriptions Field Description 31-4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3 EDREQ_3 Enable asynchronous DMA request in stop mode for channel 3. 2 EDREQ_2 Enable asynchronous DMA request in stop mode for channel 2. 1 EDREQ_1 Enable asynchronous DMA request in stop mode for channel 1. 0 EDREQ_0 Enable asynchronous DMA request in stop mode for channel 0. 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Disable asynchronous DMA request for channel 3. Enable asynchronous DMA request for channel 3. Disable asynchronous DMA request for channel 2. Enable asynchronous DMA request for channel 2. Disable asynchronous DMA request for channel 1 Enable asynchronous DMA request for channel 1. Disable asynchronous DMA request for channel 0. Enable asynchronous DMA request for channel 0. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 405 Memory map/register definition 22.3.17 Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRIn) When fixed-priority channel arbitration is enabled (CR[ERCA] = 0), the contents of these registers define the unique priorities associated with each channel. The channel priorities are evaluated by numeric value; for example, 0 is the lowest priority, 1 is the next higher priority, then 2, 3, etc. Software must program the channel priorities with unique values; otherwise, a configuration error is reported. The range of the priority value is limited to the values of 0 through 3. Address: 4000_8000h base + 100h offset + (1d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 ECP DPA 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 CHPRI 0 0 * * * Notes: * CHPRI field: See bit field description. DMA_DCHPRIn field descriptions Field Description 7 ECP Enable Channel Preemption. 6 DPA Disable Preempt Ability. 5-2 Reserved CHPRI 0 1 0 1 Channel n cannot be suspended by a higher priority channel's service request. Channel n can be temporarily suspended by the service request of a higher priority channel. Channel n can suspend a lower priority channel. Channel n cannot suspend any channel, regardless of channel priority. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Channel n Arbitration Priority Channel priority when fixed-priority arbitration is enabled NOTE: Reset value for the channel priority field, CHPRI, is equal to the corresponding channel number for each priority register, that is, DCHPRI3[CHPRI] = 0b11. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 406 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 22.3.18 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCDn_SADDR) Address: 4000_8000h base + 1000h offset + (32d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit R W Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SADDR x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. DMA_TCDn_SADDR field descriptions Field SADDR Description Source Address Memory address pointing to the source data. 22.3.19 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCDn_SOFF) Address: 4000_8000h base + 1004h offset + (32d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit Read Write Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* SOFF x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. DMA_TCDn_SOFF field descriptions Field SOFF Description Source address signed offset Sign-extended offset applied to the current source address to form the next-state value as each source read is completed. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 407 Memory map/register definition 22.3.20 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCDn_ATTR) Address: 4000_8000h base + 1006h offset + (32d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit Read Write Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 SMOD x* x* x* 9 8 7 6 SSIZE x* x* x* x* 5 4 3 2 DMOD x* x* x* x* 1 0 DSIZE x* x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. DMA_TCDn_ATTR field descriptions Field Description 15-11 SMOD Source Address Modulo 10-8 SSIZE Source data transfer size 0 0 Source address modulo feature is disabled This value defines a specific address range specified to be the value after SADDR + SOFF calculation is performed on the original register value. Setting this field provides the ability to implement a circular data queue easily. For data queues requiring power-of-2 size bytes, the queue should start at a 0-modulo-size address and the SMOD field should be set to the appropriate value for the queue, freezing the desired number of upper address bits. The value programmed into this field specifies the number of lower address bits allowed to change. For a circular queue application, the SOFF is typically set to the transfer size to implement post-increment addressing with the SMOD function constraining the addresses to a 0-modulo-size range. NOTE: Using a Reserved value causes a configuration error. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit Reserved 16-byte 32-byte Reserved Reserved 7-3 DMOD Destination Address Modulo DSIZE Destination data transfer size See the SMOD definition See the SSIZE definition KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 408 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 22.3.21 TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Mapping Disabled) (DMA_TCDn_NBYTES_MLNO) This register, or one of the next two registers (TCD_NBYTES_MLOFFNO, TCD_NBYTES_MLOFFYES), defines the number of bytes to transfer per request. Which register to use depends on whether minor loop mapping is disabled, enabled but not used for this channel, or enabled and used. TCD word 2 is defined as follows if: * Minor loop mapping is disabled (CR[EMLM] = 0) If minor loop mapping is enabled, see the TCD_NBYTES_MLOFFNO and TCD_NBYTES_MLOFFYES register descriptions for the definition of TCD word 2. Address: 4000_8000h base + 1008h offset + (32d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit R W Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 NBYTES x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. DMA_TCDn_NBYTES_MLNO field descriptions Field NBYTES Description Minor Byte Transfer Count Number of bytes to be transferred in each service request of the channel. As a channel activates, the appropriate TCD contents load into the eDMA engine, and the appropriate reads and writes perform until the minor byte transfer count has transferred. This is an indivisible operation and cannot be halted. It can, however, be stalled by using the bandwidth control field, or via preemption. After the minor count is exhausted, the SADDR and DADDR values are written back into the TCD memory, the major iteration count is decremented and restored to the TCD memory. If the major iteration count is completed, additional processing is performed. NOTE: An NBYTES value of 0x0000_0000 is interpreted as a 4 GB transfer. 22.3.22 TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping Enabled and Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCDn_NBYTES_MLOFFNO) One of three registers (this register, TCD_NBYTES_MLNO, or TCD_NBYTES_MLOFFYES), defines the number of bytes to transfer per request. Which register to use depends on whether minor loop mapping is disabled, enabled but not used for this channel, or enabled and used. TCD word 2 is defined as follows if: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 409 Memory map/register definition * Minor loop mapping is enabled (CR[EMLM] = 1) and * SMLOE = 0 and DMLOE = 0 If minor loop mapping is enabled and SMLOE or DMLOE is set, then refer to the TCD_NBYTES_MLOFFYES register description. If minor loop mapping is disabled, then refer to the TCD_NBYTES_MLNO register description. 31 30 W SMLOE DMLOE Address: 4000_8000h base + 1008h offset + (32d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 R 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 x* x* x* x* x* x* x* 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* x* x* x* NBYTES R NBYTES W Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. DMA_TCDn_NBYTES_MLOFFNO field descriptions Field 31 SMLOE Description Source Minor Loop Offset Enable Selects whether the minor loop offset is applied to the source address upon minor loop completion. 0 1 30 DMLOE Destination Minor Loop Offset enable Selects whether the minor loop offset is applied to the destination address upon minor loop completion. 0 1 NBYTES The minor loop offset is not applied to the SADDR The minor loop offset is applied to the SADDR The minor loop offset is not applied to the DADDR The minor loop offset is applied to the DADDR Minor Byte Transfer Count Number of bytes to be transferred in each service request of the channel. As a channel activates, the appropriate TCD contents load into the eDMA engine, and the appropriate reads and writes perform until the minor byte transfer count has transferred. This is an indivisible operation and cannot be halted. It can, however, be stalled by using the bandwidth control field, or via preemption. After the minor count is exhausted, the SADDR and DADDR values are written back into the TCD memory, the major iteration count is decremented and restored to the TCD memory. If the major iteration count is completed, additional processing is performed. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 410 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 22.3.23 TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping and Offset Enabled) (DMA_TCDn_NBYTES_MLOFFYES) One of three registers (this register, TCD_NBYTES_MLNO, or TCD_NBYTES_MLOFFNO), defines the number of bytes to transfer per request. Which register to use depends on whether minor loop mapping is disabled, enabled but not used for this channel, or enabled and used. TCD word 2 is defined as follows if: * Minor loop mapping is enabled (CR[EMLM] = 1) and * Minor loop offset is enabled (SMLOE or DMLOE = 1) If minor loop mapping is enabled and SMLOE and DMLOE are cleared, then refer to the TCD_NBYTES_MLOFFNO register description. If minor loop mapping is disabled, then refer to the TCD_NBYTES_MLNO register description. 31 30 W SMLOE DMLOE Address: 4000_8000h base + 1008h offset + (32d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 R 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 x* x* x* x* x* x* x* 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* MLOFF R MLOFF NBYTES W Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. DMA_TCDn_NBYTES_MLOFFYES field descriptions Field 31 SMLOE Description Source Minor Loop Offset Enable Selects whether the minor loop offset is applied to the source address upon minor loop completion. 0 1 30 DMLOE The minor loop offset is not applied to the SADDR The minor loop offset is applied to the SADDR Destination Minor Loop Offset enable Selects whether the minor loop offset is applied to the destination address upon minor loop completion. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 411 Memory map/register definition DMA_TCDn_NBYTES_MLOFFYES field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 29-10 MLOFF The minor loop offset is not applied to the DADDR The minor loop offset is applied to the DADDR If SMLOE or DMLOE is set, this field represents a sign-extended offset applied to the source or destination address to form the next-state value after the minor loop completes. NBYTES Minor Byte Transfer Count Number of bytes to be transferred in each service request of the channel. As a channel activates, the appropriate TCD contents load into the eDMA engine, and the appropriate reads and writes perform until the minor byte transfer count has transferred. This is an indivisible operation and cannot be halted. It can, however, be stalled by using the bandwidth control field, or via preemption. After the minor count is exhausted, the SADDR and DADDR values are written back into the TCD memory, the major iteration count is decremented and restored to the TCD memory. If the major iteration count is completed, additional processing is performed. 22.3.24 TCD Last Source Address Adjustment (DMA_TCDn_SLAST) Address: 4000_8000h base + 100Ch offset + (32d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit R W Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SLAST x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. DMA_TCDn_SLAST field descriptions Field Description SLAST Last Source Address Adjustment Adjustment value added to the source address at the completion of the major iteration count. This value can be applied to restore the source address to the initial value, or adjust the address to reference the next data structure. This register uses two's complement notation; the overflow bit is discarded. 22.3.25 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCDn_DADDR) Address: 4000_8000h base + 1010h offset + (32d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit R W Reset 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DADDR x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 412 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) DMA_TCDn_DADDR field descriptions Field DADDR Description Destination Address Memory address pointing to the destination data. 22.3.26 TCD Signed Destination Address Offset (DMA_TCDn_DOFF) Address: 4000_8000h base + 1014h offset + (32d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit Read Write Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* DOFF x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. DMA_TCDn_DOFF field descriptions Field DOFF Description Destination Address Signed Offset Sign-extended offset applied to the current destination address to form the next-state value as each destination write is completed. 22.3.27 TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCDn_CITER_ELINKYES) If TCDn_CITER[ELINK] is set, the TCDn_CITER register is defined as follows. Address: 4000_8000h base + 1016h offset + (32d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit Read Write Reset Bit Read Write Reset 15 14 13 ELINK 12 11 10 9 LINKCH 0 8 CITER x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* CITER x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 413 Memory map/register definition DMA_TCDn_CITER_ELINKYES field descriptions Field 15 ELINK Description Enable channel-to-channel linking on minor-loop complete As the channel completes the minor loop, this flag enables linking to another channel, defined by the LINKCH field. The link target channel initiates a channel service request via an internal mechanism that sets the TCDn_CSR[START] bit of the specified channel. If channel linking is disabled, the CITER value is extended to 15 bits in place of a link channel number. If the major loop is exhausted, this link mechanism is suppressed in favor of the MAJORELINK channel linking. NOTE: This bit must be equal to the BITER[ELINK] bit; otherwise, a configuration error is reported. 0 1 14-11 Reserved 10-9 LINKCH CITER The channel-to-channel linking is disabled The channel-to-channel linking is enabled This field is reserved. Minor Loop Link Channel Number If channel-to-channel linking is enabled (ELINK = 1), then after the minor loop is exhausted, the eDMA engine initiates a channel service request to the channel defined by this field by setting that channel's TCDn_CSR[START] bit. Current Major Iteration Count This 9-bit (ELINK = 1) or 15-bit (ELINK = 0) count represents the current major loop count for the channel. It is decremented each time the minor loop is completed and updated in the transfer control descriptor memory. After the major iteration count is exhausted, the channel performs a number of operations, for example, final source and destination address calculations, optionally generating an interrupt to signal channel completion before reloading the CITER field from the Beginning Iteration Count (BITER) field. NOTE: When the CITER field is initially loaded by software, it must be set to the same value as that contained in the BITER field. NOTE: If the channel is configured to execute a single service request, the initial values of BITER and CITER should be 0x0001. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 414 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 22.3.28 TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCDn_CITER_ELINKNO) If TCDn_CITER[ELINK] is cleared, the TCDn_CITER register is defined as follows. Address: 4000_8000h base + 1016h offset + (32d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit Read Write Reset Bit Read Write Reset 15 14 13 12 11 ELINK 10 9 8 CITER x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* CITER x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. DMA_TCDn_CITER_ELINKNO field descriptions Field 15 ELINK Description Enable channel-to-channel linking on minor-loop complete As the channel completes the minor loop, this flag enables linking to another channel, defined by the LINKCH field. The link target channel initiates a channel service request via an internal mechanism that sets the TCDn_CSR[START] bit of the specified channel. If channel linking is disabled, the CITER value is extended to 15 bits in place of a link channel number. If the major loop is exhausted, this link mechanism is suppressed in favor of the MAJORELINK channel linking. NOTE: This bit must be equal to the BITER[ELINK] bit; otherwise, a configuration error is reported. 0 1 CITER The channel-to-channel linking is disabled The channel-to-channel linking is enabled Current Major Iteration Count This 9-bit (ELINK = 1) or 15-bit (ELINK = 0) count represents the current major loop count for the channel. It is decremented each time the minor loop is completed and updated in the transfer control descriptor memory. After the major iteration count is exhausted, the channel performs a number of operations, for example, final source and destination address calculations, optionally generating an interrupt to signal channel completion before reloading the CITER field from the Beginning Iteration Count (BITER) field. NOTE: When the CITER field is initially loaded by software, it must be set to the same value as that contained in the BITER field. NOTE: If the channel is configured to execute a single service request, the initial values of BITER and CITER should be 0x0001. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 415 Memory map/register definition 22.3.29 TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather Address (DMA_TCDn_DLASTSGA) Address: 4000_8000h base + 1018h offset + (32d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit R W 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DLASTSGA Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. DMA_TCDn_DLASTSGA field descriptions Field DLASTSGA Description Destination last address adjustment or the memory address for the next transfer control descriptor to be loaded into this channel (scatter/gather). If (TCDn_CSR[ESG] = 0) then: * Adjustment value added to the destination address at the completion of the major iteration count. This value can apply to restore the destination address to the initial value or adjust the address to reference the next data structure. * This field uses two's complement notation for the final destination address adjustment. Otherwise: * This address points to the beginning of a 0-modulo-32-byte region containing the next transfer control descriptor to be loaded into this channel. This channel reload is performed as the major iteration count completes. The scatter/gather address must be 0-modulo-32-byte, otherwise a configuration error is reported. 22.3.30 TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCDn_CSR) Address: 4000_8000h base + 101Ch offset + (32d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit 15 Read 14 13 12 BWC Write 11 10 9 8 MAJORLINKCH 0 Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ACTIVE MAJORELI NK ESG DREQ INTHALF INTMAJOR START x* x* x* x* x* x* x* Read Write Reset DONE x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 416 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) DMA_TCDn_CSR field descriptions Field 15-14 BWC Description Bandwidth Control Throttles the amount of bus bandwidth consumed by the eDMA. Generally, as the eDMA processes the minor loop, it continuously generates read/write sequences until the minor count is exhausted. This field forces the eDMA to stall after the completion of each read/write access to control the bus request bandwidth seen by the crossbar switch. 00 01 10 11 13-10 Reserved No eDMA engine stalls. Reserved eDMA engine stalls for 4 cycles after each R/W. eDMA engine stalls for 8 cycles after each R/W. This field is reserved. 9-8 Major Loop Link Channel Number MAJORLINKCH If (MAJORELINK = 0) then: * No channel-to-channel linking, or chaining, is performed after the major loop counter is exhausted. Otherwise: * After the major loop counter is exhausted, the eDMA engine initiates a channel service request at the channel defined by this field by setting that channel's TCDn_CSR[START] bit. 7 DONE Channel Done This flag indicates the eDMA has completed the major loop. The eDMA engine sets it as the CITER count reaches zero. The software clears it, or the hardware when the channel is activated. NOTE: This bit must be cleared to write the MAJORELINK or ESG bits. 6 ACTIVE 5 MAJORELINK Channel Active This flag signals the channel is currently in execution. It is set when channel service begins, and is cleared by the eDMA as the minor loop completes or when any error condition is detected. Enable channel-to-channel linking on major loop complete As the channel completes the major loop, this flag enables the linking to another channel, defined by MAJORLINKCH. The link target channel initiates a channel service request via an internal mechanism that sets the TCDn_CSR[START] bit of the specified channel. NOTE: To support the dynamic linking coherency model, this field is forced to zero when written to while the TCDn_CSR[DONE] bit is set. 0 1 4 ESG The channel-to-channel linking is disabled. The channel-to-channel linking is enabled. Enable Scatter/Gather Processing As the channel completes the major loop, this flag enables scatter/gather processing in the current channel. If enabled, the eDMA engine uses DLASTSGA as a memory pointer to a 0-modulo-32 address containing a 32-byte data structure loaded as the transfer control descriptor into the local memory. NOTE: To support the dynamic scatter/gather coherency model, this field is forced to zero when written to while the TCDn_CSR[DONE] bit is set. 0 1 The current channel's TCD is normal format. The current channel's TCD specifies a scatter gather format. The DLASTSGA field provides a memory pointer to the next TCD to be loaded into this channel after the major loop completes its execution. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 417 Memory map/register definition DMA_TCDn_CSR field descriptions (continued) Field 3 DREQ Description Disable Request If this flag is set, the eDMA hardware automatically clears the corresponding ERQ bit when the current major iteration count reaches zero. 0 1 2 INTHALF The channel's ERQ bit is not affected. The channel's ERQ bit is cleared when the major loop is complete. Enable an interrupt when major counter is half complete. If this flag is set, the channel generates an interrupt request by setting the appropriate bit in the INT register when the current major iteration count reaches the halfway point. Specifically, the comparison performed by the eDMA engine is (CITER == (BITER >> 1)). This halfway point interrupt request is provided to support double-buffered, also known as ping-pong, schemes or other types of data movement where the processor needs an early indication of the transfer's progress. NOTE: If BITER = 1, do not use INTHALF. Use INTMAJOR instead. 0 1 1 INTMAJOR Enable an interrupt when major iteration count completes. If this flag is set, the channel generates an interrupt request by setting the appropriate bit in the INT when the current major iteration count reaches zero. 0 1 0 START The half-point interrupt is disabled. The half-point interrupt is enabled. The end-of-major loop interrupt is disabled. The end-of-major loop interrupt is enabled. Channel Start If this flag is set, the channel is requesting service. The eDMA hardware automatically clears this flag after the channel begins execution. 0 1 The channel is not explicitly started. The channel is explicitly started via a software initiated service request. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 418 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 22.3.31 TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCDn_BITER_ELINKYES) If the TCDn_BITER[ELINK] bit is set, the TCDn_BITER register is defined as follows. Address: 4000_8000h base + 101Eh offset + (32d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit Read Write Reset Bit Read Write Reset 15 14 13 ELINK 12 11 10 9 LINKCH 0 8 BITER x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* BITER x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. DMA_TCDn_BITER_ELINKYES field descriptions Field Description 15 ELINK Enables channel-to-channel linking on minor loop complete As the channel completes the minor loop, this flag enables the linking to another channel, defined by BITER[LINKCH]. The link target channel initiates a channel service request via an internal mechanism that sets the TCDn_CSR[START] bit of the specified channel. If channel linking disables, the BITER value extends to 15 bits in place of a link channel number. If the major loop is exhausted, this link mechanism is suppressed in favor of the MAJORELINK channel linking. NOTE: When the software loads the TCD, this field must be set equal to the corresponding CITER field; otherwise, a configuration error is reported. As the major iteration count is exhausted, the contents of this field are reloaded into the CITER field. 0 1 The channel-to-channel linking is disabled The channel-to-channel linking is enabled 14-11 Reserved This field is reserved. 10-9 LINKCH Link Channel Number If channel-to-channel linking is enabled (ELINK = 1), then after the minor loop is exhausted, the eDMA engine initiates a channel service request at the channel defined by this field by setting that channel's TCDn_CSR[START] bit. NOTE: When the software loads the TCD, this field must be set equal to the corresponding CITER field; otherwise, a configuration error is reported. As the major iteration count is exhausted, the contents of this field are reloaded into the CITER field. BITER Starting major iteration count As the transfer control descriptor is first loaded by software, this 9-bit (ELINK = 1) or 15-bit (ELINK = 0) field must be equal to the value in the CITER field. As the major iteration count is exhausted, the contents of this field are reloaded into the CITER field. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 419 Memory map/register definition DMA_TCDn_BITER_ELINKYES field descriptions (continued) Field Description NOTE: When the software loads the TCD, this field must be set equal to the corresponding CITER field; otherwise, a configuration error is reported. As the major iteration count is exhausted, the contents of this field are reloaded into the CITER field. If the channel is configured to execute a single service request, the initial values of BITER and CITER should be 0x0001. 22.3.32 TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCDn_BITER_ELINKNO) If the TCDn_BITER[ELINK] bit is cleared, the TCDn_BITER register is defined as follows. Address: 4000_8000h base + 101Eh offset + (32d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit Read Write Reset Bit Read Write Reset 15 14 13 12 11 ELINK 10 9 8 BITER x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* BITER x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. DMA_TCDn_BITER_ELINKNO field descriptions Field Description 15 ELINK Enables channel-to-channel linking on minor loop complete As the channel completes the minor loop, this flag enables the linking to another channel, defined by BITER[LINKCH]. The link target channel initiates a channel service request via an internal mechanism that sets the TCDn_CSR[START] bit of the specified channel. If channel linking is disabled, the BITER value extends to 15 bits in place of a link channel number. If the major loop is exhausted, this link mechanism is suppressed in favor of the MAJORELINK channel linking. NOTE: When the software loads the TCD, this field must be set equal to the corresponding CITER field; otherwise, a configuration error is reported. As the major iteration count is exhausted, the contents of this field are reloaded into the CITER field. 0 1 BITER The channel-to-channel linking is disabled The channel-to-channel linking is enabled Starting Major Iteration Count As the transfer control descriptor is first loaded by software, this 9-bit (ELINK = 1) or 15-bit (ELINK = 0) field must be equal to the value in the CITER field. As the major iteration count is exhausted, the contents of this field are reloaded into the CITER field. NOTE: When the software loads the TCD, this field must be set equal to the corresponding CITER field; otherwise, a configuration error is reported. As the major iteration count is exhausted, the Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 420 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) DMA_TCDn_BITER_ELINKNO field descriptions (continued) Field Description contents of this field is reloaded into the CITER field. If the channel is configured to execute a single service request, the initial values of BITER and CITER should be 0x0001. 22.4 Functional description The operation of the eDMA is described in the following subsections. 22.4.1 eDMA basic data flow The basic flow of a data transfer can be partitioned into three segments. As shown in the following diagram, the first segment involves the channel activation: eDMA Write Address Write Data 0 Transfer Control Descriptor (TCD) 64 eDMA Engine Program Model/ Channel Arbitration Read Data n-1 Internal Peripheral Bus To/From Crossbar Switch 1 2 Read Data Address Path Control Data Path Write Data Address eDMA Peripheral Request eDMA Done Figure 22-2. eDMA operation, part 1 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 421 Functional description This example uses the assertion of the eDMA peripheral request signal to request service for channel n. Channel activation via software and the TCDn_CSR[START] bit follows the same basic flow as peripheral requests. The eDMA request input signal is registered internally and then routed through the eDMA engine: first through the control module, then into the program model and channel arbitration. In the next cycle, the channel arbitration performs, using the fixed-priority or round-robin algorithm. After arbitration is complete, the activated channel number is sent through the address path and converted into the required address to access the local memory for TCDn. Next, the TCD memory is accessed and the required descriptor read from the local memory and loaded into the eDMA engine address path channel x or y registers. The TCD memory is 64 bits wide to minimize the time needed to fetch the activated channel descriptor and load it into the address path channel x or y registers. The following diagram illustrates the second part of the basic data flow: eDMA Write Address Write Data To/From Crossbar Switch Transfer Control Descriptor (TCD) n-1 64 eDMA Engine Program Model/ Channel Arbitration Read Data Internal Peripheral Bus 0 1 2 Read Data Address Path Control Data Path Write Data Address eDMA Peripheral Request eDMA Done Figure 22-3. eDMA operation, part 2 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 422 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) The modules associated with the data transfer (address path, data path, and control) sequence through the required source reads and destination writes to perform the actual data movement. The source reads are initiated and the fetched data is temporarily stored in the data path block until it is gated onto the internal bus during the destination write. This source read/destination write processing continues until the minor byte count has transferred. After the minor byte count has moved, the final phase of the basic data flow is performed. In this segment, the address path logic performs the required updates to certain fields in the appropriate TCD, for example, SADDR, DADDR, CITER. If the major iteration count is exhausted, additional operations are performed. These include the final address adjustments and reloading of the BITER field into the CITER. Assertion of an optional interrupt request also occurs at this time, as does a possible fetch of a new TCD from memory using the scatter/gather address pointer included in the descriptor (if scatter/ gather is enabled). The updates to the TCD memory and the assertion of an interrupt request are shown in the following diagram. eDMA Write Address Write Data To/From Crossbar Switch Transfer Control Descriptor (TCD) n-1 64 Internal Peripheral Bus 0 1 2 eDMA En g in e Program Model/ Channel Arbitration Read Data Read Data Address Path Control Data Path Write Data Address eDMA Peripheral Request eDMA Done Figure 22-4. eDMA operation, part 3 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 423 Functional description 22.4.2 Fault reporting and handling Channel errors are reported in the Error Status register (DMAx_ES) and can be caused by: * A configuration error, which is an illegal setting in the transfer-control descriptor or an illegal priority register setting in Fixed-Arbitration mode, or * An error termination to a bus master read or write cycle A configuration error is reported when the starting source or destination address, source or destination offsets, minor loop byte count, or the transfer size represent an inconsistent state. Each of these possible causes are detailed below: * The addresses and offsets must be aligned on 0-modulo-transfer-size boundaries. * The minor loop byte count must be a multiple of the source and destination transfer sizes. * All source reads and destination writes must be configured to the natural boundary of the programmed transfer size respectively. * In fixed arbitration mode, a configuration error is caused by any two channel priorities being equal. All channel priority levels must be unique when fixed arbitration mode is enabled. NOTE When two channels have the same priority, a channel priority error exists and will be reported in the Error Status register. However, the channel number will not be reported in the Error Status register. When all of the channel priorities within a group are not unique, the channel number selected by arbitration is undetermined. To aid in Channel Priority Error (CPE) debug, set the Halt On Error bit in the DMA's Control Register. If all of the channel priorities within a group are not unique, the DMA will be halted after the CPE error is recorded. The DMA will remain halted and will not process any channel service requests. Once all of the channel priorities are set to unique numbers, the DMA may be enabled again by clearing the Halt bit. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 424 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) * If a scatter/gather operation is enabled upon channel completion, a configuration error is reported if the scatter/gather address (DLAST_SGA) is not aligned on a 32byte boundary. * If minor loop channel linking is enabled upon channel completion, a configuration error is reported when the link is attempted if the TCDn_CITER[E_LINK] bit does not equal the TCDn_BITER[E_LINK] bit. If enabled, all configuration error conditions, except the scatter/gather and minor-loop link errors, report as the channel activates and asserts an error interrupt request. A scatter/ gather configuration error is reported when the scatter/gather operation begins at major loop completion when properly enabled. A minor loop channel link configuration error is reported when the link operation is serviced at minor loop completion. If a system bus read or write is terminated with an error, the data transfer is stopped and the appropriate bus error flag set. In this case, the state of the channel's transfer control descriptor is updated by the eDMA engine with the current source address, destination address, and current iteration count at the point of the fault. When a system bus error occurs, the channel terminates after the next transfer. Due to pipeline effect, the next transfer is already in progress when the bus error is received by the eDMA. If a bus error occurs on the last read prior to beginning the write sequence, the write executes using the data captured during the bus error. If a bus error occurs on the last write prior to switching to the next read sequence, the read sequence executes before the channel terminates due to the destination bus error. A transfer may be cancelled by software with the CR[CX] bit. When a cancel transfer request is recognized, the DMA engine stops processing the channel. The current readwrite sequence is allowed to finish. If the cancel occurs on the last read-write sequence of a major or minor loop, the cancel request is discarded and the channel retires normally. The error cancel transfer is the same as a cancel transfer except the Error Status register (DMAx_ES) is updated with the cancelled channel number and ECX is set. The TCD of a cancelled channel contains the source and destination addresses of the last transfer saved in the TCD. If the channel needs to be restarted, you must re-initialize the TCD because the aforementioned fields no longer represent the original parameters. When a transfer is cancelled by the error cancel transfer mechanism, the channel number is loaded into DMA_ES[ERRCHN] and ECX and VLD are set. In addition, an error interrupt may be generated if enabled. NOTE The cancel transfer request allows the user to stop a large data transfer in the event the full data transfer is no longer needed. The cancel transfer bit does not abort the channel. It simply stops the transferring of data and then retires the channel through its normal shutdown sequence. The application KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 425 Functional description software must handle the context of the cancel. If an interrupt is desired (or not), then the interrupt should be enabled (or disabled) before the cancel request. The application software must clean up the transfer control descriptor since the full transfer did not occur. The occurrence of any error causes the eDMA engine to stop normal processing of the active channel immediately (it goes to its error processing states and the transaction to the system bus still has pipeline effect), and the appropriate channel bit in the eDMA error register is asserted. At the same time, the details of the error condition are loaded into the Error Status register (DMAx_ES). The major loop complete indicators, setting the transfer control descriptor DONE flag and the possible assertion of an interrupt request, are not affected when an error is detected. After the error status has been updated, the eDMA engine continues operating by servicing the next appropriate channel. A channel that experiences an error condition is not automatically disabled. If a channel is terminated by an error and then issues another service request before the error is fixed, that channel executes and terminates with the same error condition. 22.4.3 Channel preemption Channel preemption is enabled on a per-channel basis by setting the DCHPRIn[ECP] bit. Channel preemption allows the executing channel's data transfers to temporarily suspend in favor of starting a higher priority channel. After the preempting channel has completed all its minor loop data transfers, the preempted channel is restored and resumes execution. After the restored channel completes one read/write sequence, it is again eligible for preemption. If any higher priority channel is requesting service, the restored channel is suspended and the higher priority channel is serviced. Nested preemption, that is, attempting to preempt a preempting channel, is not supported. After a preempting channel begins execution, it cannot be preempted. Preemption is available only when fixed arbitration is selected. A channel's ability to preempt another channel can be disabled by setting DCHPRIn[DPA]. When a channel's preempt ability is disabled, that channel cannot suspend a lower priority channel's data transfer, regardless of the lower priority channel's ECP setting. This allows for a pool of low priority, large data-moving channels to be defined. These low priority channels can be configured to not preempt each other, thus preventing a low priority channel from consuming the preempt slot normally available to a true, high priority channel. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 426 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 22.4.4 Performance This section addresses the performance of the eDMA module, focusing on two separate metrics: * In the traditional data movement context, performance is best expressed as the peak data transfer rates achieved using the eDMA. In most implementations, this transfer rate is limited by the speed of the source and destination address spaces. * In a second context where device-paced movement of single data values to/from peripherals is dominant, a measure of the requests that can be serviced in a fixed time is a more relevant metric. In this environment, the speed of the source and destination address spaces remains important. However, the microarchitecture of the eDMA also factors significantly into the resulting metric. Peak transfer rates The peak transfer rates for several different source and destination transfers are shown in the following tables. These tables assume: * Internal SRAM can be accessed with zero wait-states when viewed from the system bus data phase * All internal peripheral bus reads require two wait-states, and internal peripheral bus writes three wait-states, when viewed from the system bus data phase * All internal peripheral bus accesses are 32-bits in size NOTE All architectures will not meet the assumptions listed above. See the SRAM configuration section for more information. This table compares peak transfer rates based on different possible system speeds. Specific chips/devices may not support all system speeds listed. Table 22-4. eDMA peak transfer rates (Mbytes/sec) Internal SRAM-to- Internal SRAM-to-32 bit Internal SRAM 32 bit internal peripheral bus-to-Internal SRAM internal peripheral bus 66.7 MHz, 32 bit 133.3 66.7 53.3 83.3 MHz, 32 bit 166.7 83.3 66.7 100.0 MHz, 32 bit 200.0 100.0 80.0 133.3 MHz, 32 bit 266.7 133.3 106.7 150.0 MHz, 32 bit 300.0 150.0 120.0 System Speed, Width KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 427 Functional description Internal-SRAM-to-internal-SRAM transfers occur at the core's datapath width. For all transfers involving the internal peripheral bus, 32-bit transfer sizes are used. In all cases, the transfer rate includes the time to read the source plus the time to write the destination. Peak request rates The second performance metric is a measure of the number of DMA requests that can be serviced in a given amount of time. For this metric, assume that the peripheral request causes the channel to move a single internal peripheral bus-mapped operand to/from internal SRAM. The same timing assumptions used in the previous example apply to this calculation. In particular, this metric also reflects the time required to activate the channel. The eDMA design supports the following hardware service request sequence. Note that the exact timing from Cycle 7 is a function of the response times for the channel's read and write accesses. In the case of an internal peripheral bus read and internal SRAM write, the combined data phase time is 4 cycles. For an SRAM read and internal peripheral bus write, it is 5 cycles. Table 22-5. Hardware service request process Cycle With internal peripheral bus read and internal SRAM write Description With SRAM read and internal peripheral bus write 1 eDMA peripheral request is asserted. 2 The eDMA peripheral request is registered locally in the eDMA module and qualified. TCDn_CSR[START] bit initiated requests start at this point with the registering of the user write to TCDn word 7. 3 Channel arbitration begins. 4 Channel arbitration completes. The transfer control descriptor local memory read is initiated. 5-6 The first two parts of the activated channel's TCD is read from the local memory. The memory width to the eDMA engine is 64 bits, so the entire descriptor can be accessed in four cycles 7 The first system bus read cycle is initiated, as the third part of the channel's TCD is read from the local memory. Depending on the state of the crossbar switch, arbitration at the system bus may insert an additional cycle of delay here. 8-11 8-12 12 13 The last part of the TCD is read in. This cycle represents the first data phase for the read, and the address phase for the destination write. This cycle represents the data phase of the last destination write. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 428 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Table 22-5. Hardware service request process (continued) Cycle Description With internal peripheral bus read and internal SRAM write With SRAM read and internal peripheral bus write 13 14 The eDMA engine completes the execution of the inner minor loop and prepares to write back the required TCDn fields into the local memory. The TCDn word 7 is read and checked for channel linking or scatter/gather requests. 14 15 The appropriate fields in the first part of the TCDn are written back into the local memory. 15 16 The fields in the second part of the TCDn are written back into the local memory. This cycle coincides with the next channel arbitration cycle start. 16 17 The next channel to be activated performs the read of the first part of its TCD from the local memory. This is equivalent to Cycle 4 for the first channel's service request. Assuming zero wait states on the system bus, DMA requests can be processed every 9 cycles. Assuming an average of the access times associated with internal peripheral busto-SRAM (4 cycles) and SRAM-to-internal peripheral bus (5 cycles), DMA requests can be processed every 11.5 cycles (4 + (4+5)/2 + 3). This is the time from Cycle 4 to Cycle x +5. The resulting peak request rate, as a function of the system frequency, is shown in the following table. Table 22-6. eDMA peak request rate (MReq/sec) Request rate Request rate with zero wait states with wait states 66.6 7.4 5.8 83.3 9.2 7.2 100.0 11.1 8.7 133.3 14.8 11.6 150.0 16.6 13.0 System frequency (MHz) A general formula to compute the peak request rate with overlapping requests is: PEAKreq = freq / [ entry + (1 + read_ws) + (1 + write_ws) + exit ] where: Table 22-7. Peak request formula operands Operand PEAKreq Description Peak request rate Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 429 Functional description Table 22-7. Peak request formula operands (continued) Operand Description freq System frequency entry Channel startup (4 cycles) read_ws Wait states seen during the system bus read data phase write_ws Wait states seen during the system bus write data phase exit Channel shutdown (3 cycles) eDMA performance example Consider a system with the following characteristics: * Internal SRAM can be accessed with one wait-state when viewed from the system bus data phase * All internal peripheral bus reads require two wait-states, and internal peripheral bus writes three wait-states viewed from the system bus data phase * System operates at 150 MHz For an SRAM to internal peripheral bus transfer, PEAKreq = 150 MHz / [ 4 + (1 + 1) + (1 + 3) + 3 ] cycles = 11.5 Mreq/sec For an internal peripheral bus to SRAM transfer, PEAKreq = 150 MHz / [ 4 + (1 + 2) + (1 + 1) + 3 ] cycles = 12.5 Mreq/sec Assuming an even distribution of the two transfer types, the average peak request rate would be: PEAKreq = (11.5 Mreq/sec + 12.5 Mreq/sec) / 2 = 12.0 Mreq/sec The minimum number of cycles to perform a single read/write, zero wait states on the system bus, from a cold start where no channel is executing and eDMA is idle are: * 11 cycles for a software, that is, a TCDn_CSR[START] bit, request * 12 cycles for a hardware, that is, an eDMA peripheral request signal, request Two cycles account for the arbitration pipeline and one extra cycle on the hardware request resulting from the internal registering of the eDMA peripheral request signals. For the peak request rate calculations above, the arbitration and request registering is absorbed in or overlaps the previous executing channel. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 430 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Note When channel linking or scatter/gather is enabled, a two cycle delay is imposed on the next channel selection and startup. This allows the link channel or the scatter/gather channel to be eligible and considered in the arbitration pool for next channel selection. 22.5 Initialization/application information The following sections discuss initialization of the eDMA and programming considerations. 22.5.1 eDMA initialization To initialize the eDMA: 1. Write to the CR if a configuration other than the default is desired. 2. Write the channel priority levels to the DCHPRIn registers if a configuration other than the default is desired. 3. Enable error interrupts in the EEI register if so desired. 4. Write the 32-byte TCD for each channel that may request service. 5. Enable any hardware service requests via the ERQH and ERQL registers. 6. Request channel service via either: * Software: setting the TCDn_CSR[START] * Hardware: slave device asserting its eDMA peripheral request signal After any channel requests service, a channel is selected for execution based on the arbitration and priority levels written into the programmer's model. The eDMA engine reads the entire TCD, including the TCD control and status fields, as shown in the following table, for the selected channel into its internal address path module. As the TCD is read, the first transfer is initiated on the internal bus, unless a configuration error is detected. Transfers from the source, as defined by TCDn_SADDR, to the destination, as defined by TCDn_DADDR, continue until the number of bytes specified by TCDn_NBYTES are transferred. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 431 Initialization/application information When the transfer is complete, the eDMA engine's local TCDn_SADDR, TCDn_DADDR, and TCDn_CITER are written back to the main TCD memory and any minor loop channel linking is performed, if enabled. If the major loop is exhausted, further post processing executes, such as interrupts, major loop channel linking, and scatter/gather operations, if enabled. Table 22-8. TCD Control and Status fields TCDn_CSR field name Description START Control bit to start channel explicitly when using a software initiated DMA service (Automatically cleared by hardware) ACTIVE Status bit indicating the channel is currently in execution DONE Status bit indicating major loop completion (cleared by software when using a software initiated DMA service) D_REQ Control bit to disable DMA request at end of major loop completion when using a hardware initiated DMA service BWC Control bits for throttling bandwidth control of a channel E_SG Control bit to enable scatter-gather feature INT_HALF Control bit to enable interrupt when major loop is half complete INT_MAJ Control bit to enable interrupt when major loop completes The following figure shows how each DMA request initiates one minor-loop transfer, or iteration, without CPU intervention. DMA arbitration can occur after each minor loop, and one level of minor loop DMA preemption is allowed. The number of minor loops in a major loop is specified by the beginning iteration count (BITER). Current major loop iteration count (CITER) Source or destination memory Minor loop DMA request 3 Major loop Minor loop DMA request 2 Minor loop DMA request 1 Figure 22-5. Example of multiple loop iterations The following figure lists the memory array terms and how the TCD settings interrelate. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 432 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) xADDR: (Starting address) xSIZE: (size of one data transfer) Minor loop (NBYTES in minor loop, often the same value as xSIZE) Minor loop Offset (xOFF): number of bytes added to current address after each transfer (often the same value as xSIZE) Each DMA source (S) and destination (D) has its own: Address (xADDR) Size (xSIZE) Offset (xOFF) Modulo (xMOD) Last Address Adjustment (xLAST) where x = S or D Last minor loop Peripheral queues typically have size and offset equal to NBYTES. xLAST: Number of bytes added to current address after major loop (typically used to loop back) Figure 22-6. Memory array terms 22.5.2 Programming errors The eDMA performs various tests on the transfer control descriptor to verify consistency in the descriptor data. Most programming errors are reported on a per channel basis with the exception of channel priority error (ES[CPE]). For all error types other than channel priority error, the channel number causing the error is recorded in the Error Status register (DMAx_ES). If the error source is not removed before the next activation of the problem channel, the error is detected and recorded again. If priority levels are not unique, when any channel requests service, a channel priority error is reported. The highest channel priority with an active request is selected, but the lowest numbered channel with that priority is selected by arbitration and executed by the eDMA engine. The hardware service request handshake signals, error interrupts, and error reporting is associated with the selected channel. 22.5.3 Arbitration mode considerations This section discusses arbitration considerations for the eDMA. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 433 Initialization/application information Fixed channel arbitration In this mode, the channel service request from the highest priority channel is selected to execute. Round-robin channel arbitration Channels are serviced starting with the highest channel number and rotating through to the lowest channel number without regard to the channel priority levels. 22.5.4 Performing DMA transfers This section presents examples on how to perform DMA transfers with the eDMA. Single request To perform a simple transfer of n bytes of data with one activation, set the major loop to one (TCDn_CITER = TCDn_BITER = 1). The data transfer begins after the channel service request is acknowledged and the channel is selected to execute. After the transfer is complete, the TCDn_CSR[DONE] bit is set and an interrupt generates if properly enabled. For example, the following TCD entry is configured to transfer 16 bytes of data. The eDMA is programmed for one iteration of the major loop transferring 16 bytes per iteration. The source memory has a byte wide memory port located at 0x1000. The destination memory has a 32-bit port located at 0x2000. The address offsets are programmed in increments to match the transfer size: one byte for the source and four bytes for the destination. The final source and destination addresses are adjusted to return to their beginning values. TCDn_CITER = TCDn_BITER = 1 TCDn_NBYTES = 16 TCDn_SADDR = 0x1000 TCDn_SOFF = 1 TCDn_ATTR[SSIZE] = 0 TCDn_SLAST = -16 TCDn_DADDR = 0x2000 TCDn_DOFF = 4 TCDn_ATTR[DSIZE] = 2 TCDn_DLAST_SGA= -16 TCDn_CSR[INT_MAJ] = 1 TCDn_CSR[START] = 1 (Should be written last after all other fields have been initialized) All other TCDn fields = 0 This generates the following event sequence: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 434 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 1. User write to the TCDn_CSR[START] bit requests channel service. 2. The channel is selected by arbitration for servicing. 3. eDMA engine writes: TCDn_CSR[DONE] = 0, TCDn_CSR[START] = 0, TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] = 1. 4. eDMA engine reads: channel TCD data from local memory to internal register file. 5. The source-to-destination transfers are executed as follows: a. Read byte from location 0x1000, read byte from location 0x1001, read byte from 0x1002, read byte from 0x1003. b. Write 32-bits to location 0x2000 first iteration of the minor loop. c. Read byte from location 0x1004, read byte from location 0x1005, read byte from 0x1006, read byte from 0x1007. d. Write 32-bits to location 0x2004 second iteration of the minor loop. e. Read byte from location 0x1008, read byte from location 0x1009, read byte from 0x100A, read byte from 0x100B. f. Write 32-bits to location 0x2008 third iteration of the minor loop. g. Read byte from location 0x100C, read byte from location 0x100D, read byte from 0x100E, read byte from 0x100F. h. Write 32-bits to location 0x200C last iteration of the minor loop major loop complete. 6. The eDMA engine writes: TCDn_SADDR = 0x1000, TCDn_DADDR = 0x2000, TCDn_CITER = 1 (TCDn_BITER). 7. The eDMA engine writes: TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] = 0, TCDn_CSR[DONE] = 1, INT[n] = 1. 8. The channel retires and the eDMA goes idle or services the next channel. Multiple requests The following example transfers 32 bytes via two hardware requests, but is otherwise the same as the previous example. The only fields that change are the major loop iteration count and the final address offsets. The eDMA is programmed for two iterations of the major loop transferring 16 bytes per iteration. After the channel's hardware requests are enabled in the ERQ register, the slave device initiates channel service requests. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 435 Initialization/application information TCDn_CITER = TCDn_BITER = 2 TCDn_SLAST = -32 TCDn_DLAST_SGA = -32 This would generate the following sequence of events: 1. First hardware, that is, eDMA peripheral, request for channel service. 2. The channel is selected by arbitration for servicing. 3. eDMA engine writes: TCDn_CSR[DONE] = 0, TCDn_CSR[START] = 0, TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] = 1. 4. eDMA engine reads: channel TCDn data from local memory to internal register file. 5. The source to destination transfers are executed as follows: a. Read byte from location 0x1000, read byte from location 0x1001, read byte from 0x1002, read byte from 0x1003. b. Write 32-bits to location 0x2000 first iteration of the minor loop. c. Read byte from location 0x1004, read byte from location 0x1005, read byte from 0x1006, read byte from 0x1007. d. Write 32-bits to location 0x2004 second iteration of the minor loop. e. Read byte from location 0x1008, read byte from location 0x1009, read byte from 0x100A, read byte from 0x100B. f. Write 32-bits to location 0x2008 third iteration of the minor loop. g. Read byte from location 0x100C, read byte from location 0x100D, read byte from 0x100E, read byte from 0x100F. h. Write 32-bits to location 0x200C last iteration of the minor loop. 6. eDMA engine writes: TCDn_SADDR = 0x1010, TCDn_DADDR = 0x2010, TCDn_CITER = 1. 7. eDMA engine writes: TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] = 0. 8. The channel retires one iteration of the major loop. The eDMA goes idle or services the next channel. 9. Second hardware, that is, eDMA peripheral, requests channel service. 10. The channel is selected by arbitration for servicing. 11. eDMA engine writes: TCDn_CSR[DONE] = 0, TCDn_CSR[START] = 0, TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] = 1. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 436 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) 12. eDMA engine reads: channel TCD data from local memory to internal register file. 13. The source to destination transfers are executed as follows: a. Read byte from location 0x1010, read byte from location 0x1011, read byte from 0x1012, read byte from 0x1013. b. Write 32-bits to location 0x2010 first iteration of the minor loop. c. Read byte from location 0x1014, read byte from location 0x1015, read byte from 0x1016, read byte from 0x1017. d. Write 32-bits to location 0x2014 second iteration of the minor loop. e. Read byte from location 0x1018, read byte from location 0x1019, read byte from 0x101A, read byte from 0x101B. f. Write 32-bits to location 0x2018 third iteration of the minor loop. g. Read byte from location 0x101C, read byte from location 0x101D, read byte from 0x101E, read byte from 0x101F. h. Write 32-bits to location 0x201C last iteration of the minor loop major loop complete. 14. eDMA engine writes: TCDn_SADDR = 0x1000, TCDn_DADDR = 0x2000, TCDn_CITER = 2 (TCDn_BITER). 15. eDMA engine writes: TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] = 0, TCDn_CSR[DONE] = 1, INT[n] = 1. 16. The channel retires major loop complete. The eDMA goes idle or services the next channel. Using the modulo feature The modulo feature of the eDMA provides the ability to implement a circular data queue in which the size of the queue is a power of 2. MOD is a 5-bit field for the source and destination in the TCD, and it specifies which lower address bits increment from their original value after the address+offset calculation. All upper address bits remain the same as in the original value. A setting of 0 for this field disables the modulo feature. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 437 Initialization/application information The following table shows how the transfer addresses are specified based on the setting of the MOD field. Here a circular buffer is created where the address wraps to the original value while the 28 upper address bits (0x1234567x) retain their original value. In this example the source address is set to 0x12345670, the offset is set to 4 bytes and the MOD field is set to 4, allowing for a 24 byte (16-byte) size queue. Table 22-9. Modulo example Transfer Number Address 1 0x12345670 2 0x12345674 3 0x12345678 4 0x1234567C 5 0x12345670 6 0x12345674 22.5.5 Monitoring transfer descriptor status This section discusses how to monitor eDMA status. Testing for minor loop completion There are two methods to test for minor loop completion when using software initiated service requests. The first is to read the TCDn_CITER field and test for a change. Another method may be extracted from the sequence shown below. The second method is to test the TCDn_CSR[START] bit and the TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] bit. The minor-loopcomplete condition is indicated by both bits reading zero after the TCDn_CSR[START] was set. Polling the TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] bit may be inconclusive, because the active status may be missed if the channel execution is short in duration. The TCD status bits execute the following sequence for a software activated channel: Stage TCDn_CSR bits State START ACTIVE DONE 1 1 0 0 Channel service request via software 2 0 1 0 Channel is executing 3a 0 0 0 Channel has completed the minor loop and is idle 3b 0 0 1 Channel has completed the major loop and is idle KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 438 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) The best method to test for minor-loop completion when using hardware, that is, peripheral, initiated service requests is to read the TCDn_CITER field and test for a change. The hardware request and acknowledge handshake signals are not visible in the programmer's model. The TCD status bits execute the following sequence for a hardware-activated channel: Stage TCDn_CSR bits State START ACTIVE DONE 1 0 0 0 Channel service request via hardware (peripheral request asserted) 2 0 1 0 Channel is executing 3a 0 0 0 Channel has completed the minor loop and is idle 3b 0 0 1 Channel has completed the major loop and is idle For both activation types, the major-loop-complete status is explicitly indicated via the TCDn_CSR[DONE] bit. The TCDn_CSR[START] bit is cleared automatically when the channel begins execution regardless of how the channel activates. Reading the transfer descriptors of active channels The eDMA reads back the true TCDn_SADDR, TCDn_DADDR, and TCDn_NBYTES values if read while a channel executes. The true values of the SADDR, DADDR, and NBYTES are the values the eDMA engine currently uses in its internal register file and not the values in the TCD local memory for that channel. The addresses, SADDR and DADDR, and NBYTES, which decrement to zero as the transfer progresses, can give an indication of the progress of the transfer. All other values are read back from the TCD local memory. Checking channel preemption status Preemption is available only when fixed arbitration is selected as the channel arbitration mode. A preemptive situation is one in which a preempt-enabled channel runs and a higher priority request becomes active. When the eDMA engine is not operating in fixed channel arbitration mode, the determination of the actively running relative priority outstanding requests become undefined. Channel priorities are treated as equal, that is, constantly rotating, when Round-Robin Arbitration mode is selected. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 439 Initialization/application information The TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] bit for the preempted channel remains asserted throughout the preemption. The preempted channel is temporarily suspended while the preempting channel executes one major loop iteration. If two TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] bits are set simultaneously in the global TCD map, a higher priority channel is actively preempting a lower priority channel. 22.5.6 Channel Linking Channel linking (or chaining) is a mechanism where one channel sets the TCDn_CSR[START] bit of another channel (or itself), therefore initiating a service request for that channel. When properly enabled, the EDMA engine automatically performs this operation at the major or minor loop completion. The minor loop channel linking occurs at the completion of the minor loop (or one iteration of the major loop). The TCDn_CITER[E_LINK] field determines whether a minor loop link is requested. When enabled, the channel link is made after each iteration of the major loop except for the last. When the major loop is exhausted, only the major loop channel link fields are used to determine if a channel link should be made. For example, the initial fields of: TCDn_CITER[E_LINK] = 1 TCDn_CITER[LINKCH] = 0xC TCDn_CITER[CITER] value = 0x4 TCDn_CSR[MAJOR_E_LINK] = 1 TCDn_CSR[MAJOR_LINKCH] = 0x7 executes as: 1. Minor loop done set TCD12_CSR[START] bit 2. Minor loop done set TCD12_CSR[START] bit 3. Minor loop done set TCD12_CSR[START] bit 4. Minor loop done, major loop done set TCD7_CSR[START] bit When minor loop linking is enabled (TCDn_CITER[E_LINK] = 1), the TCDn_CITER[CITER] field uses a nine bit vector to form the current iteration count. When minor loop linking is disabled (TCDn_CITER[E_LINK] = 0), the TCDn_CITER[CITER] field uses a 15-bit vector to form the current iteration count. The bits associated with the TCDn_CITER[LINKCH] field are concatenated onto the CITER value to increase the range of the CITER. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 440 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Note The TCDn_CITER[E_LINK] bit and the TCDn_BITER[E_LINK] bit must equal or a configuration error is reported. The CITER and BITER vector widths must be equal to calculate the major loop, half-way done interrupt point. The following table summarizes how a DMA channel can link to another DMA channel, i.e, use another channel's TCD, at the end of a loop. Table 22-10. Channel Linking Parameters Desired Link Behavior Link at end of Minor Loop Link at end of Major Loop TCD Control Field Name Description CITER[E_LINK] Enable channel-to-channel linking on minor loop completion (current iteration) CITER[LINKCH] Link channel number when linking at end of minor loop (current iteration) CSR[MAJOR_E_LINK] Enable channel-to-channel linking on major loop completion CSR[MAJOR_LINKCH] Link channel number when linking at end of major loop 22.5.7 Dynamic programming This section provides recommended methods to change the programming model during channel execution. Dynamically changing the channel priority The following two options are recommended for dynamically changing channel priority levels: 1. Switch to Round-Robin Channel Arbitration mode, change the channel priorities, then switch back to Fixed Arbitration mode, 2. Disable all the channels, change the channel priorities, then enable the appropriate channels. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 441 Initialization/application information Dynamic channel linking Dynamic channel linking is the process of setting the TCD.major.e_link bit during channel execution (see the diagram in TCD structure). This bit is read from the TCD local memory at the end of channel execution, thus allowing the user to enable the feature during channel execution. Because the user is allowed to change the configuration during execution, a coherency model is needed. Consider the scenario where the user attempts to execute a dynamic channel link by enabling the TCD.major.e_link bit at the same time the eDMA engine is retiring the channel. The TCD.major.e_link would be set in the programmer's model, but it would be unclear whether the actual link was made before the channel retired. The following coherency model is recommended when executing a dynamic channel link request. 1. Write 1 to the TCD.major.e_link bit. 2. Read back the TCD.major.e_link bit. 3. Test the TCD.major.e_link request status: * If TCD.major.e_link = 1, the dynamic link attempt was successful. * If TCD.major.e_link = 0, the attempted dynamic link did not succeed (the channel was already retiring). For this request, the TCD local memory controller forces the TCD.major.e_link bit to zero on any writes to a channel's TCD.word7 after that channel's TCD.done bit is set, indicating the major loop is complete. NOTE The user must clear the TCD.done bit before writing the TCD.major.e_link bit. The TCD.done bit is cleared automatically by the eDMA engine after a channel begins execution. Dynamic scatter/gather Scatter/gather is the process of automatically loading a new TCD into a channel. It allows a DMA channel to use multiple TCDs; this enables a DMA channel to scatter the DMA data to multiple destinations or gather it from multiple sources.When scatter/gather is enabled and the channel has finished its major loop, a new TCD is fetched from system memory and loaded into that channel's descriptor location in eDMA programmer's model, thus replacing the current descriptor. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 442 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Because the user is allowed to change the configuration during execution, a coherency model is needed. Consider the scenario where the user attempts to execute a dynamic scatter/gather operation by enabling the TCD.e_sg bit at the same time the eDMA engine is retiring the channel. The TCD.e_sg would be set in the programmer's model, but it would be unclear whether the actual scatter/gather request was honored before the channel retired. Two methods for this coherency model are shown in the following subsections. Method 1 has the advantage of reading the major.linkch field and the e_sg bit with a single read. For both dynamic channel linking and scatter/gather requests, the TCD local memory controller forces the TCD.major.e_link and TCD.e_sg bits to zero on any writes to a channel's TCD.word7 if that channel's TCD.done bit is set indicating the major loop is complete. NOTE The user must clear the TCD.done bit before writing the TCD.major.e_link or TCD.e_sg bits. The TCD.done bit is cleared automatically by the eDMA engine after a channel begins execution. Method 1 (channel not using major loop channel linking) For a channel not using major loop channel linking, the coherency model described here may be used for a dynamic scatter/gather request. When the TCD.major.e_link bit is zero, the TCD.major.linkch field is not used by the eDMA. In this case, the TCD.major.linkch bits may be used for other purposes. This method uses the TCD.major.linkch field as a TCD indentification (ID). 1. When the descriptors are built, write a unique TCD ID in the TCD.major.linkch field for each TCD associated with a channel using dynamic scatter/gather. 2. Write 1b to the TCD.d_req bit. Should a dynamic scatter/gather attempt fail, setting the TCD.d_req bit will prevent a future hardware activation of this channel. This stops the channel from executing with a destination address (daddr) that was calculated using a scatter/gather address (written in the next step) instead of a dlast final offest value. 3. Write the TCD.dlast_sga field with the scatter/gather address. 4. Write 1b to the TCD.e_sg bit. 5. Read back the 16 bit TCD control/status field. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 443 Initialization/application information 6. Test the TCD.e_sg request status and TCD.major.linkch value: If e_sg = 1b, the dynamic link attempt was successful. If e_sg = 0b and the major.linkch (ID) did not change, the attempted dynamic link did not succeed (the channel was already retiring). If e_sg = 0b and the major.linkch (ID) changed, the dynamic link attempt was successful (the new TCD's e_sg value cleared the e_sg bit). Method 2 (channel using major loop channel linking) For a channel using major loop channel linking, the coherency model described here may be used for a dynamic scatter/gather request. This method uses the TCD.dlast_sga field as a TCD indentification (ID). 1. Write 1b to the TCD.d_req bit. Should a dynamic scatter/gather attempt fail, setting the d_req bit will prevent a future hardware activation of this channel. This stops the channel from executing with a destination address (daddr) that was calculated using a scatter/gather address (written in the next step) instead of a dlast final offest value. 2. 3. 4. 5. Write theTCD.dlast_sga field with the scatter/gather address. Write 1b to the TCD.e_sg bit. Read back the TCD.e_sg bit. Test the TCD.e_sg request status: If e_sg = 1b, the dynamic link attempt was successful. If e_sg = 0b, read the 32 bit TCD dlast_sga field. If e_sg = 0b and the dlast_sga did not change, the attempted dynamic link did not succeed (the channel was already retiring). If e_sg = 0b and the dlast_sga changed, the dynamic link attempt was successful (the new TCD's e_sg value cleared the e_sg bit). KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 444 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 External Watchdog Monitor (EWM) 23.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. For safety, a redundant watchdog system, External Watchdog Monitor (EWM), is designed to monitor external circuits, as well as the MCU software flow. This provides a back-up mechanism to the internal watchdog that resets the MCU's CPU and peripherals. The watchdog is generally used to monitor the flow and execution of embedded software within an MCU. The watchdog consists of a counter that if allowed to overflow, forces an internal reset (asynchronous) to all on-chip peripherals and optionally assert the RESET pin to reset external devices/circuits. The overflow of the watchdog counter must not occur if the software code works well and services the watchdog to re-start the actual counter. The EWM differs from the internal watchdog in that it does not reset the MCU's CPU and peripherals. The EWM provides an independent EWM_out signal that when asserted resets or places an external circuit into a safe mode. The EWM_out signal is asserted upon the EWM counter time-out. An optional external input EWM_in is provided to allow additional control of the assertion of EWM_out signal. 23.1.1 Features Features of EWM module include: * Independent LPO_CLK clock source * Programmable time-out period specified in terms of number of EWM LPO_CLK clock cycles. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 445 Introduction * Windowed refresh option * Provides robust check that program flow is faster than expected. * Programmable window. * Refresh outside window leads to assertion of EWM_out. * Robust refresh mechanism * Write values of 0xB4 and 0x2C to EWM Refresh Register within 15 (EWM_refresh_time) peripheral bus clock cycles. * One output port, EWM_out, when asserted is used to reset or place the external circuit into safe mode. * One Input port, EWM_in, allows an external circuit to control the assertion of the EWM_out signal. 23.1.2 Modes of Operation This section describes the module's operating modes. Stop Mode When the EWM is in stop mode, the CPU refreshes to the EWM cannot occur. On entry to stop mode, the EWM's counter freezes. There are two possible ways to exit from Stop mode: * On exit from stop mode through a reset, the EWM remains disabled. * On exit from stop mode by an interrupt, the EWM is re-enabled, and the counter continues to be clocked from the same value prior to entry to stop mode. Note the following if the EWM enters the stop mode during CPU refresh mechanism: At the exit from stop mode by an interrupt, refresh mechanism state machine starts from the previous state which means, if first refresh command is written correctly and EWM enters the stop mode immediately, the next command has to be written within the next 15 (EWM_refresh_time) peripheral bus clocks after exiting from stop mode. User must mask all interrupts prior to executing EWM refresh instructions. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 446 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 External Watchdog Monitor (EWM) Wait Mode The EWM module treats the stop and wait modes as the same. EWM functionality remains the same in both of these modes. Debug Mode Entry to debug mode has no effect on the EWM. * If the EWM is enabled prior to entry of debug mode, it remains enabled. * If the EWM is disabled prior to entry of debug mode, it remains disabled. 23.1.3 Block Diagram This figure shows the EWM block diagram. LPO_CLK Clock Divider Logic Low Power Clock Clock Gating Cell Counter Value 8-bit Counter Reset to Counter Enable EWM_CLKPRESCALER[CLK_DIV] AND OR CPU Reset EWM_CTRL[EWMEN] EWM Refreshed Counter overflow EWM_out EWM Refresh And /EWM_out Output Control Mechanism EWM_CMPH[COMPAREH] EWM_CMPL[COMPAREL] EWM_in EWM Service Register Figure 23-1. EWM Block Diagram KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 447 EWM Signal Descriptions 23.2 EWM Signal Descriptions The EWM has two external signals, as shown in the following table. Table 23-1. EWM Signal Descriptions Signal Description EWM_in EWM_out I/O EWM input for safety status of external safety circuits. The polarity of EWM_in is programmable using the EWM_CTRL[ASSIN] bit. The default polarity is active-low. I EWM reset out signal O 23.3 Memory Map/Register Definition This section contains the module memory map and registers. EWM memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 4006_1000 Control Register (EWM_CTRL) 8 R/W 00h 23.3.1/448 4006_1001 Service Register (EWM_SERV) 8 W (always reads 0) 00h 23.3.2/449 4006_1002 Compare Low Register (EWM_CMPL) 8 R/W 00h 23.3.3/449 4006_1003 Compare High Register (EWM_CMPH) 8 R/W FFh 23.3.4/450 4006_1005 Clock Prescaler Register (EWM_CLKPRESCALER) 8 R/W 00h 23.3.5/451 23.3.1 Control Register (EWM_CTRL) The CTRL register is cleared by any reset. NOTE INEN, ASSIN and EWMEN bits can be written once after a CPU reset. Modifying these bits more than once, generates a bus transfer error. Address: 4006_1000h base + 0h offset = 4006_1000h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 INTEN INEN ASSIN EWMEN 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 448 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 External Watchdog Monitor (EWM) EWM_CTRL field descriptions Field 7-4 Reserved 3 INTEN 2 INEN 1 ASSIN 0 EWMEN Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Interrupt Enable. This bit when set and EWM_out is asserted, an interrupt request is generated. To de-assert interrupt request, user should clear this bit by writing 0. Input Enable. This bit when set, enables the EWM_in port. EWM_in's Assertion State Select. Default assert state of the EWM_in signal is logic zero. Setting the ASSIN bit inverts the assert state of EWM_in signal to a logic one. EWM enable. This bit when set, enables the EWM module. This resets the EWM counter to zero and deasserts the EWM_out signal. This bit when unset, keeps the EWM module disabled. It cannot be re-enabled until a next reset, due to the write-once nature of this bit. 23.3.2 Service Register (EWM_SERV) The SERV register provides the interface from the CPU to the EWM module. It is writeonly and reads of this register return zero. Address: 4006_1000h base + 1h offset = 4006_1001h Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 0 Write SERVICE Reset 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 EWM_SERV field descriptions Field SERVICE Description The EWM refresh mechanism requires the CPU to write two values to the SERV register: a first data byte of 0xB4, followed by a second data byte of 0x2C. The EWM refresh is invalid if either of the following conditions is true. * The first or second data byte is not written correctly. * The second data byte is not written within a fixed number of peripheral bus cycles of the first data byte. This fixed number of cycles is called EWM_refresh_time. 23.3.3 Compare Low Register (EWM_CMPL) The CMPL register is reset to zero after a CPU reset. This provides no minimum time for the CPU to refresh the EWM counter. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 449 Memory Map/Register Definition NOTE This register can be written only once after a CPU reset. Writing this register more than once generates a bus transfer error. Address: 4006_1000h base + 2h offset = 4006_1002h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 COMPAREL 0 0 0 0 EWM_CMPL field descriptions Field COMPAREL Description To prevent runaway code from changing this field, software should write to this field after a CPU reset even if the (default) minimum refresh time is required. 23.3.4 Compare High Register (EWM_CMPH) The CMPH register is reset to 0xFF after a CPU reset. This provides a maximum of 256 clocks time, for the CPU to refresh the EWM counter. NOTE This register can be written only once after a CPU reset. Writing this register more than once generates a bus transfer error. NOTE The valid values for CMPH are up to 0xFE because the EWM counter never expires when CMPH = 0xFF. The expiration happens only if EWM counter is greater than CMPH. Address: 4006_1000h base + 3h offset = 4006_1003h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 COMPAREH 1 1 1 1 EWM_CMPH field descriptions Field COMPAREH Description To prevent runaway code from changing this field, software should write to this field after a CPU reset even if the (default) maximum refresh time is required. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 450 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 External Watchdog Monitor (EWM) 23.3.5 Clock Prescaler Register (EWM_CLKPRESCALER) This CLKPRESCALER register is reset to 0x00 after a CPU reset. NOTE This register can be written only once after a CPU reset. Writing this register more than once generates a bus transfer error. NOTE Write the required prescaler value before enabling the EWM. NOTE The implementation of this register is chip-specific. See the Chip Configuration details. Address: 4006_1000h base + 5h offset = 4006_1005h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CLK_DIV 0 0 0 0 EWM_CLKPRESCALER field descriptions Field CLK_DIV Description Selected low power clock source for running the EWM counter can be prescaled as below. * Prescaled clock frequency = low power clock source frequency / ( 1 + CLK_DIV ) 23.4 Functional Description The following sections describe functional details of the EWM module. NOTE When the BUS_CLK is lost, then EWM module doesn't generate the EWM_out signal and no refresh operation is possible 23.4.1 The EWM_out Signal The EWM_out is a digital output signal used to gate an external circuit (application specific) that controls critical safety functions. For example, the EWM_out could be connected to the high voltage transistors circuits that control an AC motor in a large appliance. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 451 Functional Description The EWM_out signal remains deasserted when the EWM is being regularly refreshed by the CPU within the programmable refresh window, indicating that the application code is executed as expected. The EWM_out signal is asserted in any of the following conditions: * The EWM refresh occurs when the counter value is less than CMPL value. * The EWM counter value reaches the CMPH value, and no EWM refresh has occurred. * If functionality of EWM_in pin is enabled and EWM_in pin is asserted while refreshing the EWM. * After any reset (by the virtue of the external pull-down mechanism on the EWM_out pin) The EWM_out is asserted after any reset by the virtue of the external pull-down mechanism on the EWM_out signal. Then, to deassert the EWM_out signal, set EWMEN bit in the CTRL register to enable the EWM. If the EWM_out signal shares its pad with a digital I/O pin, on reset this actual pad defers to being an input signal. The pad state is controlled by the EWM_out signal only after the EWM is enabled by the EWMEN bit in the CTRL register. Note EWM_out pad must be in pull down state when EWM functionality is used and when EWM is under Reset. 23.4.2 The EWM_in Signal The EWM_in is a digital input signal for safety status of external safety circuits, that allows an external circuit to control the assertion of the EWM_out signal. For example, in the application, an external circuit monitors a critical safety function, and if there is fault with safety function, the external circuit can then actively initiate the EWM_out signal that controls the gating circuit. The EWM_in signal is ignored if the EWM is disabled, or if INEN bit of CTRL register is cleared, as after any reset. On enabling the EWM (setting the CTRL[EWMEN] bit) and enabling EWM_in functionality (setting the CTRL[INEN] bit), the EWM_in signal must be in the deasserted state prior to the CPU start refreshing the EWM. This ensures that the EWM_out stays in the deasserted state; otherwise, the EWM_out output signal is asserted. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 452 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 External Watchdog Monitor (EWM) Note The user must update the CMPH and CMPL registers prior to enabling the EWM. After enabling the EWM, the counter resets to zero, therefore the user shall provide a reasonable time after a power-on reset for the external monitoring circuit to stabilize. The user shall also ensure that the EWM_in pin is deasserted. 23.4.3 EWM Counter It is an 8-bit ripple counter fed from a clock source that is independent of the peripheral bus clock source. As the preferred time-out is between 1 ms and 100 ms the actual clock source should be in the kHz range. The counter is reset to zero after the CPU reset, or when EWM refresh action completes, or at counter overflow. The counter value is not accessible to the CPU. 23.4.4 EWM Compare Registers The compare registers CMPL and CMPH are write-once after a CPU reset and cannot be modified until another CPU reset occurs. The EWM compare registers are used to create a refresh window to refresh the EWM module. It is illegal to program CMPL and CMPH with same value. In this case, as soon as counter reaches (CMPL + 1), EWM_out is asserted. 23.4.5 EWM Refresh Mechanism Other than the initial configuration of the EWM, the CPU can only access the EWM by the EWM Service Register. The CPU must access the EWM service register with correct write of unique data within the windowed time frame as determined by the CMPL and CMPH registers for correct EWM refresh operation. Therefore, three possible conditions can occur: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 453 Functional Description Table 23-2. EWM Refresh Mechanisms Condition Mechanism An EWM refresh action completes when: The software behaves as expected and the EWM counter is reset to zero. The EWM_out output signal remains in the deasserted state if, during the EWM refresh action, the EWM_in input has been in deasserted state.. CMPL < Counter < CMPH. An EWM refresh action completes when Counter < CMPL The software refreshes the EWM before the windowed time frame, the counter is reset to zero and the EWM_out output signal is asserted irrespective of the input EWM_in. Counter value reaches CMPH prior to completion of EWM refresh action. Software has not refreshed the EWM. The EWM counter is reset to zero and the EWM_out output signal is asserted irrespective of the input EWM_in. 23.4.6 EWM Interrupt When EWM_out is asserted, an interrupt request is generated to indicate the assertion of the EWM reset out signal. This interrupt is enabled when CTRL[INTEN] is set. Clearing this bit clears the interrupt request but does not affect EWM_out. The EWM_out signal can be deasserted only by forcing a system reset. 23.4.7 Counter clock prescaler The EWM counter clock source can be prescaled by a clock divider, by programming CLKPRESCALER[CLK_DIV]. This divided clock is used to run the EWM counter. NOTE The divided clock used to run the EWM counter must be no more than half the frequency of the bus clock. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 454 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 24 Watchdog Timer (WDOG) 24.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The Watchdog Timer (WDOG) keeps a watch on the system functioning and resets it in case of its failure. Reasons for failure include run-away software code and the stoppage of the system clock that in a safety critical system can lead to serious consequences. In such cases, the watchdog brings the system into a safe state of operation. The watchdog monitors the operation of the system by expecting periodic communication from the software, generally known as servicing or refreshing the watchdog. If this periodic refreshing does not occur, the watchdog resets the system. 24.2 Features The features of the Watchdog Timer (WDOG) include: * Clock source input independent from CPU/bus clock. Choice between two clock sources: * Low-power oscillator (LPO) * External system clock * Unlock sequence for allowing updates to write-once WDOG control/configuration bits. * All WDOG control/configuration bits are writable once only within 256 bus clock cycles of being unlocked. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 455 Functional overview * You need to always update these bits after unlocking within 256 bus clock cycles. Failure to update these bits resets the system. * Programmable time-out period specified in terms of number of WDOG clock cycles. * Ability to test WDOG timer and reset with a flag indicating watchdog test. * Quick test--Small time-out value programmed for quick test. * Byte test--Individual bytes of timer tested one at a time. * Read-only access to the WDOG timer--Allows dynamic check that WDOG timer is operational. NOTE Reading the watchdog timer counter while running the watchdog on the bus clock might not give the accurate counter value. * Windowed refresh option * Provides robust check that program flow is faster than expected. * Programmable window. * Refresh outside window leads to reset. * Robust refresh mechanism * Write values of 0xA602 and 0xB480 to WDOG Refresh Register within 20 bus clock cycles. * Count of WDOG resets as they occur. * Configurable interrupt on time-out to provide debug breadcrumbs. This is followed by a reset after 256 bus clock cycles. 24.3 Functional overview KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 456 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 24 Watchdog Timer (WDOG) WDOG Unlock Sequence 2 Writes of data within K bus clock cycles of each other Disable Control/Configuration bit changes N bus clk cycles after unlocking Refresh Sequence 2 writes of data within K bus clock cycles of each other 0xC520 N bus clk cycles 0xD928 0xA602 0xB480 Allow update for N bus clk cycles WDOGEN WAITEN STOPEN Window_begin No unlock after reset WINEN DebugEN System Bus Clock WDOG CLKSRC 32-bit Modulus Reg (Time-out Value) 32-bit Timer Y Invalid Refresh Seq IRQ_RST_ EN = = 1? Refresh Outside Window N Timer Time-out WDOGTEST N bus clk cycles R WDOGT Interrupt No config after unlocking System reset and SRS register Invalid Unlock Seq LPO WDOG reset count Osc Alt Clock Fast Fn Test Clock WDOG Clock Selection WDOG CLK WDOGEN = WDOG Enable WINEN = Windowed Mode Enable WDOGT = WDOG Time-out Value WDOGCLKSRC = WDOG Clock Source WDOG Test = WDOG Test Mode WAIT EN = Enable in wait mode STOP EN = Enable in stop mode Debug EN = Enable in debug mode SRS = System Reset Status Register R = Timer Reload Figure 24-1. WDOG operation The preceding figure shows the operation of the watchdog. The values for N and K are: * N = 256 * K = 20 The watchdog is a fail safe mechanism that brings the system into a known initial state in case of its failure due to CPU clock stopping or a run-away condition in code execution. In its simplest form, the watchdog timer runs continuously off a clock source and expects to be serviced periodically, failing which it resets the system. This ensures that the software is executing correctly and has not run away in an unintended direction. Software can adjust the period of servicing or the time-out value for the watchdog timer to meet the needs of the application. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 457 Functional overview You can select a windowed mode of operation that expects the servicing to be done only in a particular window of the time-out period. An attempted servicing of the watchdog outside this window results in a reset. By operating in this mode, you can get an indication of whether the code is running faster than expected. The window length is also user programmable. If a system fails to update/refresh the watchdog due to an unknown and persistent cause, it will be caught in an endless cycle of resets from the watchdog. To analyze the cause of such conditions, you can program the watchdog to first issue an interrupt, followed by a reset. In the interrupt service routine, the software can analyze the system stack to aid debugging. To enhance the independence of watchdog from the system, it runs off an independent LPO oscillator clock. You can also switch over to an alternate clock source if required, through a control register bit. 24.3.1 Unlocking and updating the watchdog As long as ALLOW_UPDATE in the watchdog control register is set, you can unlock and modify the write-once-only control and configuration registers: 1. Write 0xC520 followed by 0xD928 within 20 bus clock cycles to a specific unlock register (WDOG_UNLOCK). 2. Wait one bus clock cycle. You cannot update registers on the bus clock cycle immediately following the write of the unlock sequence. 3. An update window equal in length to the watchdog configuration time (WCT) opens. Within this window, you can update the configuration and control register bits. These register bits can be modified only once after unlocking. If none of the configuration and control registers is updated within the update window, the watchdog issues a reset, that is, interrupt-then-reset, to the system. Trying to unlock the watchdog within the WCT after an initial unlock has no effect. During the update operation, the watchdog timer is not paused and continues running in the background. After the update window closes, the watchdog timer restarts and the watchdog functions according to the new configuration. The update feature is useful for applications that have an initial, non-safety critical part, where the watchdog is kept disabled or with a conveniently long time-out period. This means the application coder does not have to frequently service the watchdog. After the critical part of the application begins, the watchdog can be reconfigured as needed. The watchdog issues a reset, that is, interrupt-then-reset if enabled, to the system for any of these invalid unlock sequences: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 458 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 24 Watchdog Timer (WDOG) * Write any value other than 0xC520 or 0xD928 to the unlock register. * ALLOW_UPDATE is set and a gap of more than 20 bus clock cycles is inserted between the writing of the unlock sequence values. An attempted refresh operation between the two writes of the unlock sequence and in the WCT time following a successful unlock, goes undetected. Also, see Watchdog Operation with 8-bit access for guidelines related to 8-bit accesses to the unlock register. Note A context switch during unlocking and refreshing may lead to a watchdog reset. 24.3.2 Watchdog configuration time (WCT) To prevent unintended modification of the watchdog's control and configuration register bits, you are allowed to update them only within a period of 256 bus clock cycles after unlocking. This period is known as the watchdog configuration time (WCT). In addition, these register bits can be modified only once after unlocking them for editing, even after reset. You must unlock the registers within WCT after system reset, failing which the WDOG issues a reset to the system. In other words, you must write at least the first word of the unlocking sequence within the WCT after reset. After this is done, you have a further 20 bus clock cycles, the maximum allowed gap between the words of the unlock sequence, to complete the unlocking operation. Thereafter, to make sure that you do not forget to configure the watchdog, the watchdog issues a reset if none of the WDOG control and configuration registers is updated in the WCT after unlock. After the close of this window or after the first write, these register bits are locked out from any further changes. The watchdog timer keeps running according to its default configuration through unlocking and update operations that can extend up to a maximum total of 2xWCT + 20 bus clock cycles. Therefore, it must be ensured that the time-out value for the watchdog is always greater than 2xWCT time + 20 bus clock cycles. Updates in the write-once registers take effect only after the WCT window closes with the following exceptions for which changes take effect immediately: * Stop, Wait, and Debug mode enable * IRQ_RST_EN The operations of refreshing the watchdog goes undetected during the WCT. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 459 Functional overview 24.3.3 Refreshing the watchdog A robust refreshing mechanism has been chosen for the watchdog. A valid refresh is a write of 0xA602 followed by 0xB480 within 20 bus clock cycles to watchdog refresh register. If these two values are written more than 20 bus cycles apart or if something other than these two values is written to the register, a watchdog reset, or interrupt-thenreset if enabled, is issued to the system. A valid refresh makes the watchdog timer restart on the next bus clock. Also, an attempted unlock operation in between the two writes of the refresh sequence goes undetected. See Watchdog Operation with 8-bit access for guidelines related to 8-bit accesses to the refresh register. 24.3.4 Windowed mode of operation In this mode of operation, a restriction is placed on the point in time within the time-out period at which the watchdog can be refreshed. The refresh is considered valid only when the watchdog timer increments beyond a certain count as specified by the watchdog window register. This is known as refreshing the watchdog within a window of the total time-out period. If a refresh is attempted before the timer reaches the window value, the watchdog generates a reset, or interrupt-then-reset if enabled. If there is no refresh at all, the watchdog times out and generates a reset or interrupt-then-reset if enabled. 24.3.5 Watchdog disabled mode of operation When the watchdog is disabled through the WDOG_EN bit in the watchdog status and control register, the watchdog timer is reset to zero and is disabled from counting until you enable it or it is enabled again by the system reset. In this mode, the watchdog timer cannot be refreshed-there is no requirement to do so while the timer is disabled. However, the watchdog still generates a reset, or interrupt-then-reset if enabled, on a nontime-out exception. See Generated Resets and Interrupts. You need to unlock the watchdog before enabling it. A system reset brings the watchdog out of the disabled mode. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 460 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 24 Watchdog Timer (WDOG) 24.3.6 Debug modes of operation You can program the watchdog to disable in debug modes through DBG_EN in the watchdog control register. This results in the watchdog timer pausing for the duration of the mode. Register read/writes are still allowed, which means that operations like refresh, unlock, and so on are allowed. Upon exit from the mode, the timer resumes its operation from the point of pausing. The entry of the system into the mode does not excuse it from compulsorily configuring the watchdog in the WCT time after unlock, unless the system bus clock is gated off, in which case the internal state machine pauses too. Failing to do so still results in a reset, or interrupt-then-reset, if enabled, to the system. Also, all of the exception conditions that result in a reset to the system, as described in Generated Resets and Interrupts, are still valid in mode. So, if an exception condition occurs and the system bus clock is on, a reset occurs, or interrupt-then-reset, if enabled. The entry into Debug mode within WCT after reset is treated differently. The WDOG timer is kept reset to zero and there is no need to unlock and configure it within WCT. You must not try to refresh or unlock the WDOG in this state or unknown behavior may result. Upon exit from mode, the WDOG timer restarts and the WDOG has to be unlocked and configured within WCT. 24.4 Testing the watchdog For IEC 60730 and other safety standards, the expectation is that anything that monitors a safety function must be tested, and this test is required to be fault tolerant. To test the watchdog, its main timer and its associated compare and reset logic must be tested. To this end, two tests are implemented for the watchdog, as described in Quick Test and Byte Test. A control bit is provided to put the watchdog into functional test mode. There is also an overriding test-disable control bit which allows the functional test mode to be disabled permanently. After it is set, this test-disable bit can only be cleared by a reset. These two tests achieve the overall aim of testing the counter functioning and the compare and reset logic. Note Do not enable the watchdog interrupt during these tests. If required, you must ensure that the effective time-out value is greater than WCT time. See Generated Resets and Interrupts for more details. To run a particular test: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 461 Testing the watchdog 1. Select either quick test or byte test.. 2. Set a certain test mode bit to put the watchdog in the functional test mode. Setting this bit automatically switches the watchdog timer to a fast clock source. The switching of the clock source is done to achieve a faster time-out and hence a faster test. In a successful test, the timer times out after reaching the programmed time-out value and generates a system reset. Note After emerging from a reset due to a watchdog test, unlock and configure the watchdog. The refresh and unlock operations and interrupt are not automatically disabled in the test mode. 24.4.1 Quick test In this test, the time-out value of watchdog timer is programmed to a very low value to achieve quick time-out. The only difference between the quick test and the normal mode of the watchdog is that TESTWDOG is set for the quick test. This allows for a faster test of the watchdog reset mechanism. 24.4.2 Byte test The byte test is a more thorough a test of the watchdog timer. In this test, the timer is split up into its constituent byte-wide stages that are run independently and tested for time-out against the corresponding byte of the time-out value register. The following figure explains the splitting concept: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 462 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 24 Watchdog Timer (WDOG) Reset Value (Hardwired) Modulus Register (Time-out Value) Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 4 WDOG Reset WDOG Test Equality Comparison Mod = = Timer? 32-bit Timer Byte Stage 1 en Byte Stage 2 en Byte Stage 3 en Byte Stage 4 CLK Nth Stage Overflow Enables N + 1th Stage Figure 24-2. Watchdog timer byte splitting Each stage is an 8-bit synchronous counter followed by combinational logic that generates an overflow signal. The overflow signal acts as an enable to the N + 1th stage. In the test mode, when an individual byte, N, is tested, byte N - 1 is loaded forcefully with 0xFF, and both these bytes are allowed to run off the clock source. By doing so, the overflow signal from stage N - 1 is generated immediately, enabling counter stage N. The Nth stage runs and compares with the Nth byte of the time-out value register. In this way, the byte N is also tested along with the link between it and the preceding stage. No other stages, N - 2, N - 3... and N + 1, N + 2... are enabled for the test on byte N. These disabled stages, except the most significant stage of the counter, are loaded with a value of 0xFF. 24.5 Backup reset generator The backup reset generator generates the final reset which goes out to the system. It has a backup mechanism which ensures that in case the bus clock stops and prevents the main state machine from generating a reset exception/interrupt, the watchdog timer's time-out is separately routed out as a reset to the system. Two successive timer time-outs without an intervening system reset result in the backup reset generator routing out the time-out signal as a reset to the system. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 463 Generated resets and interrupts 24.6 Generated resets and interrupts The watchdog generates a reset in the following events, also referred to as exceptions: * A watchdog time-out * Failure to unlock the watchdog within WCT time after system reset deassertion * No update of the control and configuration registers within the WCT window after unlocking. At least one of the following registers must be written to within the WCT window to avoid reset: * WDOG_ST_CTRL_H, WDOG_ST_CTRL_L * WDOG_TO_VAL_H, WDOG_TO_VAL_L * WDOG_WIN_H, WDOG_WIN_L * WDOG_PRESCALER * A value other than the unlock sequence or the refresh sequence is written to the unlock and/or refresh registers, respectively. * A gap of more than 20 bus cycles exists between the writes of two values of the unlock sequence. * A gap of more than 20 bus cycles exists between the writes of two values of the refresh sequence. The watchdog can also generate an interrupt. If IRQ_RST_EN is set, then on the above mentioned events WDOG_ST_CTRL_L[INT_FLG] is set, generating an interrupt. A watchdog reset is also generated WCT time later to ensure the watchdog is fault tolerant. The interrupt can be cleared by writing 1 to INT_FLG. The gap of WCT between interrupt and reset means that the WDOG time-out value must be greater than WCT. Otherwise, if the interrupt was generated due to a time-out, a second consecutive time-out will occur in that WCT gap. This will trigger the backup reset generator to generate a reset to the system, prematurely ending the interrupt service routine execution. Also, jobs such as counting the number of watchdog resets would not be done. 24.7 Memory map and register definition This section consists of the memory map and register descriptions. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 464 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 24 Watchdog Timer (WDOG) WDOG memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 4005_2000 Watchdog Status and Control Register High (WDOG_STCTRLH) 16 R/W 01D3h 24.7.1/465 4005_2002 Watchdog Status and Control Register Low (WDOG_STCTRLL) 16 R/W 0001h 24.7.2/467 4005_2004 Watchdog Time-out Value Register High (WDOG_TOVALH) 16 R/W 004Ch 24.7.3/467 4005_2006 Watchdog Time-out Value Register Low (WDOG_TOVALL) 16 R/W 4B4Ch 24.7.4/468 4005_2008 Watchdog Window Register High (WDOG_WINH) 16 R/W 0000h 24.7.5/468 4005_200A Watchdog Window Register Low (WDOG_WINL) 16 R/W 0010h 24.7.6/469 4005_200C Watchdog Refresh register (WDOG_REFRESH) 16 R/W B480h 24.7.7/469 4005_200E Watchdog Unlock register (WDOG_UNLOCK) 16 R/W D928h 24.7.8/469 4005_2010 Watchdog Timer Output Register High (WDOG_TMROUTH) 16 R/W 0000h 24.7.9/470 4005_2012 Watchdog Timer Output Register Low (WDOG_TMROUTL) 16 R/W 0000h 24.7.10/470 4005_2014 Watchdog Reset Count register (WDOG_RSTCNT) 16 R/W 0000h 24.7.11/471 4005_2016 Watchdog Prescaler register (WDOG_PRESC) 16 R/W 0400h 24.7.12/471 24.7.1 Watchdog Status and Control Register High (WDOG_STCTRLH) 4 3 2 1 0 WDOGEN 0 5 CLKSRC 0 6 IRQRSTEN 0 0 7 WINEN 0 0 8 ALLOWUPDAT E 0 9 DBGEN 0 10 STOPEN Reset 11 WAITEN Write 12 Reserved 0 13 TESTWDOG Read 14 BYTESEL[1:0] 15 DISTESTWDO G Bit TESTSEL Address: 4005_2000h base + 0h offset = 4005_2000h 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 WDOG_STCTRLH field descriptions Field 15 Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 14 Allows the WDOG's functional test mode to be disabled permanently. After it is set, it can only be cleared DISTESTWDOG by a reset. It cannot be unlocked for editing after it is set. 0 1 13-12 BYTESEL[1:0] WDOG functional test mode is not disabled. WDOG functional test mode is disabled permanently until reset. This 2-bit field selects the byte to be tested when the watchdog is in the byte test mode. 00 01 Byte 0 selected Byte 1 selected Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 465 Memory map and register definition WDOG_STCTRLH field descriptions (continued) Field Description 10 11 11 TESTSEL 10 TESTWDOG Byte 2 selected Byte 3 selected Effective only if TESTWDOG is set. Selects the test to be run on the watchdog timer. 0 1 Quick test. The timer runs in normal operation. You can load a small time-out value to do a quick test. Byte test. Puts the timer in the byte test mode where individual bytes of the timer are enabled for operation and are compared for time-out against the corresponding byte of the programmed time-out value. Select the byte through BYTESEL[1:0] for testing. Puts the watchdog in the functional test mode. In this mode, the watchdog timer and the associated compare and reset generation logic is tested for correct operation. The clock for the timer is switched from the main watchdog clock to the fast clock input for watchdog functional test. The TESTSEL bit selects the test to be run. 9 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 8 Reserved This field is reserved. 7 WAITEN Enables or disables WDOG in Wait mode. 6 STOPEN Enables or disables WDOG in Stop mode. 5 DBGEN Enables or disables WDOG in Debug mode. 0 1 0 1 0 1 WDOG is disabled in CPU Wait mode. WDOG is enabled in CPU Wait mode. WDOG is disabled in CPU Stop mode. WDOG is enabled in CPU Stop mode. WDOG is disabled in CPU Debug mode. WDOG is enabled in CPU Debug mode. 4 Enables updates to watchdog write-once registers, after the reset-triggered initial configuration window ALLOWUPDATE (WCT) closes, through unlock sequence. 0 1 3 WINEN 2 IRQRSTEN No further updates allowed to WDOG write-once registers. WDOG write-once registers can be unlocked for updating. Enables Windowing mode. 0 1 Windowing mode is disabled. Windowing mode is enabled. Used to enable the debug breadcrumbs feature. A change in this bit is updated immediately, as opposed to updating after WCT. 0 1 WDOG time-out generates reset only. WDOG time-out initially generates an interrupt. After WCT, it generates a reset. 1 CLKSRC Selects clock source for the WDOG timer and other internal timing operations. 0 WDOGEN Enables or disables the WDOG's operation. In the disabled state, the watchdog timer is kept in the reset state, but the other exception conditions can still trigger a reset/interrupt. A change in the value of this bit must be held for more than one WDOG_CLK cycle for the WDOG to be enabled or disabled. 0 1 WDOG clock sourced from LPO . WDOG clock sourced from alternate clock source. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 466 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 24 Watchdog Timer (WDOG) WDOG_STCTRLH field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 WDOG is disabled. WDOG is enabled. 24.7.2 Watchdog Status and Control Register Low (WDOG_STCTRLL) Address: 4005_2000h base + 2h offset = 4005_2002h Bit Read Write Reset 15 14 13 12 11 INTFLG Bit Read Write Reset 10 9 8 Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 Reserved 0 0 0 0 WDOG_STCTRLL field descriptions Field Description 15 INTFLG Interrupt flag. It is set when an exception occurs. IRQRSTEN = 1 is a precondition to set this flag. INTFLG = 1 results in an interrupt being issued followed by a reset, WCT later. The interrupt can be cleared by writing 1 to this bit. It also gets cleared on a system reset. Reserved This field is reserved. NOTE: Do not modify this field value. 24.7.3 Watchdog Time-out Value Register High (WDOG_TOVALH) Address: 4005_2000h base + 4h offset = 4005_2004h Bit Read Write Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 TOVALHIGH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WDOG_TOVALH field descriptions Field Description TOVALHIGH Defines the upper 16 bits of the 32-bit time-out value for the watchdog timer. It is defined in terms of cycles of the watchdog clock. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 467 Memory map and register definition 24.7.4 Watchdog Time-out Value Register Low (WDOG_TOVALL) The time-out value of the watchdog must be set to a minimum of four watchdog clock cycles. This is to take into account the delay in new settings taking effect in the watchdog clock domain. Address: 4005_2000h base + 6h offset = 4005_2006h Bit Read Write Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 TOVALLOW 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 WDOG_TOVALL field descriptions Field Description TOVALLOW Defines the lower 16 bits of the 32-bit time-out value for the watchdog timer. It is defined in terms of cycles of the watchdog clock. 24.7.5 Watchdog Window Register High (WDOG_WINH) NOTE You must set the Window Register value lower than the Timeout Value Register. Address: 4005_2000h base + 8h offset = 4005_2008h Bit Read Write Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WINHIGH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WDOG_WINH field descriptions Field WINHIGH Description Defines the upper 16 bits of the 32-bit window for the windowed mode of operation of the watchdog. It is defined in terms of cycles of the watchdog clock. In this mode, the watchdog can be refreshed only when the timer has reached a value greater than or equal to this window length. A refresh outside this window resets the system or if IRQRSTEN is set, it interrupts and then resets the system. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 468 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 24 Watchdog Timer (WDOG) 24.7.6 Watchdog Window Register Low (WDOG_WINL) NOTE You must set the Window Register value lower than the Timeout Value Register. Address: 4005_2000h base + Ah offset = 4005_200Ah Bit Read Write Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 WINLOW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WDOG_WINL field descriptions Field Description WINLOW Defines the lower 16 bits of the 32-bit window for the windowed mode of operation of the watchdog. It is defined in terms of cycles of the pre-scaled watchdog clock. In this mode, the watchdog can be refreshed only when the timer reaches a value greater than or equal to this window length value. A refresh outside of this window resets the system or if IRQRSTEN is set, it interrupts and then resets the system. 24.7.7 Watchdog Refresh register (WDOG_REFRESH) Address: 4005_2000h base + Ch offset = 4005_200Ch Bit Read Write Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WDOGREFRESH 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 WDOG_REFRESH field descriptions Field Description WDOGREFRESH Watchdog refresh register. A sequence of 0xA602 followed by 0xB480 within 20 bus clock cycles written to this register refreshes the WDOG and prevents it from resetting the system. Writing a value other than the above mentioned sequence or if the sequence is longer than 20 bus cycles, resets the system, or if IRQRSTEN is set, it interrupts and then resets the system. 24.7.8 Watchdog Unlock register (WDOG_UNLOCK) Address: 4005_2000h base + Eh offset = 4005_200Eh Bit Read Write Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 WDOGUNLOCK 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 469 Memory map and register definition WDOG_UNLOCK field descriptions Field Description WDOGUNLOCK Writing the unlock sequence values to this register to makes the watchdog write-once registers writable again. The required unlock sequence is 0xC520 followed by 0xD928 within 20 bus clock cycles. A valid unlock sequence opens a window equal in length to the WCT within which you can update the registers. Writing a value other than the above mentioned sequence or if the sequence is longer than 20 bus cycles, resets the system or if IRQRSTEN is set, it interrupts and then resets the system. The unlock sequence is effective only if ALLOWUPDATE is set. 24.7.9 Watchdog Timer Output Register High (WDOG_TMROUTH) Address: 4005_2000h base + 10h offset = 4005_2010h Bit Read Write Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TIMEROUTHIGH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WDOG_TMROUTH field descriptions Field Description TIMEROUTHIGH Shows the value of the upper 16 bits of the watchdog timer. 24.7.10 Watchdog Timer Output Register Low (WDOG_TMROUTL) During Stop mode, the WDOG_TIMER_OUT will be caught at the pre-stop value of the watchdog timer. After exiting Stop mode, a maximum delay of 1 WDOG_CLK cycle + 3 bus clock cycles will occur before the WDOG_TIMER_OUT starts following the watchdog timer. Address: 4005_2000h base + 12h offset = 4005_2012h Bit Read Write Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TIMEROUTLOW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WDOG_TMROUTL field descriptions Field Description TIMEROUTLOW Shows the value of the lower 16 bits of the watchdog timer. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 470 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 24 Watchdog Timer (WDOG) 24.7.11 Watchdog Reset Count register (WDOG_RSTCNT) Address: 4005_2000h base + 14h offset = 4005_2014h Bit Read Write Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RSTCNT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WDOG_RSTCNT field descriptions Field Description RSTCNT Counts the number of times the watchdog resets the system. This register is reset only on a POR. Writing 1 to the bit to be cleared enables you to clear the contents of this register. 24.7.12 Watchdog Prescaler register (WDOG_PRESC) Address: 4005_2000h base + 16h offset = 4005_2016h Bit Read Write Reset 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 PRESCVAL 0 0 1 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WDOG_PRESC field descriptions Field 15-11 Reserved 10-8 PRESCVAL Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3-bit prescaler for the watchdog clock source. A value of zero indicates no division of the input WDOG clock. The watchdog clock is divided by (PRESCVAL + 1) to provide the prescaled WDOG_CLK. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 24.8 Watchdog operation with 8-bit access 24.8.1 General guideline When performing 8-bit accesses to the watchdog's 16-bit registers where the intention is to access both the bytes of a register, place the two 8-bit accesses one after the other in your code. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 471 Watchdog operation with 8-bit access 24.8.2 Refresh and unlock operations with 8-bit access One exception condition that generates a reset to the system is the write of any value other than those required for a legal refresh/update sequence to the respective refresh and unlock registers. For an 8-bit access to these registers, writing a correct value requires at least two bus clock cycles, resulting in an invalid value in the registers for one cycle. Therefore, the system is reset even if the intention is to write a correct value to the refresh/unlock register. Keeping this in mind, the exception condition for 8-bit accesses is slightly modified. Whereas the match for a correct value for a refresh/unlock sequence is as according to the original definition, the match for an incorrect value is done byte-wise on the refresh/ unlock rather than for the whole 16-bit value. This means that if the high byte of the refresh/unlock register contains any value other than high bytes of the two values that make up the sequence, it is treated as an exception condition, leading to a reset or interrupt-then-reset. The same holds true for the lower byte of the refresh or unlock register. Take the refresh operation that expects a write of 0xA602 followed by 0xB480 to the refresh register, as an example. Table 24-1. Refresh for 8-bit access WDOG_REFRESH[15:8] WDOG_REFRESH[7:0] Sequence value1 or value2 match Mismatch exception Current Value 0xB4 0x80 Value2 match No Write 1 0xB4 0x02 No match No Write 2 0xA6 0x02 Value1 match No Write 3 0xB4 0x02 No match No Write 4 0xB4 0x80 Value2 match. Sequence complete. No Write 5 0x02 0x80 No match Yes As shown in the preceding table, the refresh register holds its reset value initially. Thereafter, two 8-bit accesses are performed on the register to write the first value of the refresh sequence. No mismatch exception is registered on the intermediate write, Write1. The sequence is completed by performing two more 8-bit accesses, writing in the second value of the sequence for a successful refresh. It must be noted that the match of value2 takes place only when the complete 16-bit value is correctly written, write4. Hence, the requirement of writing value2 of the sequence within 20 bus clock cycles of value1 is checked by measuring the gap between write2 and write4. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 472 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 24 Watchdog Timer (WDOG) It is reiterated that the condition for matching values 1 and 2 of the refresh or unlock sequence remains unchanged. The difference for 8-bit accesses is that the criterion for detecting a mismatch is less strict. Any 16-bit access still needs to adhere to the original guidelines, mentioned in the sections Refreshing the Watchdog. 24.9 Restrictions on watchdog operation This section mentions some exceptions to the watchdog operation that may not be apparent to you. * Restriction on unlock/refresh operations--In the period between the closure of the WCT window after unlock and the actual reload of the watchdog timer, unlock and refresh operations need not be attempted. * The update and reload of the watchdog timer happens two to three watchdog clocks after WCT window closes, following a successful configuration on unlock. * Clock Switching Delay--The watchdog uses glitch-free multiplexers at two places - one to choose between the LPO oscillator input and alternate clock input, and the other to choose between the watchdog functional clock and fast clock input for watchdog functional test. A maximum time period of ~2 clock A cycles plus ~2 clock B cycles elapses from the time a switch is requested to the occurrence of the actual clock switch, where clock A and B are the two input clocks to the clock mux. * For the windowed mode, there is a two to three bus clock latency between the watchdog counter going past the window value and the same registering in the bus clock domain. * For proper operation of the watchdog, the watchdog clock must be at least five times slower than the system bus clock at all times. An exception is when the watchdog clock is synchronous to the bus clock wherein the watchdog clock can be as fast as the bus clock. * WCT must be equivalent to at least three watchdog clock cycles. If not ensured, this means that even after the close of the WCT window, you have to wait for the synchronized system reset to deassert in the watchdog clock domain, before expecting the configuration updates to take effect. * The time-out value of the watchdog should be set to a minimum of four watchdog clock cycles. This is to take into account the delay in new settings taking effect in the watchdog clock domain. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 473 Restrictions on watchdog operation * You must take care not only to refresh the watchdog within the watchdog timer's actual time-out period, but also provide enough allowance for the time it takes for the refresh sequence to be detected by the watchdog timer, on the watchdog clock. * Updates cannot be made in the bus clock cycle immediately following the write of the unlock sequence, but one bus clock cycle later. * It should be ensured that the time-out value for the watchdog is always greater than 2xWCT time + 20 bus clock cycles. * An attempted refresh operation, in between the two writes of the unlock sequence and in the WCT time following a successful unlock, will go undetected. * Trying to unlock the watchdog within the WCT time after an initial unlock has no effect. * The refresh and unlock operations and interrupt are not automatically disabled in the watchdog functional test mode. * After emerging from a reset due to a watchdog functional test, you are still expected to go through the mandatory steps of unlocking and configuring the watchdog. The watchdog continues to be in its functional test mode and therefore you should pull the watchdog out of the functional test mode within WCT time of reset. * After emerging from a reset due to a watchdog functional test, you still need to go through the mandatory steps of unlocking and configuring the watchdog. * You must ensure that both the clock inputs to the glitchless clock multiplexers are alive during the switching of clocks. Failure to do so results in a loss of clock at their outputs. * There is a gap of two to three watchdog clock cycles from the point that stop mode is entered to the watchdog timer actually pausing, due to synchronization. The same holds true for an exit from the stop mode, this time resulting in a two to three watchdog clock cycle delay in the timer restarting. In case the duration of the stop mode is less than one watchdog clock cycle, the watchdog timer is not guaranteed to pause. * Consider the case when the first refresh value is written, following which the system enters stop mode with system bus clk still on. If the second refresh value is not written within 20 bus cycles of the first value, the system is reset, or interrupt-thenreset if enabled. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 474 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 25 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) 25.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The multipurpose clock generator (MCG) module provides several clock source choices for the MCU. The module contains a frequency-locked loop (FLL). The FLL is controllable by either an internal or an external reference clock. The module can select either an FLL output clock, or a reference clock (internal or external) as a source for the MCU system clock. The MCG operates in conjuction with a crystal oscillator, which allows an external crystal, ceramic resonator, or another external clock source to produce the external reference clock. 25.1.1 Features Key features of the MCG module are: * Frequency-locked loop (FLL): * Digitally-controlled oscillator (DCO) * DCO frequency range is programmable for up to four different frequency ranges. * Option to program and maximize DCO output frequency for a low frequency external reference clock source. * Option to prevent FLL from resetting its current locked frequency when switching clock modes if FLL reference frequency is not changed. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 475 Introduction * Internal or external reference clock can be used as the FLL source. * Can be used as a clock source for other on-chip peripherals. * Internal reference clock generator: * Slow clock with nine trim bits for accuracy * Fast clock with four trim bits * Can be used as source clock for the FLL. In FEI mode, only the slow Internal Reference Clock (IRC) can be used as the FLL source. * Either the slow or the fast clock can be selected as the clock source for the MCU. * Can be used as a clock source for other on-chip peripherals. * Control signals for the MCG external reference low power oscillator clock generators are provided: * HGO, RANGE, EREFS * External clock from the Crystal Oscillator : * Can be used as a source for the FLL. * Can be selected as the clock source for the MCU. * External clock from the Real Time Counter (RTC): * Can be used as a source for the FLL only. * Can be selected as the clock source for the MCU. * External clock monitor with reset and interrupt request capability to check for external clock failure when running in FBE, BLPE, or FEE modes * Internal Reference Clocks Auto Trim Machine (ATM) capability using an external clock as a reference * Reference dividers for the FLL are provided * Reference dividers for the Fast Internal Reference Clock are provided * MCG FLL Clock (MCGFLLCLK) is provided as a clock source for other on-chip peripherals KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 476 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 25 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) * MCG Fixed Frequency Clock (MCGFFCLK) is provided as a clock source for other on-chip peripherals * MCG Internal Reference Clock (MCGIRCLK) is provided as a clock source for other on-chip peripherals This figure presents the block diagram of the MCG module. Oscillator (OSC0) Oscillator (OSC2) Oscillator (OSC1) CLKS OSCINIT EREFS MCG Crystal Oscillator Enable Detect OSCSEL HGO IREFS OSCSELCLK RANGE ATMF SCTRIM SCFTRIM FCTRIM Internal Reference Auto Trim Machine ATMS STOP IREFSTEN / 2n IRCSCLK n=0-7 CME0 CME1 MCGOUTCLK LOCS0 External Clock Monitor LOCS1 DRS IREFS DMX32 LOCRE0 LOCRE1 CLKS IRCS Slow Clock Fast Clock Clock Generator MCGIRCLK IRCLKEN Filter MCGFLLCLK DCO FLTPRSRV / 2n /2 5 DCOOUT n=0-7 FLL FRDIV Peripheral BUSCLK MCGFFCLK RANGE /2 Sync LP Clock Valid Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) Figure 25-1. Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) block diagram NOTE Refer to the chip configuration chapter to identify the oscillator used in this MCU. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 477 External Signal Description 25.1.2 Modes of Operation The MCG has the following modes of operation: FEI, FEE, FBI, FBE, BLPI, BLPE, and Stop. For details, see MCG modes of operation. 25.2 External Signal Description There are no MCG signals that connect off chip. 25.3 Memory Map/Register Definition This section includes the memory map and register definition. The MCG registers can only be written when in supervisor mode. Write accesses when in user mode will result in a bus error. Read accesses may be performed in both supervisor and user mode. MCG memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4006_4000 MCG Control 1 Register (MCG_C1) 8 R/W 04h 25.3.1/479 4006_4001 MCG Control 2 Register (MCG_C2) 8 R/W See section 25.3.2/480 4006_4002 MCG Control 3 Register (MCG_C3) 8 R/W Undefined 25.3.3/481 4006_4003 MCG Control 4 Register (MCG_C4) 8 R/W See section 25.3.4/482 4006_4004 MCG Control 5 Register (MCG_C5) 8 R/W 00h 25.3.5/483 4006_4005 MCG Control 6 Register (MCG_C6) 8 R/W 00h 25.3.5/483 4006_4006 MCG Status Register (MCG_S) 8 R 10h 25.3.6/484 4006_4008 MCG Status and Control Register (MCG_SC) 8 R/W 02h 25.3.7/485 4006_400A MCG Auto Trim Compare Value High Register (MCG_ATCVH) 8 R/W 00h 25.3.8/486 4006_400B MCG Auto Trim Compare Value Low Register (MCG_ATCVL) 8 R/W 00h 25.3.9/487 4006_400C MCG Control 7 Register (MCG_C7) 8 R/W 00h 25.3.10/487 4006_400D MCG Control 8 Register (MCG_C8) 8 R/W See section 25.3.11/488 4006_4011 MCG Control 12 Register (MCG_C12) 8 R/W 00h 25.3.12/489 4006_4012 MCG Status 2 Register (MCG_S2) 8 R/W 00h 25.3.12/489 4006_4013 MCG Test 3 Register (MCG_T3) 8 R/W 00h 25.3.12/489 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 478 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 25 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) 25.3.1 MCG Control 1 Register (MCG_C1) Address: 4006_4000h base + 0h offset = 4006_4000h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 CLKS 0 4 3 FRDIV 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 IREFS IRCLKEN IREFSTEN 1 0 0 MCG_C1 field descriptions Field 7-6 CLKS Description Clock Source Select Selects the clock source for MCGOUTCLK . 00 01 10 11 5-3 FRDIV FLL External Reference Divider Selects the amount to divide down the external reference clock for the FLL. The resulting frequency must be in the range 31.25 kHz to 39.0625 kHz (This is required when FLL/DCO is the clock source for MCGOUTCLK . In FBE mode, it is not required to meet this range, but it is recommended in the cases when trying to enter a FLL mode from FBE). 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 2 IREFS Selects the reference clock source for the FLL. External reference clock is selected. The slow internal reference clock is selected. Internal Reference Clock Enable Enables the internal reference clock for use as MCGIRCLK. 0 1 0 IREFSTEN If RANGE = 0 or OSCSEL=1 , Divide Factor is 1; for all other RANGE values, Divide Factor is 32. If RANGE = 0 or OSCSEL=1 , Divide Factor is 2; for all other RANGE values, Divide Factor is 64. If RANGE = 0 or OSCSEL=1 , Divide Factor is 4; for all other RANGE values, Divide Factor is 128. If RANGE = 0 or OSCSEL=1 , Divide Factor is 8; for all other RANGE values, Divide Factor is 256. If RANGE = 0 or OSCSEL=1 , Divide Factor is 16; for all other RANGE values, Divide Factor is 512. If RANGE = 0 or OSCSEL=1 , Divide Factor is 32; for all other RANGE values, Divide Factor is 1024. If RANGE = 0 or OSCSEL=1 , Divide Factor is 64; for all other RANGE values, Divide Factor is 1280 . If RANGE = 0 or OSCSEL=1 , Divide Factor is 128; for all other RANGE values, Divide Factor is 1536 . Internal Reference Select 0 1 1 IRCLKEN Encoding 0 -- Output of FLL is selected. Encoding 1 -- Internal reference clock is selected. Encoding 2 -- External reference clock is selected. Encoding 3 -- Reserved. MCGIRCLK inactive. MCGIRCLK active. Internal Reference Stop Enable Controls whether or not the internal reference clock remains enabled when the MCG enters Stop mode. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 479 Memory Map/Register Definition MCG_C1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 Internal reference clock is disabled in Stop mode. Internal reference clock is enabled in Stop mode if IRCLKEN is set or if MCG is in FEI, FBI, or BLPI modes before entering Stop mode. 25.3.2 MCG Control 2 Register (MCG_C2) Address: 4006_4000h base + 1h offset = 4006_4001h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 LOCRE0 FCFTRIM 1 x* 5 4 RANGE 0 3 2 1 0 HGO EREFS LP IRCS 0 0 0 0 0 * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. MCG_C2 field descriptions Field 7 LOCRE0 Description Loss of Clock Reset Enable Determines whether an interrupt or a reset request is made following a loss of OSC0 external reference clock. The LOCRE0 only has an affect when CME0 is set. 0 1 6 FCFTRIM Interrupt request is generated on a loss of OSC0 external reference clock. Generate a reset request on a loss of OSC0 external reference clock. Fast Internal Reference Clock Fine Trim FCFTRIM1 controls the smallest adjustment of the fast internal reference clock frequency. Setting FCFTRIM increases the period and clearing FCFTRIM decreases the period by the smallest amount possible. If an FCFTRIM value stored in nonvolatile memory is to be used, it is your responsibility to copy that value from the nonvolatile memory location to this bit. 5-4 RANGE Frequency Range Select Selects the frequency range for the crystal oscillator or external clock source. See the Oscillator (OSC) chapter for more details and the device data sheet for the frequency ranges used. 00 01 1X 3 HGO High Gain Oscillator Select Controls the crystal oscillator mode of operation. See the Oscillator (OSC) chapter for more details. 0 1 2 EREFS Encoding 0 -- Low frequency range selected for the crystal oscillator . Encoding 1 -- High frequency range selected for the crystal oscillator . Encoding 2 -- Very high frequency range selected for the crystal oscillator . Configure crystal oscillator for low-power operation. Configure crystal oscillator for high-gain operation. External Reference Select Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 480 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 25 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) MCG_C2 field descriptions (continued) Field Description Selects the source for the external reference clock. See the Oscillator (OSC) chapter for more details. 0 1 1 LP External reference clock requested. Oscillator requested. Low Power Select Controls whether the FLL is disabled in BLPI and BLPE modes. In FBE mode, setting this bit to 1 will transition the MCG into BLPE mode; in FBI mode, setting this bit to 1 will transition the MCG into BLPI mode. In any other MCG mode, LP bit has no affect. 0 1 0 IRCS FLL is not disabled in bypass modes. FLL is disabled in bypass modes (lower power) Internal Reference Clock Select Selects between the fast or slow internal reference clock source. 0 1 Slow internal reference clock selected. Fast internal reference clock selected. 1. A value for FCFTRIM is loaded during reset from a factory programmed location. 25.3.3 MCG Control 3 Register (MCG_C3) Address: 4006_4000h base + 2h offset = 4006_4002h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* SCTRIM x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. MCG_C3 field descriptions Field SCTRIM Description Slow Internal Reference Clock Trim Setting SCTRIM 1 controls the slow internal reference clock frequency by controlling the slow internal reference clock period. The SCTRIM bits are binary weighted, that is, bit 1 adjusts twice as much as bit 0. Increasing the binary value increases the period, and decreasing the value decreases the period. An additional fine trim bit is available in C4 register as the SCFTRIM bit. Upon reset, this value is loaded with a factory trim value. If an SCTRIM value stored in nonvolatile memory is to be used, it is your responsibility to copy that value from the nonvolatile memory location to this register. 1. A value for SCTRIM is loaded during reset from a factory programmed location. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 481 Memory Map/Register Definition 25.3.4 MCG Control 4 Register (MCG_C4) Address: 4006_4000h base + 3h offset = 4006_4003h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 DMX32 5 4 3 DRST_DRS 0 0 2 1 FCTRIM 0 x* x* 0 SCFTRIM x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. MCG_C4 field descriptions Field 7 DMX32 Description DCO Maximum Frequency with 32.768 kHz Reference The DMX32 bit controls whether the DCO frequency range is narrowed to its maximum frequency with a 32.768 kHz reference. The following table identifies settings for the DCO frequency range. NOTE: The system clocks derived from this source should not exceed their specified maximums. DRST_DRS DMX32 Reference Range FLL Factor DCO Range 00 0 31.25-39.0625 kHz 640 20-25 MHz 1 32.768 kHz 732 24 MHz 0 31.25-39.0625 kHz 1280 40-50 MHz 1 32.768 kHz 1464 48 MHz 0 31.25-39.0625 kHz 1920 60-75 MHz 1 32.768 kHz 2197 72 MHz 0 31.25-39.0625 kHz 2560 80-100 MHz 1 32.768 kHz 2929 96 MHz 01 10 11 0 1 6-5 DRST_DRS DCO Range Select The DRS bits select the frequency range for the FLL output, DCOOUT. When the LP bit is set, writes to the DRS bits are ignored. The DRST read field indicates the current frequency range for DCOOUT. The DRST field does not update immediately after a write to the DRS field due to internal synchronization between clock domains. See the DCO Frequency Range table for more details. 00 01 10 11 4-1 FCTRIM DCO has a default range of 25%. DCO is fine-tuned for maximum frequency with 32.768 kHz reference. Encoding 0 -- Low range (reset default). Encoding 1 -- Mid range. Encoding 2 -- Mid-high range. Encoding 3 -- High range. Fast Internal Reference Clock Trim Setting Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 482 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 25 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) MCG_C4 field descriptions (continued) Field Description FCTRIM 1 controls the fast internal reference clock frequency by controlling the fast internal reference clock period. The FCTRIM bits are binary weighted, that is, bit 1 adjusts twice as much as bit 0. Increasing the binary value increases the period, and decreasing the value decreases the period. If an FCTRIM[3:0] value stored in nonvolatile memory is to be used, it is your responsibility to copy that value from the nonvolatile memory location to this register. 0 SCFTRIM Slow Internal Reference Clock Fine Trim SCFTRIM 2 controls the smallest adjustment of the slow internal reference clock frequency. Setting SCFTRIM increases the period and clearing SCFTRIM decreases the period by the smallest amount possible. If an SCFTRIM value stored in nonvolatile memory is to be used, it is your responsibility to copy that value from the nonvolatile memory location to this bit. 1. A value for FCTRIM is loaded during reset from a factory programmed location. 2. A value for SCFTRIM is loaded during reset from a factory programmed location. 25.3.5 MCG Control 5 Register (MCG_C5) Address: 4006_4000h base + 4h offset = 4006_4004h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MCG_C5 field descriptions Field Reserved Description Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 25.3.5 MCG Control 6 Register (MCG_C6) Address: 4006_4000h base + 5h offset = 4006_4005h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 0 0 5 4 3 0 CME0 0 0 0 0 0 MCG_C6 field descriptions Field 7-6 Reserved Description Reserved This field is reserved. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 483 Memory Map/Register Definition MCG_C6 field descriptions (continued) Field Description This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 5 CME0 Clock Monitor Enable Determines if an interrupt or a reset request (see MCG_C2[LOCRE0]) is made following a loss of external clock indication. The CME0 bit should only be set to a logic 1 when the MCG is in an operational mode that uses the external clock (FEE, FBE, or BLPE). Whenever the CME0 bit is set to a logic 1, the value of the RANGE bits in the C2 register should not be changed. CME0 bit should be set to a logic 0 before the MCG enters any Stop mode. Otherwise, a reset request may occur when in Stop mode. CME0 should also be set to a logic 0 before entering VLPR or VLPW power modes if the MCG is in BLPE mode. 0 1 Reserved External clock monitor is disabled. Generate an interrupt or a reset request (see MCG_C2[LOCRE0]) on loss of external clock. Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 25.3.6 MCG Status Register (MCG_S) Address: 4006_4000h base + 6h offset = 4006_4006h Bit 7 6 Read 5 0 4 3 IREFST 2 CLKST 1 0 OSCINIT0 IRCST 0 0 Write Reset 0 0 0 1 0 0 MCG_S field descriptions Field 7-5 Reserved 4 IREFST Description Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Internal Reference Status This bit indicates the current source for the FLL reference clock. The IREFST bit does not update immediately after a write to the IREFS bit due to internal synchronization between clock domains. 0 1 3-2 CLKST Source of FLL reference clock is the external reference clock. Source of FLL reference clock is the internal reference clock. Clock Mode Status These bits indicate the current clock mode. The CLKST bits do not update immediately after a write to the CLKS bits due to internal synchronization between clock domains. 00 01 Encoding 0 -- Output of the FLL is selected (reset default). Encoding 1 -- Internal reference clock is selected. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 484 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 25 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) MCG_S field descriptions (continued) Field Description 10 11 1 OSCINIT0 0 IRCST Encoding 2 -- External reference clock is selected. Reserved. OSC Initialization This bit, which resets to 0, is set to 1 after the initialization cycles of the crystal oscillator clock have completed. After being set, the bit is cleared to 0 if the OSC is subsequently disabled. See the OSC module's detailed description for more information. Internal Reference Clock Status The IRCST bit indicates the current source for the internal reference clock select clock (IRCSCLK). The IRCST bit does not update immediately after a write to the IRCS bit due to internal synchronization between clock domains. The IRCST bit will only be updated if the internal reference clock is enabled, either by the MCG being in a mode that uses the IRC or by setting the C1[IRCLKEN] bit . 0 1 Source of internal reference clock is the slow clock (32 kHz IRC). Source of internal reference clock is the fast clock (4 MHz IRC). 25.3.7 MCG Status and Control Register (MCG_SC) Address: 4006_4000h base + 8h offset = 4006_4008h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 ATME ATMS 0 0 5 ATMF w1c 4 3 FLTPRSRV 0 0 2 1 LOCS0 FCRDIV 0 0 0 w1c 1 0 MCG_SC field descriptions Field 7 ATME Description Automatic Trim Machine Enable Enables the Auto Trim Machine to start automatically trimming the selected Internal Reference Clock. NOTE: ATME deasserts after the Auto Trim Machine has completed trimming all trim bits of the IRCS clock selected by the ATMS bit. Writing to C1, C3, C4, and SC registers or entering Stop mode aborts the auto trim operation and clears this bit. 0 1 6 ATMS Automatic Trim Machine Select Selects the IRCS clock for Auto Trim Test. 0 1 5 ATMF Auto Trim Machine disabled. Auto Trim Machine enabled. 32 kHz Internal Reference Clock selected. 4 MHz Internal Reference Clock selected. Automatic Trim Machine Fail Flag Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 485 Memory Map/Register Definition MCG_SC field descriptions (continued) Field Description Fail flag for the Automatic Trim Machine (ATM). This bit asserts when the Automatic Trim Machine is enabled, ATME=1, and a write to the C1, C3, C4, and SC registers is detected or the MCG enters into any Stop mode. A write to ATMF clears the flag. 0 1 4 FLTPRSRV FLL Filter Preserve Enable This bit will prevent the FLL filter values from resetting allowing the FLL output frequency to remain the same during clock mode changes where the FLL/DCO output is still valid. (Note: This requires that the FLL reference frequency to remain the same as what it was prior to the new clock mode switch. Otherwise FLL filter and frequency values will change.) 0 1 3-1 FCRDIV FLL filter and FLL frequency will reset on changes to currect clock mode. Fll filter and FLL frequency retain their previous values during new clock mode change. Fast Clock Internal Reference Divider Selects the amount to divide down the fast internal reference clock. The resulting frequency will be in the range 31.25 kHz to 4 MHz (Note: Changing the divider when the Fast IRC is enabled is not supported). 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 0 LOCS0 Automatic Trim Machine completed normally. Automatic Trim Machine failed. Divide Factor is 1 Divide Factor is 2. Divide Factor is 4. Divide Factor is 8. Divide Factor is 16 Divide Factor is 32 Divide Factor is 64 Divide Factor is 128. OSC0 Loss of Clock Status The LOCS0 indicates when a loss of OSC0 reference clock has occurred. The LOCS0 bit only has an effect when CME0 is set. This bit is cleared by writing a logic 1 to it when set. 0 1 Loss of OSC0 has not occurred. Loss of OSC0 has occurred. 25.3.8 MCG Auto Trim Compare Value High Register (MCG_ATCVH) Address: 4006_4000h base + Ah offset = 4006_400Ah Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 ATCVH 0 0 0 0 MCG_ATCVH field descriptions Field ATCVH Description ATM Compare Value High KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 486 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 25 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) MCG_ATCVH field descriptions (continued) Field Description Values are used by Auto Trim Machine to compare and adjust Internal Reference trim values during ATM SAR conversion. 25.3.9 MCG Auto Trim Compare Value Low Register (MCG_ATCVL) Address: 4006_4000h base + Bh offset = 4006_400Bh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 ATCVL 0 0 0 0 MCG_ATCVL field descriptions Field ATCVL Description ATM Compare Value Low Values are used by Auto Trim Machine to compare and adjust Internal Reference trim values during ATM SAR conversion. 25.3.10 MCG Control 7 Register (MCG_C7) Address: 4006_4000h base + Ch offset = 4006_400Ch Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 OSCSEL 0 0 0 0 MCG_C7 field descriptions Field Description 7-6 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 5-2 Reserved Reserved OSCSEL MCG OSC Clock Select This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Selects the MCG FLL external reference clock NOTE: The OSCSEL field can't be changed during MCG modes (like PBE), when external clock is serving as the clock source for MCG. 00 01 Selects Oscillator (OSCCLK0). Selects 32 kHz RTC Oscillator. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 487 Memory Map/Register Definition MCG_C7 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 10 11 Selects Oscillator (OSCCLK1). RESERVED 25.3.11 MCG Control 8 Register (MCG_C8) Address: 4006_4000h base + Dh offset = 4006_400Dh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 LOCRE1 1 5 0 4 3 0 1 0 CME1 0 2 0 LOCS1 w1c 0 0 0 0 0 MCG_C8 field descriptions Field 7 LOCRE1 Description Loss of Clock Reset Enable Determines if a interrupt or a reset request is made following a loss of RTC external reference clock. The LOCRE1 only has an affect when CME1 is set. 0 1 6 Reserved 5 CME1 This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Clock Monitor Enable1 Enables the loss of clock monitoring circuit for the output of the RTC external reference clock. The LOCRE1 bit will determine whether an interrupt or a reset request is generated following a loss of RTC clock indication. The CME1 bit should be set to a logic 1 when the MCG is in an operational mode that uses the RTC as its external reference clock or if the RTC is operational. CME1 bit must be set to a logic 0 before the MCG enters any Stop mode. Otherwise, a reset request may occur when in Stop mode. CME1 should also be set to a logic 0 before entering VLPR or VLPW power modes. 0 1 4-1 Reserved 0 LOCS1 Interrupt request is generated on a loss of RTC external reference clock. Generate a reset request on a loss of RTC external reference clock External clock monitor is disabled for RTC clock. External clock monitor is enabled for RTC clock. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. RTC Loss of Clock Status This bit indicates when a loss of clock has occurred. This bit is cleared by writing a logic 1 to it when set. 0 1 Loss of RTC has not occur. Loss of RTC has occur KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 488 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 25 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) 25.3.12 MCG Control 12 Register (MCG_C12) Address: 4006_4000h base + 11h offset = 4006_4011h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MCG_C12 field descriptions Field Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 25.3.12 MCG Status 2 Register (MCG_S2) Address: 4006_4000h base + 12h offset = 4006_4012h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 MCG_S2 field descriptions Field Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 25.3.12 MCG Test 3 Register (MCG_T3) Address: 4006_4000h base + 13h offset = 4006_4013h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 MCG_T3 field descriptions Field Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 489 Functional description 25.4 Functional description 25.4.1 MCG mode state diagram The seven states of the MCG are shown in the following figure and are described in Table 25-1. The arrows indicate the permitted MCG mode transitions. Reset FEI FEE FBI FBE BLPE BLPI Entered from any state when the MCU enters Stop mode Stop Returns to the state that was active before the MCU entered Stop mode, unless a reset occurs while in Stop mode. Figure 25-2. MCG mode state diagram MCG modes of operation The MCG operates in one of the following modes. Note The MCG restricts transitions between modes. For the permitted transitions, see Figure 25-2. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 490 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 25 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) Table 25-1. MCG modes of operation Mode Description FLL Engaged Internal (FEI) FLL engaged internal (FEI) is the default mode of operation and is entered when all the following condtions occur: * 00 is written to C1[CLKS]. * 1 is written to C1[IREFS]. In FEI mode, MCGOUTCLK is derived from the FLL clock (DCOCLK) that is controlled by the 32 kHz Internal Reference Clock (IRC). The FLL loop will lock the DCO frequency to the FLL factor, as selected by C4[DRST_DRS] and C4[DMX32] bits, times the internal reference frequency. See the C4[DMX32] bit description for more details. FLL Engaged External (FEE) FLL engaged external (FEE) mode is entered when all the following conditions occur: * 00 is written to C1[CLKS]. * 0 is written to C1[IREFS]. * C1[FRDIV] must be written to divide external reference clock to be within the range of 31.25 kHz to 39.0625 kHz In FEE mode, MCGOUTCLK is derived from the FLL clock (DCOCLK) that is controlled by the external reference clock. The FLL loop will lock the DCO frequency to the FLL factor, as selected by C4[DRST_DRS] and C4[DMX32] bits, times the external reference frequency, as specified by C1[FRDIV] and C2[RANGE]. See the C4[DMX32] bit description for more details. FLL Bypassed Internal (FBI) FLL bypassed internal (FBI) mode is entered when all the following conditions occur: * 01 is written to C1[CLKS]. * 1 is written to C1[IREFS]. * 0 is written to C2[LP]. In FBI mode, the MCGOUTCLK is derived either from the slow (32 kHz IRC) or fast (4 MHz IRC) internal reference clock, as selected by the C2[IRCS] bit. The FLL is operational but its output is not used. This mode is useful to allow the FLL to acquire its target frequency while the MCGOUTCLK is driven from the C2[IRCS] selected internal reference clock. The FLL clock (DCOCLK) is controlled by the slow internal reference clock, and the DCO clock frequency locks to a multiplication factor, as selected by C4[DRST_DRS] and C4[DMX32] bits, times the internal reference frequency. See the C4[DMX32] bit description for more details. FLL Bypassed External FLL bypassed external (FBE) mode is entered when all the following conditions occur: (FBE) * 10 is written to C1[CLKS]. * 0 is written to C1[IREFS]. * C1[FRDIV] must be written to divide external reference clock to be within the range of 31.25 kHz to 39.0625 kHz. * 0 is written to C2[LP]. In FBE mode, the MCGOUTCLK is derived from the OSCSEL external reference clock. The FLL is operational but its output is not used. This mode is useful to allow the FLL to acquire its target frequency while the MCGOUTCLK is driven from the external reference clock. The FLL clock (DCOCLK) is controlled by the external reference clock, and the DCO clock frequency locks to a multiplication factor, as selected by C4[DRST_DRS] and C4[DMX32] bits, times the divided external reference frequency. See the C4[DMX32] bit description for more details. Bypassed Low Power Internal (BLPI) 1 Bypassed Low Power Internal (BLPI) mode is entered when all the following conditions occur: Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 491 Functional description Table 25-1. MCG modes of operation (continued) Mode Description * 01 is written to C1[CLKS]. * 1 is written to C1[IREFS]. * 1 is written to C2[LP]. In BLPI mode, MCGOUTCLK is derived from the internal reference clock. The FLL is disabled Bypassed Low Power External (BLPE) 1 Bypassed Low Power External (BLPE) mode is entered when all the following conditions occur: * 10 is written to C1[CLKS]. * 0 is written to C1[IREFS]. * 1 is written to C2[LP]. In BLPE mode, MCGOUTCLK is derived from the OSCSEL external reference clock. The FLL is disabled Stop Entered whenever the MCU enters a Stop state. The power modes are chip specific. For power mode assignments, see the chapter that describes how modules are configured and MCG behavior during Stop recovery. Entering Stop mode, the FLL is disabled, and all MCG clock signals are static except in the following case: MCGIRCLK is active in Normal Stop mode when all the following conditions become true: * C1[IRCLKEN] = 1 * C1[IREFSTEN] = 1 1. Caution: If entering VLPR mode, MCG has to be configured and enter BLPE mode or BLPI mode with the Fast IRC clock selected (C2[IRCS]=1). After it enters VLPR mode, writes to any of the MCG control registers that can cause an MCG clock mode switch to a non low power clock mode must be avoided. NOTE For the chip-specific modes of operation, see the power management chapter of this MCU. MCG mode switching C1[IREFS] can be changed at any time, but the actual switch to the newly selected reference clocks is shown by S[IREFST]. When switching between engaged internal and engaged external modes, the FLL will begin locking again after the switch is completed. C1[CLKS] can also be changed at any time, but the actual switch to the newly selected clock is shown by S[CLKST]. If the newly selected clock is not available, the previous clock will remain selected. The C4[DRST_DRS] write bits can be changed at any time except when C2[LP] bit is 1. If C4[DRST_DRS] write bits are changed while in FLL engaged internal (FEI) or FLL engaged external (FEE) mode, the MCGOUTCLK switches to the new selected DCO range within three clocks of the selected DCO clock. After switching to the new DCO KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 492 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 25 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) (indicated by the updated C4[DRST_DRS] read bits), the FLL remains unlocked for several reference cycles. The FLL lock time is provided in the device data sheet as tfll_acquire. 25.4.2 Low-power bit usage C2[LP] is provided to allow the FLL to be disabled and thus conserve power when these systems are not being used. C4[DRST_DRS] can not be written while C2[LP] is 1. However, in some applications, it may be desirable to enable the FLL and allow it to lock for maximum accuracy before switching to an engaged mode. Do this by writing 0 to C2[LP]. 25.4.3 MCG Internal Reference Clocks This module supports two internal reference clocks with nominal frequencies of 32 kHz (slow IRC) and 4 MHz (fast IRC). The fast IRC frequency can be divided down by programming of the FCRDIV to produce a frequency range of 32 kHz to 4 MHz. MCG Internal Reference Clock The MCG Internal Reference Clock (MCGIRCLK) provides a clock source for other onchip peripherals and is enabled when C1[IRCLKEN]=1. When enabled, MCGIRCLK is driven by either the fast internal reference clock (4 MHz IRC which can be divided down by the FRDIV factors) or the slow internal reference clock (32 kHz IRC). The IRCS clock frequency can be re-targeted by trimming the period of its IRCS selected internal reference clock. This can be done by writing a new trim value to the C3[SCTRIM]:C4[SCFTRIM] bits when the slow IRC clock is selected or by writing a new trim value to C4[FCTRIM]:C2[FCFTRIM] when the fast IRC clock is selected. The internal reference clock period is proportional to the trim value written. C3[SCTRIM]:C4[SCFTRIM] (if C2[IRCS]=0) and C4[FCTRIM]:C2[FCFTRIM] (if C2[IRCS]=1) bits affect the MCGOUTCLK frequency if the MCG is in FBI or BLPI modes. C3[SCTRIM]:C4[SCFTRIM] (if C2[IRCS]=0) bits also affect the MCGOUTCLK frequency if the MCG is in FEI mode. Additionally, this clock can be enabled in Stop mode by setting C1[IRCLKEN] and C1[IREFSTEN], otherwise this clock is disabled in Stop mode. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 493 Functional description 25.4.4 External Reference Clock The MCG module can support an external reference clock in all modes. See the device datasheet for external reference frequency range. When C1[IREFS] is set, the external reference clock will not be used by the FLL. In these mode, the frequency can be equal to the maximum frequency the chip-level timing specifications will support. If any of the CME bits are asserted the slow internal reference clock is enabled along with the enabled external clock monitor. For the case when C6[CME0]=1, a loss of clock is detected if the OSC0 external reference falls below a minimum frequency (floc_high or floc_low depending on C2[RANGE0]). For the case when C8[CME1]=1, a loss of clock is detected if the RTC external reference falls below a minimum frequency (floc_low). NOTE All clock monitors must be disabled before entering these lowpower modes: Stop, VLPS, VLPR, VLPW, LLS, and VLLSx. On detecting a loss-of-clock event, the MCU generates a system reset if the respective LOCRE bit is set. Otherwise the MCG sets the respective LOCS bit and the MCG generates a LOCS interrupt request. 25.4.5 MCG Fixed Frequency Clock The MCG Fixed Frequency Clock (MCGFFCLK) provides a fixed frequency clock source for other on-chip peripherals; see the block diagram. This clock is driven by either the slow clock from the internal reference clock generator or the external reference clock from the Crystal Oscillator, divided by the FLL reference clock divider. The source of MCGFFCLK is selected by C1[IREFS]. This clock is synchronized to the peripheral bus clock and is valid only when its frequency is not more than 1/8 of the MCGOUTCLK frequency. When it is not valid, it is disabled and held high. The MCGFFCLK is not available when the MCG is in BLPI mode. This clock is also disabled in Stop mode. The FLL reference clock must be set within the valid frequency range for the MCGFFCLK. 25.4.6 MCG Auto TRIM (ATM) The MCG Auto Trim (ATM) is a MCG feature that when enabled, it configures the MCG hardware to automatically trim the MCG Internal Reference Clocks using an external clock as a reference. The selection between which MCG IRC clock gets tested and KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 494 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 25 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) enabled is controlled by the ATC[ATMS] control bit (ATC[ATMS]=0 selects the 32 kHz IRC and ATC[ATMS]=1 selects the 4 MHz IRC). If 4 MHz IRC is selected for the ATM, a divide by 128 is enabled to divide down the 4 MHz IRC to a range of 31.250 kHz. When MCG ATM is enabled by writing ATC[ATME] bit to 1, The ATM machine will start auto trimming the selected IRC clock. During the autotrim process, ATC[ATME] will remain asserted and will deassert after ATM is completed or an abort occurs. The MCG ATM is aborted if a write to any of the following control registers is detected : C1, C3, C4, or ATC or if Stop mode is entered. If an abort occurs, ATC[ATMF] fail flag is asserted. The ATM machine uses the bus clock as the external reference clock to perform the IRC auto-trim. Therefore, it is required that the MCG is configured in a clock mode where the reference clock used to generate the system clock is the external reference clock such as FBE clock mode. The MCG must not be configured in a clock mode where selected IRC ATM clock is used to generate the system clock. The bus clock is also required to be running with in the range of 8-16 MHz. To perform the ATM on the selected IRC, the ATM machine uses the successive approximation technique to adjust the IRC trim bits to generate the desired IRC trimmed frequency. The ATM SARs each of the ATM IRC trim bits starting with the MSB. For each trim bit test, the ATM uses a pulse that is generated by the ATM selected IRC clock to enable a counter that counts number of ATM external clocks. At end of each trim bit, the ATM external counter value is compared to the ATCV[15:0] register value. Based on the comparison result, the ATM trim bit under test will get cleared or stay asserted. This is done until all trim bits have been tested by ATM SAR machine. Before the ATM can be enabled, the ATM expected count needs to be derived and stored into the ATCV register. The ATCV expected count is derived based on the required target Internal Reference Clock (IRC) frequency, and the frequency of the external reference clock using the following formula: ATCV * Fr = Target Internal Reference Clock (IRC) Trimmed Frequency * Fe = External Clock Frequency If the auto trim is being performed on the 4 MHz IRC, the calculated expected count value must be multiplied by 128 before storing it in the ATCV register. Therefore, the ATCV Expected Count Value for trimming the 4 MHz IRC is calculated using the following formula. (128) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 495 Initialization / Application information 25.5 Initialization / Application information This section describes how to initialize and configure the MCG module in an application. The following sections include examples on how to initialize the MCG and properly switch between the various available modes. 25.5.1 MCG module initialization sequence The MCG comes out of reset configured for FEI mode. The internal reference will stabilize in tirefsts microseconds before the FLL can acquire lock. As soon as the internal reference is stable, the FLL will acquire lock in tfll_acquire milliseconds. Initializing the MCG Because the MCG comes out of reset in FEI mode, the only MCG modes that can be directly switched to upon reset are FEE, FBE, and FBI modes (see Figure 25-2). Reaching any of the other modes requires first configuring the MCG for one of these three intermediate modes. Care must be taken to check relevant status bits in the MCG status register reflecting all configuration changes within each mode. To change from FEI mode to FEE or FBE modes, follow this procedure: 1. Enable the external clock source by setting the appropriate bits in C2 register. 2. Write to C1 register to select the clock mode. * If entering FEE mode, set C1[FRDIV] appropriately, clear C1[IREFS] bit to switch to the external reference, and leave C1[CLKS] at 2'b00 so that the output of the FLL is selected as the system clock source. * If entering FBE, clear C1[IREFS] to switch to the external reference and change C1[CLKS] to 2'b10 so that the external reference clock is selected as the system clock source. The C1[FRDIV] bits should also be set appropriately here KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 496 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 25 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) according to the external reference frequency to keep the FLL reference clock in the range of 31.25 kHz to 39.0625 kHz. Although the FLL is bypassed, it is still on in FBE mode. * The internal reference can optionally be kept running by setting C1[IRCLKEN]. This is useful if the application will switch back and forth between internal and external modes. For minimum power consumption, leave the internal reference disabled while in an external clock mode. 3. Once the proper configuration bits have been set, wait for the affected bits in the MCG status register to be changed appropriately, reflecting that the MCG has moved into the proper mode. * If the MCG is in FEE, FBE, or BLPE mode, and C2[EREFS] was also set in step 1, wait here for S[OSCINIT0] bit to become set indicating that the external clock source has finished its initialization cycles and stabilized. * If in FEE mode, check to make sure S[IREFST] is cleared before moving on. * If in FBE mode, check to make sure S[IREFST] is cleared and S[CLKST] bits have changed to 2'b10 indicating the external reference clock has been appropriately selected. Although the FLL is bypassed, it is still on in FBE mode. 4. Write to the C4 register to determine the DCO output (MCGFLLCLK) frequency range. * By default, with C4[DMX32] cleared to 0, the FLL multiplier for the DCO output is 640. For greater flexibility, if a mid-low-range FLL multiplier of 1280 is desired instead, set C4[DRST_DRS] bits to 2'b01 for a DCO output frequency of 40 MHz. If a mid high-range FLL multiplier of 1920 is desired instead, set the C4[DRST_DRS] bits to 2'b10 for a DCO output frequency of 60 MHz. If a highrange FLL multiplier of 2560 is desired instead, set the C4[DRST_DRS] bits to 2'b11 for a DCO output frequency of 80 MHz. * When using a 32.768 kHz external reference, if the maximum low-range DCO frequency that can be achieved with a 32.768 kHz reference is desired, set C4[DRST_DRS] bits to 2'b00 and set C4[DMX32] bit to 1. The resulting DCO output (MCGOUTCLK) frequency with the new multiplier of 732 will be 24 MHz. * When using a 32.768 kHz external reference, if the maximum mid-range DCO frequency that can be achieved with a 32.768 kHz reference is desired, set C4[DRST_DRS] bits to 2'b01 and set C4[DMX32] bit to 1. The resulting DCO output (MCGOUTCLK) frequency with the new multiplier of 1464 will be 48 MHz. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 497 Initialization / Application information * When using a 32.768 kHz external reference, if the maximum mid high-range DCO frequency that can be achieved with a 32.768 kHz reference is desired, set C4[DRST_DRS] bits to 2'b10 and set C4[DMX32] bit to 1. The resulting DCO output (MCGOUTCLK) frequency with the new multiplier of 2197 will be 72 MHz. * When using a 32.768 kHz external reference, if the maximum high-range DCO frequency that can be achieved with a 32.768 kHz reference is desired, set C4[DRST_DRS] bits to 2'b11 and set C4[DMX32] bit to 1. The resulting DCO output (MCGOUTCLK) frequency with the new multiplier of 2929 will be 96 MHz. 5. Wait for the FLL lock time to guarantee FLL is running at new C4[DRST_DRS] and C4[DMX32] programmed frequency. To change from FEI clock mode to FBI clock mode, follow this procedure: 1. Change C1[CLKS] bits in C1 register to 2'b01 so that the internal reference clock is selected as the system clock source. 2. Wait for S[CLKST] bits in the MCG status register to change to 2'b01, indicating that the internal reference clock has been appropriately selected. 3. Write to the C2 register to determine the IRCS output (IRCSCLK) frequency range. * By default, with C2[IRCS] cleared to 0, the IRCS selected output clock is the slow internal reference clock (32 kHz IRC). If the faster IRC is desired, set C2[IRCS] to 1 for a IRCS clock derived from the 4 MHz IRC source. 25.5.2 Using a 32.768 kHz reference In FEE and FBE modes, if using a 32.768 kHz external reference, at the default FLL multiplication factor of 640, the DCO output (MCGFLLCLK) frequency is 20.97 MHz at low-range. If C4[DRST_DRS] bits are set to 2'b01, the multiplication factor is doubled to 1280, and the resulting DCO output frequency is 41.94 MHz at mid-low-range. If C4[DRST_DRS] bits are set to 2'b10, the multiplication factor is set to 1920, and the resulting DCO output frequency is 62.91 MHz at mid high-range. If C4[DRST_DRS] bits are set to 2'b11, the multiplication factor is set to 2560, and the resulting DCO output frequency is 83.89 MHz at high-range. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 498 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 25 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) In FBI and FEI modes, setting C4[DMX32] bit is not recommended. If the internal reference is trimmed to a frequency above 32.768 kHz, the greater FLL multiplication factor could potentially push the microcontroller system clock out of specification and damage the part. 25.5.3 MCG mode switching When switching between operational modes of the MCG, certain configuration bits must be changed in order to properly move from one mode to another. Each time any of these bits are changed (C1[IREFS], C1[CLKS], C2[IRCS], or C2[EREFS], the corresponding bits in the MCG status register (IREFST, CLKST, IRCST, or OSCINIT) must be checked before moving on in the application software. Additionally, care must be taken to ensure that the reference clock divider (C1[FRDIV]) is set properly for the mode being switched to. For instance, in FEE mode, if using a 4MHz crystal, C1[FRDIV] must be set to 3'b010 (divide-by-128) to devide the external frequency down to the required frequency between 31.25 and 39.0625 kHz. In FBE, FEE, FBI, and FEI modes, at any time, the application can switch the FLL multiplication factor between 640, 1280, 1920, and 2560 with C4[DRST_DRS] bits. Writes to C4[DRST_DRS] bits will be ignored if C2[LP]=1. The table below shows MCGOUTCLK frequency calculations using C1[FRDIV]settings for each clock mode. Table 25-2. MCGOUTCLK Frequency Calculation Options Clock Mode fMCGOUTCLK1 Note FEI (FLL engaged internal) fint x F Typical fMCGOUTCLK = 21 MHz immediately after reset. FEE (FLL engaged external) (fext / FLL_R) x F fext / FLL_R must be in the range of 31.25 kHz to 39.0625 kHz FBE (FLL bypassed external) OSCCLK OSCCLK / FLL_R must be in the range of 31.25 kHz to 39.0625 kHz FBI (FLL bypassed internal) MCGIRCLK Selectable between slow and fast IRC BLPI (Bypassed low power internal) MCGIRCLK Selectable between slow and fast IRC BLPE (Bypassed low power external) OSCCLK 1. FLL_R is the reference divider selected by the C1[FRDIV] bits, F is the FLL factor selected by C4[DRST_DRS] and C4[DMX32] bits . This section will include several mode switching examples, using an MHz external crystal.. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 499 Initialization / Application information Example 1: Moving from FEI to BLPE mode: External Crystal = 4 MHz, MCGOUTCLK frequency = 4 MHz In this example, the MCG will move through the proper operational modes from FEI to BLPE to achieve 4 MHz MCGOUTCLK frequency from 4 MHz external crystal reference. First, the code sequence will be described. Then there is a flowchart that illustrates the sequence. 1. First, FEI must transition to FBE mode: a. C2 = 0x1C * C2[RANGE0] set to 2'b01 because the frequency of 4 MHz is within the high frequency range. * C2[HGO0] set to 1 to configure the crystal oscillator for high gain operation. * C2[EREFS0] set to 1, because a crystal is being used. b. C1 = 0x90 * C1[CLKS] set to 2'b10 to select external reference clock as system clock source * C1[FRDIV] set to 3'b010, or divide-by-128 because 4 MHz / 128 = 31.25 kHz which is in the 31.25 kHz to 39.0625 kHz range required by the FLL * C1[IREFS] cleared to 0, selecting the external reference clock and enabling the external oscillator. c. Loop until S[OSCINIT0] is 1, indicating the crystal selected by C2[EREFS0] has been initialized. d. Loop until S[IREFST] is 0, indicating the external reference is the current source for the reference clock. e. Loop until S[CLKST] is 2'b10, indicating that the external reference clock is selected to feed MCGOUTCLK. 2. Then, transition to BLPE: a. Set C2[LP] to 1. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 500 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 25 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) START IN FEI MODE C2 = 0x1C C1 = 0x40 NO CHECK S[OSCINIT0] = 1? YES CHECK S[IREFST] = 0? NO YES CHECK NO S[CLKST] = %10? YES C2 = 0x1E (C2[LP] = 1) Continue in BLPE mode Figure 25-3. Flowchart of FEI to BLPE mode transition using a 4 MHz crystal KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 501 Initialization / Application information Example 2: Moving from BLPE to BLPI mode: MCGOUTCLK frequency = 2 MHz In this example, the MCG will move through the proper operational modes from BLPE mode with a 4 MHz crystal configured for a 4 MHz MCGOUTCLK frequency (see previous example) to BLPI mode with a 2 MHz MCGOUTCLK frequency. First, the code sequence will be described. Then there is a flowchart that illustrates the sequence. 1. First, BLPE must transition to FBE mode: a. Clear C2[LP] to 0 here to switch to FBE mode. 2. Next, FBE mode transitions into FBI mode: a. C1 = 0x54 * C1[CLKS] set to 2'b01 to switch the system clock to the internal reference clock. * C1[IREFS] set to 1 to select the internal reference clock as the reference clock source. * C1[FRDIV] remain unchanged because the reference divider does not affect the internal reference. b. Loop until S[IREFST] is 1, indicating the internal reference clock has been selected as the reference clock source. c. Loop until S[CLKST] are 2'b01, indicating that the internal reference clock is selected to feed MCGOUTCLK. 3. Lastly, FBI transitions into BLPI mode with IRCS selecting Fast Internal Reference Clock. a. C2 = 0x03 * C2[IRCS] is 1 * C2[LP] is 1 * C2[RANGE], C2[HGO], C2[EREFS], C1[IRCLKEN], and C1[IREFSTEN] bits are ignored when the C1[IREFS] bit is set. They can remain set, or be cleared at this point. b. Loop until S[IRCST] is 1, indicating the internal reference clock is the fast clock. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 502 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 25 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) START IN BLPE MODE C2 = 0x1C (C2[LP] = 0) C1 = 0x64 CHECK S[IREFST] = 0? NO YES CHECK S[CLKST] = %01? NO YES C2 = 0x23 CHECK S[IRCST] = 1? NO YES CONTINUE IN BLPI MODE Figure 25-4. Flowchart of BLPE to BLPI mode transition using an MHz crystal KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 503 Initialization / Application information Example 3: Moving from BLPI to FEE mode In this example, the MCG will move through the proper operational modes from BLPI mode at a 32 kHz MCGOUTCLK frequency running off the internal reference clock (see previous example) to FEE mode using a 4 MHz crystal configured for a 20 MHz MCGOUTCLK frequency. First, the code sequence will be described. Then there is a flowchart that illustrates the sequence. 1. First, BLPI must transition to FBI mode. a. C2 = 0x00 * C2[LP] is 0 2. Next, FBI will transition to FEE mode. a. C2 = 0x1C * C2[RANGE] set to 2'b01 because the frequency of 4 MHz is within the high frequency range. * C2[HGO] set to 1 to configure the crystal oscillator for high gain operation. * C2[EREFS] set to 1, because a crystal is being used. b. C1 = 0x10 * C1[CLKS] set to 2'b00 to select the output of the FLL as system clock source. * C1[FRDIV] remain at 3'b010, or divide-by-128 for a reference of 4 MHz / 128 = 31.25 kHz. * C1[IREFS] cleared to 0, selecting the external reference clock. c. Loop until S[OSCINIT] is 1, indicating the crystal selected by the C2[EREFS] bit has been initialized. d. Loop until S[IREFST] is 0, indicating the external reference clock is the current source for the reference clock. e. Loop until S[CLKST] are 2'b00, indicating that the output of the FLL is selected to feed MCGOUTCLK. f. Now, with a 31.25 kHz reference frequency, a fixed DCO multiplier of 640, MCGOUTCLK = 31.25 kHz * 640 / 1 = 20 MHz. g. At this point, by default, the C4[DRST_DRS] bits are set to 2'b00 and C4[DMX32] is cleared to 0. If the MCGOUTCLK frequency of 40 MHz is desired instead, set the C4[DRST_DRS] bits to 0x01 to switch the FLL KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 504 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 25 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) multiplication factor from 640 to 1280. To return the MCGOUTCLK frequency to 20 MHz, set C4[DRST_DRS] bits to 2'b00 again, and the FLL multiplication factor will switch back to 640. START IN BLPI MODE CHECK NO S[IREFST] = 0? C2 = 0x00 YES C2 = 0x1C NO CHECK S[CLKST] = %00? C1 = 0x10 YES CONTINUE CHECK S[OSCINIT] = 1 ? NO IN FEE MODE YES Figure 25-5. Flowchart of BLPI to FEE mode transition using an 4 MHz crystal KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 505 Initialization / Application information KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 506 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 26 Oscillator (OSC) 26.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The OSC module is a crystal oscillator. The module, in conjunction with an external crystal or resonator, generates a reference clock for the MCU. 26.2 Features and Modes Key features of the module are listed here. * Supports 32 kHz crystals (Low Range mode) * Supports 3-8 MHz, 8-32 MHz crystals and resonators (High Range mode) * Automatic Gain Control (AGC) to optimize power consumption in high frequency ranges 3-8 MHz, 8-32 MHz using low-power mode * High gain option in frequency ranges: 32 kHz, 3-8 MHz, and 8-32 MHz * Voltage and frequency filtering to guarantee clock frequency and stability * Optionally external input bypass clock from EXTAL signal directly * One clock for MCU clock system * Two clocks for on-chip peripherals that can work in Stop modes Functional Description describes the module's operation in more detail. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 507 Block Diagram 26.3 Block Diagram The OSC module uses a crystal or resonator to generate three filtered oscillator clock signals.Three clocks are output from OSC module: OSCCLK for MCU system, OSCERCLK for on-chip peripherals, and OSC32KCLK. The OSCCLK can only work in run mode. OSCERCLK and OSC32KCLK can work in low power modes. For the clock source assignments, refer to the clock distribution information of this MCU. Refer to the chip configuration details for the external reference clock source in this MCU. The figure found here shows the block diagram of the OSC module. EXTAL XTAL Mux OSC Clock Enable OSC_CLK_OUT OSCERCLK_UNDIV ERCLKEN Range selections Low Power config XTL_CLK Oscillator Circuits ERPS EN DIV OSCERCLK OSC32KCLK ERCLKEN OSC clock selection EREFSTEN OSC_EN 4096 Counter Control and Decoding logic CNT_DONE_4096 OSCCLK STOP Figure 26-1. OSC Module Block Diagram 26.4 OSC Signal Descriptions The table found here shows the user-accessible signals available for the OSC module. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 508 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 26 Oscillator (OSC) Refer to signal multiplexing information for this MCU for more details. Table 26-1. OSC Signal Descriptions Signal Description EXTAL External clock/Oscillator input I Oscillator output O XTAL I/O 26.5 External Crystal / Resonator Connections The connections for a crystal/resonator frequency reference are shown in the figures found here. When using low-frequency, low-power mode, the only external component is the crystal or ceramic resonator itself. In the other oscillator modes, load capacitors (Cx, Cy) and feedback resistor (RF) are required. The following table shows all possible connections. Table 26-2. External Caystal/Resonator Connections Oscillator Mode Connections Low-frequency (32 kHz), low-power Connection 1 Low-frequency (32 kHz), high-gain Connection 2/Connection 31 High-frequency (3~32 MHz), low-power Connection 1/Connection 32,2 High-frequency (3~32 MHz), high-gain Connection 2/Connection 32 1. When the load capacitors (Cx, Cy) are greater than 30 pF, use Connection 3. 2. With the low-power mode, the oscillator has the internal feedback resistor RF. Therefore, the feedback resistor must not be externally with the Connection 3. OSC XTAL VSS EXTAL Crystal or Resonator Figure 26-2. Crystal/Ceramic Resonator Connections - Connection 1 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 509 External Clock Connections OSC EXTAL XTAL VSS RF Crystal or Resonator Figure 26-3. Crystal/Ceramic Resonator Connections - Connection 2 NOTE Connection 1 and Connection 2 should use internal capacitors as the load of the oscillator by configuring the CR[SCxP] bits. OSC EXTAL XTAL VSS Cx Cy RF Crystal or Resonator Figure 26-4. Crystal/Ceramic Resonator Connections - Connection 3 26.6 External Clock Connections In external clock mode, the pins can be connected as shown in the figure found here. NOTE XTAL can be used as a GPIO when the GPIO alternate function is configured for it. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 510 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 26 Oscillator (OSC) OSC XTAL VSS EXTAL Clock Input I/O Figure 26-5. External Clock Connections 26.7 Memory Map/Register Definitions Some oscillator module register bits are typically incorporated into other peripherals such as MCG or SIM. 26.7.1 OSC Memory Map/Register Definition OSC memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 4006_5000 OSC Control Register (OSC_CR) 8 R/W 00h 511 4006_5002 OSC_DIV (OSC_OSC_DIV) 8 R/W 00h 513 OSC Control Register (OSC_CR) NOTE After OSC is enabled and starts generating the clocks, the configurations such as low power and frequency range, must not be changed. Address: 4006_5000h base + 0h offset = 4006_5000h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ERCLKEN 0 EREFSTEN 0 SC2P SC4P SC8P SC16P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 511 OSC Memory Map/Register Definition OSC_CR field descriptions Field 7 ERCLKEN Description External Reference Enable Enables external reference clock (OSCERCLK) . 0 1 6 Reserved 5 EREFSTEN This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. External Reference Stop Enable Controls whether or not the external reference clock (OSCERCLK) remains enabled when MCU enters Stop mode. 0 1 4 Reserved 3 SC2P Oscillator 2 pF Capacitor Load Configure Configures the oscillator load. Configures the oscillator load. Disable the selection. Add 4 pF capacitor to the oscillator load. Oscillator 8 pF Capacitor Load Configure Configures the oscillator load. 0 1 0 SC16P Disable the selection. Add 2 pF capacitor to the oscillator load. Oscillator 4 pF Capacitor Load Configure 0 1 1 SC8P External reference clock is disabled in Stop mode. External reference clock stays enabled in Stop mode if ERCLKEN is set before entering Stop mode. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 1 2 SC4P External reference clock is inactive. External reference clock is enabled. Disable the selection. Add 8 pF capacitor to the oscillator load. Oscillator 16 pF Capacitor Load Configure Configures the oscillator load. 0 1 Disable the selection. Add 16 pF capacitor to the oscillator load. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 512 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 26 Oscillator (OSC) OSC_DIV (OSC_OSC_DIV) OSC Clock divider register. Address: 4006_5000h base + 2h offset = 4006_5002h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 ERPS 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OSC_OSC_DIV field descriptions Field 7-6 ERPS Description ERCLK prescaler. These two bits are used to divide the ERCLK output. The un-divided ERCLK output is not affected by these two bits. 00 01 10 11 The divisor ratio is 1. The divisor ratio is 2. The divisor ratio is 4. The divisor ratio is 8. 5 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 2 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 1 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 26.8 Functional Description Functional details of the module can be found here. 26.8.1 OSC module states The states of the OSC module are shown in the following figure. The states and their transitions between each other are described in this section. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 513 Functional Description Off Oscillator OFF OSC_CLK_OUT = Static OSCCLK not requested OSCCLK requested OSCCLK requested && && Select OSC internal clock Select clock from EXTAL signal Start-Up External Clock Mode Oscillator ON, not yet stable OSC_CLK_OUT = Static Oscillator ON OSC_CLK_OUT = EXTAL CNT_DONE_4096 Stable Oscillator ON, Stable OSC_CLK_OUT = XTL_CLK Figure 26-6. OSC Module state diagram NOTE XTL_CLK is the clock generated internally from OSC circuits. Off The OSC enters the Off state when the system does not require OSC clocks. Upon entering this state, XTL_CLK is static unless OSC is configured to select the clock from the EXTAL pad by clearing the external reference clock selection bit. For details regarding the external reference clock source in this MCU, refer to the chip configuration details. The EXTAL and XTAL pins are also decoupled from all other oscillator circuitry in this state. The OSC module circuitry is configured to draw minimal current. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 514 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 26 Oscillator (OSC) Oscillator startup The OSC enters startup state when it is configured to generate clocks (internally the OSC_EN transitions high) using the internal oscillator circuits by setting the external reference clock selection bit. In this state, the OSC module is enabled and oscillations are starting up, but have not yet stabilized. When the oscillation amplitude becomes large enough to pass through the input buffer, XTL_CLK begins clocking the counter. When the counter reaches 4096 cycles of XTL_CLK, the oscillator is considered stable and XTL_CLK is passed to the output clock OSC_CLK_OUT. Oscillator Stable The OSC enters stable state when it is configured to generate clocks (internally the OSC_EN transitions high) using the internal oscillator circuits by setting the external reference clock selection bit and the counter reaches 4096 cycles of XTL_CLK (when CNT_DONE_4096 is high). In this state, the OSC module is producing a stable output clock on OSC_CLK_OUT. Its frequency is determined by the external components being used. External Clock mode The OSC enters external clock state when it is enabled and external reference clock selection bit is cleared. For details regarding external reference clock source in this MCU, see the chip configuration details. In this state, the OSC module is set to buffer (with hysteresis) a clock from EXTAL onto the OSC_CLK_OUT. Its frequency is determined by the external clock being supplied. 26.8.2 OSC module modes The OSC is a pierce-type oscillator that supports external crystals or resonators operating over the frequency ranges shown in Table 26-3. These modes assume the following conditions: OSC is enabled to generate clocks (OSC_EN=1), configured to generate clocks internally (MCG_C2[EREFS] = 1), and some or one of the other peripherals (MCG, Timer, and so on) is configured to use the oscillator output clock (OSC_CLK_OUT). Table 26-3. Oscillator modes Mode Frequency Range Low-frequency, high-gain fosc_lo (32.768 kHz) up to fosc_lo (39.0625 kHz) Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 515 Functional Description Table 26-3. Oscillator modes (continued) Mode Frequency Range High-frequency mode1, high-gain fosc_hi_1 (3 MHz) up to fosc_hi_1 (8 MHz) High-frequency mode1, low-power High-frequency mode2, high-gain fosc_hi_2 (8 MHz) up to fosc_hi_2 (32 MHz) High-frequency mode2, low-power NOTE For information about low power modes of operation used in this chip and their alignment with some OSC modes, see the chip's Power Management details. Low-Frequency, High-Gain Mode In Low-frequency, high-gain mode, the oscillator uses a simple inverter-style amplifier. The gain is set to achieve rail-to-rail oscillation amplitudes. The oscillator input buffer in this mode is single-ended. It provides low pass frequency filtering as well as hysteresis for voltage filtering and converts the output to logic levels. In this mode, the internal capacitors could be used. Low-Frequency, Low-Power Mode In low-frequency, low-power mode, the oscillator uses a gain control loop to minimize power consumption. As the oscillation amplitude increases, the amplifier current is reduced. This continues until a desired amplitude is achieved at steady-state. This mode provides low pass frequency filtering as well as hysteresis for voltage filtering and converts the output to logic levels. In this mode, the internal capacitors could be used, the internal feedback resistor is connected, and no external resistor should be used. In this mode, the amplifier inputs, gain-control input, and input buffer input are all capacitively coupled for leakage tolerance (not sensitive to the DC level of EXTAL). Also in this mode, all external components except for the resonator itself are integrated, which includes the load capacitors and feeback resistor that biases EXTAL. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 516 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 26 Oscillator (OSC) High-Frequency, High-Gain Mode In high-frequency, high-gain mode, the oscillator uses a simple inverter-style amplifier. The gain is set to achieve rail-to-rail oscillation amplitudes. This mode provides low pass frequency filtering as well as hysteresis for voltage filtering and converts the output to logic levels. In this mode, the internal capacitors could be used. High-Frequency, Low-Power Mode In high-frequency, low-power mode, the oscillator uses a gain control loop to minimize power consumption. As the oscillation amplitude increases, the amplifier current is reduced. This continues until a desired amplitude is achieved at steady-state. In this mode, the internal capacitors could be used, the internal feedback resistor is connected, and no external resistor should be used. The oscillator input buffer in this mode is differential. It provides low pass frequency filtering as well as hysteresis for voltage filtering and converts the output to logic levels. 26.8.3 Counter The oscillator output clock (OSC_CLK_OUT) is gated off until the counter has detected 4096 cycles of its input clock (XTL_CLK). After 4096 cycles are completed, the counter passes XTL_CLK onto OSC_CLK_OUT. This counting timeout is used to guarantee output clock stability. 26.8.4 Reference clock pin requirements The OSC module requires use of both the EXTAL and XTAL pins to generate an output clock in Oscillator mode, but requires only the EXTAL pin in External clock mode. The EXTAL and XTAL pins are available for I/O. For the implementation of these pins on this device, refer to the Signal Multiplexing chapter. 26.9 Reset There is no reset state associated with the OSC module. The counter logic is reset when the OSC is not configured to generate clocks. There are no sources of reset requests for the OSC module. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 517 Low power modes operation 26.10 Low power modes operation When the MCU enters Stop modes, the OSC is functional depending on CR[ERCLKEN] and CR[EREFSETN] bit settings. If both these bits are set, the OSC is in operation. In Low Leakage Stop (LLS) modes, the OSC holds all register settings. If CR[ERCLKEN] and CR[EREFSTEN] are set before entry to Low Leakage Stop modes, the OSC is still functional in these modes. After waking up from Very Low Leakage Stop (VLLSx) modes, all OSC register bits are reset and initialization is required through software. 26.11 Interrupts The OSC module does not generate any interrupts. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 518 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC) 27.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The Flash Memory Controller (FMC) is a memory acceleration unit that provides: * an interface between the device and the nonvolatile memory. * buffers that can accelerate flash memory transfers. 27.1.1 Overview The Flash Memory Controller manages the interface between the device and the flash memory. The FMC receives status information detailing the configuration of the memory and uses this information to ensure a proper interface. The following table shows the supported read/write operations. Flash memory type Program flash memory Read 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit reads Write --1 1. A write operation to program flash memory results in a bus error. In addition, for bank 0, the FMC provides three separate mechanisms for accelerating the interface between the device and the flash memory. A 64-bit speculation buffer can prefetch the next 64-bit flash memory location, and both a 4-way, 4-set cache and a single-entry 64-bit buffer can store previously accessed flash memory data for quick access times. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 519 Modes of operation 27.1.2 Features The FMC's features include: * Interface between the device and the flash memory: * 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit read operations to program flash memory. * For bank 0: Read accesses to consecutive 32-bit spaces in memory return the second read data with no wait states. The memory returns 64 bits via the 32-bit bus access. * Crossbar master access protection for setting no access, read-only access, writeonly access, or read/write access for each crossbar master. * For bank 0: Acceleration of data transfer from program flash memory to the device: * 64-bit prefetch speculation buffer with controls for instruction/data access per master * 4-way, 4-set, 64-bit line size cache for a total of sixteen 64-bit entries with controls for replacement algorithm and lock per way * Single-entry buffer * Invalidation control for the speculation buffer and the single-entry buffer 27.2 Modes of operation The FMC only operates when a bus master accesses the flash memory. For any device power mode where the flash memory cannot be accessed, the FMC is disabled. 27.3 External signal description The FMC has no external signals. 27.4 Memory map and register descriptions The programming model consists of the FMC control registers and the program visible cache (data and tag/valid entries). NOTE Program the registers only while the flash controller is idle (for example, execute from RAM). Changing configuration settings KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 520 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC) while a flash access is in progress can lead to non-deterministic behavior. Table 27-1. FMC register access Registers Read access Mode Write access Length Mode Length Control registers: PFAPR, PFB0CR, PFB1CR Supervisor (privileged) mode or user mode 32 bits Supervisor (privileged) mode only 32 bits Cache registers Supervisor (privileged) mode or user mode 32 bits Supervisor (privileged) mode only 32 bits NOTE Accesses to unimplemented registers within the FMC's 4 KB address space return a bus error. The cache entries, both data and tag/valid, can be read at any time. NOTE System software is required to maintain memory coherence when any segment of the flash cache is programmed. For example, all buffer data associated with the reprogrammed flash should be invalidated. Accordingly, cache program visible writes must occur after a programming or erase event is completed and before the new memory image is accessed. The cache is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 4 sets. The ways are numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-3. The following table elaborates on the tag/valid and data entries. Table 27-2. Program visible cache registers Cache storage Based at offset Contents of 32-bit read Nomenclature Nomenclature example Tag 100h 13'h0, tag[18:5], 4'h0, valid In TAGVDWxSy, x denotes the way and y denotes the set. TAGVDW2S0 is the 14-bit tag and 1-bit valid for cache entry way 2, set 0. Data 200h Upper or lower longword of data In DATAWxSyU and DATAWxSyL, x denotes the way, y denotes the set, and U and L represent upper and lower word, respectively. DATAW1S0U represents bits [63:32] of data entry way 1, set 0, and DATAW1S0L represents bits [31:0] of data entry way 1, set 0. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 521 Memory map and register descriptions FMC memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4001_F000 Flash Access Protection Register (FMC_PFAPR) 32 R/W 00F8_003Fh 27.4.1/524 4001_F004 Flash Bank 0 Control Register (FMC_PFB0CR) 32 R/W 3002_001Fh 27.4.2/526 4001_F008 Reserved (FMC_Reserved) 32 R/W 3000_0000h 27.4.3/528 4001_F100 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW0S0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.4/529 4001_F104 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW0S1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.4/529 4001_F108 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW0S2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.4/529 4001_F10C Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW0S3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.4/529 4001_F110 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW1S0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.5/530 4001_F114 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW1S1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.5/530 4001_F118 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW1S2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.5/530 4001_F11C Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW1S3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.5/530 4001_F120 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW2S0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.6/531 4001_F124 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW2S1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.6/531 4001_F128 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW2S2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.6/531 4001_F12C Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW2S3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.6/531 4001_F130 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW3S0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.7/532 4001_F134 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW3S1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.7/532 4001_F138 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW3S2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.7/532 4001_F13C Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW3S3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.7/532 4001_F200 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW0S0U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.8/532 4001_F204 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW0S0L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.9/533 4001_F208 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW0S1U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.8/532 4001_F20C Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW0S1L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.9/533 4001_F210 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW0S2U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.8/532 4001_F214 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW0S2L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.9/533 4001_F218 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW0S3U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.8/532 4001_F21C Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW0S3L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.9/533 4001_F220 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW1S0U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.10/ 533 4001_F224 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW1S0L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.11/ 534 4001_F228 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW1S1U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.10/ 533 4001_F22C Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW1S1L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.11/ 534 4001_F230 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW1S2U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.10/ 533 4001_F234 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW1S2L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.11/ 534 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 522 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC) FMC memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.10/ 533 4001_F23C Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW1S3L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.11/ 534 4001_F240 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW2S0U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.12/ 534 4001_F244 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW2S0L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.13/ 535 4001_F248 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW2S1U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.12/ 534 4001_F24C Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW2S1L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.13/ 535 4001_F250 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW2S2U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.12/ 534 4001_F254 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW2S2L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.13/ 535 4001_F258 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW2S3U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.12/ 534 4001_F25C Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW2S3L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.13/ 535 4001_F260 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW3S0U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.14/ 535 4001_F264 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW3S0L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.15/ 536 4001_F268 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW3S1U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.14/ 535 4001_F26C Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW3S1L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.15/ 536 4001_F270 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW3S2U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.14/ 535 4001_F274 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW3S2L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.15/ 536 4001_F278 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW3S3U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.14/ 535 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.15/ 536 4001_F238 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW1S3U) 4001_F27C Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW3S3L) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 523 Memory map and register descriptions 27.4.1 Flash Access Protection Register (FMC_PFAPR) Address: 4001_F000h base + 0h offset = 4001_F000h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reserved M2PFD M1PFD M0PFD R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved Reserved W R Reserved Reserved Reserved 0 0 M2AP[1:0] M1AP[1:0] M0AP[1:0] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 FMC_PFAPR field descriptions Field Description 31-24 Reserved This field is reserved. 23-20 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only bitfield is reserved. Do not write to this bitfield or indeterminate results will occur. 19 Reserved This field is reserved. 18 M2PFD Master 2 Prefetch Disable These bits control whether prefetching is enabled, based on the logical number of the requesting crossbar switch master. This field is further qualified by the PFBnCR[BxDPE,BxIPE] bits. 0 1 17 M1PFD Prefetching for this master is enabled. Prefetching for this master is disabled. Master 1 Prefetch Disable These bits control whether prefetching is enabled, based on the logical number of the requesting crossbar switch master. This field is further qualified by the PFBnCR[BxDPE,BxIPE] bits. 0 1 Prefetching for this master is enabled. Prefetching for this master is disabled. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 524 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC) FMC_PFAPR field descriptions (continued) Field 16 M0PFD Description Master 0 Prefetch Disable These bits control whether prefetching is enabled, based on the logical number of the requesting crossbar switch master. This field is further qualified by the PFBnCR[BxDPE,BxIPE] bits. 0 1 Prefetching for this master is enabled. Prefetching for this master is disabled. 15-10 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only bitfield is reserved and is reset to zero. Do not write to this bitfield or indeterminate results will occur. 9-8 Reserved This field is reserved. 7-6 Reserved This field is reserved. 5-4 M2AP[1:0] Master 2 Access Protection This field controls whether read and write access to the flash is allowed, based on the logical master number of the requesting crossbar switch master. 00 01 10 11 3-2 M1AP[1:0] Master 1 Access Protection This field controls whether read and write access to the flash is allowed, based on the logical master number of the requesting crossbar switch master. 00 01 10 11 M0AP[1:0] No access may be performed by this master Only read accesses may be performed by this master Only write accesses may be performed by this master Both read and write accesses may be performed by this master No access may be performed by this master Only read accesses may be performed by this master Only write accesses may be performed by this master Both read and write accesses may be performed by this master Master 0 Access Protection This field controls whether read and write access to the flash is allowed, based on the logical master number of the requesting crossbar switch master. 00 01 10 11 No access may be performed by this master Only read accesses may be performed by this master Only write accesses may be performed by this master Both read and write accesses may be performed by this master KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 525 Memory map and register descriptions 27.4.2 Flash Bank 0 Control Register (FMC_PFB0CR) Address: 4001_F000h base + 4h offset = 4001_F004h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 B0RWSC[3:0] R 21 20 19 0 0 CINV_WAY[3:0] S_B_ INV 18 17 B0MW[1:0] 16 0 CLCK_WAY[3:0] Reset 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 B0DCE B0ICE B0DPE B0IPE B0SEBE W 1 1 1 1 1 0 R CRC[2:0] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FMC_PFB0CR field descriptions Field 31-28 B0RWSC[3:0] Description Bank 0 Read Wait State Control This read-only field defines the number of wait states required to access the bank 0 flash memory. The relationship between the read access time of the flash array (expressed in system clock cycles) and RWSC is defined as: Access time of flash array [system clocks] = RWSC + 1 The FMC automatically calculates this value based on the ratio of the system clock speed to the flash clock speed. For example, when this ratio is 4:1, the field's value is 3h. 27-24 Cache Lock Way x CLCK_WAY[3:0] These bits determine if the given cache way is locked such that its contents will not be displaced by future misses. The bit setting definitions are for each bit in the field. 0 1 Cache way is unlocked and may be displaced Cache way is locked and its contents are not displaced 23-20 Cache Invalidate Way x CINV_WAY[3:0] Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 526 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC) FMC_PFB0CR field descriptions (continued) Field Description These bits determine if the given cache way is to be invalidated (cleared). When a bit within this field is written, the corresponding cache way is immediately invalidated: the way's tag, data, and valid contents are cleared. This field always reads as zero. Cache invalidation takes precedence over locking. The cache is invalidated by system reset. System software is required to maintain memory coherency when any segment of the flash memory is programmed or erased. Accordingly, cache invalidations must occur after a programming or erase event is completed and before the new memory image is accessed. The bit setting definitions are for each bit in the field. 0 1 19 S_B_INV Invalidate Prefetch Speculation Buffer This bit determines if the FMC's prefetch speculation buffer and the single entry page buffer are to be invalidated (cleared). When this bit is written, the speculation buffer and single entry buffer are immediately cleared. This bit always reads as zero. 0 1 18-17 B0MW[1:0] No cache way invalidation for the corresponding cache Invalidate cache way for the corresponding cache: clear the tag, data, and vld bits of ways selected Speculation buffer and single entry buffer are not affected. Invalidate (clear) speculation buffer and single entry buffer. Bank 0 Memory Width This read-only field defines the width of the bank 0 memory. 00 01 10 11 32 bits 64 bits Reserved Reserved 16 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 15-8 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 7-5 CRC[2:0] Cache Replacement Control This 3-bit field defines the replacement algorithm for accesses that are cached. 000 001 010 011 1xx 4 B0DCE Bank 0 Data Cache Enable This bit controls whether data references are loaded into the cache. 0 1 3 B0ICE LRU replacement algorithm per set across all four ways Reserved Independent LRU with ways [0-1] for ifetches, [2-3] for data Independent LRU with ways [0-2] for ifetches, [3] for data Reserved Do not cache data references. Cache data references. Bank 0 Instruction Cache Enable This bit controls whether instruction fetches are loaded into the cache. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 527 Memory map and register descriptions FMC_PFB0CR field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 2 B0DPE Do not cache instruction fetches. Cache instruction fetches. Bank 0 Data Prefetch Enable This bit controls whether prefetches (or speculative accesses) are initiated in response to data references. 0 1 1 B0IPE Do not prefetch in response to data references. Enable prefetches in response to data references. Bank 0 Instruction Prefetch Enable This bit controls whether prefetches (or speculative accesses) are initiated in response to instruction fetches. 0 1 0 B0SEBE Do not prefetch in response to instruction fetches. Enable prefetches in response to instruction fetches. Bank 0 Single Entry Buffer Enable This bit controls whether the single entry page buffer is enabled in response to flash read accesses. A high-to-low transition of this enable forces the page buffer to be invalidated. 0 1 Single entry buffer is disabled. Single entry buffer is enabled. 27.4.3 Reserved (FMC_Reserved) This register address is reserved. Address: 4001_F000h base + 8h offset = 4001_F008h Bit 31 R 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 22 21 20 19 0 Reserved W 23 18 17 16 Reserved 0 Reset 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 R 0 0 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FMC_Reserved field descriptions Field Description 31-28 Reserved This field is reserved. 27-19 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 528 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC) FMC_Reserved field descriptions (continued) Field Description 18-17 Reserved This field is reserved. 16 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 15-8 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 7-5 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 27.4.4 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW0Sn) The cache is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 4 sets. The ways are numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-3. In TAGVDWxSy, x denotes the way, and y denotes the set. This section represents tag/vld information for all sets in the indicated way. Address: 4001_F000h base + 100h offset + (4d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 0 R 17 16 tag[18:5] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R Reset 0 tag[18:5] W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 valid 0 0 0 FMC_TAGVDW0Sn field descriptions Field Description 31-19 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 18-5 tag[18:5] 14-bit tag for cache entry 4-1 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 valid 1-bit valid for cache entry KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 529 Memory map and register descriptions 27.4.5 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW1Sn) The cache is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 4 sets. The ways are numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-3. In TAGVDWxSy, x denotes the way, and y denotes the set. This section represents tag/vld information for all sets in the indicated way. Address: 4001_F000h base + 110h offset + (4d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 0 R 17 16 tag[18:5] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R Reset 0 tag[18:5] W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 valid 0 0 0 FMC_TAGVDW1Sn field descriptions Field Description 31-19 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 18-5 tag[18:5] 14-bit tag for cache entry 4-1 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 valid 1-bit valid for cache entry KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 530 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC) 27.4.6 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW2Sn) The cache is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 4 sets. The ways are numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-3. In TAGVDWxSy, x denotes the way, and y denotes the set. This section represents tag/vld information for all sets in the indicated way. Address: 4001_F000h base + 120h offset + (4d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 0 R 17 16 tag[18:5] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R Reset 0 tag[18:5] W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 valid 0 0 0 FMC_TAGVDW2Sn field descriptions Field Description 31-19 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 18-5 tag[18:5] 14-bit tag for cache entry 4-1 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 valid 1-bit valid for cache entry KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 531 Memory map and register descriptions 27.4.7 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW3Sn) The cache is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 4 sets. The ways are numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-3. In TAGVDWxSy, x denotes the way, and y denotes the set. This section represents tag/vld information for all sets in the indicated way. Address: 4001_F000h base + 130h offset + (4d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 0 R 17 16 tag[18:5] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R 0 tag[18:5] W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 valid 0 0 0 0 FMC_TAGVDW3Sn field descriptions Field Description 31-19 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 18-5 tag[18:5] 14-bit tag for cache entry 4-1 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 valid 1-bit valid for cache entry 27.4.8 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW0SnU) The cache of 64-bit entries is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 4 sets. The ways are numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-3. In DATAWxSyU and DATAWxSyL, x denotes the way, y denotes the set, and U and L represent upper and lower word, respectively. This section represents data for the upper word (bits [63:32]) of all sets in the indicated way. Address: 4001_F000h base + 200h offset + (8d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit R W 31 Reset 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 data[63:32] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 532 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC) FMC_DATAW0SnU field descriptions Field Description data[63:32] Bits [63:32] of data entry 27.4.9 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW0SnL) The cache of 64-bit entries is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 4 sets. The ways are numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-3. In DATAWxSyU and DATAWxSyL, x denotes the way, y denotes the set, and U and L represent upper and lower word, respectively. This section represents data for the lower word (bits [31:0]) of all sets in the indicated way. Address: 4001_F000h base + 204h offset + (8d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit R W 31 Reset 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 data[31:0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FMC_DATAW0SnL field descriptions Field Description data[31:0] Bits [31:0] of data entry 27.4.10 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW1SnU) The cache of 64-bit entries is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 4 sets. The ways are numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-3. In DATAWxSyU and DATAWxSyL, x denotes the way, y denotes the set, and U and L represent upper and lower word, respectively. This section represents data for the upper word (bits [63:32]) of all sets in the indicated way. Address: 4001_F000h base + 220h offset + (8d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit R W 31 Reset 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 data[63:32] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FMC_DATAW1SnU field descriptions Field data[63:32] Description Bits [63:32] of data entry KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 533 Memory map and register descriptions 27.4.11 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW1SnL) The cache of 64-bit entries is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 4 sets. The ways are numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-3. In DATAWxSyU and DATAWxSyL, x denotes the way, y denotes the set, and U and L represent upper and lower word, respectively. This section represents data for the lower word (bits [31:0]) of all sets in the indicated way. Address: 4001_F000h base + 224h offset + (8d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit R W 31 Reset 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 data[31:0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FMC_DATAW1SnL field descriptions Field Description data[31:0] Bits [31:0] of data entry 27.4.12 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW2SnU) The cache of 64-bit entries is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 4 sets. The ways are numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-3. In DATAWxSyU and DATAWxSyL, x denotes the way, y denotes the set, and U and L represent upper and lower word, respectively. This section represents data for the upper word (bits [63:32]) of all sets in the indicated way. Address: 4001_F000h base + 240h offset + (8d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit R W 31 Reset 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 data[63:32] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FMC_DATAW2SnU field descriptions Field data[63:32] Description Bits [63:32] of data entry KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 534 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC) 27.4.13 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW2SnL) The cache of 64-bit entries is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 4 sets. The ways are numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-3. In DATAWxSyU and DATAWxSyL, x denotes the way, y denotes the set, and U and L represent upper and lower word, respectively. This section represents data for the lower word (bits [31:0]) of all sets in the indicated way. Address: 4001_F000h base + 244h offset + (8d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit R W 31 Reset 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 data[31:0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FMC_DATAW2SnL field descriptions Field Description data[31:0] Bits [31:0] of data entry 27.4.14 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW3SnU) The cache of 64-bit entries is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 4 sets. The ways are numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-3. In DATAWxSyU and DATAWxSyL, x denotes the way, y denotes the set, and U and L represent upper and lower word, respectively. This section represents data for the upper word (bits [63:32]) of all sets in the indicated way. Address: 4001_F000h base + 260h offset + (8d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit R W 31 Reset 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 data[63:32] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FMC_DATAW3SnU field descriptions Field data[63:32] Description Bits [63:32] of data entry KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 535 Functional description 27.4.15 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW3SnL) The cache of 64-bit entries is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 4 sets. The ways are numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-3. In DATAWxSyU and DATAWxSyL, x denotes the way, y denotes the set, and U and L represent upper and lower word, respectively. This section represents data for the lower word (bits [31:0]) of all sets in the indicated way. Address: 4001_F000h base + 264h offset + (8d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit R W 31 Reset 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 data[31:0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FMC_DATAW3SnL field descriptions Field data[31:0] Description Bits [31:0] of data entry 27.5 Functional description The FMC is a flash acceleration unit with flexible buffers for user configuration. Besides managing the interface between the device and the flash memory, the FMC can be used to restrict access from crossbar switch masters and customize the cache and buffers to provide single-cycle system-clock data-access times. Whenever a hit occurs for the prefetch speculation buffer, the cache, or the single-entry buffer, the requested data is transferred within a single system clock. 27.5.1 Default configuration Upon system reset, the FMC is configured to provide a significant level of buffering for transfers from the flash memory: * Crossbar masters 0, 1, 2 have read access to bank 0. * For bank 0: * Prefetch support for data and instructions is enabled for crossbar masters 0, 1, 2. * The cache is configured for least recently used (LRU) replacement for all four ways. * The cache is configured for data or instruction replacement. * The single-entry buffer is enabled. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 536 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC) 27.5.2 Configuration options Though the default configuration provides a high degree of flash acceleration, advanced users may desire to customize the FMC buffer configurations to maximize throughput for their use cases. When reconfiguring the FMC for custom use cases, do not program the FMC's control registers while the flash memory is being accessed. Instead, change the control registers with a routine executing from RAM in supervisor mode. The FMC's cache and buffering controls within PFB0CR allow the tuning of resources to suit particular applications' needs. The cache and buffer are each controlled individually. The register controls enable buffering and prefetching per access type (instruction fetch or data reference). The cache also supports 3 types of LRU replacement algorithms: * LRU per set across all 4 ways, * LRU with ways [0-1] for instruction fetches and ways [2-3] for data fetches, and * LRU with ways [0-2] for instruction fetches and way [3] for data fetches. As an application example: if both instruction fetches and data references are accessing flash memory, then control is available to send instruction fetches, data references, or both to the cache or the single-entry buffer. Likewise, speculation can be enabled or disabled for either type of access. If both instruction fetches and data references are cached, then the cache's way resources may be divided in several ways between the instruction fetches and data references. 27.5.3 Speculative reads The FMC has a single buffer that reads ahead to the next word in the flash memory if there is an idle cycle. Speculative prefetching is programmable for each bank for instruction and/or data accesses using the B0DPE and B0IPE fields of PFB0CR. Because many code accesses are sequential, using the speculative prefetch buffer improves performance in most cases. When speculative reads are enabled, the FMC immediately requests the next sequential address after a read completes. By requesting the next word immediately, speculative reads can help to reduce or even eliminate wait states when accessing sequential code and/or data. For example, consider the following scenario: * Assume a system with a 4:1 core-to-flash clock ratio and with speculative reads enabled. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 537 Functional description * The core requests four sequential longwords in back-to-back requests, meaning there are no core cycle delays except for stalls waiting for flash memory data to be returned. * None of the data is already stored in the cache or speculation buffer. In this scenario, the sequence of events for accessing the four longwords is as follows: 1. The first longword read requires 4 to 7 core clocks. See Wait states for more information. 2. Due to the 64-bit data bus of the flash memory, the second longword read takes only 1 core clock because the data is already available inside the FMC. While the data for the second longword is being returned to the core, the FMC also starts reading the third and fourth longwords from the flash memory. 3. Accessing the third longword requires 3 core clock cycles. The flash memory read itself takes 4 clocks, but the first clock overlaps with the second longword read. 4. Reading the fourth longword, like the second longword, takes only 1 clock due to the 64-bit flash memory data bus. 27.5.4 Flash Access Control (FAC) Function The Flash Access Control (FAC) is a configurable memory protection scheme optimized to allow end users to use software libraries while offering programmable restrictions to these libraries. The flash memory is divided into equal size segments that provide protection to proprietary software libraries. The protection of these segments is controlled: the FAC provides a cycle-by-cycle evaluation of the access rights for each transaction routed to the on-chip flash memory. Two levels of vendors can add their proprietary software to a device; FAC protection of segments for each level are defined once, using the PGMONCE command. Flash access control aligns to the 3 privilege levels supported by ARM Cortex-M family products: * Most secure state is supervisor/privileged secure: allows execute-only and provides supervisor-only access control. * Mid-level state is execute-only. * Unsecure state is where no access control states are set. Features: * Lightweight access control logic for on-chip flash memory * Flash address space divided into (32 or 64) equal-sized segments (segment size is defined as flash_size [bytes]/(32 or 64)) * Separate control bits for supervisor-only access and execute-only access per segment * Access control evaluated on each bus cycle routed to the flash KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 538 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC) * Access violation errors terminate the bus cycle and return zeroes for read data * Programming model allows 2 levels of protected segments Memory map and register definitions The following table shows the mapping of FAC registers. Descriptions of each register and its bit assignments follow. * The Flash Management Unit (FMU) supports access to its FAC programming model via a 32-bit slave peripheral bus connection. * Unimplemented register bits read as zero. * For implementations supporting only 32 segments, only the 32-bit "low" register is implemented. * Writes to any read-only or reserved registers are ignored; attempts to access flash register space above offset '2B' will generate a transfer error. * The terms supervisor and user modes are equivalent to privileged and unprivileged modes. * In this FAC section, n refers to the segment number, and x is the acronym of the module that the registers are in (which sometimes varies from one device to another). x memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 1C Execute-only Access Register (x_XACC) 32 R See section 539 24 Supervisor-only Access Register (x_SACC) 32 R See section 540 28 Configuration Register (x_CR) 32 R See section 541 Execute-only Access Register (x_XACC) The XACC register provides a bit map for the flash segments to allow execute only or both data and instruction fetches for each associated segment. By definition, execute-only accesses include instruction fetches or PC-relative data loads from the processor. During the reset sequence the XACC register is loaded with a pre-programmed value from non-volatile space in flash. For more about NVM characteristics, see the functional description. Any change made to an NVM location takes effect on the next system reset. The flash basis for the values is signified by x in the reset value. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 539 Functional description Address: 0h base + 1Ch offset = 1Ch Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 XA[31:0] R W Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* * Notes: * Pre-programmed flash valuex = Undefined at reset. x_XACC field descriptions Field Description XA[31:0] Execute-only Access Control for segments 31-0 0 1 Associated segment is accessible in execute mode only (as an instruction fetch) Associated segment is accessible as data or in execute mode Supervisor-only Access Register (x_SACC) The SACC register provides a bit map for the flash segments to allow supervisor only or user and supervisor access to the associated segment. During the reset sequence the SACC register is loaded with a pre-programmed value from non-volatile space in flash. For more about NVM characteristics, see the functional description. Any change made to an NVM location takes effect on the next system reset. The flash basis for the values is signified by x in the reset value. Address: 0h base + 24h offset = 24h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SA[31:0] R W Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* * Notes: * Pre-programmed flash valuex = Undefined at reset. x_SACC field descriptions Field SA[31:0] Description Supervisor Access for segments 31-0 0 1 Associated segment is accessible in supervisor mode only Associated segment is accessible in user or supervisor mode KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 540 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC) Configuration Register (x_CR) The FAC Configuration Register provides basic configuration information including the flash segment size and an indicator of segment divisions. The NUMSG and SGSIZE values are fixed for a device. The chip-specific basis for the values is signified by * in the reset value. Address: 0h base + 28h offset = 28h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 NUMSG R 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 4 3 2 1 0 * * * SGSIZE W Reset * * * * * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * * * * * Notes: * NUMSG field: Device specific value * SGSIZE field: Device specific value x_CR field descriptions Field 31-24 NUMSG Description Number of Segments Indicator The NUMSG field indicates the number of equal-sized segments in the flash. 0x20 0x40 23-8 Reserved SGSIZE Flash is divided into 32 segments Flash is divided into 64 segments This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Segment Size The segment size is a fixed value calculated from the available flash size (rounded up to nearest power of 2) divided by 32 or 64, depending on the amount of available program flash. This field determines which bits in the address are used to index into the x_SACC and x_XACC bitmaps to get the appropriate permission flags. The segment size is defined by the equation 2^(8 + SGSIZE[7:0]). The tables below show a sampling of possible settings. Flash Size Segment Size Segment Size Encoding 32 Segment Encodings 16 KBytes 16 KBytes/32 = 512 Bytes 0x1 32 KBytes 32 KBytes/32 = 1 KBytes 0x2 64 KBytes 64 KBytes/32 = 2 KBytes 0x3 128 KBytes 128 KBytes/32 = 4 KBytes 0x4 64 Segment Encodings 256 KBytes 256 KBytes/64 = 4 KBytes 0x4 512 KBytes 512 KBytes/64 = 8 KBytes 0x5 1 MBytes 1 MBytes/64 = 16 KBytes 0x6 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 541 Functional description x_CR field descriptions (continued) Field Description FAC functional description The access control functionality is implemented in 2 separate blocks within the SoC. The Flash Management Unit (FMU) includes non-volatile configuration information that is retrieved during reset and and sent to the platform to control access to the flash array during normal operation. There are (4) 32-bit NVM storage locations to support access control features. These NVM locations are summarized in the table below. Table 27-3. NVM Locations NVM location Description NVSACC1, NVSACC2 Two locations are ANDed together and loaded during reset into the x_SACC register to provide access configuration. Segment-wise control for supervisor-only access vs. supervisor and user access NVXACC1, NVXACC2 Two locations are ANDed together and loaded during reset into the x_XACC register to provide access configuration. Segment-wise control for execute-only vs. data and execute Each of these NVM locations is programmable through a Program Once flash command and can be programmed one time. These NVM locations are unaffected by Erase All Blocks flash command and debug interface initiated mass erase operations. Since the 2 NVXACCx fields are ANDed, the access protection can only be increased. A segment's access controls can be changed from data read and execute (XAn =1) to execute-only (XAn =0), or from supervisor and user mode (SAn = 1) to supervisor-only mode (SAn = 0). The flash is released from reset early while the core continues to be held in reset. The FMU captures the NVM access control information in internal registers. The FMU ANDs the multiple execute-only fields to create a single execute-only field. This execute-only field driven to the platform is static prior to the core being released from reset. The supervisor-only field is handled in the same manner. The FMU includes the FAC registers that provide control access to the flash address space. During the address phase of every attempted flash transfer, the supervisor access (SAn) and execute access (XAn) bits are examined to either allow or deny access. If access is denied, then the access is aborted and terminates with a bus error; the read data is also zeroed. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 542 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC) The next table shows segment assignments relative to the flash location. Table 27-4. Flash Protection Ranges SAn and XAn Bit Protected Segment Address Range Segment Size (Fraction of total Flash) 64 Segment Encodings 0 0x0_0000_0000 - (Flash_size/64-1) 1/64 1 (Flash_size/64) - 2*(Flash_size/64-1) 1/64 63*(Flash_size/64) - 62*(Flash_size/64-1) 1/64 ........ 63 32 Segment Encodings 0 0x0_0000_0000 - (Flash_size/32-1) 1/32 1 (Flash_size/32) - 2*(Flash_size/32-1) 1/32 31*(Flash_size/32) - 30*(Flash_size/32-1) 1/32 ........ 31 Individual segments within the flash memory can be independently protected from user access and data access. Protection is controlled by the individual bits within the x_SACC and x_XACC registers, as shown in the next figure. Program flash Access Control bits (SAn/XAn) 0x0000_0000 Program flash size / 32 SA0/XA0 Program flash size / 32 SA1/XA1 Program flash size / 32 SA2/XA2 Program flash size / 32 SA3/XA3 Program flash size / 32 SA29/XA29 Program flash size / 32 SA30/XA30 Program flash size / 32 SA31/XA31 32 segments Last program flash address Figure 27-1. Program flash protection (32 segments) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 543 Functional description Signal Interface Signals Table 27-5. Interface Signals Width From To Description xacc 64 or 32 FMU Platform Direct xacc (execute-only access control) register sacc 64 or 32 FMU Platform Direct sacc (supervisor access control) register numsg 8 FMU Platform NUMSG bit field - Binary encoded number of segments 0x40 for 64 segments 0x20 for 32 segments fac_enable 1 SIM FMU SIM Option bit - derived from an IFR bit and captured in SIM_SOPTx. A way to disable the flash access control for phantom devices without this feature. fac_enable==1 - Access Control feature is enabled fac_enable==0 - Access Control feature is disabled * During the reset sequence, XACC registers are written to all "1"s. * During the reset sequence, SACC registers are written to all 1"s. * Implied protection based on XACC registers is turned off. Flash Command Impact Program Longword/Phrase/ If the targeted flash location is in an execute-only protected segment, then these program Section commands are not allowed unless a Read 1s All Blocks command is executed and returns with a pass code (which means the part has been fully erased). After the Read 1s All Blocks command is executed with a pass code returned, then the protected segment is open to program commands. To close off programmability to execute-only spaces once again, the device must be reset or a Read 1s All Blocks command is executed with a fail result. Attempts to program in a protected segment when not open to program commands causes a Protection Violation flag. PGMCHK The FMU will not execute the PGMCHK command on a segment that has been configured as execute-only. The Flash Protection Violation flag is set if an attempt is made to execute PGMCHK command on an execute-only address. Erase Flash Sector If the targeted flash sector is in an execute-only protected segment, then the Erase Flash Sector command is not allowed, and sets the Protection Violation flag. The only means of erasing protected space is by an Erase All operation. ERSALL The Erase All Blocks command is not affected by Access Control. An Erase All Blocks command will erase any libraries that have been programmed in any execute-only segment. The programmed execute-only assignment is not erased as part of the Erase All Blocks command, and access control regions remain as previously programmed. NOTE: The ERSALL command may be used for field upgrades. Access control states remain programmed. Software must plan accordingly, possibly making extra space available for future use. ERSXA The target regions of the command is controlled by FAC. For ERSXA, if a flash sector is in an execute-only protected segment and it is not protected by flash protection (FPROT), it will be erased. RD1XA The target regions of the command is controlled by FAC. For RD1XA, if a flash sector is in an execute-only protected segment, it will be erase verified. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 544 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC) Core Platform Impact Platform core caches (Flash If any segment is marked as execute-only, then the caches are hidden from the user. The tag and LMEM caches) is read-only and cannot be written, and the data caches cannot be read or written. Writes to the tag and data arrays are ignored, and reads of the data array return 0's. This will impact debug breakpoints. See the debug section for details. Debug The debugger is a non-processor bus master and cannot step, trace or break in execute-only regions. In supervisor-only mode, the debugger is restricted from changing modes. Debug accesses to any segment of flash space marked as execute-only also terminate with a bus error. PC-relative addressing The PC-relative addressing issue is still being understood and this section will be updated in the future. PC relative re-entry to execute-only segments will be allowed......... Restrictions will be placed on software for PC relative addressing, because hardware cannot determine if PC relative data references are crossing segment boundaries. * If ifetch is executing in a protected segment, then data references will be allowed. * Hardware cannot track speculative ifetches across boundaries. Interrupts If function calls are used to move into an execute-only segment, then this can be tracked by hardware when typical software controls are used (i.e., saving registers and states before executing new code). Reset Vector In the ARM core, the reset vector fetch is supervisor data, which poses issues if the reset vector is located in a segment marked execute-only. Additional logic has been implemented to allow supervisor data fetches to execute-only spaces, after reset until the first valid instruction fetch. After the first valid instruction fetch, the FAC logic follows normal checks. Software Impact As implementation, verification and validation continue, there will be more details on software impact that will need to be communicated to tool and library vendors. The hardware cannot see all states of the ARM core and cannot track the software flow requiring software restrictions to work with the hardware for a robust solution. Any segment marked as execute-only can see all code in the system. This means one execute-only segment can read the execute-only code in another segment. Therefore, if Freescale is sending pre-loaded code to another vendor, then that vendor will have access to Freescale code. Possibly use NDAs and legal agreements to deal with this issue. For single pre-loads (for example, if Freescale is pre-loading for a GP market or if a vendor with a blank part is pre-loading proprietary code), then both levels of access control must be programmed, to protect the pre-loaded code. If any portion of a protected segment is not used by pre-loaded code, then it (the portion of a protected segment that is not used by pre-loaded code) should be programmed with NOPs, to prevent additional code from being programmed in that segment by hackers. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 545 Functional description Access Check Evaluation The flash controller FAC provides a cycle-by-cycle evaluation of the access rights for each data transaction routed to the on-chip flash memory. The entire flash storage capacity is partitioned into equal sized segments. Two registers include a supervisor-only access control indicator and a execute-only access control indicator for each segment. The FAC logic performs the required access control evaluation using the reference address and a 2-bit attribute (or "protection" field) as inputs from the bus cycle plus the contents of the programming model registers. The following code example illustrates C code for FAC evaluation: unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned long long sacc; long long xacc; int seg_size; int fac_error; fac_evaluation unsigned int unsigned int { unsigned int unsigned int unsigned int // supervisor-only map // execute-only map // 8-bit segment size (addr, prot) addr; // access address hprot; // encoded 2-bit "protection" field {supv, data} sacc_flag; // sacc flag for this segment xacc_flag; // xacc flag for this segment i; // segment index i = (addr >> (8 + seg_size & 0x0f)) & 0x3f; // form 6-bit segment index sacc_flag = (sacc >> i) & 1; // extract sacc bit for this segment xacc_flag = (xacc >> i) & 1; // extract xacc bit for this segment // create a 4-tuple concatenating the 2-bit protection field + {sacc, xacc} flags switch ((hprot & 3) << 2 | (sacc_flag << 1) | xacc_flag) { // all these combinations are allowed accesses case 0x2: // {user, ifetch} && {supv+user, ifetch-only} case 0x3: // {user, ifetch} && {supv+user, ifetch+data} case 0x7: // {user, data} && {supv+user, ifetch+data} case 0x8: // {supv, ifetch} && {supv-only, ifetch-only} case 0x9: // {supv, ifetch} && {supv-only, ifetch+data} case 0xa: // {supv, ifetch} && {supv+user, ifetch-only} case 0xb: // {supv, ifetch} && {supv+user, ifetch+data} case 0xd: // {supv, data} && {supv-only, ifetch+data} case 0xf: // {supv, data} && {supv+user, ifetch+data} fac_error = 00; break; // all these combinations are case 0x0: // {user, ifetch} case 0x1: // {user, ifetch} case 0x4: // {user, data} case 0x5: // {user, data} case 0x6: // {user, data} case 0xc: // {supv, data} case 0xe: // {supv, data} fac_error = 1; break; unallowed, that is, errored accesses && {supv-only, ifetch-only} && {supv-only, ifetch+data} && {supv-only, ifetch-only} && {supv-only, ifetch+data} && {supv+user, ifetch-only} && {supv-only, ifetch-only} && {supv+user, ifetch-only} } // switch() } // fac_evaluation() KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 546 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC) FAC application tips In one use case, the NVSACC1 and NVXACC1 locations are programmed by NXP and they protect NXP libraries that have been programmed into associated flash segments in a device. Later, the NVSACC2 and NVXACC2 NVM locations can optionally be programmed by a third-party vendor who wants to program their proprietary software and to extend the protection of protected flash segments to include their software libraries before supplying it all to their customers. Their customer would then develop their own code to use the available libraries, and program their code into the remaining available on-chip flash. The device continues to support the end user with standard security features that further limit external access to flash resources. 27.6 Initialization and application information The FMC does not require user initialization. Flash acceleration features are enabled by default. The FMC has no visibility into flash memory erase and program cycles because the Flash Memory module manages them directly. As a result, if an application is executing flash memory commands, the FMC's cache might need to be disabled and/or flushed to prevent the possibility of returning stale data. Use the PFB0CR[CINV_WAY] field to invalidate the cache in this manner. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 547 Initialization and application information KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 548 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) 28.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The flash memory module includes the following accessible memory regions: * Program flash memory for vector space and code store Flash memory is ideal for single-supply applications, permitting in-the-field erase and reprogramming operations without the need for any external high voltage power sources. The flash memory module includes a memory controller that executes commands to modify flash memory contents. An erased bit reads '1' and a programmed bit reads '0'. The programming operation is unidirectional; it can only move bits from the '1' state (erased) to the '0' state (programmed). Only the erase operation restores bits from '0' to '1'; bits cannot be programmed from a '0' to a '1'. CAUTION A flash memory location must be in the erased state before being programmed. Cumulative programming of bits (back-toback program operations without an intervening erase) within a flash memory location is not allowed. Re-programming of existing 0s to 0 is not allowed as this overstresses the device. The standard shipping condition for flash memory is erased with security disabled. Data loss over time may occur due to degradation of the erased ('1') states and/or programmed ('0') states. Therefore, it is recommended that each flash block or sector be re-erased immediately prior to factory programming to ensure that the full data retention capability is achieved. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 549 Introduction 28.1.1 Features The flash memory module includes the following features. NOTE See the device's Chip Configuration details for the exact amount of flash memory available on your device. Program Flash Memory Features * Sector size of 2 KB * Program flash protection scheme prevents accidental program or erase of stored data * Program flash access control scheme prevents unauthorized access to selected code segments * Automated, built-in, program and erase algorithms with verify Other Flash Memory Module Features * Internal high-voltage supply generator for flash memory program and erase operations * Optional interrupt generation upon flash command completion * Supports MCU security mechanisms which prevent unauthorized access to the flash memory contents 28.1.2 Block Diagram The block diagram of the flash memory module is shown in the following figure. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 550 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) Interrupt Status registers Register access Memory controller Program flash 0 Control registers To MCU's flash controller Figure 28-1. Flash Block Diagram 28.1.3 Glossary Command write sequence -- A series of MCU writes to the flash FCCOB register group that initiates and controls the execution of flash algorithms that are built into the flash memory module. Endurance -- The number of times that a flash memory location can be erased and reprogrammed. FCCOB (Flash Common Command Object) -- A group of flash registers that are used to pass command, address, data, and any associated parameters to the memory controller in the flash memory module. Flash block -- A macro within the flash memory module which provides the nonvolatile memory storage. Flash Memory Module -- All flash blocks plus a flash management unit providing high-level control and an interface to MCU buses. HSRUN -- An MCU power mode enabling high-speed access to the memory resources in the flash module. The user has no access to the flash command set when the MCU is in HSRUN mode. IFR -- Nonvolatile information register found in each flash block, separate from the main memory array. Longword -- 32 bits of data with an aligned longword having byte-address[1:0] = 00. NVM -- Nonvolatile memory. A memory technology that maintains stored data during power-off. The flash array is an NVM using NOR-type flash memory technology. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 551 External Signal Description NVM Normal Mode -- An NVM mode that provides basic user access to flash memory module resources. The CPU or other bus masters initiate flash program and erase operations (or other flash commands) using writes to the FCCOB register group in the flash memory module. NVM Special Mode -- An NVM mode enabling external, off-chip access to the memory resources in the flash memory module. A reduced flash command set is available when the MCU is secured. See the Chip Configuration details for information on when this mode is used. Phrase -- 64 bits of data with an aligned phrase having byte-address[2:0] = 000. Program flash -- The program flash memory provides nonvolatile storage for vectors and code store. Program flash Sector -- The smallest portion of the program flash memory (consecutive addresses) that can be erased. Retention -- The length of time that data can be kept in the NVM without experiencing errors upon readout. Since erased (1) states are subject to degradation just like programmed (0) states, the data retention limit may be reached from the last erase operation (not from the programming time). RWW-- Read-While-Write. The ability to simultaneously read from one memory resource while commanded operations are active in another memory resource. Secure -- An MCU state conveyed to the flash memory module as described in the Chip Configuration details for this device. In the secure state, reading and changing NVM contents is restricted. Word -- 16 bits of data with an aligned word having byte-address[0] = 0. 28.2 External Signal Description The flash memory module contains no signals that connect off-chip. 28.3 Memory Map and Registers This section describes the memory map and registers for the flash memory module. Data read from unimplemented memory space in the flash memory module is undefined. Writes to unimplemented or reserved memory space (registers) in the flash memory module are ignored. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 552 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) 28.3.1 Flash Configuration Field Description The program flash memory contains a 16-byte flash configuration field that stores default protection settings (loaded on reset) and security information that allows the MCU to restrict access to the flash memory module. Flash Configuration Field Offset Address Size (Bytes) Field Description 0x0_0400-0x0_0407 8 Backdoor Comparison Key. Refer to Verify Backdoor Access Key Command and Unsecuring the Chip Using Backdoor Key Access. 0x0_0408-0x0_040B 4 Program flash protection bytes. Refer to the description of the Program Flash Protection Registers (FPROT0-3). 0x0_040F 1 Reserved 0x0_040E 1 Reserved 0x0_040D 1 Flash nonvolatile option byte. Refer to the description of the Flash Option Register (FOPT). 0x0_040C 1 Flash security byte. Refer to the description of the Flash Security Register (FSEC). 28.3.2 Program Flash IFR Map The program flash IFR is nonvolatile information memory that can be read freely, but the user has no erase and limited program capabilities (see the Read Once, Program Once, and Read Resource commands in Read Once Command, Program Once Command and Read Resource Command). The contents of the program flash IFR are summarized in the table found here and further described in the subsequent paragraphs. The program flash IFR is located within the program flash 0 memory block . Address Range Size (Bytes) Field Description 0x00 - 0x9F 160 Reserved 0xA0 - 0xA3 4 Program Once XACCH-1 Field (index = 0x10) 0xA4 - 0xA7 4 Program Once XACCL-1 Field (index = 0x10) Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 553 Memory Map and Registers Address Range Size (Bytes) 0xA8 - 0xAB 4 0xAC - 0xAF 4 0xB0 - 0xB3 4 Field Description Program Once XACCH-2 Field (index = 0x11) Program Once XACCL-2 Field (index = 0x11) Program Once SACCH-1 Field (index = 0x12) 0xB4 - 0xB7 4 Program Once SACCL-1 Field (index = 0x12) 0xB8 - 0xBB 4 Program Once SACCH-2 Field (index = 0x13) 0xBC - 0xBF 4 Program Once SACCL-2 Field (index = 0x13) 0xC0 - 0xFF 64 Program Once ID Field (index = 0x00 - 0x0F) Program Once Field The Program Once Field in the program flash IFR provides 96 bytes of user data storage separate from the program flash main array. The user can program the Program Once Field one time only as there is no program flash IFR erase mechanism available to the user. The Program Once Field can be read any number of times. This section of the program flash IFR is accessed in 4-byte or 8-Byte records using the Read Once and Program Once commands (see Read Once Command and Program Once Command). 28.3.3 Register Descriptions The flash memory module contains a set of memory-mapped control and status registers. NOTE While a command is running (FSTAT[CCIF]=0), register writes are not accepted to any register except FCNFG and FSTAT. The no-write rule is relaxed during the start-up reset sequence, prior to the initial rise of CCIF. During this initialization period the user may write any register. All register writes are also disabled (except for registers FCNFG and FSTAT) whenever an erase suspend request is active (FCNFG[ERSSUSP]=1). KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 554 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) FTFA memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4002_0000 Flash Status Register (FTFA_FSTAT) 8 R/W 00h 556 4002_0001 Flash Configuration Register (FTFA_FCNFG) 8 R/W 00h 558 4002_0002 Flash Security Register (FTFA_FSEC) 8 R Undefined 559 4002_0003 Flash Option Register (FTFA_FOPT) 8 R Undefined 560 4002_0004 Flash Common Command Object Registers (FTFA_FCCOB3) 8 R/W 00h 561 4002_0005 Flash Common Command Object Registers (FTFA_FCCOB2) 8 R/W 00h 561 4002_0006 Flash Common Command Object Registers (FTFA_FCCOB1) 8 R/W 00h 561 4002_0007 Flash Common Command Object Registers (FTFA_FCCOB0) 8 R/W 00h 561 4002_0008 Flash Common Command Object Registers (FTFA_FCCOB7) 8 R/W 00h 561 4002_0009 Flash Common Command Object Registers (FTFA_FCCOB6) 8 R/W 00h 561 4002_000A Flash Common Command Object Registers (FTFA_FCCOB5) 8 R/W 00h 561 4002_000B Flash Common Command Object Registers (FTFA_FCCOB4) 8 R/W 00h 561 4002_000C Flash Common Command Object Registers (FTFA_FCCOBB) 8 R/W 00h 561 4002_000D Flash Common Command Object Registers (FTFA_FCCOBA) 8 R/W 00h 561 4002_000E Flash Common Command Object Registers (FTFA_FCCOB9) 8 R/W 00h 561 4002_000F Flash Common Command Object Registers (FTFA_FCCOB8) 8 R/W 00h 561 4002_0010 Program Flash Protection Registers (FTFA_FPROT3) 8 R/W Undefined 562 4002_0011 Program Flash Protection Registers (FTFA_FPROT2) 8 R/W Undefined 562 4002_0012 Program Flash Protection Registers (FTFA_FPROT1) 8 R/W Undefined 562 4002_0013 Program Flash Protection Registers (FTFA_FPROT0) 8 R/W Undefined 562 4002_0018 Execute-only Access Registers (FTFA_XACCH3) 8 R Undefined 564 4002_0019 Execute-only Access Registers (FTFA_XACCH2) 8 R Undefined 564 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 555 Memory Map and Registers FTFA memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4002_001A Execute-only Access Registers (FTFA_XACCH1) 8 R Undefined 564 4002_001B Execute-only Access Registers (FTFA_XACCH0) 8 R Undefined 564 4002_001C Execute-only Access Registers (FTFA_XACCL3) 8 R Undefined 564 4002_001D Execute-only Access Registers (FTFA_XACCL2) 8 R Undefined 564 4002_001E Execute-only Access Registers (FTFA_XACCL1) 8 R Undefined 564 4002_001F Execute-only Access Registers (FTFA_XACCL0) 8 R Undefined 564 4002_0020 Supervisor-only Access Registers (FTFA_SACCH3) 8 R Undefined 565 4002_0021 Supervisor-only Access Registers (FTFA_SACCH2) 8 R Undefined 565 4002_0022 Supervisor-only Access Registers (FTFA_SACCH1) 8 R Undefined 565 4002_0023 Supervisor-only Access Registers (FTFA_SACCH0) 8 R Undefined 565 4002_0024 Supervisor-only Access Registers (FTFA_SACCL3) 8 R Undefined 565 4002_0025 Supervisor-only Access Registers (FTFA_SACCL2) 8 R Undefined 565 4002_0026 Supervisor-only Access Registers (FTFA_SACCL1) 8 R Undefined 565 4002_0027 Supervisor-only Access Registers (FTFA_SACCL0) 8 R Undefined 565 4002_0028 Flash Access Segment Size Register (FTFA_FACSS) 8 R Undefined 566 4002_002B Flash Access Segment Number Register (FTFA_FACSN) 8 R Undefined 567 Flash Status Register (FTFA_FSTAT) The FSTAT register reports the operational status of the flash memory module. The CCIF, RDCOLERR, ACCERR, and FPVIOL bits are readable and writable. The MGSTAT0 bit is read only. The unassigned bits read 0 and are not writable. NOTE When set, the Access Error (ACCERR) and Flash Protection Violation (FPVIOL) bits in this register prevent the launch of KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 556 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) any more commands until the flag is cleared (by writing a one to it). Address: 4002_0000h base + 0h offset = 4002_0000h 7 6 5 4 Read Bit CCIF RDCOLERR ACCERR FPVIOL 3 Write w1c w1c w1c w1c Reset 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 MGSTAT0 0 0 FTFA_FSTAT field descriptions Field 7 CCIF Description Command Complete Interrupt Flag Indicates that a flash command has completed. The CCIF flag is cleared by writing a 1 to CCIF to launch a command, and CCIF stays low until command completion or command violation. CCIF is reset to 0 but is set to 1 by the memory controller at the end of the reset initialization sequence. Depending on how quickly the read occurs after reset release, the user may or may not see the 0 hardware reset value. 0 1 6 RDCOLERR Flash Read Collision Error Flag Indicates that the MCU attempted a read from a flash memory resource that was being manipulated by a flash command (CCIF=0). Any simultaneous access is detected as a collision error by the block arbitration logic. The read data in this case cannot be guaranteed. The RDCOLERR bit is cleared by writing a 1 to it. Writing a 0 to RDCOLERR has no effect. 0 1 5 ACCERR No collision error detected Collision error detected Flash Access Error Flag Indicates an illegal access has occurred to a flash memory resource caused by a violation of the command write sequence or issuing an illegal flash command. While ACCERR is set, the CCIF flag cannot be cleared to launch a command. The ACCERR bit is cleared by writing a 1 to ACCERR while CCIF is set. Writing a 0 to the ACCERR bit has no effect. 0 1 4 FPVIOL Flash command in progress Flash command has completed No access error detected Access error detected Flash Protection Violation Flag Indicates an attempt was made to program or erase an address in a protected area of program flash memory during a command write sequence . While FPVIOL is set, the CCIF flag cannot be cleared to launch a command. The FPVIOL bit is cleared by writing a 1 to FPVIOL while CCIF is set. Writing a 0 to the FPVIOL bit has no effect. 0 1 No protection violation detected Protection violation detected 3-1 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 MGSTAT0 Memory Controller Command Completion Status Flag Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 557 Memory Map and Registers FTFA_FSTAT field descriptions (continued) Field Description The MGSTAT0 status flag is set if an error is detected during execution of a flash command or during the flash reset sequence. As a status flag, this field cannot (and need not) be cleared by the user like the other error flags in this register. The value of the MGSTAT0 bit for "command-N" is valid only at the end of the "command-N" execution when CCIF=1 and before the next command has been launched. At some point during the execution of "command-N+1," the previous result is discarded and any previous error is cleared. Flash Configuration Register (FTFA_FCNFG) This register provides information on the current functional state of the flash memory module. The erase control bits (ERSAREQ and ERSSUSP) have write restrictions. The unassigned bits read as noted and are not writable. Address: 4002_0000h base + 1h offset = 4002_0001h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 CCIE RDCOLLIE 0 0 ERSAREQ 0 4 ERSSUSP 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTFA_FCNFG field descriptions Field 7 CCIE Description Command Complete Interrupt Enable Controls interrupt generation when a flash command completes. 0 1 6 RDCOLLIE Read Collision Error Interrupt Enable Controls interrupt generation when a flash memory read collision error occurs. 0 1 5 ERSAREQ Command complete interrupt disabled Command complete interrupt enabled. An interrupt request is generated whenever the FSTAT[CCIF] flag is set. Read collision error interrupt disabled Read collision error interrupt enabled. An interrupt request is generated whenever a flash memory read collision error is detected (see the description of FSTAT[RDCOLERR]). Erase All Request Issues a request to the memory controller to execute the Erase All Blocks command and release security. ERSAREQ is not directly writable but is under indirect user control. Refer to the device's Chip Configuration details on how to request this command. ERSAREQ sets when an erase all request is triggered external to the flash memory module and CCIF is set (no command is currently being executed). ERSAREQ is cleared by the flash memory module when the operation completes. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 558 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) FTFA_FCNFG field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 4 ERSSUSP No request or request complete Request to: 1. run the Erase All Blocks command, 2. verify the erased state, 3. program the security byte in the Flash Configuration Field to the unsecure state, and 4. release MCU security by setting the FSEC[SEC] field to the unsecure state. Erase Suspend Allows the user to suspend (interrupt) the Erase Flash Sector command while it is executing. 0 1 No suspend requested Suspend the current Erase Flash Sector command execution. 3 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 2 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 1 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Flash Security Register (FTFA_FSEC) This read-only register holds all bits associated with the security of the MCU and flash memory module. During the reset sequence, the register is loaded with the contents of the flash security byte in the Flash Configuration Field located in program flash memory. The flash basis for the values is signified by X in the reset value. Address: 4002_0000h base + 2h offset = 4002_0002h Bit 7 Read 6 5 KEYEN 4 3 MEEN 2 1 FSLACC 0 SEC Write Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. FTFA_FSEC field descriptions Field 7-6 KEYEN Description Backdoor Key Security Enable Enables or disables backdoor key access to the flash memory module. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 559 Memory Map and Registers FTFA_FSEC field descriptions (continued) Field Description 00 01 10 11 5-4 MEEN Mass Erase Enable Enables and disables mass erase capability of the flash memory module at all times in all NVM modes. 00 01 10 11 3-2 FSLACC Backdoor key access disabled Backdoor key access disabled (preferred KEYEN state to disable backdoor key access) Backdoor key access enabled Backdoor key access disabled Mass erase is enabled Mass erase is enabled Mass erase is disabled Mass erase is enabled Factory Security Level Access Code Enables or disables access to the flash memory contents during returned part failure analysis at NXP. When SEC is secure and FSLACC is denied, access to the program flash contents is denied and any failure analysis performed by NXP factory test must begin with a full erase to unsecure the part. When access is granted (SEC is unsecure, or SEC is secure and FSLACC is granted), NXP factory testing has visibility of the current flash contents. The state of the FSLACC bits is only relevant when SEC is set to secure. When SEC is set to unsecure, the FSLACC setting does not matter. 00 01 10 11 SEC NXP factory access granted NXP factory access denied NXP factory access denied NXP factory access granted Flash Security Defines the security state of the MCU. In the secure state, the MCU limits access to flash memory module resources. The limitations are defined per device and are detailed in the Chip Configuration details. If the flash memory module is unsecured using backdoor key access, SEC is forced to 10b. 00 01 10 11 MCU security status is secure. MCU security status is secure. MCU security status is unsecure. (The standard shipping condition of the flash memory module is unsecure.) MCU security status is secure. Flash Option Register (FTFA_FOPT) The flash option register allows the MCU to customize its operations by examining the state of these read-only bits, which are loaded from NVM at reset. The function of the bits is defined in the device's Chip Configuration details. All bits in the register are read-only . KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 560 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) During the reset sequence, the register is loaded from the flash nonvolatile option byte in the Flash Configuration Field located in program flash memory. The flash basis for the values is signified by X in the reset value. However, the register is written to 0xFF if the contents of the flash nonvolatile option byte are 0x00. Address: 4002_0000h base + 3h offset = 4002_0003h Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* OPT Write Reset x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. FTFA_FOPT field descriptions Field OPT Description Nonvolatile Option These bits are loaded from flash to this register at reset. Refer to the device's Chip Configuration details for the definition and use of these bits. Flash Common Command Object Registers (FTFA_FCCOBn) The FCCOB register group provides 12 bytes for command codes and parameters. The individual bytes within the set append a 0-B hex identifier to the FCCOB register name: FCCOB0, FCCOB1, ..., FCCOBB. Address: 4002_0000h base + 4h offset + (1d x i), where i=0d to 11d Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CCOBn 0 0 0 0 FTFA_FCCOBn field descriptions Field Description CCOBn The FCCOB register provides a command code and relevant parameters to the memory controller. The individual registers that compose the FCCOB data set can be written in any order, but you must provide all needed values, which vary from command to command. First, set up all required FCCOB fields and then initiate the command's execution by writing a 1 to the FSTAT[CCIF] bit. This clears the CCIF bit, which locks all FCCOB parameter fields and they cannot be changed by the user until the command completes (CCIF returns to 1). No command buffering or queueing is provided; the next command can be loaded only after the current command completes. Some commands return information to the FCCOB registers. Any values returned to FCCOB are available for reading after the FSTAT[CCIF] flag returns to 1 by the memory controller. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 561 Memory Map and Registers FTFA_FCCOBn field descriptions (continued) Field Description The following table shows a generic flash command format. The first FCCOB register, FCCOB0, always contains the command code. This 8-bit value defines the command to be executed. The command code is followed by the parameters required for this specific flash command, typically an address and/or data values. NOTE: The command parameter table is written in terms of FCCOB Number (which is equivalent to the byte number). This number is a reference to the FCCOB register name and is not the register address. FCCOB Number Typical Command Parameter Contents [7:0] 0 FCMD (a code that defines the flash command) 1 Flash address [23:16] 2 Flash address [15:8] 3 Flash address [7:0] 4 Data Byte 0 5 Data Byte 1 6 Data Byte 2 7 Data Byte 3 8 Data Byte 4 9 Data Byte 5 A Data Byte 6 B Data Byte 7 FCCOB Endianness : The FCCOB register group uses a big endian addressing convention. For all command parameter fields larger than 1 byte, the most significant data resides in the lowest FCCOB register number. Program Flash Protection Registers (FTFA_FPROTn) The FPROT registers define which program flash regions are protected from program and erase operations. Protected flash regions cannot have their content changed; that is, these regions cannot be programmed and cannot be erased by any flash command. Unprotected regions can be changed by program and erase operations. The four FPROT registers allow up to 32 protectable regions. Each bit protects a 1/32 region of the program flash memory except for memory configurations with less than 64 KB of program flash where each assigned bit protects 2 KB . For configurations with 48 KB of program flash memory or less, FPROT0 is not used. For configurations with 32 KB of program flash memory or less, FPROT1 is not used. For configurations with 16 KB of program flash memory, FPROT2 is not used. The bitfields are defined in each register as follows: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 562 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) Program flash protection register Program flash protection bits FPROT0 PROT[31:24] FPROT1 PROT[23:16] FPROT2 PROT[15:8] FPROT3 PROT[7:0] During the reset sequence, the FPROT registers are loaded with the contents of the program flash protection bytes in the Flash Configuration Field as indicated in the following table. Program flash protection register Flash Configuration Field offset address FPROT0 0x000B FPROT1 0x000A FPROT2 0x0009 FPROT3 0x0008 To change the program flash protection that is loaded during the reset sequence, unprotect the sector of program flash memory that contains the Flash Configuration Field. Then, reprogram the program flash protection byte. Address: 4002_0000h base + 10h offset + (1d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* PROT x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. FTFA_FPROTn field descriptions Field PROT Description Program Flash Region Protect Each program flash region can be protected from program and erase operations by setting the associated PROT bit. In NVM Normal mode: The protection can only be increased, meaning that currently unprotected memory can be protected, but currently protected memory cannot be unprotected. Since unprotected regions are marked with a 1 and protected regions use a 0, only writes changing 1s to 0s are accepted. This 1-to-0 transition check is performed on a bit-by-bit basis. Those FPROT bits with 1-to-0 transitions are accepted while all bits with 0-to-1 transitions are ignored. In NVM Special mode: All bits of FPROT are writable without restriction. Unprotected areas can be protected and protected areas can be unprotected. Restriction: The user must never write to any FPROT register while a command is running (CCIF=0). Trying to alter data in any protected area in the program flash memory results in a protection violation error and sets the FSTAT[FPVIOL] bit. A full block erase of a program flash block is not possible if it contains any protected region. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 563 Memory Map and Registers FTFA_FPROTn field descriptions (continued) Field Description Each bit in the 32-bit protection register represents 1/32 of the total program flash except for memory configurations with less than 64 KB of program flash where each assigned bit protects 2 KB . 0 1 Program flash region is protected. Program flash region is not protected Execute-only Access Registers (FTFA_XACCn) The XACC registers define which program flash segments are restricted to data read or execute only or both data and instruction fetches. The eight XACC registers allow up to 64 restricted segments of equal memory size. Execute-only access register Program flash execute-only access bits XACCH0 XA[63:56] XACCH1 XA[55:48] XACCH2 XA[47:40] XACCH3 XA[39:32] XACCL0 XA[31:24] XACCL1 XA[23:16] XACCL2 XA[15:8] XACCL3 XA[7:0] During the reset sequence, the XACC registers are loaded with the logical AND of Program Flash IFR addresses A and B as indicated in the following table. Execute-only access register Program Flash IFR address A Program Flash IFR address B XACCH0 0xA3 0xAB XACCH1 0xA2 0xAA XACCH2 0xA1 0xA9 XACCH3 0xA0 0xA8 XACCL0 0xA7 0xAF XACCL1 0xA6 0xAE XACCL2 0xA5 0xAD XACCL3 0xA4 0xAC Use the Program Once command to program the execute-only access control fields that are loaded during the reset sequence. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 564 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) Address: 4002_0000h base + 18h offset + (1d x i), where i=0d to 7d Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* XA Write Reset x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. FTFA_XACCn field descriptions Field XA Description Execute-only access control 0 1 Associated segment is accessible in execute mode only (as an instruction fetch) Associated segment is accessible as data or in execute mode Supervisor-only Access Registers (FTFA_SACCn) The SACC registers define which program flash segments are restricted to supervisor only or user and supervisor access. The eight SACC registers allow up to 64 restricted segments of equal memory size. Supervisor-only access register Program flash supervisor-only access bits SACCH0 SA[63:56] SACCH1 SA[55:48] SACCH2 SA[47:40] SACCH3 SA[39:32] SACCL0 SA[31:24] SACCL1 SA[23:16] SACCL2 SA[15:8] SACCL3 SA[7:0] During the reset sequence, the SACC registers are loaded with the logical AND of Program Flash IFR addresses A and B as indicated in the following table. Supervisor-only access register Program Flash IFR address A Program Flash IFR address B SACCH0 0xB3 0xBB SACCH1 0xB2 0xBA SACCH2 0xB1 0xB9 SACCH3 0xB0 0xB8 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 565 Memory Map and Registers Supervisor-only access register Program Flash IFR address A Program Flash IFR address B SACCL0 0xB7 0xBF SACCL1 0xB6 0xBE SACCL2 0xB5 0xBD SACCL3 0xB4 0xBC Use the Program Once command to program the supervisor-only access control fields that are loaded during the reset sequence. Address: 4002_0000h base + 20h offset + (1d x i), where i=0d to 7d Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* SA Write Reset x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. FTFA_SACCn field descriptions Field SA Description Supervisor-only access control 0 1 Associated segment is accessible in supervisor mode only Associated segment is accessible in user or supervisor mode Flash Access Segment Size Register (FTFA_FACSS) The flash access segment size register determines which bits in the address are used to index into the SACC and XACC bitmaps to get the appropriate permission flags. All bits in the register are read-only. The contents of this register are loaded during the reset sequence. Address: 4002_0000h base + 28h offset = 4002_0028h Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* SGSIZE Write Reset x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 566 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) FTFA_FACSS field descriptions Field SGSIZE Description Segment Size The segment size is a fixed value based on the available program flash size divided by NUMSG. Program Flash Size Segment Size Segment Size Encoding 64 KBytes 2 KBytes 0x3 128 KBytes 4 KBytes 0x4 160 KBytes 4 KBytes 0x4 256 KBytes 4 KBytes 0x4 512 KBytes 8 KBytes 0x5 Flash Access Segment Number Register (FTFA_FACSN) The flash access segment number register provides the number of program flash segments that are available for XACC and SACC permissions. All bits in the register are read-only. The contents of this register are loaded during the reset sequence. Address: 4002_0000h base + 2Bh offset = 4002_002Bh Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* x* NUMSG Write Reset x* x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. FTFA_FACSN field descriptions Field NUMSG Description Number of Segments Indicator The NUMSG field indicates the number of equal-sized segments in the program flash. 0x20 0x28 0x40 Program flash memory is divided into 32 segments (64 Kbytes, 128 Kbytes) Program flash memory is divided into 40 segments (160 Kbytes) Program flash memory is divided into 64 segments (256 Kbytes, 512 Kbytes) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 567 Functional Description 28.4 Functional Description The information found here describes functional details of the flash memory module. 28.4.1 Flash Protection Individual regions within the flash memory can be protected from program and erase operations. Protection is controlled by the following registers: * FPROTn -- * For 2n program flash sizes, four registers typically protect 32 regions of the program flash memory as shown in the following figure 0x0_0000 Last program flash address Program flash Program flash size / 32 FPROT3[PROT0] Program flash size / 32 FPROT3[PROT1] Program flash size / 32 FPROT3[PROT2] Program flash size / 32 FPROT3[PROT3] Program flash size / 32 FPROT0[PROT29] Program flash size / 32 FPROT0[PROT30] Program flash size / 32 FPROT0[PROT31] Figure 28-2. Program flash protection NOTE Flash protection features are discussed further in AN4507: Using the Kinetis Security and Flash Protection Features . Not all features described in the application note are available on this device. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 568 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) 28.4.2 Flash Access Protection Individual segments within the program flash memory can be designated for restricted access. Specific flash commands (Program Check, Program Longword, Erase Flash Sector) monitor FXACC contents to protect flash memory but the FSACC contents do not impact flash command operation. See AN5112: Using the Kinetis Flash Execute-Only Access Control Feature for further details. Access is controlled by the following registers: * FTFA_XACC -- * For 2n program flash sizes 128KB or less, four registers control 32 segments of the program flash memory as shown in the following figure Program flash 0x0_0000 Last program flash address Program flash size / 32 XACCL3[XA0] Program flash size / 32 XACCL3[XA1] Program flash size / 32 XACCL3[XA2] Program flash size / 32 XACCL3[XA3] Program flash size / 32 XACCL3[XA4] Program flash size / 32 XACCL2[XA15] Program flash size / 32 XACCL1[XA16] Program flash size / 32 XACCL0[XA27] Program flash size / 32 XACCL0[XA28] Program flash size / 32 XACCL0[XA29] Program flash size / 32 XACCL0[XA30] Program flash size / 32 XACCL0[XA31] Figure 28-3. Program flash execute-only access control (64KB or 128KB of program flash) * FTFA_SACC -- * For 2n program flash sizes 128KB or less, four registers control 32 segments of the program flash memory as shown in the following figure KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 569 Functional Description Program flash 0x0_0000 Last program flash address Program flash size / 32 SACCL3[SA0] Program flash size / 32 SACCL3[SA1] Program flash size / 32 SACCL3[SA2] Program flash size / 32 SACCL3[SA3] Program flash size / 32 SACCL3[SA4] Program flash size / 32 SACCL2[SA15] Program flash size / 32 SACCL1[SA16] Program flash size / 32 SACCL0[SA27] Program flash size / 32 SACCL0[SA28] Program flash size / 32 SACCL0[SA29] Program flash size / 32 SACCL0[SA30] Program flash size / 32 SACCL0[SA31] Figure 28-4. Program flash supervisor access control (64KB or 128KB of program flash) 28.4.3 Interrupts The flash memory module can generate interrupt requests to the MCU upon the occurrence of various flash events. These interrupt events and their associated status and control bits are shown in the following table. Table 28-1. Flash Interrupt Sources Flash Event Readable Interrupt Status Bit Enable Bit Flash Command Complete FSTAT[CCIF] FCNFG[CCIE] Flash Read Collision Error FSTAT[RDCOLERR] FCNFG[RDCOLLIE] Note Vector addresses and their relative interrupt priority are determined at the MCU level. Some devices also generate a bus error response as a result of a Read Collision Error event. See the chip configuration information to determine if a bus error response is also supported. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 570 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) 28.4.4 Flash Operation in Low-Power Modes Wait Mode When the MCU enters wait mode, the flash memory module is not affected. The flash memory module can recover the MCU from wait via the command complete interrupt (see Interrupts). Stop Mode When the MCU requests stop mode, if a flash command is active (CCIF = 0) the command execution completes before the MCU is allowed to enter stop mode. CAUTION The MCU should never enter stop mode while any flash command is running (CCIF = 0). NOTE While the MCU is in very-low-power modes (VLPR, VLPW, VLPS), the flash memory module does not accept flash commands. 28.4.5 Functional Modes of Operation The flash memory module has two operating modes: NVM Normal and NVM Special. The operating mode affects the command set availability (see Table 28-2). Refer to the Chip Configuration details of this device for how to activate each mode. 28.4.6 Flash Reads and Ignored Writes The flash memory module requires only the flash address to execute a flash memory read. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 571 Functional Description The MCU must not read from the flash memory while commands are running (as evidenced by CCIF=0) on that block. Read data cannot be guaranteed from a flash block while any command is processing within that block. The block arbitration logic detects any simultaneous access and reports this as a read collision error (see the FSTAT[RDCOLERR] bit). 