Anaren Features Low, guaranteed VSWR Low conversion loss Broad band IF output Biased models for starved LO operation Improved intermodulation performance Description These 90 hybrid balanced mixers feature extremely low, guaranteed VSWR and conversion loss performance in down conversion applications. Integral, hot carrier diodes and a compact, lightweight, economical, design provide low, stable, noise figure performance. Biased or unbiased models, in octave or wider bandwidths, from 0.5 to 18.0 GHz are available. Biased models allow Balanced Mixers (90 Hybrid) Applications Low loss down-convertors and receiver front-ends AM, FM, PSK demodulators Phase detectors Phase-locked loops Frequency discriminators Starved LO systems Reduction of system LO/RF leakage DF, monopulse and other multi-channel phase/amplitude tracking receiver systems Test instrumentation improved conversion loss and intermodulation perfor- mance, especially when optimum LO power is not avail- able. Bias compensation can provide optimum conversion loss even for LO power variations of 40 dB. Intermodulation performance can also be significantly improved by bias compensation. See pages 141-155 for detailed Technical/Application information. 89Electrical Specifications Model | Frequency | Isolation | VSWR _ | Conversion Noise LO Bias" IFC 4 No. (GHz) LO-RF | Max/Typ Loss Figure* Power Bandwidth Min/Typ Max/Typ Max/Typ (dBm) (MHz) (dB) (dB) (dB) 70114 0.5-1.0 6/10 1.5/1.2 7.0/6.0 8.0/7.0 +7 NO DC-150 7H0114 0.5-1.0 6/10 1.5/1.2 7.5/6.5 8.5/7.5 0 YES 5-150 70350 0.5-2.0 6/10 1.7/1.3 7.5/6.5 8.5/7.5 +7 NO DC-225 7HO0350 0.5-2.0 6/10 1.7/1.3 8.0/7.0 9.0/8.0 0 Yes 10-225 70115 1.0-2.0 6/10 1.5/1.2 7.0/6.0 8.0/7.0 +7 NO DC-250 7HO115 1.0-2.0 6/10 1.5/1.2 7.5/6.5 8.5/7.5 0 YES 5-250 70140 1.3-2.6 6/10 1.6/1.3 7.0/6.0 8.0/7.0 +7 NO DC-500 70250 1.5-12.0 6/10 2.0/1.65 8.0/7.0 9.0/8.0 +10 NO DC-500 70116 2.0-4.0 6/10 1.6/1.3 7.0/6.0 8.0/7.0 +7 NO DC-600 7HO116 2.0-4.0 6/10 1.6/1.3 7.5/6.5 8.5/7.5 0 YES 5-600 70340 2.6-5.2 6/10 1.7/1.3 7.0/6.0 8.0/7.0 +7 NO DC-800 7H0340 2.6-5.2 6/10 1.7/1.3 7.5/6.5 8.5/7.5 0 YES 9-800 70117 4.0-8.0 6/10 1.9/1.4 7.5/6.5 8.5/7.5 +7 NO DC-900 7HO117 4.0-8.0 6/10 1.9/1.4 8.0/7.0 9.0/8.0 0 YES 5-900 70540 5.2-10.4 6/10 2.0/1.5 7.5/6.5 8.5/7.5 +7 NO DC-1100 7H0540 5.2-10.4 6/10 2.0/1.5 8.0/7.0 9.0/8.0 0 YES 5-1100 7G0118 8.0-12.4 6/10 2.0/1.65 7.5/6.5 8.5/7.5 +7 NO DC-1200 7H0118 8.0-12.4 6/10 2.0/1.65 8.0/7.0 9.0/8.0 0 YES 5-1200 70160 8.0-16.0 6/10 2.5/1.7 8.0/7.0 9.0/8.0 +7 NO DC-1200 7H0O160 8.0-16.0 6/10 2.5/1.7 8.5/7.5 9.5/8.5 0 YES 5-1200 70119 12.4-18.0 6/10 2.5/1.7 8.0/7.0 9.0/8.0 +7 NO DC-1400 7HO0119 12.4-18.0 6/10 2.5/1.7 8.5/7.5 9.5/8.5 0 YES 5-1400 '1) Biased