Lara a! es - MOTOROLA SC {DIODES/0PTO} (MA) MOTOROLA DEM L3b7255 oob1ebo 2 ff v-//-22 SEMICONDUCTORS P.O. BOX 20912 PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85036 MZ1T3305--MZ1T3350 MZT4549MZT4554 Advance Information e TO-220 Package 50 WATT ZENER TRANSIENT SUPPRESSORS This series Is designed to protect voltage sensitive components from high voltage and high energy transients. They have low zener impedance and fast response time. The highly reliable TO-220 package features low thermal resistance and high heat dissipation. The series is ideally suited for use in communication systems, numerical controls, process controls, medical equip- ment, business machines, power supplies and numerous other industrial/consumer applications. @ Voltage Range of 3.9 to 200 Volts Silicon Oxide Passivated Junctions 1500 Watts Peak Power Rating @ 1.0 ms 50 WATT ZENER TRANSIENT SUPRESSORS 3.9 TO 200 VOLTS MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol! Value Unit Steady State Power Dissipation @ Tc = 75C Derate above Tc = 75C Po 50 667 Watts mWPC Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range TJ, Tstg ~65 to +150 C MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS CASE: TO-220 case for 10 seconds POLARITY: Cathode to case FINISH: Leads are corrosion resistant and readily solderable MAXIMUM LEAD TEMPERATURE FOR SOLDERING PURPOSES: 230C, ie from THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Thermal Resistance Junction to Case Resc 1.5 CW Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient Rea 80 CAV STYLE 1; PIN t. CATHODE 2. N/A - 3. ANODE 4. CATHODE CASE 221B-01 TO-220AC / This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein MOTOROLA ING, 1984 ADI1116 so 6367255 MOTOROLA SC ~MZT3305 THRU MZT3015 _MZT4549 THRU M2ZT4554 DIODES /OPTO) 59C 61861 6367255 0061461 4 OT) f- 23 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (To = 30C unless otherwise specified) Vr = 1.5 V max @ 10 A on all types. Nominal Max Zener Impedance Max DC Zener Max Reverse Current Zener Voltage | Tast- (Note 4) Current (Note 6} @ (zt Current 75C Case Temp Device (Vz) Volts (Iz) | Zzt @ lzt | ZzK @ IzK = 5.0 mA (Izv) MA IR Max | Vay | VR2 (Note 1) (Notes 1,2,3) mA Ohms Ohms (Note 5) (pA) 5% 10% MZT4549 3.9 3200 0,16 400 41900 150 0.5 0.5 MZT4550 43 2900 0.16 500 10650 150 0.5 0.5 M2T4551 47 2650 0.12 600 9700 100 1.0 1,0 MZT4552 5.1 2450 0.12 650 8900 20 1.0 1.0 MZT4553 5.6 2250 0.12 900 8100 20 1.0 1.0 M2ZT4554 6.2 2000 0.14 1000 7300 20 2.0 2.0 M2ZT3305 6.8 1850 0.2 70 6600 150 4.5 4.3 MZT3306 75 1700 0.3 70 5900 75 5.0 47 MZT3307 8,2 1500 0.4 70 6200 50 5.4 5.2 MZT3308 9.1 1370 0.5 70 4800 25 6.1 5.7 MZT3309 10 1200 0.6 80 4300 10 6.7 6.3 MZT3310 11 1100 0.8 80 3300 5 8.4 8.0 MZT3311 12 1000 1.0 80 3600 5 9.1 8.6 M2Z7T3312 13 960 1.1 80 3300 5 9.9 9.4 MZT3313 14 890 1.2 80 3000 5 10.6 10.1 M2ZT3314 15 830 1.4 80 2800 5 11.4 10.8 MZT3315 16 780 1.6 80 2650 5 12.2 11.5 M2ZT3316 17 740 18 80 2500 5 13.0 12.2 MZT3317 18 700 2.0 80 2300 5 13.7 13.0 MZT3318 19 660 2.2 80 2200 5 14.4 13.7 MZT3319 20 630 2.4 80 2100 5 16.2 14.4 MZT3320 22 570 2.5 80 1900 5 16.7 15.8 MZT3321 24 520 2.6 80 1750 5 18.2 17.3 M2T3322 25 500 27 90 1550 5 19.0 18.0 MZT3323 27 460 2.8 90 1500 5 20.6 19.4 M2ZT3324 30 420 3.0 90 1400 5 22.8 21.6 MZT3325 33 380 3,2 90 1300 5 25.4 23.8 MZT3326 36 350 3.5, 90 1150 5 27.4 25.9 M2T3327 39 320 4.0 90 1050 5 29.7 28.1 MZT3328 43 290 4.5 90 975 5 32.7 31.0 MZT3329 45 280 4.5. 