28.4.7 Read While Write (RWW) The following simultaneous accesses are not allowed: * Reading from program flash memory space while a flash command is active (CCIF=0). 28.4.8 Flash Program and Erase All flash functions except read require the user to setup and launch a flash command through a series of peripheral bus writes. The user cannot initiate any further flash commands until notified that the current command has completed. The flash command structure and operation are detailed in Flash Command Operations. 28.4.9 Flash Command Operations Flash command operations are typically used to modify flash memory contents. The next sections describe: * The command write sequence used to set flash command parameters and launch execution * A description of all flash commands available Command Write Sequence Flash commands are specified using a command write sequence illustrated in Figure 28-5. The flash memory module performs various checks on the command (FCCOB) content and continues with command execution if all requirements are fulfilled. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 572 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) Before launching a command, the ACCERR and FPVIOL bits in the FSTAT register must be zero and the CCIF flag must read 1 to verify that any previous command has completed. If CCIF is zero, the previous command execution is still active, a new command write sequence cannot be started, and all writes to the FCCOB registers are ignored. Attempts to launch a flash command in VLP mode will be ignored. Attempts to launch a flash command in HSRUN mode will be trapped with the ACCERR flag being set. Load the FCCOB Registers The user must load the FCCOB registers with all parameters required by the desired flash command. The individual registers that make up the FCCOB data set can be written in any order. Launch the Command by Clearing CCIF Once all relevant command parameters have been loaded, the user launches the command by clearing FSTAT[CCIF] by writing a '1' to it. FSTAT[CCIF] remains 0 until the flash command completes. The FSTAT register contains a blocking mechanism that prevents a new command from launching (can't clear FSTAT[CCIF]) if the previous command resulted in an access error (FSTAT[ACCERR]=1) or a protection violation (FSTAT[FPVIOL]=1). In error scenarios, two writes to FSTAT are required to initiate the next command: the first write clears the error flags, the second write clears CCIF. Command Execution and Error Reporting The command processing has several steps: 1. The flash memory module reads the command code and performs a series of parameter checks and protection checks, if applicable, which are unique to each command. If the parameter check fails, the FSTAT[ACCERR] (access error) flag is set. FSTAT[ACCERR] reports invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses. Usually, access errors suggest that the command was not set-up with valid parameters in the FCCOB register group. Program and erase commands also check the address to determine if the operation is requested to execute on protected areas. If the protection check fails, FSTAT[FPVIOL] (protection error) flag is set. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 573 Functional Description Command processing never proceeds to execution when the parameter or protection step fails. Instead, command processing is terminated after setting FSTAT[CCIF]. 2. If the parameter and protection checks pass, the command proceeds to execution. Run-time errors, such as failure to erase verify, may occur during the execution phase. Run-time errors are reported in FSTAT[MGSTAT0]. A command may have access errors, protection errors, and run-time errors, but the run-time errors are not seen until all access and protection errors have been corrected. 3. Command execution results, if applicable, are reported back to the user via the FCCOB and FSTAT registers. 4. The flash memory module sets FSTAT[CCIF] signifying that the command has completed. The flow for a generic command write sequence is illustrated in the following figure. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 574 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) START Read: FSTAT register FCCOB Availability Check no CCIF = `1'? Previous command complete? yes Access Error and Protection Violation Check Results from previous command yes ACCERR/ FPVIOL Set? Clear the old errors Write 0x30 to FSTAT register no Write to the FCCOB registers to load the required command parameter. yes More Parameters? no Clear the CCIF to launch the command Write 0x80 to FSTAT register Read: FSTAT register Bit Polling for Command Completion Check no CCIF = `1'? yes EXIT Figure 28-5. Generic flash command write sequence flowchart Flash Commands The following table summarizes the function of all flash commands. FCMD 0x01 Command Read 1s Section Program flash x Function Verify that a given number of program flash locations from a starting address are erased. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 575 Functional Description FCMD Command Program flash Function 0x02 Program Check x Tests previously-programmed locations at margin read levels. 0x03 Read Resource IFR, ID Read 4 bytes from program flash IFR or version ID. 0x06 Program Longword x Program 4 bytes in a program flash block. 0x09 Erase Flash Sector x Erase all bytes in a program flash sector. 0x40 Read 1s All Blocks x Verify that the program flash block is erased then release MCU security. 0x41 Read Once IFR Read 4 bytes of a dedicated 64 byte field in the program flash 0 IFR. 0x43 Program Once IFR One-time program of 4 bytes of a dedicated 64-byte field in the program flash 0 IFR. 0x44 Erase All Blocks x Erase the program flash block, verify-erase and release MCU security. NOTE: An erase is only possible when all memory locations are unprotected. 0x45 Verify Backdoor Access Key x Release MCU security after comparing a set of usersupplied security keys to those stored in the program flash. 0x4A Read 1s All Execute-only Segments x Verify that all program flash execute-only (XA) segments are erased then release flash access control. 0x4B Erase All Execute-only Segments x Erase all program flash execute-only (XA) segments then release flash access control. Flash Commands by Mode The following table shows the flash commands that can be executed in each flash operating mode. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 576 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) Table 28-2. Flash Commands by Mode FCMD Command 0x01 NVM Normal NVM Special Unsecure Secure MEEN=10 Unsecure Secure MEEN=10 Read 1s Section x x x x -- -- 0x02 Program Check x x x x -- -- 0x03 Read Resource x x x x -- -- 0x06 Program Longword x x x x -- -- 0x09 Erase Flash Sector x x x x -- -- 0x40 Read 1s All Blocks x x -- x x -- 0x41 Read Once x x x x -- -- 0x43 Program Once x x x x -- -- 0x44 Erase All Blocks x x -- x x -- 0x45 Verify Backdoor Access Key x x x x -- -- 0x4A Read 1s All Execute-only Segments x x x x -- -- 0x4B Erase All Execute-only Segments x x x x -- -- 28.4.10 Margin Read Commands The Read-1s commands (Read 1s All Blocks, Read 1s Section, Read 1s All Execute-only Segments) and the Program Check command have a margin choice parameter that allows the user to apply non-standard read reference levels to the program flash array reads performed by these commands. Using the preset 'user' and 'factory' margin levels, these commands perform their associated read operations at tighter tolerances than a 'normal' read. These non-standard read levels are applied only during the command execution. Basic flash array reads use the standard, un-margined, read reference level. Only the 'normal' read level should be employed during normal flash usage. The nonstandard, 'user' and 'factory' margin levels should be employed only in special cases. They can be used during special diagnostic routines to gain confidence that the device is not suffering from the end-of-life data loss customary of flash memory devices. Erased ('1') and programmed ('0') bit states can degrade due to elapsed time and data cycling (number of times a bit is erased and re-programmed). The lifetime of the erased states is relative to the last erase operation. The lifetime of the programmed states is measured from the last program time. The 'user' and 'factory' levels become, in effect, a minimum safety margin; i.e. if the reads pass at the tighter tolerances of the 'user' and 'factory' margins, then the 'normal' reads have at least this much safety margin before they experience data loss. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 577 Functional Description The 'user' margin is a small delta to the normal read reference level. 'User' margin levels can be employed to check that flash memory contents have adequate margin for normal level read operations. If unexpected read results are encountered when checking flash memory contents at the 'user' margin levels, loss of information might soon occur during 'normal' readout. The 'factory' margin is a bigger deviation from the norm, a more stringent read criteria that should only be attempted immediately (or very soon) after completion of an erase or program command, early in the cycling life. 'Factory' margin levels can be used to check that flash memory contents have adequate margin for long-term data retention at the normal level setting. If unexpected results are encountered when checking flash memory contents at 'factory' margin levels, the flash memory contents should be erased and reprogrammed. CAUTION Factory margin levels must only be used during verify of the initial factory programming. 28.4.11 Flash Command Description This section describes all flash commands that can be launched by a command write sequence. The flash memory module sets the FSTAT[ACCERR] bit and aborts the command execution if any of the following illegal conditions occur: * There is an unrecognized command code in the FCCOB FCMD field. * There is an error in a FCCOB field for the specific commands. Refer to the error handling table provided for each command. Ensure that FSTAT[ACCERR] and FSTAT[FPVIOL] are cleared prior to starting the command write sequence. As described in Launch the Command by Clearing CCIF, a new command cannot be launched while these error flags are set. Do not attempt to read a flash block while the flash memory module is running a command (FSTAT[CCIF] = 0) on that same block. The flash memory module may return invalid data to the MCU with the collision error flag (FSTAT[RDCOLERR]) set. CAUTION Flash data must be in the erased state before being programmed. Cumulative programming of bits (adding more zeros) is not allowed. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 578 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) Read 1s Section Command The Read 1s Section command checks if a section of program flash memory is erased to the specified read margin level. The Read 1s Section command defines the starting address and the number of phrases to be verified. Table 28-3. Read 1s Section Command FCCOB Requirements FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0] 0 0x01 (RD1SEC) 1 Flash address [23:16] of the first phrase to be verified 2 Flash address [15:8] of the first phrase to be verified 3 Flash address [7:0]1 of the first phrase to be verified 4 Number of phrases to be verified [15:8] 5 Number of phrases to be verified [7:0] 6 Read-1 Margin Choice 1. Must be phrase aligned (Flash address [2:0] = 000). Upon clearing CCIF to launch the Read 1s Section command, the flash memory module sets the read margin for 1s according to Table 28-4 and then reads all locations within the specified section of flash memory. If the flash memory module fails to read all 1s (that is, the flash section is not erased), FSTAT[MGSTAT0] is set. FSTAT[CCIF] sets after the Read 1s Section operation completes. Table 28-4. Margin Level Choices for Read 1s Section Read Margin Choice Margin Level Description 0x00 Use the 'normal' read level for 1s 0x01 Apply the 'User' margin to the normal read-1 level 0x02 Apply the 'Factory' margin to the normal read-1 level Table 28-5. Read 1s Section Command Error Handling Error condition Error bit Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR] An invalid margin code is supplied. FSTAT[ACCERR] An invalid flash address is supplied. FSTAT[ACCERR] Flash address is not phrase aligned. FSTAT[ACCERR] The requested section crosses a Flash block boundary. FSTAT[ACCERR] The requested number of phrases is 0. FSTAT[ACCERR] Read-1s fails. FSTAT[MGSTAT0] KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 579 Functional Description Program Check Command The Program Check command tests a previously programmed program flash longword to see if it reads correctly at the specified margin level. Table 28-6. Program Check Command FCCOB Requirements FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0] 0 0x02 (PGMCHK) 1 Flash address [23:16] 2 Flash address [15:8] 3 Flash address [7:0]1 4 Margin Choice 8 Byte 0 expected data 9 Byte 1 expected data A Byte 2 expected data B Byte 3 expected data 1. Must be longword aligned (Flash address [1:0] = 00). Upon clearing CCIF to launch the Program Check command, the flash memory module sets the read margin for 1s according to Table 28-7, reads the specified longword, and compares the actual read data to the expected data provided by the FCCOB. If the comparison at margin-1 fails, FSTAT[MGSTAT0] is set. The flash memory module then sets the read margin for 0s, re-reads, and compares again. If the comparison at margin-0 fails, FSTAT[MGSTAT0] is set. FSTAT[CCIF] is set after the Program Check operation completes. The supplied address must be longword aligned (the lowest two bits of the byte address must be 00): * Byte 3 data is written to the supplied byte address ('start'), * Byte 2 data is programmed to byte address start+0b01, * Byte 1 data is programmed to byte address start+0b10, * Byte 0 data is programmed to byte address start+0b11. NOTE See the description of margin reads, Margin Read Commands Table 28-7. Margin Level Choices for Program Check Read Margin Choice Margin Level Description 0x01 Read at 'User' margin-1 and 'User' margin-0 0x02 Read at 'Factory' margin-1 and 'Factory' margin-0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 580 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) Table 28-8. Program Check Command Error Handling Error Condition Error Bit Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR] An invalid flash address is supplied FSTAT[ACCERR] Flash address is not longword aligned FSTAT[ACCERR] An invalid margin choice is supplied FSTAT[ACCERR] Flash address is located in an XA controlled segment and the Erase All Blocks or the Read 1s All Blocks command has not successfully completed since the last reset FSTAT[FPVIOL] Either of the margin reads does not match the expected data FSTAT[MGSTAT0] Read Resource Command The Read Resource command allows the user to read data from special-purpose memory resources located within the flash memory module. The special-purpose memory resources available include program flash IFR space and the Version ID field. Each resource is assigned a select code as shown in Table 28-10. Table 28-9. Read Resource Command FCCOB Requirements FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0] 0 0x03 (RDRSRC) 1 Flash address [23:16] 2 Flash address [15:8] 3 Flash address [7:0]1 Returned Values 4 Read Data [31:24] 5 Read Data [23:16] 6 Read Data [15:8] 7 Read Data [7:0] User-provided values 8 Resource Select Code (see Table 28-10) 1. Must be longword aligned (Flash address [1:0] = 00). Table 28-10. Read Resource Select Codes Resource Select Code Description Resource Size Local Address Range 0x00 Program Flash 0 IFR 256 Bytes 0x00_0000-0x00_00FF 0x011 Version ID 8 Bytes 0x00_0000-0x00_0007 1. Located in program flash 0 reserved space. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 581 Functional Description After clearing CCIF to launch the Read Resource command, four consecutive bytes are read from the selected resource at the provided relative address and stored in the FCCOB register. The CCIF flag sets after the Read Resource operation completes. The Read Resource command exits with an access error if an invalid resource code is provided or if the address for the applicable area is out-of-range. Table 28-11. Read Resource Command Error Handling Error Condition Error Bit Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR] An invalid resource code is entered FSTAT[ACCERR] Flash address is out-of-range for the targeted resource. FSTAT[ACCERR] Flash address is not longword aligned FSTAT[ACCERR] Program Longword Command The Program Longword command programs four previously-erased bytes in the program flash memory using an embedded algorithm. CAUTION A flash memory location must be in the erased state before being programmed. Cumulative programming of bits (back-toback program operations without an intervening erase) within a flash memory location is not allowed. Re-programming of existing 0s to 0 is not allowed as this overstresses the device. Table 28-12. Program Longword Command FCCOB Requirements FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0] 0 0x06 (PGM4) 1 Flash address [23:16] 2 Flash address [15:8] 3 Flash address [7:0]1 4 Byte 0 program value 5 Byte 1 program value 6 Byte 2 program value 7 Byte 3 program value 1. Must be longword aligned (Flash address [1:0] = 00). KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 582 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) Upon clearing CCIF to launch the Program Longword command, the flash memory module programs the data bytes into the flash using the supplied address. The targeted flash locations must be currently unprotected (see the description of the FPROT registers) to permit execution of the Program Longword operation. The programming operation is unidirectional. It can only move NVM bits from the erased state ('1') to the programmed state ('0'). Erased bits that fail to program to the '0' state are flagged as errors in FSTAT[MGSTAT0]. The CCIF flag is set after the Program Longword operation completes. The supplied address must be longword aligned (flash address [1:0] = 00): * * * * Byte 3 data is written to the supplied byte address ('start'), Byte 2 data is programmed to byte address start+0b01, Byte 1 data is programmed to byte address start+0b10, and Byte 0 data is programmed to byte address start+0b11. Table 28-13. Program Longword Command Error Handling Error Condition Error Bit Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR] An invalid flash address is supplied FSTAT[ACCERR] Flash address is not longword aligned FSTAT[ACCERR] Flash address points to a protected area FSTAT[FPVIOL] Flash address is located in an XA controlled segment and the Erase All Blocks or the Read 1s All Blocks command has not successfully completed since the last reset FSTAT[FPVIOL] Any errors have been encountered during the verify operation FSTAT[MGSTAT0] Erase Flash Sector Command The Erase Flash Sector operation erases all addresses in a flash sector. Table 28-14. Erase Flash Sector Command FCCOB Requirements FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0] 0 0x09 (ERSSCR) 1 Flash address [23:16] in the flash sector to be erased 2 Flash address [15:8] in the flash sector to be erased 3 Flash address [7:0]1 in the flash sector to be erased 1. Must be phrase aligned (flash address [2:0] = 000). KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 583 Functional Description After clearing CCIF to launch the Erase Flash Sector command, the flash memory module erases the selected program flash sector and then verifies that it is erased. The Erase Flash Sector command aborts if the selected sector is protected (see the description of the FPROT registers). If the erase-verify fails the FSTAT[MGSTAT0] bit is set. The CCIF flag is set after the Erase Flash Sector operation completes. The Erase Flash Sector command is suspendable (see the FCNFG[ERSSUSP] bit and Figure 28-6). Table 28-15. Erase Flash Sector Command Error Handling Error Condition Error Bit Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR] An invalid Flash address is supplied FSTAT[ACCERR] Flash address is not phrase aligned FSTAT[ACCERR] The selected program flash sector is protected FSTAT[FPVIOL] The selected program flash sector is located in an XA controlled segment and the Erase All Blocks or the Read 1s All Blocks command has not successfully completed since the last reset FSTAT[FPVIOL] Any errors have been encountered during the verify operation1 FSTAT[MGSTAT0] 1. User margin read may be run using the Read 1s Section command to verify all bits are erased. Suspending an Erase Flash Sector Operation To suspend an Erase Flash Sector operation set the FCNFG[ERSSUSP] bit when CCIF, ACCERR, and FPVIOL are clear and the CCOB command field holds the code for the Erase Flash Sector command. During the Erase Flash Sector operation (see Erase Flash Sector Command), the flash memory module samples the state of the ERSSUSP bit at convenient points. If the flash memory module detects that the ERSSUSP bit is set, the Erase Flash Sector operation is suspended and the flash memory module sets CCIF. While ERSSUSP is set, all writes to flash registers are ignored except for writes to the FSTAT and FCNFG registers. If an Erase Flash Sector operation effectively completes before the flash memory module detects that a suspend request has been made, the flash memory module clears the ERSSUSP bit prior to setting CCIF. When an Erase Flash Sector operation has been successfully suspended, the flash memory module sets CCIF and leaves the ERSSUSP bit set. While CCIF is set, the ERSSUSP bit can only be cleared to prevent the withdrawal of a suspend request before the flash memory module has acknowledged it. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 584 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) Resuming a Suspended Erase Flash Sector Operation If the ERSSUSP bit is still set when CCIF is cleared to launch the next command, the previous Erase Flash Sector operation resumes. The flash memory module acknowledges the request to resume a suspended operation by clearing the ERSSUSP bit. A new suspend request can then be made by setting ERSSUSP. A single Erase Flash Sector operation can be suspended and resumed multiple times. There is a minimum elapsed time limit of 4.3 msec between the request to resume the Erase Flash Sector operation (CCIF is cleared) and the request to suspend the operation again (ERSSUSP is set). This minimum time period is required to ensure that the Erase Flash Sector operation will eventually complete. If the minimum period is continually violated, i.e. the suspend requests come repeatedly and too quickly, no forward progress is made by the Erase Flash Sector algorithm. The resume/suspend sequence runs indefinitely without completing the erase. Aborting a Suspended Erase Flash Sector Operation The user may choose to abort a suspended Erase Flash Sector operation by clearing the ERSSUSP bit prior to clearing CCIF for the next command launch. When a suspended operation is aborted, the flash memory module starts the new command using the new FCCOB contents. Note Aborting the erase leaves the bitcells in an indeterminate, partially-erased state. Data in this sector is not reliable until a new erase command fully completes. The following figure shows how to suspend and resume the Erase Flash Sector operation. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 585 Functional Description Enter with CCIF = 1 Command Initiation ERSSCR Command (Write FCCOB) Memory Controller Command Processing Launch/Resume Command (Clear CCIF) SUSPACK=1 Next Command (Write FCCOB) Yes CCIF = 1? No No Interrupt? Yes Request Suspend (Set ERSSUSP) Start New No Restore Erase Algo Clear SUSPACK = 0 Execute Yes DONE? No ERSSUSP=1? No CCIF = 1? Yes Resume ERSSCR No Yes Save Erase Algo Clear ERSSUSP Yes Service Interrupt (Read Flash) ERSSCR Completed Yes ERSSUSP=0? ERSSCR Suspended Yes Set SUSPACK = 1 ERSSCR Suspended ERSSUSP=1 ERSSCR Completed ERSSUSP=0 Set CCIF No Resume Erase? No, Abort ERSSUSP: Bit in FCNFG register SUSPACK: Internal Suspend Acknowledge Clear ERSSUSP User Cmd Interrupt/Suspend Figure 28-6. Suspend and Resume of Erase Flash Sector Operation KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 586 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) Read 1s All Blocks Command The Read 1s All Blocks command checks if the program flash blocks have been erased to the specified read margin level, if applicable, and releases security if the readout passes, i.e. all data reads as '1'. Table 28-16. Read 1s All Blocks Command FCCOB Requirements FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0] 0 0x40 (RD1ALL) 1 Read-1 Margin Choice After clearing CCIF to launch the Read 1s All Blocks command, the flash memory module : * sets the read margin for 1s according to Table 28-17, * checks the contents of the program flash are in the erased state. If the flash memory module confirms that these memory resources are erased, access control is disabled and security is released by setting the FSEC[SEC] field to the unsecure state. The security byte in the flash configuration field (see Flash Configuration Field Description) remains unaffected by the Read 1s All Blocks command. If the read fails, i.e. all memory resources are not in the fully erased state, the FSTAT[MGSTAT0] bit is set. The CCIF flag sets after the Read 1s All Blocks operation has completed. Table 28-17. Margin Level Choices for Read 1s All Blocks Read Margin Choice Margin Level Description 0x00 Use the 'normal' read level for 1s 0x01 Apply the 'User' margin to the normal read-1 level 0x02 Apply the 'Factory' margin to the normal read-1 level Table 28-18. Read 1s All Blocks Command Error Handling Error Condition Error Bit Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR] An invalid margin choice is specified FSTAT[ACCERR] Read-1s fails FSTAT[MGSTAT0] KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 587 Functional Description Read Once Command The Read Once command provides read access to special 96-byte fields located in the program flash 0 IFR (see Program Flash IFR Map and Program Once Field). Access to the Program Once ID field is via 16 records (index values 0x00 - 0x0F), each 4 bytes long. Access to the Program Once XACC and SACC fields are via 4 records (index values 0x10 - 0x13), each of which is 8 bytes long. These fields are programmed using the Program Once command described in Program Once Command. Table 28-19. Read Once Command FCCOB Requirements FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0] 0 0x41 (RDONCE) 1 Program Once record index (0x00 - 0x13) 2 Not used 3 Not used Returned Values 4 Program Once byte 0 value 5 Program Once byte 1 value 6 Program Once byte 2 value 7 Program Once byte 3 value 8 Program Once byte 4 value (index 0x10 - 0x13) 9 Program Once byte 5 value (index 0x10 - 0x13) 10 Program Once byte 6 value (index 0x10 - 0x13) 11 Program Once byte 7 value (index 0x10 - 0x13) After clearing CCIF to launch the Read Once command, a 4-byte or 8-byte Program Once record is read and stored in the FCCOB register. The CCIF flag is set after the Read Once operation completes. Valid record index values for the Read Once command range from 0x00 - 0x13. During execution of the Read Once command, any attempt to read addresses within the program flash block containing the selected record index returns invalid data. The Read Once command can be executed any number of times. Table 28-20. Read Once Command Error Handling Error Condition Error Bit Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR] An invalid record index is supplied FSTAT[ACCERR] KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 588 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) Program Once Command The Program Once command enables programming to special 96-byte fields in the program flash 0 IFR (see Program Flash IFR Map and Program Once Field). Access to the Program Once ID field is via 16 records (index values 0x00 - 0x0F), each 4 bytes long. Access to the Program Once XACC and SACC fields are via 4 records (index values 0x10 - 0x13), each of which is 8 bytes long. These records can be read using the Read Once command (see Read Once Command) or using the Read Resource command (see Read Resource Command). These records can be programmed only once since the program flash 0 IFR cannot be erased. Table 28-21. Program Once Command FCCOB Requirements FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0] 0 0x43 (PGMONCE) 1 Program Once record index (0x00 - 0x13) 2 Not Used 3 Not Used 4 Program Once byte 0 value 5 Program Once byte 1 value 6 Program Once byte 2 value 7 Program Once byte 3 value 8 Program Once byte 4 value (index 0x10 - 0x13) 9 Program Once byte 5 value (index 0x10 - 0x13) 10 Program Once byte 6 value (index 0x10 - 0x13) 11 Program Once byte 7 value (index 0x10 - 0x13) After clearing CCIF to launch the Program Once command, the flash memory module first verifies that the selected record is erased. If erased, then the selected record is programmed using the values provided. The Program Once command also verifies that the programmed values read back correctly. The CCIF flag is set after the Program Once operation has completed. Any attempt to program one of these records when the existing value is not Fs (erased) is not allowed. Valid record index values for the Program Once command range from 0x00 - 0x13. During execution of the Program Once command, any attempt to read addresses within the program flash block containing the selected record index returns invalid data. Table 28-22. Program Once Command Error Handling Error Condition Error Bit Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR] An invalid record index is supplied FSTAT[ACCERR] The requested record has already been programmed to a non-FFFF value1 FSTAT[ACCERR] Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 589 Functional Description Table 28-22. Program Once Command Error Handling (continued) Error Condition Error Bit Any errors have been encountered during the verify operation FSTAT[MGSTAT0] 1. If a Program Once record is initially programmed to 0xFFFF_FFFF (0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF for index 0x10 - 0x13), the Program Once command is allowed to execute again on that same record. Erase All Blocks Command The Erase All Blocks operation erases all flash memory, verifies all memory contents, and releases MCU security. Table 28-23. Erase All Blocks Command FCCOB Requirements FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0] 0 0x44 (ERSALL) After clearing CCIF to launch the Erase All Blocks command, the flash memory module erases all program flash memory, then verifies that all are erased. If the flash memory module verifies that all flash memories were properly erased, access control is disabled and security is released by setting the FSEC[SEC] field to the unsecure state. The Erase All Blocks command aborts if any flash region is protected. The security byte and all other contents of the flash configuration field (see Flash Configuration Field Description) are erased by the Erase All Blocks command. If the erase-verify fails, the FSTAT[MGSTAT0] bit is set. The CCIF flag is set after the Erase All Blocks operation completes. Access control determined by the contents of the FXACC registers will not block execution of the Erase All Blocks command. While most Flash memory will be erased, the program flash IFR space containing the Program Once XACC and SACC fields will not be erased and, therefore, the contents of the Program Once XACC and SACC fields will not change. The contents of the FXACC and FSACC registers will not be impacted by the execution of the Erase All Blocks command. After completion of the Erase All Blocks command, access control is disabled until the next reset of the flash module or the Read 1s All Blocks command is executed and fails (FSTAT[MGSTAT0] is set). Table 28-24. Erase All Blocks Command Error Handling Error Condition Error Bit Command not available in current mode/security Any region of the program flash memory is protected Any errors have been encountered during the verify operation1 FSTAT[ACCERR] FSTAT[FPVIOL] FSTAT[MGSTAT0] KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 590 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) 1. User margin read may be run using the Read 1s All Blocks command to verify all bits are erased. Triggering an Erase All External to the Flash Memory Module The functionality of the Erase All Blocks command is also available in an uncommanded fashion outside of the flash memory. Refer to the device's Chip Configuration details for information on this functionality. Before invoking the external erase all function, the FSTAT[ACCERR and PVIOL] flags must be cleared and the FCCOB0 register must not contain 0x44. When invoked, the erase-all function erases all program flash memory regardless of the protection settings. If the post-erase verify passes, access control determined by the contents of the FXACC registers is disabled and the routine then releases security by setting the FSEC[SEC] field register to the unsecure state. The security byte in the Flash Configuration Field is also programmed to the unsecure state. The status of the erase-all request is reflected in the FCNFG[ERSAREQ] bit. The FCNFG[ERSAREQ] bit is cleared once the operation completes and the normal FSTAT error reporting is available, except FPVIOL, as described in Erase All Blocks Command. Verify Backdoor Access Key Command The Verify Backdoor Access Key command only executes if the mode and security conditions are satisfied (see Flash Commands by Mode). Execution of the Verify Backdoor Access Key command is further qualified by the FSEC[KEYEN] bits. The Verify Backdoor Access Key command releases security if user-supplied keys in the FCCOB match those stored in the Backdoor Comparison Key bytes of the Flash Configuration Field (see Flash Configuration Field Description). The column labelled Flash Configuration Field offset address shows the location of the matching byte in the Flash Configuration Field. Table 28-25. Verify Backdoor Access Key Command FCCOB Requirements FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0] Flash Configuration Field Offset Address 0 0x45 (VFYKEY) 1-3 Not Used 4 Key Byte 0 0x0_0003 5 Key Byte 1 0x0_0002 6 Key Byte 2 0x0_0001 7 Key Byte 3 0x0_0000 8 Key Byte 4 0x0_0007 9 Key Byte 5 0x0_0006 A Key Byte 6 0x0_0005 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 591 Functional Description Table 28-25. Verify Backdoor Access Key Command FCCOB Requirements (continued) FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0] Flash Configuration Field Offset Address B Key Byte 7 0x0_0004 After clearing CCIF to launch the Verify Backdoor Access Key command, the flash memory module checks the FSEC[KEYEN] bits to verify that this command is enabled. If not enabled, the flash memory module sets the FSTAT[ACCERR] bit and terminates. If the command is enabled, the flash memory module compares the key provided in FCCOB to the backdoor comparison key in the Flash Configuration Field. If the backdoor keys match, the FSEC[SEC] field is changed to the unsecure state and security is released. If the backdoor keys do not match, security is not released and all future attempts to execute the Verify Backdoor Access Key command are immediately aborted and the FSTAT[ACCERR] bit is (again) set to 1 until a reset of the flash memory module module occurs. If the entire 8-byte key is all zeros or all ones, the Verify Backdoor Access Key command fails with an access error. The CCIF flag is set after the Verify Backdoor Access Key operation completes. Table 28-26. Verify Backdoor Access Key Command Error Handling Error Condition Error Bit Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR] The supplied key is all-0s or all-Fs FSTAT[ACCERR] An incorrect backdoor key is supplied FSTAT[ACCERR] Backdoor key access has not been enabled (see the description of the FSEC register) FSTAT[ACCERR] This command is launched and the backdoor key has mismatched since the last power down reset FSTAT[ACCERR] Read 1s All Execute-only Segments Command The Read 1s All Execute-only Segments command checks if the program flash executeonly segments defined by the FXACC registers have been erased to the specified read margin level, if applicable, and releases flash access control if the readout passes, i.e. all data reads as '1'. Table 28-27. Read 1s All Execute-only Segments Command FCCOB Requirements FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0] 0 0x4A (RD1XA) 1 Read-1 Margin Choice KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 592 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) After clearing CCIF to launch the Read 1s All Execute-only Segments command, the flash memory module : * sets the read margin for 1s according to Table 28-28, * checks the contents of the program flash execute-only segments are in the erased state. If the flash memory module confirms that these segments are erased, flash access control is disabled until the next reset or, after programming any of the execute-only segments, the Read 1s All Execute-only Segments command is executed and fails with the FSTAT[MGSTAT0] bit set. If the read fails, i.e. all segments are not in the fully erased state, the FSTAT[MGSTAT0] bit is set. The CCIF flag sets after the Read 1s All Execute-only Segments operation has completed. Table 28-28. Margin Level Choices for Read 1s All Execute-only Segments Read Margin Choice Margin Level Description 0x00 Use the 'normal' read level for 1s 0x01 Apply the 'User' margin to the normal read-1 level 0x02 Apply the 'Factory' margin to the normal read-1 level Table 28-29. Read 1s All Execute-only Segments Command Error Handling Error Condition Error Bit Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR] An invalid margin choice is specified FSTAT[ACCERR] Read-1s fails FSTAT[MGSTAT0] Erase All Execute-only Segments Command The Erase All Execute-only Segments operation erases all program flash execute-only segments defined by the FXACC registers, verifies all segments are erased, and releases flash access control. Table 28-30. Erase All Execute-only Segments Command FCCOB Requirements FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0] 0 0x4B (ERSXA) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 593 Functional Description After clearing CCIF to launch the Erase All Execute-only Segments command, the flash memory module erases all program flash execute-only segments, then verifies that all segments are erased. If the flash memory module verifies that all segments were properly erased, flash access control is disabled until the next reset or, after programming any of the execute-only segments, the Read 1s All Execute-only Segments command is executed and fails with the FSTAT[MGSTAT0] bit set. The Erase All Execute-only Segments command aborts if any XA controlled segment is protected. If the erase-verify fails, the FSTAT[MGSTAT0] bit is set. The CCIF flag is set after the Erase All Execute-only Segments operation completes. Access control determined by the contents of the FXACC registers will not block execution of the Erase All Execute-only Segments command. While all XA controlled segments will be erased, the program flash IFR space containing the Program Once XACC fields will not be erased and, therefore, the contents of the Program Once XACC fields will not change. The contents of the FXACC registers will not be impacted by the execution of the Erase All Execute-only Segments command. Table 28-31. Erase All Execute-only Segments Command Error Handling Error Condition Error Bit Command not available in current mode/security Any XA controlled segment in the program flash memory is protected Any errors have been encountered during the verify operation FSTAT[ACCERR] FSTAT[FPVIOL] FSTAT[MGSTAT0] 28.4.12 Security The flash memory module provides security information to the MCU based on contents of the FSEC security register. The MCU then limits access to flash memory resources as defined in the device's Chip Configuration details. During reset, the flash memory module initializes the FSEC register using data read from the security byte of the Flash Configuration Field (see Flash Configuration Field Description). The following fields are available in the FSEC register. The settings are described in the Flash Security Register (FTFA_FSEC) details. Flash security features are discussed further in AN4507: Using the Kinetis Security and Flash Protection Features . Note that not all features described in the application note are available on this device. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 594 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) Table 28-32. FSEC register fields FSEC field Description KEYEN Backdoor Key Access MEEN Mass Erase Capability FSLACC Factory Security Level Access SEC MCU security Flash Memory Access by Mode and Security The following table summarizes how access to the flash memory module is affected by security and operating mode. Table 28-33. Flash Memory Access Summary Operating Mode Chip Security State Unsecure NVM Normal NVM Special Secure Full command set Full command set Only the Erase All Blocks and Read 1s All Blocks commands. Changing the Security State The security state out of reset can be permanently changed by programming the security byte of the flash configuration field. This assumes that you are starting from a mode where the necessary program flash erase and program commands are available and that the region of the program flash containing the flash configuration field is unprotected. If the flash security byte is successfully programmed, its new value takes affect after the next chip reset. Unsecuring the Chip Using Backdoor Key Access The chip can be unsecured by using the backdoor key access feature, which requires knowledge of the contents of the 8-byte backdoor key value stored in the Flash Configuration Field (see Flash Configuration Field Description). If the FSEC[KEYEN] bits are in the enabled state, the Verify Backdoor Access Key command (see Verify Backdoor Access Key Command) can be run; it allows the user to present prospective keys for comparison to the stored keys. If the keys match, the FSEC[SEC] bits are changed to unsecure the chip. The entire 8-byte key cannot be all 0s or all 1s; that is, 0000_0000_0000_0000h and FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFh are not accepted by the Verify KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 595 Functional Description Backdoor Access Key command as valid comparison values. While the Verify Backdoor Access Key command is active, program flash memory is not available for read access and returns invalid data. The user code stored in the program flash memory must have a method of receiving the backdoor keys from an external stimulus. This external stimulus would typically be through one of the on-chip serial ports. If the KEYEN bits are in the enabled state, the chip can be unsecured by the following backdoor key access sequence: 1. Follow the command sequence for the Verify Backdoor Access Key command as explained in Verify Backdoor Access Key Command 2. If the Verify Backdoor Access Key command is successful, the chip is unsecured and the FSEC[SEC] bits are forced to the unsecure state An illegal key provided to the Verify Backdoor Access Key command prohibits further use of the Verify Backdoor Access Key command. A reset of the chip is the only method to re-enable the Verify Backdoor Access Key command when a comparison fails. After the backdoor keys have been correctly matched, the chip is unsecured by changing the FSEC[SEC] bits. A successful execution of the Verify Backdoor Access Key command changes the security in the FSEC register only. It does not alter the security byte or the keys stored in the Flash Configuration Field (Flash Configuration Field Description). After the next reset of the chip, the security state of the flash memory module reverts back to the flash security byte in the Flash Configuration Field. The Verify Backdoor Access Key command sequence has no effect on the program and erase protections defined in the program flash protection registers. If the backdoor keys successfully match, the unsecured chip has full control of the contents of the Flash Configuration Field. The chip may erase the sector containing the Flash Configuration Field and reprogram the flash security byte to the unsecure state and change the backdoor keys to any desired value. 28.4.13 Reset Sequence On each system reset the flash memory module executes a sequence which establishes initial values for the flash block configuration parameters, FPROT, FOPT, FSEC, FXACC, FSACC, and FACNFG registers. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 596 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFA) FSTAT[CCIF] is cleared throughout the reset sequence. The flash memory module holds off CPU access during the reset sequence. Flash reads are possible when the hold is removed. Completion of the reset sequence is marked by setting CCIF which enables flash user commands. If a reset occurs while any flash command is in progress, that command is immediately aborted. The state of the word being programmed or the sector/block being erased is not guaranteed. Commands and operations do not automatically resume after exiting reset. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 597 Functional Description KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 598 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 29 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 29.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The cyclic redundancy check (CRC) module generates 16/32-bit CRC code for error detection. The CRC module provides a programmable polynomial and other parameters required to implement a 16-bit or 32-bit CRC standard. The 16/32-bit code is calculated for 32 bits of data at a time. 29.1.1 Features Features of the CRC module include: * Hardware CRC generator circuit using a 16-bit or 32-bit programmable shift register * Programmable initial seed value and polynomial * Option to transpose input data or output data (the CRC result) bitwise or bytewise. This option is required for certain CRC standards. A bytewise transpose operation is not possible when accessing the CRC data register via 8-bit accesses. In this case, the user's software must perform the bytewise transpose function. * Option for inversion of final CRC result * 32-bit CPU register programming interface 29.1.2 Block diagram The following is a block diagram of the CRC. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 599 Memory map and register descriptions TOT WAS FXOR TOTR CRC Data Register Reverse Logic Seed MUX [31:24][ 23:16] [15:8] [7:0] NOT Logic CRC Data Reverse Logic Checksum CRC Polynomial Register [31:24] [23:16] [15:8] [7:0] CRC Data Register [31:24] [23:16] [15:8] [7:0] CRC Engine Data Combine Logic Polynomial 16-/32-bit Select TCRC Figure 29-1. Programmable cyclic redundancy check (CRC) block diagram 29.1.3 Modes of operation Various MCU modes affect the CRC module's functionality. Run mode This is the basic mode of operation. Low-power modes (Wait or Stop) Any CRC calculation in progress stops when the MCU enters a low-power mode that disables the module clock. It resumes after the clock is enabled or via the system reset for exiting the low-power mode. Clock gating for this module is dependent on the MCU. 29.2 Memory map and register descriptions CRC memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4003_2000 CRC Data register (CRC_DATA) 32 R/W FFFF_FFFFh 29.2.1/601 4003_2004 CRC Polynomial register (CRC_GPOLY) 32 R/W 0000_1021h 29.2.2/602 4003_2008 CRC Control register (CRC_CTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.2.3/602 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 600 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 29 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 29.2.1 CRC Data register (CRC_DATA) The CRC Data register contains the value of the seed, data, and checksum. When CTRL[WAS] is set, any write to the data register is regarded as the seed value. When CTRL[WAS] is cleared, any write to the data register is regarded as data for general CRC computation. In 16-bit CRC mode, the HU and HL fields are not used for programming the seed value, and reads of these fields return an indeterminate value. In 32-bit CRC mode, all fields are used for programming the seed value. When programming data values, the values can be written 8 bits, 16 bits, or 32 bits at a time, provided all bytes are contiguous; with MSB of data value written first. After all data values are written, the CRC result can be read from this data register. In 16bit CRC mode, the CRC result is available in the LU and LL fields. In 32-bit CRC mode, all fields contain the result. Reads of this register at any time return the intermediate CRC value, provided the CRC module is configured. Address: 4003_2000h base + 0h offset = 4003_2000h Bit R W 31 Reset 1 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 HU 1 1 1 1 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 HL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 LU 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 LL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CRC_DATA field descriptions Field Description 31-24 HU CRC High Upper Byte 23-16 HL CRC High Lower Byte 15-8 LU CRC Low Upper Byte LL CRC Low Lower Byte In 16-bit CRC mode (CTRL[TCRC] is 0), this field is not used for programming a seed value. In 32-bit CRC mode (CTRL[TCRC] is 1), values written to this field are part of the seed value when CTRL[WAS] is 1. When CTRL[WAS] is 0, data written to this field is used for CRC checksum generation in both 16-bit and 32-bit CRC modes. In 16-bit CRC mode (CTRL[TCRC] is 0), this field is not used for programming a seed value. In 32-bit CRC mode (CTRL[TCRC] is 1), values written to this field are part of the seed value when CTRL[WAS] is 1. When CTRL[WAS] is 0, data written to this field is used for CRC checksum generation in both 16-bit and 32-bit CRC modes. When CTRL[WAS] is 1, values written to this field are part of the seed value. When CTRL[WAS] is 0, data written to this field is used for CRC checksum generation. When CTRL[WAS] is 1, values written to this field are part of the seed value. When CTRL[WAS] is 0, data written to this field is used for CRC checksum generation. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 601 Memory map and register descriptions 29.2.2 CRC Polynomial register (CRC_GPOLY) This register contains the value of the polynomial for the CRC calculation. The HIGH field contains the upper 16 bits of the CRC polynomial, which are used only in 32-bit CRC mode. Writes to the HIGH field are ignored in 16-bit CRC mode. The LOW field contains the lower 16 bits of the CRC polynomial, which are used in both 16- and 32-bit CRC modes. Address: 4003_2000h base + 4h offset = 4003_2004h Bit R W 31 Reset 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 HIGH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 LOW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 CRC_GPOLY field descriptions Field Description 31-16 HIGH High Polynominal Half-word LOW Low Polynominal Half-word Writable and readable in 32-bit CRC mode (CTRL[TCRC] is 1). This field is not writable in 16-bit CRC mode (CTRL[TCRC] is 0). Writable and readable in both 32-bit and 16-bit CRC modes. 29.2.3 CRC Control register (CRC_CTRL) This register controls the configuration and working of the CRC module. Appropriate bits must be set before starting a new CRC calculation. A new CRC calculation is initialized by asserting CTRL[WAS] and then writing the seed into the CRC data register. Address: 4003_2000h base + 8h offset = 4003_2008h 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 0 R TOT TOTR FXOR WAS W 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 TCRC Bit Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 602 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 29 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) CRC_CTRL field descriptions Field 31-30 TOT Description Type Of Transpose For Writes Defines the transpose configuration of the data written to the CRC data register. See the description of the transpose feature for the available transpose options. 00 01 10 11 29-28 TOTR Type Of Transpose For Read Identifies the transpose configuration of the value read from the CRC Data register. See the description of the transpose feature for the available transpose options. 00 01 10 11 27 Reserved 26 FXOR Complement Read Of CRC Data Register Some CRC protocols require the final checksum to be XORed with 0xFFFFFFFF or 0xFFFF. Asserting this bit enables on the fly complementing of read data. Reserved No XOR on reading. Invert or complement the read value of the CRC Data register. Write CRC Data Register As Seed When asserted, a value written to the CRC data register is considered a seed value. When deasserted, a value written to the CRC data register is taken as data for CRC computation. 0 1 24 TCRC No transposition. Bits in bytes are transposed; bytes are not transposed. Both bits in bytes and bytes are transposed. Only bytes are transposed; no bits in a byte are transposed. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 1 25 WAS No transposition. Bits in bytes are transposed; bytes are not transposed. Both bits in bytes and bytes are transposed. Only bytes are transposed; no bits in a byte are transposed. Writes to the CRC data register are data values. Writes to the CRC data register are seed values. Width of CRC protocol. 0 1 16-bit CRC protocol. 32-bit CRC protocol. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 29.3 Functional description KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 603 Functional description 29.3.1 CRC initialization/reinitialization To enable the CRC calculation, the user must program CRC_CTRL[WAS], CRC_GPOLY,necessary parameters for transposition and CRC result inversion in the applicable registers. Asserting CRC_CTRL[WAS] enables the programming of the seed value into the CRC_DATA register. After a completed CRC calculation, the module can be reinitialized for a new CRC computation by reasserting CRC_CTRL[WAS] and programming a new, or previously used, seed value. All other parameters must be set before programming the seed value and subsequent data values. 29.3.2 CRC calculations In 16-bit and 32-bit CRC modes, data values can be programmed 8 bits, 16 bits, or 32 bits at a time, provided all bytes are contiguous. Noncontiguous bytes can lead to an incorrect CRC computation. 16-bit CRC To compute a 16-bit CRC: 1. Clear CRC_CTRL[TCRC] to enable 16-bit CRC mode. 2. Program the transpose and complement options in the CTRL register as required for the CRC calculation. See Transpose feature and CRC result complement for details. 3. Write a 16-bit polynomial to the CRC_GPOLY[LOW] field. The CRC_GPOLY[HIGH] field is not usable in 16-bit CRC mode. 4. Set CRC_CTRL[WAS] to program the seed value. 5. Write a 16-bit seed to CRC_DATA[LU:LL]. CRC_DATA[HU:HL] are not used. 6. Clear CRC_CTRL[WAS] to start writing data values. 7. Write data values into CRC_DATA[HU:HL:LU:LL]. A CRC is computed on every data value write, and the intermediate CRC result is stored back into CRC_DATA[LU:LL]. 8. When all values have been written, read the final CRC result from CRC_DATA[LU:LL]. Transpose and complement operations are performed on the fly while reading or writing values. See Transpose feature and CRC result complement for details. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 604 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 29 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 32-bit CRC To compute a 32-bit CRC: 1. Set CRC_CTRL[TCRC] to enable 32-bit CRC mode. 2. Program the transpose and complement options in the CTRL register as required for the CRC calculation. See Transpose feature and CRC result complement for details. 3. Write a 32-bit polynomial to CRC_GPOLY[HIGH:LOW]. 4. Set CRC_CTRL[WAS] to program the seed value. 5. Write a 32-bit seed to CRC_DATA[HU:HL:LU:LL]. 6. Clear CRC_CTRL[WAS] to start writing data values. 7. Write data values into CRC_DATA[HU:HL:LU:LL]. A CRC is computed on every data value write, and the intermediate CRC result is stored back into CRC_DATA[HU:HL:LU:LL]. 8. When all values have been written, read the final CRC result from CRC_DATA[HU:HL:LU:LL]. The CRC is calculated bytewise, and two clocks are required to complete one CRC calculation. Transpose and complement operations are performed on the fly while reading or writing values. See Transpose feature and CRC result complement for details. 29.3.3 Transpose feature By default, the transpose feature is not enabled. However, some CRC standards require the input data and/or the final checksum to be transposed. The user software has the option to configure each transpose operation separately, as desired by the CRC standard. The data is transposed on the fly while being read or written. Some protocols use little endian format for the data stream to calculate a CRC. In this case, the transpose feature usefully flips the bits. This transpose option is one of the types supported by the CRC module. Types of transpose The CRC module provides several types of transpose functions to flip the bits and/or bytes, for both writing input data and reading the CRC result, separately using the CTRL[TOT] or CTRL[TOTR] fields, according to the CRC calculation being used. The following types of transpose functions are available for writing to and reading from the CRC data register: 1. CTRL[TOT] or CTRL[TOTR] is 00. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 605 Functional description No transposition occurs. 2. CTRL[TOT] or CTRL[TOTR] is 01 Bits in a byte are transposed, while bytes are not transposed. reg[31:0] becomes {reg[24:31], reg[16:23], reg[8:15], reg[0:7]} 31 24 23 16 15 24 31 16 23 8 8 7 0 15 0 7 Figure 29-2. Transpose type 01 3. CTRL[TOT] or CTRL[TOTR] is 10. Both bits in bytes and bytes are transposed. reg[31:0] becomes = {reg[0:7], reg[8:15],reg[16:23], reg[24:31]} 31 0 31 0 Figure 29-3. Transpose type 10 4. CTRL[TOT] or CTRL[TOTR] is 11. Bytes are transposed, but bits are not transposed. reg[31:0] becomes {reg[7:0], reg[15:8], reg[23:16], reg[31:24]} KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 606 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 29 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 31 7 24 23 16 15 8 0 15 8 23 16 7 31 0 24 Figure 29-4. Transpose type 11 NOTE * For 8-bit and 16-bit write accesses to the CRC data register, the data is transposed with zeros on the unused byte or bytes (taking 32 bits as a whole), but the CRC is calculated on the valid byte(s) only. * When reading the CRC data register for a 16-bit CRC result and using transpose options 10 and 11, the resulting value after transposition resides in the CRC[HU:HL] fields. The user software must account for this situation when reading the 16-bit CRC result, so reading 32 bits is preferred. 29.3.4 CRC result complement When CTRL[FXOR] is set, the checksum is complemented. The CRC result complement function outputs the complement of the checksum value stored in the CRC data register every time the CRC data register is read. When CTRL[FXOR] is cleared, reading the CRC data register accesses the raw checksum value. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 607 Functional description KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 608 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) 30.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The 16-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is a successive approximation ADC designed for operation within an integrated microcontroller system-on-chip. NOTE For the chip specific modes of operation, see the power management information of the device. 30.1.1 Features Following are the features of the ADC module. * Linear successive approximation algorithm with up to 16-bit resolution * Up to four pairs of differential and 24 single-ended external analog inputs * Output modes: * differential 16-bit, 13-bit, 11-bit, and 9-bit modes * single-ended 16-bit, 12-bit, 10-bit, and 8-bit modes * Output format in 2's complement 16-bit sign extended for differential modes * Output in right-justified unsigned format for single-ended * Single or continuous conversion, that is, automatic return to idle after single conversion KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 609 Introduction * Configurable sample time and conversion speed/power * Conversion complete/hardware average complete flag and interrupt * Input clock selectable from up to four sources * Operation in low-power modes for lower noise * Asynchronous clock source for lower noise operation with option to output the clock * Selectable hardware conversion trigger with hardware channel select * Automatic compare with interrupt for less-than, greater-than or equal-to, within range, or out-of-range, programmable value * Temperature sensor * Hardware average function * Selectable voltage reference: external or alternate * Self-Calibration mode 30.1.2 Block diagram The following figure is the ADC module block diagram. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 610 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ADHWTSA SC1A Conversion trigger control ADHWTSn SC1n ADTRG ADHWT Control Registers (SC2, CFG1, CFG2) ADACKEN Async Clock Gen A D IC L K A D IV ADLPC/ADHSC MODE ADLSMP/ADLSTS DIFF ADCO trig g e r co m p le te AIEN COCO ADCH C o m p a re tru e 1 Interrupt AD23 TempP ADCK ADACK Clock divide Bus clock ALTCLK2 ALTCLK abort convert sample DADP3 AD4 initialize DADP0 transfer Control sequencer MCU STOP A D V IN P PG, MG A D V IN M CLPx SAR converter Offset subtractor CLMx OFS ADCOFS Calibration CALF CAL DADM3 AVGE, AVGS V REFSH Averager Formatting V REFH SC3 MODE CFG1,2 D RA VALTH tra n s fe r V REFSL V REFL CLPx CLM x DADM0 TempM PG, MG Rn VALTL Compare logic C V1 ACFE ACFGT, ACREN Compare true SC2 1 CV2 CV1:CV2 Figure 30-1. ADC block diagram 30.2 ADC signal descriptions The ADC module supports up to 4 pairs of differential inputs and up to 24 single-ended inputs. Each differential pair requires two inputs, DADPx and DADMx. The ADC also requires four supply/reference/ground connections. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 611 ADC signal descriptions NOTE For the number of channels supported on this device as well as information regarding other chip-specific inputs into the ADC block, see the chip-specific ADC configuration information. Table 30-1. ADC signal descriptions Signal Description I/O DADP3-DADP0 Differential Analog Channel Inputs I DADM3-DADM0 Differential Analog Channel Inputs I Single-Ended Analog Channel Inputs I VREFSH Voltage Reference Select High I VREFSL Voltage Reference Select Low I VDDA Analog Power Supply I VSSA Analog Ground I ADn 30.2.1 Analog Power (VDDA) The ADC analog portion uses VDDA as its power connection. In some packages, VDDA is connected internally to VDD. If externally available, connect the VDDA pin to the same voltage potential as VDD. External filtering may be necessary to ensure clean VDDA for good results. 30.2.2 Analog Ground (VSSA) The ADC analog portion uses VSSA as its ground connection. In some packages, VSSA is connected internally to VSS. If externally available, connect the VSSA pin to the same voltage potential as VSS. 30.2.3 Voltage Reference Select VREFSH and VREFSL are the high and low reference voltages for the ADC module. The ADC can be configured to accept one of two voltage reference pairs for VREFSH and VREFSL. Each pair contains a positive reference that must be between the minimum Ref Voltage High and VDDA, and a ground reference that must be at the same potential as VSSA. The two pairs are external (VREFH and VREFL) and alternate (VALTH and VALTL). These voltage references are selected using SC2[REFSEL]. The alternate VALTH and KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 612 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) VALTL voltage reference pair may select additional external pins or internal sources depending on MCU configuration. See the chip configuration information on the Voltage References specific to this MCU. In some packages, VREFH is connected in the package to VDDA and VREFL to VSSA. If externally available, the positive reference(s) may be connected to the same potential as VDDA or may be driven by an external source to a level between the minimum Ref Voltage High and the VDDA potential. VREFH must never exceed VDDA. Connect the ground references to the same voltage potential as VSSA. 30.2.4 Analog Channel Inputs (ADx) The ADC module supports up to 24 single-ended analog inputs. A single-ended input is selected for conversion through the SC1[ADCH] channel select bits when SC1n[DIFF] is low. 30.2.5 Differential Analog Channel Inputs (DADx) The ADC module supports up to four differential analog channel inputs. Each differential analog input is a pair of external pins, DADPx and DADMx, referenced to each other to provide the most accurate analog to digital readings. A differential input is selected for conversion through SC1[ADCH] when SC1n[DIFF] is high. All DADPx inputs may be used as single-ended inputs if SC1n[DIFF] is low. In certain MCU configurations, some DADMx inputs may also be used as single-ended inputs if SC1n[DIFF] is low. For ADC connections specific to this device, see the chip-specific ADC information. 30.3 Memory map and register definitions This section describes the ADC registers. ADC memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4002_7000 ADC Status and Control Registers 1 (ADC1_SC1A) 32 R/W 0000_001Fh 30.3.1/615 4002_7004 ADC Status and Control Registers 1 (ADC1_SC1B) 32 R/W 0000_001Fh 30.3.1/615 4002_7008 ADC Configuration Register 1 (ADC1_CFG1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 30.3.2/619 4002_700C ADC Configuration Register 2 (ADC1_CFG2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 30.3.3/620 4002_7010 ADC Data Result Register (ADC1_RA) 32 R 0000_0000h 30.3.4/621 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 613 Memory map and register definitions ADC memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4002_7014 ADC Data Result Register (ADC1_RB) 32 R 0000_0000h 30.3.4/621 4002_7018 Compare Value Registers (ADC1_CV1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 30.3.5/623 4002_701C Compare Value Registers (ADC1_CV2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 30.3.5/623 4002_7020 Status and Control Register 2 (ADC1_SC2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 30.3.6/624 4002_7024 Status and Control Register 3 (ADC1_SC3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 30.3.7/626 4002_7028 ADC Offset Correction Register (ADC1_OFS) 32 R/W 0000_0004h 30.3.8/627 4002_702C ADC Plus-Side Gain Register (ADC1_PG) 32 R/W 0000_8200h 30.3.9/628 4002_7030 ADC Minus-Side Gain Register (ADC1_MG) 32 R/W 0000_8200h 30.3.10/ 628 4002_7034 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC1_CLPD) 32 R/W 0000_000Ah 30.3.11/ 629 4002_7038 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC1_CLPS) 32 R/W 0000_0020h 30.3.12/ 630 4002_703C ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC1_CLP4) 32 R/W 0000_0200h 30.3.13/ 630 4002_7040 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC1_CLP3) 32 R/W 0000_0100h 30.3.14/ 631 4002_7044 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC1_CLP2) 32 R/W 0000_0080h 30.3.15/ 631 4002_7048 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC1_CLP1) 32 R/W 0000_0040h 30.3.16/ 632 4002_704C ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC1_CLP0) 32 R/W 0000_0020h 30.3.17/ 632 4002_7054 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC1_CLMD) 32 R/W 0000_000Ah 30.3.18/ 633 4002_7058 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC1_CLMS) 32 R/W 0000_0020h 30.3.19/ 633 4002_705C ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC1_CLM4) 32 R/W 0000_0200h 30.3.20/ 634 4002_7060 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC1_CLM3) 32 R/W 0000_0100h 30.3.21/ 634 4002_7064 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC1_CLM2) 32 R/W 0000_0080h 30.3.22/ 635 4002_7068 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC1_CLM1) 32 R/W 0000_0040h 30.3.23/ 635 4002_706C ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC1_CLM0) 32 R/W 0000_0020h 30.3.24/ 636 4003_B000 ADC Status and Control Registers 1 (ADC0_SC1A) 32 R/W 0000_001Fh 30.3.1/615 4003_B004 ADC Status and Control Registers 1 (ADC0_SC1B) 32 R/W 0000_001Fh 30.3.1/615 4003_B008 ADC Configuration Register 1 (ADC0_CFG1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 30.3.2/619 4003_B00C ADC Configuration Register 2 (ADC0_CFG2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 30.3.3/620 4003_B010 32 R 0000_0000h 30.3.4/621 ADC Data Result Register (ADC0_RA) Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 614 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ADC memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4003_B014 ADC Data Result Register (ADC0_RB) 32 R 0000_0000h 30.3.4/621 4003_B018 Compare Value Registers (ADC0_CV1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 30.3.5/623 4003_B01C Compare Value Registers (ADC0_CV2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 30.3.5/623 4003_B020 Status and Control Register 2 (ADC0_SC2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 30.3.6/624 4003_B024 Status and Control Register 3 (ADC0_SC3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 30.3.7/626 4003_B028 ADC Offset Correction Register (ADC0_OFS) 32 R/W 0000_0004h 30.3.8/627 4003_B02C ADC Plus-Side Gain Register (ADC0_PG) 32 R/W 0000_8200h 30.3.9/628 4003_B030 ADC Minus-Side Gain Register (ADC0_MG) 32 R/W 0000_8200h 30.3.10/ 628 4003_B034 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC0_CLPD) 32 R/W 0000_000Ah 30.3.11/ 629 4003_B038 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC0_CLPS) 32 R/W 0000_0020h 30.3.12/ 630 4003_B03C ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC0_CLP4) 32 R/W 0000_0200h 30.3.13/ 630 4003_B040 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC0_CLP3) 32 R/W 0000_0100h 30.3.14/ 631 4003_B044 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC0_CLP2) 32 R/W 0000_0080h 30.3.15/ 631 4003_B048 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC0_CLP1) 32 R/W 0000_0040h 30.3.16/ 632 4003_B04C ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC0_CLP0) 32 R/W 0000_0020h 30.3.17/ 632 4003_B054 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC0_CLMD) 32 R/W 0000_000Ah 30.3.18/ 633 4003_B058 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC0_CLMS) 32 R/W 0000_0020h 30.3.19/ 633 4003_B05C ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC0_CLM4) 32 R/W 0000_0200h 30.3.20/ 634 4003_B060 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC0_CLM3) 32 R/W 0000_0100h 30.3.21/ 634 4003_B064 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC0_CLM2) 32 R/W 0000_0080h 30.3.22/ 635 4003_B068 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC0_CLM1) 32 R/W 0000_0040h 30.3.23/ 635 4003_B06C ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC0_CLM0) 32 R/W 0000_0020h 30.3.24/ 636 30.3.1 ADC Status and Control Registers 1 (ADCx_SC1n) SC1A is used for both software and hardware trigger modes of operation. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 615 Memory map and register definitions To allow sequential conversions of the ADC to be triggered by internal peripherals, the ADC can have more than one status and control register: one for each conversion. The SC1B-SC1n registers indicate potentially multiple SC1 registers for use only in hardware trigger mode. See the chip configuration information about the number of SC1n registers specific to this device. The SC1n registers have identical fields, and are used in a "pingpong" approach to control ADC operation. At any one point in time, only one of the SC1n registers is actively controlling ADC conversions. Updating SC1A while SC1n is actively controlling a conversion is allowed, and vice-versa for any of the SC1n registers specific to this MCU. Writing SC1A while SC1A is actively controlling a conversion aborts the current conversion. In Software Trigger mode, when SC2[ADTRG]=0, writes to SC1A subsequently initiate a new conversion, if SC1[ADCH] contains a value other than all 1s (module disabled). Writing any of the SC1n registers while that specific SC1n register is actively controlling a conversion aborts the current conversion. None of the SC1B-SC1n registers are used for software trigger operation and therefore writes to the SC1B-SC1n registers do not initiate a new conversion. Address: Base address + 0h offset + (4d x i), where i=0d to 1d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 AIEN DIFF 0 0 1 1 COCO Reset 0 R ADCH W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 616 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ADCx_SC1n field descriptions Field 31-8 Reserved 7 COCO Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Conversion Complete Flag This is a read-only field that is set each time a conversion is completed when the compare function is disabled, or SC2[ACFE]=0 and the hardware average function is disabled, or SC3[AVGE]=0. When the compare function is enabled, or SC2[ACFE]=1, COCO is set upon completion of a conversion only if the compare result is true. When the hardware average function is enabled, or SC3[AVGE]=1, COCO is set upon completion of the selected number of conversions (determined by AVGS). COCO in SC1A is also set at the completion of a calibration sequence. COCO is cleared when the respective SC1n register is written or when the respective Rn register is read. 0 1 6 AIEN Interrupt Enable Enables conversion complete interrupts. When COCO becomes set while the respective AIEN is high, an interrupt is asserted. 0 1 5 DIFF Conversion complete interrupt is disabled. Conversion complete interrupt is enabled. Differential Mode Enable Configures the ADC to operate in differential mode. When enabled, this mode automatically selects from the differential channels, and changes the conversion algorithm and the number of cycles to complete a conversion. 0 1 ADCH Conversion is not completed. Conversion is completed. Single-ended conversions and input channels are selected. Differential conversions and input channels are selected. Input channel select Selects one of the input channels. The input channel decode depends on the value of DIFF. DAD0-DAD3 are associated with the input pin pairs DADPx and DADMx. NOTE: Some of the input channel options in the bitfield-setting descriptions might not be available for your device. For the actual ADC channel assignments for your device, see the Chip Configuration details. The successive approximation converter subsystem is turned off when the channel select bits are all set, that is, ADCH = 11111. This feature allows explicit disabling of the ADC and isolation of the input channel from all sources. Terminating continuous conversions this way prevents an additional single conversion from being performed. It is not necessary to set ADCH to all 1s to place the ADC in a low-power state when continuous conversions are not enabled because the module automatically enters a low-power state when a conversion completes. 00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111 When DIFF=0, DADP0 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, DAD0 is selected as input. When DIFF=0, DADP1 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, DAD1 is selected as input. When DIFF=0, DADP2 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, DAD2 is selected as input. When DIFF=0, DADP3 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, DAD3 is selected as input. When DIFF=0, AD4 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. When DIFF=0, AD5 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. When DIFF=0, AD6 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. When DIFF=0, AD7 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 617 Memory map and register definitions ADCx_SC1n field descriptions (continued) Field Description 01000 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111 10000 10001 10010 10011 10100 10101 10110 10111 11000 11001 11010 11011 11100 11101 11110 11111 When DIFF=0, AD8 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. When DIFF=0, AD9 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. When DIFF=0, AD10 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. When DIFF=0, AD11 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. When DIFF=0, AD12 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. When DIFF=0, AD13 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. When DIFF=0, AD14 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. When DIFF=0, AD15 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. When DIFF=0, AD16 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. When DIFF=0, AD17 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. When DIFF=0, AD18 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. When DIFF=0, AD19 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. When DIFF=0, AD20 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. When DIFF=0, AD21 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. When DIFF=0, AD22 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. When DIFF=0, AD23 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. Reserved. Reserved. When DIFF=0, Temp Sensor (single-ended) is selected as input; when DIFF=1, Temp Sensor (differential) is selected as input. When DIFF=0,Bandgap (single-ended) is selected as input; when DIFF=1, Bandgap (differential) is selected as input. Reserved. When DIFF=0,VREFSH is selected as input; when DIFF=1, -VREFSH (differential) is selected as input. Voltage reference selected is determined by SC2[REFSEL]. When DIFF=0,VREFSL is selected as input; when DIFF=1, it is reserved. Voltage reference selected is determined by SC2[REFSEL]. Module is disabled. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 618 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) 30.3.2 ADC Configuration Register 1 (ADCx_CFG1) The configuration Register 1 (CFG1) selects the mode of operation, clock source, clock divide, and configuration for low power or long sample time. Address: Base address + 8h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ADLPC 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADLSMP Reset ADIV 0 0 0 MODE 0 0 ADICLK 0 0 ADCx_CFG1 field descriptions Field 31-8 Reserved 7 ADLPC Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Low-Power Configuration Controls the power configuration of the successive approximation converter. This optimizes power consumption when higher sample rates are not required. 0 1 6-5 ADIV Clock Divide Select Selects the divide ratio used by the ADC to generate the internal clock ADCK. 00 01 10 11 4 ADLSMP Normal power configuration. Low-power configuration. The power is reduced at the expense of maximum clock speed. The divide ratio is 1 and the clock rate is input clock. The divide ratio is 2 and the clock rate is (input clock)/2. The divide ratio is 4 and the clock rate is (input clock)/4. The divide ratio is 8 and the clock rate is (input clock)/8. Sample Time Configuration Selects between different sample times based on the conversion mode selected. This field adjusts the sample period to allow higher impedance inputs to be accurately sampled or to maximize conversion speed for lower impedance inputs. Longer sample times can also be used to lower overall power consumption if continuous conversions are enabled and high conversion rates are not required. When ADLSMP=1, the long sample time select bits, (ADLSTS[1:0]), can select the extent of the long sample time. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 619 Memory map and register definitions ADCx_CFG1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 3-2 MODE Short sample time. Long sample time. Conversion mode selection Selects the ADC resolution mode. 00 01 10 11 ADICLK When DIFF=0:It is single-ended 8-bit conversion; when DIFF=1, it is differential 9-bit conversion with 2's complement output. When DIFF=0:It is single-ended 12-bit conversion ; when DIFF=1, it is differential 13-bit conversion with 2's complement output. When DIFF=0:It is single-ended 10-bit conversion. ; when DIFF=1, it is differential 11-bit conversion with 2's complement output When DIFF=0:It is single-ended 16-bit conversion..; when DIFF=1, it is differential 16-bit conversion with 2's complement output Input Clock Select Selects the input clock source to generate the internal clock, ADCK. Note that when the ADACK clock source is selected, it is not required to be active prior to conversion start. When it is selected and it is not active prior to a conversion start, when CFG2[ADACKEN]=0, the asynchronous clock is activated at the start of a conversion and deactivated when conversions are terminated. In this case, there is an associated clock startup delay each time the clock source is re-activated. 00 01 10 11 Bus clock Alternate clock 2 (ALTCLK2) Alternate clock (ALTCLK) Asynchronous clock (ADACK) 30.3.3 ADC Configuration Register 2 (ADCx_CFG2) Configuration Register 2 (CFG2) selects the special high-speed configuration for very high speed conversions and selects the long sample time duration during long sample mode. Address: Base address + Ch offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MUXSEL ADACKEN ADHSC W 0 0 0 0 R 0 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADLSTS 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 620 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ADCx_CFG2 field descriptions Field Description 31-8 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 7-5 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 4 MUXSEL ADC Mux Select Changes the ADC mux setting to select between alternate sets of ADC channels. 0 1 3 ADACKEN Asynchronous Clock Output Enable Enables the asynchronous clock source and the clock source output regardless of the conversion and status of CFG1[ADICLK]. Based on MCU configuration, the asynchronous clock may be used by other modules. See chip configuration information. Setting this field allows the clock to be used even while the ADC is idle or operating from a different clock source. Also, latency of initiating a single or first-continuous conversion with the asynchronous clock selected is reduced because the ADACK clock is already operational. 0 1 2 ADHSC Asynchronous clock output disabled; Asynchronous clock is enabled only if selected by ADICLK and a conversion is active. Asynchronous clock and clock output is enabled regardless of the state of the ADC. High-Speed Configuration Configures the ADC for very high-speed operation. The conversion sequence is altered with 2 ADCK cycles added to the conversion time to allow higher speed conversion clocks. 0 1 ADLSTS ADxxa channels are selected. ADxxb channels are selected. Normal conversion sequence selected. High-speed conversion sequence selected with 2 additional ADCK cycles to total conversion time. Long Sample Time Select Selects between the extended sample times when long sample time is selected, that is, when CFG1[ADLSMP]=1. This allows higher impedance inputs to be accurately sampled or to maximize conversion speed for lower impedance inputs. Longer sample times can also be used to lower overall power consumption when continuous conversions are enabled if high conversion rates are not required. 00 01 10 11 Default longest sample time; 20 extra ADCK cycles; 24 ADCK cycles total. 12 extra ADCK cycles; 16 ADCK cycles total sample time. 6 extra ADCK cycles; 10 ADCK cycles total sample time. 2 extra ADCK cycles; 6 ADCK cycles total sample time. 30.3.4 ADC Data Result Register (ADCx_Rn) The data result registers (Rn) contain the result of an ADC conversion of the channel selected by the corresponding status and channel control register (SC1A:SC1n). For every status and channel control register, there is a corresponding data result register. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 621 Memory map and register definitions Unused bits in R n are cleared in unsigned right-aligned modes and carry the sign bit (MSB) in sign-extended 2's complement modes. For example, when configured for 10-bit single-ended mode, D[15:10] are cleared. When configured for 11-bit differential mode, D[15:10] carry the sign bit, that is, bit 10 extended through bit 15. The following table describes the behavior of the data result registers in the different modes of operation. Table 30-2. Data result register description Conversion mode D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Format 16-bit differential S D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Signed 2's complement 16-bit singleended D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Unsigned right justified 13-bit differential S S S S D D D D D D D D D D D D Sign-extended 2's complement 12-bit singleended 0 0 0 0 D D D D D D D D D D D D Unsigned rightjustified 11-bit differential S S S S S S D D D D D D D D D D Sign-extended 2's complement 10-bit singleended 0 0 0 0 0 0 D D D D D D D D D D Unsigned rightjustified 9-bit differential S S S S S S S S D D D D D D D D Sign-extended 2's complement 8-bit singleended 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D D D D D D D D Unsigned rightjustified NOTE S: Sign bit or sign bit extension; D: Data, which is 2's complement data if indicated Address: Base address + 10h offset + (4d x i), where i=0d to 1d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 R 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADCx_Rn field descriptions Field 31-16 Reserved D Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Data result KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 622 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) 30.3.5 Compare Value Registers (ADCx_CVn) The Compare Value Registers (CV1 and CV2) contain a compare value used to compare the conversion result when the compare function is enabled, that is, SC2[ACFE]=1. This register is formatted in the same way as the Rn registers in different modes of operation for both bit position definition and value format using unsigned or sign-extended 2's complement. Therefore, the compare function uses only the CVn fields that are related to the ADC mode of operation. The compare value 2 register (CV2) is used only when the compare range function is enabled, that is, SC2[ACREN]=1. Address: Base address + 18h offset + (4d x i), where i=0d to 1d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CV W Reset 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADCx_CVn field descriptions Field 31-16 Reserved CV Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Compare Value. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 623 Memory map and register definitions 30.3.6 Status and Control Register 2 (ADCx_SC2) The status and control register 2 (SC2) contains the conversion active, hardware/software trigger select, compare function, and voltage reference select of the ADC module. Address: Base address + 20h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ACFE ACFGT ACREN DMAEN 0 0 0 0 0 ADACT Reset ADTRG W 0 R REFSEL W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADCx_SC2 field descriptions Field 31-8 Reserved 7 ADACT Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Conversion Active Indicates that a conversion or hardware averaging is in progress. ADACT is set when a conversion is initiated and cleared when a conversion is completed or aborted. 0 1 6 ADTRG Conversion not in progress. Conversion in progress. Conversion Trigger Select Selects the type of trigger used for initiating a conversion. Two types of trigger are selectable: Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 624 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ADCx_SC2 field descriptions (continued) Field Description * Software trigger: When software trigger is selected, a conversion is initiated following a write to SC1A. * Hardware trigger: When hardware trigger is selected, a conversion is initiated following the assertion of the ADHWT input after a pulse of the ADHWTSn input. 0 1 5 ACFE Compare Function Enable Enables the compare function. 0 1 4 ACFGT Compare function disabled. Compare function enabled. Compare Function Greater Than Enable Configures the compare function to check the conversion result relative to the CV1 and CV2 based upon the value of ACREN. ACFE must be set for ACFGT to have any effect. 0 1 3 ACREN Software trigger selected. Hardware trigger selected. Configures less than threshold, outside range not inclusive and inside range not inclusive; functionality based on the values placed in CV1 and CV2. Configures greater than or equal to threshold, outside and inside ranges inclusive; functionality based on the values placed in CV1 and CV2. Compare Function Range Enable Configures the compare function to check if the conversion result of the input being monitored is either between or outside the range formed by CV1 and CV2 determined by the value of ACFGT. ACFE must be set for ACFGT to have any effect. 0 1 Range function disabled. Only CV1 is compared. Range function enabled. Both CV1 and CV2 are compared. 2 DMAEN DMA Enable REFSEL Voltage Reference Selection 0 1 DMA is disabled. DMA is enabled and will assert the ADC DMA request during an ADC conversion complete event noted when any of the SC1n[COCO] flags is asserted. Selects the voltage reference source used for conversions. 00 01 10 11 Default voltage reference pin pair, that is, external pins VREFH and VREFL Alternate reference pair, that is, VALTH and VALTL . This pair may be additional external pins or internal sources depending on the MCU configuration. See the chip configuration information for details specific to this MCU Reserved Reserved KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 625 Memory map and register definitions 30.3.7 Status and Control Register 3 (ADCx_SC3) The Status and Control Register 3 (SC3) controls the calibration, continuous convert, and hardware averaging functions of the ADC module. Address: Base address + 24h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 AVGE 0 0 CALF Reset ADCO W 0 R 0 CAL w1c W Reset AVGS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADCx_SC3 field descriptions Field 31-8 Reserved 7 CAL 6 CALF Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Calibration Begins the calibration sequence when set. This field stays set while the calibration is in progress and is cleared when the calibration sequence is completed. CALF must be checked to determine the result of the calibration sequence. Once started, the calibration routine cannot be interrupted by writes to the ADC registers or the results will be invalid and CALF will set. Setting CAL will abort any current conversion. Calibration Failed Flag Displays the result of the calibration sequence. The calibration sequence will fail if SC2[ADTRG] = 1, any ADC register is written, or any stop mode is entered before the calibration sequence completes. Writing 1 to CALF clears it. 0 1 5-4 Reserved Calibration completed normally. Calibration failed. ADC accuracy specifications are not guaranteed. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 626 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ADCx_SC3 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 3 ADCO Continuous Conversion Enable Enables continuous conversions. 0 1 2 AVGE One conversion or one set of conversions if the hardware average function is enabled, that is, AVGE=1, after initiating a conversion. Continuous conversions or sets of conversions if the hardware average function is enabled, that is, AVGE=1, after initiating a conversion. Hardware Average Enable Enables the hardware average function of the ADC. 0 1 AVGS Hardware average function disabled. Hardware average function enabled. Hardware Average Select Determines how many ADC conversions will be averaged to create the ADC average result. 00 01 10 11 4 samples averaged. 8 samples averaged. 16 samples averaged. 32 samples averaged. 30.3.8 ADC Offset Correction Register (ADCx_OFS) The ADC Offset Correction Register (OFS) contains the user-selected or calibrationgenerated offset error correction value. This register is a 2's complement, left-justified, 16-bit value . The value in OFS is subtracted from the conversion and the result is transferred into the result registers, Rn. If the result is greater than the maximum or less than the minimum result value, it is forced to the appropriate limit for the current mode of operation. For more information regarding the calibration procedure, please refer to the Calibration function section. Address: Base address + 28h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 OFS W Reset 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADCx_OFS field descriptions Field 31-16 Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 627 Memory map and register definitions ADCx_OFS field descriptions (continued) Field Description OFS Offset Error Correction Value 30.3.9 ADC Plus-Side Gain Register (ADCx_PG) The Plus-Side Gain Register (PG) contains the gain error correction for the plus-side input in differential mode or the overall conversion in single-ended mode. PG, a 16-bit real number in binary format, is the gain adjustment factor, with the radix point fixed between PG[15] and PG[14]. This register must be written by the user with the value described in the calibration procedure. Otherwise, the gain error specifications may not be met. For more information regarding the calibration procedure, please refer to the Calibration function section. Address: Base address + 2Ch offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PG W Reset 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ADCx_PG field descriptions Field 31-16 Reserved PG Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Plus-Side Gain 30.3.10 ADC Minus-Side Gain Register (ADCx_MG) The Minus-Side Gain Register (MG) contains the gain error correction for the minus-side input in differential mode. This register is ignored in single-ended mode. MG, a 16-bit real number in binary format, is the gain adjustment factor, with the radix point fixed between MG[15] and MG[14]. This register must be written by the user with the value described in the calibration procedure. Otherwise, the gain error specifications may not be met. For more information regarding the calibration procedure, please refer to the Calibration function section. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 628 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Address: Base address + 30h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MG W Reset 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ADCx_MG field descriptions Field Description 31-16 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. MG Minus-Side Gain 30.3.11 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLPD) The Plus-Side General Calibration Value Registers (CLPx) contain calibration information that is generated by the calibration function. These registers contain seven calibration values of varying widths: CLP0[5:0], CLP1[6:0], CLP2[7:0], CLP3[8:0], CLP4[9:0], CLPS[5:0], and CLPD[5:0]. CLPx are automatically set when the selfcalibration sequence is done, that is, CAL is cleared. If these registers are written by the user after calibration, the linearity error specifications may not be met. For more information regarding the calibration procedure, please refer to the Calibration function section. Address: Base address + 34h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 CLPD W Reset 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ADCx_CLPD field descriptions Field 31-6 Reserved CLPD Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Calibration Value Calibration Value KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 629 Memory map and register definitions 30.3.12 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLPS) For more information, see CLPD register description. Address: Base address + 38h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 CLPS W Reset 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 ADCx_CLPS field descriptions Field Description 31-6 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. CLPS Calibration Value Calibration Value 30.3.13 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLP4) For more information, see CLPD register description. Address: Base address + 3Ch offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 0 R CLP4 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ADCx_CLP4 field descriptions Field 31-10 Reserved CLP4 Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Calibration Value Calibration Value KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 630 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) 30.3.14 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLP3) For more information, see CLPD register description. Address: Base address + 40h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 CLP3 W Reset 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ADCx_CLP3 field descriptions Field Description 31-9 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. CLP3 Calibration Value Calibration Value 30.3.15 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLP2) For more information, see CLPD register description. Address: Base address + 44h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 R CLP2 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ADCx_CLP2 field descriptions Field 31-8 Reserved CLP2 Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Calibration Value Calibration Value KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 631 Memory map and register definitions 30.3.16 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLP1) For more information, see CLPD register description. Address: Base address + 48h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 CLP1 W Reset 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 ADCx_CLP1 field descriptions Field Description 31-7 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. CLP1 Calibration Value Calibration Value 30.3.17 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLP0) For more information, see CLPD register description. Address: Base address + 4Ch offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 R CLP0 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ADCx_CLP0 field descriptions Field 31-6 Reserved CLP0 Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Calibration Value Calibration Value KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 632 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) 30.3.18 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLMD) The Minus-Side General Calibration Value (CLMx) registers contain calibration information that is generated by the calibration function. These registers contain seven calibration values of varying widths: CLM0[5:0], CLM1[6:0], CLM2[7:0], CLM3[8:0], CLM4[9:0], CLMS[5:0], and CLMD[5:0]. CLMx are automatically set when the selfcalibration sequence is done, that is, CAL is cleared. If these registers are written by the user after calibration, the linearity error specifications may not be met. For more information regarding the calibration procedure, please refer to the Calibration function section. Address: Base address + 54h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 CLMD W Reset 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 ADCx_CLMD field descriptions Field Description 31-6 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. CLMD Calibration Value Calibration Value 30.3.19 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLMS) For more information, see CLMD register description. Address: Base address + 58h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 R CLMS W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ADCx_CLMS field descriptions Field 31-6 Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 633 Memory map and register definitions ADCx_CLMS field descriptions (continued) Field Description CLMS Calibration Value Calibration Value 30.3.20 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLM4) For more information, see CLMD register description. Address: Base address + 5Ch offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 CLM4 W Reset 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ADCx_CLM4 field descriptions Field Description 31-10 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. CLM4 Calibration Value Calibration Value 30.3.21 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLM3) For more information, see CLMD register description. Address: Base address + 60h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 R CLM3 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ADCx_CLM3 field descriptions Field 31-9 Reserved CLM3 Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Calibration Value Calibration Value KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 634 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) 30.3.22 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLM2) For more information, see CLMD register description. Address: Base address + 64h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 CLM2 W Reset 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 ADCx_CLM2 field descriptions Field Description 31-8 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. CLM2 Calibration Value Calibration Value 30.3.23 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLM1) For more information, see CLMD register description. Address: Base address + 68h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 R CLM1 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ADCx_CLM1 field descriptions Field 31-7 Reserved CLM1 Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Calibration Value Calibration Value KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 635 Functional description 30.3.24 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLM0) For more information, see CLMD register description. Address: Base address + 6Ch offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 CLM0 W Reset 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ADCx_CLM0 field descriptions Field 31-6 Reserved CLM0 Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Calibration Value Calibration Value 30.4 Functional description The ADC module is disabled during reset, in Low-Power Stop mode, or when SC1n[ADCH] are all high; see the power management information for details. The module is idle when a conversion has completed and another conversion has not been initiated. When it is idle and the asynchronous clock output enable is disabled, or CFG2[ADACKEN]= 0, the module is in its lowest power state. The ADC can perform an analog-to-digital conversion on any of the software selectable channels. All modes perform conversion by a successive approximation algorithm. To meet accuracy specifications, the ADC module must be calibrated using the on-chip calibration function. See Calibration function for details on how to perform calibration. When the conversion is completed, the result is placed in the Rn data registers. The respective SC1n[COCO] is then set and an interrupt is generated if the respective conversion complete interrupt has been enabled, or, when SC1n[AIEN]=1. The ADC module has the capability of automatically comparing the result of a conversion with the contents of the CV1 and CV2 registers. The compare function is enabled by setting SC2[ACFE] and operates in any of the conversion modes and configurations. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 636 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) The ADC module has the capability of automatically averaging the result of multiple conversions. The hardware average function is enabled by setting SC3[AVGE] and operates in any of the conversion modes and configurations. NOTE For the chip specific modes of operation, see the power management information of this MCU. 30.4.1 Clock select and divide control One of four clock sources can be selected as the clock source for the ADC module. This clock source is then divided by a configurable value to generate the input clock ADCK, to the module. The clock is selected from one of the following sources by means of CFG1[ADICLK]. * Bus clock. This is the default selection following reset. * ALTCLK2: As defined for this MCU. See the chip configuration information. Conversions are possible using ALTCLK2 as the input clock source while the MCU is in Normal Stop mode. * ALTCLK: As defined for this MCU. See the chip configuration information. Conversions are possible using ALTCLK as the input clock source while the MCU is in Normal Stop mode. * Asynchronous clock (ADACK): This clock is generated from a clock source within the ADC module. When the ADACK clock source is selected, it is not required to be active prior to conversion start. When it is selected and it is not active prior to a conversion start CFG2[ADACKEN]=0, ADACK is activated at the start of a conversion and deactivated when conversions are terminated. In this case, there is an associated clock startup delay each time the clock source is re-activated. To avoid the conversion time variability and latency associated with the ADACK clock startup, set CFG2[ADACKEN]=1 and wait the worst-case startup time of 5 s prior to initiating any conversions using the ADACK clock source. Conversions are possible using ADACK as the input clock source while the MCU is in Normal Stop mode. See Power Control for more information. Whichever clock is selected, its frequency must fall within the specified frequency range for ADCK. If the available clocks are too slow, the ADC may not perform according to specifications. If the available clocks are too fast, the clock must be divided to the appropriate frequency. This divider is specified by CFG1[ADIV] and can be divide-by 1, 2, 4, or 8. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 637 Functional description 30.4.2 Hardware trigger and channel selects The ADC module has a selectable asynchronous hardware conversion trigger, ADHWT, that is enabled when SC2[ADTRG] is set and a hardware trigger select event, ADHWTSn, has occurred. This source is not available on all MCUs. See the chip-specific ADC information for information on the ADHWT source and the ADHWTSn configurations specific to this MCU. When an ADHWT source is available and hardware trigger is enabled, that is SC2[ADTRG]=1, a conversion is initiated on the rising-edge of ADHWT after a hardware trigger select event, that is, ADHWTSn, has occurred. If a conversion is in progress when a rising-edge of a trigger occurs, the rising-edge is ignored. In continuous convert configuration, only the initial rising-edge to launch continuous conversions is observed, and until conversion is aborted, the ADC continues to do conversions on the same SCn register that initiated the conversion. The hardware trigger function operates in conjunction with any of the conversion modes and configurations. The hardware trigger select event, ADHWTSn, must be set prior to the receipt of the ADHWT signal. If these conditions are not met, the converter may ignore the trigger or use the incorrect configuration. If a hardware trigger select event is asserted during a conversion, it must stay asserted until the end of current conversion and remain set until the receipt of the ADHWT signal to trigger a new conversion. The channel and status fields selected for the conversion depend on the active trigger select signal: * ADHWTSA active selects SC1A. * ADHWTSn active selects SC1n. Note Asserting more than one hardware trigger select signal (ADHWTSn) at the same time results in unknown results. To avoid this, select only one hardware trigger select signal (ADHWTSn) prior to the next intended conversion. When the conversion is completed, the result is placed in the Rn registers associated with the ADHWTSn received. For example: * ADHWTSA active selects RA register * ADHWTSn active selects Rn register The conversion complete flag associated with the ADHWTSn received, that is, SC1n[COCO], is then set and an interrupt is generated if the respective conversion complete interrupt has been enabled, that is, SC1[AIEN]=1. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 638 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) 30.4.3 Conversion control Conversions can be performed as determined by CFG1[MODE] and SC1n[DIFF] as shown in the description of CFG1[MODE]. Conversions can be initiated by a software or hardware trigger. In addition, the ADC module can be configured for: * Low-power operation * Long sample time * Continuous conversion * Hardware average * Automatic compare of the conversion result to a software determined compare value Initiating conversions A conversion is initiated: * Following a write to SC1A, with SC1n[ADCH] not all 1's, if software triggered operation is selected, that is, when SC2[ADTRG]=0. * Following a hardware trigger, or ADHWT event, if hardware triggered operation is selected, that is, SC2[ADTRG]=1, and a hardware trigger select event, ADHWTSn, has occurred. The channel and status fields selected depend on the active trigger select signal: * ADHWTSA active selects SC1A. * ADHWTSn active selects SC1n. * if neither is active, the off condition is selected Note Selecting more than one ADHWTSn prior to a conversion completion will result in unknown results. To avoid this, select only one ADHWTSn prior to a conversion completion. * Following the transfer of the result to the data registers when continuous conversion is enabled, that is, when SC3[ADCO] = 1. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 639 Functional description If continuous conversions are enabled, a new conversion is automatically initiated after the completion of the current conversion. In software triggered operation, that is, when SC2[ADTRG] = 0, continuous conversions begin after SC1A is written and continue until aborted. In hardware triggered operation, that is, when SC2[ADTRG] = 1 and one ADHWTSn event has occurred, continuous conversions begin after a hardware trigger event and continue until aborted. If hardware averaging is enabled, a new conversion is automatically initiated after the completion of the current conversion until the correct number of conversions are completed. In software triggered operation, conversions begin after SC1A is written. In hardware triggered operation, conversions begin after a hardware trigger. If continuous conversions are also enabled, a new set of conversions to be averaged are initiated following the last of the selected number of conversions. Completing conversions A conversion is completed when the result of the conversion is transferred into the data result registers, Rn. If the compare functions are disabled, this is indicated by setting of SC1n[COCO]. If hardware averaging is enabled, the respective SC1n[COCO] sets only if the last of the selected number of conversions is completed. If the compare function is enabled, the respective SC1n[COCO] sets and conversion result data is transferred only if the compare condition is true. If both hardware averaging and compare functions are enabled, then the respective SC1n[COCO] sets only if the last of the selected number of conversions is completed and the compare condition is true. An interrupt is generated if the respective SC1n[AIEN] is high at the time that the respective SC1n[COCO] is set. Aborting conversions Any conversion in progress is aborted when: * Writing to SC1A while it is actively controlling a conversion, aborts the current conversion. In Software Trigger mode, when SC2[ADTRG]=0, a write to SC1A initiates a new conversion if SC1A[ADCH] is equal to a value other than all 1s. Writing to any of the SC1B-SC1n registers while that specific SC1B-SC1n register is actively controlling a conversion aborts the current conversion. The SC1(B-n) registers are not used for software trigger operation and therefore writes to the SC1(B-n) registers do not initiate a new conversion. * A write to any ADC register besides the SC1A-SC1n registers occurs. This indicates that a change in mode of operation has occurred and the current conversion is therefore invalid. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 640 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) * The MCU is reset or enters Low-Power Stop modes. * The MCU enters Normal Stop mode with ADACK or Alternate Clock Sources not enabled. When a conversion is aborted, the contents of the data registers, Rn, are not altered. The data registers continue to be the values transferred after the completion of the last successful conversion. If the conversion was aborted by a reset or Low-Power Stop modes, RA and Rn return to their reset states. Power control The ADC module remains in its idle state until a conversion is initiated. If ADACK is selected as the conversion clock source, but the asynchronous clock output is disabled, that is CFG2[ADACKEN]=0, the ADACK clock generator also remains in its idle state (disabled) until a conversion is initiated. If the asynchronous clock output is enabled, that is, CFG2[ADACKEN]=1, it remains active regardless of the state of the ADC or the MCU power mode. Power consumption when the ADC is active can be reduced by setting CFG1[ADLPC]. This results in a lower maximum value for fADCK. Sample time and total conversion time For short sample, that is, when CFG1[ADLSMP]=0, there is a 2-cycle adder for first conversion over the base sample time of four ADCK cycles. For high-speed conversions, that is, when CFG2[ADHSC]=1, there is an additional 2-cycle adder on any conversion. The table below summarizes sample times for the possible ADC configurations. ADC configuration Sample time (ADCK cycles) CFG1[ADLSMP] CFG2[ADLSTS] CFG2[ADHSC] First or Single Subsequent 0 X 0 6 4 1 00 0 24 1 01 0 16 1 10 0 10 1 11 0 6 0 X 1 1 00 1 26 1 01 1 18 1 10 1 12 1 11 1 8 8 6 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 641 Functional description The total conversion time depends upon: * The sample time as determined by CFG1[ADLSMP] and CFG2[ADLSTS] * The MCU bus frequency * The conversion mode, as determined by CFG1[MODE] and SC1n[DIFF] * The high-speed configuration, that is, CFG2[ADHSC] * The frequency of the conversion clock, that is, fADCK. CFG2[ADHSC] is used to configure a higher clock input frequency. This will allow faster overall conversion times. To meet internal ADC timing requirements, CFG2[ADHSC] adds additional ADCK cycles. Conversions with CFG2[ADHSC]=1 take two more ADCK cycles. CFG2[ADHSC] must be used when the ADCLK exceeds the limit for CFG2[ADHSC]=0. After the module becomes active, sampling of the input begins. 1. CFG1[ADLSMP] and CFG2[ADLSTS] select between sample times based on the conversion mode that is selected. 2. When sampling is completed, the converter is isolated from the input channel and a successive approximation algorithm is applied to determine the digital value of the analog signal. 3. The result of the conversion is transferred to Rn upon completion of the conversion algorithm. If the bus frequency is less than fADCK, precise sample time for continuous conversions cannot be guaranteed when short sample is enabled, that is, when CFG1[ADLSMP]=0. The maximum total conversion time is determined by the clock source chosen and the divide ratio selected. The clock source is selectable by CFG1[ADICLK], and the divide ratio is specified by CFG1[ADIV]. The maximum total conversion time for all configurations is summarized in the equation below. See the following tables for the variables referenced in the equation. Equation 1. Conversion time equation Table 30-3. Single or first continuous time adder (SFCAdder) CFG1[AD LSMP] CFG2[AD ACKEN] CFG1[ADICLK] 1 x 0x, 10 3 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles 1 1 11 3 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles1 1 0 11 5 s + 3 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles 0 x 0x, 10 5 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles Single or first continuous time adder (SFCAdder) Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 642 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Table 30-3. Single or first continuous time adder (SFCAdder) (continued) CFG1[AD LSMP] CFG2[AD ACKEN] CFG1[ADICLK] Single or first continuous time adder (SFCAdder) 0 1 11 5 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles1 0 0 11 5 s + 5 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles 1. To achieve this time, CFG2[ADACKEN] must be 1 for at least 5 s prior to the conversion is initiated. Table 30-4. Average number factor (AverageNum) SC3[AVGE] SC3[AVGS] Average number factor (AverageNum) 0 xx 1 1 00 4 1 01 8 1 10 16 1 11 32 Table 30-5. Base conversion time (BCT) Mode Base conversion time (BCT) 8b single-ended 17 ADCK cycles 9b differential 27 ADCK cycles 10b single-ended 20 ADCK cycles 11b differential 30 ADCK cycles 12b single-ended 20 ADCK cycles 13b differential 30 ADCK cycles 16b single-ended 25 ADCK cycles 16b differential 34 ADCK cycles Table 30-6. Long sample time adder (LSTAdder) CFG1[ADLSMP] CFG2[ADLSTS] Long sample time adder (LSTAdder) 0 xx 0 ADCK cycles 1 00 20 ADCK cycles 1 01 12 ADCK cycles 1 10 6 ADCK cycles 1 11 2 ADCK cycles Table 30-7. High-speed conversion time adder (HSCAdder) CFG2[ADHSC] High-speed conversion time adder (HSCAdder) 0 0 ADCK cycles 1 2 ADCK cycles KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 643 Functional description Note The ADCK frequency must be between fADCK minimum and fADCK maximum to meet ADC specifications. Conversion time examples The following examples use the Equation 1 on page 642, and the information provided in Table 30-3 through Table 30-7. Typical conversion time configuration A typical configuration for ADC conversion is: * 10-bit mode, with the bus clock selected as the input clock source * The input clock divide-by-1 ratio selected * Bus frequency of 8 MHz * Long sample time disabled * High-speed conversion disabled The conversion time for a single conversion is calculated by using the Equation 1 on page 642, and the information provided in Table 30-3 through Table 30-7. The table below lists the variables of Equation 1 on page 642. Table 30-8. Typical conversion time Variable Time SFCAdder 5 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles AverageNum 1 BCT 20 ADCK cycles LSTAdder 0 HSCAdder 0 The resulting conversion time is generated using the parameters listed in the preceding table. Therefore, for a bus clock and an ADCK frequency equal to 8 MHz, the resulting conversion time is 3.75 s. Long conversion time configuration A configuration for long ADC conversion is: * 16-bit differential mode with the bus clock selected as the input clock source * The input clock divide-by-8 ratio selected * Bus frequency of 8 MHz * Long sample time enabled KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 644 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) * Configured for longest adder * High-speed conversion disabled * Average enabled for 32 conversions The conversion time for this conversion is calculated by using the Equation 1 on page 642, and the information provided in Table 30-3 through Table 30-7. The following table lists the variables of the Equation 1 on page 642. Table 30-9. Typical conversion time Variable Time SFCAdder 3 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles AverageNum 32 BCT 34 ADCK cycles LSTAdder 20 ADCK cycles HSCAdder 0 The resulting conversion time is generated using the parameters listed in the preceding table. Therefore, for bus clock equal to 8 MHz and ADCK equal to 1 MHz, the resulting conversion time is 57.625 s, that is, AverageNum. This results in a total conversion time of 1.844 ms. Short conversion time configuration A configuration for short ADC conversion is: * 8-bit Single-Ended mode with the bus clock selected as the input clock source * The input clock divide-by-1 ratio selected * Bus frequency of 20 MHz * Long sample time disabled * High-speed conversion enabled The conversion time for this conversion is calculated by using the Equation 1 on page 642, and the information provided in Table 30-3 through Table 30-7. The table below lists the variables of Equation 1 on page 642. Table 30-10. Typical conversion time Variable Time SFCAdder 5 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles AverageNum 1 BCT 17 ADCK cycles LSTAdder 0 ADCK cycles HSCAdder 2 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 645 Functional description The resulting conversion time is generated using the parameters listed in in the preceding table. Therefore, for bus clock and ADCK frequency equal to 20 MHz, the resulting conversion time is 1.45 s. Hardware average function The hardware average function can be enabled by setting SC3[AVGE]=1 to perform a hardware average of multiple conversions. The number of conversions is determined by the AVGS[1:0] bits, which can select 4, 8, 16, or 32 conversions to be averaged. While the hardware average function is in progress, SC2[ADACT] will be set. After the selected input is sampled and converted, the result is placed in an accumulator from which an average is calculated once the selected number of conversions have been completed. When hardware averaging is selected, the completion of a single conversion will not set SC1n[COCO]. If the compare function is either disabled or evaluates true, after the selected number of conversions are completed, the average conversion result is transferred into the data result registers, Rn, and SC1n[COCO] is set. An ADC interrupt is generated upon the setting of SC1n[COCO] if the respective ADC interrupt is enabled, that is, SC1n[AIEN]=1. Note The hardware average function can perform conversions on a channel while the MCU is in Wait or Normal Stop modes. The ADC interrupt wakes the MCU when the hardware average is completed if SC1n[AIEN] is set. 30.4.4 Automatic compare function The compare function can be configured to check whether the result is less than or greater-than-or-equal-to a single compare value, or, if the result falls within or outside a range determined by two compare values. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 646 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) The compare mode is determined by SC2[ACFGT], SC2[ACREN], and the values in the compare value registers, CV1 and CV2. After the input is sampled and converted, the compare values in CV1 and CV2 are used as described in the following table. There are six Compare modes as shown in the following table. Table 30-11. Compare modes SC2[AC FGT] SC2[AC REN] ADCCV1 relative to ADCCV2 0 0 1 Function Compare mode description -- Less than threshold Compare true if the result is less than the CV1 registers. 0 -- Greater than or equal to threshold Compare true if the result is greater than or equal to CV1 registers. 0 1 Less than or equal Outside range, not inclusive Compare true if the result is less than CV1 Or the result is greater than CV2. 0 1 Greater than Inside range, not inclusive Compare true if the result is less than CV1 And the result is greater than CV2. 1 1 Less than or equal Inside range, inclusive Compare true if the result is greater than or equal to CV1 And the result is less than or equal to CV2. 1 1 Greater than Outside range, inclusive Compare true if the result is greater than or equal to CV1 Or the result is less than or equal to CV2. With SC2[ACREN] =1, and if the value of CV1 is less than or equal to the value of CV2, then setting SC2[ACFGT] will select a trigger-if-inside-compare-range inclusive-ofendpoints function. Clearing SC2[ACFGT] will select a trigger-if-outside-comparerange, not-inclusive-of-endpoints function. If CV1 is greater than CV2, setting SC2[ACFGT] will select a trigger-if-outsidecompare-range, inclusive-of-endpoints function. Clearing SC2[ACFGT] will select a trigger-if-inside-compare-range, not-inclusive-of-endpoints function. If the condition selected evaluates true, SC1n[COCO] is set. Upon completion of a conversion while the compare function is enabled, if the compare condition is not true, SC1n[COCO] is not set and the conversion result data will not be transferred to the result register, Rn. If the hardware averaging function is enabled, the compare function compares the averaged result to the compare values. The same compare function definitions apply. An ADC interrupt is generated when SC1n[COCO] is set and the respective ADC interrupt is enabled, that is, SC1n[AIEN]=1. Note The compare function can monitor the voltage on a channel while the MCU is in Wait or Normal Stop modes. The ADC interrupt wakes the MCU when the compare condition is met. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 647 Functional description 30.4.5 Calibration function The ADC contains a self-calibration function that is required to achieve the specified accuracy. Calibration must be run, or valid calibration values written, after any reset and before a conversion is initiated. The calibration function sets the offset calibration value, the minus-side calibration values, and the plus-side calibration values. The offset calibration value is automatically stored in the ADC offset correction register (OFS), and the plusside and minus-side calibration values are automatically stored in the ADC plus-side and minus-side calibration registers, CLPx and CLMx. The user must configure the ADC correctly prior to calibration, and must generate the plus-side and minus-side gain calibration results and store them in the ADC plus-side gain register (PG) after the calibration function completes. Prior to calibration, the user must configure the ADC's clock source and frequency, low power configuration, voltage reference selection, sample time, and high speed configuration according to the application's clock source availability and needs. If the application uses the ADC in a wide variety of configurations, the configuration for which the highest accuracy is required should be selected, or multiple calibrations can be done for the different configurations. For best calibration results: * Set hardware averaging to maximum, that is, SC3[AVGE]=1 and SC3[AVGS]=11 for an average of 32 * Set ADC clock frequency fADCK less than or equal to 4 MHz * VREFH=VDDA * Calibrate at nominal voltage and temperature The input channel, conversion mode continuous function, compare function, resolution mode, and differential/single-ended mode are all ignored during the calibration function. To initiate calibration, the user sets SC3[CAL] and the calibration will automatically begin if the SC2[ADTRG] is 0. If SC2[ADTRG] is 1, SC3[CAL] will not get set and SC3[CALF] will be set. While calibration is active, no ADC register can be written and no stop mode may be entered, or the calibration routine will be aborted causing SC3[CAL] to clear and SC3[CALF] to set. At the end of a calibration sequence, SC1n[COCO] will be set. SC1n[AIEN] can be used to allow an interrupt to occur at the end of a calibration sequence. At the end of the calibration routine, if SC3[CALF] is not set, the automatic calibration routine is completed successfully. To complete calibration, the user must generate the gain calibration values using the following procedure: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 648 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) 1. Initialize or clear a 16-bit variable in RAM. 2. Add the plus-side calibration results CLP0, CLP1, CLP2, CLP3, CLP4, and CLPS to the variable. 3. Divide the variable by two. 4. Set the MSB of the variable. 5. The previous two steps can be achieved by setting the carry bit, rotating to the right through the carry bit on the high byte and again on the low byte. 6. Store the value in the plus-side gain calibration register PG. 7. Repeat the procedure for the minus-side gain calibration value. When calibration is complete, the user may reconfigure and use the ADC as desired. A second calibration may also be performed, if desired, by clearing and again setting SC3[CAL]. Overall, the calibration routine may take as many as 14k ADCK cycles and 100 bus cycles, depending on the results and the clock source chosen. For an 8 MHz clock source, this length amounts to about 1.7 ms. To reduce this latency, the calibration values, which are offset, plus-side and minus-side gain, and plus-side and minus-side calibration values, may be stored in flash memory after an initial calibration and recovered prior to the first ADC conversion. This method can reduce the calibration latency to 20 register store operations on all subsequent power, reset, or Low-Power Stop mode recoveries. Further information on the calibration procedure can be found in the Calibration section of AN3949: ADC16 Calibration Procedure and Programmable Delay Block Synchronization. 30.4.6 User-defined offset function OFS contains the user-selected or calibration-generated offset error correction value. This register is a 2's complement, left-justified. The value in OFS is subtracted from the conversion and the result is transferred into the result registers, Rn. If the result is greater than the maximum or less than the minimum result value, it is forced to the appropriate limit for the current mode of operation. The formatting of the OFS is different from the data result register, Rn, to preserve the resolution of the calibration value regardless of the conversion mode selected. Lower order bits are ignored in lower resolution modes. For example, in 8-bit single-ended mode, OFS[14:7] are subtracted from D[7:0]; OFS[15] indicates the sign (negative KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 649 Functional description numbers are effectively added to the result) and OFS[6:0] are ignored. The same bits are used in 9-bit differential mode because OFS[15] indicates the sign bit, which maps to D[8]. For 16-bit differential mode, OFS[15:0] are directly subtracted from the conversion result data D[15:0]. In 16-bit single-ended mode, there is no field in the OFS corresponding to the least significant result D[0], so odd values, such as -1 or +1, cannot be subtracted from the result. OFS is automatically set according to calibration requirements once the self-calibration sequence is done, that is, SC3[CAL] is cleared. The user may write to OFS to override the calibration result if desired. If the OFS is written by the user to a value that is different from the calibration value, the ADC error specifications may not be met. Storing the value generated by the calibration function in memory before overwriting with a userspecified value is recommended. Note There is an effective limit to the values of offset that can be set by the user. If the magnitude of the offset is too high, the results of the conversions will cap off at the limits. The offset calibration function may be employed by the user to remove application offsets or DC bias values. OFS may be written with a number in 2's complement format and this offset will be subtracted from the result, or hardware averaged value. To add an offset, store the negative offset in 2's complement format and the effect will be an addition. An offset correction that results in an out-of-range value will be forced to the minimum or maximum value. The minimum value for single-ended conversions is 0x0000; for a differential conversion it is 0x8000. To preserve accuracy, the calibrated offset value initially stored in OFS must be added to the user-defined offset. For applications that may change the offset repeatedly during operation, store the initial offset calibration value in flash so it can be recovered and added to any user offset adjustment value and the sum stored in OFS. 30.4.7 Temperature sensor The ADC module includes a temperature sensor whose output is connected to one of the ADC analog channel inputs. The following equation provides an approximate transfer function of the temperature sensor. m Equation 2. Approximate transfer function of the temperature sensor KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 650 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) where: * VTEMP is the voltage of the temperature sensor channel at the ambient temperature. * VTEMP25 is the voltage of the temperature sensor channel at 25 C. * m is referred as temperature sensor slope in the device data sheet. It is the hot or cold voltage versus temperature slope in V/C. For temperature calculations, use the VTEMP25 and temperature sensor slope values from the ADC Electricals table. In application code, the user reads the temperature sensor channel, calculates VTEMP, and compares to VTEMP25. If VTEMP is greater than VTEMP25 the cold slope value is applied in the preceding equation. If VTEMP is less than VTEMP25, the hot slope value is applied in the preceding equation. ADC Electricals table may only specify one temperature sensor slope value. In that case, the user could use the same slope for the calculation across the operational temperature range. For more information on using the temperature sensor, see the application note titled Temperature Sensor for the HCS08 Microcontroller Family (document AN3031). 30.4.8 MCU wait mode operation Wait mode is a lower-power consumption Standby mode from which recovery is fast because the clock sources remain active. If a conversion is in progress when the MCU enters Wait mode, it continues until completion. Conversions can be initiated while the MCU is in Wait mode by means of the hardware trigger or if continuous conversions are enabled. The bus clock, ADACK, and Alternate Clock sources are available as conversion clock sources while in Wait mode. The use of ALTCLK as the conversion clock source in Wait is dependent on the definition of ALTCLK for this MCU. See the Chip Configuration information on ALTCLK specific to this MCU. If the compare and hardware averaging functions are disabled, a conversion complete event sets SC1n[COCO] and generates an ADC interrupt to wake the MCU from Wait mode if the respective ADC interrupt is enabled, that is, when SC1n[AIEN]=1. If the hardware averaging function is enabled, SC1n[COCO] will set, and generate an interrupt if enabled, when the selected number of conversions are completed. If the compare function is enabled, SC1n[COCO] will set, and generate an interrupt if enabled, only if KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 651 Functional description the compare conditions are met. If a single conversion is selected and the compare trigger is not met, the ADC will return to its idle state and cannot wake the MCU from Wait mode unless a new conversion is initiated by the hardware trigger. 30.4.9 MCU Normal Stop mode operation Stop mode is a low-power consumption Standby mode during which most or all clock sources on the MCU are disabled. Normal Stop mode with Bus Clock selected If the Bus Clock is selected as the conversion clock, executing a stop instruction aborts the current conversion and places the ADC in its Idle state. The contents of the ADC registers, including Rn, are unaffected by Normal Stop mode. After exiting from Normal Stop mode, a software or hardware trigger is required to resume conversions. Normal Stop mode with ADACK or Alternate clock sources enabled If ADACK or an Alternate clock source is selected as the conversion clock, the ADC continues operation during Normal Stop mode. See the chip-specific ADC information for configuration information for this device. If a conversion is in progress when the MCU enters Normal Stop mode, it continues until completion. Conversions can be initiated while the MCU is in Normal Stop mode by means of the hardware trigger or if continuous conversions are enabled. If the compare and hardware averaging functions are disabled, a conversion complete event sets SC1n[COCO] and generates an ADC interrupt to wake the MCU from Normal Stop mode if the respective ADC interrupt is enabled, that is, when SC1n[AIEN]=1. The result register, Rn, will contain the data from the first completed conversion that occurred during Normal Stop mode. If the hardware averaging function is enabled, SC1n[COCO] will set, and generate an interrupt if enabled, when the selected number of conversions are completed. If the compare function is enabled, SC1n[COCO] will set, and generate an interrupt if enabled, only if the compare conditions are met. If a single conversion is selected and the compare is not true, the ADC will return to its idle state and cannot wake the MCU from Normal Stop mode unless a new conversion is initiated by another hardware trigger. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 652 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) 30.4.10 MCU Low-Power Stop mode operation The ADC module is automatically disabled when the MCU enters Low-Power Stop mode. All module registers contain their reset values following exit from Low-Power Stop mode. Therefore, the module must be re-enabled and re-configured following exit from Low-Power Stop mode. NOTE For the chip specific modes of operation, see the power management information for the device. 30.5 Initialization information This section gives an example that provides some basic direction on how to initialize and configure the ADC module. The user can configure the module for 16-bit, 12-bit, 10-bit, or 8-bit single-ended resolution or 16-bit, 13-bit, 11-bit, or 9-bit differential resolution, single or continuous conversion, and a polled or interrupt approach, among many other options. For information used in this example, refer to Table 30-6, Table 30-7, and Table 30-8. Note Hexadecimal values are designated by a preceding 0x, binary values designated by a preceding %, and decimal values have no preceding character. 30.5.1 ADC module initialization example Initialization sequence Before the ADC module can be used to complete conversions, an initialization procedure must be performed. A typical sequence is: 1. Calibrate the ADC by following the calibration instructions in Calibration function. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 653 Initialization information 2. Update CFG to select the input clock source and the divide ratio used to generate ADCK. This register is also used for selecting sample time and low-power configuration. 3. Update SC2 to select the conversion trigger, hardware or software, and compare function options, if enabled. 4. Update SC3 to select whether conversions will be continuous or completed only once (ADCO) and whether to perform hardware averaging. 5. Update SC1:SC1n registers to select whether conversions will be single-ended or differential and to enable or disable conversion complete interrupts. Also, select the input channel which can be used to perform conversions. Pseudo-code example In this example, the ADC module is set up with interrupts enabled to perform a single 10bit conversion at low-power with a long sample time on input channel 1, where ADCK is derived from the bus clock divided by 1. CFG1 = 0x98 (%10011000) Bit 7 ADLPC 1 Bit 6:5 ADIV 00 Bit 4 ADLSMP 1 Bit 3:2 MODE 10 bit conversion. Bit 1:0 ADICLK 00 Configures for low power, lowers maximum clock speed. Sets the ADCK to the input clock / 1. Configures for long sample time. Selects the single-ended 10-bit conversion, differential 11Selects the bus clock. SC2 = 0x00 (%00000000) Bit 7 ADACT 0 Flag indicates if a conversion is in progress. Bit 6 ADTRG 0 Software trigger selected. Bit 5 ACFE 0 Compare function disabled. Bit 4 ACFGT 0 Not used in this example. Bit 3 ACREN 0 Compare range disabled. Bit 2 DMAEN 0 DMA request disabled. Bit 1:0 REFSEL 00 Selects default voltage reference pin pair (External pins VREFH and VREFL). SC1A = 0x41 (%01000001) Bit Bit Bit 5 DIFF Bit 7 COCO 0 Read-only flag which is set when a conversion completes. 6 AIEN 1 Conversion complete interrupt enabled. 0 Single-ended conversion selected. 4:0 ADCH 00001 Input channel 1 selected as ADC input channel. RA = 0xxx Holds results of conversion. CV = 0xxx KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 654 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Holds compare value when compare function enabled. Reset Initialize ADC CFG1 = 0x98 SC2 = 0x00 SC1n = 0x41 Check No SC1n[COCO]=1? Yes Read Rn to clear SC1n[COCO] Continue Figure 30-2. Initialization flowchart example 30.6 Application information The ADC has been designed to be integrated into a microcontroller for use in embedded control applications requiring an ADC. For guidance on selecting optimum external component values and converter parameters see AN4373: Cookbook for SAR ADC Measurements. 30.6.1 External pins and routing Analog supply pins Depending on the device, the analog power and ground supplies, VDDA and VSSA, of the ADC module are available as: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 655 Application information * VDDA and VSSA available as separate pins--When available on a separate pin, both VDDA and VSSA must be connected to the same voltage potential as their corresponding MCU digital supply, VDD and VSS, and must be routed carefully for maximum noise immunity and bypass capacitors placed as near as possible to the package. * VSSA is shared on the same pin as the MCU digital VSS. * VSSA and VDDA are shared with the MCU digital supply pins--In these cases, there are separate pads for the analog supplies bonded to the same pin as the corresponding digital supply so that some degree of isolation between the supplies is maintained. If separate power supplies are used for analog and digital power, the ground connection between these supplies must be at the VSSA pin. This must be the only ground connection between these supplies, if possible. VSSA makes a good single point ground location. Analog voltage reference pins In addition to the analog supplies, the ADC module has connections for two reference voltage inputs used by the converter: * VREFSH is the high reference voltage for the converter. * VREFSL is the low reference voltage for the converter. The ADC can be configured to accept one of two voltage reference pairs for VREFSH and VREFSL. Each pair contains a positive reference and a ground reference. The two pairs are external, VREFH and VREFL and alternate, VALTH and VALTL. These voltage references are selected using SC2[REFSEL]. The alternate voltage reference pair, VALTH and VALTL, may select additional external pins or internal sources based on MCU configuration. See the chip configuration information on the voltage references specific to this MCU. In some packages, the external or alternate pairs are connected in the package to VDDA and VSSA, respectively. One of these positive references may be shared on the same pin as VDDA on some devices. One of these ground references may be shared on the same pin as VSSA on some devices. If externally available, the positive reference may be connected to the same potential as VDDA or may be driven by an external source to a level between the minimum Ref Voltage High and the VDDA potential. The positive reference must never exceed VDDA. If externally available, the ground reference must be connected to the same voltage potential as VSSA. The voltage reference pairs must be routed carefully for maximum noise immunity and bypass capacitors placed as near as possible to the package. AC current in the form of current spikes required to supply charge to the capacitor array at each successive approximation step is drawn through the VREFH and VREFL loop. The best external component to meet this current demand is a 0.1 F capacitor with good KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 656 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) high-frequency characteristics. This capacitor is connected between VREFH and VREFL and must be placed as near as possible to the package pins. Resistance in the path is not recommended because the current causes a voltage drop that could result in conversion errors. Inductance in this path must be minimum, that is, parasitic only. Analog input pins The external analog inputs are typically shared with digital I/O pins on MCU devices. Empirical data shows that capacitors on the analog inputs improve performance in the presence of noise or when the source impedance is high. Use of 0.01 F capacitors with good high-frequency characteristics is sufficient. These capacitors are not necessary in all cases, but when used, they must be placed as near as possible to the package pins and be referenced to VSSA. For proper conversion, the input voltage must fall between VREFH and VREFL. If the input is equal to or exceeds VREFH, the converter circuit converts the signal to 0xFFF, which is full scale 12-bit representation, 0x3FF, which is full scale 10-bit representation, or 0xFF, which is full scale 8-bit representation. If the input is equal to or less than VREFL, the converter circuit converts it to 0x000. Input voltages between VREFH and VREFL are straight-line linear conversions. There is a brief current associated with VREFL when the sampling capacitor is charging. For minimal loss of accuracy due to current injection, pins adjacent to the analog input pins must not be transitioning during conversions. 