mixers normally have a built-in dc blocking See page 144 for detailed information on using the bias capacitor in the IF output. Models without this capacitor option. are available (on special order) which allow a dc coupled IF response. There is approximately +350 to +450 mV dc (3) IF bandwidth for biased models is at 3 dB response offset at the IF terminals for dc coupled, biased models. points. DC coupled models have flat response to dc. 2) The bias current required for optimum conversion loss is (4) Conversion loss is measured at 30 or 60 MHz. a function of the LO power applied. All biased models shown can also be used unbiased by grounding the bias (5) Model 7H0350 requires +12V bias for any LO power terminal and applying normal LO power. All models (except _level and incorporates optimum Joad-line bias network as 7H0350) require an external bias current limiting resistor. described on page 144. Approximately .5 dB degradation @ +95C. Specitications subject to change without notice. 9070114 7HO174 Conversion Loss vs. RF Frequency 9 ~~ * 6 2 28 8 s $1 : : - . . 3 THON nd BD onaans a. OdBrh LO G2 mA bine oe 2 6 - ao 8 70114 +7 dBm LO Data applies to sg Modal 70114 ond THD auindicated. Motes + as0 aso 070 o80 "090 00 Frequency (GHz} 25 . LO, RF VSWR vs. Frequency 20 e. g 18. Data appiies to Models 10116 and 7HO14. Noten 1,2, 070 0.80 Frequency (GHz) ao... ce LO-RF teolation vs. Frequency 25 ae od i 8 : S : <0 : : i 3 # a : o 5 4, ' oO} 7 tenant 5 : , : : * pal tn tee a mahi : ae Nope 1, 243, O-- 66g oo * 0 09 TOT Frequency (GHz) Conversion Loss & Bias Current ve.L0 Power - 10, oy a Ostnlrn en currebs jfo7Hpyta gi THON. Conperatoriions = optimonibins corrent Conversion Loss (dB} o 4 o Or wpplies lo Modis 70114 id THAT ona Wotes 1, 2, 5,6, 7 " 240 - e008 LO Power (cam) no ayy4 HOTA -110 nce ~ 58 Coordinates in chms (A jx} Data taken with HP 8405 vector voltmeter; referenced to open at input of IF connector, Notes 1,3. 4, 5, 6. Notes: Ta = 25C IF frequency = 60 MHz. . LO power (Model 70114): + 7 dBm . LO power (Model 7HO114) 0 dBm @ 2 mA bias current . LO frequency = 0.75 GHz. . All measurements made in a 50 ohm system. . Model 7HO114 has same conversion loss characteristics as Model 70114 when bias terminal is grounded. NOMPwWH 70350 7H0350 o Conversion Loss vs. RF Frequency 1 4 : a 7 to Fee i: - $o ap 8 _ widenvg . Seer 0.50 0.80 1.10 1.40 1.70 2.00 Frequency (GH2 . LO, RF VSWR vs. Frequency 25 2.0: > 18 . Reese TebsO wna ; 1.0 - : vt 0.50 0.80 1.10 1.40 1.70 2.00 Frequency (GHz) 30 LO-RF Isolation vs. Frequency 25 20 LO-PF Isolation (dB) a 10 s : . - _ Relates paste 0a me rrocee Q 0.50 0.80 1.10 4.40 1.70 2.00 Frequency (GH2) 10 Conversion Loss vs. LO Power 9 a i 8 c Tr g 5 6 8 & Date ecrd 7HOGSO seam ane aeay 4 yg 4025 45 410 Lo Power (dBm) Mi Wedel ZH0380 . 