Users Manual
Renesas Synergy™
Development Kit DK-S3A7 v2.0
Users Manual
Synergy S3A7 MCU
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Ensure attached cables do not lie across the equipment.
Reorient the receiving antenna.
Increase the distance between the equipment and the receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that which the receiver is connected.
Power down the equipment when not in use.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
NOTE: It is recommended that wherever possible shielded interface cables are used.
The product is potentially susceptible to certain EMC phenomena. To mitigate against them it is recommended that the
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The user is advised that mobile phones should not be used within 10m of the product when in use.
The user is advised to take ESD precautions when handling the equipment.
The Renesas SynergyTM Development Kit does not represent an ideal reference design for an end product and does not fulfill
the regulatory standards for an end product.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Overview ........................................... 6
1.1 Purpose ....................................................................6
1.2 In the box .................................................................7
1.3 Block diagram ..........................................................8
1.3.1 Main Board ...........................................................8
1.3.2 Breakout Board .....................................................9
1.4 Hardware features ....................................................9
1.4.1 Main Board ...........................................................9
1.4.2 Breakout Board ...................................................10
1.4.3 LCD Panel ..........................................................10
1.4.4 On-board external memory .................................10
1.4.5 Power ..................................................................10
1.5 Resources ...............................................................11
Chapter 2 Getting Started ............................... 12
Chapter 3 Power Supplies ............................... 13
3.1 Power supply .........................................................13
3.2 Power-up behavior .................................................13
3.3 Battery supply ........................................................13
3.4 Microcontroller current ..........................................13
3.5 Battery current .......................................................14
Chapter 4 Components .................................... 15
4.1 LCD Panel (LCD1) ................................................15
4.2 RS-232/485 transceiver (U19) ...............................15
4.3 Audio codec ...........................................................15
4.4 Peripheral devices ..................................................16
Chapter 5 Board Layout.................................. 18
5.1 Main Board components: ......................................18
5.2 Breakout Board components .................................19
Chapter 6 Configuration ................................. 20
6.1 Function select DIP switches ................................20
6.2 Analog enable jumper ...........................................22
6.3 RS-232/485 transceiver configuration ...................22
6.4 USB configuration .................................................23
6.5 Boot configuration .................................................23
Chapter 7 Connectivity.................................... 24
7.1 Pmod A ..................................................................24
7.2 Pmod C ..................................................................25
7.3 BLE/Pmod B .........................................................26
7.3.1 Bluetooth ............................................................26
7.3.2 Pmod B ...............................................................27
7.4 RS-232/485 ............................................................27
7.5 CAN .......................................................................28
7.6 User LEDs .............................................................29
7.7 Push buttons ..........................................................29
7.8 JTAG .....................................................................30
7.9 Capacitive touch expansion ...................................31
7.10 QSPI flash ............................................................32
7.11 Analog I/O ...........................................................33
Chapter 8 Appendix......................................... 34
8.1 Pin mapping ...........................................................34
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Overview > Purpose >
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Chapter 1 Overview
1.1 Purpose
The DK-S3A7 is a development kit for the Renesas SynergyTM S3A7 microcontroller in a LQFP144 package. It contains
two boards: the Main Board and the Breakout Board. The boards together provide easy-to-access interfaces and
connectors for all peripherals of the S3A7 microcontroller for application development. The Main Board can be used
without the Breakout Board as a compact, stand-alone development board.
The Main Board of the DK-S3A7 includes connectors for an LCD panel and capacitive-touch expansion and three
connectors for direct access to the S3A7 microcontroller I/O pins. A row of DIP configuration switches allows easy
selection of different board configurations and ensures that the signal lines are always properly connected.
The DK-S3A7 Main Board connects to a Breakout Board that contains additional peripherals, including USB Host, serial
memory, and sensors.
The DK-S3A7 is supported by the e2 studio Integrated Solution Development Environment (ISDE) from Renesas.
Figure 1: DK-S3A7
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Overview > In the box >
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1.2 In the box
The following components are included in the DK-S3A7:
•DK-S3A7 Main Board
DK-S3A7 Breakout Board
DK-S3A7 LCD panel
One USB Type A to USB Micro-B cable
5-V/2.4-A, wall-mounted power supply
Quick Start Guide
Figure 2: DK-S3A7
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Overview > Block diagram > Main Board
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1.3 Block diagram
1.3.1 Main Board
Figure 3: Block diagram: Main Board
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DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Overview > Hardware features > Breakout Board
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1.3.2 Breakout Board
Figure 4: Block diagram: Breakout Board
1.4 Hardware features
The DK-S3A7 uses the Renesas Synergy S3A7 48-MHz ARM® Cortex®-M4 microcontroller with 1 MB of code flash
and 192 KB of SRAM.
For a list of S3A7 peripherals and hardware details, see the S3 Series User’s Manual: Microcontrollers.
