NEW Proximity Sensors E2V-X@ 30 Years of Innovation Long-distance Detection of Aluminum or Iron A Proximity Sensor with a NEW Detection Principle Clic Twice the max. distance Long-distance aluminum detection 360 Indicator Aluminum chip protection Embeddable in metal k! 1/8th of a turn Smartclick Pre-wired Connector Models Standard Models Aluminum Detection Distance: 1.5 to 2 Times Previous Models *In-house comparison of M18 Shielded Long-distance Models Immunity against aluminum chips has enabled achieving long-distance detection of aluminum workpieces. The same detection distance has also been achieved for iron, allowing the E2V-X@ to be separated from workpieces made of either metal farther than any other Proximity Sensor. Aluminum Excellent Performance, with Aluminum Chip Immunity! Iron Also Detects Iron at Long Distances! E2V E2V x1.5 E2EV E2EV All Metals E2EZ E2EZ Aluminum Chip Immunity E2EM E2EM E2E Long-distance (Ferrous Metals) 0 E2E Standard Model 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sensing distance (mm) 9 Sensing distance (mm) Detection Made Visible An operation indicator that is visible from any direction is provided as a standard feature. This indicator flashes under unstable conditions for easy installation condition verification at a glance. The indicator may be difficult to see from some directions. The indicator is visible from any direction. 180 180 180 Previous Sensor E2V Pre-wired Models and Pre-wired Connector Models E2V Connector Models Visible The indicator is visible from any direction. Embeddable in Metal. The first Long-distance Sensor that is shielded. Possible to be completely embedded in metal. Workpiece Bracket Protruding distance Workpiece Embedded Mounting in Metal E2EM E2V Applications Long-distance Detection of Crankshafts Cylinder Block Seating Detection Detect Passing Parts Ordering Information Standard-distance Sensors, DC 3-wire, Pre-wired Models (Standard Cable Length: 2 m) Models with 5-m cables are also available and are ordered by adding "5M" to the end of the model number (e.g., E2V-X2B1 5M). Appearance Sensing distance M12 Model Operation mode NO PNP 2mm Shielded M18 Output 5mm M30 10mm Operation mode NC E2V-X2B1 E2V-X2B2 NPN E2V-X2C1 E2V-X2C2 PNP E2V-X5B1 E2V-X5B2 NPN E2V-X5C1 E2V-X5C2 PNP E2V-X10B1 E2V-X10B2 NPN E2V-X10C1 E2V-X10C2 Long-distance Sensors, DC 3-wire, Pre-wired Models (Standard Cable Length: 2 m) Models with 5-m cables are also available and are ordered by adding "5M" to the end of the model number (e.g., E2V-X4B1 5M). Appearance Sensing distance M12 4mm Shielded M18 8mm M30 15mm Output Model Operation mode NO Operation mode NC PNP E2V-X4B1 E2V-X4B2 NPN E2V-X4C1 E2V-X4C2 PNP E2V-X8B1 E2V-X8B2 NPN E2V-X8C1 E2V-X8C2 PNP E2V-X15B1 E2V-X15B2 NPN E2V-X15C1 E2V-X15C2 Long-distance Sensors, DC 3-wire, Connector Models Appearance Sensing distance M12 4mm Shielded M18 8mm M30 15mm Output Model Operation mode NO Operation mode NC PNP E2V-X4B1-M1 E2V-X4B2-M1 NPN E2V-X4C1-M1 E2V-X4C2-M1 PNP E2V-X8B1-M1 E2V-X8B2-M1 NPN E2V-X8C1-M1 E2V-X8C2-M1 PNP E2V-X15B1-M1 E2V-X15B2-M1 NPN E2V-X15C1-M1 E2V-X15C2-M1 Long-distance Sensors, DC 3-wire, Smartclick Pre-wired Connector (M12) Models Appearance Sensing distance M12 Shielded 8mm M30 15mm Standard "Twist-and-Click" Insert all the way in. k! 1/8th of a turn E2V-X4B1-M1TJ NPN E2V-X4C1-M1TJ PNP E2V-X8B1-M1TJ NPN E2V-X8C1-M1TJ PNP E2V-X15B1-M1TJ NPN E2V-X15C1-M1TJ Connectors Appearance Clic Operation mode NO PNP 4mm M18 Model Output Smartclick Connector, Straight Model Applicable Proximity Sensor Models 2 XS5F-D421-D80-A