30.6.2 Sources of error Sampling error For proper conversions, the input must be sampled long enough to achieve the proper accuracy. RAS + RADIN =SC / (FMAX * NUMTAU * CADIN) Figure 30-3. Sampling equation Where: RAS = External analog source resistance SC = Number of ADCK cycles used during sample window KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 657 Application information CADIN = Internal ADC input capacitance NUMTAU = -ln(LSBERR / 2N) LSBERR = value of acceptable sampling error in LSBs N = 8 in 8-bit mode, 10 in 10-bit mode, 12 in 12-bit mode or 16 in 16-bit mode Higher source resistances or higher-accuracy sampling is possible by setting CFG1[ADLSMP] and changing CFG2[ADLSTS] to increase the sample window, or decreasing ADCK frequency to increase sample time. Pin leakage error Leakage on the I/O pins can cause conversion error if the external analog source resistance, RAS, is high. If this error cannot be tolerated by the application, keep RAS lower than VREFH / (4 x ILEAK x 2N) for less than 1/4 LSB leakage error, where N = 8 in 8-bit mode, 10 in 10-bit mode, 12 in 12-bit mode, or 16 in 16-bit mode. Noise-induced errors System noise that occurs during the sample or conversion process can affect the accuracy of the conversion. The ADC accuracy numbers are guaranteed as specified only if the following conditions are met: * There is a 0.1 F low-ESR capacitor from VREFH to VREFL. * There is a 0.1 F low-ESR capacitor from VDDA to VSSA. * If inductive isolation is used from the primary supply, an additional 1 F capacitor is placed from VDDA to VSSA. * VSSA, and VREFL, if connected, is connected to VSS at a quiet point in the ground plane. * Operate the MCU in Wait or Normal Stop mode before initiating (hardware-triggered conversions) or immediately after initiating (hardware- or software-triggered conversions) the ADC conversion. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 658 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) * For software triggered conversions, immediately follow the write to SC1 with a Wait instruction or Stop instruction. * For Normal Stop mode operation, select ADACK or an Alternate clock as the clock source. Operation in Normal Stop reduces VDD noise but increases effective conversion time due to stop recovery. * There is no I/O switching, input or output, on the MCU during the conversion. There are some situations where external system activity causes radiated or conducted noise emissions or excessive VDD noise is coupled into the ADC. In these situations, or when the MCU cannot be placed in Wait or Normal Stop mode, or I/O activity cannot be halted, the following actions may reduce the effect of noise on the accuracy: * Place a 0.01 F capacitor (CAS) on the selected input channel to VREFL or VSSA. This improves noise issues, but affects the sample rate based on the external analog source resistance. * Average the result by converting the analog input many times in succession and dividing the sum of the results. Four samples are required to eliminate the effect of a 1 LSB, one-time error. * Reduce the effect of synchronous noise by operating off the asynchronous clock, that is, ADACK, and averaging. Noise that is synchronous to ADCK cannot be averaged out. Code width and quantization error The ADC quantizes the ideal straight-line transfer function into 65536 steps in the 16-bit mode.. Each step ideally has the same height, that is, 1 code, and width. The width is defined as the delta between the transition points to one code and the next. The ideal code width for an N-bit converter, where N can be 16, 12, 10, or 8, defined as 1 LSB, is: LSB Equation 3. Ideal code width for an N-bit converter There is an inherent quantization error due to the digitization of the result. For 8-bit, 10bit, or 12-bit conversions, the code transitions when the voltage is at the midpoint between the points where the straight line transfer function is exactly represented by the actual transfer function. Therefore, the quantization error will be 1/2 LSB in 8-bit, 10bit, or 12-bit modes. As a consequence, however, the code width of the first (0x000) conversion is only 1/2 LSB and the code width of the last (0xFF or 0x3FF) is 1.5 LSB. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 659 Application information For 16-bit conversions, the code transitions only after the full code width is present, so the quantization error is -1 LSB to 0 LSB and the code width of each step is 1 LSB. Linearity errors The ADC may also exhibit non-linearity of several forms. Every effort has been made to reduce these errors, but the system designers must be aware of these errors because they affect overall accuracy: * Zero-scale error (EZS), sometimes called offset: This error is defined as the difference between the actual code width of the first conversion and the ideal code width. This is 1/2 LSB in 8-bit, 10-bit, or 12-bit modes and 1 LSB in 16-bit mode. If the first conversion is 0x001, the difference between the actual 0x001 code width and its ideal (1 LSB) is used. * Full-scale error (EFS): This error is defined as the difference between the actual code width of the last conversion and the ideal code width. This is 1.5 LSB in 8-bit, 10-bit, or 12-bit modes and 1 LSB in 16-bit mode. If the last conversion is 0x3FE, the difference between the actual 0x3FE code width and its ideal (1 LSB) is used. * Differential non-linearity (DNL): This error is defined as the worst-case difference between the actual code width and the ideal code width for all conversions. * Integral non-linearity (INL): This error is defined as the highest-value or absolute value that the running sum of DNL achieves. More simply, this is the worst-case difference of the actual transition voltage to a given code and its corresponding ideal transition voltage, for all codes. * Total unadjusted error (TUE): This error is defined as the difference between the actual transfer function and the ideal straight-line transfer function and includes all forms of error. Code jitter, non-monotonicity, and missing codes Analog-to-digital converters are susceptible to three special forms of error: * Code jitter: Code jitter occurs when a given input voltage converts to one of the two values when sampled repeatedly. Ideally, when the input voltage is infinitesimally smaller than the transition voltage, the converter yields the lower code, and viceversa. However, even small amounts of system noise can cause the converter to be indeterminate, between two codes, for a range of input voltages around the transition voltage. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 660 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) This error may be reduced by repeatedly sampling the input and averaging the result. Additionally, the techniques discussed in Noise-induced errors reduces this error. * Non-monotonicity: Non-monotonicity occurs when, except for code jitter, the converter converts to a lower code for a higher input voltage. * Missing codes: Missing codes are those values never converted for any input value. In 8-bit or 10-bit mode, the ADC is guaranteed to be monotonic and have no missing codes. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 661 Application information KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 662 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Comparator (CMP) 31.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The comparator (CMP) module provides a circuit for comparing two analog input voltages. The comparator circuit is designed to operate across the full range of the supply voltage, known as rail-to-rail operation. The Analog MUX (ANMUX) provides a circuit for selecting an analog input signal from eight channels. One signal is provided by the 6-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The mux circuit is designed to operate across the full range of the supply voltage. The 6-bit DAC is 64-tap resistor ladder network which provides a selectable voltage reference for applications where voltage reference is needed. The 64-tap resistor ladder network divides the supply reference Vin into 64 voltage levels. A 6-bit digital signal input selects the output voltage level, which varies from Vin to Vin/64. Vin can be selected from two voltage sources, Vin1 and Vin2. The 6-bit DAC from a comparator is available as an on-chip internal signal only and is not available externally to a pin. 31.1.1 CMP features The CMP has the following features: * Operational over the entire supply range * Inputs may range from rail to rail * Programmable hysteresis control KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 663 Introduction * Selectable interrupt on rising-edge, falling-edge, or both rising or falling edges of the comparator output * Selectable inversion on comparator output * Capability to produce a wide range of outputs such as: * Sampled * Windowed, which is ideal for certain PWM zero-crossing-detection applications * Digitally filtered: * Filter can be bypassed * Can be clocked via external SAMPLE signal or scaled bus clock * External hysteresis can be used at the same time that the output filter is used for internal functions * Two software selectable performance levels: * Shorter propagation delay at the expense of higher power * Low power, with longer propagation delay * DMA transfer support * A comparison event can be selected to trigger a DMA transfer * Functional in all modes of operation except VLLS0 * The window and filter functions are not available in the following modes: * Stop * VLPS * LLS * VLLSx 31.1.2 6-bit DAC key features The 6-bit DAC has the following features: * 6-bit resolution * Selectable supply reference source * Power Down mode to conserve power when not in use * Option to route the output to internal comparator input KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 664 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Comparator (CMP) 31.1.3 ANMUX key features The ANMUX has the following features: * Two 8-to-1 channel mux * Operational over the entire supply range 31.1.4 CMP, DAC and ANMUX diagram The following figure shows the block diagram for the High-Speed Comparator, DAC, and ANMUX modules. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 665 Introduction VRSEL Vin1 Vin2 VOSEL[5:0] MUX DAC output MUX 64-level DACEN DAC PSEL[2:0] CMP MUX Reference Input 0 Reference Input 1 Reference Input 2 Reference Input 3 Reference Input 4 Reference Input 5 Reference Input 6 INP Sample input CMP MUX ANMUX Window and filter control INM IRQ CMPO MSEL[2:0] Figure 31-1. CMP, DAC and ANMUX block diagram 31.1.5 CMP block diagram The following figure shows the block diagram for the CMP module. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 666 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Comparator (CMP) Internal bus OPE FILT_PER EN,PMODE,HYSCTRL[1:0] COS INV WE FILTER_CNT SE IER/F COUT CFR/F INP + - CMPO Polarity select Window control Interrupt control Filter block INM IRQ COUT WINDOW/SAMPLE bus clock Clock prescaler FILT_PER divided bus clock To other SOC functions 1 0 0 COUTA CGMUX SE 1 CMPO to PAD COS Figure 31-2. Comparator module block diagram In the CMP block diagram: * The Window Control block is bypassed when CR1[WE] = 0 * If CR1[WE] = 1, the comparator output will be sampled on every bus clock when WINDOW=1 to generate COUTA. Sampling does NOT occur when WINDOW = 0. * The Filter block is bypassed when not in use. * The Filter block acts as a simple sampler if the filter is bypassed and CR0[FILTER_CNT] is set to 0x01. * The Filter block filters based on multiple samples when the filter is bypassed and CR0[FILTER_CNT] is set greater than 0x01. * If CR1[SE] = 1, the external SAMPLE input is used as sampling clock * If CR1[SE] = 0, the divided bus clock is used as sampling clock KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 667 Memory map/register definitions * If enabled, the Filter block will incur up to one bus clock additional latency penalty on COUT due to the fact that COUT, which is crossing clock domain boundaries, must be resynchronized to the bus clock. * CR1[WE] and CR1[SE] are mutually exclusive. 31.2 Memory map/register definitions CMP memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 4007_3000 CMP Control Register 0 (CMP0_CR0) 8 R/W 00h 31.2.1/668 4007_3001 CMP Control Register 1 (CMP0_CR1) 8 R/W 00h 31.2.2/669 4007_3002 CMP Filter Period Register (CMP0_FPR) 8 R/W 00h 31.2.3/671 4007_3003 CMP Status and Control Register (CMP0_SCR) 8 R/W 00h 31.2.4/671 4007_3004 DAC Control Register (CMP0_DACCR) 8 R/W 00h 31.2.5/672 4007_3005 MUX Control Register (CMP0_MUXCR) 8 R/W 00h 31.2.6/673 4007_3008 CMP Control Register 0 (CMP1_CR0) 8 R/W 00h 31.2.1/668 4007_3009 CMP Control Register 1 (CMP1_CR1) 8 R/W 00h 31.2.2/669 4007_300A CMP Filter Period Register (CMP1_FPR) 8 R/W 00h 31.2.3/671 4007_300B CMP Status and Control Register (CMP1_SCR) 8 R/W 00h 31.2.4/671 4007_300C DAC Control Register (CMP1_DACCR) 8 R/W 00h 31.2.5/672 4007_300D MUX Control Register (CMP1_MUXCR) 8 R/W 00h 31.2.6/673 1 0 31.2.1 CMP Control Register 0 (CMPx_CR0) Address: Base address + 0h offset Bit 7 Read Write Reset 0 0 6 5 4 FILTER_CNT 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 HYSTCTR 0 0 CMPx_CR0 field descriptions Field 7 Reserved 6-4 FILTER_CNT Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Filter Sample Count Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 668 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Comparator (CMP) CMPx_CR0 field descriptions (continued) Field Description Represents the number of consecutive samples that must agree prior to the comparator ouput filter accepting a new output state. For information regarding filter programming and latency, see the Functional description. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Filter is disabled. If SE = 1, then COUT is a logic 0. This is not a legal state, and is not recommended. If SE = 0, COUT = COUTA. One sample must agree. The comparator output is simply sampled. 2 consecutive samples must agree. 3 consecutive samples must agree. 4 consecutive samples must agree. 5 consecutive samples must agree. 6 consecutive samples must agree. 7 consecutive samples must agree. 3 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 2 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. HYSTCTR Comparator hard block hysteresis control Defines the programmable hysteresis level. The hysteresis values associated with each level are devicespecific. See the Data Sheet of the device for the exact values. 00 01 10 11 Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 31.2.2 CMP Control Register 1 (CMPx_CR1) Address: Base address + 1h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SE WE TRIGM PMODE INV COS OPE EN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CMPx_CR1 field descriptions Field 7 SE Description Sample Enable At any given time, either SE or WE can be set. If a write to this register attempts to set both, then SE is set and WE is cleared. However, avoid writing 1s to both field locations because this "11" case is reserved and may change in future implementations. 0 1 6 WE Sampling mode is not selected. Sampling mode is selected. Windowing Enable Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 669 Memory map/register definitions CMPx_CR1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description At any given time, either SE or WE can be set. If a write to this register attempts to set both, then SE is set and WE is cleared. However, avoid writing 1s to both field locations because this "11" case is reserved and may change in future implementations. 0 1 5 TRIGM Windowing mode is not selected. Windowing mode is selected. Trigger Mode Enable CMP and DAC are configured to CMP Trigger mode when CMP_CR1[TRIGM] is set to 1. In addition, the CMP should be enabled. If the DAC is to be used as a reference to the CMP, it should also be enabled. CMP Trigger mode depends on an external timer resource to periodically enable the CMP and 6-bit DAC in order to generate a triggered compare. Upon setting TRIGM, the CMP and DAC are placed in a standby state until an external timer resource trigger is received. See the chip configuration for details about the external timer resource. 0 1 4 PMODE Power Mode Select See the electrical specifications table in the device Data Sheet for details. 0 1 3 INV Trigger mode is disabled. Trigger mode is enabled. Low-Speed (LS) Comparison mode selected. In this mode, CMP has slower output propagation delay and lower current consumption. High-Speed (HS) Comparison mode selected. In this mode, CMP has faster output propagation delay and higher current consumption. Comparator INVERT Allows selection of the polarity of the analog comparator function. It is also driven to the COUT output, on both the device pin and as SCR[COUT], when OPE=0. 0 1 Does not invert the comparator output. Inverts the comparator output. 2 COS Comparator Output Select 1 OPE Comparator Output Pin Enable 0 1 0 1 Set the filtered comparator output (CMPO) to equal COUT. Set the unfiltered comparator output (CMPO) to equal COUTA. CMPO is not available on the associated CMPO output pin. If the comparator does not own the pin, this field has no effect. CMPO is available on the associated CMPO output pin. The comparator output (CMPO) is driven out on the associated CMPO output pin if the comparator owns the pin. If the comparator does not own the field, this bit has no effect. 0 EN Comparator Module Enable Enables the Analog Comparator module. When the module is not enabled, it remains in the off state, and consumes no power. When the user selects the same input from analog mux to the positive and negative port, the comparator is disabled automatically. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 670 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Comparator (CMP) CMPx_CR1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 Analog Comparator is disabled. Analog Comparator is enabled. 31.2.3 CMP Filter Period Register (CMPx_FPR) Address: Base address + 2h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 FILT_PER 0 0 0 0 CMPx_FPR field descriptions Field FILT_PER Description Filter Sample Period Specifies the sampling period, in bus clock cycles, of the comparator output filter, when CR1[SE]=0. Setting FILT_PER to 0x0 disables the filter. Filter programming and latency details appear in the Functional description. This field has no effect when CR1[SE]=1. In that case, the external SAMPLE signal is used to determine the sampling period. 31.2.4 CMP Status and Control Register (CMPx_SCR) Address: Base address + 3h offset Bit 7 Read 0 6 DMAEN Write Reset 0 0 5 0 0 4 3 IER IEF 0 0 2 1 0 CFR CFF COUT w1c w1c 0 0 0 CMPx_SCR field descriptions Field 7 Reserved 6 DMAEN Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. DMA Enable Control Enables the DMA transfer triggered from the CMP module. When this field is set, a DMA request is asserted when CFR or CFF is set. 0 1 DMA is disabled. DMA is enabled. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 671 Memory map/register definitions CMPx_SCR field descriptions (continued) Field 5 Reserved 4 IER Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Comparator Interrupt Enable Rising Enables the CFR interrupt from the CMP. When this field is set, an interrupt will be asserted when CFR is set. 0 1 3 IEF Comparator Interrupt Enable Falling Enables the CFF interrupt from the CMP. When this field is set, an interrupt will be asserted when CFF is set. 0 1 2 CFR Detects a rising-edge on COUT, when set, during normal operation. CFR is cleared by writing 1 to it. During Stop modes, CFR is edge sensitive . Rising-edge on COUT has not been detected. Rising-edge on COUT has occurred. Analog Comparator Flag Falling Detects a falling-edge on COUT, when set, during normal operation. CFF is cleared by writing 1 to it. During Stop modes, CFF is edge sensitive . 0 1 0 COUT Interrupt is disabled. Interrupt is enabled. Analog Comparator Flag Rising 0 1 1 CFF Interrupt is disabled. Interrupt is enabled. Falling-edge on COUT has not been detected. Falling-edge on COUT has occurred. Analog Comparator Output Returns the current value of the Analog Comparator output, when read. The field is reset to 0 and will read as CR1[INV] when the Analog Comparator module is disabled, that is, when CR1[EN] = 0. Writes to this field are ignored. 31.2.5 DAC Control Register (CMPx_DACCR) Address: Base address + 4h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 DACEN VRSEL 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 VOSEL 0 0 0 CMPx_DACCR field descriptions Field 7 DACEN Description DAC Enable Enables the DAC. When the DAC is disabled, it is powered down to conserve power. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 672 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Comparator (CMP) CMPx_DACCR field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 6 VRSEL VOSEL DAC is disabled. DAC is enabled. Supply Voltage Reference Source Select 0 1 Vin1 is selected as resistor ladder network supply reference. Vin2 is selected as resistor ladder network supply reference. DAC Output Voltage Select Selects an output voltage from one of 64 distinct levels. DACO = (V in /64) * (VOSEL[5:0] + 1) , so the DACO range is from V in /64 to V in . 31.2.6 MUX Control Register (CMPx_MUXCR) Address: Base address + 5h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 Reserved 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 PSEL 0 0 1 0 MSEL 0 0 0 0 CMPx_MUXCR field descriptions Field Description 7 Reserved Bit can be programmed to zero only . 6 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 5-3 PSEL This field is reserved. Plus Input Mux Control Determines which input is selected for the plus input of the comparator. For INx inputs, see CMP, DAC, and ANMUX block diagrams. NOTE: When an inappropriate operation selects the same input for both muxes, the comparator automatically shuts down to prevent itself from becoming a noise generator. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 MSEL IN0 IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IN5 IN6 IN7 Minus Input Mux Control Determines which input is selected for the minus input of the comparator. For INx inputs, see CMP, DAC, and ANMUX block diagrams. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 673 Functional description CMPx_MUXCR field descriptions (continued) Field Description NOTE: When an inappropriate operation selects the same input for both muxes, the comparator automatically shuts down to prevent itself from becoming a noise generator. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 IN0 IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IN5 IN6 IN7 31.3 Functional description The CMP module can be used to compare two analog input voltages applied to INP and INM. CMPO is high when the non-inverting input is greater than the inverting input, and is low when the non-inverting input is less than the inverting input. This signal can be selectively inverted by setting CR1[INV] = 1. SCR[IER] and SCR[IEF] are used to select the condition which will cause the CMP module to assert an interrupt to the processor. SCR[CFF] is set on a falling-edge and SCR[CFR] is set on rising-edge of the comparator output. The optionally filtered CMPO can be read directly through SCR[COUT]. 31.3.1 CMP functional modes There are the following main sub-blocks to the CMP module: * The comparator itself * The window function * The filter function The filter, CR0[FILTER_CNT], can be clocked from an internal or external clock source. The filter is programmable with respect to the number of samples that must agree before a change in the output is registered. In the simplest case, only one sample must agree. In this case, the filter acts as a simple sampler. The external sample input is enabled using CR1[SE]. When set, the output of the comparator is sampled only on rising edges of the sample input. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 674 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Comparator (CMP) The "windowing mode" is enabled by setting CR1[WE]. When set, the comparator output is sampled only when WINDOW=1. This feature can be used to ignore the comparator output during time periods in which the input voltages are not valid. This is especially useful when implementing zero-crossing-detection for certain PWM applications. The comparator filter and sampling features can be combined as shown in the following table. Individual modes are discussed below. Table 31-1. Comparator sample/filter controls Mode # CR1[EN] CR1[WE] CR1[SE] CR0[FILTER_C NT] FPR[FILT_PER] Operation 1 0 X X X X Disabled 2A 1 0 0 0x00 X Continuous Mode 2B 1 0 0 X 0x00 See the Continuous mode (#s 2A & 2B). 3A 1 0 1 0x01 X Sampled, Non-Filtered mode 3B 1 0 0 0x01 > 0x00 See the Sampled, Non-Filtered mode (#s 3A & 3B). 4A 1 0 1 > 0x01 X Sampled, Filtered mode 4B 1 0 0 > 0x01 > 0x00 See the Sampled, Filtered mode (#s 4A & 4B). 5A 1 1 0 0x00 X Windowed mode 5B 1 1 0 X 0x00 Comparator output is sampled on every rising bus clock edge when SAMPLE=1 to generate COUTA. See the Disabled mode (# 1). See the Windowed mode (#s 5A & 5B). 6 1 1 0 0x01 0x01-0xFF Windowed/Resampled mode Comparator output is sampled on every rising bus clock edge when SAMPLE=1 to generate COUTA, which is then resampled on an interval determined by FILT_PER to generate COUT. See the Windowed/Resampled mode (# 6). 7 1 1 0 > 0x01 0x01-0xFF Windowed/Filtered mode Comparator output is sampled on every rising bus clock edge when SAMPLE=1 to generate COUTA, which is then resampled and filtered to generate COUT. See the Windowed/Filtered mode (#7). All other combinations of CR1[EN], CR1[WE], CR1[SE], CR0[FILTER_CNT], and FPR[FILT_PER] are illegal. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 675 Functional description For cases where a comparator is used to drive a fault input, for example, for a motorcontrol module such as FTM, it must be configured to operate in Continuous mode so that an external fault can immediately pass through the comparator to the target fault circuitry. Note Filtering and sampling settings must be changed only after setting CR1[SE]=0 and CR0[FILTER_CNT]=0x00. This resets the filter to a known state. Disabled mode (# 1) In Disabled mode, the analog comparator is non-functional and consumes no power. CMPO is 0 in this mode. Continuous mode (#s 2A & 2B) Internal bus EN,PMODE,HYSTCTR[1:0] FILT_PER INV COS WE OPE FILTER_CNT SE COUT IER/F CFR/F 0 INP + - CMPO Polarity select Window control Filter block Interrupt control INM IRQ COUT To other system functions WINDOW/SAMPLE bus clock FILT_PER Clock prescaler 1 0 0 divided bus clock COUTA CGMUX SE 1 CMPO to PAD COS Figure 31-3. Comparator operation in Continuous mode KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 676 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Comparator (CMP) NOTE See the chip configuration section for the source of sample/ window input. The analog comparator block is powered and active. CMPO may be optionally inverted, but is not subject to external sampling or filtering. Both window control and filter blocks are completely bypassed. SCR[COUT] is updated continuously. The path from comparator input pins to output pin is operating in combinational unclocked mode. COUT and COUTA are identical. For control configurations which result in disabling the filter block, see the Filter Block Bypass Logic diagram. Sampled, Non-Filtered mode (#s 3A & 3B) Internal bus EN,PMODE,HYSTCTR[1:0] FILT_PER INV COS WE OPE FILTER_CNT SE COUT 0x01 0 INP + - CMPO Polarity select Window control IER/F CFR/F 1 Filter block Interrupt control INM IRQ COUT WINDOW/SAMPLE bus clock FILT_PER Clock prescaler divided bus clock To other SOC functions 1 0 0 COUTA CGMUX SE=1 1 CMPO to PAD COS Figure 31-4. Sampled, Non-Filtered (# 3A): sampling point externally driven In Sampled, Non-Filtered mode, the analog comparator block is powered and active. The path from analog inputs to COUTA is combinational unclocked. Windowing control is completely bypassed. COUTA is sampled whenever a rising-edge is detected on the filter block clock input. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 677 Functional description The only difference in operation between Sampled, Non-Filtered (# 3A) and Sampled, Non-Filtered (# 3B) is in how the clock to the filter block is derived. In #3A, the clock to filter block is externally derived while in #3B, the clock to filter block is internally derived. The comparator filter has no other function than sample/hold of the comparator output in this mode (# 3B). Internal bus EN,PMODE,HYSTCTR[1:0] FILT_PER INV COS OPE WE FILTER_CNT SE COUT 0 INP + - CMPO Polarity select CFR/F 0 0x01 Window control IER/F Filter block Interrupt control INM IRQ COUT WINDOW/SAMPLE bus clock FILT_PER Clock prescaler divided bus clock To other SOC functions 1 0 0 COUTA CGMUX SE=0 1 CMPO to PAD COS Figure 31-5. Sampled, Non-Filtered (# 3B): sampling interval internally derived Sampled, Filtered mode (#s 4A & 4B) In Sampled, Filtered mode, the analog comparator block is powered and active. The path from analog inputs to COUTA is combinational unclocked. Windowing control is completely bypassed. COUTA is sampled whenever a rising edge is detected on the filter block clock input. The only difference in operation between Sampled, Non-Filtered (# 3A) and Sampled, Filtered (# 4A) is that, now, CR0[FILTER_CNT]>1, which activates filter operation. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 678 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Comparator (CMP) Internal bus EN, PMODE, HYSTCTR[1:0] FILT_PER INV COS OPE WE FILTER_CNT SE COUT > 0x01 0 INP + - CMPO Polarity select Window control bus clock FILT_PER Clock prescaler divided bus clock CFR/F 1 Interrupt control Filter block INM WINDOW/SAMPLE IER/F IRQ COUT To other SOC functions 1 0 0 COUTA CGMUX SE=1 1 CMPO to PAD COS Figure 31-6. Sampled, Filtered (# 4A): sampling point externally driven KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 679 Functional description Internal bus EN, PMODE, HYSTCTR[1:0] FILT_PER INV COS OPE WE FILTER_CNT SE >0x01 0 INP + - CMPO Polarity select Window control IER/F CFR/F COUT 0 Filter block Interrupt control INM IRQ COUT WINDOW/SAMPLE bus clock Clock prescaler divided bus clock To other SOC functions 1 0 0 COUTA CGMUX SE=0 1 CMPO to PAD COS Figure 31-7. Sampled, Filtered (# 4B): sampling point internally derived The only difference in operation between Sampled, Non-Filtered (# 3B) and Sampled, Filtered (# 4B) is that now, CR0[FILTER_CNT]>1, which activates filter operation. Windowed mode (#s 5A & 5B) The following figure illustrates comparator operation in the Windowed mode, ignoring latency of the analog comparator, polarity select, and window control block. It also assumes that the polarity select is set to non-inverting state. NOTE The analog comparator output is passed to COUTA only when the WINDOW signal is high. In actual operation, COUTA may lag the analog inputs by up to one bus clock cycle plus the combinational path delay through the comparator and polarity select logic. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 680 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Comparator (CMP) WINDOW Plus input Minus input CMPO COUTA Figure 31-8. Windowed mode operation Internal bus FILT_PER EN, PMODE,HYSCTR[1:0] COS INV OPE WE FILTER_CNT SE 0x01 INP + - CMPO Polarity select COUT IER/F CFR/F 0 Window control Interrupt control Filter block INM IRQ COUT WINDOW/SAMPLE bus clock FILT_PER Clock prescaler divided bus clock To other SOC functions 1 0 0 COUTA CGMUX SE=0 1 CMPO to PAD COS Figure 31-9. Windowed mode For control configurations which result in disabling the filter block, see Filter Block Bypass Logic diagram. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 681 Functional description When any windowed mode is active, COUTA is clocked by the bus clock whenever WINDOW = 1. The last latched value is held when WINDOW = 0. Windowed/Resampled mode (# 6) The following figure uses the same input stimulus shown in Figure 31-8, and adds resampling of COUTA to generate COUT. Samples are taken at the time points indicated by the arrows in the figure. Again, prop delays and latency are ignored for the sake of clarity. This example was generated solely to demonstrate operation of the comparator in windowed/resampled mode, and does not reflect any specific application. Depending upon the sampling rate and window placement, COUT may not see zero-crossing events detected by the analog comparator. Sampling period and/or window placement must be carefully considered for a given application. WINDOW Plus input Minus input CMPO COUTA COUT Figure 31-10. Windowed/resampled mode operation This mode of operation results in an unfiltered string of comparator samples where the interval between the samples is determined by FPR[FILT_PER] and the bus clock rate. Configuration for this mode is virtually identical to that for the Windowed/Filtered Mode shown in the next section. The only difference is that the value of CR0[FILTER_CNT] must be 1. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 682 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Comparator (CMP) Windowed/Filtered mode (#7) This is the most complex mode of operation for the comparator block, as it uses both windowing and filtering features. It also has the highest latency of any of the modes. This can be approximated: up to 1 bus clock synchronization in the window function + ((CR0[FILTER_CNT] * FPR[FILT_PER]) + 1) * bus clock for the filter function. When any windowed mode is active, COUTA is clocked by the bus clock whenever WINDOW = 1. The last latched value is held when WINDOW = 0. Internal bus FILT_PER EN, PMODE,HYSCTR[1:0] COS INV WE FILTER_CNT SE > 0x01 1 INP + - Polarity select CMPO Window control OPE COUT IER/F CFR/F 0 Interrupt control Filter block INM IRQ COUT WINDOW/SAMPLE bus clock Clock prescaler FILT_PER divided bus clock To other SOC functions 1 0 0 COUTA CGMUX SE=0 1 CMPO to PAD COS Figure 31-11. Windowed/Filtered mode 31.3.2 Power modes Wait mode operation During Wait and VLPW modes, the CMP, if enabled, continues to operate normally and a CMP interrupt can wake the MCU. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 683 Functional description Stop mode operation Depending on clock restrictions related to the MCU core or core peripherals, the MCU is brought out of stop when a compare event occurs and the corresponding interrupt is enabled. Similarly, if CR1[OPE] is enabled, the comparator output operates as in the normal operating mode and comparator output is placed onto the external pin. In Stop modes, the comparator can be operational in both: * High-Speed (HS) Comparison mode when CR1[PMODE] = 1 * Low-Speed (LS) Comparison mode when CR1[PMODE] = 0 It is recommended to use the LS mode to minimize power consumption. If stop is exited with a reset, all comparator registers are put into their reset state. Low-Leakage mode operation When the chip is in Low-Leakage modes: * The CMP module is partially functional and is limited to Low-Speed mode, regardless of CR1[PMODE] setting * Windowed, Sampled, and Filtered modes are not supported * The CMP output pin is latched and does not reflect the compare output state. The positive- and negative-input voltage can be supplied from external pins or the DAC output. The MCU can be brought out of the Low-Leakage mode if a compare event occurs and the CMP interrupt is enabled. After wakeup from low-leakage modes, the CMP module is in the reset state except for SCR[CFF] and SCR[CFR]. 31.3.3 Startup and operation A typical startup sequence is listed here. * The time required to stabilize COUT will be the power-on delay of the comparators plus the largest propagation delay from a selected analog source through the analog comparator, windowing function and filter. See the Data Sheets for power-on delays of the comparators. The windowing function has a maximum of one bus clock period delay. The filter delay is specified in the Low-pass filter. * During operation, the propagation delay of the selected data paths must always be considered. It may take many bus clock cycles for COUT and SCR[CFR]/SCR[CFF] KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 684 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Comparator (CMP) to reflect an input change or a configuration change to one of the components involved in the data path. * When programmed for filtering modes, COUT will initially be equal to 0, until sufficient clock cycles have elapsed to fill all stages of the filter. This occurs even if COUTA is at a logic 1. 31.3.4 Low-pass filter The low-pass filter operates on the unfiltered and unsynchronized and optionally inverted comparator output COUTA and generates the filtered and synchronized output COUT. Both COUTA and COUT can be configured as module outputs and are used for different purposes within the system. Synchronization and edge detection are always used to determine status register bit values. They also apply to COUT for all sampling and windowed modes. Filtering can be performed using an internal timebase defined by FPR[FILT_PER], or using an external SAMPLE input to determine sample time. The need for digital filtering and the amount of filtering is dependent on user requirements. Filtering can become more useful in the absence of an external hysteresis circuit. Without external hysteresis, high-frequency oscillations can be generated at COUTA when the selected INM and INP input voltages differ by less than the offset voltage of the differential comparator. Enabling filter modes Filter modes can be enabled by: * Setting CR0[FILTER_CNT] > 0x01 and * Setting FPR[FILT_PER] to a nonzero value or setting CR1[SE]=1 If using the divided bus clock to drive the filter, it will take samples of COUTA every FPR[FILT_PER] bus clock cycles. The filter output will be at logic 0 when first initalized, and will subsequently change when all the consecutive CR0[FILTER_CNT] samples agree that the output value has changed. In other words, SCR[COUT] will be 0 for some initial period, even when COUTA is at logic 1. Setting both CR1[SE] and FPR[FILT_PER] to 0 disables the filter and eliminates switching current associated with the filtering process. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 685 Functional description Note Always switch to this setting prior to making any changes in filter parameters. This resets the filter to a known state. Switching CR0[FILTER_CNT] on the fly without this intermediate step can result in unexpected behavior. If CR1[SE]=1, the filter takes samples of COUTA on each positive transition of the sample input. The output state of the filter changes when all the consecutive CR0[FILTER_CNT] samples agree that the output value has changed. Latency issues The value of FPR[FILT_PER] or SAMPLE period must be set such that the sampling period is just longer than the period of the expected noise. This way a noise spike will corrupt only one sample. The value of CR0[FILTER_CNT] must be chosen to reduce the probability of noisy samples causing an incorrect transition to be recognized. The probability of an incorrect transition is defined as the probability of an incorrect sample raised to the power of CR0[FILTER_CNT]. The values of FPR[FILT_PER] or SAMPLE period and CR0[FILTER_CNT] must also be traded off against the desire for minimal latency in recognizing actual comparator output transitions. The probability of detecting an actual output change within the nominal latency is the probability of a correct sample raised to the power of CR0[FILTER_CNT]. The following table summarizes maximum latency values for the various modes of operation in the absence of noise. Filtering latency is restarted each time an actual output transition is masked by noise. Table 31-2. Comparator sample/filter maximum latencies Mode # CR1[ EN] CR1[ WE] CR1[ SE] CR0[FILTER _CNT] FPR[FILT_P ER] Operation Maximum latency1 1 0 X X X X Disabled N/A 2A 1 0 0 0x00 X Continuous Mode TPD Sampled, Non-Filtered mode TPD + TSAMPLE + Tper 2B 1 0 0 X 0x00 3A 1 0 1 0x01 X 3B 1 0 0 0x01 > 0x00 4A 1 0 1 > 0x01 X 4B 1 0 0 > 0x01 > 0x00 TPD + (FPR[FILT_PER] * Tper) + Tper Sampled, Filtered mode TPD + (CR0[FILTER_CNT] * TSAMPLE) + Tper TPD + (CR0[FILTER_CNT] * FPR[FILT_PER] x Tper) + Tper Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 686 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Comparator (CMP) Table 31-2. Comparator sample/filter maximum latencies (continued) Mode # CR1[ EN] CR1[ WE] CR1[ SE] CR0[FILTER _CNT] FPR[FILT_P ER] Operation Maximum latency1 5A 1 1 0 0x00 X Windowed mode TPD + Tper 5B 1 1 0 X 0x00 6 1 1 0 0x01 0x01 - 0xFF Windowed / Resampled mode TPD + (FPR[FILT_PER] * Tper) + 2Tper 7 1 1 0 > 0x01 0x01 - 0xFF Windowed / Filtered mode TPD + (CR0[FILTER_CNT] * FPR[FILT_PER] x Tper) + 2Tper TPD + Tper 1. TPD represents the intrinsic delay of the analog component plus the polarity select logic. TSAMPLE is the clock period of the external sample clock. Tper is the period of the bus clock. 31.4 CMP interrupts The CMP module is capable of generating an interrupt on either the rising- or fallingedge of the comparator output, or both. The following table gives the conditions in which the interrupt request is asserted and deasserted. When Then SCR[IER] and SCR[CFR] are set The interrupt request is asserted SCR[IEF] and SCR[CFF] are set The interrupt request is asserted SCR[IER] and SCR[CFR] are cleared for a rising-edge interrupt The interrupt request is deasserted SCR[IEF] and SCR[CFF] are cleared for a falling-edge interrupt The interrupt request is deasserted 31.5 DMA support Normally, the CMP generates a CPU interrupt if there is a change on the COUT. When DMA support is enabled by setting SCR[DMAEN] and the interrupt is enabled by setting SCR[IER], SCR[IEF], or both, the corresponding change on COUT forces a DMA transfer request rather than a CPU interrupt instead. When the DMA has completed the transfer, it sends a transfer completing indicator that deasserts the DMA transfer request and clears the flag to allow a subsequent change on comparator output to occur and force another DMA request. The comparator can remain functional in STOP modes. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 687 CMP Asynchronous DMA support When DMA support is enabled by setting SCR[DMAEN] and the interrupt is enabled by setting SCR[IER], SCR[IEF], or both, the corresponding change on COUT forces a DMA transfer request to wake up the system from STOP modes. After the data transfer has finished, system will go back to STOP modes. Refer to DMA chapters in the device reference manual for the asynchronous DMA function for details. 31.6 CMP Asynchronous DMA support The comparator can remain functional in STOP modes. When DMA support is enabled by setting SCR[DMAEN] and the interrupt is enabled by setting SCR[IER], SCR[IEF], or both, the corresponding change on COUT forces a DMA transfer request to wake up the system from STOP modes. After the data transfer has finished, system will go back to STOP modes. Refer to DMA chapters in the device reference manual for the asynchronous DMA function for details. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 688 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Comparator (CMP) 31.7 Digital-to-analog converter The figure found here shows the block diagram of the DAC module. It contains a 64-tap resistor ladder network and a 64-to-1 multiplexer, which selects an output voltage from one of 64 distinct levels that outputs from DACO. It is controlled through the DAC Control Register (DACCR). Its supply reference source can be selected from two sources Vin1 and Vin2. The module can be powered down or disabled when not in use. When in Disabled mode, DACO is connected to the analog ground. Vin1 VRSEL Vin2 MUX VOSEL[5:0] DACEN Vin MUX DACO Figure 31-12. 6-bit DAC block diagram 31.8 DAC functional description This section provides DAC functional description information. 31.8.1 Voltage reference source select * Vin1 connects to the primary voltage source as supply reference of 64 tap resistor ladder * Vin2 connects to an alternate voltage source KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 689 DAC resets 31.9 DAC resets This module has a single reset input, corresponding to the chip-wide peripheral reset. 31.10 DAC clocks This module has a single clock input, the bus clock. 31.11 DAC interrupts This module has no interrupts. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 690 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 32 12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) 32.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The 12-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is a low-power, general-purpose DAC. The output of the DAC can be placed on an external pin or set as one of the inputs to the analog comparator, op-amps, or ADC. 32.2 Features The features of the DAC module include: * On-chip programmable reference generator output. The voltage output range is from 14096 Vin to Vin, and the step is 14096 Vin, where Vin is the input voltage. * Vin can be selected from two reference sources * Static operation in Normal Stop mode * 16-word data buffer supported with configurable watermark and multiple operation modes * DMA support 32.3 Block diagram The block diagram of the DAC module is as follows: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 691 Memory map/register definition DACREF_1 DACREF_2 DACRFS MUX AMP buffer Vin DACEN MUX 4096-level VDD - LPEN Vo Vout + DACDAT[11:0] 12 Hardware trigger DACBFWMF DACSWTRG DACBFWM DACBFEN DACBFUP DACBFRP DACBFMD Data Buffer DACBWIEN & DACBFRPTF DACBTIEN & OR dac_interrupt DACBFRPBF DACBBIEN & DACTRGSE Figure 32-1. DAC block diagram 32.4 Memory map/register definition The DAC has registers to control analog comparator and programmable voltage divider to perform the digital-to-analog functions. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 692 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 32 12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) DAC memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4003_F000 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT0L) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.1/694 4003_F001 DAC Data High Register (DAC0_DAT0H) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.2/694 4003_F002 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT1L) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.1/694 4003_F003 DAC Data High Register (DAC0_DAT1H) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.2/694 4003_F004 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT2L) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.1/694 4003_F005 DAC Data High Register (DAC0_DAT2H) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.2/694 4003_F006 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT3L) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.1/694 4003_F007 DAC Data High Register (DAC0_DAT3H) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.2/694 4003_F008 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT4L) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.1/694 4003_F009 DAC Data High Register (DAC0_DAT4H) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.2/694 4003_F00A DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT5L) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.1/694 4003_F00B DAC Data High Register (DAC0_DAT5H) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.2/694 4003_F00C DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT6L) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.1/694 4003_F00D DAC Data High Register (DAC0_DAT6H) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.2/694 4003_F00E DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT7L) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.1/694 4003_F00F DAC Data High Register (DAC0_DAT7H) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.2/694 4003_F010 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT8L) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.1/694 4003_F011 DAC Data High Register (DAC0_DAT8H) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.2/694 4003_F012 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT9L) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.1/694 4003_F013 DAC Data High Register (DAC0_DAT9H) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.2/694 4003_F014 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT10L) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.1/694 4003_F015 DAC Data High Register (DAC0_DAT10H) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.2/694 4003_F016 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT11L) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.1/694 4003_F017 DAC Data High Register (DAC0_DAT11H) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.2/694 4003_F018 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT12L) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.1/694 4003_F019 DAC Data High Register (DAC0_DAT12H) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.2/694 4003_F01A DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT13L) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.1/694 4003_F01B DAC Data High Register (DAC0_DAT13H) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.2/694 4003_F01C DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT14L) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.1/694 4003_F01D DAC Data High Register (DAC0_DAT14H) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.2/694 4003_F01E DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT15L) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.1/694 4003_F01F DAC Data High Register (DAC0_DAT15H) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.2/694 4003_F020 DAC Status Register (DAC0_SR) 8 R/W 02h 32.4.3/695 4003_F021 DAC Control Register (DAC0_C0) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.4/696 4003_F022 DAC Control Register 1 (DAC0_C1) 8 R/W 00h 32.4.5/697 4003_F023 DAC Control Register 2 (DAC0_C2) 8 R/W 0Fh 32.4.6/698 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 693 Memory map/register definition 32.4.1 DAC Data Low Register (DACx_DATnL) Address: 4003_F000h base + 0h offset + (2d x i), where i=0d to 15d Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 DATA0 0 0 0 0 DACx_DATnL field descriptions Field DATA0 Description DATA0 When the DAC buffer is not enabled, DATA[11:0] controls the output voltage based on the following formula: V out = V in * (1 + DACDAT0[11:0])/4096 When the DAC buffer is enabled, DATA is mapped to the 16-word buffer. 32.4.2 DAC Data High Register (DACx_DATnH) Address: 4003_F000h base + 1h offset + (2d x i), where i=0d to 15d Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 DATA1 0 0 0 0 DACx_DATnH field descriptions Field 7-4 Reserved DATA1 Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. DATA1 When the DAC Buffer is not enabled, DATA[11:0] controls the output voltage based on the following formula. V out = V in * (1 + DACDAT0[11:0])/4096 When the DAC buffer is enabled, DATA[11:0] is mapped to the 16-word buffer. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 694 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 32 12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) 32.4.3 DAC Status Register (DACx_SR) If DMA is enabled, the flags can be cleared automatically by DMA when the DMA request is done. Writing 0 to a field clears it whereas writing 1 has no effect. After reset, DACBFRPTF is set and can be cleared by software, if needed. The flags are set only when the data buffer status is changed. Address: 4003_F000h base + 20h offset = 4003_F020h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 DACBFWM DACBFRPT DACBFRPB F F F 0 0 0 1 0 DACx_SR field descriptions Field 7-3 Reserved 2 DACBFWMF Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. DAC Buffer Watermark Flag This bit is set if the remaining FIFO data is less than the watermark setting. It is cleared automatically by writing data into FIFO by DMA or CPU. Write to this bit is ignored in FIFO mode. 0 1 1 DACBFRPTF DAC Buffer Read Pointer Top Position Flag In FIFO mode, it is FIFO nearly empty flag. It is set when only one data remains in FIFO. Any DAC trigger does not increase the Read Pointer if this bit is set to avoid any possible glitch or abrupt change at DAC output. It is cleared automatically if FIFO is not empty. 0 1 0 DACBFRPBF The DAC buffer read pointer has not reached the watermark level. The DAC buffer read pointer has reached the watermark level. The DAC buffer read pointer is not zero. The DAC buffer read pointer is zero. DAC Buffer Read Pointer Bottom Position Flag In FIFO mode, it is FIFO FULL status bit. It means FIFO read pointer equals Write Pointer because of Write Pointer increase. If this bit is set, any write to FIFO from either DMA or CPU is ignored by DAC. It is cleared if there is any DAC trigger making the DAC read pointer increase. Write to this bit is ignored in FIFO mode. 0 1 The DAC buffer read pointer is not equal to C2[DACBFUP]. The DAC buffer read pointer is equal to C2[DACBFUP]. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 695 Memory map/register definition 32.4.4 DAC Control Register (DACx_C0) Address: 4003_F000h base + 21h offset = 4003_F021h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 DACEN DACRFS 0 0 5 4 3 0 DACTRGSE L DACSWTRG 0 0 LPEN 0 2 1 DACBWIEN DACBTIEN 0 0 0 DACBBIEN 0 DACx_C0 field descriptions Field 7 DACEN Description DAC Enable Starts the Programmable Reference Generator operation. 0 1 6 DACRFS The DAC system is disabled. The DAC system is enabled. DAC Reference Select 0 1 The DAC selects DACREF_1 as the reference voltage. The DAC selects DACREF_2 as the reference voltage. 5 DACTRGSEL DAC Trigger Select 4 DACSWTRG DAC Software Trigger 0 1 Active high. This is a write-only field, which always reads 0. If DAC software trigger is selected and buffer is enabled, writing 1 to this field will advance the buffer read pointer once. 0 1 3 LPEN The DAC hardware trigger is selected. The DAC software trigger is selected. The DAC soft trigger is not valid. The DAC soft trigger is valid. DAC Low Power Control NOTE: See the 12-bit DAC electrical characteristics of the device data sheet for details on the impact of the modes below. 0 1 High-Power mode Low-Power mode 2 DACBWIEN DAC Buffer Watermark Interrupt Enable 1 DACBTIEN DAC Buffer Read Pointer Top Flag Interrupt Enable 0 DACBBIEN DAC Buffer Read Pointer Bottom Flag Interrupt Enable 0 1 0 1 The DAC buffer watermark interrupt is disabled. The DAC buffer watermark interrupt is enabled. The DAC buffer read pointer top flag interrupt is disabled. The DAC buffer read pointer top flag interrupt is enabled. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 696 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 32 12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) DACx_C0 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 The DAC buffer read pointer bottom flag interrupt is disabled. The DAC buffer read pointer bottom flag interrupt is enabled. 32.4.5 DAC Control Register 1 (DACx_C1) Address: 4003_F000h base + 22h offset = 4003_F022h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 DMAEN 0 5 4 0 3 2 DACBFWM 0 0 0 1 DACBFMD 0 0 0 DACBFEN 0 0 DACx_C1 field descriptions Field 7 DMAEN 6-5 Reserved 4-3 DACBFWM Description DMA Enable Select 0 1 DMA is disabled. DMA is enabled. When DMA is enabled, the DMA request will be generated by original interrupts. The interrupts will not be presented on this module at the same time. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. DAC Buffer Watermark Select In normal mode it controls when SR[DACBFWMF] is set. When the DAC buffer read pointer reaches the word defined by this field, which is 1-4 words away from the upper limit (DACBUP), SR[DACBFWMF] will be set. This allows user configuration of the watermark interrupt. In FIFO mode, it is FIFO watermark select field. 00 01 10 11 In normal mode, 1 word . In FIFO mode, 2 or less than 2 data remaining in FIFO will set watermark status bit. In normal mode, 2 words . In FIFO mode, Max/4 or less than Max/4 data remaining in FIFO will set watermark status bit. In normal mode, 3 words . In FIFO mode, Max/2 or less than Max/2 data remaining in FIFO will set watermark status bit. In normal mode, 4 words . In FIFO mode, Max-2 or less than Max-2 data remaining in FIFO will set watermark status bit. 2-1 DACBFMD DAC Buffer Work Mode Select 0 DACBFEN DAC Buffer Enable 00 01 10 11 0 1 Normal mode Swing mode One-Time Scan mode FIFO mode Buffer read pointer is disabled. The converted data is always the first word of the buffer. Buffer read pointer is enabled. The converted data is the word that the read pointer points to. It means converted data can be from any word of the buffer. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 697 Functional description 32.4.6 DAC Control Register 2 (DACx_C2) Address: 4003_F000h base + 23h offset = 4003_F023h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 DACBFRP 0 0 1 0 1 1 DACBFUP 0 0 1 1 DACx_C2 field descriptions Field Description 7-4 DACBFRP DAC Buffer Read Pointer DACBFUP DAC Buffer Upper Limit In normal mode it keeps the current value of the buffer read pointer. FIFO mode, it is the FIFO read pointer. It is writable in FIFO mode. User can configure it to same address to reset FIFO as empty. In normal mode it selects the upper limit of the DAC buffer. The buffer read pointer cannot exceed it. In FIFO mode it is the FIFO write pointer. User cannot set Buffer Up limit in FIFO mode. In Normal mode its reset value is MAX. When IP is configured to FIFO mode, this register becomes Write_Pointer, and its value is initially set to equal READ_POINTER automatically, and the FIFO status is empty. It is writable and user can configure it to the same address to reset FIFO as empty. 32.5 Functional description The 12-bit DAC module can select one of the two reference inputs--DACREF_1 and DACREF_2 as the DAC reference voltage, Vin by C0 [DACRFS]. See the chip-specific DAC information to determine the source options for DACREF_1 and DACREF_2. When the DAC is enabled, it converts the data in DACDAT0[11:0] or the data from the DAC data buffer to a stepped analog output voltage. The output voltage range is from Vin to Vin4096, and the step is Vin4096. 32.5.1 DAC data buffer operation When the DAC is enabled and the buffer is not enabled, the DAC module always converts the data in DAT0 to the analog output voltage. When both the DAC and the buffer are enabled, the DAC converts the data in the data buffer to analog output voltage. The data buffer read pointer advances to the next word whenever a hardware or software trigger event occurs. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 698 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 32 12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) The data buffer can be configured to operate in Normal mode, Swing mode, One-Time Scan mode or FIFO mode. When the buffer operation is switched from one mode to another, the read pointer does not change. The read pointer can be set to any value between 0 and C2[DACBFUP] by writing C2[DACBFRP]. DAC data buffer interrupts There are several interrupts and associated flags that can be configured for the DAC buffer. SR[DACBFRPBF] is set when the DAC buffer read pointer reaches the DAC buffer upper limit, that is, C2[DACBFRP] = C2[DACBFUP]. SR[DACBFRPTF] is set when the DAC read pointer is equal to the start position, 0. Finally, SR[DACBFWMF] is set when the DAC buffer read pointer has reached the position defined by C1[DACBFWM]. C1[DACBFWM] can be used to generate an interrupt when the DAC buffer read pointer is between 1 to 4 words from C2[DACBFUP]. Modes of DAC data buffer operation The following table describes the different modes of data buffer operation for the DAC module. Table 32-1. Modes of DAC data buffer operation Modes Description Buffer Normal mode This is the default mode. The buffer works as a circular buffer. The read pointer increases by one, every time the trigger occurs. When the read pointer reaches the upper limit, it goes to 0 directly in the next trigger event. Buffer Swing mode This mode is similar to the normal mode. However, when the read pointer reaches the upper limit, it does not go to 0. It will descend by 1 in the next trigger events until 0 is reached. Buffer One-time Scan mode The read pointer increases by 1 every time the trigger occurs. When it reaches the upper limit, it stops there. If read pointer is reset to the address other than the upper limit, it will increase to the upper address and stop there again. NOTE: If the software set the read pointer to the upper limit, the read pointer will not advance in this mode. FIFO Mode In FIFO mode, the buffer is organized as a FIFO. For a valid write to any DACDATx, the data is put into the FIFO, and the write pointer is automatically incremented. The module is connected internally to a 32bit interface. For any 16bit or 8bit FIFO access, address bit[1] needs to be 0; otherwise, the write is ignored. For any 32bit FIFO access, the Write_Pointer needs to be an EVEN number; otherwise, the write is ignored. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 699 Functional description Table 32-1. Modes of DAC data buffer operation Modes Description NOTE: A successful 32bit FIFO write will increase the write pointer by 2. Any write will cause the FIFO over-flow will be ignored, the cases includes: 1.FIFO is full, the write will be ignored. 2.FIFO is nearly full (FIFO_SIZE-1), 32bit write will be ignored. NOTE: For 8bit write, address bit[0] determine which byte lane will be written to the FIFO according to little endian alignment. Only both byte lanes are written will the write pointer increase. User need to make sure 8bit access happened in pair and both upper & lower bytes are written. There is no requirement on which byte write first. In FIFO mode, there is no change to read access of DACDATx (from normal mode), read to DACDATx will return the DATA addressed by the access address to the data buffer, and both write pointer and read pointer in FIFO mode will NOT be changed by read access. FIFO write can be happened when DAC is not enabled for 1st data conversion enable. But FIFO mode need to work at buffer Enabled at DACC1[DACBFEN]. In FIFO mode, the DATA BUF will be organized as FIFO. 32.5.2 DMA operation When DMA is enabled, DMA requests are generated instead of interrupt requests. The DMA Done signal clears the DMA request. The status register flags are still set and are cleared automatically when the DMA completes. 32.5.3 Resets During reset, the DAC is configured in the default mode and is disabled. 32.5.4 Low-Power mode operation The following table shows the wait mode and the stop mode operation of the DAC module. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 700 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 32 12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) Table 32-2. Modes of operation Modes of operation Description Wait mode The DAC will operate normally, if enabled. Stop mode If enabled, the DAC module continues to operate in Normal Stop mode and the output voltage will hold the value before stop. In low-power stop modes, the DAC is fully shut down. NOTE The assignment of module modes to core modes is chipspecific. For module-to-core mode assignments, see the chapter that describes how modules are configured. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 701 Functional description KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 702 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 33 Voltage Reference (VREFV1) 33.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The Voltage Reference (VREF) is intended to supply an accurate voltage output that can be trimmed in 0.5 mV steps. The VREF can be used in applications to provide a reference voltage to external devices or used internally as a reference to analog peripherals such as the ADC, DAC, or CMP. The voltage reference has three operating modes that provide different levels of supply rejection and power consumption. The following figure is a block diagram of the Voltage Reference. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 703 Introduction 6 BITS 1.75 V Regulator TRM SC[VREFEN] SC[MODE_LV] 1.75 V 2 BITS SC[VREFST] BANDGAP VDDA OUTPUT PIN VREF_OUT 100nF REGULATION BUFFER Figure 33-1. Voltage reference block diagram 33.1.1 Overview The Voltage Reference provides a buffered reference voltage for use as an external reference. In addition, the buffered reference is available internally for use with on chip peripherals such as ADCs and DACs. Refer to the chip configuration details for a description of these options. The reference voltage signal is output on a dedicated output pin when the VREF is enabled. The Voltage Reference output can be trimmed with a resolution of 0.5mV by means of the TRM register TRIM[5:0] bitfield. 33.1.2 Features The Voltage Reference has the following features: * Programmable trim register with 0.5 mV steps, automatically loaded with factory trimmed value upon reset * Programmable buffer mode selection: * Off KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 704 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 33 Voltage Reference (VREFV1) * Bandgap enabled/standby (output buffer disabled) * Low power buffer mode (output buffer enabled) * High power buffer mode (output buffer enabled) * 1.2 V output at room temperature * Dedicated output pin, VREF_OUT 33.1.3 Modes of Operation The Voltage Reference continues normal operation in Run, Wait, and Stop modes. The Voltage Reference can also run in Very Low Power Run (VLPR), Very Low Power Wait (VLPW) and Very Low Power Stop (VLPS). If it is desired to use the VREF regulator and/or the chop oscillator in the very low power modes, the system reference voltage (also referred to as the bandgap voltage reference) must be enabled in these modes. Refer to the chip configuration details for information on enabling this mode of operation. Having the VREF regulator enabled does increase current consumption. In very low power modes it may be desirable to disable the VREF regulator to minimize current consumption. Note however that the accuracy of the output voltage will be reduced (by as much as several mVs) when the VREF regulator is not used. NOTE The assignment of module modes to core modes is chipspecific. For module-to-core mode assignments, see the chapter that describes how modules are configured. 33.1.4 VREF Signal Descriptions The following table shows the Voltage Reference signals properties. Table 33-1. VREF Signal Descriptions Signal VREF_OUT Description I/O Internally-generated Voltage Reference output O NOTE When the VREF output buffer is disabled, the status of the VREF_OUT signal is high-impedence. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 705 Memory Map and Register Definition 33.2 Memory Map and Register Definition VREF memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 4007_4000 VREF Trim Register (VREF_TRM) 8 R/W See section 33.2.1/706 4007_4001 VREF Status and Control Register (VREF_SC) 8 R/W 00h 33.2.2/707 33.2.1 VREF Trim Register (VREF_TRM) This register contains bits that contain the trim data for the Voltage Reference. Address: 4007_4000h base + 0h offset = 4007_4000h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 Reserved CHOPEN x* 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 x* x* x* TRIM x* x* x* * Notes: * x = Undefined at reset. VREF_TRM field descriptions Field Description 7 Reserved This field is reserved. Upon reset this value is loaded with a factory trim value. 6 CHOPEN Chop oscillator enable. When set, internal chopping operation is enabled and the internal analog offset will be minimized. This bit is set during factory trimming of the VREF voltage. This bit should be written to 1 to achieve the performance stated in the data sheet. If the internal voltage regulator is being used (REGEN bit is set to 1), the chop oscillator must also be enabled. If the chop oscillator is to be used in very low power modes, the system (bandgap) voltage reference must also be enabled. See the chip-specific VREF information (also known as "chip configuration" details) for a description of how this can be achieved. 0 1 TRIM Chop oscillator is disabled. Chop oscillator is enabled. Trim bits These bits change the resulting VREF by approximately 0.5 mV for each step. NOTE: Min = minimum and max = maximum voltage reference output. For minimum and maximum voltage reference output values, refer to the Data Sheet for this chip. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 706 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 33 Voltage Reference (VREFV1) VREF_TRM field descriptions (continued) Field Description 000000 .... 111111 Min .... Max 33.2.2 VREF Status and Control Register (VREF_SC) This register contains the control bits used to enable the internal voltage reference and to select the buffer mode to be used. Address: 4007_4000h base + 1h offset = 4007_4001h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 VREFEN REGEN ICOMPEN 0 0 0 4 3 2 0 0 VREFST 0 0 0 1 0 MODE_LV 0 0 VREF_SC field descriptions Field 7 VREFEN Description Internal Voltage Reference enable This bit is used to enable the bandgap reference within the Voltage Reference module. NOTE: After the VREF is enabled, turning off the clock to the VREF module via the corresponding clock gate register will not disable the VREF. VREF must be disabled via this VREFEN bit. 0 1 6 REGEN The module is disabled. The module is enabled. Regulator enable This bit is used to enable the internal 1.75 V regulator to produce a constant internal voltage supply in order to reduce the sensitivity to external supply noise and variation. If it is desired to keep the regulator enabled in very low power modes, refer to the Chip Configuration details for a description on how this can be achieved. This bit should be written to 1 to achieve the performance stated in the data sheet. NOTE: See section "Internal voltage regulator" for details on the required sequence to enable the internal regulator. 0 1 5 ICOMPEN Internal 1.75 V regulator is disabled. Internal 1.75 V regulator is enabled. Second order curvature compensation enable This bit should be written to 1 to achieve the performance stated in the data sheet. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 707 Functional Description VREF_SC field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 Disabled Enabled 4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 2 VREFST Internal Voltage Reference stable This bit indicates that the bandgap reference within the Voltage Reference module has completed its startup and stabilization. NOTE: This bit is valid only when the chop oscillator is not being used. 0 1 MODE_LV The module is disabled or not stable. The module is stable. Buffer Mode selection These bits select the buffer modes for the Voltage Reference module. 00 01 10 11 Bandgap on only, for stabilization and startup High power buffer mode enabled Low-power buffer mode enabled Reserved 33.3 Functional Description The Voltage Reference is a bandgap buffer system. Unity gain amplifiers are used. The VREF_OUT signal can be used by both internal and external peripherals in low and high power buffer mode. A 100 nF capacitor must always be connected between VREF_OUT and VSSA if the VREF is being used. The following table shows all possible function configurations of the Voltage Reference. Table 33-2. Voltage Reference function configurations SC[VREFEN] SC[MODE_LV] Configuration Functionality 0 X Voltage Reference disabled Off 1 00 Voltage Reference enabled, bandgap on only Startup and standby 1 01 Voltage Reference enabled, high-power buffer on VREF_OUT available for internal and external use. 100 nF capacitor is required. 1 10 Voltage Reference enabled, low power buffer on VREF_OUT available for internal and external use. 100 nF capacitor is required. 1 11 Reserved Reserved KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 708 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 33 Voltage Reference (VREFV1) 33.3.1 Voltage Reference Disabled, SC[VREFEN] = 0 When SC[VREFEN] = 0, the Voltage Reference is disabled, the VREF bandgap and the output buffers are disabled. The Voltage Reference is in off mode. 33.3.2 Voltage Reference Enabled, SC[VREFEN] = 1 When SC[VREFEN] = 1, the Voltage Reference is enabled, and different modes should be set by the SC[MODE_LV] bits. SC[MODE_LV]=00 The internal VREF bandgap is enabled to generate an accurate 1.2 V output that can be trimmed with the TRM register's TRIM[5:0] bitfield. The bandgap requires some time for startup and stabilization. SC[VREFST] can be monitored to determine if the stabilization and startup is complete when the chop oscillator is not enabled. If the chop oscillator is being used, the internal bandgap reference voltage settles within the chop oscillator start up time, Tchop_osc_stup. The output buffer is disabled in this mode, and there is no buffered voltage output. The Voltage Reference is in standby mode. If this mode is first selected and the low power or high power buffer mode is subsequently enabled, there will be a delay before the buffer output is settled at the final value. This is the buffer start up delay (Tstup) and the value is specified in the appropriate device data sheet. SC[MODE_LV] = 01 The internal VREF bandgap is on. The high power buffer is enabled to generate a buffered 1.2 V voltage to VREF_OUT. It can also be used as a reference to internal analog peripherals such as an ADC channel or analog comparator input. If this mode is entered from the standby mode (SC[MODE_LV] = 00, SC[VREFEN] = 1) there will be a delay before the buffer output is settled at the final value. This is the buffer start up delay (Tstup) and the value is specified in the appropriate device data sheet. If this mode is entered when the VREF module is enabled then you must wait the longer of KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 709 Functional Description Tstup or until SC[VREFST] = 1 when the chop oscillator is not enabled. If the chop oscillator is being used, you must wait the time specified by Tchop_osc_stup (chop oscillator start up time) to ensure the VREF output has stabilized. In this mode, a 100 nF capacitor is required to connect between the VREF_OUT pin and VSSA. SC[MODE_LV] = 10 The internal VREF bandgap is on. The low power buffer is enabled to generate a buffered 1.2 V voltage to VREF_OUT. It can also be used as a reference to internal analog peripherals such as an ADC channel or analog comparator input. If this mode is entered from the standby mode (SC[MODE_LV] = 00, SC[VREFEN] = 1) there will be a delay before the buffer output is settled at the final value. This is the buffer start up delay (Tstup) and the value is specified in the appropriate device data sheet. If this mode is entered when the VREF module is enabled then you must wait the longer of Tstup or until SC[VREFST] = 1 when the chop oscillator is not enabled. If the chop oscillator is being used, you must wait the time specified by Tchop_osc_stup (chop oscillator start up time) to ensure the VREF output has stabilized. In this mode, a 100 nF capacitor is required to connect between the VREF_OUT pin and VSSA. SC[MODE_LV] = 11 Reserved 33.3.3 Internal voltage regulator The VREF module contains an internal voltage regulator that can be enabled to provide additional supply noise rejection. It is recommended that when possible, this regulator be enabled to provide the optimum VREF performance. If the internal voltage regulator is being used, the chop oscillator must also be enabled. A specific sequence must be followed when enabling the internal regulator as follows: 1. Enable the chop oscillator (VREF_TRM[CHOPEN] = 1) 2. Configure the VREF_SC register to the desired settings with the internal regulator disabled, VREF_SC[REGEN] = 0 3. Wait > 300ns KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 710 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 33 Voltage Reference (VREFV1) 4. Enable the internal regulator by setting VREF_SC[REGEN] to 1 33.4 Initialization/Application Information The Voltage Reference requires some time for startup and stabilization. After SC[VREFEN] = 1, SC[VREFST] can be monitored to determine if the stabilization and startup is completed when the chop oscillator is not enabled. When the chop oscillator is enabled, the settling time of the internal bandgap reference is defined by Tchop_osc_stup (chop oscillator start up time). You must wait this time (Tchop_osc_stup) after the internal bandgap has been enabled to ensure the VREF internal reference voltage has stabilized. When the Voltage Reference is already enabled and stabilized, changing SC[MODE_LV] will not clear SC[VREFST] but there will be some startup time before the output voltage at the VREF_OUT pin has settled. This is the buffer start up delay (Tstup) and the value is specified in the appropriate device data sheet. Also, there will be some settling time when a step change of the load current is applied to the VREF_OUT pin. When the 1.75V VREF regulator is disabled, the VREF_OUT voltage will be more sensitive to supply voltage variation. It is recommended to use this regulator to achieve optimum VREF_OUT performance. The TRM[CHOPEN], SC[REGEN] and SC[ICOMPEN] bits must be written to 1 to achieve the performance stated in the device data sheet. NOTE See section "Internal voltage regulator" for details on the required sequence to enable the internal regulator. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 711 Initialization/Application Information KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 712 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 34 Programmable Delay Block (PDB) 34.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The Programmable Delay Block (PDB) provides controllable delays from either an internal or an external trigger, or a programmable interval tick, to the hardware trigger inputs of ADCs and/or generates the interval triggers to DACs, so that the precise timing between ADC conversions and/or DAC updates can be achieved. The PDB can optionally provide pulse outputs (Pulse-Out's) that are used as the sample window in the CMP block. 34.1.1 Features * Up to 15 trigger input sources and one software trigger source * Up to 8 configurable PDB channels for ADC hardware trigger * One PDB channel is associated with one ADC * One trigger output for ADC hardware trigger and up to 8 pre-trigger outputs for ADC trigger select per PDB channel * Trigger outputs can be enabled or disabled independently * One 16-bit delay register per pre-trigger output * Optional bypass of the delay registers of the pre-trigger outputs * Operation in One-Shot or Continuous modes KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 713 Introduction * Optional back-to-back mode operation, which enables the ADC conversions complete to trigger the next PDB channel * One programmable delay interrupt * One sequence error interrupt * One channel flag and one sequence error flag per pre-trigger * DMA support * Up to 8 pulse outputs (pulse-out's) * Pulse-out's can be enabled or disabled independently * Programmable pulse width NOTE The number of PDB input and output triggers are chip-specific. See the chip-specific PDB information for details. 34.1.2 Implementation In this section, the following letters refer to the number of output triggers: * N--Total available number of PDB channels. * n--PDB channel number, valid from 0 to N-1. * M--Total available pre-trigger per PDB channel. * m--Pre-trigger number, valid from 0 to M-1. * X--Total number of DAC interval triggers. * x--DAC interval trigger output number, valid from 0 to X-1. * Y--Total number of Pulse-Out's. * y--Pulse-Out number, valid value is from 0 to Y-1. NOTE The number of module output triggers to core is chip-specific. For module to core output triggers implementation, see the chip configuration information. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 714 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 34 Programmable Delay Block (PDB) 34.1.3 Back-to-back acknowledgment connections PDB back-to-back operation acknowledgment connections are chip-specific. For implementation, see the chip configuration information. 34.1.4 DAC External Trigger Input Connections The implementation of DAC external trigger inputs is chip-specific. See the chip configuration information for details. 34.1.5 Block diagram This diagram illustrates the major components of the PDB. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 715 Introduction Ack 0 PDBCHnDLY0 = Pre-trigger 0 BB[0], TOS[0] Ch n pre-trigger 0 EN[0] Ack m PDBCHnDLYm = Pre-trigger m BB[m], TOS[m] Ch n pre-trigger m EN[m] Sequence Error Detection ERR[M - 1:0] Ch n trigger PDBMOD PDBCNT = PDB counter Control logic DACINTx DAC interval counter x CONT MULT DAC interval trigger x = TOEx DAC external trigger input EXTx PRESCALER From trigger mux Trigger-In 0 Trigger-In 1 POyDLY1 Trigger-In 14 = SWTRIG POyDLY2 TRIGSEL Pulse Generation = Pulse-Out y PDBPOEN[y] Pulse-Out y PDBIDLY PDB interrupt = TOEx Figure 34-1. PDB block diagram In this diagram, only one PDB channel n, one DAC interval trigger x, and one Pulse-Out y are shown. The PDB-enabled control logic and the sequence error interrupt logic are not shown. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 716 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 34 Programmable Delay Block (PDB) 34.1.6 Modes of operation PDB ADC trigger operates in the following modes: * Disabled--Counter is off, all pre-trigger and trigger outputs are low if PDB is not in back-to-back operation of Bypass mode. * Debug--Counter is paused when processor is in Debug mode, and the counter for the DAC trigger is also paused in Debug mode. * Enabled One-Shot--Counter is enabled and restarted at count zero upon receiving a positive edge on the selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SC[SWTRIG] is written with 1. In each PDB channel, an enabled pre-trigger asserts once per trigger input event. The trigger output asserts whenever any of the pretriggers is asserted. * Enabled Continuous--Counter is enabled and restarted at count zero. The counter is rolled over to zero again when the count reaches the value specified in the modulus register, and the counting is restarted. This enables a continuous stream of pretriggers/trigger outputs as a result of a single trigger input event. * Enabled Bypassed--The pre-trigger and trigger outputs assert immediately after a positive edge on the selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SC[SWTRIG] is written with 1, that is the delay registers are bypassed. It is possible to bypass any one or more of the delay registers; therefore, this mode can be used in conjunction with One-Shot or Continuous mode. 34.2 PDB signal descriptions This table shows the detailed description of the external signal. Table 34-1. PDB signal descriptions Signal EXTRG Description External Trigger Input Source I/O I If the PDB is enabled and external trigger input source is selected, a positive edge on the EXTRG signal resets and starts the counter. 34.3 Memory map and register definition KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 717 Memory map and register definition PDB memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4003_6000 Status and Control register (PDB0_SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 34.3.1/719 4003_6004 Modulus register (PDB0_MOD) 32 R/W 0000_FFFFh 34.3.2/722 4003_6008 Counter register (PDB0_CNT) 32 R 0000_0000h 34.3.3/722 4003_600C Interrupt Delay register (PDB0_IDLY) 32 R/W 0000_FFFFh 34.3.4/723 4003_6010 Channel n Control register 1 (PDB0_CH0C1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 34.3.5/723 4003_6014 Channel n Status register (PDB0_CH0S) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 34.3.6/724 4003_6018 Channel n Delay 0 register (PDB0_CH0DLY0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 34.3.7/725 4003_601C Channel n Delay 1 register (PDB0_CH0DLY1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 34.3.8/726 4003_6038 Channel n Control register 1 (PDB0_CH1C1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 34.3.5/723 4003_603C Channel n Status register (PDB0_CH1S) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 34.3.6/724 4003_6040 Channel n Delay 0 register (PDB0_CH1DLY0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 34.3.7/725 4003_6044 Channel n Delay 1 register (PDB0_CH1DLY1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 34.3.8/726 4003_6150 DAC Interval Trigger n Control register (PDB0_DACINTC0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 34.3.9/726 4003_6154 DAC Interval n register (PDB0_DACINT0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 34.3.10/ 727 4003_6190 Pulse-Out n Enable register (PDB0_POEN) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 34.3.11/ 728 4003_6194 Pulse-Out n Delay register (PDB0_PO0DLY) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 34.3.12/ 728 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 718 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 34 Programmable Delay Block (PDB) 34.3.1 Status and Control register (PDBx_SC) Address: 4003_6000h base + 0h offset = 4003_6000h 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 LDMOD Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CONT LDOK W SWTRIG R PDBEIE Bit 0 0 0 PDBIE TRGSEL PDBIF PRESCALER PDBEN DMAEN R 0 0 0 MULT W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDBx_SC field descriptions Field 31-20 Reserved 19-18 LDMOD Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Load Mode Select Selects the mode to load the MOD, IDLY, CHnDLYm, INTx, and POyDLY registers, after 1 is written to LDOK. 00 01 10 11 17 PDBEIE The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers immediately after 1 is written to LDOK. The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when the PDB counter reaches the MOD register value after 1 is written to LDOK. The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when a trigger input event is detected after 1 is written to LDOK. The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when either the PDB counter reaches the MOD register value or a trigger input event is detected, after 1 is written to LDOK. PDB Sequence Error Interrupt Enable Enables the PDB sequence error interrupt. When this field is set, any of the PDB channel sequence error flags generates a PDB sequence error interrupt. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 719 Memory map and register definition PDBx_SC field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 PDB sequence error interrupt disabled. PDB sequence error interrupt enabled. 16 SWTRIG Software Trigger 15 DMAEN DMA Enable When PDB is enabled and the software trigger is selected as the trigger input source, writing 1 to this field resets and restarts the counter. Writing 0 to this field has no effect. Reading this field results 0. When DMA is enabled, the PDBIF flag generates a DMA request instead of an interrupt. 0 1 14-12 PRESCALER DMA disabled. DMA enabled. Prescaler Divider Select 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 11-8 TRGSEL Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by multiplication factor selected by MULT. Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by twice of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by four times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by eight times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 16 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 32 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 64 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 128 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. Trigger Input Source Select Selects the trigger input source for the PDB. The trigger input source can be internal or external (EXTRG pin), or the software trigger. Refer to chip configuration details for the actual PDB input trigger connections. 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Trigger-In 0 is selected. Trigger-In 1 is selected. Trigger-In 2 is selected. Trigger-In 3 is selected. Trigger-In 4 is selected. Trigger-In 5 is selected. Trigger-In 6 is selected. Trigger-In 7 is selected. Trigger-In 8 is selected. Trigger-In 9 is selected. Trigger-In 10 is selected. Trigger-In 11 is selected. Trigger-In 12 is selected. Trigger-In 13 is selected. Trigger-In 14 is selected. Software trigger is selected. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 720 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 34 Programmable Delay Block (PDB) PDBx_SC field descriptions (continued) Field Description 7 PDBEN PDB Enable 6 PDBIF PDB Interrupt Flag 5 PDBIE PDB Interrupt Enable 0 1 This field is set when the counter value is equal to the IDLY register. Writing zero clears this field. Enables the PDB interrupt. When this field is set and DMAEN is cleared, PDBIF generates a PDB interrupt. 0 1 4 Reserved 3-2 MULT Multiplication Factor Select for Prescaler Selects the multiplication factor of the prescaler divider for the counter clock. Multiplication factor is 1. Multiplication factor is 10. Multiplication factor is 20. Multiplication factor is 40. Continuous Mode Enable Enables the PDB operation in Continuous mode. 0 1 0 LDOK PDB interrupt disabled. PDB interrupt enabled. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 00 01 10 11 1 CONT PDB disabled. Counter is off. PDB enabled. PDB operation in One-Shot mode PDB operation in Continuous mode Load OK Writing 1 to LDOK bit updates the MOD, IDLY, CHnDLYm, DACINTx, and POyDLY registers with the values previously written to their internal buffers (and stored there). The new values of MOD, IDLY, CHnDLYm, DACINTx, and POyDLY registers will take effect according to the setting of the LDMOD field (Load Mode Select). After 1 is written to the LDOK field, the values in the internal buffers of these registers are not effective, and new values cannot be written to the internal buffers until the existing values in the internal buffers are loaded into their corresponding registers. * LDOK can be written only when PDBEN is set, or LDOK can be written at the same time when PDBEN is written to 1. * LDOK is automatically cleared when the values in the internal buffers are loaded into the registers or when PDBEN bit (PDB Enable) is cleared. * Writing 0 to LDOK has no effect. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 721 Memory map and register definition 34.3.2 Modulus register (PDBx_MOD) Note: This register is internally buffered, and any values written to the register are written to its internal buffer instead; in other words, the internal device bus does not write directly to this register. The value in this register's internal buffer is loaded into this register only after "1" is written to the SC[LDOK] bit. Address: 4003_6000h base + 4h offset = 4003_6004h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MOD W Reset 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PDBx_MOD field descriptions Field Description 31-16 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. MOD PDB Modulus Specifies the period of the counter. When the counter reaches this value, it will be reset back to zero. If the PDB is in Continuous mode, the count begins anew. Reading this field returns the value of the internal register that is effective for the current cycle of PDB. 34.3.3 Counter register (PDBx_CNT) Address: 4003_6000h base + 8h offset = 4003_6008h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 R 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CNT W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDBx_CNT field descriptions Field 31-16 Reserved CNT Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. PDB Counter Contains the current value of the counter. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 722 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 34 Programmable Delay Block (PDB) 34.3.4 Interrupt Delay register (PDBx_IDLY) Note: This register is internally buffered, and any values written to the register are written to its internal buffer instead; in other words, the internal device bus does not write directly to this register. The value in this register's internal buffer is loaded into this register only after "1" is written to the SC[LDOK] bit. Address: 4003_6000h base + Ch offset = 4003_600Ch Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IDLY W Reset 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PDBx_IDLY field descriptions Field Description 31-16 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. IDLY PDB Interrupt Delay Specifies the delay value to schedule the PDB interrupt. It can be used to schedule an independent interrupt at some point in the PDB cycle. If enabled, a PDB interrupt is generated, when the counter is equal to the IDLY. Reading this field returns the value of internal register that is effective for the current cycle of the PDB. 34.3.5 Channel n Control register 1 (PDBx_CHnC1) Each PDB channel has one control register, CHnC1. The bits in this register control the functionality of each PDB channel operation. Address: 4003_6000h base + 10h offset + (40d x i), where i=0d to 1d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 0 R 0 0 0 0 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 BB W Reset 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 TOS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 EN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDBx_CHnC1 field descriptions Field Description 31-24 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 23-16 BB PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Back-to-Back Operation Enable Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 723 Memory map and register definition PDBx_CHnC1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description These bits enable the PDB ADC pre-trigger operation as back-to-back mode. Only lower M pre-trigger bits are implemented in this MCU. Back-to-back operation enables the ADC conversions complete to trigger the next PDB channel pre-trigger and trigger output, so that the ADC conversions can be triggered on next set of configuration and results registers. Application code must only enable the back-to-back operation of the PDB pre-triggers at the leading of the back-to-back connection chain. 0 1 15-8 TOS PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger back-to-back operation disabled. PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger back-to-back operation enabled. PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Output Select Selects the PDB ADC pre-trigger outputs. Only lower M pre-trigger fields are implemented in this MCU. 0 1 EN PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger is in bypassed mode. The pre-trigger asserts one peripheral clock cycle after a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SWTRIG is written with 1. PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger asserts when the counter reaches the channel delay register and one peripheral clock cycle after a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SETRIG is written with 1. PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Enable These bits enable the PDB ADC pre-trigger outputs. Only lower M pre-trigger bits are implemented in this MCU. 0 1 PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger disabled. PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger enabled. 34.3.6 Channel n Status register (PDBx_CHnS) Address: 4003_6000h base + 14h offset + (40d x i), where i=0d to 1d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 0 R 0 0 0 0 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 CF W Reset 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 ERR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDBx_CHnS field descriptions Field 31-24 Reserved 23-16 CF 15-8 Reserved ERR Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. PDB Channel Flags The CF[m] bit is set when the PDB counter matches the CHnDLYm. Write 0 to clear these bits. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. PDB Channel Sequence Error Flags Only the lower M bits are implemented in this MCU. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 724 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 34 Programmable Delay Block (PDB) PDBx_CHnS field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 Sequence error not detected on PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger. Sequence error detected on PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger. ADCn block can be triggered for a conversion by one pre-trigger from PDB channel n. When one conversion, which is triggered by one of the pre-triggers from PDB channel n, is in progress, new trigger from PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger m cannot be accepted by ADCn, and ERR[m] is set. Writing 0's to clear the sequence error flags. 34.3.7 Channel n Delay 0 register (PDBx_CHnDLY0) Note: This register is internally buffered, and any values written to the register are written to its internal buffer instead; in other words, the internal device bus does not write directly to this register. The value in this register's internal buffer is loaded into this register only after "1" is written to the SC[LDOK] bit. Address: 4003_6000h base + 18h offset + (40d x i), where i=0d to 1d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DLY W Reset 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDBx_CHnDLY0 field descriptions Field 31-16 Reserved DLY Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. PDB Channel Delay Specifies the delay value for the channel's corresponding pre-trigger. The pre-trigger asserts when the counter is equal to DLY. Reading this field returns the value of internal register that is effective for the current PDB cycle. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 725 Memory map and register definition 34.3.8 Channel n Delay 1 register (PDBx_CHnDLY1) Note: This register is internally buffered, and any values written to the register are written to its internal buffer instead; in other words, the internal device bus does not write directly to this register. The value in this register's internal buffer is loaded into this register only after "1" is written to the SC[LDOK] bit. Address: 4003_6000h base + 1Ch offset + (40d x i), where i=0d to 1d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DLY W Reset 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDBx_CHnDLY1 field descriptions Field Description 31-16 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. DLY PDB Channel Delay These bits specify the delay value for the channel's corresponding pre-trigger. The pre-trigger asserts when the counter is equal to DLY. Reading these bits returns the value of internal register that is effective for the current PDB cycle. 34.3.9 DAC Interval Trigger n Control register (PDBx_DACINTCn) Address: 4003_6000h base + 150h offset + (8d x i), where i=0d to 0d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EXT TOE 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDBx_DACINTCn field descriptions Field 31-2 Reserved 1 EXT Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. DAC External Trigger Input Enable Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 726 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 34 Programmable Delay Block (PDB) PDBx_DACINTCn field descriptions (continued) Field Description This bit enables the external trigger for DAC interval counter. 0 1 0 TOE DAC external trigger input disabled. DAC interval counter is reset and started counting when a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SWTRIG is written with 1. DAC external trigger input enabled. DAC interval counter is bypassed and DAC external trigger input triggers the DAC interval trigger. DAC Interval Trigger Enable Enables the DAC interval trigger. 0 1 DAC interval trigger disabled. DAC interval trigger enabled. 34.3.10 DAC Interval n register (PDBx_DACINTn) Note: This register is internally buffered, and any values written to the register are written to its internal buffer instead; in other words, the internal device bus does not write directly to this register. The value in this register's internal buffer is loaded into this register only after "1" is written to the SC[LDOK] bit. Address: 4003_6000h base + 154h offset + (8d x i), where i=0d to 0d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INT W Reset 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDBx_DACINTn field descriptions Field 31-16 Reserved INT Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. DAC Interval These bits specify the interval value for DAC interval trigger. DAC interval trigger triggers DAC[1:0] update when the DAC interval counter is equal to the DACINT. Reading these bits returns the value of internal register that is effective for the current PDB cycle. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 727 Memory map and register definition 34.3.11 Pulse-Out n Enable register (PDBx_POEN) Address: 4003_6000h base + 190h offset = 4003_6190h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 POEN W Reset 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDBx_POEN field descriptions Field Description 31-8 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. POEN PDB Pulse-Out Enable Enables the pulse output. Only lower Y bits are implemented in this MCU. 0 1 PDB Pulse-Out disabled PDB Pulse-Out enabled 34.3.12 Pulse-Out n Delay register (PDBx_POnDLY) Note: This register is internally buffered, and any values written to the register are written to its internal buffer instead; in other words, the internal device bus does not write directly to this register. The value in this register's internal buffer is loaded into this register only after "1" is written to the SC[LDOK] bit. Address: 4003_6000h base + 194h offset + (4d x i), where i=0d to 0d Bit R W 31 Reset 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 DLY1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DLY2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDBx_POnDLY field descriptions Field Description 31-16 DLY1 PDB Pulse-Out Delay 1 DLY2 PDB Pulse-Out Delay 2 These bits specify the delay 1 value for the PDB Pulse-Out. Pulse-Out goes high when the PDB counter is equal to the DLY1. Reading these bits returns the value of internal register that is effective for the current PDB cycle. These bits specify the delay 2 value for the PDB Pulse-Out. Pulse-Out goes low when the PDB counter is equal to the DLY2. Reading these bits returns the value of internal register that is effective for the current PDB cycle. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 728 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 34 Programmable Delay Block (PDB) PDBx_POnDLY field descriptions (continued) Field Description 34.4 Functional description 34.4.1 PDB pre-trigger and trigger outputs The PDB contains a counter whose output is compared to several different digital values. If the PDB is enabled, then a trigger input event will reset the counter and make it start to count. A trigger input event is defined as a rising edge being detected on a selected trigger input source, or if a software trigger is selected and SC[SWTRIG] is written with 1. For each channel, a delay m determines the time between assertion of the trigger input event to the time at which changes in the pre-trigger m output signal are started. The time is defined as: * Trigger input event to pre-trigger m = (prescaler x multiplication factor x delay m) + 2 peripheral clock cycles * Add 1 additional peripheral clock cycle to determine the time when the channel trigger output changes. Each channel is associated with 1 ADC block. PDB channel n pre-trigger outputs 0 to M; each pre-trigger output is connected to ADC hardware trigger select and hardware trigger inputs. The pre-triggers are used to precondition the ADC block before the actual trigger occurs. When the ADC receives the rising edge of the trigger, the ADC will start the conversion according to the precondition determined by the pre-triggers. The ADC contains M sets of configuration and result registers, allowing it to alternate conversions between M different analog sources (like a ping-pong game). The pre-trigger outputs are used to specify which signal will be sampled next. When a pre-trigger m is asserted, the ADC conversion is triggered with set m of the configuration and result registers. The waveforms shown in the following diagram show the pre-trigger and trigger outputs of PDB channel n. The delays can be independently set using the CHnDLYm registers, and the pre-triggers can be enabled or disabled in CHnC1[EN[m]]. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 729 Functional description Trigger input event Ch n pre-trigger 0 Ch n pre-trigger 1 ... ... ... ... Ch n pre-trigger M Ch n trigger Figure 34-2. Pre-trigger and trigger outputs The delay in CHnDLYm register can be optionally bypassed, if CHnC1[TOS[m]] is cleared. In this case, when the trigger input event occurs, the pre-trigger m is asserted after 2 peripheral clock cycles. The PDB can be configured for back-to-back operation. Back-to-back operation enables the ADC conversion completions to trigger the next PDB channel pre-trigger and trigger outputs, so that the ADC conversions can be triggered on the next set of configuration and results registers. When back-to-back operation is enabled by setting CHnC1[BB[m]], then the delay m is ignored and the pre-trigger m is asserted 2 peripheral cycles after the acknowledgment m is received. The acknowledgment connections in this MCU are described in Back-to-back acknowledgment connections. When a pre-trigger from a PDB channel n is asserted, the associated lock of the pretrigger becomes active. The associated lock is released by the rising edge of the corresponding ADCnSC1[COCO]; the ADCnSC1[COCO] should be cleared after the conversion result is read, so that the next rising edge of ADCnSC1[COCO] can be generated to clear the lock later. The lock becomes inactive when: * the rising edge of corresponding ADCnSC1[COCO] occurs, * or the corresponding PDB pre-trigger is disabled, * or the PDB is disabled The channel n trigger output is suppressed when any of the locks of the pre-triggers in channel n is active. If a new pre-trigger m asserts when there is active lock in the PDB channel n, then a register flag bit CHnS[ERR[m]] (associated with the pre-trigger m) is set. If SC[PDBEIE] is set, then the sequence error interrupt is generated. A sequence error typically happens because the delay m is set too short and the pre-trigger m asserts before the previously triggered ADC conversion finishes. When the PDB counter reaches the value set in IDLY register, the SC[PDBIF] flag is set. A PDB interrupt can be generated if SC[PDBIE] is set and SC[DMAEN] is cleared. If SC[DMAEN] is set, then the PDB requests a DMA transfer when the SC[PDBIF] flag is set. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 730 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 34 Programmable Delay Block (PDB) The modulus value in the MOD register is used to reset the counter back to zero at the end of the count. If SC[CONT] is set, then the counter will then resume a new count; otherwise, the counter operation will stop until the next trigger input event occurs. 34.4.2 PDB trigger input source selection The PDB has up to 15 trigger input sources, namely Trigger-In 0 to Trigger-In 14. They are connected to on-chip or off-chip event sources. The PDB can be triggered by software through SC[SWTRIG]. For the trigger input sources implemented in this MCU, see chip configuration information. 34.4.3 Pulse-Out's PDB can generate pulse outputs of configurable width. * When the PDB counter reaches the value set in POyDLY[DLY1], then the Pulse-Out goes high. * When the PDB counter reaches POyDLY[DLY2], then it goes low. POyDLY[DLY2] can be set either greater or less than POyDLY[DLY1]. ADC pre-trigger/trigger outputs and Pulse-Out generation have the same time base, because they both share the PDB counter. The pulse-out connections implemented in this MCU are described in the device's chip configuration details. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 731 Functional description Pulse-Out generation with DLY2 > DLY1 POyDLY[DLY2] POyDLY[DLY1] PDB Counter Pulse-Out Pulse-Out generation with DLY1 > DLY2 POyDLY[DLY1] POyDLY[DLY2] PDB Counter Pulse-Out Figure 34-3. How Pulse Out is generated 34.4.4 Updating the delay registers The following registers control the timing of the PDB operation; and in some of the applications, they may need to become effective at the same time. * PDB Modulus register (MOD) * PDB Interrupt Delay register (IDLY) * PDB Channel n Delay m register (CHnDLYm) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 732 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 34 Programmable Delay Block (PDB) * DAC Interval x register (DACINTx) * PDB Pulse-Out y Delay register (POyDLY) The internal registers of them are buffered and any values written to them are written first to their buffers. The circumstances that cause their internal registers to be updated with the values from the buffers are summarized as shown in the table below. Table 34-2. Circumstances of update to the delay registers SC[LDMOD] Update to the delay registers 00 The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers immediately after 1 is written to SC[LDOK]. 01 The PDB counter reaches the MOD register value after 1 is written to SC[LDOK]. 10 A trigger input event is detected after 1 is written to SC[LDOK]. 11 Either the PDB counter reaches the MOD register value, or a trigger input event is detected, after 1 is written to SC[LDOK]. After 1 is written to SC[LDOK], the buffers cannot be written until the values in buffers are loaded into their internal registers. SC[LDOK] is self-cleared when the internal registers are loaded, so the application code can read it to determine the updates to the internal registers. The following diagrams show the cases of the internal registers being updated with SC[LDMOD] is 00 and x1. CHnDLY1 CHnDLY0 PDB counter SC[LDOK] Ch n pre-trigger 0 Ch n pre-trigger 1 Figure 34-4. Registers update with SC[LDMOD] = 00 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 733 Application information CHnDLY1 CHnDLY0 PDB counter SC[LDOK] Ch n pre-trigger 0 Ch n pre-trigger 1 Figure 34-5. Registers update with SC[LDMOD] = x1 34.4.5 Interrupts PDB can generate two interrupts: PDB interrupt and PDB sequence error interrupt. The following table summarizes the interrupts. Table 34-3. PDB interrupt summary Interrupt Flags Enable bit PDB Interrupt SC[PDBIF] SC[PDBIE] = 1 and SC[DMAEN] = 0 PDB Sequence Error Interrupt CHnS[ERRm] SC[PDBEIE] = 1 34.4.6 DMA If SC[DMAEN] is set, PDB can generate a DMA transfer request when SC[PDBIF] is set. When DMA is enabled, the PDB interrupt is not issued. 34.5 Application information 34.5.1 Impact of using the prescaler and multiplication factor on timing resolution Use of prescaler and multiplication factor greater than 1 limits the count/delay accuracy in terms of peripheral clock cycles (to the modulus of the prescaler X multiplication factor). If the multiplication factor is set to 1 and the prescaler is set to 2 then the only KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 734 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 34 Programmable Delay Block (PDB) values of total peripheral clocks that can be detected are even values; if prescaler is set to 4 then the only values of total peripheral clocks that can be decoded as detected are mod(4) and so forth. If the applications need a really long delay value and use a prescaler set to 128, then the resolution would be limited to 128 peripheral clock cycles. Therefore, use the lowest possible prescaler and multiplication factor for a given application. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 735 Application information KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 736 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 35.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The FlexTimer module (FTM) is a two-to-eight channel timer that supports input capture, output compare, and the generation of PWM signals to control electric motor and power management applications. The FTM time reference is a 16-bit counter that can be used as an unsigned or signed counter. NOTE The number of channels supported can vary for each instance of the FTM module on a chip. See the chip-specific FTM information to see how many channels are supported for each module instance. For example, if a module instance supports only six channels, references to channel numbers 6 and 7 do not apply for that instance. 35.1.1 FlexTimer philosophy The FlexTimer is built upon a simple timer, the HCS08 Timer PWM Module - TPM, used for many years on Freescale's 8-bit microcontrollers. The FlexTimer extends the functionality to meet the demands of motor control, digital lighting solutions, and power conversion, while providing low cost and backwards compatibility with the TPM module. Several key enhancements are made: * Signed up counter * Deadtime insertion hardware * Fault control inputs KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 737 Introduction * Enhanced triggering functionality * Initialization and polarity control All of the features common with the TPM have fully backwards compatible register assignments. The FlexTimer can also use code on the same core platform without change to perform the same functions. Motor control and power conversion features have been added through a dedicated set of registers and defaults turn off all new features. The new features, such as hardware deadtime insertion, polarity, fault control, and output forcing and masking, greatly reduce loading on the execution software and are usually each controlled by a group of registers. FlexTimer input triggers can be from comparators, ADC, or other submodules to initiate timer functions automatically. These triggers can be linked in a variety of ways during integration of the sub modules so please note the options available for used FlexTimer configuration. More than one FlexTimers may be synchronized to provide a larger timer with their counters incrementing in unison, assuming the initialization, the input clocks, the initial and final counting values are the same in each FlexTimer. All main user access registers are buffered to ease the load on the executing software. A number of trigger options exist to determine which registers are updated with this user defined data. 35.1.2 Features The FTM features include: * FTM source clock is selectable. * The source clock can be the system clock, the fixed frequency clock, or an external clock * Fixed frequency clock is an additional clock input to allow the selection of an on chip clock source other than the system clock * Selecting external clock connects FTM clock to a chip level input pin therefore allowing to synchronize the FTM counter with an off chip clock source * Prescaler divide-by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 * 16-bit counter * It can be a free-running counter or a counter with initial and final value * The counting can be up or up-down KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 738 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) * Each channel can be configured for input capture, output compare, or edge-aligned PWM mode * In Input Capture mode: * The capture can occur on rising edges, falling edges or both edges * An input filter can be selected for some channels * In Output Compare mode the output signal can be set, cleared, or toggled on match * All channels can be configured for center-aligned PWM mode * Each pair of channels can be combined to generate a PWM signal with independent control of both edges of PWM signal * The FTM channels can operate as pairs with equal outputs, pairs with complementary outputs, or independent channels with independent outputs * The deadtime insertion is available for each complementary pair * Generation of match triggers * Initialization trigger * Software control of PWM outputs * Up to 4 fault inputs for global fault control * The polarity of each channel is configurable * The generation of an interrupt per channel * The generation of an interrupt when the counter overflows * The generation of an interrupt when the fault condition is detected * Synchronized loading of write buffered FTM registers * Write protection for critical registers * Backwards compatible with TPM * Testing of input captures for a stuck at zero and one conditions * Dual edge capture for pulse and period width measurement * Quadrature decoder with input filters, relative position counting, and interrupt on position count or capture of position count on external event KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 739 Introduction 35.1.3 Modes of operation When the chip is in an active BDM mode, the FTM temporarily suspends all counting until the chip returns to normal user operating mode. During Stop mode, all FTM input clocks are stopped, so the FTM is effectively disabled until clocks resume. During Wait mode, the FTM continues to operate normally. If the FTM does not need to produce a real time reference or provide the interrupt sources needed to wake the chip from Wait mode, the power can then be saved by disabling FTM functions before entering Wait mode. 35.1.4 Block diagram The FTM uses one input/output (I/O) pin per channel, CHn (FTM channel (n)) where n is the channel number (0-7). The following figure shows the FTM structure. The central component of the FTM is the 16-bit counter with programmable initial and final values and its counting can be up or up-down. NOTE The number of channels supported can vary for each instance of the FTM module on a chip. See the chip-specific FTM information to see how many channels are supported for each module instance. For example, if a module instance supports only six channels, references to channel numbers 6 and 7 do not apply for that instance. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 740 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) CLKS FTMEN QUADEN no clock selected (FTM counter disable) system clock fixed frequency clock external clock phase A phase B PS prescaler (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128) synchronizer Quadrature decoder QUADEN CPWMS CAPTEST INITTRIGEN CNTIN FAULTM[1:0] FFVAL[3:0] FAULTIE FAULTnEN* FFLTRnEN* FTM counter FAULTIN FAULTF FAULTFn* fault control fault input n* CH0IE CH0F input capture mode logic C0V input capture mode logic C1V DECAPEN COMBINE0 CPWMS MS1B:MS1A ELS1B:ELS1A CH1F fault condition channel 0 interrupt CH0TRIG channel 1 interrupt CH1TRIG channel 0 match trigger channel 0 output signal channel 1 output signal channel 1 match trigger pair channels 3 - channels 6 and 7 CH6IE dual edge capture mode logic channel 7 input QUADIR output modes logic (generation of channels 0 and 1 outputs signals in output compare, EPWM, CPWM and combine modes according to initialization, complementary mode, inverting, software output control, deadtime insertion, output mask, fault control and polarity control) CH1IE DECAPEN COMBINE3 CPWMS MS6B:MS6A ELS6B:ELS6A channel 6 input TOFDIR pair channels 0 - channels 0 and 1 dual edge capture mode logic channel 1 input timer overflow interrupt TOF fault interrupt *where n = 3, 2, 1, 0 DECAPEN COMBINE0 CPWMS MS0B:MS0A ELS0B:ELS0A channel 0 input TOIE MOD initialization trigger CH6F input capture mode logic C6V input capture mode logic C7V DECAPEN COMBINE3 CPWMS MS7B:MS7A ELS7B:ELS7A channel 6 interrupt CH6TRIG output modes logic (generation of channels 6 and 7 outputs signals in output compare, EPWM, CPWM and combine modes according to initialization, complementary mode, inverting, software output control, deadtime insertion, output mask, fault control and polarity control) CH7F CH7IE channel 7 interrupt CH7TRIG channel 6 match trigger channel 6 output signal channel 7 output signal channel 7 match trigger Figure 35-1. FTM block diagram KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 741 FTM signal descriptions 35.2 FTM signal descriptions Table 35-1 shows the user-accessible signals for the FTM. Table 35-1. FTM signal descriptions Signal Description I/O Function EXTCLK External clock. FTM external clock can be selected to drive the FTM counter. I The external clock input signal is used as the FTM counter clock if selected by CLKS[1:0] bits in the SC register. This clock signal must not exceed 1/4 of system clock frequency. The FTM counter prescaler selection and settings are also used when an external clock is selected. CHn FTM channel (n), where n can be 7-0 I/O Each FTM channel can be configured to operate either as input or output. The direction associated with each channel, input or output, is selected according to the mode assigned for that channel. FAULTj Fault input (j), where j can be 3-0 I The fault input signals are used to control the CHn channel output state. If a fault is detected, the FAULTj signal is asserted and the channel output is put in a safe state. The behavior of the fault logic is defined by the FAULTM[1:0] control bits in the MODE register and FAULTEN bit in the COMBINEm register. Note that each FAULTj input may affect all channels selectively since FAULTM[1:0] and FAULTEN control bits are defined for each pair of channels. Because there are several FAULTj inputs, maximum of 4 for the FTM module, each one of these inputs is activated by the FAULTjEN bit in the FLTCTRL register. PHA Quadrature decoder phase A input. Input pin associated with quadrature decoder phase A. I The quadrature decoder phase A input is used as the Quadrature Decoder mode is selected. The phase A input signal is one of the signals that control the FTM counter increment or decrement in the Quadrature Decoder mode. PHB Quadrature decoder phase B input. Input pin associated with quadrature decoder phase B. I The quadrature decoder phase B input is used as the Quadrature Decoder mode is selected. The phase B input signal is one of the signals that control the FTM counter increment or decrement in the Quadrature Decoder mode. 35.3 Memory map and register definition 35.3.1 Memory map This section presents a high-level summary of the FTM registers and how they are mapped. The registers and bits of an unavailable function in the FTM remain in the memory map and in the reset value, but they have no active function. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 742 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) Note Do not write in the region from the CNTIN register through the PWMLOAD register when FTMEN = 0. NOTE The number of channels supported can vary for each instance of the FTM module on a chip. See the chip-specific FTM information to see how many channels are supported for each module instance. For example, if a module instance supports only six channels, references to channel numbers 6 and 7 do not apply for that instance. 35.3.2 Register descriptions Accesses to reserved addresses result in transfer errors. Registers for absent channels are considered reserved. FTM memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4003_8000 Status And Control (FTM0_SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.3/748 4003_8004 Counter (FTM0_CNT) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.4/749 4003_8008 Modulo (FTM0_MOD) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.5/750 4003_800C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM0_C0SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_8010 Channel (n) Value (FTM0_C0V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_8014 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM0_C1SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_8018 Channel (n) Value (FTM0_C1V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_801C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM0_C2SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_8020 Channel (n) Value (FTM0_C2V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_8024 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM0_C3SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_8028 Channel (n) Value (FTM0_C3V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_802C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM0_C4SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_8030 Channel (n) Value (FTM0_C4V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_8034 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM0_C5SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_8038 Channel (n) Value (FTM0_C5V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_803C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM0_C6SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_8040 Channel (n) Value (FTM0_C6V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_8044 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM0_C7SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_8048 Channel (n) Value (FTM0_C7V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_804C Counter Initial Value (FTM0_CNTIN) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.8/754 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 743 Memory map and register definition FTM memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4003_8050 Capture And Compare Status (FTM0_STATUS) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.9/755 4003_8054 Features Mode Selection (FTM0_MODE) 32 R/W 0000_0004h 35.3.10/ 757 4003_8058 Synchronization (FTM0_SYNC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.11/ 759 4003_805C Initial State For Channels Output (FTM0_OUTINIT) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.12/ 761 4003_8060 Output Mask (FTM0_OUTMASK) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.13/ 762 4003_8064 Function For Linked Channels (FTM0_COMBINE) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.14/ 764 4003_8068 Deadtime Insertion Control (FTM0_DEADTIME) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.15/ 769 4003_806C FTM External Trigger (FTM0_EXTTRIG) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.16/ 770 4003_8070 Channels Polarity (FTM0_POL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.17/ 772 4003_8074 Fault Mode Status (FTM0_FMS) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.18/ 774 4003_8078 Input Capture Filter Control (FTM0_FILTER) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.19/ 776 4003_807C Fault Control (FTM0_FLTCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.20/ 777 4003_8080 Quadrature Decoder Control And Status (FTM0_QDCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.21/ 780 4003_8084 Configuration (FTM0_CONF) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.22/ 782 4003_8088 FTM Fault Input Polarity (FTM0_FLTPOL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.23/ 783 4003_808C Synchronization Configuration (FTM0_SYNCONF) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.24/ 784 4003_8090 FTM Inverting Control (FTM0_INVCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.25/ 786 4003_8094 FTM Software Output Control (FTM0_SWOCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.26/ 787 4003_8098 FTM PWM Load (FTM0_PWMLOAD) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.27/ 790 4003_9000 Status And Control (FTM1_SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.3/748 4003_9004 Counter (FTM1_CNT) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.4/749 4003_9008 Modulo (FTM1_MOD) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.5/750 4003_900C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM1_C0SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_9010 Channel (n) Value (FTM1_C0V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_9014 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM1_C1SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 Table continues on the next page... 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Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTM memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4003_9018 Channel (n) Value (FTM1_C1V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_901C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM1_C2SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_9020 Channel (n) Value (FTM1_C2V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_9024 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM1_C3SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_9028 Channel (n) Value (FTM1_C3V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_902C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM1_C4SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_9030 Channel (n) Value (FTM1_C4V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_9034 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM1_C5SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_9038 Channel (n) Value (FTM1_C5V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_903C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM1_C6SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_9040 Channel (n) Value (FTM1_C6V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_9044 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM1_C7SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_9048 Channel (n) Value (FTM1_C7V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_904C Counter Initial Value (FTM1_CNTIN) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.8/754 4003_9050 Capture And Compare Status (FTM1_STATUS) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.9/755 4003_9054 Features Mode Selection (FTM1_MODE) 32 R/W 0000_0004h 35.3.10/ 757 4003_9058 Synchronization (FTM1_SYNC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.11/ 759 4003_905C Initial State For Channels Output (FTM1_OUTINIT) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.12/ 761 4003_9060 Output Mask (FTM1_OUTMASK) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.13/ 762 4003_9064 Function For Linked Channels (FTM1_COMBINE) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.14/ 764 4003_9068 Deadtime Insertion Control (FTM1_DEADTIME) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.15/ 769 4003_906C FTM External Trigger (FTM1_EXTTRIG) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.16/ 770 4003_9070 Channels Polarity (FTM1_POL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.17/ 772 4003_9074 Fault Mode Status (FTM1_FMS) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.18/ 774 4003_9078 Input Capture Filter Control (FTM1_FILTER) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.19/ 776 4003_907C Fault Control (FTM1_FLTCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.20/ 777 4003_9080 Quadrature Decoder Control And Status (FTM1_QDCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.21/ 780 4003_9084 Configuration (FTM1_CONF) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.22/ 782 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 745 Memory map and register definition FTM memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4003_9088 FTM Fault Input Polarity (FTM1_FLTPOL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.23/ 783 4003_908C Synchronization Configuration (FTM1_SYNCONF) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.24/ 784 4003_9090 FTM Inverting Control (FTM1_INVCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.25/ 786 4003_9094 FTM Software Output Control (FTM1_SWOCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.26/ 787 4003_9098 FTM PWM Load (FTM1_PWMLOAD) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.27/ 790 4003_A000 Status And Control (FTM2_SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.3/748 4003_A004 Counter (FTM2_CNT) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.4/749 4003_A008 Modulo (FTM2_MOD) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.5/750 4003_A00C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM2_C0SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_A010 Channel (n) Value (FTM2_C0V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_A014 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM2_C1SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_A018 Channel (n) Value (FTM2_C1V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_A01C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM2_C2SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_A020 Channel (n) Value (FTM2_C2V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_A024 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM2_C3SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_A028 Channel (n) Value (FTM2_C3V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_A02C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM2_C4SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_A030 Channel (n) Value (FTM2_C4V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_A034 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM2_C5SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_A038 Channel (n) Value (FTM2_C5V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_A03C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM2_C6SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_A040 Channel (n) Value (FTM2_C6V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_A044 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM2_C7SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.6/751 4003_A048 Channel (n) Value (FTM2_C7V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.7/754 4003_A04C Counter Initial Value (FTM2_CNTIN) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.8/754 4003_A050 Capture And Compare Status (FTM2_STATUS) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.9/755 4003_A054 Features Mode Selection (FTM2_MODE) 32 R/W 0000_0004h 35.3.10/ 757 4003_A058 Synchronization (FTM2_SYNC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.11/ 759 4003_A05C Initial State For Channels Output (FTM2_OUTINIT) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.12/ 761 4003_A060 Output Mask (FTM2_OUTMASK) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.13/ 762 4003_A064 Function For Linked Channels (FTM2_COMBINE) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.14/ 764 Table continues on the next page... 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Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTM memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.15/ 769 4003_A06C FTM External Trigger (FTM2_EXTTRIG) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.16/ 770 4003_A070 Channels Polarity (FTM2_POL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.17/ 772 4003_A074 Fault Mode Status (FTM2_FMS) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.18/ 774 4003_A078 Input Capture Filter Control (FTM2_FILTER) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.19/ 776 4003_A07C Fault Control (FTM2_FLTCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.20/ 777 4003_A080 Quadrature Decoder Control And Status (FTM2_QDCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.21/ 780 4003_A084 Configuration (FTM2_CONF) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.22/ 782 4003_A088 FTM Fault Input Polarity (FTM2_FLTPOL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.23/ 783 4003_A08C Synchronization Configuration (FTM2_SYNCONF) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.24/ 784 4003_A090 FTM Inverting Control (FTM2_INVCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.25/ 786 4003_A094 FTM Software Output Control (FTM2_SWOCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.26/ 787 4003_A098 FTM PWM Load (FTM2_PWMLOAD) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 35.3.27/ 790 4003_A068 Deadtime Insertion Control (FTM2_DEADTIME) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 747 Memory map and register definition 35.3.3 Status And Control (FTMx_SC) SC contains the overflow status flag and control bits used to configure the interrupt enable, FTM configuration, clock source, and prescaler factor. These controls relate to all channels within this module. Address: Base address + 0h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TOIE 0 0 TOF Reset CPWMS W 0 R PS 0 W Reset CLKS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_SC field descriptions Field 31-8 Reserved 7 TOF Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Timer Overflow Flag Set by hardware when the FTM counter passes the value in the MOD register. The TOF bit is cleared by reading the SC register while TOF is set and then writing a 0 to TOF bit. Writing a 1 to TOF has no effect. If another FTM overflow occurs between the read and write operations, the write operation has no effect; therefore, TOF remains set indicating an overflow has occurred. In this case, a TOF interrupt request is not lost due to the clearing sequence for a previous TOF. 0 1 FTM counter has not overflowed. FTM counter has overflowed. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 748 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_SC field descriptions (continued) Field 6 TOIE Description Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable Enables FTM overflow interrupts. 0 1 5 CPWMS Disable TOF interrupts. Use software polling. Enable TOF interrupts. An interrupt is generated when TOF equals one. Center-Aligned PWM Select Selects CPWM mode. This mode configures the FTM to operate in Up-Down Counting mode. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 4-3 CLKS FTM counter operates in Up Counting mode. FTM counter operates in Up-Down Counting mode. Clock Source Selection Selects FTM counter clock sources. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 00 01 10 11 PS No clock selected. This in effect disables the FTM counter. System clock Fixed frequency clock External clock Prescale Factor Selection Selects one of 8 division factors for the clock source selected by CLKS. The new prescaler factor affects the clock source on the next system clock cycle after the new value is updated into the register bits. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Divide by 1 Divide by 2 Divide by 4 Divide by 8 Divide by 16 Divide by 32 Divide by 64 Divide by 128 35.3.4 Counter (FTMx_CNT) The CNT register contains the FTM counter value. Reset clears the CNT register. Writing any value to COUNT updates the counter with its initial value, CNTIN. When BDM is active, the FTM counter is frozen. This is the value that you may read. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 749 Memory map and register definition Address: Base address + 4h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COUNT W Reset 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_CNT field descriptions Field Description 31-16 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. COUNT Counter Value 35.3.5 Modulo (FTMx_MOD) The Modulo register contains the modulo value for the FTM counter. After the FTM counter reaches the modulo value, the overflow flag (TOF) becomes set at the next clock, and the next value of FTM counter depends on the selected counting method; see Counter. Writing to the MOD register latches the value into a buffer. The MOD register is updated with the value of its write buffer according to Registers updated from write buffers. If FTMEN = 0, this write coherency mechanism may be manually reset by writing to the SC register whether BDM is active or not. Initialize the FTM counter, by writing to CNT, before writing to the MOD register to avoid confusion about when the first counter overflow will occur. Address: Base address + 8h offset Bit R W 31 Reset 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MOD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_MOD field descriptions Field 31-16 Reserved MOD Description This field is reserved. Modulo Value KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 750 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 35.3.6 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTMx_CnSC) CnSC contains the channel-interrupt-status flag and control bits used to configure the interrupt enable, channel configuration, and pin function. Table 35-2. Mode, edge, and level selection DECAPEN COMBINE CPWMS MSnB:MSnA ELSnB:ELSnA X X X XX 00 0 0 0 00 01 01 1X Mode Pin not used for FTM--revert the channel pin to general purpose I/O or other peripheral control Input Capture 1 0 XX XX Capture on Rising Edge Only 10 Capture on Falling Edge Only 11 Capture on Rising or Falling Edge 01 Output Compare Toggle Output on match 10 Clear Output on match 11 Set Output on match 10 Edge-Aligned PWM X1 1 Configuration 10 High-true pulses (clear Output on match) Low-true pulses (set Output on match) Center-Aligned PWM High-true pulses (clear Output on match-up) X1 Low-true pulses (set Output on match-up) 10 Combine PWM High-true pulses (set on channel (n) match, and clear on channel (n+1) match) X1 Low-true pulses (clear on channel (n) match, and set on channel (n +1) match) Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 751 Memory map and register definition Table 35-2. Mode, edge, and level selection (continued) DECAPEN COMBINE CPWMS MSnB:MSnA ELSnB:ELSnA Mode Configuration 1 0 0 X0 See the following table (Table 35-3). Dual Edge Capture One-Shot Capture mode X1 Continuous Capture mode Table 35-3. Dual Edge Capture mode -- edge polarity selection ELSnB ELSnA Channel Port Enable Detected Edges 0 0 Disabled No edge 0 1 Enabled Rising edge 1 0 Enabled Falling edge 1 1 Enabled Rising and falling edges Address: Base address + Ch offset + (8d x i), where i=0d to 7d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CHIE MSB DMA 0 0 0 0 CHF Reset ICRST W 0 R 0 W Reset MSA ELSB ELSA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 752 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_CnSC field descriptions Field 31-8 Reserved 7 CHF Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Channel Flag Set by hardware when an event occurs on the channel. CHF is cleared by reading the CSC register while CHnF is set and then writing a 0 to the CHF bit. Writing a 1 to CHF has no effect. If another event occurs between the read and write operations, the write operation has no effect; therefore, CHF remains set indicating an event has occurred. In this case a CHF interrupt request is not lost due to the clearing sequence for a previous CHF. 0 1 6 CHIE Channel Interrupt Enable Enables channel interrupts. 