1.4.1 Main Board
One Full-Speed Micro-B USB Device connector
Micro-B USB connector and SEGGER J-Link On-Board (J-Link OB) for debug access
One 12-pin Type A Pmod Compatible connector for SPI, IIC, and UART
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DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Overview > Hardware features > Breakout Board
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One CAN interface with CAN transceiver (1 Mbit/s)
RS-232/485 interface with on-board transceiver
Capacitive-touch expansion connectors compatible with the Renesas RX113 Capacitive-Touch Kit for touch
buttons and sliders
One LCD panel connector
Configuration through DIP switches to select boot source and enable/disable board devices including Bluetooth
Low Energy, QSPI flash, push buttons, J-Link OB, and Pmod Compatible connector
Push buttons: Three user-configurable and one reset
10-k potentiometer to ADC
Eight user-programmable LEDs, one power indicator LED, and one J-Link operation LED
Backup battery for the Realtime Clock (RTC)
Bluetooth™ Low Energy (BLE) module
Current sense resistors and power measurement test points for microcontroller current measurement
Three connectors to provide direct access to the I/O pins of the S3A7 microcontroller
1.4.2 Breakout Board
On-board peripherals: EEPROM, compass, accelerometer, ambient light and proximity sensor, temperature sensor,
and a serial flash device
One Full-Speed USB Host connector
Two 12-pin Type 2A Pmod Compatible connectors
Two additional extension connectors which include General Purpose I/O (GPIO), serial I/O, and analog I/O
Full-size SD card socket
Audio input and output through a codec device
1.4.3 LCD Panel
176-segment T6022A-1PRP0 LCD panel
1.4.4 On-board external memory
8-KB serial EEPROM
256-KB serial flash with advanced write protection
1.4.5 Power
The DK-S3A7 can be powered through a USB device connection or a 5-V, 2.1-mm center-positive barrel connector. An
on-board, removable CR2020 battery provides backup power to the microcontroller’s RTC.
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Overview > Resources > Power
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1.5 Resources
The following related documents are related to S3A7 and DK-S3A7 hardware:
DK-S3A7 Quick Start Guide
•DK-S3A7 Schematics
DK-S3A7 Data Short
S3A7 User’s Manual: Hardware
S3A7 Data sheet
For programming the DK-S3A7, refer to the SSP User’s Manual: Hardware.
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Getting Started > Resources > Power
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Chapter 2 Getting Started
The DK-S3A7 includes the Main Board mounted on the Breakout Board together with the LCD panel.
To start working with the DK-S3A7, see the Quick Start Guide included in the DK-S3A7 Kit.
Figure 5: DK-S3A7
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Power Supplies > Power supply > Power
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Chapter 3 Power Supplies
3.1 Power supply
Power is supplied to the DK-S3A7 through a barrel connector on the Main Board using a 5-V/2.5-A, wall-mounted power
supply. When +5 V is applied to J1, a green LED (LED3) illuminates on the main board.
The DK-S3A7 Main Board includes a backup battery for powering the Realtime Clock (RTC) when no external power is
NOTE: Do not use the J-Link on-board connector (J14) to supply power to the DK-S3A7 Main Board.
3.2 Power-up behavior
The DK-S3A7 is provided without preloaded applications or demonstration programs. LED3 on the Main Board lights
green when power is connected.
3.3 Battery supply
In the out-of-the-box board configuration, coin cell battery BAT1 supplies voltage to the VBAT pin for backup power.
The VBAT voltage powers the Realtime Clock power domain of the S3A7 microcontroller, which remains powered even
when the main power is removed.
The source of the VBAT power supply is controlled through connector J23. By default, no jumper is set on J23. In this
configuration, the battery (BAT1) is the VBAT supply. If you want to remove BAT1, connect VBAT to the main power
supply by setting a jumper across pins 1 and 2 of J23.
Connector J23 can also be used to measure the battery current as described in Battery current.
IMPORTANT: For normal operation of the S3A7 microcontroller, VBAT must be powered at all times.
3.4 Microcontroller current
You can monitor the power supply current for the following two power supply inputs of the S3A7 microcontroller by
measuring the voltage drop across the precision 50-m 1% resistors R1 and R42:
To monitor MCU current, use connector J22 on the Main Board to measure the voltage drop across resistor R1.
To monitor analog current, use connector J24 on the Main Board to measure the voltage drop across resistor R42.
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Power Supplies > Battery current > Power
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3.5 Battery current
You can monitor the VBAT current by measuring the voltage drop across the 1-k resistor R41 using pins 2 and 3 of
connector J23. In this setting, the voltage drop indicates the current consumption of the S3A7 microcontroller when the
microcontroller is powered by the on-board coin cell battery.
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Components > LCD Panel (LCD1) > Power
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Chapter 4 Components
4.1 LCD Panel (LCD1)
The DK-S3A7 a Renesas 176-segment T6022A-1PRP0 LCD panel featuring:
Large 3-digit numerical display with decimal point
5-digit numerical display with decimal point and clock colon
6-digit alphanumeric display
4-bar battery gauge and 6-bar graph
Day of the week indicators
17 assorted symbols
The LCD display is connected to the Segment LCD Controller SLCDC on the S3A7 microcontroller.
4.2 RS-232/485 transceiver (U19)
The Main Board includes an Intersil ISL41387 dual-protocol RS-232/485 transceiver with loop-back mode and shutdown
functions. The shutdown mode disables the receive and transmit outputs of the transceiver, disables the charge pump in
RS-232 mode, and places the transceiver in low-current (35 μA) mode.
