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Rev A0 DS050616
7628 Thorndike Road, Greensboro, NC 27409-9421 · For sales or technical
support, contact RFMD at (+1) 336-678-5570 or sales-support@rfmd.com.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Rating Unit
Supply Voltage -0.5 to +5.3 V
LO Input +10 dBm
Operating Temperature -40 to +85 °C
Storage Temperature -65 to +150 °C
Parameter Specification Unit Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
High Band Performance (1900MHz) with CW Baseband Inputs
LO Input Port
LO Drive Level -5 dBm
LO Input Impedance 50 Ω
LO Port Return Loss 13 dB
Modulation Input
Frequency Range DC 250 MHz
Reference Voltage 2.05 V Baseband common mode voltage
Baseband Input Level 0.25 VP-P 0.25VP-P per pin, 500mV VP-P differential, I/Q
in quadrature
I/Q Signal 200 kHz CW baseband signal
Input Impedance 40 kΩMeasured at DC
Bandwidth (-1dB) 130 MHz 500mV VP-P differential, I/Q at 2.05V DC
Input Bias Current 40 μA
I/Q Modulator Output
RF Frequency Range 1700 2500 MHz T=25°C, VCC=5V
RF Output Power -6 dBm
RF Output Return Loss 15 dB
RF Output P1dB 4 5 dBm
Carrier Suppression 20 25 dBc Unadjusted (see note)
Carrier Suppression 35 55 dBc Adjusted. T=-40°C to +85°C
Sideband Suppression 30 45 dBc Unadjusted
IM3 Suppression 52 dBc Two tone baseband input @ 500mVP-P differen-
tial per tone
Output IP3 15 20 dBm
Broadband Noise Floor -158 -156 dBm/Hz 20MHz offset from LO, all IQ input at bias of
DC Parameters
Supply Voltage 5.0 V Specification
4.75 5.25 V Operating limits
Supply Current 60 mA
Note: 20dBc limit for unadjusted carrier suppression is applicable for differential I and Q inputs only.
Caution! ESD sensitive device.
Exceeding any one or a combination of the Absolute Maximum Rating conditions may
cause permanent damage to the device. Extended application of Absolute Maximum
Rating conditions to the device may reduce device reliability. Specified typical perfor-
mance or functional operation of the device under Absolute Maximum Rating condi-
tions is not implied.
RoHS status based on EUDirective2002/95/EC (at time of this document revision).
The information in this publication is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no
responsibility is assumed by RF Micro Devices, Inc. ("RFMD") for its use, nor for any
infringement of patents, or other rights of third parties, resulting from its use. No
license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of
RFMD. RFMD reserves the right to change component circuitry, recommended appli-
cation circuitry and specifications at any time without prior notice.