0 1 5 MSB No channel event has occurred. A channel event has occurred. Disable channel interrupts. Use software polling. Enable channel interrupts. Channel Mode Select Used for further selections in the channel logic. Its functionality is dependent on the channel mode. See Table 35-2 . This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 4 MSA Channel Mode Select Used for further selections in the channel logic. Its functionality is dependent on the channel mode. See Table 35-2 . This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 3 ELSB Edge or Level Select The functionality of ELSB and ELSA depends on the channel mode. See Table 35-2 . This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 2 ELSA Edge or Level Select The functionality of ELSB and ELSA depends on the channel mode. See Table 35-2 . This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 1 ICRST FTM counter reset by the selected input capture event. FTM counter reset is driven by the selected event of the channel (n) in the Input Capture mode. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 0 DMA FTM counter is not reset when the selected channel (n) input event is detected. FTM counter is reset when the selected channel (n) input event is detected. DMA Enable Enables DMA transfers for the channel. 0 1 Disable DMA transfers. Enable DMA transfers. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 753 Memory map and register definition 35.3.7 Channel (n) Value (FTMx_CnV) These registers contain the captured FTM counter value for the input modes or the match value for the output modes. In Input Capture, Capture Test, and Dual Edge Capture modes, any write to a CnV register is ignored. In output modes, writing to a CnV register latches the value into a buffer. A CnV register is updated with the value of its write buffer according to Registers updated from write buffers. If FTMEN = 0, this write coherency mechanism may be manually reset by writing to the CnSC register whether BDM mode is active or not. Address: Base address + 10h offset + (8d x i), where i=0d to 7d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VAL W Reset 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_CnV field descriptions Field 31-16 Reserved VAL Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Channel Value Captured FTM counter value of the input modes or the match value for the output modes 35.3.8 Counter Initial Value (FTMx_CNTIN) The Counter Initial Value register contains the initial value for the FTM counter. Writing to the CNTIN register latches the value into a buffer. The CNTIN register is updated with the value of its write buffer according to Registers updated from write buffers. When the FTM clock is initially selected, by writing a non-zero value to the CLKS bits, the FTM counter starts with the value 0x0000. To avoid this behavior, before the first write to select the FTM clock, write the new value to the the CNTIN register and then initialize the FTM counter by writing any value to the CNT register. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 754 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) Address: Base address + 4Ch offset Bit R W 31 Reset 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_CNTIN field descriptions Field Description 31-16 Reserved This field is reserved. INIT Initial Value Of The FTM Counter 35.3.9 Capture And Compare Status (FTMx_STATUS) The STATUS register contains a copy of the status flag CHnF bit in CnSC for each FTM channel for software convenience. Each CHnF bit in STATUS is a mirror of CHnF bit in CnSC. All CHnF bits can be checked using only one read of STATUS. All CHnF bits can be cleared by reading STATUS followed by writing 0x00 to STATUS. Hardware sets the individual channel flags when an event occurs on the channel. CHnF is cleared by reading STATUS while CHnF is set and then writing a 0 to the CHnF bit. Writing a 1 to CHnF has no effect. If another event occurs between the read and write operations, the write operation has no effect; therefore, CHnF remains set indicating an event has occurred. In this case, a CHnF interrupt request is not lost due to the clearing sequence for a previous CHnF. Address: Base address + 50h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 755 Memory map and register definition 8 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH0F 9 CH1F 10 CH2F 11 CH3F 12 CH4F 13 CH5F 14 CH6F 15 CH7F Bit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_STATUS field descriptions Field 31-8 Reserved 7 CH7F Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Channel 7 Flag See the register description. 0 1 6 CH6F Channel 6 Flag See the register description. 0 1 5 CH5F See the register description. See the register description. No channel event has occurred. A channel event has occurred. Channel 3 Flag See the register description. 0 1 2 CH2F No channel event has occurred. A channel event has occurred. Channel 4 Flag 0 1 3 CH3F No channel event has occurred. A channel event has occurred. Channel 5 Flag 0 1 4 CH4F No channel event has occurred. A channel event has occurred. No channel event has occurred. A channel event has occurred. Channel 2 Flag See the register description. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 756 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_STATUS field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 1 CH1F No channel event has occurred. A channel event has occurred. Channel 1 Flag See the register description. 0 1 0 CH0F No channel event has occurred. A channel event has occurred. Channel 0 Flag See the register description. 0 1 No channel event has occurred. A channel event has occurred. 35.3.10 Features Mode Selection (FTMx_MODE) This register contains the global enable bit for FTM-specific features and the control bits used to configure: * * * * * Fault control mode and interrupt Capture Test mode PWM synchronization Write protection Channel output initialization These controls relate to all channels within this module. Address: Base address + 54h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CAPTEST PWMSYNC WPDIS INIT FTMEN W 0 0 1 0 0 FAULTIE 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FAULTM 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 757 Memory map and register definition FTMx_MODE field descriptions Field Description 31-8 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 7 FAULTIE Fault Interrupt Enable Enables the generation of an interrupt when a fault is detected by FTM and the FTM fault control is enabled. 0 1 6-5 FAULTM Fault control interrupt is disabled. Fault control interrupt is enabled. Fault Control Mode Defines the FTM fault control mode. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 00 01 10 11 4 CAPTEST Fault control is disabled for all channels. Fault control is enabled for even channels only (channels 0, 2, 4, and 6), and the selected mode is the manual fault clearing. Fault control is enabled for all channels, and the selected mode is the manual fault clearing. Fault control is enabled for all channels, and the selected mode is the automatic fault clearing. Capture Test Mode Enable Enables the capture test mode. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 3 PWMSYNC PWM Synchronization Mode Selects which triggers can be used by MOD, CnV, OUTMASK, and FTM counter synchronization. See PWM synchronization. The PWMSYNC bit configures the synchronization when SYNCMODE is 0. 0 1 2 WPDIS No restrictions. Software and hardware triggers can be used by MOD, CnV, OUTMASK, and FTM counter synchronization. Software trigger can only be used by MOD and CnV synchronization, and hardware triggers can only be used by OUTMASK and FTM counter synchronization. Write Protection Disable When write protection is enabled (WPDIS = 0), write protected bits cannot be written. When write protection is disabled (WPDIS = 1), write protected bits can be written. The WPDIS bit is the negation of the WPEN bit. WPDIS is cleared when 1 is written to WPEN. WPDIS is set when WPEN bit is read as a 1 and then 1 is written to WPDIS. Writing 0 to WPDIS has no effect. 0 1 1 INIT Capture test mode is disabled. Capture test mode is enabled. Write protection is enabled. Write protection is disabled. Initialize The Channels Output When a 1 is written to INIT bit the channels output is initialized according to the state of their corresponding bit in the OUTINIT register. Writing a 0 to INIT bit has no effect. The INIT bit is always read as 0. 0 FTMEN FTM Enable This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 758 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_MODE field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 TPM compatibility. Free running counter and synchronization compatible with TPM. Free running counter and synchronization are different from TPM behavior. 35.3.11 Synchronization (FTMx_SYNC) This register configures the PWM synchronization. A synchronization event can perform the synchronized update of MOD, CV, and OUTMASK registers with the value of their write buffer and the FTM counter initialization. NOTE The software trigger, SWSYNC bit, and hardware triggers TRIG0, TRIG1, and TRIG2 bits have a potential conflict if used together when SYNCMODE = 0. Use only hardware or software triggers but not both at the same time, otherwise unpredictable behavior is likely to happen. The selection of the loading point, CNTMAX and CNTMIN bits, is intended to provide the update of MOD, CNTIN, and CnV registers across all enabled channels simultaneously. The use of the loading point selection together with SYNCMODE = 0 and hardware trigger selection, TRIG0, TRIG1, or TRIG2 bits, is likely to result in unpredictable behavior. The synchronization event selection also depends on the PWMSYNC (MODE register) and SYNCMODE (SYNCONF register) bits. See PWM synchronization. Address: Base address + 58h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 759 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CNTMIN 10 CNTMAX 11 REINIT 12 SYNCHOM 13 TRIG0 14 TRIG1 15 TRIG2 Bit SWSYNC Memory map and register definition 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_SYNC field descriptions Field Description 31-8 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 7 SWSYNC PWM Synchronization Software Trigger Selects the software trigger as the PWM synchronization trigger. The software trigger happens when a 1 is written to SWSYNC bit. 0 1 6 TRIG2 PWM Synchronization Hardware Trigger 2 Enables hardware trigger 2 to the PWM synchronization. Hardware trigger 2 happens when a rising edge is detected at the trigger 2 input signal. 0 1 5 TRIG1 Enables hardware trigger 1 to the PWM synchronization. Hardware trigger 1 happens when a rising edge is detected at the trigger 1 input signal. Enables hardware trigger 0 to the PWM synchronization. Hardware trigger 0 occurs when a rising edge is detected at the trigger 0 input signal. Trigger is disabled. Trigger is enabled. Output Mask Synchronization Selects when the OUTMASK register is updated with the value of its buffer. 0 1 2 REINIT Trigger is disabled. Trigger is enabled. PWM Synchronization Hardware Trigger 0 0 1 3 SYNCHOM Trigger is disabled. Trigger is enabled. PWM Synchronization Hardware Trigger 1 0 1 4 TRIG0 Software trigger is not selected. Software trigger is selected. OUTMASK register is updated with the value of its buffer in all rising edges of the system clock. OUTMASK register is updated with the value of its buffer only by the PWM synchronization. FTM Counter Reinitialization By Synchronization (FTM counter synchronization) Determines if the FTM counter is reinitialized when the selected trigger for the synchronization is detected. The REINIT bit configures the synchronization when SYNCMODE is zero. 0 1 FTM counter continues to count normally. FTM counter is updated with its initial value when the selected trigger is detected. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 760 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_SYNC field descriptions (continued) Field Description 1 CNTMAX Maximum Loading Point Enable Selects the maximum loading point to PWM synchronization. See Boundary cycle and loading points. If CNTMAX is 1, the selected loading point is when the FTM counter reaches its maximum value (MOD register). 0 1 0 CNTMIN The maximum loading point is disabled. The maximum loading point is enabled. Minimum Loading Point Enable Selects the minimum loading point to PWM synchronization. See Boundary cycle and loading points. If CNTMIN is one, the selected loading point is when the FTM counter reaches its minimum value (CNTIN register). 0 1 The minimum loading point is disabled. The minimum loading point is enabled. 35.3.12 Initial State For Channels Output (FTMx_OUTINIT) Address: Base address + 5Ch offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH7OI CH6OI CH5OI CH4OI CH3OI CH2OI CH1OI CH0OI W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 FTMx_OUTINIT field descriptions Field 31-8 Reserved 7 CH7OI Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Channel 7 Output Initialization Value Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs. 0 1 6 CH6OI The initialization value is 0. The initialization value is 1. Channel 6 Output Initialization Value Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 761 Memory map and register definition FTMx_OUTINIT field descriptions (continued) Field Description Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs. 0 1 5 CH5OI Channel 5 Output Initialization Value Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs. 0 1 4 CH4OI Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs. Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs. Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs. The initialization value is 0. The initialization value is 1. Channel 1 Output Initialization Value Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs. 0 1 0 CH0OI The initialization value is 0. The initialization value is 1. Channel 2 Output Initialization Value 0 1 1 CH1OI The initialization value is 0. The initialization value is 1. Channel 3 Output Initialization Value 0 1 2 CH2OI The initialization value is 0. The initialization value is 1. Channel 4 Output Initialization Value 0 1 3 CH3OI The initialization value is 0. The initialization value is 1. The initialization value is 0. The initialization value is 1. Channel 0 Output Initialization Value Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs. 0 1 The initialization value is 0. The initialization value is 1. 35.3.13 Output Mask (FTMx_OUTMASK) This register provides a mask for each FTM channel. The mask of a channel determines if its output responds, that is, it is masked or not, when a match occurs. This feature is used for BLDC control where the PWM signal is presented to an electric motor at specific times to provide electronic commutation. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 762 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) Any write to the OUTMASK register, stores the value in its write buffer. The register is updated with the value of its write buffer according to PWM synchronization. Address: Base address + 60h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH7OM CH6OM CH5OM CH4OM CH3OM CH2OM CH1OM CH0OM W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 FTMx_OUTMASK field descriptions Field 31-8 Reserved 7 CH7OM Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Channel 7 Output Mask Defines if the channel output is masked or unmasked. 0 1 6 CH6OM Channel 6 Output Mask Defines if the channel output is masked or unmasked. 0 1 5 CH5OM Defines if the channel output is masked or unmasked. Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally. Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state. Channel 4 Output Mask Defines if the channel output is masked or unmasked. 0 1 3 CH3OM Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally. Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state. Channel 5 Output Mask 0 1 4 CH4OM Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally. Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state. Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally. Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state. Channel 3 Output Mask Defines if the channel output is masked or unmasked. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 763 Memory map and register definition FTMx_OUTMASK field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 2 CH2OM Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally. Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state. Channel 2 Output Mask Defines if the channel output is masked or unmasked. 0 1 1 CH1OM Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally. Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state. Channel 1 Output Mask Defines if the channel output is masked or unmasked. 0 1 0 CH0OM Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally. Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state. Channel 0 Output Mask Defines if the channel output is masked or unmasked. 0 1 Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally. Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state. 35.3.14 Function For Linked Channels (FTMx_COMBINE) This register contains the control bits used to configure the fault control, synchronization, deadtime insertion, Dual Edge Capture mode, Complementary, and Combine mode for each pair of channels (n) and (n+1), where n equals 0, 2, 4, and 6. 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 FAULTEN2 SYNCEN2 DTEN2 DECAP2 DECAPEN2 COMP2 COMBINE2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 SYNCEN0 DTEN0 DECAP0 DECAPEN0 COMP0 COMBINE0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 R 0 DECAPEN1 0 22 FAULTEN0 0 DECAP1 0 23 COMBINE3 0 DTEN1 0 24 COMBINE1 SYNCEN3 Reset SYNCEN1 26 COMP3 FAULTEN3 28 COMP1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 27 DECAPEN3 R W 29 DECAP3 31 W 30 DTEN3 Bit FAULTEN1 Address: Base address + 64h offset 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 764 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_COMBINE field descriptions Field 31 Reserved 30 FAULTEN3 Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Fault Control Enable For n = 6 Enables the fault control in channels (n) and (n+1). This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 29 SYNCEN3 Synchronization Enable For n = 6 Enables PWM synchronization of registers C(n)V and C(n+1)V. 0 1 28 DTEN3 The fault control in this pair of channels is disabled. The fault control in this pair of channels is enabled. The PWM synchronization in this pair of channels is disabled. The PWM synchronization in this pair of channels is enabled. Deadtime Enable For n = 6 Enables the deadtime insertion in the channels (n) and (n+1). This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 27 DECAP3 The deadtime insertion in this pair of channels is disabled. The deadtime insertion in this pair of channels is enabled. Dual Edge Capture Mode Captures For n = 6 Enables the capture of the FTM counter value according to the channel (n) input event and the configuration of the dual edge capture bits. This field applies only when DECAPEN = 1. DECAP bit is cleared automatically by hardware if dual edge capture - one-shot mode is selected and when the capture of channel (n+1) event is made. 0 1 26 DECAPEN3 The dual edge captures are inactive. The dual edge captures are active. Dual Edge Capture Mode Enable For n = 6 Enables the Dual Edge Capture mode in the channels (n) and (n+1). This bit reconfigures the function of MSnA, ELSnB:ELSnA and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits in Dual Edge Capture mode according to Table 35-2. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 25 COMP3 The Dual Edge Capture mode in this pair of channels is disabled. The Dual Edge Capture mode in this pair of channels is enabled. Complement Of Channel (n) for n = 6 Enables Complementary mode for the combined channels. In Complementary mode the channel (n+1) output is the inverse of the channel (n) output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 The channel (n+1) output is the same as the channel (n) output. The channel (n+1) output is the complement of the channel (n) output. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 765 Memory map and register definition FTMx_COMBINE field descriptions (continued) Field 24 COMBINE3 Description Combine Channels For n = 6 Enables the combine feature for channels (n) and (n+1). This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 23 Reserved 22 FAULTEN2 Channels (n) and (n+1) are independent. Channels (n) and (n+1) are combined. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Fault Control Enable For n = 4 Enables the fault control in channels (n) and (n+1). This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 21 SYNCEN2 Synchronization Enable For n = 4 Enables PWM synchronization of registers C(n)V and C(n+1)V. 0 1 20 DTEN2 The fault control in this pair of channels is disabled. The fault control in this pair of channels is enabled. The PWM synchronization in this pair of channels is disabled. The PWM synchronization in this pair of channels is enabled. Deadtime Enable For n = 4 Enables the deadtime insertion in the channels (n) and (n+1). This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 19 DECAP2 The deadtime insertion in this pair of channels is disabled. The deadtime insertion in this pair of channels is enabled. Dual Edge Capture Mode Captures For n = 4 Enables the capture of the FTM counter value according to the channel (n) input event and the configuration of the dual edge capture bits. This field applies only when DECAPEN = 1. DECAP bit is cleared automatically by hardware if dual edge capture - one-shot mode is selected and when the capture of channel (n+1) event is made. 0 1 18 DECAPEN2 The dual edge captures are inactive. The dual edge captures are active. Dual Edge Capture Mode Enable For n = 4 Enables the Dual Edge Capture mode in the channels (n) and (n+1). This bit reconfigures the function of MSnA, ELSnB:ELSnA and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits in Dual Edge Capture mode according to Table 35-2. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 17 COMP2 The Dual Edge Capture mode in this pair of channels is disabled. The Dual Edge Capture mode in this pair of channels is enabled. Complement Of Channel (n) For n = 4 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 766 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_COMBINE field descriptions (continued) Field Description Enables Complementary mode for the combined channels. In Complementary mode the channel (n+1) output is the inverse of the channel (n) output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 16 COMBINE2 The channel (n+1) output is the same as the channel (n) output. The channel (n+1) output is the complement of the channel (n) output. Combine Channels For n = 4 Enables the combine feature for channels (n) and (n+1). This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 15 Reserved 14 FAULTEN1 Channels (n) and (n+1) are independent. Channels (n) and (n+1) are combined. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Fault Control Enable For n = 2 Enables the fault control in channels (n) and (n+1). This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 13 SYNCEN1 Synchronization Enable For n = 2 Enables PWM synchronization of registers C(n)V and C(n+1)V. 0 1 12 DTEN1 The fault control in this pair of channels is disabled. The fault control in this pair of channels is enabled. The PWM synchronization in this pair of channels is disabled. The PWM synchronization in this pair of channels is enabled. Deadtime Enable For n = 2 Enables the deadtime insertion in the channels (n) and (n+1). This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 11 DECAP1 The deadtime insertion in this pair of channels is disabled. The deadtime insertion in this pair of channels is enabled. Dual Edge Capture Mode Captures For n = 2 Enables the capture of the FTM counter value according to the channel (n) input event and the configuration of the dual edge capture bits. This field applies only when DECAPEN = 1. DECAP bit is cleared automatically by hardware if Dual Edge Capture - One-Shot mode is selected and when the capture of channel (n+1) event is made. 0 1 10 DECAPEN1 The dual edge captures are inactive. The dual edge captures are active. Dual Edge Capture Mode Enable For n = 2 Enables the Dual Edge Capture mode in the channels (n) and (n+1). This bit reconfigures the function of MSnA, ELSnB:ELSnA and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits in Dual Edge Capture mode according to Table 35-2. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 767 Memory map and register definition FTMx_COMBINE field descriptions (continued) Field Description This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 9 COMP1 The Dual Edge Capture mode in this pair of channels is disabled. The Dual Edge Capture mode in this pair of channels is enabled. Complement Of Channel (n) For n = 2 Enables Complementary mode for the combined channels. In Complementary mode the channel (n+1) output is the inverse of the channel (n) output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 8 COMBINE1 The channel (n+1) output is the same as the channel (n) output. The channel (n+1) output is the complement of the channel (n) output. Combine Channels For n = 2 Enables the combine feature for channels (n) and (n+1). This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 7 Reserved 6 FAULTEN0 Channels (n) and (n+1) are independent. Channels (n) and (n+1) are combined. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Fault Control Enable For n = 0 Enables the fault control in channels (n) and (n+1). This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 5 SYNCEN0 Synchronization Enable For n = 0 Enables PWM synchronization of registers C(n)V and C(n+1)V. 0 1 4 DTEN0 The fault control in this pair of channels is disabled. The fault control in this pair of channels is enabled. The PWM synchronization in this pair of channels is disabled. The PWM synchronization in this pair of channels is enabled. Deadtime Enable For n = 0 Enables the deadtime insertion in the channels (n) and (n+1). This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 3 DECAP0 The deadtime insertion in this pair of channels is disabled. The deadtime insertion in this pair of channels is enabled. Dual Edge Capture Mode Captures For n = 0 Enables the capture of the FTM counter value according to the channel (n) input event and the configuration of the dual edge capture bits. This field applies only when DECAPEN = 1. DECAP bit is cleared automatically by hardware if dual edge capture - one-shot mode is selected and when the capture of channel (n+1) event is made. 0 1 The dual edge captures are inactive. The dual edge captures are active. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 768 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_COMBINE field descriptions (continued) Field Description 2 DECAPEN0 Dual Edge Capture Mode Enable For n = 0 Enables the Dual Edge Capture mode in the channels (n) and (n+1). This bit reconfigures the function of MSnA, ELSnB:ELSnA and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits in Dual Edge Capture mode according to Table 35-2. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 1 COMP0 The Dual Edge Capture mode in this pair of channels is disabled. The Dual Edge Capture mode in this pair of channels is enabled. Complement Of Channel (n) For n = 0 Enables Complementary mode for the combined channels. In Complementary mode the channel (n+1) output is the inverse of the channel (n) output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 0 COMBINE0 The channel (n+1) output is the same as the channel (n) output. The channel (n+1) output is the complement of the channel (n) output. Combine Channels For n = 0 Enables the combine feature for channels (n) and (n+1). This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 Channels (n) and (n+1) are independent. Channels (n) and (n+1) are combined. 35.3.15 Deadtime Insertion Control (FTMx_DEADTIME) This register selects the deadtime prescaler factor and deadtime value. All FTM channels use this clock prescaler and this deadtime value for the deadtime insertion. Address: Base address + 68h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 DTPS W Reset 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 DTVAL 0 0 0 0 FTMx_DEADTIME field descriptions Field 31-8 Reserved 7-6 DTPS Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Deadtime Prescaler Value Selects the division factor of the system clock. This prescaled clock is used by the deadtime counter. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0x Divide the system clock by 1. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 769 Memory map and register definition FTMx_DEADTIME field descriptions (continued) Field Description 10 11 DTVAL Divide the system clock by 4. Divide the system clock by 16. Deadtime Value Selects the deadtime insertion value for the deadtime counter. The deadtime counter is clocked by a scaled version of the system clock. See the description of DTPS. Deadtime insert value = (DTPS x DTVAL). DTVAL selects the number of deadtime counts inserted as follows: When DTVAL is 0, no counts are inserted. When DTVAL is 1, 1 count is inserted. When DTVAL is 2, 2 counts are inserted. This pattern continues up to a possible 63 counts. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 35.3.16 FTM External Trigger (FTMx_EXTTRIG) This register: * Indicates when a channel trigger was generated * Enables the generation of a trigger when the FTM counter is equal to its initial value * Selects which channels are used in the generation of the channel triggers Several channels can be selected to generate multiple triggers in one PWM period. See Channel trigger output and Initialization trigger. Channels 6 and 7 are not used to generate channel triggers. Address: Base address + 6Ch offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Reserved W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 770 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 9 8 7 R Reserved 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Reset 6 CH2TRIG 10 CH3TRIG 11 CH4TRIG 12 CH5TRIG 13 CH0TRIG 14 CH1TRIG 15 TRIGF Bit INITTRIGEN Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_EXTTRIG field descriptions Field Description 31-8 Reserved This field is reserved. 7 TRIGF Channel Trigger Flag Set by hardware when a channel trigger is generated. Clear TRIGF by reading EXTTRIG while TRIGF is set and then writing a 0 to TRIGF. Writing a 1 to TRIGF has no effect. If another channel trigger is generated before the clearing sequence is completed, the sequence is reset so TRIGF remains set after the clear sequence is completed for the earlier TRIGF. 0 1 6 INITTRIGEN Initialization Trigger Enable Enables the generation of the trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CNTIN register. 0 1 5 CH1TRIG Enables the generation of the channel trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CnV register. The generation of the channel trigger is disabled. The generation of the channel trigger is enabled. Channel 0 Trigger Enable Enables the generation of the channel trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CnV register. 0 1 3 CH5TRIG The generation of initialization trigger is disabled. The generation of initialization trigger is enabled. Channel 1 Trigger Enable 0 1 4 CH0TRIG No channel trigger was generated. A channel trigger was generated. The generation of the channel trigger is disabled. The generation of the channel trigger is enabled. Channel 5 Trigger Enable Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 771 Memory map and register definition FTMx_EXTTRIG field descriptions (continued) Field Description Enables the generation of the channel trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CnV register. 0 1 2 CH4TRIG The generation of the channel trigger is disabled. The generation of the channel trigger is enabled. Channel 4 Trigger Enable Enables the generation of the channel trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CnV register. 0 1 1 CH3TRIG The generation of the channel trigger is disabled. The generation of the channel trigger is enabled. Channel 3 Trigger Enable Enables the generation of the channel trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CnV register. 0 1 0 CH2TRIG The generation of the channel trigger is disabled. The generation of the channel trigger is enabled. Channel 2 Trigger Enable Enables the generation of the channel trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CnV register. 0 1 The generation of the channel trigger is disabled. The generation of the channel trigger is enabled. 35.3.17 Channels Polarity (FTMx_POL) This register defines the output polarity of the FTM channels. NOTE The safe value that is driven in a channel output when the fault control is enabled and a fault condition is detected is the inactive state of the channel. That is, the safe value of a channel is the value of its POL bit. Address: Base address + 70h offset Bit R W 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit R W 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reset 0 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved Reserved 0 0 0 0 POL7 POL6 POL5 POL4 POL3 POL2 POL1 POL0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 772 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_POL field descriptions Field 31-8 Reserved 7 POL7 Description This field is reserved. Channel 7 Polarity Defines the polarity of the channel output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 6 POL6 The channel polarity is active high. The channel polarity is active low. Channel 6 Polarity Defines the polarity of the channel output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 5 POL5 The channel polarity is active high. The channel polarity is active low. Channel 5 Polarity Defines the polarity of the channel output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 4 POL4 The channel polarity is active high. The channel polarity is active low. Channel 4 Polarity Defines the polarity of the channel output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 3 POL3 The channel polarity is active high. The channel polarity is active low. Channel 3 Polarity Defines the polarity of the channel output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 2 POL2 The channel polarity is active high. The channel polarity is active low. Channel 2 Polarity Defines the polarity of the channel output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 1 POL1 The channel polarity is active high. The channel polarity is active low. Channel 1 Polarity Defines the polarity of the channel output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 773 Memory map and register definition FTMx_POL field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 0 POL0 The channel polarity is active high. The channel polarity is active low. Channel 0 Polarity Defines the polarity of the channel output. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 The channel polarity is active high. The channel polarity is active low. 35.3.18 Fault Mode Status (FTMx_FMS) This register contains the fault detection flags, write protection enable bit, and the logic OR of the enabled fault inputs. Address: Base address + 74h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 R 0 W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FAULTF0 0 FAULTF1 0 FAULTF2 0 FAULTF3 0 WPEN 0 FAULTF Reset FAULTIN W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 774 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_FMS field descriptions Field Description 31-8 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 7 FAULTF Fault Detection Flag Represents the logic OR of the individual FAULTFj bits where j = 3, 2, 1, 0. Clear FAULTF by reading the FMS register while FAULTF is set and then writing a 0 to FAULTF while there is no existing fault condition at the enabled fault inputs. Writing a 1 to FAULTF has no effect. If another fault condition is detected in an enabled fault input before the clearing sequence is completed, the sequence is reset so FAULTF remains set after the clearing sequence is completed for the earlier fault condition. FAULTF is also cleared when FAULTFj bits are cleared individually. 0 1 6 WPEN Write Protection Enable The WPEN bit is the negation of the WPDIS bit. WPEN is set when 1 is written to it. WPEN is cleared when WPEN bit is read as a 1 and then 1 is written to WPDIS. Writing 0 to WPEN has no effect. 0 1 5 FAULTIN No fault condition was detected. A fault condition was detected. Write protection is disabled. Write protected bits can be written. Write protection is enabled. Write protected bits cannot be written. Fault Inputs Represents the logic OR of the enabled fault inputs after their filter (if their filter is enabled) when fault control is enabled. 0 1 The logic OR of the enabled fault inputs is 0. The logic OR of the enabled fault inputs is 1. 4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3 FAULTF3 Fault Detection Flag 3 Set by hardware when fault control is enabled, the corresponding fault input is enabled and a fault condition is detected at the fault input. Clear FAULTF3 by reading the FMS register while FAULTF3 is set and then writing a 0 to FAULTF3 while there is no existing fault condition at the corresponding fault input. Writing a 1 to FAULTF3 has no effect. FAULTF3 bit is also cleared when FAULTF bit is cleared. If another fault condition is detected at the corresponding fault input before the clearing sequence is completed, the sequence is reset so FAULTF3 remains set after the clearing sequence is completed for the earlier fault condition. 0 1 2 FAULTF2 No fault condition was detected at the fault input. A fault condition was detected at the fault input. Fault Detection Flag 2 Set by hardware when fault control is enabled, the corresponding fault input is enabled and a fault condition is detected at the fault input. Clear FAULTF2 by reading the FMS register while FAULTF2 is set and then writing a 0 to FAULTF2 while there is no existing fault condition at the corresponding fault input. Writing a 1 to FAULTF2 has no effect. FAULTF2 bit is also cleared when FAULTF bit is cleared. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 775 Memory map and register definition FTMx_FMS field descriptions (continued) Field Description If another fault condition is detected at the corresponding fault input before the clearing sequence is completed, the sequence is reset so FAULTF2 remains set after the clearing sequence is completed for the earlier fault condition. 0 1 1 FAULTF1 No fault condition was detected at the fault input. A fault condition was detected at the fault input. Fault Detection Flag 1 Set by hardware when fault control is enabled, the corresponding fault input is enabled and a fault condition is detected at the fault input. Clear FAULTF1 by reading the FMS register while FAULTF1 is set and then writing a 0 to FAULTF1 while there is no existing fault condition at the corresponding fault input. Writing a 1 to FAULTF1 has no effect. FAULTF1 bit is also cleared when FAULTF bit is cleared. If another fault condition is detected at the corresponding fault input before the clearing sequence is completed, the sequence is reset so FAULTF1 remains set after the clearing sequence is completed for the earlier fault condition. 0 1 0 FAULTF0 No fault condition was detected at the fault input. A fault condition was detected at the fault input. Fault Detection Flag 0 Set by hardware when fault control is enabled, the corresponding fault input is enabled and a fault condition is detected at the fault input. Clear FAULTF0 by reading the FMS register while FAULTF0 is set and then writing a 0 to FAULTF0 while there is no existing fault condition at the corresponding fault input. Writing a 1 to FAULTF0 has no effect. FAULTF0 bit is also cleared when FAULTF bit is cleared. If another fault condition is detected at the corresponding fault input before the clearing sequence is completed, the sequence is reset so FAULTF0 remains set after the clearing sequence is completed for the earlier fault condition. 0 1 No fault condition was detected at the fault input. A fault condition was detected at the fault input. 35.3.19 Input Capture Filter Control (FTMx_FILTER) This register selects the filter value for the inputs of channels. Channels 4, 5, 6 and 7 do not have an input filter. NOTE Writing to the FILTER register has immediate effect and must be done only when the channels 0, 1, 2, and 3 are not in input modes. Failure to do this could result in a missing valid signal. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 776 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) Address: Base address + 78h offset Bit R W 31 Reset 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 CH3FVAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 9 8 7 CH2FVAL 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 CH1FVAL 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 CH0FVAL 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_FILTER field descriptions Field Description 31-16 Reserved This field is reserved. 15-12 CH3FVAL Channel 3 Input Filter Selects the filter value for the channel input. The filter is disabled when the value is zero. 11-8 CH2FVAL Channel 2 Input Filter Selects the filter value for the channel input. The filter is disabled when the value is zero. 7-4 CH1FVAL Channel 1 Input Filter Selects the filter value for the channel input. The filter is disabled when the value is zero. CH0FVAL Channel 0 Input Filter Selects the filter value for the channel input. The filter is disabled when the value is zero. 35.3.20 Fault Control (FTMx_FLTCTRL) This register selects the filter value for the fault inputs, enables the fault inputs and the fault inputs filter. Address: Base address + 7Ch offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FFLTR3EN FFLTR2EN FFLTR1EN FFLTR0EN FAULT3EN FAULT2EN FAULT1EN FAULT0EN W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R FFVAL W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 777 Memory map and register definition FTMx_FLTCTRL field descriptions Field 31-12 Reserved 11-8 FFVAL Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Fault Input Filter Selects the filter value for the fault inputs. The fault filter is disabled when the value is zero. NOTE: Writing to this field has immediate effect and must be done only when the fault control or all fault inputs are disabled. Failure to do this could result in a missing fault detection. 7 FFLTR3EN Fault Input 3 Filter Enable Enables the filter for the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 6 FFLTR2EN Fault input filter is disabled. Fault input filter is enabled. Fault Input 2 Filter Enable Enables the filter for the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 5 FFLTR1EN Fault input filter is disabled. Fault input filter is enabled. Fault Input 1 Filter Enable Enables the filter for the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 4 FFLTR0EN Fault input filter is disabled. Fault input filter is enabled. Fault Input 0 Filter Enable Enables the filter for the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 3 FAULT3EN Fault input filter is disabled. Fault input filter is enabled. Fault Input 3 Enable Enables the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 2 FAULT2EN Fault input is disabled. Fault input is enabled. Fault Input 2 Enable Enables the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 Fault input is disabled. Fault input is enabled. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 778 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_FLTCTRL field descriptions (continued) Field 1 FAULT1EN Description Fault Input 1 Enable Enables the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 0 FAULT0EN Fault input is disabled. Fault input is enabled. Fault Input 0 Enable Enables the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 Fault input is disabled. Fault input is enabled. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 779 Memory map and register definition 35.3.21 Quadrature Decoder Control And Status (FTMx_QDCTRL) This register has the control and status bits for the Quadrature Decoder mode. Address: Base address + 80h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PHBFLTREN PHAPOL PHBPOL QUADMODE QUADIR TOFDIR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R QUADEN Reset PHAFLTREN W W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_QDCTRL field descriptions Field 31-8 Reserved 7 PHAFLTREN Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Phase A Input Filter Enable Enables the filter for the quadrature decoder phase A input. The filter value for the phase A input is defined by the CH0FVAL field of FILTER. The phase A filter is also disabled when CH0FVAL is zero. 0 1 Phase A input filter is disabled. Phase A input filter is enabled. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 780 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_QDCTRL field descriptions (continued) Field 6 PHBFLTREN Description Phase B Input Filter Enable Enables the filter for the quadrature decoder phase B input. The filter value for the phase B input is defined by the CH1FVAL field of FILTER. The phase B filter is also disabled when CH1FVAL is zero. 0 1 5 PHAPOL Phase A Input Polarity Selects the polarity for the quadrature decoder phase A input. 0 1 4 PHBPOL Selects the polarity for the quadrature decoder phase B input. 1 Selects the encoding mode used in the Quadrature Decoder mode. Indicates the counting direction. Counting direction is decreasing (FTM counter decrement). Counting direction is increasing (FTM counter increment). Timer Overflow Direction In Quadrature Decoder Mode Indicates if the TOF bit was set on the top or the bottom of counting. 0 1 0 QUADEN Phase A and phase B encoding mode. Count and direction encoding mode. FTM Counter Direction In Quadrature Decoder Mode 0 1 1 TOFDIR Normal polarity. Phase B input signal is not inverted before identifying the rising and falling edges of this signal. Inverted polarity. Phase B input signal is inverted before identifying the rising and falling edges of this signal. Quadrature Decoder Mode 0 1 2 QUADIR Normal polarity. Phase A input signal is not inverted before identifying the rising and falling edges of this signal. Inverted polarity. Phase A input signal is inverted before identifying the rising and falling edges of this signal. Phase B Input Polarity 0 3 QUADMODE Phase B input filter is disabled. Phase B input filter is enabled. TOF bit was set on the bottom of counting. There was an FTM counter decrement and FTM counter changes from its minimum value (CNTIN register) to its maximum value (MOD register). TOF bit was set on the top of counting. There was an FTM counter increment and FTM counter changes from its maximum value (MOD register) to its minimum value (CNTIN register). Quadrature Decoder Mode Enable Enables the Quadrature Decoder mode. In this mode, the phase A and B input signals control the FTM counter direction. The Quadrature Decoder mode has precedence over the other modes. See Table 35-2. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 Quadrature Decoder mode is disabled. Quadrature Decoder mode is enabled. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 781 Memory map and register definition 35.3.22 Configuration (FTMx_CONF) This register selects the number of times that the FTM counter overflow should occur before the TOF bit to be set, the FTM behavior in BDM modes, the use of an external global time base, and the global time base signal generation. Address: Base address + 84h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GTBEOUT GTBEEN W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 BDMMODE 0 0 NUMTOF 0 0 0 0 FTMx_CONF field descriptions Field Description 31-11 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 10 GTBEOUT Global Time Base Output Enables the global time base signal generation to other FTMs. 0 1 9 GTBEEN 7-6 BDMMODE A global time base signal generation is enabled. Global Time Base Enable Configures the FTM to use an external global time base signal that is generated by another FTM. 0 1 8 Reserved A global time base signal generation is disabled. Use of an external global time base is disabled. Use of an external global time base is enabled. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. BDM Mode Selects the FTM behavior in BDM mode. See BDM mode. 5 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. NUMTOF TOF Frequency Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 782 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_CONF field descriptions (continued) Field Description Selects the ratio between the number of counter overflows to the number of times the TOF bit is set. NUMTOF = 0: The TOF bit is set for each counter overflow. NUMTOF = 1: The TOF bit is set for the first counter overflow but not for the next overflow. NUMTOF = 2: The TOF bit is set for the first counter overflow but not for the next 2 overflows. NUMTOF = 3: The TOF bit is set for the first counter overflow but not for the next 3 overflows. This pattern continues up to a maximum of 31. 35.3.23 FTM Fault Input Polarity (FTMx_FLTPOL) This register defines the fault inputs polarity. Address: Base address + 88h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FLT3POL FLT2POL FLT1POL FLT0POL W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_FLTPOL field descriptions Field Description 31-4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3 FLT3POL Fault Input 3 Polarity Defines the polarity of the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 2 FLT2POL The fault input polarity is active high. A 1 at the fault input indicates a fault. The fault input polarity is active low. A 0 at the fault input indicates a fault. Fault Input 2 Polarity Defines the polarity of the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 783 Memory map and register definition FTMx_FLTPOL field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 1 FLT1POL The fault input polarity is active high. A 1 at the fault input indicates a fault. The fault input polarity is active low. A 0 at the fault input indicates a fault. Fault Input 1 Polarity Defines the polarity of the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 0 FLT0POL The fault input polarity is active high. A 1 at the fault input indicates a fault. The fault input polarity is active low. A 0 at the fault input indicates a fault. Fault Input 0 Polarity Defines the polarity of the fault input. This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1. 0 1 The fault input polarity is active high. A 1 at the fault input indicates a fault. The fault input polarity is active low. A 0 at the fault input indicates a fault. 35.3.24 Synchronization Configuration (FTMx_SYNCONF) This register selects the PWM synchronization configuration, SWOCTRL, INVCTRL and CNTIN registers synchronization, if FTM clears the TRIGj bit, where j = 0, 1, 2, when the hardware trigger j is detected. Address: Base address + 8Ch offset 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SWOC 0 SYNCMODE 0 SWRSTCNT 0 SWWRBUF Reset SWOM W SWINVC 0 R SWSOC W INVC 0 0 0 0 0 0 HWTRIGMOD E Reset 0 R CNTINC HWRSTCNT 28 HWWRBUF 29 HWOM 30 HWINVC 31 HWSOC Bit 0 FTMx_SYNCONF field descriptions Field 31-21 Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 784 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_SYNCONF field descriptions (continued) Field Description 20 HWSOC Software output control synchronization is activated by a hardware trigger. 19 HWINVC Inverting control synchronization is activated by a hardware trigger. 18 HWOM 0 1 0 1 A hardware trigger does not activate the SWOCTRL register synchronization. A hardware trigger activates the SWOCTRL register synchronization. A hardware trigger does not activate the INVCTRL register synchronization. A hardware trigger activates the INVCTRL register synchronization. Output mask synchronization is activated by a hardware trigger. 0 1 A hardware trigger does not activate the OUTMASK register synchronization. A hardware trigger activates the OUTMASK register synchronization. 17 HWWRBUF MOD, CNTIN, and CV registers synchronization is activated by a hardware trigger. 16 HWRSTCNT FTM counter synchronization is activated by a hardware trigger. 0 1 0 1 A hardware trigger does not activate MOD, CNTIN, and CV registers synchronization. A hardware trigger activates MOD, CNTIN, and CV registers synchronization. A hardware trigger does not activate the FTM counter synchronization. A hardware trigger activates the FTM counter synchronization. 15-13 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 12 SWSOC Software output control synchronization is activated by the software trigger. 11 SWINVC Inverting control synchronization is activated by the software trigger. 10 SWOM 0 1 0 1 The software trigger does not activate the SWOCTRL register synchronization. The software trigger activates the SWOCTRL register synchronization. The software trigger does not activate the INVCTRL register synchronization. The software trigger activates the INVCTRL register synchronization. Output mask synchronization is activated by the software trigger. 0 1 The software trigger does not activate the OUTMASK register synchronization. The software trigger activates the OUTMASK register synchronization. 9 SWWRBUF MOD, CNTIN, and CV registers synchronization is activated by the software trigger. 8 SWRSTCNT FTM counter synchronization is activated by the software trigger. 7 SYNCMODE Synchronization Mode 0 1 0 1 The software trigger does not activate MOD, CNTIN, and CV registers synchronization. The software trigger activates MOD, CNTIN, and CV registers synchronization. The software trigger does not activate the FTM counter synchronization. The software trigger activates the FTM counter synchronization. Selects the PWM Synchronization mode. 0 1 Legacy PWM synchronization is selected. Enhanced PWM synchronization is selected. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 785 Memory map and register definition FTMx_SYNCONF field descriptions (continued) Field Description 6 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 5 SWOC SWOCTRL Register Synchronization 0 1 4 INVC SWOCTRL register is updated with its buffer value at all rising edges of system clock. SWOCTRL register is updated with its buffer value by the PWM synchronization. INVCTRL Register Synchronization 0 1 INVCTRL register is updated with its buffer value at all rising edges of system clock. INVCTRL register is updated with its buffer value by the PWM synchronization. 3 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 2 CNTINC CNTIN Register Synchronization 1 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 1 CNTIN register is updated with its buffer value at all rising edges of system clock. CNTIN register is updated with its buffer value by the PWM synchronization. 0 Hardware Trigger Mode HWTRIGMODE 0 FTM clears the TRIGj bit when the hardware trigger j is detected, where j = 0, 1,2. 1 FTM does not clear the TRIGj bit when the hardware trigger j is detected, where j = 0, 1,2. 35.3.25 FTM Inverting Control (FTMx_INVCTRL) This register controls when the channel (n) output becomes the channel (n+1) output, and channel (n+1) output becomes the channel (n) output. Each INVmEN bit enables the inverting operation for the corresponding pair channels m. This register has a write buffer. The INVmEN bit is updated by the INVCTRL register synchronization. Address: Base address + 90h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 786 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 INV0EN 14 INV1EN 15 INV2EN Bit INV3EN Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 0 0 0 0 FTMx_INVCTRL field descriptions Field 31-4 Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3 INV3EN Pair Channels 3 Inverting Enable 2 INV2EN Pair Channels 2 Inverting Enable 1 INV1EN Pair Channels 1 Inverting Enable 0 INV0EN Pair Channels 0 Inverting Enable 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Inverting is disabled. Inverting is enabled. Inverting is disabled. Inverting is enabled. Inverting is disabled. Inverting is enabled. Inverting is disabled. Inverting is enabled. 35.3.26 FTM Software Output Control (FTMx_SWOCTRL) This register enables software control of channel (n) output and defines the value forced to the channel (n) output: * The CHnOC bits enable the control of the corresponding channel (n) output by software. * The CHnOCV bits select the value that is forced at the corresponding channel (n) output. This register has a write buffer. The fields are updated by the SWOCTRL register synchronization. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 787 Memory map and register definition Address: Base address + 94h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R W CH7OCV CH6OCV CH5OCV CH4OCV CH3OCV CH2OCV CH1OCV CH0OCV CH7OC CH6OC CH5OC CH4OC CH3OC CH2OC CH1OC CH0OC W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_SWOCTRL field descriptions Field Description 31-16 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 15 CH7OCV Channel 7 Software Output Control Value 14 CH6OCV Channel 6 Software Output Control Value 13 CH5OCV Channel 5 Software Output Control Value 12 CH4OCV Channel 4 Software Output Control Value 11 CH3OCV Channel 3 Software Output Control Value 10 CH2OCV Channel 2 Software Output Control Value 9 CH1OCV Channel 1 Software Output Control Value 8 CH0OCV Channel 0 Software Output Control Value 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 The software output control forces 0 to the channel output. The software output control forces 1 to the channel output. The software output control forces 0 to the channel output. The software output control forces 1 to the channel output. The software output control forces 0 to the channel output. The software output control forces 1 to the channel output. The software output control forces 0 to the channel output. The software output control forces 1 to the channel output. The software output control forces 0 to the channel output. The software output control forces 1 to the channel output. The software output control forces 0 to the channel output. The software output control forces 1 to the channel output. The software output control forces 0 to the channel output. The software output control forces 1 to the channel output. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 788 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_SWOCTRL field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 The software output control forces 0 to the channel output. The software output control forces 1 to the channel output. 7 CH7OC Channel 7 Software Output Control Enable 6 CH6OC Channel 6 Software Output Control Enable 5 CH5OC Channel 5 Software Output Control Enable 4 CH4OC Channel 4 Software Output Control Enable 3 CH3OC Channel 3 Software Output Control Enable 2 CH2OC Channel 2 Software Output Control Enable 1 CH1OC Channel 1 Software Output Control Enable 0 CH0OC Channel 0 Software Output Control Enable 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 The channel output is not affected by software output control. The channel output is affected by software output control. The channel output is not affected by software output control. The channel output is affected by software output control. The channel output is not affected by software output control. The channel output is affected by software output control. The channel output is not affected by software output control. The channel output is affected by software output control. The channel output is not affected by software output control. The channel output is affected by software output control. The channel output is not affected by software output control. The channel output is affected by software output control. The channel output is not affected by software output control. The channel output is affected by software output control. The channel output is not affected by software output control. The channel output is affected by software output control. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 789 Memory map and register definition 35.3.27 FTM PWM Load (FTMx_PWMLOAD) Enables the loading of the MOD, CNTIN, C(n)V, and C(n+1)V registers with the values of their write buffers when the FTM counter changes from the MOD register value to its next value or when a channel (j) match occurs. A match occurs for the channel (j) when FTM counter = C(j)V. Address: Base address + 98h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 CH7SEL CH6SEL CH5SEL CH4SEL CH3SEL CH2SEL CH1SEL CH0SEL W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LDOK 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTMx_PWMLOAD field descriptions Field 31-10 Reserved 9 LDOK Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Load Enable Enables the loading of the MOD, CNTIN, and CV registers with the values of their write buffers. 0 1 Loading updated values is disabled. Loading updated values is enabled. 8 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 7 CH7SEL Channel 7 Select 6 CH6SEL Channel 6 Select 5 CH5SEL Channel 5 Select 0 1 0 1 0 1 Do not include the channel in the matching process. Include the channel in the matching process. Do not include the channel in the matching process. Include the channel in the matching process. Do not include the channel in the matching process. Include the channel in the matching process. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 790 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTMx_PWMLOAD field descriptions (continued) Field Description 4 CH4SEL Channel 4 Select 3 CH3SEL Channel 3 Select 2 CH2SEL Channel 2 Select 1 CH1SEL Channel 1 Select 0 CH0SEL Channel 0 Select 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Do not include the channel in the matching process. Include the channel in the matching process. Do not include the channel in the matching process. Include the channel in the matching process. Do not include the channel in the matching process. Include the channel in the matching process. Do not include the channel in the matching process. Include the channel in the matching process. Do not include the channel in the matching process. Include the channel in the matching process. 35.4 Functional description The notation used in this document to represent the counters and the generation of the signals is shown in the following figure. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 791 Functional description FTM counting is up. Channel (n) is in high-true EPWM mode. PS[2:0] = 001 CNTIN = 0x0000 MOD = 0x0004 CnV = 0x0002 prescaler counter FTM counter 1 0 3 1 0 4 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 3 1 0 4 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 3 1 0 0 4 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 channel (n) output counter overflow channel (n) match counter overflow channel (n) match counter overflow channel (n) match Figure 35-2. Notation used 35.4.1 Clock source The FTM has only one clock domain: the system clock. Counter clock source The CLKS[1:0] bits in the SC register selects clock sources for the FTM counter or disables the FTM counter. After any chip reset, CLKS[1:0] = 0:0 so no clock source is selected. The CLKS[1:0] bits may be read or written at any time. Disabling the FTM counter by writing 0:0 to the CLKS[1:0] bits does not affect the FTM counter value or other registers. The fixed frequency clock is an alternative clock source for the FTM counter that allows the selection of a clock other than the system clock or an external clock. This clock input is defined by chip integration; see the chip-specific FTM information for further details. Due to FTM hardware implementation limitations, the frequency of the fixed frequency clock must not exceed 1/2 of the system clock frequency. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 792 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) The external clock passes through a synchronizer clocked by the system clock to assure that counter transitions are properly aligned to system clock transitions.Therefore, to meet Nyquist criteria considering also jitter, the frequency of the external clock source must not exceed 1/4 of the system clock frequency. 35.4.2 Prescaler The selected counter clock source passes through a prescaler that is a 7-bit counter. The value of the prescaler is selected by the PS[2:0] bits. The following figure shows an example of the prescaler counter and FTM counter. FTM counting is up. PS[2:0] = 001 CNTIN = 0x0000 MOD = 0x0003 selected input clock prescaler counter 1 FTM counter 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 1 Figure 35-3. Example of the prescaler counter 35.4.3 Counter The FTM has a 16-bit counter that is used by the channels either for input or output modes. The FTM counter clock is the selected clock divided by the prescaler. The FTM counter has these modes of operation: * Up counting * Up-down counting * Quadrature Decoder mode Up counting Up counting is selected when: * QUADEN = 0, and * CPWMS = 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 793 Functional description CNTIN defines the starting value of the count and MOD defines the final value of the count, see the following figure. The value of CNTIN is loaded into the FTM counter, and the counter increments until the value of MOD is reached, at which point the counter is reloaded with the value of CNTIN. The FTM period when using up counting is (MOD - CNTIN + 0x0001) x period of the FTM counter clock. The TOF bit is set when the FTM counter changes from MOD to CNTIN. FTM counting is up. CNTIN = 0xFFFC (in two's complement is equal to -4) MOD = 0x0004 FTM counter (in decimal values) 4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -4 -3 TOF bit set TOF bit set TOF bit set TOF bit period of FTM counter clock period of counting = (MOD - CNTIN + 0x0001) x period of FTM counter clock Figure 35-4. Example of FTM up and signed counting Table 35-4. FTM counting based on CNTIN value When Then CNTIN = 0x0000 The FTM counting is equivalent to TPM up counting, that is, up and unsigned counting. See the following figure. CNTIN[15] = 1 The initial value of the FTM counter is a negative number in two's complement, so the FTM counting is up and signed. CNTIN[15] = 0 and CNTIN 0x0000 The initial value of the FTM counter is a positive number, so the FTM counting is up and unsigned. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 794 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTM counting is up CNTIN = 0x0000 MOD = 0x0004 FTM counter 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 0 4 1 2 TOF bit set TOF bit set TOF bit set TOF bit period of FTM counter clock period of counting = (MOD - CNTIN + 0x0001) x period of FTM counter clock = (MOD + 0x0001) x period of FTM counter clock Figure 35-5. Example of FTM up counting with CNTIN = 0x0000 Note * FTM operation is only valid when the value of the CNTIN register is less than the value of the MOD register, either in the unsigned counting or signed counting. It is the responsibility of the software to ensure that the values in the CNTIN and MOD registers meet this requirement. Any values of CNTIN and MOD that do not satisfy this criteria can result in unpredictable behavior. * MOD = CNTIN is a redundant condition. In this case, the FTM counter is always equal to MOD and the TOF bit is set in each rising edge of the FTM counter clock. * When MOD = 0x0000, CNTIN = 0x0000, for example after reset, and FTMEN = 1, the FTM counter remains stopped at 0x0000 until a non-zero value is written into the MOD or CNTIN registers. * Setting CNTIN to be greater than the value of MOD is not recommended as this unusual setting may make the FTM operation difficult to comprehend. However, there is no restriction on this configuration, and an example is shown in the following figure. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 795 Functional description FTM counting is up MOD = 0x0005 CNTIN = 0x0015 load of CNTIN load of CNTIN FTM counter 0x0005 0x0015 0x0016 ... 0xFFFE 0xFFFF 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x0003 0x0004 0x0005 0x0015 0x0016 ... ... TOF bit set TOF bit set TOF bit Figure 35-6. Example of up counting when the value of CNTIN is greater than the value of MOD Up-down counting Up-down counting is selected when: * QUADEN = 0, and * CPWMS = 1 CNTIN defines the starting value of the count and MOD defines the final value of the count. The value of CNTIN is loaded into the FTM counter, and the counter increments until the value of MOD is reached, at which point the counter is decremented until it returns to the value of CNTIN and the up-down counting restarts. The FTM period when using up-down counting is 2 x (MOD - CNTIN) x period of the FTM counter clock. The TOF bit is set when the FTM counter changes from MOD to (MOD - 1). If (CNTIN = 0x0000), the FTM counting is equivalent to TPM up-down counting, that is, up-down and unsigned counting. See the following figure. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 796 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTM counting is up-down CNTIN = 0x0000 MOD = 0x0004 FTM counter 0 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 TOF bit set TOF bit period of FTM counter clock set TOF bit period of counting = 2 x (MOD - CNTIN) x period of FTM counter clock = 2 x MOD x period of FTM counter clock Figure 35-7. Example of up-down counting when CNTIN = 0x0000 Note When CNTIN is different from zero in the up-down counting, a valid CPWM signal is generated: * if CnV > CNTIN, or * if CnV = 0 or if CnV[15] = 1. In this case, 0% CPWM is generated. Free running counter If (FTMEN = 0) and (MOD = 0x0000 or MOD = 0xFFFF), the FTM counter is a free running counter. In this case, the FTM counter runs free from 0x0000 through 0xFFFF and the TOF bit is set when the FTM counter changes from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. See the following figure. FTMEN = 0 MOD = 0x0000 FTM counter ... 0x0003 0x0004 ... 0xFFFE 0xFFFF 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x0003 0x0004 0x0005 0x0006 ... TOF bit set TOF bit Figure 35-8. Example when the FTM counter is free running The FTM counter is also a free running counter when: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 797 Functional description * * * * * FTMEN = 1 QUADEN = 0 CPWMS = 0 CNTIN = 0x0000, and MOD = 0xFFFF Counter reset Any one of the following cases resets the FTM counter to the value in the CNTIN register and the channels output to its initial value, except for channels in Output Compare mode. * Any write to CNT. * FTM counter synchronization. * A channel in Input Capture mode with ICRST = 1 (FTM Counter Reset in Input Capture Mode). When the TOF bit is set The NUMTOF[4:0] bits define the number of times that the FTM counter overflow should occur before the TOF bit to be set. If NUMTOF[4:0] = 0x00, then the TOF bit is set at each FTM counter overflow. Initialize the FTM counter, by writing to CNT, after writing to the NUMTOF[4:0] bits to avoid confusion about when the first counter overflow will occur. FTM counter NUMTOF[4:0] TOF counter 0x02 0x01 0x02 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x00 0x01 0x02 set TOF bit Figure 35-9. Periodic TOF when NUMTOF = 0x02 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 798 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTM counter NUMTOF[4:0] 0x00 TOF counter 0x00 set TOF bit Figure 35-10. Periodic TOF when NUMTOF = 0x00 35.4.4 Input Capture mode The Input Capture mode is selected when: * * * * * DECAPEN = 0 COMBINE = 0 CPWMS = 0 MSnB:MSnA = 0:0, and ELSnB:ELSnA 0:0 When a selected edge occurs on the channel input, the current value of the FTM counter is captured into the CnV register, at the same time the CHnF bit is set and the channel interrupt is generated if enabled by CHnIE = 1. See the following figure. When a channel is configured for input capture, the FTMxCHn pin is an edge-sensitive input. ELSnB:ELSnA control bits determine which edge, falling or rising, triggers inputcapture event. Note that the maximum frequency for the channel input signal to be detected correctly is system clock divided by 4, which is required to meet Nyquist criteria for signal sampling. Writes to the CnV register is ignored in Input Capture mode. While in BDM, the input capture function works as configured. When a selected edge event occurs, the FTM counter value, which is frozen because of BDM, is captured into the CnV register and the CHnF bit is set. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 799 Functional description was rising edge selected? is filter enabled? 0 synchronizer channel (n) input system clock DQ CLK 0 0 rising edge 1 channel (n) interrupt CHnIE CHnF edge detector DQ Filter* CLK 1 CnV falling edge 0 1 0 was falling edge selected? FTM counter * Filtering function is only available in the inputs of channel 0, 1, 2, and 3 Figure 35-11. Input Capture mode If the channel input does not have a filter enabled, then the input signal is always delayed 3 rising edges of the system clock, that is, two rising edges to the synchronizer plus one more rising edge to the edge detector. In other words, the CHnF bit is set on the third rising edge of the system clock after a valid edge occurs on the channel input. Filter for Input Capture mode The filter function is only available on channels 0, 1, 2, and 3. First, the input signal is synchronized by the system clock. Following synchronization, the input signal enters the filter block. See the following figure. CHnFVAL[3:0] channel (n) input after the synchronizer Logic to control the filter counter filter counter divided by 4 Logic to define the filter output S Q filter output C CLK system clock Figure 35-12. Channel input filter When there is a state change in the input signal, the counter is reset and starts counting up. As long as the new state is stable on the input, the counter continues to increment. When the counter is equal to CHnFVAL[3:0], the state change of the input signal is validated. It is then transmitted as a pulse edge to the edge detector. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 800 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) If the opposite edge appears on the input signal before it can be validated, the counter is reset. At the next input transition, the counter starts counting again. Any pulse that is shorter than the minimum value selected by CHnFVAL[3:0] (x 4 system clocks) is regarded as a glitch and is not passed on to the edge detector. A timing diagram of the input filter is shown in the following figure. The filter function is disabled when CHnFVAL[3:0] bits are zero. In this case, the input signal is delayed 3 rising edges of the system clock. If (CHnFVAL[3:0] 0000), then the input signal is delayed by the minimum pulse width (CHnFVAL[3:0] x 4 system clocks) plus a further 4 rising edges of the system clock: two rising edges to the synchronizer, one rising edge to the filter output, plus one more to the edge detector. In other words, CHnF is set (4 + 4 x CHnFVAL[3:0]) system clock periods after a valid edge occurs on the channel input. The clock for the counter in the channel input filter is the system clock divided by 4. system clock divided by 4 channel (n) input after the synchronizer counte r CHnFVAL[3:0] = 0100 (binary value) Time filter output * * Note: Filter output is delayed one system clock of filter counter logic output. Figure 35-13. Channel input filter example The figure below shows an example of input capture with filter enabled and the delay added by each part of the input capture logic. Note that the input signal is delayed only by the synchronizer and edge dector logic if the filter is disabled. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 801 Functional description synchronizer delay filter edge output detector delay delay filter counter delay system clock channel (n) input FTM counter 1 2 3 4 5 6 CHnFVAL[3:0] filter counter 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 1 2 1 filter output C(n)V 0 12 CHnF Figure 35-14. Input capture example FTM Counter Reset in Input Capture Mode If the channel (n) is in input capture mode and FTMx_CnSC [ICRST = 1], then when the selected input capture event occurs in the channel (n) input signal, the current value of the FTM counter is captured into the CnV register, the CHnF bit is set, the channel (n) interrupt is generated (if CHnIE = 1) and the FTM counter is reset to the CNTIN register value. This allows the FTM to measure a period/pulse being applied to FTM_CHn ( counts of the FTM clock input) without having to implement a subtraction calculation in software subsequent to the event occurring. The figure below shows the FTM counter reset when the selected input capture event is detected in a channel in input capture mode with ICRST = 1. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 802 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) system clock CNT ... 0x20 0x21 0x22 0x23 0x24 0x25 0x26 0x27 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 ... channel (n) input CHnF bit 0x27 XX C(n)V NOTE Channel (n) input after its synchronizer and filter MOD = 0xFFFF CNTIN = 0x0000 PS[2:0] = 3'b000 ICRST = 1'b1 selected channel (n) input event: rising edge Figure 35-15. Example of the Input Capture mode with ICRST = 1 NOTE * It is expected that the ICRST bit be set only when the channel is in input capture mode. * In this case, if the FTM counter is reset, then the prescaler counter (Prescaler) and the TOF counter (When the TOF bit is set) also are reset. 35.4.5 Output Compare mode The Output Compare mode is selected when: * * * * DECAPEN = 0 COMBINE = 0 CPWMS = 0, and MSnB:MSnA = 0:1 In Output Compare mode, the FTM can generate timed pulses with programmable position, polarity, duration, and frequency. When the counter matches the value in the CnV register of an output compare channel, the channel (n) output can be set, cleared, or toggled. When a channel is initially configured to Toggle mode, the previous value of the channel output is held until the first output compare event occurs. The CHnF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated if CHnIE = 1 at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = CnV). KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 803 Functional description MOD = 0x0005 CnV = 0x0003 channel (n) match counter overflow CNT ... 2 1 0 channel (n) output previous value CHnF bit previous value 4 3 channel (n) match counter overflow 5 1 0 2 counter overflow 4 3 5 1 0 ... TOF bit Figure 35-16. Example of the Output Compare mode when the match toggles the channel output MOD = 0x0005 CnV = 0x0003 CNT ... channel (n) output CHnF bit 0 counter overflow channel (n) match counter overflow 2 1 3 4 5 0 counter overflow channel (n) match 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 ... previous value previous value TOF bit Figure 35-17. Example of the Output Compare mode when the match clears the channel output MOD = 0x0005 CnV = 0x0003 channel (n) match counter overflow CNT channel (n) output CHnF bit ... 0 1 2 3 counter overflow 4 5 0 channel (n) match 1 2 3 counter overflow 4 5 0 1 ... previous value previous value TOF bit Figure 35-18. Example of the Output Compare mode when the match sets the channel output If (ELSnB:ELSnA = 0:0) when the counter reaches the value in the CnV register, the CHnF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated if CHnIE = 1, however the channel (n) output is not modified and controlled by FTM. 35.4.6 Edge-Aligned PWM (EPWM) mode The Edge-Aligned mode is selected when: * QUADEN = 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 804 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) * * * * DECAPEN = 0 COMBINE = 0 CPWMS = 0, and MSnB = 1 The EPWM period is determined by (MOD - CNTIN + 0x0001) and the pulse width (duty cycle) is determined by (CnV - CNTIN). The CHnF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated if CHnIE = 1 at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = CnV), that is, at the end of the pulse width. This type of PWM signal is called edge-aligned because the leading edges of all PWM signals are aligned with the beginning of the period, which is the same for all channels within an FTM. counter overflow counter overflow counter overflow period pulse width channel (n) output channel (n) match channel (n) match channel (n) match Figure 35-19. EPWM period and pulse width with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 If (ELSnB:ELSnA = 0:0) when the counter reaches the value in the CnV register, the CHnF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated if CHnIE = 1, however the channel (n) output is not controlled by FTM. If (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0), then the channel (n) output is forced high at the counter overflow when the CNTIN register value is loaded into the FTM counter, and it is forced low at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = CnV). See the following figure. MOD = 0x0008 CnV = 0x0005 counter overflow CNT ... 0 channel (n) match 1 2 3 4 5 counter overflow 6 7 8 0 1 2 ... channel (n) output CHnF bit previous value TOF bit Figure 35-20. EPWM signal with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 If (ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1), then the channel (n) output is forced low at the counter overflow when the CNTIN register value is loaded into the FTM counter, and it is forced high at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = CnV). See the following figure. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 805 Functional description MOD = 0x0008 CnV = 0x0005 counter overflow CNT ... 0 channel (n) match 1 2 3 4 5 counter overflow 6 7 8 0 1 2 ... channel (n) output CHnF bit previous value TOF bit Figure 35-21. EPWM signal with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 If (CnV = 0x0000), then the channel (n) output is a 0% duty cycle EPWM signal and CHnF bit is not set even when there is the channel (n) match. If (CnV > MOD), then the channel (n) output is a 100% duty cycle EPWM signal and CHnF bit is not set.Therefore, MOD must be less than 0xFFFF in order to get a 100% duty cycle EPWM signal. Note When CNTIN is different from zero the following EPWM signals can be generated: * 0% EPWM signal if CnV = CNTIN, * EPWM signal between 0% and 100% if CNTIN < CnV <= MOD, * 100% EPWM signal when CNTIN > CnV or CnV > MOD. 35.4.7 Center-Aligned PWM (CPWM) mode The Center-Aligned mode is selected when: * * * * QUADEN = 0 DECAPEN = 0 COMBINE = 0, and CPWMS = 1 The CPWM pulse width (duty cycle) is determined by 2 x (CnV - CNTIN) and the period is determined by 2 x (MOD - CNTIN). See the following figure. MOD must be kept in the range of 0x0001 to 0x7FFF because values outside this range can produce ambiguous results. In the CPWM mode, the FTM counter counts up until it reaches MOD and then counts down until it reaches CNTIN. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 806 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) The CHnF bit is set and channel (n) interrupt is generated (if CHnIE = 1) at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = CnV) when the FTM counting is down (at the begin of the pulse width) and when the FTM counting is up (at the end of the pulse width). This type of PWM signal is called center-aligned because the pulse width centers for all channels are aligned with the value of CNTIN. The other channel modes are not compatible with the up-down counter (CPWMS = 1). Therefore, all FTM channels must be used in CPWM mode when (CPWMS = 1). FTM counter = CNTIN counter overflow FTM counter = MOD counter overflow FTM counter = MOD channel (n) match (FTM counting is up) channel (n) match (FTM counting is down) channel (n) output pulse width 2 x (CnV - CNTIN) period 2 x (MOD - CNTIN) Figure 35-22. CPWM period and pulse width with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 If (ELSnB:ELSnA = 0:0) when the FTM counter reaches the value in the CnV register, the CHnF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated (if CHnIE = 1), however the channel (n) output is not controlled by FTM. If (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0), then the channel (n) output is forced high at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = CnV) when counting down, and it is forced low at the channel (n) match when counting up. See the following figure. counter overflow channel (n) match in down counting MOD = 0x0008 CnV = 0x0005 CNT ... 7 8 7 6 5 4 3 counter overflow channel (n) match in down counting channel (n) match in up counting 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6 5 ... channel (n) output CHnF bit previous value TOF bit Figure 35-23. CPWM signal with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 If (ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1), then the channel (n) output is forced low at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = CnV) when counting down, and it is forced high at the channel (n) match when counting up. See the following figure. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 807 Functional description counter overflow counter overflow MOD = 0x0008 CnV = 0x0005 channel (n) match in down counting CNT ... 7 8 7 6 5 4 3 channel (n) match in up counting 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 channel (n) match in down counting 7 8 7 6 5 ... channel (n) output CHnF bit previous value TOF bit Figure 35-24. CPWM signal with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 If (CnV = 0x0000) or CnV is a negative value, that is (CnV[15] = 1), then the channel (n) output is a 0% duty cycle CPWM signal and CHnF bit is not set even when there is the channel (n) match. If CnV is a positive value, that is (CnV[15] = 0), (CnV MOD), and (MOD 0x0000), then the channel (n) output is a 100% duty cycle CPWM signal and CHnF bit is not set even when there is the channel (n) match. This implies that the usable range of periods set by MOD is 0x0001 through 0x7FFE, 0x7FFF if you do not need to generate a 100% duty cycle CPWM signal. This is not a significant limitation because the resulting period is much longer than required for normal applications. The CPWM mode must not be used when the FTM counter is a free running counter. 35.4.8 Combine mode The Combine mode is selected when: * * * * QUADEN = 0 DECAPEN = 0 COMBINE = 1, and CPWMS = 0 In Combine mode, an even channel (n) and adjacent odd channel (n+1) are combined to generate a PWM signal in the channel (n) output. In the Combine mode, the PWM period is determined by (MOD - CNTIN + 0x0001) and the PWM pulse width (duty cycle) is determined by (|C(n+1)V - C(n)V|). The CHnF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated (if CHnIE = 1) at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = C(n)V). The CH(n+1)F bit is set and the channel (n +1) interrupt is generated, if CH(n+1)IE = 1, at the channel (n+1) match (FTM counter = C(n+1)V). KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 808 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) If (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0), then the channel (n) output is forced low at the beginning of the period (FTM counter = CNTIN) and at the channel (n+1) match (FTM counter = C(n +1)V). It is forced high at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = C(n)V). See the following figure. If (ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1), then the channel (n) output is forced high at the beginning of the period (FTM counter = CNTIN) and at the channel (n+1) match (FTM counter = C(n +1)V). It is forced low at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = C(n)V). See the following figure. In Combine mode, the ELS(n+1)B and ELS(n+1)A bits are not used in the generation of the channels (n) and (n+1) output. However, if (ELSnB:ELSnA = 0:0) then the channel (n) output is not controlled by FTM, and if (ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A = 0:0) then the channel (n+1) output is not controlled by FTM. channel (n+1) match FTM counter channel (n) match channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 Figure 35-25. Combine mode The following figures illustrate the PWM signals generation using Combine mode. FTM counter MOD C(n+1)V C(n)V CNTIN channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 Figure 35-26. Channel (n) output if (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V < MOD) and (C(n)V < C(n+1)V) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 809 Functional description FTM counter MOD = C(n+1)V C(n)V CNTIN channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 Figure 35-27. Channel (n) output if (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) and (C(n+1)V = MOD) FTM counter MOD C(n+1)V C(n)V = CNTIN channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 Figure 35-28. Channel (n) output if (C(n)V = CNTIN) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V < MOD) FTM counter MOD = C(n+1)V C(n)V CNTIN channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 not fully 100% duty cycle not fully 0% duty cycle Figure 35-29. Channel (n) output if (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) and (C(n)V is Almost Equal to CNTIN) and (C(n+1)V = MOD) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 810 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTM counter MOD C(n+1)V C(n)V = CNTIN channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 not fully 100% duty cycle not fully 0% duty cycle Figure 35-30. Channel (n) output if (C(n)V = CNTIN) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V < MOD) and (C(n+1)V is Almost Equal to MOD) FTM counter C(n+1)V MOD CNTIN C(n)V channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 0% duty cycle channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 100% duty cycle Figure 35-31. Channel (n) output if C(n)V and C(n+1)V are not between CNTIN and MOD KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 811 Functional description FTM counter MOD C(n+1)V = C(n)V CNTIN channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 0% duty cycle channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 100% duty cycle Figure 35-32. Channel (n) output if (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V < MOD) and (C(n)V = C(n+1)V) FTM counter MOD C(n)V = C(n+1)V = CNTIN channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 0% duty cycle 100% duty cycle Figure 35-33. Channel (n) output if (C(n)V = C(n+1)V = CNTIN) MOD = C(n+1)V = C(n)V FTM counter CNTIN channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 0% duty cycle 100% duty cycle Figure 35-34. Channel (n) output if (C(n)V = C(n+1)V = MOD) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 812 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTM counter MOD C(n)V C(n+1)V CNTIN channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 0% duty cycle channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 100% duty cycle channel (n) match is ignored Figure 35-35. Channel (n) output if (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V < MOD) and (C(n)V > C(n+1)V) FTM counter MOD C(n+1)V CNTIN C(n)V channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 0% duty cycle channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 100% duty cycle Figure 35-36. Channel (n) output if (C(n)V < CNTIN) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V < MOD) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 813 Functional description FTM counter MOD C(n)V CNTIN C(n+1)V channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 Figure 35-37. Channel (n) output if (C(n+1)V < CNTIN) and (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) FTM counter C(n)V MOD C(n+1)V CNTIN channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 0% duty cycle channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 100% duty cycle Figure 35-38. Channel (n) output if (C(n)V > MOD) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V < MOD) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 814 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTM counter C(n+1)V MOD C(n)V CNTIN channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 Figure 35-39. Channel (n) output if (C(n+1)V > MOD) and (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) FTM counter C(n+1)V MOD = C(n)V CNTIN channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 not fully 0% duty cycle channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 not fully 100% duty cycle Figure 35-40. Channel (n) output if (C(n+1)V > MOD) and (CNTIN < C(n)V = MOD) Asymmetrical PWM In Combine mode, the control of the PWM signal first edge, when the channel (n) match occurs, that is, FTM counter = C(n)V, is independent of the control of the PWM signal second edge, when the channel (n+1) match occurs, that is, FTM counter = C(n+1)V. So, Combine mode allows the generation of asymmetrical PWM signals. 35.4.9 Complementary mode The Complementary mode is selected when: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 815 Functional description * QUADEN = 0 * DECAPEN = 0 * COMP = 1 In Complementary mode, the channel (n+1) output is the inverse of the channel (n) output. So, the channel (n+1) output is the same as the channel (n) output when: * QUADEN = 0 * DECAPEN = 0 * COMP = 0 channel (n+1) match FTM counter channel (n) match channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0 channel (n+1) output with COMP = 0 channel (n+1) output with COMP = 1 Figure 35-41. Channel (n+1) output in Complementary mode with (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0) channel (n+1) match FTM counter channel (n) match channel (n) output with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 channel (n+1) output with COMP = 0 channel (n+1) output with COMP = 1 Figure 35-42. Channel (n+1) output in Complementary mode with (ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1) NOTE The complementary mode is not available in Output Compare mode. 35.4.10 Registers updated from write buffers KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 816 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) CNTIN register update The following table describes when CNTIN register is updated: Table 35-5. CNTIN register update When CLKS[1:0] = 0:0 Then CNTIN register is updated When CNTIN register is written, independent of FTMEN bit. * FTMEN = 0, or * CNTINC = 0 At the next system clock after CNTIN was written. * FTMEN = 1, * SYNCMODE = 1, and * CNTINC = 1 By the CNTIN register synchronization. MOD register update The following table describes when MOD register is updated: Table 35-6. MOD register update When CLKS[1:0] = 0:0 Then MOD register is updated When MOD register is written, independent of FTMEN bit. * CLKS[1:0] 0:0, and * FTMEN = 0 According to the CPWMS bit, that is: * If the selected mode is not CPWM then MOD register is updated after MOD register was written and the FTM counter changes from MOD to CNTIN. If the FTM counter is at free-running counter mode then this update occurs when the FTM counter changes from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. * If the selected mode is CPWM then MOD register is updated after MOD register was written and the FTM counter changes from MOD to (MOD - 0x0001). * CLKS[1:0] 0:0, and * FTMEN = 1 By the MOD register synchronization. CnV register update The following table describes when CnV register is updated: Table 35-7. CnV register update When CLKS[1:0] = 0:0 * CLKS[1:0] 0:0, and * FTMEN = 0 Then CnV register is updated When CnV register is written, independent of FTMEN bit. According to the selected mode, that is: Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 817 Functional description Table 35-7. CnV register update (continued) When Then CnV register is updated * If the selected mode is Output Compare, then CnV register is updated on the next FTM counter change, end of the prescaler counting, after CnV register was written. * If the selected mode is EPWM, then CnV register is updated after CnV register was written and the FTM counter changes from MOD to CNTIN. If the FTM counter is at free-running counter mode then this update occurs when the FTM counter changes from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. * If the selected mode is CPWM, then CnV register is updated after CnV register was written and the FTM counter changes from MOD to (MOD - 0x0001). * CLKS[1:0] 0:0, and * FTMEN = 1 According to the selected mode, that is: * If the selected mode is output compare then CnV register is updated according to the SYNCEN bit. If (SYNCEN = 0) then CnV register is updated after CnV register was written at the next change of the FTM counter, the end of the prescaler counting. If (SYNCEN = 1) then CnV register is updated by the C(n)V and C(n+1)V register synchronization. * If the selected mode is not output compare and (SYNCEN = 1) then CnV register is updated by the C(n)V and C(n+1)V register synchronization. 35.4.11 PWM synchronization The PWM synchronization provides an opportunity to update the MOD, CNTIN, CnV, OUTMASK, INVCTRL and SWOCTRL registers with their buffered value and force the FTM counter to the CNTIN register value. Note The legacy PWM synchronization (SYNCMODE = 0) is a subset of the enhanced PWM synchronization (SYNCMODE = 1). Thus, only the enhanced PWM synchronization must be used. Hardware trigger Three hardware trigger signal inputs of the FTM module are enabled when TRIGn = 1, where n = 0, 1 or 2 corresponding to each one of the input signals, respectively. The hardware trigger input n is synchronized by the system clock. The PWM synchronization with hardware trigger is initiated when a rising edge is detected at the enabled hardware trigger inputs. If (HWTRIGMODE = 0) then the TRIGn bit is cleared when 0 is written to it or when the trigger n event is detected. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 818 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) In this case, if two or more hardware triggers are enabled (for example, TRIG0 and TRIG1 = 1) and only trigger 1 event occurs, then only TRIG1 bit is cleared. If a trigger n event occurs together with a write setting TRIGn bit, then the synchronization is initiated, but TRIGn bit remains set due to the write operation. system clock write 1 to TRIG0 bit TRIG0 bit trigger_0 input synchronized trigger_0 by system clock trigger 0 event Note All hardware trigger inputs have the same behavior. Figure 35-43. Hardware trigger event with HWTRIGMODE = 0 If HWTRIGMODE = 1, then the TRIGn bit is only cleared when 0 is written to it. NOTE The HWTRIGMODE bit must be 1 only with enhanced PWM synchronization (SYNCMODE = 1). Software trigger A software trigger event occurs when 1 is written to the SYNC[SWSYNC] bit. The SWSYNC bit is cleared when 0 is written to it or when the PWM synchronization, initiated by the software event, is completed. If another software trigger event occurs (by writing another 1 to the SWSYNC bit) at the same time the PWM synchronization initiated by the previous software trigger event is ending, a new PWM synchronization is started and the SWSYNC bit remains equal to 1. If SYNCMODE = 0 then the SWSYNC bit is also cleared by FTM according to PWMSYNC and REINIT bits. In this case if (PWMSYNC = 1) or (PWMSYNC = 0 and REINIT = 0) then SWSYNC bit is cleared at the next selected loading point after that the software trigger event occurred; see Boundary cycle and loading points and the following figure. If (PWMSYNC = 0) and (REINIT = 1) then SWSYNC bit is cleared when the software trigger event occurs. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 819 Functional description If SYNCMODE = 1 then the SWSYNC bit is also cleared by FTM according to the SWRSTCNT bit. If SWRSTCNT = 0 then SWSYNC bit is cleared at the next selected loading point after that the software trigger event occurred; see the following figure. If SWRSTCNT = 1 then SWSYNC bit is cleared when the software trigger event occurs. system clock write 1 to SWSYNC bit SWSYNC bit software trigger event PWM synchronization selected loading point Figure 35-44. Software trigger event Boundary cycle and loading points The boundary cycle definition is important for the loading points for the registers MOD, CNTIN, and C(n)V. In Up counting mode, the boundary cycle is defined as when the counter wraps to its initial value (CNTIN). If in Up-down counting mode, then the boundary cycle is defined as when the counter turns from down to up counting and when from up to down counting. The following figure shows the boundary cycles and the loading points for the registers. In the Up Counting mode, the loading points are enabled if one of CNTMIN or CTMAX bits are 1. In the Up-Down Counting mode, the loading points are selected by CNTMIN and CNTMAX bits, as indicated in the figure. These loading points are safe places for register updates thus allowing a smooth transitions in PWM waveform generation. For both counting modes, if neither CNTMIN nor CNTMAX are 1, then the boundary cycles are not used as loading points for registers updates. See the register synchronization descriptions in the following sections for details. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 820 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) loading points if CNTMAX = 1 or CNTMIN = 1 CNT = MOD -> CNTIN up counting mode loading points if CNTMAX = 1 CNT = (MOD - 0x0001) -> MOD up-down counting mode CNT = (CNTIN + 0x0001) -> CNTIN loading points if CNTMIN = 1 Figure 35-45. Boundary cycles and loading points MOD register synchronization The MOD register synchronization updates the MOD register with its buffer value. This synchronization is enabled if (FTMEN = 1). The MOD register synchronization can be done by either the enhanced PWM synchronization (SYNCMODE = 1) or the legacy PWM synchronization (SYNCMODE = 0). However, it is expected that the MOD register be synchronized only by the enhanced PWM synchronization. In the case of enhanced PWM synchronization, the MOD register synchronization depends on SWWRBUF, SWRSTCNT, HWWRBUF, and HWRSTCNT bits according to this flowchart: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 821 Functional description begin legacy PWM synchronization SYNCMODE bit ? =0 =1 enhanced PWM synchronization MOD register is updated by hardware trigger MOD register is updated by software trigger SWWRBUF bit ? HWWRBUF = 0 bit ? =0 =1 =1 end software trigger 0= SWSYNC bit ? end hardware trigger TRIGn bit ? =1 =0 =1 FTM counter is reset by software trigger SWRSTCNT bit ? wait hardware trigger n =1 =0 wait the next selected loading point HWTRIGMODE bit ? =1 =0 update MOD with its buffer value update MOD with its buffer value clear SWSYNC bit clear SWSYNC bit end end clear TRIGn bit FTM counter is reset by hardware trigger 0= HWRSTCNT bit ? =1 wait the next selected loading point update MOD with its buffer value update MOD with its buffer value end end Figure 35-46. MOD register synchronization flowchart In the case of legacy PWM synchronization, the MOD register synchronization depends on PWMSYNC and REINIT bits according to the following description. If (SYNCMODE = 0), (PWMSYNC = 0), and (REINIT = 0), then this synchronization is made on the next selected loading point after an enabled trigger event takes place. If the trigger event was a software trigger, then the SWSYNC bit is cleared on the next selected KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 822 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) loading point. If the trigger event was a hardware trigger, then the trigger enable bit (TRIGn) is cleared according to Hardware trigger. Examples with software and hardware triggers follow. system clock write 1 to SWSYNC bit SWSYNC bit software trigger event selected loading point MOD register is updated Figure 35-47. MOD synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (PWMSYNC = 0), (REINIT = 0), and software trigger was used system clock write 1 to TRIG0 bit TRIG0 bit trigger 0 event selected loading point MOD register is updated Figure 35-48. MOD synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (HWTRIGMODE = 0), (PWMSYNC = 0), (REINIT = 0), and a hardware trigger was used If (SYNCMODE = 0), (PWMSYNC = 0), and (REINIT = 1), then this synchronization is made on the next enabled trigger event. If the trigger event was a software trigger, then the SWSYNC bit is cleared according to the following example. If the trigger event was a hardware trigger, then the TRIGn bit is cleared according to Hardware trigger. Examples with software and hardware triggers follow. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 823 Functional description system clock write 1 to SWSYNC bit SWSYNC bit software trigger event MOD register is updated Figure 35-49. MOD synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (PWMSYNC = 0), (REINIT = 1), and software trigger was used system clock write 1 to TRIG0 bit TRIG0 bit trigger 0 event MOD register is updated Figure 35-50. MOD synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (HWTRIGMODE = 0), (PWMSYNC = 0), (REINIT = 1), and a hardware trigger was used If (SYNCMODE = 0) and (PWMSYNC = 1), then this synchronization is made on the next selected loading point after the software trigger event takes place. The SWSYNC bit is cleared on the next selected loading point: system clock write 1 to SWSYNC bit SWSYNC bit software trigger event selected loading point MOD register is updated Figure 35-51. MOD synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0) and (PWMSYNC = 1) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 824 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) CNTIN register synchronization The CNTIN register synchronization updates the CNTIN register with its buffer value. This synchronization is enabled if (FTMEN = 1), (SYNCMODE = 1), and (CNTINC = 1). The CNTIN register synchronization can be done only by the enhanced PWM synchronization (SYNCMODE = 1). The synchronization mechanism is the same as the MOD register synchronization done by the enhanced PWM synchronization; see MOD register synchronization. C(n)V and C(n+1)V register synchronization The C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers synchronization updates the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers with their buffer values. This synchronization is enabled if (FTMEN = 1) and (SYNCEN = 1). The synchronization mechanism is the same as the MOD register synchronization. However, it is expected that the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers be synchronized only by the enhanced PWM synchronization (SYNCMODE = 1). OUTMASK register synchronization The OUTMASK register synchronization updates the OUTMASK register with its buffer value. The OUTMASK register can be updated at each rising edge of system clock (SYNCHOM = 0), by the enhanced PWM synchronization (SYNCHOM = 1 and SYNCMODE = 1) or by the legacy PWM synchronization (SYNCHOM = 1 and SYNCMODE = 0). However, it is expected that the OUTMASK register be synchronized only by the enhanced PWM synchronization. In the case of enhanced PWM synchronization, the OUTMASK register synchronization depends on SWOM and HWOM bits. See the following flowchart: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 825 Functional description begin update OUTMASK register at each rising edge of system clock no = 0= SYNCHOM bit ? update OUTMASK register by PWM synchronization =1 1= rising edge of system clock ? SYNCMODE bit ? =0 legacy PWM synchronization = yes update OUTMASK with its buffer value end enhanced PWM synchronization OUTMASK is updated by hardware trigger OUTMASK is updated by software trigger 1= 0= SWSYNC bit ? SWOM bit ? software trigger =0 end 0= end HWOM bit ? =1 hardware trigger end =0 =1 =1 update OUTMASK with its buffer value TRIGn bit ? wait hardware trigger n update OUTMASK with its buffer value HWTRIGMODE bit ? =1 =0 clear TRIGn bit end Figure 35-52. OUTMASK register synchronization flowchart In the case of legacy PWM synchronization, the OUTMASK register synchronization depends on PWMSYNC bit according to the following description. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 826 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) If (SYNCMODE = 0), (SYNCHOM = 1), and (PWMSYNC = 0), then this synchronization is done on the next enabled trigger event. If the trigger event was a software trigger, then the SWSYNC bit is cleared on the next selected loading point. If the trigger event was a hardware trigger, then the TRIGn bit is cleared according to Hardware trigger. Examples with software and hardware triggers follow. system clock write 1 to SWSYNC bit SWSYNC bit software trigger event selected loading point OUTMASK register is updated SWSYNC bit is cleared Figure 35-53. OUTMASK synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (SYNCHOM = 1), (PWMSYNC = 0) and software trigger was used system clock write 1 to TRIG0 bit TRIG0 bit trigger 0 event OUTMASK register is updated and TRIG0 bit is cleared Figure 35-54. OUTMASK synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (HWTRIGMODE = 0), (SYNCHOM = 1), (PWMSYNC = 0), and a hardware trigger was used If (SYNCMODE = 0), (SYNCHOM = 1), and (PWMSYNC = 1), then this synchronization is made on the next enabled hardware trigger. The TRIGn bit is cleared according to Hardware trigger. An example with a hardware trigger follows. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 827 Functional description system clock write 1 to TRIG0 bit TRIG0 bit trigger 0 event OUTMASK register is updated and TRIG0 bit is cleared Figure 35-55. OUTMASK synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (HWTRIGMODE = 0), (SYNCHOM = 1), (PWMSYNC = 1), and a hardware trigger was used INVCTRL register synchronization The INVCTRL register synchronization updates the INVCTRL register with its buffer value. The INVCTRL register can be updated at each rising edge of system clock (INVC = 0) or by the enhanced PWM synchronization (INVC = 1 and SYNCMODE = 1) according to the following flowchart. In the case of enhanced PWM synchronization, the INVCTRL register synchronization depends on SWINVC and HWINVC bits. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 828 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) begin update INVCTRL register at each rising edge of system clock 0= INVC bit ? =1 update INVCTRL register by PWM synchronization 1= no = SYNCMODE bit ? rising edge of system clock ? =0 end = yes update INVCTRL with its buffer value end enhanced PWM synchronization INVCTRL is updated by hardware trigger INVCTRL is updated by software trigger 1= 0= SWSYNC bit ? SWINVC bit ? software trigger =0 end 0= end HWINVC bit ? =1 hardware trigger TRIGn bit ? =1 =1 update INVCTRL with its buffer value end =0 wait hardware trigger n update INVCTRL with its buffer value HWTRIGMODE bit ? =1 =0 clear TRIGn bit end Figure 35-56. INVCTRL register synchronization flowchart SWOCTRL register synchronization The SWOCTRL register synchronization updates the SWOCTRL register with its buffer value. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 829 Functional description The SWOCTRL register can be updated at each rising edge of system clock (SWOC = 0) or by the enhanced PWM synchronization (SWOC = 1 and SYNCMODE = 1) according to the following flowchart. In the case of enhanced PWM synchronization, the SWOCTRL register synchronization depends on SWSOC and HWSOC bits. begin update SWOCTRL register at each rising edge of system clock 0= SWOC bit ? =1 update SWOCTRL register by PWM synchronization 1= no = SYNCMODE bit ? rising edge of system clock ? =0 end = yes update SWOCTRL with its buffer value end enhanced PWM synchronization SWOCTRL is updated by hardware trigger SWOCTRL is updated by software trigger 1= 0= SWSYNC bit ? SWSOC bit ? software trigger =0 end 0= end HWSOC bit ? hardware trigger end TRIGn bit ? =0 =1 =1 update SWOCTRL with its buffer value =1 wait hardware trigger n update SWOCTRL with its buffer value HWTRIGMODE bit ? =1 =0 clear TRIGn bit end Figure 35-57. SWOCTRL register synchronization flowchart KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 830 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTM counter synchronization The FTM counter synchronization is a mechanism that allows the FTM to restart the PWM generation at a certain point in the PWM period. The channels outputs are forced to their initial value, except for channels in Output Compare mode, and the FTM counter is forced to its initial counting value defined by CNTIN register. The following figure shows the FTM counter synchronization. Note that after the synchronization event occurs, the channel (n) is set to its initial value and the channel (n +1) is not set to its initial value due to a specific timing of this figure in which the deadtime insertion prevents this channel output from transitioning to 1. If no deadtime insertion is selected, then the channel (n+1) transitions to logical value 1 immediately after the synchronization event occurs. channel (n+1) match FTM counter channel (n) match channel (n) output (after deadtime insertion) channel (n+1) output (after deadtime insertion) synchronization event Figure 35-58. FTM counter synchronization The FTM counter synchronization can be done by either the enhanced PWM synchronization (SYNCMODE = 1) or the legacy PWM synchronization (SYNCMODE = 0). However, the FTM counter must be synchronized only by the enhanced PWM synchronization. In the case of enhanced PWM synchronization, the FTM counter synchronization depends on SWRSTCNT and HWRSTCNT bits according to the following flowchart. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 831 Functional description begin legacy PWM synchronization SYNCMODE bit ? =0 =1 enhanced PWM synchronization FTM counter is reset by software trigger SWSYNC bit ? SWRSTCNT bit ? software trigger =0 end =0 1= FTM counter is reset by hardware trigger end HWRSTCNT bit ? =1 hardware trigger =0 update the channels outputs with their initial value clear SWSYNC bit =0 =1 =1 update FTM counter with CNTIN register value TRIGn bit ? wait hardware trigger n update FTM counter with CNTIN register value update the channels outputs with their initial value end HWTRIGMODE bit ? =1 =0 clear TRIGn bit end Figure 35-59. FTM counter synchronization flowchart In the case of legacy PWM synchronization, the FTM counter synchronization depends on REINIT and PWMSYNC bits according to the following description. If (SYNCMODE = 0), (REINIT = 1), and (PWMSYNC = 0) then this synchronization is made on the next enabled trigger event. If the trigger event was a software trigger then the SWSYNC bit is cleared according to the following example. If the trigger event was a hardware trigger then the TRIGn bit is cleared according to Hardware trigger. Examples with software and hardware triggers follow. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 832 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) system clock write 1 to SWSYNC bit SWSYNC bit software trigger event FTM counter is updated with the CNTIN register value and channel outputs are forced to their initial value Figure 35-60. FTM counter synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (REINIT = 1), (PWMSYNC = 0), and software trigger was used system clock write 1 to TRIG0 bit TRIG0 bit trigger 0 event FTM counter is updated with the CNTIN register value and channel outputs are forced to their initial value Figure 35-61. FTM counter synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (HWTRIGMODE = 0), (REINIT = 1), (PWMSYNC = 0), and a hardware trigger was used If (SYNCMODE = 0), (REINIT = 1), and (PWMSYNC = 1) then this synchronization is made on the next enabled hardware trigger. The TRIGn bit is cleared according to Hardware trigger. system clock write 1 to TRIG0 bit TRIG0 bit trigger 0 event FTM counter is updated with the CNTIN register value and channel outputs are forced to their initial value Figure 35-62. FTM counter synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (HWTRIGMODE = 0), (REINIT = 1), (PWMSYNC = 1), and a hardware trigger was used KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 833 Functional description 35.4.12 Inverting The invert functionality swaps the signals between channel (n) and channel (n+1) outputs. The inverting operation is selected when: * * * * QUADEN = 0 DECAPEN = 0 COMP = 1, and INVm = 1 (where m represents a channel pair) The INVm bit in INVCTRL register is updated with its buffer value according to INVCTRL register synchronization In High-True (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0) Combine mode, the channel (n) output is forced low at the beginning of the period (FTM counter = CNTIN), forced high at the channel (n) match and forced low at the channel (n+1) match. If the inverting is selected, the channel (n) output behavior is changed to force high at the beginning of the PWM period, force low at the channel (n) match and force high at the channel (n+1) match. See the following figure. channel (n+1) match FTM counter channel (n) match channel (n) output before the inverting channel (n+1) output before the inverting write 1 to INV(m) bit INV(m) bit buffer INVCTRL register synchronization INV(m) bit channel (n) output after the inverting channel (n+1) output after the inverting NOTE INV(m) bit selects the inverting to the pair channels (n) and (n+1). Figure 35-63. Channels (n) and (n+1) outputs after the inverting in High-True (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0) Combine mode KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 834 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) Note that the ELSnB:ELSnA bits value should be considered because they define the active state of the channels outputs. In Low-True (ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1) Combine mode, the channel (n) output is forced high at the beginning of the period, forced low at the channel (n) match and forced high at the channel (n+1) match. When inverting is selected, the channels (n) and (n+1) present waveforms as shown in the following figure. channel (n+1) match FTM counter channel (n) match channel (n) output before the inverting channel (n+1) output before the inverting write 1 to INV(m) bit INV(m) bit buffer INVCTRL register synchronization INV(m) bit channel (n) output after the inverting channel (n+1) output after the inverting NOTE INV(m) bit selects the inverting to the pair channels (n) and (n+1). Figure 35-64. Channels (n) and (n+1) outputs after the inverting in Low-True (ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1) Combine mode Note The inverting feature is not available in Output Compare mode. 35.4.13 Software output control The software output control forces the channel output according to software defined values at a specific time in the PWM generation. The software output control is selected when: * QUADEN = 0 * DECAPEN = 0, and * CHnOC = 1 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 835 Functional description The CHnOC bit enables the software output control for a specific channel output and the CHnOCV selects the value that is forced to this channel output. Both CHnOC and CHnOCV bits in SWOCTRL register are buffered and updated with their buffer value according to SWOCTRL register synchronization. The following figure shows the channels (n) and (n+1) outputs signals when the software output control is used. In this case the channels (n) and (n+1) are set to Combine and Complementary mode. channel (n+1) match FTM counter channel (n) match channel (n) output after the software output control channel (n+1) output after the software output control CH(n)OC buffer CH(n+1)OC buffer write to SWOCTRL register write to SWOCTRL register CH(n)OC bit CH(n+1)OC bit SWOCTRL register synchronization SWOCTRL register synchronization NOTE CH(n)OCV = 1 and CH(n+1)OCV = 0. Figure 35-65. Example of software output control in Combine and Complementary mode Software output control forces the following values on channels (n) and (n+1) when the COMP bit is zero. Table 35-8. Software ouput control behavior when (COMP = 0) CH(n)OC CH(n+1)OC CH(n)OCV CH(n+1)OCV Channel (n) Output Channel (n+1) Output 0 0 X X is not modified by SWOC is not modified by SWOC 1 1 0 0 is forced to zero is forced to zero 1 1 1 0 1 is forced to zero is forced to one 1 1 0 is forced to one is forced to zero 1 1 1 1 is forced to one is forced to one Software output control forces the following values on channels (n) and (n+1) when the COMP bit is one. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 836 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) Table 35-9. Software ouput control behavior when (COMP = 1) CH(n)OC CH(n+1)OC CH(n)OCV CH(n+1)OCV Channel (n) Output Channel (n+1) Output 0 0 X X is not modified by SWOC is not modified by SWOC 1 1 0 0 is forced to zero is forced to zero 1 1 0 1 is forced to zero is forced to one 1 1 1 0 is forced to one is forced to zero 1 1 1 1 is forced to one is forced to zero Note * The CH(n)OC and CH(n+1)OC bits should be equal. * The COMP bit must not be modified when software output control is enabled, that is, CH(n)OC = 1 and/or CH(n +1)OC = 1. * Software output control has the same behavior with disabled or enabled FTM counter (see the CLKS field description in the Status and Control register). 35.4.14 Deadtime insertion The deadtime insertion is enabled when (DTEN = 1) and (DTVAL[5:0] is non- zero). DEADTIME register defines the deadtime delay that can be used for all FTM channels. The DTPS[1:0] bits define the prescaler for the system clock and the DTVAL[5:0] bits define the deadtime modulo, that is, the number of the deadtime prescaler clocks. The deadtime delay insertion ensures that no two complementary signals (channels (n) and (n+1)) drive the active state at the same time. If POL(n) = 0, POL(n+1) = 0, and the deadtime is enabled, then when the channel (n) match (FTM counter = C(n)V) occurs, the channel (n) output remains at the low value until the end of the deadtime delay when the channel (n) output is set. Similarly, when the channel (n+1) match (FTM counter = C(n+1)V) occurs, the channel (n+1) output remains at the low value until the end of the deadtime delay when the channel (n+1) output is set. See the following figures. If POL(n) = 1, POL(n+1) = 1, and the deadtime is enabled, then when the channel (n) match (FTM counter = C(n)V) occurs, the channel (n) output remains at the high value until the end of the deadtime delay when the channel (n) output is cleared. Similarly, KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 837 Functional description when the channel (n+1) match (FTM counter = C(n+1)V) occurs, the channel (n+1) output remains at the high value until the end of the deadtime delay when the channel (n +1) output is cleared. channel (n+1) match FTM counter channel (n) match channel (n) output (before deadtime insertion) channel (n+1) output (before deadtime insertion) channel (n) output (after deadtime insertion) channel (n+1) output (after deadtime insertion) Figure 35-66. Deadtime insertion with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0, POL(n) = 0, and POL(n+1) = 0 channel (n+1) match FTM counter channel (n) match channel (n) output (before deadtime insertion) channel (n+1) output (before deadtime insertion) channel (n) output (after deadtime insertion) channel (n+1) output (after deadtime insertion) Figure 35-67. Deadtime insertion with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1, POL(n) = 0, and POL(n+1) = 0 NOTE * The deadtime feature must be used only in Complementary mode. * The deadtime feature is not available in Output Compare mode. Deadtime insertion corner cases If (PS[2:0] is cleared), (DTPS[1:0] = 0:0 or DTPS[1:0] = 0:1): KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 838 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) * and the deadtime delay is greater than or equal to the channel (n) duty cycle ((C(n +1)V - C(n)V) x system clock), then the channel (n) output is always the inactive value (POL(n) bit value). * and the deadtime delay is greater than or equal to the channel (n+1) duty cycle ((MOD - CNTIN + 1 - (C(n+1)V - C(n)V) ) x system clock), then the channel (n+1) output is always the inactive value (POL(n+1) bit value). Although, in most cases the deadtime delay is not comparable to channels (n) and (n+1) duty cycle, the following figures show examples where the deadtime delay is comparable to the duty cycle. channel (n+1) match FTM counter channel (n) match channel (n) output (before deadtime insertion) channel (n+1) output (before deadtime insertion) channel (n) output (after deadtime insertion) channel (n+1) output (after deadtime insertion) Figure 35-68. Example of the deadtime insertion (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0, POL(n) = 0, and POL(n+1) = 0) when the deadtime delay is comparable to channel (n+1) duty cycle channel (n+1) match FTM counter channel (n) match channel (n) output (before deadtime insertion) channel (n+1) output (before deadtime insertion) channel (n) output (after deadtime insertion) channel (n+1) output (after deadtime insertion) Figure 35-69. Example of the deadtime insertion (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0, POL(n) = 0, and POL(n+1) = 0) when the deadtime delay is comparable to channels (n) and (n+1) duty cycle KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 839 Functional description 35.4.15 Output mask The output mask can be used to force channels output to their inactive state through software. For example: to control a BLDC motor. Any write to the OUTMASK register updates its write buffer. The OUTMASK register is updated with its buffer value by PWM synchronization; see OUTMASK register synchronization. If CHnOM = 1, then the channel (n) output is forced to its inactive state (POLn bit value). If CHnOM = 0, then the channel (n) output is unaffected by the output mask. See the following figure. the beginning of new PWM cycles FTM counter channel (n) output (before output mask) CHnOM bit channel (n) output (after output mask) configured PWM signal starts to be available in the channel (n) output channel (n) output is disabled Figure 35-70. Output mask with POLn = 0 The following table shows the output mask result before the polarity control. Table 35-10. Output mask result for channel (n) before the polarity control CHnOM Output Mask Input Output Mask Result 0 inactive state inactive state active state active state inactive state inactive state 1 active state KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 840 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 35.4.16 Fault control The fault control is enabled if (FAULTM[1:0] 0:0). FTM can have up to four fault inputs. FAULTnEN bit (where n = 0, 1, 2, 3) enables the fault input n and FFLTRnEN bit enables the fault input n filter. FFVAL[3:0] bits select the value of the enabled filter in each enabled fault input. First, each fault input signal is synchronized by the system clock; see the synchronizer block in the following figure. Following synchronization, the fault input n signal enters the filter block. When there is a state change in the fault input n signal, the 5-bit counter is reset and starts counting up. As long as the new state is stable on the fault input n, the counter continues to increment. If the 5-bit counter overflows, that is, the counter exceeds the value of the FFVAL[3:0] bits, the new fault input n value is validated. It is then transmitted as a pulse edge to the edge detector. If the opposite edge appears on the fault input n signal before validation (counter overflow), the counter is reset. At the next input transition, the counter starts counting again. Any pulse that is shorter than the minimum value selected by FFVAL[3:0] bits (x system clock) is regarded as a glitch and is not passed on to the edge detector. The fault input n filter is disabled when the FFVAL[3:0] bits are zero or when FAULTnEN = 0. In this case, the fault input n signal is delayed 2 rising edges of the system clock and the FAULTFn bit is set on 3th rising edge of the system clock after a rising edge occurs on the fault input n. If FFVAL[3:0] 0000 and FAULTnEN = 1, then the fault input n signal is delayed (3 + FFVAL[3:0]) rising edges of the system clock, that is, the FAULTFn bit is set (4 + FFVAL[3:0]) rising edges of the system clock after a rising edge occurs on the fault input n. (FFVAL[3:0] 0000) and (FFLTRnEN*) FLTnPOL synchronizer fault input n* value 0 fault input n* system clock D Q CLK D CLK Q Fault filter (5-bit counter) 1 fault input polarity control rising edge detector FAULTFn* * where n = 3, 2, 1, 0 Figure 35-71. Fault input n control block diagram KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 841 Functional description If the fault control and fault input n are enabled and a rising edge at the fault input n signal is detected, a fault condition has occurred and the FAULTFn bit is set. The FAULTF bit is the logic OR of FAULTFn[3:0] bits. See the following figure. fault input 0 value fault input 1 value fault input 2 value fault input 3 value FAULTIN FAULTIE FAULTF0 FAULTF1 FAULTF2 fault interrupt FAULTF FAULTF3 Figure 35-72. FAULTF and FAULTIN bits and fault interrupt If the fault control is enabled (FAULTM[1:0] 0:0), a fault condition has occurred and (FAULTEN = 1), then outputs are forced to their safe values: * Channel (n) output takes the value of POL(n) * Channel (n+1) takes the value of POL(n+1) The fault interrupt is generated when (FAULTF = 1) and (FAULTIE = 1). This interrupt request remains set until: * Software clears the FAULTF bit by reading FAULTF bit as 1 and writing 0 to it * Software clears the FAULTIE bit * A reset occurs Automatic fault clearing If the automatic fault clearing is selected (FAULTM[1:0] = 1:1), then the channels output disabled by fault control is again enabled when the fault input signal (FAULTIN) returns to zero and a new PWM cycle begins. See the following figure. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 842 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) the beginning of new PWM cycles FTM counter channel (n) output (before fault control) FAULTIN bit channel (n) output FAULTF bit FAULTF bit is cleared NOTE The channel (n) output is after the fault control with automatic fault clearing and POLn = 0. Figure 35-73. Fault control with automatic fault clearing Manual fault clearing If the manual fault clearing is selected (FAULTM[1:0] = 0:1 or 1:0), then the channels output disabled by fault control is again enabled when the FAULTF bit is cleared and a new PWM cycle begins. See the following figure. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 843 Functional description the beginning of new PWM cycles FTM counter channel (n) output (before fault control) FAULTIN bit channel (n) output FAULTF bit FAULTF bit is cleared NOTE The channel (n) output is after the fault control with manual fault clearing and POLn = 0. Figure 35-74. Fault control with manual fault clearing Fault inputs polarity control The FLTjPOL bit selects the fault input j polarity, where j = 0, 1, 2, 3: * If FLTjPOL = 0, the fault j input polarity is high, so the logical one at the fault input j indicates a fault. * If FLTjPOL = 1, the fault j input polarity is low, so the logical zero at the fault input j indicates a fault. 35.4.17 Polarity control The POLn bit selects the channel (n) output polarity: * If POLn = 0, the channel (n) output polarity is high, so the logical one is the active state and the logical zero is the inactive state. * If POLn = 1, the channel (n) output polarity is low, so the logical zero is the active state and the logical one is the inactive state. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 844 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 35.4.18 Initialization The initialization forces the CHnOI bit value to the channel (n) output when a one is written to the INIT bit. The initialization depends on COMP and DTEN bits. The following table shows the values that channels (n) and (n+1) are forced by initialization when the COMP and DTEN bits are zero. Table 35-11. Initialization behavior when (COMP = 0 and DTEN = 0) CH(n)OI CH(n+1)OI Channel (n) Output Channel (n+1) Output 0 0 is forced to zero is forced to zero 0 1 is forced to zero is forced to one 1 0 is forced to one is forced to zero 1 1 is forced to one is forced to one The following table shows the values that channels (n) and (n+1) are forced by initialization when (COMP = 1) or (DTEN = 1). Table 35-12. Initialization behavior when (COMP = 1 or DTEN = 1) CH(n)OI CH(n+1)OI Channel (n) Output Channel (n+1) Output 0 X is forced to zero is forced to one 1 X is forced to one is forced to zero Note The initialization feature must be used only with disabled FTM counter. See the description of the CLKS field in the Status and Control register. 35.4.19 Features priority The following figure shows the priority of the features used at the generation of channels (n) and (n+1) outputs signals. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 845 Functional description pair channels (m) - channels (n) and (n+1) FTM counter QUADEN DECAPEN COMBINE(m) CPWMS C(n)V MS(n)B CH(n)OC MS(n)A CH(n)OCV POL(n) ELS(n)B CH(n+1)OC POL(n+1) ELS(n)A CH(n)OI CH(n+1)OI COMP(m) INV(m)EN CH(n+1)OCV CH(n)OM DTEN(m) CH(n+1)OM FAULTEN(m) channel (n) output signal generation of channel (n) output signal initialization complementary mode inverting software output control deadtime insertion output mask fault control polarity control channel (n+1) output signal generation of channel (n+1) output signal C(n+1)V MS(n+1)B MS(n+1)A ELS(n+1)B ELS(n+1)A NOTE The channels (n) and (n+1) are in output compare, EPWM, CPWM or combine modes. Figure 35-75. Priority of the features used at the generation of channels (n) and (n+1) outputs signals Note The Initialization feature must not be used with Inverting and Software output control features. 35.4.20 Channel trigger output If CH(j)TRIG bit of the FTM External Trigger (FTM_EXTTRIG) register is set, where j = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, then the FTM generates a trigger when the channel (j) match occurs (FTM counter = C(j)V). The channel trigger output provides a trigger signal which has one FTM clock period width and is used for on-chip modules. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 846 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) The FTM is able to generate multiple triggers in one PWM period. Because each trigger is generated for a specific channel, several channels are required to implement this functionality. This behavior is described in the following figure. the beginning of new PWM cycles MOD FTM counter = C5V FTM counter = C4V FTM counter = C3V FTM counter = C2V FTM counter = C1V FTM counter = C0V CNTIN (a) (b) (c) (d) System clock CnV FTM counter 0x14 0x10 0x11 0x12 0x13 0x14 0x15 0x16 0x17 Channel Trigger Output NOTE (a) CH0TRIG = 0, CH1TRIG = 0, CH2TRIG = 0, CH3TRIG = 0, CH4TRIG = 0, CH5TRIG = 0 (b) CH0TRIG = 1, CH1TRIG = 0, CH2TRIG = 0, CH3TRIG = 0, CH4TRIG = 0, CH5TRIG = 0 (c) CH0TRIG = 0, CH1TRIG = 0, CH2TRIG = 0, CH3TRIG = 1, CH4TRIG = 1, CH5TRIG = 1 (d) CH0TRIG = 1, CH1TRIG = 1, CH2TRIG = 1, CH3TRIG = 1, CH4TRIG = 1, CH5TRIG = 1 Figure 35-76. Channel match trigger 35.4.21 Initialization trigger If INITTRIGEN = 1, then the FTM generates a trigger when the FTM counter is updated with the CNTIN register value in the following cases. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 847 Functional description * The FTM counter is automatically updated with the CNTIN register value by the selected counting mode. * When there is a write to CNT register. * When there is the FTM counter synchronization. * If (CNT = CNTIN), (CLKS[1:0] = 0:0), and a value different from zero is written to CLKS[1:0] bits. * If the channel (n) is in Input Capture mode, (ICRST = 1) and the selected input capture event occurs in the channel (n) input. The following figures show these cases. CNTIN = 0x0000 MOD = 0x000F CPWMS = 0 system clock FTM counter 0x0C 0x0D 0x0E 0x0F 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 initialization trigger Figure 35-77. Initialization trigger is generated when the FTM counting achieves the CNTIN register value CNTIN = 0x0000 MOD = 0x000F CPWMS = 0 system clock FTM counter 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 write to CNT initialization trigger Figure 35-78. Initialization trigger is generated when there is a write to CNT register KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 848 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) CNTIN = 0x0000 MOD = 0x000F CPWMS = 0 system clock FTM counter 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 FTM counter synchronization initialization trigger Figure 35-79. Initialization trigger is generated when there is the FTM counter synchronization CNTIN = 0x0000 MOD = 0x000F CPWMS = 0 system clock 0x00 FTM counter 00 CLKS[1:0] bits 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 01 initialization trigger Figure 35-80. Initialization trigger is generated if (CNT = CNTIN), (CLKS[1:0] = 0:0), and a value different from zero is written to CLKS[1:0] bits system clock CNT ... 0x20 0x21 0x22 0x23 0x24 0x25 0x26 0x27 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 ... channel (n) input CHnF bit C(n)V XX 0x27 initialization trigger NOTE Channel (n) input after its synchronizer and filter MOD = 0xFFFF CNTIN = 0x0000 PS[2:0] = 3'b000 ICRST = 1'b1 selected channel (n) input event: rising edge Figure 35-81. Initialization trigger is generated if the channel (n) is in Input Capture mode, ICRST = 1 and the selected input capture event occurs in the channel (n) input KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 849 Functional description The initialization trigger output provides a trigger signal that is used for on-chip modules. 35.4.22 Capture Test mode The Capture Test mode allows to test the CnV registers, the FTM counter and the interconnection logic between the FTM counter and CnV registers. In this test mode, all channels must be configured for Input Capture mode and FTM counter must be configured to the Up counting. When the Capture Test mode is enabled (CAPTEST = 1), the FTM counter is frozen and any write to CNT register updates directly the FTM counter; see the following figure. After it was written, all CnV registers are updated with the written value to CNT register and CHnF bits are set. Therefore, the FTM counter is updated with its next value according to its configuration. Its next value depends on CNTIN, MOD, and the written value to FTM counter. The next reads of CnV registers return the written value to the FTM counter and the next reads of CNT register return FTM counter next value. FTM counter clock set CAPTEST clear CAPTEST write to MODE CAPTEST bit FTM counter 0x1053 0x1054 0x1055 0x1056 0x78AC 0x78AD 0x78AE 0x78AF 0x78B0 write 0x78AC write to CNT CHnF bit CnV 0x0300 0x78AC NOTE - FTM counter configuration: (FTMEN = 1), (QUADEN = 0), (CAPTEST = 1), (CPWMS = 0), (CNTIN = 0x0000), and (MOD = 0xFFFF) - FTM channel n configuration: input capture mode - (DECAPEN = 0), (COMBINE = 0), and (MSnB:MSnA = 0:0) Figure 35-82. Capture Test mode KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 850 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 35.4.23 DMA The channel generates a DMA transfer request according to DMA and CHnIE bits. See the following table. Table 35-13. Channel DMA transfer request DMA CHnIE Channel DMA Transfer Request Channel Interrupt 0 0 The channel DMA transfer request is not generated. The channel interrupt is not generated. 0 1 The channel DMA transfer request is not generated. The channel interrupt is generated if (CHnF = 1). 1 0 The channel DMA transfer request is not generated. The channel interrupt is not generated. 1 1 The channel DMA transfer request is generated if The channel interrupt is not generated. (CHnF = 1). If DMA = 1, the CHnF bit is cleared either by channel DMA transfer done or reading CnSC while CHnF is set and then writing a zero to CHnF bit according to CHnIE bit. See the following table. Table 35-14. Clear CHnF bit when DMA = 1 CHnIE How CHnF Bit Can Be Cleared 0 CHnF bit is cleared either when the channel DMA transfer is done or by reading CnSC while CHnF is set and then writing a 0 to CHnF bit. 1 CHnF bit is cleared when the channel DMA transfer is done. 35.4.24 Dual Edge Capture mode The Dual Edge Capture mode is selected if DECAPEN = 1. This mode allows to measure a pulse width or period of the signal on the input of channel (n) of a channel pair. The channel (n) filter can be active in this mode when n is 0 or 2. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 851 Functional description is filter enabled? synchronizer FTMEN DECAPEN DECAP MS(n)A ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A CH(n)IE CH(n)F 0 channel (n) input system clock D CLK Q D CLK Q C(n)V[15:0] Dual edge capture mode logic Filter* channel (n) interrupt 1 CH(n+1)IE CH(n+1)F channel (n+1) interrupt C(n+1)V[15:0] * Filtering function for dual edge capture mode is only available in the channels 0 and 2 FTM counter Figure 35-83. Dual Edge Capture mode block diagram The MS(n)A bit defines if the Dual Edge Capture mode is one-shot or continuous. The ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits select the edge that is captured by channel (n), and ELS(n +1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits select the edge that is captured by channel (n+1). If both ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits select the same edge, then it is the period measurement. If these bits select different edges, then it is a pulse width measurement. In the Dual Edge Capture mode, only channel (n) input is used and channel (n+1) input is ignored. If the selected edge by channel (n) bits is detected at channel (n) input, then CH(n)F bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated (if CH(n)IE = 1). If the selected edge by channel (n+1) bits is detected at channel (n) input and (CH(n)F = 1), then CH(n+1)F bit is set and the channel (n+1) interrupt is generated (if CH(n+1)IE = 1). The C(n)V register stores the value of FTM counter when the selected edge by channel (n) is detected at channel (n) input. The C(n+1)V register stores the value of FTM counter when the selected edge by channel (n+1) is detected at channel (n) input. In this mode, a coherency mechanism ensures coherent data when the C(n)V and C(n +1)V registers are read. The only requirement is that C(n)V must be read before C(n +1)V. Note * The CH(n)F, CH(n)IE, MS(n)A, ELS(n)B, and ELS(n)A bits are channel (n) bits. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 852 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) * The CH(n+1)F, CH(n+1)IE, MS(n+1)A, ELS(n+1)B, and ELS(n+1)A bits are channel (n+1) bits. * The Dual Edge Capture mode must be used with ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 0:1 or 1:0, ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A = 0:1 or 1:0 and the FTM counter in Free running counter. One-Shot Capture mode The One-Shot Capture mode is selected when (DECAPEN = 1), and (MS(n)A = 0). In this capture mode, only one pair of edges at the channel (n) input is captured. The ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits select the first edge to be captured, and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits select the second edge to be captured. The edge captures are enabled while DECAP bit is set. For each new measurement in One-Shot Capture mode, first the CH(n)F and CH(n+1) bits must be cleared, and then the DECAP bit must be set. In this mode, the DECAP bit is automatically cleared by FTM when the edge selected by channel (n+1) is captured. Therefore, while DECAP bit is set, the one-shot capture is in process. When this bit is cleared, both edges were captured and the captured values are ready for reading in the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers. Similarly, when the CH(n+1)F bit is set, both edges were captured and the captured values are ready for reading in the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers. Continuous Capture mode The Continuous Capture mode is selected when (DECAPEN = 1), and (MS(n)A = 1). In this capture mode, the edges at the channel (n) input are captured continuously. The ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits select the initial edge to be captured, and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits select the final edge to be captured. The edge captures are enabled while DECAP bit is set. For the initial use, first the CH(n)F and CH(n+1)F bits must be cleared, and then DECAP bit must be set to start the continuous measurements. When the CH(n+1)F bit is set, both edges were captured and the captured values are ready for reading in the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers. The latest captured values are always available in these registers even after the DECAP bit is cleared. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 853 Functional description In this mode, it is possible to clear only the CH(n+1)F bit. Therefore, when the CH(n+1)F bit is set again, the latest captured values are available in C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers. For a new sequence of the measurements in the Dual Edge Capture - Continuous mode, clear the CH(n)F and CH(n+1)F bits to start new measurements. Pulse width measurement If the channel (n) is configured to capture rising edges (ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 0:1) and the channel (n+1) to capture falling edges (ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A = 1:0), then the positive polarity pulse width is measured. If the channel (n) is configured to capture falling edges (ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 1:0) and the channel (n+1) to capture rising edges (ELS(n +1)B:ELS(n+1)A = 0:1), then the negative polarity pulse width is measured. The pulse width measurement can be made in One-Shot Capture mode or Continuous Capture mode. The following figure shows an example of the Dual Edge Capture - One-Shot mode used to measure the positive polarity pulse width. The DECAPEN bit selects the Dual Edge Capture mode, so it remains set. The DECAP bit is set to enable the measurement of next positive polarity pulse width. The CH(n)F bit is set when the first edge of this pulse is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits. The CH(n+1)F bit is set and DECAP bit is cleared when the second edge of this pulse is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits. Both DECAP and CH(n+1)F bits indicate when two edges of the pulse were captured and the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers are ready for reading. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 854 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 4 FTM counter 12 8 3 7 2 6 1 16 11 10 5 20 15 14 9 13 24 19 18 17 28 23 27 22 26 21 25 channel (n) input (after the filter channel input) DECAPEN bit set DECAPEN DECAP bit set DECAP C(n)V 1 3 5 7 9 15 2 4 6 8 10 16 19 CH(n)F bit clear CH(n)F C(n+1)V 20 22 24 CH(n+1)F bit clear CH(n+1)F problem 1 problem 2 Note - The commands set DECAPEN, set DECAP, clear CH(n)F, and clear CH(n+1)F are made by the user. - Problem 1: channel (n) input = 1, set DECAP, not clear CH(n)F, and clear CH(n+1)F. - Problem 2: channel (n) input = 1, set DECAP, not clear CH(n)F, and not clear CH(n+1)F. Figure 35-84. Dual Edge Capture - One-Shot mode for positive polarity pulse width measurement The following figure shows an example of the Dual Edge Capture - Continuous mode used to measure the positive polarity pulse width. The DECAPEN bit selects the Dual Edge Capture mode, so it remains set. While the DECAP bit is set the configured measurements are made. The CH(n)F bit is set when the first edge of the positive polarity pulse is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits. The CH(n+1)F bit is set when the second edge of this pulse is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n +1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits. The CH(n+1)F bit indicates when two edges of the pulse were captured and the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers are ready for reading. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 855 Functional description 4 FTM counter 12 8 3 7 2 6 1 16 11 10 5 20 15 14 9 13 24 19 18 17 28 23 27 22 26 21 25 channel (n) input (after the filter channel input) DECAPEN bit set DECAPEN DECAP bit set DECAP C(n)V 1 3 5 7 9 11 15 19 21 23 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 20 22 24 CH(n)F bit clear CH(n)F C(n+1)V CH(n+1)F bit clear CH(n+1)F Note - The commands set DECAPEN, set DECAP, clear CH(n)F, and clear CH(n+1)F are made by the user. Figure 35-85. Dual Edge Capture - Continuous mode for positive polarity pulse width measurement Period measurement If the channels (n) and (n+1) are configured to capture consecutive edges of the same polarity, then the period of the channel (n) input signal is measured. If both channels (n) and (n+1) are configured to capture rising edges (ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 0:1 and ELS(n +1)B:ELS(n+1)A = 0:1), then the period between two consecutive rising edges is measured. If both channels (n) and (n+1) are configured to capture falling edges (ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 1:0 and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A = 1:0), then the period between two consecutive falling edges is measured. The period measurement can be made in One-Shot Capture mode or Continuous Capture mode. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 856 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) The following figure shows an example of the Dual Edge Capture - One-Shot mode used to measure the period between two consecutive rising edges. The DECAPEN bit selects the Dual Edge Capture mode, so it remains set. The DECAP bit is set to enable the measurement of next period. The CH(n)F bit is set when the first rising edge is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits. The CH(n+1)F bit is set and DECAP bit is cleared when the second rising edge is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n +1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits. Both DECAP and CH(n+1)F bits indicate when two selected edges were captured and the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers are ready for reading. 4 8 3 FTM counter 2 11 6 1 16 12 7 10 5 20 15 13 28 23 18 14 9 24 19 27 22 17 21 26 25 channel (n) input (after the filter channel input) DECAPEN bit set DECAPEN DECAP bit set DECAP C(n)V 1 3 5 6 7 14 17 2 4 6 7 9 15 18 18 20 27 23 26 CH(n)F bit clear CH(n)F C(n+1)V 20 CH(n+1)F bit clear CH(n+1)F problem 1 problem 2 problem 3 Note - The commands set DECAPEN, set DECAP, clear CH(n)F, and clear CH(n+1)F are made by the user. - Problem 1: channel (n) input = 0, set DECAP, not clear CH(n)F, and not clear CH(n+1)F. - Problem 2: channel (n) input = 1, set DECAP, not clear CH(n)F, and clear CH(n+1)F. - Problem 3: channel (n) input = 1, set DECAP, not clear CH(n)F, and not clear CH(n+1)F. Figure 35-86. Dual Edge Capture - One-Shot mode to measure of the period between two consecutive rising edges The following figure shows an example of the Dual Edge Capture - Continuous mode used to measure the period between two consecutive rising edges. The DECAPEN bit selects the Dual Edge Capture mode, so it remains set. While the DECAP bit is set the configured measurements are made. The CH(n)F bit is set when the first rising edge is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits. The CH(n+1)F bit is set KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 857 Functional description when the second rising edge is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n +1)A bits. The CH(n+1)F bit indicates when two edges of the period were captured and the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers are ready for reading. 4 FTM counter 12 8 3 2 6 1 16 11 7 9 24 19 14 10 5 20 15 18 13 28 23 27 22 17 21 26 25 channel (n) input (after the filter channel input) DECAPEN bit set DECAPEN DECAP bit set DECAP C(n)V 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 CH(n)F bit clear CH(n)F C(n+1)V CH(n+1)F bit clear CH(n+1)F Note - The commands set DECAPEN, set DECAP, clear CH(n)F, and clear CH(n+1)F are made by the user. Figure 35-87. Dual Edge Capture - Continuous mode to measure of the period between two consecutive rising edges Read coherency mechanism The Dual Edge Capture mode implements a read coherency mechanism between the FTM counter value captured in C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers. The read coherency mechanism is illustrated in the following figure. In this example, the channels (n) and (n +1) are in Dual Edge Capture - Continuous mode for positive polarity pulse width measurement. Thus, the channel (n) is configured to capture the FTM counter value when there is a rising edge at channel (n) input signal, and channel (n+1) to capture the FTM counter value when there is a falling edge at channel (n) input signal. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 858 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) When a rising edge occurs in the channel (n) input signal, the FTM counter value is captured into channel (n) capture buffer. The channel (n) capture buffer value is transferred to C(n)V register when a falling edge occurs in the channel (n) input signal. C(n)V register has the FTM counter value when the previous rising edge occurred, and the channel (n) capture buffer has the FTM counter value when the last rising edge occurred. When a falling edge occurs in the channel (n) input signal, the FTM counter value is captured into channel (n+1) capture buffer. The channel (n+1) capture buffer value is transferred to C(n+1)V register when the C(n)V register is read. In the following figure, the read of C(n)V returns the FTM counter value when the event 1 occurred and the read of C(n+1)V returns the FTM counter value when the event 2 occurred. event 1 FTM counter 1 event 2 2 event 3 event 4 event 5 event 6 4 5 6 3 event 7 7 event 8 8 event 9 9 channel (n) input (after the filter channel input) channel (n) capture buffer C(n)V channel (n+1) capture buffer 1 3 1 2 C(n+1)V 5 7 9 3 5 7 4 6 8 2 read C(n)V read C(n+1)V Figure 35-88. Dual Edge Capture mode read coherency mechanism C(n)V register must be read prior to C(n+1)V register in dual edge capture one-shot and continuous modes for the read coherency mechanism works properly. 35.4.25 Quadrature Decoder mode The Quadrature Decoder mode is selected if (QUADEN = 1). The Quadrature Decoder mode uses the input signals phase A and B to control the FTM counter increment and decrement. The following figure shows the quadrature decoder block diagram. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 859 Functional description PHAFLTREN CH0FVAL[3:0] synchronizer CNTIN 0 phase A input system clock Q D CLK D PHAPOL 1 Filter CLK MOD filtered phase A signal Q PHBPOL FTM counter enable up/down FTM counter PHBFLTREN direction CH1FVAL[3:0] TOFDIR synchronizer QUADIR 0 phase B input Q D D Q filtered phase B signal CLK CLK Filter 1 Figure 35-89. Quadrature Decoder block diagram Each one of input signals phase A and B has a filter that is equivalent to the filter used in the channels input; Filter for Input Capture mode. The phase A input filter is enabled by PHAFLTREN bit and this filter's value is defined by CH0FVAL[3:0] bits (CH(n)FVAL[3:0] bits in FILTER0 register). The phase B input filter is enabled by PHBFLTREN bit and this filter's value is defined by CH1FVAL[3:0] bits (CH(n +1)FVAL[3:0] bits in FILTER0 register). Except for CH0FVAL[3:0] and CH1FVAL[3:0] bits, no channel logic is used in Quadrature Decoder mode. Note Notice that the FTM counter is clocked by the phase A and B input signals when quadrature decoder mode is selected. Therefore it is expected that the Quadrature Decoder be used only with the FTM channels in input capture or output compare modes. Note An edge at phase A must not occur together an edge at phase B and vice-versa. The PHAPOL bit selects the polarity of the phase A input, and the PHBPOL bit selects the polarity of the phase B input. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 860 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) The QUADMODE selects the encoding mode used in the Quadrature Decoder mode. If QUADMODE = 1, then the count and direction encoding mode is enabled; see the following figure. In this mode, the phase B input value indicates the counting direction, and the phase A input defines the counting rate. The FTM counter is updated when there is a rising edge at phase A input signal. phase B (counting direction) phase A (counting rate) FTM counter increment/decrement +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 FTM counter MOD CNTIN 0x0000 Time Figure 35-90. Quadrature Decoder - Count and Direction Encoding mode If QUADMODE = 0, then the Phase A and Phase B Encoding mode is enabled; see the following figure. In this mode, the relationship between phase A and B signals indicates the counting direction, and phase A and B signals define the counting rate. The FTM counter is updated when there is an edge either at the phase A or phase B signals. If PHAPOL = 0 and PHBPOL = 0, then the FTM counter increment happens when: * there is a rising edge at phase A signal and phase B signal is at logic zero; * there is a rising edge at phase B signal and phase A signal is at logic one; * there is a falling edge at phase B signal and phase A signal is at logic zero; * there is a falling edge at phase A signal and phase B signal is at logic one; and the FTM counter decrement happens when: * there is a falling edge at phase A signal and phase B signal is at logic zero; * there is a falling edge at phase B signal and phase A signal is at logic one; * there is a rising edge at phase B signal and phase A signal is at logic zero; * there is a rising edge at phase A signal and phase B signal is at logic one. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 861 Functional description phase A phase B FTM counter increment/decrement +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 FTM counter MOD CNTIN 0x0000 Time Figure 35-91. Quadrature Decoder - Phase A and Phase B Encoding mode The following figure shows the FTM counter overflow in up counting. In this case, when the FTM counter changes from MOD to CNTIN, TOF and TOFDIR bits are set. TOF bit indicates the FTM counter overflow occurred. TOFDIR indicates the counting was up when the FTM counter overflow occurred. phase A phase B FTM counter increment/decrement +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 FTM counter MOD CNTIN 0x0000 Time set TOF set TOFDIR set TOF set TOFDIR Figure 35-92. FTM Counter overflow in up counting for Quadrature Decoder mode The following figure shows the FTM counter overflow in down counting. In this case, when the FTM counter changes from CNTIN to MOD, TOF bit is set and TOFDIR bit is cleared. TOF bit indicates the FTM counter overflow occurred. TOFDIR indicates the counting was down when the FTM counter overflow occurred. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 862 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) phase A phase B FTM counter increment/decrement -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 FTM counter MOD CNTIN 0x0000 Time set TOF clear TOFDIR set TOF clear TOFDIR Figure 35-93. FTM counter overflow in down counting for Quadrature Decoder mode Quadrature Decoder boundary conditions The following figures show the FTM counter responding to motor jittering typical in motor position control applications. phase A phase B FTM counter MOD CNTIN 0x0000 Time Figure 35-94. Motor position jittering in a mid count value The following figure shows motor jittering produced by the phase B and A pulses respectively: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 863 Functional description phase A phase B FTM counter MOD CNTIN 0x0000 Time Figure 35-95. Motor position jittering near maximum and minimum count value The first highlighted transition causes a jitter on the FTM counter value near the maximum count value (MOD). The second indicated transition occurs on phase A and causes the FTM counter transition between the maximum and minimum count values which are defined by MOD and CNTIN registers. The appropriate settings of the phase A and phase B input filters are important to avoid glitches that may cause oscillation on the FTM counter value. The preceding figures show examples of oscillations that can be caused by poor input filter setup. Thus, it is important to guarantee a minimum pulse width to avoid these oscillations. 35.4.26 BDM mode When the chip is in BDM mode, the BDMMODE[1:0] bits select the behavior of the FTM counter, the CH(n)F bit, the channels output, and the writes to the MOD, CNTIN, and C(n)V registers according to the following table. Table 35-15. FTM behavior when the chip Is in BDM mode BDMMODE FTM Counter CH(n)F Bit FTM Channels Output Writes to MOD, CNTIN, and C(n)V Registers 00 Stopped can be set Functional mode Writes to these registers bypass the registers buffers 01 Stopped is not set The channels outputs are forced to their safe value according to POLn bit Writes to these registers bypass the registers buffers 10 Stopped is not set The channels outputs are frozen when the chip enters in BDM mode Writes to these registers bypass the registers buffers Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 864 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) Table 35-15. FTM behavior when the chip Is in BDM mode (continued) BDMMODE 11 FTM Counter Functional mode CH(n)F Bit FTM Channels Output Writes to MOD, CNTIN, and C(n)V Registers can be set Functional mode Functional mode Note that if BDMMODE[1:0] = 2'b00 then the channels outputs remain at the value when the chip enters in BDM mode, because the FTM counter is stopped. However, the following situations modify the channels outputs in this BDM mode. * Write any value to CNT register; see Counter reset. In this case, the FTM counter is updated with the CNTIN register value and the channels outputs are updated to the initial value - except for those channels set to Output Compare mode. * FTM counter is reset by PWM Synchronization mode; see FTM counter synchronization. In this case, the FTM counter is updated with the CNTIN register value and the channels outputs are updated to the initial value - except for channels in Output Compare mode. * In the channels outputs initialization, the channel (n) output is forced to the CH(n)OI bit value when the value 1 is written to INIT bit. See Initialization. Note The BDMMODE[1:0] = 2'b00 must not be used with the Fault control. Even if the fault control is enabled and a fault condition exists, the channels outputs values are updated as above. Note If CLKS[1:0] = 2'b00 in BDM, a non-zero value is written to CLKS in BDM, and CnV = CNTIN when the BDM is disabled, then the CHnF bit is set (since if the channel is a 0% EPWM signal) when the BDM is disabled. 35.4.27 Intermediate load The PWMLOAD register allows to update the MOD, CNTIN, and C(n)V registers with the content of the register buffer at a defined load point. In this case, it is not required to use the PWM synchronization. There are multiple possible loading points for intermediate load: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 865 Functional description Table 35-16. When possible loading points are enabled Loading point Enabled When the FTM counter wraps from MOD value to CNTIN value Always At the channel (j) match (FTM counter = C(j)V) When CHjSEL = 1 The following figure shows some examples of enabled loading points. FTM counter = MOD FTM counter = C7V FTM counter = C6V FTM counter = C5V FTM counter = C4V FTM counter = C3V FTM counter = C2V FTM counter = C1V FTM counter = C0V (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) NOTE (a) LDOK = 0, CH0SEL = 0, CH1SEL = 0, CH2SEL = 0, CH3SEL = 0, CH4SEL = 0, CH5SEL = 0, CH6SEL = 0, CH7SEL = 0 (b) LDOK = 1, CH0SEL = 0, CH1SEL = 0, CH2SEL = 0, CH3SEL = 0, CH4SEL = 0, CH5SEL = 0, CH6SEL = 0, CH7SEL = 0 (c) LDOK = 0, CH0SEL = 0, CH1SEL = 0, CH2SEL = 0, CH3SEL = 1, CH4SEL = 0, CH5SEL = 0, CH6SEL = 0, CH7SEL = 0 (d) LDOK = 1, CH0SEL = 0, CH1SEL = 0, CH2SEL = 0, CH3SEL = 0, CH4SEL = 0, CH5SEL = 0, CH6SEL = 1, CH7SEL = 0 (e) LDOK = 1, CH0SEL = 1, CH1SEL = 0, CH2SEL = 1, CH3SEL = 0, CH4SEL = 1, CH5SEL = 0, CH6SEL = 1, CH7SEL = 0 (f) LDOK = 1, CH0SEL = 1, CH1SEL = 1, CH2SEL = 1, CH3SEL = 1, CH4SEL = 1, CH5SEL = 1, CH6SEL = 1, CH7SEL = 1 Figure 35-96. Loading points for intermediate load After enabling the loading points, the LDOK bit must be set for the load to occur. In this case, the load occurs at the next enabled loading point according to the following conditions: Table 35-17. Conditions for loads occurring at the next enabled loading point When a new value was written To the MOD register Then The MOD register is updated with its write buffer value. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 866 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) Table 35-17. Conditions for loads occurring at the next enabled loading point (continued) When a new value was written To the CNTIN register and CNTINC = 1 Then The CNTIN register is updated with its write buffer value. To the C(n)V register and SYNCENm = 1 - where m indicates The C(n)V register is updated with its write buffer value. the pair channels (n) and (n+1) To the C(n+1)V register and SYNCENm = 1 - where m indicates the pair channels (n) and (n+1) The C(n+1)V register is updated with its write buffer value. NOTE * If ELSjB and ELSjA bits are different from zero, then the channel (j) output signal is generated according to the configured output mode. If ELSjB and ELSjA bits are zero, then the generated signal is not available on channel (j) output. * If CHjIE = 1, then the channel (j) interrupt is generated when the channel (j) match occurs. * At the intermediate load neither the channels outputs nor the FTM counter are changed. Software must set the intermediate load at a safe point in time. 35.4.28 Global time base (GTB) The global time base (GTB) is a FTM function that allows the synchronization of multiple FTM modules on a chip. The following figure shows an example of the GTB feature used to synchronize two FTM modules. In this case, the FTM A and B channels can behave as if just one FTM module was used, that is, a global time base. FTM module A FTM module B FTM counter GTBEEN bit FTM counter enable logic enable gtb_in gtb_in example glue logic gtb_out GTBEOUT bit gtb_out Figure 35-97. Global time base (GTB) block diagram KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 867 Functional description The GTB functionality is implemented by the GTBEEN and GTBEOUT bits in the CONF register, the input signal gtb_in, and the output signal gtb_out. The GTBEEN bit enables gtb_in to control the FTM counter enable signal: * If GTBEEN = 0, each one of FTM modules works independently according to their configured mode. * If GTBEEN = 1, the FTM counter update is enabled only when gtb_in is 1. In the configuration described in the preceding figure, FTM modules A and B have their FTM counters enabled if at least one of the gtb_out signals from one of the FTM modules is 1. There are several possible configurations for the interconnection of the gtb_in and gtb_out signals, represented by the example glue logic shown in the figure. Note that these configurations are chip-dependent and implemented outside of the FTM modules. See the chip-specific FTM information for the chip's specific implementation. NOTE * In order to use the GTB signals to synchronize the FTM counter of different FTM modules, the configuration of each FTM module should guarantee that its FTM counter starts counting as soon as the gtb_in signal is 1. * The GTB feature does not provide continuous synchronization of FTM counters, meaning that the FTM counters may lose synchronization during FTM operation. The GTB feature only allows the FTM counters to start their operation synchronously. Enabling the global time base (GTB) To enable the GTB feature, follow these steps for each participating FTM module: 1. Stop the FTM counter: Write 00b to SC[CLKS]. 2. Program the FTM to the intended configuration. The FTM counter mode needs to be consistent across all participating modules. 3. Write 1 to CONF[GTBEEN] and write 0 to CONF[GTBEOUT] at the same time. 4. Select the intended FTM counter clock source in SC[CLKS]. The clock source needs to be consistent across all participating modules. 5. Reset the FTM counter: Write any value to the CNT register. To initiate the GTB feature in the configuration described in the preceding figure, write 1 to CONF[GTBEOUT] in the FTM module used as the time base. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 868 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 35.5 Reset overview The FTM is reset whenever any chip reset occurs. When the FTM exits from reset: * the FTM counter and the prescaler counter are zero and are stopped (CLKS[1:0] = 00b); * the timer overflow interrupt is zero, see Timer Overflow Interrupt; * the channels interrupts are zero, see Channel (n) Interrupt; * the fault interrupt is zero, see Fault Interrupt; * the channels are in input capture mode, see Input Capture mode; * the channels outputs are zero; * the channels pins are not controlled by FTM (ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 0:0) (See the table in the description of CnSC register). The following figure shows the FTM behavior after the reset. At the reset (item 1), the FTM counter is disabled (see the description of the CLKS field in the Status and Control register), its value is updated to zero and the pins are not controlled by FTM (See the table in the description of CnSC register). After the reset, the FTM should be configurated (item 2). It is necessary to define the FTM counter mode, the FTM counting limits (MOD and CNTIN registers value), the channels mode and CnV registers value according to the channels mode. Thus, it is recommended to write any value to CNT register (item 3). This write updates the FTM counter with the CNTIN register value and the channels output with its initial value (except for channels in output compare mode) (Counter reset). The next step is to select the FTM counter clock by the CLKS[1:0] bits (item 4). It is important to highlight that the pins are only controlled by FTM when CLKS[1:0] bits are different from zero (See the table in the description of CnSC register). KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 869 FTM Interrupts (1) FTM reset FTM counter CLKS[1:0] (3) write any value to CNT register XXXX 0x0000 XX 00 (4) write 1 to SC[CLKS] 0x0010 0x0011 0x0012 0x0013 0x0014 0x0015 0x0016 0x0017 0x0018 . . . 01 channel (n) output (2) FTM configuration channel (n) pin is controlled by FTM NOTES: - CNTIN = 0x0010 - Channel (n) is in low-true combine mode with CNTIN < C(n)V < C(n+1)V < MOD - C(n)V = 0x0015 Figure 35-98. FTM behavior after reset when the channel (n) is in Combine mode The following figure shows an example when the channel (n) is in Output Compare mode and the channel (n) output is toggled when there is a match. In the Output Compare mode, the channel output is not updated to its initial value when there is a write to CNT register (item 3). In this case, use the software output control (Software output control) or the initialization (Initialization) to update the channel output to the selected value (item 4). (4) use of software output control or initialization to update the channel output to the zero (1) FTM reset FTM counter CLKS[1:0] (3) write any value to CNT register XXXX 0x0000 XX 00 (5) write 1 to SC[CLKS] 0x0010 0x0011 0x0012 0x0013 0x0014 0x0015 0x0016 0x0017 . . . 01 channel (n) output (2) FTM configuration channel (n) pin is controlled by FTM NOTES: - CNTIN = 0x0010 - Channel (n) is in output compare and the channel (n) output is toggled when there is a match - C(n)V = 0x0014 Figure 35-99. FTM behavior after reset when the channel (n) is in Output Compare mode 35.6 FTM Interrupts KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 870 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 FlexTimer Module (FTM) 35.6.1 Timer Overflow Interrupt The timer overflow interrupt is generated when (TOIE = 1) and (TOF = 1). 35.6.2 Channel (n) Interrupt The channel (n) interrupt is generated when (CHnIE = 1) and (CHnF = 1). 35.6.3 Fault Interrupt The fault interrupt is generated when (FAULTIE = 1) and (FAULTF = 1). 35.7 Initialization Procedure The following initialization procedure is recommended to configure the FlexTimer operation. This procedure can also be used to do a new configuration of the FlexTimer operation. * Define the POL bits. * Mask the channels outputs using SYNCHOM = 0. Two clocks after the write to OUTMASK, the channels output are in the safe value. * (Re)Configuration FTM counter and channels to generation of periodic signals Disable the clock. If the selected mode is Quadrature Decoder, then disable this mode. Examples of the (re)configuration: * Write to MOD. * Write to CNTIN. * Select OC, EPWM, CPWM, Combine, Complement modes for all channels that will be used * Select the high-true and low-true channels modes. * Write to CnV for all channels that will be used . * (Re)Configure deadtime and fault control. * Do not use the SWOC without SW synchronization (see item 6). * Do not use the Inverting without SW synchronization (see item 6). * Do not use the Initialization. * Do not change the polarity control. * Do not configure the HW synchronization KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 871 Initialization Procedure * Write any value to CNT. The FTM Counter is reset and the channels output are updated according to new configuration. * Enable the clock. Write to CLKS[1:0] bits a value different from zero. If in the Quadrature Decoder mode, enable this mode. * Configure the SW synchronization for SWOC (if it is necessary), Inverting (if it is necessary) and Output Mask (always) * Select synchronization for Output Mask Write to SYNC (SWSYNC = 0, TRIG2 = 0, TRIG1 = 0, TRIG0 = 0, SYNCHOM = 1, REINIT = 0, CNTMAX = 0, CNTMIN = 0) * Write to SYNCONF. * HW Synchronization can not be enabled (HWSOC = 0, HWINVC = 0, HWOM = 0, HWWRBUF = 0, HWRSTCNT = 0, HWTRIGMODE = 0). * SW Synchronization for SWOC (if it is necessary): SWSOC = [0/1] and SWOC = [0/1]. * SW Synchronization for Inverting (if it is necessary): SWINVC = [0/1] and INVC = [0/1]. * SW Synchronization for SWOM (always): SWOM = 1. No enable the SW Synchronization for write buffers (because the writes to registers with write buffer are done using CLKS[1:0] = 2'b00): SWWRBUF = 0 and CNTINC = 0. * SW Synchronization for counter reset (always): SWRSTCNT = 1. * Enhanced synchronization (always): SYNCMODE = 1 * If the SWOC is used (SWSOC = 1 and SWOC = 1), then write to SWOCTRL register. * If the Inverting is used (SWINVC = 1 and INVC = 1), then write to INVCTRL register. * Write to OUTMASK to enable the masked channels. * Generate the Software Trigger Write to SYNC (SWSYNC = 1, TRIG2 = 0, TRIG1 = 0, TRIG0 = 0, SYNCHOM = 1, REINIT = 0, CNTMAX = 0, CNTMIN = 0) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 872 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 36 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) 36.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The PIT module is an array of timers that can be used to raise interrupts and trigger DMA channels. 36.1.1 Block diagram The following figure shows the block diagram of the PIT module. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 873 Signal description PIT Peripheral bus PIT registers load_value Timer 1 Interrupts Triggers Timer n Peripheral bus clock Figure 36-1. Block diagram of the PIT NOTE See the chip-specific PIT information for the number of PIT channels used in this MCU. 36.1.2 Features The main features of this block are: * Ability of timers to generate DMA trigger pulses * Ability of timers to generate interrupts * Maskable interrupts * Independent timeout periods for each timer 36.2 Signal description The PIT module has no external pins. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 874 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 36 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) 36.3 Memory map/register description This section provides a detailed description of all registers accessible in the PIT module. * Reserved registers will read as 0, writes will have no effect. * See the chip-specific PIT information for the number of PIT channels used in this MCU. PIT memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4003_7000 PIT Module Control Register (PIT_MCR) 32 R/W 0000_0006h 36.3.1/875 4003_7100 Timer Load Value Register (PIT_LDVAL0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.2/877 4003_7104 Current Timer Value Register (PIT_CVAL0) 32 R 0000_0000h 36.3.3/877 4003_7108 Timer Control Register (PIT_TCTRL0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.4/878 4003_710C Timer Flag Register (PIT_TFLG0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.5/878 4003_7110 Timer Load Value Register (PIT_LDVAL1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.2/877 4003_7114 Current Timer Value Register (PIT_CVAL1) 32 R 0000_0000h 36.3.3/877 4003_7118 Timer Control Register (PIT_TCTRL1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.4/878 4003_711C Timer Flag Register (PIT_TFLG1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.5/878 4003_7120 Timer Load Value Register (PIT_LDVAL2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.2/877 4003_7124 Current Timer Value Register (PIT_CVAL2) 32 R 0000_0000h 36.3.3/877 4003_7128 Timer Control Register (PIT_TCTRL2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.4/878 4003_712C Timer Flag Register (PIT_TFLG2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.5/878 4003_7130 Timer Load Value Register (PIT_LDVAL3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.2/877 4003_7134 Current Timer Value Register (PIT_CVAL3) 32 R 0000_0000h 36.3.3/877 4003_7138 Timer Control Register (PIT_TCTRL3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.4/878 4003_713C Timer Flag Register (PIT_TFLG3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.5/878 36.3.1 PIT Module Control Register (PIT_MCR) This register enables or disables the PIT timer clocks and controls the timers when the PIT enters the Debug mode. Access: User read/write KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 875 Memory map/register description Address: 4003_7000h base + 0h offset = 4003_7000h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MDIS FRZ 1 0 Reserved Reset 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 PIT_MCR field descriptions Field Description 31-3 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 2 Reserved This field is reserved. 1 MDIS Module Disable - (PIT section) Disables the standard timers. This field must be enabled before any other setup is done. 0 1 0 FRZ Clock for standard PIT timers is enabled. Clock for standard PIT timers is disabled. Freeze Allows the timers to be stopped when the device enters the Debug mode. 0 1 Timers continue to run in Debug mode. Timers are stopped in Debug mode. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 876 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 36 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) 36.3.2 Timer Load Value Register (PIT_LDVALn) These registers select the timeout period for the timer interrupts. Access: User read/write Address: 4003_7000h base + 100h offset + (16d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit R W 31 Reset 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TSV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PIT_LDVALn field descriptions Field Description TSV Timer Start Value Sets the timer start value. The timer will count down until it reaches 0, then it will generate an interrupt and load this register value again. Writing a new value to this register will not restart the timer; instead the value will be loaded after the timer expires. To abort the current cycle and start a timer period with the new value, the timer must be disabled and enabled again. 36.3.3 Current Timer Value Register (PIT_CVALn) These registers indicate the current timer position. Access: User read only Address: 4003_7000h base + 104h offset + (16d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TVL R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PIT_CVALn field descriptions Field TVL Description Current Timer Value Represents the current timer value, if the timer is enabled. NOTE: * If the timer is disabled, do not use this field as its value is unreliable. * The timer uses a downcounter. The timer values are frozen in Debug mode if MCR[FRZ] is set. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 877 Memory map/register description 36.3.4 Timer Control Register (PIT_TCTRLn) These registers contain the control bits for each timer. Access: User read/write Address: 4003_7000h base + 108h offset + (16d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CHN TIE TEN 0 0 0 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PIT_TCTRLn field descriptions Field 31-3 Reserved 2 CHN Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Chain Mode When activated, Timer n-1 needs to expire before timer n can decrement by 1. Timer 0 cannot be chained. 0 1 1 TIE Timer Interrupt Enable When an interrupt is pending, or, TFLGn[TIF] is set, enabling the interrupt will immediately cause an interrupt event. To avoid this, the associated TFLGn[TIF] must be cleared first. 0 1 0 TEN Timer is not chained. Timer is chained to previous timer. For example, for Channel 2, if this field is set, Timer 2 is chained to Timer 1. Interrupt requests from Timer n are disabled. Interrupt will be requested whenever TIF is set. Timer Enable Enables or disables the timer. 0 1 Timer n is disabled. Timer n is enabled. 36.3.5 Timer Flag Register (PIT_TFLGn) These registers hold the PIT interrupt flags. Access: User read/write KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 878 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 36 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) Address: 4003_7000h base + 10Ch offset + (16d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 R TIF w1c W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PIT_TFLGn field descriptions Field 31-1 Reserved 0 TIF Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Timer Interrupt Flag Sets to 1 at the end of the timer period. Writing 1 to this flag clears it. Writing 0 has no effect. If enabled, or, when TCTRLn[TIE] = 1, TIF causes an interrupt request. 0 1 Timeout has not yet occurred. Timeout has occurred. 36.4 Functional description This section provides the functional description of the module. 36.4.1 General operation This section gives detailed information on the internal operation of the module. Each timer can be used to generate trigger pulses and interrupts. Each interrupt is available on a separate interrupt line. Timers The timers generate triggers at periodic intervals, when enabled. The timers load the start values as specified in their LDVAL registers, count down to 0 and then load the respective start value again. Each time a timer reaches 0, it will generate a trigger pulse and set the interrupt flag. All interrupts can be enabled or masked by setting TCTRLn[TIE]. A new interrupt can be generated only after the previous one is cleared. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 879 Functional description If desired, the current counter value of the timer can be read via the CVAL registers. The counter period can be restarted, by first disabling, and then enabling the timer with TCTRLn[TEN]. See the following figure. Re-enable timer Disable timer Timer enabled Start value = p1 Trigger event p1 p1 p1 p1 Figure 36-2. Stopping and starting a timer The counter period of a running timer can be modified, by first disabling the timer, setting a new load value, and then enabling the timer again. See the following figure. Timer enabled Start value = p1 Disable timer, Set new load value Trigger event Re-enable timer p2 p1 p2 p2 p1 Figure 36-3. Modifying running timer period It is also possible to change the counter period without restarting the timer by writing LDVAL with the new load value. This value will then be loaded after the next trigger event. See the following figure. Timer enabled Start value = p1 New start Value p2 set Trigger event p1 p1 p1 p2 p2 Figure 36-4. Dynamically setting a new load value KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 880 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 36 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) Debug mode In Debug mode, the timers will be frozen based on MCR[FRZ]. This is intended to aid software development, allowing the developer to halt the processor, investigate the current state of the system, for example, the timer values, and then continue the operation. 36.4.2 Interrupts All the timers support interrupt generation. See the MCU specification for related vector addresses and priorities. Timer interrupts can be enabled by setting TCTRLn[TIE]. TFLGn[TIF] are set to 1 when a timeout occurs on the associated timer, and are cleared to 0 by writing a 1 to the corresponding TFLGn[TIF]. 36.4.3 Chained timers When a timer has chain mode enabled, it will only count after the previous timer has expired. So if timer n-1 has counted down to 0, counter n will decrement the value by one. This allows to chain some of the timers together to form a longer timer. The first timer (timer 0) cannot be chained to any other timer. 36.5 Initialization and application information In the example configuration: * The PIT clock has a frequency of 50 MHz. * Timer 1 creates an interrupt every 5.12 ms. * Timer 3 creates a trigger event every 30 ms. The PIT module must be activated by writing a 0 to MCR[MDIS]. The 50 MHz clock frequency equates to a clock period of 20 ns. Timer 1 needs to trigger every 5.12 ms/20 ns = 256,000 cycles and Timer 3 every 30 ms/20 ns = 1,500,000 cycles. The value for the LDVAL register trigger is calculated as: LDVAL trigger = (period / clock period) -1 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 881 Example configuration for chained timers This means LDVAL1 and LDVAL3 must be written with 0x0003E7FF and 0x0016E35F respectively. The interrupt for Timer 1 is enabled by setting TCTRL1[TIE]. The timer is started by writing 1 to TCTRL1[TEN]. Timer 3 shall be used only for triggering. Therefore, Timer 3 is started by writing a 1 to TCTRL3[TEN]. TCTRL3[TIE] stays at 0. The following example code matches the described setup: // turn on PIT PIT_MCR = 0x00; // Timer 1 PIT_LDVAL1 = 0x0003E7FF; // setup timer 1 for 256000 cycles PIT_TCTRL1 = TIE; // enable Timer 1 interrupts PIT_TCTRL1 |= TEN; // start Timer 1 // Timer 3 PIT_LDVAL3 = 0x0016E35F; // setup timer 3 for 1500000 cycles PIT_TCTRL3 |= TEN; // start Timer 3 36.6 Example configuration for chained timers In the example configuration: * The PIT clock has a frequency of 100 MHz. * Timers 1 and 2 are available. * An interrupt shall be raised every 1 minute. The PIT module needs to be activated by writing a 0 to MCR[MDIS]. The 100 MHz clock frequency equates to a clock period of 10 ns, so the PIT needs to count for 6000 million cycles, which is more than a single timer can do. So, Timer 1 is set up to trigger every 6 s (600 million cycles). Timer 2 is chained to Timer 1 and programmed to trigger 10 times. The value for the LDVAL register trigger is calculated as number of cycles-1, so LDVAL1 receives the value 0x23C345FF and LDVAL2 receives the value 0x00000009. The interrupt for Timer 2 is enabled by setting TCTRL2[TIE], the Chain mode is activated by setting TCTRL2[CHN], and the timer is started by writing a 1 to TCTRL2[TEN]. TCTRL1[TEN] needs to be set, and TCTRL1[CHN] and TCTRL1[TIE] are cleared. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 882 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 36 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) The following example code matches the described setup: // turn on PIT PIT_MCR = 0x00; // Timer 2 PIT_LDVAL2 PIT_TCTRL2 PIT_TCTRL2 PIT_TCTRL2 = 0x00000009; // = TIE; // enable |= CHN; // chain |= TEN; // start setup Timer Timer Timer Timer 2 for 10 counts 2 interrupt 2 to Timer 1 2 // Timer 1 PIT_LDVAL1 = 0x23C345FF; // setup Timer 1 for 600 000 000 cycles PIT_TCTRL1 = TEN; // start Timer 1 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 883 Example configuration for chained timers KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 884 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 37 Low-Power Timer (LPTMR) 37.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The low-power timer (LPTMR) can be configured to operate as a time counter with optional prescaler, or as a pulse counter with optional glitch filter, across all power modes, including the low-leakage modes. It can also continue operating through most system reset events, allowing it to be used as a time of day counter. 37.1.1 Features The features of the LPTMR module include: * 16-bit time counter or pulse counter with compare * Optional interrupt can generate asynchronous wakeup from any low-power mode * Hardware trigger output * Counter supports free-running mode or reset on compare * Configurable clock source for prescaler/glitch filter * Configurable input source for pulse counter * Rising-edge or falling-edge 37.1.2 Modes of operation The following table describes the operation of the LPTMR module in various modes. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 885 LPTMR signal descriptions Table 37-1. Modes of operation Modes Description Run The LPTMR operates normally. Wait The LPTMR continues to operate normally and may be configured to exit the low-power mode by generating an interrupt request. Stop The LPTMR continues to operate normally and may be configured to exit the low-power mode by generating an interrupt request. Low-Leakage The LPTMR continues to operate normally and may be configured to exit the low-power mode by generating an interrupt request. Debug The LPTMR operates normally in Pulse Counter mode, but counter does not increment in Time Counter mode. 37.2 LPTMR signal descriptions Table 37-2. LPTMR signal descriptions Signal I/O LPTMR0_ALTn I Description Pulse Counter Input pin 37.2.1 Detailed signal descriptions Table 37-3. LPTMR interface--detailed signal descriptions Signal I/O LPTMR_ALTn I Description Pulse Counter Input The LPTMR can select one of the input pins to be used in Pulse Counter mode. State meaning Assertion--If configured for pulse counter mode with active-high input, then assertion causes the CNR to increment. Deassertion--If configured for pulse counter mode with active-low input, then deassertion causes the CNR to increment. Timing Assertion or deassertion may occur at any time; input may assert asynchronously to the bus clock. 37.3 Memory map and register definition KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 886 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 37 Low-Power Timer (LPTMR) LPTMR memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 4004_0000 Low Power Timer Control Status Register (LPTMR0_CSR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.1/887 4004_0004 Low Power Timer Prescale Register (LPTMR0_PSR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.2/888 4004_0008 Low Power Timer Compare Register (LPTMR0_CMR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.3/890 4004_000C Low Power Timer Counter Register (LPTMR0_CNR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.4/890 37.3.1 Low Power Timer Control Status Register (LPTMRx_CSR) Address: 4004_0000h base + 0h offset = 4004_0000h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TPP TFC TMS TEN 0 0 0 0 0 R TCF w1c W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TIE 0 TPS 0 0 LPTMRx_CSR field descriptions Field 31-8 Reserved 7 TCF Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Timer Compare Flag TCF is set when the LPTMR is enabled and the CNR equals the CMR and increments. TCF is cleared when the LPTMR is disabled or a logic 1 is written to it. 0 1 6 TIE Timer Interrupt Enable When TIE is set, the LPTMR Interrupt is generated whenever TCF is also set. 0 1 5-4 TPS The value of CNR is not equal to CMR and increments. The value of CNR is equal to CMR and increments. Timer interrupt disabled. Timer interrupt enabled. Timer Pin Select Configures the input source to be used in Pulse Counter mode. TPS must be altered only when the LPTMR is disabled. The input connections vary by device. See the chip configuration details for information on the connections to these inputs. 00 Pulse counter input 0 is selected. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 887 Memory map and register definition LPTMRx_CSR field descriptions (continued) Field Description 01 10 11 3 TPP Pulse counter input 1 is selected. Pulse counter input 2 is selected. Pulse counter input 3 is selected. Timer Pin Polarity Configures the polarity of the input source in Pulse Counter mode. TPP must be changed only when the LPTMR is disabled. 0 1 2 TFC Pulse Counter input source is active-high, and the CNR will increment on the rising-edge. Pulse Counter input source is active-low, and the CNR will increment on the falling-edge. Timer Free-Running Counter When clear, TFC configures the CNR to reset whenever TCF is set. When set, TFC configures the CNR to reset on overflow. TFC must be altered only when the LPTMR is disabled. 0 1 1 TMS CNR is reset whenever TCF is set. CNR is reset on overflow. Timer Mode Select Configures the mode of the LPTMR. TMS must be altered only when the LPTMR is disabled. 0 1 0 TEN Time Counter mode. Pulse Counter mode. Timer Enable When TEN is clear, it resets the LPTMR internal logic, including the CNR and TCF. When TEN is set, the LPTMR is enabled. While writing 1 to this field, CSR[5:1] must not be altered. 0 1 LPTMR is disabled and internal logic is reset. LPTMR is enabled. 37.3.2 Low Power Timer Prescale Register (LPTMRx_PSR) Address: 4004_0000h base + 4h offset = 4004_0004h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 R PRESCALE W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PBYP 0 0 PCS 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 888 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 37 Low-Power Timer (LPTMR) LPTMRx_PSR field descriptions Field 31-7 Reserved 6-3 PRESCALE Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Prescale Value Configures the size of the Prescaler in Time Counter mode or width of the glitch filter in Pulse Counter mode. PRESCALE must be altered only when the LPTMR is disabled. 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 2 PBYP Prescaler Bypass When PBYP is set, the selected prescaler clock in Time Counter mode or selected input source in Pulse Counter mode directly clocks the CNR. When PBYP is clear, the CNR is clocked by the output of the prescaler/glitch filter. PBYP must be altered only when the LPTMR is disabled. 0 1 PCS Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 2; glitch filter does not support this configuration. Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 4; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 2 rising clock edges. Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 8; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 4 rising clock edges. Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 16; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 8 rising clock edges. Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 32; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 16 rising clock edges. Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 64; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 32 rising clock edges. Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 128; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 64 rising clock edges. Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 256; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 128 rising clock edges. Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 512; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 256 rising clock edges. Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 1024; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 512 rising clock edges. Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 2048; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 1024 rising clock edges. Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 4096; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 2048 rising clock edges. Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 8192; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 4096 rising clock edges. Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 16,384; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 8192 rising clock edges. Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 32,768; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 16,384 rising clock edges. Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 65,536; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 32,768 rising clock edges. Prescaler/glitch filter is enabled. Prescaler/glitch filter is bypassed. Prescaler Clock Select Selects the clock to be used by the LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter. PCS must be altered only when the LPTMR is disabled. The clock connections vary by device. NOTE: See the chip configuration details for information on the connections to these inputs. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 889 Memory map and register definition LPTMRx_PSR field descriptions (continued) Field Description 00 01 10 11 Prescaler/glitch filter clock 0 selected. Prescaler/glitch filter clock 1 selected. Prescaler/glitch filter clock 2 selected. Prescaler/glitch filter clock 3 selected. 37.3.3 Low Power Timer Compare Register (LPTMRx_CMR) Address: 4004_0000h base + 8h offset = 4004_0008h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMPARE W Reset 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LPTMRx_CMR field descriptions Field Description 31-16 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. COMPARE Compare Value When the LPTMR is enabled and the CNR equals the value in the CMR and increments, TCF is set and the hardware trigger asserts until the next time the CNR increments. If the CMR is 0, the hardware trigger will remain asserted until the LPTMR is disabled. If the LPTMR is enabled, the CMR must be altered only when TCF is set. 37.3.4 Low Power Timer Counter Register (LPTMRx_CNR) NOTE See LPTMR counter for details on how to read counter value. Address: 4004_0000h base + Ch offset = 4004_000Ch Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COUNTER W Reset 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LPTMRx_CNR field descriptions Field 31-16 Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 890 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 37 Low-Power Timer (LPTMR) LPTMRx_CNR field descriptions (continued) Field COUNTER Description Counter Value 37.4 Functional description 37.4.1 LPTMR power and reset The LPTMR remains powered in all power modes, including low-leakage modes. If the LPTMR is not required to remain operating during a low-power mode, then it must be disabled before entering the mode. The LPTMR is reset only on global Power On Reset (POR) or Low Voltage Detect (LVD). When configuring the LPTMR registers, the CSR must be initially written with the timer disabled, before configuring the PSR and CMR. Then, CSR[TIE] must be set as the last step in the initialization. This ensures the LPTMR is configured correctly and the LPTMR counter is reset to zero following a warm reset. 37.4.2 LPTMR clocking The LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter can be clocked by one of the four clocks. The clock source must be enabled before the LPTMR is enabled. NOTE The clock source selected need to be configured to remain enabled in low-power modes, otherwise the LPTMR will not operate during low-power modes. In Pulse Counter mode with the prescaler/glitch filter bypassed, the selected input source directly clocks the CNR and no other clock source is required. To minimize power in this case, configure the prescaler clock source for a clock that is not toggling. NOTE The clock source or pulse input source selected for the LPTMR should not exceed the frequency fLPTMR defined in the device datasheet. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 891 Functional description 37.4.3 LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter The LPTMR prescaler and glitch filter share the same logic which operates as a prescaler in Time Counter mode and as a glitch filter in Pulse Counter mode. NOTE The prescaler/glitch filter configuration must not be altered when the LPTMR is enabled. Prescaler enabled In Time Counter mode, when the prescaler is enabled, the output of the prescaler directly clocks the CNR. When the LPTMR is enabled, the CNR will increment every 22 to 216 prescaler clock cycles. After the LPTMR is enabled, the first increment of the CNR will take an additional one or two prescaler clock cycles due to synchronization logic. Prescaler bypassed In Time Counter mode, when the prescaler is bypassed, the selected prescaler clock increments the CNR on every clock cycle. When the LPTMR is enabled, the first increment will take an additional one or two prescaler clock cycles due to synchronization logic. Glitch filter In Pulse Counter mode, when the glitch filter is enabled, the output of the glitch filter directly clocks the CNR. When the LPTMR is first enabled, the output of the glitch filter is asserted, that is, logic 1 for active-high and logic 0 for active-low. The following table shows the change in glitch filter output with the selected input source. If The selected input source remains deasserted for at least to 215 consecutive prescaler clock rising edges Then 21 The selected input source remains asserted for at least 21 to 215 consecutive prescaler clock rising-edges The glitch filter output will also deassert. The glitch filter output will also assert. NOTE The input is only sampled on the rising clock edge. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 892 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 37 Low-Power Timer (LPTMR) The CNR will increment each time the glitch filter output asserts. In Pulse Counter mode, the maximum rate at which the CNR can increment is once every 22 to 216 prescaler clock edges. When first enabled, the glitch filter will wait an additional one or two prescaler clock edges due to synchronization logic. Glitch filter bypassed In Pulse Counter mode, when the glitch filter is bypassed, the selected input source increments the CNR every time it asserts. Before the LPTMR is first enabled, the selected input source is forced to be asserted. This prevents the CNR from incrementing if the selected input source is already asserted when the LPTMR is first enabled. 37.4.4 LPTMR compare When the CNR equals the value of the CMR and increments, the following events occur: * * * * CSR[TCF] is set. LPTMR interrupt is generated if CSR[TIE] is also set. LPTMR hardware trigger is generated. CNR is reset if CSR[TFC] is clear. When the LPTMR is enabled, the CMR can be altered only when CSR[TCF] is set. When updating the CMR, the CMR must be written and CSR[TCF] must be cleared before the LPTMR counter has incremented past the new LPTMR compare value. 37.4.5 LPTMR counter The CNR increments by one on every: * * * * Prescaler clock in Time Counter mode with prescaler bypassed Prescaler output in Time Counter mode with prescaler enabled Input source assertion in Pulse Counter mode with glitch filter bypassed Glitch filter output in Pulse Counter mode with glitch filter enabled The CNR is reset when the LPTMR is disabled or if the counter register overflows. If CSR[TFC] is cleared, then the CNR is also reset whenever CSR[TCF] is set. The CNR continues incrementing when the core is halted in Debug mode when configured for Pulse Counter mode, the CNR will stop incrementing when the core is halted in Debug mode when configured for Time Counter mode. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 893 Functional description The CNR cannot be initialized, but can be read at any time. On each read of the CNR, software must first write to the CNR with any value. This will synchronize and register the current value of the CNR into a temporary register. The contents of the temporary register are returned on each read of the CNR. When reading the CNR, the bus clock must be at least two times faster than the rate at which the LPTMR counter is incrementing, otherwise incorrect data may be returned. 37.4.6 LPTMR hardware trigger The LPTMR hardware trigger asserts at the same time the CSR[TCF] is set and can be used to trigger hardware events in other peripherals without software intervention. The hardware trigger is always enabled. When Then The CMR is set to 0 with CSR[TFC] clear The LPTMR hardware trigger will assert on the first compare and does not deassert. The CMR is set to a nonzero value, or, if CSR[TFC] is set The LPTMR hardware trigger will assert on each compare and deassert on the following increment of the CNR. 37.4.7 LPTMR interrupt The LPTMR interrupt is generated whenever CSR[TIE] and CSR[TCF] are set. CSR[TCF] is cleared by disabling the LPTMR or by writing a logic 1 to it. CSR[TIE] can be altered and CSR[TCF] can be cleared while the LPTMR is enabled. The LPTMR interrupt is generated asynchronously to the system clock and can be used to generate a wakeup from any low-power mode, including the low-leakage modes, provided the LPTMR is enabled as a wakeup source. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 894 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 38.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The serial peripheral interface (SPI) module provides a synchronous serial bus for communication between a chip and an external peripheral device. 38.1.1 Block Diagram The block diagram of this module is as follows: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 895 Introduction INTC eDMA Slave Bus Interface Clock/Reset SPI DMA and Interrupt Control POPR TX FIFO RX FIFO PUSHR CMD Data Data 16 32 SOUT Shift Register SIN SCK S PI Baud Rate, Delay & Transfer Control PCS[x]/SS 8 Figure 38-1. SPI Block Diagram 38.1.2 Features The module supports the following features: * Full-duplex, three-wire synchronous transfers * Master mode * Slave mode * Data streaming operation in Slave mode with continuous slave selection * Buffered transmit operation using the transmit first in first out (TX FIFO) with depth of 4 entries * Buffered receive operation using the receive FIFO (RX FIFO) with depth of 4 entries * TX and RX FIFOs can be disabled individually for low-latency updates to SPI queues KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 896 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) * Visibility into TX and RX FIFOs for ease of debugging * Programmable transfer attributes on a per-frame basis: * two transfer attribute registers * Serial clock (SCK) with programmable polarity and phase * Various programmable delays * Programmable serial frame size: 4 to 16 bits * SPI frames longer than 16 bits can be supported using the continuous selection format. * Continuously held chip select capability * 6 peripheral chip selects (PCSes), expandable to 64 with external demultiplexer * Deglitching support for up to 32 peripheral chip selects (PCSes) with external demultiplexer * DMA support for adding entries to TX FIFO and removing entries from RX FIFO: * TX FIFO is not full (TFFF) * RX FIFO is not empty (RFDF) * Interrupt conditions: * End of Queue reached (EOQF) * TX FIFO is not full (TFFF) * Transfer of current frame complete (TCF) * Attempt to transmit with an empty Transmit FIFO (TFUF) * RX FIFO is not empty (RFDF) * Frame received while Receive FIFO is full (RFOF) * Global interrupt request line * Modified SPI transfer formats for communication with slower peripheral devices * Power-saving architectural features: * Support for Stop mode * Support for Doze mode KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 897 Interface configurations 38.1.3 Interface configurations SPI configuration The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) configuration allows the module to send and receive serial data. This configuration allows the module to operate as a basic SPI block with internal FIFOs supporting external queue operation. Transmitted data and received data reside in separate FIFOs. The host CPU or a DMA controller read the received data from the Receive FIFO and write transmit data to the Transmit FIFO. For queued operations, the SPI queues can reside in system RAM, external to the module. Data transfers between the queues and the module FIFOs are accomplished by a DMA controller or host CPU. The following figure shows a system example with DMA, SPI, and external queues in system RAM. System RAM Addr/Ctrl RX Queue TX Queue Done DMA Controller Rx Data Tx Data or host CPU Addr/Ctrl Tx Data Rx Data SPI Req TX FIFO RX FIFO Shift Register Figure 38-2. SPI with queues and DMA 38.1.4 Modes of Operation The module supports the following modes of operation that can be divided into two categories: * Module-specific modes: * Master mode KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 898 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) * Slave mode * Module Disable mode * Chip-specific modes: * External Stop mode * Debug mode The module enters module-specific modes when the host writes a module register. The chip-specific modes are controlled by signals external to the module. The chip-specific modes are modes that a chip may enter in parallel to the block-specific modes. Master Mode Master mode allows the module to initiate and control serial communication. In this mode, these signals are controlled by the module and configured as outputs: * SCK * SOUT * PCS[x] Slave Mode Slave mode allows the module to communicate with SPI bus masters. In this mode, the module responds to externally controlled serial transfers. The SCK signal and the PCS[0]/SS signals are configured as inputs and driven by an SPI bus master. Module Disable Mode The Module Disable mode can be used for chip power management. The clock to the non-memory mapped logic in the module can be stopped while in the Module Disable mode. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 899 Module signal descriptions External Stop Mode External Stop mode is used for chip power management. The module supports the Peripheral Bus Stop mode mechanism. When a request is made to enter External Stop mode, it acknowledges the request and completes the transfer that is in progress. When the module reaches the frame boundary, it signals that the protocol clock to the module may be shut off. Debug Mode Debug mode is used for system development and debugging. The MCR[FRZ] bit controls module behavior in the Debug mode: * If the bit is set, the module stops all serial transfers, when the chip is in debug mode. * If the bit is cleared, the chip debug mode has no effect on the module. 38.2 Module signal descriptions This table describes the signals on the boundary of the module that may connect off chip (in alphabetical order). Table 38-1. Module signal descriptions Signal Master mode Slave mode I/O PCS0/SS Peripheral Chip Select 0 (O) Slave Select (I) I/O PCS[1:3] Peripheral Chip Selects 1-3 (Unused) O PCS4 Peripheral Chip Select 4 (Unused) O PCS5/ PCSS Peripheral Chip Select 5 /Peripheral (Unused) Chip Select Strobe O SCK Serial Clock (O) Serial Clock (I) I/O SIN Serial Data In Serial Data In I SOUT Serial Data Out Serial Data Out O 38.2.1 PCS0/SS--Peripheral Chip Select/Slave Select Master mode: Peripheral Chip Select 0 (O)--Selects an SPI slave to receive data transmitted from the module. Slave mode: Slave Select (I)--Selects the module to receive data transmitted from an SPI master. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 900 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 38.2.2 PCS1-PCS3--Peripheral Chip Selects 1-3 Master mode: Peripheral Chip Selects 1-3 (O)--Select an SPI slave to receive data transmitted by the module. Slave mode: Unused 38.2.3 PCS4--Peripheral Chip Select 4 Master mode: Peripheral Chip Select 4 (O)--Selects an SPI slave to receive data transmitted by the module. Slave mode: Unused 38.2.4 PCS5/PCSS--Peripheral Chip Select 5/Peripheral Chip Select Strobe Master mode: * Peripheral Chip Select 5 (O)--Used only when the peripheral-chip-select strobe is disabled (MCR[PCSSE]). Selects an SPI slave to receive data transmitted by the module. * Peripheral Chip Select Strobe (O)--Used only when the peripheral-chip-select strobe is enabled (MCR[PCSSE]). Strobes an off-module peripheral-chip-select demultiplexer, which decodes the module's PCS signals other than PCS5, preventing glitches on the demultiplexer outputs. Slave mode: Unused 38.2.5 SCK--Serial Clock Master mode: Serial Clock (O)--Supplies a clock signal from the module to SPI slaves. Slave mode: Serial Clock (I)--Supplies a clock signal to the module from an SPI master. 38.2.6 SIN--Serial Input Master mode: Serial Input (I)--Receives serial data. Slave mode: Serial Input (I)--Receives serial data. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 901 Memory Map/Register Definition 38.2.7 SOUT--Serial Output Master mode: Serial Output (O)--Transmits serial data. Slave mode: Serial Output (O)--Transmits serial data. NOTE Serial Data Out output buffers are controlled through SIU (or SIUL) and cannot be controlled through the module. 38.3 Memory Map/Register Definition Register accesses to memory addresses that are reserved or undefined result in a transfer error. Write access to the POPR and RXFRn also results in a transfer error. SPI memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4002_C000 Module Configuration Register (SPI0_MCR) 32 R/W 0000_4001h 38.3.1/903 4002_C008 Transfer Count Register (SPI0_TCR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.2/906 4002_C00C Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Master Mode) (SPI0_CTAR0) 32 R/W 7800_0000h 38.3.3/907 4002_C00C Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Slave Mode) (SPI0_CTAR0_SLAVE) 32 R/W 7800_0000h 38.3.4/912 4002_C010 Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Master Mode) (SPI0_CTAR1) 32 R/W 7800_0000h 38.3.3/907 32 R/W 0200_0000h 38.3.5/913 4002_C02C Status Register (SPI0_SR) 4002_C030 DMA/Interrupt Request Select and Enable Register (SPI0_RSER) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.6/916 4002_C034 PUSH TX FIFO Register In Master Mode (SPI0_PUSHR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.7/918 4002_C034 PUSH TX FIFO Register In Slave Mode (SPI0_PUSHR_SLAVE) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.8/920 4002_C038 POP RX FIFO Register (SPI0_POPR) 32 R 0000_0000h 38.3.9/920 4002_C03C Transmit FIFO Registers (SPI0_TXFR0) 32 R 0000_0000h 38.3.10/ 921 4002_C040 Transmit FIFO Registers (SPI0_TXFR1) 32 R 0000_0000h 38.3.10/ 921 4002_C044 Transmit FIFO Registers (SPI0_TXFR2) 32 R 0000_0000h 38.3.10/ 921 4002_C048 Transmit FIFO Registers (SPI0_TXFR3) 32 R 0000_0000h 38.3.10/ 921 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 902 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) SPI memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 4002_C07C Receive FIFO Registers (SPI0_RXFR0) 32 R 0000_0000h 38.3.11/ 921 4002_C080 Receive FIFO Registers (SPI0_RXFR1) 32 R 0000_0000h 38.3.11/ 921 4002_C084 Receive FIFO Registers (SPI0_RXFR2) 32 R 0000_0000h 38.3.11/ 921 4002_C088 Receive FIFO Registers (SPI0_RXFR3) 32 R 0000_0000h 38.3.11/ 921 38.3.1 Module Configuration Register (SPIx_MCR) Contains bits to configure various attributes associated with the module operations. The HALT and MDIS bits can be changed at any time, but the effect takes place only on the next frame boundary. Only the HALT and MDIS bits in the MCR can be changed, while the module is in the Running state. Address: 4002_C000h base + 0h offset = 4002_C000h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 FRZ Reserved 21 20 19 18 17 16 DCONF MSTR CONT_SCKE MTFE PCSSE ROOE Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 Reserved Reserved HALT R 0 0 0 0 1 MDIS DIS_ TXF DIS_ RXF 0 1 0 0 W Reset 0 SMPL_PT CLR_RXF DOZE R CLR_TXF W PCSIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 903 Memory Map/Register Definition SPIx_MCR field descriptions Field 31 MSTR Description Master/Slave Mode Select Enables either Master mode (if supported) or Slave mode (if supported) operation. 0 1 30 CONT_SCKE Continuous SCK Enable Enables the Serial Communication Clock (SCK) to run continuously. 0 1 29-28 DCONF Selects among the different configurations of the module. Enables transfers to be stopped on the next frame boundary when the device enters Debug mode. Enables a modified transfer format to be used. Enables the PCS5/ PCSS to operate as a PCS Strobe output signal. 21-16 PCSIS PCS5/ PCSS is used as the Peripheral Chip Select[5] signal. PCS5/ PCSS is used as an active-low PCS Strobe signal. Receive FIFO Overflow Overwrite Enable In the RX FIFO overflow condition, configures the module to ignore the incoming serial data or overwrite existing data. If the RX FIFO is full and new data is received, the data from the transfer, generating the overflow, is ignored or shifted into the shift register. 0 1 23-22 Reserved Modified SPI transfer format disabled. Modified SPI transfer format enabled. Peripheral Chip Select Strobe Enable 0 1 24 ROOE Do not halt serial transfers in Debug mode. Halt serial transfers in Debug mode. Modified Transfer Format Enable 0 1 25 PCSSE SPI Reserved Reserved Reserved Freeze 0 1 26 MTFE Continuous SCK disabled. Continuous SCK enabled. SPI Configuration. 00 01 10 11 27 FRZ Enables Slave mode Enables Master mode Incoming data is ignored. Incoming data is shifted into the shift register. Always write the reset value to this field. This field is reserved. Peripheral Chip Select x Inactive State Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 904 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) SPIx_MCR field descriptions (continued) Field Description Determines the inactive state of PCSx. Refer to the chip-specific SPI information for the number of PCS signals used in this chip. NOTE: The effect of this bit only takes place when module is enabled. Ensure that this bit is configured correctly before enabling the DSPI interface. 0 1 15 DOZE Doze Enable Provides support for an externally controlled Doze mode power-saving mechanism. 0 1 14 MDIS Allows the clock to be stopped to the non-memory mapped logic in the module effectively putting it in a software-controlled power-saving state. The reset value of the MDIS bit is parameterized, with a default reset value of 1. When the module is used in Slave Mode, it is recommended to leave this bit 0, because a slave doesn't have control over master transactions. When the TX FIFO is disabled, the transmit part of the module operates as a simplified double-buffered SPI. This bit can be written only when the MDIS bit is cleared. When the RX FIFO is disabled, the receive part of the module operates as a simplified double-buffered SPI. This bit can only be written when the MDIS bit is cleared. RX FIFO is enabled. RX FIFO is disabled. Clear TX FIFO Flushes the TX FIFO. Writing a 1 to CLR_TXF clears the TX FIFO Counter. The CLR_TXF bit is always read as zero. 0 1 10 CLR_RXF TX FIFO is enabled. TX FIFO is disabled. Disable Receive FIFO 0 1 11 CLR_TXF Enables the module clocks. Allows external logic to disable the module clocks. Disable Transmit FIFO 0 1 12 DIS_RXF Doze mode has no effect on the module. Doze mode disables the module. Module Disable 0 1 13 DIS_TXF The inactive state of PCSx is low. The inactive state of PCSx is high. Do not clear the TX FIFO counter. Clear the TX FIFO counter. CLR_RXF Flushes the RX FIFO. Writing a 1 to CLR_RXF clears the RX Counter. The CLR_RXF bit is always read as zero. NOTE: After every RX FIFO clear operation (MCR [CLR_RXF] = 0b1) following a RX FIFO overflow (SR [RFOF] = 0b1) scenario, immediately perform a single POP from the RX FIFO and discard the read data. The POP and discard operation should be completed before the reception of new incoming frame. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 905 Memory Map/Register Definition SPIx_MCR field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 9-8 SMPL_PT Do not clear the RX FIFO counter. Clear the RX FIFO counter. Sample Point Controls when the module master samples SIN in Modified Transfer Format. This field is valid only when CPHA bit in CTARn[CPHA] is 0. 00 01 10 11 0 protocol clock cycles between SCK edge and SIN sample 1 protocol clock cycle between SCK edge and SIN sample 2 protocol clock cycles between SCK edge and SIN sample Reserved 7-3 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 2 Reserved This field is reserved. 1 Reserved This field is reserved. 0 HALT Halt The HALT bit starts and stops frame transfers. See Start and Stop of Module transfers 0 1 Start transfers. Stop transfers. 38.3.2 Transfer Count Register (SPIx_TCR) TCR contains a counter that indicates the number of SPI transfers made. The transfer counter is intended to assist in queue management. Do not write the TCR when the module is in the Running state. Address: 4002_C000h base + 8h offset = 4002_C008h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 R 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPI_TCNT W Reset 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPIx_TCR field descriptions Field 31-16 SPI_TCNT Description SPI Transfer Counter Counts the number of SPI transfers the module makes. The SPI_TCNT field increments every time the last bit of an SPI frame is transmitted. A value written to SPI_TCNT presets the counter to that value. SPI_TCNT is reset to zero at the beginning of the frame when the CTCNT field is set in the executing SPI Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 906 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) SPIx_TCR field descriptions (continued) Field Description command. The Transfer Counter wraps around; incrementing the counter past 65535 resets the counter to zero. Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 38.3.3 Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Master Mode) (SPIx_CTARn) CTAR registers are used to define different transfer attributes. Do not write to the CTAR registers while the module is in the Running state. In Master mode, the CTAR registers define combinations of transfer attributes such as frame size, clock phase and polarity, data bit ordering, baud rate, and various delays. In slave mode, a subset of the bitfields in CTAR0 are used to set the slave transfer attributes. When the module is configured as an SPI master, the CTAS field in the command portion of the TX FIFO entry selects which of the CTAR registers is used. When the module is configured as an SPI bus slave, it uses the CTAR0 register. Address: 4002_C000h base + Ch offset + (4d x i), where i=0d to 1d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 23 22 PCSSCK 21 20 19 18 17 16 LSBFE 24 CPHA 25 CPOL R 26 Reset 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 DBR FMSZ W PASC PDT PBR R CSSCK ASC DT BR W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPIx_CTARn field descriptions Field 31 DBR Description Double Baud Rate Doubles the effective baud rate of the Serial Communications Clock (SCK). This field is used only in master mode. It effectively halves the Baud Rate division ratio, supporting faster frequencies, and odd division ratios for the Serial Communications Clock (SCK). When the DBR bit is set, the duty cycle of the Serial Communications Clock (SCK) depends on the value in the Baud Rate Prescaler and the Clock Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 907 Memory Map/Register Definition SPIx_CTARn field descriptions (continued) Field Description Phase bit as listed in the following table. See the BR field description for details on how to compute the baud rate. Table 38-2. SPI SCK Duty Cycle 0 1 DBR CPHA PBR SCK Duty Cycle 0 any any 50/50 1 0 00 50/50 1 0 01 33/66 1 0 10 40/60 1 0 11 43/57 1 1 00 50/50 1 1 01 66/33 1 1 10 60/40 1 1 11 57/43 The baud rate is computed normally with a 50/50 duty cycle. The baud rate is doubled with the duty cycle depending on the Baud Rate Prescaler. 30-27 FMSZ Frame Size 26 CPOL Clock Polarity The number of bits transferred per frame is equal to the FMSZ value plus 1. Regardless of the transmission mode, the minimum valid frame size value is 4. Selects the inactive state of the Serial Communications Clock (SCK). This bit is used in both master and slave mode. For successful communication between serial devices, the devices must have identical clock polarities. When the Continuous Selection Format is selected, switching between clock polarities without stopping the module can cause errors in the transfer due to the peripheral device interpreting the switch of clock polarity as a valid clock edge. NOTE: In case of Continuous SCK mode, when the module goes in low power mode(disabled), inactive state of SCK is not guaranted. 0 1 25 CPHA Clock Phase Selects which edge of SCK causes data to change and which edge causes data to be captured. This bit is used in both master and slave mode. For successful communication between serial devices, the devices must have identical clock phase settings. In Continuous SCK mode, the bit value is ignored and the transfers are done as if the CPHA bit is set to 1. 0 1 24 LSBFE The inactive state value of SCK is low. The inactive state value of SCK is high. Data is captured on the leading edge of SCK and changed on the following edge. Data is changed on the leading edge of SCK and captured on the following edge. LSB First Specifies whether the LSB or MSB of the frame is transferred first. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 908 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) SPIx_CTARn field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 23-22 PCSSCK PCS to SCK Delay Prescaler Selects the prescaler value for the delay between assertion of PCS and the first edge of the SCK. See the CSSCK field description for information on how to compute the PCS to SCK Delay. Refer PCS to SCK Delay (tCSC ) for more details. 00 01 10 11 21-20 PASC Selects the prescaler value for the delay between the last edge of SCK and the negation of PCS. See the ASC field description for information on how to compute the After SCK Delay. Refer After SCK Delay (tASC ) for more details. Selects the prescaler value for the delay between the negation of the PCS signal at the end of a frame and the assertion of PCS at the beginning of the next frame. The PDT field is only used in master mode. See the DT field description for details on how to compute the Delay after Transfer. Refer Delay after Transfer (tDT ) for more details. Delay after Transfer Prescaler value is 1. Delay after Transfer Prescaler value is 3. Delay after Transfer Prescaler value is 5. Delay after Transfer Prescaler value is 7. Baud Rate Prescaler Selects the prescaler value for the baud rate. This field is used only in master mode. The baud rate is the frequency of the SCK. The protocol clock is divided by the prescaler value before the baud rate selection takes place. See the BR field description for details on how to compute the baud rate. 00 01 10 11 15-12 CSSCK Delay after Transfer Prescaler value is 1. Delay after Transfer Prescaler value is 3. Delay after Transfer Prescaler value is 5. Delay after Transfer Prescaler value is 7. Delay after Transfer Prescaler 00 01 10 11 17-16 PBR PCS to SCK Prescaler value is 1. PCS to SCK Prescaler value is 3. PCS to SCK Prescaler value is 5. PCS to SCK Prescaler value is 7. After SCK Delay Prescaler 00 01 10 11 19-18 PDT Data is transferred MSB first. Data is transferred LSB first. Baud Rate Prescaler value is 2. Baud Rate Prescaler value is 3. Baud Rate Prescaler value is 5. Baud Rate Prescaler value is 7. PCS to SCK Delay Scaler Selects the scaler value for the PCS to SCK delay. This field is used only in master mode. The PCS to SCK Delay is the delay between the assertion of PCS and the first edge of the SCK. The delay is a multiple of the protocol clock period, and it is computed according to the following equation: t CSC = (1/fP ) x PCSSCK x CSSCK. The following table lists the delay scaler values. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 909 Memory Map/Register Definition SPIx_CTARn field descriptions (continued) Field Description Table 38-3. Delay Scaler Encoding Field Value Delay Scaler Value 0000 2 0001 4 0010 8 0011 16 0100 32 0101 64 0110 128 0111 256 1000 512 1001 1024 1010 2048 1011 4096 1100 8192 1101 16384 1110 32768 1111 65536 Refer PCS to SCK Delay (tCSC ) for more details. 11-8 ASC After SCK Delay Scaler Selects the scaler value for the After SCK Delay. This field is used only in master mode. The After SCK Delay is the delay between the last edge of SCK and the negation of PCS. The delay is a multiple of the protocol clock period, and it is computed according to the following equation: t ASC = (1/fP) x PASC x ASC See Delay Scaler Encoding table in CTARn[CSSCK] bit field description for scaler values. Refer After SCK Delay (tASC ) for more details. 7-4 DT Delay After Transfer Scaler Selects the Delay after Transfer Scaler. This field is used only in master mode. The Delay after Transfer is the time between the negation of the PCS signal at the end of a frame and the assertion of PCS at the beginning of the next frame. In the Continuous Serial Communications Clock operation, the DT value is fixed to one SCK clock period, The Delay after Transfer is a multiple of the protocol clock period, and it is computed according to the following equation: tDT = (1/fP ) x PDT x DT See Delay Scaler Encoding table in CTARn[CSSCK] bit field description for scaler values. BR Baud Rate Scaler Selects the scaler value for the baud rate. This field is used only in master mode. The prescaled protocol clock is divided by the Baud Rate Scaler to generate the frequency of the SCK. The baud rate is computed according to the following equation: Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 910 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) SPIx_CTARn field descriptions (continued) Field Description SCK baud rate = (fP /PBR) x [(1+DBR)/BR] The following table lists the baud rate scaler values. Table 38-4. Baud Rate Scaler CTARn[BR] Baud Rate Scaler Value 0000 2 0001 4 0010 6 0011 8 0100 16 0101 32 0110 64 0111 128 1000 256 1001 512 1010 1024 1011 2048 1100 4096 1101 8192 1110 16384 1111 32768 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 911 Memory Map/Register Definition 38.3.4 Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Slave Mode) (SPIx_CTARn_SLAVE) When the module is configured as an SPI bus slave, the CTAR0 register is used. Address: 4002_C000h base + Ch offset + (0d x i), where i=0d to 0d 28 27 26 25 24 23 0 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 W CPHA 29 CPOL 30 Reserved R 31 Reset 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FMSZ Reserved Bit Reserved R Reserved W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPIx_CTARn_SLAVE field descriptions Field 31 Reserved Description Always write the reset value to this field. This field is reserved. 30-27 FMSZ Frame Size 26 CPOL Clock Polarity The number of bits transfered per frame is equal to the FMSZ field value plus 1. Note that the minimum valid value of frame size is 4. Selects the inactive state of the Serial Communications Clock (SCK). NOTE: In case of Continuous SCK mode, when the module goes in low power mode(disabled), inactive state of SCK is not guaranted. 0 1 25 CPHA The inactive state value of SCK is low. The inactive state value of SCK is high. Clock Phase Selects which edge of SCK causes data to change and which edge causes data to be captured. This bit is used in both master and slave mode. For successful communication between serial devices, the devices must have identical clock phase settings. In Continuous SCK mode, the bit value is ignored and the transfers are done as if the CPHA bit is set to 1. 0 1 Data is captured on the leading edge of SCK and changed on the following edge. Data is changed on the leading edge of SCK and captured on the following edge. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 912 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) SPIx_CTARn_SLAVE field descriptions (continued) Field Description 24-23 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 22 Reserved This field is reserved. Reserved This field is reserved. 38.3.5 Status Register (SPIx_SR) SR contains status and flag bits. The bits reflect the status of the module and indicate the occurrence of events that can generate interrupt or DMA requests. Software can clear flag bits in the SR by writing a 1 to them. Writing a 0 to a flag bit has no effect. This register may not be writable in Module Disable mode due to the use of power saving mechanisms. 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 R TCF 0 0 TFFF 0 0 0 0 0 RFOF 0 RFDF 0 W w1c TFUF 31 EOQF Bit TXRXS Address: 4002_C000h base + 2Ch offset = 4002_C02Ch w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TXCTR R TXNXTPTR RXCTR POPNXTPTR W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 913 Memory Map/Register Definition SPIx_SR field descriptions Field 31 TCF Description Transfer Complete Flag Indicates that all bits in a frame have been shifted out. TCF remains set until it is cleared by writing a 1 to it. 0 1 30 TXRXS TX and RX Status Reflects the run status of the module. 0 1 29 Reserved 28 EOQF End of Queue Flag Indicates that the last entry in a queue has been transmitted when the module is in Master mode. The EOQF bit is set when the TX FIFO entry has the EOQ bit set in the command halfword and the end of the transfer is reached. The EOQF bit remains set until cleared by writing a 1 to it. When the EOQF bit is set, the TXRXS bit is automatically cleared. 25 TFFF EOQ is not set in the executing command. EOQ is set in the executing SPI command. Transmit FIFO Underflow Flag Indicates an underflow condition in the TX FIFO. The transmit underflow condition is detected only for SPI blocks operating in Slave mode and SPI configuration. TFUF is set when the TX FIFO of the module operating in SPI Slave mode is empty and an external SPI master initiates a transfer. The TFUF bit remains set until cleared by writing 1 to it. 0 1 26 Reserved Transmit and receive operations are disabled (The module is in Stopped state). Transmit and receive operations are enabled (The module is in Running state). This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 1 27 TFUF Transfer not complete. Transfer complete. No TX FIFO underflow. TX FIFO underflow has occurred. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Transmit FIFO Fill Flag Provides a method for the module to request more entries to be added to the TX FIFO. The TFFF bit is set while the TX FIFO is not full. The TFFF bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it or by acknowledgement from the DMA controller to the TX FIFO full request. NOTE: The reset value of this bit is 0 when the module is disabled,(MCR[MDIS]=1). 0 1 TX FIFO is full. TX FIFO is not full. 24 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 23 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 22 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 914 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) SPIx_SR field descriptions (continued) Field Description 21 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 20 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 19 RFOF Receive FIFO Overflow Flag Indicates an overflow condition in the RX FIFO. The field is set when the RX FIFO and shift register are full and a transfer is initiated. The bit remains set until it is cleared by writing a 1 to it. 0 1 18 Reserved 17 RFDF This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Receive FIFO Drain Flag Provides a method for the module to request that entries be removed from the RX FIFO. The bit is set while the RX FIFO is not empty. The RFDF bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it or by acknowledgement from the DMA controller when the RX FIFO is empty. 0 1 16 Reserved 15-12 TXCTR 11-8 TXNXTPTR No Rx FIFO overflow. Rx FIFO overflow has occurred. RX FIFO is empty. RX FIFO is not empty. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. TX FIFO Counter Indicates the number of valid entries in the TX FIFO. The TXCTR is incremented every time the PUSHR is written. The TXCTR is decremented every time an SPI command is executed and the SPI data is transferred to the shift register. Transmit Next Pointer Indicates which TX FIFO entry is transmitted during the next transfer. The TXNXTPTR field is updated every time SPI data is transferred from the TX FIFO to the shift register. 7-4 RXCTR RX FIFO Counter POPNXTPTR Pop Next Pointer Indicates the number of entries in the RX FIFO. The RXCTR is decremented every time the POPR is read. The RXCTR is incremented every time data is transferred from the shift register to the RX FIFO. Contains a pointer to the RX FIFO entry to be returned when the POPR is read. The POPNXTPTR is updated when the POPR is read. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 915 Memory Map/Register Definition 38.3.6 DMA/Interrupt Request Select and Enable Register (SPIx_RSER) RSER controls DMA and interrupt requests. Do not write to the RSER while the module is in the Running state. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 W TCF_RE Reserved Reserved EOQF_RE TFUF_RE Reserved TFFF_RE TFFF_DIRS Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved RFOF_RE Reserved RFDF_RE RFDF_DIRS Address: 4002_C000h base + 30h offset = 4002_C030h Bit Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R W Reserved Reserved R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPIx_RSER field descriptions Field 31 TCF_RE Description Transmission Complete Request Enable Enables TCF flag in the SR to generate an interrupt request. 0 1 TCF interrupt requests are disabled. TCF interrupt requests are enabled. 30 Reserved Always write the reset value to this field. 29 Reserved Always write the reset value to this field. 28 EOQF_RE Finished Request Enable This field is reserved. This field is reserved. Enables the EOQF flag in the SR to generate an interrupt request. 0 1 27 TFUF_RE EOQF interrupt requests are disabled. EOQF interrupt requests are enabled. Transmit FIFO Underflow Request Enable Enables the TFUF flag in the SR to generate an interrupt request. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 916 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) SPIx_RSER field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 TFUF interrupt requests are disabled. TFUF interrupt requests are enabled. 26 Reserved Always write the reset value to this field. 25 TFFF_RE Transmit FIFO Fill Request Enable This field is reserved. Enables the TFFF flag in the SR to generate a request. The TFFF_DIRS bit selects between generating an interrupt request or a DMA request. 0 1 24 TFFF_DIRS TFFF interrupts or DMA requests are disabled. TFFF interrupts or DMA requests are enabled. Transmit FIFO Fill DMA or Interrupt Request Select Selects between generating a DMA request or an interrupt request. When SR[TFFF] and RSER[TFFF_RE] are set, this field selects between generating an interrupt request or a DMA request. 0 1 TFFF flag generates interrupt requests. TFFF flag generates DMA requests. 23 Reserved Always write the reset value to this field. 22 Reserved Always write the reset value to this field. 21 Reserved Always write the reset value to this field. 20 Reserved Always write the reset value to this field. 19 RFOF_RE Receive FIFO Overflow Request Enable This field is reserved. This field is reserved. This field is reserved. This field is reserved. Enables the RFOF flag in the SR to generate an interrupt request. 0 1 RFOF interrupt requests are disabled. RFOF interrupt requests are enabled. 18 Reserved Always write the reset value to this field. 17 RFDF_RE Receive FIFO Drain Request Enable This field is reserved. Enables the RFDF flag in the SR to generate a request. The RFDF_DIRS bit selects between generating an interrupt request or a DMA request. 0 1 16 RFDF_DIRS RFDF interrupt or DMA requests are disabled. RFDF interrupt or DMA requests are enabled. Receive FIFO Drain DMA or Interrupt Request Select Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 917 Memory Map/Register Definition SPIx_RSER field descriptions (continued) Field Description Selects between generating a DMA request or an interrupt request. When the RFDF flag bit in the SR is set, and the RFDF_RE bit in the RSER is set, the RFDF_DIRS bit selects between generating an interrupt request or a DMA request. 0 1 Interrupt request. DMA request. 15 Reserved Always write the reset value to this field. 14 Reserved Always write the reset value to this field. Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. This field is reserved. This field is reserved. 38.3.7 PUSH TX FIFO Register In Master Mode (SPIx_PUSHR) Specifies data to be transferred to the TX FIFO. An 8- or 16-bit write access transfers all 32 bits to the TX FIFO. In Master mode, the register transfers 16 bits of data and 16 bits of command information. A read access of PUSHR returns the topmost TX FIFO entry. When the module is disabled, writing to this register does not update the FIFO. Therefore, any reads performed while the module is disabled return the last PUSHR write performed while the module was still enabled. R W 31 30 CONT Bit 29 28 CTAS 27 26 25 EOQ CTCNT Address: 4002_C000h base + 34h offset = 4002_C034h 24 23 22 Reserved Reserved 21 20 19 18 17 16 PCS Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R TXDATA W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 918 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) SPIx_PUSHR field descriptions Field 31 CONT Description Continuous Peripheral Chip Select Enable Selects a continuous selection format. The bit is used in SPI Master mode. The bit enables the selected PCS signals to remain asserted between transfers. 0 1 30-28 CTAS Clock and Transfer Attributes Select Selects which CTAR to use in master mode to specify the transfer attributes for the associated SPI frame. In SPI Slave mode, CTAR0 is used. See the chip specific section for details to determine how many CTARs this device has. You should not program a value in this field for a register that is not present. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 27 EOQ CTAR0 CTAR1 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved End Of Queue Host software uses this bit to signal to the module that the current SPI transfer is the last in a queue. At the end of the transfer, the EOQF bit in the SR is set. 0 1 26 CTCNT Return PCSn signals to their inactive state between transfers. Keep PCSn signals asserted between transfers. The SPI data is not the last data to transfer. The SPI data is the last data to transfer. Clear Transfer Counter Clears the TCNT field in the TCR register. The TCNT field is cleared before the module starts transmitting the current SPI frame. 0 1 Do not clear the TCR[TCNT] field. Clear the TCR[TCNT] field. 25-24 Reserved Always write the reset value to this field. 23-22 Reserved Always write the reset value to this field. 21-16 PCS This field is reserved. This field is reserved. Select which PCS signals are to be asserted for the transfer. Refer to the chip-specific SPI information for the number of PCS signals used in this chip. 0 1 TXDATA Negate the PCS[x] signal. Assert the PCS[x] signal. Transmit Data Holds SPI data to be transferred according to the associated SPI command. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 919 Memory Map/Register Definition 38.3.8 PUSH TX FIFO Register In Slave Mode (SPIx_PUSHR_SLAVE) Specifies data to be transferred to the TX FIFO in slave mode. An 8- or 16-bit write access to PUSHR transfers the 16-bit TXDATA field to the TX FIFO. Address: 4002_C000h base + 34h offset = 4002_C034h Bit R W 31 Reset 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TXDATA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPIx_PUSHR_SLAVE field descriptions Field Description 31-16 Reserved This field is reserved. TXDATA Transmit Data Holds SPI data to be transferred according to the associated SPI command. 38.3.9 POP RX FIFO Register (SPIx_POPR) POPR is used to read the RX FIFO. Eight- or sixteen-bit read accesses to the POPR have the same effect on the RX FIFO as 32-bit read accesses. A write to this register will generate a Transfer Error. Address: 4002_C000h base + 38h offset = 4002_C038h Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RXDATA R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPIx_POPR field descriptions Field RXDATA Description Received Data Contains the SPI data from the RX FIFO entry to which the Pop Next Data Pointer points. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 920 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 38.3.10 Transmit FIFO Registers (SPIx_TXFRn) TXFRn registers provide visibility into the TX FIFO for debugging purposes. Each register is an entry in the TX FIFO. The registers are read-only and cannot be modified. Reading the TXFRx registers does not alter the state of the TX FIFO. Address: 4002_C000h base + 3Ch offset + (4d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 TXCMD_TXDATA R 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TXDATA W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPIx_TXFRn field descriptions Field Description 31-16 TXCMD_ TXDATA Transmit Command or Transmit Data TXDATA Transmit Data In Master mode the TXCMD field contains the command that sets the transfer attributes for the SPI data. In Slave mode, this field is reserved. Contains the SPI data to be shifted out. 38.3.11 Receive FIFO Registers (SPIx_RXFRn) RXFRn provide visibility into the RX FIFO for debugging purposes. Each register is an entry in the RX FIFO. The RXFR registers are read-only. Reading the RXFRx registers does not alter the state of the RX FIFO. Address: 4002_C000h base + 7Ch offset + (4d x i), where i=0d to 3d Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RXDATA R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPIx_RXFRn field descriptions Field RXDATA Description Receive Data Contains the received SPI data. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 921 Functional description SPIx_RXFRn field descriptions (continued) Field Description 38.4 Functional description The module supports full-duplex, synchronous serial communications between chips and peripheral devices. The SPI configuration transfers data serially using a shift register and a selection of programmable transfer attributes. The module has the following configuration * The SPI Configuration in which the module operates as a basic SPI or a queued SPI. The DCONF field in the Module Configuration Register (MCR) determines the module Configuration. SPI configuration is selected when DCONF within SPIx_MCR is 0b00. The CTARn registers hold clock and transfer attributes. The SPI configuration allows to select which CTAR to use on a frame by frame basis by setting a field in the SPI command. See Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Master Mode) (SPI_CTARn) for information on the fields of CTAR registers. Typical master to slave connections are shown in the following figure. When a data transfer operation is performed, data is serially shifted a predetermined number of bit positions. Because the modules are linked, data is exchanged between the master and the slave. The data that was in the master shift register is now in the shift register of the slave, and vice versa. At the end of a transfer, the Transfer Control Flag(TCF) bit in the Shift Register(SR) is set to indicate a completed frame transfer. SPI Master SPI Slave SIN Shift Register SOUT SCK SOUT SIN Shift Register SCK Baud Rate Generator PCSx SS Figure 38-3. Serial protocol overview KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 922 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Generally, more than one slave device can be connected to the module master. 6 Peripheral Chip Select (PCS) signals of the module masters can be used to select which of the slaves to communicate with. Refer to the chip specific section for details on the number of PCS signals used in this chip. The SPI configuration shares transfer protocol and timing properties which are described independently of the configuration in Transfer formats. The transfer rate and delay settings are described in Module baud rate and clock delay generation. 38.4.1 Start and Stop of module transfers The module has two operating states: Stopped and Running. Both the states are independent of it's configuration. The default state of the module is Stopped. In the Stopped state, no serial transfers are initiated in Master mode and no transfers are responded to in Slave mode. The Stopped state is also a safe state for writing the various configuration registers of the module without causing undetermined results. In the Running state serial transfers take place. The TXRXS bit in the SR indicates the state of module. The bit is set if the module is in Running state. The module starts or transitions to Running when all of the following conditions are true: * SR[EOQF] bit is clear * Chip is not in the Debug mode or the MCR[FRZ] bit is clear * MCR[HALT] bit is clear The module stops or transitions from Running to Stopped after the current frame when any one of the following conditions exist: * SR[EOQF] bit is set * Chip in the Debug mode and the MCR[FRZ] bit is set * MCR[HALT] bit is set State transitions from Running to Stopped occur on the next frame boundary if a transfer is in progress, or immediately if no transfers are in progress. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 923 Functional description 38.4.2 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) configuration The SPI configuration transfers data serially using a shift register and a selection of programmable transfer attributes. The module is in SPI configuration when the DCONF field in the MCR is 0b00. The SPI frames can be 32 bits long. The host CPU or a DMA controller transfers the SPI data from the external to the module RAM queues to a TX FIFO buffer. The received data is stored in entries in the RX FIFO buffer. The host CPU or the DMA controller transfers the received data from the RX FIFO to memory external to the module. The operation of FIFO buffers is described in the following sections: * Transmit First In First Out (TX FIFO) buffering mechanism * Transmit First In First Out (TX FIFO) buffering mechanism * Receive First In First Out (RX FIFO) buffering mechanism The interrupt and DMA request conditions are described in Interrupts/DMA requests. The SPI configuration supports two block-specific modes--Master mode and Slave mode.In Master mode the module initiates and controls the transfer according to the fields of the executing SPI Command. In Slave mode, the module responds only to transfers initiated by a bus master external to it and the SPI command field space is reserved. Master mode In SPI Master mode, the module initiates the serial transfers by controlling the SCK and the PCS signals. The executing SPI Command determines which CTARs will be used to set the transfer attributes and which PCS signals to assert. The command field also contains various bits that help with queue management and transfer protocol. See PUSH TX FIFO Register In Master Mode (SPI_PUSHR) for details on the SPI command fields. The data in the executing TX FIFO entry is loaded into the shift register and shifted out on the Serial Out (SOUT) pin. In SPI Master mode, each SPI frame to be transmitted has a command associated with it, allowing for transfer attribute control on a frame by frame basis. Slave mode In SPI Slave mode the module responds to transfers initiated by an SPI bus master. It does not initiate transfers. Certain transfer attributes such as clock polarity, clock phase, and frame size must be set for successful communication with an SPI master. The SPI Slave mode transfer attributes are set in the CTAR0. The data is shifted out with MSB first. Shifting out of LSB is not supported in this mode. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 924 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) FIFO disable operation The FIFO disable mechanisms allow SPI transfers without using the TX FIFO or RX FIFO. The module operates as a double-buffered simplified SPI when the FIFOs are disabled. The Transmit and Receive side of the FIFOs are disabled separately. Setting the MCR[DIS_TXF] bit disables the TX FIFO, and setting the MCR[DIS_RXF] bit disables the RX FIFO. The FIFO disable mechanisms are transparent to the user and to host software. Transmit data and commands are written to the PUSHR and received data is read from the POPR. When the TX FIFO is disabled: * SR[TFFF], SR[TFUF] and SR[TXCTR] behave as if there is a one-entry FIFO * The contents of TXFRs, SR[TXNXTPTR] are undefined Similarly, when the RX FIFO is disabled, the RFDF, RFOF, and RXCTR fields in the SR behave as if there is a one-entry FIFO, but the contents of the RXFR registers and POPNXTPTR are undefined. Transmit First In First Out (TX FIFO) buffering mechanism The TX FIFO functions as a buffer of SPI data for transmission. The TX FIFO holds 4 words, each consisting of SPI data. The number of entries in the TX FIFO is devicespecific. SPI data is added to the TX FIFO by writing to the Data Field of module PUSH FIFO Register (PUSHR). TX FIFO entries can only be removed from the TX FIFO by being shifted out or by flushing the TX FIFO. The TX FIFO Counter field (TXCTR) in the module Status Register (SR) indicates the number of valid entries in the TX FIFO. The TXCTR is updated every time a 8- or 16-bit write takes place to PUSHR[TXDATA] or SPI data is transferred into the shift register from the TX FIFO. The TXNXTPTR field indicates the TX FIFO Entry that will be transmitted during the next transfer. The TXNXTPTR field is incremented every time SPI data is transferred from the TX FIFO to the shift register. The maximum value of the field is equal to the maximum implemented TXFR number and it rolls over after reaching the maximum. Filling the TX FIFO Host software or other intelligent blocks can add (push) entries to the TX FIFO by writing to the PUSHR. When the TX FIFO is not full, the TX FIFO Fill Flag (TFFF) in the SR is set. The TFFF bit is cleared when TX FIFO is full and the DMA controller KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 925 Functional description indicates that a write to PUSHR is complete. Writing a '1' to the TFFF bit also clears it. The TFFF can generate a DMA request or an interrupt request. See Transmit FIFO Fill Interrupt or DMA Request for details. The module ignores attempts to push data to a full TX FIFO, and the state of the TX FIFO does not change and no error condition is indicated. Draining the TX FIFO The TX FIFO entries are removed (drained) by shifting SPI data out through the shift register. Entries are transferred from the TX FIFO to the shift register and shifted out as long as there are valid entries in the TX FIFO. Every time an entry is transferred from the TX FIFO to the shift register, the TX FIFO Counter decrements by one. At the end of a transfer, the TCF bit in the SR is set to indicate the completion of a transfer. The TX FIFO is flushed by writing a '1' to the CLR_TXF bit in MCR. If an external bus master initiates a transfer with a module slave while the slave's TX FIFO is empty, the Transmit FIFO Underflow Flag (TFUF) in the slave's SR is set. See Transmit FIFO Underflow Interrupt Request for details. Receive First In First Out (RX FIFO) buffering mechanism The RX FIFO functions as a buffer for data received on the SIN pin. The RX FIFO holds 4 received SPI data frames. The number of entries in the RX FIFO is device-specific. SPI data is added to the RX FIFO at the completion of a transfer when the received data in the shift register is transferred into the RX FIFO. SPI data are removed (popped) from the RX FIFO by reading the module POP RX FIFO Register (POPR). RX FIFO entries can only be removed from the RX FIFO by reading the POPR or by flushing the RX FIFO. The RX FIFO Counter field (RXCTR) in the module's Status Register (SR) indicates the number of valid entries in the RX FIFO. The RXCTR is updated every time the POPR is read or SPI data is copied from the shift register to the RX FIFO. The POPNXTPTR field in the SR points to the RX FIFO entry that is returned when the POPR is read. The POPNXTPTR contains the positive offset from RXFR0 in a number of 32-bit registers. For example, POPNXTPTR equal to two means that the RXFR2 contains the received SPI data that will be returned when the POPR is read. The POPNXTPTR field is incremented every time the POPR is read. The maximum value of the field is equal to the maximum implemented RXFR number and it rolls over after reaching the maximum. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 926 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Filling the RX FIFO The RX FIFO is filled with the received SPI data from the shift register. While the RX FIFO is not full, SPI frames from the shift register are transferred to the RX FIFO. Every time an SPI frame is transferred to the RX FIFO, the RX FIFO Counter is incremented by one. If the RX FIFO and shift register are full and a transfer is initiated, the RFOF bit in the SR is set indicating an overflow condition. Depending on the state of the ROOE bit in the MCR, the data from the transfer that generated the overflow is either ignored or shifted in to the shift register. If the ROOE bit is set, the incoming data is shifted in to the shift register. If the ROOE bit is cleared, the incoming data is ignored. Draining the RX FIFO Host CPU or a DMA can remove (pop) entries from the RX FIFO by reading the module POP RX FIFO Register (POPR). A read of the POPR decrements the RX FIFO Counter by one. Attempts to pop data from an empty RX FIFO are ignored and the RX FIFO Counter remains unchanged. The data, read from the empty RX FIFO, is undetermined. When the RX FIFO is not empty, the RX FIFO Drain Flag (RFDF) in the SR is set. The RFDF bit is cleared when the RX_FIFO is empty and the DMA controller indicates that a read from POPR is complete or by writing a 1 to it. 38.4.3 Module baud rate and clock delay generation The SCK frequency and the delay values for serial transfer are generated by dividing the system clock frequency by a prescaler and a scaler with the option for doubling the baud rate. The following figure shows conceptually how the SCK signal is generated. System Clock 1 Prescaler 1+DBR Scaler SCK Figure 38-4. Communications clock prescalers and scalers KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 927 Functional description Baud rate generator The baud rate is the frequency of the SCK. The protocol clock is divided by a prescaler (PBR) and scaler (BR) to produce SCK with the possibility of halving the scaler division. The DBR, PBR, and BR fields in the CTARs select the frequency of SCK by the formula in the BR field description. The following table shows an example of how to compute the baud rate. Table 38-5. Baud rate computation example fP PBR Prescaler BR Scaler DBR Baud rate 100 MHz 0b00 2 0b0000 2 0 25 Mb/s 20 MHz 0b00 2 0b0000 2 1 10 Mb/s NOTE The clock frequencies mentioned in the preceding table are given as an example. Refer to the clocking chapter for the frequency used to drive this module in the device. PCS to SCK Delay (tCSC) The PCS to SCK delay is the length of time from assertion of the PCS signal to the first SCK edge. See Figure 38-6 for an illustration of the PCS to SCK delay. The PCSSCK and CSSCK fields in the CTARx registers select the PCS to SCK delay by the formula in the CSSCK field description. The following table shows an example of how to compute the PCS to SCK delay. Table 38-6. PCS to SCK delay computation example fSYS PCSSCK Prescaler CSSCK Scaler PCS to SCK Delay 100 MHz 0b01 3 0b0100 32 0.96 s NOTE The clock frequency mentioned in the preceding table is given as an example. Refer to the clocking chapter for the frequency used to drive this module in the device. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 928 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) After SCK Delay (tASC) The After SCK Delay is the length of time between the last edge of SCK and the negation of PCS. See Figure 38-6 and Figure 38-7 for illustrations of the After SCK delay. The PASC and ASC fields in the CTARx registers select the After SCK Delay by the formula in the ASC field description. The following table shows an example of how to compute the After SCK delay. Table 38-7. After SCK Delay computation example fP PASC Prescaler ASC Scaler After SCK Delay 100 MHz 0b01 3 0b0100 32 0.96 s NOTE The clock frequency mentioned in the preceding table is given as an example. Refer to the clocking chapter for the frequency used to drive this module in the device. Delay after Transfer (tDT) The Delay after Transfer is the minimum time between negation of the PCS signal for a frame and the assertion of the PCS signal for the next frame. See Figure 38-6 for an illustration of the Delay after Transfer. The PDT and DT fields in the CTARx registers select the Delay after Transfer by the formula in the DT field description. The following table shows an example of how to compute the Delay after Transfer. Table 38-8. Delay after Transfer computation example fP PDT Prescaler DT Scaler Delay after Transfer 100 MHz 0b01 3 0b1110 32768 0.98 ms NOTE The clock frequency mentioned in the preceding table is given as an example. Refer to the clocking chapter for the frequency used to drive this module in the device. When in Non-Continuous Clock mode the tDT delay is configured according to the equation specified in the CTAR[DT] field description. When in Continuous Clock mode, the delay is fixed at 1 SCK period. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 929 Functional description Peripheral Chip Select Strobe Enable (PCSS ) The PCSS signal provides a delay to allow the PCS signals to settle after a transition occurs thereby avoiding glitches. When the Module is in Master mode and the PCSSE bit is set in the MCR, PCSS provides a signal for an external demultiplexer to decode peripheral chip selects other than PCS5 into glitch-free PCS signals. The following figure shows the timing of the PCSS signal relative to PCS signals. PCSx PCSS tPASC tPCSSCK Figure 38-5. Peripheral Chip Select Strobe timing The delay between the assertion of the PCS signals and the assertion of PCSS is selected by the PCSSCK field in the CTAR based on the following formula: P At the end of the transfer, the delay between PCSS negation and PCS negation is selected by the PASC field in the CTAR based on the following formula: P The following table shows an example of how to compute the tpcssck delay. Table 38-9. Peripheral Chip Select Strobe Assert computation example fP PCSSCK Prescaler Delay before Transfer 100 MHz 0b11 7 70.0 ns The following table shows an example of how to compute the tpasc delay. Table 38-10. Peripheral Chip Select Strobe Negate computation example fP PASC Prescaler Delay after Transfer 100 MHz 0b11 7 70.0 ns The PCSS signal is not supported when Continuous Serial Communication SCK mode is enabled. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 930 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) NOTE The clock frequency mentioned in the preceding tables is given as an example. Refer to the clocking chapter for the frequency used to drive this module in the device. 38.4.4 Transfer formats The SPI serial communication is controlled by the Serial Communications Clock (SCK) signal and the PCS signals. The SCK signal provided by the master device synchronizes shifting and sampling of the data on the SIN and SOUT pins. The PCS signals serve as enable signals for the slave devices. In Master mode, the CPOL and CPHA bits in the Clock and Transfer Attributes Registers (CTARn) select the polarity and phase of the serial clock, SCK. * CPOL - Selects the idle state polarity of the SCK * CPHA - Selects if the data on SOUT is valid before or on the first SCK edge Even though the bus slave does not control the SCK signal, in Slave mode the values of CPOL and CPHA must be identical to the master device settings to ensure proper transmission. In SPI Slave mode, only CTAR0 is used. The module supports four different transfer formats: * Classic SPI with CPHA=0 * Classic SPI with CPHA=1 * Modified Transfer Format with CPHA = 0 * Modified Transfer Format with CPHA = 1 A modified transfer format is supported to allow for high-speed communication with peripherals that require longer setup times. The module can sample the incoming data later than halfway through the cycle to give the peripheral more setup time. The MTFE bit in the MCR selects between Classic SPI Format and Modified Transfer Format. In the interface configurations, the module provides the option of keeping the PCS signals asserted between frames. See Continuous Selection Format for details. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 931 Functional description Classic SPI Transfer Format (CPHA = 0) The transfer format shown in following figure is used to communicate with peripheral SPI slave devices where the first data bit is available on the first clock edge. In this format, the master and slave sample their SIN pins on the odd-numbered SCK edges and change the data on their SOUT pins on the even-numbered SCK edges. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SCK (CPOL = 0) SCK (CPOL = 1) Master and Slave Sample Master SOUT/ Slave SIN Master SIN/ Slave SOUT PCSx/SS tASC tDT t CSC tCSC Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 MSB first (LSBFE = 0): MSB Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 MSB first (LSBFE = 1): LSB tCSC = PCS to SCK delay tASC = After SCK delay tDT = Delay after Transfer (Minimum CS idle time) Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 2 Bit 5 Bit 1 Bit 6 LSB MSB Figure 38-6. Module transfer timing diagram (MTFE=0, CPHA=0, FMSZ=8) The master initiates the transfer by placing its first data bit on the SOUT pin and asserting the appropriate peripheral chip select signals to the slave device. The slave responds by placing its first data bit on its SOUT pin. After the tCSC delay elapses, the master outputs the first edge of SCK. The master and slave devices use this edge to sample the first input data bit on their serial data input signals. At the second edge of the SCK, the master and slave devices place their second data bit on their serial data output signals. For the rest of the frame the master and the slave sample their SIN pins on the odd-numbered clock edges and changes the data on their SOUT pins on the even-numbered clock edges. After the last clock edge occurs, a delay of tASC is inserted before the master negates the PCS signals. A delay of tDT is inserted before a new frame transfer can be initiated by the master. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 932 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Classic SPI Transfer Format (CPHA = 1) This transfer format shown in the following figure is used to communicate with peripheral SPI slave devices that require the first SCK edge before the first data bit becomes available on the slave SOUT pin. In this format, the master and slave devices change the data on their SOUT pins on the odd-numbered SCK edges and sample the data on their SIN pins on the even-numbered SCK edges. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SCK (CPOL = 0) SCK (CPOL = 1) Master and Slave Sample Master SOUT/ Slave SIN Master SIN/ Slave SOUT PCSx/SS tASC tDT tCSC Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 3 MSB first (LSBFE = 0): MSB Bit 6 Bit 1 Bit 2 LSB first (LSBFE = 1): LSB Bit 4 Bit 3 P tCSC = CS to SCK delay tASC = After SCK delay tDT = Delay after Transfer (minimum CS negation time) Bit 2 Bit 5 Bit 1 Bit 6 LSB MSB Figure 38-7. Module transfer timing diagram (MTFE=0, CPHA=1, FMSZ=8) The master initiates the transfer by asserting the PCS signal to the slave. After the tCSC delay has elapsed, the master generates the first SCK edge and at the same time places valid data on the master SOUT pin. The slave responds to the first SCK edge by placing its first data bit on its slave SOUT pin. At the second edge of the SCK the master and slave sample their SIN pins. For the rest of the frame the master and the slave change the data on their SOUT pins on the oddnumbered clock edges and sample their SIN pins on the even-numbered clock edges. After the last clock edge occurs, a delay of tASC is inserted before the master negates the PCS signal. A delay of tDT is inserted before a new frame transfer can be initiated by the master. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 933 Functional description Modified SPI Transfer Format (MTFE = 1, CPHA = 0) In this Modified Transfer Format both the master and the slave sample later in the SCK period than in Classic SPI mode to allow the logic to tolerate more delays in device pads and board traces. These delays become a more significant fraction of the SCK period as the SCK period decreases with increasing baud rates. The master and the slave place data on the SOUT pins at the assertion of the PCS signal. After the PCS to SCK delay has elapsed the first SCK edge is generated. The slave samples the master SOUT signal on every odd numbered SCK edge. The DSPI in the slave mode when the MTFE bit is set also places new data on the slave SOUT on every odd numbered clock edge. Regular external slave, configured with CPHA=0 format drives its SOUT output at every even numbered SCK clock edge. The DSPI master places its second data bit on the SOUT line one protocol clock after odd numbered SCK edge if the protocol clock frequency to SCK frequency ratio is higher than three. If this ratio is below four the master changes SOUT at odd numbered SCK edge. The point where the master samples the SIN is selected by the DSPI_MCR[SMPL_PT] field. The master sample point can be delayed by one or two protocol clock cycles. The SMPL_PT field should be set to 0 if the protocol to SCK frequency ratio is less than 4. However if this ratio is less than 4, the actual sample point is delayed by one protocol clock cycle automatically by the design. The following timing diagrams illustrate the DSPI operation with MTFE=1. Timing delays shown are: * Tcsc - PCS to SCK assertion delay * Tacs - After SCK PCS negation delay * Tsu_ms - master SIN setup time * Thd_ms - master SIN hold time * Tvd_sl - slave data output valid time, time between slave data output SCK driving edge and data becomes valid. * Tsu_sl - data setup time on slave data input * Thd_sl - data hold time on slave data input * Tsys - protocol clock period. The following figure shows the modified transfer format for CPHA = 0 and Fsys/Fsck = 4. Only the condition where CPOL = 0 is illustrated. Solid triangles show the data sampling clock edges. The two possible slave behavior are shown. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 934 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) * Signal, marked "SOUT of Ext Slave", presents regular SPI slave serial output. * Signal, marked "SOUT of DSPI Slave", presents DSPI in the slave mode with MTFE bit set. Other MTFE = 1 diagrams show DSPI SIN input as being driven by a regular external SPI slave, configured according DSPI master CPHA programming. Note In the following diagrams, fsys represents the protocol clock frequency from which the Baud frequency fsck is derived. DSPI samples SIN, SMPL_PT=0 SMPL_PT=1 SMPL_PT=2 sys clk Tasc PCS SOUT of Ext Slave SCK Thd_ms Tsu_ms Tvd_sl D0 D2 D1 Slave samples SOUT Tcsc 5 3 1 4 2 Tsys SOUT D0 SOUT of DSPI Slave D0 D1 Tsu_sl D2 Dn 6 2n+1 2n+2 Thd_sl Dn Tvd_sl D1 D2 Dn Figure 38-8. DSPI Modified Transfer Format (MTFE=1, CPHA=0, fsck = fsys/4) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 935 Functional description DSPI samples SIN sys clk Tasc PCS Tvd_sl SIN D0 D1 D2 Tsu_ms Thd_ms Dn Slave samples SOUT Tcsc SCK Tsu_sl SOUT D0 D1 Thd_sl D2 Dn Figure 38-9. DSPI Modified Transfer Format (MTFE=1, CPHA=0, fsck = fsys/2) Figure 38-10. DSPI Modified Transfer Format (MTFE=1, CPHA=0, fsck = fsys/3) Modified SPI Transfer Format (MTFE = 1, CPHA = 1) The following figures show the Modified Transfer Format for CPHA = 1. Only the condition, where CPOL = 0 is shown. At the start of a transfer the DSPI asserts the PCS signal to the slave device. After the PCS to SCK delay has elapsed the master and the slave put data on their SOUT pins at the first edge of SCK . The slave samples the master SOUT signal on the even numbered edges of SCK. The master samples the slave SOUT KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 936 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) signal on the odd numbered SCK edges starting with the third SCK edge. The slave samples the last bit on the last edge of the SCK. The master samples the last slave SOUT bit one half SCK cycle after the last edge of SCK. No clock edge will be visible on the master SCK pin during the sampling of the last bit. The SCK to PCS delay and the After SCK delay must be greater or equal to half of the SCK period. NOTE When MTFE=1 with continuous SCK enabled (MCR [CONT_SCKE] =1) in master mode, configure CTAR[LSBFE]=0 for correct operations while receiving unequal length frames. If PUSHR[CONT] is also set for back to back frame transfer, also configure the frame size of the first frame as less than or equal to the frame size of the next frame. In this scenario, make sure that for all received frames, the bits are read equal to their respective frame sizes and any extra bits during POP operation are masked. DSPI samples SIN sys clk Tasc PCS D0 SIN 1 D1 3 2 5 4 D0 D1 7 6 Tsu_sl SOUT Dn Slave samples SOUT Tcsc SCK Thd_ms Tsu_ms D2 Tvd_sl 8 2n+1 2n+2 Thd_sl D2 Dn Figure 38-11. DSPI Modified Transfer Format (MTFE=1, CPHA=1, fsck = fsys/2) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 937 Functional description DSPI samples SIN sys clk Tasc PCS Tvd_sl D0 SIN D1 Tsu_ms D2 Thd_ms Dn Slave samples SOUT Tcsc SCK Thd_sl Tsu_sl D0 SOUT Dn D2 D1 Figure 38-12. DSPI Modified Transfer Format (MTFE=1, CPHA=1, fsck = fsys/3) DSPI samples SIN sys clk Tasc PCS Tvd_sl D0 SIN Tcsc D1 Tsu_ms D2 Thd_ms Dn Slave samoles SOUD SCK Tsu_sl SOUT D0 D1 Thd_sl D2 Dn Figure 38-13. DSPI Modified Transfer Format (MTFE=1, CPHA=1, fsck = fsys/4) Continuous Selection Format Some peripherals must be deselected between every transfer. Other peripherals must remain selected between several sequential serial transfers. The Continuous Selection Format provides the flexibility to handle the following case. The Continuous Selection Format is enabled for the SPI configuration by setting the CONT bit in the SPI command. When the CONT bit = 0, the module drives the asserted Chip Select signals to their idle states in between frames. The idle states of the Chip Select signals are selected by the PCSISn bits in the MCR. The following timing diagram is for two four-bit transfers with CPHA = 1 and CONT = 0. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 938 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) SCK (CPOL = 0) SCK (CPOL = 1) Master SOUT Master SIN PCSx tCSC t ASC t DT t CSC tCSC = PCS to SCK dela t ASC = After SCK delay t DT = Delay after Transfer (minimum CS negation time) Figure 38-14. Example of non-continuous format (CPHA=1, CONT=0) When the CONT bit = 1, the PCS signal remains asserted for the duration of the two transfers. The Delay between Transfers (tDT) is not inserted between the transfers. The following figure shows the timing diagram for two four-bit transfers with CPHA = 1 and CONT = 1. SCK (CPOL = 0) SCK (CPOL = 1) Master SOUT Master SIN PCS tCSC tCSC = PC S to SCK del ay t ASC t t ASC CSC = After SCK delay Figure 38-15. Example of continuous transfer (CPHA=1, CONT=1) When using the module with continuous selection follow these rules: * All transmit commands must have the same PCSn bits programming. * The CTARs, selected by transmit commands, must be programmed with the same transfer attributes. Only FMSZ field can be programmed differently in these CTARs. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 939 Functional description * When transmitting multiple frames in this mode, the user software must ensure that the last frame has the PUSHR[CONT] bit deasserted in Master mode and the user software must provide sufficient frames in the TX_FIFO to be sent out in Slave mode and the master deasserts the PCSn at end of transmission of the last frame. * PUSHR[CONT] must be deasserted before asserting MCR[HALT] in master mode. This will make sure that the PCSn signals are deasserted. Asserting MCR[HALT] during continuous transfer will cause the PCSn signals to remain asserted and hence Slave Device cannot transition from Running to Stopped state. NOTE User must fill the TX FIFO with the number of entries that will be concatenated together under one PCS assertion for both master and slave before the TX FIFO becomes empty. When operating in Slave mode, ensure that when the last entry in the TX FIFO is completely transmitted, that is, the corresponding TCF flag is asserted and TXFIFO is empty, the slave is deselected for any further serial communication; otherwise, an underflow error occurs. 38.4.5 Continuous Serial Communications Clock The module provides the option of generating a Continuous SCK signal for slave peripherals that require a continuous clock. Continuous SCK is enabled by setting the CONT_SCKE bit in the MCR. Enabling this bit generates the Continuous SCK only if MCR[HALT] bit is low. Continuous SCK is valid in all configurations. Continuous SCK is only supported for CPHA=1. Clearing CPHA is ignored if the CONT_SCKE bit is set. Continuous SCK is supported for Modified Transfer Format. Clock and transfer attributes for the Continuous SCK mode are set according to the following rules: * When the module is in SPI configuration, CTAR0 is used initially. At the start of each SPI frame transfer, the CTAR specified by the CTAS for the frame is used. * In all configurations, the currently selected CTAR remains in use until the start of a frame with a different CTAR specified, or the Continuous SCK mode is terminated. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 940 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) It is recommended to keep the baud rate the same while using the Continuous SCK. Switching clock polarity between frames while using Continuous SCK can cause errors in the transfer. Continuous SCK operation is not guaranteed if the module is put into the External Stop mode or Module Disable mode. Enabling Continuous SCK disables the PCS to SCK delay and the Delay after Transfer (tDT) is fixed to one SCK cycle. The following figure is the timing diagram for Continuous SCK format with Continuous Selection disabled. NOTE In Continuous SCK mode, for the SPI transfer CTAR0 should always be used, and the TX FIFO must be cleared using the MCR[CLR_TXF] field before initiating transfer. SCK (CPOL = 0) SCK (CPOL = 1) Master SOUT Master SIN PCS tDT Figure 38-16. Continuous SCK Timing Diagram (CONT=0) If the CONT bit in the TX FIFO entry is set, PCS remains asserted between the transfers. Under certain conditions, SCK can continue with PCS asserted, but with no data being shifted out of SOUT, that is, SOUT pulled high. This can cause the slave to receive incorrect data. Those conditions include: * Continuous SCK with CONT bit set, but no data in the TX FIFO. * Continuous SCK with CONT bit set and entering Stopped state (refer to Start and Stop of module transfers). * Continuous SCK with CONT bit set and entering Stop mode or Module Disable mode. The following figure shows timing diagram for Continuous SCK format with Continuous Selection enabled. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 941 Functional description SCK (CPOL = 0) SCK (CPOL = 1) Master SOUT Master SIN PCS transfer 1 transfer 2 Figure 38-17. Continuous SCK timing diagram (CONT=1) 38.4.6 Slave Mode Operation Constraints Slave mode logic shift register is buffered. This allows data streaming operation, when the module is permanently selected and data is shifted in with a constant rate. The transmit data is transferred at second SCK clock edge of the each frame to the shift register if the SS signal is asserted and any time when transmit data is ready and SS signal is negated. Received data is transferred to the receive buffer at last SCK edge of each frame, defined by frame size programmed to the CTAR0/1 register. Then the data from the buffer is transferred to the RXFIFO or DDR register. If the SS negates before that last SCK edge, the data from shift register is lost. 38.4.7 Interrupts/DMA requests The module has several conditions that can generate only interrupt requests and two conditions that can generate interrupt or DMA requests. The following table lists these conditions. Table 38-11. Interrupt and DMA request conditions Condition Flag Interrupt DMA End of Queue (EOQ) EOQF Yes - TX FIFO Fill TFFF Yes Yes Transfer Complete TCF Yes - TX FIFO Underflow TFUF Yes - Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 942 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Table 38-11. Interrupt and DMA request conditions (continued) Condition Flag Interrupt DMA RX FIFO Drain RFDF Yes Yes RX FIFO Overflow RFOF Yes - Each condition has a flag bit in the module Status Register (SR) and a Request Enable bit in the DMA/Interrupt Request Select and Enable Register (RSER). Certain flags (as shown in above table) generate interrupt requests or DMA requests depending on configuration of RSER register. The module also provides a global interrupt request line, which is asserted when any of individual interrupt requests lines is asserted. End Of Queue interrupt request The End Of Queue (EOQ) interrupt request indicates that the end of a transmit queue is reached. The module generates the interrupt request when EOQ interrupt requests are enabled (RSER[EOQF_RE]) and the EOQ bit in the executing SPI command is 1. The module generates the interrupt request when the last bit of the SPI frame with EOQ bit set is transmitted. Transmit FIFO Fill Interrupt or DMA Request The Transmit FIFO Fill Request indicates that the TX FIFO is not full. The Transmit FIFO Fill Request is generated when the number of entries in the TX FIFO is less than the maximum number of possible entries, and the TFFF_RE bit in the RSER is set. The TFFF_DIRS bit in the RSER selects whether a DMA request or an interrupt request is generated. NOTE TFFF flag clears automatically when DMA is used to fill TX FIFO. To clear TFFF when not using DMA, follow these steps for every PUSH performed using CPU to fill TX FIFO: 1. Wait until TFFF = 1. 2. Write data to PUSHR using CPU. 3. Clear TFFF by writing a 1 to its location. If TX FIFO is not full, this flag will not clear. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 943 Functional description Transfer Complete Interrupt Request The Transfer Complete Request indicates the end of the transfer of a serial frame. The Transfer Complete Request is generated at the end of each frame transfer when the TCF_RE bit is set in the RSER. Transmit FIFO Underflow Interrupt Request The Transmit FIFO Underflow Request indicates that an underflow condition in the TX FIFO has occurred. The transmit underflow condition is detected only for the module operating in Slave mode and SPI configuration . The TFUF bit is set when the TX FIFO of the module is empty, and a transfer is initiated from an external SPI master. If the TFUF bit is set while the TFUF_RE bit in the RSER is set, an interrupt request is generated. Receive FIFO Drain Interrupt or DMA Request The Receive FIFO Drain Request indicates that the RX FIFO is not empty. The Receive FIFO Drain Request is generated when the number of entries in the RX FIFO is not zero, and the RFDF_RE bit in the RSER is set. The RFDF_DIRS bit in the RSER selects whether a DMA request or an interrupt request is generated. Receive FIFO Overflow Interrupt Request The Receive FIFO Overflow Request indicates that an overflow condition in the RX FIFO has occurred. A Receive FIFO Overflow request is generated when RX FIFO and shift register are full and a transfer is initiated. The RFOF_RE bit in the RSER must be set for the interrupt request to be generated. Depending on the state of the ROOE bit in the MCR, the data from the transfer that generated the overflow is either ignored or shifted in to the shift register. If the ROOE bit is set, the incoming data is shifted in to the shift register. If the ROOE bit is cleared, the incoming data is ignored. 38.4.8 Power saving features The module supports following power-saving strategies: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 944 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) * External Stop mode * Module Disable mode - Clock gating of non-memory mapped logic Stop mode (External Stop mode) This module supports the Stop mode protocol. When a request is made to enter External Stop mode, the module acknowledges the request . If a serial transfer is in progress, then this module waits until it reaches the frame boundary before it is ready to have its clocks shut off . While the clocks are shut off, this module's memory-mapped logic is not accessible. This also puts the module in STOPPED state. The SR[TXRXS] bit is cleared to indicate STOPPED state. The states of the interrupt and DMA request signals cannot be changed while in External Stop mode. Module Disable mode Module Disable mode is a block-specific mode that the module can enter to save power. Host CPU can initiate the Module Disable mode by setting the MDIS bit in the MCR. The Module Disable mode can also be initiated by hardware. When the MDIS bit is set, the module negates the Clock Enable signal at the next frame boundary. Once the Clock Enable signal is negated, it is said to have entered Module Disable Mode. This also puts the module in STOPPED state. The SR[TXRXS] bit is cleared to indicate STOPPED state.If implemented, the Clock Enable signal can stop the clock to the non-memory mapped logic. When Clock Enable is negated, the module is in a dormant state, but the memory mapped registers are still accessible. Certain read or write operations have a different effect when the module is in the Module Disable mode. Reading the RX FIFO Pop Register does not change the state of the RX FIFO. Similarly, writing to the PUSHR Register does not change the state of the TX FIFO. Clearing either of the FIFOs has no effect in the Module Disable mode. Changes to the DIS_TXF and DIS_RXF fields of the MCR have no effect in the Module Disable mode. In the Module Disable mode, all status bits and register flags in the module return the correct values when read, but writing to them has no effect. Writing to the TCR during Module Disable mode has no effect. Interrupt and DMA request signals cannot be cleared while in the Module Disable mode. 38.5 Initialization/application information This section describes how to initialize the module. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 945 Initialization/application information 38.5.1 How to manage queues The queues are not part of the module, but it includes features in support of queue management. Queues are primarily supported in SPI configuration. 1. When module executes last command word from a queue, the EOQ bit in the command word is set to indicate it that this is the last entry in the queue. 2. At the end of the transfer, corresponding to the command word with EOQ set is sampled, the EOQ flag (EOQF) in the SR is set. 3. The setting of the EOQF flag disables serial transmission and reception of data, putting the module in the Stopped state. The TXRXS bit is cleared to indicate the Stopped state. 4. The DMA can continue to fill TX FIFO until it is full or step 5 occurs. 5. Disable DMA transfers by disabling the DMA enable request for the DMA channel assigned to TX FIFO and RX FIFO. This is done by clearing the corresponding DMA enable request bits in the DMA Controller. 6. Ensure all received data in RX FIFO has been transferred to memory receive queue by reading the RXCNT in SR or by checking RFDF in the SR after each read operation of the POPR. 7. Modify DMA descriptor of TX and RX channels for new queues 8. Flush TX FIFO by writing a 1 to the CLR_TXF bit in the MCR. Flush RX FIFO by writing a '1' to the CLR_RXF bit in the MCR. 9. Clear transfer count either by setting CTCNT bit in the command word of the first entry in the new queue or via CPU writing directly to SPI_TCNT field in the TCR. 10. Enable DMA channel by enabling the DMA enable request for the DMA channel assigned to the module TX FIFO, and RX FIFO by setting the corresponding DMA set enable request bit. 11. Enable serial transmission and serial reception of data by clearing the EOQF bit. 38.5.2 Switching Master and Slave mode When changing modes in the module, follow the steps below to guarantee proper operation. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 946 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 1. Halt it by setting MCR[HALT]. 2. Clear the transmit and receive FIFOs by writing a 1 to the CLR_TXF and CLR_RXF bits in MCR. 3. Set the appropriate mode in MCR[MSTR] and enable it by clearing MCR[HALT]. 38.5.3 Initializing Module in Master/Slave Modes Once the appropriate mode in MCR[MSTR] is configured, the module is enabled by clearing MCR[HALT]. It should be ensured that module Slave is enabled before enabling it's Master. This ensures the Slave is ready to be communicated with, before Master initializes communication. 38.5.4 Baud rate settings The following table shows the baud rate that is generated based on the combination of the baud rate prescaler PBR and the baud rate scaler BR in the CTARs. The values calculated assume a 100 MHz protocol frequency and the double baud rate DBR bit is cleared. NOTE The clock frequency mentioned above is given as an example in this chapter. See the clocking chapter for the frequency used to drive this module in the device. Table 38-12. Baud rate values (bps) Baud Rate Scaler Values Baud rate divider prescaler values 2 3 5 7 2 25.0M 16.7M 10.0M 7.14M 4 12.5M 8.33M 5.00M 3.57M 6 8.33M 5.56M 3.33M 2.38M 8 6.25M 4.17M 2.50M 1.79M 16 3.12M 2.08M 1.25M 893k 32 1.56M 1.04M 625k 446k 64 781k 521k 312k 223k 128 391k 260k 156k 112k 256 195k 130k 78.1k 55.8k 512 97.7k 65.1k 39.1k 27.9k 1024 48.8k 32.6k 19.5k 14.0k 2048 24.4k 16.3k 9.77k 6.98k Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 947 Initialization/application information Table 38-12. Baud rate values (bps) (continued) Baud rate divider prescaler values 2 3 5 7 4096 12.2k 8.14k 4.88k 3.49k 8192 6.10k 4.07k 2.44k 1.74k 16384 3.05k 2.04k 1.22k 872 32768 1.53k 1.02k 610 436 38.5.5 Delay settings The following table shows the values for the Delay after Transfer (tDT) and CS to SCK Delay (TCSC) that can be generated based on the prescaler values and the scaler values set in the CTARs. The values calculated assume a 100 MHz protocol frequency. NOTE The clock frequency mentioned above is given as an example in this chapter. See the clocking chapter for the frequency used to drive this module in the device. Table 38-13. Delay values Delay scaler values Delay prescaler values 1 3 5 7 2 20.0 ns 60.0 ns 100.0 ns 140.0 ns 4 40.0 ns 120.0 ns 200.0 ns 280.0 ns 8 80.0 ns 240.0 ns 400.0 ns 560.0 ns 16 160.0 ns 480.0 ns 800.0 ns 1.1 s 32 320.0 ns 960.0 ns 1.6 s 2.2 s 64 640.0 ns 1.9 s 3.2 s 4.5 s 128 1.3 s 3.8 s 6.4 s 9.0 s 256 2.6 s 7.7 s 12.8 s 17.9 s 512 5.1 s 15.4 s 25.6 s 35.8 s 1024 10.2 s 30.7 s 51.2 s 71.7 s 2048 20.5 s 61.4 s 102.4 s 143.4 s 4096 41.0 s 122.9 s 204.8 s 286.7 s 8192 81.9 s 245.8 s 409.6 s 573.4 s 16384 163.8 s 491.5 s 819.2 s 1.1 ms 32768 327.7 s 983.0 s 1.6 ms 2.3 ms 65536 655.4 s 2.0 ms 3.3 ms 4.6 ms KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 948 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 38.5.6 Calculation of FIFO pointer addresses Complete visibility of the FIFO contents is available through the FIFO registers, and valid entries can be identified through a memory-mapped pointer and counter for each FIFO. The pointer to the first-in entry in each FIFO is memory mapped. For the TX FIFO the first-in pointer is the Transmit Next Pointer (TXNXTPTR). For the RX FIFO the first-in pointer is the Pop Next Pointer (POPNXTPTR). The following figure illustrates the concept of first-in and last-in FIFO entries along with the FIFO Counter. The TX FIFO is chosen for the illustration, but the concepts carry over. See Transmit First In First Out (TX FIFO) buffering mechanism and Receive First In First Out (RX FIFO) buffering mechanism for details on the FIFO operation. Push TX FIFO Register TX FIFO Base Transmit Next Data Pointer Entry A (first in) Entry B Entry C Entry D (last in) - Shift Register +1 TX FIFO Counter SOUT -1 Figure 38-18. TX FIFO pointers and counter Address Calculation for the First-in Entry and Last-in Entry in the TX FIFO The memory address of the first-in entry in the TX FIFO is computed by the following equation: The memory address of the last-in entry in the TX FIFO is computed by the following equation: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 949 Initialization/application information TX FIFO Base - Base address of TX FIFO TXCTR - TX FIFO Counter TXNXTPTR - Transmit Next Pointer TX FIFO Depth - Transmit FIFO depth, implementation specific Address Calculation for the First-in Entry and Last-in Entry in the RX FIFO The memory address of the first-in entry in the RX FIFO is computed by the following equation: The memory address of the last-in entry in the RX FIFO is computed by the following equation: RX FIFO Base - Base address of RX FIFO RXCTR - RX FIFO counter POPNXTPTR - Pop Next Pointer RX FIFO Depth - Receive FIFO depth, implementation specific KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 950 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 39 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) 39.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The inter-integrated circuit (I2C, I2C, or IIC) module provides a method of communication between a number of devices. The interface is designed to operate up to 100 kbit/s with maximum bus loading and timing. The I2C device is capable of operating at higher baud rates, up to a maximum of clock/20, with reduced bus loading. The maximum communication length and the number of devices that can be connected are limited by a maximum bus capacitance of 400 pF. The I2C module also complies with the System Management Bus (SMBus) Specification, version 2. 39.1.1 Features The I2C module has the following features: * * * * * * * * * * Compatible with The I2C-Bus Specification Multimaster operation Software programmable for one of 64 different serial clock frequencies Software-selectable acknowledge bit Interrupt-driven byte-by-byte data transfer Arbitration-lost interrupt with automatic mode switching from master to slave Calling address identification interrupt START and STOP signal generation and detection Repeated START signal generation and detection Acknowledge bit generation and detection KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 951 Introduction * * * * * * * * Bus busy detection General call recognition 10-bit address extension Support for System Management Bus (SMBus) Specification, version 2 Programmable input glitch filter Low power mode wakeup on slave address match Range slave address support DMA support 39.1.2 Modes of operation The I2C module's operation in various low power modes is as follows: * Run mode: This is the basic mode of operation. To conserve power in this mode, disable the module. * Wait mode: The module continues to operate when the core is in Wait mode and can provide a wakeup interrupt. * Stop mode: The module is inactive in Stop mode for reduced power consumption, except that address matching is enabled in Stop mode. The STOP instruction does not affect the I2C module's register states. 39.1.3 Block diagram The following figure is a functional block diagram of the I2C module. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 952 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 39 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Module Enable Address Write/Read Interrupt DATA_MUX ADDR_DECODE CTRL_REG FREQ_REG ADDR_REG Input Sync START STOP Arbitration Control Clock Control STATUS_REG DATA_REG In/Out Data Shift Register Address Compare SCL SDA Figure 39-1. I2C Functional block diagram 39.2 I2C signal descriptions The signal properties of I2C are shown in the table found here. Table 39-1. I2C signal descriptions Signal Description I/O SCL Bidirectional serial clock line of the I2C system. I/O SDA Bidirectional serial data line of the I2C system. I/O KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 953 Memory map/register definition 39.3 Memory map/register definition This section describes in detail all I2C registers accessible to the end user. I2C memory map Absolute address (hex) Width Access (in bits) Register name Reset value Section/ page 4006_6000 I2C Address Register 1 (I2C0_A1) 8 R/W 00h 39.3.1/954 4006_6001 I2C Frequency Divider register (I2C0_F) 8 R/W 00h 39.3.2/955 4006_6002 I2C Control Register 1 (I2C0_C1) 8 R/W 00h 39.3.3/956 4006_6003 I2C Status register (I2C0_S) 8 R/W 80h 39.3.4/957 4006_6004 I2C Data I/O register (I2C0_D) 8 R/W 00h 39.3.5/959 4006_6005 I2C Control Register 2 (I2C0_C2) 8 R/W 00h 39.3.6/960 4006_6006 I2C Programmable Input Glitch Filter Register (I2C0_FLT) 8 R/W 00h 39.3.7/961 4006_6007 I2C Range Address register (I2C0_RA) 8 R/W 00h 39.3.8/962 4006_6008 I2C SMBus Control and Status register (I2C0_SMB) 8 R/W 00h 39.3.9/963 4006_6009 I2C Address Register 2 (I2C0_A2) 8 R/W C2h 39.3.10/ 965 4006_600A I2C SCL Low Timeout Register High (I2C0_SLTH) 8 R/W 00h 39.3.11/ 965 4006_600B I2C SCL Low Timeout Register Low (I2C0_SLTL) 8 R/W 00h 39.3.12/ 965 39.3.1 I2C Address Register 1 (I2Cx_A1) This register contains the slave address to be used by the I2C module. Address: 4006_6000h base + 0h offset = 4006_6000h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 AD[7:1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I2Cx_A1 field descriptions Field 7-1 AD[7:1] 0 Reserved Description Address Contains the primary slave address used by the I2C module when it is addressed as a slave. This field is used in the 7-bit address scheme and the lower seven bits in the 10-bit address scheme. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 954 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 39 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) 39.3.2 I2C Frequency Divider register (I2Cx_F) Address: 4006_6000h base + 1h offset = 4006_6001h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 MULT 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 ICR 0 0 0 0 I2Cx_F field descriptions Field 7-6 MULT Description Multiplier Factor Defines the multiplier factor (mul). This factor is used along with the SCL divider to generate the I2C baud rate. 00 01 10 11 ICR mul = 1 mul = 2 mul = 4 Reserved ClockRate Prescales the I2C module clock for bit rate selection. This field and the MULT field determine the I2C baud rate, the SDA hold time, the SCL start hold time, and the SCL stop hold time. For a list of values corresponding to each ICR setting, see I2C divider and hold values. The SCL divider multiplied by multiplier factor (mul) determines the I2C baud rate. I2C baud rate = I2C module clock speed (Hz)/(mul x SCL divider) The SDA hold time is the delay from the falling edge of SCL (I2C clock) to the changing of SDA (I2C data). SDA hold time = I2C module clock period (s) x mul x SDA hold value The SCL start hold time is the delay from the falling edge of SDA (I2C data) while SCL is high (start condition) to the falling edge of SCL (I2C clock). SCL start hold time = I2C module clock period (s) x mul x SCL start hold value The SCL stop hold time is the delay from the rising edge of SCL (I2C clock) to the rising edge of SDA (I2C data) while SCL is high (stop condition). SCL stop hold time = I2C module clock period (s) x mul x SCL stop hold value For example, if the I2C module clock speed is 8 MHz, the following table shows the possible hold time values with different ICR and MULT selections to achieve an I2C baud rate of 100 kbit/s. MULT ICR 2h Hold times (s) SDA SCL Start SCL Stop 00h 3.500 3.000 5.500 1h 07h 2.500 4.000 5.250 1h 0Bh 2.250 4.000 5.250 0h 14h 2.125 4.250 5.125 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 955 Memory map/register definition I2Cx_F field descriptions (continued) Field Description MULT ICR 0h 18h Hold times (s) SDA SCL Start SCL Stop 1.125 4.750 5.125 39.3.3 I2C Control Register 1 (I2Cx_C1) Address: 4006_6000h base + 2h offset = 4006_6002h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 IICEN IICIE MST TX TXAK 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 RSTA 0 1 0 WUEN DMAEN 0 0 I2Cx_C1 field descriptions Field 7 IICEN Description I2C Enable Enables I2C module operation. 0 1 6 IICIE I2C Interrupt Enable Enables I2C interrupt requests. 0 1 5 MST Disabled Enabled Master Mode Select When MST is changed from 0 to 1, a START signal is generated on the bus and master mode is selected. When this bit changes from 1 to 0, a STOP signal is generated and the mode of operation changes from master to slave. 0 1 4 TX Disabled Enabled Slave mode Master mode Transmit Mode Select Selects the direction of master and slave transfers. In master mode this bit must be set according to the type of transfer required. Therefore, for address cycles, this bit is always set. When addressed as a slave this bit must be set by software according to the SRW bit in the status register. 0 1 Receive Transmit Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 956 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 39 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) I2Cx_C1 field descriptions (continued) Field 3 TXAK Description Transmit Acknowledge Enable Specifies the value driven onto the SDA during data acknowledge cycles for both master and slave receivers. The value of SMB[FACK] affects NACK/ACK generation. NOTE: SCL is held low until TXAK is written. 0 1 An acknowledge signal is sent to the bus on the following receiving byte (if FACK is cleared) or the current receiving byte (if FACK is set). No acknowledge signal is sent to the bus on the following receiving data byte (if FACK is cleared) or the current receiving data byte (if FACK is set). 2 RSTA Repeat START 1 WUEN Wakeup Enable Writing 1 to this bit generates a repeated START condition provided it is the current master. This bit will always be read as 0. Attempting a repeat at the wrong time results in loss of arbitration. The I2C module can wake the MCU from low power mode with no peripheral bus running when slave address matching occurs. 0 1 0 DMAEN Normal operation. No interrupt generated when address matching in low power mode. Enables the wakeup function in low power mode. DMA Enable Enables or disables the DMA function. 0 1 All DMA signalling disabled. DMA transfer is enabled. While SMB[FACK] = 0, the following conditions trigger the DMA request: * a data byte is received, and either address or data is transmitted. (ACK/NACK is automatic) * the first byte received matches the A1 register or is a general call address. If any address matching occurs, S[IAAS] and S[TCF] are set. If the direction of transfer is known from master to slave, then it is not required to check S[SRW]. With this assumption, DMA can also be used in this case. In other cases, if the master reads data from the slave, then it is required to rewrite the C1 register operation. With this assumption, DMA cannot be used. When FACK = 1, an address or a data byte is transmitted. 39.3.4 I2C Status register (I2Cx_S) Address: 4006_6000h base + 3h offset = 4006_6003h Bit Read 7 TCF Write Reset 1 6 IAAS 0 5 4 BUSY ARBL w1c 0 0 3 RAM 0 2 1 0 SRW IICIF RXAK w1c 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 957 Memory map/register definition I2Cx_S field descriptions Field 7 TCF Description Transfer Complete Flag Acknowledges a byte transfer; TCF is set on the completion of a byte transfer. This bit is valid only during or immediately following a transfer to or from the I2C module. TCF is cleared by reading the I2C data register in receive mode or by writing to the I2C data register in transmit mode. 0 1 6 IAAS Transfer in progress Transfer complete Addressed As A Slave This bit is set by one of the following conditions: * The calling address matches the programmed primary slave address in the A1 register, or matches the range address in the RA register (which must be set to a nonzero value and under the condition I2C_C2[RMEN] = 1). * C2[GCAEN] is set and a general call is received. * SMB[SIICAEN] is set and the calling address matches the second programmed slave address. * ALERTEN is set and an SMBus alert response address is received * RMEN is set and an address is received that is within the range between the values of the A1 and RA registers. IAAS sets before the ACK bit. The CPU must check the SRW bit and set TX/RX accordingly. Writing the C1 register with any value clears this bit. 0 1 5 BUSY Bus Busy Indicates the status of the bus regardless of slave or master mode. This bit is set when a START signal is detected and cleared when a STOP signal is detected. 0 1 4 ARBL Bus is idle Bus is busy Arbitration Lost This bit is set by hardware when the arbitration procedure is lost. The ARBL bit must be cleared by software, by writing 1 to it. 0 1 3 RAM Not addressed Addressed as a slave Standard bus operation. Loss of arbitration. Range Address Match This bit is set to 1 by any of the following conditions, if I2C_C2[RMEN] = 1: * Any nonzero calling address is received that matches the address in the RA register. * The calling address is within the range of values of the A1 and RA registers. NOTE: For the RAM bit to be set to 1 correctly, C1[IICIE] must be set to 1. Writing the C1 register with any value clears this bit to 0. 0 1 2 SRW Not addressed Addressed as a slave Slave Read/Write Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 958 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 39 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) I2Cx_S field descriptions (continued) Field Description When addressed as a slave, SRW indicates the value of the R/W command bit of the calling address sent to the master. 0 1 1 IICIF Slave receive, master writing to slave Slave transmit, master reading from slave Interrupt Flag This bit sets when an interrupt is pending. This bit must be cleared by software by writing 1 to it, such as in the interrupt routine. One of the following events can set this bit: * One byte transfer, including ACK/NACK bit, completes if FACK is 0. An ACK or NACK is sent on the bus by writing 0 or 1 to TXAK after this bit is set in receive mode. * One byte transfer, excluding ACK/NACK bit, completes if FACK is 1. * Match of slave address to calling address including primary slave address, range slave address, alert response address, second slave address, or general call address. * Arbitration lost * In SMBus mode, any timeouts except SCL and SDA high timeouts * I2C bus stop or start detection if the SSIE bit in the Input Glitch Filter register is 1 NOTE: 0 1 0 RXAK To clear the I2C bus stop or start detection interrupt: In the interrupt service routine, first clear the STOPF or STARTF bit in the Input Glitch Filter register by writing 1 to it, and then clear the IICIF bit. If this sequence is reversed, the IICIF bit is asserted again. No interrupt pending Interrupt pending Receive Acknowledge 0 1 Acknowledge signal was received after the completion of one byte of data transmission on the bus No acknowledge signal detected 39.3.5 I2C Data I/O register (I2Cx_D) Address: 4006_6000h base + 4h offset = 4006_6004h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 DATA 0 0 0 0 I2Cx_D field descriptions Field DATA Description Data In master transmit mode, when data is written to this register, a data transfer is initiated. The most significant bit is sent first. In master receive mode, reading this register initiates receiving of the next byte of data. NOTE: When making the transition out of master receive mode, switch the I2C mode before reading the Data register to prevent an inadvertent initiation of a master receive data transfer. In slave mode, the same functions are available after an address match occurs. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 959 Memory map/register definition I2Cx_D field descriptions (continued) Field Description The C1[TX] bit must correctly reflect the desired direction of transfer in master and slave modes for the transmission to begin. For example, if the I2C module is configured for master transmit but a master receive is desired, reading the Data register does not initiate the receive. Reading the Data register returns the last byte received while the I2C module is configured in master receive or slave receive mode. The Data register does not reflect every byte that is transmitted on the I2C bus, and neither can software verify that a byte has been written to the Data register correctly by reading it back. In master transmit mode, the first byte of data written to the Data register following assertion of MST (start bit) or assertion of RSTA (repeated start bit) is used for the address transfer and must consist of the calling address (in bits 7-1) concatenated with the required R/W bit (in position bit 0). 39.3.6 I2C Control Register 2 (I2Cx_C2) Address: 4006_6000h base + 5h offset = 4006_6005h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 GCAEN ADEXT HDRS SBRC RMEN 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 AD[10:8] 0 0 0 I2Cx_C2 field descriptions Field 7 GCAEN Description General Call Address Enable Enables general call address. 0 1 6 ADEXT Address Extension Controls the number of bits used for the slave address. 0 1 5 HDRS 7-bit address scheme 10-bit address scheme High Drive Select Controls the drive capability of the I2C pads. 0 1 4 SBRC Disabled Enabled Normal drive mode High drive mode Slave Baud Rate Control Enables independent slave mode baud rate at maximum frequency, which forces clock stretching on SCL in very fast I2C modes. To a slave, an example of a "very fast" mode is when the master transfers at 40 kbit/s but the slave can capture the master's data at only 10 kbit/s. 0 1 The slave baud rate follows the master baud rate and clock stretching may occur Slave baud rate is independent of the master baud rate Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 960 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 39 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) I2Cx_C2 field descriptions (continued) Field 3 RMEN Description Range Address Matching Enable This bit controls the slave address matching for addresses between the values of the A1 and RA registers. When this bit is set, a slave address matching occurs for any address greater than the value of the A1 register and less than or equal to the value of the RA register. 0 1 AD[10:8] Range mode disabled. No address matching occurs for an address within the range of values of the A1 and RA registers. Range mode enabled. Address matching occurs when a slave receives an address within the range of values of the A1 and RA registers. Slave Address Contains the upper three bits of the slave address in the 10-bit address scheme. This field is valid only while the ADEXT bit is set. 39.3.7 I2C Programmable Input Glitch Filter Register (I2Cx_FLT) Address: 4006_6000h base + 6h offset = 4006_6006h Bit Read Write Reset 7 SHEN 0 6 STOPF w1c 0 5 SSIE 0 4 3 2 STARTF 0 0 0 FLT w1c 0 1 0 0 I2Cx_FLT field descriptions Field 7 SHEN Description Stop Hold Enable Set this bit to hold off entry to stop mode when any data transmission or reception is occurring. The following scenario explains the holdoff functionality: 1. The I2C module is configured for a basic transfer, and the SHEN bit is set to 1. 2. A transfer begins. 3. The MCU signals the I2C module to enter stop mode. 4. The byte currently being transferred, including both address and data, completes its transfer. 5. The I2C slave or master acknowledges that the in-transfer byte completed its transfer and acknowledges the request to enter stop mode. 6. After receiving the I2C module's acknowledgment of the request to enter stop mode, the MCU determines whether to shut off the I2C module's clock. If the SHEN bit is set to 1 and the I2C module is in an idle or disabled state when the MCU signals to enter stop mode, the module immediately acknowledges the request to enter stop mode. If SHEN is cleared to 0 and the overall data transmission or reception that was suspended by stop mode entry was incomplete: To resume the overall transmission or reception after the MCU exits stop mode, software must reinitialize the transfer by resending the address of the slave. If the I2C Control Register 1's IICIE bit was set to 1 before the MCU entered stop mode, system software will receive the interrupt triggered by the I2C Status Register's TCF bit after the MCU wakes from the stop mode. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 961 Memory map/register definition I2Cx_FLT field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 6 STOPF Stop holdoff is disabled. The MCU's entry to stop mode is not gated. Stop holdoff is enabled. I2C Bus Stop Detect Flag Hardware sets this bit when the I2C bus's stop status is detected. The STOPF bit must be cleared by writing 1 to it. NOTE: The stop flag is only for the matched slave devices, therefore the master will not respond for it. 0 1 5 SSIE No stop happens on I2C bus Stop detected on I2C bus I2C Bus Stop or Start Interrupt Enable This bit enables the interrupt for I2C bus stop or start detection. NOTE: To clear the I2C bus stop or start detection interrupt: In the interrupt service routine, first clear the STOPF or STARTF bit by writing 1 to it, and then clear the IICIF bit in the status register. If this sequence is reversed, the IICIF bit is asserted again. 0 1 4 STARTF I2C Bus Start Detect Flag Hardware sets this bit when the I2C bus's start status is detected. The STARTF bit must be cleared by writing 1 to it. 0 1 FLT Stop or start detection interrupt is disabled Stop or start detection interrupt is enabled No start happens on I2C bus Start detected on I2C bus I2C Programmable Filter Factor Controls the width of the glitch, in terms of I2C module clock cycles, that the filter must absorb. For any glitch whose size is less than or equal to this width setting, the filter does not allow the glitch to pass. 0h 1-Fh No filter/bypass Filter glitches up to width of n I2C module clock cycles, where n=1-15d 39.3.8 I2C Range Address register (I2Cx_RA) Address: 4006_6000h base + 7h offset = 4006_6007h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RAD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I2Cx_RA field descriptions Field 7-1 RAD Description Range Slave Address Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 962 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 39 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) I2Cx_RA field descriptions (continued) Field Description This field contains the slave address to be used by the I2C module. The field is used in the 7-bit address scheme. If I2C_C2[RMEN] is set to 1, any nonzero value write enables this register. This register value can be considered as a maximum boundary in the range matching mode. 0 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 39.3.9 I2C SMBus Control and Status register (I2Cx_SMB) NOTE When the SCL and SDA signals are held high for a length of time greater than the high timeout period, the SHTF1 flag sets. Before reaching this threshold, while the system is detecting how long these signals are being held high, a master assumes that the bus is free. However, the SHTF1 bit is set to 1 in the bus transmission process with the idle bus state. NOTE When the TCKSEL bit is set, there is no need to monitor the SHTF1 bit because the bus speed is too high to match the protocol of SMBus. Address: 4006_6000h base + 8h offset = 4006_6008h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 FACK ALERTEN SIICAEN TCKSEL 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 SLTF SHTF1 SHTF2 w1c 0 w1c 0 0 0 SHTF2IE 0 I2Cx_SMB field descriptions Field 7 FACK Description Fast NACK/ACK Enable For SMBus packet error checking, the CPU must be able to issue an ACK or NACK according to the result of receiving data byte. 0 1 6 ALERTEN An ACK or NACK is sent on the following receiving data byte Writing 0 to TXAK after receiving a data byte generates an ACK. Writing 1 to TXAK after receiving a data byte generates a NACK. SMBus Alert Response Address Enable Enables or disables SMBus alert response address matching. NOTE: After the host responds to a device that used the alert response address, you must use software to put the device's address on the bus. The alert protocol is described in the SMBus specification. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 963 Memory map/register definition I2Cx_SMB field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 5 SIICAEN Second I2C Address Enable Enables or disables SMBus device default address. 0 1 4 TCKSEL I2C address register 2 matching is disabled I2C address register 2 matching is enabled Timeout Counter Clock Select Selects the clock source of the timeout counter. 0 1 3 SLTF SMBus alert response address matching is disabled SMBus alert response address matching is enabled Timeout counter counts at the frequency of the I2C module clock / 64 Timeout counter counts at the frequency of the I2C module clock SCL Low Timeout Flag This bit is set when the SLT register (consisting of the SLTH and SLTL registers) is loaded with a non-zero value (LoValue) and an SCL low timeout occurs. Software clears this bit by writing a logic 1 to it. NOTE: The low timeout function is disabled when the SLT register's value is 0. 0 1 2 SHTF1 SCL High Timeout Flag 1 This read-only bit sets when SCL and SDA are held high more than clock x LoValue / 512, which indicates the bus is free. This bit is cleared automatically. 0 1 1 SHTF2 No SCL high and SDA high timeout occurs SCL high and SDA high timeout occurs SCL High Timeout Flag 2 This bit sets when SCL is held high and SDA is held low more than clock x LoValue / 512. Software clears this bit by writing 1 to it. 0 1 0 SHTF2IE No low timeout occurs Low timeout occurs No SCL high and SDA low timeout occurs SCL high and SDA low timeout occurs SHTF2 Interrupt Enable Enables SCL high and SDA low timeout interrupt. 0 1 SHTF2 interrupt is disabled SHTF2 interrupt is enabled KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 964 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 39 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) 39.3.10 I2C Address Register 2 (I2Cx_A2) Address: 4006_6000h base + 9h offset = 4006_6009h Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SAD 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I2Cx_A2 field descriptions Field 7-1 SAD 0 Reserved Description SMBus Address Contains the slave address used by the SMBus. This field is used on the device default address or other related addresses. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 39.3.11 I2C SCL Low Timeout Register High (I2Cx_SLTH) Address: 4006_6000h base + Ah offset = 4006_600Ah Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 SSLT[15:8] 0 0 0 0 I2Cx_SLTH field descriptions Field SSLT[15:8] Description SSLT[15:8] Most significant byte of SCL low timeout value that determines the timeout period of SCL low. 39.3.12 I2C SCL Low Timeout Register Low (I2Cx_SLTL) Address: 4006_6000h base + Bh offset = 4006_600Bh Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 SSLT[7:0] 0 0 0 0 I2Cx_SLTL field descriptions Field SSLT[7:0] Description SSLT[7:0] KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 965 Functional description I2Cx_SLTL field descriptions (continued) Field Description Least significant byte of SCL low timeout value that determines the timeout period of SCL low. 39.4 Functional description This section provides a comprehensive functional description of the I2C module. 39.4.1 I2C protocol The I2C bus system uses a serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL) for data transfers. All devices connected to it must have open drain or open collector outputs. A logic AND function is exercised on both lines with external pull-up resistors. The value of these resistors depends on the system. Normally, a standard instance of communication is composed of four parts: 1. 2. 3. 4. START signal Slave address transmission Data transfer STOP signal The STOP signal should not be confused with the CPU STOP instruction. The following figure illustrates I2C bus system communication. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 966 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 39 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) LSB MSB SCL SDA 1 SDA Start Signal 3 4 5 6 7 8 Calling Address 1 XXX 3 4 5 D5 6 7 8 5 D4 D3 6 7 8 D2 D1 D0 1 9 Read/ Ack Write Bit XX 9 No Stop Ack Signal Bit MSB AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 R/W Calling Address D7 D6 4 Data Byte LSB 2 3 2 Read/ Ack Write Bit MSB 1 LSB MSB 9 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 R/W Start Signal SCL 2 LSB 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 R/W Repeated Start Signal New Calling Address Read/ No Stop Ack Signal Write Bit Figure 39-2. I2C bus transmission signals START signal The bus is free when no master device is engaging the bus (both SCL and SDA are high). When the bus is free, a master may initiate communication by sending a START signal. A START signal is defined as a high-to-low transition of SDA while SCL is high. This signal denotes the beginning of a new data transfer--each data transfer might contain several bytes of data--and brings all slaves out of their idle states. Slave address transmission Immediately after the START signal, the first byte of a data transfer is the slave address transmitted by the master. This address is a 7-bit calling address followed by an R/W bit. The R/W bit tells the slave the desired direction of data transfer. * 1 = Read transfer: The slave transmits data to the master * 0 = Write transfer: The master transmits data to the slave Only the slave with a calling address that matches the one transmitted by the master responds by sending an acknowledge bit. The slave sends the acknowledge bit by pulling SDA low at the ninth clock. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 967 Functional description No two slaves in the system can have the same address. If the I2C module is the master, it must not transmit an address that is equal to its own slave address. The I2C module cannot be master and slave at the same time. However, if arbitration is lost during an address cycle, the I2C module reverts to slave mode and operates correctly even if it is being addressed by another master. Data transfers When successful slave addressing is achieved, data transfer can proceed on a byte-bybyte basis in the direction specified by the R/W bit sent by the calling master. All transfers that follow an address cycle are referred to as data transfers, even if they carry subaddress information for the slave device. Each data byte is 8 bits long. Data may be changed only while SCL is low. Data must be held stable while SCL is high. There is one clock pulse on SCL for each data bit, and the MSB is transferred first. Each data byte is followed by a ninth (acknowledge) bit, which is signaled from the receiving device by pulling SDA low at the ninth clock. In summary, one complete data transfer needs nine clock pulses. If the slave receiver does not acknowledge the master in the ninth bit, the slave must leave SDA high. The master interprets the failed acknowledgement as an unsuccessful data transfer. If the master receiver does not acknowledge the slave transmitter after a data byte transmission, the slave interprets it as an end to data transfer and releases the SDA line. In the case of a failed acknowledgement by either the slave or master, the data transfer is aborted and the master does one of two things: * Relinquishes the bus by generating a STOP signal. * Commences a new call by generating a repeated START signal. STOP signal The master can terminate the communication by generating a STOP signal to free the bus. A STOP signal is defined as a low-to-high transition of SDA while SCL is asserted. The master can generate a STOP signal even if the slave has generated an acknowledgement, at which point the slave must release the bus. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 968 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 39 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Repeated START signal The master may generate a START signal followed by a calling command without generating a STOP signal first. This action is called a repeated START. The master uses a repeated START to communicate with another slave or with the same slave in a different mode (transmit/receive mode) without releasing the bus. Arbitration procedure The I2C bus is a true multimaster bus that allows more than one master to be connected on it. If two or more masters try to control the bus at the same time, a clock synchronization procedure determines the bus clock. The bus clock's low period is equal to the longest clock low period, and the high period is equal to the shortest one among the masters. The relative priority of the contending masters is determined by a data arbitration procedure. A bus master loses arbitration if it transmits logic level 1 while another master transmits logic level 0. The losing masters immediately switch to slave receive mode and stop driving SDA output. In this case, the transition from master to slave mode does not generate a STOP condition. Meanwhile, hardware sets a status bit to indicate the loss of arbitration. Clock synchronization Because wire AND logic is performed on SCL, a high-to-low transition on SCL affects all devices connected on the bus. The devices start counting their low period and, after a device's clock has gone low, that device holds SCL low until the clock reaches its high state. However, the change of low to high in this device clock might not change the state of SCL if another device clock is still within its low period. Therefore, the synchronized clock SCL is held low by the device with the longest low period. Devices with shorter low periods enter a high wait state during this time; see the following diagram. When all applicable devices have counted off their low period, the synchronized clock SCL is released and pulled high. Afterward there is no difference between the device clocks and the state of SCL, and all devices start counting their high periods. The first device to complete its high period pulls SCL low again. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 969 Functional description Delay Start Counting High Period SCL2 SCL1 SCL Internal Counter Reset Figure 39-3. I2C clock synchronization Handshaking The clock synchronization mechanism can be used as a handshake in data transfers. A slave device may hold SCL low after completing a single byte transfer (9 bits). In this case, it halts the bus clock and forces the master clock into wait states until the slave releases SCL. Clock stretching The clock synchronization mechanism can be used by slaves to slow down the bit rate of a transfer. After the master drives SCL low, a slave can drive SCL low for the required period and then release it. If the slave's SCL low period is greater than the master's SCL low period, the resulting SCL bus signal's low period is stretched. In other words, the SCL bus signal's low period is increased to be the same length as the slave's SCL low period. I2C divider and hold values NOTE For some cases on some devices, the SCL divider value may vary by 2 or 4 when ICR's value ranges from 00h to 0Fh. These potentially varying SCL divider values are highlighted in the following table. For the actual SCL divider values for your device, see the chip-specific details about the I2C module. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 970 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 39 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Table 39-2. I2C divider and hold values ICR SCL divider SDA hold value SCL hold (start) value SCL hold (stop) value SCL divider (clocks) SDA hold (clocks) SCL hold (start) value SCL hold (stop) value 00 20 7 6 11 20 160 17 78 81 01 22 7 7 12 21 192 17 94 97 02 24 8 8 13 22 224 33 110 113 03 26 04 28 8 9 14 23 256 33 126 129 9 10 15 24 288 49 142 145 05 30 9 11 16 25 320 49 158 161 06 34 10 13 18 26 384 65 190 193 07 40 10 16 21 27 480 65 238 241 08 28 7 10 15 28 320 33 158 161 09 32 7 12 17 29 384 33 190 193 0A 36 9 14 19 2A 448 65 222 225 (hex) ICR (hex) 0B 40 9 16 21 2B 512 65 254 257 0C 44 11 18 23 2C 576 97 286 289 0D 48 11 20 25 2D 640 97 318 321 0E 56 13 24 29 2E 768 129 382 385 0F 68 13 30 35 2F 960 129 478 481 10 48 9 18 25 30 640 65 318 321 11 56 9 22 29 31 768 65 382 385 12 64 13 26 33 32 896 129 446 449 13 72 13 30 37 33 1024 129 510 513 14 80 17 34 41 34 1152 193 574 577 15 88 17 38 45 35 1280 193 638 641 16 104 21 46 53 36 1536 257 766 769 17 128 21 58 65 37 1920 257 958 961 18 80 9 38 41 38 1280 129 638 641 19 96 9 46 49 39 1536 129 766 769 1A 112 17 54 57 3A 1792 257 894 897 1B 128 17 62 65 3B 2048 257 1022 1025 1C 144 25 70 73 3C 2304 385 1150 1153 1D 160 25 78 81 3D 2560 385 1278 1281 1E 192 33 94 97 3E 3072 513 1534 1537 1F 240 33 118 121 3F 3840 513 1918 1921 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 971 Functional description 39.4.2 10-bit address For 10-bit addressing, 0x11110 is used for the first 5 bits of the first address byte. Various combinations of read/write formats are possible within a transfer that includes 10-bit addressing. Master-transmitter addresses a slave-receiver The transfer direction is not changed. When a 10-bit address follows a START condition, each slave compares the first 7 bits of the first byte of the slave address (11110XX) with its own address and tests whether the eighth bit (R/W direction bit) is 0. It is possible that more than one device finds a match and generates an acknowledge (A1). Each slave that finds a match compares the 8 bits of the second byte of the slave address with its own address, but only one slave finds a match and generates an acknowledge (A2). The matching slave remains addressed by the master until it receives a STOP condition (P) or a repeated START condition (Sr) followed by a different slave address. Table 39-3. Master-transmitter addresses slave-receiver with a 10-bit address S Slave address first 7 bits 11110 + AD10 + AD9 R/W 0 A1 Slave address second byte AD[8:1] A2 Data A ... Data A/A P After the master-transmitter has sent the first byte of the 10-bit address, the slave-receiver sees an I2C interrupt. User software must ensure that for this interrupt, the contents of the Data register are ignored and not treated as valid data. Master-receiver addresses a slave-transmitter The transfer direction is changed after the second R/W bit. Up to and including acknowledge bit A2, the procedure is the same as that described for a master-transmitter addressing a slave-receiver. After the repeated START condition (Sr), a matching slave remembers that it was addressed before. This slave then checks whether the first seven bits of the first byte of the slave address following Sr are the same as they were after the START condition (S), and it tests whether the eighth (R/W) bit is 1. If there is a match, the slave considers that it has been addressed as a transmitter and generates acknowledge A3. The slave-transmitter remains addressed until it receives a STOP condition (P) or a repeated START condition (Sr) followed by a different slave address. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 972 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 39 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) After a repeated START condition (Sr), all other slave devices also compare the first seven bits of the first byte of the slave address with their own addresses and test the eighth (R/W) bit. However, none of them are addressed because R/W = 1 (for 10-bit devices), or the 11110XX slave address (for 7-bit devices) does not match. Table 39-4. Master-receiver addresses a slave-transmitter with a 10-bit address S Slave address first 7 bits 11110 + AD10 + AD9 R/W 0 A1 Slave address second byte AD[8:1] A2 Sr Slave address first 7 bits 11110 + AD10 + AD9 R/W 1 A3 Data A ... Data A P After the master-receiver has sent the first byte of the 10-bit address, the slave-transmitter sees an I2C interrupt. User software must ensure that for this interrupt, the contents of the Data register are ignored and not treated as valid data. 39.4.3 Address matching All received addresses can be requested in 7-bit or 10-bit address format. * AD[7:1] in Address Register 1, which contains the I2C primary slave address, always participates in the address matching process. It provides a 7-bit address. * If the ADEXT bit is set, AD[10:8] in Control Register 2 participates in the address matching process. It extends the I2C primary slave address to a 10-bit address. Additional conditions that affect address matching include: * If the GCAEN bit is set, general call participates the address matching process. * If the ALERTEN bit is set, alert response participates the address matching process. * If the SIICAEN bit is set, Address Register 2 participates in the address matching process. * If the RMEN bit is set, when the Range Address register is programmed to a nonzero value, any address within the range of values of Address Register 1 (excluded) and the Range Address register (included) participates in the address matching process. The Range Address register must be programmed to a value greater than the value of Address Register 1. When the I2C module responds to one of these addresses, it acts as a slave-receiver and the IAAS bit is set after the address cycle. Software must read the Data register after the first byte transfer to determine that the address is matched. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 973 Functional description 39.4.4 System management bus specification SMBus provides a control bus for system and power management related tasks. A system can use SMBus to pass messages to and from devices instead of tripping individual control lines. Removing the individual control lines reduces pin count. Accepting messages ensures future expandability. With the system management bus, a device can provide manufacturer information, tell the system what its model/part number is, save its state for a suspend event, report different types of errors, accept control parameters, and return its status. Timeouts The TTIMEOUT,MIN parameter allows a master or slave to conclude that a defective device is holding the clock low indefinitely or a master is intentionally trying to drive devices off the bus. The slave device must release the bus (stop driving the bus and let SCL and SDA float high) when it detects any single clock held low longer than TTIMEOUT,MIN. Devices that have detected this condition must reset their communication and be able to receive a new START condition within the timeframe of TTIMEOUT,MAX. SMBus defines a clock low timeout, TTIMEOUT, of 35 ms, specifies TLOW:SEXT as the cumulative clock low extend time for a slave device, and specifies TLOW:MEXT as the cumulative clock low extend time for a master device. SCL low timeout If the SCL line is held low by a slave device on the bus, no further communication is possible. Furthermore, the master cannot force the SCL line high to correct the error condition. To solve this problem, the SMBus protocol specifies that devices participating in a transfer must detect any clock cycle held low longer than a timeout value condition. Devices that have detected the timeout condition must reset the communication. When the I2C module is an active master, if it detects that SMBCLK low has exceeded the value of TTIMEOUT,MIN, it must generate a stop condition within or after the current data byte in the transfer process. When the I2C module is a slave, if it detects the TTIMEOUT,MIN condition, it resets its communication and is then able to receive a new START condition. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 974 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 39 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) SCL high timeout When the I2C module has determined that the SMBCLK and SMBDAT signals have been high for at least THIGH:MAX, it assumes that the bus is idle. A HIGH timeout occurs after a START condition appears on the bus but before a STOP condition appears on the bus. Any master detecting this scenario can assume the bus is free when either of the following occurs: * SHTF1 rises. * The BUSY bit is high and SHTF1 is high. When the SMBDAT signal is low and the SMBCLK signal is high for a period of time, another kind of timeout occurs. The time period must be defined in software. SHTF2 is used as the flag when the time limit is reached. This flag is also an interrupt resource, so it triggers IICIF. CSMBCLK TIMEOUT MEXT and CSMBCLK TIMEOUT SEXT The following figure illustrates the definition of the timeout intervals TLOW:SEXT and TLOW:MEXT. When in master mode, the I2C module must not cumulatively extend its clock cycles for a period greater than TLOW:MEXT within a byte, where each byte is defined as START-to-ACK, ACK-to-ACK, or ACK-to-STOP. When CSMBCLK TIMEOUT MEXT occurs, SMBus MEXT rises and also triggers the SLTF. Stop T LOW:SEXT Start T LOW:MEXT ClkAck T LOW:MEXT ClkAck T LOW:MEXT SCL SDA Figure 39-4. Timeout measurement intervals A master is allowed to abort the transaction in progress to any slave that violates the TLOW:SEXT or TTIMEOUT,MIN specifications. To abort the transaction, the master issues a STOP condition at the conclusion of the byte transfer in progress. When a slave, the I2C module must not cumulatively extend its clock cycles for a period greater than TLOW:SEXT during any message from the initial START to the STOP. When CSMBCLK TIMEOUT SEXT occurs, SEXT rises and also triggers SLTF. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 975 Functional description NOTE CSMBCLK TIMEOUT SEXT and CSMBCLK TIMEOUT MEXT are optional functions that are implemented in the second step. FAST ACK and NACK To improve reliability and communication robustness, implementation of packet error checking (PEC) by SMBus devices is optional for SMBus devices but required for devices participating in and only during the address resolution protocol (ARP) process. The PEC is a CRC-8 error checking byte, calculated on all the message bytes. The PEC is appended to the message by the device that supplied the last data byte. If the PEC is present but not correct, a NACK is issued by the receiver. Otherwise an ACK is issued. To calculate the CRC-8 by software, this module can hold the SCL line low after receiving the eighth SCL (8th bit) if this byte is a data byte. So software can determine whether an ACK or NACK should be sent to the bus by setting or clearing the TXAK bit if the FACK (fast ACK/NACK enable) bit is enabled. SMBus requires a device always to acknowledge its own address, as a mechanism to detect the presence of a removable device (such as a battery or docking station) on the bus. In addition to indicating a slave device busy condition, SMBus uses the NACK mechanism to indicate the reception of an invalid command or invalid data. Because such a condition may occur on the last byte of the transfer, SMBus devices are required to have the ability to generate the not acknowledge after the transfer of each byte and before the completion of the transaction. This requirement is important because SMBus does not provide any other resend signaling. This difference in the use of the NACK signaling has implications on the specific implementation of the SMBus port, especially in devices that handle critical system data such as the SMBus host and the SBS components. NOTE In the last byte of master receive slave transmit mode, the master must send a NACK to the bus, so FACK must be switched off before the last byte transmits. 39.4.5 Resets The I2C module is disabled after a reset. The I2C module cannot cause a core reset. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 976 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 39 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) 39.4.6 Interrupts The I2C module generates an interrupt when any of the events in the table found here occur, provided that the IICIE bit is set. The interrupt is driven by the IICIF bit (of the I2C Status Register) and masked with the IICIE bit (of the I2C Control Register 1). The IICIF bit must be cleared (by software) by writing 1 to it in the interrupt routine. The SMBus timeouts interrupt is driven by SLTF and masked with the IICIE bit. The SLTF bit must be cleared by software by writing 1 to it in the interrupt routine. You can determine the interrupt type by reading the Status Register. NOTE In master receive mode, the FACK bit must be set to zero before the last byte transfer. Table 39-5. Interrupt summary Interrupt source Status Flag Local enable Complete 1-byte transfer TCF IICIF IICIE Match of received calling address IAAS IICIF IICIE Arbitration lost ARBL IICIF IICIE I2C bus stop detection STOPF IICIF IICIE & SSIE I2C bus start detection STARTF IICIF IICIE & SSIE SMBus SCL low timeout SLTF IICIF IICIE SMBus SCL high SDA low timeout SHTF2 IICIF IICIE & SHTF2IE Wakeup from stop or wait mode IAAS IICIF IICIE & WUEN Byte transfer interrupt The Transfer Complete Flag (TCF) bit is set at the falling edge of the ninth clock to indicate the completion of a byte and acknowledgement transfer. When FACK is enabled, TCF is then set at the falling edge of eighth clock to indicate the completion of byte. Address detect interrupt When the calling address matches the programmed slave address (I2C Address Register) or when the GCAEN bit is set and a general call is received, the IAAS bit in the Status Register is set. The CPU is interrupted, provided the IICIE bit is set. The CPU must check the SRW bit and set its Tx mode accordingly. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 977 Functional description Stop Detect Interrupt When the stop status is detected on the I2C bus, the STOPF bit is set to 1. The CPU is interrupted, provided the IICIE and SSIE bits are both set to 1. Exit from low-power/stop modes The slave receive input detect circuit and address matching feature are still active on low power modes (wait and stop). An asynchronous input matching slave address or general call address brings the CPU out of low power/stop mode if the interrupt is not masked. Therefore, TCF and IAAS both can trigger this interrupt. Arbitration lost interrupt The I2C is a true multimaster bus that allows more than one master to be connected on it. If two or more masters try to control the bus at the same time, the relative priority of the contending masters is determined by a data arbitration procedure. The I2C module asserts the arbitration-lost interrupt when it loses the data arbitration process and the ARBL bit in the Status Register is set. Arbitration is lost in the following circumstances: 1. SDA is sampled as low when the master drives high during an address or data transmit cycle. 2. SDA is sampled as low when the master drives high during the acknowledge bit of a data receive cycle. 3. A START cycle is attempted when the bus is busy. 4. A repeated START cycle is requested in slave mode. 5. A STOP condition is detected when the master did not request it. The ARBL bit must be cleared (by software) by writing 1 to it. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 978 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 39 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Timeout interrupt in SMBus When the IICIE bit is set, the I2C module asserts a timeout interrupt (outputs SLTF and SHTF2) upon detection of any of the mentioned timeout conditions, with one exception. The SCL high and SDA high TIMEOUT mechanism must not be used to influence the timeout interrupt output, because this timeout indicates an idle condition on the bus. SHTF1 rises when it matches the SCL high and SDA high TIMEOUT and falls automatically just to indicate the bus status. The SHTF2's timeout period is the same as that of SHTF1, which is short compared to that of SLTF, so another control bit, SHTF2IE, is added to enable or disable it. 39.4.7 Programmable input glitch filter An I2C glitch filter has been added outside legacy I2C modules but within the I2C package. This filter can absorb glitches on the I2C clock and data lines for the I2C module. The width of the glitch to absorb can be specified in terms of the number of (half) I2C module clock cycles. A single Programmable Input Glitch Filter control register is provided. Effectively, any down-up-down or up-down-up transition on the data line that occurs within the number of clock cycles programmed in this register is ignored by the I2C module. The programmer must specify the size of the glitch (in terms of I2C module clock cycles) for the filter to absorb and not pass. Noise suppress circuits SCL, SDA external signals DFF DFF DFF SCL, SDA internal signals DFF Figure 39-5. Programmable input glitch filter diagram 39.4.8 Address matching wake-up When a primary, range, or general call address match occurs when the I2C module is in slave receive mode, the MCU wakes from a low power mode where no peripheral bus is running. After the address matching IAAS bit is set, an interrupt is sent at the end of address matching to wake the core. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 979 Functional description NOTE In Stop mode, the I2C module supports slave receive mode only. To avoid I2C bus conflicts during wakeup from Stop mode, software must ensure the following before entering Stop mode: * I2C data transfers have completed. * The I2C module is in slave receive mode (C1[MST]=0, C1[TX]=0). NOTE During the wake-up process, if an external master continues to send data to the slave, the baud rate under Stop mode must be less than 50 kbit/s. To avoid the slower baud rate under Stop mode, the master can add a short delay in firmware to wait until the wake-up process is complete and then send data. NOTE Wake-up caused by an address match is not supported for SMBus mode. NOTE After I2C address matching wake-up, the master must wait a time long enough for the slave ISR to finish running and resend start or repeat start signals. For the SRW bit to function properly, it only supports Address +Write to wake up by I2C address matching. Before entering the next low power mode, Address+Write must be sent to change the SRW status. 39.4.9 DMA support If the DMAEN bit is cleared and the IICIE bit is set, an interrupt condition generates an interrupt request. If the DMAEN bit is set and the IICIE bit is set, an interrupt condition generates a DMA request instead. DMA requests are generated by the transfer complete flag (TCF). If the DMAEN bit is set, only the TCF initiates a DMA request. All other events generate CPU interrupts. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 980 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 39 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) NOTE Before the last byte of master receive mode, TXAK must be set to send a NACK after the last byte's transfer. Therefore, the DMA must be disabled before the last byte's transfer. NOTE In 10-bit address mode transmission, the addresses to send occupy 2-3 bytes. During this transfer period, the DMA must be disabled because the C1 register is written to send a repeat start or to change the transfer direction. 39.5 Initialization/application information Module Initialization (Slave) 1. Write: Control Register 2 * to enable or disable general call * to select 10-bit or 7-bit addressing mode 2. Write: Address Register 1 to set the slave address 3. Write: Control Register 1 to enable the I2C module and interrupts 4. Initialize RAM variables (IICEN = 1 and IICIE = 1) for transmit data 5. Initialize RAM variables used to achieve the routine shown in the following figure Module Initialization (Master) 1. Write: Frequency Divider register to set the I2C baud rate (see example in description of ICR) 2. Write: Control Register 1 to enable the I2C module and interrupts 3. Initialize RAM variables (IICEN = 1 and IICIE = 1) for transmit data 4. Initialize RAM variables used to achieve the routine shown in the following figure 5. Write: Control Register 1 to enable TX 6. Write: Control Register 1 to enable MST (master mode) 7. Write: Data register with the address of the target slave (the LSB of this byte determines whether the communication is master receive or transmit) The routine shown in the following figure encompasses both master and slave I2C operations. For slave operation, an incoming I2C message that contains the proper address begins I2C communication. For master operation, communication must be KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 981 Initialization/application information initiated by writing the Data register. An example of an I2C driver which implements many of the steps described here is available in AN4342: Using the Inter-Integrated Circuit on ColdFire+ and Kinetis . KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 982 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 39 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Y Is STOPF set? Entry of ISR Clear STOPF Clear IICIF Zero Start Count N Y Clear STARTF Clear IICIF Log Start Count++ Is STARTF set? N N Is this a Repeated-START (Start Count > 1)? Clear IICIF Y Y Tx Last byte transmitted? Master mode? N Rx Tx/Rx? Y Y Arbitration lost? N Clear ARBL N RXAK=0? N Last byte to be read? N End of address cycle (master Rx)? Y Y 2nd to last byte to be read? Write next byte to Data reg Set TXAK Address transfer see note 1 Multiple addresses? N Y Y (read) SRW=1? N (write) N Data transfer see note 2 Rx Tx Read Address from Data register and store Generate stop signal (MST=0) IAAS=1? Tx/Rx? Y N N Y IAAS=1? N Y Y Y ACK from receiver? N Read data from Data reg and store Transmit next byte Set Tx mode Switch to Rx mode Switch to Rx mode Write data to Data reg Set Rx mode Dummy read from Data reg Generate stop signal (MST=0) Read data from Data reg and store Dummy read from Data reg Dummy read from Data reg RTI Notes: 1. If general call is enabled, check to determine if the received address is a general call address (0x00). If the received address is a general call address, the general call must be handled by user software. 2. When 10-bit addressing addresses a slave, the slave sees an interrupt following the first byte of the extended address. Ensure that for this interrupt, the contents of the Data register are ignored and not treated as a valid data transfer. Figure 39-6. Typical I2C interrupt routine KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 983 Initialization/application information Entry of ISR Y SLTF=1 or SHTF2=1? N N FACK=1? See typical I2C interrupt routine flow chart Y Clear IICIF Y Tx Y Last byte to be read? Y Y N RXAK=0? N Clear ARBL 2nd to last byte to be read? N N Y Y (read) Read data and Soft CRC N Delay (note 2) Delay (note 2) Clear IICIF Set Tx mode Delay (note 2) Generate stop signal (MST=0) Rx IAAS=1? N Tx/Rx? Tx ACK from receiver? N Set TXAK to proper value, Clear IICIF Set TXAK to proper value Switch to Rx mode SRW=1? Read data from Data reg and soft CRC Generate stop signal (MST=0) Set TXAK=1, Clear FACK=0 Write next byte to Data reg Address transfer (see note 1) N (write) Set TXAK to proper value Clear IICIF Y IAAS=1? Y Read data from Data reg and soft CRC End of address cycle (master Rx)? Dummy read from Data reg Arbitration lost? N N Y N Rx Tx/Rx? Y Last byte transmitted? Master mode? Read data from Data reg and soft CRC Set TXAK to proper value, Clear IICIF Y Clear IICIF Transmit next byte Switch to Rx mode Delay (note 2) Read data from Data reg and store Write data to Data reg Read data from Data reg and store (note 3) Dummy read from Data reg RTI Notes: 1. If general call or SIICAEN is enabled, check to determine if the received address is a general call address (0x00) or an SMBus device default address. In either case, they must be handled by user software. 2. In receive mode, one bit time delay may be needed before the first and second data reading, to wait for the possible longest time period (in worst case) of the 9th SCL cycle. 3. This read is a dummy read in order to reset the SMBus receiver state machine. Figure 39-7. Typical I2C SMBus interrupt routine KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 984 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) 40.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The UART allows asynchronous serial communication with peripheral devices and CPUs. 40.1.1 Features The UART includes the following features: * Full-duplex operation * Standard mark/space non-return-to-zero (NRZ) format * Selectable IrDA 1.4 return-to-zero-inverted (RZI) format with programmable pulse width * 13-bit baud rate selection with /32 fractional divide, based on the module clock frequency * Programmable 8-bit or 9-bit data format * Separately enabled transmitter and receiver * Programmable transmitter output polarity * Programmable receive input polarity * Up to 14-bit break character transmission. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 985 Introduction * 11-bit break character detection option * Two receiver wakeup methods: * Idle line wakeup * Address mark wakeup * Address match feature in the receiver to reduce address mark wakeup ISR overhead * Ability to select MSB or LSB to be first bit on wire * Hardware flow control support for request to send (RTS) and clear to send (CTS) signals * Support for ISO 7816 protocol to interface with SIM cards and smart cards * Support for T=0 and T=1 protocols * Automatic retransmission of NACK'd packets with programmable retry threshold * Support for 11 and 12 ETU transfers * Detection of initial packet and automated transfer parameter programming * Interrupt-driven operation with seven ISO-7816 specific interrupts: * Wait time violated * Character wait time violated * Block wait time violated * Initial frame detected * Transmit error threshold exceeded * Receive error threshold exceeded * Guard time violated * Interrupt-driven operation with flags, not specific to ISO-7816 support * Transmitter data buffer at or below watermark * Transmission complete * Receiver data buffer at or above watermark * Idle receiver input * Receiver data buffer overrun KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 986 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) * Noise error * Framing error * Parity error * Active edge on receive pin * LIN break detect * Receiver framing error detection * Hardware parity generation and checking * 1/16 bit-time noise detection * DMA interface 40.1.2 Modes of operation The UART functions in the same way in all the normal modes. It has the following low power modes: * Wait mode * Stop mode Run mode This is the normal mode of operation. Wait mode UART operation in the Wait mode depends on the state of the C1[UARTSWAI] field. * If C1[UARTSWAI] is cleared, and the CPU is in Wait mode, the UART operates normally. * If C1[UARTSWAI] is set, and the CPU is in Wait mode, the UART clock generation ceases and the UART module enters a power conservation state. C1[UARTSWAI] does not initiate any power down or power up procedures for the ISO-7816 smartcard interface. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 987 UART signal descriptions Setting C1[UARTSWAI] does not affect the state of the C2[RE] or C2[TE]. If C1[UARTSWAI] is set, any ongoing transmission or reception stops at the Wait mode entry. The transmission or reception resumes when either an internal or external interrupt brings the CPU out of Wait mode. Bringing the CPU out of Wait mode by reset aborts any ongoing transmission or reception and resets the UART. Stop mode The UART is inactive during Stop mode for reduced power consumption. The STOP instruction does not affect the UART register states, but the UART module clock is disabled. The UART operation resumes after an external interrupt brings the CPU out of Stop mode. Bringing the CPU out of Stop mode by reset aborts any ongoing transmission or reception and resets the UART. Entering or leaving Stop mode does not initiate any power down or power up procedures for the ISO-7816 smartcard interface. 40.2 UART signal descriptions The UART signals are shown in the following table. Table 40-1. UART signal descriptions Signal Description I/O CTS Clear to send I RTS Request to send O RXD Receive data I TXD Transmit data O 40.2.1 Detailed signal descriptions The detailed signal descriptions of the UART are shown in the following table. Table 40-2. UART--Detailed signal descriptions Signal I/O Description CTS I Clear to send. Indicates whether the UART can start transmitting data when flow control is enabled. State meaning Asserted--Data transmission can start. Negated--Data transmission cannot start. Timing Assertion--When transmitting device's RTS asserts. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 988 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Table 40-2. UART--Detailed signal descriptions (continued) Signal I/O Description Negation--When transmitting device's RTS deasserts. RTS O Request to send. When driven by the receiver, indicates whether the UART is ready to receive data. When driven by the transmitter, can enable an external transceiver during transmission. State meaning Asserted--When driven by the receiver, ready to receive data. When driven by the transmitter, enable the external transmitter. Negated--When driven by the receiver, not ready to receive data. When driven by the transmitter, disable the external transmitter. Timing Assertion--Can occur at any time; can assert asynchronously to the other input signals. Negation--Can occur at any time; can deassert asynchronously to the other input signals. RXD I Receive data. Serial data input to receiver. State meaning Timing TXD Whether RXD is interpreted as a 1 or 0 depends on the bit encoding method along with other configuration settings. Sampled at a frequency determined by the module clock divided by the baud rate. O Transmit data. Serial data output from transmitter. State meaning Timing Whether TXD is interpreted as a 1 or 0 depends on the bit encoding method along with other configuration settings. Driven at the beginning or within a bit time according to the bit encoding method along with other configuration settings. Otherwise, transmissions are independent of reception timing. 40.3 Memory map and registers This section provides a detailed description of all memory and registers. Accessing reserved addresses within the memory map results in a transfer error. None of the contents of the implemented addresses are modified as a result of that access. Only byte accesses are supported. UART memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4006_A000 UART Baud Rate Registers: High (UART0_BDH) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.1/993 4006_A001 UART Baud Rate Registers: Low (UART0_BDL) 8 R/W 04h 40.3.2/994 4006_A002 UART Control Register 1 (UART0_C1) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.3/994 4006_A003 UART Control Register 2 (UART0_C2) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.4/996 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 989 Memory map and registers UART memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4006_A004 UART Status Register 1 (UART0_S1) 8 R C0h 40.3.5/998 4006_A005 UART Status Register 2 (UART0_S2) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.6/1001 4006_A006 UART Control Register 3 (UART0_C3) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.7/1003 4006_A007 UART Data Register (UART0_D) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.8/1004 4006_A008 UART Match Address Registers 1 (UART0_MA1) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.9/1005 4006_A009 UART Match Address Registers 2 (UART0_MA2) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.10/ 1006 4006_A00A UART Control Register 4 (UART0_C4) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.11/ 1006 4006_A00B UART Control Register 5 (UART0_C5) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.12/ 1007 4006_A00C UART Extended Data Register (UART0_ED) 8 R 00h 40.3.13/ 1008 4006_A00D UART Modem Register (UART0_MODEM) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.14/ 1009 4006_A00E UART Infrared Register (UART0_IR) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.15/ 1010 4006_A010 UART FIFO Parameters (UART0_PFIFO) 8 R/W See section 40.3.16/ 1011 4006_A011 UART FIFO Control Register (UART0_CFIFO) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.17/ 1012 4006_A012 UART FIFO Status Register (UART0_SFIFO) 8 R/W C0h 40.3.18/ 1013 4006_A013 UART FIFO Transmit Watermark (UART0_TWFIFO) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.19/ 1014 4006_A014 UART FIFO Transmit Count (UART0_TCFIFO) 8 R 00h 40.3.20/ 1015 4006_A015 UART FIFO Receive Watermark (UART0_RWFIFO) 8 R/W 01h 40.3.21/ 1015 4006_A016 UART FIFO Receive Count (UART0_RCFIFO) 8 R 00h 40.3.22/ 1016 4006_A018 UART 7816 Control Register (UART0_C7816) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.23/ 1016 4006_A019 UART 7816 Interrupt Enable Register (UART0_IE7816) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.24/ 1018 4006_A01A UART 7816 Interrupt Status Register (UART0_IS7816) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.25/ 1019 4006_A01B UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register (UART0_WP7816) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.26/ 1021 4006_A01C UART 7816 Wait N Register (UART0_WN7816) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.27/ 1021 4006_A01D UART 7816 Wait FD Register (UART0_WF7816) 8 R/W 01h 40.3.28/ 1022 Table continues on the next page... 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Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) UART memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4006_A01E UART 7816 Error Threshold Register (UART0_ET7816) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.29/ 1022 4006_A01F UART 7816 Transmit Length Register (UART0_TL7816) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.30/ 1023 4006_A03A UART 7816 ATR Duration Timer Register A (UART0_AP7816A_T0) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.31/ 1023 4006_A03B UART 7816 ATR Duration Timer Register B (UART0_AP7816B_T0) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.32/ 1024 4006_A03C UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register A (UART0_WP7816A_T0) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.33/ 1025 4006_A03C UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register A (UART0_WP7816A_T1) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.34/ 1025 4006_A03D UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register B (UART0_WP7816B_T0) 8 R/W 14h 40.3.35/ 1026 4006_A03D UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register B (UART0_WP7816B_T1) 8 R/W 14h 40.3.36/ 1026 4006_A03E UART 7816 Wait and Guard Parameter Register (UART0_WGP7816_T1) 8 R/W 06h 40.3.37/ 1027 4006_A03F UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register C (UART0_WP7816C_T1) 8 R/W 0Bh 40.3.38/ 1027 4006_B000 UART Baud Rate Registers: High (UART1_BDH) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.1/993 4006_B001 UART Baud Rate Registers: Low (UART1_BDL) 8 R/W 04h 40.3.2/994 4006_B002 UART Control Register 1 (UART1_C1) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.3/994 4006_B003 UART Control Register 2 (UART1_C2) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.4/996 4006_B004 UART Status Register 1 (UART1_S1) 8 R C0h 40.3.5/998 4006_B005 UART Status Register 2 (UART1_S2) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.6/1001 4006_B006 UART Control Register 3 (UART1_C3) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.7/1003 4006_B007 UART Data Register (UART1_D) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.8/1004 4006_B008 UART Match Address Registers 1 (UART1_MA1) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.9/1005 4006_B009 UART Match Address Registers 2 (UART1_MA2) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.10/ 1006 4006_B00A UART Control Register 4 (UART1_C4) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.11/ 1006 4006_B00B UART Control Register 5 (UART1_C5) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.12/ 1007 4006_B00C UART Extended Data Register (UART1_ED) 8 R 00h 40.3.13/ 1008 4006_B00D UART Modem Register (UART1_MODEM) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.14/ 1009 4006_B00E UART Infrared Register (UART1_IR) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.15/ 1010 4006_B010 8 R/W See section 40.3.16/ 1011 UART FIFO Parameters (UART1_PFIFO) Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 991 Memory map and registers UART memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Reset value Section/ page 4006_B011 UART FIFO Control Register (UART1_CFIFO) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.17/ 1012 4006_B012 UART FIFO Status Register (UART1_SFIFO) 8 R/W C0h 40.3.18/ 1013 4006_B013 UART FIFO Transmit Watermark (UART1_TWFIFO) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.19/ 1014 4006_B014 UART FIFO Transmit Count (UART1_TCFIFO) 8 R 00h 40.3.20/ 1015 4006_B015 UART FIFO Receive Watermark (UART1_RWFIFO) 8 R/W 01h 40.3.21/ 1015 4006_B016 UART FIFO Receive Count (UART1_RCFIFO) 8 R 00h 40.3.22/ 1016 4006_B018 UART 7816 Control Register (UART1_C7816) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.23/ 1016 4006_B019 UART 7816 Interrupt Enable Register (UART1_IE7816) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.24/ 1018 4006_B01A UART 7816 Interrupt Status Register (UART1_IS7816) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.25/ 1019 4006_B01B UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register (UART1_WP7816) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.26/ 1021 4006_B01C UART 7816 Wait N Register (UART1_WN7816) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.27/ 1021 4006_B01D UART 7816 Wait FD Register (UART1_WF7816) 8 R/W 01h 40.3.28/ 1022 4006_B01E UART 7816 Error Threshold Register (UART1_ET7816) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.29/ 1022 4006_B01F UART 7816 Transmit Length Register (UART1_TL7816) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.30/ 1023 4006_B03A UART 7816 ATR Duration Timer Register A (UART1_AP7816A_T0) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.31/ 1023 4006_B03B UART 7816 ATR Duration Timer Register B (UART1_AP7816B_T0) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.32/ 1024 4006_B03C UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register A (UART1_WP7816A_T0) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.33/ 1025 4006_B03C UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register A (UART1_WP7816A_T1) 8 R/W 00h 40.3.34/ 1025 4006_B03D UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register B (UART1_WP7816B_T0) 8 R/W 14h 40.3.35/ 1026 4006_B03D UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register B (UART1_WP7816B_T1) 8 R/W 14h 40.3.36/ 1026 4006_B03E UART 7816 Wait and Guard Parameter Register (UART1_WGP7816_T1) 8 R/W 06h 40.3.37/ 1027 4006_B03F UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register C (UART1_WP7816C_T1) 8 R/W 0Bh 40.3.38/ 1027 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 992 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) 40.3.1 UART Baud Rate Registers: High (UARTx_BDH) This register, along with the BDL register, controls the prescale divisor for UART baud rate generation. To update the 13-bit baud rate setting (SBR[12:0]), first write to BDH to buffer the high half of the new value and then write to BDL. The working value in BDH does not change until BDL is written. BDL is reset to a nonzero value, but after reset, the baud rate generator remains disabled until the first time the receiver or transmitter is enabled, that is, when C2[RE] or C2[TE] is set. Address: Base address + 0h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 LBKDIE RXEDGIE 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 SBR 0 0 0 UARTx_BDH field descriptions Field 7 LBKDIE Description LIN Break Detect Interrupt Enable Enables the LIN break detect flag, LBKDIF, to generate interrupt requests, 0 1 6 RXEDGIE SBR LBKDIF interrupt requests enabled. RxD Input Active Edge Interrupt Enable Enables the receive input active edge, RXEDGIF, to generate interrupt requests. 0 1 5 Reserved LBKDIF interrupt requests disabled. Hardware interrupts from RXEDGIF disabled using polling. RXEDGIF interrupt request enabled. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. UART Baud Rate Bits The baud rate for the UART is determined by the 13 SBR fields. See Baud rate generation for details. NOTE: * The baud rate generator is disabled until C2[TE] or C2[RE] is set for the first time after reset.The baud rate generator is disabled when SBR = 0. * Writing to BDH has no effect without writing to BDL, because writing to BDH puts the data in a temporary location until BDL is written. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 993 Memory map and registers 40.3.2 UART Baud Rate Registers: Low (UARTx_BDL) This register, along with the BDH register, controls the prescale divisor for UART baud rate generation. To update the 13-bit baud rate setting, SBR[12:0], first write to BDH to buffer the high half of the new value and then write to BDL. The working value in BDH does not change until BDL is written. BDL is reset to a nonzero value, but after reset, the baud rate generator remains disabled until the first time the receiver or transmitter is enabled, that is, when C2[RE] or C2[TE] is set. Address: Base address + 1h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 SBR 0 0 0 0 UARTx_BDL field descriptions Field SBR Description UART Baud Rate Bits The baud rate for the UART is determined by the 13 SBR fields. See Baud rate generation for details. NOTE: * The baud rate generator is disabled until C2[TE] or C2[RE] is set for the first time after reset.The baud rate generator is disabled when SBR = 0. * Writing to BDH has no effect without writing to BDL, because writing to BDH puts the data in a temporary location until BDL is written. * When the 1/32 narrow pulse width is selected for infrared (IrDA), the baud rate fields must be even, the least significant bit is 0. See MODEM register for more details. 40.3.3 UART Control Register 1 (UARTx_C1) This read/write register controls various optional features of the UART system. Address: Base address + 2h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LOOPS UARTSWAI RSRC M WAKE ILT PE PT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UARTx_C1 field descriptions Field 7 LOOPS Description Loop Mode Select When LOOPS is set, the RxD pin is disconnected from the UART and the transmitter output is internally connected to the receiver input. The transmitter and the receiver must be enabled to use the loop function. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 994 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) UARTx_C1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 6 UARTSWAI 5 RSRC UART Stops in Wait Mode 0 1 This field has no meaning or effect unless the LOOPS field is set. When LOOPS is set, the RSRC field determines the source for the receiver shift register input. This field must be set when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled. Normal--start + 8 data bits (MSB/LSB first as determined by MSBF) + stop. Use--start + 9 data bits (MSB/LSB first as determined by MSBF) + stop. Receiver Wakeup Method Select Determines which condition wakes the UART: * Address mark in the most significant bit position of a received data character, or * An idle condition on the receive pin input signal. 0 1 2 ILT Selects internal loop back mode. The receiver input is internally connected to transmitter output. Single wire UART mode where the receiver input is connected to the transmit pin input signal. 9-bit or 8-bit Mode Select 0 1 3 WAKE UART clock continues to run in Wait mode. UART clock freezes while CPU is in Wait mode. Receiver Source Select 0 1 4 M Normal operation. Loop mode where transmitter output is internally connected to receiver input. The receiver input is determined by RSRC. Idle line wakeup. Address mark wakeup. Idle Line Type Select Determines when the receiver starts counting logic 1s as idle character bits. The count begins either after a valid start bit or after the stop bit. If the count begins after the start bit, then a string of logic 1s preceding the stop bit can cause false recognition of an idle character. Beginning the count after the stop bit avoids false idle character recognition, but requires properly synchronized transmissions. NOTE: 0 1 1 PE * In case the UART is programmed with ILT = 1, a logic of 1'b0 is automatically shifted after a received stop bit, therefore resetting the idle count. * In case the UART is programmed for IDLE line wakeup (RWU = 1 and WAKE = 0), ILT has no effect on when the receiver starts counting logic 1s as idle character bits. In idle line wakeup, an idle character is recognized at anytime the receiver sees 10, 11, or 12 1s depending on the M, PE, and C4[M10] fields. Idle character bit count starts after start bit. Idle character bit count starts after stop bit. Parity Enable Enables the parity function. When parity is enabled, parity function inserts a parity bit in the bit position immediately preceding the stop bit. This field must be set when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled. 0 1 Parity function disabled. Parity function enabled. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 995 Memory map and registers UARTx_C1 field descriptions (continued) Field 0 PT Description Parity Type Determines whether the UART generates and checks for even parity or odd parity. With even parity, an even number of 1s clears the parity bit and an odd number of 1s sets the parity bit. With odd parity, an odd number of 1s clears the parity bit and an even number of 1s sets the parity bit. This field must be cleared when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled. 0 1 Even parity. Odd parity. 40.3.4 UART Control Register 2 (UARTx_C2) This register can be read or written at any time. Address: Base address + 3h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TIE TCIE RIE ILIE TE RE RWU SBK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UARTx_C2 field descriptions Field 7 TIE Description Transmitter Interrupt or DMA Transfer Enable. Enables S1[TDRE] to generate interrupt requests or DMA transfer requests, based on the state of C5[TDMAS]. NOTE: If C2[TIE] and C5[TDMAS] are both set, then TCIE must be cleared, and D[D] must not be written unless servicing a DMA request. 0 1 6 TCIE Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable Enables the transmission complete flag, S1[TC], to generate interrupt requests . 0 1 5 RIE TC interrupt requests disabled. TC interrupt requests enabled. Receiver Full Interrupt or DMA Transfer Enable Enables S1[RDRF] to generate interrupt requests or DMA transfer requests, based on the state of C5[RDMAS]. 0 1 4 ILIE TDRE interrupt and DMA transfer requests disabled. TDRE interrupt or DMA transfer requests enabled. RDRF interrupt and DMA transfer requests disabled. RDRF interrupt or DMA transfer requests enabled. Idle Line Interrupt Enable Enables the idle line flag, S1[IDLE], to generate interrupt requests Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 996 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) UARTx_C2 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 3 TE Transmitter Enable Enables the UART transmitter. TE can be used to queue an idle preamble by clearing and then setting TE. When C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled and C7816[TTYPE] = 1, this field is automatically cleared after the requested block has been transmitted. This condition is detected when TL7816[TLEN] = 0 and four additional characters are transmitted. 0 1 2 RE Transmitter off. Transmitter on. Receiver Enable Enables the UART receiver. 0 1 1 RWU IDLE interrupt requests disabled. IDLE interrupt requests enabled. Receiver off. Receiver on. Receiver Wakeup Control This field can be set to place the UART receiver in a standby state. RWU automatically clears when an RWU event occurs, that is, an IDLE event when C1[WAKE] is clear or an address match when C1[WAKE] is set. This field must be cleared when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set. NOTE: RWU must be set only with C1[WAKE] = 0 (wakeup on idle) if the channel is currently not idle. This can be determined by S2[RAF]. If the flag is set to wake up an IDLE event and the channel is already idle, it is possible that the UART will discard data. This is because the data must be received or a LIN break detected after an IDLE is detected before IDLE is allowed to reasserted. 0 1 0 SBK Normal operation. RWU enables the wakeup function and inhibits further receiver interrupt requests. Normally, hardware wakes the receiver by automatically clearing RWU. Send Break Toggling SBK sends one break character from the following: See Transmitting break characters for the number of logic 0s for the different configurations. Toggling implies clearing the SBK field before the break character has finished transmitting. As long as SBK is set, the transmitter continues to send complete break characters (10, 11, or 12 bits, or 13 or 14 bits). Ensure that C2[TE] is asserted atleast 1 clock before assertion of this bit. * 10, 11, or 12 logic 0s if S2[BRK13] is cleared * 13 or 14 logic 0s if S2[BRK13] is set. This field must be cleared when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set. 0 1 Normal transmitter operation. Queue break characters to be sent. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 997 Memory map and registers 40.3.5 UART Status Register 1 (UARTx_S1) The S1 register provides inputs to the MCU for generation of UART interrupts or DMA requests. This register can also be polled by the MCU to check the status of its fields. To clear a flag, the status register should be read followed by a read or write to D register, depending on the interrupt flag type. Other instructions can be executed between the two steps as long the handling of I/O is not compromised, but the order of operations is important for flag clearing. When a flag is configured to trigger a DMA request, assertion of the associated DMA done signal from the DMA controller clears the flag. NOTE * If the condition that results in the assertion of the flag, interrupt, or DMA request is not resolved prior to clearing the flag, the flag, and interrupt/DMA request, reasserts. For example, if the DMA or interrupt service routine fails to write sufficient data to the transmit buffer to raise it above the watermark level, the flag reasserts and generates another interrupt or DMA request. * Reading an empty data register to clear one of the flags of the S1 register causes the FIFO pointers to become misaligned. A receive FIFO flush reinitializes the pointers. A better way to prevent this situation is to always leave one byte in FIFO and this byte will be read eventually in clearing the flag bit. Address: Base address + 4h offset Bit Read 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TDRE TC RDRF IDLE OR NF FE PF 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Write Reset UARTx_S1 field descriptions Field 7 TDRE Description Transmit Data Register Empty Flag TDRE will set when the number of datawords in the transmit buffer (D and C3[T8])is equal to or less than the number indicated by TWFIFO[TXWATER]. A character that is in the process of being transmitted is not included in the count. To clear TDRE, read S1 when TDRE is set and then write to the UART data register (D). For more efficient interrupt servicing, all data except the final value to be written to the buffer must be written to D/C3[T8]. Then S1 can be read before writing the final data value, resulting in the clearing of the TRDE flag. This is more efficient because the TDRE reasserts until the watermark has been exceeded. So, attempting to clear the TDRE with every write will be ineffective until sufficient data has been written. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 998 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) UARTx_S1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 6 TC Transmit Complete Flag TC is set when the transmit buffer is empty and no data, preamble, or break character is being transmitted. When TC is set, the transmit data output signal becomes idle (logic 1). TC is cleared by reading S1 with TC set and then doing one of the following: When C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled, this field is set after any NACK signal has been received, but prior to any corresponding guard times expiring. * Writing to D to transmit new data. * Queuing a preamble by clearing and then setting C2[TE]. * Queuing a break character by writing 1 to SBK in C2. 0 1 5 RDRF Transmitter active (sending data, a preamble, or a break). Transmitter idle (transmission activity complete). Receive Data Register Full Flag RDRF is set when the number of datawords in the receive buffer is equal to or more than the number indicated by RWFIFO[RXWATER]. A dataword that is in the process of being received is not included in the count. To clear RDRF, read S1 when RDRF is set and then read D. For more efficient interrupt and DMA operation, read all data except the final value from the buffer, using D/C3[T8]/ED. Then read S1 and the final data value, resulting in the clearing of the RDRF flag. Even if RDRF is set, data will continue to be received until an overrun condition occurs.RDRF is prevented from setting while S2[LBKDE] is set. Additionally, when S2[LBKDE] is set, the received datawords are stored in the receive buffer but over-write each other. 0 1 4 IDLE The amount of data in the transmit buffer is greater than the value indicated by TWFIFO[TXWATER]. The amount of data in the transmit buffer is less than or equal to the value indicated by TWFIFO[TXWATER] at some point in time since the flag has been cleared. The number of datawords in the receive buffer is less than the number indicated by RXWATER. The number of datawords in the receive buffer is equal to or greater than the number indicated by RXWATER at some point in time since this flag was last cleared. Idle Line Flag After the IDLE flag is cleared, a frame must be received (although not necessarily stored in the data buffer, for example if C2[RWU] is set), or a LIN break character must set the S2[LBKDIF] flag before an idle condition can set the IDLE flag. To clear IDLE, read UART status S1 with IDLE set and then read D. IDLE is set when either of the following appear on the receiver input: * 10 consecutive logic 1s if C1[M] = 0 * 11 consecutive logic 1s if C1[M] = 1 and C4[M10] = 0 * 12 consecutive logic 1s if C1[M] = 1, C4[M10] = 1, and C1[PE] = 1 Idle detection is not supported when7816Eis set/enabled and hence this flag is ignored. NOTE: When RWU is set and WAKE is cleared, an idle line condition sets the IDLE flag if RWUID is set, else the IDLE flag does not become set. 0 1 3 OR Receiver input is either active now or has never become active since the IDLE flag was last cleared. Receiver input has become idle or the flag has not been cleared since it last asserted. Receiver Overrun Flag OR is set when software fails to prevent the receive data register from overflowing with data. The OR bit is set immediately after the stop bit has been completely received for the dataword that overflows the buffer and all the other error flags (FE, NF, and PF) are prevented from setting. The data in the shift register is lost, but the data already in the UART data registers is not affected. If the OR flag is set, no data is stored in the data buffer even if sufficient room exists. Additionally, while the OR flag is set, the RDRF and IDLE flags are blocked from asserting, that is, transition from an inactive to an active state. To clear OR, read S1 when OR is set and then read D. See functional description for more details regarding the operation of Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 999 Memory map and registers UARTx_S1 field descriptions (continued) Field Description the OR bit.If LBKDE is enabled and a LIN Break is detected, the OR field asserts if S2[LBKDIF] is not cleared before the next data character is received. In 7816 mode, it is possible to configure a NACK to be returned by programing C7816[ONACK]. 0 1 2 NF Noise Flag NF is set when the UART detects noise on the receiver input. NF does not become set in the case of an overrun or while the LIN break detect feature is enabled (S2[LBKDE] = 1). When NF is set, it indicates only that a dataword has been received with noise since the last time it was cleared. There is no guarantee that the first dataword read from the receive buffer has noise or that there is only one dataword in the buffer that was received with noise unless the receive buffer has a depth of one. To clear NF, read S1 and then read D. 0 1 1 FE No noise detected since the last time this flag was cleared. If the receive buffer has a depth greater than 1 then there may be data in the receiver buffer that was received with noise. At least one dataword was received with noise detected since the last time the flag was cleared. Framing Error Flag FE is set when a logic 0 is accepted as the stop bit. FE does not set in the case of an overrun or while the LIN break detect feature is enabled (S2[LBKDE] = 1). FE inhibits further data reception until it is cleared. To clear FE, read S1 with FE set and then read D. The last data in the receive buffer represents the data that was received with the frame error enabled. Framing errors are not supported when 7816E is set/ enabled. However, if this flag is set, data is still not received in 7816 mode. 0 1 0 PF No overrun has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared. Overrun has occurred or the overrun flag has not been cleared since the last overrun occured. No framing error detected. Framing error. Parity Error Flag PF is set when PE is set and the parity of the received data does not match its parity bit. The PF is not set in the case of an overrun condition. When PF is set, it indicates only that a dataword was received with parity error since the last time it was cleared. There is no guarantee that the first dataword read from the receive buffer has a parity error or that there is only one dataword in the buffer that was received with a parity error, unless the receive buffer has a depth of one. To clear PF, read S1 and then read D., S2[LBKDE] is disabled,Within the receive buffer structure the received dataword is tagged if it is received with a parity error. This information is available by reading the ED register prior to reading the D register. 0 1 No parity error detected since the last time this flag was cleared. If the receive buffer has a depth greater than 1, then there may be data in the receive buffer what was received with a parity error. At least one dataword was received with a parity error since the last time this flag was cleared. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1000 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) 40.3.6 UART Status Register 2 (UARTx_S2) The S2 register provides inputs to the MCU for generation of UART interrupts or DMA requests. Also, this register can be polled by the MCU to check the status of these bits. This register can be read or written at any time, with the exception of the MSBF and RXINV bits, which should be changed by the user only between transmit and receive packets. Address: Base address + 5h offset Bit 7 6 Read LBKDIF RXEDGIF Write w1c w1c Reset 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 MSBF RXINV RWUID BRK13 LBKDE 0 0 0 0 0 0 RAF 0 UARTx_S2 field descriptions Field 7 LBKDIF Description LIN Break Detect Interrupt Flag LBKDIF is set when LBKDE is set and a LIN break character is detected on the receiver input. The LIN break characters are 11 consecutive logic 0s if C1[M] = 0 or 12 consecutive logic 0s if C1[M] = 1. LBKDIF is set after receiving the last LIN break character. LBKDIF is cleared by writing a 1 to it. 0 1 6 RXEDGIF No LIN break character detected. LIN break character detected. RxD Pin Active Edge Interrupt Flag RXEDGIF is set when an active edge occurs on the RxD pin. The active edge is falling if RXINV = 0, and rising if RXINV=1. RXEDGIF is cleared by writing a 1 to it. See for additional details. RXEDGIF description NOTE: The active edge is detected only in two wire mode and on receiving data coming from the RxD pin. 0 1 5 MSBF Most Significant Bit First Setting this field reverses the order of the bits that are transmitted and received on the wire. This field does not affect the polarity of the bits, the location of the parity bit, or the location of the start or stop bits. This field is automatically set when C7816[INIT] and C7816[ISO7816E] are enabled and an initial character is detected in T = 0 protocol mode. 0 1 4 RXINV No active edge on the receive pin has occurred. An active edge on the receive pin has occurred. LSB (bit0) is the first bit that is transmitted following the start bit. Further, the first bit received after the start bit is identified as bit0. MSB (bit8, bit7 or bit6) is the first bit that is transmitted following the start bit, depending on the setting of C1[M] and C1[PE]. Further, the first bit received after the start bit is identified as bit8, bit7, or bit6, depending on the setting of C1[M] and C1[PE]. Receive Data Inversion Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1001 Memory map and registers UARTx_S2 field descriptions (continued) Field Description Setting this field reverses the polarity of the received data input. In NRZ format, a one is represented by a mark and a zero is represented by a space for normal polarity, and the opposite for inverted polarity. In IrDA format, a zero is represented by short high pulse in the middle of a bit time remaining idle low for a one for normal polarity. A zero is represented by a short low pulse in the middle of a bit time remaining idle high for a one for inverted polarity.This field is automatically set when C7816[INIT] and C7816[ISO7816E] are enabled and an initial character is detected in T = 0 protocol mode. NOTE: Setting RXINV inverts the RxD input for data bits, start and stop bits, break, and idle. When C7816[ISO7816E] is set/enabled, only the data bits and the parity bit are inverted. 0 1 3 RWUID Receive Wakeup Idle Detect When RWU is set and WAKE is cleared, this field controls whether the idle character that wakes the receiver sets S1[IDLE]. This field must be cleared when C7816[ISO7816E] is set/enabled. 0 1 2 BRK13 Determines whether the transmit break character is 10, 11, or 12 bits long, or 13 or 14 bits long. See for the length of the break character for the different configurations. The detection of a framing error is not affected by this field. Transmitting break characters Break character is 10, 11, or 12 bits long. Break character is 13 or 14 bits long. LIN Break Detection Enable Enables the LIN Break detection feature. While LBKDE is set, S1[RDRF], S1[NF], S1[FE], and S1[PF] are prevented from setting. When LBKDE is set, see . Overrun operationLBKDE must be cleared when C7816[ISO7816E] is set. 0 1 0 RAF S1[IDLE] is not set upon detection of an idle character. S1[IDLE] is set upon detection of an idle character. Break Transmit Character Length 0 1 1 LBKDE Receive data is not inverted. Receive data is inverted. Break character detection is disabled. Break character is detected at length of 11 bit times if C1[M] = 0 or 12 bits time if C1[M] = 1. Receiver Active Flag RAF is set when the UART receiver detects a logic 0 during the RT1 time period of the start bit search. RAF is cleared when the receiver detects an idle character when C7816[ISO7816E] is cleared/disabled. When C7816[ISO7816E] is enabled, the RAF is cleared if the C7816[TTYPE] = 0 expires or the C7816[TTYPE] = 1 expires. NOTE: In case C7816[ISO7816E] is set and C7816[TTYPE] = 0, it is possible to configure the guard time to 12. However, if a NACK is required to be transmitted, the data transfer actually takes 13 ETU with the 13th ETU slot being a inactive buffer. Therefore, in this situation, the RAF may deassert one ETU prior to actually being inactive. 0 1 UART receiver idle/inactive waiting for a start bit. UART receiver active, RxD input not idle. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1002 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) 40.3.7 UART Control Register 3 (UARTx_C3) Writing R8 does not have any effect. TXDIR and TXINV can be changed only between transmit and receive packets. Address: Base address + 6h offset Bit Read 7 R8 Write Reset 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 T8 TXDIR TXINV ORIE NEIE FEIE PEIE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UARTx_C3 field descriptions Field Description 7 R8 Received Bit 8 6 T8 Transmit Bit 8 R8 is the ninth data bit received when the UART is configured for 9-bit data format, that is, if C1[M] = 1 or C4[M10] = 1. The R8 value corresponds to the current data value in the UARTx_D register. To read the 9th bit, read the value of UARTx_C3[R8], then read the UARTx_D register. T8 is the ninth data bit transmitted when the UART is configured for 9-bit data format, that is, if C1[M] = 1 or C4[M10] = 1. NOTE: If the value of T8 is the same as in the previous transmission, T8 does not have to be rewritten. The same value is transmitted until T8 is rewritten. To correctly transmit the 9th bit, write UARTx_C3[T8] to the desired value, then write the UARTx_D register with the remaining data. 5 TXDIR Transmitter Pin Data Direction in Single-Wire mode Determines whether the TXD pin is used as an input or output in the single-wire mode of operation. This field is relevant only to the single wire mode. When C7816[ISO7816E] is set/enabled and C7816[TTYPE] = 1, this field is automatically cleared after the requested block is transmitted. This condition is detected when TL7816[TLEN] = 0 and 4 additional characters are transmitted. Additionally, if C7816[ISO7816E] is set/enabled and C7816[TTYPE] = 0 and a NACK is being transmitted, the hardware automatically overrides this field as needed. In this situation, TXDIR does not reflect the temporary state associated with the NACK. 0 1 4 TXINV TXD pin is an input in single wire mode. TXD pin is an output in single wire mode. Transmit Data Inversion. Setting this field reverses the polarity of the transmitted data output. In NRZ format, a one is represented by a mark and a zero is represented by a space for normal polarity, and the opposite for inverted polarity. In IrDA format, a zero is represented by short high pulse in the middle of a bit time remaining idle low for a one for normal polarity, and a zero is represented by short low pulse in the middle of a bit time remaining idle high for a one for inverted polarity.This field is automatically set when C7816[INIT] and C7816[ISO7816E] are enabled and an initial character is detected in T = 0 protocol mode. NOTE: Setting TXINV inverts all transmitted values, including idle, break, start, and stop bits. In loop mode, if TXINV is set, the receiver gets the transmit inversion bit when RXINV is disabled. When C7816[ISO7816E] is set/enabled then only the transmitted data bits and parity bit are inverted. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1003 Memory map and registers UARTx_C3 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 3 ORIE Overrun Error Interrupt Enable Enables the overrun error flag, S1[OR], to generate interrupt requests. 0 1 2 NEIE Enables the noise flag, S1[NF], to generate interrupt requests. NF interrupt requests are disabled. NF interrupt requests are enabled. Framing Error Interrupt Enable Enables the framing error flag, S1[FE], to generate interrupt requests. 0 1 0 PEIE OR interrupts are disabled. OR interrupt requests are enabled. Noise Error Interrupt Enable 0 1 1 FEIE Transmit data is not inverted. Transmit data is inverted. FE interrupt requests are disabled. FE interrupt requests are enabled. Parity Error Interrupt Enable Enables the parity error flag, S1[PF], to generate interrupt requests. 0 1 PF interrupt requests are disabled. PF interrupt requests are enabled. 40.3.8 UART Data Register (UARTx_D) This register is actually two separate registers. Reads return the contents of the read-only receive data register and writes go to the write-only transmit data register. NOTE * In 8-bit or 9-bit data format, only UART data register (D) needs to be accessed to clear the S1[RDRF] bit (assuming receiver buffer level is less than RWFIFO[RXWATER]). The C3 register needs to be read, prior to the D register, only if the ninth bit of data needs to be captured. Similarly, the ED register needs to be read, prior to the D register, only if the additional flag data for the dataword needs to be captured. * In the normal 8-bit mode (M bit cleared) if the parity is enabled, you get seven data bits and one parity bit. That one parity bit is loaded into the D register. So, for the data KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1004 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) bits, mask off the parity bit from the value you read out of this register. * When transmitting in 9-bit data format and using 8-bit write instructions, write first to transmit bit 8 in UART control register 3 (C3[T8]), then D. A write to C3[T8] stores the data in a temporary register. If D register is written first, and then the new data on data bus is stored in D, the temporary value written by the last write to C3[T8] gets stored in the C3[T8] register. Address: Base address + 7h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 RT 0 0 0 0 UARTx_D field descriptions Field RT Description Reads return the contents of the read-only receive data register and writes go to the write-only transmit data register. 40.3.9 UART Match Address Registers 1 (UARTx_MA1) The MA1 and MA2 registers are compared to input data addresses when the most significant bit is set and the associated C4[MAEN] field is set. If a match occurs, the following data is transferred to the data register. If a match fails, the following data is discarded. These registers can be read and written at anytime. Address: Base address + 8h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 MA 0 0 0 0 UARTx_MA1 field descriptions Field MA Description Match Address KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1005 Memory map and registers 40.3.10 UART Match Address Registers 2 (UARTx_MA2) These registers can be read and written at anytime. The MA1 and MA2 registers are compared to input data addresses when the most significant bit is set and the associated C4[MAEN] field is set. If a match occurs, the following data is transferred to the data register. If a match fails, the following data is discarded. Address: Base address + 9h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 MA 0 0 0 0 UARTx_MA2 field descriptions Field MA Description Match Address 40.3.11 UART Control Register 4 (UARTx_C4) Address: Base address + Ah offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 MAEN1 MAEN2 M10 0 0 0 4 3 BRFA 0 0 0 UARTx_C4 field descriptions Field 7 MAEN1 Description Match Address Mode Enable 1 See Match address operation for more information. 0 1 6 MAEN2 All data received is transferred to the data buffer if MAEN2 is cleared. All data received with the most significant bit cleared, is discarded. All data received with the most significant bit set, is compared with contents of MA1 register. If no match occurs, the data is discarded. If match occurs, data is transferred to the data buffer. This field must be cleared when C7816[ISO7816E] is set/enabled. Match Address Mode Enable 2 See Match address operation for more information. 0 1 All data received is transferred to the data buffer if MAEN1 is cleared. All data received with the most significant bit cleared, is discarded. All data received with the most significant bit set, is compared with contents of MA2 register. If no match occurs, the data is discarded. If a match occurs, data is transferred to the data buffer. This field must be cleared when C7816[ISO7816E] is set/enabled. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1006 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) UARTx_C4 field descriptions (continued) Field 5 M10 Description 10-bit Mode select Causes a tenth, non-memory mapped bit to be part of the serial transmission. This tenth bit is generated and interpreted as a parity bit. The M10 field does not affect the LIN send or detect break behavior. If M10 is set, then both C1[M] and C1[PE] must also be set. This field must be cleared when C7816[ISO7816E] is set/enabled. See Data format (non ISO-7816) for more information. 0 1 BRFA The parity bit is the ninth bit in the serial transmission. The parity bit is the tenth bit in the serial transmission. Baud Rate Fine Adjust This bit field is used to add more timing resolution to the average baud frequency, in increments of 1/32. See Baud rate generation for more information. 40.3.12 UART Control Register 5 (UARTx_C5) Address: Base address + Bh offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 TDMAS 0 RDMAS 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 UARTx_C5 field descriptions Field 7 TDMAS Description Transmitter DMA Select Configures the transmit data register empty flag, S1[TDRE], to generate interrupt or DMA requests if C2[TIE] is set. NOTE: 0 1 6 Reserved 5 RDMAS * If C2[TIE] is cleared, TDRE DMA and TDRE interrupt request signals are not asserted when the TDRE flag is set, regardless of the state of TDMAS. * If C2[TIE] and TDMAS are both set, then C2[TCIE] must be cleared, and D must not be written unless a DMA request is being serviced. If C2[TIE] is set and the S1[TDRE] flag is set, the TDRE interrupt request signal is asserted to request interrupt service. If C2[TIE] is set and the S1[TDRE] flag is set, the TDRE DMA request signal is asserted to request a DMA transfer. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Receiver Full DMA Select Configures the receiver data register full flag, S1[RDRF], to generate interrupt or DMA requests if C2[RIE] is set. NOTE: If C2[RIE] is cleared, and S1[RDRF] is set, the RDRF DMA and RDFR interrupt request signals are not asserted, regardless of the state of RDMAS. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1007 Memory map and registers UARTx_C5 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 If C2[RIE] and S1[RDRF] are set, the RDFR interrupt request signal is asserted to request an interrupt service. If C2[RIE] and S1[RDRF] are set, the RDRF DMA request signal is asserted to request a DMA transfer. 1 4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 40.3.13 UART Extended Data Register (UARTx_ED) This register contains additional information flags that are stored with a received dataword. This register may be read at any time but contains valid data only if there is a dataword in the receive FIFO. NOTE * The data contained in this register represents additional information regarding the conditions on which a dataword was received. The importance of this data varies with the application, and in some cases maybe completely optional. These fields automatically update to reflect the conditions of the next dataword whenever D is read. * If S1[NF] and S1[PF] have not been set since the last time the receive buffer was empty, the NOISY and PARITYE fields will be zero. Address: Base address + Ch offset Bit Read 7 6 NOISY PARITYE 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Write Reset 0 0 0 UARTx_ED field descriptions Field 7 NOISY 6 PARITYE Description The current received dataword contained in D and C3[R8] was received with noise. 0 1 The dataword was received without noise. The data was received with noise. The current received dataword contained in D and C3[R8] was received with a parity error. 0 1 The dataword was received without a parity error. The dataword was received with a parity error. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1008 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) UARTx_ED field descriptions (continued) Field Reserved Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 40.3.14 UART Modem Register (UARTx_MODEM) The MODEM register controls options for setting the modem configuration. NOTE RXRTSE, TXRTSPOL, TXRTSE, and TXCTSE must all be cleared when C7816[ISO7816EN] is enabled. This will cause the RTS to deassert during ISO-7816 wait times. The ISO-7816 protocol does not use the RTS and CTS signals. Address: Base address + Dh offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 RXRTSE TXRTSPOL TXRTSE TXCTSE 0 0 0 0 UARTx_MODEM field descriptions Field Description 7-4 Reserved This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 3 RXRTSE Receiver request-to-send enable Allows the RTS output to control the CTS input of the transmitting device to prevent receiver overrun. NOTE: Do not set both RXRTSE and TXRTSE. 0 1 2 TXRTSPOL Transmitter request-to-send polarity Controls the polarity of the transmitter RTS. TXRTSPOL does not affect the polarity of the receiver RTS. RTS will remain negated in the active low state unless TXRTSE is set. 0 1 1 TXRTSE The receiver has no effect on RTS. RTS is deasserted if the number of characters in the receiver data register (FIFO) is equal to or greater than RWFIFO[RXWATER]. RTS is asserted when the number of characters in the receiver data register (FIFO) is less than RWFIFO[RXWATER]. See Hardware flow control Transmitter RTS is active low. Transmitter RTS is active high. Transmitter request-to-send enable Controls RTS before and after a transmission. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1009 Memory map and registers UARTx_MODEM field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 0 TXCTSE The transmitter has no effect on RTS. When a character is placed into an empty transmitter data buffer , RTS asserts one bit time before the start bit is transmitted. RTS deasserts one bit time after all characters in the transmitter data buffer and shift register are completely sent, including the last stop bit. (FIFO) NOTE: Ensure that C2[TE] is asserted before assertion of this bit. Transmitter clear-to-send enable TXCTSE controls the operation of the transmitter. TXCTSE can be set independently from the state of TXRTSE and RXRTSE. 0 1 CTS has no effect on the transmitter. Enables clear-to-send operation. The transmitter checks the state of CTS each time it is ready to send a character. If CTS is asserted, the character is sent. If CTS is deasserted, the signal TXD remains in the mark state and transmission is delayed until CTS is asserted. Changes in CTS as a character is being sent do not affect its transmission. 40.3.15 UART Infrared Register (UARTx_IR) The IR register controls options for setting the infrared configuration. Address: Base address + Eh offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 IREN 0 0 0 TNP 0 0 0 UARTx_IR field descriptions Field 7-3 Reserved 2 IREN Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Infrared enable Enables/disables the infrared modulation/demodulation. 0 1 TNP IR disabled. IR enabled. Transmitter narrow pulse Enables whether the UART transmits a 1/16, 3/16, 1/32, or 1/4 narrow pulse. 00 01 10 11 3/16. 1/16. 1/32. 1/4. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1010 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) 40.3.16 UART FIFO Parameters (UARTx_PFIFO) This register provides the ability for the programmer to turn on and off FIFO functionality. It also provides the size of the FIFO that has been implemented. This register may be read at any time. This register must be written only when C2[RE] and C2[TE] are cleared/not set and when the data buffer/FIFO is empty. Address: Base address + 10h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 TXFIFOSIZE TXFE 0 * * 2 0 0 RXFIFOSIZE RXFE * 1 * * * * Notes: * TXFIFOSIZE field: The reset value depends on whether the specific UART instance supports the FIFO and on the size of that FIFO. See the Chip Configuration details for more information on the FIFO size supported for each UART instance. * RXFIFOSIZE field: The reset value depends on whether the specific UART instance supports the FIFO and on the size of that FIFO. See the Chip Configuration details for more information on the FIFO size supported for each UART instance. UARTx_PFIFO field descriptions Field 7 TXFE Description Transmit FIFO Enable When this field is set, the built in FIFO structure for the transmit buffer is enabled. The size of the FIFO structure is indicated by TXFIFOSIZE. If this field is not set, the transmit buffer operates as a FIFO of depth one dataword regardless of the value in TXFIFOSIZE. Both C2[TE] and C2[RE] must be cleared prior to changing this field. Additionally, TXFLUSH and RXFLUSH commands must be issued immediately after changing this field. 0 1 6-4 TXFIFOSIZE Transmit FIFO. Buffer Depth The maximum number of transmit datawords that can be stored in the transmit buffer. This field is read only. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 3 RXFE Transmit FIFO is not enabled. Buffer is depth 1. (Legacy support). Transmit FIFO is enabled. Buffer is depth indicated by TXFIFOSIZE. Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 1 dataword. Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 4 datawords. Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 8 datawords. Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 16 datawords. Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 32 datawords. Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 64 datawords. Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 128 datawords. Reserved. Receive FIFO Enable Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1011 Memory map and registers UARTx_PFIFO field descriptions (continued) Field Description When this field is set, the built in FIFO structure for the receive buffer is enabled. The size of the FIFO structure is indicated by the RXFIFOSIZE field. If this field is not set, the receive buffer operates as a FIFO of depth one dataword regardless of the value in RXFIFOSIZE. Both C2[TE] and C2[RE] must be cleared prior to changing this field. Additionally, TXFLUSH and RXFLUSH commands must be issued immediately after changing this field. 0 1 RXFIFOSIZE Receive FIFO is not enabled. Buffer is depth 1. (Legacy support) Receive FIFO is enabled. Buffer is depth indicted by RXFIFOSIZE. Receive FIFO. Buffer Depth The maximum number of receive datawords that can be stored in the receive buffer before an overrun occurs. This field is read only. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 1 dataword. Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 4 datawords. Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 8 datawords. Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 16 datawords. Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 32 datawords. Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 64 datawords. Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 128 datawords. Reserved. 40.3.17 UART FIFO Control Register (UARTx_CFIFO) This register provides the ability to program various control fields for FIFO operation. This register may be read or written at any time. Note that writing to TXFLUSH and RXFLUSH may result in data loss and requires careful action to prevent unintended/ unpredictable behavior. Therefore, it is recommended that TE and RE be cleared prior to flushing the corresponding FIFO. Address: Base address + 11h offset Bit 7 6 5 Read 0 0 Write TXFLUSH RXFLUSH Reset 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 RXOFE TXOFE RXUFE 0 0 0 UARTx_CFIFO field descriptions Field 7 TXFLUSH Description Transmit FIFO/Buffer Flush Writing to this field causes all data that is stored in the transmit FIFO/buffer to be flushed. This does not affect data that is in the transmit shift register. 0 1 No flush operation occurs. All data in the transmit FIFO/Buffer is cleared out. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) UARTx_CFIFO field descriptions (continued) Field 6 RXFLUSH Description Receive FIFO/Buffer Flush Writing to this field causes all data that is stored in the receive FIFO/buffer to be flushed. This does not affect data that is in the receive shift register. 0 1 5-3 Reserved 2 RXOFE This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Receive FIFO Overflow Interrupt Enable When this field is set, the RXOF flag generates an interrupt to the host. 0 1 1 TXOFE RXOF flag does not generate an interrupt to the host. RXOF flag generates an interrupt to the host. Transmit FIFO Overflow Interrupt Enable When this field is set, the TXOF flag generates an interrupt to the host. 0 1 0 RXUFE No flush operation occurs. All data in the receive FIFO/buffer is cleared out. TXOF flag does not generate an interrupt to the host. TXOF flag generates an interrupt to the host. Receive FIFO Underflow Interrupt Enable When this field is set, the RXUF flag generates an interrupt to the host. 0 1 RXUF flag does not generate an interrupt to the host. RXUF flag generates an interrupt to the host. 40.3.18 UART FIFO Status Register (UARTx_SFIFO) This register provides status information regarding the transmit and receiver buffers/ FIFOs, including interrupt information. This register may be written to or read at any time. Address: Base address + 12h offset Bit Read 7 6 TXEMPT RXEMPT 5 4 3 0 Write Reset 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 RXOF TXOF RXUF w1c w1c w1c 0 0 0 UARTx_SFIFO field descriptions Field 7 TXEMPT Description Transmit Buffer/FIFO Empty Asserts when there is no data in the Transmit FIFO/buffer. This field does not take into account data that is in the transmit shift register. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1013 Memory map and registers UARTx_SFIFO field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 6 RXEMPT Receive Buffer/FIFO Empty Asserts when there is no data in the receive FIFO/Buffer. This field does not take into account data that is in the receive shift register. 0 1 5-3 Reserved 2 RXOF Receiver Buffer Overflow Flag Indicates that more data has been written to the receive buffer than it can hold. This field will assert regardless of the value of CFIFO[RXOFE]. However, an interrupt will be issued to the host only if CFIFO[RXOFE] is set. This flag is cleared by writing a 1. No receive buffer overflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared. At least one receive buffer overflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared. Transmitter Buffer Overflow Flag Indicates that more data has been written to the transmit buffer than it can hold. This field will assert regardless of the value of CFIFO[TXOFE]. However, an interrupt will be issued to the host only if CFIFO[TXOFE] is set. This flag is cleared by writing a 1. 0 1 0 RXUF Receive buffer is not empty. Receive buffer is empty. This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. 0 1 1 TXOF Transmit buffer is not empty. Transmit buffer is empty. No transmit buffer overflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared. At least one transmit buffer overflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared. Receiver Buffer Underflow Flag Indicates that more data has been read from the receive buffer than was present. This field will assert regardless of the value of CFIFO[RXUFE]. However, an interrupt will be issued to the host only if CFIFO[RXUFE] is set. This flag is cleared by writing a 1. 0 1 No receive buffer underflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared. At least one receive buffer underflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared. 40.3.19 UART FIFO Transmit Watermark (UARTx_TWFIFO) This register provides the ability to set a programmable threshold for notification of needing additional transmit data. This register may be read at any time but must be written only when C2[TE] is not set. Changing the value of the watermark will not clear the S1[TDRE] flag. Address: Base address + 13h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 TXWATER 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) UARTx_TWFIFO field descriptions Field TXWATER Description Transmit Watermark When the number of datawords in the transmit FIFO/buffer is equal to or less than the value in this register field, an interrupt via S1[TDRE] or a DMA request via C5[TDMAS] is generated as determined by C5[TDMAS] and C2[TIE]. For proper operation, the value in TXWATER must be set to be less than the size of the transmit buffer/FIFO size as indicated by PFIFO[TXFIFOSIZE] and PFIFO[TXFE]. 40.3.20 UART FIFO Transmit Count (UARTx_TCFIFO) This is a read only register that indicates how many datawords are currently in the transmit buffer/FIFO. It may be read at any time. Address: Base address + 14h offset Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 TXCOUNT Write Reset 0 0 0 0 UARTx_TCFIFO field descriptions Field TXCOUNT Description Transmit Counter The value in this register indicates the number of datawords that are in the transmit FIFO/buffer. If a dataword is being transmitted, that is, in the transmit shift register, it is not included in the count. This value may be used in conjunction with PFIFO[TXFIFOSIZE] to calculate how much room is left in the transmit FIFO/buffer. 40.3.21 UART FIFO Receive Watermark (UARTx_RWFIFO) This register provides the ability to set a programmable threshold for notification of the need to remove data from the receiver FIFO/buffer. This register may be read at any time but must be written only when C2[RE] is not asserted. Changing the value in this register will not clear S1[RDRF]. Address: Base address + 15h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 RXWATER 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1015 Memory map and registers UARTx_RWFIFO field descriptions Field RXWATER Description Receive Watermark When the number of datawords in the receive FIFO/buffer is equal to or greater than the value in this register field, an interrupt via S1[RDRF] or a DMA request via C5[RDMAS] is generated as determined by C5[RDMAS] and C2[RIE]. For proper operation, the value in RXWATER must be set to be less than the receive FIFO/buffer size as indicated by PFIFO[RXFIFOSIZE] and PFIFO[RXFE] and must be greater than 0. 40.3.22 UART FIFO Receive Count (UARTx_RCFIFO) This is a read only register that indicates how many datawords are currently in the receive FIFO/buffer. It may be read at any time. Address: Base address + 16h offset Bit 7 6 5 4 Read 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 RXCOUNT Write Reset 0 0 0 0 UARTx_RCFIFO field descriptions Field RXCOUNT Description Receive Counter The value in this register indicates the number of datawords that are in the receive FIFO/buffer. If a dataword is being received, that is, in the receive shift register, it is not included in the count. This value may be used in conjunction with PFIFO[RXFIFOSIZE] to calculate how much room is left in the receive FIFO/buffer. 40.3.23 UART 7816 Control Register (UARTx_C7816) The C7816 register is the primary control register for ISO-7816 specific functionality. This register is specific to 7816 functionality and the values in this register have no effect on UART operation and should be ignored if ISO_7816E is not set/enabled. This register may be read at any time but values must be changed only when ISO_7816E is not set. Address: Base address + 18h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 ONACK ANACK INIT TTYPE ISO_7816E 0 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) UARTx_C7816 field descriptions Field 7-5 Reserved 4 ONACK Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Generate NACK on Overflow When this field is set, the receiver automatically generates a NACK response if a receive buffer overrun occurs, as indicated by S1[OR]. In many systems, this results in the transmitter resending the packet that overflowed until the retransmit threshold for that transmitter is reached. A NACK is generated only if TTYPE=0. This field operates independently of ANACK. See . Overrun NACK considerations 0 1 3 ANACK Generate NACK on Error When this field is set, the receiver automatically generates a NACK response if a parity error occurs or if INIT is set and an invalid initial character is detected. A NACK is generated only if TTYPE = 0. If ANACK is set, the UART attempts to retransmit the data indefinitely. To stop retransmission attempts, clear C2[TE] or ISO_7816E and do not set until S1[TC] sets C2[TE] again. 0 1 2 INIT No NACK is automatically generated. A NACK is automatically generated if a parity error is detected or if an invalid initial character is detected. Detect Initial Character When this field is set, all received characters are searched for a valid initial character. If an invalid initial character is identified, and ANACK is set, a NACK is sent. All received data is discarded and error flags blocked (S1[NF], S1[OR], S1[FE], S1[PF], IS7816[WT], IS7816[CWT], IS7816[BWT], IS7816[ADT], IS7816[GTV]) until a valid initial character is detected. Upon detecting a valid initial character, the configuration values S2[MSBF], C3[TXINV], and S2[RXINV] are automatically updated to reflect the initial character that was received. The actual INIT data value is not stored in the receive buffer. Additionally, upon detection of a valid initial character, IS7816[INITD] is set and an interrupt issued as programmed by IE7816[INITDE]. When a valid initial character is detected, INIT is automatically cleared. This Initial Character Detect feature is supported only in T = 0 protocol mode. 0 1 1 TTYPE The received data does not generate a NACK when the receipt of the data results in an overflow event. If the receiver buffer overflows, a NACK is automatically sent on a received character. Normal operating mode. Receiver does not seek to identify initial character. Receiver searches for initial character. Transfer Type Indicates the transfer protocol being used. See ISO-7816 / smartcard support for more details. 0 1 0 ISO_7816E T = 0 per the ISO-7816 specification. T = 1 per the ISO-7816 specification. ISO-7816 Functionality Enabled Indicates that the UART is operating according to the ISO-7816 protocol. NOTE: This field must be modified only when no transmit or receive is occurring. If this field is changed during a data transfer, the data being transmitted or received may be transferred incorrectly. 0 1 ISO-7816 functionality is turned off/not enabled. ISO-7816 functionality is turned on/enabled. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1017 Memory map and registers 40.3.24 UART 7816 Interrupt Enable Register (UARTx_IE7816) The IE7816 register controls which flags result in an interrupt being issued. This register is specific to 7816 functionality, the corresponding flags that drive the interrupts are not asserted when 7816E is not set/enabled. However, these flags may remain set if they are asserted while 7816E was set and not subsequently cleared. This register may be read or written to at any time. Address: Base address + 19h offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 WTE CWTE BWTE INITDE ADTE GTVE TXTE RXTE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UARTx_IE7816 field descriptions Field 7 WTE Description Wait Timer Interrupt Enable 0 1 The assertion of IS7816[WT] does not result in the generation of an interrupt. The assertion of IS7816[WT] results in the generation of an interrupt. 6 CWTE Character Wait Timer Interrupt Enable 5 BWTE Block Wait Timer Interrupt Enable 4 INITDE Initial Character Detected Interrupt Enable 0 1 0 1 0 1 The assertion of IS7816[CWT] does not result in the generation of an interrupt. The assertion of IS7816[CWT] results in the generation of an interrupt. The assertion of IS7816[BWT] does not result in the generation of an interrupt. The assertion of IS7816[BWT] results in the generation of an interrupt. The assertion of IS7816[INITD] does not result in the generation of an interrupt. The assertion of IS7816[INITD] results in the generation of an interrupt. 3 ADTE ATR Duration Timer Interrupt Enable 2 GTVE Guard Timer Violated Interrupt Enable 1 TXTE Transmit Threshold Exceeded Interrupt Enable 0 RXTE Receive Threshold Exceeded Interrupt Enable 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 The assertion of IS7816[ADT] does not result in the generation of an interrupt. The assertion of IS7816[ADT] results in the generation of an interrupt. The assertion of IS7816[GTV] does not result in the generation of an interrupt. The assertion of IS7816[GTV] results in the generation of an interrupt. The assertion of IS7816[TXT] does not result in the generation of an interrupt. The assertion of IS7816[TXT] results in the generation of an interrupt. The assertion of IS7816[RXT] does not result in the generation of an interrupt. The assertion of IS7816[RXT] results in the generation of an interrupt. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1018 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) 40.3.25 UART 7816 Interrupt Status Register (UARTx_IS7816) The IS7816 register provides a mechanism to read and clear the interrupt flags. All flags/ interrupts are cleared by writing a 1 to the field location. Writing a 0 has no effect. All bits are "sticky", meaning they indicate that only the flag condition that occurred since the last time the bit was cleared, not that the condition currently exists. The status flags are set regardless of whether the corresponding field in the IE7816 is set or cleared. The IE7816 controls only if an interrupt is issued to the host processor. This register is specific to 7816 functionality and the values in this register have no affect on UART operation and should be ignored if 7816E is not set/enabled. This register may be read or written at anytime. Address: Base address + 1Ah offset Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Read WT CWT BWT INITD ADT GTV TXT RXT Write w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UARTx_IS7816 field descriptions Field 7 WT Description Wait Timer Interrupt Indicates that the wait time, the time between the leading edge of a character being transmitted and the leading edge of the next response character, has exceeded the programmed value. This flag asserts only when C7816[TTYPE] = 0. This interrupt is cleared by writing 1. 0 1 6 CWT Character Wait Timer Interrupt Indicates that the character wait time, the time between the leading edges of two consecutive characters in a block, has exceeded the programmed value. This flag asserts only when C7816[TTYPE] = 1. This interrupt is cleared by writing 1. 0 1 5 BWT Character wait time (CWT) has not been violated. Character wait time (CWT) has been violated. Block Wait Timer Interrupt Indicates that the block wait time, the time between the leading edge of first received character of a block and the leading edge of the last character the previously transmitted block, has exceeded the programmed value. This flag asserts only when C7816[TTYPE] = 1.This interrupt is cleared by writing 1. 0 1 4 INITD Wait time (WT) has not been violated. Wait time (WT) has been violated. Block wait time (BWT) has not been violated. Block wait time (BWT) has been violated. Initial Character Detected Interrupt Indicates that a valid initial character is received. This interrupt is cleared by writing 1. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1019 Memory map and registers UARTx_IS7816 field descriptions (continued) Field Description 0 1 3 ADT ATR Duration Time Interrupt Indicates that the ATR duration time, the time between the leading edge of the TS character being received and the leading edge of the next response character, has exceeded the programmed value. This flag asserts only when C7816[TTYPE] = 0. This interrupt is cleared by writing 1. 0 1 2 GTV Indicates that one or more of the character guard time, block guard time, or guard time are violated. This interrupt is cleared by writing 1. A guard time (GT, CGT, or BGT) has not been violated. A guard time (GT, CGT, or BGT) has been violated. Transmit Threshold Exceeded Interrupt Indicates that the transmit NACK threshold has been exceeded as indicated by ET7816[TXTHRESHOLD]. Regardless of whether this flag is set, the UART continues to retransmit indefinitely. This flag asserts only when C7816[TTYPE] = 0. If 7816E is cleared/disabled, ANACK is cleared/disabled, C2[TE] is cleared/ disabled, C7816[TTYPE] = 1, or packet is transferred without receiving a NACK, the internal NACK detection counter is cleared and the count restarts from zero on the next received NACK. This interrupt is cleared by writing 1. 0 1 0 RXT ATR Duration time (ADT) has not been violated. ATR Duration time (ADT) has been violated. Guard Timer Violated Interrupt 0 1 1 TXT A valid initial character has not been received. A valid initial character has been received. The number of retries and corresponding NACKS does not exceed the value in ET7816[TXTHRESHOLD]. The number of retries and corresponding NACKS exceeds the value in ET7816[TXTHRESHOLD]. Receive Threshold Exceeded Interrupt Indicates that there are more than ET7816[RXTHRESHOLD] consecutive NACKS generated in response to parity errors on received data. This flag requires ANACK to be set. Additionally, this flag asserts only when C7816[TTYPE] = 0. Clearing this field also resets the counter keeping track of consecutive NACKS. The UART will continue to attempt to receive data regardless of whether this flag is set. If 7816E is cleared/disabled, RE is cleared/disabled, C7816[TTYPE] = 1, or packet is received without needing to issue a NACK, the internal NACK detection counter is cleared and the count restarts from zero on the next transmitted NACK. This interrupt is cleared by writing 1. 