In RS-232 mode, the on-board charge pump generates RS-232 compliant +/- 5 V Tx output levels. The transceiver
supports Rx input levels of +/- 25 V and Tx output levels of +/- 12 V with data rates of up to 460 kbps.
In RS-485 mode, the charge pump is disabled to save power and minimize noise. The RS-485 receiver supports full
fail-safe operation that keeps the Rx output in a high states if the inputs are opened or shorted together. The RS-485
transmitter supports three data rates up to 20 Mbps, 460 kbps, and 115 kbps. Data rates of 460 kbps and 115 kbps in
RS-485 mode are slew-rate limited for problem-free communication.
For configuring the transceiver, see RS-232/485 transceiver configuration. The transceiver is connected to the Serial
Communication Interface SCI channel 2 on the S3A7 microcontroller.
4.3 Audio codec
The Breakout Board includes a Maxim MAX98089 Audio Stereo Codec Amplifier with line in, line out, headphone and
microphone connectors. The audio codec is connected to channel 0 of the Serial Sound Interface on the S3A7
microcontroller. IIC channel 2 is used to control the codec.
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Components > Peripheral devices > Power
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4.4 Peripheral devices
Device: OnSemi CAT24C64
8-KB CMOS serial EEPROM device, internally organized as 8192 words of 8 bits each. The EEPROM device
features a 32byte page write buffer and supports the Standard (100 kHz), Fast (400 kHz) and FastPlus
(1 MHz) IIC protocol.
Communication: IIC using IIC channel 2 on the S3A7 microcontroller
Compass (U107)
Device: Honeywell HMC5883L
Magneto-resistive sensors with ASIC containing amplification, automatic degaussing strap drivers, offset
cancellation, and a 12-bit ADC that enables 1° to 2° compass heading accuracy.
Communication: IIC using IIC channel 2 on the S3A7 microcontroller
Ambient light and proximity sensor (U105)
Device: Osram SFH 7776
The device combines a digital ambient light sensor and a proximity sensor (emitter + detector). The sensor
provides an IIC bus interface and an interrupt pin.
Communication: IIC using IIC channel 2 on the S3A7 microcontroller
Temperature sensor (U109)
Device: OnSemi NCT75
The device is a two-wire (IIC) serially programmable temperature sensor with an over-temperature/interrupt
output pin to signal out of limit conditions.
The output pin is an open-drain pin and can operate in either comparator or interrupt mode.
Temperature measurements are converted into digital form using a high resolution (12 bit), sigma-delta,
analog-to-digital converter (ADC).
The device operates over the –55°C to +125°C temperature range.
Communication: IIC using IIC channel 2 on the S3A7 microcontroller
Accelerometer sensor (U106)
Device: Kionix KX022
The device is a robust, low-power, IIC/SPI, 3-axis accelerometer with integrated FIFO/FILO buffer that
features a wide range of embedded functionality, including tap detection, orientation, activity, and wake-up
Communication: SPI using SPI channel 0 on the S3A7 microcontroller
Serial flash (U102)
Device: Micron M25P20
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Components > Peripheral devices > Power
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The M25P20 is a 2-Mb (256 K x 8) serial flash memory device with advanced write protection mechanisms
accessed by a high speed SPI-compatible bus.
The device supports high-performance commands for clock frequencies of up to 75 MHz.
Communication: SPI using SPI channel 0 on the S3A7 microcontroller
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module (RF1)
Device: C_Max CMM-9301-V4.4
The module is based on EM Microelectronic's low-power, fully-integrated, single-chip Bluetooth Low Energy
(BLE) Controller EM9301 and includes a folded dipole antenna.
Communication: SCI channel 1 (SPI mode) on the S3A7 microcontroller
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Board Layout > Main Board components: > Power
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Chapter 5 Board Layout
5.1 Main Board components:
Figure 6: Components: Main Board
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Board Layout > Breakout Board components > Power
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5.2 Breakout Board components
Figure 7: Components: Breakout Board
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Configuration > Function select DIP switches > Power
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Chapter 6 Configuration
The DK-S3A7 has the following configuration options:
DIP switch S5 for board function select
J4 analog enable for analog application header
Switch S6 for configuring the RS-232/485 transceiver for the serial connector J7
USB connector selection
Boot configuration
6.1 Function select DIP switches
Most pins on the Synergy S3A7 microcontroller support multiple functions and can therefore be connected to more than
one device or connector on the DK-S3A7. To make it easy and safe to connect some of the important functions of the
DK-S3A7, the kit provides a set of DIP switches mounted on the Main Board.
Each DIP switch controls a high-speed buffer which, when the switch is in the ON position, connects the signal lines
between the microcontroller and the on-board device or connector. When the switch is in the OFF position, the
microcontroller pins are isolated from the connector or device controlled by the switch and can be used for another board
function. All microcontroller pins are accessible on the breakout pin connectors J7 to J9, regardless of the switch setting.
When a DIP switch is in the OFF position, software can dynamically enable the desired peripherals at system initialization
through an I/O expander. The I/O expander is controlled through software through an IIC port connected to SCI channel
2 on the S3A7 microcontroller and performs the following functions:
Sense the position of the DIP switch.
