3.1 General. The individual item requirements shall be as specified in MIL-PRF-19500 and as modified herein.
3.2 Qualification. Devices furnished under this specification shall be products that are manufactured by a
manufacturer authorized by the qualifying activity for listing on the applicable qualified manufacturer's list (QML)
before contract award (see 4.2 and 6.3).
3.3 Abbreviations, symbols, and definitions. Abbrev ia t io ns, symbol s, and definition s used herein shall be as
specified in MIL-PRF-19500.
3.4 Interfa ce and physi cal dim ensi ons . Interface and phy si c al dimen si ons shall be as spec ified in
MIL-PRF-19500, and on figures 1 (axial leads), 2 (surface mount), and 3 (die).
3.4.1 Lead material and finish. Lead material shall be copper clad steel with a minimum of 70 percent copper by
weight. Lead finish shall be solderable in accordance with MIL-PRF-19500, MIL-STD-750, and herein. Where a
choice of lead finish is desired, it shall be specified in the acquisition document (see 6.2).
3.4.2 Diode construction. These devices shall be metallurgically bonded-thermally-matched-noncavity-dou ble plu g
construction, utilizing a category I or III bond, in accordance with MIL-PRF-19500, except for JANHC and JANKC. Surface mount. The surface mount US version shall be considered structurally identical to the non-surface
mount version except for lead attach.
3.5 Marking. Marking shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-19500. No color coding shall be permitted for part
3.5.1 Marking for surface mount (US) devices. For US version devices only, all marking, except polarity may be
omitted fr om the body . Polarity marking of US devices shall consist of as a minimum, a band or three contrasting
dots around the periphery of the cathode. At the option of the manufacturer, US surface mount devices may include
laser marking on an end-cap, to include part number and lot date code for all levels. JANS device s w hich are laser
marked shall also include serialization. The prefixes JAN, JANTX, JANTXV, or JANS may be abbreviated as J, JX,
JV, or JS, respectively. (Example: The part number may be reduced to JS5822). All marking, except for serial
number and polarity shall appear on the initial container.
3.6 Electrica l per for man ce ch aracteristic s. Un less otherwis e speci fied here in, the ele ctrical perform anc e
characteristics are as specified in 1.3, 1.4, and table I.
3.7 Electrical test requirements. The electrical test requirements shall be as specified in table I herein.
3.8 Workmanship. Semiconductor devices shall be processed in such a manner as to be uniform in quality and
shall be free from other defects that will affect life, serviceability, or appearance.
4.1 Classifi cat ion of insp ect ions. The ins pec tion requirements specified herein are classified as follows:
a. Qualification inspection (see 4.2).
b. Screening (see 4.3).
c. Conformance inspection (see 4.4 and table I herein).