0 1 The number of consecutive NACKS generated as a result of parity errors and buffer overruns is less than or equal to the value in ET7816[RXTHRESHOLD]. The number of consecutive NACKS generated as a result of parity errors and buffer overruns is greater than the value in ET7816[RXTHRESHOLD]. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1020 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) 40.3.26 UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register (UARTx_WP7816) The WP7816 register contains the WTX variable used in the generation of the block wait timer. This register may be read at any time. This register must be written to only when C7816[ISO_7816E] is not set. Address: Base address + 1Bh offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 WTX 0 0 0 0 UARTx_WP7816 field descriptions Field WTX Description Wait Time Multiplier (C7816[TTYPE] = 1) Used to calculate the value used for the BWT counter. It represents a value between 0 and 255. This value is used only when C7816[TTYPE] = 1. See Wait time and guard time parameters. 40.3.27 UART 7816 Wait N Register (UARTx_WN7816) The WN7816 register contains a parameter that is used in the calculation of the guard time counter. This register may be read at any time. This register must be written to only when C7816[ISO_7816E] is not set. Address: Base address + 1Ch offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 GTN 0 0 0 0 UARTx_WN7816 field descriptions Field GTN Description Guard Band N Defines a parameter used in the calculation of GT, CGT, and BGT counters. The value represents an integer number between 0 and 255. See Wait time and guard time parameters . KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1021 Memory map and registers 40.3.28 UART 7816 Wait FD Register (UARTx_WF7816) The WF7816 contains parameters that are used in the generation of various counters including GT, CGT, BGT, WT, and BWT. This register may be read at any time. This register must be written to only when C7816[ISO_7816E] is not set. Address: Base address + 1Dh offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 GTFD 0 0 0 0 UARTx_WF7816 field descriptions Field GTFD Description FD Multiplier Used as another multiplier in the calculation of BWT. This value represents a number between 1 and 255. The value of 0 is invalid. This value is not used in baud rate generation. See Wait time and guard time parameters and Baud rate generation . 40.3.29 UART 7816 Error Threshold Register (UARTx_ET7816) The ET7816 register contains fields that determine the number of NACKs that must be received or transmitted before the host processor is notified. This register may be read at anytime. This register must be written to only when C7816[ISO_7816E] is not set. Address: Base address + 1Eh offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 TXTHRESHOLD 0 0 0 2 1 0 RXTHRESHOLD 0 0 0 0 0 UARTx_ET7816 field descriptions Field Description 7-4 Transmit NACK Threshold TXTHRESHOLD The value written to this field indicates the maximum number of failed attempts (NACKs) a transmitted character can have before the host processor is notified. This field is meaningful only when C7816[TTYPE] = 0 and C7816[ANACK] = 1. The value read from this field represents the number of consecutive NACKs that have been received since the last successful transmission. This counter saturates at 4'hF and does not wrap around. Regardless of how many NACKs that are received, the UART continues to retransmit indefinitely. This flag only asserts when C7816[TTYPE] = 0. For additional information see the IS7816[TXT] field description. 0 1 TXT asserts on the first NACK that is received. TXT asserts on the second NACK that is received. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1022 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) UARTx_ET7816 field descriptions (continued) Field Description RXTHRESHOLD Receive NACK Threshold The value written to this field indicates the maximum number of consecutive NACKs generated as a result of a parity error or receiver buffer overruns before the host processor is notified. After the counter exceeds that value in the field, the IS7816[RXT] is asserted. This field is meaningful only when C7816[TTYPE] = 0. The value read from this field represents the number of consecutive NACKs that have been transmitted since the last successful reception. This counter saturates at 4'hF and does not wrap around. Regardless of the number of NACKs sent, the UART continues to receive valid packets indefinitely. For additional information, see IS7816[RXT] field description. 40.3.30 UART 7816 Transmit Length Register (UARTx_TL7816) The TL7816 register is used to indicate the number of characters contained in the block being transmitted. This register is used only when C7816[TTYPE] = 1. This register may be read at anytime. This register must be written only when C2[TE] is not enabled. Address: Base address + 1Fh offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 TLEN 0 0 0 0 UARTx_TL7816 field descriptions Field TLEN Description Transmit Length This value plus four indicates the number of characters contained in the block being transmitted. This register is automatically decremented by 1 for each character in the information field portion of the block. Additionally, this register is automatically decremented by 1 for the first character of a CRC in the epilogue field. Therefore, this register must be programmed with the number of bytes in the data packet if an LRC is being transmitted, and the number of bytes + 1 if a CRC is being transmitted. This register is not decremented for characters that are assumed to be part of the Prologue field, that is, the first three characters transmitted in a block, or the LRC or last CRC character in the Epilogue field, that is, the last character transmitted. This field must be programed or adjusted only when C2[TE] is cleared. 40.3.31 UART 7816 ATR Duration Timer Register A (UARTx_AP7816A_T0) The AP7816A_T0 register contains variables used in the generation of the ATR Duration Timer. This register may be read at any time. This register must be written to only when C7816[ISO_7816E] is not set, except when writing 0 to clear the ADT Counter. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1023 Memory map and registers NOTE The ADT Counter starts counting on detection of the complete TS Character. It must be noted that by this time, exactly 10 ETUs have elapsed since the start bit of the TS character. The user must take this into account while programming this register. Address: Base address + 3Ah offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 ADTI_H 0 0 0 0 UARTx_AP7816A_T0 field descriptions Field ADTI_H Description ATR Duration Time Integer High (C7816[TTYPE] = 0) Used to calculate the value used for the ADT Counter. This register field provides the most significant byte of the 16 bit ATR Duration Time Integer field ADTI formed by {AP7816A_T0[ADTI_H], AP7816B_T0[ADTI_L]}. Programming a value of ADTI = 0 disables the ADT counter. This value is used only when C7816[TTYPE] = 0. See ATR Duration Time Counter. 40.3.32 UART 7816 ATR Duration Timer Register B (UARTx_AP7816B_T0) The AP7816B_T0 register contains variables used in the generation of the ATR Duration Timer. This register may be read at any time. This register must be written to only when C7816[ISO_7816E] is not set, except when writing 0 to clear the ADT Counter. NOTE The ADT Counter starts counting on detection of the complete TS Character. It must be noted that by this time, exactly 10 ETUs have elapsed since the start bit of the TS character. The user must take this into account while programming this register. Address: Base address + 3Bh offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 ADTI_L 0 0 0 0 UARTx_AP7816B_T0 field descriptions Field ADTI_L Description ATR Duration Time Integer Low (C7816[TTYPE] = 0) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1024 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) UARTx_AP7816B_T0 field descriptions (continued) Field Description Used to calculate the value used for the ADT counter. This register field provides the least significant byte of the 16 bit ATR Duration Time Integer field ADTI formed by {AP7816A_T0[ADTI_H], AP7816B_T0[ADTI_L]}. Programming a value of ADTI = 0 disables the ADT counter. This value is used only when C7816[TTYPE] = 0. See ATR Duration Time Counter. 40.3.33 UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register A (UARTx_WP7816A_T0) The WP7816A_T0 register contains constants used in the generation of various wait time counters. To save register space, this register is used differently when C7816[TTYPE] = 0 and C7816[TTYPE] = 1. This register may be read at any time. This register must be written to only when C7816[ISO_7816E] is not set. Address: Base address + 3Ch offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 WI_H 0 0 0 0 UARTx_WP7816A_T0 field descriptions Field WI_H Description Wait Time Integer High (C7816[TTYPE] = 0) Used to calculate the value used for the WT counter. This register field provides the most significant byte of the 16 bit Wait Time Integer field WI formed by {WP7816A_T0[WI_H], WP7816B_T0[WI_L]}. The value of WI = 0 is invalid and must not be programmed. This value is used only when C7816[TTYPE] = 0. See Wait time and guard time parameters. 40.3.34 UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register A (UARTx_WP7816A_T1) The WP7816A_T1 register contains constants used in the generation of various wait time counters. To save register space, this register is used differently when C7816[TTYPE] = 0 and C7816[TTYPE] = 1. This register may be read at any time. This register must be written to only when C7816[ISO_7816E] is not set. Address: Base address + 3Ch offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 BWI_H 0 0 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1025 Memory map and registers UARTx_WP7816A_T1 field descriptions Field BWI_H Description Block Wait Time Integer High (C7816[TTYPE] = 1) Used to calculate the value used for the BWT counter. This register field provides the most significant byte of the 16 bit Block Wait Time Integer field BWI formed by {WP7816A_T1[BWI_H], WP7816B_T1[BWI_L]}. The value of BWI = 0 is invalid and should not be programmed. This value is used only when C7816[TTYPE] = 1. See Wait time and guard time parameters. 40.3.35 UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register B (UARTx_WP7816B_T0) The WP7816B_T0 register contains constants used in the generation of various wait time counters. To save register space, this register is used differently when C7816[TTYPE] = 0 and C7816[TTYPE] = 1. This register may be read at any time. This register must be written to only when C7816[ISO_7816E] is not set. Address: Base address + 3Dh offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 WI_L 0 0 0 1 UARTx_WP7816B_T0 field descriptions Field WI_L Description Wait Time Integer Low (C7816[TTYPE] = 0) Used to calculate the value used for the WT counter. This register field provides the least significant byte of the 16 bit Wait Time Integer field WI formed by {WP7816A_T0[WI_H], WP7816B_T0[WI_L]} . The value of WI = 0 is invalid and must not be programmed. This value is used only when C7816[TTYPE] = 0. See Wait time and guard time parameters. 40.3.36 UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register B (UARTx_WP7816B_T1) The WP7816B_T1 register contains constants used in the generation of various wait time counters. To save register space, this register is used differently when C7816[TTYPE] = 0 and C7816[TTYPE] = 1. This register may be read at any time. This register must be written to only when C7816[ISO_7816E] is not set. Address: Base address + 3Dh offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 BWI_L 0 0 0 1 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1026 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) UARTx_WP7816B_T1 field descriptions Field BWI_L Description Block Wait Time Integer Low (C7816[TTYPE] = 1) Used to calculate the value used for the BWT counter. This register field provides the least significant byte of the 16 bit Block Wait Time Integer field BWI formed by {WP7816A_T1[BWI_H], WP7816B_T1[BWI_L]}. The value of BWI = 0 is invalid and should not be programmed. This value is used only when C7816[TTYPE] = 1. See Wait time and guard time parameters. 40.3.37 UART 7816 Wait and Guard Parameter Register (UARTx_WGP7816_T1) The WGP7816_T1 register contains constants used in the generation of various wait and guard timer counters. This register may be read at any time. This register must be written to only when C7816[ISO_7816E] is not set. Address: Base address + 3Eh offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 CWI1 0 0 1 0 1 0 BGI 0 0 0 1 UARTx_WGP7816_T1 field descriptions Field 7-4 CWI1 BGI Description Character Wait Time Integer 1 (C7816[TTYPE] = 1) Used to calculate the value used for the CWT counter. It represents a value between 0 and 15. This value is used only when C7816[TTYPE] = 1. See Wait time and guard time parameters . Block Guard Time Integer (C7816[TTYPE] = 1) Used to calculate the value used for the BGT counter. It represent a value between 0 and 15. This value is used only when C7816[TTYPE] = 1. See Wait time and guard time parameters . 40.3.38 UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register C (UARTx_WP7816C_T1) The WP7816C_T1 register contains constants used in the generation of various wait timer counters. This register may be read at any time. This register must be written to only when C7816[ISO_7816E] is not set. Address: Base address + 3Fh offset Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 1 CWI2 0 0 1 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1027 Functional description UARTx_WP7816C_T1 field descriptions Field 7-5 Reserved CWI2 Description This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0. Character Wait Time Integer 2 (C7816[TTYPE] = 1) Used to calculate the value used for the CWT counter. It represents a value between 0 and 31. This value is used only when C7816[TTYPE] = 1. See Wait time and guard time parameters . 40.4 Functional description This section provides a complete functional description of the UART block. The UART allows full duplex, asynchronous, NRZ serial communication between the CPU and remote devices, including other CPUs. The UART transmitter and receiver operate independently, although they use the same baud rate generator. The CPU monitors the status of the UART, writes the data to be transmitted, and processes received data. 40.4.1 Transmitter KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1028 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) INTERNAL BUS UART DATA REGISTER (UART_D) BAUDRATE GENERATE BRFA4:0 M10 RTS_B STOP SBR12:0 VARIABLE 12-BIT TRANSMIT SHIFT REGISTER START MODULE CLOCK R485 CONTROL CTS_B M TXINV SHIFT DIRECTION MSBF PE PT TxD Pin Control PARITY GENERATION Tx port en Tx output buffer en Tx input buffer en TRANSMITTER CONTROL TXDIR DMA Done SBK TE 7816 LOGIC IRQ / DMA LOGIC TxD DMA Requests IRQ Requests TxD INFRARED LOGIC LOOP CONTROL LOOPS RSRC Figure 40-1. Transmitter Block Diagram Figure 40-2. Transmitter Block Diagram Transmitter character length The UART transmitter can accommodate either 8, 9, or 10-bit data characters. The state of the C1[M] and C1[PE] bits and the C4[M10] bit determine the length of data characters. When transmitting 9-bit data, bit C3[T8] is the ninth bit (bit 8). KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1029 Functional description Transmission bit order When S2[MSBF] is set, the UART automatically transmits the MSB of the data word as the first bit after the start bit. Similarly, the LSB of the data word is transmitted immediately preceding the parity bit, or the stop bit if parity is not enabled. All necessary bit ordering is handled automatically by the module. Therefore, the format of the data written to D for transmission is completely independent of the S2[MSBF] setting. Character transmission To transmit data, the MCU writes the data bits to the UART transmit buffer using UART data registers C3[T8] and D. Data in the transmit buffer is then transferred to the transmitter shift register as needed. The transmit shift register then shifts a frame out through the transmit data output signal after it has prefaced it with any required start and stop bits. The UART data registers, C3[T8] and D, provide access to the transmit buffer structure. The UART also sets a flag, the transmit data register empty flag S1[TDRE], and generates an interrupt or DMA request (C5[TDMAS]) whenever the number of datawords in the transmit buffer is equal to or less than the value indicated by TWFIFO[TXWATER]. The transmit driver routine may respond to this flag by writing additional datawords to the transmit buffer using C3[T8]/D as space permits. See Application information for specific programing sequences. Setting C2[TE] automatically loads the transmit shift register with the following preamble: * 10 logic 1s if C1[M] = 0 * 11 logic 1s if C1[M] = 1 and C4[M10] = 0 * 12 logic 1s if C1[M] = 1, C4[M10] = 1, C1[PE] = 1 After the preamble shifts out, control logic transfers the data from the D register into the transmit shift register. The transmitter automatically transmits the correct start bit and stop bit before and after the dataword. When C7816[ISO_7816E] = 1, setting C2[TE] does not result in a preamble being generated. The transmitter starts transmitting as soon as the corresponding guard time expires. When C7816[TTYPE] = 0, the value in GT is used. When C7816[TTYPE] = 1, the value in BGT is used, because C2[TE] will remain asserted until the end of the block transfer. C2[TE] is automatically cleared when C7816[TTYPE] = 1 and the block being transmitted has completed. When C7816[TTYPE] = 0, the transmitter listens for a NACK indication. If no NACK is received, it is assumed that the character was correctly KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1030 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) received. If a NACK is received, the transmitter resends the data, assuming that the number of retries for that character, that is, the number of NACKs received, is less than or equal to the value in ET7816[TXTHRESHOLD]. Hardware supports odd or even parity. When parity is enabled, the bit immediately preceding the stop bit is the parity bit. When the transmit shift register is not transmitting a frame, the transmit data output signal goes to the idle condition, logic 1. If at any time software clears C2[TE], the transmitter enable signal goes low and the transmit signal goes idle. If the software clears C2[TE] while a transmission is in progress, the character in the transmit shift register continues to shift out, provided S1[TC] was cleared during the data write sequence. To clear S1[TC], the S1 register must be read followed by a write to D register. If S1[TC] is cleared during character transmission and C2[TE] is cleared, the transmission enable signal is deasserted at the completion of the current frame. Following this, the transmit data out signal enters the idle state even if there is data pending in the UART transmit data buffer. To ensure that all the data written in the FIFO is transmitted on the link before clearing C2[TE], wait for S1[TC] to set. Alternatively, the same can be achieved by setting TWFIFO[TXWATER] to 0x0 and waiting for S1[TDRE] to set. Transmitting break characters Setting C2[SBK] loads the transmit shift register with a break character. A break character contains all logic 0s and has no start, stop, or parity bit. Break character length depends on C1[M], C1[PE], S2[BRK13] and C4[M10]. See the following table. Table 40-3. Transmit break character length S2[BRK13] C1[M] C4[M10] C1[PE] Bits transmitted 0 0 -- -- 10 0 1 1 0 11 0 1 1 1 12 1 0 -- -- 13 1 1 -- -- 14 As long as C2[SBK] is set, the transmitter logic continuously loads break characters into the transmit shift register. After the software clears C2[SBK], the shift register finishes transmitting the last break character and then transmits at least one logic 1. The automatic logic 1 at the end of a break character guarantees the recognition of the start bit of the next character. Break bits are not supported when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1031 Functional description NOTE When queuing a break character, it will be transmitted following the completion of the data value currently being shifted out from the shift register. This means that, if data is queued in the data buffer to be transmitted, the break character preempts that queued data. The queued data is then transmitted after the break character is complete. Idle characters An idle character contains all logic 1s and has no start, stop, or parity bit. Idle character length depends on C1[M], C1[PE] and C4[M10]. The preamble is a synchronizing idle character that begins the first transmission initiated after setting C2[TE]. When C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled, idle characters are not sent or detected. When data is not being transmitted, the data I/O line is in an inactive state. If C2[TE] is cleared during a transmission, the transmit data output signal becomes idle after completion of the transmission in progress. Clearing and then setting C2[TE] during a transmission queues an idle character to be sent after the dataword currently being transmitted. Note When queuing an idle character, the idle character will be transmitted following the completion of the data value currently being shifted out from the shift register. This means that if data is queued in the data buffer to be transmitted, the idle character preempts that queued data. The queued data is then transmitted after the idle character is complete. If C2[TE] is cleared and the transmission is completed, the UART is not the master of the TXD pin. Hardware flow control The transmitter supports hardware flow control by gating the transmission with the value of CTS. If the clear-to-send operation is enabled, the character is transmitted when CTS is asserted. If CTS is deasserted in the middle of a transmission with characters remaining in the receiver data buffer, the character in the shift register is sent and TXD remains in the mark state until CTS is reasserted. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1032 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) If the clear-to-send operation is disabled, the transmitter ignores the state of CTS. Also, if the transmitter is forced to send a continuous low condition because it is sending a break character, the transmitter ignores the state of CTS regardless of whether the clear-to-send operation is enabled. The transmitter's CTS signal can also be enabled even if the same UART receiver's RTS signal is disabled. Transceiver driver enable The transmitter can use RTS as an enable signal for the driver of an external transceiver. See Transceiver driver enable using RTS for details. If the request-to-send operation is enabled, when a character is placed into an empty transmitter data buffer, RTS asserts one bit time before the start bit is transmitted. RTS remains asserted for the whole time that the transmitter data buffer has any characters. RTS deasserts one bit time after all characters in the transmitter data buffer and shift register are completely sent, including the last stop bit. Transmitting a break character also asserts RTS, with the same assertion and deassertion timing as having a character in the transmitter data buffer. The transmitter's RTS signal asserts only when the transmitter is enabled. However, the transmitter's RTS signal is unaffected by its CTS signal. RTS will remain asserted until the transfer is completed, even if the transmitter is disabled mid-way through a data transfer. The following figure shows the functional timing information for the transmitter. Along with the actual character itself, TXD shows the start bit. The stop bit is also indicated, with a dashed line if necessary. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1033 Functional description C1 in transmission 1 C1 TXD data buffer write C1 C2 C2 C3 Break C3 C4 Start Stop Break Break C4 C5 C5 CTS_B RTS_B 1. Cn = transmit characters Figure 40-3. Transmitter RTS and CTS timing diagram 40.4.2 Receiver KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1034 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) INTERNAL BUS BRFA4:0 RE RAF BAUDRATE GENERATOR STOP MODULE CLOCK DATA BUFFER VARIABLE 12-BIT RECEIVE SHIFT REGISTER START SBR12:0 RECEIVE CONTROL M M10 LBKDE MSBF RXINV SHIFT DIRECTION RxD LOOPS RSRC RECEIVER SOURCE CONTROL PE PT From Transmitter RxD PARITY LOGIC WAKEUP LOGIC IRQ / DMA LOGIC ACTIVE EDGE DETECT DMA Requests IRQ Requests To TxD 7816 LOGIC INFRARED LOGIC Figure 40-4. UART receiver block diagram Figure 40-5. UART receiver block diagram Receiver character length The UART receiver can accommodate 8-, 9-, or 10-bit data characters. The states of C1[M], C1[PE] and C4[M10] determine the length of data characters. When receiving 9 or 10-bit data, C3[R8] is the ninth bit (bit 8). KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1035 Functional description Receiver bit ordering When S2[MSBF] is set, the receiver operates such that the first bit received after the start bit is the MSB of the dataword. Similarly, the bit received immediately preceding the parity bit, or the stop bit if parity is not enabled, is treated as the LSB for the dataword. All necessary bit ordering is handled automatically by the module. Therefore, the format of the data read from receive data buffer is completely independent of S2[MSBF]. Character reception During UART reception, the receive shift register shifts a frame in from the unsynchronized receiver input signal. After a complete frame shifts into the receive shift register, the data portion of the frame transfers to the UART receive buffer. Additionally, the noise and parity error flags that are calculated during the receive process are also captured in the UART receive buffer. The receive data buffer is accessible via the D and C3[T8] registers. Additional received information flags regarding the receive dataword can be read in ED register. S1[RDRF] is set if the number of resulting datawords in the receive buffer is equal to or greater than the number indicated by RWFIFO[RXWATER]. If the C2[RIE] is also set, RDRF generates an RDRF interrupt request. Alternatively, by programming C5[RDMAS], a DMA request can be generated. When C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled and C7816[TTYPE] = 0, character reception operates slightly differently. Upon receipt of the parity bit, the validity of the parity bit is checked. If C7816[ANACK] is set and the parity check fails, or if INIT and the received character is not a valid initial character, then a NACK is sent by the receiver. If the number of consecutive receive errors exceeds the threshold set by ET7816[RXTHRESHOLD], then IS7816[RXT] is set and an interrupt generated if IE7816[RXTE] is set. If an error is detected due to parity or an invalid initial character, the data is not transferred from the receive shift register to the receive buffer. Instead, the data is overwritten by the next incoming data. When the C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled, C7816[ONACK] is set/enabled, and the received character results in the receive buffer overflowing, a NACK is issued by the receiver. Additionally, S1[OR] is set and an interrupt is issued if required, and the data in the shift register is discarded. Data sampling The receiver samples the unsynchronized receiver input signal at the RT clock rate. The RT clock is an internal signal with a frequency 16 times the baud rate. To adjust for baud rate mismatch, the RT clock (see the following figure) is re-synchronized: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1036 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) * After every start bit. * After the receiver detects a data bit change from logic 1 to logic 0 (after the majority of data bit samples at RT8, RT9, and RT10 returns a valid logic 1 and the majority of the next RT8, RT9, and RT10 samples returns a valid logic 0). To locate the start bit, data recovery logic does an asynchronous search for a logic 0 preceded by three logic 1s. When the falling edge of a possible start bit occurs, the RT clock begins to count to 16. LSB START BIT Rx pin input SAMPLES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 START BIT QUALIFICATION 0 START BIT VERIFICATION 0 0 0 DATA SAMPLING RT4 RT3 RT2 RT1 RT16 RT15 RT14 RT13 RT12 RT10 RT11 RT9 RT8 RT7 RT6 RT5 RT4 RT3 RT2 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT CLOCK COUNT RT1 RT CLOCK RESET RT CLOCK Figure 40-6. Receiver data sampling To verify the start bit and to detect noise, data recovery logic takes samples at RT3, RT5, and RT7 when C7816[ISO_7816E] is cleared/disabled and RT8, RT9 and RT10 when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled. The following table summarizes the results of the start bit verification samples. Table 40-4. Start bit verification RT3, RT5, and RT7 samples Start bit verification Noise flag 000 Yes 0 001 Yes 1 010 Yes 1 011 No 0 100 Yes 1 101 No 0 110 No 0 111 No 0 RT8, RT9, RT10 samples when 7816E If start bit verification is not successful, the RT clock is reset and a new search for a start bit begins. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1037 Functional description To determine the value of a data bit and to detect noise, recovery logic takes samples at RT8, RT9, and RT10. The following table summarizes the results of the data bit samples. Table 40-5. Data bit recovery RT8, RT9, and RT10 samples Data bit determination Noise flag 000 0 0 001 0 1 010 0 1 011 1 1 100 0 1 101 1 1 110 1 1 111 1 0 Note The RT8, RT9, and RT10 samples do not affect start bit verification. If any or all of the RT8, RT9, and RT10 start bit samples are logic 1s following a successful start bit verification, the noise flag (S1[NF]) is set and the receiver assumes that the bit is a start bit (logic 0). With the exception of when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled, where the values of RT8, RT9 and RT10 exclusively determine if a start bit exists. To verify a stop bit and to detect noise, recovery logic takes samples at RT8, RT9, and RT10. The following table summarizes the results of the stop bit samples. In the event that C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled and C7816[TTYPE] = 0, verification of a stop bit does not take place. Rather, starting with RT8 the receiver transmits a NACK as programmed until time RT9 of the following time period. Framing Error detection is not supported when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled. Table 40-6. Stop bit recovery RT8, RT9, and RT10 samples Framing error flag Noise flag 000 1 0 001 1 1 010 1 1 011 0 1 100 1 1 101 0 1 110 0 1 111 0 0 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1038 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) In the following figure, the verification samples RT3 and RT5 determine that the first low detected was noise and not the beginning of a start bit. In this example C7816[ISO_7816E] = 0. The RT clock is reset and the start bit search begins again. The noise flag is not set because the noise occurred before the start bit was found. START BIT LSB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RT9 1 RT10 RT1 1 RT8 RT1 1 RT7 0 RT1 1 RT1 1 RT5 1 RT1 SAMPLES RT1 Rx pin input RT3 RT2 RT1 RT16 RT15 RT14 RT13 RT12 RT11 RT6 RT5 RT4 RT3 RT2 RT4 RT3 RT CLOCK COUNT RT2 RT CLOCK RESET RT CLOCK Figure 40-7. Start bit search example 1 (C7816[ISO_7816E] = 0) In the following figure, verification sample at RT3 is high. In this example C7816[ISO_7816E] = 0. The RT3 sample sets the noise flag. Although the perceived bit time is misaligned, the data samples RT8, RT9, and RT10 are within the bit time and data recovery is successful. PERCEIVED START BIT ACTUAL START BIT LSB 1 0 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 1 0 0 0 0 0 RT10 1 RT9 1 RT8 1 RT7 1 RT1 SAMPLES RT1 Rx pin input RT7 RT6 RT5 RT4 RT3 RT2 RT1 RT16 RT15 RT14 RT13 RT12 RT11 RT6 RT5 RT4 RT3 RT CLOCK COUNT RT2 RT CLOCK RESET RT CLOCK Figure 40-8. Start bit search example 2 (C7816[ISO_7816E] = 0) In the following figure, a large burst of noise is perceived as the beginning of a start bit, although the test sample at RT5 is high. In this example C7816[ISO_7816E] = 0. The RT5 sample sets the noise flag. Although this is a worst-case misalignment of perceived bit time, the data samples RT8, RT9, and RT10 are within the bit time and data recovery is successful. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1039 Functional description PERCEIVED START BIT LSB ACTUAL START BIT RT1 RT1 1 0 0 0 0 0 RT10 0 RT9 1 RT8 1 RT7 1 RT1 SAMPLES RT1 Rx pin input RT9 RT8 RT7 RT6 RT5 RT4 RT3 RT2 RT1 RT15 RT16 RT14 RT13 RT12 RT11 RT6 RT5 RT4 RT3 RT CLOCK COUNT RT2 RT CLOCK RESET RT CLOCK Figure 40-9. Start bit search example 3 (C7816[ISO_7816E] = 0) The following figure shows the effect of noise early in the start bit time. In this example C7816[ISO_7816E] = 0. Although this noise does not affect proper synchronization with the start bit time, it does set the noise flag. PERCEIVED AND ACTUAL START BIT LSB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 SAMPLES RT1 Rx pin input 1 0 RT3 RT2 RT1 RT16 RT15 RT14 RT13 RT12 RT11 RT9 RT10 RT8 RT7 RT6 RT5 RT4 RT3 RT CLOCK COUNT RT2 RT CLOCK RESET RT CLOCK Figure 40-10. Start bit search example 4 (C7816[ISO_7816E] = 0) The following figure shows a burst of noise near the beginning of the start bit that resets the RT clock. In this example C7816[ISO_7816E] = 0. The sample after the reset is low but is not preceded by three high samples that would qualify as a falling edge. Depending on the timing of the start bit search and on the data, the frame may be missed entirely or it may set the framing error flag. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1040 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) START BIT NO START BIT FOUND 0 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RT1 1 RT1 1 RT1 1 RT1 1 RT1 1 RT1 1 RT1 1 RT1 1 LSB RT7 1 RT1 SAMPLES RT1 Rx pin input RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT6 RT5 RT4 RT3 RT CLOCK COUNT RT2 RT CLOCK RESET RT CLOCK Figure 40-11. Start bit search example 5 (C7816[ISO_7816E] = 0) In the following figure, a noise burst makes the majority of data samples RT8, RT9, and RT10 high. In this example C7816[ISO_7816E] = 0. This sets the noise flag but does not reset the RT clock. In start bits only, the RT8, RT9, and RT10 data samples are ignored. In this example, if C7816[ISO_7816E] = 1 then a start bit would not have been detected at all since at least two of the three samples (RT8, RT9, RT10) were high. START BIT LSB 1 1 1 1 1 0 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 RT1 0 0 0 1 0 1 RT9 1 RT10 1 RT8 1 RT7 1 RT1 SAMPLES RT1 Rx pin input RT3 RT2 RT1 RT16 RT15 RT14 RT13 RT12 RT11 RT6 RT5 RT4 RT3 RT CLOCK COUNT RT2 RT CLOCK RESET RT CLOCK Figure 40-12. Start bit search example 6 Framing errors If the data recovery logic does not detect a logic 1 where the stop bit should be in an incoming frame, it sets the framing error flag, S1[FE], if S2[LBKDE] is disabled. When S2[LBKDE] is disabled, a break character also sets the S1[FE] because a break character has no stop bit. S1[FE] is set at the same time that received data is placed in the receive data buffer. Framing errors are not supported when C7816[ISO7816E] is set/enabled. However, if S1[FE] is set, data will not be received when C7816[ISO7816E] is set. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1041 Functional description Receiving break characters The UART recognizes a break character when a start bit is followed by eight, nine, or ten logic 0 data bits and a logic 0 where the stop bit should be. Receiving a break character has these effects on UART registers: * Sets the framing error flag, S1[FE]. * Writes an all 0 dataword to the data buffer, which may cause S1[RDRF] to set, depending on the watermark and number of values in the data buffer. * May set the overrun flag, S1[OR], noise flag, S1[NF], parity error flag, S1[PE], or the receiver active flag, S2[RAF]. The detection threshold for a break character can be adjusted when using an internal oscillator in a LIN system by setting S2[LBKDE]. The UART break character detection threshold depends on C1[M], C1[PE], S2[LBKDE] and C4[M10]. See the following table. Table 40-7. Receive break character detection threshold LBKDE M M10 PE Threshold (bits) 0 0 -- -- 10 0 1 0 -- 11 0 1 1 1 12 1 0 -- -- 11 1 1 -- -- 12 While S2[LBKDE] is set, it will have these effects on the UART registers: * Prevents S1[RDRF], S1[FE], S1[NF], and S1[PF] from being set. However, if they are already set, they will remain set. * Sets the LIN break detect interrupt flag, S2[LBKDIF], if a LIN break character is received. Break characters are not detected or supported when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled. Hardware flow control To support hardware flow control, the receiver can be programmed to automatically deassert and assert RTS. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1042 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) * RTS remains asserted until the transfer is complete, even if the transmitter is disabled midway through a data transfer. See Transceiver driver enable using RTS for more details. * If the receiver request-to-send functionality is enabled, the receiver automatically deasserts RTS if the number of characters in the receiver data register is equal to or greater than receiver data buffer's watermark, RWFIFO[RXWATER]. * The receiver asserts RTS when the number of characters in the receiver data register is less than the watermark. It is not affected if RDRF is asserted. * Even if RTS is deasserted, the receiver continues to receive characters until the receiver data buffer is full or is overrun. * If the receiver request-to-send functionality is disabled, the receiver RTS remains deasserted. The following figure shows receiver hardware flow control functional timing. Along with the actual character itself, RXD shows the start bit. The stop bit can also indicated, with a dashed line, if necessary. The watermark is set to 2. C1 in reception RXD 1 C1 C2 C3 C4 S1[RDRF] Status Register 1 read data buffer read C3 C1 C1 C2 C3 RTS_B Figure 40-13. Receiver hardware flow control timing diagram Infrared decoder The infrared decoder converts the received character from the IrDA format to the NRZ format used by the receiver. It also has a 16-RT clock counter that filters noise and indicates when a 1 is received. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1043 Functional description Start bit detection When S2[RXINV] is cleared, the first rising edge of the received character corresponds to the start bit. The infrared decoder resets its counter. At this time, the receiver also begins its start bit detection process. After the start bit is detected, the receiver synchronizes its bit times to this start bit time. For the rest of the character reception, the infrared decoder's counter and the receiver's bit time counter count independently from each other. Noise filtering Any further rising edges detected during the first half of the infrared decoder counter are ignored by the decoder. Any pulses less than one RT clocks can be undetected by it regardless of whether it is seen in the first or second half of the count. Low-bit detection During the second half of the decoder count, a rising edge is decoded as a 0, which is sent to the receiver. The decoder counter is also reset. High-bit detection At 16-RT clocks after the previous rising edge, if a rising edge is not seen, then the decoder sends a 1 to the receiver. If the next bit is a 0, which arrives late, then a low-bit is detected according to Low-bit detection. The value sent to the receiver is changed from 1 to a 0. Then, if a noise pulse occurs outside the receiver's bit time sampling period, then the delay of a 0 is not recorded as noise. Baud rate tolerance A transmitting device may be operating at a baud rate below or above the receiver baud rate. Accumulated bit time misalignment can cause one of the three stop bit data samples (RT8, RT9, and RT10) to fall outside the actual stop bit. A noise error will occur if the RT8, RT9, and RT10 samples are not all the same logical values. A framing error will occur if the receiver clock is misaligned in such a way that the majority of the RT8, RT9, and RT10 stop bit samples are a logic 0. As the receiver samples an incoming frame, it resynchronizes the RT clock on any valid falling edge within the frame. Resynchronization within frames corrects a misalignment between transmitter bit times and receiver bit times. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1044 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Slow data tolerance The following figure shows how much a slow received frame can be misaligned without causing a noise error or a framing error. The slow stop bit begins at RT8 instead of RT1 but arrives in time for the stop bit data samples at RT8, RT9, and RT10. MSB STOP RT16 RT15 RT14 RT13 RT12 DATA SAMPLES RT11 RT10 RT9 RT8 RT7 RT6 RT5 RT4 RT3 RT2 RT1 RECEIVER RT CLOCK Figure 40-14. Slow data For an 8-bit data character, data sampling of the stop bit takes the receiver 154 RT cycles (9 bit times x 16 RT cycles + 10 RT cycles). With the misaligned character shown in the Figure 40-14, the receiver counts 154 RT cycles at the point when the count of the transmitting device is 147 RT cycles (9 bit times x 16 RT cycles + 3 RT cycles). The maximum percent difference between the receiver count and the transmitter count of a slow 8-bit data character with no errors is: ((154 - 147) / 154) x 100 = 4.54% For a 9-bit data character, data sampling of the stop bit takes the receiver 170 RT cycles (10 bit times x 16 RT cycles + 10 RT cycles). With the misaligned character shown in the Figure 40-14, the receiver counts 170 RT cycles at the point when the count of the transmitting device is 163 RT cycles (10 bit times x 16 RT cycles + 3 RT cycles). The maximum percent difference between the receiver count and the transmitter count of a slow 9-bit character with no errors is: ((170 - 163) / 170) x 100 = 4.12% Fast data tolerance The following figure shows how much a fast received frame can be misaligned. The fast stop bit ends at RT10 instead of RT16 but is still sampled at RT8, RT9, and RT10. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1045 Functional description IDLE OR NEXT FRAME STOP RT16 RT15 RT14 RT13 RT12 DATA SAMPLES RT11 RT10 RT9 RT8 RT7 RT6 RT5 RT4 RT3 RT2 RT1 RECEIVER RT CLOCK Figure 40-15. Fast data For an 8-bit data character, data sampling of the stop bit takes the receiver 154 RT cycles (9 bit times x 16 RT cycles + 10 RT cycles). With the misaligned character shown in the Figure 40-15, the receiver counts 154 RT cycles at the point when the count of the transmitting device is 160 RT cycles (10 bit times x 16 RT cycles). The maximum percent difference between the receiver count and the transmitter count of a fast 8-bit character with no errors is: ((154 - 160) / 154) x 100 = 3.90% For a 9-bit data character, data sampling of the stop bit takes the receiver 170 RT cycles (10 bit times x 16 RT cycles + 10 RT cycles). With the misaligned character shown in the Figure 40-15, the receiver counts 170 RT cycles at the point when the count of the transmitting device is 176 RT cycles (11 bit times x 16 RT cycles). The maximum percent difference between the receiver count and the transmitter count of a fast 9-bit character with no errors is: ((170 - 176) / 170) x 100 = 3.53% Receiver wakeup C1[WAKE] determines how the UART is brought out of the standby state to process an incoming message. C1[WAKE] enables either idle line wakeup or address mark wakeup. Receiver wakeup is not supported when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled because multi-receiver systems are not allowed. Idle input line wakeup (C1[WAKE] = 0) In this wakeup method, an idle condition on the unsynchronized receiver input signal clears C2[RWU] and wakes the UART. The initial frame or frames of every message contain addressing information. All receivers evaluate the addressing information, and KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1046 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) receivers for which the message is addressed process the frames that follow. Any receiver for which a message is not addressed can set its C2[RWU] and return to the standby state. C2[RWU] remains set and the receiver remains in standby until another idle character appears on the unsynchronized receiver input signal. Idle line wakeup requires that messages be separated by at least one idle character and that no message contains idle characters. When C2[RWU] is 1 and S2[RWUID] is 0, the idle character that wakes the receiver does not set S1[IDLE] or the receive data register full flag, S1[RDRF]. The receiver wakes and waits for the first data character of the next message which is stored in the receive data buffer. When S2[RWUID] and C2[RWU] are set and C1[WAKE] is cleared, any idle condition sets S1[IDLE] and generates an interrupt if enabled. Idle input line wakeup is not supported when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled. Address mark wakeup (C1[WAKE] = 1) In this wakeup method, a logic 1 in the bit position immediately preceding the stop bit of a frame clears C2[RWU] and wakes the UART. A logic 1 in the bit position immediately preceeding the stop bit marks a frame as an address frame that contains addressing information. All receivers evaluate the addressing information, and the receivers for which the message is addressed process the frames that follow. Any receiver for which a message is not addressed can set its C2[RWU] and return to the standby state. C2[RWU] remains set and the receiver remains in standby until another address frame appears on the unsynchronized receiver input signal. A logic 1 in the bit position immediately preceding the stop bit clears the receiver's C2[RWU] after the stop bit is received and places the received data into the receiver data buffer. Note that if Match Address operation is enabled i.e. C4[MAEN1] or C4[MAEN2] is set, then received frame is transferred to receive buffer only if the comparison matches. Address mark wakeup allows messages to contain idle characters but requires that the bit position immediately preceding the stop bit be reserved for use in address frames. If module is in standby mode and nothing triggers to wake the UART, no error flag is set even if an invalid error condition is detected on the receiving data line. Address mark wakeup is not supported when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled. Match address operation Match address operation is enabled when C4[MAEN1] or C4[MAEN2] is set. In this function, a frame received by the RX pin with a logic 1 in the bit position of the address mark is considered an address and is compared with the associated MA1 or MA2 register. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1047 Functional description The frame is transferred to the receive buffer, and S1[RDRF] is set, only if the comparison matches. All subsequent frames received with a logic 0 in the bit position of the address mark are considered to be data associated with the address and are transferred to the receive data buffer. If no marked address match occurs, then no transfer is made to the receive data buffer, and all following frames with logic 0 in the bit position of the address mark are also discarded. If both C4[MAEN1] and C4[MAEN2] are negated, the receiver operates normally and all data received is transferred to the receive data buffer. Match address operation functions in the same way for both MA1 and MA2 registers. Note that the position of the address mark is the same as the Parity Bit when parity is enabled for 8 bit and 9 bit data formats. * If only one of C4[MAEN1] and C4[MAEN2] is asserted, a marked address is compared only with the associated match register and data is transferred to the receive data buffer only on a match. * If C4[MAEN1] and C4[MAEN2] are asserted, a marked address is compared with both match registers and data is transferred only on a match with either register. Address match operation is not supported when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled. 40.4.3 Baud rate generation A 13-bit modulus counter and a 5-bit fractional fine-adjust counter in the baud rate generator derive the baud rate for both the receiver and the transmitter. The value from 1 to 8191 written to SBR[12:0] determines the module clock divisor. The SBR bits are in the UART baud rate registers, BDH and BDL. The baud rate clock is synchronized with the module clock and drives the receiver. The fractional fine-adjust counter adds fractional delays to the baud rate clock to allow fine trimming of the baud rate to match the system baud rate. The transmitter is driven by the baud rate clock divided by 16. The receiver has an acquisition rate of 16 samples per bit time. Baud rate generation is subject to two sources of error: * Integer division of the module clock may not give the exact target frequency. This error can be reduced with the fine-adjust counter. * Synchronization with the module clock can cause phase shift. The Table 40-8 lists the available baud divisor fine adjust values. UART baud rate = UART module clock / (16 x (SBR[12:0] + BRFD)) KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1048 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) The following table lists some examples of achieving target baud rates with a module clock frequency of 10.2 MHz, with and without fractional fine adjustment. Table 40-8. Baud rates (example: module clock = 10.2 MHz) Bits SBR (decimal) Bits BRFA BRFD value Receiver Transmitter Error clock (Hz) Target Baud rate clock (Hz) (%) 17 00000 0 600,000.0 37,500.0 38,400 2.3 16 10011 19/32=0.59375 614,689.3 38,418.08 38,400 0.047 33 00000 0 309,090.9 19,318.2 19,200 0.62 33 00110 6/32=0.1875 307,344.6 19,209.04 19,200 0.047 66 00000 0 154,545.5 9659.1 9600 0.62 133 00000 0 76,691.7 4793.2 4800 0.14 266 00000 0 38,345.9 2396.6 2400 0.14 531 00000 0 19,209.0 1200.6 1200 0.11 1062 00000 0 9604.5 600.3 600 0.05 2125 00000 0 4800.0 300.0 300 0.00 4250 00000 0 2400.0 150.0 150 0.00 5795 00000 0 1760.1 110.0 110 0.00 Table 40-9. Baud rate fine adjust BRFA Baud Rate Fractional Divisor (BRFD) 00000 0/32 = 0 00001 1/32 = 0.03125 00010 2/32 = 0.0625 00011 3/32 = 0.09375 00100 4/32 = 0.125 00101 5/32 = 0.15625 00110 6/32 = 0.1875 00111 7/32 = 0.21875 01000 8/32 = 0.25 01001 9/32 = 0.28125 01010 10/32 = 0.3125 01011 11/32 = 0.34375 01100 12/32 = 0.375 01101 13/32 = 0.40625 01110 14/32 = 0.4375 01111 15/32 = 0.46875 10000 16/32 = 0.5 10001 17/32 = 0.53125 10010 18/32 = 0.5625 Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1049 Functional description Table 40-9. Baud rate fine adjust (continued) BRFA Baud Rate Fractional Divisor (BRFD) 10011 19/32 = 0.59375 10100 20/32 = 0.625 10101 21/32 = 0.65625 10110 22/32 = 0.6875 10111 23/32 = 0.71875 11000 24/32 = 0.75 11001 25/32 = 0.78125 11010 26/32 = 0.8125 11011 27/32 = 0.84375 11100 28/32 = 0.875 11101 29/32 = 0.90625 11110 30/32 = 0.9375 11111 31/32 = 0.96875 40.4.4 Data format (non ISO-7816) Each data character is contained in a frame that includes a start bit and a stop bit. The rest of the data format depends upon C1[M], C1[PE], S2[MSBF] and C4[M10]. Eight-bit configuration Clearing C1[M] configures the UART for 8-bit data characters, that is, eight bits are memory mapped in D. A frame with eight data bits has a total of 10 bits. The most significant bit of the eight data bits can be used as an address mark to wake the receiver. If the most significant bit is used in this way, then it serves as an address or data indication, leaving the remaining seven bits as actual data. When C1[PE] is set, the eighth data bit is automatically calculated as the parity bit. See the following table. Table 40-10. Configuration of 8-bit data format Start Data Address Parity Stop bit bits bits bits bit 0 1 8 0 0 1 0 1 7 11 0 1 1 1 7 0 1 1 UART_C1[PE] 1. The address bit identifies the frame as an address character. See Receiver wakeup. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1050 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Nine-bit configuration When C1[M] is set and C4[M10] is cleared, the UART is configured for 9-bit data characters. If C1[PE] is enabled, the ninth bit is either C3[T8/R8] or the internally generated parity bit. This results in a frame consisting of a total of 11 bits. In the event that the ninth data bit is selected to be C3[T8], it will remain unchanged after transmission and can be used repeatedly without rewriting it, unless the value needs to be changed. This feature may be useful when the ninth data bit is being used as an address mark. When C1[M] and C4[M10] are set, the UART is configured for 9-bit data characters, but the frame consists of a total of 12 bits. The 12 bits include the start and stop bits, the 9 data character bits, and a tenth internal data bit. Note that if C4[M10] is set, C1[PE] must also be set. In this case, the tenth bit is the internally generated parity bit. The ninth bit can either be used as an address mark or a ninth data bit. See the following table. Table 40-11. Configuration of 9-bit data formats Start Data Address Parity Stop bit bits bits bits bit 0 1 0 1 C1[PE] UC1[M] C1[M10] 0 0 0 See Eight-bit configuration 0 0 1 Invalid configuration 0 1 0 1 9 1 0 0 1 1 Invalid Configuration 1 0 0 See Eight-bit configuration 1 0 1 Invalid Configuration 1 1 0 1 8 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 0 1 1 8 11 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1. The address bit identifies the frame as an address character. Note Unless in 9-bit mode with M10 set, do not use address mark wakeup with parity enabled. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1051 Functional description Timing examples Timing examples of these configurations in the NRZ mark/space data format are illustrated in the following figures. The timing examples show all of the configurations in the following sub-sections along with the LSB and MSB first variations. Eight-bit format with parity disabled The most significant bit can be used for address mark wakeup. START BIT 0 BIT BIT 1 BIT 2 BIT 3 BIT 4 BIT 5 ADDRESS MARK START BIT 6 BIT 7 STOP BIT BIT Figure 40-16. Eight bits of data with LSB first ADDRESS MARK START BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 STOP START BIT BIT Figure 40-17. Eight bits of data with MSB first Eight-bit format with parity enabled START BIT 0 BIT BIT 1 BIT 2 BIT 3 BIT 4 BIT 5 START BIT 6 PARITY STOP BIT BIT Figure 40-18. Seven bits of data with LSB first and parity START BIT 6 BIT BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 START BIT 0 PARITY STOP BIT BIT Figure 40-19. Seven bits of data with MSB first and parity Nine-bit format with parity disabled The most significant bit can be used for address mark wakeup. START BIT 0 BIT BIT 1 BIT 2 BIT 3 BIT 4 BIT 5 BIT 6 ADDRESS MARK START BIT 8 STOP BIT 7 BIT BIT Figure 40-20. Nine bits of data with LSB first ADDRESS MARK START BIT 8 BIT 7 BIT BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 START BIT 0 STOP BIT BIT Figure 40-21. Nine bits of data with MSB first Nine-bit format with parity enabled KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1052 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) START BIT 0 BIT BIT 1 BIT 2 BIT 3 BIT 4 BIT 5 BIT 6 START BIT 7 PARITY STOP BIT BIT Figure 40-22. Eight bits of data with LSB first and parity START BIT 7 BIT BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 START BIT 0 PARITY STOP BIT BIT Figure 40-23. Eight bits of data with MSB first and parity Non-memory mapped tenth bit for parity The most significant memory-mapped bit can be used for address mark wakeup. START BIT BIT 0 ADDRESS MARK BIT 1 BIT 2 BIT 3 BIT 4 BIT 5 BIT 6 BIT 7 START BIT 8 PARITY STOP BIT BIT Figure 40-24. Nine bits of data with LSB first and parity ADDRESS MARK START BIT BIT 8 BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 START BIT 0 PARITY STOP BIT BIT Figure 40-25. Nine bits of data with MSB first and parity 40.4.5 Single-wire operation Normally, the UART uses two pins for transmitting and receiving. In single wire operation, the RXD pin is disconnected from the UART and the UART implements a half-duplex serial connection. The UART uses the TXD pin for both receiving and transmitting. TXINV Tx pin output TRANSMITTER Tx pin input RECEIVER RXD RXINV Figure 40-26. Single-wire operation (C1[LOOPS] = 1, C1[RSRC] = 1) Enable single wire operation by setting C1[LOOPS] and the receiver source field, C1[RSRC]. Setting C1[LOOPS] disables the path from the unsynchronized receiver input signal to the receiver. Setting C1[RSRC] connects the receiver input to the output of the KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1053 Functional description TXD pin driver. Both the transmitter and receiver must be enabled (C2[TE] = 1 and C2[RE] = 1). When C7816[ISO_7816EN] is set, it is not required that both C2[TE] and C2[RE] are set. 40.4.6 Loop operation In loop operation, the transmitter output goes to the receiver input. The unsynchronized receiver input signal is disconnected from the UART. TXINV TRANSMITTER Tx pin output RECEIVER RXD RXINV Figure 40-27. Loop operation (C1[LOOPS] = 1, C1[RSRC] = 0) Enable loop operation by setting C1[LOOPS] and clearing C1[RSRC]. Setting C1[LOOPS] disables the path from the unsynchronized receiver input signal to the receiver. Clearing C1[RSRC] connects the transmitter output to the receiver input. Both the transmitter and receiver must be enabled (C2[TE] = 1 and C2[RE] = 1). When C7816[ISO_7816EN] is set, it is not required that both C2[TE] and C2[RE] are set. 40.4.7 ISO-7816/smartcard support The UART provides mechanisms to support the ISO-7816 protocol that is commonly used to interface with smartcards. The ISO-7816 protocol is an NRZ, single wire, halfduplex interface. The TxD pin is used in open-drain mode because the data signal is used for both transmitting and receiving. There are multiple subprotocols within the ISO-7816 standard. The UART supports both T = 0 and T = 1 protocols. The module also provides for automated initial character detection and configuration, which allows for support of both direct convention and inverse convention data formats. A variety of interrupts specific to 7816 are provided in addition to the general interrupts to assist software. Additionally, the module is able to provide automated NACK responses and has programmed automated retransmission of failed packets. An assortment of programmable timeouts and guard band times are also supported. The term elemental time unit (ETU) is frequently used in the context of ISO-7816. This concept is used to relate the frequency that the system (UART) is running at and the frequency that data is being transmitted and received. One ETU represents the time it KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1054 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) takes to transmit or receive a single bit. For example, a standard 7816 packet, excluding any guard time or NACK elements is 10 ETUs (start bit, 8 data bits, and a parity bit). Guard times and wait times are also measured in ETUs., NOTE The ISO-7816 specification may have certain configuration options that are reserved. To maintain maximum flexibility to support future 7816 enhancements or devices that may not strictly conform to the specification, the UART does not prevent those options being used. Further, the UART may provide configuration options that exceed the flexibility of options explicitly allowed by the 7816 specification. Failure to correctly configure the UART may result in unexpected behavior or incompatibility with the ISO-7816 specification. Initial characters In ISO-7816 with T = 0 mode, the UART can be configured to use C7816[INIT] to detect the next valid initial character, referred to by the ISO-7816 specifically as a TS character. When the initial character is detected, the UART provides the host processor with an interrupt if IE7816[INITDE] is set. Additionally, the UART will alter S2[MSBF], C3[TXINV], and S2[RXINV] automatically, based on the initial character. The corresponding initial character and resulting register settings are listed in the following table. Table 40-12. Initial character automated settings Initial character (bit 1-10) Initial character (hex) MSBF TXINV RXINV LHHL LLL LLH 3F 1 1 1 3B 0 0 0 inverse convention LHHL HHH LLH direct convention S2[MSBF], C3[TXINV], and S2[RXINV] must be reset to their default values before C7816[INIT] is set. Once C7816[INIT] is set, the receiver searches all received data for the first valid initial character. Detecting a Direct Convention Initial Character will cause no change to S2[MSBF], C3[TXINV], and S2[RXINV], while detecting an Inverse Convention Initial Character will cause these fields to set automatically. All data received, which is not a valid initial character, is ignored and all flags resulting from the invalid data are blocked from asserting. If C7816[ANACK] is set, a NACK is returned for invalid received initial characters and an RXT interrupt is generated as programmed. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1055 Functional description Protocol T = 0 When T = 0 protocol is selected, a relatively complex error detection scheme is used. Data characters are formatted as illustrated in the following figure. This scheme is also used for answer to reset and Peripheral Pin Select (PPS) formats. ISO 7816 FORMAT WITHOUT PARITY ERROR (T=0) START BIT 0 BIT BIT 1 BIT 2 BIT 3 BIT 4 BIT 5 BIT 6 NEXT PARITY START BIT 7 BIT STOP STOP BIT BIT BIT ISO 7816 FORMAT WITH PARITY ERROR (T=0) START BIT 0 BIT PARITY BIT 1 BIT 2 BIT 3 BIT 4 BIT 5 BIT 6 BIT 7 NACK ERROR STOP BIT BIT NEXT START BIT Figure 40-28. ISO-7816 T = 0 data format As with other protocols supported by the UART, the data character includes a start bit. However, in this case, there are two stop bits rather than the typical single stop bit. In addition to a standard even parity check, the receiver has the ability to generate and return a NACK during the second half of the first stop bit period. The NACK must be at least one time period (ETU) in length and no more than two time periods (ETU) in length. The transmitter must wait for at least two time units (ETU) after detection of the error signal before attempting to retransmit the character. It is assumed that the UART and the device (smartcard) know in advance which device is receiving and which is transmitting. No special mechanism is supplied by the UART to control receive and transmit in the mode other than C2[TE] and C2[RE]. Initial Character Detect feature is also supported in this mode. Protocol T = 1 When T = 1 protocol is selected, the NACK error detection scheme is not used. Rather, the parity bit is used on a character basis and a CRC or LRC is used on the block basis, that is, for each group of characters. In this mode, the data format allows for a single stop bit although additional inactive bit periods may be present between the stop bit and the next start bit. Data characters are formatted as illustrated in the following figure. ISO 7816 FORMAT (T=1) START BIT 0 BIT PARITY BIT 1 BIT 2 BIT 3 BIT 4 BIT 5 BIT 6 BIT 7 BIT STOP BIT NEXT START BIT Figure 40-29. ISO 7816 T=1 data format KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1056 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) The smallest data unit that is transferred is a block. A block is made up of several data characters and may vary in size depending on the block type. The UART does not provide a mechanism to decode the block type. As part of the block, an LRC or CRC is included. The UART does not calculate the CRC or LRC for transmitted blocks, nor does it verify the validity of the CRC or LRC for received blocks. The 7816 protocol requires that the initiator and the smartcard (device) takes alternate turns in transmitting and receiving blocks. When the UART detects that the last character in a block has been transmitted it will automatically clear C2[TE], C3[TXDIR] and enter receive mode. Therefore, the software must program the transmit buffer with the next data to be transmitted and then enable C2[TE] and set C3[TXDIR], once the software has determined that the last character of the received block has been received. The UART detects that the last character of the transmit block has been sent when TL7816[TLEN] = 0 and four additional characters have been sent. The four additional characters are made up of three prior to TL7816[TLEN] decrementing (prologue) and one after TL7816[TLEN] = 0, the final character of the epilogue. Wait time and guard time parameters The ISO-7816 specification defines several wait time and guard time parameters. The UART allows for flexible configuration and violation detection of these settings. On reset, the wait time (IS7816[WT]) defaults to 9600 ETUs and guard time (GT) to 12 ETUs. These values are controlled by parameters in the WP7816, WN7816, and WF7816 registers. Additionally, the value of C7816[TTYPE] also factors into the calculation. The formulae used to calculate the number ETUs for each wait time and guard time value are shown in Table 40-13. Wait time (WT) is defined as the maximum allowable time between the leading edge of a character transmitted by the smartcard device and the leading edge of the previous character that was transmitted by the UART or the device. Similarly, character wait time (CWT) is defined as the maximum allowable time between the leading edge of two characters within the same block. Block wait time (BWT) is defined as the maximum time between the leading edge character of the last block received by the smartcard device and the leading edge of the first character transmitted by the smartcard device. Guard time (GT) is defined as the minimum allowable time between the leading edge of two consecutive characters. Character guard time (CGT) is the minimum allowable time between the leading edges of two consecutive characters in the same direction, that is, transmission or reception. Block guard time (BGT) is the minimum allowable time between the leading edges of two consecutive characters in opposite directions, that is, transmission then reception or reception then transmission. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1057 Functional description The GT and WT counters reset whenever C7816[TTYPE] = 1 or C7816[ISO_7816E] = 0 or a new dataword start bit has been received or transmitted as specified by the counter descriptions. The CWT, CGT, BWT, BGT counters reset whenever C7816[TTYPE] = 0 or C7816[ISO_7816E] = 0 or a new dataword start bit is received or transmitted as specified by the counter descriptions. When C7816[TTYPE] = 1, some of the counter values require an assumption regarding the first data transferred when the UART first starts. This assumption is required when the 7816E is disabled, when transition from C7816[TTYPE] = 0 to C7816[TTYPE] = 1 or when coming out of reset. In this case, it is assumed that the previous non-existent transfer was a received transfer. The UART will automatically handle GT, CGT, and BGT such that the UART will not send a packet before the corresponding guard time expiring. Table 40-13. Wait and guard time calculations Parameter Reset value [ETU] C7816[TTYPE] = 0 C7816[TTYPE] = 1 [ETU] [ETU] Wait time (WT) 9600 WI x 480 Not used 2(CWI1) Character wait time (CWT) Not used Not used + CWI2 Block wait time (BWT) Not used Not used (11 + (BWI x 960 x GTFD)) * (WTX + 1) Guard time (GT) 12 GTN not equal to 255 Not used 12 + GTN GTN equal to 255 12 Character guard time (CGT) Not used Not used GTN not equal to 255 12 + GTN GTN equal to 255 11 Block guard time (BGT) Not used Not used 16 + BGI NOTE * User must ensure that the Character Wait time (CWT) programmed using the formula above is atleast 12. Values smaller than 12 are invalid and will lead to unexpected CWT interrupts. * The 16 bit Wait Time integer WI is formed by concatenation of {WP7816A_T0[WI_H], WP7816B_T0[WI_L]}. * The 16 bit Block Wait Time integer BWI is formed by concatenation of {WP7816A_T1[BWI_H], WP7816B_T1[BWI_L]}. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1058 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) ATR Duration Time Counter The ISO-7816 specification defines a specific time (in etus) within which the terminal must receive the ATR (Answer to Reset), failing which the terminal must abort the card session by initiating the deactivation sequence. UART supports this in hardware via the ATR Duration Time (ATD) Counter which can be programmed using AP7816a_T0 and AP7816b_T0 registers. The value loaded into the ADT (ATR Duration Time) counter is given by the concatenation of the register fields as shown; ADT = {AP7816a_T0[ADTI_H], AP7816a_T0[ADTI_L]}. This counter begins to count on detection of the TS character which is detected when IS7816[INITD] flag is set. Once the ATR process is completed, the ATD Counter must be disabled by writing 0 to AP7816x_T0 registers, in order to prevent the false occurrence of the ATD Duration Time interrupt IS7816[ATD]. Note that this feature is only supported in T = 0 mode. NOTE The ADT counter starts counting on detection of the complete TS Character. It must be noted that by this time, exactly 10 ETUs have elapsed since the start bit of the TS character. The user must take this into account while programming AP7816a_T0 and AP7816b_T0 registers. Baud rate generation The value in WF7816[GTFD] does not impact the clock frequency. SBR and BRFD are used to generate the clock frequency. This clock frequency is used by the UART only and is not seen by the smartcard device. The transmitter clocks operates at 1/16 the frequency of the receive clock so that the receiver is able to sample the received value 16 times during the ETU. UART restrictions in ISO-7816 operation Due to the flexibility of the UART module, there are several features and interrupts that are not supported while running in ISO-7816 mode. These restrictions are documented within the register field definitions. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1059 Functional description 40.4.8 Infrared interface The UART provides the capability of transmitting narrow pulses to an IR LED and receiving narrow pulses and transforming them to serial bits, which are sent to the UART. The IrDA physical layer specification defines a half-duplex infrared communication link for exchanging data. The full standard includes data rates up to 16 Mbits/s. This design covers data rates only between 2.4 kbits/s and 115.2 kbits/s. The UART has an infrared transmit encoder and receive decoder. The UART transmits serial bits of data that are encoded by the infrared submodule to transmit a narrow pulse for every zero bit. No pulse is transmitted for every one bit. When receiving data, the IR pulses are detected using an IR photo diode and transformed to CMOS levels by the IR receive decoder, external from the MCU. The narrow pulses are then stretched by the infrared receive decoder to get back to a serial bit stream to be received by the UART. The polarity of transmitted pulses and expected receive pulses can be inverted so that a direct connection can be made to external IrDA transceiver modules that use active low pulses. The infrared submodule receives its clock sources from the UART. One of these two clocks are selected in the infrared submodule to generate either 3/16, 1/16, 1/32, or 1/4 narrow pulses during transmission. Infrared transmit encoder The infrared transmit encoder converts serial bits of data from transmit shift register to the TXD signal. A narrow pulse is transmitted for a zero bit and no pulse for a one bit. The narrow pulse is sent in the middle of the bit with a duration of 1/32, 1/16, 3/16, or 1/4 of a bit time. A narrow high pulse is transmitted for a zero bit when C3[TXINV] is cleared, while a narrow low pulse is transmitted for a zero bit when C3[TXINV] is set. Infrared receive decoder The infrared receive block converts data from the RXD signal to the receive shift register. A narrow pulse is expected for each zero received and no pulse is expected for each one received. A narrow high pulse is expected for a zero bit when S2[RXINV] is cleared, while a narrow low pulse is expected for a zero bit when S2[RXINV] is set. This receive decoder meets the edge jitter requirement as defined by the IrDA serial infrared physical layer specification. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1060 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) 40.5 Reset All registers reset to a particular value are indicated in Memory map and registers. 40.6 System level interrupt sources There are several interrupt signals that are sent from the UART. The following table lists the interrupt sources generated by the UART. The local enables for the UART interrupt sources are described in this table. Details regarding the individual operation of each interrupt are contained under various sub-sections of Memory map and registers. However, RXEDGIF description also outlines additional details regarding the RXEDGIF interrupt because of its complexity of operation. Any of the UART interrupt requests listed in the table can be used to bring the CPU out of Wait mode. Table 40-14. UART interrupt sources Interrupt Source Flag Local enable DMA select Transmitter TDRE TIE TDMAS = 0 Transmitter TC TCIE - Receiver IDLE ILIE - Receiver RDRF RIE RDMAS = 0 Receiver LBKDIF LBKDIE - Receiver RXEDGIF RXEDGIE - Receiver OR ORIE - Receiver NF NEIE - Receiver FE FEIE - Receiver PF PEIE - Receiver WT WTWE - Receiver CWT CWTE - Receiver BWT BWTE - Receiver INITD INITDE - Receiver TXT TXTE - Receiver RXT RXTE - Receiver GTV GTVE - KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1061 DMA operation 40.6.1 RXEDGIF description S2[RXEDGIF] is set when an active edge is detected on the RxD pin. Therefore, the active edge can be detected only when in two wire mode. A RXEDGIF interrupt is generated only when S2[RXEDGIF] is set. If RXEDGIE is not enabled before S2[RXEDGIF] is set, an interrupt is not generated. RxD edge detect sensitivity Edge sensitivity can be software programmed to be either falling or rising. The polarity of the edge sensitivity is selected using S2[RXINV]. To detect the falling edge, S2[RXINV] is programmed to 0. To detect the rising edge, S2[RXINV] is programmed to 1. Synchronizing logic is used prior to detect edges. Prior to detecting an edge, the receive data on RxD input must be at the deasserted logic level. A falling edge is detected when the RxD input signal is seen as a logic 1 (the deasserted level) during one module clock cycle, and then a logic 0 (the asserted level) during the next cycle. A rising edge is detected when the input is seen as a logic 0 during one module clock cycle and then a logic 1 during the next cycle. Clearing RXEDGIF interrupt request Writing a logic 1 to S2[RXEDGIF] immediately clears the RXEDGIF interrupt request even if the RxD input remains asserted. S2[RXEDGIF] remains set if another active edge is detected on RxD while attempting to clear S2[RXEDGIF] by writing a 1 to it. Exit from low-power modes The receive input active edge detect circuit is still active on low power modes (Wait and Stop). An active edge on the receive input brings the CPU out of low power mode if the interrupt is not masked (S2[RXEDGIF] = 1). 40.7 DMA operation In the transmitter, S1[TDRE] can be configured to assert a DMA transfer request. In the receiver, S1[RDRF], can be configured to assert a DMA transfer request. The following table shows the configuration field settings required to configure each flag for DMA operation. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1062 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Table 40-15. DMA configuration Flag Request enable bit DMA select bit TDRE TIE = 1 TDMAS = 1 RDRF RIE = 1 RDMAS = 1 When a flag is configured for a DMA request, its associated DMA request is asserted when the flag is set. When S1[RDRF] is configured as a DMA request, the clearing mechanism of reading S1, followed by reading D, does not clear the associated flag. The DMA request remains asserted until an indication is received that the DMA transactions are done. When this indication is received, the flag bit and the associated DMA request is cleared. If the DMA operation failed to remove the situation that caused the DMA request, another request is issued. 40.8 Application information This section describes the UART application information. 40.8.1 Transmit/receive data buffer operation 40.8.2 ISO-7816 initialization sequence This section outlines how to program the UART for ISO-7816 operation. Elements such as procedures to power up or power down the smartcard, and when to take those actions, are beyond the scope of this description. To set up the UART for ISO-7816 operation: 1. Select a baud rate. Write this value to the UART baud registers (BDH/L) to begin the baud rate generator. Remember that the baud rate generator is disabled when the baud rate is zero. Writing to the BDH has no effect without also writing to BDL. According to the 7816 specification the initial (default) baud rating setting should be Fi = 372 and Di = 1 and a maximum frequency of 5 MHz. In other words, the BDH, BDL, and C4 registers should be programmed such that the transmission frequency provided to the smartcard device must be 1/372th of the clock and must not exceed 5 MHz. 2. Write to set BDH[LBKDIE] = 0. 3. Write to C1 to configure word length, parity, and other configuration fields (LOOPS, RSRC) and set C1[M] = 1, C1[PE] = 1, and C1[PT] = 0. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1063 Application information 4. Write to set S2[RWUID] = 0 and S2[LBKDE] = 0. 5. Write to set MODEM[RXRTSE] = 0, MODEM[TXRTSPOL] = 0, MODEM[TXRTSE] = 0, and MODEM[TXCTSE] = 0. 6. Write to set up interrupt enable fields desired (C3[ORIE], C3[NEIE], C3[PEIE], and C3[FEIE]) 7. Write to set C4[MAEN1] = 0 and C4[MAEN2] = 0. 8. Write to C5 register and configure DMA control register fields as desired for application. 9. Write to set C7816[INIT] = 1,C7816[ TTYPE] = 0, and C7816[ISO_7816E] = 1. Program C7816[ONACK] and C7816[ANACK] as desired. 10. Write to IE7816 to set interrupt enable parameters as desired. 11. Write to ET7816 and set as desired. 12. Write to set C2[ILIE] = 0, C2[RE] = 1, C2[TE] = 1, C2[RWU] = 0, and C2[SBK] = 0. Set up interrupt enables C2[TIE], C2[TCIE], and C2[RIE] as desired. At this time, the UART will start listening for an initial character. After being identified, it will automatically adjust S2[MSBF], C3[TXINV], and S2[RXINV]. The software must then receive and process an answer to reset. Upon processing the answer to reset, the software must write to set C2[RE] = 0 and C2[TE] = 0. The software should then adjust 7816 specific and UART generic parameters to match and configure data that was received during the answer on reset period. After the new settings have been programmed, including the new baud rate and C7816[TTYPE], C2[RE] and C2[TE] can be reenabled as required. Transmission procedure for (C7816[TTYPE] = 0) When the protocol selected is C7816[TTYPE] = 0, it is assumed that the software has a prior knowledge of who should be transmitting and receiving. Therefore, no mechanism is provided for automated transmission/receipt control. The software must monitor S1[TDRE], or configure for an interrupt, and provide additional data for transmission, as appropriate. Additionally, software should set C2[TE] = 1 and control TXDIR whenever it is the UART's turn to transmit information. For ease of monitoring, it is suggested that only data be transmitted until the next receiver/transmit switchover is loaded into the transmit FIFO/buffer. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1064 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Transmission procedure for (C7816[TTYPE] = 1) When the protocol selected is C7816[TTYPE] = 1, data is transferred in blocks. Before starting a transmission, the software must write the size, in number of bytes, for the Information Field portion of the block into TLEN. If a CRC is being transmitted for the block, the value in TLEN must be one more than the size of the information field. The software must then set C2[TE] = 1 and C2[RE] = 1. The software must then monitor S1[TDRE]/interrupt and write the prologue, information, and epilogue field to the transmit buffer. TLEN automatically decrements, except for prologue bytes and the final epilogue byte. When the final epilogue byte has been transmitted, the UART automatically clears C2[TE] and C3[TXDIR] to 0, and the UART automatically starts capturing the response to the block that was transmitted. After the software has detected the receipt of the response, the transmission process must be repeated as needed with sufficient urgency to ensure that the block wait time and character wait times are not violated. 40.8.3 Initialization sequence (non ISO-7816) To initiate a UART transmission: 1. Configure the UART. a. Select a baud rate. Write this value to the UART baud registers (BDH/L) to begin the baud rate generator. Remember that the baud rate generator is disabled when the baud rate is zero. Writing to the BDH has no effect without also writing to BDL. b. Write to C1 to configure word length, parity, and other configuration bits (LOOPS, RSRC, M, WAKE, ILT, PE, and PT). Write to C4, MA1, and MA2 to configure. c. Enable the transmitter, interrupts, receiver, and wakeup as required, by writing to C2 (TIE, TCIE, RIE, ILIE, TE, RE, RWU, and SBK), S2 (MSBF and BRK13), and C3 (ORIE, NEIE, PEIE, and FEIE). A preamble or idle character is then shifted out of the transmitter shift register. 2. Transmit procedure for each byte. a. Monitor S1[TDRE] by reading S1 or responding to the TDRE interrupt. The amount of free space in the transmit buffer directly using TCFIFO[TXCOUNT] can also be monitored. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1065 Application information b. If the TDRE flag is set, or there is space in the transmit buffer, write the data to be transmitted to (C3[T8]/D). A new transmission will not result until data exists in the transmit buffer. 3. Repeat step 2 for each subsequent transmission. Note During normal operation, S1[TDRE] is set when the shift register is loaded with the next data to be transmitted from the transmit buffer and the number of datawords contained in the transmit buffer is less than or equal to the value in TWFIFO[TXWATER]. This occurs 9/16ths of a bit time after the start of the stop bit of the previous frame. To separate messages with preambles with minimum idle line time, use this sequence between messages. 1. Write the last dataword of the first message to C3[T8]/D. 2. Wait for S1[TDRE] to go high with TWFIFO[TXWATER] = 0, indicating the transfer of the last frame to the transmit shift register. 3. Queue a preamble by clearing and then setting C2[TE]. 4. Write the first and subsequent datawords of the second message to C3[T8]/D. 40.8.4 Overrun (OR) flag implications To be flexible, the overrun flag (OR) operates slight differently depending on the mode of operation. There may be implications that need to be carefully considered. This section clarifies the behavior and the resulting implications. Regardless of mode, if a dataword is received while S1[OR] is set, S1[RDRF] and S1[IDLE] are blocked from asserting. If S1[RDRF] or S1[IDLE] were previously asserted, they will remain asserted until cleared. Overrun operation The assertion of S1[OR] indicates that a significant event has occurred. The assertion indicates that received data has been lost because there was a lack of room to store it in the data buffer. Therefore, while S1[OR] is set, no further data is stored in the data buffer until S1[OR] is cleared. This ensures that the application will be able to handle the overrun condition. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1066 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) In most applications, because the total amount of lost data is known, the application will attempt to return the system to a known state. Before S1[OR] is cleared, all received data will be dropped. For this, the software does the following. 1. Remove data from the receive data buffer. This could be done by reading data from the data buffer and processing it if the data in the FIFO was still valuable when the overrun event occurred. 2. Clear S1[OR]. Note that, in some applications, if an overrun event is responded to fast enough, the lost data can be recovered. For example, when C7816[ISO_7816E] is asserted, C7816[TTYPE]=1 and C7816[ONACK] = 1, the application may reasonably be able to determine whether the lost data will be resent by the device. In this scenario, flushing the receiver data buffer may not be required. Rather, if S1[OR] is cleared, the lost data may be resent and therefore may be recoverable. When LIN break detect (LBKDE) is asserted, S1[OR] has significantly different behavior than in other modes. S1[OR] will be set, regardless of how much space is actually available in the data buffer, if a LIN break character has been detected and the corresponding flag, S2[LBKDIF], is not cleared before the first data character is received after S2[LBKDIF] asserted. This behavior is intended to allow the software sufficient time to read the LIN break character from the data buffer to ensure that a break character was actually detected. The checking of the break character was used on some older implementations and is therefore supported for legacy reasons. Applications that do not require this checking can simply clear S2[LBKDIF] without checking the stored value to ensure it is a break character. 40.8.5 Overrun NACK considerations When C7816[ISO_7816E] is enabled and C7816[TTYPE] = 0, the retransmission feature of the 7816 protocol can be used to help avoid lost data when the data buffer overflows. Using C7816[ONACK], the module can be programmed to issue a NACK on an overflow event. Assuming that the smartcard device has implemented retransmission, the lost data will be retransmitted. While useful, there is a programming implication that may require special consideration. The need to transmit a NACK must be determined and committed to prior to the dataword being fully received. While the NACK is being received, it is possible that the application code will read the data buffer such that sufficient room will be made to store the dataword that is being NACKed. Even if room has been made in the data buffer after the transmission of a NACK is completed, the received data will always be discarded as a result of an overflow and the KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1067 Application information ET7816[RXTHRESHOLD] value will be incremented by one. However, if sufficient space now exists to write the received data which was NACK'ed, S1[OR] will be blocked and kept from asserting. 40.8.6 Match address registers The two match address registers allow a second match address function for a broadcast or general call address to the serial bus, as an example. 40.8.7 Modem feature This section describes the modem features. Ready-to-receive using RTS To help to stop overrun of the receiver data buffer, the RTS signal can be used by the receiver to indicate to another UART that it is ready to receive data. The other UART can send the data when its CTS signal is asserted. This handshaking conforms to the TIA-232-E standard. A transceiver is necessary if the required voltage levels of the communication link do not match the voltage levels of the UART's RTS and CTS signals. UART UART TXD TRANSMITTER CTS_B RXD RECEIVER RTS_B RXD RTS_B RECEIVER TXD CTS_B TRANSMITTER Figure 40-30. Ready-to-receive The transmitter's CTS signal can be used for hardware flow control whether its RTS signal is used for hardware flow control, transceiver driver enable, or not at all. Transceiver driver enable using RTS RS-485 is a multiple drop communication protocol in which the UART transceiver's driver is 3-stated unless the UART is driving. The RTS signal can be used by the transmitter to enable the driver of a transceiver. The polarity of RTS can be matched to the polarity of the transceiver's driver enable signal. See the following figure. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1068 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 40 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) RS-485 TRANSCEIVER UART TRANSMITTER TXD DI RTS_B DE RXD RECEIVER Y DRIVER A RO RE_B Z RECEIVER B Figure 40-31. Transceiver driver enable using RTS In the figure, the receiver enable signal is asserted. Another option for this connection is to connect RTS_B to both DE and RE_B. The transceiver's receiver is disabled while driving. A pullup can pull RXD to a non-floating value during this time. This option can be refined further by operating the UART in single wire mode, freeing the RXD pin for other uses. 40.8.8 IrDA minimum pulse width The IrDA specifies a minimum pulse width of 1.6 s. The UART hardware does not include a mechanism to restrict/force the pulse width to be greater than or equal to 1.6 s. However, configuring the baud rate to 115.2 kbit/s and the narrow pulse width to 3/16 of a bit time results in a pulse width of 1.6 s. 40.8.9 Clearing 7816 wait timer (WT, BWT, CWT) interrupts The 7816 wait timer interrupts associated with IS7816[WT], IS7816[BWT], and IS7816[CWT] will automatically reassert if they are cleared and the wait time is still violated. This behavior is similar to most of the other interrupts on the UART. In most cases, if the condition that caused the interrupt to trigger still exists when the interrupt is cleared, then the interrupt will reassert. For example, consider the following scenario: 1. IS7816[WT] is programmed to assert after 9600 cycles of unresponsiveness. 2. The 9600 cycles pass without a response resulting in the WT interrupt asserting. 3. The IS7816[WT] is cleared at cycle 9700 by the interrupt service routine. 4. After the WT interrupt has been cleared, the smartcard remains unresponsive. At cycle 9701 the WT interrupt will be reasserted. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1069 Application information If the intent of clearing the interrupt is such that it does not reassert, the interrupt service routine must remove or clear the condition that originally caused the interrupt to assert prior to clearing the interrupt. There are multiple ways that this can be accomplished, including ensuring that an event that results in the wait timer resetting occurs, such as, the transmission of another packet. 40.8.10 Legacy and reverse compatibility considerations Recent versions of the UART have added several new features. Whenever reasonably possible, reverse compatibility was maintained. However, in some cases this was either not feasible or the behavior was deemed as not intended. This section describes several differences to legacy operation that resulted from these recent enhancements. If application code from previous versions is used, it must be reviewed and modified to take the following items into account. Depending on the application code, additional items that are not listed here may also need to be considered. 1. Various reserved registers and register bits are used, such as, MSFB and M10. 2. This module now generates an error when invalid address spaces are used. 3. While documentation indicated otherwise, in some cases it was possible for S1[IDLE] to assert even if S1[OR] was set. 4. S1[OR] will be set only if the data buffer (FIFO) does not have sufficient room. Previously, the data buffer was always a fixed size of one and the S1[OR] flag would set so long as S1[RDRF] was set even if there was room in the data buffer. While the clearing mechanism has remained the same for S1[RDRF], keeping the OR flag assertion tied to the RDRF event rather than the data buffer being full would have greatly reduced the usefulness of the buffer when its size is larger than one. 5. Previously, when C2[RWU] was set (and WAKE = 0), the IDLE flag could reassert up to every bit period causing an interrupt and requiring the host processor to reassert C2[RWU]. This behavior has been modified. Now, when C2[RWU] is set (and WAKE = 0), at least one non-idle bit must be detected before an idle can be detected. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1070 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 41 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 41.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The GPIO registers support 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit accesses. The GPIO data direction and output data registers control the direction and output data of each pin when the pin is configured for the GPIO function. The GPIO input data register displays the logic value on each pin when the pin is configured for any digital function, provided the corresponding Port Control and Interrupt module for that pin is enabled. Efficient bit manipulation of the general-purpose outputs is supported through the addition of set, clear, and toggle write-only registers for each port output data register. 41.1.1 Features Features of the GPIO module include: * Port Data Input register visible in all digital pin-multiplexing modes * Port Data Output register with corresponding set/clear/toggle registers * Port Data Direction register NOTE The GPIO module is clocked by system clock. 41.1.2 Modes of operation The following table depicts different modes of operation and the behavior of the GPIO module in these modes. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1071 Introduction Table 41-1. Modes of operation Modes of operation Description Run The GPIO module operates normally. Wait The GPIO module operates normally. Stop The GPIO module is disabled. Debug The GPIO module operates normally. 41.1.3 GPIO signal descriptions Table 41-2. GPIO signal descriptions GPIO signal descriptions Description I/O PORTA31-PORTA0 General-purpose input/output I/O PORTB31-PORTB0 General-purpose input/output I/O PORTC31-PORTC0 General-purpose input/output I/O PORTD31-PORTD0 General-purpose input/output I/O PORTE31-PORTE0 General-purpose input/output I/O NOTE Not all pins within each port are implemented on each device. See the chapter on signal multiplexing for the number of GPIO ports available in the device. Detailed signal description Table 41-3. GPIO interface-detailed signal descriptions Signal I/O PORTA31-PORTA0 I/O PORTB31-PORTB0 Description General-purpose input/output State meaning Deasserted: The pin is logic 0. PORTC31-PORTC0 PORTD31-PORTD0 Asserted: The pin is logic 1. Timing PORTE31-PORTE0 Assertion: When output, this signal occurs on the risingedge of the system clock. For input, it may occur at any time and input may be asserted asynchronously to the system clock. Deassertion: When output, this signal occurs on the rising-edge of the system clock. For input, it may occur KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1072 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 41 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) Table 41-3. GPIO interface-detailed signal descriptions Signal I/O Description at any time and input may be asserted asynchronously to the system clock. NOTE Not all pins within each port are implemented on each device. See the chapter on signal multiplexing for the number of GPIO ports available in the device. 41.2 Memory map and register definition Any read or write access to the GPIO memory space that is outside the valid memory map results in a bus error. GPIO memory map Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) R/W Reset value Section/ page 0000_0000h 41.2.1/1074 400F_F000 Port Data Output Register (GPIOA_PDOR) 32 400F_F004 Port Set Output Register (GPIOA_PSOR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 41.2.2/1075 400F_F008 Port Clear Output Register (GPIOA_PCOR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 41.2.3/1076 400F_F00C Port Toggle Output Register (GPIOA_PTOR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 41.2.4/1076 400F_F010 Port Data Input Register (GPIOA_PDIR) 32 R 0000_0000h 41.2.5/1077 400F_F014 Port Data Direction Register (GPIOA_PDDR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 41.2.6/1077 400F_F040 Port Data Output Register (GPIOB_PDOR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 41.2.1/1074 400F_F044 Port Set Output Register (GPIOB_PSOR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 41.2.2/1075 400F_F048 Port Clear Output Register (GPIOB_PCOR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 41.2.3/1076 400F_F04C Port Toggle Output Register (GPIOB_PTOR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 41.2.4/1076 400F_F050 Port Data Input Register (GPIOB_PDIR) 32 R 0000_0000h 41.2.5/1077 400F_F054 Port Data Direction Register (GPIOB_PDDR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 41.2.6/1077 KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1073 Memory map and register definition GPIO memory map (continued) Absolute address (hex) Register name Width Access (in bits) Section/ page 0000_0000h 41.2.1/1074 400F_F080 Port Data Output Register (GPIOC_PDOR) 32 400F_F084 Port Set Output Register (GPIOC_PSOR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 41.2.2/1075 400F_F088 Port Clear Output Register (GPIOC_PCOR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 41.2.3/1076 400F_F08C Port Toggle Output Register (GPIOC_PTOR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 41.2.4/1076 400F_F090 Port Data Input Register (GPIOC_PDIR) 32 R 0000_0000h 41.2.5/1077 400F_F094 Port Data Direction Register (GPIOC_PDDR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 41.2.6/1077 400F_F0C0 Port Data Output Register (GPIOD_PDOR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 41.2.1/1074 400F_F0C4 Port Set Output Register (GPIOD_PSOR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 41.2.2/1075 400F_F0C8 Port Clear Output Register (GPIOD_PCOR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 41.2.3/1076 400F_F0CC Port Toggle Output Register (GPIOD_PTOR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 41.2.4/1076 400F_F0D0 Port Data Input Register (GPIOD_PDIR) 32 R 0000_0000h 41.2.5/1077 400F_F0D4 Port Data Direction Register (GPIOD_PDDR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 41.2.6/1077 400F_F100 32 R/W Port Data Output Register (GPIOE_PDOR) R/W Reset value 0000_0000h 41.2.1/1074 41.2.2/1075 400F_F104 Port Set Output Register (GPIOE_PSOR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 400F_F108 Port Clear Output Register (GPIOE_PCOR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 41.2.3/1076 400F_F10C Port Toggle Output Register (GPIOE_PTOR) 32 W (always 0000_0000h reads 0) 41.2.4/1076 400F_F110 Port Data Input Register (GPIOE_PDIR) 32 R 0000_0000h 41.2.5/1077 400F_F114 Port Data Direction Register (GPIOE_PDDR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 41.2.6/1077 41.2.1 Port Data Output Register (GPIOx_PDOR) This register configures the logic levels that are driven on each general-purpose output pins. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1074 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 41 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) NOTE Do not modify pin configuration registers associated with pins not available in your selected package. All unbonded pins not available in your package will default to DISABLE state for lowest power consumption. Address: Base address + 0h offset Bit R W 31 Reset 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPIOx_PDOR field descriptions Field Description PDO Port Data Output Register bits for unbonded pins return a undefined value when read. 0 1 Logic level 0 is driven on pin, provided pin is configured for general-purpose output. Logic level 1 is driven on pin, provided pin is configured for general-purpose output. 41.2.2 Port Set Output Register (GPIOx_PSOR) This register configures whether to set the fields of the PDOR. Address: Base address + 4h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 R 0 W PTSO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPIOx_PSOR field descriptions Field PTSO Description Port Set Output Writing to this register will update the contents of the corresponding bit in the PDOR as follows: 0 1 Corresponding bit in PDORn does not change. Corresponding bit in PDORn is set to logic 1. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1075 Memory map and register definition 41.2.3 Port Clear Output Register (GPIOx_PCOR) This register configures whether to clear the fields of PDOR. Address: Base address + 8h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 R 0 W PTCO 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPIOx_PCOR field descriptions Field Description PTCO Port Clear Output Writing to this register will update the contents of the corresponding bit in the Port Data Output Register (PDOR) as follows: 0 1 Corresponding bit in PDORn does not change. Corresponding bit in PDORn is cleared to logic 0. 41.2.4 Port Toggle Output Register (GPIOx_PTOR) Address: Base address + Ch offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 R 0 W PTTO Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPIOx_PTOR field descriptions Field PTTO Description Port Toggle Output Writing to this register will update the contents of the corresponding bit in the PDOR as follows: 0 1 Corresponding bit in PDORn does not change. Corresponding bit in PDORn is set to the inverse of its existing logic state. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1076 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 41 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 41.2.5 Port Data Input Register (GPIOx_PDIR) NOTE Do not modify pin configuration registers associated with pins not available in your selected package. All unbonded pins not available in your package will default to DISABLE state for lowest power consumption. Address: Base address + 10h offset Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDI R W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPIOx_PDIR field descriptions Field Description PDI Port Data Input Reads 0 at the unimplemented pins for a particular device. Pins that are not configured for a digital function read 0. If the Port Control and Interrupt module is disabled, then the corresponding bit in PDIR does not update. 0 1 Pin logic level is logic 0, or is not configured for use by digital function. Pin logic level is logic 1. 41.2.6 Port Data Direction Register (GPIOx_PDDR) The PDDR configures the individual port pins for input or output. Address: Base address + 14h offset Bit R W 31 Reset 0 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPIOx_PDDR field descriptions Field PDD Description Port Data Direction Configures individual port pins for input or output. 0 1 Pin is configured as general-purpose input, for the GPIO function. Pin is configured as general-purpose output, for the GPIO function. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1077 Functional description GPIOx_PDDR field descriptions (continued) Field Description 41.3 Functional description 41.3.1 General-purpose input The logic state of each pin is available via the Port Data Input registers, provided the pin is configured for a digital function and the corresponding Port Control and Interrupt module is enabled. The Port Data Input registers return the synchronized pin state after any enabled digital filter in the Port Control and Interrupt module. The input pin synchronizers are shared with the Port Control and Interrupt module, so that if the corresponding Port Control and Interrupt module is disabled, then synchronizers are also disabled. This reduces power consumption when a port is not required for general-purpose input functionality. 41.3.2 General-purpose output The logic state of each pin can be controlled via the port data output registers and port data direction registers, provided the pin is configured for the GPIO function. The following table depicts the conditions for a pin to be configured as input/output. If Then A pin is configured for the GPIO function and the corresponding port data direction register bit is clear. The pin is configured as an input. A pin is configured for the GPIO function and the corresponding port data direction register bit is set. The pin is configured as an output and and the logic state of the pin is equal to the corresponding port data output register. To facilitate efficient bit manipulation on the general-purpose outputs, pin data set, pin data clear, and pin data toggle registers exist to allow one or more outputs within one port to be set, cleared, or toggled from a single register write. The corresponding Port Control and Interrupt module does not need to be enabled to update the state of the port data direction registers and port data output registers including the set/clear/toggle registers. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1078 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 42 JTAG Controller (JTAGC) 42.1 Introduction NOTE For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's instances, see the chip configuration information. The JTAGC block provides the means to test chip functionality and connectivity while remaining transparent to system logic when not in test mode. Testing is performed via a boundary scan technique, as defined in the IEEE 1149.1-2001 standard. All data input to and output from the JTAGC block is communicated in serial format. 42.1.1 Block diagram The following is a simplified block diagram of the JTAG Controller (JTAGC) block. Refer to the chip-specific configuration information as well as Register description for more information about the JTAGC registers. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1079 Introduction Power-on reset Test Access Port (TAP) Controller TMS TCK 1-bit Bypass Register 32-bit Device Identification Register TDI TDO Boundary Scan Register TAP Instruction Decoder TAP Instruction Register Figure 42-1. JTAG (IEEE 1149.1) block diagram 42.1.2 Features The JTAGC block is compliant with the IEEE 1149.1-2001 standard, and supports the following features: * IEEE 1149.1-2001 Test Access Port (TAP) interface * 4 pins (TDI, TMS, TCK, and TDO) * Instruction register that supports several IEEE 1149.1-2001 defined instructions as well as several public and private device-specific instructions. Refer to Table 42-3 for a list of supported instructions. * Bypass register, boundary scan register, and device identification register. * TAP controller state machine that controls the operation of the data registers, instruction register and associated circuitry. 42.1.3 Modes of operation The JTAGC block uses a power-on reset indication as its primary reset signals. Several IEEE 1149.1-2001 defined test modes are supported, as well as a bypass mode. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1080 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 42 JTAG Controller (JTAGC) Reset The JTAGC block is placed in reset when either power-on reset is asserted, or the TMS input is held high for enough consecutive rising edges of TCK to sequence the TAP controller state machine into the Test-Logic-Reset state. Holding TMS high for five consecutive rising edges of TCK guarantees entry into the Test-Logic-Reset state regardless of the current TAP controller state. Asserting power-on reset results in asynchronous entry into the reset state. While in reset, the following actions occur: * The TAP controller is forced into the Test-Logic-Reset state, thereby disabling the test logic and allowing normal operation of the on-chip system logic to continue unhindered * The instruction register is loaded with the IDCODE instruction IEEE 1149.1-2001 defined test modes The JTAGC block supports several IEEE 1149.1-2001 defined test modes. A test mode is selected by loading the appropriate instruction into the instruction register while the JTAGC is enabled. Supported test instructions include EXTEST, HIGHZ, CLAMP, SAMPLE and SAMPLE/PRELOAD. Each instruction defines the set of data register(s) that may operate and interact with the on-chip system logic while the instruction is current. Only one test data register path is enabled to shift data between TDI and TDO for each instruction. The boundary scan register is enabled for serial access between TDI and TDO when the EXTEST, SAMPLE or SAMPLE/PRELOAD instructions are active. The single-bit bypass register shift stage is enabled for serial access between TDI and TDO when the BYPASS, HIGHZ, CLAMP or reserved instructions are active. The functionality of each test mode is explained in more detail in JTAGC block instructions. Bypass mode When no test operation is required, the BYPASS instruction can be loaded to place the JTAGC block into bypass mode. While in bypass mode, the single-bit bypass shift register is used to provide a minimum-length serial path to shift data between TDI and TDO. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1081 External signal description 42.2 External signal description The JTAGC consists of a set of signals that connect to off chip development tools and allow access to test support functions. The JTAGC signals are outlined in the following table and described in the following sections. Table 42-1. JTAG signal properties Name I/O Function Reset State Pull TCK Input Test Clock -- Down TDI Input Test Data In -- TDO Output Test Data Out TMS Input Test Mode Select High Up Z1 -- -- Up 1. TDO output buffer enable is negated when the JTAGC is not in the Shift-IR or Shift-DR states. A weak pull may be implemented at the TDO pad for use when JTAGC is inactive. 42.2.1 TCK--Test clock input Test Clock Input (TCK) is an input pin used to synchronize the test logic and control register access through the TAP. 42.2.2 TDI--Test data input Test Data Input (TDI) is an input pin that receives serial test instructions and data. TDI is sampled on the rising edge of TCK. 42.2.3 TDO--Test data output Test Data Output (TDO) is an output pin that transmits serial output for test instructions and data. TDO is three-stateable and is actively driven only in the Shift-IR and Shift-DR states of the TAP controller state machine, which is described in TAP controller state machine. 42.2.4 TMS--Test mode select Test Mode Select (TMS) is an input pin used to sequence the IEEE 1149.1-2001 test control state machine. TMS is sampled on the rising edge of TCK. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1082 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 42 JTAG Controller (JTAGC) 42.3 Register description This section provides a detailed description of the JTAGC block registers accessible through the TAP interface, including data registers and the instruction register. Individual bit-level descriptions and reset states of each register are included. These registers are not memory-mapped and can only be accessed through the TAP. 42.3.1 Instruction register The JTAGC block uses a 4-bit instruction register as shown in the following figure. The instruction register allows instructions to be loaded into the block to select the test to be performed or the test data register to be accessed or both. Instructions are shifted in through TDI while the TAP controller is in the Shift-IR state, and latched on the falling edge of TCK in the Update-IR state. The latched instruction value can only be changed in the Update-IR and Test-Logic-Reset TAP controller states. Synchronous entry into the Test-Logic-Reset state results in the IDCODE instruction being loaded on the falling edge of TCK. Asynchronous entry into the Test-Logic-Reset state results in asynchronous loading of the IDCODE instruction. During the Capture-IR TAP controller state, the instruction shift register is loaded with the value 0001b , making this value the register's read value when the TAP controller is sequenced into the Shift-IR state. R W Reset: 3 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 Instruction Code Figure 42-2. Instruction register 42.3.2 Bypass register The bypass register is a single-bit shift register path selected for serial data transfer between TDI and TDO when the BYPASS, CLAMP, HIGHZ or reserve instructions are active. After entry into the Capture-DR state, the single-bit shift register is set to a logic 0. Therefore, the first bit shifted out after selecting the bypass register is always a logic 0. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1083 Register description 42.3.3 Device identification register The device identification (JTAG ID) register, shown in the following figure, allows the revision number, part number, manufacturer, and design center responsible for the design of the part to be determined through the TAP. The device identification register is selected for serial data transfer between TDI and TDO when the IDCODE instruction is active. Entry into the Capture-DR state while the device identification register is selected loads the IDCODE into the shift register to be shifted out on TDO in the Shift-DR state. No action occurs in the Update-DR state. 31 R 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Part Revision Number Design Center PRN DC 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Part Identification Number W Reset 15 R 14 13 12 11 10 9 PIN 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Part Identification Number Manufacturer Identity Code 1 PIN (contd.) MIC 1 W Reset The following table describes the device identification register functions. Table 42-2. Device identification register field descriptions Field Description PRN Part Revision Number. Contains the revision number of the part. Value is On this device, the PIN mirrors bits 9-0 of the SIM_SDID[REVID] field. Please see the SIM_SDID register description for more detail. DC Design Center. Indicates the design center. Value is 0x2C. PIN Part Identification Number. Contains the part number of the device. On this device, the PIN mirrors bits 9-0 of the SIM_SDID register. Please see the SIM_SDID register description for more detail. MIC Manufacturer Identity Code. Contains the reduced Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (JEDEC) ID. Value is 0x00E. IDCODE ID IDCODE Register ID. Identifies this register as the device identification register and not the bypass register. Always set to 1. 42.3.4 Boundary scan register The boundary scan register is connected between TDI and TDO when the EXTEST, SAMPLE or SAMPLE/PRELOAD instructions are active. It is used to capture input pin data, force fixed values on output pins, and select a logic value and direction for bidirectional pins. Each bit of the boundary scan register represents a separate boundary scan register cell, as described in the IEEE 1149.1-2001 standard and discussed in Boundary scan. The size of the boundary scan register and bit ordering is devicedependent and can be found in the device BSDL file. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1084 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 42 JTAG Controller (JTAGC) 42.4 Functional description This section explains the JTAGC functional description. 42.4.1 JTAGC reset configuration While in reset, the TAP controller is forced into the Test-Logic-Reset state, thus disabling the test logic and allowing normal operation of the on-chip system logic. In addition, the instruction register is loaded with the IDCODE instruction. 42.4.2 IEEE 1149.1-2001 (JTAG) Test Access Port The JTAGC block uses the IEEE 1149.1-2001 TAP for accessing registers. This port can be shared with other TAP controllers on the MCU. Ownership of the port is determined by the value of the currently loaded instruction. Data is shifted between TDI and TDO though the selected register starting with the least significant bit, as illustrated in the following figure. This applies for the instruction register, test data registers, and the bypass register. MSB TDI LSB Selected Register TDO Figure 42-3. Shifting data through a register 42.4.3 TAP controller state machine The TAP controller is a synchronous state machine that interprets the sequence of logical values on the TMS pin. The following figure shows the machine's states. The value shown next to each state is the value of the TMS signal sampled on the rising edge of the TCK signal. As the following figure shows, holding TMS at logic 1 while clocking TCK through a sufficient number of rising edges also causes the state machine to enter the Test-Logic-Reset state. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1085 Functional description TEST LOGIC RESET 1 0 1 1 1 SELECT-DR-SCAN RUN-TEST/IDLE SELECT-IR-SCAN 0 0 0 1 1 CAPTURE-DR CAPTURE-IR 0 0 SHIFT-IR SHIFT-DR 0 0 1 1 1 1 EXIT1-IR EXIT1-DR 0 0 PAUSE-DR PAUSE-IR 0 0 1 0 EXIT2-DR 1 0 EXIT2-IR 1 1 UPDATE-DR 1 0 UPDATE-IR 1 0 The value shown adjacent to each state transition in this figure represents the value of TMS at the time of a rising edge of TCK. Figure 42-4. IEEE 1149.1-2001 TAP controller finite state machine Enabling the TAP controller The JTAGC TAP controller is enabled by setting the JTAGC enable to a logic 1 value. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1086 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 42 JTAG Controller (JTAGC) Selecting an IEEE 1149.1-2001 register Access to the JTAGC data registers is achieved by loading the instruction register with any of the JTAGC block instructions while the JTAGC is enabled. Instructions are shifted in via the Select-IR-Scan path and loaded in the Update-IR state. At this point, all data register access is performed via the Select-DR-Scan path. The Select-DR-Scan path is used to read or write the register data by shifting in the data (LSB first) during the Shift-DR state. When reading a register, the register value is loaded into the IEEE 1149.1-2001 shifter during the Capture-DR state. When writing a register, the value is loaded from the IEEE 1149.1-2001 shifter to the register during the UpdateDR state. When reading a register, there is no requirement to shift out the entire register contents. Shifting may be terminated once the required number of bits have been acquired. 42.4.4 JTAGC block instructions The JTAGC block implements the IEEE 1149.1-2001 defined instructions listed in the following table. This section gives an overview of each instruction; refer to the IEEE 1149.1-2001 standard for more details. All undefined opcodes are reserved. Table 42-3. 4-bit JTAG instructions Instruction Code[3:0] Instruction summary IDCODE 0000 Selects device identification register for shift SAMPLE/PRELOAD 0010 Selects boundary scan register for shifting, sampling, and preloading without disturbing functional operation SAMPLE 0011 Selects boundary scan register for shifting and sampling without disturbing functional operation EXTEST 0100 Selects boundary scan register and applies preloaded values to output pins. NOTE: Execution of this instruction asserts functional reset. Factory debug reserved 0101 Intended for factory debug only Factory debug reserved 0110 Intended for factory debug only Factory debug reserved 0111 Intended for factory debug only ARM JTAG-DP Reserved 1000 This instruction goes the ARM JTAG-DP controller. See the ARM JTAG-DP documentation for more information. HIGHZ 1001 Selects bypass register and three-states all output pins. NOTE: Execution of this instruction asserts functional reset. ARM JTAG-DP Reserved 1010 This instruction goes the ARM JTAG-DP controller. See the ARM JTAG-DP documentation for more information. Table continues on the next page... KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1087 Functional description Table 42-3. 4-bit JTAG instructions (continued) Instruction Code[3:0] Instruction summary ARM JTAG-DP Reserved 1011 This instruction goes the ARM JTAG-DP controller. See the ARM JTAG-DP documentation for more information. CLAMP 1100 Selects bypass register and applies preloaded values to output pins. ARM JTAG-DP Reserved 1110 This instruction goes the ARM JTAG-DP controller. See the ARM JTAG-DP documentation for more information. BYPASS 1111 Selects bypass register for data operations NOTE: Execution of this instruction asserts functional reset. IDCODE instruction IDCODE selects the 32-bit device identification register as the shift path between TDI and TDO. This instruction allows interrogation of the MCU to determine its version number and other part identification data. IDCODE is the instruction placed into the instruction register when the JTAGC block is reset. SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction The SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction has two functions: * The SAMPLE portion of the instruction obtains a sample of the system data and control signals present at the MCU input pins and just before the boundary scan register cells at the output pins. This sampling occurs on the rising edge of TCK in the Capture-DR state when the SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction is active. The sampled data is viewed by shifting it through the boundary scan register to the TDO output during the Shift-DR state. Both the data capture and the shift operation are transparent to system operation. * The PRELOAD portion of the instruction initializes the boundary scan register cells before selecting the EXTEST or CLAMP instructions to perform boundary scan tests. This is achieved by shifting in initialization data to the boundary scan register during the Shift-DR state. The initialization data is transferred to the parallel outputs of the boundary scan register cells on the falling edge of TCK in the Update-DR state. The data is applied to the external output pins by the EXTEST or CLAMP instruction. System operation is not affected. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1088 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 42 JTAG Controller (JTAGC) SAMPLE instruction The SAMPLE instruction obtains a sample of the system data and control signals present at the MCU input pins and just before the boundary scan register cells at the output pins. This sampling occurs on the rising edge of TCK in the Capture-DR state when the SAMPLE instruction is active. The sampled data is viewed by shifting it through the boundary scan register to the TDO output during the Shift-DR state. There is no defined action in the Update-DR state. Both the data capture and the shift operation are transparent to system operation. EXTEST External test instruction EXTEST selects the boundary scan register as the shift path between TDI and TDO. It allows testing of off-chip circuitry and board-level interconnections by driving preloaded data contained in the boundary scan register onto the system output pins. Typically, the preloaded data is loaded into the boundary scan register using the SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction before the selection of EXTEST. EXTEST asserts the internal system reset for the MCU to force a predictable internal state while performing external boundary scan operations. HIGHZ instruction HIGHZ selects the bypass register as the shift path between TDI and TDO. While HIGHZ is active all output drivers are placed in an inactive drive state (e.g., high impedance). HIGHZ also asserts the internal system reset for the MCU to force a predictable internal state. CLAMP instruction CLAMP allows the state of signals driven from MCU pins to be determined from the boundary scan register while the bypass register is selected as the serial path between TDI and TDO. CLAMP enhances test efficiency by reducing the overall shift path to a single bit (the bypass register) while conducting an EXTEST type of instruction through the boundary scan register. CLAMP also asserts the internal system reset for the MCU to force a predictable internal state. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1089 Initialization/Application information BYPASS instruction BYPASS selects the bypass register, creating a single-bit shift register path between TDI and TDO. BYPASS enhances test efficiency by reducing the overall shift path when no test operation of the MCU is required. This allows more rapid movement of test data to and from other components on a board that are required to perform test functions. While the BYPASS instruction is active the system logic operates normally. 42.4.5 Boundary scan The boundary scan technique allows signals at component boundaries to be controlled and observed through the shift-register stage associated with each pad. Each stage is part of a larger boundary scan register cell, and cells for each pad are interconnected serially to form a shift-register chain around the border of the design. The boundary scan register consists of this shift-register chain, and is connected between TDI and TDO when the EXTEST, SAMPLE, or SAMPLE/PRELOAD instructions are loaded. The shift-register chain contains a serial input and serial output, as well as clock and control signals. 42.5 Initialization/Application information The test logic is a static logic design, and TCK can be stopped in either a high or low state without loss of data. However, the system clock is not synchronized to TCK internally. Any mixed operation using both the test logic and the system functional logic requires external synchronization. To initialize the JTAGC block and enable access to registers, the following sequence is required: 1. Place the JTAGC in reset through TAP controller state machine transitions controlled by TMS 2. Load the appropriate instruction for the test or action to be performed KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1090 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix A Release Notes for Revision 2 A.1 About This Document chapter changes * Deleted the Package your way footnote attached to 48LQFP A.2 Introduction chapter changes * Added KMS information in Module Functional Categories section * Added KMS Orderable Part Number Table A.3 Chip Configuration chapter changes * Added note that says that LLS2 and LLS3 are not supported in the device * Added Kinetis Motor Suite (KMS) configuration section A.4 Memory Map chapter changes * No substantial content changes A.5 Clock Distribution chapter changes * No substantial content changes KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1091 Reset and Boot chapter changes A.6 Reset and Boot chapter changes * No substantial content changes A.7 Power Management chapter changes * No substantial content changes A.8 Security chapter changes * No substantial content changes A.9 Debug chapter changes * Updated MDM-AP Status register assignments and MDM-AP Control register assignments * Updated Debug and Security section A.10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions chapter changes * No substantial content changes A.11 PORT changes For the "Digital filter" section, clarified the maximum latency through a digital filter. * In Pin Control Register (PCRn), added additional details to Interrupt Configuration field (IRQC) description. * Updated fields of PORT_PCR[MUX]. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1092 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix A Release Notes for Revision 2 A.12 SIM changes * No substantial content changes A.13 Kinetis Flash Bootloader changes Added various commands. * Added "FlashEraseRegion Command Packet Format (Example)" table to the topic: FlashEraseRegion command * Updated the Description Field of Configuration Fields for the Kinetis Bootloader table * Updated FlashEraseAll command section * In topic "Start-up Process," updated labels in the figure "Kinetis Bootloader Start-up Flowchart" and added a note. * In topics "The Kinetis Bootloader Configuration Area (BCA)" and "CRC-32 Check on Application Data": added notes. * * * * * * * * * Correction to 512R RAM Memory Map: is now 0x1FFF_8000 to 0x2000_0000; it was 0x1FFF_8000 to 0x2001_0000. Correction to Kinetis Flashloader Start-up Flowchart for I2Cn and SPIn decision box criteria. Call command was added. LPUART was corrected to UART. Note that the device has both UART and LPUART (low power UART) blocks, but the flashloader works with UART, not LPUART. Clock configuration section was updated. Deleted FlashSecurity Disable Command from Introduction, Command packet and AvailableCommands Property section Removed FlashSecurityDisable command section For devices with USB, UART, I2C, SPI, CAN peripherals, updated the startup flowchart. For "Kinetis Flashloader Start-up Flowchart" figure, reworded some decision diamonds to be more specific ("Was Start byte (0x5A) received?"). * In "Start-up Process" section, replaced "The flashloader initializes the .data and .bss sections" with "The flashloader's temporary working area in RAM is initialized". A.14 RCM changes * Updated the name of AN4503 to AN4503: Power Management for Kinetis MCUs A.15 SMC changes * Updated the name of AN4503 to "AN4503: Power Management for Kinetis MCUs" * Removed RAM2 content. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1093 PMC changes A.16 PMC changes * Updated the name of AN4503 to "AN4503: Power Management for Kinetis MCUs" A.17 LLWU changes * Updated the name of AN4503 to "AN4503: Power Management for Kinetis MCUs" A.18 MCM changes * No substantial content changes A.19 Crossbar switch module changes * In Features added phrase to bullet re. arbitration to see chip-specific information. * In Memory Map / Register Definition added paragraph stating to see chip-specific information re. arbitration. * In General operation : * Changed "When a slave bus is being idled by the crossbar,..." to "When a slave bus, other than the flash (if present), is being idled by the crossbar,...". * Added paragraph that begins, "If present, the flash slave port parks..." * General operation : Removed phrase, ", other than the flash (if present),". Removed last paragraph that began with "If present, the flash slave port..." * Features : * Replaced "64-bit data bus" with "Up to single-clock 32-bit transfer". * Removed bullet beginning with, "Operation at a 1-to-1 clock frequency..." from Features. * General operation : Removed paragraph beginning with "A master is given control of the targeted slave..." and the following list, beginning with "A higher priority master has...". * Fixed-priority operation : Removed the note referring to MGPCR from the "How the Crossbar Switch grants control of a slave port to a master" table. A.20 AIPS module changes Memory map/register definition has been added stating that this module has no registers. * Edited General operation. * Corrected misspellings in Memory map/register definition. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1094 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix A Release Notes for Revision 2 A.21 DMAMUX module changes * Updated the offset address of the registers * Updated the offset address of registers in the code example given in the section "Enabling and configuring sources" * Removed the address information of CHCFG1 register (base address + 0x01) and CHCFG8 (base address + 0x08) from the section "Enabling and configuring sources." A.22 eDMA module changes * Fault reporting and handling : Added note re. cancel transfer request. Added note re. channel priority errors. * Block parts : Changed "16 bytes of register storage" to "a data buffer" in Data path description. * Added note to DMA_CR[CLM] description re. restriction on use of continuous link mode. * In section "Peak transfer rates", added a note stating "All architectures will not meet the assumptions listed above. See the SRAM configuration section for more information." * * * * Features : Removed bullet "Error detection and error correction". Features : Removed bullet beginning with, "Support to cancel transfers..." Memory map/register definition : Edited image in TCD structure for clarity for word at 0008h. Made editorial changes in Fault reporting and handling. * Editorial changes. * Removed "(INTC)" from Interrupt Request Register (DMA_INT) description. * Corrected the width of the Reserved field beginning at bit 247 in DMA_CR from 4 to 7 bits. * TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCDn_ATTR) [SSIZE]: Removed word "burst" from definitions for bit values 100 and 101. * Changed the following descriptive names of registers and fields: * TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled) to TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Mapping Disabled). * TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and Offset Disabled) to TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping Enabled and Offset Disabled). * TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset Enabled) to TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping and Offset Enabled). * Link Channel Number to Minor Loop Link Channel Number (DMA_TCDn_CITER_ELINKYES[LINKCH]). * Link Channel Number to Major Loop Link Channel Number (DMA_TCDn_CSR[MAJORLINKCH]). * Edited Introduction. * Dynamic channel linking : Added cross-reference to TCD structure. * Features : Replaced "optional" with other wording to improve clarity. * Changed note in CLM field description of DMA_CR register. * Error Status Register (DMA_ES) : Added two causes of channel errors to list in register description. * DMA_TCDn_CSR[BWC]: Removed note from field description. * DMA_TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE]: Changed access from RW to RO. * Error Status Register (DMA_ES) Removed bullet about uncorrectable TCD SRAM errors. A.23 EWM changes * Substantial changes throughout the chapter which include: KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1095 WDOG changes * * * * Changed the term "service" to "refresh" throughout the chapter to better explain the EWM refresh mechanism. Updated the block diagram. Updated the table "EWM refresh mechanism". Editorial changes A.24 WDOG changes * No substantial content changes A.25 MCG changes * Updated the bitfield access of ATMF and LOCS0 in the MCG_SC register * Added footnote to MCG_C2[FCTRIM] field * Updated the reset value of MCG_C2[FCTRIM] to x A.26 OSC changes * No substantial content changes A.27 FMC changes * The Flash Access Control function is part of the FMC and is now described within the FMC functional description. * Updated flash cache size to 4-bit. * Updated FMC_PFAPR register. * In "Flash Command Impact" and "FAC application tips" sections, removed SWAP information, because it is not supported on this device. A.28 FTFA changes * Modify FSEC[MEEN] register field description * Modify Flash Commands by Mode table entries for Read 1s All Blocks and Erase All Blocks commands * Add Read 1s All Execute-only Segments and Erase All Execute-only Segments commands; modify list of Margin Read Commands * Add reference to AN5112 in Flash Access Protection * Add ACCERR check for mode/security in Error Handling table for Verify Backdoor Access Key and Read 1s All Blocks commands * Change column heading from Byte to Offset Address in configuration field description table * Add suggestion to bit poll FSTAT[CCIF] for command completion in Generic flash command write sequence flowchart KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1096 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix A Release Notes for Revision 2 * Clarify that ACCERR and FPVIOL flags must be clear before ERSSUSP can be set in Suspending an Erase Flash Sector Operation * Remove erroneous reference to the flash configuration field in Suspending an Erase Flash Sector Operation * Specify minimum time of 4.3 msec between request to resume and suspend erase in Resuming an Erase Flash Sector Operation * Add list of specific commands impacted by Flash Access Protection * Clarify writability of ACCERR and FPVIOL while CCIF is set in FSTAT register description A.29 CRC changes In the "Introduction" section, removed "WAS" from the sentence "The CRC module provides a programmable polynomial, WAS, and other parameters required to implement a 16-bit or 32-bit CRC standard." A.30 ADC changes * Editorial changes * Changed bitfield access of ADC_SC3[CALF] to w1c (write 1 to clear). * Removed the duplication section "Voltage reference selection". A.31 CMP changes * Updated the field description of CFF and CFR in CMP Status and Control Register to show CMP interrupts are edge sensitive only A.32 DAC changes * No substantial content changes A.33 VREF changes * Added Internal Voltage Regulator topic to the chapter. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1097 PDB changes A.34 PDB changes * * * * In "Pulse-Out's" section, added a Pulse-Out generation diagram. Updated SC[LDOK} with a slightly more clear description. Added a note about SC[LDOK] to MOD, IDLY, PODLY, DACINTx, and CHDLY registers. Deleted "PDB signal description" section. A.35 FTM changes * Added the following note to Introduction, Block diagram, and Memory map sections: "The number of channels supported can vary for each instance of the FTM module on a chip. See the chip-specific FTM information to see how many channels are supported for each module instance. For example, if a module instance supports only six channels, references to channel numbers 6 and 7 do not apply for that instance." * Updated feature list to add "Initialization trigger" * For section "Counter clock source", changed "SC register selects clock sources" to "SC register selects one of three possible clock sources" * Made the following changes to section Channel trigger output to clarify external trigger functionality: * Updated figure "Channel match trigger" * Updated the first two paragraphs to "If CH(j)TRIG bit of the FTM External Trigger (FTM_EXTTRIG) register is set, where j = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, then the FTM generates a trigger when the channel (j) match occurs (FTM counter = C(j)V). The channel trigger output provides a trigger signal which has one FTM clock period width and is used for on-chip modules." * In FTM_EXTTRIG register description, added cross-references to Channel trigger output and Initialization trigger sections * Updated description of FTM_SC[CLKS] field * In section Edge-Aligned PWM (EPWM) mode, updated sentence to read as follows: "If (CnV > MOD), then the channel (n) output is a 100% duty cycle EPWM signal and CHnF bit is not set even when there is the channel (n) match." * For section "Modes of operation" and section "Counter clock source", changed "MCU" to "chip" * For section "Counter clock source", changed "Refer to the chip specific documentation for further information." to "see the chip-specific FTM information for further details." * Added more details about input capture delay on section "Filter for Input Capture mode". * Corrected "Channel input filter example" figure on section "Filter for Input Capture mode". A.36 PIT module changes * No substantial content changes A.37 LPTMR changes Added a note to the LPTMR_CNR register. KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1098 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix A Release Notes for Revision 2 A.38 SPI module changes * Included two topics Modified SPI Transfer Format (MTFE = 1, CPHA = 0) and Modified SPI Transfer Format (MTFE = 1, CPHA = 1). * Reduced bit width of SPI_CTARn_SLAVE [FMSZ] from 5 to 4 and updating the bit to reserved. * In RSER register, added "Always write the reset value to this field." to some of the Reserved bits. Also, updated bit field access to RW for these bits. * In PUSHR register, added note "Always write the reset value to this field." to Reserved bits. Also, updated bit field access to RW for these bits. * In MCR register, updated bit field access to RW for Reserved bit fields 22 and 23. Also updated bit field description with text, "Always write the reset value to this field". * In Memory Map/Register Definition section, added RXFRn to statement re. write accesses results in transfer error. * Updated bit field description for SPI_MCR[PCSIS]. * Updated bit field description for SPI_PUSHR[PCS]. * Updated section, Continuous Serial Communications Clock * Editorial updates. * In "SPI memory map" table of Memory Map/Register Definition section, changed reset value of Status Register from "See section" to actual value. * Updated bit field description for SPI_MCR[MTFE] * In Section, Classic SPI Transfer Format (CPHA = 0), changed "After the tASC delay elapses, the master outputs the first edge of SCK"to "After the tCSC delay elapses..." * Updated SPI_MCR[MDIS] bit field description for setting default reset value to 1 instead of 0. * In SPI_CTARn[FMSZ], updated description of 'fr' to 'register interface clock frequency'. * Updated SPI_PUSHR register description. * Updated SPI_PUSHR_SLAVE register description. * Updated bit field description and width for SPI_PUSHR_SLAVE[TXDATA] * Added note to SPI_MCR[PCSIS] bit field. * Updated bit field description for SPI_TXFRn[TXCMD_TXDATA]. * Changed "MCU" to "chip" throughout the chapter. * Removed note from Section, SIN--Serial Input * Added note to SPI_SR[TFFF] bit field. * In Section, Modified SPI/DSI Transfer Format (MTFE = 1, CPHA =1), added note, "When using MTFE=1...POP operation." * Previous Errata moved to documentation: In Module Configuration Register (SPI_MCR), note to the SPI_MCR[CLR_RXF] bit field description. * In Status Register (SPI_SR) - Changed bitfield access from W1C to RO. A.39 I2C changes * "IIAAS" corrected to "IAAS", in the figure "Typical I2C interrupt routine" under the section "Initialization/application information". * Added a note for I2C_FLT[STOPF]. * Added a note in the section "Address matching wake-up". KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1099 UART changes A.40 UART changes * Added the following note to the bitfield description of MODEM[TXRTSE]: NOTE: Ensure that C2[TE] is asserted beforeassertion of this bit. * Added an overbar over the CTS signal name in the table "UART signal descriptions." A.41 GPIO changes * Updated Features A.42 JTAGC module changes * No substantial content changes KV30F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 2, 02/2016 1100 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. How to Reach Us: Home Page: freescale.com Web Support: freescale.com/support Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Freescale products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document. Freescale reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Freescale makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Freescale assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. "Typical" parameters that may be provided in Freescale data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including "typicals," must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Freescale does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the following address: freescale.com/SalesTermsandConditions. Freescale, the Freescale logo, and Kinetis are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. ARM, the ARM Powered logo, and Cortex are registered trademarks of ARM Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the EU and/or elsewhere. SpinTAC is a trademark of LineStream Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. (c) 2014-2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Document Number KV30P64M100SFARM Revision 2, 02/2016