Generate the enable signal for the buffer.
Control an LED.
Through the I/O expander’s IIC port, software can read the position of the DIP switch and, if the DIP switch is open, enable
the buffers to connect the device to the microcontroller pins. The LEDs next to the DIP switch on the Main Board indicate
when the respective device is connected under software control.
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Configuration > Function select DIP switches > Power
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Figure 8: Function configuration
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DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Configuration > Analog enable jumper > Power
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6.2 Analog enable jumper
Analog signals on the Main Board analog I/O connector (J5) can be disabled individually through the configuration of
jumper J4. See Analog I/O.
6.3 RS-232/485 transceiver configuration
The Main Board includes a dual-protocol (RS-232/485) transceiver that can be configured for either RS-232 or RS-485
and various data rates using switches 1 to 3 of DIP switch S6.
Supported data rates are up to 460 kbps in RS-232 mode. Three different data rates can be selected in RS-485 mode: up
to 20 Mbps, 460 kbps, and 115 kbps. Data rates of 460 kbps and 115 kbps in RS-485 mode are slew-rate limited for robust
In addition to the transceiver mode, DIP switch 4 (HALF) on S6 can be used to disable the receiver output and use the
UART in half-duplex mode by controlling the direction through a GPIO pin.
Table 1: Configuration Switch S5
DIP Switch Connector/ device Reference
1PBsPush buttons
2 QSPI QSPI flash
3 RSXXX RS-232/485
8 BOOT Boot configuration
Table 2: RS-232/485 (S6) configuration
232 SLEW SPB Data rate Mode
OFF ON ON 115 kbps 485
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Configuration > USB configuration > Power
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6.4 USB configuration
DIP switch 5 (USBF) on S6 disables the USB Device connector (J2) on the Main Board.
6.5 Boot configuration
By default, the S3A7 microcontroller boots from internal flash. To enable an external boot source, set the BOOT switch
8 on S5 to ON. You can find details on the boot configuration and boot process in the S3A7 User’s Manual: Hardware.
OFF ON OFF 460 kbps 485
OFF OFF X 20 Mbps 485
ON X X 460 kbps 232
Table 2: RS-232/485 (S6) configuration (Continued)
232 SLEW SPB Data rate Mode
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Connectivity > Pmod A > Power
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Chapter 7 Connectivity
7.1 Pmod A
To enable 12-pin Pmod Compatible connector Pmod A on the DK-S3A7 Main Board, use either of the following methods:
Set DIP switch 6 (PMOD) on S5 to ON.
If DIP switch 6 on S5 is in the OFF position, Pmod A can be enabled under software control through the
IIC-controlled I/O Expander U14.
The Pmod A connector provides access to channel 3 of the Serial Communications Interface (SCI) peripheral on the S3A7
microcontroller, which can be configured through software as SPI, UART, or IIC-bus interface (IIC Fast mode and
Standard mode only).
NOTE: The SCI3 signals can also be observed on the breakout pin connector J9 on the Main Board. The SCI3 receive and
transmit signals can be observed on application header J104 on the Breakout Board.
Table 3: Pmod A connector (J20)
PMODA connector (Main Board) S3A7 microcontroller
Pin Description Pin Function name
1 SCI CTS P411 (P4_11) CTS3
2 SCI transmit P409 (P4_9) TXD3
3 SCI receive P408 (P4_8) RXD3
4 SCI serial clock P410 (P4_10) SCK3
5, 11 GND - -
6, 12 +3V3 or +5V depending on setting of
7 PMODA_7 P700 (P7_0) GPIO
8 PMODA_8 P705 (P7_5) GPIO
9 PMODA_9 P712 (P7_12) GPIO
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Connectivity > Pmod C > Power
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7.2 Pmod C
Twelve-pin Pmod Compatible connector Pmod C provides access to the SPI0 peripheral or to SCI channel 0 on the S3A7
10 PMODA_10 P713 (P7_13) GPIO
Table 4: Pmod C connector (J111)
PMODC connector (Breakout Board) S3A7 microcontroller
Pin Description Pin Function name
1 PMODC_CS# P105 (P1_5) SSLA1_A
2 MOSI0 P101 (P1_1) MOSIA_A
3 MISO0 P100 (P1_0) MISOA_A
4 SCI serial clock RSPCK0 P102 (P1_2) RSPCKA_A
5, 11 GND - -
6, 12 +3V3 or +5V depending on setting of
7 PMODC_7 P603 (P6_3) GPIO
8 PMODC_8 P602 (P6_2) GPIO
9 PMODC_9 P601 (P6_1) GPIO
10 PMODC_10 P600 (P6_0) GPIO
Table 3: Pmod A connector (J20) (Continued)
PMODA connector (Main Board) S3A7 microcontroller
Pin Description Pin Function name
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Connectivity > BLE/Pmod B > Bluetooth
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7.3 BLE/Pmod B
The Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) device and Pmod Compatible connector Pmod B both use the Serial Communication
Interface (SCI) channel 1 of the S3A7 microcontroller. To use the Pmod B connector, disconnect the BLE device from
the S3A7 microcontroller by setting switch 5 of DIP switch S5 to OFF.
