Mobitex™ R14N S hort Data Block Frame Support Page 3 of 6 MX909A Application Note
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Figure 2, shows the Mobitex™ Short Block Frame. The format of the Short Block Frame differs from all other
frames only in the number of bytes contained in the data block and the mandatory presence of one data block.
The data block for the short frame would be formed as follows:
Short Data Block (9 bytes)
• 4 bytes of data
• 2 bytes of CRC (calculated from 4 data bytes)
• 3 bytes of FEC code (4 bits for each of the data and CRC bytes)
• The resulting 72 bits are interleaved and scrambled before transmission.
The Short Frame Block Acknowledgement always contains one data block and is only transmitted, never
received, by the modem. (Base stations do not transmit SBF_ACKs to the modem.)
3. Implementing the R14N Short Frame on the MX909A
To support the MobitexTM R14N battery saving protocol, an end product must support the link layer to physical
layer conversion for the new Short Block Frame.
Data is transmitted over the air in the form of 'frames' consisting of the 'Frame Head' followed by one or more
formatted data blocks. The MX909A constructs the data blocks from the 'raw' data using a combination of
CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Checksum) generation, Forward Error Correction coding (FEC), Interleaving and
scrambling. The MX909A treats operations such as transmitting or receiving frames (or parts of a frame) as
'tasks', which are initiated by the µC by writing instruction bytes to the command register. A frame, according
to Figure 1, would be sent by writing aT7H (Transmit 7 byte Frame Head) task followed by a TDB (Transmit
Data Block) task. The TDB 'task' takes 18 bytes of 'raw' data, calculates and applies a 16-bit CRC and forms
the FEC for the 18 bytes and the CRC. This data is then interleaved and passed through the scrambler (if
enabled) before sending it as the Data Block part of the Mobitex™ frame.
The MX909A does not have a 'task' similar to TDB for the short data block frame. The general-purpose 'tasks'
TQB (Transmit 4 Bytes) or TSB (Transmit Single Byte) could be used to transmit the shorter frame. The TQB
and the TSB 'tasks' read the data as presented to the modem and transmit them without adding CRC and
FEC, and without passing the data through the interleaver and the scrambler. For this reason, the host µC
must format the data before presenting it to the MX909A. Section 6 shows a C program that will take 4 bytes
of data and generate 9 bytes of formatted data ready for transmission.
4. Transmit Short Frame Example
If the device is required to send a Mobitex™ Short Block Frame, the following control signals and data should
be issued to the modem, provided the device is not starting from powersave state. TX//RX is set to '1' and the
SCREN, DARA, CKDIV, and DQEN have been set as required after power was applied to the device.
1. 6 bytes forming the Frame Head are loaded into the Data Buffer, followed by a 2-bit pause to let the filter
stabilize, followed by a T7H task.
2. Device interrupts host µC with /IRQ w hen the 6th byte is read from the Data Buffer
3. Status Register is read and the first 4 bytes of formatted data are loaded into the Data Buffer, followed by
a TQB task.
4. Device interrupts host µC with /IRQ w hen 4th byte is read from Data buffer
5. Status Register is read, and the next 4 by tes of formatted data are loaded into the Data Buffer, followed by
TQB task.
6. Status Register is read, and the last byte of formatted data is loaded into the Data Buffer, followed by a
TSB task.
7. Status Register is read, host may load data and set next task as required:
GOTO '1' If another Frame is to be immediately transmitted
GOTO '8' If no more data is to be immediately transmitted.
8. 1 byte representing the 'hang byte' is loaded into the data buffer followed by a TSB task.