Functional Description
Sync hr onous Buck Conver t e r
The EN5367QI is a synchronous, programmable
power supply with integrated power MOSFET
switches and integrated inductor . The nom ina l inp u t
voltage range is 2.5V to 5.5V . The output voltag e is
programmed using an external resistor divider
network. The control loop is voltage-mode with a
type III compensation network. Much of the
compensation circuitry is internal to the device.
However, a phase lead capacitor is required along
with the output voltage feedback resistor divider to
complete the type III compensation network. The
device uses a low-noise PWM topology. Up to 6A
of continuous output curr ent can be drawn from this
converter. The 4 MHz switching frequency allows
the use of small size input / output capacitors, and
realizes a wide loop bandwidth within a small foot
Protection Features:
The power supply has the following protection
• Over-Curren t P rotectio n
• Thermal Shutdown w i th Hysteresis.
• Under-voltage Lockout
Additional Features:
• Frequency Synchro nization (Ex ternal Clock)
• Program m able S oft-start
• Output E nable and P ower OK
Power Up-Down Sequencing
During power -up, ENABLE should not be asserted
before PVIN, and PVIN should not be asserted
before AVIN. Tying all three pins together meets
these requirements. ENABLE can also be tied to
AV I N and com e up with it, while PVIN can be safely
ramped up and down. Alternatively, PVIN can be
brought high after AVIN is asserted, and the device
can be turned on and off by toggling the ENABLE
En able Op eration
The ENABLE pin provides a means to enable
normal operation or to shut down the device. A
logic high will enable the converter into normal
operation. When the ENABLE pin is asserted (high )
the device will undergo a normal soft start. A logic
low will disable the converter. A logic low will power
down the device in a controlled manner and the
device is subsequently shut down. The ENABLE
signal has to be low for at least the ENABLE Lock-
out Time (2.4ms) in order for the device to respond
to a falling edge on this pin. Note that the device
should not be enabled into a pre-biased output.
Pre-Bias Operation
The EN5367QI is not designed to be turned on into
a pre-biased output voltage. Be sure the output
capacitors are not charged or the output of the
EN5367QI is not pre-biased when the EN5367QI is
first enabled.
Frequency Synchroniz ation
The switching frequency of the DC/DC converter
can be phase-locked to an ex ternal clock source to
move unwanted beat frequencies out of band. To
avail this feature, the clock source should be
connected to the SYNC pin. An activity detector
recogniz es the presence of an external cl ock signal
and autom atical ly phase-locks the intern al osci llat o r
to this external clock. Phase-lock will occur as long
as the input clock frequency is in the lock range
specified in the Electrical Characteristics Table.
If the SYNC function is not to be used, this pin has
to be grounded. Do not float this pin or tie it to a
static high voltage.
Spread Spectrum Mode
The external clock frequency may be swept within
the SYNC frequency lock range at repetition rates
of up to 10 kHz in order to reduce EMI frequency
Soft-Start Operation
During Soft-start, the output voltage is ramped up
gradually upon start-up. The output rise time is
controlled by the choice of soft-start capacitor,
which is placed between the SS pin (30) and the
AGND pin (32).
Rise Time [ms] : TR ≈ (Css [nF]* 0.08) ± 25%
where rise time is in ms, and CSS is in nF. During
start-up of the converter, the reference voltage to
the error amplifier is linearly increased to its final
level by an internal curren t source of approx im ately
10uA. Typical soft-start rise time is ~3.75ms with a
soft-start capacitor of 47nF. The rise time is
m easured from when VIN > VUVLOR and ENABLE pin
voltage crosses its logic high threshold, to when
VOUT reaches its programmed value.
13 www.altera.com/enpirion
07013 October 11, 2013 Rev D