Pmod B
7.3.1 Bluetooth
To enable the BLE device on the DK-S3A7 Main Board, use either of the following methods:
Set DIP switch 5 (BLE) on S5 to ON.
If DIP switch 5 on S5 is in the OFF position, the BLE device can be enabled under software control through the
IIC-controlled I/O Expander U14.
The BLE device is connected to channel 1 of the Serial Communications Interface (SCI) peripheral on the S3A7
microcontroller, which must be configured through software as an SPI interface.
NOTE: The BLE signals can also be observed on the breakout pin connectors on the Main Board.
NOTE: SCI channel 1 used for BLE is also routed to the Pmod B connector on the Breakout Board. If you are using the
Pmod B connector, disable the BLE device.
Pmod B
Table 5: BLE device (RF1)
BLE device (Main Board) S3A7 microcontroller
Pin Description Pin Function name
BLE_CS# P711 (P7_11) CTS1
BLE_MISO P708 (P7_8) RXD1
BLE_MOSI P709 (P7_9) TXD1
BLE_SCK P710 (P7_10) SCK1
BLE_IRQ# P000 (P0_0) -
BLE_RESET# P001 (P0_1) -
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Connectivity > RS-232/485 > Pmod B
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7.3.2 Pmod B
Twelve-pin Pmod Compatible connector Pmod B provides access to channel 1 of the Serial Communications Interface
(SCI) peripheral on the S3A7 microcontroller, which can be configured through software as SPI, UART, or IIC-bus
interface (IIC Fast mode and Standard mode only).
To use the Pmod B connector, disable the BLE device on the Main Board by setting DIP switch 5 on S5 to OFF.
7.4 RS-232/485
To enable the RS-232/485 transceiver on the DK-S3A7 Main Board, use either of the following methods:
Set DIP switch 3 (RSXXX) on S5 to ON.
If DIP switch 3 on S5 is in the OFF position, the RS-232/485 transceiver can be enabled under software control
through the IIC-controlled I/O Expander U14.
Table 6: Pmod B connector (J100)
PMODB connector (Breakout Board) S3A7 microcontroller
Pin Description Pin Function name
1 SCI CTS P711 (P7_11) CTS1
2 SCI transmit P709 (P7_9) TXD1
3 SCI receive P708 (P7_8) RXD1
4 SCI serial clock P710 (P7_10) SCK1
5, 11 GND - -
6, 12 +3V3 or +5V depending on setting of
7 PMODB_7 P800 (P8_0) GPIO
8 PMODB_8 P801 (P8_1) GPIO
9 PMODB_9 P804 (P8_4) GPIO
10 PMODB_10 P805 (P8_5) GPIO
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Connectivity > CAN > Pmod B
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The RS-232/485 signals are controlled by the RS-232/485 transceiver (U19) on Main Board. The transceiver uses channel
2 of the Serial Communication Interface (SCI) on the S3A7 microcontroller, which must be configured through software
as a UART interface.
For configuring the modes of the RS-232/485 transceiver, see RS-232/485 transceiver configuration.
NOTE: The RS-232/485 transceiver signals can also be observed on the breakout pin connectors on the Main Board and
on application header J104 on the Breakout Board.
Pin mapping
7.5 CAN
To enable the CAN transceiver on the DK-S3A7 Main Board, use either of the following methods:
Set DIP switch 5 (CAN) on S5 to ON.
If DIP switch 5 on S5 is in the OFF position, the CAN transceiver can be enabled under software control through
the IIC-controlled I/O Expander U14.
The CAN signals are controlled by the CAN transceiver (U21) on Main Board. The transceiver uses channel 0 of the CAN
Controller on the S3A7 microcontroller. The transceiver signals are routed to connector J17 on the Main Board.
NOTE: The CAN signals can also be observed on the breakout pin connectors on the Main Board and application header
J104 on the Breakout Board.
Table 7: RS-232/485 transceiver (U19)
RS-232/485 transceiver (Main Board) S3A7 microcontroller
Pin Description Pin Function name
RS_RX UART Receive P301 (P3_1) RXD2
RS_DEN UART Driver Enable P802 (P8_2) GPIO
RS_TX UART Transmit P302 (P3_2) TXD2
RS_ON UART On P803 (P8_3) GPIO
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Connectivity > User LEDs > Pmod B
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Pin mapping
7.6 User LEDs
The Main Board features two LEDs that can be controlled by the application through the GPIO pins of the S3A7
microcontroller. Each LED supports two colors, red and green, which can be individually turned on or off through the
corresponding GPIO pins.
7.7 Push buttons
To enable the push buttons on the DK-S3A7 Main Board, use either of the following methods:
Set DIP switch 1 (PB) on S5 to ON.
If DIP switch 1 on S5 is in the OFF position, the push buttons can be enabled under software control through the
IIC-controlled I/O Expander U14.
