3 www.fairchildsemi.com
Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note 5) Recommended Operating
Note 5: The “A bsolute Maximum Ratings” are those value s beyond whic h
the saf ety of the device cannot be gu aranteed. Th e device shou ld not be
operated at these limits. The parametric values defined in the Electrical
Characteristics tables are not guaranteed at the absolute maximum rating.
The “R ecomm ended Ope rating Co ndition s” table will define the condit ions
for actu al device operation.
Note 6: Eith er v oltage lim it or c urrent limit is sufficie nt to protect inputs.
Note 7: ESD testing conforms to MIL-STD-883, Method 3015.
Commercial Version
TTL-to-ECL DC Ele ctrical Characteristics (Note 8)
VEE = −4.2V to −5.7V, VCC = VCCA = GND, TC = 0°C to +85°C, VTTL = +4.5V to +5.5V
Note 8: The specified limits represent the “worst case” value for the parameter. Since these values normally occur at the temperature extremes, additional
noise immunity an d gu ardband ing c an be achi eved by d ecre asin g the al l owable syste m operating ranges. Conditi ons fo r t estin g shown i n the tables are ch o-
sen to guarante e operation under “worst case” conditions.
Storage Temperature (TSTG)−65°C to +150°C
Maximu m Junct i on Tem per atu re (T J)+150°C
VEE Pin Potential to Ground Pin −7.0V to +0.5V
VTTL Pin Potential to Ground Pin −0.5V to +6.0V
ECL Input Voltage (DC) VEE to +0.5V
ECL Output Current
(DC Output HIGH) −50 mA
TTL Input Voltage (Note 6) −0.5V to +6.0V
TTL Input Current (Note 6) −30 mA to +5.0 mA
Voltage Applied to Output
in HIGH State
3-STATE Output −0.5V to +5.5V
Current Applied to TTL
Output in LOW State (Max) twice the rated IOL (mA)
ESD (Note 7) ≥2000V
Case Temperature (TC)
Commercial 0°C to +85°C
Industrial −40°C to +85°C
ECL Supply Voltage (VEE)−5.7V to −4.2V
TTL Supply Voltage (VTTL)+4.5V to +5.5V
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units Conditions
VOH Output HIGH Voltage −1025 −955 −870 mV VIN = VIH(Max) or VIL(Min)
VOL Output LOW Voltage −1830 −1705 −1620 mV Loading with 50Ω to − 2V
Cutoff Voltage OE or DIR LOW,
−2000 −1950 mV VIN = VIH(Max) or VIL(Min),
Loading with 50Ω to −2V
VOHC Output HIGH Voltage −1035 mV
Corner Point HIGH VIN = VIH(Min) or VIL(Max)
VOLC Output LOW Voltage −1610 mV Loading with 50Ω to −2V
Corner Point LOW
VIH Input HIGH Voltage 2.0 5.0 V Over VTTL, VEE, TC Range
VIL Input LOW Voltage 0 0.8 V Over VTTL, VEE, TC Ra nge
IIH Input HIGH Current 70 µAV
IN = +2.7V
Breakdown Test 1.0 mA VIN = +5.5V
IIL Input LOW Current −700 µAV
IN = +0.5V
VFCD Input Clamp Diode Voltage −1.2 V IIN = −18 mA
IEE VEE Supply Current LE LOW, OE and DIR HIGH
Inputs OPEN
−159 −75 mA VEE = −4.2V to −4.8V
−169 −75 VEE = −4.2V to −5.7V