E2V-X@@@-M1/M1TJ 5 XS5F-D421-G80-A E2V-X@@@-M1/M1TJ Vibration-proof robot cable 2 XS5F-D421-D80-F E2V-X@@@-M1/M1TJ 5 XS5F-D421-G80-F E2V-X@@@-M1/M1TJ Oil-resistant polyurethane cable 2 XS5F-D421-D80-P E2V-X@@@-M1/M1TJ 5 XS5F-D421-G80-P E2V-X@@@-M1/M1TJ Type Standard cable Cable length (m) I/O Circuit Diagrams and Timing Charts Ratings and Specifications M12 Size M18 Output Circuit Diagrams and Connections M30 E2V-X2@@ E2V-X4@@ E2V-X5@@ E2V-X8@@ E2V-X10@@ E2V-X15@@ Sensing distance 2mm10% 4mm10% 5mm10% 8mm10% 10mm10% 15mm10% Set distance 0 to 1.6 mm 0 to 3.2 mm 0 to 4.0 mm 0 to 6.4 mm 0 to 8.0 mm 0 to 12.0 mm Item Model Detectable object Aluminum: 12 x 12 x 3 mm Response frequency* 150Hz Aluminum: 12 x 12 x 3 mm Aluminum: 18 x 18 x 3 mm 40Hz Load Aluminum: 24 x 24 x 3 mm Aluminum: 30 x 30 x 3 mm Aluminum: 45 x 45 x 3 mm 40Hz 70Hz 30Hz 70Hz (operating voltage range) 12 to 24 VDC (10 to 30 VDC), ripple (p-p): 10% max. Current consumption 450 mW max. (Current consumption: 15 mA max. at power supply voltage of 30 V) Power supply voltage Control Load current output Residual voltage Non-sensing area Stable sensing area Proximity sensor Sensing area Non-sensing area Proximity sensor Sensing object 100 80 Rated sensing distance (%) 0V Note: Connector Models NO Models: NC Models: 0 Flashing (%) ON 100 Rated sensing distance 0 ON Yellow indicator OFF ON M1: M1TJ: (Refer to the timing charts under I/O Circuit Diagrams for details.) B2/C2 Models: NC Protection circuits Unstable sensing area Black Blue NO Models: Operation indicator (yellow) (flashing), Setting indicator (yellow) (lit); NC Models: Operation indicator (yellow) (lit) B1/C1 Models: NO NC Models Set position Sensing object Open-collector output, 100 mA max. Operation mode Control output OFF Yellow indicator OFF ON Control output OFF Compatible Connector Cables: XS5F Series XS2F Series Power supply reverse polarity protection, reversed output polarity protection, load short-circuit protection, surge suppressor Operating/Storage: -25 to 70C (with no icing or condensation) Ambient temperature Ambient humidity Operating/Storage: 35% to 95% (with no condensation) Temperature E2V-X@B@ (-M1/-M1TJ) Based on the sensing distance at 23C in the temperature range of -25 to 70C 10% max. influence 15% max. 10% max. 15% max. 10% max. Safety Precautions Brown 15% max. +V 1.5% max. of sensing distance at rated voltage in the rated voltage 15% range Voltage influence Insulation resistance 50 M min. (at 500 VDC) between current-carrying parts and case Dielectric strength 1,000 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 minute between current-carrying parts and case Vibration resistance WARNING Proximity Sensor main circuit Destruction: 10 to 55 Hz, 1.5-mm double amplitude for 2 hours each in X, Y, and Z directions Shock resistance Black Destruction: 1,000 m/s 10 times each in X, Y, and Z directions IEC IP67 (Pre-wired Models and Pre-wired Connector Models are oil-resistant to the OMRON in-house standard.) Connection method Pre-wired Models (Standard cable length: 2 m), Connector Models, Pre-wired Connector Models (Standard cable length: 300 mm) Cable Approx. 120 g Connector Pre-wired Connector Models Approx. 150 g Approx. 200 g Approx. 30 g Approx. 45 g Approx. 120 g Approx. 50 g Approx. 70 g Approx. 