Table 8: CAN transceiver (U21)
CAN transceiver (Main Board) S3A7 microcontroller
Pin Description Pin Function name
CAN_TX CAN Transmit P401 (P4_1) CTX0
CAN_RX CAN Receive P402 (P4_2) CRX0
Table 9: LED1 and LED2
User LED (Main Board) S3A7 microcontroller
Pin Description Pin Function name
LED1 Green P701 (P7_1) GPIO
LED1 Red P702 (P7_2) GPIO
LED2 Green P703 (P7_3) GPIO
LED2 Red P704 (P7_4) GPIO
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Connectivity > JTAG > Pmod B
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The Main Board features three push buttons, which are connected to the external interrupt inputs of the S3A7
Pin mapping
7.8 JTAG
To enable JTAG debug on the DK-S3A7 Main Board for all JTAG connectors, use either of the following methods:
Set DIP switch 7 (JTAG) on S5 to ON.
If DIP switch 7 on S5 is in the OFF position, JTAG can be enabled under software control through the
IIC-controlled I/O Expander U14.
The JTAG signals can be used through the J-Link OB USB port (J15), directly through the JTAG connector (J14), or
through the SEGGER J-Link OB connector (J13). The SEGGER J-Link OB connector and the J-Link OB USB port are
connected to the RX621 microcontroller (U16).
Table 10: Push buttons
Push buttons (Main Board) S3A7 microcontroller
Pin Description Pin Function name
S1 IRQ8 P305 (P3_5) IRQ8
S2 IRQ9 P304 (P3_4 IRQ9
S3 IRQ3 P202 (P2_2) IRQ3
Table 11: JTAG
JTAG (Main Board) S3A7 microcontroller
Pin Description Pin Function name
TMS/SWDIO Test Mode Select P108 (P1_8) TMS/SWDIO
TCK/SWCLK Test Clock P300 (P3_0) TCK/SWCLK
TDO Test Data Out P109 (P1_9) TDO
TDI Test Data In P110 (P1_10) TDI
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Connectivity > Capacitive touch expansion > Pmod B
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Pin mapping
7.9 Capacitive touch expansion
The Main Board includes a capacitive-touch expansion port, which is compatible with the RX113 Capacitive-Touch Kit.
The expansion port consists of two connectors, J18 and J19. The pins of connector J18 are routed directly to the S3A7
microcontroller pins. Connector J19 is connected to the I/O Expansion Controller U22, which is controlled by channel 2
of the IIC peripheral on the microcontroller.
Table 12: Capacitive touch expansion connector (J18)
Capacitive touch connector (Main Board) S3A7 microcontroller
Pin Description Pin Function name
1 TS0 P204 (P2_4?) TS0
2 TS1 P206 (P2_6) TS1
3 TS2 P008 (P0_8) TS2
4 TS3 P412 (P4_12) TS8
5 TS4 P4_13 (P4_13) TS9
6 TS5 P414 (P4_14) TS10
7 TS6 P415 (P4_15) TS11
8 TS7 P406 (P406) TS14
9 TS8 P405 (P4_5) TS15
10 TS9 P404 (P4_4) TS16
Table 11: JTAG (Continued)
JTAG (Main Board) S3A7 microcontroller
Pin Description Pin Function name
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Connectivity > QSPI flash > Pmod B
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Pin mapping
7.10 QSPI flash
To enable the QSPI flash on the DK-S3A7 Main Board, use either of the following methods:
Set DIP switch 2 (QSPI) on S5 to ON.
If DIP switch 2 on S5 is in the OFF position, the QSPI flash can be enabled under software control through the
IIC-controlled I/O Expander U14.
The microcontroller pins for the QSPI flash are also connected to application header J103 on the Breakout Board as inputs
to the ADC.
11 TS10 P403 (P4_3) TS17
12 TS11 P400 (P4_0) TS20
13 TS ID P010 (P010)
Table 13: I/O Expansion Controller (U22) for capacitive touch expansion connector (J19)
I/O Expansion Controller S3A7 microcontroller
Pin Description Pin Function name
SCL P512 (P5_12) SCL2
SDA P511 (P5_11) SDA2
Table 14: Capacitive coupling
I/O Expansion Controller S3A7 microcontroller
Pin Description Pin Function name
TSCAP_B P203 (P2_3) -
Table 12: Capacitive touch expansion connector (J18) (Continued)
Capacitive touch connector (Main Board) S3A7 microcontroller
Pin Description Pin Function name
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Connectivity > Analog I/O > Pmod B
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Pin mapping
7.11 Analog I/O
A limited number of analog signals (ADC and DAC) are available on the DK-S3A7 Main Board through connector J5.
Pin mapping
Table 15: QSPI flash (U10)
QSPI flash (Main Board) S3A7 microcontroller
Pin Description Pin Function name
QSPI CS# P501 (P5_1) QSSL
QSPI DQ0 P502 (P5_2) QIO0
QSPI DQ1 P503 (P5_3) QIO1
QSPI DQ2 P504 (P5_4) QIO2
QSPI DQ3 P505 (P5_5) QIO3
Table 16: Analog I/O header (J5)
Analog I/O header (Main Board) S3A7 microcontroller
Pin Description Pin Function name
1 DA0 P014 (P0_14) DA0
2 DA1 P015 (P0_15) DA1
4 AN011 P011 (P0_11) AN011
5 AN012 P012 (P0_12) AN012
6 AN013 P013 (P0_13) AN013
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Appendix > Pin mapping > Pmod B
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Chapter 8 Appendix
8.1 Pin mapping
The following table shows the routing of the microcontroller pins between the Main Board and the Breakout Board. All
microcontroller pins are accessible on the breakout pin connectors J7 to J9 on the Main Board. The microcontroller pins
are also routed to the Breakout Board through board-to-board connectors as needed for the Breakout Board functions.