14 00 2%, 130 150 Coordinates in ohms (R + jx) Data taken with HP 8405 vector voltmeter, referenced to open at input of IF connector. Notes 1,3, 4,5,6. Notes: . Ty = 28C. . IF frequency = 60 MHz . LO power (Model 70350): + 7 dBm LO power (Mode! 7H0350}: 0 d8m @ + 12V bias current . LO frequency = 1.25 GHz. All measurements made in a 50 onm system. . Mode! 7H0350 has same conversion ioss characteristics as 70350 when bias terminal is grounded. NOOSWR > 70115 7HO115 Conversion Loss vs, AF Frequency 10: g g 2 me 3 s s @ = g 2 8 o go 7 +? dmLO crsenka as Indicated. "i * 1.00 120 1.40 veo Bog Frequency een LO, RE VSWR ve. Frequency eo Di to Models 70115 gnd 7HQ115. ned Fhe et aca a 100 1200 a eo ag Frequency (GHz) 30, wee -LO-RE. Isolation vs. Frequency 251 a 2 = 20 S = i a) re : ne ame end a i So : g : 5 i seoline to dels 10115 ahd THON IS. 7 he er I a 1.00 1.20 1.40 is 1 2 2.00 Frequency (GHz) 10 Conversion Loss & Bins Curren ys. LO Power, Optimum bias cufres tor HOTS 9 + 5 B . mois _ 8 < og 6 en PG goat rea thes chen : te 8 = 5? ae 3 3 $6 ae s 3 Leee 4 a ; Date epplps to ; Sia (ol Power (di am) ire fee 400 aS Coordinates in ohms (R jx) Data taken with HP 8405 vector voltmeter; referenced to open at input of IF connector. Notes 1, 3, 4.5, 6. Notes: . Ta = 25C. IF frequency = 60 MHz. LO power (Model 70115): + 7 dBm. LO power (Model 7H0115): 0 dBm @ 1.9 mA bias current. . LO frequency = 1.50 GHz. . All measurements made in a 50 ohm system. Modei 7H0015 has same conversion loss characteristics as Model 70115 when bias terminal is grounded. NOU awWH + 9170140 Data taken with HP 8405 vector voltmeter; referenced to open Conversion Loss vs. RF Frequency Vpn eee en -, Gorivarsion Loss vs. RF Prequene = i i Conversion Loss (d8} nt poe she ee sopliba to Models 10140 ahs 7H00 lcated. Notbe 1, 2.3.4, 6.7 feds 156 i ek) te Frequency (are 25 LO, RF VSWR vs. Frequency i ad 4 ae . co a g | : rr to Madele 70140 one 7H0140, | L Ree 34, 6 i 182} 268 Frequency (GHz) LO-RF Isolation vs. Frequency LO-AF. Isolation (dB) 2 Conversion Loss (dB) Phe fh { : @ =e oO LO Power {d&m) Model 70140 Model 70140 = 180 Coordinates in ohms (Rix) at input of IF connector. Notes 1, 3, 4, 5,6 Notes: 1. Ta = 25C. 2.4 NOUS Ww F frequency t 60 MHz . LO power (Model 70140): + 7 dBm. LO power (Model 7H0140): 0 dBm @ 1.6 mA bias current. LO frequency = 1.95 GHz. Aili measurements made in a 50 ohm system. . Mode! 7H0140 nas sare conversion loss characteristics as Model 70140 when bias terminal is grounded. 