140 g Case Nickel-plated brass Sensing surface Heat-resistant ABS Clamping nuts Nickel-plated brass This product is not designed or rated for ensuring safety of persons. Do not use it for such purposes. Load 2 Degree of protection Materials Proximity Sensor main circuit 2 V max. (Load current: 100 mA, Cable length: 2 m) Indicators NO Models +V Ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals (The sensing distance depends on the material of the sensing object. Refer to Engineering Data (Typical).) Standard sensing object Timing chart Brown 10% max. of sensing distance Differential travel Weight (packed state) Operation mode E2V-X@C@ (-M1/-M1TJ) Blue 0V Never use the product with an AC power supply. Otherwise, explosion may result. Note: Connector Models NO Models: NC Models: M1: M1TJ: Compatible Connector Cables: XS5F Series XS2F Series Zinc-plated iron Toothed washer Accessories Instruction manual * The response frequency is an average value. Measurement conditions are as follows: Standard sensing object, a distance between target objects of twice the size of the standard sensing object, and a set distance of half the sensing distance. Engineering Data (Typical) Influence of Sensing Object Size and Material Influence of Sensing Object Size and Material E2V-X4 E2V-X2 E2V-X5 Sensing Area E2V-X4 E2V-X2 E2V-X5 Sensing area (aluminum) (Thickness: 3.0 mm) X t=3mm Aluminum 3.0 Copper 2.5 Stainless steel (SUS304) 2.0 1.5 @d X 1.0 t=3mm 0.5 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 0.0 30 0 Side length of sensing object d (mm) 5 10 15 20 25 5.0 Copper Iron 3.0 Stainless steel (SUS304) 2.0 @d X t=3mm 1.0 Brass 2.0 Aluminum Copper 1.5 1.0 t Stainless steel (SUS304) 0.5 0.0 0.0 30 Iron X 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Brass 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 Copper Stainless steel (SUS304) 1 2 3 4 5 t X Sensing object size: 12 x 12 mm 6 1 2 3 4 16.0 14.0 6.0 Aluminum 0 0 Iron 1.0 0.5 0.0 Sensing object size: 12 x 12 mm Side length of sensing object d (mm) 5 Brass Aluminum 5.0 Iron 4.0 Copper 3.0 Stainless steel (SUS304) 2.0 X 1.0 Sensing object size: 18 x 18 mm 0.0 6 0 Thickness of sensing object: t (mm) Thickness of sensing object: t (mm) t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Y X E2V-X10@ 10.0 E2V-X8@ 8.0 6.0 E2V-X5@ 4.0 E2V-X4@ 2.0 E2V-X2@ 0.0 -12.0 -9.0 8 E2V-X15@ 12.0 Thickness of sensing object: t (mm) -6.0 -3.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 Sensing distance Y (mm) Side length of sensing object d (mm) E2V-X10 E2V-X8 Aluminum 4.0 2.5 7.0 Sensing distance X (mm) Stainless steel (SUS304) 0.5 3.5 Brass Sensing distance X (mm) @d Brass Sensing distance X (mm) 1.0 6.0 4.0 Sensing distance X (mm) Aluminum Copper 1.5 Sensing distance X (mm) Sensing distance X (mm) Brass 2.0 Iron 4.5 Iron 2.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.0 7.0 Sensing distance X (mm) 5.0 3.0 E2V-X10 E2V-X8 E2V-X15 E2V-X15 Sensing area (Iron) (Thickness: 3.0 mm) 0.0 @d Stainless steel (SUS304) 2.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 X 30 t=3mm 35 Side length of sensing object d (mm) 40 Copper 6.0 Iron 4.0 @d X 2.0 0.0 t=3mm Stainless steel (SUS304) 0 10 20 30 40 Aluminum 14.0 Copper 12.0 Iron 10.0 8.0 Stainless steel (SUS304) @ d 6.0 4.0 X t=3mm 50 60 Copper Iron 6.0 Stainless steel (SUS304) 4.0 t X 2.0 Brass 10.0 Aluminum Iron 8.0 Copper 6.0 Stainless steel (SUS304) 4.