Unless otherwise specified, the following specifications apply for VSSA = VSSIO = 0V, VDDA = +3.0V, VDDIO = +2.5V, VIN = 2 VP-P,
STBY = 0V, VREF = 1.20V, (Externally Supplied) fCLK = 80 MHz, 50% Duty Cycle, CL= 10 pF/pin. Boldface limits apply for
TA= TMIN to TMAX:all other limits TA= 25°C(1)(2) (3)(4)
Min Typ Max
Symbol Parameter Conditions Units
(4) (4) (4)
fCLK1 Maximum Clock Frequency 80 MHz (min)
fCLK2 Minimum Clock Frequency 20 MHz
tCH Clock High Time 6.25 ns
tCL Clock Low Time 6.25 ns
Conversion Latency 6Cycles
T = 25°C 2 3.5 5 ns
Data Output Delay after a Rising Clock
tOD Edge 1 6 ns
tAD Aperture Delay 1 ns
tAJ Aperture Jitter 2 ps (RMS)
Differential VIN step from ±3V
Over Range Recovery Time to 0V to get accurate 1 Clock Cycle
tSTBY Standby Mode Exit Cycle 20 Cycles
(1) To ensure accuracy, it is required that |VDDA–VDDIO|≤100 mV and separate bypass capacitors are used at each power supply pin.
(2) With the test condition for 2 VP-P differential input, the 10-bit LSB is 1.95 mV.
(3) Typical figures are at TA= TJ= 25°C and represent most likely parametric norms. Test limits are ensured to AOQL (Average Outgoing
Quality Level).
(4) Timing specifications are tested at TTL logic levels, VIL = 0.4V for a falling edge, and VIH = 2.4V for a rising edge.
Specification Definitions
APERTURE DELAY is the time after the rising edge of the clock to when the input signal is acquired or held for
APERTURE JITTER (APERTURE UNCERTAINTY) is the variation in aperture delay from sample to sample.
Aperture jitter manifests itself as noise in the output.
COMMON MODE VOLTAGE (VCM)is the d.c. potential present at both signal inputs to the ADC.
DIFFERENTIAL NON-LINEARITY (DNL) is the measure of the maximum deviation from the ideal step size of 1
DUTY CYCLE is the ratio of the time that a repetitive digital waveform is high to the total time of one period. The
specification here refers to the ADC clock input signal.
EFFECTIVE NUMBER OF BITS (ENOB, or EFFECTIVE BITS) is another method of specifying Signal-to-Noise
and Distortion or SINAD. ENOB is defined as (SINAD - 1.76) / 6.02 and states that the converter is
equivalent to a perfect ADC of this (ENOB) number of bits.
FULL POWER BANDWIDTH is a measure of the frequency at which the reconstructed output fundamental
drops 3 dB below its low frequency value for a full scale input.
GAIN ERROR is the deviation from the ideal slope of the transfer function. It can be calculated as:
Gain Error = Positive Full-Scale Error −Negative Full-Scale Error (1)
INTEGRAL NON LINEARITY (INL) is a measure of the deviation of each individual code from a line drawn from
negative full scale through positive full scale. The deviation of any given code from this straight line is
measured from the center of that code value.
MISSING CODES are those output codes that will never appear at the ADC outputs. The ADC10080 is ensured
not to have any missing codes.
NEGATIVE FULL SCALE ERROR is the difference between the input voltage (VIN+−VIN−) just causing a
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