92 Bias Current ima} 70250 Conversion Loss ve. AF Frequency Conversion Loss (dB) u 5 : pate dppiies wb odie Taste sn ina 4 i ae Notes t. 10 15 20 40 0 86 10 12 4 Frequency (GHz) 25 LO, AF VSWR vs. Frequency 29, , $ 16. 19 : i or ws 20 a0 60 Bb 19) 1214 Frequency (GHz) LO-RF twolalion vs. Frequency i | a : 3 = 20; 8 g 15) 8 2. & 10) 3 $ Shon late sipltan'to Mouals 780 arid Hai." Notes 1, 2,3,4,6 9; bg . 10 16 20 30 40 60 "80 i012 14 Frequency (GHz) 2 Conversion Loss & Bias Current va.L0 Power pein ain curt te 1h a 8 Bia Conpersion g: unt Bias cree : s = a oO palested. Note 1,256.7 +5 #10 Ss 6 LO Power (dBm) Coordinates in ohms (R jx) Data taken with HP 8405 vector voltmeter; referenced to open at input of IF connector. Notes 1, 3, 4,5. 6. Notes: 1 = 25C. 2 iA frequency = 60 MHz. 3. LO power (Madel 70250): + 10 dBm. 4. LO power (Model 7HO250):0 dBm @ +2mA bias current. 5. LO frequency = 7.0 GHz. 6. Aitmeasurements made in a 50 ohm system 7. Madel 7H0250 has conversion loss characteristics similar to Model 70250 when bias terminals are grounded, Bas Current (mA; ath b spore 10 ia Wasa aba THO at 70116 7H0116 3 Conversion Loss vs. RF Frequency o o 116 OEM LO @ 1.7 mA diag, , Conversion Lass (dB) ~ TONG +7 aBm LO 8 Dome npptine 10: Modais ore and THOI16 a lean Motes 1,2,3. 4.6, 4 Tea i 2.00 240 380 3.86 400 Frequency cus 28 LO, RF VSWR vs. Frequency 20 = : 280 3.20 Frequency (GHz) 0. . _ a n hO-RF Isolation vs. Frequency LO-RF Isolation (dB) a a: eee Date apptis to Models 70156 and THON1E, Notes 1, 2/3, 4,6, i 200 gay geo TH 380 400 Frequency (GHz) Conversion Loss & Bias Current vs. LO Power pee o " i Conversion Loss (dB) bee to Madels 70116 and 740116 enone 286, +6 +10 og Coordinates in ohms (R= jx) Data taken with HP 8405 vector voltmeter; referenced to open at input of IF connector. Notes 1.3, 4, 5,6 Notes: 1. Ty = 28C. 2. IF frequency = 60 MHz. 3. LO power (Model 70116): + 7 dBm. 4. LO power (Model 7HO116): 0dBm @ 1.7 mA bias current. 5. LO frequency = 3.0 GHz. 6. All measurements made in a 50 onm system 7. Model 7HO116 has same conversion loss characteristics as Model 70116 when bias terminai is grounded.Data taken with HP 8405 vector volimeter, referenced to open 70340 7H0340 40 Conversion Lose.vs. AF Frequency. 9 + eo z= 8 4 s Sg. tomo, - z 8 +7 dBm Lo 3 5 Dat pales LohModal roaenand TLD | i ad indicated, Nates 1 +2 47 4 vt 3 2.60 3.12 364 4.16 5.20 Frequency (GHz) 25. 