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Side length of sensing object d (mm) 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Thickness of sensing object: t (mm) 8 t X 2.0 Sensing object size: 24 x 24 mm 2.0 Side length of sensing object d (mm) Brass 8.0 Sensing object size: 30 x 30 mm 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Thickness of sensing object: t (mm) 12 16.0 16.0 Brass Aluminum 14.0 Sensing distance X (mm) 4.0 8.0 16.0 18.0 Sensing distance X (mm) Iron Aluminum Aluminum Sensing distance X (mm) 6.0 Brass 10.0 Brass Sensing distance X (mm) Brass Copper Sensing distance X (mm) Aluminum 8.0 12.0 10.0 18.0 12.0 Sensing distance X (mm) Sensing distance X (mm) 10.0 Iron 12.0 Copper 10.0 Stainless steel (SUS304) 8.0 6.0 t X 4.0 2.0 Sensing object size: 45 x 45 mm 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Thickness of sensing object: t (mm) 12 14.0 Y X E2V-X15@ 12.0 10.0 E2V-X10@ 8.0 E2V-X8@ 6.0 E2V-X5@ 4.0 E2V-X4@ 2.0 0.0 -12.0 -9.0 E2V-X2@ -6.0 -3.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 Sensing distance Y (mm) 9.0 12.0 Aluminum and Iron Cuttings Influence of Surrounding Metal Mutual Interference When embedding the Sensor in metal, be sure that the clearances given in the following table are maintained. When installing Sensors face-to-face or side-by-side, be sure that the minimum distances given in table 2 are maintained. D m t t Model d dia. D m n Item A (Unit: mm) Chart 2. Mutual Interference t Item Table 1. Influence of Surrounding Metal Item B n m d dia. Model d dia. D m n Normally aluminum or iron cuttings will not be detected even if they adhere to or accumulate on the sensing surface. Detection signals may be output for the following. If this occurs, remove the cuttings from the sensing surface. Diameter of cutting = d and diameter of sensing surface = D Cuttings in center of sensing surface d Pressed against with d 2/3D Cutting sensing surface. E2V-X2 0 12 0 12 18 E2V-X5 0 18 0 24 27 E2V-X10 0 30 0 45 45 E2V-X4 0 12 0 12 18 E2V-X8 0 18 0 24 27 E2V-X15 0 (See Note 1.) 30 (See Note 1.) 0 (See Note 1.) 45 45 Model E2V-X2 30 20 E2V-X5 50 30 E2V-X10 100 50 Model E2V-X4 35 25 E2V-X8 60 35 E2V-X15 120 70 A B (Unit: mm) Model Size E2V-X2@/X4@ E2V-X5@/X8@ E2V-X10@/X15@ (Unit: mm) D D 10 16 28 Sensing surface Cutting Tightening Torque Item A B Do not tighten the nut with excessive force. A washer must be used with the nut. (Shielded Model) Other Information Sensing Distance Part B Part A * The sensing distance depends on the sensing object size, material, and thickness. * If the sensing object has a thickness of less than 1 mm, the sensing distance will decrease. * In some cases, it may not be possible to detect stainless steel. Use the following graph and the Influence of Sensing Object Size and Material information in Engineering Data (Typical) as a reference. Note 1: If the thickness of the mounting bracket (t) exceeds 5 mm, be sure to install the Sensor so that 2, d (dia.) 45, and D 2. Tightening Torque Model E2V-X2/X4 E2V-X5/X8 E2V-X10/X15 Part A Dimension(mm) 17 22 26 Part B Torque 9.8N*m 45N*m 78N*m Torque 5.9N*m 15N*m 39N*m Dimensions (Unit:mm) Pre-wired Models Connector Models E2V-X2/X4 21 dia. 17 6-dia. vinyl-insulated round cable with 3 conductors (Conductor cross section: 0.5 mm2, Insulator diameter: 1.9 mm), Standard length: 2 m 60 47 M12x1 E2V-X4@-M1 Indicator*1 Two clamping nuts 4 65 52 47 21 dia. 17 M12x1 Two clamping nuts Toothed washer 4 Toothed washer M12x1 Four indicators.* E2V-X8@-M1 60 E2V-X5/X8 42 4 M18x1 29 dia. 24 6-dia. vinyl-insulated round cable with 3 conductors (Conductor cross section: 0.5 mm2, Insulator diameter: 1.9 mm), Standard length: 2 m 60 52 29 dia. 24 Indicator*1 Two clamping nuts 47 42 4 M18x1 Toothed washer E2V-X15@-M1 E2V-X10/X15 60 52 42 dia. 36 42 Indicator*1 5 M30x1.5 Two clamping nuts Toothed washer 5 M30x1.5 *1 NO Models: Operation indicator (yellow) (flashing) Setting indicator (yellow) (ON) M12x1 Toothed washer Four indicators.