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Chip Inductors
0603CT (1608)
Document 485-1
Inductance2 Percent 900 MHz 1.7 GHz typ5 max6 Irms7
Part number1 (nH)
tolerance3 L typ Q typ4 L typ Q typ4 (GHz) (Ohms) (mA)
0603CT-1N0XJE_ 1.0 5 0.98 39 0.99 58 16.0 0.045 1600
0603CT-1N2XJE_ 1.2 5 1.18 35 1.19 50 16.0 0.105 1100
0603CT-2N0XJE_ 2.0 5 1.98 46 1.98 70 12.0 0.034 1900
0603CT-2N2XJE_ 2.2 5 2.10 50 2.13 74 10.7 0.046 1600
0603CT-2N3XJE_ 2.3 5 2.27 55 2.28 81 11.0 0.046 1600
0603CT-2N5XJE_ 2.5 5 2.48 52 2.50 77 11.0 0.060 1300
0603CT-3N0X_E_ 3.0 5,2 2.96 57 2.97 82 10.7 0.039 1600
0603CT-3N3X_E_ 3.3 5,2 3.27 60 3.33 83 7.00 0.039 1600
0603CT-3N6X_E_ 3.6 5,2 3.58 69 3.63 95 7.00 0.044 1600
0603CT-3N9X_E_ 3.9 5,2 3.87 68 3.95 90 6.30 0.050 1400
0603CT-4N3X_E_ 4.3 5,2 4.26 58 4.34 84 6.30 0.076 1300
0603CT-4N7X_E_ 4.7 5,2 4.66 50 4.75 70 5.60 0.120 960
0603CT-5N1X_E_ 5.1 5,2 5.12 68 5.18 93 5.50 0.050 1400
0603CT-5N6X_E_ 5.6 5,2 5.60 67 5.73 90 5.05 0.058 1300
0603CT-6N8X_E_ 6.8 5,2 6.78 60 7.00 81 4.50 0.080 1200
0603CT-7N2X_E_ 7.2 5,2 7.19 65 7.44 88 4.50 0.047 1500
0603CT-8N2X_E_ 8.2 5,2 8.18 60 8.46 78 4.25 0.075 1300
0603CT-9N5X_E_ 9.5 5,2 9.52 63 9.92 80 3.95 0.092 1100
0603CT-10NX_E_ 10 5,2 10.0 67 10.4 85 3.95 0.075 1300
0603CT-11NX_E_ 11 5,2 11.0 66 11.5 86 4.00 0.110 1000
0603CT-12NX_E_ 12 5,2 12.0 68 12.7 85 3.50 0.130 920
0603CT-15NX_E_ 15 5,2 15.2 65 16.1 80 3.30 0.145 800
0603CT-16NX_E_ 16 5,2 16.3 63 17.5 76 3.10 0.175 760
0603CT-18NX_E_ 18 5,2 18.1 66 19.2 80 2.95 0.200 720
0603CT-20NX_E_ 20 5,2 20.2 67 21.6 80 2.90 0.175 760
0603CT-22NX_E_ 22 5,2 22.4 60 24.3 70 2.75 0.220 700
0603CT-24NX_E_ 24 5,2 24.4 61 26.5 72 2.70 0.240 680
0603CT-27NX_E_ 27 5,2 27.4 62 29.8 75 2.55 0.270 670
0603CT-30NX_E_ 30 5,2 30.5 62 33.9 73 2.45 0.330 600
0603CT-33NX_E_ 33 5,2 34.0 55 39.1 61 2.20 0.330 600
0603CT-36NX_E_ 36 5,2 37.2 61 42.3 63 2.30 0.335 600
0603CT-39NX_E_ 39 5,2 40.3 60 45.3 65 2.25 0.400 570
0603CT-43NX_E_ 43 5,2 44.5 57 51.3 60 2.10 0.440 530
0603CT-47NX_E_ 47 5,2 48.2 55 57.8 57 1.90 0.540 470
0603CT-51NX_E_ 51 5,2 53.0 55 63.2 55 1.85 0.570 440
0603CT-56NX_E_ 56 5,2 59.4 54 75.4 48 1.75 0.700 420
1. When ordering, specify tolerance, termination and packaging codes:
Tolerance: G = 2% J = 5% (Table shows stock tolerances in bold.)
Termination: E = Halogen free component. RoHS compliant silver-
palladium-platinum-glass frit terminations.
L = RoHS compliant, not halogen-free. Silver-palladium-
platinum-glass frit terminations
Special order: T = RoHS tin-silver-copper (95.5/4/0.5)
or S = non-RoHS tin-lead (63/37).
Packaging: W = 7″ machine-ready reel. EIA-481 punched paper tape
(2000 parts per full reel).
U = Less than full reel. In tape, but not machine ready.
To have a leader and trailer added ($25 charge), use
code letter W instead.
2. Inductance measured at 250 MHz, 0.1 Vrms, 0 Adc using Coilcraft SMD-
A fixture in Agilent/HP 4287A impedance analyzer.
3. Tolerances in bold are stocked for immediate shipment.
4. Q measured using Agilent/HP4291A with Agilent/HP 16193 test fixture.
5. SRF measured using Agilent/HP 8722ES network analyzer and Coilcraft
SMD -D test fixture.
6. DCR measured on Cambridge Technology micro-ohmmeter and Coil-
craft CCF858 test fixture.
7. Current that causes a 15°C temperature rise from 25°C ambient. This
information is for reference only and does not represent absolute
maximum ratings.
8. Electrical specifications at 25°C.
Refer to Doc 362 “Soldering Surface Mount Components” before soldering.
• Very low profile – only 60% of the height of our other 0603
inductor series
• Excellent Q, low DCR and very high SRF
Designer’s Kit C423 contains 10 each of all stocked 5%
values and Designer’s Kit C423-2 contains 10 each of
all 2% values.
Document 485-1 Revised 02/27/17
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