40, RE YSWAL ve, Frequency, 20- : c 3 4 a S 18 to Models 70940 and THOdeO. a ! nomen 54,6 al hee , ' : | i WOO ee nee heced 2.60 312 3.64 446 4.68 5.20 Frequency (GHz) 0 LO-RF tsotation vs. Frequency Bit 20 LO-RF Isolation (dB) Nempiet ee oe" 3 60 giz 364 aig" 685.20 Frequency (GHz) Current s.LO Power. ati fot7 bias current o Oo = z < 2 x 4 3 = 8 = 2 bompoog 8 2 3 e 2 g yj 28 8 5 oO 8 a | ~5 9 LO Power (dBm) Coordinates in ohms (Rix) at input of IF connector. Notes 1,3, 4, 5,6 Notes: NOOR . Ta = 25C. IF frequency = 60 MHz. LO power (Mode! 70340): + 7 dBm. LO power (Mode! 7H0340): 0 dBm @ 1.8 mA bias current. LO frequency = 3.90 GHz All measurements made in a 50 ohm system. Model 7H0340 has same conversion loss characteristic as Model 70340 when bias terminal is grounded. 70117 7H0117 ~ Conversion Loss ve, RE Frequency, . 17. . i : . Eig i o Tort, ~ +7 eB LO Conversion Loss (43) ~ o Data spells to Models 70117 and 7HD117 auindicated. Notes 1, 2,3, 4, 6,7 4.00 480 5.60 640 720 a0 Frequency (GHz) a 25, . . . . 1.0, RE VSWR ys, Frequency Blodete 70117 aha THOR Date ap woes 40" 460 " 480860 6.07220 2.00 Frequency (GHz) __ LO-RF isolation va. Frequency 8 pe g 8 6 beenna! 10-RAF Isolation (dB) a o Datalappiian fo blades ri Hani. on ve 4 ie i 4.00 4.90 7. B60 Frequency ent) Br _.. Conversion Loss & Bias Current vs. 4.0 Power ra 17 Conversion idea 6 Optimumibias cherent for FHO147 a Wi 2 opt Conversion Loss (dB) ~ oe Bias Current (mA) ced LD "Sika eas 75 a LO Power (dBm) 7180 Coordinates in ohms (Rt jx} Data taken with HP 8405 vector voltmeter, referenced to open at input of IF connector. Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 Noles: 1. Ta = 25C. 2. IF frequency = 60 MHz 3. LO power (Model 70117): + 7 dBm 4. LO power (Model 7H0117): 0 dBm @ 1.9 mA bias current. 5. LO frequency = 6.0 GHz. 6. All measurements made in a 50 ohm system. 7. Model 7H0117 has same conversion joss characteristic as Model 70117 when bias terminal is grounded. 70540 7H0540 0 -- __ Conversion Loss vs. RF Frequency. 7HOs40 Tae LO @ 2 mA a +7 BML Conversion Loss (dB) ~ Bala appiles to Madels P0540 and THOEaD as inclcated. Noles 1, 2,3, 4.6.7 5.20 624 738 8386 ta Frequency (GHz) LO, RF VSWR vs. Frequency Netes 1,2, 3,4, 4 : | 820" ead Fa 888 "06 aa Frequency (GHz) _LO-RE. Isolation ve. Frequency ns 1 i 8 LO-RF Isolation (dB) 4.8 8 8 } a 2 web chee et _ Doweebo eh 5.20 624 7.28 8.32 9.36 Frequency (GHz} Conversion Loss (dB) Me? Bias Current (mA) Data speiion te Modis rasa) arc THE640 indicated. Noted 1, 2, 5, ORT Gg oe io Power (eBm) 50 Coordinates in ohms (R + x) Data taken with HP 8405 vector voltmeter; referenced to open at input of |F connctor. Notes 1,3,4,5,6 Notes: 1. Ta = 25C. 2. IF frequency = 60 MHz 3. LO power (Model 70540). + 7 dBm 4. LO power (Model 7H0O540): 0 dBm @ 2.0 mA bias current 5. LO frequency = 7.8 GHz. 6. All measurements made in a 50 ohm system 7. Model 7HO540 has same conversion loss characteristics as Model 70540 when bias terminal is grounded 937G0118 7HO0118 @ Conversion Loss (dB) o ~ 8.00 8.88 9.76 10.64 152 1240 Frequency {GHz} bo Bb 