* Two clamping nuts M12x1 63 49 44 42 42 dia. 36 6-dia. vinyl-insulated round cable with 3 conductors (Conductor cross section: 0.5 mm2, Insulator diameter: 1.9 mm), Standard length: 2 m Two clamping nuts Four indicators.* * Setting indicator (ON) Operation indicator (flashing) Toothed washer NC Models: Operation indicator (yellow) (ON) Pre-wired Connector Models Pre-wired Connector Models Item B C E F 6-dia. vinyl-insulated round cable, Standard length: 300 mm D A G Indicator*1 Two clamping nuts Toothed washer M12x1 *1 NO Models: Operation indicator (yellow) (flashing) Setting indicator (yellow) (ON) NC Models: Operation indicator (yellow) (ON) Mounting Hole Dimensions Model A B C D E F G E2V-X4@-M1TJ M12x1 60 --47 21 dia. 17 4 Proximity Sensor dimensions H Dimension H (mm) M12 12.5 +0.5 0 dia. E2V-X8@-M1TJ M18x1 60 52 42 29 dia. 24 4 E2V-X15@-M1TJ M30x1.5 60 52 42 42 dia. 36 5 M18 18.5 +0.5 0 dia. M30 30.5 +0.5 0 dia. This document provides information mainly for selecting suitable models. Please read the document Instruction Sheet carefully for information that the user must understand and accept before purchase, including information on warranty, limitations of liability, and precautions. OMRON Corporation Industrial Automation Company Sensing Devices Division H.Q. Industrial Sensors Division Shiokoji Horikawa, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, 600-8530 Japan Tel: (81)75-344-7022 Fax: (81)75-344-7107 Regional Headquarters OMRON EUROPE B.V. Sensor Business Unit Carl-Benz-Str. 4, D-71154 Nufringen, Germany Tel: (49) 7032-811-0/Fax: (49) 7032-811-199 OMRON ELECTRONICS LLC One Commerce Drive Schaumburg, IL 60173-5302 U.S.A. Tel: (1) 847-843-7900/Fax: (1) 847-843-7787 Authorized Distributor: OMRON ASIA PACIFIC PTE. LTD. No. 438A Alexandra Road # 05-05/08 (Lobby 2), Alexandra Technopark, Singapore 119967 Tel: (65) 6835-3011/Fax: (65) 6835-2711 OMRON (CHINA) CO., LTD. Room 2211, Bank of China Tower, 200 Yin Cheng Zhong Road, Pu Dong New Area, Shanghai, 200120, China Tel: (86) 21-5037-2222/Fax: (86) 21-5037-2200 Note: Specifications subject to change without notice. Cat. No. D107-E1-01 0907 Read and Understand This Catalog Please read and understand this catalog before purchasing the products. Please consult your OMRON representative if you have any questions or comments. Warranty and Limitations of Liability WARRANTY OMRON's exclusive warranty is that the products are free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year (or other period if specified) from date of sale by OMRON. OMRON MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE PRODUCTS. ANY BUYER OR USER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE BUYER OR USER ALONE HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PRODUCTS WILL SUITABLY MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THEIR INTENDED USE. OMRON DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY OMRON SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS, OR COMMERCIAL LOSS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED ON CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, OR STRICT LIABILITY. In no event shall responsibility of OMRON for any act exceed the individual price of the product on which liability is asserted. IN NO EVENT SHALL OMRON BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WARRANTY, REPAIR, OR OTHER CLAIMS REGARDING THE PRODUCTS UNLESS OMRON'S ANALYSIS CONFIRMS THAT THE PRODUCTS WERE PROPERLY HANDLED, STORED, INSTALLED, AND MAINTAINED AND NOT SUBJECT TO CONTAMINATION, ABUSE, MISUSE, OR INAPPROPRIATE MODIFICATION OR REPAIR. Application Considerations SUITABILITY FOR USE OMRON shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes, or regulations that apply to the combination of products in the customer's application or use of the product. At the customer's request, OMRON will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings and limitations of use that apply to the products. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete determination of the suitability of the products in combination with the end product, machine, system, or other application or use. The following are some examples of applications for which particular attention must be given. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all possible uses of the products, nor is it intended to imply that the uses listed may be suitable for the products: * Outdoor use, uses involving potential chemical contamination or electrical interference, or conditions or uses not described in this catalog. * Nuclear energy control systems, combustion systems, railroad systems, aviation systems, medical equipment, amusement machines, vehicles, safety equipment, and installations subject to separate industry or government regulations. * Systems, machines, and equipment that could present a risk to life or property. Please know and observe all prohibitions of use applicable to the products. NEVER USE THE PRODUCTS FOR AN APPLICATION INVOLVING SERIOUS RISK TO LIFE OR PROPERTY WITHOUT ENSURING THAT THE SYSTEM AS A WHOLE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ADDRESS THE RISKS, AND THAT THE OMRON PRODUCT IS PROPERLY RATED AND INSTALLED FOR THE INTENDED USE WITHIN THE OVERALL EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEM. Disclaimers CHANGE IN SPECIFICATIONS Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other reasons. It is our practice to change model numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the product may be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special model numbers may be assigned to fix or establish key specifications for your application on your request. Please consult with your OMRON representative at any time to confirm actual specifications of purchased product. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS Dimensions and weights are nominal and are not to be used for manufacturing purposes, even when tolerances are shown. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS The information in this catalog has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical, or proofreading errors, or omissions. PERFORMANCE DATA Performance data given in this catalog is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of OMRON's test conditions, and the users must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual performance is subject to the OMRON Warranty and Limitations of Liability. PROGRAMMABLE PRODUCTS OMRON shall not be responsible for the user's programming of a programmable product, or any consequence thereof. COPYRIGHT AND COPY PERMISSION This catalog shall not be copied for sales or promotions without permission. This catalog is protected by copyright and is intended solely for use in conjunction with the product. Please notify us before copying or reproducing this catalog in any manner, for any other purpose. If copying or transmitting this catalog to another, please copy or transmit it in its entirety. Cat. No. D107-E1-01 OMRON Corporation 2007. 10 In the interest of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. Industrial Automation Company (c)Copyright OMRON Corporation 2007 All Rights Reserved.