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IRS212(7, 71, 8, 81)(S)PbF
Symbol Definition Min. Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions
VIH Logic “1” input voltage (IRS2127/IRS21271)
Logic “0” input voltage (IRS2128/IRS21281)
VIL Logic “0” input voltage (IRS2127/IRS21271)
Logic “1” input voltage (IRS2128/IRS21281)
VCSTH+ CS input positive (IRS2127/IRS2128) 180 250 320 mV
going threshold (IRS21271/IRS21281) 1.5 1.8 2.1
High level output voltage, VBIAS - VO
— 0.05 0.2
Low level output voltage, VO
— 0.02 0.1
Offset supply leakage current — — 50 VB = VS = 600 V
Quiescent VBS supply current — 300 800
Quiescent VCC supply current — 60 120
Logic “1” input bias current — 7.0 15
VIN = 5 V
Logic “0” input bias current — — 5.0 VIN = 0 V
“High” CS bias current — — 5.0 VCS = 3 V
“High” CS bias current — — 5.0 VCS = 0 V
VBSUV+ VBS supply undervoltage (IRS2127/IRS2128) 8.8 10.3 11.8
positive going threshold (IRS21271/IRS21281) 6.3 7.2 8.2
VBSUV- VBS supply undervoltage (IRS2127/IRS2128) 7.5 9.0 10.6
negative going threshold (IRS21271/IRS21281) 6.0 6.8 7.7
Output high short circuit pulsed current 200 290 —
VO = 0 V, V
IN = 5 V
PW ≤ 10 µs
Output low short circuit pulsed current 420 600 —
VO = 15 V, V
IN = 0 V
PW ≤ 10 µs
FAULT - low on resistance — 125 — Ω
Symbol Definition Min. Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions
ton Turn-on propagation delay — 150 200 VS = 0 V
toff Turn-off propagation delay — 150 200 VS = 600 V
trTurn-on rise time — 80 130
tfTurn-off fall time — 40 65 ns
tbl Start-up blanking time 550 750 950
tcs CS shutdown propagation delay — 65 360
tflt CS to FAULT pull-up propagation delay — 270 510
Dynamic Electrical Characteristics
VBIAS (VCC, VBS) = 15 V, CL = 1000 pF and TA = 25 °C unless otherwise specified. The dynamic electrical characteristics
are measured using the test circuit shown in Fig. 3.
Static Electrical Characteristics
VBIAS (VCC, VBS) = 15 V and TA = 25 °C unless otherwise specified. The VIN, VTH, and IIN parameters are referenced to
COM. The VO and IO parameters are referenced to VS.
2.5 — —
VIN = 0 V or 5 V
— — 0.8
VCC = 10 V to 20 V
IO = 2 mA
The IRS2128(S)PBF and IRS21281(S)PBF are not recommended for new designs. For new designs, we recommend IRS2127(S)PBF for IRS2128(S)PBF and IRS21271(S)PBF for IRS21281(S)PBF