10" 8.00 3.88 9.76 10.64 1182 1240 Frequency (GHz) AF Isolatis 30 feet cee ee MOORE tso}ation vp Fresweney, 2 od QB mer ee em pe E a | Spt be ct r | co, 2 | B 45). : 4 1 315 : - poy . Lo =) be, | 8 we + Raaarmey at rer serra : i Noteh 23,48 | : : ! bee tence cee de al we I oS 00 3.88 9.76 0.64 1152 1240 Frequency ore) Selim bi cuboni a a for PHO: i ia" Conversion Loss (dB) LO Power (dBm) 1 100 550 Coordinates in ohms (R + jx} Data taken with HP 8405 vector voltmeter, referenced to open at input of IF connector. Notes 1,3, 4, 5, 6. Notes: . Ty = 25C. . 1F frequency = 60 MHz. . LO power (Model 7G0118): + 7 dBm. . LO power (Model 7H0118): 0 dBm @ 1.7 mA bias current. . LO frequency = 10.2 GHz. . All measurements made in a 50 ohm sysiem. . Model 7H0118 has same conversion loss charactristic as Model 7G01 18 when bias terminal is grounded. NOORWON = 94 70160 7 H0160 40" i , -Sonversion Loss vs, RE Frequency, : so Qe be peed | a : : : 2 Eee - = . ee 3 7o}00 e +1TdBm ho Sg. : : z 5 i o 5 Sots | Daid apptide ta Mdets 160 ae Hadee av indicated. Noten 1, 2, 9, 4, 6, 4 bs i . L ao 96 n2 128 144 166 Frequency (GHz) 25 Beg LO, RE VSWR va, Frequency, 20 80 96 112 128 144 16.0 Frequency (GHz) LO-AF teoiation ve. Frequency BR Sg - ae LO-RF Isolation (dB) a 104. 5 Gate ae, Moca 700 ate rHoje0, Motes 1,2, i : o eo 96 112 128 144 160 Frequency (GHz) "1 Conversion Loss & Bias Current vs. LO Power. : Optimum bias curvent for 7Hot8o @ 10: : 5 a z 89) pied 4k 4 Convetsion = ga stoptlinum bins cyerpnt ag 2 : 3 7 : 2.9 8 o 8 eee oe Se Moats 70180 and 7HO1E0 . ry . Nates 1, 2, 5,6, 7 5 1 -10 a) 0 +5 +10 LO Power (dBm) Model 70180 Model 7THO180 IF impedance <0 / feo 25, a HO, a. 2 - p10" s 7 Coordinates in Shms (R+ |x) Data taken with HP 8405 vector voltmeter; referenced to open at input of IF connector. Notes 1,3, 4, 5, 6. Notes: 1. Ty = 26C. 2. IF frequency = 60 MHz. NOOPo . LO power (Model 70160): + 7 dBm. . LO power (Model 7H0160}: 0 d8m @ 1.7 mA bias current. . LO frequency = 12 GHz. All measurements made in a 50 ohm system. Model 7HO160 has same conversion loss characteristics as Model 70160 when bias terminal is grounded. 70119 7H0119 Conversion Loss vs. RF Frequency a a Conversion Loss (dB) 5 ce Dis applies ta adele 70110 nnd 7HDT1S atindieabed, Notea 1, 2.3.4, 4.7 12.00 33.20 14.40 1560. 