Many microcontroller pins are routed to more than one function and are used for functions on both boards. For some
functions, the entire connector or device can be switched on or off under software control or using the Main Board DIP
switches. See Function select DIP switches.
Table 17: Main Board to Breakout Board pin mapping
microcontroller Main Board Breakout Board
Port pin
pins Other connectors or devices
header pins
Other connectors or
P000 (P0_0) J7/1 Bluetooth J103/1 -
P001 (P0_1) J7/2 Bluetooth J103/2 -
P002 (P0_2) J7/3 - J103/3 -
P003 (P0_3) J7/4 - J103/4 -
P004 (P0_4) J7/5 - J103/5 -
P005 (P0_5) J7/6 - J103/6 -
P006 (P0_6) J7/7 - J103/7 -
P007 (P0_7) J7/8 - J103/8 -
P008 (P0_8) J7/9 Capacitive touch expansion J103/9 -
P009 (P0_9) J7/10 - J103/10
P010 (P010) J7/11 Capacitive touch expansion J103/11 -
P011 (P0_11) J7/12 Analog I/O J103/12 -
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Appendix > Pin mapping > Pmod B
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P012 (P0_12) J7/13 Analog I/O J103/13 -
P013 (P0_13) J7/14 Analog I/O J103/14 -
P014 (P0_14) J7/15 Analog I/O, Audio out (U13) J103/15 -
P015 (P0_15) J7/16 Analog I/O J103/14 -
P100 (P1_0) J7/17 LCD - Pmod C, SPI Flash
P101 (P1_1) J7/18 LCD - Pmod C, SPI Flash
P102 (P1_2) J7/19 LCD - Pmod C, SPI Flash
P103 (P1_3) J7/20 LCD - -
P104 (P1_4) J7/21 LCD SPI Flash
P105 (P1_5) J7/22 LCD - Pmod C
P106 (P1_6) J7/23 LCD - -
P107 (P1_7) J7/24 LCD - -
P108 (P1_8) J7/25 JTAG J104/15 -
P109 (P1_9) J7/26 JTAG J104/14 -
P110 (P1_10) J7/27 JTAG J104/17 -
P111 (P1_11) J7/28 LCD - -
P112 (P1_12) J7/29 LCD - -
P113 (P1_13) J7/30 - J104/9 -
P114 (P1_14) J7/31 - J104/10 -
P115 (P1_15) J7/32 - J104/11 -
P200 (P2_0) J7/33 - J104/18 -
Table 17: Main Board to Breakout Board pin mapping (Continued)
microcontroller Main Board Breakout Board
Port pin
pins Other connectors or devices
header pins
Other connectors or
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Appendix > Pin mapping > Pmod B
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P201 (P2_1) J7/34 Boot pin - -
P202 (P2_2) J7/35 Push buttons - SD_CARD_DET (SD100)
P203 (P2_3) J7/36 Capacitive touch expansion --
P204 (P2_4) J7/37 Capacitive touch expansion - USB Power switch (U100)
P205 (P2_5) J7/38 - - SD Card (SD100)
P206 (P2_6) J7/39 Capacitive touch expansion - SD Card (SD100)
P207 (P2_7) J7/40 - J104/21
P213 (P2_13) J7/41 - - Compass IRQ
P300 (P3_0) J9/1 JTAG J104/25
P301 (P3_1) J9/2 RS-232/485 J104/22 -
P302 (P3_2) J9/3 RS-232/485 J104/27 -
P303 (P3_3) J9/4 LCD - -
P304 (P3_4) J9/5 Push buttons - Temperature Sensor
P305 (P3_5) J9/6 Push buttons - Ambient Light and
Proximity Sensor ALS
P306 (P3_6) J9/7 LCD - -
P307 (P3_7) J9/8 LCD - -
P308 (P3_8) J9/9 LCD - -
P309 (P3_9) J9/10
P310 (P3_10) J9/11 LCD - -
P311 (P3_11) J9/12 LCD - -
Table 17: Main Board to Breakout Board pin mapping (Continued)
microcontroller Main Board Breakout Board
Port pin
pins Other connectors or devices
header pins
Other connectors or
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Appendix > Pin mapping > Pmod B
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P312 (P3_12) J9/13 LCD - -
P313 (P3_13) J9/14 LCD - -
P314 (P3_14) J9/15 LCD - -
P315 (P3_15) J9/16 LCD - -
P400 (P4_0) J9/17 Capacitive touch expansion - Audio Codec (U104)
P401 (P4_1) J9/18 CAN J104/24 -
P402 (P4_2) J9/19 CAN J104/29 -
P403 (P4_3) J9/20 Capacitive touch expansion - Audio Codec (U104)
P404 (P4_4) J9/21 Capacitive touch expansion - Audio Codec (U104)
P405 (P4_5) J9/22 Capacitive touch expansion - Audio Codec (U104)
P406 (P4_6) J9/23 Capacitive touch expansion - Audio Codec (U104)
P407 (P4_7) J9/24 USB (U6) - USB (U100)
