1. General Setup and Installation Requirements
1.1 Lift off protection
Lift off protections prevent lifting off of the upper plates of the load cells or ove r-
loading of fixed installation load cells by pulling in the opposite direction to the
measurement direction. Lift off protections are necessary if there is a dang er of the
load carrier being lifted or tilted. This can occur, for example, when containers are
tall and light or in free-standing silos (wind load).
The lift off protections are incorporate d
into the combined mounting units in the
RN series. It may be necessary to con-
struct lift off protections if other types of
mounting units are used. A proposal for
a lift off protection solution is shown in
Fig. 1-1. The distance X marks the pos-
sible lift travel of the load carrier. The
hole diameter ØD must be considerably
greater than the bolt diameter Ød. Load
carrier movement must not be impeded. Fig. 1-1 Proposed solution
for lift off protection
1.2 Overload protection
Under overload protection is meant the protection of load cells against an exces-
sive load in the direction of measurement. However, lateral forces can also occur
that exceed the load cell load limits.
Overload protection in measurement direction
Load cells are normally protected against vertical overload by having a travel limit
stop bolt placed underneath the thrust piston. This limits the load cell measurement
travel. The SIWAREX RN series ring load cells have a very small measurement
travel of 0.07 to 0.2 mm. Adjustable travel limit stops are not easy to deal with in
practice. For this reason, the RN seri es load cells up to a nominal load of 13 t have
an overload protector integrated. For load cells with high nominal loads, the danger
of accidental overload is not so great. Any additional loads can be taken into ac-
count in the dimensioning of the load cell.
Another way of protecting load cells against overload is to over-dimension them.
Overload protection in lateral direction
Lateral forces are caused by, for example, wind, filling operatio ns, acceleration or
conveyor belt friction. If these forces exceed certain values, the load cell must be
protected against them.
In the RN cells, weight is directed to the load cell via pendulum bolts or elastomer
bearings. These elements allow a certain degree of sideways travel of the load car-
rier or a change in its length due to heati ng. They generate, depending on the de-
gree of travel, a reciprocal force that tends to re-centralize the load carrier. This
travel is both desirable and necessary for accurate weighing. If the lateral force is
high enough to exceed the reciprocal force of the pendulum bolt o r elastomer
bearing up to the limit of travel, appropriat e safety measures must b e taken. These
may be in the form of swing limiters or guide elements (see Chapter 1.3).
Document No.: A5E00239116 Page 6