16.80 18.00 Frequency (GHz) LO, RF YSWR xs. Frequency 28 20 , = = & g 18 oe . Data to Models 70118 ang 7HOTI9. oe ssareagey 10 : : i 12.00 13.20 1440 1560 1680 18.00 Frequency (GH2} 0 LO-RF lnolation vs, Frequency 2 7 8 8 LO-RF Isolation (4B) 6.4 42.00 13201440 15.60 1680 18.00 Frequency (GHz) Conversion Lons & Bias Currant vs. LO Power 3 Conversion Loss (dB) ~ @ @ forte and THO 1,2,8,6,7 - 9 +5 +10 LO Power (dBm) 56 Coordinates in ohms (R + jx) Data taken with HP 8405 vector voltmeter; referenced to open at input of iF connector. Notes 1, 3, 4,5, 6. Notes: 1. Ty = 25C. 2. frequency = 60 MHz. 3. LO power (Model 70119): + 7 dBm 4. LO power (Mode! 7H0119): 0 dBm @ 1.4 mA bias current. . LO frequency = 15 GHz 6. All measurements made in 50 ohm system 7. Madel 7H0119 has same conversion loss characteristics as Model 70119 when bias terminal is grounded.Mechanical Specifications Model No. A B Cc D E F Figure| Weight No. in mm in | mm in mm | in mm | in mm in mm oz gm | 70114 1.88] 48 | 2.20] 56 {1.63 ] 41 11.07] 27 11.10] 28 1 27 77 7HO114 188] 48 | 2.20] 56 11.63] 41 |1.07] 27 |110] 28 60 15 2 27 77 70115 188] 48 | 220] 56 11.63] 41 1.07 | 27 11.10] 28 1 27 77 7HO115 188] 48 | 2.20] 56 11.63] 41 |1.07] 27 |110] 28 .60 15 2 2.7 77 70116 1.45) 37 | 200] 51 11.20] 30 63] 16 11.00] 25 1 2.0 57 7HO116 1.45] 37 | 200] 51 11.20] 30 63] 16 [1.00 | 25 52 13 2 2.0 57 70117 1.45] 37 | 2.00] 51 11.20] 30 63] 16 [1.00] 25 1 2.0 57 7HO117 1.45] 37 | 2.00] 51 11.20] 30 63] 16 11.00} 25 52 13 2 2.1 60 7G0118 145] 37 | 2.00] 51 |1.20] 30 63] 16 114.00} 25 _ 1 2.1 60 7HO118 1.45] 37 | 200] 51 1|1.20 |] 30 63] 16 |1.00} 25 52 13 2 2.1 60 70119 1.45} 37 | 2.00] 51 1|1.20] 30 63] 16 11.00} 25 _ 1 2.1 60 7HO119 1.45] 37 | 2.00] 51 1|1.20] 30 63] 16 11.00} 25 52 13 2 2.1 60 70140 1.45) 37 | 2.00] 51 {1.20} 30 63] 16 11.00 | 25 1 2.0 57 70160 1.45] 37 | 2.00] 51 1|1.20] 30 63] 16 11.00 | 25 _ 1 2.0 57 7HO0160 1.45] 37 | 2.00] 51 {1.20 ] 30 63] 16 11.00 | 25 52 13 2 2.1 60 70250 2.40] 61 | 260) 66 1215] 55 |1.30] 33 11.60] 41 ao 3 45 | 114 70340 145] 37 | 2.00] 51 |1.20] 30 63] 16 11.00} 25 _ | 2.0 57 7H0340 1.45} 37 | 2.00] 51 |1.20] 30 63] 16 11.00} 25 52 13 2 2.3 65 70350 1601 41 | 260] 66 [1.35] 34 70] 18 |160] 41 _ _ 3 3.0 86 7H0O350 1.60} 41 (| 260] 66 {1.35 ] 34 70} 18 50] 13 .90 23 4 3.1 88 70540 1.45} 37 | 200] 51 |1.20] 30 63} 16 | 1.00 | 25 _ 1 2.0 57 7H0540 1.45 | 37 | 2.00] 51 |1.20] 30 63) 16 | 1.00 | 25 52 13 2 2.3 65 Figure1 |, , Figure 2 ___-A___pl & .35 (9) TYP & Bes (9) TYP & IF A A IF ( ( I | @- - 8 o- - Fe 8 fT ) +d E Ke) RF } F Ke) RFE t S s eo ac was > i < c Figure3 |, A > Figure4 gs 1 & stove il & {| asovent | iF A 1 \F ! 4 7 = @ re 9 E B 2 F ys. 4 le. rs foo. rey | Y | LO RF | Z E Bb a | C ex be mee a mae oy Dimensions are in inches and (mm} Ail units are designed to meet requirements of MIL-E-5400, class 3, as applicable RF, LO and IF connectors are SMA, female, per MIL-C-39012. Bias terminals are EMI feedthroughs. Mounting hole dia.: .145 + 005 (3.7 + .1). Specifications subject to change without notice Contact Anaren for latest outline details.