P408 (P4_8) J9/25 Pmod A J104/26 -
P409 (P4_9) J9/26 Pmod A J104/30 -
P410 (P4_10) J9/27 Pmod A - SD Card (SD100)
P411 (P4_11) J9/28 Pmod A - SD Card (SD100)
P412 (P4_12) J9/29 Capacitive touch expansion - SD Card (SD100)
P413 (P4_13) J9/30 Capacitive touch expansion - SD Card (SD100)
P414 (P4_14) J9/31 Capacitive touch expansion - SD Card (SD100)
P415 (P4_15) J9/32 Capacitive touch expansion J104/28 -
P500 (P5_0) J9/33 QSPI flash J103/17 -
Table 17: Main Board to Breakout Board pin mapping (Continued)
microcontroller Main Board Breakout Board
Port pin
pins Other connectors or devices
header pins
Other connectors or
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Appendix > Pin mapping > Pmod B
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P501 (P5_1) J9/34 QSPI flash J103/18 -
P502 (P5_2) J9/35 QSPI flash J103/19 -
P503 (P5_3) J9/36 QSPI flash J103/20 -
P504 (P5_4) J9/37 QSPI flash J103/21 -
P505 (P5_5) J9/38 QSPI flash J103/22 -
P506 (P5_6) J9/39 J103/23
P507 (P5_7) J9/40 J103/24
P511 (P5_11) J9/42 Capacitive touch expansion, I/O
- Audio Codec (U104),
EEPROM (U108), all
P512 (P5_12) J9/41 Capacitive touch expansion, I/O
- Audio Codec (U104),
EEPROM (U108), all
P600 (P6_0) J8/1 LCD - Pmod C
P601 (P6_1) J8/2 LCD - Pmod C
P602 (P6_2) J8/3 LCD - Pmod C
P603 (P6_3) J8/4 LCD - Pmod C
P604 (P6_4) J8/5 LCD - Accelerometer
P605 (P6_5) J8/6 LCD - -
P606 (P6_6) J8/7 LCD - -
P608 (P6_8) J8/8 LCD - -
P609 (P6_9) J8/9 LCD - -
P610 (P6_10) J8/10 LCD - -
Table 17: Main Board to Breakout Board pin mapping (Continued)
microcontroller Main Board Breakout Board
Port pin
pins Other connectors or devices
header pins
Other connectors or
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Appendix > Pin mapping > Pmod B
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P611 (P6_11) J8/11 LCD - -
P612 (P6_12) J8/12 LCD - -
P613 (P6_13) J8/13 LCD - -
P614 (P6_14) J8/14 LCD - -
P700 (P7_0) J8/15 - - -
P701 (P7_1) J8/16 User LEDs J104/1 -
P702 (P7_2) J8/17 User LEDs J104/2 -
P703 (P7_3) J8/18 User LEDs J104/3 -
P704 (P7_4) J8/19 User LEDs J104/4 -
P705 (P7_5) J8/20 - J104/5 -
P708 (P7_8) J8/21 Bluetooth -Pmod B
P709 (P7_9) J8/22 Bluetooth -Pmod B
P710 (P7_10) J8/23 Bluetooth -Pmod B
P711 (P7_11) J8/24 Bluetooth -Pmod B
P712 (P7_12) J8/25 - J104/6 -
P713 (P7_13) J8/26 - J104/7 -
P800 (P8_0) J8/27 LCD - Pmod B
P801 (P8_1) J8/28 LCD - Pmod B
P802 (P8_2) J8/29 RS-232/485 J104/23 -
P803 (P8_3) J8/30 RS-232/485 J104/20 -
P804 (P8_4) J8/31 LCD - Pmod B
Table 17: Main Board to Breakout Board pin mapping (Continued)
microcontroller Main Board Breakout Board
Port pin
pins Other connectors or devices
header pins
Other connectors or
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Appendix > Pin mapping > Pmod B
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P805 (P8_5) J8/32 LCD - Pmod B
P806 (P8_6) J8/33 LCD - -
P807 (P8_7) J8/34 LCD - -
P808 (P8_8) J8/35 LCD - -
P809 (P8_9) J8/36 LCD - -
P900 (P9_0) J8/37 LCD - -
P901 (P9_1) J8/38 LCD - -
P902 (P9_2) J8/39 LCD - -
USB_DP J8/41 USB (J2) -
USB_DM J8/43 USB (J2) - USB (J101)
RESET# J7/42 Multiple - Multiple
Table 17: Main Board to Breakout Board pin mapping (Continued)
microcontroller Main Board Breakout Board
Port pin
pins Other connectors or devices
header pins
Other connectors or
DK-S3A7 User’s Manual
Appendix > Pin mapping > Pmod B
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Revision Record
Revision Date Description
Page Summary
0.10 March 2015 - First preliminary version
0.50 July 2015 - Editorial updates
1.00 Oct. 2015 - Updated for DK-S3A7 v2
Renesas SynergyTM DK-S3A7
User’s Manual
Publication Date: Rev. 1.00 October, 2015
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