100 930 5 34.2 32.4 M2ZT3330 47 270 5.0 100 880 5 35.8 33.8 MZT3331 50 250 5.0 100 830 5 38.0 36.0 M2T3332 51 245 5.2 100 810 5 38.8 36.7 M2ZT3333 52 240 5.5 400 _ 790 5 39.5 37.4 MZT3334 56 220 6 110 740 5 42.6 40.3 M2ZT3335 62 200 7 120 660 5 47.1 44.6 M2ZT3336 68 180 8 140 600 5 51.7 43.0 M2T3337 75 170 9 150 540 5 56.0 54.0 M2ZT3338 82 150 11 160 490 5 62.2 59.0 M2T3339 91 140 16 180 420 5 69.2 65.5 M2T3340 100 120 20 200 400 5 76.0 72.0 MZT3341 105 120 25 210 380 5 79.8 75.6 MZT3342 110 110 30 220 365 5 83.6 79,2 M2ZT3343 120 100 40 240 335 5 91.2 86.4 MZT3344 130 95 50 275 310 5 98.8 93.6 MZT3345 140 90 60 325 290 5 106.4 | 100.8 MZT3346 150 85 75 400 270 5 114.0 | 108.0 M2T3347 160 80 80 450 250 5 121.6 | 115.2 MZT3348 175 70 85 500 230 5 133.0 | 126.0 MZT3349 180 68 90 525 220 5 136.8 | 129.6 MZT3350 200 65 100 600 200 5 162.0 | 144.0 an (S) MOTOROLA Semiconductor Products Inc. 6367255 MOTOROLA SC {DIODES/OPTO) WFAEED ORT UN ARTES MZT4549 THRU MZT4554 Be367255 OObabe b NOTE 1. Tolerance: The type numbers shown indicate a tolerance of + 20% with guaranteed limits on only Vz, IR and VF as shown in the electrical characteristics table. Units with guaranteed limits on all six parameters are indicated by suffix A for + 10% tolerance and suffix B for +5.0% units. NOTE 2. Special Selections Available Include: 1. Nominal zener voltages between those shown. 2. Two or more units for series connection with spec- ified tolerance on total voltage. Series matched sets make zener voltages in excess of 200 volts possible as well as providing lower temperature coefficients, lower dynamic impedance and greater power handling ability. 3. Nominal voltages at non-standard test currents. NOTE 3. Zener Voltage (Vz) Measurement: Nominal zener voltage is measured after the test cur- rent lzT has been applied for 1.0 ms while maintaining the case temperature at 30C + 1C. NOTE 4. Zener Impedance (Z2) Derivation: 2zT and 27K are measured by dividing the ac voltage drop across the device by the ac current applied, The specified limits are for |z(ac) = 0.1 x Iz(de) with the ac frequency = 1.0 kHz. NOTE 5. Maximum Zener Current Ratings (Izpy): Maximum zener current ratings are based on maxi- mum voltage of a 20% tolerance unit. For closer toler- ance units (10% or 5%) or units where the actual zener voltage (Vz) is known at the operating point, the max- imum zener current may be increased and is limited by the derating curve. NOTE 6. Reverse Leakage Current Ip: Reverse leakage currents are guaranteed only for 5% and 10% 10 Watt silicon zener diodes and are measured at Vp as shown on the table. Affirmative Action Employer. Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design. Motorola does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola and@)are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, an Equal Employment Opportunity/ 4 (S) MOTOROLA Semiconductor Products Inc. _ 89C 61862, DT -//~ 23