3.3V Electrical Characteristics(1) (continued)
Unless otherwise specified, all limits are ensured for TA= 25°C, V+= 3.3V, V−= 0V, VCM = V+/2, RL> 10 kΩto V+/2. Boldface
limits apply at the temperature extremes.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min(2) Typ(3) Max(2) Units
GBW Gain Bandwidth CL= 20 pF, RL= 10 kΩto V+/2 22 MHz
GMGain Margin CL= 20 pF, RL= 10 kΩto V+/2 14 dB
ΦMPhase Margin CL= 20 pF, RL= 10 kΩto V+/2 62 deg
THD+N Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise AV= 1, fO= 1 kHz, Amplitude = 1V 0.002 %
Differential Mode 38 kΩ
RIN Input Resistance Common Mode 151 MΩ
f = 1 kHz, VCM = 2.5V 2.9 nV/√Hz
Input Referred Voltage Noise
enf = 1 kHz, VCM = 0.5V 2.9
Input Voltage Noise 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 75 nVPP
f = 1 kHz, VCM = 2.5V 1.1 pA/√Hz
Input Referred Current Noise
inDensity f = 1 kHz, VCM = 0.5V 2.1
5V Electrical Characteristics(1)
Unless otherwise specified, all limits are ensured for TA= 25°C, V+= 5V, V−= 0V, VCM = V+/2, RL> 10 kΩto V+/2. Boldface
limits apply at the temperature extremes.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min(2) Typ(3) Max(2) Units
VCM = 4.5V ±6 ±600
VOS Input Offset Voltage(4) μV
VCM = 0.5V ±6 ±600
VCM = 4.5V ±0.5 ±5.5
TCVOS Input Offset Voltage Temperature Drift μV/°C
VCM = 0.5V ±0.2 ±5.5
VCM = 4.5V ±1.5 ±50
IBInput Bias Current nA
VCM = 0.5V ±14 ±85
VCM = 4.5V ±1 ±70
IOS Input Offset Current nA
VCM = 0.5V ±11 ±80
TCIOS Input Offset Current Drift VCM = 0.5V and VCM = 4.5V 0.0482 nA/°C
0.15V ≤VCM ≤0.7V 101 120
0.23V ≤VCM ≤0.7V 89
CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio dB
1.5V ≤VCM ≤4.85V 105 130
1.5V ≤VCM ≤4.77V 99
2.5V ≤V+≤5V 105 113
PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio dB
1.8V ≤V+≤5.5V 111
CMVR Common Mode Voltage Range Large Signal CMRR ≥80 dB 0 5 V
RL= 10 kΩto V+/2 112 130
VOUT = 0.5V to 4.5V 104
AVOL Open Loop Voltage Gain dB
RL= 2 kΩto V+/2 110 119
VOUT = 0.5V to 4.5V 94
(1) Electrical Table values apply only for factory testing conditions at the temperature indicated. Factory testing conditions result in very
limited self-heating of the device such that TJ= TA. No ensured specification of parametric performance is indicated in the electrical
tables under conditions of internal self-heating where TJ> TA. Absolute maximum Ratings indicate junction temperature limits beyond
which the device maybe permanently degraded, either mechanically or electrically.
(2) All limits are specified by testing, statistical analysis or design.
(3) Typical values represent the most likely parametric norm as determined at the time of characterization. Actual typical values may vary
over time and will also depend on the application and configuration. The typical values are not tested and are not ensured on shipped
production material.
(4) Ambient production test is performed at 25°C with a variance of ±3°C.
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