maximum sink current is in compliance to the I²C
Serial Data (SDA): This line is a bi-directional data line. . This
signal is pulled up internally to 3.3V by a 10kΩ resistor. The end
user should add additional pull up resistance as necessary to
ensure that rise and fall time timing and the maximum sink
current is in compliance to the I²C specifications.
Digital Feature Descriptions
PMBus™ compliance: The power supply is fully compliant to
the Power Management Bus (PMBus™) rev1.2 requirements.
Manufacturer specific commands located between addresses
0xD0 to 0xEF provide instructions that either do not exist in the
general PMBus specification or make the communication
interface simpler and more efficient.
Master/Slave: The ‘host controller’ is always the MASTER.
Power supplies are always SLAVES. SLAVES cannot initiate
communications or toggle the Clock. SLAVES also must
respond expeditiously at the command of the MASTER as
required by the clock pulses generated by the MASTER.
Clock stretching: The ‘slave’ µController inside the power
supply may initiate clock stretching if it is busy and it desires to
delay the initiation of any further communications. During the
clock stretch the ‘slave’ may keep the clock LO until it is ready
to receive further instructions from the host controller. The
maximum clock stretch interval is 25ms.
The host controller needs to recognize this clock stretching,
and refrain from issuing the next clock signal, until the clock
line is released, or it needs to delay the next clock pulse
beyond the clock stretch interval of the power supply.
Note that clock stretching can only be performed after
completion of transmission of the 9th ACK bit, the exception
being the START command.
Figure 1. Example waveforms showing clock stretching.
I²C Bus Lock-Up detection: The device will abort any
transaction and drop off the bus if it detects the bus being held
low for more than 35ms.
Communications speed: Both 100kHz and 400kHz clock rates
are supported. The power supplies default to the 100kHz clock
rate. The minimum clock speed specified by SMBus is 10 kHz.
Packet Error Checking (PEC): Although the power supply will
respond to commands with or without the trailing PEC, it is
highly recommended that PEC be used in all communications.
The integrity of communications is compromised if packet
error correction is not employed. There are many functional
features, including turning OFF the main output, that should
require validation to ensure that the correct command is
PEC is a CRC-8 error-checking byte, based on the polynomial
C(x) = x8 + x2 + x + 1, in compliance with PMBus™
requirements. The calculation is based in all message bytes,
including the originating write address and command bytes
preceding read instructions. The PEC is appended to the
message by the device that supplied the last byte.
SMBAlert#: The µC driven SMBAlert# signal informs the
‘master/host’ controller that either a STATE or ALARM change
has occurred. Normally this signal is HI. The signal will change
to its LO level if the power supply has changed states and the
signal will be latched LO until the power supply either receives
a ‘clear’ instruction as outlined below or executes a READ
STATUS_WORD. If the alarm state is still present after the
STATUS registers were reset, then the signal will revert back
into its LO state again and will latch until a subsequent reset
signal is received from the host controller.
The signal will be triggered for any state change, including the
following conditions;
VIN under or over voltage
Vout under or over voltage
IOUT over current
Over Temperature warning or fault
Fan Failure
Communication error
PEC error
Invalid command
Detected internal faults
The power supply will clear the SMBusAlert# signal (release the
signal to its HI state) upon the following events:
Receiving a CLEAR_FAULTS command
The main output recycled (turned OFF and then ON) via
the ENABLE signal pin
The main output recycled (turned OFF and then ON) by the
Execution of a READ of the STATUS_WORD register
Global broadcast: This is a powerful command because it can
instruct all power supplies to respond simultaneously in one
command. But it does have a serious disadvantage. Only a
single power supply needs to pull down the ninth acknowledge
bit. To be certain that each power supply responded to the
global instruction, a READ instruction should be executed to
each power supply to verify that the command properly
executed. The GLOBAL BROADCAST command should only be
executed for write instructions to slave devices.
Read back delay: The power supply issues the SMBAlert #
notification as soon as the first state change occurred. During
an event a number of different states can be transitioned to
before the final event occurs. If a read back is implemented
rapidly by the host a successive SMBAlert# could be triggered
by the transitioning state of the power supply. In order to avoid
successive SMBAlert# s and read back and also to avoid
reading a transitioning state, it is prudent to wait more than 2
seconds after the receipt of an SMBAlert# before executing a
read back. This delay will ensure that only the final state of the
power supply is captured.
Successive read backs: Successive read backs to the power
supply should not be attempted at intervals faster than every
one second. This time interval is sufficient for the internal